Cdi-Organized Crime Investigation
Cdi-Organized Crime Investigation
Cdi-Organized Crime Investigation
governed by rules and regulations; and it has specialization/ division of
The Mafia: originated from the Sicilian struggle in the 13th Century against
French Rule. It was derived from the shouts of the Sicilian people, “ Morte
Alla Francia, Italia Anela!” (Death to France, Italy Groans!) in the course
of their resistance against French invaders forming the acronym MAFIA.
The Mafioso: connotes pride, self confidence, and vainglorious behavior.
Traditionally, refers to a brave and self reliant, man of action, and one not
to be taken lightly.
The Sicilians: refer to a “man of honor “ or “man of respect” who embodies
not just a criminal but other personality characteristics as well.
e) Soldiers: Known as “wise guys”, “made guys”, or “button men”;
Report directly to the Capo and operate at least one specific criminal
enterprise; Constantly search for a new sources of revenue for the family
7. Allan Block Enterprise and Power Syndicate
a) Enterprise Syndicate- groups of criminal entrepreneurs organized for
the purpose of producing and then distributing illicit goods and services
e.g. gambling, prostitution, and drugs.
b) Power Syndicates-loosely structured extraordinarily flexible
associations centered around violence, and deeply involved in the production
and distribution of informal power.
Five Cosa Nostra Families in New York: Gambino; Colombo (formerly
Profaci); Lucchese; Bonnano; and Genovese
Transnational crime. An activity that is considered a criminal offense by at
least two countries. It is an offense whose inception, prevention and/or
direct or indirect effects involved more than one country.
1. The Big Six (6) TCO: The Italian Criminal Enterprises [Sicilian and
American Mafia Families]; Russian Mafiya; Japanese Yakuza; Chinese Triads;
Colombian Cartels; and Mexican Federation.
2. Groups with certain criminal specialties that work with Big Six:
Nigeria; Panama; Jamaica; Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
3. Terrorists groups which deal in contraband, narcotics, smuggling
etc. simply as a means to finance their political objectives: Japan’s Red
Army; Peru’s Shining Path; Colombia’s FARC[ Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia]; People’s Irish Republican Army
Major Activities: drug trafficking; arson; fraud; larceny; Money
Laundering; racketeering; extortion; arms trafficking; cybercrime;
human trafficking; prostitution; murder
Size: approximately 100,000 structured as many as 300 identifiable
C. The Cartels
3. Cartel De La Costa
- Emerged in 1995-1997 after the arrest of the leaders of
the Medellin and Cali Cartels; Routes is the Carribbean
corridor; Distributes cocaine in Europe and US
-Characeristics: Running smaller; extremely aggressive and
3. Sonora Cartel
Known as the Caro-Quintero Organization
-Leaders: Miguel Caro-Quintero and brothers Jorge and Genero
-Destination: US
- Operation: Transhipment of Cocaine for Cali Cartel;
Cultivation and Distribution of Marijuana and some transportation
and distribution of methamphetamine
4. Tijuana Cartel
Most violent of the Mexican Cartels; known as AFO;
inherited from Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo.
- Leaders: Alberto Benjamin Arellano-Felix
-Destinations: California- Mexico borders
- Operations: Transportation, importation and distribution of the
“Big Four Drugs” i.e. Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana and
2. Amezqua Organization
Not considered as one of the 4 major groups of the Mexican
Federation; A major force in narcotics trafficking, effectively
controlling the Mexican methamphetamine trade
-Destination: Mexico (Guadadalajara) and US
-Operation: Production, transportation and distribution of
methamphetamine; world’s largest smuggler of ephedrine using
contacts in Thailand and India
Sinaloa Cartel
-Known as the Guzmán-Loera Organization and the Pacific
Cartel; called the Federation and the La Alianza de
Sangre ("Blood Alliance"); drug trafficking, money laundering and
organized crime syndicate based in the city of Culiacán,
Sinaloa, with operations in the Mexican states of Baja
California, Durango, Sonora and Chihuahua.
1. 489: The Dragon Head- Referred as 21(4+8+9), the character which
reflects the symbol hung, representing Hung Society.
2. 438: The Assistant Mountain Lord [Deputy]; The Incense Master
[Ceremonies Officer]; Vanguard [Operations Officer]- Referred as
15(4+3+8), which further breaks down into 3X5, 3 symbolizing CREATION,
5 symbolizing LONGEVITY.
- The Assistant Mountain Lord: Acts as proxy of the Dragon Head
and is often conferred with by the Dragon Head for important decisions.
- Incense Master and Vanguard: Officiate over Triad rituals;
preserve rituals and ensures that it remain potent symbols of the
Triad’s history and power.
3. 426: Red Pole [Enforcer], 415: White Paper Fan [ Administrator], and
432: Straw Sandal- Same level.
- Red Pole-426 : Military unit leaders; usually, about 50 men
under command; takes care of the messy aspects of Triad life.
- White Paper Fan-415: Highly educated and not a fighter;
responsible for keeping the books the books, investing the money,
determining legal strategy, etc.; consulted by the Red Pole for
- The Straw Sandal-432: Triad messenger; ransom carrier;
organizers of branch meetings and gang fights.
E. The Tongs
- Originated in San Francisco, California in 1874 as an extension
of a merchant association, founded by the Chinese as means of self-
preservation against the vile treatment they received in the US.
- TEKIYA: [ Yashi-peddler] followed the usual Yakuza
organization- Oyabun, underboss, officers, enlisted and
apprentices; The oyabun controlled the kobun and the
allocation of stalls along with the availability of the goods;
The oyabun collects the rents and the protection money;
everything is legal and the oyabun is allowed to carry swords.
However, the Tekiya embraced some criminal traits such as
protection rackets, harboring of fugitives and brawling with
other Tekiya and Gangs.
- BAKUTO: [The Gamblers]contributed to Japan’s tradition for
gambling, as well as Yakusa’s traditional fingercutting and
the origin of the word yakuza; The word comes from a hand in a
card game called hana-fuda (flower cards), similar to
blackjack. Three cards are dealt per player and the most
losing combination is 8-9-3 or ya(8)- ku(9)- 3(sa), which
denotes uselessness. The term began to be used about bakuto,
as they were, on the whole, useless to society.
- YUBITSUME: the custom of finger-cutting [top joint of the
little finger is ceremoniously severed] is performed as an act
of apology to the oyabun; further infraction would either mean
the severing of the next joint or the top section of another
finger. Also, a lasting punishment just before expulsion.
- TATTOOS: Black ring around an arm for each offense committed;
Marked a misfit, always unwilling to adopt to society; Test of
strength as they were applied by undergoing 100 hours for a
complete back tattoo.
- TRAININGS: trained militarily in languages; assassination;
1. Oyabun- Head of the Clan
2. Saiko komon-Senior Advisor
3. So-honbucho-Headquarters chief
4. Wakagashira- Number two Man
5. Fuku-honbucho- Assistant [ komon- advisors, shingiin-
counselors, kumicho hisho-secretaries, kaikei-accountants,
wakagashira-hosa-underlings of the second-in-command]
6. Shateigashira- Number three Man
7. Senior Bosses [ Shatei-younger brothers; Wakashu- young
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The Big Four Motorcycle Gangs
3. The Pagans
Fixed Chapter: None
-The fiercest outlaw bikers in the US; about 900 members
and 44 chapters in New York and
Florida; the only major gang without international chapters
although have ties to gangs in Australia and Canada; Most
chapters are in New jersey, Pennsylvania. Delaware and
-More nomadic; Guided by the former Chapter Presidents;
They have President and Vice President who do not run the
club but responsible to set the price of drugs and women
they sell; the President receives a salary, the same as the
salary of the US President.
-Activities: Drug selling; prostitution; blackmail;
murders; drug couriers; enforcers; bodyguards; hitman for
the mob [ for Genovese and Gambino Crime Family]; labor
union racketeering; extortions; counterfeiting; car theft.
4. The Bandidos
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Fixed Chapter: Corpus Christi
- Formed in 1966 in Houston by Donald Eugene Chambers to control
drug trafficking and prostitution in Texas.
- Color: Fat, machete-and pistol-wielding cartoon cowboy.
- Members of 500 with 30 chapters; Run by mother chapter made up
of a President; Four Regional vice Presidents and Regional and
Local Chapter Officers
- Activities: drug trafficking; prostitution; contract murder;
fencing; extortion; stealing and running weapons; welfare and
bank fraud, and arson.
I. Khun Sa
- World’s most notorious heroin trafficker: 60% of the heroin in
the streets
- Myanmar
- Golden Triangle: Myanmar, Laos and Thailand
A. Definition
A. Terrorism
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Criteria in Defining Terrorism: target; objective; motive; perpetrator; and
legitimacy or legality of the act.
1. Command- The smallest group, is at the top, and responsible for the
command. As in military circles, leadership makes policy and plans while
providing general direction.
2. Active Cadre [military term] – They are the people who we call
“terrorists”. They are responsible for carrying out the mission of the
terrorist organization. They have one or more specialties. Other terrorists
support each specialty, but the active cadre is the striking arm of the
terrorist group.
3. Active Supporters- They are the people who keep the terrorists in
the field. They maintain communication channels, provide safe houses, gather
intelligence, and ensure all other logistical needs are met. This is the
largest internal group in the organization.
D. Characteristics of Terrorists
There is no single profile exist, no predictive tests, and
studies provide general characteristics.
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1. Socioeconomics Status: Middle class to upper class backgrounds,
some extremely wealthy.
2. Education and Intellect: they have higher than average education;
often average or higher intelligence; and usually have a secular
3. Age:
3.1 Foot soldiers and operational members: 20 to 35 years old
3.2 Leadership, support, and training cadres: 40 to 60 years old
3.3 Soldiers in guerilla groups: teens
3.4 Suicide Bombers: often young
4. Gender: Women are increasingly used in terrorist activities such as
suicide bombers and smuggling of explosives
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Step 6- Rehearsal by doing the following: Testing the plan;
Using actual or similar site; Evaluating equipment; Identifying
additional equipment.
G. Types of Targets
1. Soft targets- a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or
vulnerable; hard to defend against attack i.e. highly accessible and
generally great in number.
Examples: hotels, schools, hospitals, places of worship, apartment buildings,
public transportation, banks, etc.
Its operations are organized and structured as evidenced by: Use of
propaganda; Distribution of networks; Use of communication techniques
I. Information Sharing
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J. Terrorist Financing
1. Zakat - The giving of alms for the poor and needy, as prescribed by
the Quran. Zakat is the primary means within the Muslim world for
terror organizations to “legitimately” receive money.
2. Islamic Banking
4. Money Laundering
A. The Al Qaeda
- Arabic for “The Base” ; founded by Osama bin Laden, Muhammed Atef,
and Ayman al-Zawahiri to continue the Jihad internationally.
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Formerly, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL] , it is a
self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) composed of Sunni, extremist, jihadist
unrecognized state and caliphate based in Iraq and Syria. Later on it renamed
as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria {[ISIS] Arabic
acronym Daʿish or Daesh}
PEOPLE FROM TERRORISM ), otherwise known as “ Human Security Act of
2007” defined Terrorism as “ Any person who commits an act punishable
under any of the following provisions of the Revised Penal Code:
1. Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in the High Seas or in the
Philippine Waters);
2. Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection);
3. Article 134-a (Coup d‘Etat), including acts committed by private
Article 248 (Murder);
4. Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention);
5. Article 324 (Crimes Involving Destruction,
or under
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Acquisition or Disposition of Firearms, Ammunitions or
Explosives)thereby sowing and creating a condition of widespread and
extraordinary fear and panic among the populace, in order to coerce the
government to give in to an unlawful demand shall be guilty of the
crime of terrorism and shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) years of
imprisonment, without the benefit of parole as provided for under Act
No. 4103, otherwise known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law, as
amended. (Section 1 and 3, RA 9372)
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3. Offering or contracting marriage, real or simulated, for the
purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading them to
engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor
or slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
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5.Facilitate, assist or help in the exit and entry of persons
from/to the country at international and local airports, territorial
boundaries and seaports who are in possession of unissued, tampered or
fraudulent travel documents for the purpose of promoting trafficking in
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Investigation, Prosecution and Trial of the Crime Of Trafficking in Persons
4. The Anti-Money Laundering Act (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9160, otherwise known as
the "Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001, as amended by RA 9194 , RA10167, &
3. Any person who fails to disclose and file a report with AMLC of any
instrument or property as required under the law
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Criminal Gangs- A group of two or more persons who have common identifying
signs or symbols and whose members individually or collectively engaged in or
have engaged in a pattern of criminal activity, creating an atmosphere of
fear and intimidation within the community or a specific area using violence
and intimidation.
1. Capability:
2. Motive
a. Non-ideological/Non Sectarian
b. Organizational Profit and Advantage
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c. Widespread or transcend provincial, regional, national or
international political boundaries
1. Name of the Group- Name which identifies the group from other groups with
the same or similar crime specialties.
2. Criminal Activity
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a. Primary. main or principal crime specialty, for which the group was
originally established
b. Secondary. Alternative crime specialties which the group may
undertake from time to time as opportunities warrant.
3. Name the Leader/s- full name of the recognized head of the group ,
including nickname or alias. If possible, the bio-data, photograph and
physical and psychological profile of the individual are included.
4. Name of Members-enumeration of the members of the group, including the
bio-data, photograph and physical and psychological profile for each.
5. Area of Operation/Main Base
a. Main Base. Place or locality where the group usually plans or
prepares the conduct of its crime operations.
b. Activity Area. Place or places where the group usually undertake its
crime operations.
c. Sanctuary or Haven. Place where the group usually retires in safety
after the conduct of operations which is normally located outside of its
activity area.
d. Safehouses. Places where the group embark or disembark in its crime
operations which is normally located within its activity area.
e. Stashouses. Places where the group normally store or conceal its
armaments, vehicles and other equipment prior to or immediately after each
criminal activity.
6. Arms and Equipment
a. Weapons: Type, make, caliber and serial numbers
b. Communication: Radio, Cellular phones etc.
c. Vehicles: Color, year of manufacture, model, brand, accessories and
license plates
7. Current Activities: Crime activities acknowledged or identified to have
been committed ,by/ or attributed to the group.
8. Criminal Case Number
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An OCG/CG is considered active if it has conducted a reported criminal
activity for the past two (2) years, otherwise, it shall be considered as
Priority- Covered by COPLAN to neutralize said OCG/CG
18. Other Information- information reports on the group and may include any
other information that may be gathered against the group, i.e. sightings,
history, mystical symbolism and planned activities.
19. Remarks and Photographs of Members
20. Attachments- copies of warrants of arrest and other pertinent documents
on members of the group.
Person Included:
a. Must have an issued warrant of arrest
b. Accused of either organized or heinous crime.
c. Wanted List Format
1. Name/Alias- name and aliases used.
2. Last Known Address- recent known whereabouts.
3. Group Affiliation- if applicable, name of the group wherein
the person is a member or affiliated with.
4. Area of Operation/Main Base- areas where he is conducting
5. Position- if the person is a member of the group, his
6. Nature of Offense- criminal offense he is charged with.
7. Criminal Case Number- criminal case number.
8. Issuing Court- court which issued the warrant of arrest
9. Remarks- any other relevant information not mentioned above
such as whether there is a reward for the arrest, etc.
10. Photograph- photograph, if available
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e. Other official reports
Drawing of the Top Twenty Most Wanted Persons From the Wanted List
1. Number of warrant of arrests
2. Gravity of offenses
3. Notoriety and extent of atrocious activities of the person
4. Recidivism
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3. Bukas Kotse Gang- Robbers who forcibly take a parked vehicle,
which is done within 20 to 30 seconds depending on its security
features. In some cases, they take the vehicles at gunpoint.
Sometimes, they intentionally hit the rear portion of the would-be
victim’s vehicle and when the driver-victim alight from the car, they
will take at gunpoint.
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10. Acetylene Gang- A group of robbers who use acetylene or torch
or chemical in destroying padlocks of banks, ware house, pawn shops or
mini mart/stores then cart away the monies, goods other valuables
Coordinative Mechanism
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Programs as INTERPOL NCB Manila Secretariat
Other Functions
1. Designs programs and projects to enhance capacity building in combating
Transnational Crime
2. Monitoring Body of the Country's Compliance to the ASEAN Work Programs
to address Transnational Crime
3. Support to Policy-Making
"To be the whole world pre-eminent police organization in support of all
organizations, authorities, and services whose mission is preventing,
detecting and suppressing crimes".
1. Provides both a global perspective and a regional focus
2. Exchanges information that is timely, accurate, relevant and complete
3. Facilitates international cooperation
4. Coordinates operational activities of the member countries and making
available know-how, expertise and good practice.
Organizational Structure
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1. General Assembly - make major decisions on the policy, budget, working
methods, finances and programs of activities of INTERPOL.
Composed of delegated appointed by the government of member countries.
Each member country represented has one vote.
4. National Central Bureau - staffed with the countries own police officers.
These bureaus become the single point contact for foreign governments
requiring assistance, which oversees investigations and information on the
different police structures in other countries.
Fugitive Investigation
1. Red Notice – based on the national arrest warrants, are used to seek the
arrest and extradition of suspects.
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2. Blue Notice – used to seek information on the identity of persons or on
their illegal activities related to criminal matters.
3. Green Notice – are used to provide warning and criminal intelligence about
persons who have committed criminal offenses and who are likely to repeat
these crimes in other countries.
Is a conversation with a purpose, motivated by a desire to obtain
certain information from the person being interviewed as to what was done,
seen, felt, heard, tasted, smell or known.
It is the process of obtaining information from persons. Interrogation
is a forceful/rigid questioning of a person suspected of having committed an
offense or a person who is reluctant to make full disclosure of information
in his possession which is pertinent to the investigation.
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Nobody has to talk to law enforcers. No law compels a person to talk
to the police if he does not want to. Therefore, people will have to be
persuaded, always within legal and ethical limits, to talk to law enforcers.
A HOT CASE is one where the violation of law or regulation has just
been unearthed or discovered and the suspects and the witnesses to the case
are still emotionally affected, upset or involved. A COLD CASE is a dormant
case where the witness and suspect have had luxury of ample time to mull over
the ramification of the case to put up their respective alibis or defenses or
otherwise form subjective impression of the case.
Opening Statement – The investigator must have to indicate why the subject
is being contracted.
Narration – The witness should be allowed to tell all he knows with little
interruptions from the investigator.
Inquiry – after all information have been given by the subject, that is
the time for the investigator to as question to clarify him about the case
under investigation.
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5. Avoid close ended questions (yes or no)
6. Positive attitude
H. Purposes of Interrogation
1. To obtain confession to the crime
2. To induce the suspect to make admission
3. To learn the facts of the crime
4. To learn the identity of the accomplice
5. To develop information which will lead to the recovery of the fruits
of the crime
6. To discover the details of other crimes participated by the suspect
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The statement of the subject must be obtained voluntary and trustworthy
and not by means or use of threat, fear, coercion, duress or any improper
tactics which will vitiate the free will of the subject. Remember RA
1. Emotional Appeal
Place the subject in the proper frame of mind. The investigator
should provide emotional stimuli that will prompt the subject to
unburden himself by confiding.
3. Sympathetic appeal
The suspect may feel the need for sympathy or friendship
4. Kindness
The simplest technique is to assume that the suspect will confess
if he is treated in a kind and friendly manner.
5. Extenuation
The investigator indicates he does not consider his subject’s
indiscretion a grave offense.
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6. Shifting the blame
The interrogator makes clear his belief that the subject is
obviously not the sort of person who usually gets mixed up in a crime like
The interrogator could tell from the start that he was not
dealing with a fellow who is a criminal by nature and choice.
This is applicable when there are more than one suspect. The
suspects are separated and one is informed that other has talked.
10. Jolting
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3. If the subject cannot afford the services of the counsel, he must
bee provided with one who is competent and of his choice
4. The rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of
his competent and personally chosen counsel
5. The right to be informed of the above rights
Pls read/study Republic Act 7438-Rights of Person Arrested,
Detained and Under Custodial Investigation.
C. Types of Confession
1. Judicial Confession- Made by the suspect/accused in open court
2. Extra-Judicial Confession -This kind of confession is inadmissible
unless corroborated by proof of corpus delicti. The confession to
be admissible, it must be voluntary, in writing and made with the
assistance of a counsel of his own choice with full understanding of
the consequence of such confession. (get separate for separate
E. Admission
An admission is a self-incriminatory statement by the subject
falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt. It is an acknowledgement
of a fact or circumstances from which guilt maybe inferred. It
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implicates but does not incriminate. It is also an acknowledgement
that a fact, action or circumstances are true which strongly infer or
directly admit guilt but lacks the detail of the elements of the crime.
The Q and A is more preferable because it is easy to elicit
or develop the essential elements of the crime.
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1. Which organized crime group known for its overt violent behavior whose
members are known to be los hampones (the hoodlums), and controller of coca
cultivation in Bolivia and Peru; production-drug labs in Colombia, Nicaragua,
and Panama; smuggling operations- Bahamas, Turks, and Caicos, and later in
A. Colombian Drug Cartels C. The Cali Cartel
B. Medellin Cartel D. Northern Valle Del Cauca
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B. 2 and 4 only D. 1, 3 and 4
13. How does organized crime groups maintain their power and profit?
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A. Through violence
B. Through corruption
C. Through the silence and attitude of non-cooperation of law abiding
D. Through continuous association with criminal protectors
14. These are persons and organizations which grant power and the
perception of legitimacy to organized crime groups.
A. The Protectors composed of a network of corrupt officials who
protect them from the criminal justice system
B. The specialized supporter who provide them contract services such
as pilots, chemists, arsonists and hijackers.
C. Audience of consumers of illegal goods and services
D. Social supporters such as civic organizations, influential citizens
17. A sort of midlevel manager who serves as a buffer between the lowest-
level members and the upper-level members of the crime family. He is the
_____ of the Mafia.
A. The Consigliere C. The Capos
B. The Underboss D. Soldiers
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A. The French Revolution which describe the actions of the French
B. After World War II, when the world’s nationalist groups revolted
from European domination
C. Year 1960 to early 1980, when it was applied to violent left-wing
groups, as well as nationalist.
D. A large groups who are independent from a state, violent religious
fanatics, and violent groups who terrorize for a particular cause such as
the environment
19. The giving of alms for the poor and needy as prescribed by the Quran
which is the primary means within the Muslim world for terror organizations
to “legitimately” receive money. This is called____.
A. Zakat C. Hawala
B. Islamic Banking D. Money Laundering
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25. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002 is
consists of any of the following act or acts, EXCEPT:
A. Cultivation, culture and delivery,
B. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading,
C. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
D. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and
28. Members of the Mafia are bound by an oath of five basic principles. Which
of the following is NOT one of them?
A. Omerta, or code of silence and total obedience to the “Don” or
B. Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no question asked and to
avenge any attack on members of the family
C. Avoid killing police officer
D. Avoid any and all contact with law enforcement authorities
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A. The Camorra C. La Cosa Nostra
B. ‘Ndrangheta D. Sacred Crown
35. The Yakuza is organized into families which adopts a relationship known
A. Oyabun-Kobun C. Yubitsume
B. Kabuki-mono D. Bakuto
36. The operation launched by US Navy Seals that killed Osama Bin Laden was
A. Operation Geronimo C. Operation Neptune Spear
B. Operation Jabbidah D. Operation Merdeka
38. The term used that refers to the process or methods used by
transnational organized crime group in protecting their leaders from
the soldiers, cell from cell, and functions from functions is –
A. insulation C. motivation
B. monopoly D. subversion
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39. One characteristics shared by all transnational organized crime
groups is its continuity which means the organizations –
A. enforce obedience among its members through fear and violence
B. continue its efforts to gain a foothold in legitimate institutions
C. allowed entrenchment and refinement of criminal activities and
D. survive the individuals who created and run it
43. The Sicilian Mafia members are bound by an oath of the following
five basic principles. Which of the following that refers to “omerta”?
A. Total obedience to the “Don” or “Boss”
B. Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no question asked
C. Code of silence
D. To avenge any attack on members of the family
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45. The head of the Boryukudan is the –
A. oyabun C. saiko komon
B. blue lantern D. dragon head
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51. Terrorism has originated from the French Revolution (1789-1795)
which describe -
A. the actions of the government
B. labor organizations, anarchists, nationalist groups revolting
against the foreign powers and ultranationalist political organizations
C. violent revolutionaries who revolted against the government.
D. large groups who are independent from a state, violent religious
fanatics, and violent groups who terrorize for a particular cause
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committing one or more serious crimes to obtain, directly or indirectly, a
financial or other material benefit.
5. Among the founders of organized crime in the US, who among the following
is known as “Scarface”?
D. In the US, when Al Capone ran Chicago with blood and guns
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1. Mob
3. Syndicate
4. Cosa Costra
5. 5th state
B. 2 only D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
10. Which of the following is NOT one of the attributes of organized criminal
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11. Which of the following is NOT true about organized crimes?
12. Known as “Honoured Society” and its members called themselves as “Men of
Honour or Men of Respect” is the -
A. Corruption C. Coercion
B. Conspiracy D. Extortion
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15. Which position in the organized crime group usually occupied by a lawyer
and close associate of the boss who serves as the latter’s trusted advisor?
A. Soldato C. Underboss
B. Capos D. Consigliere
16. In the US, organized crime group Cosa Nostra is headed by the boss who:
B. people who joined organized crime group did so after considering the risks
of detection and punishment for the crime as well as the rewards of
completing the act successfully.
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D. organized crime group was established by the people who has sinister
motive against the United States of America
19. Transnational crimes are committed with several motives. Which of the
following is NOT one of them?
20. Which statements that may describe the nature of transnational crime?
21. The term used that refers to the process or methods used by transnational
organized crime group in protecting their leaders from the soldiers, cell
from cell, and functions from functions is –
A. insulation C. motivation
B. monopoly D. subversion
51 | P a g e
D. survive the individuals who created and run it
A. Globalization C. Industrialization
B. Migration D. Commercialization
2. Shining Path
5. Japanese Yakuza
A. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 C. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 D. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
26. The Sicilian Mafia members are bound by an oath of the following five
basic principles. Which of the following that refers to “omerta”?
52 | P a g e
B. Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no question asked
C. Code of silence
31. Organized crime group victimizes not only private business entities and
individual persons but also, the State. Which of the following crimes that
the victim is the State?
53 | P a g e
D. Contract murder
C. Loan sharking, prostitution, arms dealing, murder for hire, and toxic
waste dumping
C. any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians with
the purpose of intimidating a population and compelling a government or
organization to do or abstain doing any act
34. Terrorism has originated from the French Revolution (1789-1795) which
describe -
D. large groups who are independent from a state, violent religious fanatics,
and violent groups who terrorize for a particular cause
54 | P a g e
35. The following are criteria in defining terrorism prescribed by the United
Nations, EXCEPT-
A. the target and the perpetrator C. the extent and effect of the acts
B. 1 only D. 4 only
37. Under various UN Conventions and Protocols which of the following acts
that constitute terrorism?
4. Taking hostages
5. Terrorist bombings
B. 2, 3, 4 and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
38. Criminals are uncommitted and no cause to pursue, while terrorists are –
B. fighting for political objective trained and motivated for the mission
55 | P a g e
C. induced by a group even bersekers or lone wolves
39. While ordinary criminals are self centered and escape oriented,
terrorists are –
D. does not use its own military instrument to deliver the lethal force, but
harness social elements within the targeted entity to do so
56 | P a g e
B. Planning; initial target selection; initial surveillance; pre- attack
surveillance; final target selection and preparation ; rehearsal by doing;
attack team deployment; execution; escape; and exploitation
43. Terrorist groups are able to increase its striking power without
increasing the strength of their unit through their force multipliers such
1. Technology
2. Transnational support
3. Media
4. Religion
B. 1 only D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
57 | P a g e
A. emir C. shura
48. Al Qaeda is global terrorist Sunni Islamist group founded by Osama Bin
Laden who was killed by the US Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 2, 2011 through
“Operation Neptune Spear”. “Al Queda” literally means-
A. Jihad C. Taliban
B. Qur’an D. Daesh
58 | P a g e
50. Which law that punishes the act of directly or indirectly, willfully and
without legal excuse, possesses, provides, collects or uses, funds or
property, or makes available property, funds or financial service or other
related services to terrorism?
51. EXCEPT ONE, any of the acts committed with the aim of sowing and creating
a condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the populace
in order to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand constitute
a crime of terrorism pursuant to Human Security of 2007.
52. Although motive is not one of the elements of a felony, in the crime of
terrorism, it is indispensable. Which should be the motive to be established
before one could be charged with the crime of terrorism?
53. Under Republic Act 9372, persons liable for the commission of terrorism
1. Conspirators
3. Principal by induction
4. Accomplice
5. Accessory
59 | P a g e
54. Which law enforcement act that is NOT authorized by Republic Act 9372
against a suspected terrorist?
A. Surveillance
B. Third degree
56. Upon examination under oath or affirmation of the police applicant and
his witness/es, application to conduct surveillance, intercept and record the
communications of a suspected terrorist may be granted by the court, provided
that the following should be established, EXCEPT-
60 | P a g e
57. The Anti-Money Laundering Council can freeze the funds of a suspected
terrorist for a period of _______ which may be extended by the Court of
Appeals up to _______.
59. Under Republic Act 10175, forgery, fraud, and identity theft shall be
classified as –
60. Cybercrimes can be committed by the aid or use of the computer technology
or the technology itself is subject of an attack such as offenses against the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data system. Which of
the following should be EXCLUDED?
D. Cybersquating.
61. Statement No. 1 Crimes defined and punished under the Revised
Penal Code and other Special Penal Laws, if committed by, through with the
use of information and communication technologies shall be punished one (1)
degree higher than that provided.
61 | P a g e
Statement No. 2 Prosecution under the Anti-Cybercrime law is with prejudice
to any liability for violation of the Revised Penal Code and Special Penal
62. Under the anti-cybercrime law, any public or private entity that
provides to users of its service the ability to communicate by means of
computer system, or any other entity that process or stores computer data on
behalf of such communication service or users of such service shall be
referred to as -
63. Service providers are bound to preserve computer data within the period
of _______ from the date of transaction.
A. 6 months C. 60 days
B. 1 month D. 1 year
64. Content data shall be preserved by the service provider _________ from
the date of receipt of the order from law enforcement authorities requiring
its preservation.
A. 6 months C. 3 months
B. 1 year D. 15 days
65. Under Republic Act 10175, service provider shall disclose computer data
within ________ from receipt of the order in relation to a valid complaint
officially docketed for investigation.
A. 24 hours C. 30 days
62 | P a g e
B. 36 hours D. 72 hours
66. Duties of law enforcement authorities during the search, seizures and
examination of computer data are to:
A. Department of Justice
63 | P a g e
69. In defining human trafficking core elements should be established. These
are the action which means the recruitment, transportation, transfer,
harboring or receipt of persons; the means which include threat of or the use
of force, deception, coercion, abuse of power or position of vulnerability
and –
1. sexual exploitation
2. forced labor
4. organ removal
71. Which of the following is NOT one of the methods that victims of human
trafficking are controlled and exploited?
D. Victims and even their relatives back home are subjected to physical
threats and violence.
64 | P a g e
72. In human trafficking, victims are sometimes sold and pass on among
various groups. This condition is known as the phenomenon of –
73. Under Republic Act 9208, trafficking in persons can be committed in any
of the following acts, EXCEPT –
B. The adoptee
65 | P a g e
76. In the investigation, prosecution and trial of trafficking in persons
cases the name and personal circumstances of the victim or the offender, or
any other information tending to establish their identities and such
circumstances or information –
A. 10 years C. 20 years
B. 15 years d. 30 to 40 years
A. a lawful money
66 | P a g e
80. To effectively combat money laundering The G-7 Nations formed the
FINANCIAL ACTION TASK FORCE (FATF) which were mandated to devise
international standards and policies to combat money laundering. These G-7
Nations are composed of: 1) France; 2) Germany; 3) China; 4) Italy; 5)
Japan; 6) United Kingdom; 7) United States; 8) Canada; 9) Australia; 10)
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 C. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
B. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 D. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
D. disguising the source of money, subvert the audit trail and provide
83. Which of the following in NOT one of the methods of money laundering?
67 | P a g e
B. Keeping money in the vault D. Investing money legitimate
C. using the money for goods and services knowing it to be derived from
unlawful activities
85. Which international treaty that obliges nations to make money laundering
a criminal offense and provide for the extradition of persons charged with
money laundering offenses?
86. A group of two or more persons who have common identifying signs or
symbols and whose members individually or collectively engaged in or have
engaged in a pattern of criminal activity, creating an atmosphere of fear and
intimidation within the community or a specific area using violence and
intimidation. Which is being described?
A. Terrorist C. Fraternity
87. Which list that contains the master reference outlining pertinent data on
organized crime?
68 | P a g e
B. Wanted list D. Hit list
88. Term used that refers to the place where the organized crime group
normally store or conceal its armaments, vehicles and other equipment prior
to or immediately after each criminal activity is -
A. 10 years C. 2 years
B. 5 years D. 1 year
91. Which of the following agency that serves as INTERPOL’s National Central
Bureau Secretariat?
69 | P a g e
D. National Security Adviser
C. United Nations
93. Which of the following organ that makes major decisions on the policy,
budget, working methods, finances and programs of activities of the INTERPOL?
B. President D. Secretariat
A. 5 years C. 3 years
B. 4 years D. 2 years
95. Which INTERPOL notice is issued to a State’s law enforcement agency that
request information on the identity of persons or on their illegal activities
related to criminal matters?
70 | P a g e
A. to determine the identity of deceased person.
71 | P a g e