Template Data Retention Policy
Template Data Retention Policy
Template Data Retention Policy
Departmental Administration
Internal Services
Records Destruction Certification
Reference Materials
External Financial Audits
Internal Financial Audits
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Training Attendance and Certification
Governmental Compliance and Reporting
General Policies, Programs, and Procedures
Records Destruction Certification
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Acquisitions and Divestments
Bank Account Set-up and Management
Bank Transcations and Account Reconciliations
Budgets and Financial Forecasting
Customer Credit and Financing
External Financial Audit
Financial Statements
Investment Management
Strategic Business and Planning
Human Resources
Benefit Enrollment and Participation
Benefit Plan Administration
Compensation Planning
Employee Medical Records
Employee Recruitment and Selection
Equal Employment Opportunity
Training and Development Programs
Application Documentation
Information Systems Administration
Component Violations
Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents
Equal Employment Opportunity
Licenses, Permits, and Certifications
Litigations and Claims
Annual Report & Franchise Tax Returns & Work Papers
Federal Tax Returns
Foreign Tax
Miscellaneous Payroll Tax Returns
State and Local Tax Records
Tax Accounting
Tax Audits and Appeals
Tax Planning and Forecasting
Record Class Code Retention Period
6 Years
ADM105 3 Years
ADM110 10 Years
ADM115 1 Year
AUD100 10 Years
AUD105 3 Years
COM115 7 Years
AUD115 3 Years
COM100 5 Years
COM105 10+ Years
ADM110 10 Years
COM115 7 Years
FIN100 10 Years
FIN105 6+ Years
FIN110 6 Years
FIN115 1+ Years
FIN120 6+ Years
AUD120 10 Years
FIN125 10 Years
FIN130 6+ Years
FIN135 6+ Years
HRE100 6+ Years
HRE105 6+ Years
HRE110 6 Years
HRE115 Indefinitely
HRE120 3 Years
HRE125 6 Years
HRE130 3+ Years
ISY100 6+ Years
ISY105 6+ Years
LEG100 6 Years
LEG110 6 Years
HRE125 6 Years
LEG120 3+ Years
LEG125 6+Years
TAX100 Indefinitely
TAX105 Indefinitely
TAX110 Indefinitely
TAX115 6 Years
TAX120 10 Years
TAX125 1+ Years
TAX130 Indefinitely
TAX135 10 Years
Retention Citation Data Sources Contains PII
Google Drive
PeopleSoft Yes
WorkDay Yes
Authorized Manager Notes:
Cloud Collaboration/Communication App Data Types
All files: Folders, Subfolders, Files
Related Metadata such as:
- Creation date
- Folder path
- Revision ID
Dropbox Business
- All files
- Select folders
Metadata collected:
- Title
Google Drive - Creators
- File creation
- File last modified
- Path
- Revision number
- Folder
- Direct messages (DMs)
Google Hangouts - Messages in rooms in Google Chat and
Microsoft 365
Embedded in email:
- subject
- body_preview
- importance
- parentFolderId
Microsoft Outlook
- isDeliveryReceiptRequested
- isRead
- hasAttachments
- webLink
- isDraft
- Attachments: pictures/audio/text
- Files in folders
- Metadata related to files such as:
- File creation
Microsoft OneDrive - File last modified
- Document path
- Creator
Historical information and related
metadata, including:
- File Name
- File ID
- Author
- File Creation
- File Last Modified
- File Size
- Extension
Facebook Workplace
- Tickets (open, closed, suspended,
- Attachments included in tickets
- Labels for attachments and pages
- Ancestors for the page/attachments
- Historical information and related
metadata, including:
- Ticket ID (#)
- Ticket Name
- Ticket Type
- Organization
- Ticket Status
- Zendesk Assignee
- Zendesk Requester
- Group
- Ticket Priority
- List of tags
- Meetings
- In Meeting Chat
- Audio Recordings of meetings
- Video Recordings of meetings
- Transcripts of meetings (only
available from Zoom business
Native Retention Settings
Box Governance allows admins to secure, preserve, and classify their content. (However, you'll need a Box
Enterprise account to get this add-on.) Users can set global or folder-based retention policies directly in the
platform. Users can also select predefined or custom retention schedules to ensure nothing gets lost. Once the
schedule is set, users can choose a “disposition action” or decide what happens to the content when the retention
time period is up. They can also choose who gets notified of these actions.
Dropbox doesn't have a way to set retention periods for live documents, but it does allow admins to save
deleted and previous versions of files for specific periods of time. During this time, admins can recover these
files. However, after the period of time is up, the deleted files are marked for permanent deletion and are purged
from Dropbox's storage servers. Once files have been permanently deleted, they can't be restored.
*It's important to note: Retention periods differ depending on the Dropbox plan you have.*
Dropbox Basic, Dropbox Family, and Dropbox Plus accounts have a 30-day retention period.
*It's important to note: Retention periods differ depending on the Dropbox plan you have.*
Dropbox Professional and Dropbox Business accounts have a 180-day retention period. You can also restrict
the end user from permanently deleting anything from your system.
Dropbox Business teams can get an Extended File Version History Add-On that can recover accidentally
deleted content and undo unwanted file changes, for up to 10 years
Confluence allows you to view global and space audit logs to review changes that've been made in your site. The feature
To access retention controls for Google Suite services, you need to purchase a Google Vault license for every user that yo
Custom Retention Rules for Gmail - You can set custom retention rules for a specfic period of time with certain
conditions. For Gmail, you can specify data by organizational unit, date ranges, and specific search terms.
Custom Retention Rules for Google Drive - You can specify retention rules by organizational unit and define
expiration based on last modified dates (to address staleness) and created dates (to address compliance
requirements), or trashed dates.
Custom Retention Rules for Google Hangouts - You can specify by organizational unit or for all rooms in the domain. You
can define expiration based on when messages were sent.
Jira has different storage capacities for different plans, however right now the platform is not enforcing storage limits as
To access retention rules for Microsoft products, Microsoft 365 Compliance Center offers solutions to help keep you com
With retention policies for Outlook, you can create retention policy "tags" that employees can voluntarily apply to their
For OneDrive, Microsoft has what's called a Preservation Hold Library which is only visible to site collection administrat
For OneDrive, Microsoft has what's called a Preservation Hold Library which is only visible to site collection administrat
With retention policies for Teams, you can:
1. Retain Teams chats and/or channel messages for a specified duration and then do nothing.
2. Retain Teams chats and/or channel messages for a specified duration and then delete the data.
3. Delete Teams chats and/or channel messages after a specified duration.
Retention Limitations:
- Teams requires a retention policy that's separate from other workloads. In other words, you have to create specific
retention policies for Teams chats and/or channel messages. For this reason, you can't include Teams in org-wide
retention policies.
- Teams doesn't support advanced retention settings, such as the ability to apply a policy to content that contains
keywords or sensitive information. Currently, retention policies in Teams apply to all chat and/or channel message
- Microsoft doesn't yet support configuration for retention of private channel messages, but files shared in private
channels are supported.
- A Teams retention policy will trigger a process to delete chat and channel messages when those messages expire
(based on message creation date). However, depending on service load, it may take up-to seven days to permanently
delete these messages from backend storage and Teams app. Also, these messages will be searchable with
compliance tools (eDiscovery, end user search) till they are permanently deleted from backend storage
Quip offers an add-on product, Quip Governance, that offers three helpful retention functionalities to Quip Admins:
Quip's data retention policies enable an admin to control how long data is retained within a Quip site. Using various
settings, admins can either retain content for a set amount of time prior to enabling users to delete it, or they can use
data retention rules to automatically remove stale content from their Quip site. The retention periods available are:
Indefinitely: If selected, the policy will prevent end users from deleting all content until the policy is retired. (Only
available for custom policies; not available for site-wide policies.)
Days after creation: The policy will be active for n days after a document was created. For example, if the time is set
to 30 days, the expiration action will take effect 30 days after the file was created.
Days after modification: The policy will be active for n days after a document was created. For example, if the time is
set to 30 days, the expiration action will take effect 30 days after the file was last modified. Modifications include
Quip actions such as editing, commenting, and new users accessing the document.
**Once a retention period expires, admins have three deletion actions to choose from:
1. Enable Users to Delete Content: Content cannot be permanently deleted until expiration happens. If users delete a
file, it will remain in trash until its retention period is up.
2. Move to trash: Content will be moved to trash after the retention period expires. After 30 days, all users will be
removed and the content will no longer be visible. Important to note: Content can be recovered via API if needed,
and unless "Retain content until expiration" is selected, documents can be permanently deleted by users.
3. Delete Immediately: The document is deleted *irrevocably* 30 days following when the retention policy expires.
Important to note: Unless "Retain content until expiration" is selected, documents can be permanently deleted by
Salesforce offers an add-on subscription called Salesforce Shield that helps protect, monitor, and retain your data in Sale
By default, Slack will retain all messages and files for the lifetime of your workspace. You can adjust your retention setti
By default, Facebook Workplace will keep everything forever unless deleted. As it stands currently, there are no retentio
Tickets are permanently stored in Zendesk, but archived after 120 days. For more on ticket archiving, see Zendesk's pol
Zoom allows you to retain Zoom meeting recordings, transcripts of meetings, and chats. To retain this data, you need
a Pro, Business, or Enterprise account. Your account type will also dictate your storage capacity, however, you can
add on more storage at any time.
- Admins can record and preserve the meetings of certain users, groups, or all members in their organization.
- Admins can control whether or not individual users or participants have the ability to store meeting recordings on
their own devices.
- If an admin chooses to preserve the meetings of all organization members, they can either be stored on their local
device or in Zoom’s Cloud.
-Admins need to enable IM Management to gain access to Zoom chat storage and archival.
- The default period for the cloud is 2 years and local devices in 1 year. Zoom chats can be stored up to 10 years max
and 1-day minimum after messages are received.
Native eDiscovery Method
Zoom does not currently have a native eDiscovery option. Many organizations use Onna as their eDiscovery solution —
Learn more about Onna eDiscovery for Box.
Learn more about Onna eDiscovery for Dropbox.