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Republic of the Philipsines Mountain Province Municipality of Bontoc Sauqquniang Bayan Office EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES-JOURNAL OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF BONTOC, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, HELD AT ITS SESSION HALL ON AUGUST 13,2018. PRESENT: HON. VIOLA. OKKO, Temporary Presiding Officer/ Regular Member HON. JULIAN F. CHUMACOG, Regular Member HON. ESTEBAN O, NGUDDO Regular Member HON. ROSE C. FARNICAN, Regular Member HON. ALSANNYSTER F. PATINGAN, Regular Member HON. ALFREDO A. AWICHEN, Regular Member HON. ALEXANDRE C. CLAVER, Regular Member HON. ROBERT B. DACYON, Regular Member HON. ALEXANDER N. FANA-ANG, ABC President, Member HON. THOMAS F. LONGATAN, IPMR, Member ‘ HON. SHERWIN S. CHAMKAS, SK Federation President ABSENT: HON. EUSEBIO S. KABLUYEN, Vice mayor and Presiding Officer - On leave ORDINANCE NO. 306, S. 2018 ‘Sponsors: Hon, Alsannyster F. Patingan Hon. Viola P. Okko AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL AS PART OF THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY OF THE MUNICIPALITY. Whereas, during the past celebration of the Municipality's founding anniversary, a festival informally known as "Am-among Festival” had been consistently included as part thereof and as its centerpiece attraction; Whereas, the term "Am-among “pertains to tradition of the Bontok Tribe where after hard labors from harrowing the ricefields (“sara”) and planting the same with palay seedings (‘tuned’), kinsmen and relatives now come together to take a break, rest, rejuvenate at the same time rekindle their kinships, strengthen their family bonds and re-affirm their unity. This event is traditionally held in the house and under the auspices of the oldest living family patriarch or matriarch and the participants thereto will bring their own produce of palay, vegetables, fruits, meat as well as their stocks of fermented sugarcane wine (“Yayas’) and rice wine (“tapey”). These will be the food from which everyone will partake for the duration of the event Whereas, the Municipality in enacting this ordinance hopes to adopt the concepts as well as the aims of the traditional Bontoc “Am-among” in formally establishing the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL where its constituents will have the chance to come together to celebrate and re-affirm their unity as members of the Municipality. Further, the said festival will have the aim of showcasing the cultures, traditions, history, ways of life, God-given and man-made tourist attractions as well as the different agricultural and industrial products of the Bontoc Tribe as well as that of ‘the sixteen ai barangays comprising wn a municipality; S & e je— iz Z . x Republic ofthe Phiippines Mountain Proce Municipality of Bontoc Sangguniang Bayan Orfice HE MUNI Whereas, this Body humbly prays that with the formal institutionalization and establishment of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL to be part of the annual celebration of the Municipality's founding anniversary, and while our cultures, traditions, history, ways of life, tourist attractions and products are shovicased to the whole world, the youth who will form part of the next generation will preserve these cultures, traditions, history and tourist attractions and appreciate the fact that they are inhabitants of a beautiful place and trace their roots to a proud tribe, the "Bontoks’, and will always appreciate their identities as such; WHEREFORE AND CONSIDERING THE FOREGOING, this body now decrees the following: Section 1. Formal Establishment.- The BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL Is hereto established as part of the celebration of the founding anniversary of the Local Government Unit of Bontoc, Mountain Province. Section 2. Time, Duration and Venue of Celebrations.- The EONTOC AM- AMONG FESTIVAL, while being a part of the celebrations of the founding anniversary of the Local Government Unit of Bontoc, shall have its main component/program be separately celebrated from the formal program celebrating the founding anniversary of the Municipality which has been ordained, through local legislation to be held on the 16" day of September of each year. This is to avoid the scenario of the said festival overshadowing the celebration of the equally important foundation day. For this purpose, the main component/program of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL shall be celebrated a day prior or a day after the celebration of the founding anniversary as may be decided by the working committees established for purposes of the conduct thereof. The main component/program of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL shall be conducted only in a day, though its sub-components may be conducted at any such time and for any such duration convenient for the conduct thereof, provided, that no part of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL shall be scheduled to coincide with the conduct of the formal program/celebration of the founding anniversary. Section 3. Main and Sub-components of the festival.- The main component of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL shall be the conduct of the street- dancing competition followed by, or simultaneous with, the conduct of a formal program where a guest of honor or speaker is invited to grace the occasion. The sub-components shall be the different activities/events lined up for the festival outside of its main component/proaram such as, but not limited to, the opening ceremonies, closing ceremonies, musical, arts, academic or traditional competitions, trail runs or marathons, trade fairs, concerts, amusement parks, pageants, seminars, fund-raising activities, and such other activities as may be sanctioned by the appropriate committee and allowed to be part thereof, whether this be through the initiatives of the Local Government Unit, the private sector, schools or other Soe fa — A Hoe Republic ofthe Philippines Mountain Province Municipality of Bontoc Sangguniang Bayan Oitice PAGE 3, ORDINANCE NO. 306,S.2018 - AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL AS PART OF THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY OF THE MUNICIPALITY. Section 4. The Am-among Committees.- The Local Chief Executive shall organize and assign the members of the different working committees for the conduct of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL as early as possible. The different working committees shall then meet and plan for all matters expected during the conduct of said festival The committees shall submit their proposed budgets, as much as possible not later than the last day of the month of July, to enable the Local Chief Executive sufficient time to review, approve or deny or appropriate for the same. Section 5. Budget.- The Local Chief Executive shall ensure the availabilty of sufficient funds to cover the expenses of the BONTOC AM-AMONG FESTIVAL. For this purpose, said expected expenses shall be covered by its own separate and exclusive appropriation, which shall | be subject to the usual auditing rules and regulations. Section 6. Repealing and Separability.- This Ordinance shall repeal all previous ordinances, resolutions, issuances inconsistent hereto and in case portions of this ordinance be declared by proper authorities to be null and void, such portions unaffected by said declaration will still be in force and effect. Section 7. Effectivity.- This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval by the Local Chief Executive. APPROVED. This 13” day of August, 2018 at Bontoc, Mountain Province. + ESTEBAN o\NGUDDO Regular Member ole ieee ROSE C. FARNECAN, yANDRE C. CLAVER Regular Mer Regular Member THOMAS F. LONGATAN IPMR, Member ATTENDANCE ATTESTED: Joa \GaNDOY EY 8 Secretary Municipal Maypr afu

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