Class-11 ch-1 MCQ
Class-11 ch-1 MCQ
Class-11 ch-1 MCQ
(A) to get knowledge (B) to get education 13) Recently, in . . . . field, multimedia is used.
Cboth (A) and (B) D) none of these (A) education, advertisement
5) How many mediums are not enough to convey (B) theatre, fashion
meaningful messages to variety of audiences ? (C) games, entertainment
(AOne (B) Many Dall of these
(C) Different D) Variety of 1 4Howmanyelements are there in multimedia?
6) Using-.. medium effect ofcommunication can
(A) 3 (B) 4
be increased.
(A) one (B) two (C) three D) many C5 D) 6
15) . are the parts of multimedia.
7) . can be used to make multimedia more
effective. (A) Text, Graphics (B) Audio, Video
(A) Graphics BMultimedia (C) Animation (D) Allef these
(C) Text D) Transiction 16) . played an important role in the
8) Multimedia is a combination of how many development of various elements of multimedia.
words? (A) Computer (B) Internet
(A)2(B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (C) Animation (D) Transition
9) Multimedia is a combination of... and ..| 17) Computer running text, images, sound, video is
words. known as
(A) multi, media
c (Bmultiple, media (A) desktop (B) super
C) multilevel, media (D) multiple, medium
Cmttimedia (D) main frame
Std. 11: Computer Darpan - 'Kumar
18) Multimedia can be defined as collection of.. 30) i s the distance between the
elements. top of thee
to letter the bottom point.
(A) text, images (B) sound, audio (A) Typeface (B) Font
(C) animation (D)-all of these 3tze (D) Style
19) Inserting. is a basic step to represent any 31 i s the style in "Times New Roman 12
subject in multimedia. point" phrase.
(Atext (B) images (A) Times (B) Times New Roman
(C) sound (D) animation (C) 12 (D) Point
20) i s used to provide information to user. 32) s the size in "Times New Roman 12 point"
(A) Video (B) Images phrase.
CText (D) Animation A) Tímes (B) Times New Roman
21) Proper use of.. in multimedia presentation AAC 12 (D) Point
will help to communicate the idea and 33) Typefaceis divided into how many types ?
message to the user. (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
(A) animation Btext 34) shows the category of the typeface.
(A) Serif B) Sans Serif
(C) images (D) video
22) Text can be in .... form. t (C BOth (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(A) word (B) lines 35) i s a little decoration at the end of the
(C)paragraphs Datofthese (ASerif (B) Sans Serif
23) The textual data for multimedia can be
C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
developed using any... 36) Which is the example of Serif font?
T e x t editor (B) spread sheet
(C) graphical software (D) database
(A) Times CB) Century
format use compression within itself. (A)jpeg (B) gif (C) bmp (D) tif
(B) jpeg 82) Jpeg supports upto . colors.
(A) gif
32 bit
(C) png Dall ofthese (A) 8 bit (B) 16 bit (C24 bit (D)
of the file in Adobe
72) Bitmap file has ****** extension. 83) is, the extension
independent form.
images and images,with text.
(A) jpeg (B (C) bmp (D) tif (A) bmp B) gif ((Cf (D) jpeg
87) o p t i o n is suitable for tif file.
77) png stands for ...
recording in
Sound Recorder.
)Real Audio Metadata
(A) (B) (D) (D) Real Audio
is the wave
109) menu-option is used to mix the sound in type sound file.
Sound Recorder. (A) mp3
(C) .ramn t8wav
A) File ^Volume Control (D) midi
B File Open Volume Control 119) . is the audio file
(C) Control > Volume Control
media compression. compressed with windows
(D) Control>Open Volume Control (Awmna (B) .wmp
(C) .wam
(D) .wav
Std, 11iComputer Darpan- "Kumar 17
120) wma stands for.. 132) . Is the optlon for popular animation film.
A) Windows Movable Audlo A) Kung Fu Panda B) Smurfs
(B) Windows Mutimedia Audio (C)Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(C) Windows Media Audlo 133 Anlmatlon is divided
(D) Windows Manageable Audio A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
121) s the option suggestingcompressed audlo | 134) Bhows the type of animation.
format. )2D, 3D (B) 3D, 4D
(A) .waav (B) midi (C) mpeg (C) 4D, 5D (D) 5D, 6D
is the most popular uncompressed sound 135) In..animation visual change occurs on the
format on the inernet. X and Y axis of the screen.
(A) mpa (B)wav (C)mldi (D) wav A) 3D B20
123) is the important fle format for recorded (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
music. 136) is the simple animation.
A) wma (B) .midi (Cmp3 (D) .wma A2D (B) 3D
124) Is used to add great power to multimedia (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
application. ) . . . 1s the optlon to make animation in 2D.
(A) Text (B) Graphics (A) Macromedia Flash
(C) Audio (B) Synfig Studio
(C) Pencil
125) static
Any presentation becomes Ively by
adding LDAIl of these
cAvideo, animation (B) audio, video 138) In 3D animation the visual change occurs
(D) animation audio axis.
(C) text, graphics
(A) X (B) X, Y
126) . device is used to capture analog or digital
video. C X , Y, Z (D) None of these
A) Video Storage Deyice 139 . type of animation gives almostarealistic
view of the image as can be seen by the human
BT Video Capturing Device
(C) Video Input Device
(A) 2D (B3D
(D) Video Tracing Device
(C) Both A) and (B) (D) None of these
127) refers to the sequence of natural scenes 140) i s the software to make 3D animation.
captured using video capturing device. (A) Maya (B) Blender
(A) Animation (B) Multimedia
(C) 3D Max (D)Allof these
ICVideo DAll of these
141) is the software to record video.
128) Video can be taken úsing.. A L C Media Player (B) Video Recorder
A) Webcamera (B)Digital Camera (C) Blender (D) Synfig Studio
(C) Mobile Phone (D) All of these 142) s the multimedia software player for free
129) i s a visual change over time. download on Ubuntu Software center.
Video B) Animation (A) Synfig Studio (B) Blender
(C) Multimedia (D) Graphics (C) Video Recorder (D) VLC Media Player
130) Animation is created using. 143) . menu-option is used to select video
(A) drawn pictures B) real time visuals capturing device in VLC media Player.
(C) both A) and (B) (D) none of these (A) File Open Capturing Device
131) Video ls created using. (B) View> Open Capturing Device
(A) drawn pictures L(B)real time visuals CMedia Open Capturing Device
(C) A) and (B) both (D) none of these (D) Control > Open Capturing Device
to Multimedia
18 1. Introduction
144) .. button is used to stop recording VLcI152) ..... format is developed by Apple and
easier to
Media Player. compressed
format which are
(123- C) (124 D)
19D (129- B) (130- A) (131 B) (132- C)
(125-A) (126- B) (127- C
163).. are clicked, to change the flow of 171) I n . . multimedia, the sequence and timingof
presentation as per user's choice. media elements can be controlled by the user
(A) Buttons (B) Hyperlinks (A)
interactive (B) non-interactive
Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
16 Earlier the internet browsers supported only
172) is the type of interactive multimedia.
B) user
installed and used as a part of the web browser.
(C) administrator (D) operator
(A) Video (B) Picture
175) Communication is done ..... in multimedia.
(C) Text DPlug-in (A) one-way (B) two-way
Inlinemedia, objects are specified inside the
167) (C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
program using a tag . .
1) What is mnultimedia ? List the elements of 3) Which of the following terms defines a
multimedia. meaningful speech in any language ?
(A) Video (B) Sound
The term multimedia has been coined from
(C) Text (D) Animation
two terms multiple and media. Multiple 4) Times, Century, Bookman are some
means more than one and media means
mediums. examples of which of the following font ?
(A) Arial (B) Typeface
Hence multimedia means usage of multiple (D) Sans Serif
C Serif
Medias to communicate. 5) Which of the following is an audio file
Multimedia is a combination of different compressed with windows media
media elements like text, audio, graphics, compression ?
video and animation. (A) mid ).wav (C).mp3(WTma
2) What is typeface and font ? 6) Which of the following terms represent
the distance between the top of the letter
A typeface is family of characters or letters
to the bottom point?
which have similar look. For example Times
New Roman, Arial, Courier etc.
A size (B) style
(C) length (D) width
Different typefaces have different style and Which of the following terms represent
size known as fonts.
typefaces that have different styles and
3) What are interactive objects ? sizes ?