Research Paper1
Research Paper1
Research Paper1
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2012 VOL 121 NO 2 73
Heyes et al. Review of flotation of feldspar
other components from the feedstock as saleable 1939; Dean and Ambrose, 1944). Hydrofluoric acid was
products. Because the collectors used for non-sulphide thought to be a depressant for quartz. It was noted that
flotation are generally non-specific, efficient separation the same separation did not occur if hydrochloric acid
requires knowledge of the response of feldspar to the was substituted for hydrofluoric acid (Dean and
different classes of collector. There have been many Ambrose, 1944).
fundamental studies into the separation of feldspars The function of the acid has been regarded variously
from associated minerals using anionic and cationic as a surface conditioner or cleanser, which removes the
collectors. As well, the effects of common modifiers and alteration products from the surface of the mineral
the conditions under which they may act as either (Kennedy and O’Meara, 1948), an activator in the
activators or depressants, either for feldspar or the other presence of cationic collectors (O’Meara et al., 1939;
commonly associated minerals, have been investigated. Runke, 1954) or a complexing agent for the removal of
As with most oxide flotation schemes, efficient interfering cations from the solution (Gaudin, 1957).
desliming before flotation is generally required to enable Further studies (Dean and Ambrose, 1944; Bucken-
effective separations to be made and to reduce reagent ham and Rogers, 1954) suggested that the separation
consumption. is sensitive to the concentration of fluoride with the
effect being a result of the activation of feldspar by the
Flotation using anionic collectors formation on the mineral surfaces of fluoroaluminate
The surface chemistry of feldspar is similar to that of complexes that provide sites suitable for the adsorp-
quartz. The mineral has a pzc of around 1?5–2?5 tion of a collector cation (Buckenham and Rogers,
(Fuerstenau and Fuerstenau, 1982) and is therefore 1954).
not floatable with anionic collectors in the absence of Fluorosilicates are also expected to be present in
activating cations (Trahar and Heyes, 1963; Fuerstenau, flotation pulps where quartz is being separated from
et al., 1966; Manser, 1975). feldspar (Smith, 1965; Read and Manser, 1975). At the
Because anionic collectors do not float unactivated dosages of HF used in commercial flotation, the
feldspar, they are used in a prefloat to remove titanium hexafluorosilicate ion (SiF2{
6 ) is stable, and its adsorp-
and iron oxide minerals, which might discolour the final tion on aluminium at the mineral surface is proposed to
feldspar concentrate or the products that are made from be responsible for the activation of feldspar. Activation
it. However, if the feldspar is naturally activated, for may also be assisted by the HF{ 2 species also present in
example, with iron or aluminium, it will be readily the solution (Hanumantha Rao and Forssberg, 1994).
floatable with anionic collectors (Trahar and Heyes, Precipitation of sodium or potassium fluorosilicate on
1963), leading to substantial losses of feldspar in this the surface on which the cationic collector can adsorb
reject product.
preferentially has also been proposed (Smith and
The anionic collectors that have been used in the
Smolik, 1965).
prefloat include fatty acids and their esters, petroleum
When iron is present, iron fluoro complexes predo-
sulphonates, alkyl sulphonates, alkyl sulphates, alkyl
minate in the solution, decreasing the concentrations of
succinamate, soaps of vegetables oils, oleoyl sarcosine
6 and HF{ 2 , and flotation efficiency, so iron con-
and hydroxamates (Bayraktar, et al., 1997; Celik et al.,
taining minerals should be removed before the flotation
separation of feldspar from quartz (Hanumantha Rao
There have been claims that oleic acid will float
and Forssberg, 1994).
unactivated feldspar (Gaudin and Glover, 1928).
Warren and Kitchener (1972) measured the zeta
However, when Orhan and Bayraktar (2006) separated
potentials of quartz and microcline under simulated
mica from a feldspar ore by flotation with tallow amine
flotation conditions and concluded that fluoride causes
acetate as a collector and then separated iron and
titanium oxide minerals using sodium oleate, they found depression of quartz and activation of feldspar to
that, in the presence of residual amine, co-adsorption of flotation with cationic amine collectors by decreasing
oleate on the feldspar occurred, resulting in the flotation and increasing the negative potentials of quartz and
and loss of feldspar with the titanium and iron oxide microcline respectively.
minerals. The residual amine collector could be removed Smith and Akhtar (1976) studied contact angles on
with a dewatering and washing step after mica flotation quartz and feldspar in the presence of dodecylamine. In
or by the addition of bentonite to adsorb the amine. acidic solution, in the absence of fluoride ions, both
minerals gave the same angle. Note that, although a
Flotation using cationic collectors small positive angle was obtained rather than the
Feldspars are floated readily by cationic collectors, and expected zero, that is likely to be a reflection of the
in the absence of any modifier, their response is almost experimental procedure used. However, in the presence
identical to that of quartz (Dean and Ambrose, 1944; of fluoride ions, the contact angle on feldspar increased
Buckenham and Rogers, 1954). Flotation is readily substantially, while no difference could be seen in the
achieved in the alkaline pH range with the best response contact angle on quartz. Under these conditions,
observed in the range pH 9–10. fluoride acts as an activator for feldspar rather than a
depressant for quartz.
Activators for use with cationic collectors The above conclusion is supported by the zeta
Early studies showed that, as distinct from quartz, potential data of Bolin (1983), who showed that the
feldspars can be floated by cationic collectors in an acid zeta potential at pH 3 for an orthoclase sample was
medium in the presence of soluble fluorides. Selective larger (more negative) after the addition of fluoride ions
separation of feldspar in strongly acidic solutions was while the zeta potential of quartz was unaffected, thus
achieved using lauryl amine as collector in the presence increasing the difference in zeta potential upon which
of hydrofluoric acid (Ralston, 1938; O’Meara et al., the flotation separation is reliant.
74 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2012 VOL 121 NO 2
Heyes et al. Review of flotation of feldspar
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2012 VOL 121 NO 2 75
Heyes et al. Review of flotation of feldspar
observed in potassium chloride solution. In sodium obtain good flotation separation of quartz from micro-
chloride at pH 5?8 or 2?5 (adjusted with hydrofluoric cline due to the presence of silanol groups on quartz,
acid), potassium feldspars were reported to float much allowing hydrogen bonding with the ether oxygen of the
better with an amine collector than sodium feldspars. In oxyethylene chain (El Salmawy et al., 1993). Thus, the
the potassium chloride solution, all feldspars had lower use of non-ionic collectors may offer the possibility of
floatabilities. separating quartz from feldspar by flotation without the
Gülsoy et al. (2005) differentially floated orthoclase addition of hydrofluoric acid.
from albite in sodium chloride solution (20 kg t21) at Liu et al. (1993) used multiple conditioning steps to
pH 2?5–3 (controlled with hydrofluoric acid) using float feldspar from quartz at pH 5?6. In the first step,
tallow amine acetate (ArmacTD) as a collector. oleic acid was added to the feldspar–quartz mixture,
Demir et al. (2001) obtained a separation of micro- where it adsorbed onto both minerals. However,
cline from albite with microflotation in a sodium adsorption through aluminium resulted in its stronger
chloride solution (5 kg t21, equivalent to 561022M, adsorption on feldspar so that the addition of sodium
being the best concentration) using an amine (Genamin- hexametaphosphate in the second step resulted in the
TAP from Clariant in Germany) collector. A less desorption of oleate from quartz. Feldspar could then be
efficient separation was achieved at higher sodium floated from quartz with dodecylamine hydrochloride.
chloride concentrations and in a potassium chloride Another approach has been to use mixed collector
solution. The former was also observed by Ociepa systems, in the absence of fluoride ions, to achieve a
(1994). Demir et al. (2001) proposed that ion exchange separation. The two collectors proposed by Katayanagi
between uncommon ions and adsorption of common (1974) to float quartz from feldspar were a tallow
ions on the feldspar minerals created differences in diamine acetate and sodium petroleum sulphonate in a
surface charge that controlled the adsorption of the medium made acid with either hydrochloric or sulphuric
amine collector. acid. Tan et al. (1993) have used the same collector
Karaguzel et al. (2006) reported separation of micro- system to achieve a separation in a commercial plant. In
cline from albite at low pH (2?5–2?8) in a sodium a similar approach, a combined anionic–cationic collector,
chloride solution with an amine collector (Genamin- N-tallow-back 1,3–propylenediamine-dioleate (Duomeen
TAP from Clariant in Germany). They showed that the TDO), was used to float feldspar from quartz by Malghan
use of sulphuric acid instead of hydrofluoric acid to (1981) and Vidyadhar et al. (2002)
control the pH was less effective. A polycondensation product of dicyandiamide and
Demir et al. (2003) attempted to separate sodium formaldehyde (Melflock from SKW Trostberg, Ger-
feldspars from potassium feldspars in solutions of salts many) was used by Jakobs and Dobias (1991) as an
of divalent ions. On the basis of similar ionic sizes, they activator for feldspar in the separation of potassium
substituted calcium for sodium and barium for potas- feldspar from quartz with an alkyl aryl sulphonate
sium. The separation of microcline from albite at natural collector at pH 2?1. The addition of a carboxylic acid
pH was more efficient in calcium chloride compared and a non-ionic detergent (the latter to improve froth
with barium chloride (both 1 kg t21, equivalent to properties) with Melflock and the sulphonate collector
1022M). This was proposed to be a result of the faster significantly improved feldspar recovery and the con-
ion exchange of calcium for sodium in albite followed by centrate grade. Slightly lower recovery but better grade
significant calcium adsorption, resulting in an increased was obtained when a sulphosuccinate, containing both
positive charge on albite impeding amine adsorption. sulphonate and carboxyl functional groups, was used
However, further work reported by Gülgönül et al. with Melflock.
(2008) found that the flotation properties of six
The mechanism by which these mixed collectors
microcline samples were different due to the presence
function has not been clearly defined. However, it is
of nanospots containing high concentrations of metal
clear that their action depends on the inherent small
ions (Mn, Cu, Ba, Fe and Ni) on their surfaces. The
surface charge differences that might be exploited to
nanospots controlled amine adsorption and so the
allow differential adsorption of the collectors (as
selectivity of the feldspar mineral separations. These
molecular complexes) on the feldspar and the quartz
results suggest that while the general flotation conditions
surfaces at pH 2 (Hanumantha Rao and Forssberg,
in a sodium chloride solution may be beneficial for the
1993; Shimoiizaka et al., 1976, Tan et al., 1993;
separation of potassium feldspar from sodium feldspar,
Vidyadhar et al., 2002).
detailed testing is likely to be required to achieve an
The presence of a slime fraction in the feed has been
efficient separation.
shown to adversely affect the separation achieved with
these mixed collector systems (Vidyadhar et al., 2002),
Fluoride free flotation schemes presumably by affecting the distribution of the collectors
Because of possible environmental issues associated on the minerals. A preconditioning attrition stage was
with the use of fluoride ions in the feldspar–quartz used by Tan et al. (1993) to deslime the ore before
separation, there have been several attempts to find flotation in their commercial operation. Moreover,
a non-fluoride process that is more environmentally Malghan (1981) found that for the mixed collector
acceptable. system to perform better than the fluoride containing
Shehu and Spaziani (1999) showed that the use of system, coarser sized particles (.600 mm) should be
ethylenediaminetetracetic acid as a modifier could treated.
improve the efficiency of the separation of feldspar In a commercial flotation operation, the presence of
from quartz with a cationic collector. many different cations in the pulp is likely to reduce the
Moreover, a non-ionic surfactant, Brij 58 [polyox- charge difference between quartz and feldspar, which is
yethylene (20) cetyl ether], was used as a collector to the basis for these non-fluoride separations. Thus, the
76 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2012 VOL 121 NO 2
Heyes et al. Review of flotation of feldspar
possibility of obtaining substantial improvement using ore in Turkey, Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C: Miner. Process. Extr.
Metall., 114C, C80–C86.
the mixed collector system appears to be limited
Hanumantha Rao, K. and Forssberg, K. S. E. 1993. Solution chemistry
(Hanumantha Rao and Forssberg, 1993). of mixed cationic/anionic collectors and flotation of feldspar from
quartz, Proc. XVIII Int. Mineral Processing Cong., Sydney,
Acknowledgements NSW, Australia, May, The Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, Vol. 4, 837–844.
The authors wish to acknowledge the library staff of the Hanumantha Rao, K. and Forssberg, K. S. E. 1994. Feldspar-quartz
flotation system and need for new reagent scheme, in Reagents for
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering for their help in
better metallurgy, (ed. P. S. Mulukutla), Chap. 21; Littleton, CO,
obtaining the feldspar references. Dr J. Bear and Ms A. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc, 203–213.
Riley are thanked for their assistance with the prepara- Jakobs, U. and Dobias, B. 1991. New aspects in the flotation
tion of this paper. separation of feldspar and quartz, Proc. XVII Int. Mineral
Processing Cong. Preprints, Dresden, Polygraphischer Bereich,
Bergakadmie Freiberg, Vol. IV, 237–247.
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