FA October 16
FA October 16
FA October 16
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2-Don't put $ sign in answer. 2/2
3- 2/2
P is a sole proprietor whose accounting records are incomplete. All the sal
es are cash sales and during the year $50,000 was banked,
including $5,000 from the sale of a business car. He paid $12,000 wages
in cash from
the till and withdrew $2,000 per month as drawings. The cash in the till at t
he beginning and end of the year was $300 and $400 respectively. What wa
s the value of P’s sales revenue for the year?
A $80,900
B $81,000
C $81,100
D $86,100
4- 2/2
A $1,985 DR
B $1,985 CR
C $15,770 DR
D $15,770 CR
5-Which of the following statements is correct? 2/2
B Carriage inwards and carriage outwards are both accounted for as income in
the statement of proTt or loss.
8-ABC Co sold goods with a 2/2
list price of $1,000 to Smith which was subject to trade discount of 5% and
early settlement discount of 4% if the invoice was paid within 7 days. The n
ormal credit period available to credit customers is 30 days from invoice da
te. At the point of sale, Smith was not expected to take advantage of early
settlement terms offered. If Smith subsequently paid within 7 days
and was eligible for the settlement
discount, what accounting entries should be made by ABC Co to record set
tlement of the amount outstanding?
A Debit Cash $950, Debit Revenue $50 and Credit Trade receivables $1,000
B Debit Cash $950, Credit Revenue $38 and Credit Trade receivables $912
C Debit Cash $912, Debit Revenue $38 and Credit Trade receivables $950
A Debit Cash $2,280, Debit Revenue $95 and Credit Trade receivables $2,375
C Debit Cash $2,375, Debit Revenue $125 and Credit Trade receivables $2,500
A Debit Cash $4,104, Debit Revenue $396 and Credit Trade receivables $4,500
B Debit Cash $4,275, Debit Discount received $171 and Credit Trade receivables
D Debit Cash $4,275, Credit Trade receivables $4,104 and Credit Revenue $171
Correct answer
D Debit Cash $4,275, Credit Trade receivables $4,104 and Credit Revenue $171
11- 2/2
ABC Co sold goods with a list price of $3,700 to White which was subject t
o trade discount of 5% and early settlement discount of 4% if the invoice w
as paid within 7 days. The normal credit period available to credit customer
s is 30 days from invoice date. At the point of sale, White was not
expected to pay early and take advantage of the early settlement
terms offered. If, as expected, White did not pay within the settlement disc
ount period, what accounting entries should be made by ABC Co to record
settlement of the amount outstanding?
B Debit Cash $3,515, Credit Discount received $140.60 and Credit Trade
receivables $3,374.40
D Debit Cash $3,515, Debit Revenue $185 and Credit Trade receivables $3,700
12- 0/2
ABC Co sold goods with a list price of $1,400 to Green which was subject t
o trade discount of 4% and early settlement discount of 5% if the invoice w
as paid within 7 days. The normal credit period available to credit customer
s is 30 days from invoice date. At the point of sale, Green was expected to t
ake advantage of the early settlement discount terms offered. If, on this
occasion, Green did not pay within the settlement discount period,
what accounting entries should be made by ABC Co to record
settlement of the amount outstanding?
B Debit Cash $1,344, Credit Trade receivables $1,276.80 and Credit Revenue
Correct answer
B Debit Cash $1,344, Credit Trade receivables $1,276.80 and Credit Revenue
13-Which of the following statements is correct? 2/2
A If all the conditions speciTed in IAS 38 Intangible assets are met, the directors
can chose whether to capitalise the development expenditure or not.
14- 2/2
Complete the following statement by selecting the appropriate wording fro
m the choice available. When accounting for intangible assets using
the revaluation model, movements in
the carrying amount are……………………………………………………………………..
A It is recognised at cost for as long as the entity has the intangible asset.
Capitalised Score
Employment costs of staff conducting rese
arch activities
Cost of constructing a working model of a
new product
Materials and consumables costs associa
ted with conducting scientiTc experiments
Licence purchased to permit production an
d sale of a product for ten years.
Correct answers
Cost of constructing a working model of a ne
w product
17- 2/2
Complete the following statement by selecting the appropriate wording fro
m the choice available. When accounting for intangible assets using
the cost model, annual impairment charges are:
Classify each of the following costs as either a research expense or as an intangibl
e asset.
Research Intangible
expense asset
Market research costs 1/1
Patented product design costs 1/1
Product advertising 1/1
Employee training costs 1/1
19-Which of the following statements best defines an intangible asset? 2/2
Geranium is engaged in the following research and development projects: Identify
how the costs of each project should be accounted for in the
financial statements.
Project 1 is
applying a new
technology to
the production
of heat resistant
fabric. On
completion, the
fabric will be
used in the
production of 1/1
uniforms for the
Geranium has
resources and
the intention to
complete the
Project 2 is
testing whether
a particular
substance can
be used as an
suppressant. If
this is the case,
it is expected be
sold worldwide
in chemists and
Project 3 is
developing a
material for use
in kitchens
which is self-
cleaning and
germ resistant.
A competitor is
currently 0/1
developing a
similar material
and , for this
Geranium is
unsure whether
its project will be
Correct answers
Project 3 is developing a
material for use in kitchens
which is self-cleaning and
germ resistant. A
competitor is currently
developing a similar
material and , for this
reason, Geranium is unsure
whether its project will be
21-Don't put $ sign in answer. 2/2
22- 2/2
24- 2/2
All types of goodwill can be capitalised. 1/1
Only purchased intangibles can be capitalis
Correct answers
True False
Only purchased intangibles can be capitalised
26-Don't put $ sign in answer. 2/2
28- 2/2
29- 2/2
Vine Co sublets part of its office accommodation to earn rental income. Th
e rent is received quarterly
in advance on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October. The annual rent has
been $24,000 for some years, but it was increased to $30,000 from 1 July 2
0X5. What amounts for rent should appear in Vine Co’s financial
statements for the year ended 31 January 20X6?
31-At 1 September, the motor expenses account showed 4 months’ 2/2
insurance prepaid of $80 and fuel
costs accrued of $95. During September, the outstanding
fuel bill was paid, plus further bills of $245. At 30 September there was a fu
rther outstanding fuel bill of $120. What was the expense included in the st
atement of profit or loss for motor expenses for September? Don't put $
sign in answer.
32-What was the expense? Don't put $ sign in answer. 2/2
33-The annual insurance premium for S for the period 1 July 20X3 ···/2
to 30 June 20X4
was $13,200, which is 10% more than the previous year. Insurance premiu
ms are paid on 1 July. What is the statement of profit or loss charge
for insurance for the year ended 31 December 20X3? Don't put $ sign in
Correct answer
34-Farthing’s year‐end is 30 September. On 1 January 20X6 Farthing 2/2
took out a loan of $100,000 with annual interest of 12%. The interest
is payable in equal instalments on
the first day of April, July, October and January in arrears. How much
should be charged to the statement of profit or loss account for the
year ended 30 September 20X6, and how much should be accrued on
the statement of financial position?
35- 2/2
On 1 January 20X3, a business had prepaid insurance of $10,000. On 1 Aug
ust 20X3, it paid, in full, the annual insurance invoice of $36,000, to cover th
e twelve months to 31 July 20X4. What was the amount charged
in the statement of profit or
loss and the amount shown in the statement of financial position for the ye
ar ended 31 December 20X3?
C A prepayment is an asset
D An accrual is a liability
37-On 9 October, Parker paid his heat and power bill for the three 0/2
months ended 30 September 20X4. The bill included a meter rental
charge of $60 for the three months ending 31 December 20X4 and a
usage charge of $135 for the three month period
to 30 September 20X4. Parker has an accounting year end date of 31 Octo
ber 20X4. Which of the following pairs of adjustments is required in relatio
n to the heat and power expense as at 31 October 20X4?
Correct answer
A $12,300
B $13,450
C $14,400
D $15,550
Correct answer
B $13,450
39- 2/2
A $275,690
B $278,090
C $320,690
D $302,090
40- 2/2
A $100,175
B $93,620
C $89,320
D $97,920
41- 0/2
A $6,766
B $11,034
C $6,829
D $10,971
Correct answer
A $6,766
42-At 1 July 20X5, V Co’s allowance for receivables was $48,000. At 2/2
30 June 20X6,
trade receivables amounted to $838,000. It was decided to write off $72,00
0 of these debts and adjust the specific allowance for receivables to $60,0
00. What are the final amounts for inclusion in V Co’s statement of
financial position at 30 June 20X6?
A $5,083
B $5,550
C $5,583
D $16,750
44- 2/2
A $19,300
B $20,200
C $20,800
D $20,700
45-G Co has been notified 0/2
that a customer has been declared bankrupt. G Co had previously made all
owance for this receivable. Which of the following is the correct double ent
Correct answer
A $329,750
B $593,175
C $593,250
D $614,650
47- 2/2
The sales revenue of J Co was $2 million and its receivables were 5% of sal
es. J Co wishes to have a specific allowance for receivables of $4,000, whi
ch would make the allowance one‐
third higher than the current allowance. How will the profit for the period be
affected by the change in allowance?
A $800
B $1,000
C $1,150
D $1,550
49- 2/2
An increase in the allowance for receivables results in which of the followin
C An increase in sales
D A decrease in drawings
50- 0/2
At the end of 20X7, Chester’s receivable’s balance is $230,000. He wishes t
o make specific allowance for Emily’s debt of $450 and Lulu’s debt of $980.
Irrecoverable debts of $11,429 should be written off. What amount should
be charged or credited to the statement of profit or loss in respect of
irrecoverable debts and the allowance for receivables if
the allowance at the start of the year was $11,700?
A $1,159 Dr
B $1,230 Dr
C $200 Cr
D $12,930 Dr
Correct answer
A $1,159 Dr
51-Which of the following is not a benefit of providing credit to customers? 2/2
B To ensure that credit customers regularly purchase goods from the business
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