01 Activity 1

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01 Activity 1

Name Date
Section Score

Instructions: (2 items x 15 points)

1. Provide one (1) traditional application, and one (1) advanced application of information systems. It should be different
from the examples mentioned in the handout.
2. Identify each component of information systems used in your provided applications. See Page 2 of 01 Handout 1
for examples.

Traditional Application

World Wide Web (HTTP)

Hardwar Softwar Data People Process

e e
 Application  Hypertext  Tim Berners-Lee  A website is a
 Computer software interlinked collection of web
 keyboard documents pages associated
 system unit  files that with a URL. A user
 mouse contain images and their client
and text, and machine supply a
many have universal identifier to
other objects the web server via a
such as audio browser. This
and video clips, identifier is unique to
pieces of code, each web page and
etc can be a uniform
resource locator
(URL) or uniform
resource identifier
Advanced Application

Hardware Software Data People Process

 Computer  Application  pictures,  Robert Gaskins  PowerPoint
 keyboard software  photos, and Dennis Austin presentations work like
 system unit  clip art, or other slide shows. To convey
 mouse images a message or a story,
 graphs you break it down into
 charts slides. Think of each
slide as a blank canvas
for the pictures and
words that help you
tell your story.
Performance Standards Points
The student provided a unique application of information systems. 5
The student identified the five (5) components of information systems. 10
Total 15

01 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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