Effectivity of Dioscorea Hispida Dennst "Nami" As Golden Apple Snail Pesticide - Bsed3 - Polillo Final
Effectivity of Dioscorea Hispida Dennst "Nami" As Golden Apple Snail Pesticide - Bsed3 - Polillo Final
Effectivity of Dioscorea Hispida Dennst "Nami" As Golden Apple Snail Pesticide - Bsed3 - Polillo Final
Isarme P. Almirez
Ivie A. Roga
Polillo Campus
The researchers wish to express their utmost gratitude and appreciation to the following
individuals, who, in one way or another, made this research paper possible:
Mr. Richard E. Napomoceno, the researchers’ adviser, for sharing his knowledge and
Mr. Melchor Reyes for helping and guiding us to get dioscorea hispida dennst “nami” as
Mr. Ashley Padilla for driving us safe to reached our place destination.
Reyes and Roga family, for allowing us to use their utensils for the progress of our
To our dear parents, for showing love concerned, understanding, moral and financial
Above all, the Almighty God, for his unending blessings and grace that enlightened and
Title Page 1
Acknowledgements 2
Table of Contents 3
Abstract 4
Appendix 19
References 20
Rice farming production continues to deplete due to pesticides such the pomacea
canaliculata and pomacea maculate or the golden apple snail. The aimed of this study is
to determine the effectivity of nami tuber extract solution in varied concentrations and
preservation period as a pesticide for golden apple snail. Experimental research design
was employed since it was the most appropriate to determine the significant relationship
between the level of concentration and preservation period to the mortality of golden
apple snails. After the completion of the experiments, this study showed that there is a
preservation of nami solution to the mortality of golden apple snails. With increasing
concentration of nami tuber extract mixed with water increases the mortality of the
golden apple snails. Moreover, having longer preservation period could kill more golden
Keywords: extract, concentration, golden apple snail, mortality, nami extract, nami
Chapter 1
Philippines is one of the countries located in the southeast part of Asia where agricultural
farmland such rice fields are abundant. In an online article that was published on Ricepedia
Philippines (2012), they discussed that Philippines is the world’s eighth-largest rice producer.
They further discuss that Philippines is arable land total 5.4 million hectares. However, Tallada
(2019) discussed in his study on precision agriculture for rice production in the Philippines that
there are approximate 4.8 million hectares of rice field. In an online authored by Businessmirror
(2021) there are approximate 2.1 million rice farmers, 110,000 workers for post-farm activities
and 320,000 for ancillary activities. Rice production decreases due to external factors such
pesticides like the rice golden apple snail. Stuart (2020) emphasize that there estimated 100
species of apple snail that occur that includes pomacea canaliculata and pomacea maculate or
the Golden Apple Snails, are highly invasive and are considered as a major problem of rice
production. He further discuss that they can completely destroy 1m2 of field overnight and could
lead to more than 50% yield loss. Moreover, Dela Cruz, Joshi, Tiongco and Antonio (2018)
discussed that golden apple snail eats the base of a rice young seedling that causes the seedling to
die. Farmers control the infestations through employing natural and chemical remedy. Chemical
remedy include using pesticides such Nilomax, Slung-out, Bayonet, etc. which are expensive.
Polillo, Quezon is a rural area located at northeastern part of the Philippines where rice
farming is one of the most common sources of income. Rice fields in Polillo are also infested by
golden apple snail which causes large decrease to rice farming sector of the Island. Similar to
other province of Quezon, Polillian farmers use chemical remedy such pesticides to control the
infestation. However, pesticides that are available to market contain high level of toxicity and are
expensive. Previous studies have proven that Nami or Dioscorea Hispida Dennst is an effective
alternative pesticide for golden apple snail. ITIS (2021) emphasize that Dioscorea Hispida
Dennst belongs to the Eukaryota domain, Plantae kingdom, Magnoliopsida class, Dioscoreales
family, and Diosracorea genus. They further discuss that pesticide comes from the toxin that is
extracted from fresh Nami. Dionela (1994) revealed on her study on the effect of nami extract
on golden apple snails that freeze dried and dried oven nami extracts of nami tuber has an effect
on the mortality of golden apple snails. Moreover, Sami and Fata (2019) revealed that nami
mixed with water can kill the golden snail that attacks rice plants. However, previous studies
lacks in answering the effectivity of nami tuber extract when preserved. This study will focus on
the effectivity of preserved nami tuber extract as golden apple snail pesticide.
The main goal of this research is to determine the effectivity Dioscorea Hispida Dennst
(Nami) as pesticide for golden apple snail. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following;
1. What is the effectivity of nami extract solution as a golden apple snail pesticide in terms of;
1.1 Concentration
Due to rapid and uncontrolled multiplication of golden apple snail, rice farming sector of
Polillo, Quezon continues to deplete. The findings and results of this study will benefit the rice
farmers, agriculturist, local government unit, and the environment. Rice farmers and agriculturist
will be enlightened about the effectivity of nami as an organic, easy to make and alternative
golden snail apple pesticide. Local Government Unit will be given a credible source of
information which will serve as their guide in formulating policies and activities. Moreover, the
contamination of soil, water, turf, and other vegetation as well as killing birds, fish, and other
beneficial insects will be prevented with the use of organic nami as pesticide.
This study is focused only on the effectivity of nami tuber extract of Dioscorea Hispida
Dennst “Nami” as Rice Golden Snail pesticide. Other parts of nami except its tuber were not
used in this study. Testing of nami pesticide was done using liquid to spray on the golden snail.
Chapter 2
In this chapter, related literature, conceptual framework that gathered from unpublished
study and electronic materials from the internet are discussed to gain deeper understanding and
Sami, Fata, Kimia, Lhokseumawe, Niaga, Lhokseumawe (2017) concluded in their study
on application of janeng fruit (dioscorea hispida dennst) on mortality killing the golden snails
that the higher the dose used, the mortality of golden snail also increases. They further
emphasized that the early death of snail infected with janeng tuber extract solution was marked
by changes in behavior of golden snails, namely the body of the golden snail changing color
from bright yellow to blackish yellow. The body continuously secretes mucus due to it
impairment to mucous membranes arises. Decrease of mucus fluid in the body of the snail causes
muscle contractions in the legs of the golden apple snails. This is because the compounds that
enter the body of the golden snail disorder the work of the snail body’s tissue that causes the
However, in the study conducted by Alfaizal, Fauzana, and Salbiah (2021), they reveal
that the application of 100g.l concentration of gadung tuber extract treatment caused the highest
total mortality (74.99%) of golden snails but it was not effective yet in controlling the golden
snail pest because it was not able to kill the golden snail above 80%.
Chapter 3
This chapter contains the methods and procedures that were used in the study. It includes
Research Design
The researchers will employ experimental research approach. This will be used since it is
the most applicable method to know the effectivity of Nami as golden snail pesticide. An online
approach to research where one or more independent variables are manipulated and applied to
one or more dependent variables to measure their effect on the latter. They further discuss that
experimental research is suitable for research whose goal is to examine the cause-effect
systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more
The following materials were used in this study: nami tuber (dioscorea hispida dennst),
golden apple snails, volumetric tools, water, spray bottles, grater, cloth, knife, peeling tool, and
The researchers began by gathering all of the materials required for the experiment. This
study was designed to determine the effectivity of dioscorea hispida dennst tuber extract as
1. Research Procedure
Golden apple snails are adapted from their natural habitat and put into basin with mud
and leaves to imitate their natural habitat. The snails are set-a-side for 5 hours before the actual
After gathering the materials, the researchers thoroughly washed the nami tuber with
water, and peeled it using peeling tool. Then, using any cutting tools, the researchers cut the
nami into regular sizes. Then, the researchers grated the nami then wrap the grated nami in a
piece of cloth to easily extract the tuber crude. Another cloth has been used to strain the pure
dioscorea hispida dennst extract. The researchers keep on extracting nami crude until they obtain
more than 400 ml of pure nami extract. The dioscorea hispida dennst extract is mixed thoroughly
with water to create nami solution, then filled in spray bottles and allowed to sit at room
3.1 Concentration
5 basins containing 30 golden apple snails each are prepared. 10ml, 20ml, 30ml,
40ml, and 50ml nami extract with 1L water solutions are sprayed in respective basins. Snails are
observed within 48 hours which started right after the snails are sprayed. Observation took place
every 12 hours.
3.2 Preservation
5 basins containing 30 golden apple snails each are prepared. Nami extract mixed
with 1L water solutions which were preserved for 0 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and 48
hours are sprayed in respective basins. Snails are observed within 48 hours which started right
after the snails are sprayed. Observation took place every 12 hours.
Conceptual Framework
Chapter 4
This chapter presents result, discussion, descriptive analysis, and interpretations of data
10 ml nami ex-
30 tract w/ 1L wa-
20ml nami ex-
Mortality of Golden Apple Snails
0 hour 12 hours 24 hours 36 hours 48 hours
Observation Periods
Graph 1 presents the concentrations of nami solution and the mortality of golden apple
snails. Within 48 hours, 30 snails died after being sprayed by 50ml nami solution, 27 died after
being sprayed by 40ml nami solution, 21 died after being sprayed by 30ml nami solution, 17 died
after being sprayed by 20ml nami solution and 11 died after being sprayed by 10ml nami
The finding reveals that 50ml nami solution could kill all 30 snails within 48 hours.
Therefore, the relationship between the concentration and the mortality of golden apple snails is
directly proportional. This implies that the higher the concentration of nami in a solution, the
higher the mortality rate of the golden apple snails. Putting 50ml and above nami extract to 1L
water and sprayed it to 30 golden apple snails, all snails are more likely to die within 48 hours
and below.
The current study conforms to the results of Sami et al. (2017) but oppose to the results of
Alfaizal et al. (2021). Wherein, Sami et al. emphasized that the higher the dose used, the
mortality of golden snail also increases. However, the results of the study by Alfaizal et al (2021)
reveal that nami is not effective yet in controlling the golden snail pest because it was not able to
Mortality of the Golden Apple Snails
No preserva-
25 tion
12 hours
20 preservation
24 hours
15 preservation
36 hours
10 preservation
48 hours
5 preservation
0 hour 12 hours 24 hours 36 hours 48 hours
Observation Period
Graph 2 shows the number of number of hours of preservation of nami solution and the
mortality of the golden apple snails. Within 24 hours, nami solutions that were preserved for 48
hours already killed all 30 snails within the basin. Within 36 hours, nami solutions that were
preserved for 36 hours could kill all 30 snails already. Moreover, nami solutions that were
preserved for 24 hours could kill 29 snails in 36 hours and kills all 30 snails in 48 hours.
Furthermore, nami solutions that were preserved for 12 hours could kill 27 snails in 36 hours and
kills all 30 snails in 48 hours. Lastly, nami solutions that were not preserved could kill 23 snails
Findings showed that within 24 hours, all 30 snails are dead which were sprayed by 48
hours preserved nami solution. Therefore, there is a direct proportional relationship between the
preservation period of nami solution and the mortality of the snails. This implies that longer
preservation period shortens the mortality of golden apple snails. Hence, when nami solution is
preserved or set-aside for long period of time, it becomes more and more effective.
Chapter 5
Based on the findings of the study, Nami or Dioscorea Hispida Dennst could be used as
an alternative and effective pesticide for golden apple snail. Nami pesticide could kill more than
80% of the golden apple snail. The concentration level and preservation period of nami tuber
extract solution is directly proportional to the mortality of golden apple snail. Thus, higher
concentration of nami solutions increases the mortality of the snails. Moreover, longer
1. Conduct similar study with larger volumetric measurements, nami extract concentrations,
2. Conduct similar study that determines the effectivity of nami tuber extract solution in terms of
3. Conduct similar study that determines the effectivity of pure nami tuber extract to the
4. Conduct similar study that determines the effectivity of dried and powered nami tuber to the
Figure 2. Set-up for the Observation of the Concentration of Nami tuber extracts solution
Figure 3. Set-up for the Observation of the Preservation of Nami tuber extracts solution
Afaizal, J., Fauzana, H., & Salbiah, D. (2021). UJI BEBERAPA KONSENTRASI EKSTRAK
(Pomacea canaliculata L.). Available at: https://doi.org/10.25299/dp.2021.vol37(1).7712
Businessmirror. (2021). Let's all practice well eating.
Dionela, J. (1994). A study on the effect of nami extract (Dioscorea hispida Dennst.) on golden
apple snails Pomacea canaliculata L. Available at:
Ricepedia. (2012). Rice. Available at: https://ricepedia.org/philippines
Sami, M., Fata, K., Niaga, T., & Holseumawe, P. L. (2019). Application of Janeng Fruit
(Dioscorea Hispida Dennst) on Mortality Killing the Golden Snails. Available at:
Stuart, A. (2020). Snails. Available at:
Tallada, J. (2019). Precision Agriculture for Rice Production in the Philippines. Available at: