Newbie Guide

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[color=#000]A simple guide, for simple people! Use this to get started, and into the game of..

NFF![/color] [color=#9300C4] I. The beginning. -a. Clans/ villages. II. Character builds. III. Starting your character. -a. Jutsus. -b. Elements/ elemental jutsus. -c. Clan passives/ passives. -d. Traits. IV. Element advantages/ weaknesses. V. Macroing to your advantage. -a. How to set a macro. -b. Diagonal running/ walking. VI. Frequent questions[/color]

[color=#000][b]I. The beginning. a. Clans/ villages.[/b] When you first create a character, you'll be inquired as to which village to joi n. Each village has it's benefits and disadvantages. Along with joining a villag e, you get specific clans you can choose from in those villages. In each village , with the exception of Rock, you can only learn specific jutsus while in that v illage (some of the jutsus you can learn from scrolls even while in other villag es).[/color] [color=#090][b]Leaf clans:[/b] Aburame Akimichi Hyuuga Inuzuka Kusakin Nara[/color] [color=#80a0ff][b]Rain clans:[/b] Fuuma Hoshikage Ketsueki Shiroi Kyomou[/color] [color=#fe0][b]Rock clans:[/b] Iwazuka Sabaku Kiro[/color] [color=#9300C4][b]Sound clans:[/b] Kaguya

Uchiha Yotsuki Kumojin[/color] [color=#000]With the addition to all these clans, you also get a non-clan which you can choose from being in any of these villages (recommended for a bit more a dvanced players). The benefits to non-clans are: Advanced weaponry. Faster elemental training. Higher elemental mastery limit. (depends on your max elements) No worries on clan passives. More character customization fit for your needs.

[b]II. Character builds.[/b] For the success of any character, you must know what you want to go into! By thi s, I mean, ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu! Which will be your main focus? Or wi ll you divide them evenly? What clan is best for gen jutsu, nin, or tai!? [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] For ninjutsu, you'd want to focus on capacity. The more you put into capacity, t he more your ninjutsu will do and the higher chakra you'll start off with. If yo u plan on focusing mainly on capacity, I'd suggest you choose a clan that is mai nly ninjutsu! [b]Taijutsu:[/b] Physique, physique, physique! One of the most things you will use in this game i s most likely going to be taijutsu! Entering points into this section raises sta mina and 'strength', so to speak. If you plan on being a huge physique character , akimichi is the perfect clan for you! [b]Genjutsu:[/b] Control is what this category is all about! A good genjutsu clan is Uchiha and K yomou. The more control you have, the better your genjutsus will be and the less chakra you'll use on other jutsus as well.[/color]

[b]III. Starting your character. a. Jutsus.[/b] Now, now! Calm your horses! We all know you're in a hurry to get amazing and str ong jutsus to be able to use and show off to your friends. But, there are steps you must take to get there! When you first make a character, you'll notice that there is a skill tree tab. If you click that, there will be categories which are clan skill, weapon skill, jutsu skill, gen skill, nin skill, tai skill, and ele mental skill. All these contain information on your passives, how to train them, and you can even learn some jutsu in the jutsu skill category! To learn your fi rst jutsu, go to the jutsu skill category -> ninjutsu -> and click one of the ju tsus to find information about them, and then you decide which you wish to learn . How much experience is required to learn them, is how much of a cooldown* you will have until you can learn your next jutsu!

What? You didn't learn it? Oh- Experience?! As a beginner, you must be wondering how this works.. well.. to explain it easily, you must gain a certain amount of experience to learn a jutsu! In the beginning, this can be very frustrating and long. Fortunately, it gets easier as you age and gain experience through-out th e works of the game. To gain experience, I'd suggest using Chakra Generation or Chakra Intensity under your Stats tab, and then under Attacks. This is the faste st way to gain experience as a newbie. Later on, you can do missions to gain mon ey to buy generative scrolls (I'd suggest you buy specific elemental generative scrolls for your first element, because the scrolls raise elemental knowledge as well(keep reading to find out more information about elements!)). Although, sin ce you start off with 1,000 ryo, you can get a basic generative scroll which is located in Leaf for only 200 ryo! What a great deal!

[b]b. Elements/ elemental jutsu.[/b] After learning some basic jutsu (located under skill tree -> jutsu skill -> ninj utsu) you must be pretty eager to gain your very first element! To do this, ther e is a process though (I know, all these processes! Jeez..). First, you will nee d to use some of those basic jutsu to gain ninjutsu knowledge (stat tree -> nin skill -> the blue fire-looking icon). To begin your first element training, you will need 50 ninjutsu knowledge. Just keep using those basic jutsu! Once you've obtained that, you will need to find a way to get money. (Either kil ling, asking for it from other people, or doing missions from the mission NPC wh ich is usually located in the kage house.) You will need 8,000 ryo to buy chakra paper to find out what your first element is! (Random, but depending on the vil lage you were born in, you have high chances for specific elements. Leaf: wind/ earth. Sound: fire/ lightning. Rain: water/ lightning. Rock: wind/ earth.) Once you've found out what your first element is, find a nearby teacher of that eleme nt to begin your training! Go here to refer to which jutsu you can learn first, and later on depending on h ow much elemental knowledge of the element you have (Elemental skill -> the elem ent that you have in the top section. Do not confuse knowledge with mastery! Mas tery determines damage, not what you can learn next!) (To gain the your second e lement, you must have 1,000 element knowledge, and 200 ninjutsu knowledge. You c hoose the next element, so just talk to the teacher with the element you want.) Refer to this for genjutsu requirements (to raise genjutsu knowledge, use your g en on either NPCs or other players!)

[b]c. Clan passives/ passives.[/b] Passives are what your character run off of! Under the skill tree, in each categ ory, there are passives you will need to train to level up your character in abi lity. Once you click the passives, it will tell you how to raise them. The most important passives will most likely be your taijutsu passives, since those deter mine how fast you punch, run, and accelerate. Most of the passives are common se nse to raise. Punching speed, you just punch! Running speed, you just run! You g et the idea. Although, to raise your "focus" passive, you must run up and down a waterfall! Sounds fun, huh? Clan passives, on the other hand, are what give your specific clan it's benefits

. You'll want to focus on these FIRST before any other passive or jutsu, unless you're able to multi-task and figure out a strategy to raise multiple passives a t once (for example, running while using a jutsu or punching a log while using a jutsu, and running back and forth, etc..) You will be focusing on raising passives your whole NFF life! Fortunately, once a passive is high enough, they get easier to train.

[b]d. Traits.[/b] Each character you make has atleast ONE trait. Some, have two! The first trait e ach character has is a basic trait. These have advantages, and disadvantages. He re are some more information on traits.. [b]Genius:[/b] You gain experience on a much faster rate using generative scroll ! [b]Speedy:[/b] Your (clan?) passives raise a lot faster, and you gain around 500 experience using a generative scroll. (Fuumas get 500 experience automatically using generative scroll) [b]Tough:[/b] You have increased will power (the capability to get up) and you l earn taijutsu-based jutsus VERY quickly. [b]Powerful:[/b] Your experience will raise VERY slowly, but your jutsus will ha ve a much stronger impact. This trait is for the very patient. [b]Hardworker:[/b] I don't know much about this trait, but I do know that your e xperience gains raise while you age. To find out quickly what traits you posses, use this guide. (Also, thank you for some of the trait information, Yaku!) Now, your second trait! (if you have one, that is) These are called super-human traits. You are very lucky to be born with one of t hese. Here's more information about them: [b]Super-human taijutsu:[/b] Your physique damage and taijutsu moves are increas ed highly in damage. [b]Super-human strength:[/b] Your punches and other strength-based moves (such a s some taijutsu skills, and even elemental jutsus (boulder)) are raised highly i n damage. [b]Super-human regeneration:[/b] You regenerate your stamina and vitality at hig h rates! [b]Super-human capacity:[/b] Your ninjutsu damage will be increased! [b]Super human-control:[/b] Genjutsu will definitely be your strong-point, along with less chakra per jutsu. To identify whether or not you have one of these, will be given away in your sta ts. If one stat is way higher than you put points into, check into it! You might

have a super-human trait.

[b]IV. Elemental advantages/ weaknesses[/b] All the elements have strong points and weak points. I'll simply put it in this order: Wind > lightning Lightning > earth Earth > water Fire > water Water > earth Lightning > water Wind > fire Now, some of these elements are sub-elements. Meaning, they influence the other element. If a wind is blown onto a fire, it will spread the fire and make it str onger. If lightning is used on top of water, you will get damaged a lot more if hit by that lightning move while on the water. Earth is destroyed by lightning, and earth jutsus can get rid of water. If you have more than one element, use th ese advantages to your benefit to help you determine your next element!

[b]V. Macroing to your advantage. a. How to set a macro.[/b] This simple feature, can push you into the direction of becoming a professional NFF player! To set a macro, you press "F1" on your keyboard, go to "Client", the n "Macros." Now a pop-up will occur, and you press "New Macro." You set the key you want, and type the command under. If you would like to set the key to be pre ssed while holding down "Shift", check "shift." Same thing works if you would li ke to hold down "ALT." (Yes, you can hold down both + the key.) To set a jutsu a s a macro, you type in the command .click before the jutsu. For example, if I wo uld like to macro body flicker, I'd type in.. .click body-flicker or .click lightning-strike-armor Remember, replace spaces in jutsu names with a "-".

[b]b. Diagonal running/ walking.[/b] Woah! How is that person running diagonally! In fact, this does take some gettin g used to. To set a diagonal movement, use the below macro commands: .northeast (up-right)

.northwest (up-left) .southeast (down-right) .southwest (down-left) You might be in a dilemma and be wondering, "where the fizzle do I put these mac ros on my keyboard!?" Trust me, I was wondering the same thing! What I did, was made my diagonal macros "shift+" activated. My north east is shift + E, while my north west is shift + Q. This makes it so there is some space between the two, and the shift is right next to the keys for quick access. Also, your jutsu hotke ys are near it, too! My south east is shift + D while my south west is shift + A . See how convenient that is? This way, you can quickly switch between running d iagonally and jutsu-use, while still running north, south, west, and east using your standard arrow-pad!

[b]VI. Frequently asked questions:[/b] [color=#ee4a2d]Q: How do I raise my stats?[/color] A: There are secret ways to do so, which you must figure out on your own. And so me stats, can not be raised. [color=#ee4a2d]Q: How do I level up?[/color] A. As you can see, there is no "level:" section under your stats. There are no l evels! [color=#ee4a2d]Q: What does A. Age can be a good thing, akra and stamina). But when lose stamina, but continue age do?[/color] and a bad thing. At certain ages, you gain stats (ch you get too old, past 50 to be precise, you begin to to gain chakra!

[color=#ee4a2d]Q: When do I DIE?[/color] A. Each character has a different death-age. Be patient, and wait it out! [color=#ee4a2d]Q: What is rebirthing, and what are the benefits?[/color] A. When you die, you get to rebirth. When you rebirth, you gain more customizati on points to put into physique, capacity, and control. Along with that, the high est stat you put into, you get to keep half of some of those passives. (If you p ut 30 phys, 20 cap, and 10 con, you'll keep half of some of your taijutsu passiv es.) You also get to choose which element you start off with, and you begin with 50 ninjutsu knowledge. How convenient!

Have more questions? Need more answers!? Feel free to add me on my MSN: [b][email protected][/b]

or find me in-game!

Keep in mind, this guide is for beginners! Read this guide, to prevent asking questions and getting results like these: [IMG][/IMG]

[b]Special thanks to:[/b] Vejolta Yaku All the other guide creators and resources I used. All the people that helped me in-game and answered my questions.

If you'd like more information about a topic of the game inserted here, contact me!

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