02 Performance Task MOLINA

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Name: Rey Molina Jr. COURSE: BSIS-02

General Instructions:
1. Based on your research for 02 Activity 1, pick a business icon or an entrepreneur that relates
most to your personality.
2. List at least five (5) short-term and five (5) long-term entrepreneurial goals you wish to achieve.
Business Icon
Describe how s/he relates to your interests, goals, aspirations, etc.

Mr. Henry Sy and I were both determined to strive for

excellence and to overcome our difficult surroundings by
studying, working hard, and dreaming of a better future. Just like
Mr. Henry, I also focus on what I know, where I have a
competitive advantage, and strive to be the best in all aspects.
Reading his backstory has taught me that I must keep my
interests alive even when many problems arise. I must be
determined to succeed and work hard to achieve my goals, just
like he was.

Five (5) Short-Term Goals:

1. Create business plan.

2. Launch my first product.
3. Establish a brand identity.
4. Hire the right people.
5. Achieve financial stability.

Five (5) Long-Term Goals:

1. Increase my company's market share.

2. Increase my company's total income by 10% over the next two years.
3. Establish three new office locations across the province.
4. Hire 50 new employees across the country.
5. Create and market three new products.

Rubric for grading:

Wrote a concise and complete narrative about a business icon and its
Business Icon 20
relationship to one’s interests, goals, aspirations, etc.
Provided complete, accurate, and measurable short-term and long-term
Entrepreneurial Goals 20
Adhered to the recommended format, and content was organized in a
Organization of Ideas 10
clear and logical manner
02 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI
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