Kapsel A - Group 1 - Temperature, Heat and Conductors

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In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Prayerful, we pray and give
thanks for His presence, which has bestowed His mercy, guidance, and inayah to us, so that we
can complete the Science Book for SMP / MTs with the title material discussed were
"Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors" in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia 2016.
We have completed this book optimally with the help of our Guidance Lecturer, Mr.
AriefMuttaqiin, M.Pd. and Mrs. Dr. SkundaDiliarosta, M.Pd. and help from various parties so
that they can expedite the making of this Science Book. For this reason, we would like to
express our gratitude to all those who contributed to the making of this book.
Despite all that, we fully realize that this book is far from perfect in terms of both
sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, we are open to accepting all constructive input
and criticism from readers so that we can make improvements to this book so that it becomes a
good and true science textbook.
Finally, we ask that the Natural Science, Temperature, Heat and Conductor Books can be
useful in learning.

Padang, March 2020

Group 1


TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................ii
LIST OF PICTURE ..........................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLE..............................................................................................iv
MIND MAP..................................................................................................v
Chapter 1 Temperature and Expansion .......................................................1
A. Temperature ............................................................................................................... 2
B. Thermometer.............................................................................................................. 4
C. Equivalence of a Thermometer .................................................................................. 8
D. Expansion.................................................................................................................... 10
E. The Principle of Expansion in Everyday Life ............................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Heat and Conductor ....................................................................16
A. Definition of Heat ....................................................................................................... 17
B. The Effect Heat on Themperature of Objects ............................................................ 20
C. Heat Changes the Form of Matter.............................................................................. 22
D. Application of Heat in Water Distillation.................................................................... 26
E. Black Principle............................................................................................................. 27
F. Heat Transfer .............................................................................................................. 28
G. Application of The Concept of Heat Transfer ............................................................. 32
CASE STUDY IN POWER POINT ....................................................................58


Chapter 1 Temperature and Expansion

Figure 1.1Determine The Scale On The Thermometer....................................................5
Figure 1.2Maximum-MinimumThermometer ................................................................7
Figure 1.3Clinical thermometer .....................................................................................7
Figure 1.4 Optical pyrometer ........................................................................................7
Figure 1.5Laboratory thermometers..............................................................................7
Figure 1.6Bimetallic thermometer.................................................................................8
Figure 1.7Liquid Crystal Thermometer...........................................................................8
Figure 1.8Equivalence Of a Thermometer......................................................................8
Figure 1.9Illustration of long expansion.........................................................................10
Figure 1.10Illustration of broad expansion ....................................................................11
Figure 1.11Illustration volume expansion ......................................................................11
Figure 1.12 Anomaly Water...........................................................................................12
Figure 1.13 Thermometer .............................................................................................13
Figure 1.14 Bimetalic Chip.............................................................................................13
Figure 1.15 Drying of Metal Plates.................................................................................14
Figure 1.16 Metal Frame Mounting on Wheels ..............................................................14
Figure 1.17 Railroad Connections ..................................................................................14
Figure 1.18 The Process Expansion Gap in the Flyway ....................................................15
Figure 1.19 Installation of Window Glass.......................................................................15
Chapter 2 Heat and Their Conductors
Figure 2.1 Mixed temperature water.............................................................................17
Figure 2.2Hot metal in cold water .................................................................................17
Figure 2.3Antonie Laurent Lavoiser ...............................................................................18
Figure 2.4Benyamin Thompson, James Prescott Joule, and Julius Robert van Mayer......19
Figure 2.5 Heat changes the form matter ......................................................................22
Figure 2.6 Metal object will warm .................................................................................23
Figure 2.7 Joseph Black .................................................................................................27
Figure 2.8 Convection in liquid ......................................................................................29
Figure 2.9 Convection in gases ......................................................................................29

Figure 2.10 Land wind and Sea breeze...........................................................................30
Figure 2.11 Air ballon is airing .......................................................................................30
Figure 2.12 The sun’s reaches the earth even though it is empty ...................................31
Figure 2.13Structure in a thermos .................................................................................31


Chapter 1 Temperature and Expansion

Table 1.1 Coefficient of expansion of various types of substances ................................. 10
Table 1.2Volume expansion coefficient for various types of liquid................................. 11

Chapter 2 Heat and Their Conductors

Table 2.1Heat types of various substances .................................................................... 21
Table 2.2 Steam heat various substances ...................................................................... 24
Table 2.3 The difference evaporates and boils .............................................................. 24
Table 2.4 Melting heat of various substances ................................................................ 25

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors v


Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors vi

Temperature and Expansion

Temperature express the degree of heat of an

object. Microscopically, temperature related to the motion
Learning objects
of the constituent particles of object. For solid object, in the
 Able to describe the form of vibrations of atoms/ molecules thing. The faster the
defition of expansion
No table
vibration of particles of matter, means the temperature
and of distinguish
contents entriesthe
expansion of solid, liquid
found. higher and higher object, and vice versa.
and gas objects. Temperature measurement with a thermometer
ctives utilizes the principle thermal equilibrium : heat energy will
 Able to apply the
principle of expansion in move from object at temperature high to low temperature
everyday life.
object, until the same heat level (at thermal equilibrium).

The Subject Keywords:

A. Temperature  Scale equality • Expansion coefficient
B. Thermometere
 Thermometere • Long expansion
C. Equivalence of a
Temperature  Celcius • Volume expansion
D. Expansion  Reamur • Broad expansion
E. The Principle of
 Fahrenheit • Melting point
Expansion in
Everyday Life  Kelvin • Boiling point

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 1

A. Temperature

Case Study

Why at night, we Then why during the day,

can feel cold? when the sun is shining hot
we can feel the heat?

 During the day when the sun is shining you will feel hot, while at
night you will feel cold. Other events such as when you touch a
glass filled with hot water, you will feel the heat. Conversely,
when the hand touches the ice, you will feel cold.
 Heat and cold of an object we can feel through the sense of

However, Whether the sense of

touch can measure the level or
degree of heat and coldness of an
object huh??

We know that the sense of touch can feel the heat or cold of an object.
But, it truns out that the sense of touch cannot be used as a good
temperature measurement tool because it cannot express the degree
of heat and coldness of an object. To be able to measure the
temperature of an object precisely we use a measuring instrument
called a thermometer.
The size or degree of heat of an object is called temperature. Hot
objects have high temperatures and cold objects have low

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 2

1. The Concept Of Temperature
Temperature is a physical property of matter that quantitatively expresses
hot and cold. Temperature is measured with a thermometer. Temperature is:
1) Temperature expresses the degree of heat of an object.
2) Microscopically, temperature is related to the motion of particles complier
object. For solid object, in the form of vibrations of atoms/ molecules making up
objects. The faster the vibration particles object’s temperature is getting higher
and vice versa.
3) Temperature measurement with a thermometer utilizes the principle thermal
equilibrium : heat energy will move from the object high temperature to low
temperature objects, up to the level of heat both are the same (at thermal
4) Thermometers utilize the physical properties of materials which change in a
manner linear due to changes in temperature.
These changes include :Changes in size (objects expand when temperatures rise
and experiencing shrinkage if the temperature drops).
Example : The thermometer of the substance liquid.
a. Changes in size (objects expand when temperature rising, and shrinking if the
temperature drops), Example: Liquid thermometer.
b. Changes in gas volume at constant pressure. Boyle Gay Lussac’s law: “So, if
the temperature rises, the gas volume will rise as long as the pressure
permanent. Used for gas thermometers.”

= k, atau PV = kT

c. Changes in resistivity: in general, the higher the temperature of the object

then the electrical resistance is greater. Used for electric resistance
d. Changes in the color of certain liquid crystals: if the temperature changes, the
color the crystal changes. Used for body temperature thermometers more

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 3

B. Thermometer
1. Thermometric Subtances
Thermometer is a device for measuring temperature. Thermometers are
made based on the thermometric properties of a substance. Thermometric
properties are the properties of objects that can change due to changes in
temperature of the object. Some thermometric properties of a substance among
others, as follows.
1) Changes in form such as ice (solids) when heated it will melt into water (liquid
2) Volume changes, for example if the air inside a closed plastic is immersed in
hot water, it will expand until the plastic expands.
3) Changes in electrical conductivity, for example if the cable (electrical
conductor wire) is heated then the lights in the circuit will fade because the
electrical conductivity of the cable decreases.
4) Discoloration, for example if an iron bar is heated, the iron will glow.

Thermometers that are often used in everyday life are thermometers

made from glass tubes filled with liquid. One of the thermometric properties of
liquid is the change in volume, which expands when heated and shrinks when
cooled. The most liquid substances used to fill thermometer tubes are alcohol
and mercury. Alcohol and mercury are chosen because they have advantages
when compared with other substances.
1) Excess alcohol as a thermometric substance includes:
a. Regular expansion
b. Has a large expansion coefficient
c. Has a low freezing point of -115 ° C so that it can be used to measure low
2) The weakness of alcohol as a thermometric substance is, among others
a. Wet the Glass Wall
b. Has a low boiling point, which is 80 ° C so it cannot be used to measure
high temperatures
c. The heat is high so it requires a lot of energy to raise the temperature.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 4

3) Excess mercury as a thermometric substance, among others
a. The color is glossy so it is easily seen
b. Does not wet the Glass Wall
c. Regular expansion
d. Easily adjusts to the surrounding temperature 5. a high boiling point of 357
° C so that it can be used to measure high temperatures
4) Weakness of mercury as a thermometric substance, among others
a. Mercury is very expensive
b. Mercury cannot be used to measure very low temperatures for example
the temperature of the north pole and south pole because of its high
freezing point
c. Taste including toxic substances so that mercury thermometers are
dangerous If the tube breaks.

2. Determine The Scale On The Thermometer

Figure 1.1 Determine (a) the lower fixed point and

(b) the upper fixed point to scale the thermometer.
Reference: ///storage/emulated/0/Download

There are four kinds of thermometer scales, which are as follows:

1) Celsius Scale
The Celsius scale was made by Anders Celsius (1701-1744). Anders Celsius
determines a fixed bottom point based on the melting point of pure ice at a
pressure of 1 atmosphere marked by the number O ° C. Meanwhile, the upper
fixed point is determined based on the boiling point of pure water at a pressure

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 5

of 1 atmosphere marked by the number 100 ° C. Anders Celsius divides the
range of numbers into 100 parts of the scale with each part (scale) showing a
temperature of 1 ° C

2) Fahrenheit Scale
The Fahrenheit scale was made by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736)
The lower fixed point on the Fahrenheit scale was determined based on the
melting point of pure ice at a pressure of 1 atmosphere marked with the
number 32 ° F, while the upper fixed point was determined based on the
boiling point of pure water at a pressure of 1 atmosphere which is marked
with the number 212 ° F. Furthermore, the range of numbers is divided into
180 parts (scale) and each scale shows a temperature of 1 ° F.
3) Reamur Scale
The Reamur scale was made by Rene Antonie Ferchault de Reaumur. The
melting point of pure ice as the bottom fixed point is marked with the number
0 ° R and the boiling point of pure water as the upper fixed point is marked by
the number 80 ° R. The range between the two fixed points is divided into 80
parts (scale) and each scale shows a temperature of 1 ° R
4) Kelvin Scale
Kevin's scale is different from other scales, the Kelvin scale is based on the
kinetic energy limits of objects. The scale was made by Lord William Thomson
Kelvin (1824-1907). He set an absolute zero scale of -273 ° C, that is, based on
particle motion which grows slowly and stops at -273 ° C. Thus, 0K is equivalent
to -273 ° C or 0 ° C is equivalent to 273K. Therefore, every 1 Kelvin scale is equal
to 1 Celsius scale. In other words, the fixed point below the Kelvin scale is 273K
and the upper fixed point is 373K.

3. Types Of Thermometers
Based on its use, there are several types of thermometers
1) Maximum-Minimum Thermometer
This thermometer is used to measure daily air temperatures. This thermometer
uses mercury and alcohol as thermometric substances in U-shaped tubes

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 6

Figure 1.2 Maximum-minimumthermometer
Reference: globaltestsupply.com

2) Clinical Thermometer
This thermometer is used to measure human body temperature. This
thermometer has a scale of 35-42 ° C according to human body temperature.
The thermometric substance used to fill the thermometer tube is mercury

Figure 1.3 Clinical thermometer

Reference: 123rf.com

3) Optical Pyrometer
In general, this tool is used by scientists to measure very high temperatures

Figure 1.4 Optical pyrometer

Reference: automationforum.co
4) Laboratory Thermometers
These thermometers are usually used for laboratory research

Figure 1.5 Laboratory thermometers

Reference: indiamart.com

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 7

5) Bimetallic Thermometer

Figure 1.6 Bimetallic thermometer

Reference: instrumentasi.abi-blog.com

6) Liquid Crystal Thermometer

This thermometer has a liquid crystal whose color can change if the
temperature changes. These crystals are packed in thin plastic to measure body
temperature, aquarium temperature and so on.

Figure 1.7 Liquid Crystal Thermometer

Reference: amazon.com

C. Equivalence Of a Thermometer
Equivalence of a thermometer
Although the international unit (SI) for
Temperature is Kelvin, in Indonesia in
general use units of degrees Celsius (°
C), whereas in America and the United
Kingdom generally use units of degrees
Figure 1.8Equivalence Of a Thermometer
Fahrenheit(°F). Because there are Celcius, Fahrenheit, Reamur and Kelvin
Reference: id.wikipedia.org

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 8

differences in the use of temperature units, it is necessary to make equal
temperature units with each other.
a. The equality of the Celsius scale and the Fahrenheit scale
The Celsius scale is divided into 100 parts and the Fahrenheit scale is divided
into 180 parts so the comparison of the Celsius and Fahrenheit scale is:
( )
( )
= =

Thus, C = For F =

Because the lowest temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is 32˚F, the above
relationship becomes:

TC = ( − 32)˚ or TF = ( ) + 32˚F

b. The equality of the Celsius scale and the Reamur scale

The comparison of the Celsius scale and the Reamure scale is:
( )
( )
= =

Thus, C = Ror R =

The relationship above can be written as:

TC = ( )˚ or TR = ( )˚R

c. The equality of the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale

The comparison of the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale is:
( )
( )
= =

Thus, C = K
Because the lowest temperature on the Kelvin scale is 273 K, the above
relationship becomes:

TK = ( + 273)K or TC = ( − 273)˚C

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 9

D. Expansion
1. Expansion of Solid
a. Long expansion
Long expansion is associated with increasing the length of the object.
ΔL = L0 ΔT Lt = Long end (m)
L0 = Long at first (m)
ΔL = Length increase (m)
Lt = L0 (1+ T) α = Long expansion coefficient (/˚C)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C)

Figure 1.9 Illustration of long expansion

Reference: mafia.mafiaol.com

Table 1.1 Coefficient of expansion of various types of substances

NO Substance Long expansion coefficient (/˚C)

1 Aluminum 2,4 x 10-5
2 Brass 1,9 x 10-5
3 Copper 1,7 x 10-5
4 Ordinary glass 0,9 x 10-5
5 Pyrex glass 0,32 x 10-5
6 Steel 1,1 x 10-5

b. Broad expansion
Broad expansion indicates an increase in the size of an object.
At = Final area (m )
ΔA = A0 ΔT 2
A0 = Initial area (m )
ΔA = Widespread area (m )
At = A0 (1+ ΔT) β = The coefficient expansion of substance (/˚C)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C)

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 10

Figure 1.10 Illustration of broad expansion
Reference: my.belajar.kemendikbud.go.id

c. Volume expansion
Volume expansion is an increase in the size of an object’s volume due to an
increase in temperature
ΔV = V0 ΔT Vt= Final volume (m )
V0 =Initial volume (m )
ΔV = Volume increase (m )
Vt = V0 (1+ ΔT) γ = Volume expansion coefficient(/˚C)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C)

Figure 1.11 Illustration volume expansion

Reference: fisikabc.com
Table 1.2 Volume expansion coefficient for various types of liquid

Volume expansion
NO Substance
coefficient (/˚C)
1 Ethyl alcohol 1,12 x 10-4
2 Glycerin 4,85 x 10-4
3 Mercury 1,82 x 10-4
4 Water 4 x 10-4
5 Acetone 1,5 x 10-4
6 Benzene 1,24 x 10-4

2. Liquid Expansion
a. Water anomaly
in general, liquid will expand when heated and shrink when cooled.
However, this is not the case in water, if it experiences heating from 0 ° C to 4 °
C, the water will shrink. Conversely, if it cools from 4 ° C to 0 ° C, the water will
expand. This irregular nature of water expansion is called anomalous water.
Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 11
Figure 1.12 Anomaly Water
Reference: klassewasser.de

When cold weather the water in the lake reaches temperatures below 4 °
C, the water expands so that the water density becomes smaller. Cold water
with smaller density will move to the surface of the lake while water with a
temperature of 4 ° C has a greater density will move down to the bottom of the
lake. As a result, the water on the surface of the lake will first freeze to form a
layer of ice, while the water below the ice sheet in a deep lake never freezes.
Thus, fish and plants in the lake are able to survive in the winter.

3. Gas expansion
Have you ever seen a hot air balloon? Hot air balloons will rise because they
contain hotter air. Therefore, the air inside the balloon becomes lighter than the
surrounding air. This shows that the air will expand when heated. Not only does air
expand when heated, gases such as helium and nitrogen will expand when heated.
The gases become lighter because the same amount of gas molecules takes up
more or more space. In other words, gas increases in volume. In general, if the
amount of gas in the balloon decreases, the volume of the gas decreases so that
the gas experiences shrinkage.

E. The Principle of Expansion in Everyday Life

The principle of expansion in daily life can provide several benefits, especially
in the field of technology. However, besides being profitable, expansion can also
cause harmful problems in human life.
The following are a few examples of the application of the principle of expansion in
daily life that is beneficial to humans.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 12

1. Thermometer
Thermometers use the principle of mercury expansion and alcohol to be used as
a temperature indicator.

Figure 1.13Thermometer
Reference: id.wikipedia.org

2. Bimetallic Chip
Bimetallic pieces are the result of a combination of two pieces of metal which
have different length expansion coefficients which are riveted together.
Bimetallic chips are very sensitive to temperature changes.

Figure1.14 Bimetalic Chip

Reference: wikiwand.com

When heated, the bimetal chip will bend towards the metal with a smaller
expansion coefficient. Conversely, when cooled, then the bimetal chip will curve
towards the metal which has a greater coefficient of expansion.

3. Drying of Metal Plates

Drying is a process of connecting two metal plates with rivets. The rivets are
first heated to incandescent, then inserted into a metal plate. After that, the tip
of the rivet is beaten to the surface of the plate.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 13

After it cools, the rivets shrink, so that the two plates clamp firmly. Drying is
usually done in the manufacture of containers and large ship bodies.

Figure 1.15 Drying of Metal Plates

Reference: slideshare.net

4. Metal Frame Mounting on Wheels

Installation of metal frames, such as steel tires on the iron wheel locomotive
is done by heating. Steel tires smaller than an iron wheel are heated, so they
expand and become larger than the diameter of the wheels.

Figure 1.16 Metal Frame Mounting on Wheels

Reference: pngdownload.id

Furthermore, the tire is mounted on the wheels. After it cools, the tire will
shrink so that it sticks very tightly to the wheels.

5. Railroad Connections
The bending of the railroad tracks is caused when the rails expand due to the
heat of the sun, so that the ends of the railroad joints will press against each
other. The bending of the railroad tracks is very dangerous to the train journey.
To overcome rail bending due to expansion, a gap must be provided in the rail

Figure 1.17 Railroad Connections

References: mafia.mafiaol.com

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 14

Thus, when the railroad tracks are heated by sunlight during the day there
will be space between the connections for expansion, so that the ends of the
connections do not press each other.

6. The Expansion Gap in the Flyway

In hot weather, the overpass will experience expansion, which can cause
the road to collapse. To overcome this expansion, a steel gap was installed in the
expansion chamber.

Figure 1.18The Process Expansion Gap in the Flyway

Reference: anistazahara.blogspot.com

7. Installation of Window Glass

Installation of window glass is usually given a gap in the frame. This useful if
the glass expands during the daytime. If you do not use a gap, when you expand
the glass my break.

Figure 1.19 Installation of Window Glass

Reference: brainly.co.id

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 15

Heat and Their Conductors

Heat plays a very important role in our daily lives.

Learning Objectives Our body is actually a heat engine, the food we eat is fuel
so that our bodies stay warm and provide energy for
1.Able to describe the notion various activities.
of heat.
You certainly have helped your mother or father
2.Able to describe the
cook in the kitchen. When you cook, you use heat energy
changes experienced by
from the fire to raise the temperature of the water or oil.
substances after receiving
When the morning walks in the park, water droplets
or releasing heat.
will be found at the tips of leaves and grass, these droplets
3.Able to describe heat
transfer and its application we often call dew.

in everyday life. When you make a campfire, you will feel warm even
though the distance from the fire is relatively far and when
you cook hot water then put it in a flask you can use hot water in the flask the next day.
In this chapter we will study changes in objects due to heat energy or also called

 The Principle of Black • Melting Heat • Melting
 Distillation • Steam Heat • Freezing
 Insulator • Heat Capacity • Boiling
 Joules • Conduction • Condence
 Heat • Conductor • Evaporate
 Heat Type • Convection • Radiaton

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 16

A. Definition Of Heat
Case Study
If you mix cold water with hot water in one
glass, the after that the temperature of the
mixture is obtained, where the temperature of
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2.1. (a) Cold water, (b) Mixed
the mixture is cold-temperature water that
temperature water, (c) Hot water rises in temperature due to the influence of
Reference: slideshare.net
hot water

TWater? If you dip hot metal into a glass of cold water,

after a while the temperature of the water in
the glass rises. Meanwhile, the temperature of
the metal will drop.
Figure 2.2. Hot metal in cold water
Reference : brainly.co.id

Why is that?

Because there is a form of energy

that moves form metals (higher
temperature objects) to water (lower
temperature objects) called heat.
Thus, heat is a form of energy
that moves form higher temperature
objects to lower temperature objects.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 17

Before the 9th century, scientists argued that
heat was a kind of flow which is a substance
that flows from one object to another. Heat as
a substance this was first put forward by a
French Chemist, Antoine Laurent Lavoiser

According to him, if a higher

temperature object is touched to a
lower temperature object, then at that
time water will flow. The unit of heat
at that time is expressed in units of
calories or for large sizes expressed in
units of kilocalories. [Antoine Laurent
Lavoisier (1743-1794)]

One calorie is the amount of heat energy needed to raise Figure 2.3 Antonie Laurent
the temperature of 1 gram of water to rise by 1˚C
Reference: id.wikipedia.org

One calorie is equal to 4,184 J

Often rounded up to 4,2 J

Apperently, the theory of heat as a flow

substance has drawback. The drawback
is that if heat is a flow substance, it must
have a mass. However the reality is that
heat has no mass and cannot be

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 18

Some scientists who disprove the theory of heat as a flow agent
include (a) Benyamin Thompson (Count Rumford) (1753-1814), (b)
James Prescott Joule (1818-1889), (c) Julius Robert von Mayer (1814-
1878). The experts have proven that heat is not a flow but a form of
energy. Because heat is a form of energy, the unit for heat is the same
as the energy unit, Joule.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.4. (a) Benyamin Thompson, (b) James Prescott Joule
,(c) Julius Robert van Mayer
Reference: id.wikipedia.org

Naturaly, heat only moves from higher temperature objects

to lower temperature objects. Thus, there is no heat transfer from
objects with lower temperature to higher temperatures, unless
there is special treatment using the help of a machine or special
equipment. For example, in the process of making ice and the
process of cooling the room. The workings of the ice maker and the
cooling of the room are the same, that is taking heat from the
water or the room to be released into the outside environment so
that the temperature of the water or the room becomes lower
than the temperature of the environment.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 19

B. The effect Heat on Temperature of Objects
1. The heat required is proportional to the mass of the object
 For the same type of object but different mass, the heat needed to raise
the same temperature turns out to be of different magnitude. That is, the
greater the mass of the object, the greater the heat needed to raise the
temperature of the object. Thus, the amount of heat needed is proportional
to the mass of the object.

2. The heat required is proportional to the heat of the type of object

 For different types of objects but the same mass, the heat needed to raise
the same temperature turns out to be of different magnitude. Thus the
amount of heat needed depends on the type of object.

3. The heat given is proportional to the temperature rise of the object

 For the same type and mass of object, the amount of heat given the
magnitude affects the increase (change) in object temperature. That is, the
more heat given to the object, the greater the temperature rise of the
object. Thus, the amount of heat given is proportional to the increase
(change) in temperature of the object.

Thus, the amount of heat (Q) needed to increase the temperature of an

object depends on the mass of the object (m), the heat of the object (c), and
temperature rise of the object (ΔT).
The relationship is systematically formulated:

Q = m.c.ΔT

Explanation:Q = Heat required (J)

m = Mass of subject (kg)
c = Heat type of subject (J/kg˚C or J/kgK)
ΔT = Perubahan suhu (˚C or K)
Heat type is the amount of heat needed to raise 1kg of substances by 1˚C or 1K

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 20

Table 2.1 Heat types of various substances

Heat Type Heat Type

No Substance No Substance
(J/Kg˚C) (J/Kg˚C)
1 Air 1.000 7 Aluminum 900
2 Water 4.200 8 Copper 390
3 Alcohol 2.400 9 Glass 670
4 Mercury 140 10 Iron 450
5 Paraffin 2.200 11 Gold 130
6 Ice 2.100 12 Silver 234

4. Heat capacity
If the temperature of two different objects is raised, then for each increase in
the same temperature a different amount of heat is needed

Why is that?

 This happens because the

heat capacity between
objects is different from
one another.
 Heat capacity is defined as
the amount of heat needed
to raise the temperature of
1˚C or 1K

Mathematically, the heat capacity is formulated:

C = Or C =m.c

Explanation:Q = The amount of heat absorbed or released (J)

C = Heat capacity (J/˚C or J/K)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C or K)
m = Mass of objects (Kg)
c = Heat type (J/Kg˚C or J/Kg K)

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 21

C. Heat Changes the Form of Matter

Figure 2.5 Heat changes the form matter

Reference: brainly.co.id

1. Evaporation and Condensation

Case Study
Have you ever spilled spiritus on the
surface on your skin? A few moments Where did the
later, spiritus on the surface of your spitirus go?
skin disappear.

Spiritus evaporates
into gas.

When it evaporates, spiritus absorbs heat from the skin so the skin
feels cold. Evaporates is a change in the form of a substance from liquid to
gas. When it evaporates, substances need a certain amount of heat.
However, the process of evaporation is not always through heating, as was
the case with spiritus. Even though spiritus does not go through a heating
process, itt still evaporates. Evaporation occurs at all temperatures.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 22

Blowing air
Warming up above the
Factors that accelerate
the evaporation process

Reduce Expanding
pressure on surface
the surface

2. Boiling
Case Study
If you heat the water in a
closed pan, at certain
temperatures bubbles will
appear. When water bubbles
form all over the water in the
pan is boiling. Bubbles of
water throughout the liquid
indicates that the whole liquid
has evaporated. Figure 2.6. Boiling Process

The temperature of a boiling liquid at a pressure of 1 atmosphere is called the

boiling point. The boiling point of water at a pressure of 1 atmosphere
(76cmHg) is 100˚C. When it boils, the temperat ure of the liquid remains even
though you keep giving it heat, Because the heat given when boiling is used to
change the form of substances from liquid to gas (evaporate). Therefore, if
the water is continuously heated, it will evaporate and the water will run out.

The amount of heat needed to vaporize 1 Kg of liquid at its boiling

point is called steam heat (U). The unit for steam heat is J/Kg. Thus, to
vaporize a number of substances at its boiling point a heat (Q) is required:
Q = m.U Q = Heat required (J)
m = Mass of substance (Kg)
U = Steam heat (J/Kg)

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 23

Table 2.2 Steam heat various substances

Boiling Point
No Substance Steam Heat (J/Kg)
1 Water 2,27 x 106 100
2 Alcohol 1,1 x 106 65
3 Mercury 2,98 x 105 357
4 Aluminum 1,05 x 107 2.450
5 Copper 7,35 x 106 2.300
6 Lead 7,35 x 105 1.620
7 Gold 1,578 x 106 2.660
8 Silver 2,336 x 106 2.193

Table 2.3 The difference evaporates and boils

NO Evaporate Boiling
Occur at a certain temperature called a
1 Occur at any temperature
boiling point
2 Occur on the surface of liquid Occurs in liquid

Factors that influence the process of boiling a substance:

1. The effect of pressure on the boiling point
2. The effect of mixing other substances on the boiling point.

3. Melting and Freezing

Case Study

When you light a candle, if yaiu pay

attention, the candle that is around the
fire will turn to liquid. The heat from the
fire causes the wax to melt or turn back
into a solid candle.

Apparently, solid can turn into

liquid or vice versa. Changes in
the form of substances from
solid to liquid are called fusion .
The opposite event, changing
the form of a substance from
liquid to solid is called freezing.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 24

The amount of heat needed to melt the substance can be stated as follows:


Q= Heat to dissolve substances (J)
m= Mass of substance (Kg)
L = Heat melting (J/Kg)

Table 2.4 Melting heat of various substances

No Substance Heat Melting (J/Kg) Melting Point (˚C)

1 Water 336.000 0
2 Alcohol 69.000 -97
3 Mercury 120.000 -39
4 Almuninum 403.000 660
5 Copper 206.000 1.083
6 Platinum 113.000 1.769
7 Lead 25.000 327

Factors effecting melting point:

a. The effect of pressure on the melting point

b. The effect of mixing other substances on the melting point

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 25

D. Application of Heat in Water Distillation

Case Study
If we want to get pure water from impure water, for
example from sea water, then we can get it by
carrying out a distillation process.
Distillation is a process to get impure liquid. Then the
water vapor that forms in the dew to get pure liquid
is obtained the working principle of this distillation is
to take advantage of the difference in the boiling
point of the liquid

The way it work is:

 Impure water is put into a heat-resistant flask, then
the flask is heated until the water in the flask boils
and evaporated
 The water vapor that is formed is then flowed
through a pipe inside.
 The pipe mounted condenser (cooler) which contains
water flowing in the direction of the flow opposite to
the direction of the flow water vapor.
 As a result, pure water vapor that comes in contact
with cold water is condensed and more and more
pure water dots are formed.
 The pure water is the collected in glass or tube.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 26

E. Black Principle
Case Study

When two liquid substances with different

temperatures are mixed, then a liquid with a higher
temperature has greater energy, whereas a liquid with a
lower temperature has less energy, for example
between hot water and cold water.

 What happens to the energy mix of these

 IS it higher or lower than the energy of
the substance being mixed?

When two substances are mixed, the heat

prossessed by a substance with a higher
temperature will flow to a substance with a
lower heat so that an energy balance occurs.

Figure 2.7. Joseph Black (1728-1799)

Reference: id.wikipedia.org

The balance can be observed by looking at the final state of the mixture
having the same temperature. This can be formulated as follows:

QLepas = QTerima

The equation above is known as the black principle. From the above
equation it can be concluded that the black principle is the heat released by high
temperature substances equal to the heat received by low temperature substances.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 27

F. Heat Transfer

Case Study

Have you ever felt confused, why when a

spoon is put into hot water, the spoon gets
hot? Or why when near a campfire, our
bodies get warm?

You should know that the event

happened because a hot object
gives heat to a cold object.
Naturaly, heat moves
from higher temperature objects
to lower temperature objects.
There are three ways of heat
transfer namely convection,
conduction, and radiation.

There are objects around us Meanwhile, objects that

that can conduct heat and cannot cannot conduct heat are called
conduct heat. Things that can insulators. Examples of insulators are
conduct heat are called conductors. plastic, fabric, wood, rubber, paper,
Examples of conductors are copper, tires, and others. Now, you don’t
iron, water, lead, need to be surprised when you see
and aluminum. Mother lifting the pan with a cloth in
her hand because the cloth is an

Heat is energy that moves from high temperatures to low temperatures. The
heat has an International Unit, which is Joules (J).

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 28

1. Conduction
Conduction is the transferof heat through solids that do not participate in
the transfer. That is, the heat transfer of a substance is not accompanied by the
movement of its particles.
 Metal objects will feel warm or hot if the edges are heated, for example
when holding fireworks that are being burned.
 The motor exhaust gets hot when the engine starts.
 Cover pan becomes hot when used to cover boiled water.
 Butter heated in the pan becomes melted because of the heat.

Figure 2.8. Metal object will warm

Reference: ruangguru.blog

2. Convection
Convection is the transfer of heat through a stream whose intermediates
move along. If the particles move and cause heat to propagate, convection
occurs. Convection occurs in liquid and gases (air/wind)
a. Convection in liquid
Note Figure 2.7show the occurrence of
convection in the liquid. The heated water will
expand so that its density descreases. Because
the density is descreasing, the water moves up.
The place is replaced by water whose
Figure 2.9 Convection in liquid
temperature is lower, moving down because of Reference:hemantmore.org.in

its greater density. The movement or flow of

water is evident if a dye is added to the water, for example potassium
permanganate which is purple.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 29

b. Convection in gases
Convection in gases such as air occurs when hot air rises and cold air
falls. Convection in the air can be observed using a tool as shown in the
figure 2.8. When the candle in the box is lit, the surrounding air is heated so
that it rises through one of the chimneys. The place is replaced by cold air
entering through the other chimney. The situation continues to occue so
that the air flow. The air flow will be seen when you burn the chimney
where the air enters because the smoke from the paper will be carried by
the air stream.

Figure 2.10 Convection in gases

Reference: Slideshare.net

Air convection causes land and sea breezes to occue on the coast. During
the day the land heats faster, as a result the air above the land rises and the
cool air above the sea moves inland because the air pressure above sea level is
greater. Thus, there was a sea breeze that blew from sea level to the mainland.
Conversely, at night the land cool air over land moves to the ocean because the
air pressure above the land is greater. Thus, there was a land wind that blew
from the mainland to the surface of the sea.


Figure 2.11 (a)Land wind and (b)Sea breeze

Reference: easynotecard.com

Another example:
 Up and down movements of water when heated.
Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 30
 Up and down movements of green beans, soybeans and other when heated.
 Land and sea winds occur.
 High factory chimney fumes.

Figure 2.12.Air ballon is airing

Reference: ruangguru.blog

3. Radiation
Heat transfer without intermediaries is radiation. Radiation is heat transfer
without intermediates. Radiation is usually accompanied by light.
 The sun’s heat reaches the earth even though it is empty.
 The body feels warm when near a fire source.
 Hatching poultry eggs with lights.
 Clothes become dry when dried in the sun.

Figure 2.13. The sun’s reaches the earth even though it is empty
Reference: ruangguru.blog

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 31

G. Application of The Concept of Heat Transfer

Case Study

When we boil water we get hot water. How

doyou keep the hot water hot? Your
mother will definitely put it in a thermos.
Thermos is one of the tools to contain heat.
How is the explanation?

Figure 2.13Structure in a thermos

Reference: futurism.com

On the flask there is a glass wall with the inside and outside
being polished. The inside of the glass is made shiny so that the heat
from the hot water is not absorbed by the wall so that the water
remains hot. Meanwhile, the outer glass wall is made of silver plated to
prevent radiant heat transfer. The vacuum serves to prevent heat
transfer by convection.
The flask lid is made of insulating material such as cork to
prevent heat transfer by conduction because the cork is a bad
conductor. Thus, the water in the thermos remains hot.
Iron is also made by utilizing the concept of heat transfer. The
working principle of the iron is to convert electrical energy into heat
energy. The heat generated is then constructed on an iron plate on the
iron is a good conductor. The handle of the iron is made of instulating
material such as plastic or wood to prevent heat transfer on the handle
stays cool.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 32



1 Soal UN 1999/2000
Termometer X menunjukkan angka - Termometer Y menunjukkan angka -
30˚X pada titik beku air dan 90˚X pada 20˚Y pada titik beku air dan 80˚Y pada
titik didih air. Suhu 60˚X sama dengan … titik didih air. Suhu 60˚Y sama dengan…
A. 20˚C C. 50˚C A. 160˚F C. 150˚F
B. 45˚C D. 75˚C B. 180˚F D. 170˚F

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui : Diketahui:
Titik beku air pada termometer X = -30˚  Titik beku air termometer Y= -20˚
Titik didih air pada termometer X = 90˚  Titik didih air termometer Y= 80˚
Ditanya : Ditanya:
60˚X = ….. ˚C  60˚Y=…˚F?
Jawab : Jawab:
Pada skala Celcius titik beku air adalah  Pada skala Fahrenheit, titik beku air
0˚C dan titik didih air adalah 100˚C. adalah 32˚F dan titik didih air adalah
Antara titik beku dan titik didih air 212˚F. Antara titik beku dan titik didih
terdapat selisih 100˚– 0˚ = 100˚. air terdapat selisih 212˚– 32˚ = 180˚.
Pada skala X, titik beku air adalah -30˚X  Pada skala Y, titik beku air adalah -
dan titik didih air adalah 90˚X. Antara 20˚Y dan titik didih air adalah 80˚Y.
titik beku dan titik didih air terdapat Antara titik beku dan titik didih air
selisih 90˚ – (-30˚) = 90˚ + 30˚ = 120˚. terdapat selisih 80˚ – (-20˚) = 80˚ + 20˚
Ubah skala X ke skala Celcius = 100˚.
TC = (TX + 30)˚C Dengan demikian,
TC = ( 60 + 30)˚C TF = ( TY + 52)˚F

TC = (90)˚C TF = ( 60 + 52)˚F
TC = 72˚C TF = (108 + 52)˚F
TF = 160˚F
Jawaban yang benar D Jawaban yang benar A
2 Soal UN SMP 2004
Seorang anak sakit demam, ketika Seorang mahasiswa sedang sakit
diukur dengan termometer yang demam. Ketika suhu tubuhnya diukur
memiliki dua skala, angka yang dengan thermometer yang memiliki
ditunjukkan skala Celsius adalah 40°, dua skala, yaitu skala Fahrenheit dan
maka yang ditunjukkan oleh skala skala Kelvin. Angka yang ditunjukkan
Reamur adalah … pada skala Fahrenheit adalah 99˚F,
A. 31 °R C. 45˚R maka yang ditunjukkan oleh skala

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 33

B. 32 °R D. 50˚R Kelvin adalah…
H. 269 K C. 299 K
I. 296 K D. 266 K
Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 Suhu dalam skala Celcius (TC) = 40˚C  Suhu dalam skala Fahrenheit (TF) =
Ditanya: 99˚F
 Suhu dalam skala Reamur (TR) =…? Ditanya:
Jawab :  Suhu dalam skala Kelvin (TK) =…?
Suhu titik didih air murni (H2O) = 100 °C Jawab:
= 80 °R TK = ( TF + 241)K
Suhu titik beku air murni (H2O) = 0 °C =
TK = ( 99 + 241) K
0 °R
Rumus konversi skala Celcius ke Reamur TK = 296 K
TR = ( TC)˚R
TR = ( 40)˚R
TR = 32˚R
Jadi, jawabannya yang benar adalah
Jawaba yang benar B Jawaban yang benar B
3 Soal UN 2004
Seorang peserta didik mengukur suhu Seorang mahasiswa mengukur suhu air
air dengan menggunakan dua buah rawa dengan menggunakan dua buah
termometer seperti gambar. Jika suhu termometer seperti pada gambar. Jika
air hasil pengukuran pada termometer suhu air rawa hasil pengukuran pada
Celcius diketahui seperti gambar, suhu termometer Celcius diketahui seperti
pada termometer Fahrenheit adalah…. gambar, suhu pada termometer
Fahrenheit adalah…


A. 60°F C. 140°F A. 129,6˚F C. 104˚F

B. 108°F D. 172°F B. 72˚F D. 40˚F

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 34

 Suhu pada thermometer Celcius= 60˚C  Suhu pada thermometer Celcius= 40˚C
Ditanya: Ditanya:
 Suhu pada thermometer  Suhu pada thermometer
Fahrenheit=…? Fahrenheit=…?
Jawab: Jawab:
 Tb˚ termometer Celcius= 0˚C  Tb˚ termometer Celcius= 0˚C
sedangkan Tb˚ termometer sedangkan Tb˚ termometer
Fahrenheit = 32˚F Fahrenheit = 32˚F
 Td˚ termometer Celcius = 100˚C  Td˚ termometer Celcius = 100˚C
sedangkan Td˚ termometer sedangkan Td˚ termometer
Fahrenheit= 212˚F Fahrenheit= 212˚F
 Jadi didapatkan perbandingan skala  Jadi didapatkan perbandingan skala
Celcius dengan Fahrenheit= 5:9 Celcius dengan Fahrenheit= 5:9
TF = ( ( + 32)˚ TF = ( ( + 32)˚
TF = ( 60 + 32)˚ TF = ( 40 + 32)˚
TF = (108+32)˚F TF = (72+32)˚F
TF = 140˚F TF = 104˚F
Jawaban yang benar adalah C Jawaban yang benarC
4 Soal UN 2014
Perhatikan pengukuran suhu berikut! Perhatikan pengukuran suhu berikut!

Nilai Y pada termometer Fahrenheit

Nilai Y pada termometer Kelvin adalah…
A. -2 K C.-243 K
A. 54°F C. 76°F
B. 62 K D. 303 K
B. 65°F D. 86°F

 Suhu pada termometer Celcius= 30˚C
 Suhu pada termometer Celcius= 30˚C
 Berapa suhu pada termometer
 Berapa suhu pada termometer
Perbandingan Skala Celcius dengan
Perbandingan Skala Celcius dengan

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 35

Fahrenheit= 5:9 Kelvin= 5:5
TF = ( TC + 32)˚F TK = ( TC + 273)K
TF = ( 30 + 32)˚F TK = ( 30+273)K
TF = 86˚F TK = 303K

Jawaban yang benarD Jawaban yang benarD

5 Soal UN SMP 2008
Suhu suatu benda 122°F, bila diukur Suhu suatu benda 45°C, bila diukur
dengan skala Celcius adalah … dengan skala Reamur adalah …
A. 50°C A. 32°R
B. 122°C B. 36°R
C. 323°C C. 40°R
D. 40°C D. 42°R

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 Suhu pada benda (TF) = 122˚F  Suhu pada benda (TC) = 42˚C
Ditanya: Ditanya:
 Berapa suhu pada skala Celcius=…?  Berapa suhu pada skala Reamur=…?
Jawab: Jawab:
Perbandingan Skala Fahrenheit dengan Perbandingan Skala Celcius dengan
Celcius= 9:5 Reamur= 5:4
TC = (TF - 32)˚C TR = ( TC)˚R
TC = (122 − 32)˚C TR = ( 45)˚R
TC = 50˚C TR = 36˚R

Jawaban yang benar adalahA Jawaban yang benar adalah A

6 Soal UN SMP 2015
Suatu benda diukur menggunakan Suatu benda diukur menggunakan
termo-meter berskala Celcius termo- meter berskala Reamur
menunjukkan 35 °C ,berapa suhu benda menunjukkan 36 °R,berapa suhu benda
tersebut ketika diukur menggunakan tersebut ketika diukur menggunakan
termometer berskala farenheit...... termometer berskala Kelvin .....
A. 63°F C. 95°F A. 218K C. 77K
B.67°F D. 104°F B. 318K D. 13K

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 36

 Suhu pada benda (TC) = 35˚C  Suhu pada benda (TR) = 36˚R
Ditanya: Ditanya:
 Berapa suhu pada skala  Berapa suhu pada skala Kelvin=…?
Fahrenheit=…? Jawab:
Jawab: Perbandingan Skala Reamur dengan
Perbandingan Skala Fahrenheit dengan Kelvin= 4:5
Celcius= 9:5
TF = ( TC) +32˚F TK = ( TR + 273)K
TF = ( 35) + 32˚F TK = ( 36+273)K
TF = 95˚F TK = 318K
Jawaban yang benar C
Jawaban yang benar adalah B
7 Soal UN SMP 2001
Untuk menaikkan suhu air laut Diketahui suatu benda memiliki kalor
sebanyak 1°C diperlukan 3900 J .Jika jenis sebesar 4.200 J/kg°C ,bila
kalor jenis air laut 3,9 ×10*3 J/Kg°C perubahan suhu yg terjadi pada benda
,maka massa air laut adalah....... tersebut setelah dipanaskan adalah
C. 100 Kg C. 1 Kg 10°C dan massa benda sebesar 5 kg
D. 10 Kg D. 0,1 Kg ,maka besar kalor yang dibutuhkan
untuk memanaskan benda tersebut
Pembahasan adalah.........
Diketahui: kalor jenis(c)= 3,9 ×10*3 A. 210.000 J
J/Kg°C B. 215.000 J
∆t. = 1°C C. 220.000 J
Kalor(Q). = 3900 J D. 225.000 J
Ditanya : massa air laut......? Pembahasan:
Jawab : Q=m×c×∆t Diketahui: kalor jenis benda = 4200
3900 = m× 3,9×10*3×1 J/kg°C Perubahan suhu benda ( ∆t) =
3900 = m × 3,9 ×10*3 10 °C
m × 3,9 ×10*= 3900 massa benda = 5 kg
m = 3900/3,9×10*3 J/Kg°C Ditanya : kalor(Q) sebesar......?
m = 1 Kg Jawab : Q= m×c×∆t
= 5 × 4.200× 10°C
Jawaban yang benar C = 210.000 J
Jawaban yang benar A
8 Soal UN SMP 2013
Pada pengukuran suhu suatu zat cair Pada pengukuran suhu suatu zat cair
menggunakan thermometer berskala menggunakan thermometer berskala
Celcius, terukur suhu zat cair tersebut Celcius, terukur suhu zat cair tersebut
sebesar 40°C. Jika zat cair tersebut sebesar 50°C. Jika zat cair tersebut

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 37

diukur menggunakan termometer diukurmenggunakan termometer
Fahrenheit, maka besar suhu zat cait Kelvin, maka besar suhu zat cair
tersebut adalah..... tersebutadalah.....
A. 40°F A. 300°K
B. 58°F B. 313°K
C. 104°F C. 330°K
D. 122°F D. 323°K
Pembahasan : Pembahasan :
°F = 9/5 (C) + 32 K = C + 273
°F = 9/5 (40) + 32 K = 50 + 273
°F = 72+32 K = 323K
°F = 104°F Jawaban yang benar D
Jawaban yang benar C

9 Soal UN 2011

If 2 kg water got heated, mealting heat

water = 2,27 x 10⁶ J/kg, heat type water
= 4200 J/kg⁰C air pressure 1 atm, heat
that needed in B to C procces is...

A. 3360 kj
B. 4540 kj
C. 4876 kj
D. 5212 kj

Explanation :
B-C is the procces when water
evaporate, the heat that needed is :

Q = mL
Q = 2 x 2,27 x 10⁶
Q = 4,540 x 10⁶ = 4540 kj

The correct answer isB

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 38

10 Soal UN SMP/MTs 2015
Picture to melt 1 kg ice

If the heat type of ice is 2.100 J/kg°C, Based on the picture, it need 346.500
melting heat of ice is 336.000 J/kg and Joule fpr P-Q-R procces. Melting heat of
heat type of water is 4.200 J/kg°C, the ice is 336.000 J/kg and heat type of
heat that needed in prosses from P-Q-R water is 4.200 J/kg°C. How much is the
is... mass of ice?
A. 10.500 J
B. 21.000 J A. 3 kg C. 1 kg
C. 336.000 J B. 5 kg D. 7 kg
D. 346.500 J

Explanation Explanation :
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 M of ice = 1 kg  Melting heat of ice (LF) = 336.000
 Melting heat of ice (LF) = 336.000 J/kg
J/kg  Heat type of ice (c es) = 2.100 J/kg°C
 Heat type of ice (c es) = 2.100 J/kg°C  Heat type of water (c air) = 4.200
 Heat type of water (c air) = 4.200 J/kg°C
J/kg°C  Q total = 346.500 J
Ditanya: Ditanya: Mass=?
Heat that needed in P-Q-R procces =? Jawab:
Jawab: Q = Qp-q + Qq-r
In P - Q, heat used to increase ice Q = (m . c . Δt) + m . L
temperature from -5°C to 0°C. Heat 346.500 = (m. 2100 . 5) + (m . 336000 )
count with formula : Q = m c ΔT 346.500 = (10500m) + (336000m )
Heat that needed from P to Q : 346.500 = 346500m
Q = m c ΔT m = 1 kg
Q = (1)(2100)(0-(-5)) = (2100)(5) =
10500 Joule The correct answer is C
in Q - R, heat needed to release ice into
water.in this procces the temperature
didnt change. Heat counted with
formula: Q = m LF
Heat that needed from Q to R :

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 39

Q = m LF
Q = (1)(336.000) = 336.000 Joule
Heat total :
10500 + 336.000 = 346.500 Joule

The correct answer isD.

11 Soal UN SMP 2012
Pemanas air listrik berisi 1,5 kg air Pemanas air listrik memiliki 1,5 kg air
dengan suhu 25˚C. Jika kalor yang dengan suhu 25˚C. Suhu akhir setelah
diserap adalah 12600 Joule dan jenis menerima panas adalah 27˚C. Jika jenis
kalor air adalah 4200 J / kg˚C, suhu kalor air adalah 4200 J / kg˚C, kalor
akhir air adalah ... yang diterima oleh air adalah ...

A. 27˚C A. 126 Joule

B. 42˚C B. 1260 Joule
C. 45˚C C. 12600 Joule
D. 52˚C D. 126000 Joule

Pembahasan: Pembahasan:
Diketahui Diketahui
 Q = 12600 J  C = 4200 Joule
 C = 4200 Joule  m = 1,5 kg
 m = 1,5 kg  T1 = 25˚C
 T1 = 25˚C  T0 = 27˚C
Ditanya:  ΔT =2˚C
T 0= ? Ditanya:
Jawab: Q=?
Q = m.c. ΔT Jawab:
12600 = 1,5 . 4200 .ΔT Q = m.c. ΔT
12600 = 6300 ΔT Q = 1,5 . 4200 . 2
ΔT =2˚C Q = 12600 Joule
ΔT = T1 - T0
2˚C = 25˚C - T0 Jawaban yang benar C
T0 = 27˚C
Jawaban yang benar A

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 40

12 Soal UN SMP 2011

Jika 2 kg air dipanaskan, dan uap air 3 kg air dipanaskan dari 60⁰C ke 100⁰C
panas = 2.27 x 106 J / kg, jenis air panas seperti yang terlihat pada grafik. Jenis
= 4.200 J / kg˚C dan 1 tekanan udara air panas adalah 4.200 J / kg⁰C. Berapa
atmosfer, jumlah panas yang banyak panas yang dibutuhkan untuk
dibutuhkan untuk proses dari B ke C proses dari A ke B?
sama dengan ... A. 504 kJ
A. 3,360 KJ B. 504 kJ
B. 4,540 KJ C. 4540 kJ
C. 4,876 KJ D. 1047 kJ
D. 5,212 KJ Pembahasan:
Pembahasan: Diketahui:
Diketahui:  m = 3kg
 M = 2 kg  c = 4200 J/kg⁰C
 U = 2,27 x 10⁶ J/kg  ΔT = 40⁰C
 C = 4200 J/kg˚C Ditanya: Q = ?
Ditanya: Q in BC = ? Jawab:
Jawab: Q = m .c .Δt
BC is evaporation proses so, Q = 3 .4200 . 40
Q=mxU Q = 504000 J = 504 kJ
Q = 2 x 2,27 x 10⁶
Q = 4,540 KJ Jawaban yang benar B
Jawaban yang benar B

13 UN SMP 2008

Ketika tiga pipa dimasukkan ke dalam

kotak kaca tertutup seperti yang Apa peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 41

ditunjukkan. Asap yang dikirim oleh gambar?
kertas ditempatkan di ujung pipa, A. Induction
kemudian asap akan keluar lagi melalui
pipa A dan pipa C seperti yang B. Conduction
ditunjukkan pada gambar. Peristiwa ini
terjadi karena C. Convection
A. Convection
B. Conduction D. Radiation
C. Induction
D. Radiation Pembahasan :
Saat merebus air, api memberi energi
Pembahasan: pada pot. Panas yang diterima oleh pot
Kegiatan tersebut termasuk kedalam akan dialirkan ke air. Partikel terendah
contoh dari penerapan konveksi pada akan bergerak jika menjadi ringan
gas. Terjadinya konveksi pada udara ini karena menjadi panas dan diganti
diakibatkan ketika lilin dinyalakan, dengan partikel di atas yang masih
maka udara di sekitar lilin terpanasi dingin dan memiliki massa lebih berat
sehingga naik melalui salah satu daripada partikel terendah. Sehingga
cerobong (A dan C). Tempatnya diganti panas akan didistribusikan dengan baik
oleh udara dingin yang masuk melalui saat air mendidih. itu disebut konveksi
cerobong yang satunya lagi (B). karena membutuhkan partikel untuk
Kejadian tersebut terus terjadi sehingga mendistribusikan panasnya.
terjadi aliran udara.
Jawaban yang benarC
Jawaban yang benar A
14 UN fisika SMP/MTs tahun 2015
Lihat karakteristik di bawah ini: Perbedaan antara padat dan cair adalah
(1) volume konstan A. Volume cairan selalu berubah tetapi
(2) pengaturan partikel teratur padatan konstan
(3) tarikan antara partikel itu kuat B. Bentuk cairan dapat berubah
(4) perubahan bentuk berdasarkan wadah tetapi padat
(5) jari-jari antara partikel renggang tidak dapat mengubah bentuknya
Berdasarkan data, karakteristik cairan C. Jari-jari antara partikel padat itu
ditunjukkan oleh angka ... renggang tetapi cair
A. (1), (2), and (3) D. Susunan partikel cairan teratur
B. (1), (4), and (5)
C. (2), (3), and (4) Penjelasan:
D. (2), (4), and (5)
Cairan memiliki susunan partikel yang

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 42

Pembahasan : tidak beraturan sehingga dapat
1) padat dan cair berubah bentuk berdasarkan wadahnya
(2) padat
(3) padat Jawaban yang benarB
(4) cair
(5) cair
Jawaban yang benarB
15 Soal UN SMP/MTs 2015
Picture to melt 1 kg ice

Jika jenis panas es adalah 2.100 J / kg ° Berdasarkan gambar, dibutuhkan

C, panas leleh es adalah 336.000 J / kg 346.500 Joule fpr proses P-Q-R. Panas
dan jenis air panas adalah 4.200 J / es yang mencair adalah 336.000 J / kg
kg°C, panas yang dibutuhkan dalam dan jenis air panas adalah 4.200 J / kg
prosses dari P-Q-R adalah ... °C. Berapa massa es?
A. 10.500 J A. 3 kg C. 1 kg
B. 21.000 J B. 5 kg D. 7 kg
C. 336.000 J
D. 346.500 J
Explanation :
Explanation : Diketahui:
Diketahui:  Melting heat of ice (LF) = 336.000
 M of ice = 1 kg J/kg
 Melting heat of ice (LF) = 336.000 J/kg  Heat type of ice (c es) = 2.100 J/kg°C
 Heat type of ice (c es) = 2.100 J/kg°C  Heat type of water (c air) = 4.200
 Heat type of water (c air) = 4.200 J/kg°C
J/kg°C  Q total = 346.500 J
Ditanya: Ditanya: Mass=?
Heat that needed in P-Q-R procces = ? Jawab:
Jawab: Q = Qp-q + Qq-r
In P - Q, heat used to increase ice Q = (m . c . Δt) + m . L
temperature from -5°C to 0°C. Heat 346.500 = (m. 2100 . 5) + (m . 336000 )
count with formula : Q = m c ΔT 346.500 = (10500m) + (336000m )
Heat that needed from P to Q : 346.500 = 346500m
Q = m c ΔT m = 1 kg

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 43

Q = (1)(2100)(0-(-5)) = (2100)(5) =
10500 Joule The correct answer is C
in Q - R, heat needed to release ice into
water.in this procces the temperature
didnt change. Heat counted with
formula: Q = m LF
Heat that needed from Q to R :
Q = m LF
Q = (1)(336.000) = 336.000 Joule
Heat total :
10500 + 336.000 = 346.500 Joule
The correct answer isD
16 Soal UN 2011

Jika 2 kg air dipanaskan, kapasitas kalor

air = 2,27 x 10⁶ J / kg, air tipe panas = Berapa banyak panas yang dibutuhkan
4200 J / kg⁰C tekanan udara 1 atm, untuk 4 kg es untuk mencapai 0⁰C jika
panas yang dibutuhkan dalam proses B kapasitas kalor air 2,27 x 10⁶ J / kg,
ke C ... panas jenis air = 4200 J / kg⁰C tekanan
udara 1 atm?
A. 3360 kj A. 672 kJ
B. 4540 kj B. 672 J
C. 4876 kj C. 627 kJ
D. 5212 kj D. 667 J

Explanation : Explanation :
Diketahui: Diketahui:
m= 2kg m = 4 kg
c= 4200 J/kg⁰C c = 4200 J/kg⁰C
Ditanya: Δt = 40⁰C
B-C is the procces when water Ditanya: Q…?
evaporate, the heat that needed is : Jawab:
Jawab: Q = m .c .Δt
Q = mL Q = 4 .4200 . 40
Q = 2 x 2,27 x 10⁶ Q = 672000 Joule = 672 kJ

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 44

Q = 4,540 x 10⁶ = 4540 kj
The correct answer is B The correct answer is A

17 Soal UN SMP 2011

Untuk menaikkan suhu air laut Untuk menaikkan suhu air laut
sebanyak 1°C diperlukan 3900 J .Jika sebanyak 1°C diperlukan 7800 J .Jika
kalor jenis air laut 3,9 ×10*3 J/Kg°C kalor jenis air laut 3,9 ×10*3 J/Kg°C
,maka massa air laut adalah....... ,maka massa air laut adalah.......
A. 100 Kg A. 200 Kg
B. 10 Kg B. 20 Kg
C. 1 Kg C. 2 Kg
D. 0,1 Kg D. 0,2 Kg

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 kalor jenis(c)= 3,9 ×103 J/Kg°C  kalor jenis(c)= 3,9 ×103 J/Kg°C
 ∆T = 1°C  ∆T= 1°C
 Kalor(Q) = 3900 J  Kalor(Q). = 7800 J
Ditanya : massa air laut......? Ditanya : massa air laut......?
Jawab : Jawab :
Q=m.c.∆T Q=m.c.∆T
3900 = m× 3,9×103×1 7800 = m× 3,9×103×1
3900 = m × 3,9 ×103 7800 = m × 3,9 ×103
m × 3,9 ×103= 3900 m × 3,9 ×103= 7800
m = 3900/3,9×103 J/Kg°C m = 7800/3,9×103 J/Kg°C
m = 1 Kg m = 2 Kg

Jawaban yang benar C Jawaban yang benar C

18 Soal UN SMP 2015

Suhu air 10°C dengan massa 1000 Untuk mendidihkan air dari suhu 20°C
gram,dipanaskan sampai mendidih hinga mencapai titik didih diperlukan
pada tekanan normal,jika diketahui kalor sebesar 4800 kkal. Jika kalor jenis
kalor jenis air 1 kkal/kg°C,maka besar air 1 kkal/kg°C, berapa massa air yang
kalor yang diperlukan adalah...... dipanaskan...
A.10 kkal A. 120 gr
B. 90 kkal B. 118 gr
C. 10.000 kkal C. 60 gr
D. 90.000 kkal D. 560 gr

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 45

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 perubahan suhu(∆t)= 100°C-10°C=  ∆t= 100°C-20°C= 80°C
90°C  Kalor (Q) = 4800 kkal
 Massa benda =1000 gram=1kg  Kalor jenis air(c) = 1 kkal/kg°C
 Kalor jenis air(c) = 1 kkal/kg°C Ditanya:
Ditanya : Berapa massa air yang dipanaskan?
Besar kalor (Q) yang dibutuhkan....? Jawab :
Jawab : Q= m.c.∆T
Q= m.c.∆T 4800 = m × 1 × 80
Q= 1× 1× 90 4800 = 80m
Q = 90 kkal m = 60 gr

Jawaban yang benar B Jawaban yang benar C

19 Soal UN SMP 2007

Potongan aluminium bermassa 200 Potongan aluminium bermassa 150
gram dengan suhu 20°C dimasukan ke gram dengan suhu ˚T dimasukkan ke
dalam bejana air bermassa 100 gram dalam bejana air bermassa 50 gram
dan suhu 80°C. Jika diketahui kalor jenis dengan suhu 80˚. Jika diketahui kalor
aluminium 0,22 kal/g °C dan kalor jenis jenis aluminium 0,22 kal/g˚C dan kalor
air 1 kal/g °C, maka suhu akhir jenis air 1 kal/g˚C. Didapatkan suhu
aluminium mendekati… akhir aluminium 62˚C. Berapa nilai dari
A. 20°C C. 62 °C ˚T?
B. 42°C D. 80 °C A. 114,94°C C. 116,94°C
B. 115,94°C D. 117,94°C
Diketahui: Pembahasan
 Massa aluminium = 200 gram Diketahui:
 Suhu aluminium = 20°C  Massa aluminium = 150 gram
 Suhu air = 80˚C  Suhu aluminium = °T
 Massa air = 100 gram  Suhu air = 80˚C
 Kalor jenis aluminium = 0,22 kal/g °C  Massa air = 50 gram
 Kalor jenis air = 1 kal/g °C  Kalor jenis aluminium = 0,22 kal/g °C
 Kalor jenis air = 1 kal/g °C
Ditanya:  Suhu akhir= 62˚C
 suhu akhir aluminium=…?
Jawab: Ditanya:
 Aluminium berada di dalam air  Nilai ˚T=…?
sehingga suhu akhir aluminium = suhu Jawab:

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 46

akhir air.  Aluminium berada di dalam air
 Kalor yang dilepas air bersuhu lebih sehingga suhu akhir aluminium = suhu
tinggi (Q lepas) = kalor yang diserap akhir air.
aluminium bersuhu lebih rendah (Q  Kalor yang dilepas air bersuhu lebih
serap) tinggi (Q lepas) = kalor yang diserap
aluminium bersuhu lebih rendah (Q
mair c (ΔT) = maluminium c (ΔT) serap)
(100)(1)(80 – T) = (200)(0,22)(T – 20) mair c (ΔT) = maluminium c (ΔT)
(100)(80 – T) = (44)(T – 20) (50)(1)(80 – ˚T) = (150)(0,22)(62 – ˚T)
8000 – 100T = 44T – 880 (50)(80 – ˚T) = (33)(62 – ˚T)
8000 + 880 = 44T + 100T 4000 – 50˚T = 2046 – 33˚T
8880 = 144T 4000 -2046 = 50˚T -33˚T
T = 62°C 1954 = 17˚T
Jawaban yang benar adalah C. ˚T = 114,94˚C
Jawaban yang benar A
20 Soal UN SMP 2010
Batang logam yang sama ukurannya, Sebuah batang logam dengan ukuran
tetapi terbuat dari logam yang berbeda yang sama digabung seperti pada
digabung seperti pada gambar di gambar dibawah berikut. Jika
samping ini. Jika konduktivitas termal konduktivitas termal logam I adalah II
logam I = 4 kali konduktivitas logam II, kali konduktivitas termal logam II,maka
maka suhu pada sambungan kedua suhu pada logam I adalah…
logam tersebut adalah…

T1=50˚C T2=0˚C T= …..˚C T= 0˚C

T=….? T= 40˚C

A. 45˚C C. 35˚C A. 10˚C C. 30˚C

B. 40˚C D. 30˚C B. 20˚C D. 45˚C

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui : Diketahui :
 Ukuran batang sama  Ukuran batang sama
 Konduktivitas termal logam I = 4k  Konduktivitas termal logam I = 2k
 Konduktivitas termal logam II = k  Konduktivitas termal logam II = k
 Suhu ujung logam I = 50˚ C  Suhu ujung logam II = 0˚ C

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 47

 Suhu ujung logam II = 0˚ C  Suhu total kedua logam= 40ᵒC
Ditanya :  Suhu pada logam I =…….?
 Suhu pada sambungan kedua logam
 Jawab:
Jawab : Rumus laju perpindahan kalor secara
Rumus laju perpindahan kalor secara konduksi :
konduksi : ( −
( −
Keterangan : Keterangan :
Q/t = laju perpindahan kalor = laju perpindahan kalor
k = konduktivitas termal k = konduktivitas termal
A = luas permukaan A = luas permukaan
T1-T2 = perubahan suhu T1-T2 = perubahan suhu
l = panjang batang l = panjang batang
Suhu pada bidang batas P dan Q :


( − ) ( − )
( − ) ( − ) =
Dua batang logam A dan B berukuran Dua batang logam A dan B berukuran
sama sehingga luas permukaan (A) dan sama sehingga luas permukaan (A) dan
panjang (l) batang dilenyapkan dari panjang (L) batang dilenyapkan dari
persamaan. persamaan:

2k (T1-T) =k(T-0)
2 (T1-T) = (T-0)
2T1-2T =(T-0)
2T1 =2T+T-0
Jawaban yang benar adalah B T 1=

T1= 45˚C
Jawaban yang benar adalah D

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 48

21 Soal UN SMP 2011
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut! Perhatikan pernyataaan berikut.
(1) Konduktivitas logam (1) Konduktivitas logam
(2) Perbedaan suhu ujung-ujung logam (2) Perbedaan suhu ujung-ujung logam
(3) Panjang logam (3) Panjang logam
(4) Massa logam Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas ,adalah
Faktor-faktor yang menentukan laju pernyataan yang menentukan ……
peram-batan kalor pada logam adalah… A. Laju perambatan kalor saat diterima
E. (1), (2) dan (3) zat gas
F. (1) dan (4) B. Laju kalor saat diterima zat cair
G. (2) dan (4) C. Laju perambatan kalor saat
H. (3) dan (4) ,merambat
D. D.Laju perambatan kalor pada
Pembahasan logam
Berdasarkan rumus laju perpindahan
kalor secara konduksi, faktor-faktor Pembahasan:
yang menentukan laju perpindahan Berdasarkan rumus laju perpindahan
kalor adalah konduktivitas logam (k), kalor secara konduksi ,factor-faktor
perbedaan suhu ujung-ujung logam (T) yang menentukan perpindahan kalor
dan panjang logam (l). Massa logam adalah sebagai berikut.
tidak berpengaruh. (1) ) Konduktivitas logam
(2) Perbedaan suhu ujung-ujung logam
Jawaban yang benar adalah A. (3) Panjang logam

Jawaban yang benar adalah D

22 Soal UN SMP 2000
Dibawah ini perubahan wujud zat yang Menguap dan melebur adalah salah
melepaskan kalor terjadi pada zat........ satu perubahan wujud zat oleh kalor
A. Membeku dan menguap yang........
B. Membeku dan mengembun A. Membutuhkan kalor
C. Menguap dan melebur B. Melepaskan kalor
D. Melebur dan mengembun C. Membutuhkan dan melepaskan kalor
D. Tidak membutuhkan kalor
Dalam perubahan wujud zat terjadi Pembahasan
beberapa perubahan wujud yang Dalam perubahan wujud zat terjadi
memerlukan dan melepaskan kalor beberapa perubahan wujud yang
,yaitu: memerlukan dan melepaskan kalor
1. Perubahan wujud zat yang ,yaitu:
memerlukan kalor adalah menguap, 1. Perubahan wujud zat yang

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 49

mencair, menyublim (perubahan zat memerlukan kalor adalah menguap,
padat ke gas) mencair, menyublim ( perubahan
2. Perubahan wujud zat yang mele- zat padat ke gas)
paskan kalor adalah 2. Perubahan wujud zat yang mele-
mengembun,membeku dana paskan kalor adalah
menyublim (peru-bahan zat gas ke mengembun,membeku dana
padat) menyublim (peru-bahan zat gas ke
Jawaban yang benar C
Jawaban yang benar A

23 Soal UN SMP 2002

1 kg es pada suhu 0°C dicampur dengan Bila suatu zat padat dipanaskan maka
0,5 kg air pada suhu 0°C , maka … yang terjadi adalah....
A. sebagian air membeku A. Zat padat tersebut tidak mengalami
B. sebagian es mencair perubahan wujud
C. semua es mencair B. Zat padat tersebut akan melebur
D. semua air membeku atau meleleh
E. jumlah massa es dalam air tetap C. Zat padat tersebut semakin padat
Pembahasan D. Zat padat tersebut memadat terlebih
Kata es menunjukkan air berwujud dahulu lalu melebur
padat, sedangkan kata air menunjukkan
air berwujud cair. Pembahasan
Pada suhu 0°C es mengalami Bila suatu zat dipanaskan maka zat
perubahan wujud padat menjadi cair. tersebut akan menerima kalor dan kalor
Agar wujudnya berubah maka harus tersebut menyebabkan zat padat
ada kalor yang diserap oleh es. Es semakin lama melebur
dicampur dengan air sehingga es
seharusnya menyerap kalor dari air. Jawaban yang benar B
Walaupun demikian, suhu air juga 0°C
sehingga tidak ada kalor yang dapat
diserap es. Dengan demikian, jumlah
massa es dalam air tetap.

Jawaban yang benar E

24 UN SMP TAHUN 2003
Tembaga bermassa 2 kg dengan suhu Kuningan bermassa 10kg dengan suhu
30°C menerima kalor sebesar 39.000 J 50°C menerima kalor sebesar 42.000 J
.Jika kalor jenis Tembaga 390 .Jika kalor jenis Tembaga 420

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 50

J/kg°C,maka suhu akhir dari tembaga J/kg°C,maka suhu akhir dari tembaga
ialah........ ialah........
A. 80°C A. 54°C
B. 50°C B. 53°C
C. 30°C C. 52°C
D. 20°C D. 51°C

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 massa tembaga = 2 kg  massa tembaga = 10 kg
 Suhu awal= 30°C  Suhu awal= 50°C
 Kalor= 39.000 J  Kalor= 42.000 J
 Kalor jenis Tembaga= 390 J/kg°C  Kalor jenis Tembaga= 420J/kg°C
Ditanya: Ditanya:
 suhu akhir tembaga...?  suhu akhir Kuningan...?
Jawab: Jawab:
Q= m.c.∆T Q= m.c.∆T
39.000 = 2× 390×(T2-T1) 42.000 = 10× 420×(T2-T1)
39.000= 780×( T2-30) 42.000= 4.200×( T2-50)
39.000 = 780 (T2 -234 42.000 = 4.200 T2 -210.000
780 T2 -234=39.000 4.200 T2 -210.00=42.000
780 T2= 39.000+234 4.200 T2= 42.00+210.000
780 T2= 39.234 4.200 T2= 214.200
T2= 39.234/780 T2= 214.200/4.200
T2= 50°C T2= 51
Jawaban yang benar B Jawaban yang benar B

25 Soal UN SMP 2006 Bila dalam suatu wadah berisi es

Gelas berisi 200 gram air bersuhu 20°C dengan massa 6 kg,dan es tersebut
dimasukkan 50 gram es bersuhu -2°C. memiliki kalor lebur sebesar 346.000
Jika hanya terjadi pertukaran kalor J/kg°C,maka kalor diserap es tersebut
antara air dan es saja, setelah terjadi adalah......
kesetimbangan akan diperoleh… (c air =
1 kal/gr°C; ces = 0,5 kal/gr°C; L = 80
kal/gr)… A. 5.076.000 J
A. Seluruh es mencair dan suhunya di B. 4.076.000 J
atas 0°C C. 3.076.000 J
B. Seluruh es mencair dan suhunya 0°C D. 2.076.000 J
C. Tidak seluruh es mencair dan
suhunya 0°C

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 51

D. Suhu seluruh sistem di bawah 0°C Pembahasan
E. Sebagian air membeku dan suhu Diketahui:
sistem 0°C  massa es= 6 kg
 Kalor lebur es=346.000 J/kg°C
Pembahasan Ditanya :
Diketahui : kalor yang diserap oleh es ...?
 Massa air = 200 gram Jawab:
 Suhu air = 20°C Q= m×L
 Kalor jenis air = 1 kal/gr°C Q= 6× 346.000
 Massa es = 50 gram Q= 2.076.000 J
 Suhu es (Tes) = -2°C
 Kalor jenis es (ces) = 0,5 kal/gr°C Jawaban yang benar D
 Kalor lebur air (L) = 80 kal/gr
Apayang diperoleh setelah terjadi
Jawab :
Kalor untuk menaikkan suhu es dari -
2°C sampai 0°C =
Q = m ×c ×ΔT
Q = 50 ×0,5 ×0– (-2)
Q = 50×0,5 ×(2)
Q = 50 kalori

Kalor untuk mencairkan semua es

menjadi air :
= (50 gram)(80 kal/gram)
= 4000 kalori

Kalor untuk menurunkan suhu semua

air dari 20°C sampai 0°C :
Q = m c ΔT
Q = (200 gram)(1 kal/gr°C)(0oC –
Q = (200)(1 kal)(-20)
Q = -4000 kalori

Tanda negatif artinya kalor dilepaskan.

Jadi kalor total untuk mencairkan

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 52

semua es adalah 4050 kalori. Kalor yang
tersedia adalah kalor yang dilepaskan
air sebanyak 4000 kalori.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalor yang
tersedia tidak cukup untuk mencairkan
semua es menjadi air. Sebagian besar es
telah mencair menjadi air tetapi
sebagian kecil belum mencair. Air dan
sisa es ini berada pada suhu

Jawaban yang benar C

26 Soal UN SMP 2006

Dua buah batang PQ dengan ukuran Dua buah batang logam yaitu AB
yang sama, tetapi jenis logam berbeda ,dengan ukuran yang sama ,tetapi
dilekatkan seperti gambar di bawah ini. jenisnya berbeda dilekatkan seperti
Jika koefisien konduksi termal P adalah pada gambar dibawah ini. Koefissien
dua kali koefisien konduksi termal Q, konduksi termal A adalah 4 kali
maka suhu pada bidang batas P dan Q koefisien konduksi termal B,maka suhu
adalah … pada batas adalah……

P(90˚C) Q(10˚C)
120˚C 40˚C

a. 84,2°C C. 63,3°C A. 104°C C. 109°C

b. 78,3°C. D. 66,6°C B. 107°C D. 120°C

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui : Diketahui :
 Batang PQ mempunyai ukuran yang  Batang PQ mempunyai ukuran yang
sama. sama.
 Koefisien konduksi termal logam P  Koefisien konduksi termal logam A
(kP) = 2k (kA) = 4k
 Koefisien konduksi termal logam Q  Koefisien konduksi termal logam
(kQ) = k B(kB) = k
Ditanya : Ditanya :

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 53

 Suhu pada bidang batas P dan Q  Suhu pada bidang batas A dan B
Jawab : Jawab :
Rumus laju perpindahan kalor secara Rumus laju perpindahan kalor secara
konduksi : konduksi
( −
( −
Keterangan :
= laju perpindahan kalor, Keterangan :
k = konduktivitas termal, = laju perpindahan kalor,
A = luas permukaan, k = konduktivitas termal,
T1-T2 = perubahan suhu, A = luas permukaan,
l = panjang batang T1-T2 = perubahan suhu,
Suhu pada bidang batas P dan Q : l = panjang batang
KpT1-T2=kQT1-T2 Suhu pada bidang batas A dan B :
2k(90-T) = k(T-10) KpT1-T2=kQT1-T2
2(90-T) = T-10 4k(120-T) = k(T-40)
180-2T = T-10 4(120-T) = T-40
190=3T 480-4T = T-40
T= 520=5T
T=60,33˚C T=
Batang PQ mempunyai ukuran yang
sama sehingga A dan l dilenyapkan dari
persamaan. Jawaban yang benar A
Jawaban yang benar C

27 Soal UN SMP 2014

Perhatikan grafik berikut! Perhatikan grafik berikut!

Es yang massanya 50 gram dipanaskan Es yang massanya 50 gram dipanaskan

dari−5°C menjadi air bersuhu 60°C air. dari−5°C menjadi air bersuhu 60°C air.
Jika kalor lebur es = 80 kal/gram, kalor Jika kalor lebur es = 80 kal/gram, kalor
jenis es = 0,5 kal/gram°C, kalor jenis air jenis es = 0,5 kal/gram°C, kalor jenis air
= 1 kal/gram °C, maka banyaknya kalor = 1 kal/gram °C, maka banyaknya kalor

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 54

yang diperlukan pada saat proses dari C yang diperlukan pada saat proses dari B
ke D adalah.... ke C adalah....
A. 125 kalori A. 50 J
B. 3.000 kalori B. 40 J
C. 4.000 kalori C. 30 J
D. 7.125 kalori D. 25 J

Pembahasan Pembahasan
Diketahui: Diketahui:
 mes= 50 gram  mes= 50 gram
 ces = 0,5 kal/gram°C  ces = 0,5 kal/gram°C
 Cair = 1 kal/gram °C  Cair = 1 kal/gram °C
 ΔT = 60˚C Ditanya:
Proses C-D, air 50 gram naik suhunya  kalor yang diperlukan proses B-C, air
dari suhu 0°C menjadi 60°C 50 gram naik suhunya dari suhu 0°C
Ditanya: kemudian mencair,maka yang
 kalor yang diperlukan adalah: ? diperlukan adalah:
Jawab: Jawab:
Q = m.L
Q = m.c.ΔT Q=( 50)(0,5)
Q = (50)(1)(60) = 3000 kalori Q= 25 J

Jawaban yang benar B Jawaban yang benarB

28 Soal UN SMP/MTs 2019

Sepotong baja bersuhu 28⁰C
dimasukkan ke dalam 100 gram air Sepotong besi bersuhu 40˚C
bersuhu 38⁰C, sehingga suhu campuran ,dimasukkan kedalam air dengan massa
menjadi 35⁰C. Jika kalor jenis air 4.200 200 gram dengan suhu 54˚C,sehingga
J/kg⁰C dan kalor jenis baja X 450 J/kg⁰C, suhu campuran menjadi 50˚C. Jika
maka massa baja adalah …. kalor jenis air 4.200 J/kg⁰C dan kalor
A. 500 gram jenis besi X 650 J/kg⁰C, maka massa
B. 420 gram besi adalah ….a.
C. 400 gram A. 369,24 gram
D. 380 gram B. 368,23 gram
C. 369,23 gram
Pembahasan D. 359,23 gram
m1 x C1 x ∆T1 = m2 x C2 x ∆T 2
m1(450) (35 – 28) = 100 (4.200) (38 – Pembahasan
35) m1 x C1 x ∆T1 = m2 x C2 x ∆T 2

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 55

m1 (450) (7) = 100 (4.200) (3) m1 (650) (54– 40) = 200 (4.200) (54– 50)
m1 = 400 gram m1 (650) (14) = 200 (4.200) (4)
m1(9.100)= 3.360.000
Jawaban yang benarB m1=369,23 gram

Jawaban yang benar C

29 Soal UN SMP/MTs 2019
Pemanas air memiliki daya 600 W
digunakan untuk memanaskan air 4 kg Pemanas air demgan daya 500W
bersuhu awal 30⁰C hingga mendidih. digunakan untuk memanaskan air 8 kg
Jika kalor jenis air 4.200 J/kg⁰C, maka bersuhu awal 40⁰C hingga mendidih.
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk Jika kalor jenis air 4.200 J/kg⁰C, maka
memanaskan air tersebut adalah …. waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk
A. 800 sekon memanaskan air tersebut adalah ….
B. 960 sekon A. 5.032 sekon
C. 100 sekon B. 4.062 sekon
D. 250 sekon C. 4.037 sekon
D. 4.032 sekon
Diketahui: Pembahasan
 P=600 Watt Diketahui:
 mair= 4 kg  P=500 Watt
 C = 4.200 J/kg˚C  mair= 8 kg
 ΔT= 70˚C  C = 4.200 J/kg˚C
Ditanya:  ΔT= 60˚C
 t…? Ditanya:
 t…?
P x t = m x C x ∆T P x t = m x C x ∆t
(600) t = 4 (4.200) (100 – 30) (500) t = 8 (4.200) (100 – 40)
t = 1.960 sekon 500t = (33.600)(60)
Jawaban yang benar B 500t = 2.016.000
. .
t =
t = 4.032 sekon

Jawaban yang benar adalah D

30 Soal UN SMP TAHUN 2005
2 kg air dengan suhu 24°C dipanaskan 2 kg air dengan suhu 24°C dipanaskan
menjadi 90°C ,jika kalor jenis 4.200 menjadi ,jika kalor jenis 4.200 J/kg°C

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 56

J/kg°C ,maka kalor yang diterima air ,dengan kalor yang diterima air adalah
adalah....... sebesar 554.400 J,maka suhu akhir air
A. 336.000 Joule tersebut adalah .......
B. 259.200 Joule A. 105°C
C. 554.400 Joule B. 100°C
D. 543.600 Joule C. 95°C
D. 90°C
Diketahui :. Pembahasan
 massa air= 2kg Diketahui :
 Perubahan suhu(∆T)= 90°C-24°C=  massa air= 2kg
66°C  suhu awal= 24°C
 Kalor jenis= 4.200 J/ kg°C  Kalor jenis= 4.200 J/ kg°C
Ditanya:  Kalor=554.400J
 Jumlah kalor yang diterima air....? Ditanya:
Jawab:  Suhu akhir air....?
Q= m.c.∆T Jawab:
Q= 2×4.200×66 Q= m.c.∆T
Q= 554.400 J 554.400= 2× 4.200×(T2-T1)
554.400= 2× 4.200×(T2-24)
Jawaban yang benar C 554.400=8.400×(T2-24)
8.400 T2=554.400+201.600
8.400 T2=756.000
Jawaban yang benar D

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 57


Heat and Heat Group members :
Change • Kuntum Khaira Ummah
• Nabila
• Yuliani

Termometer Scale

Expressthe degree of heat of an object. Using
termometer to determine the value of heat.


If an object have 122⁰F, how much is it in ⁰C? Expansion

Tf = 122⁰F The changes of object that factored by
Tc = ? heat
Tc = 5/9( Tf - 32)
Tc = 5/9 (122- 32)
Tc = 5/9 (90)
Tc = 50⁰C

5 6

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 58

✘ Long Expansion ✘ Board Expansion
ΔL = L0 ΔT ΔA = A0 ΔT

Lt = L0 (1+ T) At = A0 (1+ ΔT)

Information: Information:
Lt = Long end (m) At = Final area (m2)
L0 = Long at first (m) A0 = Initial area (m2)
ΔL = Length increase (m) ΔA = Widespread area (m2)
α = Long expansion coefficient (/˚C) β = The coefficient expansion of substance (/˚C)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C) ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C)

7 8

✘ Volume Expansion
When the temperature was 25⁰C, length of the glass is 50 cm. After got heated, thr length become 50,09 cm. Long expansion
ΔV = V0 ΔT coefficient is 9 x 10⁻⁶/⁰C. Final temperature of the glass is?
Vt = V0 (1+ ΔT)
Knowing : Lₒ = 50 cm L₁ = 50,09 cm Tₒ = 25⁰C
α = 9 x 10⁻⁶/⁰C ∆L = 0,09 cm
Vt = Final volume (m3)
Question : T₁ ?
V0 = Initial volume (m3)
∆L = Lₒ α∆T
ΔV = Volume increase (m3)
0,09 = 50 cm x 9 x 10⁻⁶/⁰C x (T₁ - 25)
γ = Volume expansion coefficient (/˚C)
0,09 = 45 x 10⁻⁵ (T₁ - 25)
ΔT = Temperature rise (˚C)
T₁ - 25 = 200
T₁ = 200 + 25 = 225⁰C

9 8

✘ Heat Type(c) ✘ Heat capacity(C)

The amount of heat that The amount of heat that
absorbed by 1 kg substance to needed to increase 1⁰C

HEAT increase 1⁰C

C = c.m
Energy that moving from high temperature object to the
lower temperatre object until it reach equivalence

9 10

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 59

Change of Being
Change of Being

11 12

Asaz Black
✘ CONDENSATION ✘ CRYSTALLIZATION ✘ SUBLIMATION “ The amount of heat that realising by high
temperatre object is the same with the heat
that absorbed by lower temperature object”
QLepas = QTerima

13 14

Heat Transfer
Conduction Convection

15 16

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 60



17 18

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 61



Rachmadiarti. 2017. ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM TERPADU. Jakarta : Yudistira
Wahono dkk. 2016. ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM EDISI REVISI 2016. Jakarta : PT Tiga
Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri.

Temperature, Heat and Their Conductors 62

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