Activity 2
1. Discuss the role transportation in the economic and social activities of the country.
2. What are the different modes of transportation? Explain the specific functions of each of
Road Ways
Water Ways
Water shipping has been practiced for thousands of years and is still vital to
today's global trade. Maritime transportation handles 90 percent of all
international trade. Cargo ships travel on almost every major body of water and
have the capacity to transport the most freight at the lowest cost of any mode of
transportation. The greatest disadvantage of maritime cargo ships is their high
speed. By far the slowest mode of transportation is maritime. It is, however, the
most efficient in terms of cargo carrying capacity. In practice, the speed of ships
compared to air can have a significant impact on regulations and tariffs.
Air Ways
Air travel is the most recent mode of transportation. Airplanes are becoming more
important in both domestic and international trade. With ever-improving
technologies and virtually limitless route options, air transportation is the fastest
growing and most time-efficient shipping mode.
Air travel is the quickest of the four modes of transportation. Aside from saving time in
transportation for passengers and goods between airports, air travel provides more
Water transportation is the slowest of the four modes, but it requires the least amount
of energy to transport a unit load over a unit distance. Water transportation is possible
between ports on sea routes or along rivers and canals where land transportation facilities
are available.
Railways provide transportation advantages between stations for both passengers and
goods, especially over longer distances. These railway tracks will serve as a feeder
system for transportation to the interior and to intermediate locations between railway
stations. The energy required to haul a unit load over a unit distance by railway is only a
fraction of what is required by road. As a result, where railway facilities are available,
this mode should be fully utilized for the transportation of bulk goods along land.
Road Transportation is the only mode of transportation that can provide maximum
service to everyone. It also provides the most flexibility for travel in terms of route,
direction, time, and speed of travel, among other things, through any mode of vehicle. It
is possible to provide only door-to-door road transport. The other three modes of
transportation, namely airways, waterways, and railways, must rely on road
transportation to and from their respective terminals, airports, harbors, or stations. As a
result, a well-planned network of roads throughout the country is required not only to
serve as a feeder system for other modes of transportation and to supplement them, but
also to provide independent facility for road travel.
4. What are the characteristics of road transport in comparison with other systems?
(i) Roads are used various types of road vehicles, like passenger cars, buses, trucks
two and three wheeled automobiles, pedal cycles and animal drawn vehicles. But
railway tracks are used only by rail locomotives and wagons, water ways are used
by only ships and boats.
(ii) Road transport requires a relatively small investment for the government. Motor
vehicles are much cheaper than carriers like rail locomotives and wagons, water
and air carriers. and air carriers. Construction and maintenance of roads is also
cheaper than that of railway track, docks, harbors and airports.
(iii) (iii) Road transport completely offer an freedom to road users to transfer the
vehicles from one lane to another and to from one road to another according to the
need and convenience. This flexibility of changes in location, direction, speed and
timings of travel is not available to other modes of transport.
(iv) In particular for short distance travel, road transport saves time. Trains stop at
junctions and main stations for comparatively longer time.
(v) Speed of movement is directly related with severity of accident. The road Safety
decreases with increase dispersion in speed. Road Transport is subjected to high
degree of accidents due to flexibility of movements offered to the user.
Derailment of railway locomotives and air planes and air crashes are not
uncommon. They are in fact more disastrous.
(vi) Road transport is the only means of transport offer itself to the whole community
5. What, in your opinion were the chief causes of neglected conditions of road
transportation here in the Philippines?
There are numerous factors that contributed to the poor state of road
transportation in the Philippines. Three major contributors to the unsatisfactory state of
road transport in my opinion, are the low quality of the road network, the poor state of
repair of much of the vehicle fleet, and insufficient enforcement of traffic regulations.
In the Philippines, the role of transportation in the rural development impacts and
improve greatly the standard way of living. Its improved transportation services led to
improved access to market centers for rural producers, as well as increased availability of
farm inputs at lower prices, and better connectivity increases job opportunities in non-
agricultural sectors. Transportation open doors to the rural areas in the Philippines.
Such roads are therefore termed as highway and the science and technology
dealing with roads are generally called highway engineering.
1. Development
2. Planning
3. Alignment
4. Highway Material
5. Traffic Control
6. Highway Geometric Design and Location
7. Pavement Design
8. Construction and Maintenance
9. Economic Considerations
10. Financial and Administration
Economics, Finance and Road user cost and economic analysis of highway projects,
Administration pavement types and maintenance measures, highways finance.
In this chapter, I learned about the significance of transportation and its role
wherein it is an act, process, or instance of transporting or being transported. The
means of conveyance or travel from one place to another which contributes greatly to
the economic, industrial, social and cultural development of any country. The mode
of transportation: Rail Ways, Air Ways, Water Ways, and Road Ways. I've also
learned about the characteristics of road transportation.
II. Explain briefly the significant ideas that enlightened you as a future engineer?