Chapter 2 HDFS and ZooKeeper

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Chapter 2 HDFS and ZooKeeper


 This course describes the big data distributed storage system HDFS and the
ZooKeeper distributed service framework that resolves some frequently-
encountered data management problems in distributed services. This
chapter lays a solid foundation for subsequent component learning.

1 Huawei Confidential

 Upon completion of this course, you will be able to learn:

 HDFS-related concepts
 HDFS application scenarios
 HDFS system architecture
 HDFS Key features
 ZooKeeper-related concepts
 ZooKeeper usage

2 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

3 Huawei Confidential
Dictionary and File System

Dictionary File System

Radical Index
File name
(1) Radical directory
(2) Word index
(3) Stroke index for Rare characters

Dictionary body Data block

4 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Overview
 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on
commodity hardware.
 HDFS has a high fault tolerance capability and is deployed on cost-effective hardware.
 HDFS provides high-throughput access to application data and applies to applications
with large data sets.
 HDFS looses some Potable Operating System Interface of UNIX (POSIX) requirements to
implement streaming access to file system data.
 HDFS was originally built as the foundation for the Apache Nutch Web search engine
 HDFS is a part of the Apache Hadoop Core project.

5 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Application Scenario Example

6 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

7 Huawei Confidential
Computer Cluster Structure
 The distributed file system stores files on multiple
computer nodes. Thousands of computer nodes form
a computer cluster.
 Currently, the computer cluster used by the
distributed file system consists of common hardware,
which greatly reduces the hardware overhead.

8 Huawei Confidential
Basic System Architecture

HDFS Architecture

Metadata (Name, replicas, ...):

NameNode /home/foo/data,3...

Metadata ops

Block ops

Read DataNode DataNodes


Blocks Blocks

Rack 1 Rack 2

9 Huawei Confidential
 The default size of an HDFS block is 128 MB. A file is divided into multiple
blocks, which are used as the storage unit.
 The block size is much larger than that of a common file system, minimizing the
addressing overhead.
 The abstract block concept brings the following obvious benefits:
 Supporting large-scale file storage
 Simplifying system design
 Applicable to data backup

10 Huawei Confidential
NameNode and DataNode (1)

NameNode DataNode

Stores metadata. Stores file content.

Metadata is stored in the memory. The file content is stored in the disk.

Saves the mapping between files, Maintains the mapping between block IDs
blocks, and DataNodes. and local files on DataNodes.

11 Huawei Confidential
NameNode and DataNode (2)

12 Huawei Confidential
 DataNodes are working nodes that store and read data in HDFS. DataNodes
store and retrieve data based on the scheduling of the clients or NameNodes,
and periodically send the list of stored blocks to the NameNodes.
 Data on each DataNode is stored in the local Linux file system of the node.

13 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

14 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Architecture Overview

15 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Namespace Management
 The HDFS namespace contains directories, files, and blocks.
 HDFS uses the traditional hierarchical file system. Therefore, users can create
and delete directories and files, move files between directories, and rename files
in the same way as using a common file system.
 NameNode maintains the file system namespace. Any changes to the file
system namespace or its properties are recorded by the NameNode.

16 Huawei Confidential
Communication Protocol
 HDFS is a distributed file system deployed on a cluster. Therefore, a large
amount of data needs to be transmitted over the network.
 All HDFS communication protocols are based on the TCP/IP protocol.
 The client initiates a TCP connection to the NameNode through a configurable port
and uses the client protocol to interact with the NameNode.
 The NameNode and the DataNode interact with each other by using the DataNode
 The interaction between the client and the DataNode is implemented through the
Remote Procedure Call (RPC). In design, the NameNode does not initiate an RPC
request, but responds to RPC requests from the client and DataNode.

17 Huawei Confidential
 The client is the most commonly used method for users to operate HDFS. HDFS
provides a client during deployment.
 The HDFS client is a library that contains HDFS file system interfaces that hide
most of the complexity of HDFS implementation.
 Strictly speaking, the client is not a part of HDFS.
 The client supports common operations such as opening, reading, and writing,
and provides a command line mode similar to Shell to access data in HDFS.
 HDFS also provides Java APIs as client programming interfaces for applications
to access the file system.

18 Huawei Confidential
Disadvantages of the HDFS Single-NameNode
 Only one NameNode is set for HDFS, which greatly simplifies the system design but
also brings some obvious limitations. The details are as follows:
 Namespace limitation: NameNodes are stored in the memory. Therefore, the number of
objects (files and blocks) that can be contained in a NameNode is limited by the memory size.
 Performance bottleneck: The throughput of the entire distributed file system is limited by the
throughput of a single NameNode.
 Isolation: Because there is only one NameNode and one namespace in the cluster, different
applications cannot be isolated.
 Cluster availability: Once the only NameNode is faulty, the entire cluster becomes

19 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

20 Huawei Confidential
HDFS High Availability (HA)

ZooKeeper ZooKeeper ZooKeeper




NameNode Synchronize NameNode

(active) FSImage. (standby)

Read/write data.


DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

21 Huawei Confidential
Metadata Persistence

NameNode Secondary NameNode

2. Obtain Editlog and FsImage from
Editlog FsImage the active node.
(Fsimage is downloaded only
during NameNode
1. Notify. initialization and use local files in
the future).
.new Editlog

3. Merge.

FsImage FsImage
.ckpt .ckpt
5. Roll back
FsImage. 4. Upload the newly
generated FsImage file
Editlog FsImage to the active node.

23 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Federation
APP Client-1 Client-k Client-n

HDFS Namespace-1 Namespace-k Namespace-n

NN1 NN-k NN-n

... ...
NS1 NS-k

Pool 1 Pool n
Block Pools

Common Storage
DataNode1 DataNode2 DataNodeN
... ... ...

24 Huawei Confidential
Data Replica Mechanism


Client B1 B2 Node1 B4 Node1

Distance=2 Node2 Node2 Node2

B3 Node3 Node3 Node3

Node4 Node4 Node4

Node5 Node5 Node5


26 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Data Integrity Assurance
 HDFS aims to ensure the integrity of storage data and ensures the reliability of components.
 Rebuilding the replica data of failed data disks
 When the DataNode fails to report data to the NameNode periodically, the NameNode initiates the replica rebuilding
action to restore the lost replicas.

 Cluster data balancing:

 The HDFS architecture designs the data balancing mechanism, which ensures that data is evenly distributed on each

 Metadata reliability:
 The log mechanism is used to operate metadata, and metadata is stored on the active and standby NameNodes.
 The snapshot mechanism implements the common snapshot mechanism of file systems, ensuring that data can be
restored in a timely manner in the case of mis-operations.

 Security mode:
 HDFS provides a unique security mode mechanism to prevent faults from spreading when DataNodes or disks are faulty.

27 Huawei Confidential
Other Key Design Points of the HDFS Architecture
 Space reclamation mechanism:
 Supports the recycle bin mechanism and dynamic setting of the number of copies.
 Data organization:
 Data is stored by data block in the HDFS of the operating system.
 Access mode:
 Provides HDFS data accessing through Java APIs, HTTP or SHELL modes.

28 Huawei Confidential
Common Shell Commands

Type Command Description

-cat Displays file content.
-ls Displays the directory list.
-rm Delete a file.
-put Uploads the directory or file to HDFS.
dfs Downloads directories or files to the local
host from HDFS.
-mkdir Creates a directory.
-chmod/-chown Changes the group of the file.
... ...

-safemode Performs security mode operations.

-report Reports service status.

29 Huawei Confidential
New Features of HDFS 3.0
 Erasure Code (EC) in HDFS is supported.
 Union based on the HDFS router is supported.
 Multiple NameNodes are supported.
 Disk balancers are added to DataNodes for load balancing.

30 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

32 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Data Write Process

2. Create file metadata.

1. Create file request. Distributed
HDFS FileSystem NameNode
3. Write data.
Client 7. Complete the write operation.

FSData NameNode
6. Close the file.

Client node

4. Write the 5. Receive the

data packet. acknowledgment packet.

4 4
DataNode DataNode DataNode
5 5

DataNode DataNode DataNode

33 Huawei Confidential
HDFS Data Read Process

1. Open the file. Distributed 2. Obtain data block information.

HDFS NameNode
3. Read the request. FileSystem
FSData NameNode
6. Shut down the node.

Client node 5. Read data.

4. Read data.

DataNode DataNode DataNode

DataNode DataNode DataNode

34 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

35 Huawei Confidential
ZooKeeper Overview
 The ZooKeeper distributed service framework is used to solve some data
management problems that are frequently encountered in distributed
applications and provide distributed and highly available coordination service
 In security mode, ZooKeeper depends on Kerberos and LdapServer for security
authentication, but in non-security mode, ZooKeeper does not depend on them
any more. As a bottom-layer component, ZooKeeper is widely used and
depended by upper-layer components, such as Kafka, HDFS, HBase and Storm.

36 Huawei Confidential

1. HDFS Overview and Application Scenarios

2. HDFS-related Concepts

3. HDFS Architecture

4. Key Features

5. HDFS Data Read/Write Process

6. ZooKeeper Overview

7. ZooKeeper Architecture

37 Huawei Confidential
ZooKeeper Service Architecture - Model

ZooKeeper Service

Server Server Server Server Server

Client Client Client Client Client Client Client Client

 The ZooKeeper cluster consists of a group of server nodes. In this group, there is only one leader node, and
other nodes are followers.
 The leader is elected during the startup.
 ZooKeeper uses the custom atomic message protocol to ensure data consistency among nodes in the entire
 After receiving a data change request, the leader node writes the data to the disk and then to the memory.

38 Huawei Confidential
ZooKeeper Service Architecture - DR Capability
 If the ZooKeeper can complete the election, it can provide services for external
 During ZooKeeper election, if an instance obtains more than half of the votes, the
instance becomes the leader.
 For a service with n instances, n may be an odd or even number.
 When n is an odd number, assume: n  2x  1 ; then the node needs to obtain x+1
votes to become the leader, and the DR capability is x.
 When n is an even number, that: n  2x  2 ; then the node needs to obtain x+2
(more than half) votes to become the leader, and the DR capability is x.

39 Huawei Confidential
Key Features of ZooKeeper
 Eventual consistency: All servers are displayed in the same view.
 Real-time capability: Clients can obtain server updates and failures within a specified
period of time.
 Reliability: A message will be received by all servers.
 Wait-free: Slow or faulty clients cannot intervene the requests of rapid clients so that
the requests of each client can be processed effectively.
 Atomicity: Data update either succeeds or fails. There are no intermediate states.
 Sequence consistency: Updates sent by the client are applied in the sequence in which
they are sent.

40 Huawei Confidential
Read Function of ZooKeeper
 According to the consistency of ZooKeeper, the client obtains the same view
regardless of the server connected to the client. Therefore, read operations can
be performed between the client and any node.

ZK1(F) ZK2(L) ZK3(F)

Local Storage Local Storage Local Storage

1.Read request 2.Read response


41 Huawei Confidential
Write Function of ZooKeeper

3.2. Send Proposal

2. Write Request
ZK1(F) 3.1 ZK2(L) 3.3. Send Proposal ZK3(F)
4.2. ACK
4.3. ACK
5.3. Commit
Local Storage 5.2. Commit Local Storage Local Storage

1. Write Request

6. Write Response

42 Huawei Confidential
Commands for ZooKeeper Clients
 To invoke a ZooKeeper client, run the following command: –server

 To create a node: create /node
 To list subnodes: ls /node
 To create node data: set /node data
 To obtain node data: get /node
 To delete a node: delete /node
 To delete a node and all its subnodes: deleteall /node

43 Huawei Confidential
 The distributed file system is an effective solution for large-scale data storage in the big data era. The open-source
HDFS implements GFS and distributed storage of massive data by using a computer cluster formed by inexpensive

 HDFS is compatible with inexpensive hardware devices, stream data read and write, large data sets, simple file models,
and powerful cross-platform compatibility. However, HDFS has its own limitations. For example, it is not suitable for
low-latency data access, cannot efficiently store a large number of small files, and does not support multi-user write
and arbitrary file modification.

 "Block" is the core concept of HDFS. A large file is split into multiple blocks. HDFS adopts the abstract block concept,
supports large-scale file storage, simplifies system design, and is suitable for data backup.

 The ZooKeeper distributed service framework is used to solve some data management problems that are frequently
encountered in distributed applications and provide distributed and highly available coordination service capabilities.

44 Huawei Confidential

1. Why is it recommended that the number of ZooKeepers be deployed in an odd


2. Why is the HDFS data block size larger than the disk block size?

3. Can HDFS data be read when it is written?

45 Huawei Confidential

 Huawei Cloud Official Web Link:

 Huawei MRS Documentation:

46 Huawei Confidential
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