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一年級英文科 第 1 次期中考試題

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I. Vocabulary 8%@ asleep 22 ! When one half of their brain sleeps, the other half stays awake to help
11. In celebration of the Mid-autumn festival, young people prefer eating grilled them swim, breathe and watch out for danger.
outdoors to dining indoors. Some migratory birds have yet another impressive way of sleeping: they sleep in
(A) delights (B) fares (C) ingredients (D) cultures the sky! To complete their long migration, Alpine swifts eat insects in the air and take
12. By the time Tina was 21 years old, she had changed and become more naps while in flight. This habit can save their lives 23 one step on the ground
confident. runs a risk of being eaten up by a hungry animal.
(A) typically (B) constantly (C) considerably (D) properly
13. I was not drawn in to answer teacher’s difficult questions. I was ______ the 19. (A) likeness (B) alike (C) dislike (D) unlike
awkwardness of being dumb in front of the class. 20. (A) However (B) Therefore (C) Additionally (D) Afterwards
(A) splashed (B) considered (C) celebrated (D) spared 21. (A) Floating (B) To float (C) Avoiding floating(D) To avoid floating
14. Companies publish _ ____ reports to inform the public about the previous year's 22. (A) at once (B) at one time (C) at the moment (D) at the same time
activities. 23. (A) because of (B) so that (C) in order that (D) as
(A) crisp (B) annual (C) challenging (D)environmental
15. 5. Alex is afraid that he might not be ______ for the important meeting next Tuesday. It’s funny now when I recall my ridiculous memory from my tenth grade. I cared
(A) tropical (B) available (C) theoretical (D) scientific about __24__ my appearance. In order to ensure everything was just right, I spent an
16. The lawyer ______ an important piece of evidence to the judge to prove his client not hour staring at myself in the mirror before the first day of school. I put on my mom’s
guilty. expensive facial mask to make my skin __25__ bright. To my shock, a huge zit grew on
(A) Presented (B) swept (C) amazed (D) succeeded the tip of my nose the next morning. I was so __26__ that I even decided to skip the
17. As the school anniversary is ______, students and teachers are preparing a big fair. day of school but the idea was rejected by my mom.
(A) delighting (B) promising (C) rewarding (D) approaching It frightened me to be known as the huge zit girl in school. Luckily, the day went
18. The Taipei 101 stands out ______ against the Taipei skyline. well but I guessed __27__ they were just being polite, instead of pointing it out to my
(A) prominently (B) instantly (C) plentifully (D) differently face. Not until a year after did I realize that most people merely pay attention to their
own issues. Although the zit event sounds __28__, the undeniable truth is that no one
II. Cloze 15%@1 cares so much about me except me.
Different creatures have different ways of avoiding danger, which is shown in their 24. (A) not at all (B) not anymore (C) less than (D) nothing more than
wide variety of sleeping habits. Giraffes, 19 most mammals, sleep 30 minutes a 25. (A) look (B) looking (C) looked (D) to look
day. When they sleep, they curl their long necks, their heads laid on their hips. 20 , 26. (A) depress (B) depressing (C) depressed (D) depression
27. (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) why
there’re often predators around them, and they can’t stand up from lying positions
28. (A) terrify (B) terrifying (C) terrified (D) terror
quickly, which explains why they never nap for too long.
Sea otters have the cutest sleeping position. It is much safer for them to sleep in
(Proceed to next page)
the water. 21 away, they lock their paws together, floating on backs holding
hands. Dolphins have one of the most amazing sleeping secrets: only half their brain is
Dear John,

第 1 頁,共 5 頁
一年級英文科 第 1 次期中考試題
班級: 座號: 姓名:
There’s no easy way to put this, but for the benefit of our relationship, I still need to tell you them still work for the US military today! Throughout history, militaries have used animals
that I’m leaving you. It’s heartbreaking for me to do so because we’ve shared some __29__ times. to gain the upper 42 over their enemies. In fact, over 2,000 years ago the Romans
You’re always there when I need you. You __30__ me to make connections with others and to used pigeons to send secret military 43 to each other. So the next time you see an
communicate better. You’ve introduced me to plenty of new things, which made my life totally animal in public, think twice: it could actually be a secret agent on an important mission.
different. I started to spend my time on checking all types of social media on my phone and
refreshing the screen over and over again, just __31__ I miss any new messages. __32__, I’ve spent IV. Reading Comprehension 24%@2
too much time on the new things you introduced me to when I should have focused on my life and We humans may need our eight hours of sleep a night to keep our brains functioning,
my school grades. With a heavy heart, I’m afraid that this relationship needs to end. Please don’t but that's not the only duration, or reason, why animals sleep. Bats sleep for 20 hours a
__33__ any of this personally. I’ll miss you more than you could ever possibly imagine. But right now, day while giraffes snooze for less than two hours a day. While humans completely fall
I really need to focus on myself. I hope you’d understand. Goodbye. asleep, oblivious to the world, other animals like some whales and seals, shut off only
Best wishes, portions of their brain at a time, keeping the other half active for such important functions
Sally as staying at the surface for breathing.
29. (A) amazed (B) amazing (C) disappointed (D) disappointing Why is there such variety in the animal kingdom? It's something scientists have been
30. (A) inspire (B) include (C) invent (D) inject pondering for a long time. It seems that sleep may serve different functions for different
31. (A) in need (B) in addition (C) in case (D) in fact animals, which is why there are such wildly different sleep durations and ways of sleeping,
32. (A) Therefore (B) In addition (C) However (D) Also depending on many factors for each species.
33. (A) bring (B) think (C) believe (D) take Some female fruit flies only sleep about 70 minutes a day and live just as long as other
files even if they're deprived of sleep. Some migratory birds can adjust how much sleep
III. Text Cloze 10%@1 they need depending on the season, getting by with much less sleep during migration
(A) perfect (B) Now (C) turned (D) messages (E) started season than at other times of the year. Meanwhile, carnivores have the luxury of sleeping
(AB) base (AC) developed (AD) known (AE) hand (BC) However more hours in the day than herbivores, which are generally prey species constantly on the
lookout for carnivores. Most mammal infants sleep much of the time during their first few
The world’s militaries have thought of ways to use animals to gather or pass secret weeks and months of life, yet baby dolphins don't sleep at all in their first few months.
information on. Cats are 34 to have excellent poker faces. Because of this, they make This shows that while sleep is important for cognitive function for some species, it may
35 spies. That’s what the CIA thought when it placed listening instruments inside cats’ not be why sleep is vital to other species.
ears in the 1960s. 36 , the project ended after its top spy cat was run over by a taxi
while walking out the Russian embassy in Washington, D.C. The United States also 37
a way to control insects with wires joined to their nerves. These spy insects would enter the (Proceed to next page)
enemy’s 38 to listen for secrets. 39 , using modern technology, the US military 44. This article is about _________ among different animal species.
has changed its focus to creating spying machines that are half robot, half insect. (A) the inner workings and purpose of sleep
In the 1960s, the US Navy 40 training dolphins and sea lions to recover lost objects (B) the similarities and differences of sleep
and detect mines in the ocean. They 41 out to be perfect for the job—over 100 of (C) the pros and cons of sleep

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一年級英文科 第 1 次期中考試題
班級: 座號: 姓名:
(D) the rumors and mysteries of sleep could even erase the anxiety and keep our ego and self-esteem in balance – the
45. According to this article, which of the following statements about animal sleep is mindfulness. It refers to giving our attention fully to what we’re doing, which helps quiet a
TRUE? busy mind, becoming more aware of the present moment and less caught up in what
(A) Animals’ sleep duration and ways of sleeping are similar. happened earlier or what’s to come. Once we do so, we’ll be free from social torments.
(B) Sleep is a must for mammals, especially for their babies.
(C) Female fruit flies that sleep less live a shorter life than other flies. 48. What is the best title of the passage?
(D) Humans need 8 hours of sleep for the sake of brain. (A) What we should carry out to improve our mental health?
(B) What the concept of imaginary audience and its effects are?
46. According to the article, which of the animals sleep the least? (C) How to cope with the common social anxiety of adolescents?
(A) lion (B) a bear (C) a giraffe (D) a leopard (D) How our brains work when we feel worried about our images?
47. If an animal is always on the outlook for its predators, the animal is very ______.
(A) dangerous (B) careful (C) active (D) busy 49. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Negative emotions might come from the misunderstanding of self-worth.
Consider a sixteen-year-old so embarrassed that she has a huge pimple on her nose. (B) Enhancing self-esteem is one of the keys to minimizing mental problems.
She is positive that the entire school is thinking and murmuring about some tiny incident (C) The core of mindfulness lies in the ignorance of the existence of others.
which in truth hardly anyone noticed. Psychologists have a name for the condition – (D) Changing viewpoint helps change the reality and vary emotion state.
“imaginary audience.” And it comes from the unrealistic view that we are the center of the
universe and everything that people say or do is somehow a response to us. It feeds into 50. What is the closest meaning of the word “boost”?
feelings of social anxiety and depression, it actually comes from an odd sense of (A) reduce (B) lift (C) maintain (D) shift
self-importance and self-centeredness. We exaggerate the importance of our ego and
over-emphasize the success of our performance. When we link our imperfect performance 51. Where will the passage most likely be seen?
or setbacks to the value of ourselves, we cause ourselves huge mental burdens. (A) On the pamphlet of political campaign
Self-centeredness and imaginary audience therefore bring self-scrutiny, criticism and even (B) On the journal of physical condition and analysis
shame. (C) On the flyer of advertising medical care center
In order to fix the issue and decrease social anxiety, some suggest boosting self-esteem, (D) On the website of counselors' office
which means raising confidence. However, a study indicates that unrealistic confidence (Proceed to next page)
leads to depression and tense interpersonal relationship. Instead, the effective way is to Teenagers are often described as being glued to their smartphones but at one school,
face each challenge objectively. When we look at ourselves from our aspect, we have a students have volunteered to hand the cellphones in to teachers once a week. Christ
narrow view with exaggeration of our emotions. If we take it from the audience’s College, Brecon brought in “Phone-Free Fridays” after holding a gathering looking at studies
perspective, which is the third-person’s view, we get a bigger picture of the event with about the addictive nature of phones.
rational judgments. We could consequently make a better decision and deal with the event It was the students’ choice to hand in their cellphones in the first place, but as more
calmly. Such solution decreases the pressure of anxiety successfully while another method and more students participated, it has become school policy. Mr. Hill, the head of the school,

第 3 頁,共 5 頁
一年級英文科 第 1 次期中考試題
班級: 座號: 姓名:
said that he held a gathering to make students more aware of the phone addiction issue (C) She might stop bringing her phone with her every time.
and realized that students were also worried. “We have done a lot of reading on the impact (D) She is a heavy user of social media.
of mobile phone use. It worries us, not only the use of the phone itself but the social media
that comes with it," he said. Following that, the school decided to ask students if they
V. 混合題 8%
would voluntarily hand in their phones to their head of house for the day on Fridays. The
students’ responses are generally positive. Foreign customs and habits can be so different from our own that our traveling
Kate, one of the students, said that after they adopted Phone-Free Fridays, there were experiences sometimes astonish us. This is known as culture shock.
more students using the common room to sit down and chat. Kate has found sometimes it  Meiling (a sixteen-year-old Taiwanese girl)
is not just about the actual time on the phone that is the issue but even having it with her I really enjoyed my memorable trip to France last year except for one thing—French
can be distracting when she is trying to work. Something which became clearer once it was greetings. Once, I was introduced to one of my cousin’s girl friends. Like most Taiwanese
not always with her. She added, "You realize it's unnecessary to have it in your pocket all day. people I smiled and said hello, but the French girl grabbed both my shoulders and kissed me
It has made you think, why do you need to bring it with you?" on the cheek! As it was happening, I was shocked and didn’t know what I should do. I
52. What is the main idea of this article? responded by just standing there, holding my breath and feeling like a dummy! I guess now
(A) How cellphones impact our lives I know much better what culture shock is.
(B) The benefits of having cellphones  Judy (a backpacker from Singapore)
(C) Why teachers are worried about students’ use of cellphones During my time in Spain, I came to realize that Spaniards have quite a special daily
(D) What one day without cellphones can do schedule. For a start, they usually have breakfast no earlier than 10:00 a.m. In fact, it is
common for them to skip this morning meal altogether! Their lunch break, on the other
53. Who made “Phone-Free Fridays” possible at first? hand, feels like it lasts forever. It includes the famous Spanish “siesta” or midday nap and
(A) Teachers can sometimes last all the way to 4:00 p.m. Six p.m. is the time for an “afternoon” snack
(B) Parents and most people only get off work at 8:00 p.m. I had to wait till nine or ten, and sometimes
(C) Students even midnight, for dinner! Therefore, I came to realize that in Spain, the early birds are the
(D) Principal hungry birds!
(Proceed to next page)
54. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE? Answer the following questions according to the information above
(A) Phone addiction could have been a problem for Mr. Hill before “Phone-Free Fridays.” 53. Meiling was not used to the French ______ of greeting. 2%
(B) Students were not satisfied with the school policy about cellphones. 54. How do Taiwanese greet others? _________________. 2%
(C) Teachers think social media is the only reason why students are addicted. 55. Which of the clocks below shows the possible duration of the “siesta”? _____
(D) Students don’t bring cellphones to school on Fridays anymore. (A) (B) (C) (D)
55. What can we infer about Kate?
(A) She did not want to turn in her phone at first.
(B) She thought using cellphones is the only reason why she couldn’t work.

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一年級英文科 第 1 次期中考試題
班級: 座號: 姓名:

56. Does Judy like the Spanish daily schedule? Quote a sentence from the paragraph to VIII. Sentence translation 8%@4
prove your stance (立場). 3% Check one stance and quote 69. 要 Andrea 一個小時不用手機是不可能的。
□ Yes, she likes it, because she said 70. 你曾想過沒有智慧型手機,你將該如何有智慧地運用你的時間嗎? (wonder)
□ No, she doesn’t like it, because she said

VI. Spelling 8%@1

57. The parents embraced each other when they heard that their son had s ed the
plane crash.
58. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the s e of the moon.
59. Why did you tell her shameful secret to everyone? She could have died of e______.
60. She became deeply d________ when her husband died. Her friends were worried that
she was suicidal.
61. It took a while for Jenny to figure out how to c______t her phone to the TV through
62. I think Maggie is mad at me because she didn’t talk to me t_______t the day.
63. Some latest technology like smartphones is e______ed by people young and old. Almost
everyone has one.
64. In many places, people worship all natural things, including trees, stones, even thunder.
They think those things are s______d.

VII. Idioms and phrases 4%@1

65. 我們的貓抓住一根樹枝不放, 直到我們趕去把他救下來。
Our cat on a branch until we came to his rescue.
66. 我得確定他會遵守諾言。
I must ________ ________ that he will keep his word.
67. 我假日的時候喜歡跟朋友一起出去然後一起逛街。
On the weekends, I like to _____ ______ with my friends and go shopping together.
68. 有將近 2000 人搭乘了這艘巨船。
two thousand people were on board the titanic ship.

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