s11178137 Major Project MG201
s11178137 Major Project MG201
s11178137 Major Project MG201
Philemon kaota
1. Introduction
Generally, a person's job satisfaction index (FBPSI) measures how individuals feel about their work, and
is a construct that incorporates the varieties in sentiments towards different viewpoints of a work. Other
than, it has been characterized as a multi-dimensional develop that incorporates various aspects of social,
economic, social and environmental factors (Aziri, B., 2011). Additionally, a customer is satisfied when
they feel they have received at least as much from a buying experience as they put in the effort to create
it. Customer satisfaction is described as a metric that determines the level of a customer's contentment or
dissatisfaction with a company's product, services, and capabilities after purchase. (WIDAGDO and
ROGZ, 2021)
The fundamental key idea of this research project is to scrutinize on the strategies and models used within
the Solomon Power (SIEA) under the organizational behaviour in relation to the employee satisfaction
and customer satisfaction. This project analyze on the findings in which how the company may achieve
its main goal as energizing the whole nation by 2050 and whereby improving on how to utilize its
resources to achieve both customer satisfaction and employee satisfactions. By this way, they develop and
implement a land access strategy policy in which will help improve customer services performance.
Moreover, implementation of workforce planning system that meets the future business needs and
develop and implement an effective communication platform.
Solomon Island Power electricity Authority was established under the provisions of the Electricity Act
1969. In 2007, another law was passed by the national parliament, called the State Own Enterprises
(SOE) Act 2007. Solomon power is one amongst 9 other SOE's operating in the Solomon Islands. , the
company’s principle objectives to function as beneficial, and as productive, as compared with businesses,
be a great boss and appear a sense of social duty by having respect to the interface of the community in
which it operate in.( http://solomonpower.com.sb).
Project outline
This project consist of the several sections that are align according to the propose structure. Inclusively,
the literature review in which correspond journals are reviewed, methodology on the propose research
topic i.e quantitative and qualitative, the findings about the company and some of the recommendations in
which the company can apply for the further success.
2. Literature Review
Organization prefer strategic management, thus they implement strategies and measures in order to
achieve employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Several studies had proven that there is a direct
relation between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. In the contrary, the project is to identify
the employee satisfaction strategies, customer satisfaction strategies and to prove the positive relationship
those two aspects. Particular from the (McSANE, al el, 2019) mention that companies who achieve higher
employee satisfaction have also achieve customer satisfactions. Therefore within the company achieving
employee satisfaction is seen to be the most crucial element with the company as it assists achieving
customer satisfaction. This because the company objectives are mainly to provide the essential services as
well as increase efficiently thus, in satisfying both employee and customer can help them to achieve their
Employee satisfaction is a strategic process in which each company has their own respective strategies.
Some of the recommended strategies that companies used in order to satisfies their employees are;
avoidance strategy, accommodation strategies, competing (dominating) strategy, compromising and
collaborative strategy, (Monmanyi, D.k and Juma, D.,2016). Formulating an appropriate employee
satisfaction strategies is very vital for an organizational because it will be useful in terms of their goals
and missions.
Additionally, as the nature of the service sector, employee satisfaction is unquestionably vital. (Lam et
al., 2001). According to "the service-profit chain," providing employees with a great internal working
environment is likely to result in satisfied employees who are both loyal to the firm and capable of giving
an excellent service experience to customers. Customers will recognize and appreciate the exceptional
service provided to them. Over time, they will exhibit loyalty behaviors, such as continued purchasing
and increased referrals. These loyalty behaviors will generate both market share and profitability
increases for the service firm (Heskett et al., 1994, 1997) .Therefore, as employee satisfaction and
customer satisfaction with any organizational implementation of appropriate techniques is vital.
3. Methodology
Research methodology refers to a methodical approach to conducting research. The phrase is typically
understood to include study design, data collection, and data analysis, but there are numerous methods
used in various types of research (Goudar, sam, 2012). Moreover, Creswell (1994) has given a very
concise definition of quantitative research as a type of research that is explaining phenomena by
collecting numerical data that are analyzed in using mathematically based methods (in particular
statistics). On the other hand, Smith, P 15 defines Qualitative researchers as empirical, he states “The
researchers collects sense data about the phenomenon under study and works on them in some way
organizes them, and hold on to them up against ideas, hypothesis, and categorical definitions as a way of
testing them, (Oun and Bach, 2014).
Journals methods
Monmanyi, D.k and Juma, D., 2016. The influence of conflict management strategies on employee satisfactions: A case Data
study of KCB Bank Kenya limited, head office. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business
Administration, 2(2), pp.130-144 collection
Lam, Terry & Zhang, Hanqin & Baum, Tom. (2001). An investigation of employees' job satisfaction: The case of hotels Quantitative
in Hong Kong. Tourism Management. 22. 157-165. 10.1016/S0261-5177(00)00039-X. method
Angelova, Biljana & Zeqiri, Jusuf. (2011). Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality Using American Qualitative
Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSI Model). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social method
Sciences. 1. 10.6007/ijarbss.v1i2.35.
Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this project. Qualitative research shares
these characteristics in that it seeks to understand a given research problem from the perspectives of the
people involved in the research. Qualitative research is especially effective at gathering culturally specific
information about specific populations' values, behaviors, and social contexts. Furthermore, the
quantitative research method is employed. The quantitative research method is defined as the systematic
investigation of phenomena through the collection of quantifiable data using statistical, mathematical, or
computational techniques. Quantitative research gathers data.
Furthermore, information was gathered through the literature on customer satisfactions strategies,
employee satisfaction strategy, and the employee-customer theory. The usage of e-books and web search
was adopted to collect relevant information from articles to support the projects with the primary
information from the company. There is also an appointment made for a face to face interview with the
Solomon Power (SIEA) public Relation officer Mrs. Rubina Tagana
4. Findings
a. Management of customers satisfaction strategies has also consisted of several mechanism
that can assist customer satisfactions which includes;
Customer forecast: This strategy is mainly focusing on the customer welfare by ensuring the services
they provide suits there essential need and wants accordingly. By this way, they mainly seek ways to
ensure there services are provides not only to those who access power but to embark changes and be more
negotiable to those who in need of accessing Solomon power.
Ensure to keep in touch with customer: In ensuring they keep in touch with their customers they
provide access on customer’s services through electronic panels such as face book, newspaper and
internet. This is to ensure there outages are accessed by their customers
Establishment of customer department: The customer department was established in 2012 this was one
their achievement in making sure they achieve customer satisfaction. In undergoing this strategy they
provide customer service training for all employees whereby each employee is encouraged not only to
meet internal and external customer expectation, but to strive to exceed them with the framework of their
Customer satisfaction survey: Customer satisfactions survey also held every two years. This is to
receive essential feedbacks from their respective customers. By this way, the company can improve by
the feedbacks, especially on ways their fail to meet the customer’s satisfaction. Thus, by conducting this
customer satisfaction survey the company will make improvement and progressing on other strategies and
ways to improve customer satisfaction.
Rental & Housing: Housing schemes were provided by the company housing packages for their
employees. Moreover, currently early this year they also provide housing allowance in which directly in
each employees personal account.
Quota of free electricity: Provision of quota and free electricity on monthly basis whereby all employees
are now been legible to purchase their electricity bills
Medical scheme: All employees of Solomon power have the privilege to access their own private clinics
for medical attention. By this way employees are more comfortable and felt that they are being part of the
company by which it took care of their medical needs.
Provision of facilities: Providing laundry facilities at the depot so that work clothes can be washed and
kept clean for individuals who may not have access to water at home, as well as other vital equipment
such as shoes, gloves, and tools.
Transport: Transports have been provided for all employees in order to support those who can reach
access and to keep their employees updated. Also not only for their employees but for their children as
well, this is purposely to transport them to school and from school to their homes. By this way, it avoids
to employees stress about their kids during the official hours of work.
Bonus scheme: As part of this strategy, they have implemented an employee performance appraisal
system that identifies improvement / training opportunities and rewards good performance through
bonuses, salaries and promotions.
The significant of those strategies are to assist in the achievement of both employee satisfaction and
customer satisfaction. The strategies provide overall direction by the developing plan and policies that
designed to achieve objectives and allocating resources to implement plan. The strategies are more
essential as it has a positive correlation between employee’s satisfaction and the customer satisfaction.
Figure 1 below, Essence of achieving employee satisfaction and customer satisfactions
Employee Customer Company’s
Satisfaction Satisfaction
Customer forecast: The customer forest strategy is mainly to focusing on the total data recorded by the
customer. By this way, they keep it connected to them in-order to negotiate for more new customers as it
will help their goal in expanding their services throughout the Solomon Islands.
Ensure to keep in touch with customer: This particular strategy has contributed in a way they maintain
the total number of customer that they already have. This because their goal is to expand therefore
maintain their customer in-check an updated in more crucial for the company.
Customer satisfaction survey: Customer satisfaction survey strategy is also another significant strategy
within the company. This is because with results and feedbacks perform can be improve. This strategy
assists the company to develop and implement effective measures and polices that correspond to their
e. Best strategies
Table 1.3 Evaluate best customers and employee satisfaction strategies
5. Recommendation
There are several important strategies that are recommended for the company to adopt in assisting their
contribution to achieve their goals and objectives. This includes;
This strategy is highly recommended for the Solomon power (SIEA), in-terms of their customers
satisfactions. This strategy is much similar to the customer forecast that is already implemented, however
by recognizing this strategy it will enhance their customer satisfaction as focus on customer and reinforce
through improvements.
2. raise awareness
The implementation of this strategy might be useful in terms expanding their knowledge to customers
where they could not access the internet and other panels that are currently undergo by the company.
Also, by raise awareness on remotes places in order to install their quality services for their expansion
3. Bonus Scheme
This reward form of bonus strategy is already used by the company. This is an important strategy
especially for employees of Solomon power.
This strategy is also recommended to be inclusive with the company, with respect to their employee
satisfactions. This because compromising in the contemporary workplace might reduce stress and other
external employee compliant. Thus, in collaborating with employee also enhance performance as
employees can relieve it queries in an open door area.
6. Conclusion
To conclude this project, the findings clearly indicates that the company has also cared for its customer
and thereby implementing some of the correspond strategies to achieves customers satisfactions. In
particular, provided that there are; customer forecast, ensuring to keep customer attached, establishment
of customer department and customer it is certain customer satisfaction is achieved. Moreover, they also
value their employees and thus, they strive for employee satisfaction through the provision of housing and
rental schemes, quota of free electricity, medical scheme, transport scheme, provision of facilities and the
implementation of bonus schemes. The Solomon power is sole company that needs to improve of some
areas in-order to achieve it main objective. By comparing the literatures review, some of the important
strategies are also need this is assist the company to be more strategic and effective towards their
objectives. Finally, in correspond to the literature review contrast to the findings, improvement or
employee satisfaction as much more crucial as it will achieve customer satisfactions as well as
contributed the company’s main objectives.
7. Bibliography
Angelova, Biljana & Zeqiri, Jusuf. (2011). Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality Using
American Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSI Model). International Journal of Academic Research in
Business and Social Sciences. 1. 10.6007/ijarbss.v1i2.35.
Aziri, B., 2011. Job satisfaction: a literature review. Management Research & Practice, 3(4).
Creswell, J.W (1994) Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, London, SAGE
Hansemark, O. C. & Albinson, M.,(2004) “Customer Satisfaction and Retention: The Experiences of
Individual with Employees”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 14 (1)
Lam, Terry & Zhang, Hanqin & Baum, Tom. (2001). An investigation of employees' job satisfaction: The
case of hotels in Hong Kong. Tourism Management. 22. 157-165. 10.1016/S0261-5177(00)00039-X.
Monmanyi, D.k and Juma, D., 2016. The influence of conflict management strategies on employee
satisfactions: A case study of KCB Bank Kenya limited, head office. International Academic Journal of
Human Resource and Business Administration, 2(2), pp.130-144
Oun MA, Bach, C., 2014. Qualitative research methods summary. Qualitaive Research 1,(5), pp.252-258
Scott, G., 2001. Customer satisfaction: six strategies for continuous improvement. Journal of Healthcare
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Ugboro, IO., and Obeng, K., 2000. Top management leadership, employee empowerment. Job
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WIDAGDO, and B ROGZ K., 2021. Hedonic Shopping Motivation and impulse Buying: The Effect of
Website Quantity on Customer Satisfaction. The journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business,
8(1), pp.395-405.
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8. Appendix
1. What are the customer satisfactions strategies used?
2. What are their significances of those customer satisfaction strategies?
3. List the limitations and challenges of their strategies?
4. What is the best customer satisfaction strategies used so far?
5. How do the strategies help in achieving the organizational goals and mission?
6. What are the employees satisfaction strategies used?
7. How do they contribute in achieving the organizational goal?
8. What are the advantage and disadvantage of those strategies?
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