Working Conditions For Special Group of Employees
Working Conditions For Special Group of Employees
Working Conditions For Special Group of Employees
1. Discrimination with respect to the terms and conditions of employment solely on account
of sex.
a. Discrimination in pay – Payment of a lesser compensation including wage, salary or
other forms of remuneration and fringe benefits, to a female employee as against
a male employee;
b. Discrimination in employment opportunity – favoring a male employee over a
female employee with respect to promotion, assignment, transfer, training
opportunities, study and scholarship grants solely in account or their sexes
c. Discrimination in hiring – favoring a male applicant with respect to hiring where
the particular job can equally be handled by a woman;
d. Discrimination in dismissal – favoring a male employee over a female employee
with respect to dismissal of personnel or the application of the last in / first out
principle or other retrenchment policy of the employer 5
Discriminatory Acts against a Women Employee
Stipulation Against Marriage
Discharging Women due to Pregnancy (Section 13, Rule
XII, Book III, Rules to Implement the LC)
Article 137 contemplates the following prohibited acts in connection
with the pregnancy of a woman employee:
1. To discharge her on account of her pregnancy ; or
2. To discharge her while she is on leave due to her pregnancy; or
3. To discharge her while she is in confinement due to her
pregnancy; or
4. To discharge her upon returning to her work for fear that she
may again be pregnant; or
5. To refuse her admission upon returning to her work for fear that
she may again be pregnant
2. Minors
R.A. No. 7610, as Amended by R.A. No. 9231
Rule on Employment of Minors
A. Children below fifteen (15) years of age shall not be employed except:
1. When the child works directly under the sole responsibility of his
parents or legal guardian and where only members of the family
are employed, subject to the following conditions:
a. Employment does not endanger the child’s safety, health
and morals;
b. Employment does not impair the child’s normal
development; and
c. Employer-parent or legal guardian provides the child with
the primary and/or secondary education prescribed by the
Department of Education
Rule on Employment of Minors
2. When the child’s employment or participation in public entertainment or
information through cinema, theatre, radio or television is essential
a. Employment contract is concluded by the child’s parents or legal
b. With the express agreement of the child concerned, if possible; and
c. The approval of DOLE, the following must be complied with:
i. The employment does not involve advertisement or
commercials promoting alcoholic beverages, intoxicating
drinks, tobacco and its by-products or exhibiting violence
ii. There is a written contract approved by DOLE
iii. iii. The conditions provided in the first instance are met
Rule on Employment of Minors
Employment Conditions (Sec 12 RA 7610 as amended)
Such conditions must be strictly followed:
1. The total number of hours worked shall be in accordance with
Section 15 of Department Order No. 65-04;
<15 – 20 hours per week; 4 hours at any day; not allowed to
work between 8 pm – 6 am
15 to <18 – 40 hours per week; 8 hours per day; not allowed
to work between 10 pm – 6 am
2. The employment does not endanger the child’s life, safety,
health and morals, nor impair the child’s normal development;
3. The child is provided with at least the mandatory elementary or
secondary education; and
4. The employer secures a work permit for the child 15
Working Permit; When Required (DC No. 2-2018
A working child permit is required if a child below 15 years of age:
1. Will be engaged in public entertainment or information regardless
of his/her role in a project. This includes projects which are non-
profit, advocacy materials or political advertisements; or
2. Is a foreign national and will be engaged in public entertainment
in the PH;
3. Will be engaged as regular extra or as part of a crowd and is
included in the script or storyboard;
4. Has been selected for a project after undergoing auditions,
workshops or VTR screenings; or
5. Has been selected as semi-finalist in a singing, dance or talent
contest for a television show. 16
Working Permit; When Not Required (DC No. 2-2018
A working child permit is not required if a child below 15 years of age:
1. Is a spot extra or is cast outright on the day of filming or taping of a project;
2. Will join auditions or VTR screenings;
3. Is part of the audience of a live television show unless the child’s
participation is expected;
4. Is picked or chosen as contestant from the audience of a live television
5. Is a contestant for a television show but has not yet been selected as a
6. Is a recipient of gift-giving activities in television;
7. Is a participant in school-related performance;
8. Is a participant in sports activities, trainings or workshops; or
9. Will be featured in a documentary material
Ownership, Usage and Administration of the Working
Child’s Income (Sec. 12-B, R.A. 7610).
The wages, salaries, earnings and other income of the
working child shall belong to him/her in ownership and shall
be set aside primarily for his/her support, education or skills
acquisition and secondarily to the collective needs of the
family: Provided, That not more than twenty percent (20%)
of the child's income may be used for the collective needs of
the family.
Prohibition on Certain Advertisements
1. Service providers
2. Family drivers
3. Children under foster family arrangement; and
4. Any other person who performs work occasionally or sporadically
and not on an occupational and regular basis.
Examples of Occasional or Sporadic Work
Employable Age for a Kasambahay (Sec. 16 RA 10361)
1. Direct Hiring
2. Through private employment agencies registered with the
DOLE regional offices
Pre-employment Requirements (Sec. 12 RA 10361)
Contents of the Contract (Sec. 11 RA 10361)
XPN: Mere fact that the househelper is working within the premises of the
business of the employer and in relation to or in connection with the business,
as in staff houses for its guest or even for its officers and employees, warrants
the conclusion that such househelper is and should be considered as a regular
employee (Remington Industrial Sales Corp. v. Castaneda, G.R. 169295-96, November 20,
Mandatory Benefits of a Kasambahay (Art. IV Sec 19-31)
Other Rights (Rule IV Sec. 1 of IRR)
Monthly Minimum Wage (Sec. 24 RA 10361)
Mode of Payment of Wages (Rule IV Sec 3 IRR)
Frequency of Payment of Wages (Rule IV Sec 4 IRR)
Rest Period (Rule IV Sec 5 and 6 IRR)
Service Incentive Leave (Rule IV Sec 7 IRR)
A Kasambahay who has rendered at least one (1) year of service shall
be entitled to an annual service incentive leave of at least five (5) days
with pay.
Thirteenth-Month Pay (Rule IV Sec 8 IRR)
Social Security Benefits (Rule IV Sec 9 IRR)
Social Security Benefits (Rule IV Sec 9 IRR)
GR: The employer shall pay the SSS premium, and PHILHEALTH
and PAG-IBIG contributions of the kasambahay.
Grounds for Termination by Kasambahay
(Rule VII Sec 2 IRR)
1. Verbal or emotional abuse of the kasambahay by the employer or any member
of the household;
2. Inhuman treatment including physical abuse of the kasambahay by the
employer or any member of the household;
3. Commission of a crime or offense against the kasambahay by the employer or
any member of the household;
4. Violation by the employer of the terms and conditions of the employment
contract and other standards set forth under the law;
5. Any disease prejudicial to the health of the kasambahay, the employer, or
member/s of the household; and
6. Other causes analogous to the foregoing 43
Grounds for Termination by Employer
(Rule VII Sec 3 IRR)
1. Misconduct or willful disobedience by the kasambahay of the lawful order of the
employer in connection with the former’s work;
2. Gross or habitual neglect or inefficiency by the kasambahay in the performance of
3. Fraud or willful breach of the trust reposed by the employer on the kasambahay;
4. Commission of a crime or offense by the kasambahay against the person of the
employer or any immediate member of the employer’s family;
5. Violation by the kasambahay of the terms and conditions of the employment contract
and other standards set forth under the law;
6. Any disease prejudicial to the health of the kasambahay, the employer, or member/s
of the household; and
7. Other causes analogous to the foregoing 44
Period for Termination (Sec 32 RA 10361)
Effect of Unjust Dismissal by Employer
(Sec 32 RA 10361)
The kasambahay shall receive the following if he/she is
unjustly dismissed by the employer:
1. Outright payment of earned wage; and
2. Indemnity benefit in the form of wage equivalent to 15
days work.
Liabilities of kasambahay who leaves without
justifiable reason (Sec 32 RA 10361)
1. Forfeiture of wage equivalent to 15 days work; and
2. Reimbursement of the deployment expenses, if the
employment contract is terminated within 6 months from
4. Homeworkers
D.O. No. 05-92
Definition of Terms
Kasambahay Homeworker
Minister to the personal Performs in or about his own
needs and comfort of his home any processing of
employer in the latter’s home goods or materials
Duty of employers when contracting homeworkers
(Sec. 11 DO 05-92)
Right of Homeworker to form Labor Organization
(Sec 3 DO 05-92)
DO No. 5, replacing Rule XIV of the IRR Book III of the LC,
authorizes the formation and registration of labor
organization of industrial homeworkers.
Payment to Homework (Sec 6 DO 05-92)
5. Night Workers
R.A. No. 10151 and D.O. No. 119-12
Who is a Night Work?
Who is a Night Worker?
Who are the persons covered by night work? (Art. 154)
Unfitness for Night Work for Health Reasons (Art. 157)
1. The night worker shall be transferred to a job for which they are
fit to work whenever practicable. Transfer must be to similar or
equivalent position and in good faith.
2. If transfer is impracticable OR the worker is unable to render
night work for a continuous period of not less than six months,
the worker shall be granted the same company benefits as
those who are unable to work due to illness.
3. A night work temporarily unfit for night work for a period of less
than six months shall be given the same protection against
dismissal or notice of dismissal (D.O. No. 119-12)
Women Night Workers (Art. 158)
Measures shall be taken to ensure that an alternative to night work is available to
women workers who would otherwise be called upon to perform such work:
1. Before and after childbirth, for a period of at least sixteen (16) weeks,
which shall be divided between the time before and after childbirth;
2. For additional periods, in respect of which a medical certificate is
produced stating that said additional periods are necessary for the
health of the mother or child:
a. During pregnancy;
b. During a specified time beyond the period, after childbirth is fixed
pursuant to number 1 above, the length of which shall be
determined by the DOLE after consulting the labor organizations
and employers. 64
Women Night Workers (Art. 158)
During the alternative to night work:
1. A woman worker shall not be dismissed or given notice of dismissal, except
for just or authorized causes provided for in this Code that are not
connected with pregnancy, childbirth and childcare responsibilities.
2. A woman worker shall not lose the benefits regarding her status, seniority,
and access to promotion which may attach to her regular night work
3. Pregnant women and nursing mothers may be allowed to work at night only if
a competent physician, other than the company physician, shall certify their
fitness to render night work, and specify, in the case of pregnant employees,
the period of the pregnancy that they can safely work.
Women Night Workers (Art. 158)
During the alternative to night work:
4. The measures referred to in this article may include transfer to day work
where this is possible, the provision of social security benefits or an
extension of maternity leave.
5. The provisions of this article shall not leave the effect of reducing the
protection and benefits connected with maternity leave under existing
Compensation (Art. 159)
6. Apprentices and Learners
Articles 57 to 72 and 73 to 77
Articles 57 to 72
Implementing Agency
Definition of Terms (Art. 58)
Ø Apprenticeship – practice training on the job supplemented by related theoretical
instruction involving a contract between an apprentice and an ER on an approved
apprenticeable occupation.
Ø Apprentice - Any worker who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement
with an individual ER or any of the entities recognized under the LC.
Ø Apprenticeable Occupation - Any trade, form of employment or occupation which
requires more than three (3) months of practical training with theoretical
instruction officially endorsed by the tripartite body and approved for
apprenticeship by the TESDA.
Ø Apprenticeship Agreement – Employment contract whereby ER binds himself to
train the apprentice and the apprentice accepts the terms in such contract and
agrees to work for the ER. 71
Who are qualified to be an apprentice? (Art. 59)
Who are qualified to be an apprentice? (Art. 59)
Highly Technical Industry
Requisites for Employment of Apprentices (Art. 60)
Apprenticeable Occupation
Employment Status of Apprentices
Conditions for Employment of an Apprentice
1. 2 months/400 hours: Trades or occupations which normally
require 1 year or more for proficiency
2. 1 month/200 hours: Occupations and jobs which require more than
3 months but less than 1 year for proficiency (IRR, Book II, Rule VI, Sec. 19).
Status of Apprentices after period of Apprenticeship
Deductibility of Training Costs (Art. 71)
1. The apprenticeship program is duly recognized by TESDA;
2. Deduction shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of direct labor wage; and
3. The person or enterprise who wishes to avail itself of this incentive should
pay his apprentices the minimum wage.
Compensation of an Apprentice (Art. 61)
GR: Compensation shall not be less than 75% of the statutory minimum wage for
the 1st 6 months (except OJT); thereafter, shall be paid in full minimum wage,
including the full COLA (IRR, Book II, Rule VI, Sec. 29).
XPN: Art. 72 of the LC provides that the SLE may authorize the hiring of
apprentices without compensation whose training on the job is required:
1. By the school or;
2. By a training program curriculum or;
3. As requisite for graduation or
4. As requisite for board examination.
Apprenticeship Agreement (Art. 61)
Persons to Sign Apprenticeship Agreement
Working Scholars
Procedure for the Termination of Apprenticeship
Who can terminate the apprenticeship?
Who can terminate the apprenticeship?
Articles 73 to 77
Definition of Terms
Employment of Learners (Art. 74)
Contents of Learnership Agreement (Art. 75)
Employment of Minors
Persons who may employ learners
Pre-termination of Learnership Contract
Learnership v. Apprenticeship
Basis Learnership Apprenticeship
Nature Training on the job in semi-skilled Training in trades which are
and other industrial occupation or apprenticeable, that is, practical
trades which are non-apprenticeable training on the job supplemented by
and which may be learned through related theoretical instruction for
practical training on the job in a more than 3 months.
relatively short period of time.
Duration of Shall not exceed 3 months More than 3 months but not to
Training exceed 6 months
Commitment With commitment to employ the No commitment to hire
to employ learner as a regular employee if he
desires upon completion of
Learnership v. Apprenticeship
Basis Learnership Apprenticeship
In case of pre- Considered a regular employee if Worker not considered as regular
termination of pre-termination occurs after 2 employee.
contract months of training and the dismissal
is without fault of the Learner.
Coverage Semi-skilled/Industrial occupations Highly technical industries and only
in industrial occupation
List There is a list of learnable trades by No list
Written Requires learnership agreement Requires apprenticeship agreement
7. Persons with Disability
R.A. 7277 as amended by R.A. 9442
Definition of Terms
Ø Persons with Disability – Those suffering from restriction or different
abilities, as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impairment, to perform
an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human
Ø Impairment – Any loss, diminution or aberration of psychological,
physiological, or anatomical structure or function.
Ø Disability
1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more
psychological, physiological, or anatomical functions of an individual or
activities of such individual
2. A record of such an impairment
3. Being regarded as having such an impairment 104
Definition of Terms
Equal Opportunities for Employment
Employment of PWD (Art. 79)
Can PWDs be a regular employee?
Not all PWDs are considered disabled workers
The mere fact that a worker has a disability does not make
him a disabled worker because his disability may not
impair his efficiency or the quality of his work. If despite
his disability he can still efficiently perform his work, he
would be considered a qualified disabled worker entitled
to the same treatment as qualified able-bodied workers
(Bernardo v. NLRC, G.R. No. 122917, July 12, 1999).
Rights of PWDs
1. Equal opportunity for employment - No PWD shall be denied access to opportunities
for suitable employment. Five percent (5%) of all casual emergency and contractual
positions in the DSWD, Health, Education and other government agencies, offices or
corporations engaged in social development shall be reserved for PWDs (Section 5,
Chapter 1, Title II, RA 7277) except Bona Fide Occupational Qualification
2. Sheltered employment - The Government shall endeavour to provide them work if
suitable employment for disabled persons cannot be found through open employment
3. Apprenticeship - PWD may be hired as apprentices or learners if their disability is not
such as to effectively impede the performance of job operations in the particular
occupations for which they are hired (LC, Art. 81).
4. Vocational rehabilitation - To develop the skills and potentials of disabled workers and
enable them to compete in the labor market
5. Vocational guidance and counselling 110
Wage Rate (Art. 80)
Wage Rate (Art. 81)
Ø Section 6. Flexible Work Schedule. – The employer shall provide for a flexible
working schedule for solo parents: Provided, That the same shall not affect
individual and company productivity: Provided, further, That any employer may
request exemption from the above requirements from the DOLE on certain
meritorious grounds.
Ø Section 7. Work Discrimination. – No employer shall discriminate against any
solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions of employment on
account of his/her status.
Ø Section 8. Parental Leave. – In addition to leave privileges under existing laws,
parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days every year shall be granted
to any solo parent employee who has rendered service of at least one (1) year.
9. Migrant Workers
R.A. No. 8042
9. Security Guards
D.O. No. 150-16
Salient Features
Ø Entitlement to Minimum Wage – Unless a higher minimum wage is agreed upon by the
parties, the security guards and other private security personnel shall be entitled to
receive a salary of not less than the minimum wage rate prescribed for non-agricultural
sector or industry in the region where he/she is assigned, regardless of the nature of
business of the principal (Sec 7.3)
Ø Right to Security of Tenure and Due Process – Security guards and other private
security personnel shall enjoy security of tenure in their employment as provided by
law. Their services can only be terminated for just or authorized causes after due
Ø Reserved Status – A security guard and other private security personnel may be place in
a work pool or on reserved status due to lack of service assignment after the expiration
or termination of the Service Agreement with the principal where he/she is assigned
(Sec 10.3) 120