The word “neurasthenia” is a term that has fallen into disuse among psychiatrists in the United
States and Australia. It remains in use in the United Kingdom.
Where it is used, it covers a broad spectrum of symptoms, including the sensation of pain or
numbness in various parts of the body, chronic fatigue, weakness, anxiety, and fainting.
Intense rapid heartbeats may be irregular (palpitations, tachycardia), and wet hands and feet.
Dizziness or fainting.
Neurasthenia is also known as cardiac neurosis, chronic asthenia, Da Costa syndrome, stress
syndrome, functional cardiovascular disease, soldier’s heart, and subacute asthenia.
Dizziness or fainting
Persistent and distressing symptoms of exhaustion after minor mental or physical exertion, including
a general feeling of discomfort, combined with a mixed state of arousal and depression.
They were accompanied by one or more of these symptoms: muscle aches and pains, dizziness,
tension headache, sleep disturbances, inability to relax, and irritability.
Disturbance and restlessness, not restful sleep, often with sleep problems.
It does not occur in the presence of organic mental disorders, affective disorders, panic disorders, or
generalized anxiety disorders.
The exact cause is unknown, but some other reasons responsible for NeurastheniaNeurasthenia are
factors of heredity, pressure, and high-voltage work that result in the weakness of the nervou