Entropy Generation Minimisation
Entropy Generation Minimisation
Entropy Generation Minimisation
Research Paper
Keywords: This paper presents the entropy generation analysis and optimisation of typical shell-and-tube heat exchanger in
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger the preheat train of crude oil distillation unit. The implication of entropy minimisation on energy consumption
Preheat train associated with design of heat exchanger was studied. The developed optimisation model was solved by em-
Entropy generation rate ploying the firefly algorithm. A number of constraints were applied with thirteen decision variables. The ε-NTU
Firefly algorithm
method and Delaware method were used for the heat exchanger design. Four cases were considered for each of
Pumping power
two selected samples and were categorised under two studies. Total entropy generation rates for all the four
cases considered were almost the same, and the dominant irreversibility distribution is by heat transfer.
However, the sharp decrease in entropy generation due to fluid friction caused a great reduction in pumping
power in the range of 51.4–82.1% and 54.8–92.2% for the two studies, respectively. The results of sensitivity
study on the decision variables showed sharp reduction in entropy generation rate and increased pumping power
as the mass flow rate increases for all the variables. Also, the choices of the tube diameter and tube number had
greater impact on the changes in entropy generation rate and pumping power.
1. Introduction consuming systems are required to meet up with the high demand
placed on the refined products [4]. A typical preheat train for crude oil
Crude oil is one of the most exploited global energy resources and is processing consists of mostly shell-and-tube heat exchangers (STHE) in
refined into different forms of consumer products, such as fuels and series and parallel [5]. This is attributed to their robust geometry and
other petrochemical products for human use. The crude oil, which is ease of maintenance, repair and upgrade [6]. The preheat train de-
normally preheated in a network of heat exchangers, is separated into mands efficient recovery of heat through proper optimised design of
its fractions of lower hydrocarbons in refineries from the crude oil components, network and the process integration techniques [2,7].
distillation unit (CDU) [1]. It is recorded that about 5–6% of the re- Several types of research have been conducted on modelling of
finery fuel is consumed for refining purposes while nearly 50% of this is fouling characteristics and retrofitting and self-heat recuperating of the
burnt in the CDU [2]. The largest thermal energy consumption is at- heat exchanger networks to mitigate the energy loss in the preheat
tributed to fractionating crude oil as compared to other processes car- train. Although, Nasr et al. [8] proposed a model for evaluating fouling
ried out in petrochemical industries [3]. Cost-effective energy- in the crude oil preheat exchanger trains and were able to draw the
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Bello-Ochende).
Received 30 April 2018; Received in revised form 23 July 2018; Accepted 8 September 2018
Available online 11 September 2018
1359-4311/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
threshold curves for fouling and no fouling formation zones. Yeap et al. improved heat transfer but minimal destruction of useful work [18,19].
[3] also used some thermo-hydraulic fouling models to carry out ret- Therefore, the performance of any system is reliably optimised using
rofitting and determine the most efficient one for refinery preheat train. the entropy generation minimisation [20,21].
Similar study performed by Yeap et al. [9] demonstrated the use of the The entropy generation minimisation had been used by a number of
models to predict the effect of fouling on the efficiency of the preheat researchers for the optimisation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and
train over time. Survey has shown that most of the studies on fouling of some other equipment. Raja et al. [22] solved a multi-objective opti-
heat exchangers are more concentrated on refineries processing heavy misation of shell-and-tube heat exchanger involving maximisation of
crude oil [5]. Ochoa-Estopier et al. [10] applied a more accurate ret- effectiveness and minimisation of total cost, pressure drop and number
rofitting model suitable for optimising crude oil heat exchanger net- of entropy generation units. The Pareto solutions obtained for two-ob-
works. Kansha et al. [2] have also used the self-heat recuperation jective functions optimisation of effectiveness and number of entropy
method, in which the process heat is recirculated in the system without generation units varied relatively with other while that of four-objec-
adding heat to reduce the energy lost in the distillation of crude oil. tive functions were not proportionally varied.. Hajabdollahi et al. [23]
However, a more suitable global optimum solution is achieved through studied the exergetic optimisation on STHE to improve their perfor-
multi-component optimisation of design variables of a single heat ex- mance. Exergy efficiency and total cost were set as objective functions
changer [11]. This guarantees the efficient use of energy and thereby and they observed that the exergy efficiency increased with the total
reducing the cost of production of refined products [4]. investment cost. Also, they found out that the pressure drop and high
Generally, the performance optimisation of a system can be carried temperature difference between heat exchanger fluids had considerable
out using two different approaches; the first is based on the first law of effect on exergy destruction. Rao and Saroj [24] used the entropy
thermodynamics while the second method is established on both the generation method and also considered preheating of crude oil with
first and second laws. The second approach focuses more on system kerosene in one of their cases. Their work was focused more on the
energy utilization, thereby has become the designers choice to design a economic optimisation of shell-tube heat exchanger and concentration
more efficient system [11,12]. It relies on the concomitant use of the was more on the superiority of selected optimisation algorithm. Guo
principles of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, and engineering et al. [11] used the second law approach on STHE to generate di-
thermodynamics [13,14]. Such analysis has been termed the exergy mensionless entropy generation number and was set as objective
analysis, and its optimisation process is either referred as thermo- function with about five design variables. The design optimisation was
dynamic optimization, exergy destruction minimisation or entropy carried out using two case studies, one for fixed heat duty and the other
generation minimisation [14,15]. The entropy generation in a system is for fixed heat transfer area. They observed increase in the heat ex-
associated with its geometry and the thermophysical properties of the changer effectiveness with drastic reduction in pumping power at the
working fluids [16]. Its efficiency is significantly reduced with high rate same heat duty while at the same heat transfer area, the increase in
of entropy production which destroys the useful work in the system effectiveness was said to have been accompanied with higher pumping
[17]. The effectiveness of a thermal system should not only be based on power. The exergy destruction minimisation approach was used by
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
Ozcelik [25] to solve an optimization problem on STHE. The optimi- minimising the cost (running, capital, annual and investment), none of
sation design was actually on total cost in relation to the annual capital the reviewed literatures focuses on the optimisation of shell-and-heat
cost and exergy cost, which is dependent on thermal and hydraulic exchangers for crude oil refining processes. This is with the exception of
performance of the heat exchanger. For different cases considered, they few authors that took sample cases in their studies, such as Patel and
were able to obtain optimal design configurations of shell-and-tube heat Rao [26], and Rao and Saroj [24]. A large number of the literatures
exchangers. were on the economic optimisation design of shell-and-tube heat ex-
A large number of geometrical and operating variables are handled changers and the few that carried out exergetic optimisation did not
in the design optimisation of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, which are explicitly examine for the dominance of the entropy generation due to
to be carefully selected or calculated for its optimum performance heat transfer or friction and its contribution to pumping power. Placing
[21,23]. The optimisation problem could be resolved using a number of constraint on heat transfer area or shell volume could have solved is-
algorithms, depending on the optimal performance required. The con- sues of conflict reported in the review literatures on multi-objective
ventional deterministic algorithms involve long iterative steps with optimisation of exergy efficiency (or irreversibility reduction) and total
many trials based on several assumptions of the mechanical and ther- cost. Since a lower heat transfer area will ensure a heat exchanger with
mophysical properties to get reasonable heat exchanger ratings [24]. a reduced capital cost [38] and also space usage can be reduced with
The iterative methods are typically disadvantaged by the complexity smaller shell volume. A more realistic optimisation of a STHE requires a
involved and resulting oversized equipment [25]. It also time con- careful selection of the constraints (geometrical and operational) as
suming and requires much expertise [26]. In order to ensure better recommended in the design codes [28,34] and the design variables
design of STHE with optimum performance at minimal energy cost and (internal and external diameters of tube, tube layout, tube pitch ratio,
specific constraints, many optimisation techniques developed from re- tube number, number of tube-passes, baffle cut, inlet, outlet and central
search studies have been successfully applied in the design of STHE, baffle spacing, tube-baffle hole clearance, shell-to-baffle clearance, tube
and offer better solution than the conventional optimisation algorithms bundle diameter, number of sealing strips, fluid allocation and so on)
[21]. [46,47]. It was also observed from these literatures that only a few
The choice of optimisation algorithm is dependent on the specific attempted to consider higher number of the constraints and the design
goal of research, which is in form of objective functions. Different variables. Such considerations are very crucial for optimised design of
techniques had been used by researchers for different kinds of objective STHE in the crude oil preheat train, as they may negatively affect en-
functions [26]. The techniques are used in relation to carefully defined ergy consumption.
objective functions (which may be in form of efficiency, pumping Thus, this study is aimed at minimising entropy generation in ty-
power, heat transfer area, exergy loss, irreversibility, entropy genera- pical shell-and-tube heat exchanger in the crude oil preheat train,
tion, or cost associated with capital, running or total investment on the taking into consideration the design constraints and variables as being
heat exchanger), the system constraints (in form of the tube length to guided by shell-and-tube heat exchanger design standards. All the
shell diameter ratio, range baffle spacing ratio, maximum pressure earlier listed design variables will be considered as the decision vari-
drop), and design variables like the geometrical parameters of the heat ables except for the fluid allocation, in which the crude oil will be
exchanger [27,28]. placed in the tube-side. Although certain factors must be taken into
Many breakthroughs have been recorded on the use of evolutionary account while allocating the fluids in the sides of the heat exchanger
and nature-inspired algorithms for STHE design mostly based on con- [46,48], the choice of crude oil in the tubes-side is based on high
structal theory or on improved rating [24,29]. A few of the successfully fouling and corrosive tendency [49]. The ε-NTU method will be used to
used algorithms for STHE designs are genetic algorithm (GA) model the overall thermal characteristic of the STHE while the Dela-
[11,25,27,30–37], non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) ware design approach will be employed to determine the shell-side heat
[23,38], Jaya algorithm (JA) [24,39], cuckoo search algorithm (CSO) transfer coefficient and pressure drop. The resulting optimisation model
[29], gravitational search algorithm (GSA) [40], firefly algorithm (FA) will be solved by the firefly algorithm (FA) and the sensitivity analysis
[29,41], heat transfer search algorithm (HTS) [22], cohort intelligence of the objective function will be performed using the decision variables.
algorithm (CIA) [42], differential evolution (DE) [43,44], Tsallis dif- It is pertinent to note from the reviewed literatures that FA has not used
ferential evolution (TDE) [44], particle swarm optimisation (PSO) [26] to optimise STHE design from exergetic point of view but only for
and imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) [45]. economic reasons as seen in [29,41]. For similar cases to be considered,
Although, a lot of researches have been carried out on the optimi- heat exchangers will be optimised at same heat duty but at lower or
sation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers, which are either on max- equal heat surface area and shell volume to those in samples from lit-
imising efficiency, minimising heat transfer area, minimising pumping erature. The contributions of heat transfer and fluid friction will also be
power, minimising exergy destruction or entropy generation, or examined.
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
2. The firefly algorithm where the heat capacity ratio of the fluids and NTU are respectively,
given as
Firefly algorithm is a nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization
̇ p)min
algorithm, which was developed based on the flashing and behavioural C∗ =
̇ p)max
(mc (7)
patterns of fireflies by Xin-She Yang in 2008 [50–52]. The swarm in-
telligence algorithm mimics the nature of how fireflies signal with their and
flashing light to attract mates or identify predators [53]. With this
UA Uo Ao Ui Ai
nature, the stochastic algorithm randomly searches for global optimum NTU = = =
(mcp)min (mcp)min (mcp)min (8)
solutions to optimisation problems [54]. As reviewed by Fister et al.
[55] the algorithm has been further classified among other metaheur- Given the total outer heat transfer surface area, Ao from the tube
istic optimization algorithms as population-based and attracted-based outside diameter, do; length of the tubes, L; and the number of tubes, n
algorithm on the basis of the number of fireflies and their attractions in the heat exchanger as
together through their brightness. According to Fister et al. [54], Ti-
Ao = πdo Ln (9)
lahun and Ngnotchouye [56], FA has been used in almost all the en-
gineering disciplines ranging from wireless sensor networks, construc- we have
tion system reliability analysis, robotics, imaging processing, beam
design, groundwater remediation, tower structures design, truss struc- Uo = 1 do d do ln(do di ) 1
tures, antenna design, heat exchanger design and so on. hi di
+ Rf , i do + 2kt
+ Rf , o + ho (10)
where kt is the thermal conductivity of the tube, Rf,i and Rf,o are the
3. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger design formulation
inside and outside fouling resistance of the tubes, hi and ho are the tube
and shell-side heat transfer coefficients, respectively.
The shell-and-tube heat exchanger (STHE) optimal design was car-
Thus, the tube inner diameter is determined from the tube outside
ried out on an efficient and commonly used heat exchanger in the oil
diameter and thickness of the tube as
industry, the TEMA AES [57]. It has shell type E with split backing ring
floating-head (Fig. 1) [58]. Also, the baffle selected for the purpose of di = do−2tt (11)
this work is the single-segmental baffle, which is prominently used in
STHEs for its high thermal characteristics and ease of maintenance 3.1. Tube-side heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop
The sensible heat transfer rate was determined either from the The heat transfer coefficient on the tube-side is calculated from
temperature difference on the tube-side or the shell-side of a heat ex-
changer as [60] Nui ki
hi =
di (12)
q = ṁ t cp, t (Tt , in−Tt , out ) = ṁ s cp, s (Ts, in−Ts, out ) (1)
However, the tube-side Nusselt number, Nui is determined from
The effectiveness – Number of transfer units (ε-NTU) method was [61]
used to calculate the shell outlet temperature, which is the measure of
⎧ 1.86 RePr di 1 3 μ
thermal performance of a heat exchanger and it is determined from the
actual sensible heat transfer rate and the maximum possible heat ⎪ ⎡
⎣ L⎤⎦ μw ( ) Re⩽2.3 × 103
⎪ 0.14
d 2 3
transfer rate of the heat exchanger [46,47]. Hence, Nui = 0.116(Re 2 3−125) Pr 1 3 ⎡1 + Li
⎨ ⎣
⎤ μ
⎦ μw
( ) ( ) 2.3 × 103 ⩽ Re < 10 4
q ⎪
ε= 0.14
qmax (2) ⎪ 0.023Re 0.8Pr 1 3 μ
μw ( ) Re⩾10 4
The pressure drop on the tube side is estimated from [49]
̇ p)min (Th, in−Tc, in )
qmax = (mc (3) Δpt = Δpf + Δpr + Δpn, t (14)
and (ṁcp)min is the minimum heat capacity rate of either the hot or cold
where Δpf, which is the pressure drop associated with fluid friction, is
determined as
Therefore, the effectiveness of one shell-pass and two-tube passes
shell-and-tube heat exchanger (1–2 STHE), as obtained from [61] is ft Np LGt2 ⎛ μ ⎞ ⎧ ft = 64 Re m = 0.25 Re < 2300
determined as Δpf = ⎜ ⎟
−0.2585 m = 0.14
2000di s ⎝ μ w ⎠ ⎨
⎩ ft = 0.4137Re Re⩾2300
2 (15)
(1 + C ∗) + (1 + C ∗2)1 2coth ( NTU
(1 + C ∗)1 2
) (4) The pressure drop due to minor losses, Δpr is estimated from
while that of one shell-pass and four-tube passes (1–4 STHE) for fluid Δpr = 5.0 × 10−4αr Gt2 s (16)
mixed (TEMA E) when fluid with minimum heat capacity is on the tube
side is estimated from Given the expression for number of velocity heads, αr allocated for
minor losses to be
ε= 3.25Np−1.5 Re⩾2300
2(1 + C ∗) + (1 +
4C ∗2)1 2coth 4 (1 ( + 4C ∗)1 2
) + tanh ( )
4 αr = ⎧
⎩ 2Np−1.5
⎨ 500 ⩽ Re < 2300 (17)
And the pressure drop in the nozzles, Δpn is given as
The equivalent equation for fluid with minimum heat capacity on
the shell-side is −3 2
⎧1.5 × 10 Ns Gn, t sgt 100 ⩽ Ren, t < 2300
Δpn, t =
4 ⎨ 7.5 × 10−4Ns Gn2, t sgt Ren, t ⩾ 2300 (18)
ε= ⎩
2(1 + C ∗) + (1 +
4C ∗2)1 2coth 4 (1 ( + 4C ∗)1 2
) + C tanh (
4 ) From Eqs. (15)–(18), Np is the number of tube-side passes, Ns is the
(6) number of series connection of shells, Gt represents the mass velocity
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
while s is the specific gravity of fluid. The expressions for the correction factors for the shell-side heat
transfer coefficient are:
3.2. Shell-side heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop Jc = 0.55 + 0.72Fc (30)
The Delaware method is adopted for calculating the shell-side heat Jl = 0.44(1−rs ) + [1−0.44(1−rs )] exp(−2.2rl ) (31)
transfer coefficient and pressure drop across the shell-and-tube heat
exchanger. It is has been widely used and considered to be a more exp[−Cj (Sb Sm )(1− 3 2rss )] rss < 0.5
Jb = ⎧
accurate method in the open literature [46,47]. Although, there are ⎨
⎩ 1.0 rss ⩾ 0.5 (32)
many versions, the method presented here is based on modifications
given by Taborek [46,62]. (nb−1) + (Bin B )(1 − n1)
+ (Bout B )(1 − n1 )
Js =
The shell-side heat transfer is calculated from (nb−1) + (Bin B ) + (Bout B ) (33)
ho = ho, id Jc Jl Jb Jr Js (19) and
where hid is the ideal tube bank heat transfer coefficient, Jc, Jl, Jb, Jr and (10 Nct )0.18 Re⩽20
Jr = ⎧
Js stand for the correction factors for baffle window flow, baffle ⎨ 1.0 Re⩾100 (34)
leakage, bundle bypass, laminar flow and unequal baffle spacing, re-
spectively. while Jr for 20 < Re < 100 is calculated from linear interpolation
To determine the ideal tube bank heat transfer coefficient, we have between the range given in Eq. (34) and in this study, the two end baffle
spacings, Bin and Bout are equal.
μ The end baffle spacings are related to the central baffle spacing, B
ho, id = jcp, s Gs Pr −2 3 ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
⎝ w⎠ (20) using the following relation
In the Eq. (20), the heat transfer factor, j was estimated from Bin = rBS B (35)
1.33 ⎞ a2
a Also, the central baffle spacing is determined from the tube length
j = a1 ⎛⎜ ⎟ Re as
⎝ pt do ⎠ (21)
and B=
2rBS + Ncs (36)
a= where rBS is the ratio of the end baffle spacing to the central baffle
1 + 0.14Rea4 (22)
spacing and Ncs is the number of the central baffle spacings
The constants a1, a2, a3 and a4 were looked up in a table given in The pressure drop across the shell-side as obtained from [62] is
[49] for each tube layout and Reynolds number regime. estimated as
Also, the maximum shell-side cross-flow mass velocity, Gs is given as
Δps = Δpc + Δpw + Δpe + Δpn, s (37)
Gs = s
Sm (23) The four terms in Eq. (37) are components of pressure drop in pure
cross-flow at central baffle spacings, baffle windows, end zones and
where Sm is the cross-flow area and is calculated as shell nozzles, respectively.
where each of the terms is expressed as
⎡ D −d ⎤
Sm = B ⎢ (Ds −Dotl ) + otl o (pt −do) ⎥
pt , eff (24) Δpc = (nb−1)Δpid Rl Rb (38)
⎣ ⎦
The shell diameter is obtained from Δpw = nb Δpw, id Rl (39)
Dotl + 25.44
Ds = N
0.98292 (25) Δpe = 2Δpid ⎛1 + cw ⎞ Rb Rs
⎜ ⎟
⎝ Nc ⎠ (40)
However, Eq. (26) was derived from curved-fitted equation for the
clearance between the tube bundle and shell diameter for split backing and
ring floating-head shell-type from Taborek [62], given as −3 2
⎧ 1.5 × 10 Ns Gn, s sgs 100 ⩽ Ren, s < 2300
Δpn, s =
δsbu = 0.01708Ds + 25.44 (26) ⎨ 7.5 × 10−4Ns Gn2, s sgs Ren, s ⩾ 2300
⎩ (41)
and its relationship with the outer tube limit diameter, Dotl, that is
From these equations, the ideal pressure drop over a tube bank and
δsbu = Ds −Dotl (27) the ideal pressure drop in one baffle window are given, respectively as
Also the expression for the outer tube limit diameter, Dotl, was 2fs Nc G 2 ⎛ μ ⎞
adopted from [30] after careful layout sketches of various equations for Δpid = ⎜ ⎟
ρs ⎝ μw ⎠ (42)
tube layout to match the size of tube bundle as
CL ⎞
Dotl = 0.637pt πn ⎛
⎝ CTP ⎠ (28) ⎧ 26μṁ s ⎡ Ncw + B ⎤ + ṁ s2
⎪ ρ Sm Sw ⎣ pt − do 2 ρs Sm Sw
Res ⩾ 100
Dw ⎦
Here, CL is the constant for tube layout, which is 1 for 45° and 90° Δpw, id = s
⎨ (2 + 0.6Ncw ) ṁ s2
layouts and 0.8667 for 30° layout. The CTP is the constant for tube ⎪ Res < 100
⎩ 2ρs Sm Sw (43)
count, and for this study it is given as 0.90 and 0.77 for two-tube and
four-tube passes, respectively. The friction factor, fs in Eq. (42) was calculated from
The effective tube pitch diameter, pt,eff is b
1.33 ⎞ b2
pt 30∘, 90∘ fs = b1 ⎜⎛ ⎟ Re
pt , eff = ⎧ ⎝ pt do ⎠ (44)
⎩ pt 2 45∘ (29)
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
̇ = Xin
Wrev ̇ −Ẋout (48) 4. Objective function and constraints
Expanding Eq. (48) for a steady energy flow, while assuming that
the exergy contributions from kinetic and potential energy are negli- In this study, the minimisation of entropy generation rate is taken as
gible [63], we have the objective function, as it gives better idea of the energy utilisation
and reliable optimised performance of a system [12,20]. Therefore, we
̇ = ⎛1− Te ⎞ Q∗ + ṁ [Hin−Hout −Te (sin−sout )]
Wrev have
⎝ T∗ ⎠ (49)
Min f (x ) = Sġ (59)
The first term in Eq. (49) becomes zero since there is no source of
heat within the heat exchanger and neither were any heat interaction In order to have a more realistic design of the shell-and-tube heat
with its environment. Thus for an adiabatic flow from the first law of exchanger, a number of constraints were put into consideration and are
thermodynamics, the bulk enthalpy, H of the stream is constant along generally group into two in this work, which are geometrical and op-
the stream [15]. Thus, the equation can be rewritten for single-phase erational constraints. The geometrical constraints are set in relation to
flow process as the geometry of the heat exchanger. The constraints as obtained from
[48,62] indicate that the tube length to shell-diameter ratio must be
̇ = mc
Wrev ̇ e c pe ln out
̇ p, e (Tin−Tout )−mT between 5 and 10, the central baffle spacing to shell diameter ratio is
Tin (50)
within 0.2 and 0.6, while the maximum unsupported span in baffle
From Eqs. (43)–(46), the net work transfer rate, which is also the window must not be more than the addition of end baffle spacing and
exergy due to irreversibility, is then given as central baffle spacing. Thus, merging and rearranging these conditions,
the geometry constraints function developed for this study are as fol-
̇ = mc
Wnet ̇ e c pe ln out −Ẋ
̇ p, e (Tin−Tout )−mT lows
Tin (51)
g1 (x ) = 5−L Ds ⩽ 0 (60)
Since the exergy loss due to irreversibility is directly proportional to
the entropy generated in the flow process [11,63], the last term in Eq. g2 (x ) = L Ds −10 ⩽ 0 (61)
(51) is further expressed as
g3 (x ) = 0.4−(B + Bin ) Ds ⩽ 0 (62)
Ẋ = Te Sġ (52)
g4 (x ) = (B + Bin ) Ds −1.2 ⩽ 0 (63)
Therefore, once the entropy generation in the system is minimized,
the exergy loss is also reduced. The operational constraints are working conditions of the heat ex-
Irreversibility in a heat exchanger is caused by the finite tempera- changer. The recommended values as given by Sinnott [48] and Mu-
ture difference and the frictional pressure drop of the stream between kherjee [58] for the maximum velocities are 2 m/s and 1 m/s for the
its inlet and outlet [64–66]. Thus, the entropy generation rate due to tube- and shell-sides, respectively. The corresponding maximum per-
the irreversibility from heat transfer and fluid friction within the heat missible pressure drops are 70 KN/m2 and 35 KN/m2. Therefore, the
exchanger is described as [12,67] operational constraints are written as
The entropy generation rate caused by the heat transfer is [11] g6 (x ) = us−us,max ⩽ 0 (65)
Tout g7 (x ) = Δpt −Δpt ,max ⩽ 0
Sġ , h = mc
̇ p ln (66)
Tin (54)
g8 (x ) = Δps −Δps,max ⩽ 0 (67)
For the hot and cold streams,
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
Other constraints for specific cases were consecutively added by parameter, α0 = 0.5.
setting heat transfer area and shell volume of the samples from litera- The convergence of the solution was increased by reducing the
ture as critical values. As applied to each case, the added constraint is randomness parameter at every generation from its initial value using
this expression:
g9 (x ) = Ao −Ao, critical ⩽ 0 (68)
αi = αi − 1 θ (1 NG ) i = 1, 2, 3, ....NG (75)
g9 (x ) = Vs−Vs, critical ⩽ 0 where NG the maximum number of generation and θ is the ran-
domness reduction constant, which was taken as 10−4/0.9.
Adding the constraints into the objective function using the penalty
method [50]. Eq. (59) is rewritten as 6. Structure of the optimisation process
Min f (x ) = Sġ + c ∑ Ii (gi (x )) gi2 (x ) The entropy generation optimisation model for shell-and-tube heat
i−1 (70) exchanger was solved using the procedure for firefly algorithm and was
where the penalty constant, c = 1015, N is the number of constraints written in MATLAB code. The flowchart for the programming proce-
and the index function Ii(gi(x)) is 0 and 1 within and outside each dure is as depicted in Fig. 2. In this work, the effect of nozzle pressure
constraint, respectively. drop and the viscosity correction factor on the tube- and shell-sides
As presented in Table 1, a number of decision variables, containing were considered to be negligible.
9 discrete and 4 continuous, were carefully selected for realistic design As indicated in Table 2, the design specifications of shell-and-tube
of heat exchanger with minimised the entropy generation rate suitable heat exchangers were obtained as samples from literature; the first
for crude oil preheat train. The choice of the variables was as guided by (Sample 1) was selected from Serth and Lestina [49], while the second
the heat exchanger design codes[48,49,62]. The tube diameter and (Sample 2) was taken from Sinnott [48]. Some design variables (rss, Ncs,
thickness were selected for heat exchanger tubes ranging from BWG 10 rBS, δsb, and δtb) were adopted from sample 1 to complement the vari-
to 18 [62,70]. ables in Sample 2, because the Kern method used for Sample 2 does not
account for these variables [48]. The heat exchanger was optimised at
5. Implementation of firefly algorithm the same heat duty with each sample, and the heat transfer surface area
and shell volume were set as critical values. Thus, the optimisation
The light intensity of each firefly was taken as the entropy genera- process was categorised into two studies and each was subjected to the
tion rate obtained from the random selection of multiple of decision following cases:
variables. Population size of 150 fireflies was considered for a max-
imum number of 50 generations, which is the maximum number of Case 1: heat transfer surface area not more than the critical value.
iterations. The fireflies are ranked in each loop and the firefly with the Case 2: shell volume not more than the critical value.
minimum entropy generation rate has the highest light intensity. The Case 3: heat transfer surface area not more than the critical value
less bright fireflies within the same generation are subsequently at- with unknown shell outlet temperature.
tracted to the brighter or more attractive ones to generate newer po- Case 4: shell volume not more than the critical value with unknown
pulation of swarm of fireflies with the brighter firefly. This is repeated shell outlet temperature.
until the maximum generation is attained [50,56,71].
The attractiveness of a brighter firefly in relation to another firefly 7. Results and discussion
at a distance, r is given by
7.1. Model validation
β = β0 e−γr (71)
The Cartesian distance between two fireflies i and j at positions xi In order to validate the MATLAB code, the preliminary outputs and
and xj, is given as its corresponding values for the same input data from Serth and Lestina
[49] (Sample 1) were compared and are presented in Table 3. It can be
d seen that the differences in the corresponding output data are within
rij = x i−x j = ∑k =1 (xi,k −xj,k )2 (72) acceptable limits; therefore, the developed code was used with all
In Eq. (72), the positions xi and xj are two parameters in the range of
any of the decision variables and d is the dimension of the decision Table 1
variables, which are 13. The range of parameters for the decision variables of the shell-and-tube heat
Thus, a firefly i is moved towards a more attractive firefly j by exchanger.
changing the position xi of any component k using Decision variables Range Increment
x i = x i + ((β0 −0.2) e−γrij + 0.2)(x j−x i ) + α (rd−0.5) (73) Tube outside diameter, do 19.050, 22.225, 25.4 and 28.575 –
The movement for the discrete variables was determined from Tube thickness, tt (mm) 1.245, 1.651, 1.829, 2.108, 2.413, –
2.769, 3.048 and 3.403
x i = round (x i + ((β0−0.2) e + 0.2)(x j−x i )) (74) Tube layout 30°, 45°, and 90° –
Pitch ratio, PR 1.25–2.00 0.05
However, before determining the new position, xi for each of the 9 Number of tubes, n 50–550 1
components of the discrete variables, all parameters within each com- Number of tube passes, Ntp 2 and 4 –
Tube rows for sealing strip 4–10 1
ponent were assigned integer values; value of 1 was allocated to the
pair, rss
smallest parameter and maximum dimension of the component to the Baffle cut, BC 15–35° 1
highest parameter. After the movement, the new xi values were re- Central spacing number, Ncs 30–70 1
allocated back to corresponding parameters within the component. Tube Length, L (mm) 3000–8000 –
From Eqs. (71)–(74), β0 represents the attractiveness at r = 0, γ is a End baffle to central baffle 1.0–1.3 –
spacing ratio, rBS
fixed light absorption coefficient, α is the randomisation parameter and
Shell-to-baffle clearance, δsb 0.005Ds -0.01Ds –
rd is a random number between 0 and 1. Based on the practical range of Tube-baffle hole clearance, δtb 0.01do -0.04do –
values in Yang [50], β0 = 1.0, γ = 1.0 and the initial randomization
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
Ts,out= Ts,in and s= s,0
Update new
Update new positions
Ts,out, and s
Perform heat
No exchanger design Move the less
attractive to new
Determine new (parameters)
|Ts,out(i+1)-Ts,out (i 1 Ts,out, s and qs
|qt-qs 2
Stop Get optimal result
Fig. 2. The flowchart of the optimisation of shell-and-tube heat exchanger (Cases 3 and 4).
Table 2 fluid friction entropy generation rates. The reductions in entropy gen-
The thermophysical properties of shell-and-tube heat exchanger. eration due to fluid friction are in the range of 51.4–82.1% for Study 1
Process parameters Sample 1 Sample 2
and 54.8–92.2% for Study 2. Whereas, the corresponding ranges ob-
served for the heat transfer entropy generation rate are 0.0–1.5% and
Tube-side Shell-side Tube-side Shell-side 0.0–3.4%. The heat transfer entropy generation rates for Cases 1 and 2
Crude Oil Kerosene Crude Oil Kerosene were the same as the values obtained for samples. This can actually be
(32° API) (48° API) (34° API) (42° API)
ascribed to the constant stream temperatures and mass flow rates for
Flow rate (kg/s) 18.90 5.67 19.44 5.56 the first two cases.
Inlet temperature (°C) 37.8 198.9 40.0 200.0 However, the very little reduction observed in the entropy genera-
Outlet temperature (°C) 65.9 121.1 78.0 90.0 tion rate from the optimisation process has significant effect on the on
Density (kg/m3) 849.1 784.2 820.0 730.0
the pumping power. As it can be seen from Tables 6 and 7, the re-
Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 0.1333 0.1367 0.1340 0.1320
Specific heat capacity (J/kg K) 2051.5 2470.2 2050.0 2470.0 ductions in pumping power are in the range of 51.2–81.1% for Study 1
Viscosity (Pa s) 0.00359 0.00040 0.00320 0.00043 and 50.5–92.1% for Study 2. This would by implication reduce the
Fouling resistance (m2 K/W) 0.00053 0.00035 0.00035 0.00020 pumping or running costs of the heat exchangers at the same rates.
Thermal conductivity of tube, 45.006 45 Therefore, the total investment will be greatly reduced with the re-
plain carbon steel (W/m K)
Heat duty (kW) 1089.5 1509.4
duction in the capital cost associated with the heat transfer surface area
and shell volume. Further observation of the characteristics of the heat
exchangers in Tables 6 and 7 shows that those cases (Cases 2 and 4)
subjected to critical shell volume produced heat exchangers with re-
confidence for the heat exchanger optimisation. duced heat transfer surface area than their corresponding cases (Cases 1
and 3). Thus by implication capital cost of a shell-and-tube heat ex-
7.2. Optimisation results changer could be much reduced by designing for smaller shell volume
The optimal design parameters from the pool of the decision vari-
ables for each of the cases are as tabulated against the each of the Table 3
samples in Tables 4 and 5. Also, their corresponding optimum heat The validation results.
exchanger characteristics are as shown in Tables 6 and 7. It can be Output Data Ref. [49] Present Study Difference (%)
observed from the two studies that the reductions in entropy generation
rates as compared with the samples are very small. Moreover, the ir- Ao 42.18 42.22 0.095
reversibility distribution is dominated by heat transfer. There were Δpt (Pa) 65431.25 65424.13 0.011
Δps (Pa) 7653.18 7532.29 1.580
comparatively little changes in the heat transfer entropy generation
hi (W/m2K) 885.77 888.00 −0.252
rates as against entropy generation rates due to fluid friction. This in- ho (W/m2K) 889.17 889.89 −0.081
dicates that the geometrical design variables contributes more to the
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
Table 4
The optimal design parameters (Study 1).
Study 1 do (mm) tt (mm) Layout (°) PR n Ntp rss BC (%) Ncs L (mm) rBS δsb (1/Ds) δtb (1/do)
Table 5
The optimal design parameters (Study 2).
Study 2 do (mm) tt (mm) Layout (°) PR n Ntp rss BC (%) Ncs L (mm) rBS δsb (1/Ds) δtb (1/do)
Table 6
The optimum heat exchanger characteristics (Study 1).
Study 1 ṁs (kg/s) Ts,out (°C) Ao (m2) Vs (m3) Δpt (Pa) Δps (Pa) P (W) ε Ṡgen,f (W/K) Ṡgen,h (W/K) Be Ṡgen (W/K)
Sample 1 5.67 121.1 42.22 0.8004 65,424 7532 1888 0.483 4.7987 5878 0.9992 5882
Case 1 5.67 121.1 38.95 1.0247 12,325 2305 364 0.483 0.9176 5878 0.9998 5879
Case 2 5.67 121.1 33.58 0.5996 10,334 7647 357 0.483 0.8569 5878 0.9999 5879
Case 3 9.34 151.6 36.28 0.9528 10,517 5366 372 0.293 0.8882 5789 0.9998 5790
Case 4 7.77 142.1 28.51 0.7961 31,562 3377 920 0.353 2.3302 5816 0.9996 5819
Table 7
The optimum heat exchanger characteristics (Study 2).
Study 2 ṁs (kg/s) Ts,out (°C) Ao (m2) Vs (m3) Δpt (Pa) Δps (Pa) P (W) ε Ṡgen,f (W/K) Ṡgen,h (W/K) Be Ṡgen (W/K)
Sample 2 5.56 90.0 107.73 1.3041 62,802 72,270 1930 0.688 4.8718 8196 0.9994 8201
Case 1 5.56 90.0 84.22 2.1615 4850 845 152 0.688 0.3808 8196 0.9999 8197
Case 2 5.56 90.0 61.53 0.8149 7364 3773 254 0.688 0.6183 8196 0.9999 8197
Case 3 10.68 145.3 60.12 2.4430 11,116 980 348 0.342 0.8729 7967 0.9999 7968
Case 4 13.49 157.1 35.02 0.9154 23,002 11,421 955 0.268 2.2035 7921 0.9997 7923
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
diameter. There is very little difference in entropy generated at the rate could not be seen from the figures and appear to be insignificant.
same mass flow rate as the tube thickness varies in Fig. 4b. The However, the changes in the pumping power could be attributed to the
pumping power increases with increase in tube thickness, however, the small changes in the entropy generation rate due to fluid friction. The
effect of change in thickness on pumping power was not as pronounced effects of variation of these variables on pumping power are sig-
as that of tube diameter. Similar trends as the effect of the tube thick- nificantly less pronounced than those of tube diameter and tuber
ness were observed for the tube layout and pitch ratio in Fig. 4c and d. number. In this category, the pumping power seems to be more sensi-
But the pumping power increases with decrease in tube layout and pitch tive on the choice of central baffle spacing number and increases ra-
ratio for the same mass flow rate. pidly with the mass flow rate (Fig. 5c) while the selections of tube row
Fig. 4e shows the contribution of change in tube number to the per sealing strip (Fig. 5a) and end baffle to central baffle spacing ratio
entropy generation rate and this could be seen to have serious effect on (Fig. 5e) do not have significant effect on the pumping power except for
the pumping power in similar way to the tube diameter. The lower tube the quick rise in pumping power as the flow rate increases. As clearly
number generates more entropy and demands higher pumping power indicated in these figures, the pumping power increases with increase in
than the higher tube number. Although keeping all other variables tube passes (Fig. 4f), number central baffle spacing (Fig. 5c) and tube
constant, smaller tube number may produce smaller heat exchanger but length (Fig. 5d). Increase in pumping power could also be seeing from
the present result shows higher pumping power from smaller tube decrease in baffle cut (Fig. 5b), tube row per sealing strip (Fig. 5a), end
number. From Figs. 4f and 5a–g, the changes in entropy generation baffle to central baffle spacing ratio (Fig. 5e), shell-to-baffle clearance
rates from the variations of the decision variables at the same mass flow (Fig. 5f) and tube-baffle hole clearance (Fig. 5g).
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
(e) end baffle to central baffle spacing ratio (f) shell-to-baffle clearance
M.O. Petinrin et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 145 (2018) 264–276
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