Scion Live-Action Origin Hero (Final Download)

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Designed by David Christoph, Jocelyn
Fulljames-Christoph, Emma Glasscock, Stephen
Tasker, Ben Walker, Liz Wilford
Additional writing and development work by
Eddy Webb
Edited by Dixie Cochran and Matthew
Art by Shen Fei, William O’Brien, Pat McEvoy,
Grzegorz Pedrycz, and Thomas Denmark
Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney
Creative Director: Richard Thomas

© 2021 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no
way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. “Scion” and all charac-
ters, names, places, and text herein are copyrighted by Onyx Path Publishing.
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The Hurricane 6 Between-Game Actions 23 Relics 52

Chapter One: Write Up 24 Advancement 53
The World 8 Side Scene 24 Changing Paths 53
Who Are You? 9 Chains of Events 24 Chapter Four: Fate 54
The World 9 Conditions 24 Fatebinding 55
Scions & Denizens 10 Bands 25 Types of Fatebindings 56
What do they do? 11 Band Goals 25 Connections 56
Terra Incognita 11 Chapter Three: Obligations 56
Fonts 12 Creating Your Scion 26 Storytelling Fate 56
Enclaves 13 Concept 27 Assigning Fatebindings 56
Pantheons 15 Paths 27 Using Fate
Chapter Two: Origin Paths 27 to Build Stories 58
Mechanics 16 Role Paths 29 Resolving Fatebindings 59
Using Stones 17 Supernatural Path 30 Chapter Five:
Tiers 18 Humanoid Paths 30 Storyguiding 60
Challenges 18 Mythical Paths 31 Running Scion Live-Action 61
Static Challenges 18 Pantheon 41 Length of Play 61
Opposed Challenges 18 Godly Powers 41 Responsibilities
Conflict 19 Knacks 41 and Roles 61
Initiative 19 Boons 43 Costuming 62
Steps 19 Sorcery 49 Safety Mechanics 62
Damage 19 Skills 50 Other Things to Consider 63
Health 19 Fatebindings 51 Creating Threats,Challenges,
Death and Dying 19 Equipment 51 and Adversaries 63
Actions 20 Advantages 52 Difficulty 63
Immediate Actions 20 Disadvantages 52 Consequence 64
Long Actions 22 Quick and Dirty SGCs 64


Introduction 68 The Shén of China 86 Obligation Lists 106

Chapter One: The Teotl of Chapter Two:
Birth of a Hero 70 the Mexihcah 88 Storyguiding for Heroes 108
Concept 71 The Theoi, The Bronze Stone
Creating a New Hero 72 the Greek & Roman Gods 90 and Sacrifice Mechanic 109
Heroic Paths 72 The Tuatha Dé Danann Sacrifice 109
Callings 72 of Ireland 92 Ascension 109
Pantheon 73 Origin-Level Ascending a Denizen
Overview 74 Characters vs Heroes 94 to a Mythic Denizen 109
Principal Members 74 Ascending a The Gathering 110
Pre-Existing Scion 94 Location 110
The Æsir of
Ásgarð and Miðgarð 74 More Godly Powers 94 Purpose 110
The Devá of South Asia 76 Keywords 94 Beckoned 110
The Kami of Japan 78 Knacks 94 The Reward 111
The Manitou of Boons 97 Running the Gathering 111
the Anishinaabek 80 Pantheon Specific Antagonists 112
The Netjerof Egypt 82 Purviews 103 Connections 113
The Òrìshà of Yorùbáland 84 Skills 104 Storytelling Heroes 114
Fatebindings 104

“Sheriff? This is Mandy from the mayor’s office. Another one’s been found.”
“In the middle of a hurricane? Text me the address. I’ll be there in ten.”
“I’ll let the mayor know, sir.”
Five minutes later, the sheriff emerged into the pouring rain, trench coat pulled tightly
over his coarse, leathery skin and Stetson on his mane of ivory hair and dark steel horns. The
rain fell like wet bullets. The storm roared, a crack of thunder echoing through almost empty
streets as the twisting, darkened clouds of Hurricane Clarence came into view over Elysian
Bay. Most humans would have been blown back by the force of the winds, but the sheriff
wasn’t exactly human.
His large frame powered its way to the address. A small man stood outside, with a smile
like an oil baron. He was impeccably dressed in a suit and top hat, totally dry as if the rain
itself wouldn’t dare.
“Raidou! My dear boy, you look like a damp rat,” he exclaimed with feigned concern,
taking a pull on his pipe.
The sheriff leaned against the building just under an awning that had long since given up
being any kind of shelter. With a large, red-skinned hand, he fished a cigar from his pocket.
“We can’t all have storm gods for uncles, Leslie,” he grunted out before snapping his fingers.
An ethereal blue flame leaped to the cigar. “What do we have?”
Leslie’s face turned dark. “Apartment 22. Probably best you see it yourself, old chap.
Rolento and I have the place on lockdown, per the mayor.”
The sheriff smelled blood and bourbon as he ascended the apartment stairs. He immedi-
ately saw blood and viscera, but he looked away and knelt at the feet of the body instead. It
appeared to be a man with goat’s legs, lightly covered with a linen sheet to protect his dignity.
“Moe,” the oni muttered under his breath as he lifted the sheet and saw the cold face of
his erstwhile friend.
“Sheriff! Sheriff!” a woman with elegant features yelled as she made her way across the
cramped apartment, dodging the empty beer bottles and half-eaten hoagies. “Sheriff!” she
yelled once more, mere inches from him. “Where have you been? Mandy called you over half
an hour ago!”


He didn’t look up, still scanning the crime scene. “Not sure if you noticed, Mayor Selene, but
there’s a hurricane blowing your town away. Took me longer than I expected.”
The snakes that had been whipping the mayor’s hair into a frenzy relaxed as she took a
deep breath. “Any clues?”
“Just walked in the door.” Heat emanated from the wound in the satyr’s chest.
“Look, Rai, I need something to tell the council. They’re getting antsy. Questioning if
having an ogre—”
“Oni,” he cut her off sharply.
“—oni as our chief detective is wise.”
“Great. Replace me. I can’t wait to sit on the beach with a Mai Tai in hand.” His words
dripped with sarcasm.
“They’re going to force my hand, Rai.”
Just then, he spotted a gleaming black shard lodged in Moe’s ribs. He pulled it out and
held it aloft; it sparked with sinister energy.
“What is that?” the mayor asked as her hair formed fully into snakes so she could exam-
ine it with all her eyes.
“A clue.” He slipped it into his pocket and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?
“Rashida and Diego’s place; she might know what this thing is.”
It was another twenty-minute walk through pouring oppressive rain before he reached
the large brownstone door. It stuck out among the flimsy beach houses like it was from anoth-
er place and time, mostly because it was. He knocked with his hard, red hand, door opening
on the third knock. A small green-skinned man with teeth like razor blades stood behind it in
a hooded sweatshirt.
“Sheriff! So good to see you; what brings you out this evening?” he said with a polite
affectation that was far from natural.
“Still making you take the etiquette classes, Diego?”
“Won’t marry me till I can get through a dinner with her father. Come on in. What brings
you by? You know there’s a storm on, right?”
Water streamed off the oni’s horns. “Hadn’t noticed.”
They walked through the foyer to the sitting room, where an imposing but graceful
winged lion with the face of a lovely young woman lay upon a pile of pillows in front of a
chessboard. “Sheriff, so good to see you. What brings you out tonight?” Diego took the seat
across from her.
“Evening, Rashida. Got a thing I want you to look at.” He placed the shadowy spike in
her outstretched paw.
“Fascinating. This metal is an obsidian aetheric compound commonly used in South
American construction, but these runes are decidedly Norse…” Suddenly, she stopped
looking at it and sniffed the air. “Tell me, do you have a new partner you’ve neglected to
“No,” he responded, eyebrow raised quizzically.
“Well then, gentlemen, I believe we’re about to have company.”
The windows shattered, and the hurricane reached a hand into the room.

E very journey has a beginning, and Scion: Origin
Live-Action is about those beginnings. Part of the
Scion Live-Action system, Scion: Origin Live-Action
heritage; and still others may be content simply to
stand forever between worlds.
However, they’re not the only beings de-
is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP for short) scended from Legend in the World. All manner
that concerns the creatures and persons of myth and of mythological creatures inhabit the World, and
legend and how they interact with the World, a place they sometimes reproduce with humans. The be-
where all myths are real and all stories have weight. ings resulting from these unions are usually called
Fate is its own force in the World, and the characters Denizens to differentiate them from Scions proper
in this book are feeling its first touches upon their when they’re called anything at all. In this book we
souls. Whether mundane or supernatural, Scion Live- also include Denizens with pre-Visitation Scions.
Action is the story of people in a liminal space where When it’s important to make a distinction, we will,
myth is swiftly becoming immediate. but assume any reference to “Scions” or “Origin-
level characters” in Scion: Origin Live-Action also
WHO ARE YOU? refers to Denizens.

I n all the Scion Live-Action books, players play the

children of the Gods and tangle with their parents’ THE WORLD
divine enemies and rivals, and deal with beasts and
monsters that threaten mortal lives. Characters are
often from disparate pantheons, brought together to
cion Live-Action adventures take place in its
default setting, simply called the World, which is
a place that looks just like our modern world — aside
fight against the Titans and their influence despitefrom the Gods and mythological creatures, of course.
existing strife and tension. Each Scion character has
Games of Scion Live-Action can take place anywhere
a suite of exceptional abilities, and some might have
on Earth, but Storyguides are equally encouraged to
artifacts given to them by their godly parents. create a fictionalized version of the real world; the
Scion: Origin Live-Action specifically fo- magic and mystery of the divine is everywhere.
cuses on pre-Visitation Scions (referred to as The World of Scion has many similarities to
“Scions” throughout). Having not yet received our own, but it is not the same. In this World, the
their Visitations, they stand with only one foot on power of the old gods was not forgotten, nor swept
the forked road to divinity or destruction, loosely beneath the tide of monotheistic religions. The
bound to the machinations of Fate. They are not so Mediterranean is rife with the followers of the Theoi,
entangled in its strands that they are forced onto in parts of China the old faiths are still honored, and
certain paths, but they are enmeshed in the world in Scandinavia, the worshippers of the Æsir wield
of story and the games that Gods play far more than significant influence. In multicultural societies like
the average mortal. Some may more deeply wrap the United States, pantheons of all sorts collide, each
themselves in myth, receive Visitations, and become pursuing their various agendas. While monotheistic
heroes (which are covered in Scion: Hero Live- traditions still exist, their agents and those of the
Action); some may embrace other aspects of their


Some of the material you see in here will be different from Scion: Origin. Origin. This
is because LARPs in general and Scion: Origin Live-Action in particular have a
different focus from their tabletop RPG cousins. In a tabletop RPG, your characters are
the protagonists and the story is about you. You are more important than everyone else,
and your trials and tribulations make up the whole game. Tabletop games, therefore,
rely on all parties’ investment in the players’ journey — and on scripting a fair amount
of that journey in advance.
In a LARP, these considerations are still true, yet in a different way. You are not the only
protagonists. While every person’s Visitation is supposed to be personal and unique,
other players need something to do with their time while one is receiving their divine
Visitation, and those other tasks are worthwhile stories themselves. Even if your story is
about you, the story cannot be about you, because it must be about everyone. As such,
key elements differ from the material you find in the Scion tabletop RPG.

Who Are You? | The World 9

polytheistic pantheons tend to work independently, someone who can knowingly interact with the realms of
rarely swept up in each others’ concerns. the Gods as well as the mortal domain, and is connected
Though the cities of this World have the same by some inner force to Fate and Legend. This could be
names and the borders of nations are in the same plac- their heritage, their training, or a Relic, and they can be
es for roughly the same reasons, the major history dif- powered by Ichor, Titanic Rangshar, or magic. All Scions
fers in having been shaped by divine hands. However, are sentient beings connected in some way to Fate.
the Gods don’t participate in the everyday doings of Denizens aren’t the children of gods but are oth-
mortals, even their own worshipers; while folks are erwise part of the strange tapestry. They have little in
peripherally aware that creatures of myth exist, they common regarding size, shape, gender, or species. There
still have jobs to do, rent to pay, and lives to lead. The are few ways in which a raven is like a writing desk, yet
magical and the mysterious are more commonplace either could be a Denizen with the right spark. Broadly
than in our world, but rare outside Scion Enclaves speaking, their life cycle starts one of four ways:
or those faithful to the pantheons. Most Scions avoid
• First and most famously, a Denizen is made
widespread attention because Fate interacts strangely
when something with Ichor in its veins pur-
with supernatural creatures when the World notices
posely sheds or spends some of its divinity to
them. While no one would be stunned into disbelief
infuse a mundane person, place, thing — or
seeing a troll in the news, it’s unlikely the average
in rare cases, even an idea — with enough
person would ever meet one. The supernatural, while
power to act in the mortal domain.
unusual and beyond the domain of your typical mortal,
is understood to be part of reality’s fabric. • Second and by far most common, infused
Denizens may retain their natural urges,

SCIONS & DENIZENS develop urges they did not previously have
as inanimate objects, or even receive urges

O rigin-level characters are those who live in myth:

humans who stumbled upon paths through the
looking glass and into history, humble folks with a
as part of the infusion. Once a God infuses
a raven as a messenger, perhaps it learns to
shed its coat of feathers, settles down with
magic sword, talking animals on grand adventures, a human, and starts a family. Their children
or simply those who touched by the otherworldly may be ravens, humans, or a mix. Or if in-
and wanting to get on with their lives. stead they mate with other ravens, the local
Scions have the blood of Gods in their veins, wait- neighborhood or forest may soon find its
ing for a Visitation to activate their legacies. A Scion is birds to be unusually eloquent.


• The third and oldest method is the or a snake under a wizard’s enchantment may seek
Titanspawn: primeval creatures from the to become a world-devouring serpent. They try to
dawn of time, though years of civilization parlay their small piece of power into greater and
sometimes round their edges. Many stories greater reserves in the pursuit of becoming more
tell the origins of the World, and in more than than they were, perhaps even Gods themselves.
a few of these, life springs forth from divine They bind themselves to the Legends of others,
Ichor spilled upon the ground. Cyclopes, gather followers, and play the game of worlds.
dwarves, beastfolk, and all manner of things Legend, lackey, or laconic homebody, common
came into being in this way. Interbreeding needs lead to Scions living and working side by side.
sees these bloodlines mingled with others They band together to get things done, pursuing
to produce generational Scions. Others may mutual goals, better defenses, or the ties of com-
remain in their original form, enjoying an munity and family. They celebrate and argue, love
immortality granted by virtue of being alive and hate, live and die. Some become Fatebound to
before death came to be. the sagas of others, some gain notoriety among their
• The final type of Denizens makes themselves. own circles, and others fight for the recognition and
They are humans who seek out the unknown, rights of their kind or just take odd jobs to get by.
maybe find an old Relic, delve too far into Of course, it helps tremendously that Fate tends to
a mystery, learn mystic disciplines, devote draw together those touched by the supernatural.
themselves to a faith, or simply meet an ac-
cident of circumstance and emerge changed.
Sorcerer or saint, investigator or instigator,
by Moe the Enlightened, Satyr Philosopher
these Denizens have a thirst for Ichor, magic,
and myth, and a drive to remake themselves
in an image of their own conception. They
are rare indeed, and almost indistinguishable
don’t fucking know, then again that’s in the name.
Usually, those introduced to the mythical are given
some sort of advice. They may have a journal entry
from mortals, but one cannot touch a thing or some wise old mentor to tell them what’s what, or
and not be touched in return. They wish to perhaps they report to a boss who tells them about
weave Fate, and so are bound and woven. what’s going on within the narrative fiction we call the
World. But this is a world about stories and legends so
WHAT DO THEY DO? I suppose you, dear reader should be told something
Try to survive, mostly. A significant minority by a Diderotic Narrator with an in-world Anansi-like
of Scions were built or infused by the Gods with presence of being associated with story, yet able to
a purpose. They spend their time either fulfilling perceive Canby’s “invisible scrim” that keeps the
that mandate or studiously avoiding it, but either reader from the read, or actor from their audience.
way, the sheer granting of purpose shapes their
Hallo! That’s arguably me. The very short ver-
lives and interactions. The brass men in service to
sion of Terra Incognita is that basically everything is
Hephaestus and the mischievous pooka eluding the
out there somewhere except when it isn’t or no one
dictates of the Tuatha are defined in relation to their
cares. Even then, it might be.
duties, whether they fulfill them or not.
Very, very broadly speaking, all the various cre-
Most Scions are the children, or children’s
ations of the World happened, and all the detritus of
children of such beings, and mostly they learn to live
those creations are still present. You can still find bits of
within the shapes they inherited while maintaining a
the ice the cow licked the World from and the echoes of
knowledge of the supernatural. They don’t believe in
the Big Bang if you know where to look. Mud and vast
the Gods as mortals do; rather, they know the Gods
waters from before the turtle brought up the embers of
exist in the same way that mundane humans are aware
Ometeotl’s other four suns and the bits of viscera best
of particular politicians or billionaires. These Scions’
left unexplored from a million other bloodier creations
interactions with the Gods are transactional. After all,
are still hanging around somewhere.
attracting the attention of mighty entities who admin-
We then have the Underworlds. These are the
ister fundamental aspects of reality may result in the
places where the dead dwell. They’re what awaits
bestowing of great boons — or lead to capricious ruin.
any thinking entity when their body runs down or
Understanding that many of the divine are sim-
they’ve spent their time among the living. They
ply ultra-powerful personages and patrons, some
can be anything from aching voids that swallow
Scions stake their own claims in the grand game. A
one-tailed kitsune may dream of nine-tailed glory,

Terra Incognita 11
the souls of the faithless, to pleasant western river
kingdoms, to mighty halls of great heroism and FONTS
feasting. They may be grand pleasure gardens,
sunny skies full of clouds, or deep abysses where
just punishments are meted out upon the wicked,
S cions gather at Fonts of magical energy to refresh
their powers and renew their communities. A Font
is essentially a fountain, an upwelling where energies
basically anything that has been believed or is be-
break through into the World to spill Ichor, ink, and
lieved is out there to be explored and sometimes
imagination upon the stones. A Font may become
things escape or come back.
special by being so notorious it passes into a Legend
Finally, we have spaces in between. The of its own, like a battlefield, a great monument, or
Olympian heights from which the Gods watch the scene of a historic murder. Other places become
humankind may have some of the dead there as Fonts because they’ve been the scene for unrecorded
attendants. The souls of musicians or artists may turning points of Fate: the birthplace of a king, the
wander the realms of the fae, and many a dead factory floor where the gun that shot a tyrant was
creature or thing unborn and undying lurks in the made, the site of destined lovers’ trysts. Then there
forests in which the Ohdowas hunt but they’re not are places that are Fonts for unearthly reasons: where
places primarily for the dead, nor are they worlds Titans have struck the land, where the wars of Gods
from before creation. Instead, these are the worlds touched mortal clay.
beside the mortal realm, watching, sometimes
Resting at a Font refreshes and refuels the part
touching in an eternal dance of the cosmos. Here’s
of the soul attached to one’s mythic aspect. Here, the
where we find Terra Incognita and other places
soul is inspired to write poems, reflect deeply upon
on the edges of maps, where creations beside your
life, take up a crusade, or simply rest and meditate.
own dwell. “Here Be Dragons”, as they say!
Almost all Fonts require maintenance of some sort.
Now we’ll speak of distance and depth. Those that sprung from places of natural beauty
There’s no real distance between the realms, but are sometimes simple, in that all one needs to do is
there is difficulty of travel. Imagine you live in a clean up the litter and keep people from developing
city. There’s a store ten blocks away and another strip malls over them. More complex buildings and
one twenty, but you have a train stop two blocks monuments can require anything from light jani-
away that takes you right to the second store. Are torial work to full-time crews constantly updating
you closer to the first or the second? For those pos- their infrastructure. Usually, local Scions work to
sessing the token or talisman of passage through preserve Fonts while Ichor-touched heroes, villains,
the underground (a farecard), the second store and monsters attempt to reap the benefits. As such,
is mere moments away, whereas the first is quite these places are usually considered neutral territory
the hike. For those who must travel without such where all can rest and refresh freely and violence is
talisman, both are a hike, but the first is closer. The verboten.
paths one takes to reach any realm vary based on
The existence of neutral territory for the dis-
the person doing the traveling and the require-
cussion of important matters is critical to the beings
ments of the realm.
of Scion, even more so than it is to humankind.
Some realms, usually realms where the Gods Without the treaties and truces negotiated at Fonts,
themselves dwell, are barred against any except there would be no way to tell when fighting should
other beings of their level. Some can be reached end and hostilities cease, only conflict as unending
only by those thinking happy thoughts, or only by as the entities that wage it. The trappings of hos-
the seventh son of a seventh son, or a child born pitality, therefore, are also key to the supernatural.
under a caul. The more restrictions or more diffi- Some beings literally live and die on the rules of
cult the restriction, the greater the metaphysical hospitality. These rules are numerous and varied,
distance away a realm is said to be, regardless of but they have some common threads.
its theoretical physical distance. Some powers
Time: There’s a clearly defined amount of time
may alter this subjective distance or allow one to
for which someone can rest and recuperate without
take their little bands of Dantes along with their
fear of reprisal or being expelled. This may differ
Virgilian guides. Some beings are simply powerful
between Fonts; the standard is 72 hours, but some
enough to batter down the walls. As it’s often said,
places use one night and one day, until the next
your mileage may vary.
sunrise, or perhaps 28 days in inhospitable climates
where storms last weeks. Some who keep the oldest
traditions even use a year and a day.


Guestrights: All Font guests must be granted or worshipers of a particular pantheon may enforce
the following base rights: different traditions. The Theoian practice of xenia
mandates that a guest be clothed, if needed, as well
• To rest at the Font for the stated duration of
as fed, and the Chinatown Fonts of most major cities
are considered exemplars of generous hospitality.
• To be unharmed by violence during their Fonts in other countries have traditions that
stay may differ significantly from their USA counter-
• To access water and sanitary facilities equal parts. The nanawatai of the Pashtun people in
to their host’s Afghanistan compels the host to fight on behalf of
their guests, rather than the other way around. In
• To be given food of the same kind and por-
Hindu practice, the obligation to provide hospitality
tion as their host
extends beyond the physical bounds of the Font;
The foodright in particular has been the root hosts may be expected to go out and volunteer aid
of some problems when a host has, often uninten- to the larger community, not just those who come
tionally but occasionally maliciously, provided only seeking help. Guests in Latin America have a wide
the house rations to a guest whose differing dietary variety of etiquette rules to navigate, as the cultures
needs prevent their consumption. These rules are of these countries are far from monolithic.
ancient and sometimes inflexible, stemming from
Breaking the laws of hospitality is a good way to
times of conflict when food was scarce and what
get cursed, smote, or dead.
little could be offered might be tainted or even poi-
soned. However, providing hospitality is a matter
of pride at many Fonts, so some measure of effort ENCLAVES
is usually taken to see that guests can be adequately
provisioned while keeping to the spirit, if not the
letter, of the old laws.
E nclaves are the groups of Scions that settle around
Fonts to tend their magical energies.
Because each Font is in a unique geographic
Hostrights: The first right granted to all hosts
context, the Scions of any particular Enclave are
is the right to remain unmolested in their home ter-
likely but not guaranteed to share a common motive
ritory. No violence should befall them or theirs from
for settling there. For example, naga and merfolk
a guest. They may ask their guests to put up arms
both gravitate toward towns with widespread
for safekeeping, or require them to be peacebonded.
wheelchair access, while sentient familiars and
Furthermore, the host retains the right to call other knowing creatures seek landlords with liberal
upon any guest to take up arms in defense of the pet policies. Golems, whether old clay or shiny new
Font during their stay. Failure on the part of the chrome, need somewhere to sit and kvetch about
guest to defend their place of succor is usually seen uncaring masters, preferably with sturdy floors. As
as a tacit admission that the guest is a spy or other- the area around a Font develops to meet its Scions’
wise harbors ill intent. needs, the social makeup of its Enclave may shift in
Finally, the host has the right to request a gift unforeseen ways.
of time, maintenance, or resources from each guest No two Enclaves are identical. This is to be
toward the Font’s upkeep. A penniless drifter may expected; after all, among humans, an Amish town
be asked to help clean up, a rich guest may be asked is by no means the same as Little Italy or Compton.
to contribute toward roof repair, or a great hero may However, broadly speaking, there are some com-
be asked to solve some problem or threat to the Font monalities in the social structure of Enclaves that
and its environs. keep them functioning in a manner comprehensible
These three basic tenets are generally consid- to visiting Scions.
ered the bare minimum of hospitality in the United It’s crucial to hold regularly scheduled Enclave-
States, which boasts one of the largest and most wide meetings to maintain balance and order in the
powerful Fonts in the World on Liberty Island. community. These may be municipal assemblies
However, the American standard by no means cov- to determine the distribution of resources; town
ers the extent of the Font code. For example, among hall forums where suggestions and grievances can
the original thirteen states, the Third Amendment be aired; or emergency summits to respond to a
to the Constitution is interpreted to place addi- looming threat that could change the fabric of the
tional restrictions on the guest rights of military Enclave’s story. No matter the purpose or format, all
personnel seeking refuge at a Font. Furthermore, Scions of the Enclave are welcome to attend every
Enclaves formed from the diaspora of other nations

Enclaves 13
meeting, and their contributions are obliged to be • Council of Elders: While the Keeper is ded-
heard in full by the other members of the session. icated to their singular purpose, the Council
Of course, the community is only required to listen tends to the broader community. This is
to speakers, not to take their advice or address their generally a group of older Scions who have
complaints, which often causes tension when a amassed money, time, magic, or other power
Scion does not feel properly heeded. enough to be granted the authority to make
Each Enclave also observes a cycle of festivals decisions for the Enclave as a whole.
that may overlap or coincide with those of other • Enforcers: These community members
Enclaves. Usually, each festival is headed by a dif- function as a neighborhood watch or con-
ferent individual Scion from the community so that stabulary to execute the local Enclave rules
no one person oversees all of them. Festival heads and the Elders’ wills.
may volunteer or be assigned; there may be several
people eager to host a Yule revel, while no one wants • Deputy: Every Enclave needs a liaison to the
to be responsible for the heavy workload involved mundane domain to ensure harmony with
with the yearly town cleanup. While there tends to the regional government and local mortals.
be strict rules on whether guests to the Font may Outside of the Enclave, the Deputy operates
attend routine Enclave meetings, all but the most with the full authority of the Council of
secretive of festivals are generally open to any who Elders in dealings with mortals.
wish to celebrate with the community. • Envoy: As a supernatural counterpart to
In conjunction with the meeting and festival the Deputy, the Envoy interfaces with other
schedule, Scions of the Enclave hold roles to ensure Enclaves and magical communities. They
smooth daily functioning within the community. monitor goings-on in the World of Scion so
Some roles or titles may differ between Enclaves, the Council may determine where to form al-
but these tend to be the most common general liances and allocate resources or assistance.
responsibilities: • Talebearer: There is always someone, often
• Keeper of the Font: As each Enclave draws self-appointed, who feels obliged to keep
lifeblood from its Font, so there must be abreast of everyone’s business within the
someone who maintains that wellspring of Enclave. Sometimes unkindly referred to as
power. This is also the person who may claim the tattletale, this person disseminates news
hostrights from guests to the territory. and helps the Council to ride the ever-chang-
ing tide of community sentiment.


• Almoner: While the Keeper of the Font may be an Enclave meeting gone sour, an Enforcer step-
claim hostrights, the Almoner is responsible ping on toes, or a festival where tensions run high,
for administering guestrights to visitors. In these moments are the turning points that frame a
daily life, they also ensure that Scions with Scion’s story. Every day in an Enclave is a chance for
special needs or dire circumstances receive the stuff of myth, for a Visitation, for legends to be
the assistance they require. forged or broken.
• Cleaners: Also known as fixers (or some-
times euphemistically as sanitation or public
Gods who belong to the same stories and belief
hygiene when talking to mortals), these are
system are grouped into Pantheons. The majority
the people who handle things that no one
of Scions bear allegiance to a pantheon or specific
else wants to. They take care of magical
God, often but not always the one who brought them
garbage, supernatural diseases, and other
or their ancestors into being. In cases like Odin’s
fallout from otherworldly events in order to
ravens, they may even be considered part of the
keep the affairs of the Enclave neatly tucked
pantheon itself, a distinction usually granted only to
away from prying eyes. In infrequent but un-
Gods, Demigods, and sometimes exemplary Heroes.
fortunate situations, they may also be called
However, unlike Heroes, most Scions rarely meet one
upon to deal with mortal interlopers who
of the Gods face to face — though some, such as the
have become too curious for their own good.
maenads of Dionysus, hold the high honor of belong-
By the very nature of these roles, there are of-
ing to a God’s personal retinue. An Enclave may be
ten times where their duties come into conflict with
beholden to a single pantheon or a mix of allegiances.
each other or with ordinary Scions simply trying to
make a life amid the mundane World. Whether it

Enclaves 15
S cion: Origin Live-Action uses a unique resolution
system of drawing color-coded stones from a
mythic pouch.
• Pull: Reach into your pouch without looking
and retrieve a stone at random. Successfully
pulling a stone whose color matches the sit-
Before the game starts, each player should be uation’s theme will confer a bonus to your
given (or bring) an opaque bag to function as their attempt; a non-matching color confers no
mythic pouch. This will hold the stones that they bonus. Return the stone to your pouch after
will use to take actions, perform Skill checks, and the outcome has been decided. Also called a
resolve conflicts and other challenges. It is highly check when used with Skills.
useful but not strictly necessary for pouches to be • Expend: After a pull but before the outcome
able to be carried hands-free. is decided, you may choose to return a pulled
In the physical sense, stones can be any small stone to the general Font pool rather than
object available in five colors (red, black, green, blue, your mythic pouch at the end of your turn.
and white) and otherwise uniform to the touch (same If the color of a stone expended in this way
size, shape, texture, etc.) when grouped together. matches the check’s theme, it’s considered
Uniformity to touch is critical because the Scion a perfect success. If the stone’s color does
Live-Action resolution system requires players to not match the check, expending it will allow
draw stones from their mythic pouches without look- you to claim the bonus as if it did. Anytime
ing. Marbles, poker chips, and basic six-sided dice a perfect success needs a numerical value,
with pips are all examples of objects that can be used that value is 5.
as stones. Actions, Skills, and challenges in Scion
• Rummage: Color: Like a pull, certain boons
Live-Action generally fall under five themes, each
require you to reach into your pouch and
corresponding to a stone color that must be drawn in
retrieve a particular color of stone without
order to successfully perform or pass it.
looking. However, unlike a standard pull,
• Battle (Red): Related to fighting and war. after rummaging you may only return the
stone to your pouch if it was the desired col-
• Speaking (Black): Related to persuading
or. If it was not, you must expend it instead.
others or understanding emotions.
The rummage text of the boon will specify
• Journey (Green): Related to traveling or which color stone is required.
• Remove: Draw a stone from your pouch
• Insight (Blue): Related to the mind in any without looking and return it to the Font
capacity, be it tactical, investigative, or pool. This is usually done as a consequence
strategic. for failing a challenge or done to activate a
• Magic (White): Related to the supernatural Knack or Boon. Unlike expend, removal is
and their powers. not the player’s choice and does not confer
benefits to any actions or Skills used. Effects
Players generally start each session of Scion Live-
that prevent or alter expending a stone do
Action with five stones, though they may earn or be
not impact removal.
granted more. When a player is given their pouch, and
at the beginning of each game thereafter, they are also • Empty: Take all stones from your pouch and
allowed to choose the color composition of stones the return them to the Font pool. Some Boons
pouch holds. While a basic strategy is to choose one require emptying your pouch to activate.
stone of each color, a specialized character may sacri- If your pouch is empty, you can make checks
fice one or more colors in order to have more stones of
but cannot gain the tier bonus. You may refill your
their preferred type. After all players have filled their
mythic pouch by resting at the Font to replace ex-
pouches, the remaining stones are held at the Font in a
pended or removed stones. For every 15 minutes at
general pool available throughout the game. the Font, you may select one stone from the pool
and place it in your pouch. This does not have to
USING STONES be the same color as the stone(s) you expended or
removed, so resting at a Font can be an opportunity

M ost actions, challenges, Skill checks and other to change the color composition of your pouch if
situations in which the outcome is uncertain needed. Some Keepers of the Font or other mem-
will require you, the player, to use stones from your bers of the Enclave may choose to sit in attendance
mythic pouch in at least one of the following ways. at the Font to offer services to resting players.

Using Stones 17
Whenever a player attempts to interact with or

N ot all Scion characters are created equal. Each

being in the World belongs to a tier representing
the mythical power they possess. A character’s tier
affect the World, their Storyguide may present them
with a static challenge. The Storyguide specifies
a numerical difficulty for the challenge based on
determines their tier bonus, which is added to their what the player is attempting to do. The player must
Skill trait when making a check. Inhabitants of The achieve a challenge total that meets or exceeds the
World fall into these tiers: challenge difficulty to pass.
• Feeble (Tier Zero): Primarily mundane animals, To calculate their challenge total, the player
but also mortal human infants and toddlers. first chooses a relevant Skill or action (if they did
Tier Bonus: 0 not already use one to initiate the challenge) and
• Mortal (Tier One): Ordinary humans, whose adds their Skill rating and any applicable Equipment
dealings with the supernatural are extremely lim- bonuses. The player then performs a pull against the
ited and who remain entirely unbound by Fate. theme of their chosen Skill or action; if they succeed
by drawing the correct color of stone, they also add
Tier Bonus: 1
their tier bonus to their challenge total (for refer-
• Scion (Tier Two): Creatures connected to ence, all Scions have a tier bonus of 2).
the Gods, from mortals who had a brush
A player may choose to expend the stone they
with the otherworldly to beings created from
pulled. Expending an off-color stone from a failed
Ichor or magic.
pull allows the player to add their tier bonus to their
Tier Bonus: 2 challenge total anyway. Alternately, expending an
• Heroic (Tier Three): Scions who have estab- on-color stone results in a guaranteed success re-
lished their own Legends and renown, often gardless of the challenge difficulty.
drawing their power from a greater being. Some Skills allow players to create static
Tier Bonus: 3 challenges for other players. The player makes a
• Demigod (Tier Four): Legendary creatures pull for the Skill check, then generates a challenge
and figures of myth. Some great Heroes may total as usual by adding their Skill rating, relevant
also pass into Demigod status by performing Equipment bonuses, and tier bonus if the pull was
illustrious feats. successful (or by expending an off-color stone). This
total becomes the challenge difficulty for any other
Tier Bonus: 4
player attempting to overcome it.
• Divine (Tier Five): These range from minor
deities to the mighty Gods of each Pantheon. OPPOSED CHALLENGES
Though they cannot fully manifest in the When two players desire different outcomes
mortal domain, a Divine being’s every action from an event, or when a player confronts another
yields potent and far-reaching consequences. character or Storyguide character (SGC for short)
Tier Bonus: 5 in some way, they are in opposition. The Storyguide
• Primordial (Tier Six): Awesome and alien, should decide whether the interaction escalates
these beings surpass all understanding. Some to a conflict; if it does not, an opposed challenge
have existed since the beginning of time, pos- commences. The aggressor (character who initiated
sessed of such immense power that they have confrontation) and the defender both calculate their
never been truly contained. Others are born challenge totals to determine the winner.
from Gods who have come to embody their The aggressor’s total is calculated in the same
domains so completely that they cast off all way as for a static challenge — rating in the Skill they
semblance of mortality. used to initiate opposition, equipment bonuses, and
tier bonus if they make a successful pull or expend
Tier Bonus: 6
an off-color stone. If the challenge was triggered

CHALLENGES by a disagreement, the dissenting character is con-

sidered the aggressor and should choose a Skill or
hroughout the game, players will face a variety action to set the theme for the challenge.
T of challenges. Challenges fall into two categories:
static and opposed.
The defender’s total is calculated differently.
They must first make a defensive pull against the chal-
lenge theme to determine whether they receive their


Battle (Red) Defense Close Combat, Firearms
Speaking (Black) Culture Empathy, Persuasion, Subterfuge
Journey (Green) Athletics Alertness, Pilot, Survival
Insight (Blue) Integrity Academics, Craft, Medicine, Science, Security
Magic (White) Pattern Occult

tier bonus, then add any relevant Equipment bonuses. In this Conflict Diego goes first. He dashes
Additionally, each theme also has one Skill designated forward and misses the storm with his dagger.
as Defensive. The defender may only add their Skill Diego’s player decides that Raidou will go next.
rating to their challenge total if they possess the defen- Raidou pulls out his Relic katana and moves
sive Skill that belongs to the challenge theme. closer. Now Raidou’s player decides the Storm
The party with the higher challenge total wins. should go next. The Living Storm sends a bolt of
In the case of a tie, the aggressor wins. However, lightning at Diego, blasting him to the ground.
if both parties expend an on-color pulled stone, the The Storyguide playing the Storm sends the
guaranteed success on defense beats the guaranteed initiative to Rashida, since she’s the only player
success on aggression. yet to act in the round. Rashida uses a boon to
heal Diego, and then is the first to act in the

CONFLICT following round.

C onflict refers to any scene in which time is of the
essence, be it combat or other urgent situations.
In any Conflict, Initiative comes into play.
Movement is a precious and limited resource
during a conflict. On a player’s turn, they may take
2 steps without using an action to run, which allows
INITIATIVE them 4 steps.
The first thing to determine in any Conflict is
who gets to act first. Scion Live-Action uses a ro- DAMAGE
tating choice initiative system where each player When an attack successfully lands the target
chooses the next player or SGC to act. The very first takes damage. The base damage of any attack is 1,
player to act is determined by who has the highest but some Relics and Boons do more.
initiative rating. This is the sum of the character’s
skill points between Empathy, Defense, Integrity, HEALTH
Pattern, and Alertness and should be noted on ev- At character creation, all Scions have 6 health
ery player’s sheet. After the first player acts, they levels (4+tier.) Once all their health levels are filled
choose who goes next by pointing at another player with damage, they fall over unconscious. There is no
or Storyguide in the conflict; they must pick some- differentiation between different types of damage in
one who has yet to act in that round. The player Scion Live-Action. Once a character is unconscious,
or Storyguide who takes the last turn of one round if they suffer another level of damage, they die.
gets to start the next round, effectively acting twice
in a row. Some Enemies have multiple actions, so if DEATH AND DYING
they are the last to move in a turn, they get to take When a character checks off their last health
multiple actions in a row without the players getting box they fall to the ground. While not necessarily
a chance to react. unconscious, they’re no longer capable of taking ac-
Example: Raidou, Rashida, and Diego are tions like moving, attacking. They may speak but they
in combat with the Living Storm. Raidou’s may not initiate any challenges. Scions do not bleed
Initiative is the sum of his initiative skills. out, though normal humans do. If another character
Empathy (1) Defense (2) Integrity (0) Pattern wishes to kill a downed Scion, they must take an addi-
(1) Alertness (2), so 6. Rashida has a 4, Diego tional attack action on the downed character to do so.
has a 9, and the Living Storm has a 7. Once a character has been finished off, they are
dead. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re gone
for good. Myth and Legend is replete with stories of

Conflict 19
characters coming back from death. If they have a IMMEDIATE RED ACTIONS
friend or group of friends that genuinely care for them, Most immediate Red actions have to do with
enough to travel to the Underworld, they may one day causing harm to another character or object.
live again. Doing so will almost always require a quest Combat in Scion Live-Action seeks to tell a story of
of some sort and is the domain of a game’s Storyguide. clashing swords, daring duels, and thrilling battles
between dragons, demons, and Desert Eagles. Most
ACTIONS battle actions take place in Conflict.
Attacking: One of the most common actions
A ctions come in three lengths based on their
complexity and how much time they take to
complete. Immediate actions are simple and last a
a character may wish to perform while in a fight is
attacking. A character may declare an attack action
against any target within the range of his weapon
few seconds. Long actions are more complicated and
on their initiative. The result of a successful attack
last ten minutes. Between-Game actions are ongoing,
action is that the target suffers damage equal to their
complex endeavors that happen after or between
weapon’s damage. The default is 1. Their target may
games and events.
choose to actively defend or reflexively defend.
IMMEDIATE ACTIONS Example: Ashron the Minotaur brandishes
Immediate actions are happening right now and his massive glaive and swings it at Mattie the
only last a few seconds. They’re discreet events result- Medusa. Mattie, not wanting their hair to be
ing in a single change to the environment, like swinging turned into snakeskin boots, wants to avoid
a weapon at an enemy with your Close Combat Skill being hit by Ashron. Ashron pulls a Red stone
or moving a large rock with your Athletics. Immediate on his attack action so Mattie knows that the
actions happen one after the other, they can’t happen attack will be relatively accurate and that their
simultaneously. Immediate actions are the only ones reflexive defense may not be enough to get her
that can happen during a conflict. out unscathed. She decides to sacrifice her next
The immediate actions one can take are or- action and use an active defense. She pulls a
ganized below by theme. Taking any of the below Black stone and expends it so that it acts like a
actions during a conflict consumes a character’s Red stone.
actions for the round except for reflexive Defense Defending: When in conflict making a pull to
and surrender. defend yourself is called an active defense and con-
THEMELESS IMMEDIATE ACTIONS sumes your next action in the initiative order. The
Aid: Aid can be used under most circumstanc- other option is to use a reflexive defense, which does
es to help another character perform a task. On not consume the character’s action. A character can
the character’s Initiative, they may declare the aid choose to actively defend or reflexively defend any-
action, a target, and a single skill. There is no pull. time they are attacked reflexive defense is a static
Later when the selected character performs an number equal to the character’s defensive skill rat-
action they gain a +1 to their action total if they are ing + 1.
performing an action using the Skill selected by the Example: Mattie’s reflexive defense value
aiding character. A single character can only receive would be 3 (Defense Skill of 2+ 1) but since they
aid from three people for a single pull. expended an off-color stone, their defense value
Example: Sheila the Unicorn, declares she’s aid- is 5 against Ashron’s attack. Ashron has a Close
ing Pyrrhus, the cyclops in a close combat attack Combat of 2 and pulled a Red stone for a total of
action. On his turn, Pyrrhus attacks and gains a 4. He would have hit Mattie’s reflexive defense,
+1 to his attack total thanks to Sheila. However, but since they took an active defense the boorish
if instead, Pyrrhus chooses to throw a rock at a minotaur’s blade sails harmlessly over her head.
distant hawkman, using his Firearms Skill, he If instead, Ashron had chosen to expend the Red
gains no benefit from Sheila’s action. stone he pulled for a perfect attack, he would hit
Skill, Boon and Knack Use: Using a Boon or regardless of how high Mattie was able to boost
Knack is typically an immediate action. Some take their Defense Skill.
longer and will say so in their descriptions. The
amount of time it takes to use a skill is set by the


IMMEDIATE BLACK ACTIONS the grappler and the target gain the Entangled
Immediate black actions are somewhat limited Condition. Breaking a grapple is the same as estab-
since diplomacy is exceedingly difficult to do well lishing it.
within the span of a sword swing. Jump: A character can take the jump action to
Scare: Scaring allows a Scion to demoralize and vault an obstacle. If the obstacle is more than three
or frighten a target. To scare a Scion should make steps across or two steps in height, a Storyguide may
a Persuasion pull against another character If suc- require a pull for Athletics, with a difficulty set by
cessful, the target gains the Afraid Condition. See the height of the object (generally difficulty 3 or 4,
“Conditions,” p. 24. depending on the difficulty of the jump.) Failing the
pull means that the character falls and halts move-
Soliloquy: While most speech in conflict is
ment, typically taking one level of damage, although
restricted to 5 seconds per turn, you can use this
they may take more at Storyguide discretion if, say,
action to talk for as long as you want, or at least as
leaping a deep chasm. This action may be used con-
long as you are able. However, the moment you stop
currently with the run action.
talking, your turn ends and your action is over.
Run: This action typically will not require a
Surrender: You may surrender at any time
pull, although an Storyguide might require one for
as a reflexive social action. If you surrender in re-
particularly challenging terrain (resolved with a
sponse to another character’s action, your surrender
Green pull; challenging terrain will generally be
happens first, although this gives that character
difficulty 3). Running adds two steps to a character’s
an opportunity to change what they want to do. A
step count but consumes their action.
player who surrenders drops their weapon on the
ground and leaves themselves at the mercy of their IMMEDIATE BLUE ACTIONS
opponent. While there are no penalties for attacking Hint: A character may ask the Storyguide a yes
a surrendered character, some characters may view / no question about anything the character can per-
the action less than favorably. ceive in the scene. The Skill used for this is typically
IMMEDIATE GREEN ACTIONS Academics or another Blue Skill, but Alertness and
Culture may sometimes be called for instead. The
Grapple: A character can attempt to grapple
Storyguide will set a difficulty, based on the rarity
another. This works just like making an attack
of the information the character is attempting to
except the aggressor makes an Athletics pull com-
glean and the skill being used. The Storyguide is not
pared to the target’s Defense. If successful both

Actions 21
required to answer in a yes / no format, although bowling alley. The Storyguide running the scene
this is encouraged to speed play. has some guards in the main room, but the main
interaction and conflict is in the back. Rolento
and Leslie could talk their way into the back but
There are no immediate white actions they choose to “go loud” and just beat the hell out
of anyone who gets in their way. The Storyguide
LONG ACTIONS doesn’t want the front room to take a lot of time
Long actions are events that don’t happen in an so she gives them the option of using the dispatch
instant. Rather than one, single change; they are a action and resolve the fight with the 12 human
series of connected actions that result in multiple guards out front as a single pull. Rolento pulls
changes to the environment over the course of 10 and Leslie uses the aid action, giving them an
minutes. During a Long action, you might search a action total far higher than the Difficulty of 2.
room for clues with your Alertness skill or disable
the alarms on a building with the Security skill. LONG BLACK ACTIONS
More than one long action can happen simultane- Most social actions are long actions. All social
ously. Long actions typically take place over the actions must be roleplayed. For example, if attempt-
course of a scene. ing to persuade someone you must at least make a
THEMELESS LONG ACTIONS token attempt to persuade them with your words
before offering them stones.
Aid: Aid works the same in long actions as it
does in immediate actions. The aiding character Persuade: Persuade represents a character
must spend the same amount of time performing the attempting to talk another character into taking an
action as the person they are helping. action. To persuade choose a number of stones from
your stone pouch equal to or less than your Skill
Use Skill (appropriate color): At the
in the Persuasion Skill. Offer them to a character
Storyguide’s discretion, any Skill may be used for a
in exchange for performing any immediate or long
long action as its very own type of action.
action. If they make a good faith effort to take this
LONG RED ACTIONS action (even if they fail), give them the stones to put
Dispatch: Not every fight can be a tense show- in their pouch.
down between equals. Sometimes, a character may Dressing Down: Dressing down represents
need to fight a group of people who aren’t nearly as giving someone a verbal tongue lashing. Select a
powerful as she is. Rather than attacking them one color and target character. Make a Persuasion Skill
at a time and making a separate challenge for each check against a target, if successful the target gains
one, you can take a long combat action to take them the discouraged status for one hour.
all down with a single challenge. This is appropriate Feel Out: Feel out allows a character to un-
when fighting groups that can be defeated easily, derstand another character’s emotional state. On a
and which are similar to each other. The Storyguide successful Empathy pull, the target must tell them
will make the final call as to whether you can take a a short (one to five word) description of the current
long combat action, or whether you need to play out emotional state.
the fight in moment-to-moment combat.
Disguise: Disguise is used to allow a character
When performing the dispatch action, the to don a new appearance. When donning the dis-
Storyguide will set a difficulty rating of 2, 5, or 8 for guise make a Subterfuge pull as normal. The chal-
the challenge based on the power of the opposition. lenge total from that Subterfuge pull becomes the
The character will then make either a Close Combat Difficulty that someone will need to surpass with an
or Firearms pull as normal. Other characters can Alertness check when attempting to see through the
assist with an aid action. disguise. To show that you are disguised hold your
If successful, the enemy group is rendered fingers up to your chin, pointing at your face.
unconscious or killed at the discretion of the person
who made the skill check. If unsuccessful, the ene-
mies are still defeated but the character who made Hide: Stealth is used to allow a character to
the skill check takes three damage, as does anyone hide. To hide, a character must be behind some form
who was assisting them. of cover. They must then make an Athletics check
as normal. The action total from that Athletics pull
Example: Rolento and Leslie are tracking down becomes the Difficulty that someone will need to
a crime boss. They’ve tracked him to a local surpass with an Alertness check when attempting to


spot the hidden character. To show a character is Clues: A clue is a physical representation of ab-
hidden, the player should place their arms across stract knowledge. Once gained, a clue can be traded
their chest with their thumbs up. A player must in to the Storyguide in exchange for information.
spend an action to make an Alertness pull to spot a Each clue allows the player to ask a Storyguide a yes
hidden character in conflict and may be done once / no question (the Storyguide may use more words
per scene outside of conflict. A character stops being to clarify if they wish). Clues are not tied to a partic-
hidden when they take any kind of action. ular scene or plot. This allows for players who con-
Endurance: A character may be required by the sistently pool their clues between game sessions to
Storyguide to make an Athletics pull. This is typical- occasionally make astonishing leaps of logic. Clues
ly against a static Difficulty set by the Storyguide. can also be cashed in for some Boons and Knacks.
This is used to deal with any intense environmental Example: Raidou and Selene are investigating a
conditions (extreme heat / cold, necromantic curse, crime scene. The Storyguide describes the scene.
etc.) as well as any excessively strenuous action like Selene’s player declares that her character is
carrying something heavy, long distance sprinting. investigating the body. She pulls a White stone
Or clambering up the side of a cliff. Failure typically and only has an Alertness of 1, so she fails to find
results in taking damage and other complications. anything. Raidou comes and declares the same
Flee / Chasing: A character may attempt to action. The Storyguide asks for an Alertness pull
flee and other characters may chase them. There from Raidou. He pulls a Green stone and has an
are effectively three “zones” of potential distance Alertness of 2. Along with the information he
between characters: close (same room or the gains from his Alertness pull he accumulates a
equivalent), short range (nearby), long range (more clue to cash in later.
than a block away) and separated (their scenes no
Craft: Crafting an object is a Long Blue action.
longer interact with one another). A character may,
See “Equipment” on pp. 51-53.
if more than six steps away from someone, make an
Athletics (Green) pull to try to leave the scene of Obscure Scene: This action can be used to
another character intent on continuing interaction. make a scene from which it’s more difficult to glean
This is opposed by the Athletics pull of the chaser. a clue. This action typically runs off Subterfuge
If the character fleeing wins, the character goes to though other Skills can be used if approved by the
a larger range increment. If the chasing character Storyguide. A successful Subterfuge pull (Difficulty
wins, they go to a shorter range increment, begin- 2, although it may be increased due to obviousness,
ning a conflict. The characters involved start the witnesses, etc.) adds its total to the Difficulty of any
conflict two steps away from one another. investigation action taken in the scene.

LONG BLUE ACTIONS Example: Diego steals a display of wedding

rings from a store after hours. The sheriff is
Research: The advanced version of the hint
already breathing down his neck, so Diego
action, this action allows on a similar pull a sum-
takes an obscure scene action once he’s finished
mary of abilities, connections, and other character
cleaning the place out. He makes a pull and
sheet-driven aspects of whatever the researcher
achieves an action total of 3. When the sheriff
wishes to know about. Note that it does not require
shows up to investigate later, his investigation
the object to be in the scene with the character, but
pulls will be 3 Difficulty higher than they would
if it is not, the character needs to be accessing some
be otherwise.
sort of relevant knowledge repository (library, inter-
Investigate: Investigation represents a char- The only long White actions available to Scions
acter searching a scene for information pertaining are sorcery. See “Sorcery” on p. 49.
to an event. This action is generally a pull using a
Skill (usually a Blue Skill, but not always, Alertness,
Culture, or anything else relevant to the scene can BETWEEN-GAME
be used) against a Difficulty set by the Storyguide.
Success yields a clue. The scene must be germane to
some kind of plot, scheme, or activity. For example,
one can investigate the scene of a crime to gain a clue
but one could not just go to the local supermarket.
B etween-game actions help with maintaining
engagement, fleshing out the world, and include
events that may be difficult or impossible to play live.
In one-shot or event games, pre-game actions and

Actions | Betwen-Game Actions 23

post-game epilogues help in defining characters and Example: Morty the Oni wants to buy a
community, as well as providing an opportunity for house. The Storyguide decides that this will
closure. They can also be a great tool for helping staff be a three-milestone action: Hunt for a house
to know what they should expect in terms of player (Alertness Difficulty 3), finance the place (Culture
wants and needs. 4), and negotiate with the owner (Persuasion 3).
A between-game action is an action a player Morty has a banker as a connection. He has a total
takes that affects the world, but doesn’t happen of 4, so he tackles that milestone himself. He has
during gameplay. his banking buddy handle the finances for him.
Lastly, he has no Persuasion at all, making a total
WRITE UP of 2 against a required 3 on the negotiation. Morty
The most common form of between-game ac- is a Scion so he is tier 2 and has two attempts. His
tion is the “write up,” which is someone taking the first is searching for the house, his banking buddy
time to flesh out a portion of the world or a charac- doesn’t take one of his attempts, and attempting
ter in writing to provide a reference and to establish the negotiation is his second attempt. The next
the subject more firmly in game. Of these the most time there are between-game actions he enlists
common is the character backstory. Some games his friend Sam the Selkie to help, providing a +1,
mandate or require a character backstory before allowing him to buy the house.
they allow play to begin.


The Storyguide may decide to run a scene
between games, either independently or as part of T
here are several things that can affect the
mechanics of how your character interacts with
a Chain of Events. During these scenes, the normal the world in Scion Live-Action. These generally fall
rules regarding immediate and long actions apply. under the heading of Conditions. Some common
Conditions are:
CHAINS OF EVENTS • Afraid: The character may not initiate any
For most things that someone wants to do be-
Black pulls. Further, your character will
tween games, a chain of events forms. A player de-
attempt to leave the scene of whatever gave
clares a proposed course of action for the character.
the character the Afraid Condition, or failing
The Storyguide then takes a look at that proposal and
that, attempt to appease it.
breaks it down into a series of Skills or scenes that
need to take place, called milestones. These mile- • Blinded: The character must pull twice on all
stones each have a Skill and a Difficulty attached to Red and Green actions.
them. A character may attempt to resolve up to their • Burning: The character takes one level of
tier in milestones between games (if a game takes damage for each of their actions at the end
place once a season or year, the Storyguide should of their turn.
consider increasing this).
Any number of characters participating in a • Discouraged: The character takes a −1 on
chain may choose to participate, either by attempt- their next Skill pull.
ing to resolve a milestone themselves or, if a Scion, • Entangled: The character may not take any
by giving assistance, which gives a +1 to resolving steps as part of her action.
the action. The character attempting resolution
• Exhausted: The character may not initiate
has their Skill added to their tier. If a character
Green challenges. Further, the character may
has an appropriate connection, they may use that
not take the run or jump action.
connection to automatically resolve one of the mile-
stones. The connection can only do this once per • Paralyzed: The character may not move.
between-game period. If the character fails to over- The character cannot initiate any challenge
come a milestone, they may make another attempt that calls for a Red or Green stone. They can
with a +1 to the Difficulty. If you are out of attempts speak.
for that period the +1 carries over to the next one. • Petrified: The character is paralyzed and
Under no circumstances may a numerical value may not initiate any challenges at all.
on any player character’s sheet be altered by a chain
• Poisoned: The character may only succeed
of events.
in actions if they draw on-color stones.


After an amount of time determined by the • The members of the Band must also select a
Storyguide, this Condition may change to dominant type of stone for their Band. They
Unconscious or dead. This Condition can be start each game session with one additional
removed with an aid action or certain Boons. stone of the selected type (this allows them
to exceed their maximum). They also choose
• Prone: The character takes a −1 on all hand-to-
an ignored type of stone.
hand attacks and gains a +1 against all ranged
attacks. She is limited to one step per action • One time per session all the members of
and may not take the run action. She must use a Band can take five minutes and perform
an action to remove the Prone Condition. some kind of bonding ritual (pep talk, party,
planning meeting, etc.) At the end of the rit-
• Regenerating: The character gains one
ual, all the members may refill their pouches
health level for each action, at the end of
back up to maximum. However, they cannot
their turn.
select stones from their Band’s ignored type.
• Slowed: The character’s speed is reduced by
two steps. Example: At the end of a story arc the sheriff
of Elysian bay is kidnapped and taken to stand
• Terrified: The character may only initiate trial for the crimes of his ancestors in Yomi (the
actions on a Green pull. They must attempt Shinto Lands After). In the aftermath, his two
to leave the presence of whatever is making best friends, a goblin criminal named Diego, a
them Terrified, if they can take an action. If sphinx named Rashida, the mayor Selene, and
they do not pull a Green stone, they may not her hired bodyguard Rolento, form a Band with
take any steps. the goal of going to Yomi and defending him in
• Unconscious: The character may not take the trial. This is a truly heroic goal and worthy
any actions. of a Band of their competence.


When a Band is formed a goal must be stated
The power of friendship and unity is unques-
for the group. This goal can be short term or long
tionable. Any time Scions are united by a common
term, lasting for a single session, a season, a year, or
goal they can reach into the myths of families,
even until the end of time. Bands must consist of at
leagues, and societies of legend and make a Band.
least two people and a maximum of six.
Members of a Band don’t necessarily have to like
each other but their cause must be singular and it In short, basically any goal can be a Band goal,
must inflame their souls. however, Fate conspires to make the achievement
worthy of the Band should they choose something
It only takes two people to start a Band, by
beneath their prowess.
going to a Font and performing a rite of sealing (a
ritual in which all the Band’s members’ names are Example: A band of elite Scions get together and
written on, or inscribed into an item). Anyone may form a Band with the sole purpose of making
leave a Band at any time for any reason. Joining or sandwiches. This is beneath them, so the bread
re-joining a Band requires unanimous support from they buy may be cursed or a demon may try
all other members, and a new rite of sealing to be and rob the store from which they’re buying the
performed. A character may be in a maximum of one cheese.
Band by default.
When a Band completes its goal, the members
Bands provide three benefits to members. may choose to disband or they may choose a new
• When the Band goal is fulfilled, every mem- goal by the start of the following session.
ber of the Band gets one experience point.

conditions | bands 25
T his chapter covers steps to designing your own
mythical protagonist. These are the steps to
creating any Scion:
An Origin Path is a representation of the charac-
ter’s history, who they were and what they did before
• Decide on a Concept. Figure out what you the game started. For some people, who they were
want your play experience as the character might be remarkably similar to who they are now. For
to be like, and make sure it fits with the game. others, it may be the opposite. The Origin should inform
• Choose an Origin Path. the way a character looks at and interacts with the uni-
verse. Origin Paths grant characters access to five Skills.
• Choose a Role Path.
• Choose a Supernatural Path.
At a young age, the Chosen was selected for
• Pick one Knack and one Boon as allowed by greatness. It could have been their parents, the head
your Paths. of an elven nation, the old witch who lived down the
• Choose 7 points of Skills, none of which can block, or even the Gods themselves. Great expecta-
be higher than 2. They must be on one of tions have always rested on the Chosen’s shoulders,
your paths. and while those expectations may have choked and
strangled them at times, they have also given the
• Assign up to two points of Fatebinding Chosen access to resources for which others would
• Choose a name, a short description, and cal- kill. Whether they seek to embrace the destiny they
culate your character’s Health and Initiative were chosen or strive against it is up to the individu-
scores. al, but they will be forever defined by it.
• Health: All Scions start with 6 Health. This Skills: Academics, Athletics, Integrity, Occult,
can be modified with Knacks. Persuasion

• Initiative: The sum of all the charac- CREATED

ter’s Initiative traits (Alertness, Defense, Heroes aren’t born, they’re made, quite literally
Empathy, Integrity, and Pattern). in some cases. Mythology is replete with examples
of the created, from children of the gods crafted
CONCEPT from clay or from a mix of divine Ichor and seafoam
to beings who come to life from the confluence of

S tart by taking a moment to think about what type

of character you want to play. The World is diverse
and expansive, allowing for a multitude of character
fate and energy to piles of snow granted life through
a children’s song and an old silk hat. This parentless
upbringing is key to any Created. The Created come
concepts. A contemplative and philosophical into being knowing how to walk and talk and often
construct made of stone is just as viable a concept as they even know how to perform a series of tasks that
a materialistic Kitsune who can’t help but hum pop serve their function. However, they are naive to the
songs as she swindles the 1% of society, or a Nagual who ways of the world. Theirs is a journey of enlighten-
can take the form of a mighty Jaguar but just wants to ment as they learn what it means to be a person.
study for their exams. The game is very much a clash Skills: Athletics, Close Combat, Defense,
of the ancient world and the modern one, so be sure Empathy, Survival
to incorporate elements of both (or a deliberate lack
of one) in designing your character. OUTSIDER
Someone far from home. Whether or not they know

PATHS their way home, a feeling of being lost is core to their expe-
rience. They came here from somewhere detached from

P aths are a collection of Skills, abilities, and the World. Whether it was the sunlit jungles of Aztlan,
descriptors to help design and flesh out who your the pits of Hades, or the frozen tundra of Niflheim, the
character is and how they interact with the world. place of their birth was one where Gods and the Titanic
All starting characters have three paths: an beasts of legend did battle. For the Outsider, the works of
Origin Path, a Role path, and a Supernatural Path. Gods and myths that may frighten and intimidate mor-
Each Path comes with a small list of Knacks, Boons, tals are commonplace, but the actions of humankind may,
Purviews, and Skills. Characters cannot purchase in turn, shock and intrigue them.
Boons, Knacks, or Skills that don’t appear on their Skills: Alertness, Close Combat, Defense,
Paths. Occult, Pattern

concepts | paths 27
PRIVILEGED and the destination that lies at the end of their life’s
For the Privileged, life came cut up into neat struggles. This normalcy is the defining factor of the
squares without the crust. Childhoods bereft of Suburbanite. Two car garage, public school, and par-
suffering have left the Privileged more than a little ents that always provided enough that he or she never
out of touch with the rest of the world. Whether worried about money or where their next meal would
they still live on “daddy’s” dime or their upbringing come from. They had an average childhood with sports
left a bad taste in their mouth, they continue to be and community pools. They were normal, but then the
defined by how they grew up. Theirs is a journey illusion of mundanity broke all over their normalcy
of self-discovery — to see whether or not they can and nothing was ever “normal” for them again.
make it without training wheels. Skills: Academics, Craft, Culture, Persuasion,
Skills: Academics, Culture, Empathy, Science
Persuasion, Subterfuge SURVIVALIST
STREET RAT Some people are content to sit at home and let
Every city, no matter how beautiful, how cul- the story of the world pour over them. In fact, most
tured or how pious, has its street rats. Hiding in the people are all right with being carried through the
shadows of splendid cathedrals and imposing sky- river of life and going where the current leads. Not
scrapers, the unwanted scurry while society turns a so with the Survivalist. For them, nothing could be
blind eye. Though denied access to the sophistication more tiresome than taking the easy path. For them,
and comfort of privileged urban life, they do enjoy the road less traveled is the only road. They go
certain benefits. Their experiences made them able where others won’t and see that which others can
to take care of themselves. Beyond the watchful eye only dream of.
of police, clergy, or even parents; a whole other city is Skills: Alertness, Athletics, Defense, Firearms,
waiting, and it’s a city the Street Rat knows well. Survival
Skills: Athletics, Craft, Firearms, Security, WAR-TORN
Subterfuge They hear it when they sleep — the screams of
SUBURBANITE a populace long dead and erased from history. Even
Mundanity, some people spend their entire lives now that they’re far away from the “Ra-Tat-Tat-Tat”
running away from it. To them it is the bane of all exis- of machine gun fire and long hollow whistle of fall-
tence. But to others, normalcy is the desired outcome ing bombs they hear it still. The War-Torn rests with


one eye open and their thumb on the safety of the better than everyone else at their chosen field, is
gun they keep under the pillow. because they have the mindset of a champion. They
Skills: Culture, Defense, Firearms, Pilot, never let the thought of losing even cross their mind.
Security Skills: Alertness, Athletics, Pilot
Knack: Shake It Off
While Origin Paths detail who a character was DETECTIVE
prior to game start, Role Paths establish who the Questions subsume and control the Detective’s
character is to their friends and allies in the present. life. They have a methodical mind and the skill set
Role Paths give characters access to three Skills and to make use of it. They can follow the trends, see
one Knack (found on p. 42). through the obfuscation, and destroy the hidden
machinations of lurkers in the dark. Whether they’re
CAREGIVER a trained detective, a focused puzzle solver, or mere-
The Caregiver is used to putting others first. ly a brilliant and dedicated amateur, their dedication
They might be a tireless healer or surgeon who ded- to dragging the hidden into the light defines them.
icates themselves to helping the sick and injured. Skills: Academics, Alertness, Integrity
They might be a governess, nanny, or tutor who
Knack: It’s Elementary
guides and nurtures their young wards. Others may
depend on them for protection, advice, or emotional DILETTANTE
support. Whatever their role, they support their Breeding, class, finesse, and style all play a part,
charges with care and passion. but the Dilettante has always been a cut above the
Skills: Culture, Empathy, Medicine rest. They’ve always known how to push people’s
Knack: Expert Care buttons and sense weaknesses so they know just
where to strike. There might be some people who
CHARISMATIC LEADER argue the Dilettante doesn’t really contribute any-
Even the best team needs a leader to be effec- thing to society. Those people don’t understand the
tive. Whether they lead with a light touch or an iron value of good taste.
fist, the Charismatic Leader has an innate ability to Skills: Culture, Integrity, Persuasion
assess a person’s potential and set her up to perform
Knack: Cheer Squad
at her best. They might be a warlord, a politician,
a priest, or a manager. They might lead a team of MAKER
salespeople or an army of warriors. No matter what The Maker is much more comfortable in their
kind of team it is, followers look to the Charismatic lab or workshop than they are out in the world at
Leader to point them in the right direction. large. With their hammer and tools, they can forge
Skills: Culture, Integrity, Persuasion the world into a shape that better suits their needs.
Knack: Rousing Allocution They take pride in watching their wares be used or
in watching others enjoy the fruits of their labor.
COMBAT SPECIALIST Their creations reflect their soul and the way in
The Combat Specialist is the perfect warrior. which they interact with the World.
Whether they’re a master of a million martial arts, Skills: Academics, Craft, Science
a swordsman dedicated to perfecting a single blade,
Knack: Expert Craftsmanship
or a natural born killer, they are a weapon in human
form. They’re a killer, whether by nature or nurture. SNEAK
Their allies depend on them when civility takes a Whether a thief, smuggler, assassin, or bounty
backseat to violence. hunter, the Sneak approaches challenges with sub-
Skills: Close Combat, Defense, Firearms tlety and skill. This might give them a reputation for
Knack: Combat Reflexes being duplicitous or underhanded, but clients who
aren’t intimidated find their services invaluable.
COMPETITOR Whether they penetrate networks, steal treasure,
The Competitor’s whole adolescence was one or eavesdrop on state secrets; when they do the job
long story of success. Their critics and haters said it right, no one knows they’re doing it at all.
was because they were “naturally gifted” or because Skills: Athletics, Firearms, Security
their parents had the money to pay for the best
Knack: Can’t Be Kept Out
trainers. The real reason why they win, why they’re

paths 29
warning systems. If all the Oracles suddenly fall face
SUPERNATURAL PATH first, everyone knows to steel themselves for what’s
The last Path a player selects for their character to come. Many races are loath to trust Oracles in po-
is the Supernatural Path. While the Origin Path de- sitions of power since it can be hard to tell if they’re
termines the character’s past and the Role Path deter- planning for reality or a desired outcome.
mines how they interact with others, the Supernatural
Keep in Mind: As an Oracle, you can see the fu-
Path determines what type of supernatural monster of
ture, but you may not always want to speak what you
legend and lore they most resemble, thus setting them
see aloud. Once you tell someone a future you have in
apart from the mortal inhabitants of the earth.
many ways made it that much more “real” or likely to
The Supernatural Path grants Scions ac- happen. Being an Oracle is much like being the most
cess to Purviews, Knacks (pp. 42-43), and Skills. famous person at a party, but also being the loneliest.
Further, Supernatural Paths come with Obligations. No one else can understand the existence you lead.
Obligations are supernatural compulsions that kick
Knacks: Augury, Divination, Prediction
in as a character is more tied to Fate. The more
Fatebindings a character has, the more sway the psy- Skills: Alertness, Defense, Empathy, Occult
chic pull of humanity has over them. A Scion gains a Purviews: Moon, Stars
new Obligation when they hit 1, 3, and 5 Fatebindings. Obligations: Seeing all the possibilities can
The form these Obligations take is determined by make seeing reality difficult.
the Scion’s supernatural path. More information on
1 The Oracle takes a −1 on all Green pulls made
Obligations can be found in “Fate,” p. 56.
to find something in her environment.
There are two types of Supernatural Paths:
Humanoid Paths and Mythical Paths. 3 The Oracle must make a Pattern pull
(Difficulty 3) before making an Academics
Humanoid Paths are used to represent mortals 5 At this point, the Oracle begins to have trou-
who have been empowered in some way or gained ble understanding where and when she is
access to magical power without forsaking their She is at a −1 on all Skill pulls that do not in-
human form. Characters on a Humanoid Path look volve activating a Knack. However, she gains
like everyday people, but as a trade-off, they have ac- a +2 when activating any Knack or Boon.
cess to less magical might than their more mythical
counterparts. Humanoid Paths gain access to fewer PRE-VISITATION SCION
Purviews but more Skills. Scions yet to receive their Visitation fall into
this category. They are the children of the Gods and
while some may be looking to expand their divine
Oracles occupy a space between your standard heritage into something more, just as many are con-
mortal and the chosen divine. They’re born with tent to live a mortal life. The Gods are well known for
gifts and blessed (or cursed) with the ability to see sowing their seeds in many places around the world,
every possibility. Almost every faith holds some sort but the number of Scions who receive Visitation and
of mystic practitioner of divination in high regard, begin their ascent is relatively few. Many join the
though they often have the responsibility of being supernatural community out of a sense of wonder
bearers of bad news. or maybe just for the safety that it provides, even
An Oracle cannot decide what they see, nor can without the benefits of Visitation.
they always determine when they’ll see it. They possess Role: Pre-Visitation Scion is usually the outsider
tricks and tools allowing them to guide their visions, but looking in. Most Pre-Visitation Scion weren’t raised in
it is less like driving a car than trying to direct a rampag- the supernatural community, so they’re treated as out-
ing bull. Oracles bear a heavy burden and throughout siders. In the worst of cases, they can be treated with
history have relied on all manner of vices from drugs outright hostility from Scion communities who have
and sex to harder fare to help them cope with the unre- dealt with wandering “heroes” looking to prove their
lenting torrent of nightmarish possible futures. worth through a mountain of Scion corpses.
Role: Most Fonts have at least one Oracle mut- Keep in mind: You are a nascent God. Your
tering to themselves in a corner or whispering in connection to your supernatural parent makes you
the ears of the local government bodies. Oracles are different than everyone else, even other Scions. How
seen as a necessity in magical society since they’re so you deal with this connection will define you.
attuned to the strands of Fate that they serve as early


A Pre-Visitation Scion character must choose a • Trickster: Tricksters
Calling at character creation. This choice of Calling • Warrior: Destroyers
can be changed between games with Storyguide
approval. The Callings are Creator, Guardian, There are those mortals who shun the tradi-
Healer, Hunter, Judge, Leader, Liminal, Lover, Sage, tional paths to power, who do not trust in the Gods
Trickster, and Warrior. and seek the magical power without their influence.
They forge their own way through this world and
Knacks: Entrusted, Momentum Shift.
the next. These individuals are called Sorcerers.
Skills: As per Pantheon: Sorcerers discovered the mystical world on their
• Æsir: Athletics, Close Combat, Occult own. Perhaps they were born into a mystical tra-
dition, perhaps they were walking down the street
• Devá: Athletics, Pattern, Survival
when an Oni and a Hero were doing battle, or per-
• Kami: Close Combat, Culture, Pattern haps they scoured the world for its mysteries, and
their search bore fruit, all without the blessing of the
• Manitou: Medicine, Occult, Pattern
Gods. Self-reliance defines the sorcerer.
• Netjer: Academics, Occult, Pattern Role: Ambition is a double-edged sword in the
• Òrìshà: Medicine, Pattern, Subterfuge supernatural community, and there are none more
ambitious than the sorcerers. Sorcerers are reposi-
• Shén: Academics, Pattern, Persuasion
tories of knowledge in supernatural communities,
• Teōtl: Culture, Empathy, Pattern and they tend to serve as advisors when tolerated.
• Theoi: Empathy, Pattern, Persuasion Keep in Mind: Sorcerers bow to no great pow-
er. Unlike every other Supernatural Path, they are
• Tuatha Dé Danann: Close Combat, Culture, Pattern self-made.
Purviews: Fortune, and one other based on Calling:
Knack: Ritemaster
• Creator: Artistry Skills: Academics, Defense, Occult, Pattern
• Guardian: Epic Stamina Purviews: Magic, and one other chosen at
character creation.
• Healer: Health
Obligations: Sorcerers are inherently human
• Hunter: Wild and do not suffer obligations.
• Judge: Order
• Leader: Passion Mythical Paths are used to represent characters
• Liminal: Journey who are creatures of legend, like Dwarves, Oni, and
Satyrs. Characters on a Mythical Path tend to have
• Lover: Beauty
more supernatural power, but their inhuman visage
• Sage: Stars can make it more difficult to interact with mortals.
• Trickster: Deception Every kind of legendary creature you can
imagine is available for play in Scion Live-Action.
• Warrior: War
Therefore, the different Supernatural Paths are
Obligations: Take an Obligation from the same based on how they interact with the World. For
Mythical Path as Calling: Instance, Most Dwarves may be Toilers, but there
are also Dwarven Defenders, Helpers, Leaders, and
• Creator: Toilers
Hunters present in the different mythologies of the
• Guardian: Guardians world. The named peoples in each section are mere-
• Healer: Helpers ly there to act as an inspiration for helping players
envision their character and the impression it leaves
• Hunter: Hunters on others.
• Judge: Learned
• Leader: Rulers Beasts live at the edge of society. They are the
• Liminal: Lurkers danger that lurks in the forest just beyond view and
the guardians against said danger. They are Beasts,
• Lover: Seducers more at home in the tranquility of an emerald glade
• Sage: Learned than within the comforts of the city.

paths 31
Role: One finds the Beasts in the places hu- of being free in the wild. After several weeks of
mans only visit, and rarely live. Most Beasts dwell in dreaming, their first change comes. Some stay,
forests, caverns, and small camps made up of their balancing their animal self with schoolwork and
own kind. When they do choose to reside in cities or other necessities of adolescence. Others venture
towns it’s almost always on the outskirts. As mem- into the wild to find themselves and their people.
bers of a supernatural community, Beasts usually
Knacks: Shapeshift
take up the role of protector or guardian, identifying
and hunting down threats to the community before Skills: Alertness, Pattern
they become big problems. When they have regular Purviews: Beast, Moon, War, Wild, Passion
jobs and aren’t just in the employ of the community, Obligations: The struggle between savagery
they unsurprisingly work as trappers, fishermen, and community defines the Beast, but fate favors the
park rangers, or in some rare situations, family pets. predator.
Keep in Mind: You are the Beast. You don’t 1 The Beast takes −1 on black pulls against
think, you act. No decision worth making should humans.
take longer than one heartbeat. Fight or Flight.
Every action or decision can be broken down into 3 The Beast shuns equipment and refuses to
one of those two choices. use any non-Relic equipment.

Example: Nagual 5 The Beast must make a Pattern pull (Diff 4)

anytime they’re damaged in a scene. If they
The powerful shapeshifters of the Teōtl are fail, they fall feral, dropping any equipment
humans blessed with the power to shapeshift and fleeing or attacking with no strategy.
into a specific animal. Among the followers
of the Teōtl each day of the week is linked to DESTROYERS
a different animal, granting children born on Great societies are built on the ashes of the
that day different strengths and weaknesses. nations conquered to create them. The Destroyers
Usually, these are more internalized aspects, like aren’t soldiers; they’re violence made flesh, built
courage, deception, or stubbornness. For some, to obliterate on their terms alone. Every region
however, these aspects are far more pronounced. has stories of some manner of ogre, troll, or giant
The Nagual is such a person. On the day of their who guards a place or wanders about leaving a
birth, the Nagual’s soul connects with that of a trail of bodies in their path. They’re unmatchable
specific animal. Traditionally this animal was a forces of nature who annihilate anything standing
puma, wolf, jaguar, or donkey, but in modernity, in their way. Most of these portrayals are relatively
other animals have been seen such as burmese negative, but the bad reputation fits their desires
pythons or greylag geese. As the Nagual ages, just fine.
they gain the ability to shapeshift into their Role: The Destroyers mostly take jobs and
chosen animal and show more bestial traits both positions in society that play to their strengths,
mentally and physically. bodyguards, jailers, police, etc. Destroyers have a
A Nagual growing up in a community that well-deserved reputation for being stupid brutes,
reveres their Teōtl heritage is usually recognized and while many of them fit this stereotype to a T,
at an early age and receives mentorship from an there are those among the Destroyers who have
elder. This mentor or, in rare cases, group likely minds just as sharp as their blades. These individu-
becomes closer to them than their own family als delight in being underestimated and annihilating
in some ways. While the community at large those who think to treat them as “just the muscle.”
are accustomed to children and young adults More astute Destroyers take jobs as detectives, mili-
displaying a few bestial tendencies, this doesn’t tary instructors, or sergeants at arms.
mean they’re prepared to deal with a hormonal Keep in Mind: You’re a badass. You’re easily
shapeshifting teenager. 8-foot tall, covered in muscle, and you don’t take
anyone’s shit. You’re not some monster flying off the
For a Nagual growing up without any societal
hook at every insult, but you also won’t brook disre-
support, however, life is harder. The signs of
spect for long. You should approach every situation
their animal natures go primarily unnoticed at
as though you can handle it. Confidence is your
best. At worst they’re constantly judged for their
greatest strength... besides your strength, which is
desires, actions, and even facial expressions.
also pretty fantastic.
The budding Nagual will dream of the past, and


Example: Oni places of the world, guarding something that may
not even exist anymore. While they may sometimes
The Oni are the warrior giants / demons of
be vicious beasts, they never abandon one they have
Japanese folklore. In some stories, they’re brutal
sworn to protect.
savages who destroy any who wander too close
to sacred areas. In others, they’re noble warriors Role: Guardians... guard. They can be found
who stand at the gates of hell, single-handedly in every city of the world, usually working as some
beating back forces far worse than themselves. sort of muscle. Most of them take their name over-
The truth in this case, lies somewhere in the ly literally and live a life devoted to protecting the
middle. Your individual Oni is as likely to be a bodies or belongings of others. Others protect ideas,
proud warrior as they are a killer or a kindly concepts, or groups of people. Very few take on lead-
defender of the weak. As a people, they exalt ership roles of community, but those who do so, lead
those who are powerful and who show martial out of a sense of duty to their neighbors, possessing
prowess. The morals of an individual are second an inherent need to protect.
to their ability. Keep in Mind: Stoic doesn’t even begin to de-
fine you. Whether or not you’re made of stone, you
Oni pride themselves on being weapons masters.
certainly have the stability of bedrock. Patience is a
More than any other Scions except perhaps the
defining virtue for you, and anything worth doing is
Dwarves, the Oni care about the quality and
indeed worth taking the time to do it properly.
maintenance of their tools. They judge a person
based on the maintenance of their instruments Example: Gargoyles
as much as they do their skill. Oni are extremely Gargoyles, stone beasts who stand guard over
sought after as swordsmanship trainers by ancient buildings. They’re a common sight
heroes and also as targets for budding heroes to atop gothic cathedrals. Most assume them to
prove themselves. The Oni romanticize the idea be statues and nothing more, but supernatural
of the Ronin; wandering from place to place, beings know to be careful when looking up,
doing battle as it comes upon them. because some are far more than graven busts.
Knacks: Devastation In the past, ritually created Gargoyles would
Skills: Close Combat, Pattern emerge forth with unbridled fury and earthen
rage to destroy that which threatened what
Purviews: Chaos, Epic Strength, Fire, Sun, War
they defended. After the flame and fury was
Obligations: As Destroyers become more over though, they didn’t go back to their stony
Fatebound they become the brutal temperamental slumber. They’d just… exist.
psychopaths history reports them to be.
Existence without end can be maddening for
1 The Destroyers has trouble seeing peaceful some and insanity-inspiring for the rest, but
solutions. Their non-intimidation based so- Gargoyles are crafted of stronger stuff. Menial
cial pulls are one lower. tasks do not annoy or fluster Gargoyles. The
3 The Destroyers move only forward; never bindings placed on them after their creation
backward. They may not flee from battle typically last for only a century or two, but
without a Pattern pull (Difficulty 3) many Gargoyles linger in their assigned area
for far longer than that. However, even stones
5 The Destroyers must make a Pattern pull
sometimes find the need to roll after sitting in
(Difficulty 3) anytime they are insulted, or
the same place for a century or six. Gargoyles
someone uses a Black stone Skill on them, to
who join supernatural communities sometimes
not immediately attack the insulter. If they
find new wards and put their decades of martial
succumb to rage, they gain a +1 on all Red
prowess to the test, while others retire to a
pulls for the scene.
more peaceful life. The rituals for creating such
GUARDIANS Gargoyles have been lost to the sands of time (or
Guardians vary significantly in size and shape, at least are held only by a few who are unwilling
but they’re united by their ability to focus entirely on to part with the information).
just one thing, and an understanding that their own Knacks: Bodyguard
life isn’t necessarily as crucial as their ward. Most Skills: Defense, Pattern
Guardians are immortal (or at least very long-lived)
Purviews: Earth, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength,
leading to some being found deep in the unexplored
Frost, Order

paths 33
Obligations: Guardians are slow to anger, and Ragnarok, where their souls will be called to
Fate prefers them to be the unmoving uncaring sen- fight once again in the final battle between Gods
tinels that movies make them out to be. and Titans. For some though, this existence be-
comes dull and since they are the honored guests
1 The Guardian takes a −1 on all Black stone
of the halls and not prisoners, they are free to
pulls that do not involve what she is currently
leave and wander.
Once on the mortal plane again, an Einherjar
3 The Guardian must make a Pattern (Difficulty
is indistinguishable from any other lingering
3) pull for each hour she is “off duty” and not
spirit. Like all the other Haunted, they have
guarding whatever it is that she needs to
the choice to bond their soul to a still breathing
mortal and have one more go at glory, albeit not
5 The Guardian must spend an extra stone their own. Einherjar approach mortals on their
from her pouch any time she initiates an death beds and offer them the chance to bond
action that has nothing to do with the focus with the ghost, making their two souls one and
of her guardianship. However, she does gain stave off death for another day. Once joined, the
a +1 on all Green pulls. mortal’s life is forever changed. The Einherjar
gains the ability to act in the mortal world, but
in exchange, the path back to Valhalla is forever
Haunted began life as someone with a pow- barred to him, unless their new partner can earn
erful soul. A soul dedicated to a cause. They faced her place there as well.
the odds, stood in defiance of those who sought to
make them kneel. They rose to the occasion against Knacks: Two Minds
impossible odds, and for their efforts, they were Skills: Empathy, Pattern
slain. They linger still in the world of the living, not Purviews: Death, Frost, Passion, Sky, War
content to move on to the afterlife. The Haunted are Obligations: Normally the possessed has con-
disembodied spirits. They have difficulty interacting trol of their body, but when Fate has its way, the
with the mortal world but tend to do so by bonding spirits of the dead walk again.
with a mortal. In doing so, they grant their hosts a
chance at succeeding where the spirit failed. 1 The Haunted takes a −1 on all Green pulls.
Their host body is still at its core merely
Role: Haunted tend to take on a militaristic
role in supernatural society. Most of their kind are
accomplished warriors of the distant past who drift 3 The Haunted is especially susceptible to
around supernatural communities searching for a beings with the Death Purview. Any being
cause worthy of their afterlife. Their hosts, on the with the Death Purview gains +1 against the
other hand, are not necessarily soldiers, nor are they Haunted on all challenges
necessarily willing.
5 The Haunted must make a Pattern pull
Keep in Mind: You’re two minds trapped in a (Difficulty 3) whenever they’re rendered un-
single body. Feel free to argue with yourself or conscious. If they fail, the Haunted is in full
even roleplay out a one-sided argument. Using control of the body when the possessed host
“We” as a pronoun is an excellent way to distin- wakes. Storyguides should feel free to assign
guish yourself. You are a paradox, alive and dead, new priorities to the spirit.
ancient and young.
Example: Einherjar The Helpers are without question the most
The Æsir honor strength of arms and a willing- populous group of Scions. Every culture has some
ness to sacrifice oneself for their people. When version of those who help, whether it be the tiny
the mortal saints of the Æsir fall in battle, they house Gods of the Kami and the Theoi, the brownies
are not forgotten by the Gods. A Valkyrie is of the Tuatha or the ancestor spirits of the Òrìshà.
dispatched to retrieve the soul of a fallen saint They, for the most part, do precisely what their
before it’s dragged to Hel or hurried off to one name implies: help. This type of help can range from
of the countless afterlives. The Valkyrie ushers advice and protection to tasks like house cleaning or
them to the halls of Valhalla where they can shoemaking. Unlike many of the other Scion catego-
war and feast till their heart’s content. They ries, there is little that ties Helpers together besides
train day in and day out for the end of days,


their devotion to service as they can differ in shape, their money tends to go to help the education and
size, intelligence, temperament, and even sentience. expenses of other Ijapa. What good is helping if
Role: The Helpers are most comfortable in you can’t help each other?
assistant positions or in positions where they get to Knacks: Blessing of the Ancients
serve their community directly. While the stereotype
Skills: Empathy, Pattern
views all of the Helpers as being in personal service
such as au pairs, maids, butlers, and executive assis- Purviews: Fertility, Health, Order, Sky, Water
tants, just as many are nurses, lawyers, veterinari- Obligations: As the Helpers become more
ans, therapists, and teachers. They are more likely Fatebound, their ability to work toward their own
than most to identify themselves by their career first ends suffers.
and their pantheon or Scion type second. 1 The Helper takes a −1 on any pull (besides
Keep in Mind: It is your role to help others Pattern) when they are alone.
become better and improve yourself doing so. You
3 The Helper’s desire to assist becomes more
are the ultimate advisor, confidante, troubleshooter,
frantic and they cannot go to any scene alone
and friend. Remember that this is your story, too;
without making a Pattern pull (Difficulty 4).
you share their goals but you are not their sidekick.
5 The Helper must use the aid action as their
Example: Ijapa
first action in a given scene. As a benefit, this
Although centuries ago many Ijapa chose the were aid action grants a +3 bonus instead of the
Learned or Tricksters like their famous progenitor, standard +1.
most now care little for the life of crime or solitude.
Now, as consummate capitalists, they assist HUNTERS
anyone with whatever task they may have so long At the edges of human civilization, nature push-
as their time and effort is appreciated, ideally with es back. There are places where wild beasts roam
cash. As turtle folk, they carry their homes with and the elements threaten to invade. In addition to
them and go wherever their job demands. Some mundane threats, Scions living on the outskirts of
are multimillion-dollar corporate troubleshooters society must contend with all manner of supernat-
while others are that much needed tutor there for ural beings attracted to the same forces that draw
just long enough to help a student to graduation their own communities together. Hunters guard the
before moving on. Regardless of income, most of borders between the World and Terra Incognita,

paths 35
protecting Scions and their chosen communities 1 Hunters focused on their quarries take a
from things that go bump in the night. −1 to all Blue pulls not against someone or
Role: Hunters are skilled trackers, rangers, something they’re actively hunting.
and survivalists who seek out and eliminate threats 3 Hunters must make a Pattern (Difficulty 3)
to their communities. They are the first (and often pull for each hour she’s not actively seeking
last) line of defense against external threats, such out or dealing with threats to their commu-
as monstrous beasts shaped by magic or forgotten nity. This need not be violent but must be
creations of the Gods left to wander the world. working toward reducing danger.
Hunters may even find themselves tracking down
other Scions when they become a threat. Some take 5 Hunters worry about the safety of their com-
a more sinister path, actively culling the weak from munities from outsiders. They must make a
the community or seeking out transgressors for Pattern (Difficulty 3) pull whenever they in-
punishment. teract with a person for the first time. Failure
means they attack the outsider or newcomer.
Keep in Mind: While you might be very pas-
They gain a +1 to all Red pulls against those
sionate about the fate of the human community
whom they’ve not previously met.
you watch, you aren’t particularly concerned with
humanity as a whole. Whether you live with your LEARNED
own kind or a mix of Scions, you have more broth- Myth and lore is replete with stories of creatures
erhood with your local elementals than you do other with access to knowledge of ages past. Whether it’s
Hunters outside your territory. Your purview could because of natural longevity, a connection to a sort
be a small county of rural farmsteads or a long coast- of informational web, or just because they are from
line of fishing communities you visit throughout the a race of storytellers, Learned are bound together by
year. Either way, you’re not that interested in what’s their access to the universe’s secrets.
outside of your borders. Until it wants to come in,
Role: Learned are sought after members of any
that is.
community. They make fantastic advisors, and most
Example: Oh-doh-was of them make their living providing help and in-
formation to others in their community or visitors.
Oh-doh-was guard the outskirts of human
Some take a direct hand in managing a Font, but
societies, the final barrier between civilization
they’re generally bad at giving orders or setting laws
and the wild. While they traditionally prefer
due to their overly contemplative nature. Those of
agrarian settlements, modern Oh-do-wahs occu-
the Learned who work with normal humans almost
py many rural and suburban communities. They
always do so through a proxy.
guard those communities against veiled threats
and often oppose supernatural influences look- Keep in mind: You are authoritative and
ing to gain a foothold among “their” humans. prescient. You know secrets that can crumble the
greatest empires. However, you don’t give away your
Oh-doh-was don’t often speak to their charges. knowledge for free. You know well the value of your
When human communities are receptive to their words and you’re not against making others work to
influence, Oh-doh-was may send local beasts gain your favor.
to convey warnings or omens. Humans who
make appropriate offerings of food or gifts may Example: Sphinx
receive help from the Oh-doh-was in the form of Every Sphinx from the youngest to the eldest
protection on a journey, healing from illness, or is trusted with access to a cultural memory
even destruction of an enemy, if the Little People with information spanning back generations.
find their request worthy. Sphinxes with their large lionesque bodies and
Knacks: Tracking massive feathery wings strike an impressive
form. In the legends, they’re said to consume
Skills: Pattern, Survival
those who fail to answer their questions cor-
Purviews: Beast, Chaos, Epic Dexterity, Sun, rectly, but the modern Sphinx would say that’s
Wilds just bad publicity. The Sphinxes claim they
Obligations: Hunters becoming increasingly once served as direct advisors to the pharaohs
obsessed with hunting threats as they become more of Egypt and were sought far and wide by the
Fatebound. kings of Ancient Greece and Rome. However,
being advisors wasn’t enough for them. In their


hubris, they took power from the human rulers Keep in Mind: Lurkers firmly believe there are
and sought to rule directly. The Gods punished things people are not meant to know. To you, even
them for this arrogance. The Gods struck down those who walk in two worlds should curb their
their empires and transmuted the Sphinxes into wanderings to mapped regions. Nothing good has
stone. Since that time the Sphinxes have sought come from the drive to explore the unknown, and
to remain at the edges of history. your people, those few who remain, are living proof.
There are always bastards wanting to prod the
Knacks: Knowledge of the Ages
tombs of ancient kings, and they’re rarely respect-
Skills: Academics, Occult ful. Lay your traps with care, watch them and, when
Purviews: Death, Epic Strength, Journey, they are full of their hubris, strike.
Magic, Stars
Example: Ahuizotl
Obligations: As Learned become more
Fatebound, they become compelled to sit contem- The Ahuizotl are covered from head to toe in
plating the universe, and find difficulty expressing thick furry spikes. Although canine in form; they
themselves. are far from man’s best friend. Each Ahuiztotl
is a master of stealth and surprise. They’re
1 The Learned suffers a −1 penalty on all pulls
cunning hunters who wait for their prey to be in
made to move quickly, climb, swim, chase, or
the right position, sometimes even straightening
pursuit. Haste makes waste
their fur spikes and posing as a typical canine.
3 The Learned must make a Pattern pull It’s through their agency that some of the
(Difficulty 3) to move at more than one step temples and secret paths of the old Gods remain
per turn. undisturbed.
5 The Learned must make a Pattern pull Knacks: Cloak the Band
(Difficulty 3) to share information in any Skills: Athletics, Pattern
form other than a riddle. On the plus side
Purviews: Chaos, Darkness, Deception, Epic
Learned gain a +1 on all Academics pulls.
Dexterity, Water
LURKERS Obligations: As Lurkers become more
Lurkers dwell in dark and forgotten spaces, in Fatebound, they become furtive, secretive hermits.
wells, in alleys, and under the bed. Some lure the 1 The Lurker prefer to stay in the corner of the
unwary into their dens to feed or into another realm eye. When attacking a target that perceives
to frighten and enlighten. Others sit at gateways them, the Lurker suffers a −1 penalty.
between worlds and dark places to keep them hid-
den and remind the World that there are horrors in 3 The Lurker has a hard time passing up a good
the unknown. They build the legends of the places ambush site. When comfortably hidden and
and when one is unwary of the danger, they strike; unseen by anyone other than another Lurker,
frightening, hurting, or slaying those who would she must make a Pattern pull (Difficulty 4) to
trespass where humanity is unwelcome. leave the nest.
Role: Many in the supernatural community 5 The Lurker prefers to be out of sight.
view the Lurkers as a necessary evil. Even among Speaking through doors, or over the phone to
the people touched by Legend, there are some others if possible. They must make a Pattern
places they should not wander. A Lurker in the pull (Difficulty 3) to enter any scene where
right place is far less harmful in the long run than others will see them. They gain a +1 to any
people freely travelling through pools, wells, and action taken when unseen.
soft places where they dwell. Lurkers are excellent
defensive strategists and phenomenal sheriffs due
to their superb planning skills. Less violently in- Rulers are defined by their need for order and
clined Lurkers (or at least those pretending to be) structure. They, of course, prefer to be at the top of
sometimes find great success in the political world, said structure, but being at the bottom of a social
wielding the fear of the crowds and altering zoning ladder is still preferable to anarchy. The rulers are
to be more productive, though they sometimes have masters of climbing the social ladder and convinc-
to do so through intermediaries due to their inhu- ing / manipulating others to do their bidding. They
man countenances. bring an air of class and dignity to every domain.

paths 37
Role: The Rulers excel at organization and from beneath their barrows and send them into
management. Many Rulers oversee their communi- the World. They also see to it that those mortals
ty. Communities run by Rulers are typically the most who are properly respectful are rewarded. Any
functional. Even when they’re not the leaders, they individual of the Encantados is likely to be
often insert themselves into positions of authority thoughtful, reserved and concerned with the
just beneath the mayor or ruling governor. Most overall well-being of the people surrounding
of the more human-looking Rulers take an interest them.
in local human governance as well. Many of them
The Encantados are mostly concerned with
make their way into CEO positions and local office.
works for the public good and making sure
A ruler occasionally separates from the government
people are recognized when they succeed. They
entirely and opens their own business of some kind.
pay close attention to who does things and who
Keep in mind: Someone needs to make sure merely says they will do things. They’re quick
everyone is doing what they say they are. Someone to out the braggart and even quicker to praise
must separate the wheat from the chaff and you are the diligent. What few notice is that they end
the one who knows the difference. What’s worse is up being the ones who decide which behaviors
that some people are just wasting their time not do- are praised and which are punished. A careful
ing anything; they’d be happier if they were working control of reward and punishment can bind
toward something, even if it is just for the learning more tightly than any law or chain.
experience. You’re sure you can find something for
them to do, and everyone that puts in a hard day’s Knacks: Hail the Sovereign
work deserves a full day’s pay. Skills: Pattern, Persuasion

Example: Encantados Purviews: Artistry, Epic Dexterity, Order,

Passion, Sun
The Encantados are the Rulers under the long Obligations: The Ruler’s sense of elitism and
barrows in Galicia and the surrounding region. perfection begins to outweigh their duty and Fate
They’re associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann strengthens its hold.
but their ways and natures have changed
through years of living in Portugal and Spain. 1 The Ruler is slow to rise from her throne and
They rarely leave their hills but still care for prefers delegation. They take a −1 on their
their adopted homeland. They organize and send first non-social action in a scene.
forth various creatures and supernatural folk


3 The Ruler’s belief in their superiority begins previous passion, nor the skills they gained. It just
to inhibit their actions. Anytime they fail a becomes less attractive to them, and the Satyr
Skill check that another player succeeds in, moves on, perhaps viewing the previous desire as
the Ruler becomes unwilling to use that Skill one would remember a summer fling.
for the remainder of the scene (this does not
A Satyr can get more done with a wink and a
apply to combat Skills).
smile than most Scions can get done with an
5 The Ruler cannot stand to have their orders army at their back. Satyrs are a boon to any
questioned. When someone challenges them, community, though their excesses can some-
they must make a Pattern pull (Difficulty 3). times cause more than a few diplomatic issues.
On a failure, she must leave the scene or at-
Knacks: Calming Presence
tack the person. As a benefit, the Ruler gains
a +1 on all Black stone pulls. Skills: Culture, Empathy
Purviews: Artistry, Beauty, Health, Journey,
Seducers aren’t merely partiers; they’re the par- Obligations: When Fate gets hold of them, the
ty. They’re a storm dancing at the edge of morality, Seducers become the leches and leeches they’re
pushing the boundaries of the acceptable and dar- purported to be.
ing others to follow. Seducers get a bad rap among
the other Scions for being irresponsible, but they 1 The Seducer takes a −1 on Blue pulls when
view themselves as being responsible for pushing around more than one other person due to
humanity forward. They’re the progress that fights distraction.
tradition... at least that’s what they tell themselves 3 The first action a Seducer makes in any scene
between bouts of drunkenness and orgies. with another character in it must be a Black
Role: One can find Seducers wherever a party stone pull.
is about to happen. Some are connected to the club
5 Once per game, the Storyguide can tell the
scene or operate as sex workers. Many Seducers
Seducer they’re infatuated with an SGC. The
become small business owners either as party plan-
Seducer must do anything for this character
ners, bar owners, or drug dealers. In the long run,
short of risking their own life. This need not be
many of these Seducers find the organizational role
a romantic attraction, but it must be a desire for
aggravating, as they want to enjoy parties, not just
friendship or other positive interaction. This
set them up. As a result, older Seducers fall into jobs
can be resisted with a Pattern pull (Difficulty 3).
requiring minimal effort so they can spend more
time enjoying themselves. TOILERS
Keep in Mind: You have a reputation for cun- Toilers are creatures defined by subservience
ning, but more than anything you are known for get- and what most would refer to as “blue collar” labor.
ting your way. When you put your eyes on something The Toilers take pride in creating and fixing things.
(or someone), there are no lengths that you won’t go They include craftsmen, custodians, street sweepers,
to get what you want. You’re also everyone’s best exterminators, plumbers, construction workers, etc.
friend. Enemies and rivalries are for other people. Role: Maintenance is a thing required in every
You know that more flies prefer honey to salt. community, supernatural or not. The Toilers fulfill
Example: Satyr this role in most supernatural communities. The
Dwarven or Goblin maintenance worker is a com-
Satyrs follow their passion. Each is defined by mon sight around the Font. Others make their way in
their passion and never strays from it. Often a the world supplying warriors and adventurers with
Satyr’s passion is one of the traditional ones; wares. Some rare few take positions of leadership in
drugs, art, sex, partying, etc. However, just as communities, though usually, this is in communities
often a satyr finds themselves obsessed with heavily dominated by their own kind. The Dwarven
something more esoteric. Seduction becomes king under the mountain for example.
secondary to them as they transform their mental
Keep in mind: Toilers are perfectionists.
state to fully explore a different world. Then one
There’s no such thing as good enough. There’s the
day something will happen, and the passion for
Toiler way to do things, also known as perfectly, and
this art vanishes. Satiated in knowing they’ve
then there’s the wrong way to do things. Toilers are
fully explored this path, they return to their life of
stubbornly proud, but also loyal and strong of heart.
booze and pleasure. The Satyr doesn’t forget their

paths 39
Example: Dwarves 1 The Toiler sees every problem as one that
can be solved through crafting. They take a
Dwarves are defined by the labor, take pride in
−1 on any pull for which they don’t possess
the labor, live by their labor, and die by their
labor. In the past Dwarves were renowned far
and wide for their weapon crafting abilities. The 3 It becomes impossible to shake a Toiler from
Dwarves of myth and legend were metal work- their work. They must make a Pattern pull
ers of unmatchable skill and professionalism. (Difficulty 4) to stop crafting or repairing
They were who the Gods turned to when they something midway.
required blades with the power to slay Titans, 5 At the start of each scene, the Toiler must
and they served with great honor. make a Pattern pull (Difficulty 4) if they fail,
The modern Dwarf still takes pride in his they take a −1 on all non-craft actions (also
work, but nowadays there are as many includes repairs and cleanup).
Dwarven programmers and mechanics as
there are blacksmiths and architects. Dwarven
culture revolves around work. They form into Tricksters are creatures who delight in fooling
guilds and often speak of the superiority of or confusing others. The noblest of them believe
their chosen craft over the chosen crafts of they exist to show the mighty their faults and to be
their brethren. Some Dwarves even prefer odd champions of the common folk. The worst delight in
crafts such as plumbing or topiary as a way the suffering their mischief causes. Regardless of in-
of distinguishing themselves among their kin, tent, their methodology is chaos, and there is bound
but no matter the work, their commitment to to be mayhem whenever one appears.
excellence remains. Role: Every community seems to have one or
two Tricksters around just waiting for a terrible
Knacks: Masterwork
despot they can bring to his knees. They want to
Skills: Craft, Pattern bring humility to others, but doing so is hard when
Purviews: Fire, Forge, Fertility, Order, Prosperity everyone knows what you are, so many Tricksters
Obligations: The Toilers become monomani- hide in plain sight, adopting other roles. Tricksters
acal in their pursuits, as Fate increases its hold on may spend weeks, month, or even years pretending
them. to be someone they are not to work a long con. There
are even stories of the Trickster blending in so well
they forget themselves. When they are public about


their background, some find working in bureaucra-
cies to be a delightful past-time. “No sir, you need PANTHEON
Form 36c, not 36a...”
Keep in mind: You don’t play the short game, A
t character creation, you may choose a pantheon
that your character worships or works for. They
and always try to keep two, three, or even four may be dedicated to a single God of the pantheon or
steps ahead of your adversaries. Give smiles easily the pantheon as a whole. Pre-Visitation Scions must
and trust rarely. In the end, most people are merely choose a pantheon from which they are descended.
pawns to be exploited in whatever game you’re play-
You can find more detail about the pantheons
ing, no need to make it personal.
in Scion: Hero Live-Action, but here is a list of
Example: Kitsune available pantheons:

The Kitsune are the mischievous trickster fox • Æsir, the Norse Gods
spirits of the Kami. They delight in taking what
• Devá, the Gods of South Asia
doesn’t belong to them, doubly so if they can
travel to new locales while doing so. Kitsune live • Kami, the Japanese Gods
for the finer things in life, and they get them the • Manitou, the Algonquian Pantheon
only way they know how; lies. Everything about
• Netjer, the Egyptian Pantheon
them is a lie from their perfect smiles to their
picturesque bodies. Behind the beautiful smile of • Òrìshà, the Yorùbá Pantheon
the Kitsune’s countenance is a grinning fox. The
• Shén, the Chinese Pantheon
fox folk’s mastery of illusion is legendary. The
Kitsune gain tails as they age and with each tail • Teōtl, the Aztec Gods
comes knowledge over newer, stronger illusions. • Theoi, the Greco-Roman Pantheon
Despite their love of tricks and half-truth there • Tuatha Dé Danann, the Irish Gods
is one thing the Kitsune take deadly seriously,
and that never letting a debt go unpaid. There
are countless stories of someone saving the life GODLY POWERS
of a Kitsune without realizing it and them end-
ing up with a friend for life. In general, though,
they don’t like to pay for things with money,
T here are two types of powers in Scion: Knacks and
Boons. Knacks are abilities that represent superior
training, skills and assets. Sometimes Knacks are
preferring to repay others with elements of real supernatural in nature but can also often be explained
value: love, protection, friendship, enlighten- away to onlookers as someone being extremely lucky or
ment. Their immortality makes it hard for them talented. Boons, on the other hand, are magical abilities
to understand humanity, but they fake it with that draw on a mystical connection between the user and
the best of them. the laws of the universe. Boons can only be purchased
Knacks: Dress for Success by characters with access to a specific Purview as part of
their supernatural Path or who possess a Relic granting
Skills: Pattern, Subterfuge
them access to the Purview.
Purviews: Beast, Darkness, Deception,
Fortune, Moon KNACKS
Obligations: As Tricksters become more Knacks draw on the character’s innate physical,
Fatebound, they begin to lose track of such silly little social, and mental Attributes to allow them to per-
things as truth and reality. form incredible feats. In order to purchase a Knack,
1 The Trickster finds the direct approach ex- a character must be on a Path that allows said Knack.
tremely dull. She takes a −1 on all offensive At character creation a character may choose
Red Skill pulls. one Knack and one Boon per rules above.

3 The Trickster may not engage in combat un- KEYWORDS

less attacked first.
• Active: Means this power takes an action to
5 The Trickster lies constantly. To communi- use.
cate something the character believes is true
• Empty: To empty, discard all stones from
requires a Pattern pull (Difficulty 3). She does
your pouch. If a Skill total is required, emp-
however gain a +1 on all Black stone pulls.
tying adds +Tier, just as if you had drawn an

Pantheon | godly powers 41

on-color stone You must have at least one • Cheer Squad (Dilettante): Aid actions give
stone in the pouch to empty. a +2. Passive.
• Passive: Means this power is always on. • Combat Reflexes (Combat Specialist): The
Combat Specialist may remove to take two
• Rummage: To rummage, draw a stone from your
actions in combat. The second action must
mythic pouch. If it is the color listed then the
use a different Skill than the first. Active.
power works. If it’s the wrong color, discard it.
• Expert Care (Caregiver): The Caregiver
• Reactive: Means this power can be activated in
can make a Medicine check (Difficulty 3) to
reaction to another character’s action, however
remove any Condition except petrification.
it consumes the activator’s next action. Further
attempts to activate reactive powers automati-
cally fail until the consumed action has passed. • Expert Craftsmanship (Maker): Makers
add a +1 to all challenges that involve creat-
• Remove: To remove, discard a stone at ran-
ing, maintenance, or repair. Passive.
dom from your pouch.
• It’s Elementary (Detective): The Detective
may spend a clue to increase their damage by
These Knacks are available to all Scions.
one for an attack. They must spend the clue
• Aura of Greatness: The Scion may remove a stone before making the attack. Active.
to charm a non-magical human. The human re- • Rousing Allocution (Charismatic Leader): The
lents to challenges and does what the Scion says, Leader can perform a short speech and then
though they will not risk their life. Passive. remove and state a simple action (such as “attack
• Born To be King: The universe recognizes X,” “save the Y,” etc.) The next time a person who
the Scion’s greatness. Their max stones in heard the command performs said action they
the mythic pouch is one higher. Passive. may pull twice and take the better result. Active.

• Divine Fortitude: The Scion gains an ad- • Shake it off (Competitor): The Competitor
ditional Health level for each point of the can shake off any Condition with a remove
Survival Skill they possess. Passive. action in combat. Passive.

• Favored Son: The character possesses un- SUPERNATURAL KNACKS

usually strong connection to the strands of These Knacks are only available to specific
Fate. They may attune one contact or Relic Supernatural Paths.
without it affecting their Fate rating. Passive.
• Augury (Oracle): The Oracle gets a free clue
• Scent the Divine: Rummage White. Magic at the start of the session. Additionally, they
seeks magic, the Scion can use Scent the may turn in a clue at any time to regain a
Divine to sniff out whether another person stone. Active.
has any divine presence about them. Active.
• Blessing of the Ancients (Helpers): The
• Linguist: Can speak and read all living lan- Helper may grant a blessing to another being
guages, where a living language is one regu- so they may overcome their failings. The
larly spoken by at least one hundred mortals Helper must talk with a willing recipient for
in the World over the past year. Passive. a minute before looking into their mythic
• Unobtrusive: The character possesses an pouch and giving the recipient a stone of the
illusion that allows them to appear human to Helper’s choice. This is the only time players
other humans. This Knack has no effect on are permitted to look inside another player’s
supernatural creatures and is seen through bag. Active.
without a pull. Passive. • Bodyguard (Guardians): Whenever a char-
acter within arm’s reach of the Guardian
takes damage from any source, the Guardian
These Knacks are only available to specific Role may swap spaces with the original target and
Paths. take the damage themselves. Reactive.
• Can’t Be Kept Out (Sneak): The Sneak adds • Calming Presence (Seducer): The Seducer
one to any Subterfuge pull or any Athletics makes a Persuasion pull against a target. If
pull made to hide. Passive.


successful, the target enters a calm and pliant • Prediction (Oracle): Empty. Looking into the
state. The target is unable to enter combat winding tapestry of Fate is possible for the
unless they are attacked first. Active. Oracle, but taxing. Once per session, the Oracle
may turn in five clues to ask a complicated
• Cloak the Band (Lurkers): The Lurker is a
question of a Storyguide. It may start with the
master of hiding and waiting for the perfect
words who, what, where, why, or when. Active.
moment. The Lurker can extend this exper-
tise to anyone in their band within reach. • Ritemaster (Sorcerer): The Sorcerer adds 2 to
Rummage Green: The Lurker can take the their Occult Skill when casting any ritual. Passive.
hide action and apply the result to everyone
• Shapeshift (Beasts): The Beast can channel
in their band. Active.
their connection with the natural world to trans-
• Devastation (Destroyers): The Destroyers form into an animal. While in animal form the
can rummage White to increase the damage character may redraw all Green pulls. Active.
of their weapon by 1 for the scene. If it leaves • Tracking (Hunters): The Hunter may use
their hand, the charge goes away. Active. their supernatural senses to track the loca-
• Divination (Oracle): Rummage White. The tion of any scene. The Hunter must remove a
Oracle can look at a target and know how Green stone. They may then show up to any
much Fate is in their system. Occult pull scene the following round. They may bring a
(Difficulty 3). Active. number of characters with them to the scene
equal to their Survival Skill rating. Active.
• Dress for Success (Tricksters): The
Trickster may use their Disguise Skill to • Two Minds (Haunted): After the Haunted
appear as any sort of creature between the is affected by a mental effect, they may
size of a house cat and an elephant, so long as rummage Blue to shake off whatever the ill
they have the right clothes. Rummage White effects are, allowing their other mind to take
and make a Disguise check opposed by an control of the body. Reactive.
observer’s Alertness Skill. Active.
• Entrusted (Pre-Visitation Scion): Pre-
Purviews give the Scions the ability to tap into
Visitation Scion gains a Relic at character
the raw primal elemental forces of the cosmos to
creation. This Relic does not affect her Fate
amplify their own abilities, hinder the capacities of
track. Passive.
their enemies, or change the environment. A Scion
• Hail the Sovereign (Rulers): The Ruler can is granted access to some Purviews innately and can
rummage White and then make a Persuasion gain others through Relics. Purviews are elemental
Skill check against any target. If successful, depictions of raw unbridled power and force, in the
they may say one word such as kneel, sit, fall, old sense of the word elemental. When a character
jump, run, etc. The target must perform said gains a Purview, they’re incorporating that Purview,
action for ten minutes or until they take dam- and all its spiritual, emotional, and symbolic mean-
age. Target can instead give the sovereign a ing into themselves. A Scion who masters all the War
stone at random. Active. Boons won’t necessarily be a battle-addicted shield
• Knowledge of the Ages (Learned): The warrior, but they certainly won’t be a coward either.
Learned starts each game with a clue. They Boons are the individual powers contained
may spend a clue once per scene during a within Purviews. They’re the distinct abilities that
challenge to place a stone they drew back channel primeval fire, lay open the gates of death,
into their pouch and draw a new stone. and sound the horns of chaos.
• Masterwork (Toilers): When the Toiler The art of humankind tells tales of grand
creates an item, they may add an additional triumph and epic loss, and sagas of true love’s con-
positive modifier to it. Passive. quest and fate’s cruelest twists. When looked upon
• Momentum Shift (Pre-Visitation Scion): as a collection, the art of a people represents their
The nascent Scion swings the tide of the heart and soul, showing us what was held dear by a
conflict. They empty their pouch and auto- culture and its artists who poured their everything
matically succeed on a Skill check. Active. into each and every brushstroke.

godly powers 43
• Forging Mythology: The Scion has exalted BEAUTY
skill. They may create Relics (p. 52). Passive. For Scions graced with beauty, there are no
• Ink and Soul: As a long action, the Scion eyes that do not view them as perfect in appearance.
may remove a stone and create a drawing or They are beyond reproach and their mere look can
painting of an object no larger than 8.5 by send mortals into fits of envy, lust, or fear.
11 inches. They may then reach into their • Draw Back the Mask: The Scion may reveal a
painting and pull out a standard item of the target’s inner self. Rummage Black. The target
type drawn. The item has no health levels must tell the Scion something they either hate
and explodes in a shower of ink should it take or love about themselves. If they can’t think
damage. When the moon next rises, the item of anything, then they must give a stone to the
similarly dissipates. This power can be used wielder of this power. A character may only be
with any type of art. Active. targeted by this power once per scene. Active.
BEAST • The Muse: By posing and displaying their
While most Purviews are representative of hu- beauty, the Scion can inspire greatness in
manity’s relationship with the world, the Gods are others. After posing, they may choose a per-
not just the Gods of humanity. For as long as there son who saw him and gain a +1 on their next
have been animals, the Gods have listened to their pull. The muse may do this once per scene
prayers and worn their skin as surely as human- for free but must rummage Black for each
kind’s. Scions with this Purview walk in both worlds sequential time. Active.
and can take on the forms and abilities of their fury
The Purview of Chaos is mercurial and flowing,
• Aja’s Trick: The Scion takes on the shape of like its namesake. From altering probability to unleash-
an animal. While none of their Skills change, ing the unbridled fury at the heart of creation, Chaos is
the Storyguide may rule that she may not the Purview of the strange, violent, and anarchic.
make a pull (only taking her base total) for
anything the animal form is not equipped to • Liar’s Dice: Whenever a supernatural power
do. Active. is being used to uncover information about
the Scion’s mental state, Fate, or creature
• Leader of the Pack: The Scion can speak type, or whether or not he is lying, he may
to animals and understand their speech as rummage Black and lie. Active.
though it was their native language. Passive.


• Monkey See, Monkey Do: The Scion may EARTH
remove a stone to replicate the effect of any From desolate dry and blasted plates of the salt
Boon already used in the current scene (by flats to awesome and stalwart mountain peaks, the
this or any other Scion). This Boon can be power of earth to move others while itself being un-
used to replicate a Heroic tier Boon but the movable is an inspiration. The nature of those Heroes
Scion also takes two levels of damage. Active. that move the earth provoke equal parts awe and terror
DARKNESS as they change a thing often thought of as constant.
Darkness has always been a source of fear and • Grasping Soil: The Scion may cause the
danger for humankind, and this Purview reflects earth to slow his opposition. Make an Occult
that, from making darkness into a weapon to strik- pull against a target. If successful the target
ing fear into the hearts of one’s enemies. can only take one step to move for a number
• Dream Weaver: Rummage White, to enter a of rounds equal to the Scion’s Craft Skill.
sleeping target’s dream. The Scion may take Active.
their Band with them. Questioning a target in • Shaping Hand: The Scion can move and
their dream leaves them with no memory of shape stone and steel by hand alone. They
the encounter. Active. gain a +1 on all Craft challenges. They also
• Knives in the Dark: Remove a stone. The gain a +1 on all Athletics actions. Active.
Scion creates blades made of shadows and EPIC DEXTERITY
throws them at every person in the room with This Purview is about fine control of the body.
them. Each target must make an Athletics pull Being able to control how the muscles, ligaments,
(Difficulty equal to the Scion’s Subterfuge tendons, and even bones move allows the user to
Skill) or suffer one damage. Active. perform extraordinary physical feats far beyond
DEATH that of even the greatest mortal.
One of the earliest Purviews to burgeon into • Desperate Dodge: The Scion may empty
existence, it has been with humanity as long as they their pouch to avoid any attack that would
have drawn breath. Even the Gods, who are more render them unconscious. Active.
resistant to the bell’s toll than mortals, still respect
and fear the reaper’s scythe. • Equilibrium: The Scion may rummage
Green to succeed on any unopposed Green
• Glimpse of Final Rest: The Scion sees the pull involving Dexterity. Passive.
last thing a corpse saw before dying and
gains a clue. Active.
Myth is replete with stories of Gods and Heroes
• Pay the Ferryman: Causes a deceased per- renowned for their grit, determination and incredi-
son’s soul to travel to an Underworld of the ble fortitude. There may be no truer mark of a real
Scion’s choosing. In addition, whenever a hero than perseverance in the face of impossible
soul is “sent”, the Scion may regain one stone odds, and to do that the hero needs great reserves
of any color. Active. of stamina to outlast the horrors that the world has
DECEPTION to offer.
Perception is everything and so those who can ma- • Block it Out: Whenever the Scion starts a
nipulate perceptions are the truest Gods of all, at least combat round with a negative Condition, they
that’s how they’d frame it. Others would be less courteous may make a Green Survival pull (Difficulty 3)
and fawning of the Purview, preferring to call the practi- to ignore the effect for the round. Passive.
tioners of such arts names like liars, cheats, and charlatans.
• Tailtu’s Burden: After being rendered un-
• Befuddle: Rummage Black. When someone conscious in combat the Scion may remove
is the target of a Close Combat attack, the two stones. They restore one Health and
Scion may designate a new target for the stand back up. Reactive.
attacker. Usable once per scene. Active.
• Truer Words: The Scion says something, Most Scions are stronger than mortals, but the
then rummages Black and makes a social at- feats of strength possible by those with a connection
tack against the target. Whatever was said, the to this Purview can boggle the mind. Theirs is the
target now believes wholeheartedly. Active.

godly powers 45
power that makes mountains quake and cities shake. FORGE
Theirs is the power that makes Gods move. One of the things that defines humanity is the
• Hold the Door: The Scion is capable of feats ability to make and use tools. This Purview man-
far beyond themself in times of great need. ifests and frees designs from the limits of earthly
A Scion may empty their mythic pouch to material.
push, pull, or hold an item of massive size or • Moonlight Forge: Allows the Scion to craft
gargantuan weight. This extra strength often Relics. See the Relic section. Active.
lasts just long enough for their companions
to get away or for them to accomplish their • Reclaim from Ruin: The Scion is able to
immediate goal, but fades quickly after leav- reconstruct destroyed or broken items. They
ing the Scion exhausted. Passive. may remove a stone to instantly repair any
object smaller than a fist. Larger items may
• Imprint: The Scion may use their incredible take longer at the Storyguide’s discretion.
strength to climb vertical surfaces without a Active.
pull. Passive.
Any card shark, Pai Gow player, or loot box
The blessing of life is one of the most sacred buyer can describe the rush that comes with bet-
and powerful Purviews. Those touched by its power ting it all and living right on the brink. The Fortune
have overseen the rise and fall of civilizations. While Purview is the proverbial card up the Scion’s sleeve,
order or wealth may make laws, agriculture fuels the giving them just the edge they need to make sure the
population who create the civilization. odds are always in their favor.
• Tending the Oak: Rummage Green. The Scion • 7-4 Off Suit: The Scion can force bad luck on
may grow a plant from a seed into an adult another character in the scene. By removing
member of its species. This does not work on a stone at random they may force another
any form of naturally sentient plant. Active. character to discard a stone at random. This
• Voice of Xochipilli: Rummage Green. For a power can never make a target lose their last
scene the Scion is able to talk to the plants stone. Active.
in the local environment. While often not • Nine Lives: The Scion of Fortune can survive
too bright (older and more magical plants impossible odds. When struck by a blow that
excepted) they’re able to tell the Scion what would render them unconscious, the Scion
they’ve witnessed. The Scion gains a clue if can remove two stones to negate the blow.
the information is relevant. Active. Reactive.
One of the most ancient of humanity’s objects The cold heart of winter is a perilous concern
of veneration was fire. Perhaps it is the greatest of to many. The chill of frost claims lives every year.
our discoveries. But beware, the hearth that warms Scions with this Purview embrace the cold and
can easily become a brand that burns. make it their own.
• Give Way to Anger: With but a touch the Scion • Chilled: Shooting a slick of ice, the Scion
can remove the lingering effects of any unnat- may make a Firearms attack against a target.
ural social, mental or magical attack. However, If successful, the target trips and becomes
as a side effect the touched character immedi- prone. Active.
ately seeks out and verbally attacks the person
they’re most angry with in the scene. Requires • Glacial Pace: The Scion may slide across the
touch and a successful magical attack pull if the ground on sheets of ice. They move one step
target is unwilling. The effect ends once they faster per round and any target they move
have insulted the target. Passive. past must make an Athletics pull (Difficulty
2) or suffer a −1 step penalty for the round.
• Ignite the Flame: Scion may make a ranged Active.
pull against any target. If successful, the tar-
get gains the Burning Condition. This power HEALTH
can also be used to set the environment Whether known as a chirurgeon, leech,
aflame. Active. medicine man, or sawbones, the healer has been


described in many ways. Health is an integral part of • Carried by Moonlit Tears: The Scion may
every life, mortal or no. rummage White and whisper a message to any
other Scion as long as it is night where they both
• Flawless Diagnosis: By examining a target
are. (To use this power, the player should call
for a minute, the Scion knows exactly what
a Storyguide if they’re not in the same scene.)
ails them (psychoses, Condition, magical
The message arrives shortly, but not necessarily
geas, compulsions, etc.). Active.
immediately, at its destination Active.
• Master of Plague: With a successful magical
• Trick of Moonlight: Once per session the
attack the caster may inflict the Poisoned
Scion can fool even death. When rendered
Condition on a target. Active.
unconscious, the Scion may empty her
JOURNEY mythic pouch, and leave the scene with a
Whether it’s a journey of 1000 miles or two doppelganger in their place that does the
blocks, the power of the road trip and its transfor- actual dying. This copy crumbles to dust if
mative effect on relationships and identity is firmly further interacted with or at the end of the
rooted in the collective unconscious. Humankind scene. If powers are used to see through
has determined that there are few goals that can’t be illusions, the Skill used to determine the il-
accomplished through setting out on an epic quest. lusion’s Difficulty is the Scion’s Occult rating.
• The Navigator: The Scion can find an ex-
isting portal to another world by focusing ORDER
inward and meditating for a few minutes. The desire to make sense of the world is one
In addition, they may make a Survival pull. of the most human. Scions of Order do not desire to
Difficulty is set by the Storyguide based on know how the World works. They enforce their will
how hidden / obscure the realm is. Passive. upon the World, and make their will into truth. They
pull law from chaos.
• Khonsu’s Sidestep: Rummage White. The
Scion may move to any other point in the • Nothing but the Truth: The Scion may
room. Active. make an Empathy check against a target’s
MAGIC Subterfuge to see if they are lying. If the
target was not lying, then the Scion must dis-
The Purview of Magic is used by practitioners
card a stone. If the target was lying, then they
who wish to manipulate arcane energies falling out-
must give the Scion a stone. Passive.
side the Fate’s scope.
• Perfect Form: The Scion’s reflexive defense
• Magical Aura: The character’s nature em-
rating is one higher. Passive.
anates as not belonging in the real world.
By focusing their soul outward (rummage PASSION
White), they can make themselves so glo- The love a new parent feels for their child, an
rious and bright that looking at them is artist feels for their tools, or the anxiety a groom
difficult. Any mortals in the scene with them feels at the wedding altar are all expressions of
will be unable to tell what they are looking Passion. Passion is not subtle, and Scions defined
at and explain them away as heat mirages, or by their passion are equally unsubtle, preferring
just tricks of light, so long as the character to scream their feelings from rooftops rather than
doesn’t interact with anyone. Active. bottle them up inside.
• Magical Praxis: The character can learn and • Cupid’s Arrow: The Scion makes a social at-
cast Sorcery spells. Passive. tack against a target. If successful, they may
• Splitting the Three: Anytime another char- choose another character in the scene. All
acter’s action would cause the Scion to gain a the target’s actions must be directed at the
point of Fate, the Scion may rummage White chosen character. They are all the target can
to ignore the increase. Reactive. think about. Lasts for a scene. Active.
• Ok Astarte: Rummage Black. Target must
tell the Scion three things about which they
This Purview is the domain of trickery, wisdom, feel passionately. If they do not care about at
and hidden knowledge. The moon shines brightest least three things, they lose a stone for each
in the presence of another’s light. passion for which they fall short. Active.

godly powers 47
Money is power in the modern age and the Since the dawn of time, the sun has been a great
Scions of Prosperity know this. Wealth is their center of human worship. It invigorates, cleanses,
weapon and they wield their credit card as Scions of and calls forth power to smite the unworthy.
War wield a sword.
• Penetrating Glare: The Scion adds +1 to all
• Another round?: The Scion with this power Alertness pulls. Passive.
can get more out of their friends than most.
• Solar Spear: The Scion may create and then
By removing a stone, the Scion may call on
throw a beam of pure solar energy at any
a Connection he has already called on once
target they can see. Remove, and then make
that session. Active.
a Firearms attack pull. The stone is removed
• Purchased Power: The Scion may remove to whether or not the attack hits. This attack
have a single badge, ID, or other kind of certifi- deals 1 damage and inflicts the Blinded
cation. It holds up to close inspection but lacks Condition on a target. Active.
any kind of microchip, so it will not pass through WAR
a scanner or computerized check. Active.
In ages past, conflict was an inevitable part of
SKY every Scion’s life. Today, many people say we’ve sur-
Since the dawn of time, humans have wistfully passed the need for violence, asking “War, what is
looked up to the sky wishing to master its glory. it good for?” Scions who master this Purview know
Much of human technology has resolved around the answer is, “Everything.”
this desire. The Hero who masters the Sky Purview
• Echoes of the Aegis: The Scion may use an
gets to make good on the desires of their ancestors
active defense against the first Close Combat
and take to the sky on divine wings.
or Firearms attack against them each combat,
• Flight: Rummage Green. The Scion may take without spending an action to defend. Passive.
their movement entirely through the air,
• Faithful Blade: Rummage Red. The Scion
avoiding any obstacles in the way. In addi-
may take an action to summon any Fatebound
tion, they may take a number of extra steps
weapon to their hand. Active.
equal to their Athletics. Active.
• Sarumma’s Deflection: Remove. When any-
The call of the sea and the power of rivers are
one makes a Firearms attack within the view
not to be overlooked. As water becomes a valuable
of a Scion with this power, the Scion may
resource for energy, along with its permanent worth
make a Firearms Skill check in response. If
as a source of nourishment, the Purview of Water
successful, the attack is cancelled. Reactive.
remains important to all living beings.
• Give Water, Give Hope: The Scion may rum-
The Purview of Stars is entrenched in the
mage White to create a gallon of fresh drink-
search for answers, navigation, and wishful think-
ing water anywhere in their field of vision.
ing. The stars guide and crystalize hopes into action.
Anyone soaked by the water may remove one
• Consultation with the Stars: Rummage Condition. If they want to affect a specific
White. The Scion focuses solely on the sub- character with the water, they must make a
ject in front of them and blocks out all dis- Medicine pull. Active.
tractions. They may add one to all Blue pulls
• Sink Hopes: Make a mental attack against a
for the scene, though they may not commu-
target. If successful, they have all the emo-
nicate with any other characters until they
tional reactions as though they are drown-
take an action to end this power. Active.
ing, inflicting the Afraid, or Exhausted
• Guiding Star: Rummage White. The Scion Condition on the victim. If a target is already
will find the path to any place or person they Afraid and Exhausted, this Boon may inflict
name when they activate this power. This the Terrified Condition. Active.
does not mean that getting there will be easy, WILD
merely that they have the path. Alternatively,
The wild has and forever will be the place for
a Scion may use this power to cause another
those who dwell in beyond the walls of humanity,
character to know how to get to them. Active.


their caretakers and their monsters. Where civiliza- CURSE OF INCOMPETENCE
tion ends, the wild begins and that is where Scions
Difficulty set by the target’s Pattern Skill + their tier
with this Purview feel most at home.
• Effect: Your target takes a −1 penalty on all
• Lost in the Wilderness: With but a touch
challenges until the next sunrise.
the Scion may entrap a creature within the
endless forest of their own mind. Requires a • Price: An object belonging to, or a piece of,
Close Combat pull to initiate. The target may the target.
take no action other than making a Survival
• Flaw: This ritual automatically ends if the
pull each round (or every minute out of
target says the name of the caster three times.
combat) The difficulty is equal to the user’s
Survival. The power ends after ten minutes DEATHLESS
whether or not they escape. Active.
Difficulty 8
• Pathfinder: The Scion automatically suc-
• Effect: You no longer age. Further, while you
ceeds on any Survival check to avoid getting
take damage normally, you cannot die from
lost. Passive.
damage, only be rendered unconscious.
SORCERY • Price: In addition to several fortunes worth
Scions, Denizens, and Heroes are all bound to of alchemical items, you must sacrifice a
Fate. It is the source of their power and reason for child who has not yet hit puberty. The sacri-
being. However, some individuals choose to look fice can be willing.
for power beyond the control of Fate and outside of
• Flaw: Any wound from a weapon blessed by
destiny. These people are known by many names,
a God of Death will slay you instantly.
but most commonly as Sorcerers.
Sorcerers often tap into natural powers in a SEE THE UNSEEN
way that’s cruder than the subtle interaction be- Difficulty 2
tween Scion and Purview. They can also siphon or
“piggyback” this connection to a Scion. This is never • Effect: Until you next sleep, you see anyone
as efficient and easy as using God-given gifts, but can hidden with any sort of invisibility power, as
lead to realms of power untapped by the emissaries well as seeing the true form of anyone you
of the divine. gaze upon.
All magical workings are works of abnegation, • Price: Expensive magical reagents are in-
meaning that they always take something away, fused into a potion, which must be imbibed
never give something. The workings themselves or applied to the eyes.
go against the grain of the universe as presented
• Flaw: If you see your reflection the truth that
(walking widdershins, stepping outside mundane
Fate wants you to see asserts itself, and the
habit, etc.). A spell may seem to have a positive im-
ritual ends.
pact (and many do), but they all remove something
that was “meant to be,” such as a working to make WARD AGAINST HARM
one immune to damage from iron (removing that
Difficulty 2
susceptibility), making one ageless (removing the
ability to die), cursing someone with disease (re- • Effect: The first time someone engages a pull
moving health), and so on. All magical workings are against you, you may, after seeing the pull,
long actions. force a redraw.
Every magical working, in addition to its
• Price: You must inflict a wound level of dam-
Difficulty and effect, has a price and a flaw. The price
age to yourself in casting this ritual.
is something that must be done, given, or taken to
make the effect work. The flaw is a built-in limita- • Flaw: If you’re attacked by an object blessed
tion, brought about by the fact that Fate is not casu- by the Gods (Relics count), your ritual ends
ally subverted, and always provides a way to unravel immediately with no effect. This ritual re-
the magical effect. mains in effect for a session or until you use
The following are some sample magical rites. its effect, in which case it’s expended.
All magic uses the Occult Skill.

godly powers 49
wear in certain neighborhoods, and even the
SKILLS social rituals of mystical cultures from around
the World. Culture is the social defense skill.
W henever your character performs an action,
they’re likely using some type of Skill.
Characters are asked to make a Skill pull when failure
• Defense (Red): Defense is the defensive skill
for Red type actions. If a character is targeted
is possible and interesting. Each Skill is grouped into by a Red action, they counter with Defense.
a theme by color:
• Empathy (Black): Empathy provides you
• Red for combat with information about how a person feels
about a topic. Empathy won’t tell you a per-
• Blue for thinking
son’s secret, but it tells you they’re hiding
• Black for socializing something. Even if two parties do not share
• Green for athletics a common language, they can use empathy
to understand each other’s emotional state.
• White for magic Empathy covers understanding, feeling,
During character creation, a character gets and gauging.
7 points to spend on Skills. No Skill may be higher • Firearms (Red): Firearms covers all attacks
than 2 at character creation. The Skill maximum for that target a character at range. It covers
Scions is 3. shooting, sniping, firing, and launching.
Here are the Skills available.
• Integrity (Blue): Integrity is the mental
• Academics (Blue): The humanities and defensive skill used to avoid being affected
the softer sciences, history, classics, liter- by mental attacks including sensory and su-
ature, sociology. Academics can be used to pernatural assaults, via a collection of focus
determine the author of a work, identify a tricks, coping strategies, and personal will.
language, or find some legends of entities no
• Medicine (Blue): Medicine is used to treat
longer actively worshiped. It’s also used to
the Conditions of others and understand
solve puzzles. Academics covers thinking,
biology, anatomy, physiology, first aid, and
solving, and knowing.
poisons. In general, Medicine is used to heal
• Alertness (Green): Alertness is a measure or poison others. It covers diagnosing, heal-
of your ability to sense and react to your ing, curing, and poisoning.
environment and to notice things that others
• Occult (White): The Occult Skill informs
might miss. It covers noticing, seeking, and
you of the associations and connections be-
tween folk beliefs, and rumors. It can be used
• Athletics (Green): Your degree of Skill in to get information about types of supernat-
Athletics determines your mastery of your ural beings, powers, and other phenomena.
physical form. It’s a measure of how pre- Occult is also used for many Boons.
cise you can make your movements, your
• Pattern (White): Pattern is the magic de-
strength, and your balance. Athletics can also
fense skill. It’s a determination of how sturdy
be used to move unnoticed through an area,
your soul is and how well you and resist the
(see the Hide action). It covers running,
pull of Fate
jumping, climbing, and sneaking.
• Persuasion (Black): Persuasion is used to
• Close Combat (Red): Covers all physical
sway the minds of others and get your point
challenges that target another being within the
across. Persuasion is the Skill that kings
sweep of one’s arm or melee weapon. It covers,
use to sway the hearts of their people and
slashing, stabbing, punching, and kicking.
what lawyers use to get their way in court.
• Craft (Blue): Craft covers the creation of Persuasion covers talking, convincing, se-
new objects and the maintenance of old ones. ducing, and intimidating.
Craft covers fixing, making, devising, and
• Pilot (Green): Pilot is used to make some a
vehicle get where you wish it to go. It can
• Culture (Black): Culture informs your also be used to keep a vehicle moving safely
knowledge of what hand to use to eat, what through difficult or hazardous situations,
phrases are innuendos, what colors not to


such as to keep a plane flying in a storm or a trauma and poisons. It covers tracking, scav-
car steady on slick roads. It covers chasing, enging, and surviving.
driving, and piloting.
• Science (Blue): Science covers chemical
processes, hard sciences, and the laws of
physics. In general, analyzing, understanding
or designing a natural phenomenon or effect E ach character may pick a connection or Relic with
which to begin the game. This counts towards the
character’s Fatebinding total. For more information
is the realm of science. It covers knowing,
testing, and analyzing. see “Fate,” pp. 55-56.

• Security (Blue): Breaking into things and

rendering things harder to break into. The EQUIPMENT
Security Skill can be used to “lock down” a
place or object with alarms or traps, requir-
ing an opposed Blue Security pull of a set
M undane equipment in Scion Live-Action gives
opportunities for character distinction through
costuming and backstory. Mundane equipment also
difficulty to bypass them. If a character fails forms the basis of Relics and other enchanted items.
that pull, the alarm or trap goes off. Security
Sometimes appropriate equipment is necessary
can also be used to case an area and figure
to make Skill-related pull. For example, you may not
out how difficult it would be to pass through
pick a lock without lockpicks, nor may you use the
it. Security covers hacking, lockpicking, and
Firearms Skill without a weapon or projectile device.
Equipment may have advantages and disadvan-
• Subterfuge (Black): Subterfuge is used to tages. Mundane equipment must have an equal value
conceal a specific thing or deceive someone or of both. A basic piece of equipment has no advantag-
a group of people. It covers lying, disguising, es or disadvantages, an intermediate piece of equip-
costuming, concealing, forging, and acting. ment has one of each, and an advanced piece has
• Survival (Green): Survival is a measure of two of each. Basic equipment can be created with
your ability to find the essentials for life in an a Difficulty 2 Craft I, intermediate with a Difficulty
indifferent or hostile environment. Survival 3, and advanced with a Difficulty 4. Advantages and
also covers being able to physically survive disadvantages must be chosen from the following

fatebindings | equipment 51
list, must be appropriate to the equipment, and are • A Relic must be Fatebound to a character be-
subject to Storyguide discretion. Equipment breaks fore it provides any advantage to a character.
if it takes a level of damage. Equipment on a person A Relic can be created with a Craft pull and a
is as difficult to hit as the person is. Unattended Boon that allows for the crafting of a Relic. Scions
equipment has a difficulty of 1 to hit. can only create tier one Relics, Heroes tier two, etc.
A note on weapons: All attacks, including those The difficulty of the Craft pull can be found on the
made by weapons, have a base damage of 1. Relic table in this chapter. Additionally, for the Relic
A broken piece of equipment provides no to function as anything other than mundane equip-
advantages or disadvantages. Repairing broken ment it must be Fatebound; a process requiring med-
equipment requires a Craft pull one lower than the itating with the object or otherwise incorporating it
Difficulty that was required to create it. into the character’s story. (This should be thematic,
such as dipping a sword in blood or pouring your
ADVANTAGES heart and soul into the music.) All Relics are by de-
• Fast: +2 Initiative (can be taken twice). fault unbreakable unless they have the disadvantage
of fragile or shatter.
• Grappling: Item can grapple.
All Relics are of advanced quality. The difficulty
• Reliable: +1 to the connected Skill rating. to craft a Relic is 4+tier of the relic. In addition, the
crafter must have some sort of mythical material
• Speedy: Grants an extra step (can be taken
from which to forge the Relic, such as the horn of a
dragon, mithril from the mines of the moon, ambro-
• Tough: Item requires two levels of damage sia from the tables of Olympus, etc. The Storyguide
to break. is the final arbiter on what can and can’t be turned
into a Relic.
DISADVANTAGES • Free Advantages: The number of additional
• Fragile: Item breaks if attacked. advantages that can be added to the item
• Heavy: Reduces steps taken by one (can be without corresponding disadvantages.
taken twice). • Additional Purviews: The number of addi-
• Shatter: Item breaks if successfully used. tional Purviews the Relic grants its wielder.
(Must take fragile first.) • Fate: The number of Fatebindings the Relic
• Slow: −2 initiative. takes up.

• Unreliable: Item only works on a successful • Bonus: The bonus the Relic applies to ac-
White pull (Difficulty 3). tions appropriate to its type (a spear applied
to striking someone, a mask to disguise, etc.).
• Unsightly: Item provides a −1 to all Skill pulls Does not affect levels of damage inflicted in
of a color determined at creation. the case of a weapon.
RELICS • Overload: The amount of damage taken each
Central to the World are Relics. Whether they’re turn by someone wielding the Relic if they
items the Gods infused with power, or the result of are not the same tier as the Relic or higher.
the World’s natural power accretions, Relics are a Note that this always applies to mortals, who
fantastic form of equipment. The most common are below the Scion tier.
Relics of myth are created by Scions. Systematically,
Relics work like mundane equipment, except:
• Extra Purview: The Relic grants an addi-
• There’s a larger list of Advantages and
tional Purview to its wielder above what it
Disadvantages one can place on a Relic.
should according to tier.
• A Relic, like a character, possesses a tier rat-
• Mighty: The Relic inflicts an additional level
ing, which affects how powerful it is.
of damage. Can be taken once per tier.
• A Relic grants its wielder access to additional
• Pocket Sized: The relic can always be shrunk
down or otherwise disguised such that it can
• Relics provide characters a bonus on the Skill be totally concealed with an action.
that correlates to their primary function.


Scion 1 1 1 1 1
Hero 1 1 2 2 1
Demigod 2 2 3 3 3
God 2 3 4 5 6
Titan 3 5 5 8 12

• Quick Bind: The Relic can be Fatebound in

one minute. ADVANCEMENT
• Safe for the Mundane: The Relic is treated
as one tier lower for purposes of damaging
its wielder.
A s characters in Scion Live-Action accomplish
goals, finish quests, and age, they acquire
Experience. Five experience can be turned in to
advance your character.
• Summoned: This Relic cannot be lost. Unless
it is being wielded by another character, this Experience is awarded to every character at the
artifact returns to the person to whom it’s end of each session. All characters in a game should
attuned. gain the same number of experience at the end of
a session. Experience should be awarded when the
RELIC DISADVANTAGES following things happen.
• Agenda: The Relic has a sentience, or at least • Completing a Session
a goal. The wielder must make an oath of the
Relic’s choosing before it will give its benefits • Any Band in the game accomplishes one of
to the wielder. their Band Goals (1 per session).

• Appeased: There is something that the • Fantastic roleplay on behalf of a single char-
wielder of the Relic must do on a regu- acter or group of characters (1 per session).
lar basis in order to assure its continuing This should be used to reward everybody
functionality. when someone makes character-based deci-
sions, especially when that decision put their
• Clingy: The Relic automatically Fatebinds character’s life in danger.
itself to anyone who touches it.
Once a character has 5 experience, they may
• Comes with Baggage: Subject to the immediately purchase a single character trait al-
Storyguide’s permission, the Relic causes the lowed on their Paths (a Skill, a Knack, a Boon, etc.)
character to develop enemies, be forced onto
a never-ending quest, or some other relent- CHANGING PATHS
less complication on the wielder’s life. Between games and with Storyguide approval,
• Pantheon Bound: This Relic only confers its a character may swap one of their current Paths for
benefits, numerical and otherwise, on per- another one for which they qualify. The character
sons from a specific pantheon. immediately loses access to all the Boons, Knacks,
etc. that are not offered on the new Path. In ex-
• Stronger Fate: The Relic counts as one tier change, the charatcer gains a number of experience
higher for purposes of Fatebinding. equal to the number just lost, that must be imme-
diately spent on Knacks, Boons, etc. for which the
character does qualify. The only thing a character
retains from their previous Path are the Skill points.
A character can exchange a Path of any type for
a Path of any other type. However, if a character has
no Supernatural Path, they are no longer a Scion. If
a character loses their Heroic Path (see Scion: Hero
Live-Action), then they are no longer a Hero.

advancement 53
F ate is an ephemeral but puissant thing. A force that
guides and manipulates the lives of all who walk in
the World. Hard to grasp and even harder to control or
from the heavens and holds the building up, in
full view of the crowd surrounding the building.
It even gets filmed and uploaded to YouTube.
guide, Fate forces allies together, it drives lovers apart, Instead of just one child becoming Fatebound,
and it ensures that no rivalry goes untested. In our world, every witness becomes bound to the God. So
outside the realm of Scion, many a story goes unfinished. inspired by her actions and what they can find
Long-standing rivals fail to resolve their feud before one out about her on Wikipedia, her new followers
is killed, soulmates grow old and never see each other would do their best to see her will done in the
again, and long-held passions go unspoken. In the world world. If nurtured, they could become a useful
of Scion, Fatebinding ensures that stories have endings, tool, but that takes time, and many are the sto-
that two rivals do battle atop the highest mountain, that ries of cults formed around gods who start with
the royal always meets their true love or loves, and that the best of intentions but end up committing
hidden emotions never stay that way. atrocity after atrocity due to misunderstanding
divinity’s whims.
FATEBINDING Pre-Visitation Scions and Denizens are far
smaller beings than Gods and even smaller than
F atebinding is a complicated and arcane mechanism
omnipresent in the World. No God holds dominion
over it, though many claim to do so. Whenever a
Heroes. They aren’t so little that they’ll be quickly
swept up in the shockwave of deific forces, nor are
they so large that they create cults and religions
creature imbued with Ichor takes actions in the world,
with their very presence. They occupy a peculiar
it has a chance of Fatebinding other lesser beings to
space where they can bind humans to themselves
it. Player characters cannot be Fatebound to other
and resist the Fatebindings placed upon them by
player characters, though they can have previously
Heroes, to some degree.
been Fatebound in their character history.
There are two ways Fatebindings occur. The
Fatebinding makes a being relevant to the lives
first is voluntary. A character can willingly Fatebind
and stories of those to whom they’re tied. A being
a Relic or Connection between game sessions. They
with a grand Fate such as a God, a Titan, a Scion, and
must have the ability to Fatebind the thing they
even a Denizen must be careful in how they treat
want to bind (possession of a Relic, knowing the
those beneath them, as the threads of Fate can and
contact in question, having enough free points of
will bind these smaller lives to become integral to
Fatebinding). All voluntary Fatebindings are at the
their story, whether they like it or not.
discretion of the Storyguide.
Example: A Scion rushes into a burning build- The second type of Fatebinding is involuntary.
ing and uses his tremendous strength to hold At the end of any scene where a Scion uses a super-
up the ceiling long enough for all the civilians natural power in front of a mortal or does something
to evacuate. On the way out, a little girl looks exceedingly heroic that affects a person or Relic,
back and sees him doing it. From that moment there’s a chance the Scion will Fatebind one of the
on, the little girl will be obsessed with the Scion people or objects in the scene, thus tying them to
and go out of her way to search for him. She’ll each other. Have the player make a Pattern pull
want nothing more than to become that Scion’s (Difficulty 3, 5, 7, or 10 — see below); if they succeed,
sidekick, student, or adoring fan. The Scion can, they can choose whether to become Fatebound to a
of course, try to separate himself from the child person or Relic in the scene. If they fail, they have no
and create distance, but it’s more likely that the choice in the matter. The Storyguide should set the
relationship will change rather than end. If he Difficulty of the pull based on how dramatic / trau-
ignores the child, they may grow up to be a fire- matic the scene was for the mortal / item and Scion.
fighter, inspired by the Scion. If the Scion trains 3 represents a notable but not life-altering interac-
the child, they may become an apprentice. Or, if tion, like the Scion pushing a mortal out of the way
he mocks or mistreats the child, she may grow of a car, or interacting with a potent mystical item,
up to resent him, her adoration twisting into while 7 represents the Scion murdering a parent or
bitter dejection, creating a villain who’ll make bathing a Relic in their own blood.
the Scion pay for his arrogance.
There’s no easy way to remove a Fatebound
person from a character sheet once it’s on there.
Another Example: The same building is on Relics, however, can often, but not always be de-at-
fire, but instead of a Scion, a God reaches down tuned easily.

Fatebinding 55
FATEBINDINGS TABLE Connections can always be invoked per the fol-
lowing chart once per game session. They can also
TIER MAXIMUM FATEBINDINGS be invoked to perform longer term tasks between
Scion 5 game actions at Storyguide discretion. Example: A
Heroic 6 connection of the law enforcement archetype could
review evidence on a closed case; A fiscal archetype
Demigod 7
could negotiate buying a house.
Divine 8 Relationship: The Relationship defines how
Primordial 9 the Connection and the Scion interact with each
other. Not all these relationships are positive, but
TYPES OF FATEBINDINGS all relationships have a positive benefit for the Scion
There are two types of Fatebinding: Relics and when invoked.
• Relics are the mythical tools of Scions, im- OBLIGATIONS
bued with the divine essence of a God. A
Scion must Fatebind a Relic before they can
use its capabilities. Starting Relics must be of
A s a character becomes more Fatebound, the World
gains a stronger belief of who they are. As the
World reaches consensus, the heroic legend comes to
the Scion tier. For more on Relics, see p. 52. define them. As Scions become more Fatebound, they
• Connections represent a Scion’s mortal become more and more like the creatures of myth and
friends, family, and contacts. Connections legend from which they hail. When a Scion hits 1, 3
have some amount of influence in the human and 5 points of Fatebinding, they suffer an obligation.
world that they can use on the Scion’s behalf. Example: The world believes all Oni are mur-
derous. Raidou the Oni doesn’t necessarily have
CONNECTIONS to be a bloodthirsty killer, but if he acquires too
many Fatebindings he may find himself lashing

S upernatural beings can sometimes find it difficult

to maintain human relationships, but these
relationships are important for a Scion in helping them
out in anger repeatedly.
In Scion: Origin Live-Action, obligations are
maintain their humanity and helping them interact part of your Supernatural Path. You can create cus-
with a world that may fear them. A Scion may invoke tom obligations in Scion: Hero Live-Action.
a contact via a phone call or some other method of
interaction once per game for free to activate the STORYTELLING
effect of either their relationship or their archetype.
Once invoked, the Connection is generally spent for FATE
the session and cannot be invoked again until the
following game.
Each Connection Fatebinding is a person. This
F ate is one of the more esoteric and free-form
systems in the game.

person should be fleshed out between the player ASSIGNING FATEBINDINGS

and Storyguide at character creation or when the One of Fatebindings’ primary purposes is to
Connection is created. There are three parts to serve as the “stick” to encourage characters not to
creating a Connection: Concept, Archetype, and solve every problem using their supernatural might.
Relationship. Each time a character uses their supernatural pow-
Concept: The Concept is a short summary of ers in front of a mortal or is just extremely heroic,
they risk becoming Fatebound. When this happens,
who the connection is. Examples: Police Sergeant on
the Edge; Thief turned Homemaker; Bearded Mentor a new character or Relic has just become relevant to
from the Mountain. their story. Creating and keeping track of all these
Archetype: The Archetype defines how the personalities can seem like a lot of work for the
Connection views themselves and how they interact Storyguide, but there are some ways to help mitigate
with the world. Each Archetype can be invoked to the workload and even have it develop the story for
perform an action on the Scion’s behalf. you.
• You don’t need to do it immediately: It
happens in every game. You’ve gone about


Apprentice The apprentice can be called The apprentice is committed The apprentice asks for help
to perform a straightforward to learning something from finding a crafting material /
task. Must target SGC’s or the Scion, like a craft or tool, or asks for a solution to
environment. philosophy. a difficult moral problem.
Worshiper/ The worshiper can pray for This person worships They summon something
Unrequited a character to whom they the ground on which a dangerous into the World
Paramour are Fatebound. When they character walks. Their (Titanspawn, Sidhe, etc.).
do this, Restore one stone Fatebound is the most
to the Fatebound player important thing to them.
character’s Pouch.
Guide The guide can be contacted The guide can be magical Something from their past
to supply its Fatebound with or mundane, but either way, comes after them, and only
one non-magical item or to they serve a parental role. their Fatebound can save
help them find their way to them.
any scene.
Boon Companion A boon companion can give The boon companion is They get fired from their job
information about an event there to listen to problems and need help finding a new
going on in the local region. and help with issues. one
Rival A rival can serve as A rival is someone who They challenge their
inspiration once per game, challenges stasis and forces Fatebound to a competition
giving the Scion a +1 on any their Fatebound to become at the worst possible time
pull. better
Paramour Visiting a paramour allows A significant other is a Another supernatural being
the Scion to refill their mythic romantic connection or attempts to woo them.
pouch. loving relationship.
Nemesis A Fatebound can rough up A nemesis is someone who Their plans finally come to
one of their Nemesis’ thugs opposes, who is trying to fruition and they send their
or hack their computers to hurt their Fatebound in some minions after the Fatebound.
gain a clue. way.


Law Enforcement Causes police to show up at a designated area. Cop, FBI, CIA
Educator Can answer one general knowledge / history question once Teacher, Counselor,
per session. Mother
Religious May ask a member of their pantheon what they would do in Priest, Nun, Cultist
a scenario
Fiscal Gain up to $500 in a game session. Accountant, Millionaire
Bureaucratic Get a license or permission to be in a place from the Politician, Office worker,
government. State employee
Medical Cause an individual to be treated by hospital staff. This Doctor, EMT, Nurse
treatment will restore half of a character’s health levels and
remove any poisons.
Tech Head Have a piece of technological equipment taken apart, put Hacker, Tech store
back together, and checked for all functions and bugs. employee,
Familiar Rounds up and questions all the local animals about any Squirrel, Dog, Cat, Mouse
strange happenings in a scene.
Criminal Sell illegal items, or purchase illegal items. Pickpocket, Getaway
driver, Fence
Media Kill or run a local news story. Get a lead on what local news Reporter, DJ, Producer
is running.
Business The Connection can get the Scion a job. Janitor, Executive, Security

Obligations | Storytelling Fate 57

creating a sprawling story with multiple
engaging antagonists and supporting cast
members, but the player characters get TO BUILD STORIES
overly attached to the Goblin bartender you A major theme for Fatebindings is that they
introduced in the first act and won’t leave should be a constant in the life of the Scion. Some
her alone. They bring the poor one-note SGC tips on how to integrate them into your plots:
along to the final battle and lo and behold,
• Witnesses: Connections are a great way to
she gets Fatebound. That’s perfectly fine.
introduce new threats to the game. Want to
Just because you didn’t have a developed
bring a giant frost wolf into the game? Let
backstory for Jelayne the Goblin when you
the players know by having a Connection
introduced her, doesn’t mean you can’t de-
call them after they were chased by it or after
velop her into a gripping support character
they saw it rip someone in half.
or even antagonist in subsequent months.
• Imperiled: Connections are people and be-
• Let the players do the work. Even in the case
ing people they have wants and needs. Feel
of accidental Fatebindings, you don’t have to
free to have them call on the player charac-
put in all the effort. Give the player who now
ter for help. These calls can range from the
has this SGC as part of their sheet a few key
mundane (house sitting) to the supernat-
details (personality traits, a job, and maybe
ural (monsters in their basement or being
an ability they excel at) and let them go.
• Many things to many people: There’s no
• Wrong Place, Wrong time: Feel free to
reason an SGC can’t be Fatebound to mul-
have a Scion’s Connections show up in their
tiple players at once. There’s also no reason
scenes when it would be the least appropri-
that said Fatebound SGC can’t represent a
ate. Remember that Fate is pushing these
different relationship to every person they’re
people into their lives so don’t feel like you
connected to. These shared connections can
only need to bring them up when it makes
make for excellent storytelling opportuni-
sense or is convenient. “Chance encounters”
ties. For instance, one player’s paramour
are far more common than they are in real
being the nemesis to another player, or one
player’s rival also being the guide to another.


• Desire: Relics are great plot drivers. Objects
of divine power are almost universally de-
sirable, so feel free to have SGCs come after Between games, players can petition the
a Scion for their Relics. Alternatively, some Storyguide to let one of their Fatebindings fall by the
objects may remain Fatebound even when wayside. You should evaluate whether the SGC still
not in the possession of a specific character. has unfinished business with the character before
Having these Relics acting as a perennial allowing it to resolve and if necessary, run a scene
thorn in the side of a Scion can lead to great where the player does something to cut them loose.
roleplaying moments. In general, if you don’t have plans for an SGC, you
should let players sever the connection.

Storytelling Fate 59
I n this chapter, we give you advice on how to
Storyguide a game of Scion: Origin Live-Action.
extended play session. However, a great deal of at-
tention must be paid to the policing of one’s site and
to the behavior of one’s players, for your team to be
RUNNING SCION invited back.

T he primary things you’re going to need to run a
Scion Live-Action are a place to play, some stones
for checks, and some means for people to carry those
Depending on the size of your game, you
may not have the luxury of separating staff, or
Storyguides, from players. If you do not, here is
stones. If you have more than ten players, you’re also
a simple list of the responsibilities that someone
going to want some people to help you run the game.
should undertake before the game begins.
LENGTH OF PLAY • Someone should be coordinating the site.
The first important part of picking a place is • Someone should have the contact informa-
picking a length of time. There are broadly speaking tion for every other player in the game.
three lengths of play.
• Someone should be well versed in the rules
One-Shot: This is a single session of between
of the game.
two to six hours of continuous play, after which
there’s no expected continuity of character or • Someone should be well-versed in the conti-
setting. This kind of play is suggested if you’re just nuity of your game.
starting out with a game. • Someone should be the final arbiter of any
Extended: This is a single session or a set of two conflicts that may arise during your game.
or three sessions that all happen over a set period
A single person does not need to be the final
of time (such as at a convention or over a weekend)
arbiter of all decisions. For example, one person can
where gameplay is halted for some time to provide
oversee settling disputes that arise “in character”
opportunity for sleeping, eating etc. Continuity is
and another for conflicts that arise with your site.
preserved over the course of the game.
However, for every single situation, someone must
Series: This can be a miniseries possessing a be responsible and have the final word on what is to
definite preset ending time or an ongoing series with be done. If there are multiple such people for differ-
no definite ending in mind. Series play consists of a ing areas of your game there must also be a person
number of one-shots or extended sessions dispersed who settles disagreements between the people in
over a long period of time, say once a month, once a charge of settling disagreements.
year etc, during which continuity is preserved.
In almost all cases it’s more important that a
Different venues lend themselves to different decision be made than a decision being made cor-
lengths of play. The sort of place that supports a rectly. It’s far easier to recover from a bad decision
one-shot game can be quite spartan as people only than it is to recover from indecision or a delayed de-
need to use it temporarily. A single room in a con- cision. If somebody’s character is unfairly killed by
vention, a person’s apartment, or even a public park a bad rules call, it’s easier to later have them resur-
can be fine, so long as permissions are obtained and rected by the Gods than it is to determine the exact
the location is safe. mathematics of who did what to whom. One person
Weekend play offers logistical challenges. should be the final arbiter. It’s best if they’re good
There needs to be an out of character area for people at their job and make the right decision, but what’s
to rest, there need to be bathroom facilities available, most important is that the decision be made. In a
and access to refreshments. Time and facilities for long-running game, everyone will have unfair calls
food are a necessity. If at all possible, there needs to made for and against them, and everyone will also
be an out of character area and privacy provided so have perfectly fair calls made for and against them.
that players can change their clothing for costumes. These final arbiters must be seen as impartial,
The staffing commitment for “marathon” play is and so in large games there needs to be a person or
considerable, as Storyguides will need to rotate time persons devoted to arbitration and logistics. These
on and time off to prevent burnout and exhaustion. people are called the Storyguides. The roughly ideal
A series of one-shots often requires a lesser situation for the Scion Live-Action system is ap-
commitment of resources per event, than a single proximately one staffer for every six to ten players.

running scion live-action 61

Groups smaller than six generally don’t need staff, foreign accent often comes off more mocking
while groups larger than ten generally require mul- than imitating.
tiple staffers. • Do not allow the use of real-world religious
Communicate with your Storyguides. iconography. Consider using other ways to
Communicate with each other. Take time after ev- show your affiliation with a god or pantheon;
ery game to discuss what you’ve each done and take like symbolic props, color schemes or non-sa-
careful notes if you can. If nothing else, it produces cred imagery. Imitations of real-world reli-
a nice souvenir of what you did before the memo- gious ceremonies are equally inappropriate.
ries degrade. If you’re running a series game, these
In general, be conscious of the choices your
notes and discussions are invaluable. Note that
players make about their character. Consider
staffing a LARP is a tiring job. The occasional round
whether something you do with your character has
of applause, snack at game, and pat on the back
the potential to be offensive, culturally appropria-
makes staff feel appreciated and prevent burnout.
tive or otherwise hurtful.
However, the most important part of keeping your
Storyguides is rotating them out regularly. Make
sure Storyguides have taught someone else their
There are several techniques you can use to
important information before they leave, such as
make your games as safe as possible.
contact lists, and important SGC secrets.
COSTUMING Coined by Ron Edwards in his game Sex and
Player costuming adds an additional level of Sorcery, lines and veils are personal boundaries the
immersion to the game world and can convey in- group has agreed to in your story of Scion Live-
formation about a character in a natural, non-verbal Action. Before you start a story, talk with your
way. There are two general approaches to LARP players and determine the things they’d prefer not
costuming, and it’s helpful to set expectations for discuss in detail (veils) or outright never want to
players from the beginning. For LARPs that take a see in the game (lines). Each person in the group is
WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) ap- different, so it can be tricky to accommodate every-
proach, characters have the same appearance as the one’s wishes, but having an open document of what
player does in real life. On the other end of the spec- the game will and won’t cover, and in what detail,
trum, some games use a minimalist approach where can help players to decide if your game is right for
players agree to wear the same (or similar) simple them.
outfits. Some games add name tags or note cards
pinned to the player’s shirts to convey information THE PROBLEM OF EVIL
that would be available visually to other characters, When setting out to run a game you need to
like hair color, extranormal body parts, etc. decide how to deal with the conflict and other bad
However, it’s vital to assure costuming doesn’t stuff. They come in broadly four categories.
interfere with the ability of others to be comfortable Unexamined Bad Things: These things are
or have fun playing the game. Because Scion deals taken as read in the setting and for the purposes
with real-world mythology and cultural beliefs, of that game they won’t be explored. For example,
there exists potential to cause real-world harm the morality of there being Gods or Ichor or divine
to people of those cultures by mishandling those rights in the first place. This is present in the world
cultural artifacts. Below are a few examples of unac- but this is not the game to examine it.
ceptable costuming: Points of Conflict: This is the bad stuff the
game will explore and people can be conflicted
• Do not change your skin color to appear as a
about. For example, what responsibilities does a
person of a different human background (e.g.
creator have to those they create? What does per-
blackface). This has historically been asso-
sonhood mean? Does one owe more loyalty to blood,
ciated with the mockery and belittlement of
family of choice, nation, or faith? This is the sort of
those backgrounds and should not be tolerat-
question that builds conflict the game explores.
ed under any circumstances.
Environmental Bad Things: These are bad
• Do not attempt to fake an accent. Although situations agreed by players and staff are happening
it’s great for characters to have distinct in the world but the players will not be playing with.
verbal mannerisms, attempting to imitate a For example, in the real world a pandemic may have
struck and resulted in a widespread lockdown. The


player characters, however, will not be a party to it,
nor will it be an event happening on camera, nor will
plots be devoted to it. • Have enough water to drink. LARPing is
Unspeakable Evil: These are things that thirsty work and people sometimes faint
happened historically but will not be explored in because they haven’t realized they are
the game, even the worst villains will not do it on dehydrated.
camera or off. For example, no matter what Ancient • Have enough bathrooms for your player
Greek myths say, no character in game will use their base.
abilities to engage in rape. This is simply not includ-
ed in the game universe. The wellbeing of players is • Bring hygiene items. Hand sanitizer, femi-
more important than realism. nine products, and sometimes some other
toiletries can be essential especially on over-
Setting these expectations ahead of time is key.
night LARPs or LARPs at conventions.
No specific topic is inherently outside the scope of any
form of art, LARP included. Informed consent is vital • Remember that costuming is not consent.
to any collaborative effort. The types of evil present in Have a very clear policy on what sort of re-
your game do not need to be the same as listed above. cordings or photos are to happen before the
Some LARPs do in fact explore sexual violence ma- start of the game and if possible, get everyone
turely and well or are about the nature of divine right. to read and sign it.
So long as everyone is informed, everyone agrees, and
anyone can leave with no onus upon them, feel free to
use these tools for whatever purpose you see fit.
A closed fist on the forehead is the out of charac-
ter (or OOC) symbol. If you’re not sure of something,
use it, then try to quickly get back into character. If
you want to do something involving romance or vi-
I n order to make SGC threats or environmental
hazards, a staff member needs to be able to make
threats quickly. In most cases one should simply allow
olence in a way that breaks the no touching rule or
an action to succeed if a character declares a reasonable
might make someone uncomfortable a simple way
course of action that has no dangerous consequences.
to communicate this is to make the OOC symbol and
However, when there are consequences to failure then
then say “Negotiation.”
Storyguides must be able to determine the difficulty
Everyone has the right to dip out of character and consequences of a threat quickly.
and leave, no questions asked and none needed to be
Broadly speaking threats are comprised of a
answered. Anyone can just go OOC using the OOC sign
Skill, a Difficulty and a Consequence.
and people should make a path and allow them to leave
if they need to leave, period. They can volunteer the The Skill determines what Skill is relevant
information later or tell folks if they want as they go for the challenge. The Difficulty determines the
but no judgement and no questions. Ever. That is all. number needed to succeed in the challenge, while
the Consequence determines what happens if the
The “okay” sign (touching the forefinger to
character fails to meet the difficulty.
thumb to make a circle) is the check-in symbol. If
someone is crying or screaming, they may be in real
trouble or they may just be having a lot of fun as their
Difficulty ranges from 1 to 7.
character goes through a dramatic scene. The okay
sign allows you to check in and get a reply without 1 (Easy): Finding a book in a library when you
the need to break character or scene or stop talking. know the author’s name and title. Defeating a small
If someone flashes you an okay sign, you reply with mammal in combat, convincing a business to let you
a thumbs up or thumbs down. use their bathroom, running a block (short side).
2 (Obnoxious): Finding a book when you know
HARASSMENT POLICY the author but not the title, defeating a dog in com-
Create a harassment policy or a template. If bat, convincing a cable provider to give a discount,
possible, even though communities are small, try to running to catch a bus.
have someone trusted people can report things to
3 (Difficult): Mortals require skill in order
and a clear chain of command. See pp. 116-117 for a
to succeed in this at all or specialized equipment.
template harassment policy.
Finding a book you’ve read without knowing the

Creating threats, challenges, and adversaries 63

title or author’s name, defeating an untrained Performing a check of this magnitude in the view of
healthy person in combat, convincing an office job mortals may cause them to Fatebind to a being.
to hire you, running a mile without pausing.
4 (Expert): Mortals must be quite skilled or
skilled and have access to good equipment. Finding The most common Consequence for failure
a book based on the color of the jacket, defeating an comes in the form of damage. When assigning
armed and trained opponent or a group of trained damage, remember that a single point of damage is
opponents, convincing a person to do something usually sufficient punishment for any failed check.
life-threatening like run into a burning building so Other rarer consequences include:
long as there is a good reason (rescuing someone, • Increase Difficulty. Failing the check causes
etc.), running a marathon. the same or a related check to become more
5 (Astonishing): Mortals who do this are at the difficult.
top of their form and supremely skilled with the best
• Losing a stone due to injury or
equipment and must expend stones. Supernatural
beings who achieve this in public will have to make a
Pattern pull to avoid gaining a Fatebinding. Finding • Breaking or losing an item.
a book on a topic with no information, defeating a
• Gaining a Condition.
squad of soldiers or a grandmaster martial artist,
convincing a person to sign over their soul or a • Can’t try again.
stranger to marry you, participating at the Olympics.
6 (Supernal): Surviving a ten-story fall, defeat-
ing a polar bear in unarmed combat, convincing a There’s not always going to be time for a
priest to leave their faith, finding a book in another Storyguide to sit down and write full sheets for ev-
world. ery SGC. To that end, what follows is a quick and
dirty creation system for Storyguide characters.
7 (Heroic): This level of task is impossible
for individuals to accomplish without significant SGCs have a default theme linked to the stone
supernatural help. Leaping a tall building, taking colors: Battle (Red), Speaking (Black), Journey
down a rabid frenzied dire grizzly bear, defeating a (Green), Insight (Blue), or Magic (White). They also
tank, finding a book that has not yet been written. have a Danger level ranging from 1 to 5 (or more for
threats that Gods and Heroes might have to face).


• Fate Controlled: The SGC can spend a point
When attempting challenges that fit their theme, of Consequence to take additional actions
the base rating is equal to their danger level. Off equal to their Danger for a round.
theme challenges use their Danger − 2. An SGC can • Fury: Spend a point of Consequence to take
have multiple themes, but at that point the SGC may an additional action.
require a full sheet.
• Mad Retribution: Spend a point of
Each Storyguide should have a pouch with only
Consequence to make a free counterattack
two stones in it for SGC use. One stone is the “good”
against anyone who attacks them for a round.
stone and the other the “bad” stone. When an SGC
must make a pull the Storyguide should pull a stone. • Toughness: Spend a point of Consequence to
Pulling the bad stone results in a total equal to the negate a hit.
SGC’s Danger. Pulling the good stone adds one to the • Unstoppable: Creature can spend a point of
Danger. consequence to negate all hits for a round.
Lastly each SGC has a number of Consequence Finally, you can give a SGC an appropriate
points it can use equal to its Danger. They can spend Knack or Boon.
a point of Consequence to use any power they have
that requires them to Rummage or Expend. If a EXAMPLES
power is used on an SGC that would cause them to Beat Cop: Danger 2, Journey (Green), Health 4.
lose a stone, they lose a Consequence point. Ogre: Danger 3, Battle (Red), Health 6. Tag:
They have Health equal to 2x their Danger, base Fury.
damage equal to half their Danger (round down) Living Storm: Danger 4, Battle (Red) and Magic
and two steps just as normal characters do. (White), Health 8. Boons: Sarumma’s Deflection
If you want to make more dangerous SGCs (Sky)
these Tags can be added.

Creating threats, challenges, and adversaries 65

S cion: Hero Live-Action, is the companion text to
Scion: Origin Live-Action. Where Origin focused
on the Denizens and Scions of the World who were still
Finally, come the Incarnate Scions, those born
from a God’s shed aspects or a Hero’s reincarnation.
The Gods sometimes want to experience mortal life.
coming to terms with their abilities, Hero focuses on theTo do this, they send an aspect or avatar into the
descendants of the Gods and those touched by divine World. These are Incarnations that sire Scions and
energy who have fully awakened to their potential. become Scions themselves if their “parent” God is
These are characters who received Visitations from killed or their mantle of power torn asunder. These
their divine parents and are undertaking their mythical Scions follow in the footsteps of their past lives,
journey. sometimes competing with one another if a god has
A Hero from the mortal world remembers multiple Incarnates walking the earth.
everything they came from, and the World hasn’t Fundamentally, what Heroes do is effect
forgotten who they were. There are mythic threats change. They find themselves drawn to places
to everyday life, though they may manifest in subtle where fate swirls and eddies and there they change
ways. For instance, if Huitzilopochtli, God of war the course of the World. Whether that change is for
and the sun, gets in a conflict with Ra, also a sun good or ill is entirely subjective, as each pantheon
god, things are going to get really toasty that day, and holds different attributes in high esteem. Even the
maybe for the next month. enemies of all Scions, the Titans, cannot truly be be-
All myths are true, all stories are connected, and held in terms of black and white. Fire cooks our food
myths can be contradictory. This means there’s no and keeps us warm, but it also is the mechanism of
one constant truth, but rather an unfolding of deep- all firearms, and should not be left unattended.
er truths within stories and legends. The tales told The basic game type of Scion: Hero Live-
over and over again reinforce traditions. Therefore, Action takes place within these eddies of Fate
to create new traditions, new myths must be forged. during events called Gatherings. More information
on Gatherings can be found in the Storyguiding
chapter, pp. 110-112.
Heroes are where the divine and the mortal
meet. Their actions carry a weight moved by destiny. HOW IS HERO
When a Scion is born, they have one divine parent DIFFERENT FROM ORIGIN
and one mortal parent, although the mortal parent A Denizen or pre-Visitation Scion is part of
need not be a human. This is the most common a place, part of a people. A Hero is by their nature
origin for Scions. Even before a Visitation or discov- exceptional, and even if they are a “hometown hero”
ering their divine heritage, these Scions stand out whose story is connected to a place, the place needs
from the crowd. They take on challenges and people them more than they need the place.
can tell there’s something special about them. A game at the Origin level is about the little
A created Scion is usually made to serve a specif- things and about cooperation. Its stories and themes
ic purpose for a God, such as guarding an artifact or are about people coming together or breaking up.
rewarding a loyal follower. For example, when Bast It’s about the struggles of a tribe or a family.
saw the loving devotion between the cat Mafdet and Scion: Hero Live-Action is about change,
the pharaoh, Bast changed Mafdet into human form channeling it, refusing it, encouraging it, or pre-
so she could better perform her duties. Mafdet went venting it. To be a Hero is to be able to touch the
to bring snakes, scorpions, and criminals before the divine but still retain enough of the common clay to
pharaoh as cats do, and rose to become a Goddess of act directly. The Heroes of legend change the world,
justice. Created Scions often have a period of adjust- stealing fire from the Gods, inventing great wonders,
ment. Human instincts and reactions do not come founding nations, and toppling tyrants.
instantly or naturally or sometimes ever at all. Pantheons are groups or families of Gods shar-
Sometimes, instead of creating a Scion, the ing a common cultural background. Gods mostly
Gods instead raise a mortal through divine bless- live in the Godrealms of the Overworld. Heroes are
ings. This can be someone from a royal or noble line, defined, shaped, molded and viewed based on their
a member of a faithful house, or a human who finds relationship to their pantheon. Whether they find
themselves in the middle of fateful events. These their fellows affable and likeminded or cruel and
Scions owe the God for their gifts. To some, that is a brutish, and whether they fight alongside them or
constant burden, but others serve joyfully. stand across from them in the field of war, they are
eternally linked.

what heroes are | how is hero different from origin 69

M aking a Hero requires the use of Scion: Origin
Live-Action. Here are the steps to Hero
character creation, updated from the ones listed in
• Three additional points of Experience to
spend as you want.
• Choose a name, a short description and
Scion: Origin Live-Action. figure out your character’s Health and
• Concept: Figure out what you want your Initiative.
character to be like
• Choose Background Path: Where did you
come from?
• Choose Role Path: What do you do now? B efore designing your character, you should start
by taking a moment to think about what type
of character you want to play. The World is diverse
• Create a Heroic Path: Pantheon + Calling + 1
additional Purview. and expansive, allowing for a multitude of character
concepts. Every legend you’ve ever heard of is true in
• Pick two Knacks and two Boons as allowed the World (even the ones that contradict one another).
by your Paths or Relics you possess. Unlike pre-Visitation Scions, Heroes embody and are
• Choose 12 Skills, none of which that can be defined by the virtues of their pantheon. Whether the
rated higher than 3. You may not choose any character is a paragon of an ideal or rebels against
Skill that does not appear on your chosen concepts they find abhorrent, they’re defined by their
Paths. interaction with those virtues. A good place to start
when developing your concept is to decide who or
• Assign up to three points of Fatebindings
what they were prior to their ascension.
and record your characters Obligations.
Choose Relics and Backgrounds as


Many of the Scions on Mythical Paths from Scion: Origin Live-Action possess
the ability to ascend to Hero tier. The only ones that don’t are Oracles, Lingerers, and
Sorcerers (though just because it’s impossible doesn’t mean it can’t happen, just that
there’s no existing Path for them to make the jump).
Characters on a Mythical Path who can become tier three, following the
accomplishment of Storyguide quests (just as an Origin-level Scion might, when they
become a Hero) take these steps to upgrade:
• They are treated as Heroes for all effects that distinguish between Heroes and
• The Scion can now access Heroic tier Boons or all Purviews they possess.
• Their base Health becomes 7, and they may have 6 Fatebindings.
• The Scion gains access to an additional Skill of their choosing.
• The Scion may choose a pantheon to become a part of. If so, they gain access to
the pantheon’s Skills and unique Purview, and may choose one of their pantheon
Obligations to fulfill their second Fatebinding. Alternatively, a Scion ascending in
this way does not need to choose a pantheon. If they choose to remain independent,
they may choose one additional Purview to gain access to.
• Mythical Scions who join pantheons write their Heroic Path as (Noun of Mythical
Path) of the (Pantheon), (Child, Servant, Hero, Monster,) of (God Name).
• Independent Mythical Scions write their Heroic Path name as (Noun of Mythical
Path) of the (place name).

concept | creating a new hero 71

Here are the Callings available to Heroes, and
A starting character is assumed to already have
their associated Obligations, Purviews, and Skills.
a Background Path and a Role Path chosen from
Scion: Origin Live-Action. If creating a new char- Creator
acter from scratch, you should follow the character Obligation: The Creator is consumed with
creation section from Scion: Origin Live-Action for thoughts of how they could do things better and
choosing Background and Role Paths. Then choose how to forge items to perfection. Anytime they use
a Heroic Path from this book. equipment or items they did not personally craft
with their own hands, they take a −2 to the pull.
HEROIC PATHS Purviews: Fertility and either Artistry or Forge
Heroic Paths are comprised of two pieces: Pantheon Skills: Academics, Craft, Culture, Science
and Calling. Pantheon grants the Hero access to 3 Skills Knacks: Innate Toolkit and Platonic Ideal
and the Purview of the Pantheon. Calling grants the
Hero access to 4 more Skills and 2 Purviews. Both the
Calling and the Pantheon grant the Hero an automatic Obligation: The Guardian takes a −1 on Black
point of Fatebinding and an accompanying Obligation. pulls when interacting with targets not under their
There are two options for Pantheon Obligations, direct protection. The Guardian’s thoughts always
but only one for Calling. Once Pantheon and Calling return to their charges.
have been chosen, the Hero may select one addi- Purview: Epic Stamina and either Earth or Sky
tional Purview and add it to their Heroic Path to Skills: Athletics, Close Combat, Defense, Empathy
conclude this step. Knacks: A Purpose and At Your Side
Heroic Paths are recorded on the sheet as Healer
(Calling) of the (Pantheon), (child, servant, or cre-
ation) of (God’s name). Example: Guardian of the Obligation: The Healer can never reject a per-
Theoi, child of Hades. son begging for aid. They must make all attempts
Entities with a Heroic Path are tier three enti- to heal a target who asks. If the target isn’t injured,
ties (see p. 19). the healer is obliged to at least check. This can be
invoked once per scene.
Purview: Health and either Fire or Water


Skills: Alertness, Empathy, Medicine, Science Skills: Athletics, Culture, Empathy, Persuasion
Knacks: The Bare Minimum and Panacea Knacks: Lover’s Oath and Soothing/Stoking
Hunter Presence
Obligation: The Hunter takes a −1 on all Blue
pulls unrelated to seeking quarry. In their mind, all Obligation: When asked a direct question, the
things are pursuit. Sage feels a compulsion to educate. They must make
Purview: Beast and either Deception or a Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) to avoid telling the per-
Journey son everything they know on the subject.
Skills: Alertness, Athletics, Firearms, Survival Purview: Stars and either Frost or Prosperity
Knacks: Always There and Vanish Skills: Academics, Alertness, Occult, Subterfuge
Judge Knacks: Immortal Mastermind and Omniglot
Obligation: The Judge doesn’t just want to fol-
low the Law, they are the Law. The Judge must make Obligation: Tricksters find the direct approach
a Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) to break any law. extremely boring. They take a −1 on all offensive Red
Purview: Order and either Stamina or Strength pulls.
Skills: Academics, Close Combat, Culture, Purview: Deception and either Chaos or
Persuasion Darkness
Knacks: Objection! and The Pain of Dishonesty Skills: Culture, Defense, Persuasion, Subterfuge
Leader Knacks: Surprise and Wasn’t Me
Obligation: When involved in scenes without
any of their bandmates or anyone who answers to Obligation: Warriors must make a Pattern pull
them, the leader take a −1 on all pulls. (Difficulty 5) to flee from a battle once Initiative has
Purview: Sun and either Beauty or Fortune been declared.
Skills: Culture, Empathy, Integrity, Subterfuge Purview: War and either Death or Passion
Knacks: Grand Entrance and Perfect Poise Skills: Athletics, Close Combat, Defense,
Knacks: Army of One and Close the Gap
Obligation: The Liminal must stand in two
worlds. They may never be a part of a Band that has
only one or two pantheons represented. PANTHEON
Purview: Moon and either Deception or Wild
Skills: Athletics, Pilot, Security, Subterfuge P
antheons are groups or families of Gods who share
a common cultural background. Gods mostly live
the Overworld. They tend to spread their influence
Knacks: Stutter Time and Swap Places
through Incarnations sent to live among mortals on
Lover the Earth below. While pantheons frequently do not
Obligation: The Lover cares deeply and pas- get along either internally or externally, they do have
sionately about one or more persons. For each dot of one theme in common: They need the World and
Fate they possess, they must write the name of one humanity to stay free from Titan hands.
they love on their sheet. They take a −1 on all checks Please be aware, this section is merely the in-
against a person so listed. troduction to the vast subject of the pantheons. The
Purview: Passion and either Beauty or Health reader is encouraged to do further research on areas
of interest.

heroic paths 73
rules over all the Norse Gods. Purviews:
OVERVIEW Artistry, Death, Deception, Epic Stamina,
The Æsir of today include the original Æsir Fortune, Journey, War
and the Vanir. The two tribes of Gods fought un-
• Thor, God of thunder, rain, and crops.
til sick with bloodshed, they realized they were
Purviews: Epic Stamina, Epic Strength,
evenly matched and neither side would ever truly
Fertility, Sky
prevail. Their people were Germanic warriors
and Norse Vikings whose influence impacted • Frigg, Goddess of marriage and destiny.
locations across the known world or Midgard. Purviews: Beast, Fortune, Order, Wild
Midgard is but one of nine worlds including
• Hel, Goddess of the realm of the dead.
Asgard, the realm of the Æsir, and Yggdrasil the
Purviews: Death, Forge, Frost, Health,
tree that connects them. All children of the Æsir
are warriors in their own way, whether on the
battlefield, as protestors against oppression, or • Baldr, God of love, beauty, and peace.
as poets and performers waging wars with words. Purviews: Beauty, Epic Stamina, Health,
Passion, Sun
PRINCIPAL MEMBERS • Heimdall, God of perception. Purviews:
• Odin, God of wisdom, the dead, and mag- Artistry, Beauty, Epic Stamina, Journey
ic: Also known as the All-Father, Odin


• Loki, God of trickery and fire. Purviews:
Chaos, Deception, Epic Strength, Fire VIRTUES
Fatalism and Audacity. The Æsir all know
• Sif, Goddess of the harvest. Purviews:
they are not the masters of their own desti-
Beauty, Earth, Fertility, Order
nies. The Nornir decide when their threads are
• Tyr, God of courage and justice. Purviews: cut. There is nothing that can change this. But,
Epic Stamina, Order, Passion, War the tapestry can be understood by some. Odin
plucked out his own eye as an offering to the Well
• Freya, Goddess of fertility, love, lust,
of Mimir so that he could see events unfolding.
and war. Purviews: Beauty, Death, Epic
And fatalism is not the same thing as being be-
Stamina, Fertility, Fortune, Passion, War
holden to Fate. The Æsir do not meekly bide their
• Freyr, God of fertility and prosperity. time waiting for Nornir to end them, oh no. They
Purviews: Beauty, Fertility, Order, War, are bold and courageous and challenge Fate’s
Wild weavers. This audacity, to laugh in the face of all
• Skaði, Goddess of winter. Purviews: Earth, odds and revel in the impossible is what marks a
Epic Dexterity, Frost, Journey, Order true Æsir.

• Njörðr, God of the sea and the winds. OBLIGATIONS

Purviews: Fertility, Fire, Journey,
• Fatalism: The Æsir has given himself over
Prosperity, Sky, Water
to fate. He suffers a −2 to all Pattern pulls.
PATH SKILLS • Audacity: The Æsir must make a Pattern
Athletics, Close Combat, Occult pull (Difficulty 5) to give up an action half-
way through completion.


In the beginning were questions: what was • Shiva, the destroyer. Purviews: Artistry,
earth and what was heaven? What was life, what Beast, Chaos, Death, Deception, Epic
death? What night, what day, what dark water, and Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength,
what desirous heat? Who made creation, and how Fertility, Fire, Moon, Sky
did it make itself? Which poet was the first to mea-
sure male from female, existence from nonexistence, • Vishnu, the preserver. Purviews: Artistry,
meter from meter? When the powers came forward Beauty, Deception, Epic Dexterity, Epic
in this age’s dawn, who was first to declare, “You are Stamina, Epic Strength, Order, Passion
an asura…but I am a Devá”? • Agni, the sacrificial flame of knowledge.
The Devá’s temporal power exceeds any pan- Purviews: Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength,
theon’s. They have amassed over a billion mortal Fire, Journey, Prosperity, Water
followers among myriad faiths, a devastating pano-
• Ganesha, the lord of obstacles. Purviews:
ply of artifacts including some of the most powerful
Artistry, Beast, Chaos, Fortune, Journey,
divine superweapons ever imagined, and great
diplomatic clout over many other religions and pan-
theons in and near the Indian subcontinent. • Durga, the mother of victory. Purviews:
Regardless of who you are or where you’re Deception, Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina,
from, if you want to make your mark on the World, Epic Strength, Fertility, War
sooner or later you’ll have to deal with the Devá...


• Sarasvati, Goddess of arts and letters. • Yamaraja, the king of death. Purviews:
Purviews: Artistry, Epic Dexterity, Epic Darkness, Death, Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina,
Strength, Health, Water Journey, Order
• Kali, the dark mother. Purviews: Artistry,
Chaos, Darkness, Death, Deception, Epic
Athletics, Pattern, Survival
Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Fire
• Karttikeya, field marshal of the Gods. VIRTUES
Purviews: Beauty, Epic Dexterity, Epic Conscience and Duty. There is a critical conflict
Stamina, Epic Strength, Stars, War which everyone must face at least once in their lives. What
• Lakshmi, Goddess of fortune. Purviews: do you do when the mandates of your religion collide with
Beauty, Epic Strength, Earth, Fertility, right and wrong? This is a conflict the Devás know well
Fortune, Order, Passion, Prosperity and one their Scions inevitably face. Do you follow your
heart and conscience regardless of the consequences? Or
• Parvati, Goddess of love and fertility. do you follow the rules and your duty regardless of what
Purviews: Artistry, Beauty, Earth, Epic may come? Sometimes there isn’t an answer that satisfies
Stamina, Epic Strength, Fertility, Frost, both. Don’t worry there is always a next time.
• Indra, the storm king. Purviews: Beast, Epic OBLIGATIONS
Dexterity, Epic Strength, Fertility, Order, Sky, • Conscience: The Devá feels things deeply. Sins
War, Wild lay heavy on her soul. The Devá must make a
• Surya, the vivifying sun. Purviews: Epic Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) when confronted
Dexterity, Epic Strength, Fire, Health, with a person in pain or suffering. Failure re-
Journey, Stars, Sun sults in the Devá dropping everything to assist
the downtrodden in front of them,
• Varuna, the face of the waters. Purviews:
Darkness, Epic Strength, Fertility, Order, Sky, • Duty: A character with this Obligation must
Sun, Water always have a superior. It requires a Pattern
pull (Difficulty 5) to disobey orders from said


The Kami present a unified front when faced • Amaterasu, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of
with an external threat — even their Titans pitch the sun. Purviews: Epic Strength, Fertility,
in — but this unity belies divisions between earth- Order, Prosperity, Sun
ly and heavenly Kami and the islands of Japan. In
approximately 600 BCE, Ama-no-Uzume accompa- • Tsukiyomi, Amatsukami (Heavenly Kami) of
nied Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the grandson of Amaterasu, the moon. Purviews: Artistry, Darkness, Moon,
from the Heavenly Plane to rule over Earthly Japan. Order
She won over the king of the Kunitsukami (Earthly • Susano-O, Amatsukami of storms. Purviews:
Kami) and enabled Ninigi to rule Japan. Uniting the Artistry, Chaos, Death, Epic Strength, Forge,
islands was then its own tale. As the years moved Sky, Water
forward foreign Gods entered Japan and have been
• Hachiman, Amatsukami of archery and war.
ushered to their appropriate places of worship in
Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Order, Prosperity,
the Land of Eight Million Kami. As the name sug-
gests, the Kami pantheon is colossal. It is the largest
pantheon on Earth and they accept any Scion able to • Inari, Kunitsukami of rice. Purviews:
prove their worth to their number. Beast, Fertility, Fortune, Health, Journey,


• Ama-no-Uzeme, Amatsukami of dawn.
Purviews: Artistry, Deception, Passion PATH SKILLS
Close Combat, Culture, Pattern
• Sarutahiko, Daimyojin (represents secular
lords). Purviews: Beast, Earth, Journey VIRTUES
• Takemikazuchi, Amatsukami of thunder. Sincerity and Right Action. If something is worth
Purviews: Beast, Epic Dexterity, Epic doing, it’s worth doing well. The Kami virtues of sin-
Stamina, Epic Strength, Sky, War cerity and right action go hand in hand. Kannagara is
• Ebisu, fortune of luck and fishing. Purviews: the belief in the proper and natural flow of doing things.
Beast, Epic Stamina, Fortune, Prosperity, Everything and everyone has a place under heaven. To
Wild achieve greatness, one must follow their path and com-
mit fully to the right action along that path. There’s no
• Ōkuninushi, fortune of heroes. Purviews: single right path, rather, there’s a right path for everyone
Beast, Darkness, Earth, Fortune, Prosperity and that path is unique. Success is following your path
• Bishamon, fortune of war. Purviews: Epic wholeheartedly no matter what that path might be. The
Dexterity, Fortune, Prosperity, War farmer’s path is not the warrior’s path, is not the pop
star’s path, and right action differs for each accordingly.
• Benzaiten, fortune of talent and eloquence.
Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Beauty, Fertility, OBLIGATIONS
Fortune, Stars
• Sincerity: The Kami takes a −2 to Subterfuge pulls
• Fukurokuju, fortune of longevity and
wisdom. Purviews: Beast, Epic Stamina, • Right Action: When the Kami chooses this
Fortune, Health Obligation, they must also choose three direc-
tives or jobs for their character. These can be
• Kisshōten, fortune of beauty and mercy. extremely broad (soldier, farmer) or narrow
Purviews: Beauty, Fortune, Health (helping children, fighting the Oni) based
• Hotei, fortune of joy. Purviews: Chaos, on the character’s preference. The character
Fortune, Journey, Passion takes a −1 when doing anything that cannot be
grouped under one of these directives.

Although the Manitou have not separated from
OVERVIEW the World, they’re not always easily accessible. For
The Manitou encompass all divine beings of instance, Skyworld is in the World, but it’s above
the Anishinaabek, from primordial forces to Gods, to the clouds or possibly on the moon. Similarly, the
Titans, to nature spirits, to Chosen. This is also how Underworld lies under the surface World, but one
they see other pantheons — just different degrees of can get there through deep lakes and underwater
the same spirit energy. While they generally remain caves.
apart from day to day goings in the World, they’ve not
separated into different planes of existence, but exist PRINCIPAL MEMBERS
in a unity of spirit and unity with the World. All things
• Geezhigo-Quae, grandmother of us all.
are interconnected. Though they have an egalitarian
Purviews: Beast, Moon, Order, Sky, Stars
worldview the Anishinaabek do not get along. For
example, the Manitou of a mountain may regard the • Muzzu-Kumik-Quae, mother earth.
Manitou of the mountain’s strip-mining operation as Purviews: Beast, Earth, Fertility, Sky,
a being equal in age and worth, but they’re far from Water, Wild
friendly. Heroes of the Manitou tend to be respectful, • Winonah, the first woman. Purviews:
polite, and deeply stubborn, willing to stand their Epic Stamina, Fortune, Health, Passion,
ground against armies or kick down the gates of hell Prosperity
should they stand in the Scion’s path.


• Maudjee-Kawiss, firstborn son. Purviews: moved by pride. A Manitou called to resolve a
Beast, Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength, War situation may do so, but if it does not go their
way, then the destruction they wreak may make
• Pukawiss, the disowned. Purviews:
the initial problem seem trivial in comparison.
Artistry, Deception, Epic Dexterity,
But move they do, if not by pride, then by their
Fortune, Passion
dream purpose. Dreams are given to them of
• Cheeby-Aub-Oozoo, chief of the un- a better place and they give dreams of a better
derworld. Purviews: Artistry, Beast, world to others. They must act in the World to
Darkness, Death, Epic Stamina, Order pursue their dream. Given that all things are con-
• Nana’B’Oozoo, the prototype of man. nected, this often causes them to move from place
Purviews: Beast, Chaos, Epic Dexterity, to place.
Fortune, Journey
• Ioskeha “Good Mind”. Purviews: Beast,
• Pride: The Manitou must respond to all
Forge, Health, Order, Passion, Sky, Sun
challenges. They must make a Pattern pull
• Ioskeha’s twin Tawiscara “Bad Mind”. (Difficulty 5) if they wish to not accept a duel
Purviews: Chaos, Darkness, Death, or competition of any kind.
Deception, Forge, Passion, War
• Dream: The visions within their mind
PATH SKILLS consumes the Manitou. Once per game,
a Storyguide may make them re-pull any
Medicine, Occult, Pattern
challenge as their visions distract them too
VIRTUES much for them to see the world clearly.
Pride and Dream. Only the foolish slight
a Manitou, as they’re easily enraged and often


• Anpu (Anubis), weigher of the heart.
OVERVIEW Purviews: Beast, Darkness, Death, Order
The Netjer have defended themselves from
• Bast (Bastet), Goddess of war and prophecy.
the Yazata, the Theoi, and the Gods of Canaan.
Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Epic Dexterity,
In ancient days, Egypt was a superpower and the
Fertility, Fortune, Health, Moon, Sun, War
Netjer had millions of worshipers before the Earth
had billions of inhabitants. The Netjer have always • Het-Heru (Hathor), mother of the Netjer.
had to compete for the attention of the Egyptians. Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Beauty, Fertility,
For every principal member of the pantheon, there Fortune, Passion, Sky
are seven lesser Gods or even Titans just waiting
• Heru (Horus), lord of the black soil.
to take their place. The Heroes of the Netjer tend
Purviews: Beast, Moon, Order, Sky, Sun, War
to be cunning and thoughtful. They’re cautious in
their actions for they know there is always someone • Aset (Isis), Goddess of magic and rebirth.
looking to snuff out their legend and replace it with Purviews: Beast, Death, Deception, Fertility,
their own. Fortune, Health, Stars
• Khnum (Khnemu), God of artistry. Purviews:
PRINCIPAL MEMBERS Artistry, Beast, Earth, Health, Water
These Gods have long been known to some by
their Greek names rather than Kemetic so the Greek • Wesir (Osiris), king of death and resurrec-
names are provided here in parentheses: tion. Purviews: Beast, Death, Earth, Fertility,


• Ptah (Petah), God of craftsmen. Purviews: just lives. This is ma’at. To lie or judge in haste is
Beast, Fire, Forge, Prosperity to forsake ma’at. Balance is harmony and all things
have an equal opposite. Justice is the proper place of
• Re (Ra), between two horizons. Purviews:
things in the World and repayment for deeds done.
Beast, Death, Epic Stamina, Fire, Journey,
Justice is fitting consequences for actions, good and
Order, Sun
ill. Together the Netjer are driven to keeping things
• Set (Sutekh), lord of the red desert. Purviews: in harmony, in time, in their place and with a proper
Beast, Chaos, Earth, Epic Strength, Journey, tabulation.
Sky, War
• Sobek (Suchos), God of fertility and pro-
tection. Purviews: Beast, Epic Stamina, • Balance: The Netjer must raise all his Skills
Fertility, Passion, Water in balance so that he’s a harmonious being.
The Netjer cannot raise any Path Skills 2
• Djehuty (Thoth), God of knowledge.
dots higher than any other Path Skill. For
Purviews: Beast, Deception, Fortune,
example, if Kismet had both Survival and
Health, Moon, Order
Defense as Path Skills, and had a Survival of
PATH SKILLS 0 and a Defense of 1, then he would have to
Academics, Occult, Pattern raise his Survival to 1 before he could raise
his Defense to 2.
VIRTUES • Justice: The Netjer must spend a clue and
Balance and Justice. The Netjer strive to condemn a target for their sins before attack-
achieve balance in all things and to live true and ing, unless the target strikes first.


The Òrìshà descended from Heaven on a • Èshù Elègbará, the opener of the way.
golden chain into West Africa. There they cared Purviews: Artistry, Chaos, Deception, Epic
for the Yoruban peoples. When the slave trade Dexterity, Fortune, Journey
took the Yoruban people away from the Òrìshà,
the Òrìshà refused to give them up. They trav- • Ìbejì, the sacred twins. Purviews: Artistry,
eled the Atlantic to Haiti and Brazil where they Beast, Death, Fertility, Fortune, Prosperity
changed with their peoples. They guided them • Morèmi, the greatest Yoruba hero. Purviews:
through Haiti’s revolution and organized qui- Beauty, Deception, Fertility, Fire, Passion
lombos in Brazil. Now, the Yoruba primarily live in
• Obàtálá, the king of the white cloth.
Nigera, Benin, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Britain, and
Purviews: Artistry, Health, Order, Sky
the United States. The Òrìshà do not categorize
any divine beings as Titans, believing it’s merely • Odùduwà, the God-king of Ilé-Ifè. Purviews:
a negative label used by pantheons in positions of Darkness, Earth, Order, War
power to stigmatize those they do not like. Heroes
• Ògún, the God of iron. Purviews: Earth, Epic
of the Òrìshà strengthen and draw strength from
Stamina, Epic Strength, Forge, Passion, War
the community around them. They look to and
remember the past, while pushing those around • Òrìshà-Oko, the God of agriculture.
them ever further. Purviews: Beast, Fertility, Fortune, Order,


• Òrúnmìlà, the power of divination.
Purviews: Fortune, Sky, Stars, Wild PATH SKILLS
• Òsanyìn, the God of herbal medicine. Medicine, Pattern, Subterfuge
Purviews: Beast, Epic Stamina, Fertility,
Fortune, Health, Wild
Tradition and Innovation. The Òrìshà face a
• Oshóssí, the bowhunter. Purviews: Beasts, question every day, which is better; something tried
Epic Dexterity, Prosperity, Wild and tested or something contemporary and new? The
• Òshun, Goddess of cool sweet water. Òrìshà brought many traditions with them from West
Purviews: Beast, Beauty, Fertility, Fortune, Africa such as martial arts, stories, songs, medicine, and
Frost, Health, Passion, Prosperity, Water languages. But every tradition has to start somewhere,
and that’s where innovation comes in. With new places
• Oya Lyansan, Goddess of the river Niger. come new worshipers, new herbs for medicines and
Purviews: Beast, Death, Epic Dexterity, Epic rituals, and new instruments to make sacred music.
Strength, Prosperity, Sky, Water
• Shàngó, the king who did not hang. OBLIGATIONS
Purviews: Artistry, Beauty, Epic Strength, • Tradition: The Òrìshà takes a −1 whenever
Fire, Order, Passion, Prosperity, Sky, War interacting with computers, firearms, cell
• Sònpònná, God of smallpox. Purviews: phones or other pieces of “technology.”
Death, Earth, Health, Passion, Wild • Innovation: The Òrìshà may not use the
• Yemoja-Oboto, queen of the sea. Purviews: same Skill twice in a row. For example, once
Beast, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Fertility, an Òrìshà uses the Close Combat Skill, they
Frost, Journey, Water may not use it again until they’ve completed
one other Skill check of a different type.


• Fuxi, ancestor of humankind. Purviews:
OVERVIEW Artistry, Beast, Fertility, Forge, Fortune,
The Shén make up a sprawling bureaucracy Health, Order, Sun
including each Chinese spirit. They believe the
• Yandi Shénnongshi, the flame emperor
World would be a better place if the whole thing
and divine farmer. Purviews: Artistry,
was governed under one system. They acknowl-
Epic Stamina, Fertility, Fire, Forge, Health,
edge that such a system would likely have flaws,
but insist that a flawed unified system is better than
no system at all. They believe some Titans could • Prince Nezha, the marshal of the central
even be rehabilitated to function in such a system. altar. Purviews: Artistry, Epic Stamina, Epic
Heroes of the Shén prefer Bands with a coherent Strength, Health, War
and consistent set of goals and outlooks. They’re • Guan Yu, the divine general. Purviews:
the type that prefer to measure twice before cut- Artistry, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Order,
ting anything at all. Passion, Prosperity, Sky, War
PRINCIPAL MEMBERS • Guanshiyin Pusa, who perceives the sounds
of the world. Purviews: Deception, Epic
• Nuwā, the snake Goddess who mends the
Stamina, Health, Journey, Passion, Water
heavens. Purviews: Earth, Fertility, Forge,
Health, Moon, Sky • Sun Wukong, the monkey awakened to
emptiness. Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Chaos,


Deception, Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina, active, bright, focused, and positive. Each contains a
Epic Strength, Journey, War little of the other locked in a complementary pattern
of waxing and waning. People with greater Yin-
• Chang’e, the immortal in the moon.
aspect are kind, empathetic, and resilient at their
Purviews: Beast, Beauty, Epic Stamina,
best, but deceitful and cold-blooded at worst. Yin’s
Health, Moon
corresponding elements are water and metal. Yang-
• Erlang, the merciful and miraculous king. aspected persons are lively, optimistic, and strong at
Purviews: Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, their best, but rigid and angry at their worst. Yang’s
Forge, War, Water corresponding elements are fire and wood. Earth is
• Huangdi, the yellow emperor. Purviews: the axis or balance point between Yin and Yang, a
Beast, Death, Earth, Forge, Health, Order, position classically held by the Yellow Emperor.
Prosperity, War
• Confucius, the model teacher for ten thou-
• Yin: When betrayed by those they help, the
sand ages. Purviews: Artistry, Order, Passion
Shén becomes spiteful and cold-hearted.
• Laozi, the old masters (could be multiple When socially attacked by someone in their
persons operating under a single identity). Band, they become enraged and try to hurt
Purviews: Artistry, Chaos, Darkness, Epic them (emotionally or physically) unless they
Stamina, Health, Order, Water succeed on a Difficulty 5 Pattern pull.

PATH SKILLS • Yang: The Shén cannot stand being ques-

Academics, Leadership, Pattern tioned. Once they give an order, they expect it
to be followed. They must make a Pattern pull
VIRTUES (Difficulty 5) to resist striking someone who
Yin and Yang. The Shén value Yin, energy disobeys an order.
which is feminine, receptive, dark, expansive, and
sinister. They also value Yang, which is masculine,

The Shén of China 87

We are in the age of the fifth and final sun, the • Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent.
earthquake sun, formed from Nanahuatzin’s sacri- Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Fertility, Journey,
fice and powered by the heart’s blood of all Teōtl. Order, Sky, Stars
The Teōtl stand between humanity and the rending
void. They have each sacrificed of themselves and • Huītzilōpōchtli, God of war and the sun.
will continue to do so, so is it any surprise they ex- Purviews: Beast, Death, Epic Strength,
pect the same dedication in return? The Teōtl hold Prosperity, Sun, War
a clear hierarchy among themselves, but encourage • Tezcatlipoca, the smoking mirror. Purviews:
their Scions to innovate and experiment. They also Beast, Chaos, Darkness, Deception, Earth,
have fierce tempers and more than one world has Fortune, War
been destroyed due to infighting. The sacrifices
• Tlāloc, God of rain. Purviews: Death, Earth,
from these wars fuel the powers of the winners
Fertility, Frost, Health, Sky
and give them energy to see their will done in the
World. The Heroes of the Teōtl do not do things by • Mictecacihuatl, queen of the underworld.
half measures. If a thing is worth doing, it is worth Purviews: Beast, Darkness, Death, Passion
doing with all your being and woe to those who get
• Xīpe Totēc, our lord the flayed one.
in the way.
Purviews: Fertility, Forge, Health, War


• Chalchihuitlicue, she of the jade skirt.
Purviews: Beast, Fertility, Water PATH SKILLS
Culture, Empathy, Pattern
• Chantico, she who dwells in the house.
Purviews: @@ VIRTUES
• Huehuecoyotl, the old coyote. Purviews: Hunger and Sacrifice. The Teōtl are hedonistic,
Chaos, Epic Dexterity, Passion they always want more. More conquest, more songs,
more laughter, but always more. They have an eter-
• Xochipilli, the flower prince. Purviews:
nal and unceasing hunger. But as much as they want
Artistry, Beauty, Fortune, Passion, Prosperity
to take, they will also give. The Teōtl sacrifice. They
• Xochiquetzal, the maiden of blossom sacrifice willingly and of themselves.
and feather. Purviews: Artistry, Beauty,
Epic Dexterity, Fertility, Fortune, Passion, OBLIGATIONS
• Hunger: The Teōtl always wants more. The
• Ītzpāpālōtl, the obsidian butterfly. Teōtl gains 2 points of Fatebinding whenev-
Purviews: Beast, Darkness, Death, Fertility, er they’re placed in a situation where they
Stars, War would have one point forced upon them by
the Storyguide.
• Chantico, she who dwells in the house.
Purviews: Fire, Forge, Order, Prosperity • Sacrifice: When the Teōtl loses a stone
from their mythic pouch, they also lose one
• Chicomecoatl and Centeotl, deity of corn
Health. This cannot take the Teōtl below
and maize. Purviews: Earth, Fertility,


The Theoi were born in blood, one generation • Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beau-
birthed another and then the children ate or killed ty. Purviews: Beauty, Fertility, Passion,
the parents. Naturally there were concerns when Prosperity
these children began to reproduce. Trust is not
something they specialize in, nor loyalty. As an ex- • Apollo, God of music, prophecy, and healing.
ample, it fell to Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades to care for Purviews: Artistry, Epic Dexterity, Health,
the Underworld. Zeus and Poseidon were ready to Sun
go to war in their desire to avoid this responsibility, • Ares, God of war. Purviews: Chaos, Fertility,
so Hades agreed to take on the mantle. Rather than Order, Passion, Prosperity, War
thanking their brother, Zeus and Poseidon have
• Artemis, Goddess of the hunt. Purviews:
never ceased mocking Hades for his choice, while
Beast, Epic Dexterity, Health, Moon, Wild
they reside among the clouds in Olympus. These are
the Theoi. They are, however, extraordinarily gen- • Athena, Goddess of heroes, wisdom, strate-
erous to those they favor, while they favor them, but gy, and law. Purviews: Artistry, Beast, Epic
they’re fickle and change their minds like the wind. Dexterity, Order, War
Scions of this pantheon generally pick a deity and
• Demeter, Goddess of agriculture. Purviews:
follow that deity specifically, frequently grouping
Earth, Epic Stamina, Fertility, Order
with other Scions who follow the same deity.


• Dionysus, God of revelry. Purviews: Artistry,
Chaos, Deception, Fertility, Passion, Wild PATH SKILLS
Empathy, Pattern, Persuasion
• Hades, God of the underworld. Purviews:
Darkness, Death, Earth, Prosperity VIRTUES
• Hephaestus, God of craft and industry. Egotism and Kinship. The Theoi can be some
Purviews: Epic Stamina, Fire, Forge, Fortune of the most spiteful and petty beings in the World.
Despite this, they’re still together after thousands of
• Hera, Goddess of marriage. Purviews:
years of squabbles. When they are not busy engag-
Beauty, Fertility, Health, Order, Passion,
ing in feats of egotism (and sometimes even when
they are) they value kinship second to none other.
• Hermes, God of boundaries and travel. They’re the sorts to say that no one beats up their
Purviews: Death, Deception, Epic Dexterity, brothers and sisters, but them.
Journey, Prosperity
• Hestia, Goddess of the hearth and sacrifice.
Purviews: Fire, Fortune, Order, Prosperity • Egotism: If the Theoi attempts a pull and
fails and then later on in a scene another
• Persephone, Goddess of that which rises
character attempts the same pull and suc-
from the earth. Purviews: Death, Fertility,
ceeds they get mopey, lose a stone from their
mythic pouch and will refuse to use the Skill
• Poseidon, God of the sea. Purviews: Beast, for the scene. This doesn’t apply in combat.
Earth, Epic Strength, Water
• Kinship: If the Theoi sees someone in their
• Zeus, God of the sky. Purviews: Deception, Band attacked (socially or physically) they
Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Fortune, Order, must respond in kind unless they succeed in
Sky a Difficulty 5 Pattern pull.


The Fomorians claimed the Emerald Isle until • Aengus the Mac Óg, God of love and youth.
the Tuatha and their Fir Bolg cousins returned Purviews: Beast, Beauty, Deception, Moon,
from exile and spilled blood across the land. Peace Passion
seemed possible under the half-Fomorian king Bres,
but the hope was short lived. The children of Danu • Brigid, triple Goddess of fire. Purviews:
went to war again and this time the Fomorians were Artistry, Fertility, Fire, Forge, Health
pushed out of the World. The Tuatha Dé Danann • The Dagda, Rudah Rofhessa (red lord of
are loosely organized and their traditions include great knowledge). Purviews: Epic Stamina,
arcane and martial arts, fosterage, and poetry. Many Epic Strength, Fertility, Forge, Prosperity,
of the Tuatha prefer to do all three of those at once War
if they can. The Tuatha love to conflict with each
• Dian Cécht, physician of the Gods. Purviews:
other to the point they’ve have turned it into an art
Fertility, Health, Water
form. Heroes of the Tuatha love learning new things
and celebrating that learning. They are a joyful and • Donn, lord of the dead. Purviews: Darkness,
hospitable bunch. Death, Journey, Sky
• Ériu, triple Goddess of sovereignty.
Purviews: Earth, Fertility, Order, Prosperity


• Goibnui, smith of the Gods. Purviews:
Artistry, Epic Stamina, Forge, Health VIRTUES
Honor and Prowess. The Tuatha value face or
• Lugh Lámhfhada, the long-handed.
“Enech” above all else. There are two aspects of
Purviews: Artistry, Epic Dexterity, Epic
Enech, honor and prowess. The Tuatha believe that
Strength, Forge, Health, Order, Prosperity,
in order to be a worthy ruler, the most important
trait to have is integrity, or honor. An honorable
• Manannán Mac Lir, God of sea. Purviews: person is honest, generous, and hospitable. To have
Deception, Journey, Prosperity, Stars, Water prowess is to have confidence and competence, to
excel, to face challenge fearlessly and decisively.
• The Morrígan, multiple Goddess of proph-
Difficulty can come when pressed between two
ecy and war. Purviews: Beast, Chaos, Death,
oaths, but once decided there is no looking back.
Epic Dexterity, Fortune, Prosperity, War
• Nuada Airgetlám of the silver hand. OBLIGATIONS
Purviews: Order, Prosperity, War
• Honor: The Tuatha must succeed in a
• Ogma, champion of the Gods. Purviews: Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) to outright lie.
Artistry, Epic Strength, Fortune, Wild
• Prowess: The Tuatha must choose a Skill
PATH SKILLS when they choose this Obligation. This Skill
defines the Tuatha. When they fail a chal-
Close Combat, Culture, Pattern
lenge of that Skill type, they lose a stone in
their shame.


stone to the general Font pool rather than
ORIGIN-LEVEL your mythic pouch at the end of your turn.

CHARACTERS If the color of a stone expended in this way

matches the check’s theme, it’s considered
VS HEROES a perfect success. If the stone’s color does
not match the check, expending it will allow

T here are a few mechanical differences between

character from Scion: Origin Live-Action and
you to claim the bonus as if it did. Anytime a
Perfect success needs a numerical value, that
value is 5.
• Heroes have a base of 7 Health. • Passive: Means this power is always on.
• Heroes Skills max at 4 instead of 3. • Rummage: To rummage, draw a stone from
your mythic pouch. If it’s the color listed,
• Heroes are a tier 3 entity as opposed to a tier
then the power works. If it’s the wrong color,
2, so they add 3 to a successful pull instead of
discard it.
• Reactive: Means this power can be activated
• Heroes suffer an Obligation for each point of
in reaction to another character’s action,
Fatebinding they possess and may possess 6
however it consumes the activator’s next
points of Fatebinding.
ASCENDING A • Remove: To remove, discard a stone at ran-
PRE-EXISTING SCION dom from your mythic pouch.
The journey of every Scion doesn’t end with
a Visit from a God, but it does for some. After a KNACKS
Visitation, your Scion is forever changed. No lon- Knacks draw on the character’s innate physical,
ger are they defined by the monster they resemble social, and mental attributes to allow them to per-
but by the ideas and concepts they embody. After form incredible feats. Some Knacks require certain
a Visitation, a Scion loses their Supernatural Path Paths.
and replaces it with a Heroic Path. For all intents ALL KNACKS
and purposes, they’re treated the same as any new
These Knacks are available to all Heroes.
character with a Heroic Path.
A Sentinel: The Scion may take an action and
For human Scions, this is the only way to ascend
swears themselves as the fortress between all ene-
in power. For the mystical creatures of the world,
mies. They add +1 to all Defense pulls for the scene.
those who already have Ichor flowing through their
system, there’s another way — see p. 109.
• Damage Conversion: The Hero may remove
MORE GODLY POWERS as much damage from a target as they have
on them. Afterward, they must rest for five

H eroes can purchase all the Knacks and Boons

from Scion: Origin Live-Action as well as the
ones listed here.
minutes per damage healed. (Talking is fine
but no pulls.) Active.
• Good Listener: The Scion may use this pow-
KEYWORDS er only against SGCs. The Leader rummages
Black. They may ask one question of the SGC
• Active: Means this power takes an action to that the SGC must answer to the best of their
use. ability. Active.
• Empty: To empty, discard all stones from • Intuition: The Scion may rummage Black
your mythic pouch. If a Skill total is required, and ask the following questions about any
emptying adds +Tier, just as if you had drawn target with whom they’ve shared physical
an on-color stone You must have at least one contact in the last 30 minutes. Who do they
stone in the mythic pouch to empty. love? Who have they romantically connected
• Expend: After a pull but before the outcome with most recently? Who’s in their Band?
is decided, you may choose to return a pulled What do they want in a partner? Active.


• Keen Eyed Predator: The Scion may rum- see without touching it. This can be used
mage Green to ask a Storyguide any of the to unlock doors, search computers without
following questions about a room or space touching them, and turn on lights from a
they are in. How many exits does it have? distance. This does not give the character
Where are they? How many people are in the any additional powers over the machine than
room? How many supernatural creatures? if they were interacting with it normally.
What is the biggest threat in the room? Is this Active.
place a Font? Active. CALLING KNACKS
• Light Fingered: When using Subterfuge to These Knacks are limited to specific Callings.
pick pockets or locks, any stone the Scion
expends acts as though it was the on-color.
Active. • Innate Toolkit: The Scion is considered to
• Master of Weapons: The Scion cannot be always have equipment for any task they
disarmed and can use their weapon while attempt. Passive.
grappled. In addition, they may expend a • Platonic Ideal: The Scion may add an addi-
stone after any successful attack to increase tional effect to an artifact or piece of equip-
the damage by one. Passive / Reactive. ment they create without adding a flaw. Only
• Neither the Minute nor the Hour: The doable once per item. Active.
Scion makes a mental attack against the Guardian
target and tells them the details of their un-
timely demise. If successful, the target takes • A Purpose: The Guardian may take an action
a −1 to all pulls for the scene. Active. and swear themselves to the defense of an
object, place, or person. So long as he does
• Presence of Magic: The Scion may touch an not move more than a room away from their
object and ask if it is magical in any way. The charge, all attacks at the charge are directed
Storyguide must answer honestly and clearly. at the Scion. Active.
• At Your Side: The Guardian may at any time
• Quick Study: The Scion may retry any failed
during the game expend a stone and place
check to acquire a clue. Passive.
their ward over another character. From
• Wireless Interface: The Scion may rummage that point on, said character may cry the
Blue to interact with the technology they can Guardian’s name out loud. The Guardian has

More Godly Powers 95

the choice to teleport to the location of their • Swap Places: In response to any declared
charge. Active. attack, the Liminal may make an Occult pull
Healer against any target in the room who isn’t their
attacker. If successful, they swap places. The
• The Bare Minimum: The Healer’s touch au- person who they swap places with is now
tomatically stabilizes anyone with the Dying subject to the attack. This must be declared
Condition. They may touch as many dying before the attack is resolve , and can only be
targets in an action as they can physically done once a scene. Reactive.
reach. In addition, they always carry the Lover
equipment to perform surgery. Passive.
• Lover’s Oath: The Lover may remove a stone
• Panacea: The Scion may remove any
to make a pact with another character for a
Condition from a target, so long as it was not
game session. For the rest of the session, the
placed by a Demigod or God. Active.
Lover may sacrifice their action in Initiative
Hunter to the character, and either the Lover or the
other character may draw Stones from the
• Always There: The Hunter may rummage
other’s mythic pouch. Active.
Green to automatically locate any human or
Scion. Active. • Soothing / Stoking Presence: The Lover
makes a Persuasion pull against a target. If
• Vanish: The Hunter adds two to the result of
successful, the target enters a calm and pliant
their hide action. Active.
state. The target is unable to initiate combat
Judge unless they are attacked first. In addition,
• Objection!: The Scion may rummage Black they are at a −1 against all of the Lover’s
in reaction to any use of any a social power in social actions. Alternatively, the Lover can
their presence. The Judge must loudly verbal- use this power on themselves if they see one
ly lambast the person who they’re using the of their loved ones injured. Afterward, the
power against. Make a social attack against Lover counts Black stones as Red for using
the person who used the original power. If Firearms or Close Combat Skills. Active.
successful, their original power fails and the Sage
target gain the Afraid Condition. Reactive.
• Immortal Mastermind: The Sage can make
• The Pain of Dishonesty: The Judge may ex- a mental attack against a target. If successful
pend a stone and take five minutes to create the Sage can tell the target something they
a zone of truth. Anyone who lies within the must do. It must be something they’re able
space takes a level of damage. Active. to carry out in a single action and something
Leader they’re physically capable of doing. The tar-
get doesn’t have to perform the action, but if
• Grand Entrance: A leader may expend a stone they do anything else something goes very
prior to their first action (either in Initiative bad for them. If they take their action doing
or Skill check) in a scene. If successful, they something else at any other point in the
may either act twice during Initiative or add scene, the Sage may declare any one of the
5 to the result of a pull. Active. target’s pulls as an automatic failure. Active.
• Perfect Poise: The Leader may remove in • Omniglot: The Sage speaks and reads all
reaction to any power used against them. If languages. When deciphering codes or sym-
they do this, the power fails. Reactive. bols, any stone in their mythic pouch acts as
Liminal though it is a Blue stone. Passive.
• Stutter Time: The Liminal may remove a
stone during their action in Initiative to take • Surprise: Empty. A Trickster may activate
two actions. The Liminal loses their action this ability in reaction to any attack. They
on the following round of Initiative. This drop but do not take the damage from said
cannot be combined with any other power attack. They may at any time during the
that grants additional actions. Reactive. scene, seize the initiative and make an attack
or use a power. This attack works as though


the Trickster expended an on-color stone. • Somebody’s Watching Me (Heroic Path):
Reactive. The character’s divine parent is watching
over them. Once per game when they would
• Wasn’t Me: The Trickster may perfectly
be struck by an attack or ill effect, they may
mimic another character’s physical appear-
cause the attacker to re-pull. Reactive.
ance for a scene. Make a Subterfuge pull and
add 5 to the result. Anyone attempting to see • Blood of Heroes (Mythic Supernatural Path):
through the disguise must make an Alertness When the protagonist renders a Heroic tier
pull with a difficulty equal to the Trickster’s character unconscious, they feel a surge of myth-
Subterfuge total for that pull. Ten minutes ic power as they walk in the footsteps of their
after the scene ends, everyone who saw the ancestors. They recover two Health and add +2
Trickster in disguise will realize their iden- to the result of their next action. Reactive.
tity. Active. • Glamour (Mythic Supernatural Path): The
Warrior protagonist may remove a stone to let them-
selves and up to five others appear as human
• Army of One: The Warrior may attack two
for a scene. Active.
targets they can reach with a single pull. Only
useable with Close Combat. Passive. • Lair (Mythic Supernatural Path): The play-
er’s character may remove their Bronze stone
• Close the Gap: The Warrior may rummage
(see p. 109) and take 15 minutes to claim an
Red to instantly move next to any target
area as their Lair. The Bronze stone is gone for
that hits them with a ranged combat attack.
the session but for the rest of the session the
Scion gains a +1 on all pulls in that lair. Active.
These Knacks are limited to Heroic Paths or Boons are the individual powers contained
Mythic Supernatural Paths. within Purviews. They are the distinct abilities that

More Godly Powers 97

channel primeval fire, lay open the gates of death, their mythic pouch during combat. Every
and sound the horns of madness. character in the scene must move seven steps
in as straight a line as possible as the terrain
around them is ripped up and shifted for the
• Enthralling Performance: Make a social duration of the scene. The person who uses
(Persuasion) attack against a target. If suc- this power chooses which way everyone
cessful, the target may pay attention only to moves. All mortals in the scene begin rioting
their attacker. The target takes a −1 on all Skill and destroying the environment. Active.
pulls against any besides the attacker. Active.
• Overwhelming Chaos: Magical attack. If suc-
• Heartfelt Expression: Make a mass social cessful, the target must discard a stone from
(Empathy) attack against as many characters as their mythic pouch or sacrifice their next ac-
can hear or see the performance. At the end of tion. Alternatively, the Scion can use this power
the performance, the Scion may state any emo- on an inanimate object. Doing so will cause the
tion, depression, joy, confusion, worry, concu- object to move around randomly. Targeting an
piscence. Everyone must roleplay that they feel object requires a White rummage. Active.
this way for the scene. The effect breaks if the
target leaves the room. This power can’t make
anyone do anything, just feel. Active. • Blinding Veil: Darkness comes when called
by the Scion and goes where thrown as well.
The Scion may make a ranged attack against
• Animal Aspect: Rummage Green. The Scion any target by throwing ichorous night into
may transform themselves to take on the their eyes. If successful, the target gains the
iconic features of an animal. The Scion gains Blinded Condition for the scene. Active.
a +1 to a particular Skill, chosen when they
• Night’s Caress: Rummage White and touch
assume their new form. Active.
a target gently (with player consent). They
• Tooth and Claw: Rummage Green. The Scion fall asleep. They immediately wake if combat
may spend an action transforming their body begins. Active.
into a gestalt mix of man and beast. Green
stones count as Red for the purposes of
unarmed attacks. Unarmed attacks deal one • Unquiet Dead: By touching the crown of a
additional damage. Active. skull, the psychopomp may communicate
with the soul of the departed. Make an
Occult pull. Difficulty is based on how long
• Lasting Impression: By posing and display- the target has been dead, 3 for recent, 5 for a
ing their beauty, the Scion can inspire great- few weeks, and 7 for anything longer. Active.
ness in others. After posing, all people who
• The Way of All Flesh: By suffusing their
watched his display gain a +1 on their next
blade with necrotic essence the Scion creates
pull. The Scion may do this once per scene
wounds that will not heal. Rummage White
for free but must rummage Black for each
after a successful attack. The damage from
subsequent time. Active.
that attack cannot be healed by anything
• Visage Great and Terrible: A mere look from less powerful than a Demigod. This cannot
the beauteous can send shivers down the be used to kill a target more easily; they will
spines of lesser men. The Hero makes a social still stabilize and follow dying rules as usual.
attack against the target. If successful, the Active.
target gains the Paralyzed Condition until the
Scion breaks eye contact or the target is dam-
aged. If the attack fails however, then the Scion • False History: Truth is an illusion and reality
is the one who takes on the Condition. Active. is subjective. Rummage Blue while talking to
someone. The Scion may implant or remove
one memory from the last five minutes into the
• Hornet’s Nest: Controlling chaos is like person’s recollection. When done to a mortal
riding a bucking bronco in the rings of a hur- this works with no pull. Using this power on a
ricane. Once per game, the Hero may empty Scion requires an Academics pull. Active.


• Walk Unnoticed: Everything about the • Skin Like Stone: The Hero ignores the first
Scion is shrouded in layers upon layers of successful attack against them each combat.
obfuscation. With this power, the Hero may Passive.
walk into the “background”. They are not EPIC DEXTERITY
truly invisible, just hard to notice. The Hero
makes a Subterfuge pull and crosses their • Heavenly Stride: The Scion may rummage
arms, leaving a number of fingers equal to Green to move faster than the eye can see.
the result. If the result is higher than ten, They may use it during a chase to instantly
keep fists closed. Other players may make an win, unless opposed by this power. In addi-
Alertness pull to notice the Scion. The result tion, they always move two steps faster in
must beat the total displayed. Otherwise, the combat. Active / Passive.
deceiver is invisible until they interact with • Unerring Flight: Remove. With this power,
the environment or someone interacts with the Scion may make an attack at range with
them. Active. a weapon meant for close combat using the
EARTH Close Combat Skill. The weapon returns to
the Scion’s hands at the end of their action.
• Shake the Earth: An earthquake emanates
from the Hero’s feet after a mighty stomp.
All characters in the scene must make an EPIC STAMINA
Athletics pull (Difficulty equal to the user’s • Adamant Body: At the start of each round
Survival) or be knocked prone and take one of combat, the Scion heals a level of damage.
damage. Passive. Out of combat, this means the Scion is pretty

Magic as a Purview isn’t practiced by Heroes, Demigods, or Gods since they are
inherently part of Fate’s plan. Read more in, p. 49.

More Godly Powers 99

much always at full Health within five min- who eats said fruit or vegetable heals one
utes of taking damage. Passive. health level or restore one stone to their
mythic pouch. Active.
• Put Your Back into it: The Scion may pull
twice and keep the better result on all Green • Hand of Blight, Hand of Bless: Rummage
Skills. Passive. White and touch a target. At the Scion’s
choice, the target either loses a Condition or
gains the Paralyzed Condition. If the target
• Away with You!: Once per scene. The Scion is unwilling, it also requires a Close Combat
may empty their mythic pouch to hurl anoth- check. Active.
er character out of any scene. The target of
this power lands harmlessly in a place out-
side the combat area and with no witnesses. • Eternal Flame: With but a thought, the
If they are unwilling, it is a Green (Athletics) Scion may speak through any fire they know
pull. Active. is burning, and may see through it as well.
They must be in the same city (or local geo-
• Pistons for Fists: The Scion may remove
graphical region) as the fire. Passive.
a stone to enhance their musculature and
striking power for a scene. The Scion does • Heaven’s Fire: The character may rummage
one additional damage with all attacks. In White. Anything in the scene with the Scion that
addition, the Scion can empty when striking has the Burning Condition takes a level of dam-
something “unbreakable” to render it inop- age immediately. No attack roll needed. Active.
erable for a time. Passive. FORGE
FERTILITY • Celestial Artifice: When the Forgemaster
• Blessed Harvest: The fertility Scion knows strikes their hammer, magic is forced into
that proper planning is necessary for a gar- existence. All artifacts the smith forges come
den to grow. By removing a stone, the Scion with an additional Advantage (see p. 52).
may produce a piece of magical food. Anyone Passive.


• While the Iron is Hot: The Forgemaster can, consent) the Scion may take one point of Skill
with a box of scraps, temporarily upgrade any from them for an hour. Only one point can be
item. With five minutes of work, any item so taken at a time. If they are unwilling, then a
upgraded gains one additional Advantage or successful Close Combat attack is required to
Disadvantage until the end of the next scene. use this power. Active.
Only one item may be upgraded this way at a
• Unbarred Passage: When a Hero has some-
time. Active.
where to be, the world around them knows
FORTUNE it must endeavor to get out of their way. The
Scion can rummage Blue to unlock any mun-
• The Edge: Whenever a Hero with this power
dane lock or give them the passcode for any
ties in an opposed pull, they win. Passive.
kind of electronic lock. Active.
• Fateful Connection: The fortunate never
have any problem finding the person they
most need. The Scion may rummage White, • Phase Cloak: The Scion fades into shadow,
to cause someone germane to their current leaving a copy behind in their place. Remove
situation to show up. This person won’t a stone and activate this power. They cannot
necessarily be helpful or positively inclined be detected by any means. It has two Health
toward the Scion, but they will be physically levels. The Scion then become visible at the
present in the scene. The Hero has no control end of their turn the following round. Active.
over who is summoned this way. (Storyguide
• Reflected Light: The Hero removes one
note: Summon other player’s characters
stone to copy any power they’ve seen used in
when possible.) May be used once per scene.
the current scene. Reactive.
• Code of Heaven: This Boon upgrades
• Cooler Head: The Scion may take an action
“Nothing but the Truth” (p. 47). When the
and remove a stone to “cool off.” this allows
Scion has caught a target in a lie, they may
them to remove a mental or social Condition.
declare the target guilty. Both players must
Alternatively, this power can be used on
empty their mythic pouches. Alternatively,
another target to make them unemotional
this power can declare a person innocent
for the scene. If used on another character it
once per scene. If so, that person gains a +1
requires a magical attack. Active.
on all Black pulls for the scene. Reactive.
• Flash Freeze: By making a magical attack,
• Perfect Defense: Whenever another char-
the Scion can apply the Slowed Condition
acter attempts to move past the Hero within
to a target. If a target is already Slowed, the
reach of her arm, she may choose to block
target instead gains the Petrified Condition
their movement. They may move out of her
until they’re dealt a level of damage or five
reach, but not past her. This Boon also gives
minutes elapse. Active.
the Scion control over her own mind. In re-
HEALTH sponse to any Blue or Black attack, the Scion
may empty to ignore it. Reactive.
• Healing Hands: Remove. The Scion may
expend a stone to heal two damage on anoth- PASSION
er. They must be able to touch said target.
• Blurt It Out: Rummage Black. The Scion
points at a target. They must blurt out what-
• Stay the Blade: Whenever a target would die ever they are thinking about. Alternatively,
in front of the Scion, the Scion may remove a the Scion may empty when pointing at a
stone to prevent them from dying this round. target and name a subject. They must tell the
This can be used on any target within the Scion everything they know about a partic-
Scion’s sight. Active. ular subject. They may attempt to flee, but
they must keep talking until line of sight is
broken. Active.
• In Someone’s Shoes: By placing their hand
on someone else’s forehead (with player

More Godly Powers 101

• Inspire Obsession: The Hero can inspire The Difficulties increase by 2 if the wisher is
great things in a person, or awful things. supernatural. If the Scion does not meet the
Make a Persuasion pull against a target and Difficulty, then the wish fails. The Skill used
rummage Black. If successful, the Scion for this Boon is Occult. Reactive.
may name a single thing the target becomes SUN
obsessed with. However, they get to choose
how that obsession manifests. The obsession • Blinding Glory: The Hero rummages White,
lasts for one scene against supernatural crea- utters a phrase and erupts in warm radiant
tures or forever against mortals. Active. light. This has three effects. First, it destroys
any source of unnatural darkness. Second,
PROSPERITY it creates enough light to see by, and third
• All That Glitters: The Scion can extend their it makes everyone in a scene feel hearty and
prosperity to others. By removing a stone, powerful. All Defenses are increased by one
the Scion can give another person use of a for the round. Active.
Connection power they’ve already used that
• Hope Reborn: Rummage White. The Scion’s
game. Active.
personage is perfectly lit for the scene, am-
• Divine Providence: The prosperous Scion plifying their positive physical qualities and
is never poor, or even hurting for material making them look as glorious as a movie star.
wealth. They may Remove a stone to have The Scion becomes the focal point of atten-
$10k available in liquid assets. A Scion may tion for all in the room and adds one to all
do this once per game. Active. Black stone pulls. Everyone in the room with
the Scion may make one re-pull during the
scene. Active / Passive.
• Arrows to the Wind: Remove. When anyone
makes a ranged attack within the view of a
Scion with this power, the Scion may make a • Herald of Victory: During a fight, the Herald
Firearms Skill pull in response. If successful, may rummage Red to instantly resolve the
the attack is canceled. Reactive. combat. Once per round during combat, the
Herald may let loose a battle cry and rum-
• Bolt from the Blue: Rummage White. The
mage Red whenever an ally misses an attack
Scion summons a storm above her and for
to let them pull again. Active.
the scene she may make a white magic at-
tack against targets within her view. These • Shaping the Battlefield: Empty. The Scion of
attacks deal 1 damage and cause the target to war knows that while strength of arms wins
gain the Slowed Condition as she summons battles, positioning wins wars. By emptying
lightning down upon her foes. Active. their mythic pouch, the Scion may pause
STARS combat temporarily and may rearrange / re-
position every visible character in the room.
• Cosmic Perspective: When the Scion turns Active.
in clues to ask the Storyguide questions, they
get two questions for every one clue used.
Passive. • Changing Tides: The Hero may expel a
torrent of water from their hand and make a
• Wish Upon a Star: Once per game when
ranged attack. If successful, the target takes
someone says “I wish…” in front of the Scion,
1 damage and must move backward, away
she may attempt to grant that wish. Doing
from the user a number of steps equal to the
so requires her to empty her mythic pouch.
Hero’s Occult. Active.
The Storyguide should set the  Difficulty
for the wish based on how unrealistic the • Reborn in Depths: The Hero may move at
wish is. As an example, a little girl wishes full speed in water. In addition, they may
her daddy could come home from the war. take a +1 on all Skill pulls performed under-
The Difficulty is 2 if the father is stationed water. Lastly, once per session if the Scion
local to the little girl. The Difficulty is 5 if is submerged in water for 10 minutes, they
he’s away fighting in another country. The emerge from the depths at full Health and
Difficulty goes all the way to 10 if he’s dead. without any Conditions. Passive.


• Call of the Wild:
When track-
ing using the
Survival Skill, the
Scion may pull
twice and take
the better result.
• Overgrowth: The
Scion may make a
ranged attack against
any target in the
scene with them.
If successful,
the target gains
the Entangled
Condition. At the
start of each round,
the target takes a level
of damage. The target
may attack the vines binding
them. The vines have no Defense
and only one level of damage.
When the vines are destroyed,
the Entangled Condition goes away.

Cast the Runes: The Æsir may
perform a divination taking five minutes.
Remove a stone. The stone expended in this
way becomes the Runestone and goes into the
player’s pocket. At any point during the game,
when the Æsir would have to make a pull, they may
instead utilize the Runestone as though they’d
drawn and expended it. Afterward it is discarded
as normal. Active.

Eyes of Knowledge: The Devá possess • What Paths do they follow?
special knowledge about the workings of the divine.
By staring into a character’s soul and rummaging The target must answer truthfully. Active.
White, they may ask any of the following five ques- KAMI
tions about a supernatural creature. Appeasing the Kami: Everything has a spirit
• What do they intend to do? and the Kami can speak to them. The Kami may
rummage White to speak to the spirits of objects in
• How are they really feeling?
their environment. Most objects are not very bright
• What do they wish I’d do? or helpful and only have knowledge that pertains to
their purpose (a knife understands sharpness and
• How could I get them to do [a certain thing]?

More Godly Powers 103

a tree understands light, but neither understands they draws is expended even though she does not
people very well). Especially old objects have a need to expend it. Active.
better grasp of the world around them. A Kami can
also utilize this power to give themselves the ability
to use objects they don’t have the training to use. Transfigure: The Theoi can transform them-
Active. selves or someone else into an animal for a scene.
By removing a stone, and then declaring the type of
R SH animal they wish to become, they take on the phys-
Mounting the Horse: The Òrìshà can possess ical features of said animal. This does not actually
an SGC mortal. Rummage White, to possess a mor- change any of the Hero’s abilities or Skills or even
tal. If a character is possessing a mortal then they their ability to wield Relics, which can lead to some
should place their hand under their neck to signify odd scenes of frogs pushing trailers and wielding
they are currently occupying a body not their own. hammers. Targeting another creature with this
Once the Òrìshà leaves the body they were riding, power requires a magical attack pull in addition to
the person falls asleep where they stand. Active. expending a stone. Humans and Scions affected by
this power forget who they are and begin acting like
the animal in question. Scions return to normal at
Sacred Medicine: By spending five minutes in the end of the scene. Humans can only return to
prayer and meditation, the Manitou may heal any normal through the will of one of the Theoi. Active.
Condition from a target and heal up to 3 Health of
damage. At the end of the ritual, the Manitou may TUATHA
place a task on the target. The target takes a −1 on Tongue of the Bard: When the Tuatha look at
all pulls not related to the completion of said task for a person they see not only that individual but their
the next hour. Active. deeds. A Tuatha may rummage White to learn any of
the following about a target:
Sekhem Blaze: The Netjer looks into the soul • Who is their divine parent?
of another character and finds them wanting. Make • What is their calling?
a Culture pull against a target. If successful, the tar-
get must flee the Netjer’s presence until they break • What Obligations do they have?
line of sight. Active. • What is their highest Skill?
SH N Active.
Vermilion Tape: The Shén are masters of
bureaucracy. With this power, they may curse a
target to suffer the pains of indecision that come
from being in a massive bureaucracy. By removing a
stone, the Hero gains a piece of Vermilion Tape. The
Storyguide should provide a post-it note or piece of
T he Skill list is found on pp. 50-51. Heroes receive
12 points of Skills, none of which can be above 3
at character creation.
paper and tape. The Shén may write a Skill name on
the Vermilion Tape. They may attach it either to a
person or a place. If attached to a person, that person
takes a −2 on all Skill checks of that type until the
tape is removed. If stuck on a place, it applies a −1 on E ach time a Hero gains a Fatebinding (Relic
or Connection), they gain an accompanying
Obligation. The first one is always related to their
all Skill pulls of that type performed in that place. To
remove the tape requires three other beings working Calling, the second comes from their Pantheon. For
in concert. Placing the tape on an unwilling target each additional Fatebinding, the Hero must choose
requires a close combat check. (Consent for touch a new Obligation from the general list of Obligations.
is important.) A person taped does not immediately A Hero can have up to six things Fatebound, unlike
realize they are taped, but it is apparent to all Scions an Origin-level Scion, who maxes at 5. If they should
who look at them. Active. gain a new one, they lose an old one (chosen by the
Storyguide). A starting hero may have up to 3 points
TE TL of Fatebound items or Connections.
Blood of the Gods: When the Scion uses the As a character becomes more Fatebound, the
sacrifice action (see p. 109), they may sacrifice an World has a stronger belief of who they are. As the
additional Health to act as though the second stone World reaches consensus, the Hero becomes more


and more their image and less themselves. A Hero Who decides?: If the Scion chooses to take on
saves a cat and the picture goes viral. The world sees an Obligation, they decide which one they take. If an
them do it and thinks they like cats. Then they’re Storyguide is placing a Fatebinding on a character,
Fatebound to like cats even if they were somewhat then the Storyguide gets to choose what Obligation
ambivalent about them before. they receive. As a guideline, the Obligation should
With each point of Fatebinding, the character always come from the new Connection’s point
gains, they lose agency as the people of the World of view. How do they view their new Hero? If the
believe certain things about the way their “Hero” Storyguide is forcing a connection with a relic then
will act in certain situations. This, in turn, makes it they should choose something that fits with the na-
more difficult for the Hero to disappoint their fans. ture or story of the relic. Excalibur is not Kusanagi.
These pressures to act take the form of Obligations. Conflicting Obligations: Scions who accrue
Each time a character gains a point of Fatebinding, too many Fatebindings and too many Obligations
they gain an Obligation. The Obligation should may find themselves placed into situations where
match the way their connection views them. The they cannot take any action without breaking an
people who believe in a Hero see something great Obligation. When placed into this situation, the
but that comes with a price. Scion enters Crisis. When the Scion enters Crisis, two
Order of Obligations: The first dot of things happen. First, The Storyguide decides what
Obligation a character gains is the one associated the character does. In general, they should choose
with their Calling. The second is always associat- an action detrimental to the character. Second,
ed with their Pantheon. After that, for each dot of after the scene is over, the character’s Fatebinding
Fatebinding, they gain one Obligation from the gen- reduces by 1 and one of their Connections / Relics is
eral list (see pp.106-107). Characters on a Mythical permanently lost to them along with an accompany-
Path still gain their Supernatural Obligations when ing Obligation.
they hit 1, 3, and 5 points of Fatebinding. In addition, Example: Cuchulainn, hero of the Tuatha, was
they gain an additional Obligation from the general obligated to never eat dog and also to never refuse
list at 2, 4, and 6 points of Fatebinding. hospitality. This caused quite a bit of an issue for
him when he was very hospitably offered a plate
of canine.

Fatebindings 105
• Classy: The obligated can’t make a social
OBLIGATION LISTS challenge against anyone who has defeated
Storyguides should feel free to create more them in a social challenge.
Obligations or remove Obligations that don’t fit
• Codependent: The obligated player records
the tone and theme of their game from the list. All
the name of another player character on
Obligations must be approved by the Storyguide of
their sheet. Anytime the obligated Scion is in
any game.
a scene without that character present, they
• Adversarial: Choose a pantheon of which take a −2 on all Skill pulls.
the Scion is no longer a part. The Scion take
• Competitive: If the Scion sees someone fail a
a −2 on all non-Red pulls against members of
Skill pull, make a Pattern pull not to attempt
that pantheon.
the action. Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) to ig-
• Animal Lover: The Scion cannot attack nore. This doesn’t apply in combat.
animals without a Pattern pull (Difficulty
• Conspiracy Theorist: Once per session when
5) even magical animals or animals actively
this Scion turns in a clue to a Storyguide, the
trying to kill the Scion.
Storyguide is allowed to lie.
• Basic: −1 on White pulls that aren’t Pattern.
• Cover Band: The Scion gains another panthe-
• Calamity: The obliged cannot help but on Obligation from a pantheon not their own.
destroy. Anytime she performs a pull using
• Educator: If a target fails a specific Blue
a non-Relic item, she must make a Pattern
Skill (chosen when this Obligation is taken)
pull (Difficulty 5). If it fails, the object falls to
within the Scion’s line of sight, they must
pieces in her hands. If the Scion would like
make a Pattern pull (Difficulty 5) to restrain
the item to break, then this Obligation will
themselves from educating them on how it’s
not trigger.
supposed to be done.
• Champion: The character chooses a specific
• Extra: The obligated must make a pull of
group to champion. The player notes it on
some kind in every scene. If in a prolonged
their sheet and the character takes a −2 on
scene, such as at the Font, the Extra person
pulls to harm a specified group
must use a power or make a pull every hour.
If they fail to do so, they lose a stone.


• Fortunate One: The Scion gains the other initiate a second challenge against the per-
Obligation from their pantheon. son who targeted them, if able.
• Freethinker: −2 on any pull that would result • Rage: The Scion must make a Pattern pull
in the character gaining a clue. (Difficulty 5) to exit combat. Otherwise, they
begin attacking allies or bystanders.
• Hyper Critic: The obliged cannot leave
scenes once afflicted with a social or mental • Relationship Disaster: The Scion cannot be
Condition. They must continue arguments in the same Band for more than three games.
once they start. It requires a Pattern pull • Reliable: A Scion must make a Pattern pull to
(Difficulty 5) to leave. refuse an honest request for assistance from
• Loner: The obligated cannot receive the someone who they’ve not engaged in combat
benefits of the aid action, or any power that with in this game.
gives them a stone. • Rolls Deep: The Scion takes a −1 on any pull
• Maverick: The Maverick may not use the made when at least two of their Band mem-
same Skill twice in a row without making a bers aren’t present in the room.
Pattern pull (Difficulty 5). • Salt of the Earth: −2 to Culture pulls.
• No Filter: Character takes a −2 to all • Self-Righteous: The character takes a −1 on
Subterfuge pulls. all Black pulls when interacting with mem-
• Optimizer: The obligated suffers a −1 on all bers of other pantheons.
pulls when using a Skill they don’t have max- • Survivor: Whenever this character takes
imum ranks in. damage in a scene, they must make a Pattern
• Parent: Character must make a Pattern pull pull (Difficulty 5) to not try and flee the scene.
(Difficulty 5) to not help any child in the • Talented: A player must choose a Skill when
scene with you. they take this Obligation. The Scion must
• Pedagogue: This Scion must make a Pattern use said Skill in every scene she’s in or lose a
pull (Difficulty 5) to admit they don’t know stone at the conclusion of the scene.
the answer to a question. Otherwise, they • Tastemaker: Character takes −1 on all pulls
must lie and explain what they were asked when interacting with Scions and humans.
• Wholesome: The Scion can’t initiate any
• Posturing: When the character is targeted attack. Once someone else in the scene has
by a social challenge and loses, they must made an attack they may start fighting. This
attack doesn’t have to be against the obligat-
ed Scion.

Fatebindings 107
W ithin this chapter you’ll find advice for any for you to give them a story to help them evolve their
Storyguide seeking to run games of Scion: character into its next stage.
Hero Live-Action. Visitations should be roleplayed scenes in
which the character grapples with their nascent
THE BRONZE STONE divinity. Due to the nature of the scene, it may be

AND SACRIFICE emotionally charged. Mythology is full of characters

with intense issues regarding their parentage and
MECHANIC Storyguides should be prepared to deal with players
with intense emotions. It’s very important to set up

H eroes are a cut above, and because of that they veils and lines with the player prior to running the
innately have access to options beyond those of scene. The most important thing about a Visitation
mortals. While Scions are defined by their ability to scene is that the character comes out of it changed
band together (represented by their access to the aid in some way — as their sheet changes so too should
action), Heroes are defined by their ability to give up the character — whether as a reaffirmation of their
everything in the pursuit of their goals. This is shown goals or a shattering of their world view.
in their access to the sacrifice action in this chapter. This should be a climactic moment in which
In addition to the five colored stones a player se- they’re confronted with the truth of their heritage
lects for their bag at the start of each session, each Hero or at least the reality of meeting the divine in per-
character starts the game with an additional Bronze son. This should come after surmounting a great
stone. During a challenge, a Bronze stone counts as an challenge or engaging in deep soul searching, find-
on-color stone for that challenge. The Hero can also ing lost lore, or making their finest masterwork.
expend their bronze stone to automatically succeed The moment of Visitation itself, even an ascension
at the challenge, even against other expended stones rejected, should be worthy of a legend.
of common colors (Red, Blue, Green, White, Black).
Heroes are limited to one Bronze stone per game and ASCENDING A DENIZEN TO
do not receive a new one when refreshing at a Font. A MYTHIC DENIZEN
If a character is ever in a situation where they only
While Denizen ascension comes from con-
have their Bronze stone left in his bag, then they must
necting with their heritage just as a Scion ascension
expend it on the next challenge they initiate.
does, theirs does not come from meeting with a
SACRIFICE great and elder deity. The Denizen will always have
to complete a quest of some kind. Some quests are
Great deeds demand great sacrifice. Sacrifice is
violent, such as an Oni defeating another Demon
the unique mechanic of Heroes. Once a Hero pulls a
in single combat. Some are social, such as a Dwarf
stone, they may choose to take one Health level of
being raised to the rank of royalty through an elec-
damage to return that stone to their pouch and draw
tion. Others are mystical, like a Gargoyle seeking a
another. This ability may be used once per challenge.
ritual to transform him into something greater. The
quest assigned to a Denizen should always help
ASCENSION them achieve a greater understanding of the way
that their society works and give them a position of

W hether at the start of a Hero game or the end of

a Scion game, the moment of ascension is one
extremely important for a player. For the Scion, it’s the
prominence among their people.
While they may not be as respected by the
pantheons of the gods, Mythical Denizens are celeb-
culmination of all their struggles and for the Hero it’s
rities among their own kind and may even be treated
the launchpad for all their future successes. For the
better than Heroes would by their own people.
Storyguide, this requires you to play the divine patron
or parent of the player character and it’s important

While Heroes are encouraged to help each other, they are not supernaturally good
at it, as Denizens are. Heroes may not use the aid action.

the bronze stone and sacrifice mechanic | ascension 109

There are three reasons we have chosen to present the Gathering as the basic structure
for a game of Scion: Hero Live-Action.
1) Heroes are about titanic struggles, it wouldn’t make sense to have 30 to 40 Heroes
just casually hanging out with nothing to achieve.
2) It provides an inherent structure to the game, making it easier for the Storyguide to
3) It can create conflict within the player base that changes each game.
Can you run a Scion Live-Action game without a Gathering involved? Certainly,
but it’s at these confluences that Heroes can most directly change the fate of the World,
and where they most frequently conflict with their fellows.

the characters when they’re not in scenes. Since it’s

THE GATHERING a Font, Storyguides should feel free to staff it with
Scions of all sorts.

G athering refers to events where Heroes are pulled

en masse to a location where “something” must
be done. The fundamental unit of story in a Hero
While the Location tells us the where, the
LARP is a Gathering. The events of a Gathering
Purpose is the why. Gatherings happen because
transcend pantheon and power. These are confluences
something “big” is about to happen. This may be
of events that call for Heroes to truly matter. It’s never
that a new technology is invented, a revolution stirs
a boring night.
in its infancy, a natural disaster looms, or some su-
Every Gathering has three or four components: pernatural threat is awakening. This is the Purpose
The Location, The Purpose, the Beckoned, and for which the Heroes have been Gathered. However,
sometimes, the Reward Fate’s Purpose for the Heroes does not have to coin-
cide with the Heroes’ purpose in being there. Fate
LOCATION may call a bunch of Heroes because an earthquake
The specific location or city that calls the is about to destroy an ancient statue that imprisons
Heroes may change from session to session, but they a Titan. It does not care whether the Heroes help
are always needed where they’re called, and called free the Titan, keep it sealed, try to bargain with it,
to where they are needed. Each city or site (if the or slay it once it emerges. They are called simply
Gathering is in a rural or wild location) should have because Fate calls to the Ichor in their souls. Some
its own flavor. A sense of place should affect the Gods can artificially provoke a Gathering. While
types of Heroes who are called, the kinds of crisis they will have a specific purpose in mind and role
that can occur and what solutions are acceptable. If for the Heroes to fulfil, the God needs to somehow
one can do so without appropriation, music, tone, express this to the Heroes since the mere existence
and symbols of the location should suffuse the de- of a Gathering does not impart this information.
scriptions, props, and costuming.
Example: If the Gathering is in Chicago, the BECKONED
players should encounter a few of the following: There are those that Fate demands to be pres-
Jeppson’s Malört liquor, deep dish pizza, crazy Cubs ent. They must be there. Cars break down, planes
fans, the Bean, or police corruption. detour, jobs require unexpected trips. Fate gener-
While the location is typically a whole city or ally calls those with some sort of connection to the
town, within that there is usually a smaller place Purpose, or some skill or ability that may be helpful,
where the Heroes are specifically called to at the but it may also summon someone with no bearing on
beginning of the scenario. This place is called the the Purpose to serve as an impartial judge.
Eye. The Eye is almost always a Font (see p. 12-13) The Beckoned rarely come alone, bringing with
and it serves as the primary gathering place for all them their Bands and retainers who seek to support
their ally or find fame for themselves.


Then there are those who read the skeins of In either case, you should have a good idea of the
fate or simply pay attention to the news and flock makeup of the player characters in your game, either
to Gatherings anyway. Autograph seekers, disaster because you have provided pregenerated characters
tourists, and supernatural beings who think they or negotiated this during session zero.
may profit or have an interest in a certain outcome. The powers of Fate gather these Heroes to a
Like carrion birds circling roadkill they may be place for a Purpose. Choose a place within your
there. There’s no detriment if they fail to show up, budget and your ability to decorate and evoke, and
the Gathering is not for them, and there does not choose a challenge that fits the skills and powers
need to be a story that calls their talents forth. your players have.
Heroes gather because the World hinges on
THE REWARD a moment and those touched by Fate can push it
The Gathering is a game, a game with severe one way or another. Your game should reflect these
consequences for the World and for the Heroes who fulcrums of Fate and give each session a feeling of
participate. Beyond the consequences of action and import and tension.
inaction, Gatherings called by Gods have rewards.
When crafting your scenario, keep in mind the
Gods might offer a Relic as a reward for complet-
three phases of the Gathering: discovery, crisis, and
ing the task. This type of reward is often be given
to the Band who completes the task laid out before
them the best. The God can award multiple Relics, DISCOVERY
but they should always be limited in number so the In the discovery phase, Heroes are called to a
players are forced into internal competition. place, but none of them know why. Heroes must find
If the Gathering was called by Fate, then there is, out what the problem facing the World is in the first
strictly speaking, no winner, but the Gods are always place. In addition to using the clue system, signs,
watching gatherings. Storyguides should feel free to have portents, and ominous mutterings of Oracles can
Gods dangle Relics and Connections in front of chosen to be used to deliver this information to hurry things
get them to solve problems in the method desired by the along. If you have Scion player characters, this is
God and to create internal strife between heroes. often a good place for them to shine since they know
the local area or might even be Oracles.
RUNNING THE GATHERING If your Crisis is likely to take a fair while, you
As per advice in Scion: Origin Live-Action, can skip the discovery phase entirely by having the
know if you’re running a one shot or a lengthy story. Gathering be called by a God, that God must have

the gathering 111

some presence there either through one of their the village because poachers live in the village and
faithful, an aspect, or other means, and they can flat killed a member of its pride. At that point the game
out tell the Heroes what it wants them to do. The becomes an ethical conflict of should/will the char-
Heroes shouldn’t need to do it, and absolutely can acters turn the poacher over to the lion for justice.
attempt to thwart the God, but that is what they’re Despite the multiple approaches, try to make
doing with their time. Once your player characters sure the solutions can occur in the same location.
sufficiently understand the nature of the problem For instance, in town hall, the characters may find
(or on some occasions define the problem for them- archives of old sacred festivals as well as records
selves) they face the crisis. of evacuation routes and census data and also the
While discovering the nature of the problem, town’s supply of sandbags. This encourages players
they should also uncover at least some sense of the pursuing different approaches to work together. Or,
possible rewards or penalties for solving or exacerbat- if they choose to act at cross purposes, their prox-
ing it. When a God calls a Gathering, they must offer imity may pull them into direct conflict. The Band
a possible reward and there must always be a known trying to maximize casualties of the flood may be
consequence. Other rewards, penalties, or one-off looking for the evacuation plan so they know which
consequences can often be surmised or discovered. streets to barricade, preventing escape from the
For example, a God may offer a magical sword for town, while the group who wishes to save the town
defeating a great beast. This may have the unintended through ceremony needs the same papers so they
consequence of angering another God who may be the know where most of the people will be, in order to
owner, friend, or sibling of said beast. There may be lead them in a ritual of protection.
some early surprises and player characters may choose
not to look into the politics of a situation, but suddenly
hitting your players with consequences they could not In the resolution phase there should always
have foreseen or understood, especially at or near the be some way in which the World has changed. This
end of a game, is poor form. change should be clear and obvious to any local, at
the very least. Maybe they’ve lost the favor of a luck
CRISIS God and their sports teams all suddenly suffer terri-
When designing the crisis, keep in mind that ble losses that night. Maybe a sacrifice to Poseidon
any challenge should be able to be solved in mul- has killed all the horses in town. Something is dif-
tiple ways. An attacking giant lion could be fought ferent, and everyone notices even if they can’t de-
or tamed, or the people could be evacuated. When termine the source of the change. Anyone who was
doing this, consider the relative difficulties faced by publicly seen participating in the Gathering should
the characters. If you have a populace of Sages, they feel stirrings of any new or altered Fatebindings.
may find the giant attacking lion challenge more dif- Note who was publicly seen is not always who was
ficult than a Band of Warriors. An option here is to actually there. Public perception determines who
give some clear early warning, like a newscast of the feels Fatebindings. In this way, one character can in-
lion’s approach, thus giving the non-violent Sages a fluence the Fatebindings of another, but the person
moment to plan. This is not to say a city full of Sages who is actually Fatebound still arranged the nature
should not be attacked by a kaiju, simply that you of that binding with the Storyguide. People who win
should be aware that this is now a more difficult ses- the God’s favor should receive their rewards, and
sion. Forcing player characters to play against type folks should have a chance to discuss and process
can be fun so long as everyone is up for that. what happened.
In the World, sometimes the very nature of a
crisis can change if that is where the game goes. If
the problem is a giant lion about to attack a village,
killing the lion isn’t the only potential approach. For
instance, they could look into why the lion is hungry I n Scion: Hero Live-Action, what counts as a hero
or a villain can be very subjective; one person’s great
king is another person’s tyrannical oppressor. But this
or angry enough to attack and then address it. They
could gain the trust and support of the lion to deal doesn’t mean there can’t be antagonists. Antagonists
with a larger, nastier problem of a hydra nearby. can be an individual, a group, a natural or fateful
Or, they might turn the issue into one of wildlife occurrence such as a flood, or even an idea. To create
preserve funding, going with the entire village to an antagonist in Scion, consider where the characters
protest the lack of wildlife resources. Alternatively, are coming from and what they consider to be virtuous
it could be decided that the lion is about to attack or sinful. Also, be open-minded to the approaches


the players take. Some Heroes may be swayed by the away from an antagonist all dressed in white than
antagonists’ arguments or may encourage the flood an American might. If the antagonist is attacking or
because it will mean fertile land later. The Heroes who just attempting to change something the characters
join the antagonists should be allowed to do that and care about, then the characters will become invested
their actions should be given the same weight as the faster.
Heroes who bitterly oppose the antagonists. There are also things not to do. Unwinnable
In situations where there’s inherently a lot of situations are no fun. An unbeatable opposition
grey area, it’s important to draw the players in, give is not appropriate for a Scion game. This game is
the players a reason to care about the antagonist, about Heroes mattering, it is not about feeling help-
but remember it’s the players’ story, not the antag- less or like the situation is futile. If a player wants
onists’. This can be tricky to balance. Some things their character to experience helplessness, they can
that help: have the villain be willing to communicate explore conflicts between their Obligations or the
with the characters, give the villain something dis- actions of other characters. Players and characters
tinctive and interesting about them, and have their can bring in the bleak, but the Storyguide should not
motivations entwine with those of the characters. A unless it’s been carefully negotiated in session zero.
villain willing to communicate gives players greater
opportunity to care and explore various solutions. A
monster that doesn’t talk, just comes in and wrecks
up the place at random might be irritating, but it
doesn’t have any pathos. This is not something peo-
ple will talk about later except to gripe.
T o be a Hero is to have other beings look up to
you. Often, these creatures fall into the Fate of
the Hero they idolize, and they become unwitting
The opposition should have something about pawns in the games of divinity. These Connections
them that stands out. For instance, a scar clearly the Heroes should be more than just numbers on a
demonstrates the antagonist has overcome ad- sheet. Storyguides should endeavor to make them part
versity. There are two points to this. First, it starts of the Hero’s world as best they can.
creating a permanent memory in the minds of the Storyguides should feel free to put a Hero’s
players. Second, it gives hints as to the motivations Connections in conflict with other Heroes’ connec-
or nature of the antagonist, which can create tension tions to give the world a sense of cohesion. For ex-
between players. For instance, those from a Chinese ample, if Talion, the Scion of Demeter, is revered by
background may take something very different the local whole foods foodies and bohemian crowds

connections 113
of her local city, and Eliza, the Scion of Lugh, is from Hero to Hero, but the tone should be one of
aligned with the local logging industry, then the two exploration, expression, and change. Whether the
factions may come into conflict and in doing so they Heroes express themselves upon the World as inno-
may ask the Hero they know to intervene on their vators, protectors, conquerors or villains, here’s the
behalf. This is a great way for Storyguides to create moment where they can make an impact in a single
conflict and turmoil among the player characters fateful night instead of the glacial pace of mortal
and to flesh out the World at the same time. progress. Each session should have such a change in
While the above example is clear cut and obvi- mind and make its effects clear by the end.
ous, Storyguides should feel free to put less obvious The differences a Hero makes can be large or
Connections into conflict as well. Fate conspires to small, personal or public, but in those sacred hours
make Heroes prove themselves against one another they make a true difference. The choices a Hero
in various fields. In the above conflict, this could makes can lead to years of famine or prosperity,
include carpenters who make furniture and homes blights and plagues, or beatific lands and waters
from their local woods or a reporter looking to ex- that call people to receive healing. If you’ve heard
pose the local whole foods for labeling non-organic of towns that used to be bustling happy places but
foods as organic. are now just a series of wrecks and ruins, that could
be because a Hero failed to act or a villain drained
STORYTELLING the life away. Feel free to make this dramatic, such
as a place where coal veins were ignited under the
HEROES town decades ago and are still burning today with
no signs of stopping. Smoke rises from the ground

H eroes gather because the World hinges on a in places and twisted metal is a common sight to the
moment, and those touched by Fate can push it few, stubborn remaining residents.
one way or another. Your game should reflect these
One of the most important aspects of running
fulcrums of Fate and give each session a feeling of
a Hero game is the Hero’s actions materially matter
import and tension.
and their story progresses. For example, when a
Circumstances and the lines of Fate flow mighty beast is slain at a Gathering, that is now part
together. Certainly, this will draw Titans, ne’er- of its story, the story of the Hero(es) who slew it,
do-wells, and other opportunists. It’s up to Heroes and anyone there who witnessed the deed. Those
to leap into the river of fate and assure it takes a people will remember this story, children will play
good course. What counts as a good course differs the Hero and the beast, stores will sell t-shirts, and


that beast won’t threaten their lives again. The and make sure they have ties to the local commu-
Heroes at a Gathering may instead just decide to de- nity. Perhaps the Hero cares for an ailing loved one
fend the status quo as many heroes of myth do, but nearing their life’s end. They could instead be recov-
then that status quo is definitively defended against ering from a grievous injury, physical or otherwise,
that threat. Their city may be in danger again next and returning to their hometown to do it. Maybe
session, but it won’t be from that threat. In order to this is just where they go when they’re not pulled
encourage a feeling of change and making a differ- to a Gathering because it’s the site of their greatest
ence, things must change. But they can change or triumph.
make a difference to keep things the same. For in- The Heroes’ ties should overlap with some of
stance, the threat is gone, but a memorial is erected the Scion Connections and Bands. Perhaps the ailing
and locals are no longer worried about the monster. loved one volunteers at the same place as a Scion.
For this to stick, however, the threat can’t just loop Maybe one of their best friends growing up is a
back around for another go. In a long running con- Scion now in a local band. Alternatively, perhaps the
flict this could mean that a particular antagonist is Scions opposed the Hero before, and remain against
still present, but they no longer have underlings or them now.
a lair. That antagonist must change their strategy to Scions caught in Gatherings in their area are
adapt to these circumstances. The actions taken at at the epicenter of a change they can feel in their
these Gatherings also change the Heroes. The trials, bones. Something important is afoot. No matter
tribulations and triumphs of those days are written what the Heroes decide to do and how they do it,
into the fabric of their lives. it’s the Scions who’ll bear the consequences of their
If you want to add a smattering of Heroes to actions. Even if it’s a great and victorious war, the
a largely Scion game, this can be quite fulfilling as Scions will have to bury the dead and repair the
well. Telling this style of story means that not every buildings.
session should be a Gathering. Low consequence, The story should never become more about the
low stakes, personal stakes, and small stories are Heroes than the rest of the player characters, but
important to Scions. Heroes in those stories should the nature of the relationships between characters
have plots that concentrate on their background and when one is made fundamentally other, even from a
how they’ve changed since their Visitation. They’re community of others, should be explored. In times
returning to places or people they haven’t seen in of a Gathering, the Hero takes the center stage and
some time. everyone will have an opinion on how they take on
Discuss with your Hero players why their its challenge.
character is going to be sticking around for a while

Storytelling Heroes 115

These policies apply to all members of the (Name of LARP) community. Storyguides, Administrators, and
Directors will all also be subject to these policies and will be held to the same standards and disciplinary action.

The ______________________ LARP is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, and to
prohibit harassment of its members. The _____________________ LARP has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for
harassment of any kind, at all events either held by, or attended by, The _____________________ LARP. This
would include, but is not limited to:

• Stalking • Sustained disruption of game or other club

• Intimidation
• Bathroom policing
• Offensive verbal comments
• Inappropriate physical contact
• Physical assault and / or battery
• Unwelcome physical attention
• Harassing or non-consensual photography or

This is in relation to, but not limited to:

Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Citizenship, Color, Gender Identity, Age, Physical Appearance,
Pregnancy, National Origin, Gender Presentation, Body Size, Religion, Military or Veteran Status. (For
information as to how to wear a costume uniform respectfully please research the Stolen Valor act of 2013 and
avoid any badges or insignias).

To put it succinctly, if someone tells you “no” or asks you to leave them alone, your business with them is done.
Any further attempts at interaction, will be constituted as harassment.


Per our Code of Conduct and Charter, a person who engages in discriminatory, harassing or abusive behavior
may face sanctions within the The ______________________ LARP community.

Sanctions may include, but not limited to:

• Temporary suspension from attending The ______________________ LARP events

• Permanent banning from The ______________________ LARP events

• Immediate ejection from a ______________________ LARP event without refund

Regarding Sexual Harassment:

“Sexual harassment will result in an immediate permanent ban from all events and social media pages,
as well as a recommendation to the (organizers of venue if you are at a convention or shared space) that
the punishment be carried to the local level and a recommendation for the organization membership to be

As a private organization, The ___________ LARP reserves the right to refuse entry to a member based on
unsafe, disrespectful or abusive behavior, regardless of whether or not they stem from incidents occurring at
events officially sponsored by The ___________ LARP.

Any member who believes they’ve been subjected to any type of harassment, or witnesses the harassment of
another, is encouraged to immediately report any incident to one of the club’s designated officer’s Administrator
or Member Advocates.

The ______________________ LARP will not tolerate retaliation against any member who complains of
harassment or provides information in connection with any such complaint.

If you feel that you or someone else has been the target of discrimination, speak to an organizer. If you have
been the target of assault or harassment of a criminal nature you should consider reporting it to the police. If you
wish to make a police report, The ______________________ LARP will be pleased to offer assistance or support
if you wish.

Reporting sexual harassment and assault can be difficult. Complaints can be made through a third party, such
as a friend or confidante, but a The ______________________ LARP organizer will need to confirm the complaint
with the individual from whom it originates before taking action.

The ______________________LARP pledges to take seriously, investigate, and take prompt, appropriate action
on every report we receive.

The ______________________ LARP takes the privacy and confidentiality of people making reports under
the policy extremely seriously, and we will not reveal your identity or the substance of your report unless it is
necessary to obtain information about the incident or take action related to the incident.

The ______________________LARP will not take any sort of retaliatory action against you for reporting or not
reporting a problem.

The ______________________LARP will always err on the side of safety and will assume that all reports are
made honestly and in good faith. False reports of sexual assault and harassment are far less common than
non-reporting, however in the event that it has been determined that a report has been made falsely or
disingenuously it will be treated as harassment under our policy.

A few words on Photography and Recordings.

Please be polite and ask before taking photographs or recordings of members. Video and audio recording and
photography for personal archival use only is generally acceptable unless individuals make it clear that they
do not wish to be photographed or recorded. In that case, any photography or recording of them is expressly

If staff wish to have open photography (ex: a paid or volunteer photographer who takes pictures during the
game), they must disclose such at event check-in. In addition, they must provide a way for individual participants
to opt-out of being photographed or recorded (example: a button or ribbon).

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact The ___________ LARP at ________________@__________
Name: Chronicle:
Player: Concept:

Academics (Blue) Medicine (Blue)
Alertness (Green) Occult (White)
Athletics (Green) Pattern (White)
Close Combat (Red) Persuasion (Black)
Craft (Blue) Pilot (Green)
Culture (Black) Science (Blue)
Defense (Red) Security (Blue)
Empathy (Black) Subterfuge (Black)
Firearms (Red) Survival (Green)
Integrity (Blue)






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