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Mobile Legends ML Impact On The Academic Performance and Behavior of Male Students in All Grade Level

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“Mobile Legends (ML): Impact on the Academic

Performance of Grade 10 Male Students of Cirilo Roy

Montejo National High School”

In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

English (Research)

Prepared by:

Group 1

Ibanez, Micah Joy T.

Hutamares, Angel B.

Bertos, Trisha S.

Pepe, Johnan Reesh D.

Villamor, Romeo Alfred A.

Apole, Joy Mae Ann G.

Nacilla, Jorelyn P.

Omandam, Louise Andre P.

Raagas, Mary Atasha Shen R.

Cañete, Jessa Mae C.

May 2022


Background of the Study

The Internet is an extremely important new technology, and it is no surprise

that it has received so much attention from people of any age group (Porter, 2001).
The Internet has simplified life in every aspect - from keeping people connected, to
storing data, making information available, and creating productive work in schools,
offices, and even at home (Stansberry et al., 2021). According to Spreeder (2014), the
internet plays an important role in recharging, keeping, and coping with a constantly
evolving world that's becoming more and more tech-driven.

Despite the fact that internet access nowadays is a basic human necessity, its
influential effects on youth are undeniably questionable (Reglitz, 2020). In his blog,
Rock (2009) emphasizes that all these technologies are very good at distracting
people. As of January 2021, according to the Statista website, 4.66 billion people (5 or
5% of the global population) use the Internet for a huge variety of functions and one
of these is video games (Johnson, 2019).

An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played

through the Internet or any other computer network available (Wikipedia, 2022). In
recent years, online gaming has become popular, particularly among teenagers (New
Port Academy, 2022). In line with the online game's development is the rise of Mobile
Legends that's still the undisputed most popular online game as of September 2021
with a monthly average of 80 million players, and more than 90% are males (Wong,
2021). Mobile Legends is created by China developer Moontoon Technology. It is a
game designed which is only for phones. This game has two opposing teams to defend
so as not to take over the opponent (Banerje, 2021).

The 2018 Digital Australian snapshot highlights just how popular online
gaming such as Mobile Legends is as a pastime for children, teenagers, and students.
Online gaming is a good way of recreation, according to Scott (2020) that playing
online games have so many good reasons as it offers fun, relaxation, enjoyment, and
can be a great stress reliever after a long day at work or escape from everyday
activities into some virtual world for some time. According to Kuss and Griffiths
(2012) that teens who play online games are just having fun. They do not just actually
play because of some sort of seriousness, but also because they just want to feel relief
due to a load of work or they find playing therapeutic. The Community's Independent
Voice (2022) claims that online games' concentration shapes your brain by enhancing
the development of interpersonal and cognitive skills. Children who play online
games sharpen their skills through the game and the chances are high for them to be
psychologically and mentally active, and to be alert and strategic.

Video gaming is known to have some benefits to students such as improving

focus, multitasking, working memory, and unexpected learning take place, but it may
also come with costs when is used heavily. By spending a predominant part of the day
gaming, excessive video gamers especially students are at risk of showing lower
educational and career attainment, problems with peers, and lower social skills
(Mihara and Higuchi, 2017).

According to Nordby et al. (2019), video games are related to procrastination,

and students are being distracted at school because of their ability to offer instant
gratification and feedback, while at the time offering distractions to students from less
tempting and rewarding tasks, resulting in the attention of the child be divided and
their entire academic performance be affected.

The research conducted by Anderson and Rainie (2012) in psychology has

found that increased time spent on the Internet can lead to a negative impact on a
person's ability to communicate appropriately face-to-face with friends, peers, and
family members including parents. There seem to be sex and age differences with
regard to video gaming's impact on performance and behavior: potentially problematic
video gaming was found to be more likely among males than females (Greenberg et
al., 2010; Estévez et al., 2017); and among younger or teenagers (Rehbein et al.,

Just like in other schools, in Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School
engaging and playing online games is dominant and nonstop. Mobile Legends is one
of the online games that is highly played by most and currently enrolled students,
especially males. It can be said that Mobile Legends is an online game that these
students are currently hooked to. We observed that as Mobile Legends continue to
invade students' time and attention, it gives rise to students forgetting their
responsibilities in school and not getting aware of their performance. Thus, the
researchers felt the need to determine the impacts and implications of online games
specifically the Mobile Legends on male students' academic performance in grade 10
levels. Therefore, this study is characterized as constructive research that aims to
develop solutions to the existing problem. This study can provide possible solutions
and recommendations to at least slow down the negative effects of this online game if
proven really killing to the good performance of these students at school.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the impacts of playing Mobile Legends on

Grade 10 players in Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School.

More specifically, the researchers sought to find out the answers to the following
1. How many sessions does a player from a specific Grade Level spend on
playing Mobile Legends in terms of the average time span of playing this
game per day?
2. What are the positive and negative impacts of playing Mobile Legends both
academically and behaviorally?

Significance of the Study

This study aspires to inquire about the effect of mobile legend on Grade-10
students' performance academically. This study is deemed beneficial and significant
to a certain group of individuals. The group of individuals that will benefit from this
study is listed below:

The School. As part of the things that consume the students’ time and affect their
academic performance and behavior, this study can help to improve the strategies,
rules, and orders to the teachers to suggest the best option for the student's learning to
be more convenient and concise.
The Teachers. This study can help the teachers to be more aware of the student’s
behavior toward their academic performance and to have a higher understanding and
enhance their relationships with the students.

The Parents. Being one of the student’s mental and emotional support systems, this
study can help them comprehend what their children going through and recognize
when they need to interfere with their children’s decisions and bad hobbies.
The Students. This study can help the students to balance their time on playing the
Mobile Legends and be more responsible in time management and be aware of their
emotions and behavior.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as a useful reference for further studies
about online games and Mobile Legends, anywhere in the region.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of this study is to know how playing Mobile Legends impacts
students' performance academically. This study also aims to compare the negative and
positive impacts of playing Mobile Legends in grade levels. This may help those who
want to deepen their understanding of how Mobile Legends affect students. This study
focuses on male students only and is not intended to prove that Mobile Legends
impact female student players.

Furthermore, the respondents are limited only to male students who are aged
from 15-18 years old and respondents from other age groups are excluded such as
people aging below 14 or 19 up and other people part of the society like teachers
except for students only. Proper gathering of data will be performed within the Cirilo
Roy Montejo National High School located at Brgy. 6500, T. Claudio Street,
Tacloban City through a survey (google form) using the online platform, Facebook.

Most importantly, the timeframe of the collection of data will last for one (1)
week and will not exceed seven days. Additionally, since the subject of the study is
male students from grade 10 level, 60 population of male students are selected from
various sections.
This research will use both qualitative and quantitative research design or
mixed-method research also known as MMR. The article authored by Shorten and
Smith (2017), highlights that mixed-method is a research approach whereby
researchers collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data within the same
study. In the mixed-method approach, we will combine both elements of qualitative
research and quantitative research to answer our research questions. In short, we'll
gather data using this method through online surveys, and purposive sampling.

Definition of Terms
To better understand the study, the following terms are operationally defined:

Internet – the large system of connected computers around the world that allows
people to share information and communicate with each other.
Online gaming – describes any video game that offers online interactions with other
Mobile Legends – a mobile multiplayer online battle arena game. It is highly ranked
in several countries and the most popular app in Google Play with more than 100
million installs.
Mootoon – is an Android Developer that has been active since 2016 and has one
(Mobile Legends:BangBang) in Google Play.


This chapter includes a review of related literature and a review of related

studies. This part of the research presents the disintegrated summarization of different
works from authors and other reference materials that has relevance to the study. The
researchers were able to discover that there are numerous before which are related to
what is being presented.

Many studies have been conducted to examine how academic performance is

related to young people’s internet use. Previous studies find that the internet has
produced mixed results (Jackson et al., 2007; Roschelle et al., 2000). On the other
hand, many negative impacts are listed, such as most non-school hours are spent on
the internet or playing online games, not keeping up with assignments, missing
classes, falling asleep in school, declining grades, failing a course, missing a social
engagement, and dropping out of other social group such as clubs or sports (Huang et
al., 2009; Kim et al., 2009; Orzack, 2003). Research on the relationship between
internet use and the ability to focus attention showed that amount of time spent using
the internet by young people was significantly related to higher ratings of
distractibility for academic tasks (Levine et al., 2007).

Dumrique Castillo (2018) conducted a study to assess and find out the impact
of online gaming on the academic performance and social behavior of the students in
the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Laboratory High School, sought
answers on the significant relationship between playing online games and academic
performance, and to the social behavior of the students. The study results with the
respondents have a good academic performance despite their involvement in playing
online games. This can be interpreted as a trade-off when playing computer games. If
the student decides not to play, then there will be no deduction in the grades.
Excessive internet use also caused deficient self-regulation (LaRose et al., 2003), and
poor performance at school (Clark et al., 2004). According to their findings, Chou
and Hsiao
(2000) report that Taiwanese students might develop some academic problems, such
as dropping out or losing learning interest in school, owing to excessive use of the

The present study “The effects of internet gaming and social media use on
physical activity, sleep, quality of life, and academic performance among university
students in Hong Kong: A preliminary study” suggested that internet gaming was
negatively correlated with physical activity and psychological QoL; smartphone
addiction was negatively correlated to sleep and academic performance; physical
activity was positively correlated to psychological (Leung PY et al., 2021).

In the article of Sadar Zahra and Sadaf Ahsan (2020) entitled “Internet
Gaming, Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Distress,and Academic Performance
Among University Students” creates awareness among researchers, educational
psychologists, and parents that excessive internet gaming increases psychological
distress and is negatively related to emotional intelligence among university
students. Thus, it is highly recommended that universities and education institutions
must educate their students regarding the harmful consequences of
excessive internet gaming. In addition, students must be provided with on campus
and community counseling centers to detect early warning signs related to
problematic internet gaming.

The researcher Penamora (2021) conducted a study describing and revealing

the experiences of the two junior high school students, who were habitual mobile
legend gamers, and the impact of their addiction to learning module accomplishment
and submission. The researcher utilized judgmental sampling technique in this study
which qualified the two participants among many of those who met the requirements
because of the significant changes on their academic performance relevant to
excessive playing of Mobile Legends. The revealed stories of the two cases shed
light on the realities that students went through difficulties in accomplishing their
learning modules due to the effect of Covid 19 which resulted them to get involved
and soon be addicted to playing Mobile Legends.

The entire review helped us researchers to gain an understanding of the existing

research and debated relevant to a particular topic or area of study. It helps us to
identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication and give credit to other
researchers. We were able to identify inconstancies such as gaps in research conflicts
in previous studies, and open questions left from another research. In short, it helps
us understand our topic better because it may clarify a vague about our problem. It
also guides us in making comparisons between our findings with the finding of other
related studies. So, it is necessary that the related materials should have true value.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of
research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that
explains why the research problem under the study exists. Therefore, the theoretical
framework for a study should incorporate all of the necessary knowledge

The study relates on Gamified Learning Theory. This theory implies that
gamification does not affect learning directly but stimulates a learning-related
behavior in a mediating or moderating process. A learner-related behavior can, to
some extent, be predicted based on the way learners tend to perceive, understand and
utilize information, Zaric, N., Roepke, R., Lukarov, V., & Schroeder, U. (2021).
Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA is a well-established general theory of human
behavior in social psychology (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975; Ajzen & Fishbein 1980).
According to the theory, the most important predictor of an individual's behavior is
his or her intention of performing the behavior, and the behavioral intention is
determined by the individual’s attitude toward the behavior and the individual’s
subjective norms. If the individual believes that the outcome of the behavior will be
beneficial, the individual is then more likely to perform or intend to perform the
behavior [Sheppard et al. 1988]. TRA as our theoretical foundation for the reason it
is a well-established theory of human behavior and has been successfully applied in
studying online consumer behavior [Hansen et al. 2004; Njite & Parsa 2005].

The theories connect to the study as the study “Mobile legend: impact on
academic performance” relates to the gamified learning theory of how gaming affects
the way of learning of an individual may it negative or positive impact. In addition to
that is also the Theory of Action as the study included the impact of the mobile
legend a kind of online game to how students interact with their classmates and
teachers at school that may be related to how they perform academically.



Research Design

The main purpose of this study is to know the impact of playing Mobile
Legends on male students at 10th level in their academic performance and behavior.
This study will use the explanatory sequential research design under the mixed-
method approach since the questions contain both qualitative and quantitative nature.
In the article published by Tegan George (2022), she highlights that in a sequential
design, quantitative data collection and analysis occur first, followed by qualitative
data collection and analysis. This study will use this design because the researchers
think that the qualitative data gathered will explain and contextualize the quantitative
findings. Above all, combining the two types of data means you benefit from both
the detailed, contextualized insights of qualitative data and the generalizable,
externally valid insights of quantitative data. The strengths of one type of data often
mitigate the weaknesses of the other (George, 2022).
Quantitative Qualitative Data
Collection and Interpretation
Data Collection
and Analysis Analysis

Locale of the Study

The environment of the study is the Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School,
one of the junior high schools under the Division of Tacloban City. Cirilo Roy
Montejo National High School is located at T. Claudio St., 6500 Tacloban City,
The school has non-teaching staffs, administrative staffs, and a school head.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher used the purposive sampling technique to select the
respondents. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs
when elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgement of the

Researchers often believe that they can obtain a representative sample by using a
sound judgement which will result in saving time and money. Since limited numbers
of people can serve as the primary data sources due to the nature of the research
design and aims and objectives, we chose the purpose sampling method because it
may prove to be effective in such case (Business Research Methodology, 2012).
There are sixty (60) students that are currently enrolled in the school who took part
in this study, all came from Grade 10. Using the purposive sampling, we selected
male students only that are aged 15-18 years from their respective grade levels and
various sections as long as they are currently playing Mobile Legends. The graph
shows how we use the purposive sampling on which the researchers chose male
students’ players among the population and from various group (sections).
Population Purposive Sampling

Research Instrument

There were a set of questions that the researchers made corresponding to the
aim and objectives of this study. The researchers used an online survey form in order
to gather the necessary data and information. There were two types of structures and
instruments used to organize the information; multiple choice format and Likert scale
instruments. The survey began with the basic information of the students that's
crucial in this study such as their gender and grade level. In the initial part of the
survey, the multiple choice format is used to assess the respondents, 2 questions
needed to be answered by the respondents that will also determine if they have to
proceed to the next part of the survey. It was supplied by asking if they play Mobile
Legends or not and how many hours they spend playing the app per day. It ended
with a Likert scale instrument which is an ordered scale from which respondents
choose one option that best aligns with their view. In the study, it is used to measure
respondents' attitudes by asking the extent to which they agree or disagree with a
particular question or statement. In the Likert scale, there were 20 series of
statements and it was divided into 2 parts or series. The first 10 series of statements
are the expected positive impacts of Mobile Legends on the academic performance
of students where they must rate each statement on a scale of one to five or from
strongly agree to strongly disagree. And the second 10 series of statements are the
expected negative impacts of Mobile Legends on the academic performance of
students where they must rate each statement based on how often they occur on a
scale of one to five or from all the time to never.

Data Gathering

In collecting the data, since the survey is in the form of google forms the
researchers distributed the survey to the respondents through the online platform,
Facebook. There were certain agreements between the researchers and the
respondents to utilize the Data Privacy Act or also known as RA 10173. The students
were given enough time to answer the survey, thus the researchers allot one week to
gather all the necessary data and reach the specific respondents. The questions part in
the survey or data collection were based on the previous studies published and
unpublished thesis, articles, etc. which are relevant to the present study.

Statistical Treatment

Statistical treatment of data is essential to make use of the data in the right
form. Raw data collection is only one aspect of any experiment. The organization of
data is equally important so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn (Kalla, 2009).

The researchers will be using statistical treatment specifically the one group of
treatment which is the descriptive statistics where we will summarize the data as a
graph, this will be used to obtain the objectives. Percentages will be used by the
researcher to convert the numerical data gathered from the questionnaire. Frequency
and simple percentage under the descriptive statistic will be used to obtain a)
Average time spent by the players playing Mobile Legends per day; Weighted Mean
and Likert Scale will be used to determine b) Impacts of playing Mobile Legends on
the academic performance of players. The following statistical procedures were used
to interpret the data gathered from the respondents of the study.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. The frequency and percentage

distribution is a display of data that specifies the percentage of observations that
exist for each data point or groupings of data points. It’s a demographic profile
variables of the respondents were analyzed using the simple percentage with the
following formula:


P = Percentage

F = Frequency for each category

N = Total number of respondents

100 = Constant Multiplier

2. Weighted Mean. A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data
point contributing equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more
weight than others (Andale, 2014). This statistical tool was used to compute the
weight of the responses in the questionnaire assigned by the respondents during
the actual data gathering procedure. The formula for the weighted mean is as


WM = Weighted Mean

F = Frequency for each portion

W = Assigned Weight
N = Total number of frequencies

WV = F/N (Likert Scale Level)


WV = Weighted Value

F = Frequency

N = Number of Total Frequencies

Likert Scale Level = Multiplier

3. Likert Scale. Likert Scale serves as the guide for interpreting the data gathered.

Table 1. Positive Impacts Scale

Scale Weighted Means/Equivalent Corresponding Remarks

5 46-55 Strongly Agree

4 36-45 Agree

3 26-35 Uncertain

2 16-25 Disagree

1 10-15 Strongly Disagree

Table 2. Negative Impacts Scale

Scale Weighted Means/Equivalent Corresponding Remarks

5 46-55 All the time

4 36-45 Very often

3 26-35 Often

2 16-25 Sometimes

1 10-15 Never



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered in the study to
answer the problems raised in the previous chapter. This study used the tabular and
textual modes of presentation (mixed-method). The data gathered through qualitative
and quantitative research will be utilized. The problems and hypotheses raised in
Chapter I serve as the guide for the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.
1. Sessions a gamer spends on playing online games






38.30% 33.30% 8.30% 20%

less than 1 hour 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6 or more

Frequency Percentage

Figure 1. Hours ML players play per day (n=60)

The graph shows that 38.3% of the respondents play Mobile Legends for less
than an hour, on the other hand, there were 33.3% answered that they play for 2-3
hours, while there were 20% of the respondents say that they play 6 hours or more,
and lastly, there were 8.3% only responded that they play every day around 4-5

2. Positive Impacts of Playing Mobile Legends

Formulates 15 1.25 15 1 15 0.75 8 0.266 7 0.116 3.38
strategies and

Enhance 10 0.83 13 0.866 21 1.05 9 0.3 7 0.116 3.16

Enhance critical 15 1.25 21 1.4 11 0.55 7 0.23 6 0.1 3.53

Improves 23 1.916 10 0.666 9 0.45 10 0.33 8 0.13 3.49


Enhance 14 1.166 9 0.6 20 1 10 0.33 7 0.116 3.216

problem solving
and logic

Formulates 26 2.166 14 0.93 9 0.45 5 0.166 6 0.1 3.81

hand and eye
Sharpen the 21 1.75 15 1 12 0.6 5 0.166 7 0.116 3.63
mind (brain
Enhance 30 2.5 18 1.2 5 0.25 2 0.066 5 0.08 4.096
cooperation in a
team or group

Enhance 22 1.83 16 1.066 9 0.45 7 0.23 6 0.1 3.676


Learn to manage 21 1.75 18 1.2 9 0.45 6 0.2 6 0.1 3.7

that are
TOTAL: 35.69


Range (weighted mean range) Adjectival Equivalent
46-55 Strongly Agree
36-45 Agree
26-35 Uncertain
16-25 Disagree
10-15 Strongly Disagree
As a whole, the table reveals that the respondents “Agree” with the following
positive impacts of playing Mobile Legends as evidenced by the total weighted mean
of 35.69.
Taken singly, it shows that the respondents have agreed that playing Mobile
Legends formulate strategies and develops multi-tasking skills (x=3.4), enhances
creativity (x=3.2), enhances critical thinking (x=3.5), improves technological abilities
(x=3.5), enhance problem-solving and logic (x=3.2), formulates hand and eye
coordination (x=3.8), sharpen the mind (x=3.6), enhance cooperation in a team
(x=4.1), enhance decision-making (x=3.7), learn to manage resources that are limited.

3. Negative Impacts of Playing Mobile Legends

Skip class to 2 0.166 1 0.066 1 0.05 4 0.13 52 0.866 1.278
play Mobile
Lack of or skip 2 0.166 6 0.4 8 0.4 16 0.53 28 0.466 1.96
sleep to play
Mobile Legends

Skip Meal to 3 0.25 2 0.13 6 0.3 13 0.43 36 0.6 1.71

play Mobile
Attends class 3 0.25 0 0 1 0.05 3 0.1 53 0.88 1.28
late because of
playing Mobile
Feel sleepy or 3 0.25 2 0.13 7 0.35 11 0.366 37 0.616 1.71
slept in class
Missed any 3 0.25 5 0.33 7 0.35 18 0.6 27 0.45 1.98
deadlines of

Missed schools 2 0.166 5 0.33 8 0.4 14 0.466 31 0.516 1.878

Missed any 2 0.166 2 0.13 4 0.2 10 0.33 42 0.7 1.526
deadlines of
Play Mobile 1 0.08 1 0.066 3 0.15 3 0.1 52 0.866 1.26
Legends during
discussions or
Receives low 2 0.16 6 0.4 9 0.45 20 0.666 23 0.38 2.06
marks and
TOTAL: 16.64


Range (weighted mean range) Adjectival Equivalent
46-55 All the time
36-45 Very often
26-35 Often
16-25 Sometimes
10-15 Never

As a whole, the table reveals that the respondents “Sometimes” experienced the
following negative impacts of playing Mobile Legends on the academic performance
of the students surveyed as per the evidence of the total weighted mean of 16.64.

Taken singly, it shows that the respondents have sometimes experienced

skipping class (x=1.3), lack of or skipping sleep (x=2), skipping meals (x=1.7),
attending class late (x=1.3), feeling sleepy in class (x=1.3), miss deadlines for
homework (x=2), missing any deadlines for projects (x=1.5), miss school (x=1.9),
receiving low grades (x=2.1), and play Mobile Legends during classes or activities


This chapter summarizes the whole research process. A brief summary of the
whole study is given. It also provides a summary of the main findings of the study, the
conclusion of the study, recommendations, and suggestions for further research.

The study was conducted to determine the impacts of Mobile Legends on Grade
10 students’ players of Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School. The purposive
Sampling Technique was used to select the respondents of the study where the
persons chosen for the investigation are themselves not expected to be the
representatives of the population, but rather they possess the necessary information
about the issue being investigated upon. Since it only focuses on the male students
who are currently inclined in Mobile Legends from different sections , a total of sixty
(60) Grade 10 students participated or served as the respondents of the study.
Researchers used questionnaires (survey) as an instrument to gather the necessary data
for this study. Frequency, Percentage, Weighted Mean, and Likert Scale were used to
analyze and interpret the data gathered in the form of qualitative and quantitative

The study was conducted to determine the impacts of playing Mobile Legends
on Grade 10 male students. After the data were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted
the following findings emerged.

1. The average time span of playing Mobile Legends per day

The majority of the respondents (38.3%) play this online game for less than an
hour and at least (33.3%) answered that they play for two to three hours, and for 6 or
more hours playing time span were filled out by (20%) respondents and the (8.3%)
which is equivalent to 4-5 hours. Here then, the gaps between the playing time spent
by the players per day are not far from each other and still can conclude that most of
their time was occupied by playing Mobile Legends.

2. The positive and negative impacts of playing mobile legends on the students’
academic performance
To sum up, it was revealed that the respondents are “Agree” on the positive effects
of playing online games, particularly the Mobile Legends with the total weighted
of 35.69 – “formulates hand and eye coordination” as well as the “enhancement of
cooperation in a team or group” are the top two positive impacts of playing Mobile
Legends that relate to their academic performance.
On the contrary, it was revealed that the respondents have “Sometimes” experienced
the disadvantages of playing this game with a total weighted mean of 16.64 –
“receiving low marks and grades” is one of the dominant-negative impacts that these
students experienced that they’ve said they can associate with playing Mobile


Based on the above-mentioned findings, most of the respondents play Mobile

Legends for a long period of their day - the time spent distribution was balanced. We
cannot deny the fact that these students experienced negative effects from playing this
game which often results in them affecting their performance academically and led to
low grades, it can still be said based on the results that these students somehow agree
that the positive impacts of this game are dominant, it is still beneficial for them in
some ways. The students' responses to the positive and negative impacts of this game
are almost equal such as the respondents agree with the positive impacts but didn't
reach the highest degree which is the strongly agree. The same goes with the negative
impacts, the students sometimes experienced these negative impacts but not all the
time. Hence, we can conclude that playing online games such as Mobile Legends can
be both beneficial and a distraction to the students' performance academically, it can
be implied that it would never be bad to play online games but people especially
students must set up limitations and boundaries. Everything has its good effects like
playing online games but should always be in moderation.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers hereby present the
following recommendations.
1. To the future researchers. They should include a larger sample size not limited
to only Grade 10 students from a particular school/section. The researchers also
recommend follow-up research about the Sociological Effects of Mobile Legends on
Excessive Gaming.

2. The students. Students should establish good time management skills, they
should utilize their time during the set activities. They should know the consequences
they might get from playing excessively Mobile Legends, thus they must prioritize
first the superior things such as studying or doing household chores.

3. The parents. They should strengthen supervision and quality monitoring of

their child's progress at school so they can minimize possible risks.

4. The teachers. They should conduct a monthly seminar or lectures to strengthen

and guide students about the proper usage of modern technology, especially on how
they'll spend their time properly playing online games.

Andale, C. (2014). Weighted Mean: Formula: How to find weighted mean. Retrieved

from: https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and- statistics/statistics


Anderson, J. & Rainie, L. (2012). Main findings: Teens, technology, and human

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