Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic On Small and Medium Scale Businesses in Port Harcourt Metropolis
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic On Small and Medium Scale Businesses in Port Harcourt Metropolis
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic On Small and Medium Scale Businesses in Port Harcourt Metropolis
Purpose: The study investigated the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on small and medium scale
businesses in Port Harcourt metropolis
Design/Methodology/Approach: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study.
Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive
research survey was adopted. The population of the study is small and medium businesses which are
generally classified under; services providers, manufacturing and traders. Stratified random sampling
technique was used to select the SMEs then simple random technique was employed to select the
respondents. A total of 60 SMEs were selected for the study with 147 respondents. Questionnaire and
interview were the instruments used. A total of 55 copies of the questionnaire were used and 92
respondents were interviewed. The data was analyzed using mean score and simple percentages.
Findings: The result showed that COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative effect on SMEs as it has led
to low income, insufficient supply and sales fluctuations. The strategies adopted to survive in the wake
of COVID-19 include increase in the price of goods and services and operate skeletal. SMEs workers
although believe the outbreak of COVID-19 but not in Rivers State hence, expect government to allow
everybody go about their businesses
Implication: The study implies that for SMEs to strive in this era of new normal, SMEs owners will look
beyond physical marketing space and delve into digital marketing.
Originality/Value: It was recommended that SME workers should adopt digital marketing and
government should support SMEs by providing grants and a policy for easy operation
Keywords: Effect, COVID-19 pandemic, small and medium businesses, Port Harcourt.
Paper type: Empirical research
inputs. In addition to the already existing survival of small and medium enterprises.
problem, the policy put in place by the Several studies have been carried out on small
Government in response to COVID-19 has and medium enterprises with empirical
worsened the situation. evidence lacking but no study to the
researchers’ best of knowledge has been done
To curb the menace of COVID-19 pandemic, the
on the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on small
government at all levels directed the closure of
and medium enterprises in Port Harcourt
schools, markets and other social activities or
metropolis and this study sought to fill the gap
social gathering leading to a decline in economic
and provide empirical evidence.
activities. SMEs are now faced with the
challenges of low turnout of customers, low Objectives of the Study
income, insufficient supply, cost of goods and
The major objective of the study is to
services, market fluctuations among others.
investigate the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on
Consequently, SMEs expect the government to small and medium enterprises in Port Harcourt
protect their businesses in the wake of COVID- metropolis. The specific objectives are to:
19 pandemic perhaps by providing palliatives
1. Determine the effect of COVID-19
such as grants, loan, financial support,
pandemic on small and medium scale
protecting workers at the work place, interest
enterprises in Port Harcourt metropolis
rate cut, tax break and waivers, stimulate
economy and labor demands and policy that 2. Identify the strategies taken by SMEs to
will allow easy operations(Hossain as cited in strive in the wake of COVI-19 pandemic
Momba, 2013). Assisting SMEs will be of great in Port Harcourt metropolis
significance to both the economy of the nation 3. Discover the perception of SME owners
and at the individual level as it will allow about COVID-19 pandemic in Port
individuals to buy basic needs for survival. On Harcourt metropolis
the other hand the effect of COVID-19 on SMEs
could lead to shortage of supply, high demand Research questions
and economic recession. It is therefore, 1. What are the effects of COVI-19
necessary to investigate the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs in Port Harcourt
pandemic on Small and Medium Scale metropolis?
2. What are the strategies taken by SMEs
Statement of the Problem owners to strive in the era of COVID-19
The continuous increase in the number of cases in Port Harcourt metropolis?
of COVID-19 pandemic is forcing government to 3. What are the perceptions of SMEs
place stricter measures by imposing a lockdown workers about COVID-19 pandemic in
on both interstate and within the state. This is Port Harcourt metropolis?
having a diminishing impact on virtually every
business including small and medium Review of Related Literature
enterprises because it is slowing down the Social distancing-based measures, such as
Nigerian economy, interrupting or minimizing extensive travel bans mass, quarantines and
production and supply of goods and services, transportation system disruption is a shock to
companies across the world, irrespective of size economy as it leads to a shrink the market
are being affected, the impact on transportation demand in the service sectors that are essential
can be noticed on the restriction of movement for many SMEs that rely on customers visit and
on land, sea and air among countries which has patronage (Buoey, 2020). The shock and
further slowed down supplies. Global financial uncertainty of the effect of the COVID-19on
markets have also been affected. Most small business owners is staggering and likely to
importantly, consumers’ usual consumption be substantial forcing entrepreneurs to change
pattern has reduced. Consequently, small and their line of thoughts towards taking drastic
medium enterprises are at a risk because the steps to continue operating and many are
above affected are the indices that make up the fearful about their futures (Jake, 2020).
According to International Labor Organization, seen reduced customer demand. And 38%
ILO (2020) “COVID-19 will impact the world of aren’t confident in the financial future of their
work across three key dimensions: 1) The business, up markedly from 15% in January
quantity of jobs (both unemployment and (Hannon, 2020)
underemployment); 2) The quality of work (e.g.
McKibbin & Fernando (2020) propose three
wages and access to social protection); and 3)
potential scenarios based on the strength of the
Effects on specific groups who are more
effects of the virus (low, mid and high). Using
vulnerable to adverse labour market
these three scenarios results in three sets of
unemployment estimates: Low” scenario where
“The crisis has already transformed into GDP growth drops by around 2 per cent, “Mid”
an economic and labour market shock, scenario where GDP growth drops by 4 per cent
impacting not only supply (production and “High” scenario where COVID-19 has
of goods and services) but also demand serious disruptive effects, reducing GDP growth
(consumption and investment). All by around 8 per cent.
businesses, regardless of size, are facing
Buoey (2020) found that not all retail sectors
serious challenges with a real threat of
experienced losses. According to him, Kantar
significant declines in revenue,
(an international consulting company) report
insolvencies and job losses in specific
showed that while businesses relying on
sectors. Following travel bans, border
physical space and shops, such as supermarkets,
closures and quarantine measures,
traditional food markets, restaurants, car
many workers cannot move to their
dealers, movie theaters, gyms, and bars,
places of work or carryout their jobs,
suffered losses, local neighborhood markets
which have knock-on effects on
(convenience stores) and online markets
incomes, particularly for informal and
flourished. It was also discovered that there was
casually employed workers. Consumers
increase in personal health–related product
in many economies are unable or
sales such as hand sanitizers, personal
reluctant to purchase goods and
protection gear, and vitamins and supplements.
services. Given the current environment
The study also found a low turnout on the sales
of uncertainty and fear, enterprises are
of meat/fruit, snacks, luxury goods which
likely to delay investments, purchases of
recorded more than a 40 percent drop.
goods and the hiring of workers”. (ILO,
2020, ilo.org/global. Aleksandr,Jaroslav,Ludmila, & Pavla (2016)
investigated the entrepreneurial perception of
Abbeh (2017) evaluated the challenges,
SME business environment quality in the Czech
prospects and government efforts and the
Republic and found that 45.49 % of
influences they have on SMEs in Nigeria.
entrepreneurs think that SMEs have difficulties
Descriptive research design was adopted. Data
in access to external sources of financing
were analyzed using the statistical package for
(financial markets, banks, loans from the
the social sciences (SPSS) version 23 and
State).The results also indicated that the
descriptive statistics (frequencies and
business environment is more challenging for
percentages). The study found that the
challenges of SMEs significantly affect the
growth and development of SMEs. Government Literatures have been reviewed on the impact
efforts were found to significantly affect the of Small and Medium Enterprises. Most of the
growth and development of SMEs in Nigeria. studies are conceptual and lack empirical
However, the prospects of SMEs in Nigeria do evidence and none of the studies addressed the
significantly affect its growth and development. effect of COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs in Port
Harcourt metropolis. This study therefore
A National Small Business Association member
provides more literature and empirical evidence
survey found that three in four small-business
on the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs in
owners are very concerned about the economic
Port Harcourt metropolis.
impact of COVID-19. Almost half have already
Chart Title
Disengag Operate productio Reduce
Adopt Cut the price
Change e some skeletal n/large sales for Reduce
online employee of goods
business employee amidst purchase another services
marketing s’ salaries and
s lockdown of goods time
for sale
Yes 21% 37% 9% 13% 69% 79% 77% 17% 7%
No 79% 63% 91% 87% 31% 25% 23% 83% 93%
Fig. 1: Strategies taken by the SMEs owners to survive in the Wake of COVID-19
the wake of the pandemic. On the other hand,
Fig. 1 shows the strategies taken by SMEs
Most of the SMEs did not reduce services (93%),
owners to strive in the wake of COVId-19
cut employees’ salaries (91%), disengage
pandemic. It shows that reduced production
employees (87%), reduce sales for another time
and large purchase of goods for sale (77%),
(83%), change business line (79%) and adopt
increase in the price of goods and services
online marketing (63%)
(79%) and operates skeletal amidst lockdown
(79%) were the strategies adopted to survive in
Table 5.3: Perception about COVID-19 pandemic
What are your perception about COVID-19 SA A D SD Mean Decision
COVI-19 is not real 11 20 80 36 2.0 Disagree
COVID-19 is real but not in Nigeria 10 60 49 28 2.4 Disagree
COVID-19 is real in Nigeria but not in Rivers State 22 69 33 23 2.6 Agree
Government is politicizing COVID-19 60 58 24 5 3.2 Agree
Government Should allow everybody to go about 32 85 23 7 3.0 Agree
their businesses
Government Measures are causing more harm 20 70 31 26 2.6 Agree
than good
Changing business should be encouraged 8 21 80 38 2.0 Disagree
Adopting digital marketing should be strongly 65 82 - - 3.4 Agree
Nigeria (2.4), COVID-19 is not real (2.0) and
The table shows the perception about the
changing business should be encouraged (2, 0).
COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the respondents
were of the perception that adopting digital Summary of the Findings
marketing should be encouraged (3.4),
1. The finding of research question one
government is politicizing COVID-19 (3.2),
revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had
government should allow everybody to go
a negative effect on small and medium
about their businesses (3.0), COVID-19 is real in
Nigeria but not in Rivers State (2.6), government
measures are causing more harm than good 2. The finding of research question two
(2.6). On the other hand, the respondents shows that operating skeletal and
disagreed that COVID-19 is real but not in increasing the price of goods and services
were the strategies adopted by small and
medium business workers to survive the causing more harm than good therefore, should
wake of COVID-19 pandemic allow everybody to go about their businesses.
They thought changing business should not be
3. The finding of research question three
encouraged rather adopting digital marketing
showed that small and medium businesses
should be encouraged. This could be due to the
workers had a negative perception about
paradigm shift in the adoption of online
the COVID-19 pandemic
marketing by both the entrepreneurs and the
Discussion of the Findings consumers as rightly put by Buoey (2020) that
In research question one, respondents were not all retail sectors experienced losses. While
asked to identify the effect of COVID-19 businesses relying on physical space and shops,
pandemic in their businesses. It revealed that such as supermarkets, traditional food markets,
the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on small and restaurants, car dealers, movie theaters, gyms,
medium scale enterprises were low turnout of and bars, suffered losses, local neighborhood
customers, low income, increase in the cost of markets (convenience stores) and online
goods and services, sales fluctuations and markets flourished.
insufficient supply of goods, low demand of Conclusion
goods and services and there was no reduction
The prospects of SMEs to Nigeria growth,
in the cost/price of goods and services. This
development and industrialization, wealth
shows that COVID-19 pandemic has a negative
creation, poverty reduction and employment
impact on small and medium scale enterprises.
creation is staggering. The realization of its
This could be attributed to the measures taken
significance requires drastic measures for
by the government in containing the pandemic
survival of SMEs especially in the wake of
which has reduced the flow of income and
COVID-19 pandemic. The emergence of COVID-
consumption of goods and services. The study
19 and its widespread has had an adverse effect
corroborates with the study carried out by the
on activities of small and medium businesses
National Small Business Association (Hannon,
and the economy of the nation. Consequently
2020) who found that three in four small-
an emergency response is needed to save
business owners were very concerned about the
Nigeria’s economy which is dependent on the
economic impact of COVID-19. It was further
activities of SMEs from though already inimical
confirmed that half have already seen reduced
situation but necessary as it is almost sliding
customer demand and 38% were not confident
towards economic recession. The study
in the financial future of their business
investigated the effect of COVID-19 pandemic
In research question two, the respondents were on small and medium businesses. It was found
asked to ascertain the strategies taken to that although the pandemic has adversely
survive in the wake of the pandemic, it was affected the activities and the income level of
found that increase in the price of goods and SMEs, to stay alive they had to increase the
services and operating skeletal amidst lockdown price of goods and services and operate
were the strategies adopted. On the other skeletally. It was requested that government
hand, Most of the respondents did not reduce should allow everybody to go about their
services, cut employees’ salaries, disengage businesses. This is because they lack confidence
employees, reduce sales for another time, in government’s measures in the fight of the
change business line, reduce production and pandemic. In conclusion, despite the negative
adopt online marketing, Buoey (2020). effect of COVID-19 on SMEs, some
In research question three the respondents entrepreneurs are leveraging the opportunity to
were asked to express their perception about exploit. Some businesses are even going digital
COVID-19 pandemic. It shows that small and and including goods and services that the
medium workers believe that although the pandemic has necessitated.
pandemic is real in Nigeria but not in Rivers Recommendation
state that government is politicizing the
Based on the findings of the study it is
pandemic also, the measures put in place are
recommended that: