TC No. 1 2022 With Revised Attachment
TC No. 1 2022 With Revised Attachment
TC No. 1 2022 With Revised Attachment
4.3.1 The AGSBs shall require the transacting agency to submit the CL
as part of the exercise of due diiigence and to prevent the
unauthorized disbursement of government funds.
4.3.2 The AGSBs shall require the presentation of ATAP for payment of
bond premium.
I Account Name
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Treasurer of the Philippines
Attachment 2
Form 4: Annex E
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name Signature over printed name
Position Position Designation of Authorized Official
Attachment 3
Sample Computation - Bond Premium
• For NGAs and GOCCs:
Example 1: Cash Accountability (Disbursing, Collecting and Signing Officer)
A Public Officer was designated as Special Disbursing Officer with authority to hold cash advance in the total amount
of P750,000.00 to defray expenses from June 2021 to May 2022.
Amount of Accountability : P 750,000.00
Amount of Bond : P 350,250.00*
Bond Premium ( P 350,250.00 x 1.5%) : P 5.253.75
' ' . J-
Supplies and Materials 2 400 000 00 (If total accountability exceeds the maximum amount of bond, the Head of
Agency may assign to other accountable officers the excess accountability
Equipment 10,000,000.00 for which a separate Fidelity Bond shall be secured. Otherwise, the said
excess accountability will not be covered.)
Amount of Bond
Cash Accountability p 8,000,000.00*
Supplies and materials (2,400,000.00 X 50%) = 1,200,000.00
Equipment (6,000 000.00 X 30%) = 1,800,000.00
Total p 11,000,000.00
Bond Premium (p 11,000,000.00 X 1.5%) = p 165.000.00