Q1-Diass-Period-Test - Key

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Caba National High School

Las- ud, Caba La Union

First Periodical Test
AY:2022- 2023
Name: Parent’s Signature:
Year and Section: Score:
Direction: Read and understand carefully the statements in every item and then choose the letter of your choice. Write
your answers on the space provided before each number.
1. The allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods and services in the society is known
as ________________?
A. Anthropology C. History
B. Economics D. Psychology
2. Persons who study humans and their cultures in the past and present time are called_______________.
A. Anthropologists C. Geologists
B. Environmentalists D. Historians
3. According to Gibson and Mitchell (2003), there are 9 Goals of Counselling. What goal help the client to avoid some
undesired outcomes?
A. Development C. Preventive
B. Enhancement D. Remedial
4. What is the integral work of a counselor that aimed of empowering the client?
A. Acquiring C. Developing
B. Counselling D. Engaging
5. It can be found in the basic process of counseling since they govern each and every step
A. Principles of counseling C. Release of emotional tension
B. Principles Reassurance D. Principles of clarified thinking
6. It establishes trust, helps the client open up and disclose their thoughts, and encourages them to share their
thereby facilitating the gathering of valuable information about the client that would in turn aid the counseling process.
A. Empathy and positive regard C. Reorientation
B. Reassurance D. Listening skills
7. An act that defines a guidance counselor as a natural person who has been professionally registered and licensed by
a legitimate state entity and by specialized training.
A. Republic Act No. 0130 C. Republic Act No. 0930
B. Republic Act No. 1222 D. Republic Act No. 9258
8. It includes differentiating between symptoms and the problem, pinpointing probable causes and triggers for the
and then generating a range of possible solutions to the actual problem.
A. Communication skills C. Reflective skills
B. Problem-solving skills D. Conflict resolution skills
9. It is an area that concerns on preretirement and hospice work?
A. Career/Lifestyle C. Child development and counseling
B. Gerontology D. Adolescent development and counseling
10. It is an area which deals with career development in an early stage?
A. College and Universities C. Child development and counseling
B. Gerontology D. Adolescent development and counseling
11- 12: Direction: Read carefully the following statements and identify each statement whether Rights(A),
Responsibilities (B) or Accountabilities (C).
B 11. The counselor needs to develop and strengthen relations towards his/her interdisciplinary colleagues.
B 12. The counselor needs to develop appropriate coping mechanism in order to address its client situation.
13. What situation seems likely to be valid in sharing information from the clientele?
A. If a friend asked for the story C. If the information and details will be requested by a
B. If the counselor is interested in the situation court
D. If the information will be needed by a friend
14. What would happen if the counselor will share information with other people?
A. The counselor becomes trustworthy C. The counselor is considered ethical
B. The counselor exudes unethical behavior D. The counselor is private with the clientele
15- 16: Multiple Choices: Identify the different types of clients by choosing your answers on the box.
A. Substance Abuser B. Women C. Older Adult
D. Prohibited Drug User E. Alcoholic F. Tobacco User
G. Victims of Injustices H. Person with AIDS I. LGBT
E 15. It is an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting
from alcohol dependency.
H 16. They have been labelled to have the most feared disease due to its incurability.
17. Which of the following DO NOT belong to the group?
A. Person-centered Therapy C. Transactional Analysis
B. Gestalt Therapy D. Psycho-Social Analysis
18. What is the correct order in doing counseling?
1-Identifying and setting goals 3-planning termination and introducing follow up
2-Assessing the problem 4-Establishing rapport and relationship
A. 1-2-3-4 C. 4-2-1-3
B. 4-3-2-1 D. 3-1-4-2
19. A school counselor is planning a guidance lesson for seventh-and eighth- grade students. Which of the following
instructional approaches would likely most responsive to the developmental needs of students in this age range?
A. Small group activities that involve active C. Counselor-directed activities that are highly
participation. structured.
B. Open-ended activities that encourage free D. Individual activities that encourage friendly
exploration. competition.
20. Which type of counseling primarily focuses on a person working with other people in the same or similar situation?
A. Individual C. Family
B. Group D. Community
21. According to Dubois and Miley, 2008. How many Goals and Scope of a social work?
A. 9 C. 11
B.10 D. 12
22.Which of the following goals and scope of social work individually and collectively to utilize their own problem –
solving and coping capabilities more effectively.
A. Empower people C. Uphold integrity
B. Support proactive D. Establish linkages
23. It is a goal of social work that gives his position with regard to social and economic policy development to prevent
problems for individuals and society.
A. Empower people C. Uphold integrity
B. Support proactive D. Establish linkages
24. What social work specialization covers services to families in situations which seriously disrupt family life?
A) Family and Child Welfare C) Mental Health
B) Health D) Schools
25. What social work specialization provides aid to people suffering from mental and emotional stress?
A) Corrections C) Health
B) Family and Child Welfare D) Mental Health
26.What area of specialization of social workers assists students who have learning difficulties and help them work their
A) Corrections C) Mental Health
B) Family and Child Welfare D) School
27. Among the rights of social worker below, what orders them to protect, uphold and respect their inherent worth and
dignity of people?
A. Bill of Right C. Social Justice
B. Code of Ethics D. United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Right (1948)
28. The following guidelines for professional conduct reflect the spirit of a code of ethics. It the ethical specifics in the
professional conduct of social workers culled from which of the following organization?
A. Bill of Right C. Social Justice
B. Code of Professional Conduct and D. United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Ethics for Social Workers Right (1948)
29. What community as a client of social work that refers to the people in a specific geographic area like village,
sitio, district, municipality, city, province, region, region or the world.
A. Functional community C. Uphold integrity
B. Geographic community D. Establish linkages
30. What community as a client of social work that refers to the people who hold common values, share common
functions or express some common interest such as education, health, livelihood, labor, welfare or recreation.
A. Functional community C. Uphold integrity
B. Geographic community D. Establish linkages
31. There were two types of Group that Miclat (1995), introduced. Which of the following group that its objective are
a) to make people better (b) develop group trust and in-depth relationship and (c) encourage constructive changes in
both attitudes and feelings on the one hand and behavior and relationships on the other and (d) to awaken the innate
drive in every individual in the group to develop his/ her potentials?
A. Growth group C. Social Group
B. Treatment group D. Group work
32. The responsibilities carried out through social workers range relies on the settings in which they work and on the
needs of their clientele and audiences. Which among of the following client of a social work is assisted to fit in a larger
environment and has been deprived of space by the larger environment and someone who needs assistance to improve
his/her ability to cope with his/her larger community?
A. Individual C. Group
B. Community D. Social Group
33. The responsibilities carried out through social workers range relies on the settings in which they work and on the
needs of their clientele and audiences. Which among of the following client of a social work is any collection of people
who interact on the basis of shared expectations regarding one another’s behavior. It consists of two or more people
who are bound together in relatively stable patterns of social interaction and who share a feeling of unity?
A. Individual C. Group
B. Community D. Social Group
34. Which of the following is a process through which social policy is transformed into social services? It involves the
administration of public and private agencies.
A. Social Action C. Social Work Research
B. Social Case Work D. Social Welfare Administration
35. How do you involve people when they are giving their time and other resources for the common good, in a range of
forms – from volunteering to community-owned services, and peer networks to community organizing.
A. Social Action C. Social Work Research
B. Social Work Group D. Community Organization
36. In what social service methods of work can you apply the systematic and critical investigation in the application of
related issues faced by social work practitioners.
A. Social Work Group C. Community Organization
B. Social Work Research D. Social Welfare Organization
37. It is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver in the manner that the transferred information is being
understood by both the participants.
A. Communication C. Roles of Communication
B. Goal of Communication D. Scope of Communication
38. This is the ability to reinforce or change a receiver’s belief about a topic and possibility, act on the belief.
A. To build relationship C. To persuade
B. To inform D. To request
39. What principle states that communication should always be consistent with the policies, etiquettes and objectives of
the sender?
A. Adequacy C. Informality
B. Consistency D. Timeliness
40. Why is communication considered as a process?
A. It involves several stages when the sender C. There is a three-way communication
and the receiver interact in a given social context. process.
B. Communication is done through verbal D. Communication is reversible.
41. When two or more persons are communicating face-to-face and are able to give immediate responses or feedbacks,
such as in a meeting or session, what level of communication is involved?
A. Dyadic C. Mass
B. Group D. Public
42. James failed in his exam in Math. As he was walking towards his home, he was thinking about it and told himself,
“Huh, I shall review my lesson next time. I have to get 80 percent score in the test for me to pass.”. As he was saying
this, one of his classmates who was following him heard it. What level of communication was shown in the situation?
A. Intrapersonal C. Group interpersonal
B. Dyadic interpersonal D. Mass communication
43. A journalist’s first obligation is to the truth. Which best explains this statement?
A. A journalist serves as a monitor of the powerful and offers voice to the voiceless.
B. When citizens have reliable access to information, bad people would be able to get away with their crimes.
C. This is an essential thing for a democratic society to have where everyone is ready to doubt everything.
D. When citizens have reliable access to information that they trust is truthful, they can make better decisions
and better govern themselves.
44. Which situation shows that a journalist ensures that his news writing is unbiased and presents the basic facts for
his/her audience to determine their own set of judgement?
A. A journalist will show both sides of the story. C. A journalist will use plain English in his news report.
B. A journalist will uphold the interest of the public. D. A journalist will serve as the defender of the poor only.
45- 48: Multiple Choices: Identify the specific work areas of communicators and journalist work.
A. Journalist B. Reporter C. Broadcasting D. Communicator E. Copywriter
F. Publishing G. Editing H. Advertising I. Author J. Newscaster
K. Marketing L. Performing Arts M. Ethics N. Interviewing M. Author
M 45. The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
J 46. A radio or television broadcast of news.
E 47. A person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity copy.
F 48. To send out or transmit (something, such as a program) by means of radio or television or by streaming over the
49. What is the state where one person is answerable to his own action?
A. Accountabilities C. Responsibilities
B. Duty D. Rights
50. What do you call the duties over which a person has to do?
A. Accountabilities C. Responsibilities
B. Duty D. Rights
51. What is the power or privilege that one is entitled to?
A. Accountabilities C. Responsibilities
B. Duty D. Rights
52. If you were a journalist, how will you show responsibility during the election?
A. Broadcasting every detail that is happening during the election
B. Just waiting for the result of the election
C. Accepting payment from the politicians to promote or advertise them.
D. Informing the public of what is happening before, during and after the election.
53. Media audiences can be researched and analyzed through ratings and audience share. What characteristic of
media audience is being shown?
A. fragmented and diverse C. measurable
B. large and vast D. unseen
54. What type of audience is communication most influential in changing opinions?
A. group B. individual
C. media D. online
55. Which is not a part of the media audience?
A. listeners C. readers
B. online users D. viewers
56. The internet audiences are characterized by the following EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. dispersed C. has high consumption practice
B. interactive D. share common goal
57. Which of the following characteristics of groups and organizations refer to the cooperation of one another to yield
better results?
A. common goals C. shared norms
B. interaction D. synergy
58-60. Multiple Choice. Identify the type of clientele or audience according to the communication needs.
A. Group and Organizations B. Community C. Online Audience
D. Individual E. Media Audience
A. 58. Communication needs are specific to them.
B. 59. Communication needs are relevant to their area.
D. 60. Communication needs is all that matters to him or her.
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