On The Structure of Principal Ideal Rings: Thomas W. Hungerford
On The Structure of Principal Ideal Rings: Thomas W. Hungerford
On The Structure of Principal Ideal Rings: Thomas W. Hungerford
1* Preliminaries •
verify that J = (a ).
A standard procedure with a local ring R (maximal ideal M) is
to topologize it by taking the family {M* | i ^ 1} as a base of neighbor-
hoods of 0 in jR. It can be verified that this topology agrees with
the topology induced by the following metric on R: d(r, r) = 0;
d(r, s) = 2rn if and only if r — s e Mn and r — s & Mn+1. A complete
local ring is a local ring which is complete with respect to this
topology. The structure of complete local rings is well known and
will be described in Theorem 8 below.
If R is any ring, R[[x]] denotes the ring of formal power series
in one indeterminate with coefficients in R. The ring of polynomials
R[x) is considered as a subring of i?[[a;]] in the obvious way. We
shall need several facts about such power series.
Proof. All nonzero elements of a field are units; hence (3) im-
plies that all the nonunits of R[[x]] are contained in the ideal (x).
Hence by (1), (2) and Proposition 3 R[[x]] is a local integral domain
whose maximal ideal is principal. Therefore by Proposition 4 iϋ[[a;]]
is a principal ideal domain.
It should also be noted that (3) implies that every element of
R[[x]] whose constant term is irreducible in R is irreducible in
D is either the field R/M (if char R = char R/M), or a v-ring whose
residue field Dj(p) is naturally isomorphic to R/M (if char R Φ char
2* Proof of Theorem 1*
This is just Theorem 33, page 245, of Zariski and Samuel [7].
In view of the lemma it suffices in Theorem 1 to assume that R is a
special PIR and thus a complete local ring with (nipotent) maximal
ideal M = (a). By Theorem 8, R is the homomorphic image of />[[#]],
where D is a field or v-ring. If D is a field #[[#]] is a PID by Corol-
lary 6. If D is a v-ring, D[[#]] is not a PID. Consequently, to com-
plete the proof of Theorem 1 we must show that when D is a v-ring,
R is the homomorphic image of a PID.
Let φ: D[[x\] —* R be a ring epimorphism such that φ(x) — a. Our
method is to factor out of JD[[#]] a principal ideal generated by an
irreducible element in such a way that the resulting quotient is a
PID. We shall choose this irreducible element to be in kernel φ.
Thus φ will induce a homomorphism from the quotient onto R and
the theorem will be proved.
As above we shall write p for the ordinary prime integer as well
as for the p-fold of the identity in R and in D (and therefore also
in D[[#]]). In the present case D is a v-ring and by Theorem 8 we
have: char R Φ char R/M = char D/(p) = p Φ 0. It follows that p e R is
a nonzero nonunit. Therefore by Proposition 4, p can be written in the
form aku, with u a unit in R; k > 0 since p is in the ideal of nonunits
M — (a). Choose c e D[[x]] such that <p(c) = u. Then the element
/ = — cxh + p of £>{[#]] is in the kernel of φ (since φ(x) — a and
φ(Ί>) = P) Furthermore since the constant term of / is p, which is
irreducible in D, / i s irreducible in
1. I. S. Cohen, On the structure and ideal theory of complete local rings, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 59 (1946), 54-106.
2. I. Kaplansky, Infinite Abelian Groups, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor,
3. W. Krull, Dimensionstheorie in Stellenringen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 179 (1938),
4. , Uber die Zerlegung der Hauptideale in allgemeinen Ringen, Math. Ann.
105 (1931), 1-14.
5. J. Lambek, Lectures on Rings and Modules, Blaisdell, Waltham, Toronto, and
London, 1966.
6. M. Nagata, Local Rings, Interscience, New York and London, 1962.
7. 0. Zariski and P. Samuel, Commutative Algebra, volume I, Van Nostrand, Princeton,
8. , Commutative Algebra, volume II, Van Nostrand Princeton, 1960.