Module 3 - Simulation of Crushing and Screening

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1. Review the basic principles that are used to model the operation of crushers and
2. Learn how to specify parameters for screen and crusher models.
3. Learn to understand the relationship between model parameters and the size
distribution in the product streams.
4. Learn how to set up and simulate complete crushing plants.
5. Learn how to set up crushers and screens for best operation.
We recommend that you tackle the segments in this module in the following order:
1. Vibrating screens
2. Crushers
3. Putting it all together - integrated crushing and screening plants. Exercise 3-5.
Simulation of Vibrating Screens
We will examine two screen models that are based on the traditional method that is used to
size screens for industrial applications. These models are based on a series of capacity factors
that can be used to determine the tonnage of a particular material that can be handled by a
screen of specified mesh size. The traditional method does not attempt to make a realistic
calculation of the size distribution in the oversize and undersize products from the screen.
However, this traditional model is convenient for preliminary simulations particularly in the
early stages of a project when not much data is available and the precise details of the screens
that are to be used are not known.
A useful modification to the traditional model was made by Dr. V.K. Karra who used an
extensive collection of industrial data to model the actual screening process in terms of the
physical parameters that define the screen operation. This model is to be preferred when
simulating a screening operation for which the physical properties of the screen are known
such as the simulation of a screening operation in an existing plant. The Karra model has
proved to be reliable when compared against industrial operating data and is the
recommended screen model for real plant simulation.
These models are described in Technical Notes 4 (Vibtrating Screens). The more
fundamental kinetic model for screening is also described in these notes but its use will not
be covered in this course because there is as yet insufficient operating data to make good
estimates of the specific transmission rates for typical industrial screens. It is hoped that these
data will become available in the future.
The traditional model is demonstrated in exercise 3-1 and the Karra model is demonstrated
in exercise 3-2.
Exercise 3-1
Investigate the information generated by the traditional screen model in a typical operating
Start a new job in MODSIM and draw a flowsheet containing only a single-deck screen.
Add a feed stream and product streams for oversize and undersize. Add flyouts to each
Accept the flowsheet and edit system data.
Use the following settings: 1 mineral sp. gr. 2.7, 25 size classes, maximum particle size 15
Specify the feed: 300 tonne/hr. at 95% solids with Rosin-Rammler distribution having D63.2
= 4 cm and = 1.2 Use 20 mesh sizes in the feed size distribution data.
Do not forget to name the two product streams for convenient reference later.
Edit unit parameters. Use model SCRN for the vibrating screen. Check the help box the first
time you select the model to see a brief description of the model. Choose the following
parameters: mesh size 3 cm, transmission efficiency 90%, surface water on oversize 2%. Do
not specify screen dimensions on the first run.
Accept the parameters and run the simulation. View the flowsheet. Check the data in the
stream flyouts which show the total tonnages in each stream.
Right click on the screen icon to see the report file for that unit. Examine the report file
carefully to become familiar with the information that it provides. Note in particular that the
basic capacity factor for this screen is 60.5 tonnes/hr. Note the calculated values of the six
correction factors and that 5.76 sq.meters of screen area would be required for this duty.
View the size distribution graphs (View menu).
Size distribution graphs and the report file for the screen are shown below for reference.
Modify some of the unit parameters and note how the performance data changes after each
simulation run.
Save the job as Exercise 3-1.
Exercise 3-2
Karra model for vibrating screens
Load the job from exercise 3-1. From the edit menu change the job name to exercise 3-2.
Keep the same flowsheet consisting of a single screen and edit the system data to register the
change in job name.
Edit the unit parameters. Note that the current model for the screen, SCRN, is shown at the
top of the models list for the screen. Change the model to SCR2, set the screen mesh size to
3 cm and the screen length to 3.0 m and the screen width to 1.92 m. This gives a screen of
area equal to that found necessary in example 3-1. Choose woven wire mesh with wire
dimater 7.94 mm. All other parameters can be left at default values.
Run the simulation and view the flowsheet. Right click the screen icon to get the report file
for the unit. Scroll through the report file to check the performance of the screen. Note the
capacity factors and note that the area utilization factor is 1.11 This parameter has been found
to be useful in assessing the results of a simulation of screening behavior using the Karra
model. It is calculated as the ratio between the actual amount of undersize that is transmitted
by the screen to the amount of undersize that the screen is capable of transmitting as
calculated using the Karra model. Thus, it gives a measure of the loading on the screen
relative to its theoretical capacity. An area utilization factor less than unity indicates that the
screen is under loaded while a value greater than unity indicates that the screen is over loaded.
Since the screen chosen had the area suggested by the traditional model in Exercise 3-1, the
Karra model indicates that the traditional model underestimates the required area by about
11% with the medium heavy woven wire mesh that we have chosen.
Look at the size distribution in the three streams from the view menu.
The report file and size distributions are shown below for reference.
You can now investigate a number of what-if scenarios. For example, check how the area
utilization factor varies as the wire diameter changes. Standard wire diameters for this mesh
size are: heavy duty 9.53 mm, medium heavy 7.94 mm, medium 6.35 mm and medium light
5.72 mm.
You could also investigate how the area utilization factor varies as the feed rate changes.
You could also substitute a double check screen and simulate its performance.
Several types of crushers are modeled in MODSIM. In this module we will consider three
types: primary crushers (gyratory and jaw crushers), secondary crushers (standard cone
crushers) and tertiary crushers (short head cone crushers).
Primary Crushers
The models used for primary crushers are elementary and follow a method that has been
traditionally used by crusher manufacturers. The product size distribution is assumed to
follow a standard pattern which is normalized with respect to a single reference size on the
curve which is often d80. The reference size is closely related to the open size setting of the
crusher. The standard size distributions have been determined from many crushers operating
in industry. In spite of the simplicity of this model, the results are adequate for many
simulations since the product from these primary crushers is generally the feed to a further
stage of crushing using standard or short head cone crushers. An improved form of the model
developed by Csoke et al. is also available for primary crushers. The simulation of primary
crushers is illustrated in Exercise 3-3.
Standard and Short Head Cone Crushers
The models for both standard and short head cone crushers are based on the idea of internal
breakage and classification developed by Whiten. This model allows calculations of realistic
size distributions in the product given the size distribution in the feed and the closed side
setting of the crusher.
The model for the standard cone crusher is demonstrated in Exercise 3-4 and for the short
head crusher in Exercise 3-5.
Exercise 3-3
Gyratory crusher
The next three exercises step you through the method to develop a crusher circuit to produce
1200 tonnes/hr of 80% passing 10 mm aggregate.
Start a new MODSIM job.
Select a single gyratory crusher for the flowsheet and add a feed stream and a product stream.
Edit the system data and select one mineral of specific gravity 2.7.
Set the largest size to 1.2 m with 25 size classes.
Double click on the number of the feed stream to specify feed stream data. Name the feed
stream, show 20 size classes, and use Rosin-Rammler distribution with D63.2 = 40 cm, lambda
= 1.4. Remember to click the clear button to generate the R-R distribution.
Name the product stream before accepting the system data.
Edit the unit parameter and select model GYRA for the gyratory crusher.
Select the following parameters: OSS = 15 cm, WI = 12 kWh/tonne. Average ore type.
Edit the output format and select tonne/hr for solid flowrate.
Run the simulation.
View the particle size distributions in the feed and product streams.
View the flowsheet. Right click on the crusher icon to view its report file. Note that the output
includes a table of size distributions for the crusher feed and the crusher product. An estimate
of the power required is also calculated using the crushing work index and the d80 sizes of
feed and product. You should investigate how the size distribution of the crusher product
varies as the open side setting is varied.
Exercise 3-4
Add a second-stage cone crusher to handle the product from the gyratory crusher that was
used in example 3-3. Since cone crusher capacity is less than the gyratory you must either
use more than one secondary crusher in parallel or, preferably, screen the primary crusher
product and send only the oversize to the second-stage crusher.
Change the jobname to exercise 3-4 and edit the system data to name the additional product
Edit the unit parameters for the additional crusher, use the model CRSH, and set the CSS to
35 mm. Leave other parameters at their default values.
Edit the parameters for the screen. Use model SCRN with 45 mm mesh.
Run the simulation and view the flowsheet. Right click on the cone crusher icon to view the
report file for this unit. One 7-ft standard crusher would be required to handle the tonnage.
Save this job as exercise 3-4.
Exercise 3-5
Three-stage crusher circuit
In this exercise you will add a third stage of crushing to the flowsheet to reduce the size to
meet the requirement that the product should have a d80 size of 10 mm. The third stage will
be operated in closed circuit, and this will introduce you to the simulation of plants with
Open the job that you saved as exercise 3-4. Change the job name to Exercise 3-5. Add a
screen and a cone crusher and connect the final product as the feed to the screen. (You can
draw the screen icon then move it so that it just touches the arrowhead of the product stream.
MODSIM will recognize the connection when you refresh the flowsheet.) Direct the screen
oversize to the crusher. At this stage it is not advisable to close the circuit, and you should
run the simulator in open circuit at least once to make sure that all parameters are properly
set up.
Use model SCRN for the screen with a mesh size of 13 mm. Choose the short head model
SHHD for the crusher and set the CSS to 13 mm.
Run the simulation and check the report files for the two units that have been added. You
should also check the size distributions in the products from the screen and the mill. When
you are satisfied that the units are functioning properly, direct the crusher product back to the
screen. Remember that the screen icon can accept only one feed stream so that a mixer or
sump must be inserted in the flowsheet ahead of the screen to receive the secondary screen
undersize, the secondary crusher product, and the tertiary crusher product.
Run the closed-circuit simulation and MODSIM should converge easily. If you are using a
slow computer (<66 MHz), you should notice that the calculation does take a little longer
because the recirculating load is calculated by iteration. In the unlikely event of some difficult
with the iterative calculation, MODSIM will give you some diagnostic information to
pinpoint the trouble. By far the most common cause of difficulty with iterative calculations
is caused by inappropriate choice of model parameters. Check these thoroughly and you
should find your error.
When you are comfortable with the simulation, you could try any number of what-if
scenarios. Try all or some of the following:
1. Vary the mesh size of the tertiary screen over the range 8 mm to 15 mm and observe how
the recirculating load and the size distribution of the final product change.
2. Vary the mesh size and the CSS in the tertiary circuit and seek out an optimal combination
that will minimize the size and number of crushers required. Also keep track of the area
requirements for the screen.
3. Reverse the order of the tertiary screen and the tertiary crusher so that the entire product
from the secondary circuit passes through the crusher which is then screened to close the

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