Jerome Finley-Thought Veil

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Copyright© 2010 by Jerome Finley.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior
written permission of the publisher. Making copies of any part of this book is a violation of United
States copyright laws.
Table Of Contents

Thought Veil..........4 Negative States Of Being..........154

The Beginning..........5 Putting It All Together..........156
The Importance Of Safety..........11 Telepatherapy..........159
NLP, Persuasion & Rapport Technologies..........13 Language Patterns..........163
The Hypnotist's Prayer..........15 Hidden Directives..........167
Healing States..........17 Presuppositions..........172
Introduction..........19 Binds & Double Binds..........176
A Brief History Of Hypnosis..........20 Embedded Commands..........180
Hypnosis Definitions..........24 Dirty Tricks & Big Secrets..........186
How Hypnosis Works..........27 Eye Scanning For Rapport & Seduction..........191
Hypnosis Redefined..........29 Softening The Eyes..........193
Brainwave Patterns..........31 Instant Verbal Hypnosis..........194
Nature Of Suggestions..........33 Thought Bubble..........195
How Are You Feeling?..........36 Energetic Wave & Thinner..........199
The Stop Sign Technique..........37 Thought Veil..........212
Why Smile?..........40 Energetic Techniques..........216
5 Laws Of Suggestibility..........42 Not All Who Wander Are Lost..........218
Seven (7) Rules Of The Mind..........44 The Basics & Theory Of Hypnosis..........230
Belief Systems..........52 Semantics Of Trance..........231
Belief Systems Continued..........53 Suggestibility Testing..........232
Levels Of Love..........55 The Rising & Falling Arm Test..........235
The Importance Of Love..........56 The Pendulum Test..........238
The Needs Of Men & Women..........58 My Pendulum Routine..........239
NLP What's The Deal?..........59 Angel Pendulum..........246
Body Language..........61 The Golden Question..........250
Your Brain..........63 The Mental Journey..........251
Mirroring For Rapport..........66 Pendulum Calibration..........254
Mirroring States Of Mind & Emotions..........74 Zodiac Divination..........262
Merging With The Mind Of Another..........77 To Control One's Mind..........268
Pacing Modalities..........82 The Rigid Arm Test..........273
Advanced Pacing & Leading..........84 The Stuck Eye Test..........276
Yes Sets..........85 Magnetic Finger Screws..........278
Always On My Mind Part I & II..........87 Magnetic Hands..........279
Positive States Of Being You Can Draw Upon..........90 The Stuck Hand Test..........282
Win-Win Relationships & Performances..........92 More Suggestibility Tests..........285
A Short Verbal Routine..........94 Psychological Suggestibility Tests..........286
A Rapport Building Technique..........96 Mind/Body Magic..........289
Eliciting Criteria, Core Beliefs & Values..........97 Breathing Patterns..........293
Coming Into Clarity..........110 Sensory Acuity..........294
The Swish Pattern..........113 Psychological Marking..........295
The Feel Good Exercise..........114 Anchoring..........299
The Swish For Positive Change..........119 Using The Anchor..........305
Eliciting States Of Being..........126 Multiple Anchors..........306
EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques..........128 Post Hypnotic Anchors..........307
The Basic EFT Flow..........129 Anchoring In Performance..........308
Congratulations!..........133 Eye Movements..........310
Applied Kinesiology & Muscle Testing..........136 Nature Of The Conscious & Subconscious Mind.........311
Other Tools For Transformation..........146 Positive & Negative Words..........313
Guidelines For Success..........149 Powerful Words..........320
Rules For Successful Programming..........152 Beginning Inductions..........323
Positive States Of Being..........153 The Three Minute Induction..........327
Deepening The Trance State..........329 My Full Hypnosis Show..........642
Developing The Hypnotic Coma..........339 Opening..........646
Procedure & Tests For Obtaining The Coma.........341 Deepening..........654
Dealing With Abreactions..........345 Final Suggestions..........656
Clearing Suggestions..........352 The First Performance Suggestion..........658
Terminating Trance..........356 The Middle..........668
Congratulations, Again!..........359 A Trip To The Movies..........679
The Finley Handshake Induction..........360 You-Do Voodoo..........684
The EZ Hypnosis Routine..........365 Intermission..........688
The 5 Star Psychological Opener..........372 The Show Must Go On!..........689
Alternate Endings & Procedure..........382 Merry Go Round..........691
Close Up..........384 The Rollercoaster..........694
With Readings..........386 Finale – Pandemonium & Dance Contest (with kicker)..........696
The Opener As An Induction..........388 The Hypno-Apple & Full Body Catalepsy..........707
A Secret To Psychological Forces..........389 Full Body Catalepsy..........709
Afterthoughts..........394 The Human Levitation..........714
Rant, Lecture, Observation & Recommendation.........396 The Final Count Out..........724
Part II Of My Rant..........400 Recap..........730
The Hypnotic Book Test..........403 The Mystic Hypnosis Show..........734
The Principle & Discovery..........404 Past Life Regression Technique..........737
Progressive Relaxation With The Hypnotic Book Test....412 Waking Hypnosis..........759
Relaxation & Visualization..........419 A Full Hypnosis Show Presentation (without hypnosis!).....762
Visualization..........421 Waking Hypnosis & It’s Not Hypnosis Continued..........767
Different Inductions..........423 Waking Hypnosis Continued – Approaches..........774
My Favorite Inductions..........454 Waking Hypnosis – The Set Up..........781
Verbal Pattern Interrupt Induction..........455 Tarot Set & Dream Q&A..........784
It’s Not Hypnosis!..........457 ‘Real Q&A’..........786
The Heartbeat Induction..........469 Dream Q&A..........790
Total Control..........471 Psychometry..........799
The Arm Levitation Induction..........473 Marketing Plan..........801
The Handshake Induction Variation..........475 Starting Out..........803
The Instant, Instant Induction..........476 Final Notes On Marketing..........824
The One Touch Induction..........479 Starting Your Business..........825
Stage Show Inductions..........481 Things You Will Need..........827
Sitting Stage Show Induction..........487 Additional Office Items & Supplies..........832
Waking Hypnosis Shows & Inductions..........489 Thanks..........837
The Instant Relaxation Induction..........490
Telepathy In Action My Way..........492
Presentation - Opening Lecture..........498
The Ultra Bold Maneuver..........513
The Sequence, Phase One..........514
The Sequence, Phase Two..........527
The Sequence, Phase Three..........534
Final Thoughts..........538
Hypnosis & Relaxation Scripts..........542
The Clear Plastic Bag..........544
The Round Room Exercise..........548
Your Secret Place..........550
Accessing A Basic Psychic Level..........558
Guest Contributions..........562
A Way Aweigh – Joshua Quinn..........563
The Chosen One – Dave Moses..........584
TimeShift – Michael Weber..........590
Struck Dumb – Fraser Parker..........593
Hypnosis Routines To Create Amnesia..........601
‘Boat, Cucumber, Wire’..........604
Post ‘T&R’..........606
The 7 Minute Hypnosis Show..........609
Thought Veil

Thank you for purchasing ‘Thought Veil.’

This wasn’t an easy book to write by any stretch of the imagination.

The art of hypnosis is a beautiful and deceptive one. On one hand the practice is so extremely easy, natural and practical that
anyone and everyone can or could use it (and does to some extent). Though the phenomenon itself is so natural the
subtleties, nuances, psychologies and parts that make the art and science of hypnosis work in performance can be very
advanced, layered and multi faceted.

Hypnosis one of those rare things that can be so remarkably simple it becomes complicated. I’ve done my best here to make
your learning practical. Within this book I’ve cut the fat off hypnosis giving you the tools and information necessary to begin
using it immediately with extreme benefits and great success.

It’s my hope that ‘Thought Veil’ takes away the mystery and difficulty surrounding the practice of learning and implementing
hypnosis and gives you tools to utilize it effectively starting right here, right now.

Whether you wish to offer light, mildly therapeutic sessions on the side of your current work and business, become a full-
time professional stage hypnotist or implement suggestion and hypnotic trance in your work as magicians and mentalists this
work is invaluable. As a dynamic tool for self growth and personal realization I think you’ll agree that hypnosis as I present it
here is a near perfect tool for all of this and more.

There’s a lot to cover. Let’s get started immediately.

The Beginning

My love for and fascination with hypnosis has lasted for years and years.

I first began utilizing and working with hypnotic inductions in my early childhood. I was around 12 or 13 when I first started
practicing my inductions and suggestions on playmates, cousins and siblings.

I had found a book on medical hypnosis at my local library. This book walked through the theory and practice of hypnosis
for pain control and anesthesia and as examples only included a few inductions and progressive relaxation exercises. It wasn’t
long before I was deeply relaxing the kids at school, practicing on mom and having a heyday with my newfound tools.

The problem was I didn’t know HOW to use hypnosis or suggestion at this early point so while I could guide others into a
deep state of relaxation there was no place to go from there. Soon after this time I saw a stage hypnotist on television making
people do all sorts of crazy, hilarious and utterly entertaining things. The flames were fanned and I started incorporating
what I had seen into my sessions.

My demonstrations were very simple at first. I would relax my subjects deeply before drawing upon a few suggestibility tests
– rigid arms, eyes unable to open, sinking into the floor or chair unable to move…

I would give my subjects a few positive suggestions I had learned from my mother’s sales and motivation books (she was a
real estate agent), give them a sharp, painless pinch beneath the arm to satisfy my own curiosity and the minds of any
onlookers, a few post hypnotic suggestions and then terminate trance. Although very elementary it was also very effective
and even then I knew hypnosis was a remarkable tool for relaxation and positive programming.

Over time I found a few more books and both my learning and practice continued. I began to enter the mystical side of
hypnosis and was now taking people into their ‘past lives’ or on astral journeys and subconscious flights of fancy. I could
deeply relax a person and command their subconscious mind to remember where they had placed or lost certain personal
objects, remember names and dates from their past and use the power of the unconscious mind for problem solving with
extraordinary effect.

Thinking back, it must have been hilarious to see a child so young playing around with such advanced tools and concepts. My
uncles, grandparents, friends, teachers and other people began telling me about hypnosis stories they had heard, experiences
they had, shows they had seen, etc. I took detailed notes and began incorporating some of what I learned in my own early

I had a distant grandfather who was a pilot for a commercial airline and also a hypnotherapist. He died when I was very
young, but I remember being a child and seeing my grandfather work with neighbors and my younger brother who was prone
to night terrors.

My grandfather used his skills as a hypnotherapist to accommodate passengers with flight anxiety, claustrophobia and other
considerations before the flight. This was back in the good ole days when one could walk into the cockpit to greet the pilots,
shake their hands and smoke while flying. Grand dad taught me how to relax myself and fill my mind with sweet, gentle and
positive thoughts, suggestions and affirmations.

My practice and passion for hypnosis actually frightened a few of the parents and children in my neighborhood and they
soon expressed their concern to my mother. I ended up putting my love for hypnosis on the backburner and made a personal
promise to return at a later age and date when I had learned and grown and matured.

I had always known that I wanted to be an entertainer and had practiced and performed magic avidly since my childhood
years. It was at this time I really began to hit magic hard and became a serious student of the art which held my rapt attention
until I could return to hypnosis.

A few years later I was 16. I had a car, a date and a few extra bucks. There was a hypnotist in town and with a small group of
friends went to his Friday Night showing at the Avalon Theatre in Murray, Utah.

This was a traditional stage hypnosis show with Vandermeide the Hypnotist. Vandermeide was an older, larger man with an
accent. I remember thinking he sounded like he was from Transylvania or something to that effect. The only stage hypnotist
I had ever seen before this was briefly on a daytime talk show years earlier and while I knew what to expect from the books I
had read and stories I had heard I wasn’t prepared for what transpired.

Vandermeide went on and on and on for nearly 20 minutes about hypnosis, suggestion and the power of the mind. While
many of the audience members seemed bored at this point I couldn’t get enough (!) or be more excited and I was frantically
jotting down notes on the back of a receipt and ticket stub with a golf pencil.

At the end of his lecture Vandermeide invited any willing subjects up to the stage for hypnosis. I was surprised to see how
many people went running to the stage and how eager they were to participate; one of the kids in our group joined them as
we all laughed and cheered and jeered him on. It seemed a far cry from the many arms I had twisted over the years and
provided me with an excellent lesson.

These people were ready, happy, willing to assist and be part of the show BECAUSE Vandermeide had made them feel great
about hypnosis and at ease with what was about to take place. Immediately I learned the importance of a solid pre-talk to
condition my subjects. Before the show even started I had my monies worth in insight, plus some.

The hypnotist lined everyone up on stage in a few rows (there were easily 50 people who had joined him, our Johnny Mena
included) and removed a large rope from his bag. The volunteer’s each grasped the rope with both hands and as the lights
dimmed and soft music began to play Vandermeide began with his suggestions and induction.

Participants were instructed to grip the rope ‘tighter and tighter, tighter and tighter’ until they were practically shaking.
During this process they were given very contrary suggestions to relax their minds and listen to the sound of his voice and

I understand now he was drawing upon a wide range of techniques from confusion and tension, muscle conditioning,
working with the audiences expectations, remaining unshakably confident and ‘hypnotizing’ them with the romance and
mystery of something they did not fully understand. How could clutching a rope hypnotize anyone I wondered?

After some time he asked anyone who THOUGHT they could let go of the rope to go ahead and try. Only a few people
were able to and they were quickly thanked and sent back to their seats in the audience.

After what seemed like an eternity (Vandermeide was known for his painfully long inductions) he marched up to each person
and commanded ‘SLEEP!’ as he tapped them between the eyes. Their bodies fell relaxed, loose and limp onto the stage
floor or sunk deeply into their seats, the rope dropped easily from their hands and they entered what seemed like a very deep,
peaceful, sleeping state.

I was amazed.

Over and over again Vandermeide did this and one by one people became hypnotized under his command, our friend
included. I couldn’t believe it, this was incredible!

Sometimes he would take two or three people at once and put them to sleep sinking into each other and piling them over one
another. Without fail, each person he touched went to sleep on stage that night.

The friends I was with had never seen a hypnotist live and on stage. Everyone was amazed and yet skeptical. We wondered
what our own friend would do and if he was really hypnotized. That night he did everything the hypnotist asked him to and
afterwards claimed to remember nothing!

During the show Vandermeide deepened the trance state, coiled up the rope before tossing it in his bag (that magical, magical
rope!) and the demonstrations began.

Very quickly he had people doing all types of remarkable things! They were singing, dancing, talking in other voices, stuck to
their seats unable to move, stuttering, hallucinating, seeing with X-Ray vision and peering out over the audience, kissing mops
and brooms, regressing them into their childhood and putting them on imaginary ‘Merry Go Rounds’ and more. Our
comrade on stage never missed a beat. He performed wonderfully and wasn’t the normally shy or quiet child we all knew him

After each suggestion and its fulfillment Vandermeide would shout in his loud, grumbly voice, ‘SLEEP!’ and his subjects
would fall back into a peaceful relaxed state again instantly.

I knew then and there I would become a stage hypnotist. I imagined the power a skilled hypnotist could have over others (at
16 the ego is already out of control on this one, no surprise) and began dreaming of doing my own shows. I vowed to do
whatever it took to become a stage hypnotist – I would start practicing again immediately…

After the show Vandermeide was available for handshakes, photos and a few words with the audience members or stage
participants. He was an instant celebrity – some mythical figure the audience came to love and adore over the last two hours.

People were entranced by him even after the show and waited in huge lines to see and speak with him. They asked all types
of questions – how long had he been ‘doing hypnosis’, if he could hypnotize anyone, when his next show was (perhaps the
most important!), if he did private sessions and how much his curios were.

Vandermeide’s wife was set up with a huge table filled with pamphlets, pictures of him, tapes to quit smoking, lose weight
and vinyl records to positively program one’s mind.

By the time all was said and done he had sold everything he brought and I imagine besides the packed theatre that night had
made a great chunk of change with his products afterwards. There was something for everyone - $5.00 for a tape, 10.00 for a
record and a package deal with a photo, tape or record, a small hypno disc and other items for $20.00. I bought the $20.00 kit
and didn’t eat lunch for a week.

When I approached Vandermeide I shook his big mitts and told him I loved the show and studied a bit of hypnosis myself.
He gave me a gigantic smile and said “Yhes myyyy boy! That’s vwonderful!” before he signed my items and moved quickly to the
next person in line.

Whenever I could get a few extra bucks I made my way to the Avalon or Murray Theatre on the weekends to see
Vandermeide. His show was booked consistently and regularly filled to capacity. He also worked the county fairs and travelled
with his masterpiece. He really was one of the last great hypnotists of his age. He had been around the world and
hypnotizing people for over 40 years, or so he claimed. I was able to find a news clip from one of his shows dated in 1972
which suggests he’s been around for quite some time. I don’t know if the man is still alive or not. Over 10 years ago I heard
he was not doing well physically.

I really came to respect and admire Vandermeide and through his performance learned everything I could without being an
actual student (he didn’t teach others when I knew him, shame.)

I devoured the products I had purchased from Vandermeide and made my own scripts from his tapes. Certain ideas,
techniques and suggestions I liked I wrote down, put them into my own words and carved out a nice place in my own
induction to incorporate them.

Other parts that didn’t vibe well with me I noted as well – slowly I was coming into a style and performance that was
uniquely my own. From modeling Vandermeide and seeing what he had done on stage I now had a list of suggestions and
miniature ‘skits’ I could try out and use on my willing subjects. Many of them worked like a dream.

During this process the internet had started to take off and I spent countless hours online learning all I could, taking
numerous excited trips to the library and local bookstore, emailing other hypnotists to ask questions, reading, learning,
practicing and checking out any live hypnosis shows I could find.

Over the years I had seen Kreskin on television doing his thing, Vandermeide (who kept to himself) and John Daughters in
Utah with Don Spencer and Diane Bradshaw as cohorts and immersed myself into the local hypnosis scene slowly but surely.

Being so young I was fighting a tough, uphill battle. There weren’t many older hypnotists who wanted to spend their time
with one so young, so hungry, eager and incessantly pestering, questioning and likely annoying the living hell of them!

I attended their shows regularly and each was almost obligated to answer at least a few questions asked of them and could
spot me coming from a mile away. It was great and the journey itself is one I love and adored completely.

A few years had gone by. I was 18 now and just finishing High School. Keep in mind that I had been involved with magic for
most my life, mentalism for a number of years now and hypnosis for 5 or 6 years. I was performing odd shows for family,
friends and had been doing birthday parties on the side to make a few extra bucks. A local magic shop had just opened up
nearby; I went and applied for a position, had my ‘audition’ and rocked the house. I was hired on the spot and within a
month was the manager and running ‘Dragon Magic’ in Sandy, Utah.

Having a steady job doing something I loved was a great blessing. I was exposed to a regular audience and more material than
I could use in 10 lifetimes. Now that I had all the magic catalogues and was making the orders I began to fill the shelves with
items of personal interest – classical magic, mentalism and hypnosis books and videos.

Vandermeide had gone off into retirement and in his place a new hypnotist took the stage at the Avalon. I clocked out one
Friday night, closed up the shop and went alone to see his show. It was REMARKABLE.

Here was a younger hypnotist (barely 40), extremely skilled, contemporary and completely entertaining. His inductions were
the best – Maxwell used rapid inductions, shock inductions (instant) and a very fast deepening sequence on the fallen and the

Instead of the 20-30 minutes I had grown used to with Vandermeide, Maxwell the Hypnotist was dropping people like flies
in a fraction of the time. It was here I saw the undeniable POWER of hypnosis in full effect. Just as I had years before I sat
spellbound and speechless.

The show was excellent.

Maxwell had a certain charm and charisma about him, a power and knack for working with people in extraordinary ways.
Watching him work was a gift and he took his craft to the far spiritual end of the spectrum.

As he guided his participants through rhythmic breathing he did so around the premise of giving and receiving – inhaling
oxygen to give life to our cells, blood and lungs, receiving the gift of life within us, being in the moment and thankful for
each and every breath. As the group exhaled they were giving in turn, exhausting carbon dioxide to give life to the plants and
trees and flowers. He connected them to the Spirit of Nature, the Earth and Light that shines within all of us.

He guided the consciousness of his participants to connect with his own mind and Spirit – also the earth, the plants, animals,
rocks, trees, streams and clouds. It was very shamanistic.

Moment to moment, giving and receiving… Very soon his subjects would begin to RECEIVE his direct suggestions and in
natural order they would GIVE a dynamic, heartfelt performance showcasing their own Inner Light and Power of the Mind.

Maxwell’s entire induction sequence and deepening took maybe 6 or 7 minutes at most. He worked the subjects very fast but
was also very thorough, comforting and powerful. There was an aura of magic around him. His inductions were unlike any I
had ever seen; they were so fast, so profound…

In no time at all the subjects were off and dancing, playing, singing, having visions, becoming celebrities, embracing their
inner child and more. This was when I realized that inductions could be fast AND effective with the right tools and

Maxwell’s show also taught me that hypnosis could MEAN something greater than what was being demonstrated, that it was
natural and spoke to something great and powerful within us (some Universal state of mind and cultural trance – the raw
potential of a person with their mind unleashed) that has connected us all and linked humanity up with each other since the
beginning of time. It was something extraordinary; a process and phenomena that we all have in common.

As the show ended I was the first in line to meet this man and shake his hand (naturally). I told him how deeply affected I
was by his performance, that I was a magician and studied hypnosis and that I would love to work with him if at all possible.

Surprisingly he agreed to lunch one afternoon and after seeing me perform encouraged me to begin working with him.
Maxwell invited me to start opening his shows with my mentalism and every weekend I was given 15-18 minutes before
many hundreds of people to further hone and tune my craft and performances.

Maxwell loved that I was a mentalist because we could keep with his themes for the evening, the power of the mind,
suggestion, energy and consciousness. He was also very interested in the psychology behind sleight of hand, misdirection (or
better yet, the conscious DIRECTION of attention through verbal and non-verbal suggestion and body language) and the art
of close up performance as a means of developing rapport, stimulating the right brain and more.

For months I joined Maxwell on stage. I opened his shows with metal bending, PK Time, PK Touches, a Magic Square or
memory demonstration, drawing duplications, remote viewing and other such routines showcasing what might be possible
were the mind fully liberated and realized.

My openings set the pace for the show and Maxwell would take the stage, thank me and then knock em’ dead with his award
winning performance.

Our friendship developed over a number of months. I was still working the magic shop (5 years in that place had passed
before I left!), performing gigs on the side and opening for Maxwell. It wasn’t long after our first meeting that he learned I
wanted to do what he did – I wanted to become a hypnotist and incorporate hypnosis with mentalism on stage.

His instruction was expensive, classes were booked solid and though we had a great friendship and working relationship at
this point I wouldn’t be given any slack. I promised I didn’t need any, gave him my deposit and began attending his formal
classes the following week.

I studied with Maxwell for nearly 5 years.

Just less than 4 of those years were spent learning at his school – nearly 40 hours a week on top of my regular 40 hour a
week job at ‘Dragon Magic’ and whatever gigs I could get in the meantime which all went to pay my tuition. I became
exhausted often but never stopped pushing forward. I finally had a teacher, the best hypnotist I had ever seen and not only
was I working with him on stage but learning from him in a classroom setting with other people. I became Maxwell’s greatest
student, a dedicated pupil and eventually an extraordinary hypnotist in my own right, all modesty aside.

After about 42 months or so with Maxwell and actively learning, becoming properly trained and certified I entered a 1 year
apprenticeship program with him. During this time I began to assist Maxwell in therapy with his clients, on stage during his
shows, instructing alongside him during his formal classes, lectures, presentations and more.

Seeing everything I had learned put into action with real people from all walks of life and nursing all manner of personal
problems, issues and considerations through hypnosis was invaluable. One cannot put a price on such firsthand, detailed
instruction and an apprenticeship of this nature. While I had worked with many dozens of class mates, friends and family
members as ‘homework’ and practice sessions, these experiences with Maxwell were something else.

It was an extremely solid education and one that I cherish with everything within me. My skills as a magician, mentalist and
hypnotist were growing rapidly and simultaneously. Years earlier I had entered an apprenticeship with the remarkable Michael
Fraughton of ‘The Dark Waltz’ fame – I had also grown up with Paul Vigil, Brad Gordon and a number of other very skilled
magicians in my area.

Working in the magic shop was a blessing as every book, gimmick or instructional video I could want was easily accessible
and I became a very skilled performer in a relatively short amount of time (a decade or so). I had done stage shows with
Michael Fraughton since I was 16 years old, began working on a larger stage with Maxwell and soon after landed a regular gig
with Larry H. Miller at the Mayan restaurant in Sandy, Utah.

This allowed me to quit the long hours at the magic shop and perform regularly making $35.00 an hour plus tips (starting,
nothing too major) and free meals 5 nights a week – pretty good money for a young man at the time and I was able to book a
large number of well paying shows as a result of my stage and tableside performances. I was able to finish my hypnosis
schooling with payment in advance and because of my ‘in’ with Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller was able to land a regular
theatre gig every Friday and Saturday night at the Jordon Commons Super Theatre.

Working my contract at the Jordan Commons every weekend held so many lessons within it and from there I booked other
large shows, corporate entertainment, the Olympics, travelled with my work and opened doors to many hundreds of lucrative
gigs. I’ve done some wonderful things with my hypnosis training and I’ve done my best to instill both basic and advanced
uses for hypnosis, suggestion, psychology and statistical forces, high powered mentalism and much more within this course.

Later I would go on to become a shining NLP Trainer and Hypnosis Instructor in my own right and taught my own hypnosis
curriculum at a number of fine schools and Institutes including the Healing States Wellness Center, The Emerald City School
for Hypnosis and The Talus Institute.

It was a remarkable journey and I see how synchronistic the entire ordeal really was. Looking back, there were many doors
that were NOT opened before me, but opened because of me. When they seemed to be ‘stuck’ and it appeared as though
there was no opportunity I persisted and found ways to make my life and career work. I did the best I could with what I had

I was blessed with skills learned and developed through hard work, 8 hours a day of practicing, rehearsing and honing my
craft for many years – exhausted from work and school and regular performances…I feel like I’ve paid my dues accordingly.
It wasn’t easy and at the same time I would gladly do it all over again in a heartbeat and wouldn’t have it any other way.

I trust that my ‘Thought Veil’ students will use the material and experience in these pages to create abundance, prosperity and
success in their life using my material and an approach that has proven effective.


Jerome Finley, 2009.

The Importance Of Safety

I’d like to say this once and get it out of the way, however,

SAFETY in hypnosis and proper precautions taken at all times to protect and keep safe your hypnotic subjects, volunteers
and participants is of the utmost importance. The safety of your subjects and the proper SAFE USE of hypnosis is
something I will remind ‘Thought Veil’ students of periodically throughout this course.

Besides learning hypnotic techniques and material very well so you can perform and share it safely, the physical health of
your subjects must always be in your mind. If working with standing subjects during hypnosis care should be exercised to
make sure the participant isn’t falling over or worse, falling off a stage, out of a chair, up or down stairs, etc.

At no time should hypnosis be performed without consent or otherwise on someone who shows themselves unwilling or
unable to enter the hypnotic process. At all times I urge ‘Thought Veil’ students to obtain proper consent before applying the
hypnotic tools and techniques in this book.

Your inductions should be exciting and mentally stimulating – NOT HARMFUL! Any inductions which demand the
hypnotist places his subject in psychological or physical danger are to be rejected immediately. This includes yanking, jerking,
pulling or otherwise throwing a body part or human being to the floor or ground unexpectedly or forcefully jerking on a
body part (arm, neck or head) during an induction or hypnotic demonstration.

Old School inductions can be very dangerous. At no time should any ‘Thought Veil’ student even think about attempting
something as stupid as a carotid artery induction or ANY induction which effectively or ineffectively inhibits the participant’s
breathing or blood flow.

Your subjects and participants should never be handled forcefully before, during or after hypnosis. Aside from light non
sexual touching for the purposes of guiding thoughts, imagery, breathing, relaxation, stress relief, induction techniques (etc)
your participants should not be touched or forcefully handled. At no times should a person under hypnosis or following an
induction get choked out, hit, pushed, jerked around or otherwise harassed. It might seem ridiculous that I even have to say
these things but I do.

Remember that when people are under the effects of hypnosis or more specifically under the effects of YOUR HYPNOSIS
those people are YOUR responsibility. I’ll speak about the ethics of using many of these techniques later in this course. The
highest moral standard and ethical practice I believe we can live by as human beings is ‘The Golden Rule’ – ‘do unto others as
you would have others do unto you.’ Strive to treat others how you would want to be treated if you were in their situation.

Please treat your clients, customers, audience members, participants, volunteers and subjects with the utmost care, patience,
respect and with their complete peace, safety, mental and physical wellbeing in your mind at all times.

At no time are ‘Thought Veil’ students meant to use the information and material presented here for anything other than
entertainment and educational purposes. The information and techniques divulged in this book are not meant to cure, treat
or diagnose ANY medical, mental/emotional or physical condition or to provide a replacement for proper medical care. At
best we create entertaining demonstrations and a safe, inner ‘healing state’ for individuals by providing them with potent
tools for relaxation and stress relief through positive suggestion and states of relaxed, focused awareness.

Should you decide you would like to move on after this course and become a hypnotherapist, certified hypnotist or
alternative healthcare provider please check the laws and regulations in the land you reside in and get some hands on training
first and foremost with proper licensing and certification as a result.

I also advise ‘Thought Veil’ students to eventually seek out a living teacher and mentor at some point in your studies. Books
and DVD’s can teach one a lot about hypnosis as an art form and practice, but there is nothing that can ever replace the
experience, care and guidance offered by a compassionate teacher or mentor when it comes to hypnosis.

How far you wish to go with this material is up to you and you do so at your own risk and benefit. I’ve done my best to
impart the tools and techniques I was taught and which I used to make a long and lucrative career from the art and science
of hypnosis and core issue hypnotherapy.

You have my best wishes and blessings in your endeavor. Go well.

NLP, Persuasion & Rapport Technologies

The key to becoming a successful hypnotist, in my experience, is learning the ins and outs of rapport in these
early stages.

Rapport is defined as, “a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people.”

Before ANY hypnotic process begins we shall focus our attention and intentions on this relationship of mutual
understanding, trust and agreement. With proper rapport your work as a hypnotist will be made easy and most important –

Without this relationship of trust, agreement and understanding it’s very difficult (if not impossible) to achieve extraordinary
results with hypnosis and potential hypnotic subjects. This holds true for any private/personal client, an audience, a business
broker, co workers, our friends, family members and spouse.

Rapport is the first key to successful hypnosis and hypnotic processes.

The field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has devoted a lot of time, energy and attention on the subject of creating
and building rapport.

NLP is (loosely) defined as, "a model of interpersonal communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of
behavior and the subjective experiences underlying them."

Put very simply NLP is the art and science of learning what makes a person tick. Understanding NLP assists us in realizing
HOW and WHY a person makes the decisions they do and using that information to our (and their) advantage. NLP teaches
us two very important concepts first and foremost:

1). To establish, build upon and maintain rapport.

2). To elicit a person’s criteria and use it to create a change or inspire a decision.

We’ll get into why these two points are so vital and important very soon.

NLP has been an incredible modality for use in healing, sales, persuasion, dating, core issue therapy and clear, effective
communication. “Neuro” meaning ‘brain’, “linguistic” meaning ‘language’ and “programming” all meaning “to use the language of the
brain to create positive and lasting change within a person.”

When the techniques of NLP are functioning at their greatest capacity the operator (hypnotist/persuasion artist) is actually
able to give themselves or another person SUGGESTIONS (programs) which MUST be acted upon as the techniques and
tools of NLP may actually change a person’s neural pathways, brainwave activity and the way their thoughts affect their
nervous system.

Whether readers of ‘Thought Veil’ believe in the power and efficacy of NLP and hypnosis is of no matter or personal
consequence to me. I’m not here to convince you. I’ve used these modalities on a daily basis for over a decade and testify to
their effectiveness and value in my work.

NLP and fields of persuasion are like any other industries and helpful modalities in that a lot of associated rubbish and
bullshit turns people off and turns seekers and students away. In this course I’ve sought to boil NLP-esque techniques and

rapport building technologies down to their bare minimum to give you the tools I use and the concepts that work. I use a lot
of basic tools and exploit them to their fullest potential.

For the working mentalist or successful hypnotist most of this early material should be old hat and second nature. For those
who are intermediate students or just arriving to the table as beginners what is taught here will make all the difference in your
work and performance.

The Hypnotist's Prayer

Dear Lord, Thou Greatest of Hypnotists, I kneel before Thee for I know that every good and perfect gift must
come from Thee.

I pray…

Give me the Word, that my words are your words and my voice is your voice that I may say that which is Thy Will.

Give clear vision to my mind so that…

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, let me sow pardon.

Where there is doubt, let me sow faith.

Where there is despair, let me sow hope.

Where there is darkness, let me sow light.

Where there is sadness, let me sow joy.

Give me the strength to lift the burden of my suffering fellowman and make me an instrument of Thy peace.


“And the Lord God caused man to fall into a deep sleep.”

– Genesis 2:21

I’ve included the above scriptural reference and The Hypnotist’s Prayer with good reason. As I began learning hypnosis I could
most readily see the effects of group mind dynamics and mass hysteria in the religious practices and organizations around the

Take into consideration ecstatic states of consciousness and psycho-spiritual ‘fits of inspiration’, flights of consciousness or
spiritual ecstasy and we can see how hypnosis, trance, suggestion, anchoring, eliciting emotional states and other techniques
have been used since the beginning of time by shamans, priests, diviners, sages and prophets alike.

It is not my intention to stir up controversy or to offend - quite the opposite. This work is designed to make you THINK and
ask questions; to give you powerful and potent tools with which to create amazing experiences and powerful performances.
When we stand up and ask the most difficult questions about our art, our lives and our Self the answers will be given to us
accordingly, eventually.

Allow me to be very straightforward and clear right here in the beginning – the hypnosis I practice is a SPIRITUAL ART
FORM. Whether you believe in God or a Higher Power or are a devout atheist makes no difference to me. I’m not trying to
convince anyone, change your mindset, beliefs or opinions of things. I AM here teaching hypnosis as it was taught to me; a
powerful, psycho-spiritual modality for positive change and personal enlightenment.

While you may or may not disagree with the WAY I teach hypnosis I am quite certain that you will all love, respect and
implement the techniques I am sharing with you here.

Healing States

A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:

Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions.

Behavior Therapy: 72% after 22 sessions.

Hypnotherapy: 93% after 6 sessions (!).

Hypnosis and Core Issue Hypnotherapy is one of the greatest healing (and entertainment) modalities we have access to in
this day and age. Therapeutic sessions have proven successful in cases where other treatments, sciences and modalities were
simply ineffective. I say this with full understanding that the reverse is also true.

Though it’s a wonderful model for personal change and empowerment, hypnosis is not a ‘magic bullet.’

‘Thought Veil’ students should make no attempts to cure, treat or diagnose a client, sitter or audience member at any time in
any way, shape or form without proper training, experience and licensing which are all far outside the scope of this book.

While a large part of this course WILL be centered around a very light, safe and easy to follow therapeutic model for lasting,
healthy, positive change it is NOT meant to substitute for proper medical care and treatment for any disease, injury or
consideration of the mind or body.

Care and integrity should be exercised at all times. We are here to entertain, uplift, empower and inspire others. Please take
these words to heart and do NOT step or attempt to step into the role of a healer or therapist with the information
presented in this course unless properly trained and qualified to do so. Always work in accordance with the laws, rules and
regulations of the land you reside in.

That anyone can be a positive influence and provide others with proven techniques for stress relief, deep relaxation and auto
programming through positive suggestions, affirmations and visualizations should be apparent and acknowledged. Each of
us is empowered to be a catalyst for healthy growth and positive change unto ourselves, others and the world around us.

The information in this course is presented for educational and informational purposes ONLY. No attempts should be made
to cure, treat or diagnose using the information, tools and techniques contained herein.

While teaching hypnosis I must advocate safety (and legality) first and foremost. The ethical use of this and other material
bearing my name and trademark is encouraged and expected at all times.

Please read and understand the laws of the land and area in which you reside concerning the use of hypnosis for both
therapy and entertainment before performing the material in this book. Eventually it is suggested that you look into
insurance and proper live training if you wish to pursue a career with hypnosis.

To cover my own ass legally I suggest that you not hypnotize anyone under 18 years of age unless it is done with the consent
of their parent or legal guardian. I refuse to hypnotize minors at my shows and especially in private unless the parent is

The safety and well being of your subjects and participants should always come first. Hypnosis is a very safe modality for just
about everyone however hypnotists themselves can be very dangerous. Care must be taken to present people from falling,
hurling themselves off your stage, sliding out of their seats, hitting the floor and other pitfalls.

During your inductions you should NEVER jerk, pull, twist or unbalance a person in such a way that may place them in
danger by falling or do them bodily harm. If attempting to induce a trance state ALWAYS get permission first. Street
hypnosis and hypno-assaults or inductions on unsuspecting victims is frowned upon.

Use your head. Play smart, be safe and have fun!


Hypnosis is an ancient art and science we have only come to understand and properly utilize as a professional
collective in the last hundred years or so.

For thousands of years HYPNOTISM has been used in one form or another by people of all times and in all places, cultures
and societies. Since there has been consciousness and self awareness residing in man, there too has been hypnosis.

From ancient sleep temples and dream chambers in India, Greece and Egypt to the burial halls and ceremonial rooms of the
mystic healing pyramids at Giza, faith healing, prayer, meditation, the laying on of hands, magnetism, mesmerism, religious
miracles, NLP, EST, Dianetics, Psycho-Cybernetics, magic, mentalism, stage hypnosis, parents, teachers, counselors, priests,
sages, churches, the military and government (etc) all have hypnosis in common. Altered states of consciousness and trance
states truly are the tie that binds us. Hypnosis and the effects of trance are everywhere you look.

Whether these above mentioned groups, people, organizations, practices and philosophies agree with the assessment they
ALL use hypnosis in some form or not is beside the point. One needs only to look around the world today to see very clearly
the great cultural trance we are each immersed in. It’s happening everywhere, all the time. Our job as hypnotists is to use that
trance consciously, with good intentions for the betterment of mankind. The first step is in realizing such a great trance
exists and can be called upon or tapped into with certain specific results.

We are ALL part of this massive global and cultural trance. At the bottom of this great trance such ‘hot words’ as ‘hypnosis’,
‘trance’, ‘suggestion’, ‘NLP’ and other ambiguous terms abound. It is the word HYPNOSIS itself that always seems to stand
out, but why?

HYPNOTISM is based upon an individual’s ability to respond to ideas called SUGGESTIONS and everything around us at
all times suggests SOMETHING to us. The word ‘hypnosis’ and the title ‘hypnotist’ are very powerful suggestions in and of

Hypnosis is the stuff of mystics and movies. Almost everyone seems to have their own elementary idea and understanding
about WHAT hypnosis is, how it works, what it looks like, what a typical trance state (and a hypnotist) can do and how
people respond while under the effects of hypnosis.

A Brief History Of Hypnosis

The use and practice of what became modern hypnosis and their offshoots are most often traced back to an
Austrian physician named FRANZ MESMER (1743-1815).

From him comes the term ‘mesmerize.’ Though I believe it was the work of Franz Mesmer and others which drew public
attention to the practice of using altered states consciously the practice itself is as ancient as man himself. I can safely say it’s
as old as human history.

Ancient, primitive people throughout the world used hypnosis and trance states for religious rites and healing ceremonies
since the beginning of time and history as we humans know it. As soon as there was a developed consciousness to work with
the effects and practice of hypnosis was in full effect.

The Australian Aborigines willfully entered trance states to interact with the Dreamtime while Native Americans
incorporated sweat lodges, trance states, drumming and plant medicines to create a mystical experience.

The ancient Tibetans and early South American tribes also incorporated trance states as part of their mystical rites and all of
this goes back to ancient Egypt and other parts of Africa.

For me, hypnosis and shamanism, traditional healing, indigenous cultures and ancient spirituality all go hand in hand. We do
not find one without the other and herein lays the true roots of hypnosis – quite possibly the first religion ever.

The Amazulu and San Kalahari bushmen of South Africa are perhaps the most ancient living people still in the world today
and traditionally have a long, rich history filled with hypnosis. Through drumming, rattling, singing, dancing, chanting and
praying, working with plant medicines, divination, consciously entering the Dreamtime, merging with ancestors and entering
ecstatic states their religion, spirituality and tribal forms of hypnosis are fully developed.

Back to Mesmer, he was a physician and astrologist who laid claim to ‘animal magnetism’ and other so called spiritual forces
and lumped them together in something he called ‘mesmerism.’

Mesmer discovered that individuals could be ‘cured’ from many diseases and conditions by having them hold onto
magnetized rods while giving them suggestions to be healed. Many people reported being healed by Mesmer’s lodestone
therapy which consisted of passing magnetic ‘rocks’ over the body while giving the patient suggestions for healing.

This worked out very well until around 1782 when an entourage which included Benjamin Franklin and other great minds
was sent to investigate the miracle worker Franz Mesmer. This team concluded that IF people got better as a result of their
treatments with Franz then it was by their own mind and imagination that positive results were derived and delivered. Of
course they would be CORRECT in this assessment! It was concluded that any positive benefits were the result of the
patient’s ‘imagination.’

We began to understand that ‘mesmerism’ was merely a placebo which gave the human mind a process, ritual and excuse by
which to heal itself.

Because of this discovery and public announcement ‘Mesmerism’ lost much of its momentum and appeal until it later
reappeared in a revised form under a new name and theme – ‘HYPNOSIS’ - derived from the word ‘hypnos’ (the Greek God
of Sleep) by a man named Dr. James Braid in 1841.

Braid is and was one of the important pioneers in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Before Milton Erickson arrived Dr. BRAID
was considered the ‘Father of Modern Hypnosis.’

Braid was a highly skilled and sought after surgeon until 1841 when he saw a ‘mesmerist’ at work. That man was Charles
Lafontaine (1803-1892).

After examining Lafontaine’s subjects Braid concluded they were indeed in very different (altered) mental and physical states.
He was convinced there was ‘something remarkable’ behind the phenomena and compelling enough to construct five
lectures delivered in Manchester later that year.

Dr. Braid replaced the magnetized poles used in mesmerism with a ‘fixed gaze’ technique to produce sleeping states in his
subjects and began using the term ‘neuro-hypnotism’ as early as 1841. He adopted a sound ‘psycho-physiological’ theory instead
of the more occult philosophies that magnetists adhered to. His use of the word ‘hypnosis’ was intended to separate what he
was doing in practice from the others as much as possible.

Braid would incorporate such classic techniques as a pendulum swinging back and forth, focusing on candle flames or
looking ‘into his eyes’ to produce a trance state in his subjects. In his first publication he stressed the importance of the
subject concentrating both vision and thought, referring to ‘the continued fixation of the mental and visual eye as a means of engaging
a natural physiological mechanism’ that was already hard-wired into each human being.

From that same time we begin to find the names and stories of people such as Professor Jean Charcot, a French neurologist
and professor of anatomical pathology who in 1878 began experiments which revitalized the field of hypnotism born
through Braid’s efforts.

This founder of modern neurology’s most enduring work was on hypnosis and hysteria. He was singly responsible for
changing the French medical community and their views and opinion on hypnotism which had earlier been rejected as

Hypnotism also had numerous early advocates in surgery and medicine. In 1846 Dr. James Esdaile was one of the many who
performed advanced operations using hypnosis alone in place of anesthetic at the time. This practice still continues in one
form or another even today.

Perhaps the most famous of these early mind explorers was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Freud learned hypnosis from Jean
Charcot and began to implement its techniques in his work. Years later he studied with a man named Josef Breuer who co-
authored a paper called ‘Studies in Hysteria’ in which the famous Anna O. (Bertha Pappenheim) case was presented. Her
treatment is regarded as the foundation and beginning of psychoanalysis/psychotherapy and included hypnosis as a major
part of her treatment and recovery.

Together Freud, Charcot and Breuer showed how many hysterical symptoms were actually repressed memories and could be
unlocked through hypnosis AND made ‘better’ with therapeutic treatments.

It is said that Freud eventually developed ‘free association’ because he was not comfortable with the intimate nature of
hypnosis. Go figure.

…Not one to discount the use of hypnosis in religion… a man named Phineas Quimby – a philosopher, magnetizer, healer,
inventor and one of the early followers of magnetism was sought out by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy who found relief
from Quimby’s esoteric techniques. They worked together until personal disagreements led her to begin the ‘Church of Christ’
with revised magnetic and hypnotic tools, techniques and concepts learned from Quimby who is often cited as the inspiration
for her theology.

This wasn’t the first Church founded on hypnotic principles and it certainly won’t be the last. Mary’s book ‘Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures’ is still in print even today and is the primary source for Christian Science beliefs.

The history of many modern day American Churches can be traced back to the founders dabbling in hypnosis. Such has
been the case with hypnotism from the very beginning and whether it was intentional or realized in these early, formative
stages is moot.

The concepts and principles of Group Mind Dynamics and suggestion attached to an emotionally charged experience to
create permanent memory, strengthening beliefs through ritual and deep anchoring processes are basic building blocks of any
religious power and organization. Hypnotic techniques are inherent within their mystical structure and sacred practice.

These same techniques have been and are still employed constantly in certain ‘Life Skills Trainings.’ Dynamic and
transformational group processes offered by companies like ‘EST’, ‘Life Spring’, ‘Harmony’ and their ‘Impact Training’ groups,
‘Rising Star’ and many more all incorporate Group Mind Dynamics, mass hysteria, rite, ritual and process with sound hypnotic
techniques to create an emotionally charged experience in order to facilitate (potentially) positive change and core
transformation within individuals and large groups of people simultaneously.

Edgar Cayce – a prophet, mystic, seer and clairvoyant also played an important role in the development of hypnosis.

Young Cayce was a very poor student who was often unable to concentrate and would fall asleep on his books while
studying. When he awoke he claimed to know all of the material inside.

At 15 Edgar was hit in the spine with a ball that put him into a coma. When he eventually came to he told his parents of an
old monk who came to him in his comatose state and told him how to recover from his injury and physical trauma. His
parents followed the instructions given by the monk and Edgar was cured.

In his early twenties Edgar completely lost his voice but discovered he could speak while under the effects of hypnosis. Later
Cayce gave trance readings after placing himself into a deep, hypnotic state. His readings, healings and visions all sported a
very high degree of accuracy and success which cannot be denied.

To give a reading Edgar would simply lie down and put himself in a hypnotic trance. When he reached the deepest state
possible through mere auto suggestion he would begin to speak and answer questions about his subject/sitter, their life and
illness and solutions and even past lives. If the person was not present Cayce claimed he could ‘project’ himself to their
address and still gave powerful ‘remote readings’ using this method.

Though he lived before its time many credit Edgar Cayce as being ‘The Father of the New Age’ and his influence extends far
and wide even today through his many hundreds of thousands of students, 300+ books written by or about him, A.R.E.
members across the world and Edgar Cayce Centers in over 35 different countries.

Around 1945 a man by the name of Milton Erickson began to incorporate hypnosis into his regular MD/Psychiatric practice
and hypnotherapy began to gain a solid and worthwhile reputation as an extremely effective and viable form of treatment
and therapy using techniques promoted by Braid many years earlier. Milton said of this man himself, ‘It was due to the researches
of Braid that hypnosis was placed on a scientific basis and his coining of the term hypnotism and hypnosis to the phenomenon instead of the
misnomer ‘mesmerism’ facilitated its acceptance by the medical profession.’

Erickson was color-blind, tone deaf, dyslexic and arrhythmic. He almost died of polio at age 17 and was bedridden as a
result. Every day he imagined getting out of bed and walking to the window. Over time his mind and body began working
together and his muscles began to respond. Eventually he was able to walk again.

Later Milton became a psychiatrist and had a natural ability to bring about dramatic changes within his patients. He would
often tell boring stories which seemed to have nothing or little to do with his patient’s visit but served to create a successful
trance state that brought each person face to face with the very reason he or she was seeing Milton.

Milton provided the foundation for modern hypnosis and later provided the basis for NLP indirectly through his work and
the positive, consistent effects he had on others.

From the studies of Dr. Milton Erickson comes the foundation for Neuro-Linguistic Programming or ‘NLP.’

In 1958 hypnosis was accepted for use by the American Medical Association and obviously due largely to the work and
research of Braid and Erickson as well as many pioneers before them. Though accepted by the AMA hypnosis still didn’t
really take off quite yet and only a handful of doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists were incorporating these techniques in
their practice. It was actually STAGE HYPNOSIS which saved the art form from dying and many entertaining hypnotists
offered therapeutic sessions to their audience members after the public display which made it popular again.

The attention hypnosis and its practice received as a result of acceptance and acknowledgement by the AMA over half a
century ago now has finally been a tremendous asset and brings us to look at the use of contemporary hypnosis by today’s

Hypnosis has come a long way and it still has a long way to go. On one hand it is developing and changing all the time while
on the other hand it will remain the same as it was in the very beginning. The core principles are set in stone. HOW hypnosis
works and WHY hypnosis works will continue to remain the same, only our perception and understanding of the practice
itself changes.

Every major city in the United States (and in most countries, really) will have a host of hypnotherapists and practicing
hypnotists of some persuasion residing and practicing there. Because there seems to be an infinite use FOR hypnosis today’s
hypnotists are assured an abundance of work and financial compensation for their specialized education, gifts, skills and
genuinely helpful talents.

One of the main reasons behind my releasing ‘Thought Veil’ at this time is to boost the sub-economy of magicians, mentalists,
entertainers and performance artists at a ground level. The world economy is crazy at the moment and many of our brethren
are experiencing a shortage of work, money and bookings.

It is my goal to provide you with new tools and new ideas with which to heal the world and others through
ENTERTAINMENT, positive suggestion and to assist you in making ends meet financially by imparting new tools with
which to create ABUNDANCE.

Besides strictly entertainment purposes the uses for hypnosis, positive suggestions and positive programming are many and
include smoking cessation, rapid weight loss, positive self imaging, deep relaxation and stress management, overcoming
fears/phobias and anxiety, sports enhancement, increasing confidence, sales and business productivity, relationship
counseling, past life regression therapy, Inner Child Work, pain management, eating disorders, motivation and addiction,
emotional regression and parts therapy, insomnia, nail biting, bed wetting, life coaching, transformational training, yoga,
meditation and thousands of other areas you have not even begun to imagine yet!

Hypnosis and natural trance states are all around and within us, all day every day.

I have chosen tools over the years which lend others the most effective and dramatic results with the shortest learning curve.
In this case, one modality (HYPNOSIS) opens up the doors and options to hundreds and thousands of other opportunities
for work, growth, self healing and abundance. Hypnosis is one key that unlocks numerous doors – there’s a ton you can do
with it and I’m here at this time to show you HOW.

Hypnosis Definitions

Learning hypnosis starts with a solid understanding of what hypnosis is, what it isn’t and how the mind works
during trance states.

Defining hypnosis has been a rather tricky task since the very beginning of its study and discovery. Even up until very recent
years we still didn’t know a whole lot about this practice and implementation of altered states with suggestion even as natural
as it is.

I don’t imagine that hypnosis could ever have just ONE definition. Our experience and knowledge of hypnosis, what it is and
how it works is constantly changing, expanding and forming to fit different ideas and approaches. Rapid breakthroughs are
being made constantly in this industry and thus the definitions of hypnosis are always evolving and differing from what they
once were.

To assist you in your new understanding of the art and science of hypnosis I’ve included some definitions by other
outstanding individuals heralded as leaders and pioneer’s in our field. One day you will come into your own understanding of
hypnosis and create your own definition that serves you. Some prior definitions have been:

A state of mind (Elman)

A trance (Erickson)

A state of altered ego functioning (Gill & Brenman)

The induction of conviction (Kroger & Fezler)

A state of selective hyper suggestibility (Weitzenhoffer)

A state of relatively heightened susceptibility to prestige suggestions (Hull)

Misdirected attention, belief, expectation & imagination (Gindes, Kroger)

Put simply hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It’s a state of deep relaxation wherein positive images and
suggestions are more readily accepted by the subconscious (non-critical) mind which then acts on them. The key to using
suggestion effectively within mentalism lies in knowing HOW to work with the right brain/non critical mind of your

The hypnotic trance is a natural state of mind. There is nothing unnatural or supernatural about it. With this in mind
hypnosis DOES possess certain (positive) characteristics – I prefer to think of hypnosis (and describe it to others) as a state
is nothing magical or supernatural about hypnosis and it’s a normal, constant part of every human experience.

Here are a few characteristics of hypnosis which have proven useful to me over the years –

1). Proper hypnosis demonstrates a unique quality of mind and blend of mental, physical and emotional relaxation. You’ll
know you’re hypnotizing people when they begin to relax and release their stress easily and naturally. This release is a natural
byproduct of a proper hypnotic process and/or induction, changing brainwave patterns and entering a certain state of mind

and consciousness (‘trance’). Relaxation and stress release, emotional relief and other benefits are all natural by products of
this state.

2). In a properly hypnotized state the subject experiences an EMOTIONAL DESIRE to follow suggestions and satisfy or act
out suggested behavior. The reason this happens is due to pacing and leading – the subject realizes (or is told) there are
positive benefits to following instructions/suggestions and acting upon them. Play the game, follow along and do as we (the
hypnotist) suggest and you will be rewarded through a positive change that takes place via your own unconscious mind. It’s
that easy but much more subtle and delicate in practice.

3). The hypnotic state relies on rapport, trust, mutual understanding and the subject’s ability to follow very simple
instructions. Rapport and personal connection are huge factors behind this heightened response to suggestion, direction and
the proper instruction of your subject. Their response is not a matter of control, but made in relationship with the hypnotist
while in deep rapport.

4). In the hypnotic state ALL of a subjects sensory perceptions become more acute. This includes intuitive perceptions and
responses which is of particular special use to mentalists.

Imagine how many times during your day you find yourself slipping into and out of an altered state of consciousness. This is
much like a day dream or setting the mind to ‘auto-pilot’ while driving home or to work.

Hypnosis and shifts in our mind, consciousness and brainwave patterns happen naturally when we are eating, watching
television, making love, dreaming and imagining, reading, praying, meditating and even writing. I have no doubts whatsoever
that I have drifted into and out of a hypnotic trance state thousands of times while writing this book. Likewise I KNOW that
you the reader and student will as well. This is natural law and how the mind works.

Just as important to us as what hypnosis IS, is what hypnosis IS NOT: sleep, a state of unconsciousness, being gullible, weak
or weak-minded, losing self control, giving up control OR being controlled by someone else. It’s not weird, evil, bizarre or
unusual in the least. The fact of the matter is that hypnosis and trance states/altered states of consciousness are perfectly
natural and part of the mental process of every human being now or ever having lived.

Many people think (in error) that going into a trance or being affected by hypnosis makes a person unconscious or even
worse, gullible or powerless. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a subject was sleeping or unconscious they would
have an incredibly difficult time responding to our suggestions.

Hypnosis is not about being weak willed or weak-minded. One of the benefits of hypnosis is that whatever you can do now
you can do even BETTER through hypnosis (through focused awareness and heightened concentration, retaining
information, etc.). It actually helps to strengthen and boost your mind and mental faculties and processes.

Hypnosis is not about being controlled by anyone but in taking control of your mind, body and life. Watching a hypnotized
subject act out a variety of powerful suggestions might APPEAR otherwise, however, there is a symphony of minds and
thought and consciousness being played out here…

Think of the Hypnotist as an orchestra conductor. The individuals on stage are his wonderful and beautiful instruments –
without them he can do nothing. The Hypnotist fine tunes and takes care of his instruments prior to the performance (the
individual participants and group collective) and together they create something beautiful, raw, powerful and inspiring.
Together they showcase the awesome potential and power of EVERY human mind.

Hypnosis is not about losing control. While in trance one actually shows more focused control and attention upon the Self.
We are bringing individual attention back to the individual. Hypnosis assists us in breaking the everyday trances that most
people are unaware of.

As you’ll see later in my preshow lecture with my audience I often explain the truth about hypnosis as far as I understand it –
that it’s a very natural, normal state that each of us accesses and dips into many dozens of times throughout the day.

Effective ‘trance’ and altered states of consciousness occur periodically as we are reading, driving, eating, watching television,
making love and daydreaming. We drift into and out of light and even deep trance states while we are in the shower (this
explains why many people do some of their best thinking in the bathroom or while driving), during childbirth and intense
physical trauma/shock, emotional upsets and during moments of extreme joy and jubilation.

Science has shown that we change our brainwave patterns during prayer, meditation and positive self talk (auto
suggestion/self hypnosis) as well as just before we fall asleep.

Hypnosis and altered states of mind already exist within us. It’s been said that ALL hypnosis is effectively self hypnosis. A
hypnotist/hypnotherapist is merely the facilitator and guide who will lead his subjects to discover and tap the infinite
potential and dormant trance states buried deep within them.

How Hypnosis Works

In the following pages we begin to look at the Nature of Hypnosis & Brainwave Patterns. Our understanding of
these two areas will bring us much closer to the real power source behind trance and the hypnotic state.

One of the first things we must learn to do effectively is to begin destroying the myths and misinformation surrounding
hypnosis. One of the ways I do this is through the straightforward explanation that ‘hypnosis is a state of relaxed, focused
awareness; nothing more, nothing less.’

As we progress throughout this course and enter the subject matter of hypnosis shows for public or private entertainment
you’ll see just how important it is to eliminate the myths surrounding your work, trance and hypnosis from the very

By properly and honestly explaining hypnosis, trance and the process at hand you’ll naturally take away a lot of the resistance
you might face otherwise. By the time I’m done with my hypnosis ‘pre-talk’ my subjects are 90% into trance. The rest is easy.
Later I’ll show you exactly HOW I do this.

We might think of hypnosis as a state of super concentration for the mind. We’re able to relax our subjects and gently guide
their mind, thoughts and consciousness towards very positive ideas and possibilities. Hypnosis is ALL ABOUT possibilities!

In the hypnotic state the human mind is concentrated to an incredible degree so that nearly all the ideas, suggestions and
positive images given are absorbed completely, acted upon accordingly and retained indefinitely. When an individual is 100%
completely absorbed in the hypnotic state even extreme pain will be bypassed entirely, memories from years and years and
years ago (thought to be long forgotten) called to the surface at a moment’s notice and more.

Once the hypnotic state is terminated the mind once again returns to ‘normal.’ The effects of our programming and positive
suggestions might remain in the subconscious mind (and/or conscious mind) and could even go as deep as a cellular level
and continue to provide positive work and results after trance has formally ended.

Hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool because we can give ONE suggestion that will continue to be replayed and acted
upon many thousands of times until it creates permanent memory or behavioral changes. Working with trance states is the
epitome of working smarter and not harder. It’s very efficient and extremely effective when done properly.

The second thing we learn is that the human brain operates at the beta level when one is fully awake and completely
conscious. As a person begins to focus their attention on breathing, reading, relaxing, eating, imagining/visualizing and other
concentrated stimuli the brain starts slowing down and changes its rhythm to an ALPHA LEVEL or below. These various
‘levels’ are identified through brain cycles and how many cycles per second (CPS) are being generated.

As brainwave activity begins to slow OUR OWN ideas and suggestions have greater effects. The reason is very, very simple –
the trance state removes a lot of the clutter that gets in the way of positive change, suggestion and programming. When the
brain/mind has fewer things to focus on (and is directed to positive states of being we choose through QUALITY FOCUS
and relaxation) it becomes more opened and receptive to the ideas we have given to it.

It’s like putting an adult octopus in a tank with hundreds of toys; the creature does nothing – it’s too much and overwhelms
the thought process BUT, place the octopus in a tank with 2 or 3 interesting toys and objects (ideas/suggestions) to tinker
and interact with and you’ll see the animal do some truly amazing things.

This analogy is how our mind works. As we give the most creative part of ourselves (the imagination/subconscious mind) a
few high quality ideas and concepts to work with in a highly focused setting (trance states through hypnosis, suggestion and
NLP) we shall see greater positive results, just like the octopus in the aquarium with fewer toys to explore and discover – we
simply get MORE work and results with LESS.

Hypnosis allows us to stand witness to the powerful effects of our own thoughts. Other dimensions of reality or what I like
to call ‘Inner Space’ become more active during this process. Through hypnosis and trance states, positive suggestions and
deep relaxation techniques we take the client deep into their own subconscious mind, into the realm of imagination and
creativity where anything is possible and whatever imagined can be realized. The results can border on the miraculous.

Hypnosis Redefined

With the prior information in mind we may surmise that hypnosis is an emotionally charged system/modality of
BELIEFS with the power to suspend our attention (and our disbelief) for a time and allows for the creation of
different behaviors, beliefs and/or attitudes to come to fruition within the mind and life of the client or audience

These new ideas will remain active in the clients (subconscious) mind until another emotionally charged suggestion interrupts
and overrides it. Hypnosis is all about shaping beliefs through directing and redirecting attention – we bring a subconscious,
mindful awareness to various aspects of the client’s life, thought process, behavior and personality for positive change and
entertainment. Hypnosis is the conscious awareness of a subconscious response.

Emotions have been called ‘Energy in Motion.’ I was taught that emotion + suggestion = permanent memory! During trance
work for positive change we will be eliciting emotional states and submerging our client into deep pools of subconscious
awareness with profound effects.

Think about the process at hand; we’re working with emotionally charged ideas called SUGGESTIONS. The problem most
magicians and mentalists have with suggestion and its proper use, psychology and display in our art is they have failed to
realize the power in charging their suggestion based work and routines WITH EMOTION. It is for this reason many fail
where I succeed. Emotion needs to be there for suggestion to take its ultimate effect. We can elicit the proper emotional
responses to make our suggestions work by evoking certain states of being within the volunteer or participant.

Emotions are feelings that if left unchecked and unbridled can and will conquer us. Our emotions and emotional states can
be reached through relaxation, suggestion, hypnosis, dreaming, fear, guilt, love, hate, boredom, addiction and many other
avenues. These feelings all create a sense of heightened awareness that can lead us into or lift us out of paralyzing behaviors.

With hypnosis emotions (energy in motion) is working through ideas called suggestions. A suggestion can be anything in our
environment (already there OR introduced) which gets our attention and commands our awareness with some effect. We’ll be
delving deeply into the realm of suggestions, exactly what they are and how to create and share them with others as we
progress through this course.

These ‘SUGGESTIONS’ are the perfect complement to your magic and mentalism routines and the cornerstone of
hypnosis. The proper use of suggestion by itself can be used to create and re-create effects that we as performers are not
able to accomplish through any other means. Furthermore, suggestions by themselves are an amazing adjunct to therapy
(hypnotherapy) AND their use in persuasion, seduction and hypnosis is infinite.

In this course you’ll be given tools such as language patterns (specific word sequences and structures) with a detailed
knowledge of which words evoke the imagination of your audience (right brain) and effectively bypass the logical, critical left
brain of your volunteers and participants.

These hypnotic tools simply allow YOU to place certain ideas (suggestions) and their effects into the minds of those you
work with.

Once our mind and attention has been captured by suggestion our imagination begins to formulate certain IDEAS that we
react to. Nobody reacts to a suggestion, but to their IDEAS about a suggestion!

These reactions are called ‘behavior.’ Behavior is the expression of thoughts, energy (emotion) and our response to
suggestions. Just like everything is energy, everything is also a suggestion. Remember this! Everything is a suggestion (!) we
only need learn HOW to apply those suggestions to create certain effects and outcomes.

All things consist of energy which cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Likewise, suggestions already exist in
our nature, as our true nature is that of a suggestible, malleable one and everything in our environments constantly suggests
something to us – it is the stimuli we are born into. What we do as hypnotists and suggestion-based mentalists is take those
suggestions that already exist within the world and her people and begin to shape, mold, direct and manipulate them to create
certain effects and outcomes.

Whenever you laugh at a movie, cry from a poem or a song, taste or smell something that drops you into a powerful memory
you are responding to your perception of the suggestion being offered. When you see a physical fight happen you may
become scared or anxious. The same holds true when driving and seeing the after effects of an automobile crash. When you
notice food advertisements on television and react by wanting a Big Mac you are buying into an idea and responding to a

Your reaction to these stimuli and suggestions is the basis for the field of hypnosis in action. EVERYTHING is a
suggestion. Everything around us affects something within us on some level – whether we are conscious and aware of those
effects is another matter. Where hypnosis comes in is in drawing our attention and relaxed, focused awareness to suggestions
and their effects. We create new suggestions when and where possible and replace old, non-working suggestions when

Personally, I happen to feel that everything is hypnosis. On varied levels all that we are and all that we do or have experienced
has been the result of suggestion on some level. Even our behavior is given to us and human beings, by large, are products
of their environment and the suggestions they have been given and have accepted.

There is a lot of material to cover here and you’ll want to refer back to your ‘Thought Veil’ course with great frequency in
order to better understand and absorb it all.

Brainwave Patterns

Walking around in normal day-to-day consciousness is referred to as the BETA STATE and simply reflects the
brain wave patterns in units of CPS (cycles per second) while in that state.

The BETA state is associated with being awake, aware and conscious, in contact with the world around us and the awareness
is an OUTER awareness. The Beta State is active at about 21 cycles per second and is associated with sight, touch, sound,
smell, taste, a sense of time and space as experienced here and now.

For most of my suggestion based mentalism and light hypnosis I am taking the client or participant into an ALPHA state of
consciousness and level of brain wave activity. This is where light to heavy suggestion based phenomena and positive
suggestions for rapid change are most effective (for our work and purposes).

The Alpha Level is a state of relaxed, focused awareness. It’s very soft and soothing, the state can be elicited almost
instantaneously (close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the following…!) and will be the basis and foundation for
the routines to come later in this book.

Hans Berger discovered that closing our eyes and visualizing/imagining scenes, colors and/or guided imagery places us into
an immediate ALPHA LEVEL.

The Alpha level is associated with trance, day dreams and a healing state of mind. It allows us access to the subconscious
mind and further allows us to tap into our own natural knowing and intuition as mentalists and highly trained, advanced
hypnosis students. The Alpha Level takes place and is active at about 14 cycles per second (CPS).

While I am on the subject please allow me a slight indulgence and momentary break from the subject matter at hand. For
those familiar with my work you have all realized what an extreme advocate I am of developing a sincere, emotional process
during my mentalism performances and that both rapport and suggestion feature heavily.

For your own purposes and the purposes of this book as a training course and manual I want you all to be working with
ALPHA LEVEL techniques during your magic and mentalism performances starting immediately.

My biggest gripe with mentalist’s is that very few have learned HOW to tap into the power of their mind and its startling
effects with their mentalism. It is absurd that so many ‘mentalists’ know very little (if anything at all) about the human mind,
how it works, how to direct it, how to create powerful and positive suggestions during their performance and how to draw
upon natural effects of trance in their work. This course is going to change all of that. You will no longer be in the dark
regarding such things. When pretending to read minds (or really doing it) you get to know about the mind and how it works.

The ALPHA LEVEL is something so powerful, so simple to use, so effective and drastic in its effects that there is no reason
not to draw upon it in every performance. With Hans Berger’s discovery that a proper ALPHA level can be attained by
simply closing the eyes, taking one or two deep breaths and visualizing imagery it is appalling and disappointing to see
mentalists NOT using these techniques. You have completely missed the boat.

Through closing the eyes, breathing and visualizing imagery (anything) we can alleviate shock, fear, panic, anxiety, resistance
and other mind stopping stimuli very quickly. By following these three simple points the brain will slow down, it’s a proven
scientific fact.

As the brain slows down, going from a waking BETA state down to an ALPHA level (and beyond) one becomes more
responsive to outer influences. The outer influences in this case are the mentalist and his craft. Any participant succumbing
to the above three requests is going to experience a greater miracle; it’s so easy. I make this a normal part of my process
during every performance and demonstration of mind reading. It is within this alteration of the brain wave patterns that
suggestion and even mind control takes place!

I use this simple three-part process in all that I do. Take a simple book test for example…after my participant looks at a word
and before I pick up on the thought I instruct my participant to close their eyes, take a nice, deep, relaxing breath and
VISUALIZE the word they’ve thought of written out before them. If possible I have the participant construct a mental
image of the word (the word ‘house’ would be turned into a mental picture of a house, etc.).

Just by doing this I know that my mentalism and the effect it has on my participant is going to be stronger, the effects run
deeper and the impact greater many, many times over. The participant is entering an ALPHA level of consciousness and
brain wave activity. Because they are in a different state of mind and consciousness than normal, they are going to experience
my mentalism at a different level. It’s going to impact them in a greater manner and they are going to remember it for a
longer time.

Because of this my participants are more relaxed and these simple techniques adds to the inner and outer processes; not just
the theatrical process – these activities have an actual, measurable effect on their state of mind and inner being, it changes the
physiology, creates deeper rapport naturally, relaxes the person and makes them more susceptible to suggestion.

The next time I see a mentalist simply reveal a word, thought or number (or any piece of information) all the while saying,
‘Concentrate, send the word to me… ‘Hack? Is that your word?’ I’m going to slap the man.

In doing the above you have effectively robbed your participant of a greater miracle and defiled the art of mentalism and
mentalists everywhere. What you do as a performer has an impact and greater effect on all of us and you deserve to be the
best performer you can possibly be. If you can’t do these simple things and follow these easy to use instructions and
suggestions you have no reason or business in the performance art of mentalism or for that matter, hypnosis!

I’ve talked about this until I am blue in the face in my prior releases and past offerings. Very few have heard my words or
understood my work.

End of rant.

The THETA STATE & LEVEL is associated with deep trance. At this level time and space begin to dissolve (as with the
Alpha Level, yet more completely) and things like pain control, painless child birth, surgeries, dentistry, fire walking, sweat
lodges, out of body experiences, rejuvenating sleep and shamanic, ecstatic trance states are possible.

When I pray and meditate, practice Yoga and Qigong, drum, rattle, sing, dance, chant mantras and perform my divination
ceremonies I am routinely entering an Alpha Level and dipping down into the THETA STATE periodically during my
practice, ritual or ceremony. I’m an ecstatic healer – that’s what I do.

Deep healing and deep mysteries are to be had here in the Theta state. Because a person in the THETA STATE is immersed
completely in the inner worlds and Inner Space it is not a practical state of consciousness or brain wave activity for our work
as mentalists and hypnotic entertainers. It more closely resembles sleep at 7 CPS and on the outside the person may appear
unconscious or in deep, meditative or spiritual ecstasy.

Next comes the DELTA STATE at about 4 CPS and is associated with deep sleep, complete unconsciousness, hypnotic sleep
or coma. Again, this is not a practical level for us to take others or operate at unless you want to put your audience to sleep. It
is also not good for hypnosis in a therapeutic sense as the client is completely comatose, unconscious and unaware.

Nature Of Suggestions

SUGGESTION: introducing an idea or thought that is accepted or acted upon readily and uncritically.

SUGGESTIBILITY: the process of being highly susceptible and/or influenced by suggestion.

For the sake of clarity and to create an expanded vision of reality it is necessary to discuss the nature of suggestion and the
laws of suggestibility; how our minds are affected on many levels by the constant barrage of internal and external
environmental stimuli presented to us.

Make a detailed note at this point that suggestion is but one small part of the true hypnotic experience.

A suggestion is any psychological process that produces a physiological result. As an example imagine biting deeply into a
fresh lemon or hearing the sound made by fingernails scratching over the surface of a chalkboard. If your mouth began to
water and pucker up or you winced at the thought of hearing such a grotesque sound you are effectively responding to

Suggestions alone do not produce the hypnotic state. To effectively elicit a proper hypnotic state your suggestions must be
coupled with imagination and emotion to have strong effects.

I was taught there are seventeen types of suggestions. These are listed below. While we are focusing on 17 different TYPES
please remember there are an infinite number of suggestions and that everything suggests SOMETHING to us all the time.

1.) The first suggestion type is a DIRECT SUGGESTION. A direct suggestion entails such commands as ‘sit down’ or
‘come in.’ Any direct verbal or non-verbal command such as ‘stop’ or even ‘take a card’ can be classified as a direct
suggestion or command.

2.) Indirect suggestions are ideas that are open to objection such as, ‘I was wondering whether you’d like a snack’ or ‘Maybe
we should see a movie…’ or ‘Would you like a chair?’ Indirect suggestions are ways to present opportunities or
SUGGEST something without being forceful or demanding.

3.) Inferred suggestions are often non-verbal. For example, if we’re in a library and I raise my finger to my lips one
knows to be quiet. If I give you a ‘thumbs up’ signal, the middle finger, a wave hello or gesture to cross the room
and sit with me, the ‘OK’ sign with my fingers after a great meal (and more) I am inferring a suggestion – any word
or action that suggests something else or pertains to some greater idea than the word or action itself is an inferred

4.) Prestige suggestions are suggestions which carry weight because of their ‘elite’ meaning or prestigious aura
surrounding them. Any title such as ‘Dr.’, ‘Sir’, ‘Expert’, ‘Master’ and ‘Authority’ are prestige suggestions. They often
take place in the form of credentials and many people respond quite well to prestige suggestions.

We’re more likely to accept medical advice from someone claiming to be a Dr. than from our neighbor who is a car mechanic,
right? I’ve long maintained that prestige suggestions CAN BE a very negative thing – there are many cases when some Dr. or
‘Expert’ tells a patient they have 6-8 weeks to live and effectively signs that person’s death certificate on the spot! Such

powerful, emotionally charged suggestions coming from an ‘expert’ are too hard for most people to fight. They end up giving
up on life or their chances to beat an illness as a result.

5.) Non Prestige Suggestions are suggestions which may appeal to the common man. Statements in passing or
conversation such as, ‘My Uncle once told me the secret of fishing isn’t about the bait you use but how you hold the pole…’

6.) Environmental Suggestions are anything in the environment such as heat or cold, fire, water, music, incense and
other factors which affect the space or the feeling of a certain area. Well decorated rooms make us feel relaxed and
comfortable while clutter might cause us to feel agitated and stressed out.

7.) Conditioned Reflex Suggestions are reactions to stimuli such as an abused dog cowering when a person tries to
pet it, or Pavlov’s dogs, an elephant who believes it is chained to a massive weight when it’s not, etc. Any suggestion
given over and over again is going to cause a person or animal to develop a certain repetitious learning pattern.

8.) Emotional Suggestions belong to you, you own them. These might be things like hearing a song that reminds you
of an old lover, or some pet peeve that produces an emotional response within you. Seeing movies that remind you
of a certain time or period in your life would fall into this category.

9.) Unconscious suggestions take place when our personal awareness is destabilized. Examples of this might be
when undergoing surgery or after severe trauma or an accident and picking up on the words and suggestions of
people around and/or tending to you and your condition; doctors, nurses and good Samaritans. It’s important to
realize that our subconscious mind doesn’t sleep. In these vulnerable states (coma is a good example) we are still
constantly being fed suggestions.

10.) Social Suggestions are ideas, beliefs and stigmas that are imbedded into our culture. Things such as smoking or
wearing brand name clothing to Church (or non-brand name clothing to the Emmy Awards), kissing in public and
chewing with our mouth open are examples of social suggestions; things that may or may not be acceptable in
certain areas OR change the way you are perceived because of them.

11.) Auto Suggestions are suggestions and self talk we make to ourselves. Thoughts and statements like, ‘I’m okay’ or ‘I
can do it!’ are auto suggestions. Positive affirmations fall under this banner and will be a source of further discussion

12.) Hetero Suggestions are suggestions that others make to us. Statements such as, ‘You can do it, I believe in you!’ or
‘You’ll never make that shot!’ are examples of hetero suggestions. Think of them as suggestions you may or may not
accept from others. They are often casual and crop up in our daily conversations and interactions without much
conscious awareness.

13.) Pre Hypnotic Suggestions are suggestions we might give a client before undergoing hypnosis or booking a show,
for example. Statements such as, ‘After our session you’ll feel invigorated and completely relaxed, ready to take on the world!’ or
‘After I bring my show to your venue we’ll begin selling out seats very, very soon.’

14.) Post Hypnotic Suggestions are those made AFTER a hypnotic process, performance or act of suggestibility.
Things like, ‘You did a great job!’ or ‘You’ll begin to feel better about this situation now’ are examples of post hypnotic
suggestions. They are suggestions made after the fact. They imply that because of ‘X’ that ‘Z’ will happen. We did
THIS, now you can expect THAT…

15.) Positive Suggestions are ideas that build a person up and cause them to feel ‘more than.’ Suggestions such as,
‘You’re amazing!’ or ‘You can do it!’ or ‘Extremely well done!’ are positive, empowering suggestions to give others.

16.) Negative Suggestions are ideas that cause others to feel ‘less than’, disempowered or bad about themselves.
Suggestions such as, ‘You won’t succeed’ and ‘You’re worthless’ or ‘That will never happen’ are very negative suggestions.

17.) Sexual Suggestions are sights, sounds, ideas/imagery or gestures which infer something sexual. These are very
powerful and affect most human beings on some level. Oooooo, Ahhhhhhh, Mmmmmm are sounds that create
interest in everybody as they remind us of something else (the sounds made during love making, eating pleasurable
foods, relaxing deeply and feeling good). Making those above three sounds will garner instant attention. The trick is
to use them in ways that are natural to the situation or without coming off as creepy, of course.

How Are You Feeling?

As we learn about the mind and nature of suggestions it becomes very important to guard our thoughts.

Soon you will learn that EVERYTHING is a suggestion and as a result you will begin monitoring your own thoughts as well
as the thoughts and suggestions presented to you by other people.

Science has proven the mind and body are undeniably linked and that negative thoughts can and will affect the body and its
natural response to stress and ailments. Your mind and body working together can produce pain, sickness and symptoms as
easily as they can remove them completely.

Simply asking a person ‘Are you okay?’, ‘Do you feel alright?’ or ‘How are you feeling?’ may or may not have negative psychological
and physical effects. Implied suggestions and speaking in positive states of being is something we can all learn and benefit

Knowing that negative thoughts and emotions can produce physical sickness proves to me that thoughts are real things and
have an energy force behind them. Each one of your thoughts has a physical equivalent and produces some result. It’s
common for people to complain about a difficult person to develop a ‘pain in the neck’ (or ass), getting ‘sick to their
stomach’, developing headaches or even vision problems. Our thoughts manifest and have certain results in our body and the
world around us.

The thoughts we think, the suggestions and words we use all day, every day can and will affect us and those around us. Our
thoughts and energies can liberate or enslave us, push us towards our dreams and potential or sink our boat completely.
Everything around us has a subtle affect on what we think, say or do.

There are ways we can fight the adverse affects of negative suggestions. One of those ways is to monitor our thoughts and
the suggestions we give to ourselves and others. We can stop negative suggestions in their tracks simply by becoming
AWARE of those thoughts and suggestions when we generate or accept them.

One technique gaining in popularity over the years (and one I use personally) is to imagine a large STOP SIGN appearing in
your mind whenever a negative, self defeating thought crop sup and manifests itself.

Negative thoughts, suggestions and affirmation can also be CANCELLED. Here is how I do it:

The Stop Sign Technique

Whenever a negative thought, emotion, affirmation, image (visual or imagined) is noticed I visualize/imagine a
large STOP SIGN (!) flashing in my mind.

This is a mental construct I have adopted to notice, realize and stay aware to the effects of my negative thinking.

The STOP SIGN is a mental alert and signal or symbol to the brain that says, ‘ Stop what you’re doing (thinking, feeling) and
cancel those suggestions.’

After I mentally SEE the STOP SIGN I take a deep breath and mentally repeat the words, ‘CANCEL, CANCEL.’ This is a
signal to both my conscious mind and subconscious mind to ‘cancel’ the incoming suggestions and negate their effects
before they take hold. It’s taught that we generally have about 30 seconds to negate any thought or suggestion before it takes
up roots in our mind and begins to produce effects.

There is nothing difficult or esoteric about this. The STOP SIGN is merely a mental construct and pattern interrupt that
allows me to stop and notice the effects of my negative thinking in their tracks and to make a new choice or decision. The
‘new choice or decision’ I make is one that is positive, filled with awareness and serves me. This is where positive
visualizations and affirmations come in handy as we’ll explore later.

Whenever there is a self defeating thought, negative emotion or dark affirmation such as, ‘I can’t do this, it’s impossible’ or ‘This
is never going to happen’ or ‘I’m not good enough in this area’ or ‘The economy sucks and money is scarce’ (or whatever the case and illusion
may be!) I stop, imagine the stop sign blinking and flashing in my mind with bells, sirens and whistles going off in my head
and all around me (etc) and I mentally repeat the words ‘CANCEL, CANCEL!’

It’s that simple! The idea here is to begin monitoring our thoughts and the affects they have on us at all times to the best of
our ability. This exercise is about developing a constant, mindful awareness. Once we begin to notice our negative thoughts
we are empowered to change them. That first awareness is the key. The images, bells, whistles and sirens are merely to
dramatize the image and process. Try it, it works!

After I have NOTICED and STOPPED the negative thought I go ahead and ‘cancel’ it. Again this is simply an agreement I
have made with my own mind and Higher Self – when I observe a thought or suggestion that doesn’t serve me and my
greater good and purpose I stop it instantly and then mentally ‘cancel’ any negative effects associated with it.

After I command my conscious and subconscious mind to ‘cancel’ any negative effects associated with the thought,
suggestion or affirmation I take a deep breath to center myself and replace the negative thought with a positive one.

The positive thoughts you use to replace the negative ones can be anything that makes you happy, lifts you up, assists,
empowers, inspires and serves you. I enjoy taking the negative self talk and auto suggestions and turning them around
thereby placing them into positive words and states of being.

For example, the thought ‘This is really difficult’ gets stopped immediately with the STOP SIGN, ‘cancelled’, I take a deep
breath and then turn the negative suggestion around and transform it into a positive suggestion. ‘This is really difficult’
becomes ‘This is really easy.’

With the new suggestion I’ll repeat it a number of times – ‘This is really easy, this is really easy, this is really easy, this is really
easy, this is really easy…’

I notice that immediately I feel better and begin behaving and reacting differently to the stimuli surrounding me. Positive
thoughts cause one to feel empowered and inspired while negative thoughts and suggestions weaken the mind and body and
weigh us down making positive progress difficult. This type of positive self talk and monitoring your thoughts and
suggestions can save your life.

It’s been said that for every negative thought we have it takes 5-10 POSITIVE THOUGHTS to counteract the effects of the
negative one. The reason for this is easy to understand – most of us go around all day every day subjecting ourselves and our
minds to negative self talk and self defeating suggestions. Each of us has a lot of individual work to do to combat the
negative effects of our disempowered self talk and auto suggestions.

In the example above I used the negative suggestion, ‘This is really difficult’ and turned it around to, ‘This is really easy.’ It
doesn’t matter if our self talk is or seems ‘true’ or not to our rational mind – the subconscious mind doesn’t know the
difference between fantasy and reality.

An example of this is having a bad dream and waking up in cold sweats with a heart racing and filled with adrenaline. Your
subconscious doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality! This is a great thing for us because when something is
‘difficult’ we can give ourselves repeated suggestions that it is easy and our mind and body working together will begin acting
accordingly in perfect concert to our suggestions.

Of course the conscious, logical, rational mind fights this suggestion (that a difficult experience is easy) but it’s the
subconscious mind that counts. The rational mind is ego, right and wrong, logical, rational, cold, harsh and judgmental. The
subconscious mind is open, intuitive, creative, expansive, all inclusive and free. This is the mind and consciousness we work
with as hypnotists.

Because we know it takes more positive thoughts to counteract a negative thought I like to use the following word-pyramid
to drive in those suggestions. Following with the example (already turned around and made positive) ‘This is really easy’ I’ll
mentally repeat, affirm, decree and program my mind in the following manner:

‘THIS is really easy!’

‘This IS really easy!’

‘This is REALLY easy!’

This is really EASY!’

With each stanza and suggestion I am merely placing emphasis on a certain word during the affirmation. By the time I have
gone through the entire suggestion placing due emphasis on each word I have effectively done enough POSITIVE
THINKING to override the negative thought and any effects it might carry.

This is an easy and natural way to insure I am giving myself more positive thoughts than negative ones. By doing so I
become a more active, proactive and positive person. As a result I am a better friend, husband, lover, father, son, sibling,
performer and business person. Your thoughts create your reality; ‘as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’ We are what we think
all day.

To end this short yet vital exercise (and to recap) ---

1). I become aware of a negative, self defeating suggestion and STOP it in its tracks by imagining a large, flashing STOP
SIGN. I increase the power of this pattern interrupt by embellishing it with bells, sirens and whistles. I make a BIG DEAL
about noticing and intending to STOP those thoughts in my mind. Thoughts and intentions are everything. What you
INTEND and FOCUS on with all your heart will program the subconscious mind.

After I have noticed and stopped the thought from forming completely and taking up residence in my mind I center myself
by taking one or more deep breaths. I bring my mind and my awareness back to my center to proceed.

2). After I have noticed and interrupted the negative thought pattern I mentally request and/or command my subconscious
mind to ‘CANCEL, CANCEL!’ the negative thought. This is simply a mental construct and silent agreement made between
an aware individual and his tool box – the mind. This is done within 30 seconds to insure the negative thought and
suggestion does not begin to manifest itself or negative effects in my mind, body or experience.

3). I take the negative self talk and defeating suggestion and turn it around to embrace a positive state of being. I take the
negative input and transform it into something positive. Do this in your own words, as you desire.

4). Using the ‘new’ positive thought I repeat the suggestion to myself a number of times. With each succession I place
emphasis on a different word in the affirmation and mental suggestion. This insures I am overriding the negative thought
with more positive thoughts and suggestions.

5). To end this process I take another deep breath and SMILE. I smile because I am grateful for being able to notice, monitor
and engage my thoughts directly. This is the difference between being a sleeping, unconscious, unaware and un-empowered
person and an enlightened one. I SMILE because it feels good and because I am doing good work for myself and others. I
SMILE because I know it causes the positive suggestions to drive deeply into my subconscious mind. I SMILE because
science has proven that smiling produces a number of positive physiological effects with the mind and body. I SMILE
because it feels great and makes me happy.

I’ll keep smiling for 30 seconds or so. Usually this forced smile causes me to smile naturally for a number of minutes and
uplifts my spirits to a great degree. When we are happy and positive we don’t usually give ourselves negative suggestions. If
we could be happy all the time our mind and thoughts would be filled with light.

You might be wondering why I’m placing so much importance on the above exercise…

I find what has just been taught here something that is very easy to use and do and carries enormous benefit with its use. The
value of this STOP exercise as I do it cannot be underestimated. Please do not take it for granted, as said before, it can
change and save your life.

This is also a wonderful tool to teach other people and I share it with my closest family, friends, client’s and participants when
necessary or I feel inspired to. Everyone I have taught it to loves it and uses it. It makes a HUGE difference!

This simple exercise goes a lot deeper than we might first realize. It starts us on a path of becoming mindful, aware and
conscious of our thoughts and input coming in to us. Mindfulness is the first step to enlightenment.

This exercise and process has everything – it uses breathing and visualization which have proven benefits and change our
brainwave patterns. It is important to change our brainwave patterns and alter our consciousness because a problem cannot
be solved at the same level in which it was created. A shift must take place; things have to change. This exercise does that.

If I’m not driving or in the middle of a conversation I will use the exercise exactly as described here and CLOSE MY EYES
while doing it. This works to alter brainwave patterns even faster and though it might assist the process closing your eyes
during this work is not necessary.

This pattern interrupt happens very quickly with just a few minutes of practice. I notice the thought, stop it, take a deep
breath, cancel the negative effects, turn the negative self talk around and run mentally run through the new suggestion in 10
or 15 seconds. I take another deep breath and smile for 20-30 seconds and go about my day or activity.

In less than 1 minute I can completely shift my state of mind and how I function in the world. What can be more powerful
than this?

Why Smile?

There are numerous positive benefits that come with the simple act of SMILING.

Studies have shown that smiling dramatically improves our physical, psychological, emotional and general wellbeing. It’s easy,
it’s free and many of the benefits derived are instantaneous.

Smiling releases natural chemicals in the body; serotonin, endorphins and other natural mood enhancers. Smile therapy is a
guaranteed science to relieve physical and emotional pain and sends a message to our brain and body that we are happy,
content and in a cheerful good mood.

This is an important secret to my work. As hypnotists you’ll be shifting and directing people’s natural state of being. For this
reason, the act of smiling is an invaluable tool and has more implications in our work that we might initially think as we’ll
later see on the section for building rapport.

As we smile we naturally center ourselves in the moment. Because it shifts our physiological and emotional states easily and
naturally we can smile our ways out of many difficult situations. Even if we don’t feel like smiling, starting to smile
consciously will alter our moods and yank us out of stress, sadness and frustration. It puts us in a better space to properly
deal with difficult situations. When all else fails, smile!

Smiling helps boost the immune system and lowers our blood pressure by its very practice. It assists us in being more positive
people and assists us in appealing to others on a deeper level; it actually makes us look and feel more attractive!

People respond well to those who smile – it sends a subconscious signal to others that says ‘This person is happy and
centered.’ Smiling exudes confidence and natural attraction, helps create rapport and shows others we are alert, happy and
optimistic. Smiling is also contagious, like yawning, and will cause other people to smile.

Think about it…by simply smiling you can effectively shift the energy and emotional states of an entire room and cause
people to feel better than they already feel. It costs nothing, it is supremely effective and I personally feel we don’t smile
enough as hypnotists, mentalists and contented human beings.

One of the fastest ways to STOP a panic attack or anxiety in its tracks is to take a few deep breaths and SMILE for 30-120
seconds. My Aunt suffers from horrible panic attacks. I taught her to SMILE CONSCIOUSLY and not only can she stop an
attack very quickly now, she’s been smiling more as a type of ‘precaution’ and has significantly lessened the modes of panic in
her day to day life.

While on the subject of panic attacks and anxiety, in addition to SMILING it works wonders to take some deep breaths and
visualize the color spectrum as taught in this book. While this happens if the client folds their arms in front of them and
presses the soft, tender spots beneath their arm pits (an EFT tapping point) for a minute or so the panic attack will go away
easily and naturally. EFT and the ‘Swish patterns’ also work wonders for hardcore panic attacks.

You can put the positive effects and benefits of smiling to the test immediately by starting to smile now. Give yourself a
good 20 or 30 seconds at least. There is nothing else you have to do, just begin smiling now! In a few moments I want you to
imagine a negative person, emotion or difficult situation. DON’T STOP SMILING!

Notice how your stress and frustration changes. Realize how difficult it is for negative emotions to come crawling into your
mind at this point. Smiling builds up an invisible, tangible aura around us. Think of it as your magnetic, protective barrier.

If and when we catch ourselves in a lower/negative emotional state, we can send those emotions flying away from us by
simply smiling. The positive feelings will start to trump those lower, negative ones. Your entire being and demeanor will shift.
I make it a habit to smile for 30-120 second intervals multiple times a day. I sit down and take a few deep breaths and smile
when I am stressed out and frustrated, when I feel sadness knocking at the door, when I am overwhelmed and I smile
MORE when I feel good!

I smile until my face hurts and feel great knowing how many positive benefits the act of smiling has upon me. Often when it
is time to stop smiling I realize I can’t and go about my day with a relaxed, glowing smile upon my face. My heart smiles as
well – a warm feeling of peace, contentment and joy floods the mind and body.


5 Laws Of Suggestibility

Having approached the idea that everything can be (and is) a suggestion let’s move onto the 5 Laws of
Suggestibility. A deep understanding of these 5 laws will assist you in your work as a hypnotic mentalist in high


This law states that people will respond to the stronger part of a suggestion if the alternative is weaker. It’s a bit like reverse
psychology because the law of reverse action may be put to work in two ways: 1). In hypnotic mind control these techniques
are invaluable because of human being’s natural tendency to pursue pleasure (greed/ego) over pain (fear). 2). Using this law
in hypnotic suggestions takes form in the following-type of suggestions or commands… ‘The more I try to pull your hands apart,
the tighter they’ll stay stuck together’ OR ‘try to open your eyes and find them locking down even tighter!’


This law works the same as a post hypnotic suggestion by creating a mental expectancy in someone else. In other words,
when ‘A’ happens ‘B’ happens because these commands and suggestions are linked and one triggers the other. Delayed action
is simply a suggestion acted upon at a later time. These can be positive suggestions such as the client or hypnotic subject
making healthy food choices, choosing not to smoke, breathing deeply at work before meetings and more. In hypnosis for
entertainment a delayed reaction could be the following: Whenever the subject hears the word ‘hypnosis’ they will jump from
their seats and shout ‘Jerome is the best!’

In mentalism the law of delayed reaction has an infinite number of uses. Remember, this law allows us to begin chaining
commands and reactions together. This is a concept explored in my ‘Cloud Busting Secrets’, also in Docc Hilford’s ‘Ball and
Tube’ manuscript among others. It can be as simple as revealing a card with the suggestion, ‘And once I name your card you’ll begin
to feel very warm and tingly FEELING inside.’

The idea here is to suggest TWO things at once, i.e. when the spoon bends your mind becomes very clear, as I reveal your
number your eyes get 10X heavier than before, whenever you hear this sound (snap, whistle) you become more and more
relaxed easily and naturally, etc.


This law and idea is based on the truth that when a person is told something over and over again they will start to believe it.
Later you’ll learn how to give somebody a repeating or looping suggestion which is very effective and efficient. Instead of
constantly repeating ourselves we can set up a suggestion in our subject’s mind that will continue playing and repeating itself.
This allows us to make ONE suggestion that is repeatedly played over and over again hundreds and hundreds of times in our
subject’s psyche.

This law works by conditioning the mind to respond to a thought, idea or suggestion being repeated over and over and over
again. Repetition of a suggestion makes RESPONDING to the suggestion much easier. This applies to physical activity as
well. Anything we practice over and over again is going to see better results – practicing and rehearsing magic and mentalism
is a great case in point.

Anything and everything we repeat over and over again soon becomes automatic. This is due to the mind and body being
simultaneously conditioned towards a specific, automatic response. This law applies to both positive and negative suggestions

such as eating junk food at a certain hour before bed or exercising in the morning. Repetition equals permanent memory on
some level. It locks certain suggestions (whatever is being repeated) deep inside of us.

By hammering a person with the same suggestions over and over again we can effectively begin to direct, manipulate and
eventually control their thoughts. The law of repetition has been proven time and time again in religion, group mind
dynamics, social engineering, dating, war and cult mind control.


This law simply means to be in control. This is where PRESTIGE suggestions can play a huge role, as well as exuding a
confident and composed demeanor while performing, working with others, giving readings and going about our day to day
lives and activities. Acceptance of a suggestion is easily created when the source of those suggestions is perceived as an
authority figure.

To be perceived as an authority figure and cause others to respond to your ideas, suggestions, ideology, way of life (etc) you
must exert a certain degree of dominance. Doing so will spark the uncritical acceptance of suggestions and new ideas given
by the authority figure.

Anthony Jacquin speaks about this very thing at great length in his pivotal work ‘Reality is Plastic.’ One thing I really love
about Anthony and his work is the emphasis he places on BEING THE HYPNOTIST. This is a perfect expression of the
Law of Dominance in action. Be an authority figure. Take control.


This law states that as you respond to one stimulus in the presence of another you will begin to associate one with the other.
For example, a red light at the intersection means ‘stop’ while a green light means ‘go.’ We know that fire burns and that
snow is cold because we are associating and suggesting one thing with the outcome of another. A very powerful technique in
our use as hypnotic mentalists is working with both sounds and scents. These are effective anchors and coincide perfectly
with the Law of Association. I wear a certain type of fragrance that is easily recognized – whenever the people I create
rapport with SMELL this scent later on (it is a common scent) they will automatically think of and remember ME.

We’ve all had the experience of an older Uncle or Grandfather and their aftershave or pipe smoke taking us back into our
childhood or memories of them. It’s very strong, nostalgic magic. How about the smell of your Aunt or Grandmother’s
home (cookies and bread baking, mmmm) or Thanksgiving dinner?

These triggers, the thoughts, memories and feelings they evoke are the Law of Association playing out perfectly. In my
reading chamber and healing space I often burn Nag Champa incense. This is a popular smell and helps the anchoring
process. I also have select music playing during my sessions and use key pieces of music I KNOW the client or sitter will
come across later in their lives. When they do their experience with me (and ME) is foremost in their mind.

It’s a great idea to begin incorporating both scents and sounds in your work and allow the Law of Association to work for
you too.

Throughout this course you’ll come to see how the Laws of Suggestibility are at work and in full effect during our work and
performances. We needn’t dwell on these things and for me, laws and rules were made to be broken. You will all be given new
tools in your work as Reality Engineers; tools that will allow you to create miracles spontaneously.

When followed with the 7 Rules of the Mind you’ll be more conscious of HOW and WHY suggestion works and how to
make it work better for YOU.

Seven (7) Rules Of The Mind

In understanding the mind for our purposes of hypnotists, mentalists and effective communicators/operators of
suggestion it is vital we explore the SEVEN RULES OF THE MIND. As with the Laws of Suggestibility, these 7
‘rules’ are meant to assist you in better understanding how the mind works and how we might empower the mind
of others to work better for us.

RULE #1:

All thoughts and ideas cause a physical reaction.

The above rule has serious implications. Very simply it means that thoughts of anger can stimulate your adrenals and the
increased adrenaline in the blood stream causes physiological changes, as just one very short example.

Everyone knows that too much stress can cause a cold or flu, a stomach ulcer or worse. Many people feel that anger, hatred
and resentment may manifest itself as cancer in the body. While I personally feel this is a calloused idea to have towards
those victims of cancer and other maladies (and that there is, can be and each individual may indeed have other root causes,
every case being different), it is something worth noting and reflecting on nonetheless.

Since we know that all thoughts cause a physical reaction is vitally important to monitor our thoughts whenever and however
possible. Failing to do so results in unconscious creation and can actually manifest physical symptoms in the body.

Just the same, POSITIVE THOUGHTS (memories, affirmations, positive visualizations and more) create physical reactions
as well. This is why smiling, using the ‘STOP SIGN’ technique, pattern interrupts such as EFT, positive affirmations, happy
breathing techniques, looping language patterns for empowerment and other techniques are important tools in the
mentalist/hypnotist skill set.

We must also realize that we are duty bound to our brothers and sisters in this world, the individuals and audiences we
perform for and everyone we meet in passing to do our bests to uplift their heart and spirit, to fill them with light and
positive suggestions and to make our experience with them a positive, joy-filled one because the ideas we leave behind are

Eventually those seeds will take root in the fertile grounds of the mind and blossom for better or worse. As hypnotists and
mentalist’s learning all we can about the mind and how it works is the responsible, accountable thing to do.

RULE #2:

What is expected tends to be realized.

This rule is very simple and states that we create what we focus on; man is what he thinks all day. Think back on your life and
you can see firsthand the many times you expected the worse and got it. You might also be able to remember times when you
expected the best and entertained a certain goal or outcome in your mind only to achieve it easily and naturally.

Because what is expected tends to be realized, we should hope for, expect and consciously move towards creating the best
environment (within and without) possible and situations for ourselves and others. This is more than just being optimistic, it’s
about realizing our thoughts are real things and create our reality.

That what is expected tends to be realized is a powerful tool in our work as suggestion based mentalists. This is a very
important concept in my work and one I find grossly underutilized in the mystery arts. Building up a proper aura of
expectation in the mind and hearts of our audience is both an art and a science. It is also one of the underlying keys to
instant or rapid inductions and any suggestion or psychologically motivated piece of magic or mentalism.

Collectively we should work not on suspending our audience’s sense of disbelief, but instead building up their level of
expectation is us, in our work and our miracles. Again reflecting on cloud busting, if I bend a spoon and tell my audience I
can use this same type of energy to affect the weather and bust clouds, the prior demonstration is strong enough to create
the latter expectation and its successful conclusion. Because the bending spoon was so direct and powerful (when done well)
it creates a sense of positive expectation for cloud busting.

This same rule applies to all of mentalism and suggestion. When time and time again we do as we say we can do (read minds,
bend spoons, predict outcomes, affect actions, etc) the audience comes to realize the mentalist’s thought and word is law on a
very subtle level. I put them into a space of ‘What he says will happen WILL happen!’

This is effectively pacing and leading with mentalism. It can also be done with magic and it is always done with hypnosis.
Once my audience BELIEVES and TRUSTS that what I say will happen CAN, WILL AND DOES HAPPEN (!) I can do
anything and everything I want.

Read that again.

What is expected tends to be realized.

Once the audience believes that what I say and what I MYSELF expect to happen WILL happen my work becomes easy and
my job is done. I can begin touching people from across the room, rendering myself invisible, they will see my aura and go
into a trance at my softest touch. There is no limit to what I can do once this rule has been established. Let those with eyes to
see, see and those with ears to hear, hear. Those who understand the words written here will be miracle workers.

RULE #3:

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The above quote comes from Albert Einstein. For hypnotists it means that your mind does NOT know the difference
between what is real and what is only imagined. It will respond to both fantasy and reality with equal fervor. Regarding
suggestions, whatever proper suggestion is given to the uncritical subconscious mind will be acted upon, even if it’s a lie!
This is why positive suggestions, visualizations and affirmations work – your mind doesn’t know the difference between what
is real and what isn’t; it responds to suggestions and stimuli both within and without equally. It is this same reason that
dreams may affect us on such deep levels and produce physiological changes and reactions within us (racing heart, cold
sweats, tremors, etc) and also why we can ‘trick’ the brain before a show to believe the common anxiety we feel before the
curtain goes up is actually EXCITEMENT.

It has been proven that being afraid and being excited both produce the EXACT SAME physiological results in our body. It’s
just a matter of how we perceive those feelings and changes, and how we CHOOSE to perceive them. Instead of being
nervous and jittery we could just as easily see and choose to accept those feelings as excitement, fun and joyful anticipation. I
do this and I know many others do this as well. It can make all the difference to your show, your stress levels and how
composed you are throughout the day of a big performance.

Hitler said, ‘Tell a lie enough times and you will begin to believe it.’ We all know what a dark mind and sadistic imagination this
monster had. Put into positive states of being - give the mind a positive goal, image, suggestion or affirmation enough times
and you’ll begin to believe and act upon it accordingly.

Know that a person’s perception of reality IS their reality. Also know that you can change a person’s perception (as well as
your own) and thus affect and/or create an entirely new reality and experience at will.

RULE #4:

Once an idea or suggestion has been ACCEPTED by the subconscious mind it REMAINS there until replaced by
another idea.

An idea (suggestion) accepted by the subconscious mind remains there and governs our behavior until it is replaced by a new
(working) idea or is altered or amended on an emotional level. The longer the idea remains the more opposition or difficulty
there is to replacing it with a new idea.

This alone is how people become so ‘set in their ways’ that any growth or change is very difficult, if not impossible
(seemingly). Later we will look at belief systems and how they are developed and when. This information becomes important
when facilitating positive changes within ourselves and others.

With hypnosis it is possible to create permanent memory and permanent behavior patterns UNTIL/UNLESS our ideas,
programming and suggestions are replaced by a highly skilled hypnotist or master of suggestion.

RULE #5:

Each suggestion acted upon makes it easier to accept other new ideas and suggestions, and creates LESS
opposition to successive suggestion.

When your nervous system reacts in a given way it becomes easier for it to react in that same way the next time. In a hypnotic
session or demonstration of suggestion/mentalism the purpose of having your subject or participant following through each
idea you give them is to lower their resistance, create rapport and make it effortless for them to respond to your future

For example, I know if I can get a participant to feel a coin heating up in their hand that 1). I can do it again, getting even
hotter the next time AND 2). They will respond well to my future suggestions, taken in steps.

Likewise in a hypnosis session I know when I give the suggestion that my subjects eyes are sealed shut or their feet are stuck
to the floor (and they are) that this same reaction will happen faster and stronger the next time I give these same suggestions
AND that my future suggestions (they are unable to speak, cannot lower their arm, etc) will also be acted upon immediately
and accordingly.

Each time a person (volunteer, subject, client or participant) responds to a suggestion we give them we (and they themselves)
are effectively lowering their resistance to our NOW and FUTURE suggestions!

Remember that your suggestions can be anything. I am very fond of repositioning people (take a step back and a few inches
to your left…), take a deep breath and close your eyes for just a moment…

Just asking people do these simple, everyday things effectively lowers their resistance to my next suggestions. It can be as
simple as ‘take a card’ or ‘cut the deck’ or ‘think of a word’ or ‘sign your name’ or ‘think of a loved one’ and anything else!
My instructions and commands are simply SUGGESTIONS.

My persuasion mentor is one of the best in the world and teaches that once a person responds to 3 or 4 of your suggestions
they are effectively doomed. They have conditioned their mind and response to the point of getting hit with whatever comes

As I spoke about in my book ‘T&R’ this is one of the biggest secrets I know regarding shock, instant and rapid hypnotic
inductions. Once I can get a person to respond to just three (3!) of my suggestions I know they are primed for the command
‘SLEEP!’ and they will.

Lower resistance through verbal and non-verbal suggestion FIRST and your miracles and powers of suggestion will know no

This works, folks. And it’s easy!

Place a coin into a person’s hand (even better if it is bent prior!) and give them 3 to 5 suggestions they can and WILL follow:
take the coin and close your hand, squeeze tightly, take a deep breath, close your eyes (all suggestions and pacing leading up
to the BIG suggestion coming next) ‘… AND FEEL IT BEGIN TO HEAT UP NOW, GETTING WARMER AND
WARMER, WARMER AND WARMER STILL…! You can actually feel that starting to happen, yes?’

Once my subject responds YES they have effectively agreed with me. This spoken (and silent) agreement is the last nail in
their coffin. At this point I can do whatever I want to do and it WILL work. This is effective and when one thinks about it
also extremely dangerous. Once we know how to work with a person, their mind and thoughts we can begin creating
suggestions and causing reactions within them that are very, very powerful.

Remember the idea here is that each suggestion given makes it easier to respond to and comply with the suggestion that

RULE #6:

The body can be broken down by the mind if given an emotionally charged suggestion long enough.

This rule, like all the others, is a double edged sword. They can be used to harm or to heal. Emotionally induced symptoms
will tend to cause organic change if they persist for long enough. This goes back to the idea that hate, guilt, resentment,
bitterness, jealousy and stress can cause damage to the mental and physical body. Jus the same, positive suggestions can help
heal, repair, uplift, empower and inspire the mind and body towards a healing state and level of balance or homeostasis

Know that with suggestion (words and thoughts coupled with actions) you have the power to do great harm to a person.
Likewise you are empowered to deliver great benefits. Seek to do only good. I firmly believe that what goes around comes
around and that we reap what we sow.

I strive to deliver striking, dramatic and awe inspiring performances whenever I work. I’m committed to leaving people better
than I have found them which also requires that EVERYONE I come across and EVERYONE I work with gets their fair
share of tender loving care, kindness, compassion and attention while I am working with them or in their space/sphere of

If you assist me on stage with an ESP test instead of just sending you back to your seat with a pat on the back or a big round
of applause you are going to get all that AND positive, heart-centered suggestions that uplift, empower and inspire you.

Because I know the body can be broken down via negative suggestions, I also know the mind and body can be built up
through positive suggestions. For this reason I strive to deliver positive suggestions to everyone I encounter, even if just in
passing. There are many ways to do this and we’ll be exploring all this and more in time.

RULE #7:

The greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious response.

Rule #7 is a real doozy. It explains very clearly why many people who have problems making suggestion based routines,
psychological forces, contact mind reading and other suggestion or psychology based tests and demonstrations work.

It also explains why some hypnotherapists or even stage hypnotists just don’t get the results or response they were hoping
for. In order for hypnosis, trance, muscle reading, psychological forces and suggestion to take place and enjoy an effective,
successful outcome the participant MUST get out of their head – or at least out of their left brain (conscious, thinking,
rational, logical) and into the right brain (imagination, creativity, intuition).

For suggestion to work properly your participant has to be put in their HEART PLACE. This means if they are stuck in their
heads, not immersed into the experience and magic surrounding it – if they are over-thinking, over analyzing and being
overly critical it is very hard for suggestion based pieces to work.


Because hypnotism and suggestion is a right brained art and science.

If I follow the simple steps I outlined above to cause a coin, key or spoon to heat up in a person’s own hands and it FAILS
(hasn’t happened to me in many, many years to be perfectly honest) then I know I have work to do. The good news is there
are proven ways to overcome this behavior and these reactions and affect a perfect, suitable outcome.

Because greater conscious effort on part of the participant equals a lesser subconscious response (i.e. less suggestion based
phenomena taking place) I know I’ve got to stop a person from over thinking about what’s taking place and shift their
attention to the heart centered right brain and a new way of thinking, feeling and experiencing.

Doing this is simple – we get to go back and make sure we are following the steps and guidelines as outlined in the Seven
Rules of the Mind and Five Laws of Suggestibility. Luke Jermay’s incredible book ‘Building Blocks’ gave you different suggestions
and tools to use. Jerome Finley’s ‘Thought Veil’ will teach you WHY and HOW those suggestions work based on the nature of
the mind. Listen closely.

Whenever we encounter resistance we must assume it is because a person is unresponsive to suggestion. This in itself is a
fallacy as we are all subject to suggestion and EVERYTHING around us at all times suggests SOMETHING.

If your suggestions are not ‘taking’ it is because there is too much conscious effort on part of your subject, volunteer or
participant. To lower this conscious effort we must affect a subconscious response. There are a number of ways to do this,
and all will deal effectively with the resistance at hand.

The first thing I do is STOP. Remain centered. Take a deep breath, relax. Remember, we’re doing this to have fun. Your
participant might also need to be reminded of this! It’s not the end of the world if a suggestion fails and the sooner you

realize this and let go of your expectations and attachment to results the sooner your suggestion based pieces will begin
working perfectly.

The next thing I do is cover my tracks and retrace my steps. Was I sure to pace and lead the participant accordingly? Did I get
them (inspire them) to follow 3-5 EASY & SIMPLE suggestions in the beginning before I dropped the big bomb and
suggestion? If not, go back and ask/command them to do a few things. Conditioning is very, very important.

Pace, pace, pace, lead! Get your participant to take a step back (reposition them), take a deep breath, close their eyes, imagine
something… and when they have done this and followed your suggestions…NOW bring back your original suggestion of
the coin heating up, their arm becoming stiff and rigid, their eyes closing down gently and sealing themselves shut, etc. Use
the MAGIC WORDS, ‘Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen easily and naturally!’

How I make my suggestions work is so simple it’s ridiculous. Besides implementing many of the tools in this book I can
cause over 90% of my suggestions to be felt by a participant simply by 1). I remain confident and assured in my work and the
effects I create. I act as if there is NO DOUBT in my mind this suggestion/response/effect is going to work! 2). I tell my
participant, ‘It’s SUBTLE at first, but you WILL feel it!’ 3). I place the participant into lightly altered states via breathing and
visualization. 4). I use the MAGIC WORDS, ‘Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it WILL HAPPEN easily and

With those 4 simple steps I can cause my own pulse to disappear or the pulse of my volunteer to stop, change (speed up or
slow down), touch people with ‘energy’ from across the room, cause my audience to SEE energies all around them and
myself, cause objects to heat up and/or cool down, become light or heavy, pulsate, change colors and place others into deep
trance states very quickly – and more!

When I add rapport, criteria, language patterns and suggestions (binds, double binds, presuppositions, hidden directives and
others), conditioning, yes sets, pacing, eliciting states of being and more to the process I insure that ALL of my suggestions
will take effect on even the most stubborn of participants. I don’t fail in my psychological mentalism and routines based on
suggestion and neither will you.

Remember what I said in the beginning about breathing, visualization and smiling?

Use the tools you have been given. If you would have remembered to lead your participant through a few deep, rhythmic,
relaxing breaths and a short visualization to change their brainwave patterns before you began we would already have deeper
rapport, a deeply relaxed (open to suggestion) participant in a light ALPHA brainwave state that WOULD BE responding to
your every suggestion!

There is no excuse for suggestion to NOT work. I’m of the school that believes, teaches and can show you that suggestion
and instant inductions CAN and DO work with everyone, all the time. The only exception to this rule is if you’ve managed
to find yourself a participant who is completely intent on causing you to fail and many times even they can be persuaded as
their resistance is used against them. Unless they have made up their mind from the beginning to stop you and what you’re
doing in their tracks no matter what, you will be successful.

If your participant responds to these few simple suggestions given prior (and they will) they can and will respond to your
next suggestions. All it takes is a bit of coaxing and a little bit of training. It’s vital to realize that our participants do not
inherently know how to act, how to respond or what to think, say, do or feel during their time and experience with us.

During our time together (long or short) we are effectively teaching and training our participants HOW to respond and what
we want them to do. Go easy on them - these people are your friends.

I will speak about this at length later in this book and I want to bring the point up now as well. I consider it one of the
biggest secrets and gems of this entire course, simple as it is.

Not one to wax philosophical but all suggestion takes place on two levels – one mental (fantasy) and one physical (reality).
Anytime a suggestion ‘fails’ we can salvage it immediately by taking an alternate route through the mental planes. Every
suggestion is created TWICE – once in the participant’s mind and once again in reality.

For most people suggestion in the physical realm works better if they can (and do) experience it first in the mental realm.
What this means is before they FEEL and EXPERIENCE the coin heating up in their hand physically I ask them to close
their eyes, take a few deep breaths and IMAGINE the coin heating up in their mind.

ANYONE can do this!

This simple act is enough to condition the participant. Remember that imagination is more important than knowledge and
that our mind does NOT know the difference between fantasy and reality! This is the key to suggestions that never fail.

By first having our subject/participant experience the suggestion in their IMAGINATION (mental realm) it makes it
hundreds of times easier for them to experience it again in the physical. Remember what I said about each suggestion acted
upon making it easier for successive suggestions to ALSO be acted upon?

Once a person has experienced a certain phenomena once it is much, much easier for them to experience the same
phenomena again (even if at first it only happens in their mind).

I take the suggestion to the mental landscape first and release it in all its glory in the IMAGINATION of my participant
before bringing it back to work in this physical world, reality and experience. Because the mind does not know the difference
between illusion and reality even the IMAGINED suggestion is easier to experience now.

Here’s how I do this and please note that to an audience it looks exactly the same as the full suggestion working perfectly the
first time. This is the key behind my ‘Suggestive Touches’ routine in ‘T&R.’ It all happens in the participants mind and to
onlookers it appears as though it is taking place in our physical reality.

In this instructional example let’s take it from the top. Bear in mind this can be used for ANY type of suggestion you can
give another person.

Place a coin into a person’s hand (even better if it is bent prior!) and give them 3 to 5 suggestions they can and WILL follow:
take the coin and close your hand, squeeze tightly, take a deep breath, close your eyes (all suggestions and pacing leading up
to the BIG suggestion coming next) ‘… AND FEEL IT BEGIN TO HEAT UP NOW, GETTING WARMER AND
WARMER, WARMER AND WARMER STILL…! You can actually feel that starting to happen, yes?’

For the sake of our example, let’s just say my participant says ‘NO.’

‘That’s okay, it takes a moment for some people and while subtle at first I assure you it WILL happen!’ (What is expected tends to be

Notice how I didn’t stumble, I didn’t falter even for one second. I’m going to make this work and it’s going to be a miracle! I
continue by saying,

‘Take another deep breath and allow your eyes to remain closed for just a moment…that’s perfect. Imagine the coin in your hand NOW. Actually
SEE it in your mind’s eye. Nod your head for me when you can SEE it. Good. Imagine for a moment the coin is heating up IN YOUR
MIND…feel the sides of the coin and IMAGINE its surface becoming warmer and warmer, hotter and hotter still until finally it borders on
actually burning up completely. Notice how naturally warm the coin becomes IN YOUR HAND AND IN YOUR MIND. Nod your head
when you can feel this.’

At this point I pause and wait just a few moments as my participant is doing this. All I am asking him or her to do at this
point is IMAGINE something very simple – we’re playing ‘make believe’ if you will. What they DON’T realize is that I am

standing here in the outside world tensing my hands, moving them around their hands holding the coin or making fists over
the coin as if to HEAT IT UP!

To the audience it appears as if I am actually ‘doing something.’ To the participant they are merely imagining what I am
asking them to! In a few moments the participant will nod their head (having experienced the coin warming up in their mind
and imagination) and to EVERYONE present it looks as though the coin has actually heated up. I can even follow it up with
a simple question at this point, ‘How hot does the coin FEEL, in your mind?’ or ‘IN YOUR OWN WORDS, how does that coin feel

To the participant it seems as though I am asking them how the heated coin feels in their imagination. To the audience it
appears as if I am asking the participant to answer from their own point of view and experience, ‘in their own mind.’

This is a beautiful technique and a beautiful moment we are going to fully exploit as one of my ‘Master Techniques’ in this
book. There is a lot more to it than what I have described here, but that is the bare bones basic version. Hopefully by now
you have a great big SMILE across your face and are beginning to imagine how beautiful and potent this really is.

Two more things before we proceed. For all intents and purposes I have made it appear to my audience as though the coin or
object has heated up. I could end right there, go on to reveal the bend and proceed to end this demonstration.

I could just as well ask my participant to take another deep breath, open their eyes and give the FIRST suggestions of the
coin heating up again. This time and the effects/success will be different however – I know that my participant is now in a
light ALPHA level, their very brainwave patterns have changed completely due to having their eyes closed, taking some deep
breaths and visualizing an experience in their mind.

Remember that by using these few simple steps our brainwave patterns DO change. My participants are not in the same
mindset or frame of consciousness as they were when we first began; something within them has changed. THEY have
changed. Brainwave recognition machines would confirm this.

Because I know that once a suggestion is experienced (even if only in the mind) it is much easier to experience the SAME
suggestion again LATER. I can now make the coin REALLY heat up and my participant WILL NOW feel and confirm this!

The choice is yours.

The major value of this lesson is in knowing an idea or suggestion first experienced in the mind (imagined as happening, as
opposed to really happening) makes it much, much easier and more effective for the actual suggestion to form roots and take
full effect in the reality of your participant. Imagining the proper phenomena first (experiencing it in the mind prior) makes it
easier for it to REALLY happen later because what we’ve done once, we can do again and the mind doesn’t know the

Whatever the suggestion is, if it is NOT working out simply have your participant close their eyes and imagine the suggestion
as working in their mind FIRST. Bring them out of this mental state and the suggestion WILL NOW work in the physical
world and experience, guaranteed.

This same technique is one I use for all types of suggestion based material; my ‘Suggestive Touches’ & ‘Energetic Touches’, for
heating and warming up objects in others hands, to making arms and limbs stiff and rigid (that’s what she said!), to taking
away a person’s ability to speak or remember something and much, much more.

This is a perfect technique to use and forms one of my most cherished secrets. You can effectively fake and successfully pull
off ANY type of suggestion with a thorough understanding of the work above. As promised, we’ll be discovering even more
uses for the technique itself and how I implement it.

Belief Systems

When using the art and science of hypnosis to facilitate positive and permanent changes and transformations
within us and others it’s necessary to study the structure behind our personal belief systems, how they are formed,
changed and utilized by the facilitator of consciousness/Reality Engineer.

For the first 10 years of life (from ages 0-10) the Subconscious Mind is completely open to accepting ALL ideas and
suggestions given and is able to perceive and experience pretty much anything delivered appropriately as both truth and

Our Core Belief Systems are developed in these formative years and will most likely stay with us and continue to affect our
lives, thoughts and actions on some level unless and until we are effectively ‘reprogrammed’ through proper detailed therapy
or forceful auto suggestion. Research and a desire for permanent change on both conscious and subconscious levels may also
affect this change in Belief Systems (BS) at a later stage in life.

From the age of 11 years old the Conscious Mind steps up and begins to protect the individual and their subconscious mind
by rejecting most new suggestions or ideas that are not already part of the Subconscious Mind and Core Belief System.

Because the pattern here is for the unconscious/subconscious mind and already developed belief system to reject new ideas
that have not been integrated prior that belief system is protected, for better or worse.

From 11 to 20 years of age: Teenagers reject most beliefs presented that are not already part of the adopted belief system, or
that are in conflict with that belief system (i.e. suggestions which threaten its very existence).

From 21 to 30 years of age: We enter the workforce and live out the BS as presented to us as children. We each begin to
realize which beliefs, habits, patterns and actions are ‘working’ or ‘not working.’

From 31 to 40 years of age: Individuals question and reviews the BS of their past. Childhood traumatic issues and
consequences of abuse may arise here (if present) as the individual begins to realize the results certain acts and experiences
had on their beliefs, thoughts and feelings regarding how the world works. It’s common to smell the BS behind our BS and
begin working to change it.

From 41 to 50 years of age: This is the point for most people in which they experience the classic ‘mid life crisis.’ The
empowered man or woman works overtime at this point to develop and foster a personal belief system that serves them.

From 51 to 60 years of age: The enlightened individual enjoys living out the newly fostered belief system that works, based
on results and prior experience. There is a sense of peace regarding the nature of Self and life in general; many of the major
philosophical questions have been asked and perhaps even answered at this point.

From 61 to 70: The individual now TEACHES the new Belief System to their grandchildren (if any) and shares it with
younger generations. This is much different than their belief system as a child – the individual is now at conscious choice
instead of the ‘victim’ of circumstance and suggestion.

I highly recommend the books ‘Passages’ and ‘New Passages’ by the incredible Gail Sheehy. Mentalists and private readers have
been suggesting and recommending these books now for many years and I’m surprised whenever I come across someone in
our industry (whether hypnosis or mentalism) that has not seriously read and studied the material in both these tomes.

Belief Systems Continued

Children need to be around their nurturing maternal mother to the extent possible (and healthy for the child) from
0 to 5 years of age.

Children need to be around their unconditionally loving and accepting paternal father to the extent possible (and healthy for
the child) from 6 to 10 years of age.

Children need to observe their parents interacting in an honoring, loving and respectful way.

Remember that what children are seeing, feeling and experiencing in the first 10 years of their life and development is
becoming part of their permanent belief system. It serves them to have good examples and positive role models of both
parents and gender (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.).

Experiencing either parent as violent, detached, not present, harmed and/or emotionally violated has proven effects on the
child’s relationships and beliefs towards the same and opposite sex as they mature. Children are learning what life is all about
and adopting a model for their existence within the first 10 years.

It is ideal for children to experience BOTH maternal and paternal reflections from 0 to 10 years of age. If a child only
receives one of the reflections (imprints) of masculinity or femininity we may see them grow up with a minor or major
emotional/psychological imbalance. It is undeniable that the presence or absence of our parents OR appropriate guardian
figures of both sexes affects each of us deeply and shapes our belief system and actions later in life.

Children need to be around their mother’s reflection (or appropriate maternal figure) from 11 to 15 years of age. During this
time young women will go through their physical and psychological changes via puberty. Males begin to learn how mother
and other females accept them (for better or worse given the appropriate models, reflections and imprints available) as well as
learn how to respect and treat their mother (other women).

Children need to be around their father’s influence and reflection (or an appropriate surrogate, Mentor) from 16 to 20 years
of age. During this time is serves girls to learn they are beautiful and accepted by their father and father figures (men) as well
as learning how to treat the male role models in their life with mutual dignity and respect.

Boys will go through their masculine physical changes (puberty) and learn how to provide for themselves and their family
later in life. This experience for both males and females is of great importance because the young ones learn to treat
members of the same and opposite sex given the experience with their immediate influences (parents, guardians, friends,
mentors and other influences) and will reflect these patterns and learned behavior in their current and future relationships,
for better or worse.

It is common for children to be drawn to both male and female mentors from their teens onward throughout their life. These
people provide an alternative source of wisdom, experience and psychological support in addition to the parental figures
present at the time.

If children have not been treated with honor, dignity, love, respect and compassion by their parents and immediate
guardians/role models their energy will reflect it and cause a ripple effect throughout their lives, experience and relationships.

There are no secrets. Energy doesn’t lie. As we confront our own early and personal trauma and misunderstandings we are
able to see it more clearly in others. Becoming conscious and aware of our belief systems and how and why they were
developed is a process to be certain and one that eventually leads to personal or Self Actualization and Enlightenment.

‘Know Thyself.’

It serves us as hypnotists and mentalists to learn about the cycles of life, various rites of passage and emotional states
fostered through life experience. Once we gain a deeper understanding of our belief systems we are able to closely examine
them for our personal benefit and eventually come to realize, understand and forgive other people who may have had a
negative impact on our life and development.

We begin to see that in some way we are all victims of our environment (upbringing and life experience) and that for better
or worse our parents and/or role models and guardians did the best they could given their OWN life, situation and developed
belief system. People can only act out in the ways they know how, based on their experience. If that way of knowing or
experience is ‘flawed’ the people in our lives may demonstrate flawed ways of loving, supporting and caring for us. We get to
realize our parents, friends, family, co workers, audience members and everyone else is simply showing up and
DOING/DEMONSTRATING what they know how to do or demonstrate based on what they themselves were taught and
had demonstrated to them. Core Issue Hypnotherapy and other ‘Mind Modalities’ are powerful tools to break the chains and
sever the ties which bind us.

This information and hidden treasures such as ‘Passages’ and ‘New Passages’ allows us a deeper, clearer look into human nature.
This is positive, useful information to know as it allows us personal insight into other people and their life experience.

Levels Of Love

There are various levels of love and it’s been my experience that most of us are simply trying our best to love and
be loved.

We wish to avoid pain and experience pleasure as much as possible. When contemplating the various levels of love it
becomes very clear that love does not have only one common manifestation or experience in mind for everyone.

Below are various levels of love to consider and the BASIC NEEDS of both Men and Women.

1). Erotic: chemistry, sexual attraction

2). Platonic: best friends, togetherness, connection (non sexual)

3). Romantic: romance, flowers, cards, love letters, poetry and romantic ideals

4). Practical: everyday life, rent, car, children

5). Philosophical: sharing religious and/or political views and experiences

6). Intellectual: mental stimulation, similar to philosophical love.

7). Enduring: in love for the long run; through thick and thin

8). Spiritual: putting the needs of the other FIRST. Instead of asking, ‘What can I get out of this person/relationship’ we approach
it as ‘What can I give and how can I serve?’

The most solid, satisfying and stable relationships will be a combination of multiple levels of love. The beauty of
relationships and the experience of love is that it’s spontaneous and we cannot help, for the most part, who we fall in love
with or how.

As individuals we should seek to develop and support as many levels of love as possible. Relationships are diverse and there
will always be differences because both parties are unique, interesting and independent individuals. Philosophical and political
or spiritual beliefs and perspectives are not necessary There is no such thing as a perfect relationship and having been in a
committed relationship for almost a decade now I can attest to the fact of placing the other person first is one of the great
keys to a harmonious working relationship. It’s not always easy; relationships are difficult especially if one or both parties/
partners are not fully committed to their own personal development, independence and source of happiness.

I’ve learned I cannot be the source of Ann’s happiness (or anyone outside of my own self) but I CAN (and do and will
continue to) add to her personal levels of happiness by loving her without condition and supporting her in her choices
without reservation. I live my life and support my loving, balanced relationship by placing her needs side by side with my
own. Instead of asking and seeking what I can get, I am constantly asking myself (and her) how I can contribute, how I
might serve us, our goals and what I can give.

More than anything I have learned that mutual respect is a MUST and that open, honest, loving and understanding
communication is absolutely necessary in ANY relationship. If there is one single piece of ‘relationship advice’ I could give
to any person it would simply be to learn to say (and MEAN!) the words ‘I’m sorry’ as soon as possible. It will save one a lot
of stress and frustration; life is too short to walk through our days struggling, not smiling.

The faster we can acknowledge and see when and how we are ‘wrong’ (not working) in our thoughts and actions the sooner
we can apologize sincerely, fix whatever is not working and make a new commitment. It is only ego which keeps us from
apologizing, being open and communicating. It doesn’t cost much to say ‘I’m sorry.’

I am constantly reminding myself that life is short and where there is disharmony ‘I can choose peace instead of this.’ I strive to
give more than I take and love the one I’m with.

Relationships, like people, are beautiful and complex pieces of work.

The Importance Of Love

‘The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved; just to love and be loved…’ – eden ahbez

While on the topic of love allow me to reflect for a moment on the message of love as brought forth and offered to the
world through such pivotal religious icons and figures such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna and many, many

Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

For me, the above quote by eden ahbez and these few scriptures sums up the message and importance of love for me
completely. Every day I read the Metta Sutta by the Buddha as I reflect on these things and strive constantly to be a source of
love in this world.

Let none be angry with another, let him not despise anyone in any place. By means of physical and verbal provocation or by frustrated enmity, in
anger or ill-will let him not wish suffering upon another.

Just as a mother would protect at the risk of her own life the life of her only son, even so let him spread boundless loving kindness to every corner
of the world; above, below and across, unhindered without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.

The Needs Of Men & Women

Both sexes require certain things to feel as happy and as fulfilled as possible.

To know what these things are and to keep them in mind equals knowing a great deal about EVERY person upon this planet
and what drives them. This is great information for the private psychic reader to know and remain conscious of.

Of course different things are of different importance to different people and as unique, individual and highly specific beings
we each have our own criteria for happiness and personal satisfaction as made necessary and evident through our life
experience and belief system.
The basic needs of a Woman are:

1). Security: mental, emotional and physical

2). Meaningful conversation: 20,000 words per day

3). Non Sexual Touching: hugs, holding hands, non-erotic displays of love and affection

4). Romance: cards, flowers, letters, dating, remembering anniversaries and special occasions, planning a romantic trip or
getaway, watching a romantic comedy or ‘chick flick’ when necessary…
The number one need of a woman is security. How might knowing (practicing) and providing this feeling of security serve you
and empower your relationships?

The basic needs of a Man are:

1). Acknowledgement for his achievements

2). Sexual fulfillment

NLP What's The Deal?

Over the years ‘NLP’ (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has become something of a buzz word, but what is it

While many claim that NLP is nothing more than a far out pseudo science there are many others who gladly maintain that
NLP is a viable method for clear communication, persuasion, marketing and sales, dating, healing through rapid change work
and self transformation and even performing.

NLP began its formal development and progression in the mid 1970’s and had planted its roots much sooner in and through
the work of Milton Erickson (among others).

The founders of contemporary NLP are two gentlemen whose names should be well known in the mentalism community by
now – Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Through practice, study and research Bandler and Grinder sought a way to isolate
the effective techniques put to use in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, hypnotherapy and a number of other mind-related
fields and modalities. One of the subjects of their extensive research (and definitely the most important) was Milton
Erickson, the father of modern hypnotherapy.

Erickson specialized in the fields of hypnosis and communication and possessed an uncanny ability to make breakthroughs
and changes in the most dire and impossible cases. Richard Bandler and John Grinder discovered Milton used a variety of
techniques of his own creation while facilitating these ‘hypnotic’ processes even to the point of developing new ways of
communicating between minds and people.

Studying transcripts from Milton’s actual sessions and looking deeply into his work yielded incredible results as certain
patterns, techniques and formulas began to be noticed.

The founders of modern NLP effectively took what worked for Milton and a variety of other great ‘healers’ and set about
developing a system utilizing only the best of the best techniques; these were instruments of the mind and body that had
proven successful in clinical trials and documented cases over many years and could be replicated once the initial patterns and
formulas were understood. What Bandler and Grinder discovered and isolated became the foundation and basis for what is
now known as ‘NLP.’ Since then this particular body of work has grown, evolved, changed and completely transformed. It
has made a positive impact upon many tens of thousands of practitioners and their clients over the years.

NLP has changed a lot over time. I admit that my own working knowledge and study in this area has changed drastically with
time and much to my dismay I actually find NLP as a core practice becoming less and less viable all the time. In my
experience there is a lot being added to the field and practice of Neuro Linguistic Programming that is counterproductive,
complicated, convoluted, biased and non-working (in my experience).

The purpose of this lesson is to take the core concepts behind NLP, its effective use and practice and display it as a system
that can and will be used with success by magicians and mentalists everywhere.

With over 12 years of hands on experience under my belt these next few chapters are aimed at providing a system for
communication, persuasion and suggestion that have been stripped down to their most basic components. What is left is
simply WHAT WORKS and what I’ve found worthy of using in my own life and practice.

It must be said that NLP, persuasion, heart to heart communication, seduction, mind control, individual and group mind
dynamics and other like fields are vast and expansive – they are growing all the time. I personally feel that to achieve any long
term success and positive measure with these techniques it is necessary to get back to BASICS.

What is taught here may indeed seem basic to many who have purchased this course, maybe not. As with mentalism, when
discussing the mental modalities we require and deserve to get back to basics as much as possible. The most simple and
direct method is often the best one to use and an artful blending of such skills will lend an elegance and level of power to
your work that other performers simply cannot approach without these tools.

If you’re a newcomer to this field and these techniques there is a great deal here that will get you started immediately. One
could use ONLY the techniques set forth in ‘Thought Veil’ for a lifetime and be a tremendous force to be reckoned with.
After studying and applying this material to your life and work you WILL be dangerous. These tools are very potent. Use
them well to benefit yourself and others.

Some purchasing this course may indeed be more seasoned in these areas and if so they are free to skip this section and
proceed through the rest of the material at their own pace and accord. I’m giving you the techniques I myself use and have
found to work through hard earned experience. I strongly urge everyone to read this entire book, study it closely and apply
the material. I can virtually guarantee that you’ll learn something you didn’t know before and that it will be of tremendous

My focus here in this section is on the field of ‘waking hypnosis’ – how to effectively hypnotize a person (changing
brainwave patterns and giving suggestions directly to the subconscious mind) while the subject is awake, conscious and alert.
This information is useful in the areas mentioned prior being sales and business negotiations, seduction and dating, booking
shows and using suggestion during performance. Every good mentalist should know these techniques and be proficient in
their use.

Body Language

Much has been written in the field of body language. The best work I have come across to date for reading body
language has been from Paul Ekman.

I suggest ‘Thought Veil’ students spend a few extra bucks and take an online training course from this very gifted, very astute
man at the following link:

Following with the premise that our thoughts can and will affect our body, it stands to reason that what we are thinking is
also indicated and reflected though our body language. The focus of ‘Thought Veil’ is NOT to learn to read body language by
any means, but to learn to use the body while communicating and performing with great success.

To understand body language and how to use it in our work as mentalists and hypnotists a few basics must be kept in mind:

The Left Brain controls the RIGHT BODY

The Right Brain controls the LEFT BODY

Think of the mind/body connection as an ‘X.’ This is more for training purposes than anything else, as the brain is not really
divided into right and left sides, but front to back and stacked as far as neural activity and memory goes.

During both trance and waking hypnosis processes, during performance, persuasion and while using various rapport
techniques remember that ‘Right is right.’ A successful hypnotist desires to work with the client’s right brain because it is open,
receptive, expansive, creative, intuitive and non-judgmental.

Using the ‘right is right’ peg I place my attention during a performance or session on my participant’s right side FACING ME
(client’s left). I watch for movement coming from this area because it tells me the subject is using their left body which equals
a right brain experience. One of the keys to successful suggestion and persuasion is to invite the participant into a right brain

Here are some useful movements and patterns to look for that will indicate which hemisphere of the brain a client, subject or
participant is operating from.

Left arm up = right brain (open to and accepting suggestions)

Right arm up = left brain (rejecting new ideas, suggestions and resisting)

Standing on left leg = right brain, accepting

Standing on right leg = left brain, rejecting

Left leg crossed over right = right brain, accepting

Right leg crossed over left = left brain, rejecting

Left eye held higher than right = right brain, accepting

Right eye held higher than left = left brain, rejecting

Left cheek facing me = right brain, accepting

Right cheek facing me = left brain, rejecting

When the client is ‘closed body’ with their arms and/or legs folding they are unconsciously rejecting, shielding themselves or
closing their mind off to new ideas, concepts and suggestions.

When I am performing magic, mentalism or hypnosis and find a participant sitting or standing in a closed body position I
openly request that they unfold their arms, uncross their legs and become ‘opened body’ again.

Your Brain

The information presented now is very useful. Pay close attention because this is also how I open up and begin my
‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence.

The human brain is the most marvelous and complex organism in the known Universe. After thousands of years we have not
yet even begun to fathom or fully understand the infinite potential of the human mind unleashed.

Within that three pounds of grey matter between your ears there are over thirteen billion nerve cells – nearly twice as many
cells as there are people on this earth. To assist us in filing away every thought, every perception, every sound, every taste,
every smell and every action you have ever had or experienced we have more than one thousand billion BILLION protein
molecules inside of those cells. Every incident of our life is ready and waiting to be recalled buried deep inside of our brain
and subconscious (cellular and kinetic) memory.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘What we call man – the eating, drinking, planting, counting man does NOT as we know him represent
himself, but MISREPRESENTS himself…

By unlocking at all risks our human doors man is caught up in the life of the Universe. His speech is thunder – his thought is LAW.’

Years ago I discovered a trick which allowed me to begin working within the infinite vistas of my subconscious mind to a
great degree. I began to see my subconscious mind as a tiny little man who never slept and lived and worked inside my brain.
I imagined my brain as a vast library filled with EVERY thought, memory and experience I had ever encountered since the
moment I was conceived!

There were wall to wall books and files, stacks of neat papers, reports and movie reels. There were screens and computers,
telephones, high speed internet connections and satellite receivers to the Super Conscious Mind which connected my little
assistant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He became my friend – a perfect mental construct who worked for ME. I was the
boss here and this imaginary process was my servant.

Anytime I needed information about ANYTHING (even things I did not consciously know, understand or fully realize!) I
would close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and call upon my hidden assistant. I began to give directions and suggestions
directly to my subconscious mind and hidden assistant for whatever I needed.

If I fell ill I would tell my assistant to pull up the charts, history, body diagrams, holograms, DNA/genetic blueprints and
detailed computer programs for my body and send reparative cells, thoughts, energies, original programs/instructions for
perfect health with natural biochemical medicines to fix the ailment. If I forgot something or needed a memory he was told
to find and send it to my conscious mind STAT!

I imagined the assistant going to work immediately, pouring through books, firing up computers, unleashing his connections
and spinning the wheels of my infinite mind faster and faster.

This little exercise allowed me to form a personal relationship with my subconscious mind. I could readily identify with it and
its processes and by embodying/personifying the internal states OF my mind I could begin to work with it in new and
exciting ways. Call me crazy, but it works!

We’ve all had the experience of a name, word or other piece of information ‘on the tip of our tongue’ but simply couldn’t
recall it consciously. At times like this I would send my assistant to retrieve the information and give it to me. Like a lightning
bolt the missing information would come soaring into my mind – the words rolling off my tongue like chocolate silk.

I often would get so busy I forget small things and most of us know the frustrations of misplacing car keys, cell phones,
wallets and other personal items. When this would happen I would close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and send a
message to my invisible worker to retrieve that information and send it to me. A flash would go off in my mind and a perfect
picture of the object and its location would come gently into focus.

Over time I discovered new ways to work with my assistant. The pendulum featured prominently here and through the
ideometer response I could contact and speak to the little man in my subconscious mind through proper bio feedback!
Muscle testing also works like a dream here and speaking of dreams, I often employ my assistant to work in those for me too.

I can now remember my dreams fully and vividly. I use my dreams to speak directly with my assistant and currently have near
perfect dream recall.

When there is something I know I MUST consciously remember (very important information on the fly) I command my
assistant to take detailed notes (something he already does naturally) and photographs to store in a special ‘working’ file.

Inside of this current ‘on the go’ working file are things I know I will need to recall within 48 hours. Into this file I place new
names, phone numbers, addresses, card stacks, book information and other material. When I’m in a rush and have no paper
and pen handy I simply tell my assistant to move the information into my special file. In 48 hours he moves all of the
information to a separate file in the storehouse of my mind. If and when I need it HE (I) can get to it immediately.

The goals I set for myself are loaded into programs carried out by my assistant so that he subconsciously creates the perfect
process and channels by which to attain and realize my desires.

A visualization exercise and process of this nature may also be of great benefit to ‘Thought Veil’ students. I highly recommend
you begin forming a personal relationship with your subconscious mind as described. Although imaginary mental constructs
are only that, by giving a name and face to certain forms and functions we can begin to identify and work with our mind on
deeper levels.

There is still so much about the human brain and our MIND (two different things to be certain!) we don’t know like where
exact memories are held, how they are retrieved, how the brain heals itself (or harms itself), how our thoughts affect our
body and shape the world around us and much, much more. Our understanding of this marvelous SUPER COMPUTER is
very elementary at this point in our evolution. The exercise I have described here is a new way to work with the mind/brain
and our thoughts on a personal level. The implications are very exciting.

Later in this book I will teach you how to form a ‘Mental Bubble’ for persuasion, hypnosis and rapport. One way I work with
the ‘Little Man’ behind the scenes entails his creation and execution of other programs, auto suggestions and perfect mental

One such detail consists of MY hidden assistant contacting the little men and women of other people’s minds!

Imagine your subconscious mind picking up a phone or building a connection, reaching out and forming a direct line for
communication with the subconscious mind of your subject, volunteers and participants (sharing thoughts and sending them
back and forth with ease!) and begin to imagine how remarkable the results of such things would be IF and WHEN you were
consciously aware of this subconscious process.

‘Telepathy’ then becomes REAL, instant and effortless. This process seemingly allows me to deliver UNSPOKEN
suggestions, inductions, direct commands and mental programs directly to the subconscious mind of another person.

This is where certain metaphysical properties begin making their way into suggestion and hypnosis. I have more to say on this
subject and practice and it will have to wait for another book or live training. If this is something of great interest to you
please feel free to contact me privately.

If nothing more the above is a fun and useful exercise AND makes a great premise for mentalism presentations, mega
memory stunts, telepathy and other such demonstrations.

Working with the mind in such a manner and all of the hypnosis, suggestion, persuasion and seduction material I have
created as a result has originated by yours truly. The ‘Little Man & Hidden Assistant’ has even given me processes and
techniques, information and instruction to work with him in unique ways to greater effect. There is definitely
SOMETHING to all of this…

Were I to look at this from a purely psychological and scientific point of view I might see a dynamic process for parts
therapy, multi level communication, memory pegs/mnemonic systems and more unfolding within me perfectly.

Mirroring For Rapport

It’s been shown that over 90% of our communication with others is done through body language; gestures, micro
expressions and other non-verbal methods. The other 10% is made up of our actual speech – the words we use,
inflection and tonality.

Rapport can be viewed as the relationship, level of trust and comfort we share with an individual while we speak and as we
interact with them. To be ‘in rapport’ is to be ‘on the same page’ so to speak. Two people in rapport are in agreement and
harmony with each other. Rapport is crucial to the hypnotist and suggestion based mentalist.

One of the largest failing points for performer’s who have a difficult time using suggestion or psychological forces and
methods with their participants is a lack of rapport. The same holds true for persuasion and seduction – rapport is key!

The goal of rapport is to eventually LEAD.

Pacing while using mirroring techniques simply means that you will ‘PACE’ (do) as your subject does while mirroring. The
purpose of mirroring is to create rapport and the purpose of rapport and pacing is to LEAD, remember this! You will know
when rapport has been established through a simple test…

Once you have paced, paced, paced the subject you will BREAK STATE and do something DIFFERENT! If your subject
follows suite and begins to mirror or matches you and your actions (following you, mimicking your actions) then you have
successfully established rapport and have gone from pacing (doing as they do) to LEADING (they do as YOU do).

Leading is so important because it allows us to control, steer, manipulate and direct the experience between two or more
people. Leading is what allows us to take a client where we wish for them to go and respond how we wish for them to
respond. This is when and where true miracles can and do occur.

Once leading has been established the client makes decisions and takes actions based on where YOU direct them! In effect
you will exercise, assert and maintain a level of control (inspiration) over them.

Once proper rapport has been established communication happens easily and naturally and more importantly the process is
enjoyable and uplifting. True rapport leaves both parties feeling better about themselves and their situation after the two part
ways. A participant in proper rapport with the performer and facilitator of magical and mental experiences is ripened; with
rapport your miracles will go off without a hitch and there will be no resistance, no misunderstandings and no will to cause
your experiments to fail.

Rapport is the key to suggestion and we begin to gain and develop rapport with our body language first and foremost. One
of the easiest and most effective ways to establish rapport immediately is via MIRRORING and non-verbal communication.

Most of us have heard about ‘mirroring’ but what does it mean exactly?

To mirror a person means to become LIKE them; a mirror image if you will – the same or ALIKE in appearance, motion
and emotion.

Mirroring in performance, hypnosis and persuasion has a number of uses the most basic and important of which is creating

Rapport is defined as a relationship; especially one of mutual trust and/or emotional affinity. Based on the definition alone it
is apparent why rapport is so extremely important to the performance artist, hypnotist/hypnotherapist and reality engineer.
When this relationship of trust and mutual affinity is established your suggestions will take hold and have constant, dramatic

Using the techniques of mirroring and matching allows us to gain a deep level of rapport with the groups and individuals we
work and interact with.

The process of mirroring is a simple one when you remember what is written above about becoming a MIRROR IMAGE of
the person you intend to create rapport with. Matching, while similar in intention (creating rapport) is altogether different
and consists of matching exactly the body language, gestures, breathing and blinking patterns of your subject. Because
matching consists of becoming an IDENTICAL image of your subject and matching their gestures simultaneously I don’t
recommend it for any specific use outside of learning.

Mirroring is more subtle, more effective and easier to do.

To start mirroring someone begin by observing them. What are they doing and HOW are they doing it?

Begin by making eye contact. Notice their gaze and how open or relaxed their eyelids are. Look at their mouth and how it
moves as they speak. Do they mumble, lick or bite their lips? Notice how and when they swallow during conversation. Are
they taking big gulps or swallowing frequently? Perhaps they clear their throat before speaking?

Notice their body, how are they holding it? Look at their head, neck and shoulders – are they relaxed and at ease? Shifted to
one side? Are they making gestures or subtle motions? Notice these things!

Notice your mirror’s hands, wrists and forearms. How does this person hold their hands together, if at all? Are they tapping
them on the table? Arms folded? Hands crammed into their pockets? Does this person touch their face, fidget with their hair
or use their hands to cover their mouth?

Notice the person’s waist and mid-section. Look at their diaphragm. Are they breathing deeply? Do they suck their waistline
in? Straighten their clothing?

What does your subject do with their legs? Are they swinging their feet? Pointing them one way or the other? Are their feet
or legs crossed? What are they doing and how are they doing it?

Mirror what your subject is doing by making yourself and your own body language look and feel as much like theirs as

The most subtle and often the most effective body motions and movements to watch for are blinking and breathing patterns,
gestures, minute/micro-facial expressions, tonality during speech, unconscious nervous habits or outward displays of
confidence and how the subject speaks during your interaction.

Start mirroring your subject by DOING what they do.

This is easy and this is subtle.

When your subject makes a gesture or movement, wait until it’s your turn to speak during the conversation, performance or
process and use that same OR SIMILAR motion or gesture. Work it into your current mode of being and physical demeanor
easily and naturally. We don’t need to make big shows or displays about the process of mirroring, in fact, this technique is
more effective when it is SUBTLE and only recognized on an unconscious or subconscious level.

If sitting, ease into the process of mirroring your subject and sit how they are sitting. If standing do the same! Make yourself
LIKE them; do what they do.

I was taught a good rule to follow with mirroring includes a 3-5 second delay before the hypnotist mirrors the subject’s
individual (isolated, specific) motions, gestures and body language. Experts in this field now say this delay can be as much as
30 SECONDS (!) and is still perfectly effective – to which I agree.

Because we are mirroring and not matching we are generally acting as though we are staring into a mirror image of ourselves.
This means if the client makes a gesture or motion with the LEFT SIDE of their body, you will mirror this motion or
gesture with the RIGHT SIDE of your body – a mirror image. If matching one would follow a right handed gesture with the
right hand (with a delay of 3-5 seconds and UP TO 30 seconds before you do so).

The hypnotist practicing ‘matching’ would also make identical gestures at the exact same time as the subject – not good!
Mirroring is better and more effective, subtle and quite simply, it works.

Because matching is difficult, awkward and risks breaking rapport by the subject becoming aware of the process at hand it is
not useful or recommended here and is included for information purposes only.

Back to mirroring, there are a few easy points and keys to remember.

1). You are becoming a mirror image of your subject. Imagine you are looking at your client/subject as a mirror and
following their mannerisms, movements, motions and gestures. Think of it as a game of ‘I do as You do’ and you’ll be just fine.

2). In this particular game of ‘I do as You do’ give yourself a 3-5 second delay at first and THEN mirror the subject’s motions,
mannerisms and movements. For example, if the individual I am mirroring uses their RIGHT HAND to scratch their ear I
want to wait 3-5 seconds and then use my LEFT HAND (mirror image) to scratch my ear in a similar manner and fashion.
With experience this delay can be increased up to 30 seconds between mirroring gestures, blinking and breathing.

3). Mirror everything you can about your subject and do it subtly. The more subtle the better your mirroring is and the more
effective it will be. Remember that you can mirror the subject’s upper body movements with your lower body very effectively
– it doesn’t have to be exact. For example I might mirror somebody who taps their hands or a pen against the table as they
speak with my foot kicking back and forth.

As you become proficient with mirroring (it will take maybe a day or two, tops) start giving yourself a longer ‘time delay’
between gestures, motions and mannerisms. As stated above, the generally accepted time delay for effective mirroring is now
up to 30 seconds. This allows us to be very subtle and very covert with our tactics. Remember as well, your intentions here
very important.

Many beginning students start to wonder and worry what will happen if their subject realizes a hypnotist mirroring them. In
over 12 years of using mirroring techniques in my private readings, stage shows, hypnotherapy sessions, day to day
interactions with people, social situations and in educational trainings I have never been caught mirroring another person.

The idea behind mirroring for creating rapport is that people like, enjoy and prefer other people who are LIKE
THEMSELVES. Mirroring allows us to take away as many outward differences as possible and become as alike as possible
with the person or group we are interacting with. It’s all about becoming the same or similar to!

Mirroring creates natural empathy and sympathy – a harmony or synergy between minds and energies, thoughts, ideas and
dispositions. Through mirroring we can become as much like our subject as possible and begin to identify with them on very
deep and remarkable levels. Proper mirroring and the baseline for rapport attained through it borders on REAL mind reading
and telepathy when done correctly.

Mirroring allows us to meet a person on their level and begin negating the differences and separation between us. It allows
the performer/hypnotist and subject to start a dynamic relationship on a (non verbal), root/primal body language level.

There will come a point when mirroring becomes an almost frightening experience because you will become so empathic, so
deeply connected and so ‘in tune’ with the subject of your mirroring techniques that you will actually begin to think, feel and
look like them for a time. This is an experience I think of as REAL MIND READING as suggested above.

When the mirror is perfect and our rapport is deep, you’ll actually feel as though you are stepping into the other person to
think, feel and act as they do. You will KNOW what the other person is thinking with no center tears or billet switches
required. It is a deeply connected state of empathy and sympathetic energies.

I create deep states of trust, comfort and feelings of rapport with people in 60 seconds or less. I imagine myself as a living,
breathing, walking, talking MIRROR. I’m a shape shifter and whoever I come into contact with, no matter how briefly, my
form immediately shapes and shifts to mirror theirs. I morph into a duplicate version of the other person – a constantly
adapting doppelganger. This happens naturally as I come into contact with someone either mentally, physically or

The easiest physical expressions and responses to mirror are blinking and breathing. These mirroring techniques are
remarkably subtle and incredibly effective. It’s easy to see when the person you’re working with blinks. As they blink normally
I wait 3-5 seconds and then blink myself. I mirror their blinking for as long as I need to in order to gain and develop the level
of rapport I desire or require. This simple act of mirroring the subjects blinking patterns can have powerful and dramatic

Mirroring your subjects breathing is extremely easy and undetectable. To do this, when your participant is speaking FOCUS
ON YOUR BREATH! We must breathe to speak and as we continue speaking we are expelling/exhaling air to make sounds.
With this in mind, during my mirroring process when my subject or participant is speaking I begin to exhale and continue to
exhale while the other person is speaking. When my participant pauses to draw a breath (so they can continue speaking) I

Just remember to exhale while your participant is speaking and inhale when they pause for a breath before continuing and
you’ll set a perfect pace to mirror their breathing pattern.

In addition to physically breathing in the same patterns as my subject I also mirror their breathing with other physical actions.
For example, when my client is speaking (exhaling) I might gently tilt my head to one side. As they inhale I lean forward a bit.
These are very microscopic movements, just large enough to be noticed by the subconscious mind. It’s very subtle.

I might raise my hand as the subject inhales and lower it as they exhale or I could tap my foot as they exhale and keep it
planted firmly as they inhale, whatever you wish to do is fine! The same goes for blinking. I normally just wait until my client
blinks and then wait 3 to 5 seconds and blink along with them and/or as the client blinks I wait (up to 30 seconds!) and then
mirror their blinking with another body movement such as touching my wrist or adjusting something in front of me on the
table. I pace EVERYTHING about the subject/client I possibly can.

When pacing in such a manner you will soon find a certain flow or ‘rhythm.’ You’ll notice waves and/or patterns that can be
paced and though it’s a more intuitive or subconscious rhythm we gently step into once we can find it our rapport building
techniques skyrocket. This same rhythm is something you’ll begin to develop naturally as you start working constantly with
language patterns and verbal suggestions.

One technique I use A LOT is pacing my subject’s breathing and blinking with (opposite) breathing and blinking. To do this,
when my subject takes a breath I blink and when my subject blinks I take a conscious breath! This is very easy to do,
remarkably subtle and incredibly potent. It’s the conscious INTENTION that we are becoming MORE LIKE the other
person which triggers a natural subconscious response to affect our actions, behaviors and tactics.

Of course larger movements and body language is a must in these early stages and it’s always a good idea to mirror body
language to the extent possible without being consciously noticed. The interesting thing about mirroring is that you can
mirror various gestures, positions, words, moods and attitudes with a different body position, gesture (etc) that is ALIKE and
SIMILAR, not a perfect duplicate.

For instance, if my subject is tapping her foot I can mirror this action by tapping my finger and vice versa! If she were to
touch her face and I instead touched my neck or shoulders in a similar fashion that also works. The key here is to mirror what
your subject is doing (thinking, feeling, expressing) with subtlety. Your mirroring techniques don’t have to be identical to have
great effects and develop rapport.

When I begin the mirroring process I start first with mentally setting and acknowledging my INTENTION. When mirroring
another person my intention is to gain, develop and maintain rapport. Once this has been established I will re-evaluate my
intention and consciously focus it towards LEADING the subject. We’ll speak more about ‘pacing and leading’ below.

Immediately I begin mirroring my subject with their own breathing and blinking patterns. With this underway (in just a few
seconds) I have also completed a brief body scan with my eyes to become conscious and aware of the subject’s body position
and non-verbal language. I notice a lot through my peripheral vision.

Immediately I shift my own body weight, position/posturing and language in such a way that I am now mirroring my subject
– I become a reflection of them, the same in kind and quality.

Even if not identical I strive to make my own body and posture look MORE like the person I am speaking to or working
with. This means I am sitting or standing in a similar fashion and I start to notice my client’s voice and any movements they
make such as gestures, shifting around, fidgeting, how they hold their hands, feet or even objects they might have with them.

At this point I am starting to look for key words that will tell me if this man or woman is primarily an auditory, visual or
kinesthetic type person. I’m also staying conscious and aware of the energy my subject is using to communicate (Are they
intense? Relaxed? Bored? Excited? Nervous? Sad?) and I’m especially watching their gestures.

As my client blinks I wait 3 to 5 seconds and then mirror their blinking. As my subject/client (participant/volunteer) speaks I
focus on my breath and begin to exhale. As they pause to inhale before continuing to speak I inhale with them.

At some point during the conversation early in the beginning I am going to create MORE rapport by mirroring the language
of my subject.

I do this by reflecting their own words and message back to them. I use a language pattern here and it’s a very simple one.
The pattern is, ‘So what you’re saying is (fill in the blank, mirroring EXACTLY what they have just said to you!)…is that what
you’re saying?’

‘So what you’re saying is (fill in the blank), is that what you’re saying?’

The above language pattern is one of the first ones I use in almost every conversation or verbal exchange.

This one simple line (pattern) allows us to mirror back EXACTLY what the client/subject/participant has just said to us! It
shows them we are actively listening and engaged in the communication process, it lets them know we are staying clear in our
reception of their message AND it allows us to mirror their own words thus working to eliminate the vast differences
between us.

By mirroring the subject’s words with this pattern we are becoming more like them using the EXACT WORDS they have
just used themselves. This is important.

When using ‘so what you’re saying is…’ it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you mirror back EXACTLY what the subject just
said. To do this, choose a point during the dialogue and conversation where it is appropriate to respond (don’t interrupt
them, be polite) and then mirror a SIGNIFICANT thought or feeling they have expressed.

For example, I might be standing in line at the bank and begin to mirror one of the employee’s there. I can do this standing
behind 3 people by mirroring the teller’s blinking and breathing patterns first. If the subject of my mirroring process is
dispensing cash money or bank statements I might remove some credit card receipts from my wallet and casually go through

The key here is to make the same type of gestures and take the same type of actions that my subject is. At this point it does
not matter if the other person is even consciously aware of my presence or not. Subconsciously we are all keenly aware of
our surrounding environment and who is in our space.

When it’s my turn to approach the desk I make direct eye contact and smile. I approach with confidence and I’m mirroring
the same energy level of my subject. If s/he is positive and upbeat I reflect this through my mannerisms and pace. If she
seems stressed or frustrated I’m going to think about being stressed and frustrated myself and approach with that in mind. I
realize the thoughts I hold in my awareness consciously are going to be reflected through my body language naturally.

All this time I am still mirroring what I can about my subject. Again, the easiest things for anyone to mirror are simple
blinking and breathing patterns which I am still remaining conscious of.

During my transaction I am actively listening to what my clerk has to say as any polite person and working hypnotist would
do. At some point early in our conversation and exchange I’m going to use the ‘So what you’re saying is…’ pattern to mirror the
words she uses.

Even if it’s something casual and seemingly inconsequential she says such as, ‘We’re out a large bills’ or ‘I’m taking off to St.
George this weekend’ (or WHATEVER I choose to hear and mirror back!) I take the statement and repeat it back to her
EXACTLY by saying;

‘So what you’re saying is, we’re out of large bills…is that what you’re saying?’


‘So what you’re saying is, you’re taking off to St. George this weekend…is that what you’re saying?’

By mirroring her words back to her EXACTLY I am letting her know I’m an active listener and that I am involved in this
exchange and process. Most importantly it lets her know that I hear what she’s saying.

Upon first learning this technique many people think it’s too obvious to be useful. I disagree completely and can only
recommend that you try it out and see the results for yourself.

If I wish to create rapport with a friend, family member or client by asking them how they are feeling today and they reply,
‘I’m stressed and frustrated’ I’ll mirror that back to them by saying, ‘So what you’re saying is, you’re stressed and frustrated, is that
what you’re saying?’

Of course that is what they’re saying! Naturally, they will AGREE WITH YOU and expand on this topic or statement.
Mirroring back the words and statements we are given during conversation opens the doors for this to happen.

When using this pattern keep in mind that you must repeat EXACTLY what your subject has just said or else we risk
breaking rapport. This is simply a way to mirror verbal patterns just as ‘body pacing’ mirrors physical patterns.

In the above case with a client, if he told me today he was ‘stressed and frustrated’ and I mirrored back to him by saying, ‘So
what you’re saying is, you’re upset and depressed, is that what you’re saying?’ it would damage rapport BECAUSE that is NOT what he’s
saying! The key here is to become LIKE the person by using the same words they use, not different ones.

Once given this pattern and your subject has received their own words mirrored back to them, rapport is strengthened and
they will start to open up, expand on their statement and agree with you. In many ways rapport is all about getting your
subject into a state of agreement with you. This too is the secret of suggestion and works wonders in mentalism.

Continue mirroring the subject’s breathing and blinking patterns, body language, gestures, energy, facial expressions and more
to the extent possible. Keep the conversation and dialogue flowing openly, smoothly and naturally.

‘So what you’re saying is, we’re all out of large bills, is that what you’re saying?’


‘That’s okay, $20’s are fine!’

In this case my reply has shown me to be cordial and understanding, fine with whatever the teller might have available. I can
continue with the conversation, exchange and dialogue in whatever way I see fit.

Perhaps I’ll deepen rapport a bit more before parting and ask her for free checking or to waive an overdraft fee or to meet
me for coffee later this afternoon…? Take the conversation where you want and intend for it to go.


‘So what you’re saying is, you’re taking off to St. George this weekend, is that what you’re saying?’

‘Yes and I’m so excited – I need a break!’

‘How fun! I see you here every day and I’m sure you could use a break!’

This simple reply has done a few things as well. First, I’m able to match her excitement with excitement. Second, I
sympathize and agree with her. In turn she’ll take what I’ve just said and AGREE with me again. This too is very important.

A bit later we’ll discuss ‘Yes Sets’ and how to inspire practically anyone to agree with anything by conditioning them to say
‘YES’ over and over and over again. This has infinite uses in the field of suggestion and psychological mentalism.

In the case of my friend:

‘So what you’re saying is, you’re stressed and frustrated, is that what you’re saying?’

‘Yeah, I found out today I’m losing my job with over 40 other people.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that (name). Is there anything I can do?’

This response lets my friend know I am there for them, a sympathetic ear and shoulder to lean on, that I’m listening and
empathize with his situation and that I’m willing to brainstorm an appropriate plan of action with him.

The ‘So what you’re saying is…’ pattern is extremely effective, easy to use and has proven results. It’s powerful and simple and
works like a charm. Besides basic mirroring this is one of the first things I teach my students.

‘The Rapport Game’ (as I call it) is a brilliantly in-depth one. It is also deceptively simple. There are many subtleties and
intricacies that are often overlooked. Rapport is very easy to establish once you’ve experimented with these tools for awhile
and work daily with these techniques. Being performer’s I would think those who bought this book are already far ahead of
the game and natural ‘people persons.’ As such, these techniques will be extremely good to you and quick to pick up.

Mirroring States Of Mind & Emotions

Earlier I spoke about mirroring a person’s attitude or mental and emotional state. This is extremely effective and
again very easy. There is a point wherein NLP and associated techniques become nearly metaphysical.

For those who are committed ‘Left-Brainers’ this may or may not be a problem. Part of what many enjoy about my work is
that I incorporate the ‘real’ stuff into my illusions. For a moment I would ask everyone reading this book to suspend their
own disbelief and be open to the possibility of REAL MIND READING.

When it comes to our particular performance art and industry few things are sadder to me than magicians who don’t believe
in magic and mind readers who don’t believe in mind reading.

Whether we are tricking the conscious mind and setting up an imaginary mental construct as a method for internal scripting
and acting ‘as if ’ or whether we are by-passing the conscious, logical mind to tap into our own natural knowing and intuition
doesn’t matter. The process is not important at this time; everything here will be based on results. I only ask that you indulge
me and this course for a moment and put these techniques to use.

At this point it’s appropriate to ask ‘Thought Veil’ students to consider a notepad or journal dedicated specifically to recording
your progress with these techniques. I also highly recommend that your DREAMS are recorded in this journal so we have
something to refer back to, see progress, changes and what is affecting you on a subconscious level AND because we will be
discussing dreams and mentalism together later on in this course. Having a journal charting your progress will come in very,
very handy and is highly recommended.

As performer’s many of us are very conscious and aware human beings. Over time we have learned to become ‘people
persons.’ Most of us have our own ways of approaching an audience or an individual for performance, breaking the ice,
creating rapport and easing our ways into the mind and heart of others.

Empathy is defined as identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings and motives. It has been
described as putting oneself into the psychological frame of reference of another human being, so that the other person’s
feeling, thinking, and acting are understood and to some extent predictable. Empathy has been called ‘a desirable trust-
building characteristic of a helping profession.’ To put it more clearly, empathy is your natural ability to imagine oneself in
another's place and understand the other's feelings, desires, ideas, and actions.

It is embodied in the sincere statement, ‘I understand how you feel.’ Empathy is different from sympathy in that to be empathetic
one understands how the person feels rather than actually experiencing those feelings, as in sympathy.

As hypnotic mentalists who wish to mirror another person’s emotions, thinking and mental attitudes we will be looking at
both sympathy and empathy as tools and ideas upon which to place our focus.

1. Sympathy is defined as:

a. A relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly
affects the other.
b. Mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity.
a. The act or power of sharing the feelings of another.
b. A feeling or an expression of pity or sorrow for the distress of another; compassion or commiseration.
Often used in the plural. See synonyms at pity.

3. Harmonious agreement; accord: He is in sympathy with their beliefs.
4. A feeling of loyalty; allegiance. Often used in the plural: His sympathies lie with his family.

Sympathy is much closer to my own understanding and definition of RAPPORT.

I see Empathy and Sympathy as working together in my mind reading and therapeutic sessions. First, I am able to draw upon
my natural empathic abilities to see/notice, become conscious to and remain aware of a person’s feelings, emotions and even
their thought processes.

Second, I am able to use my sympathetic gifts to step into their shoes and experience what they are experiencing. Empathy is
noticing my subject’s state of mind and being; sympathy is stepping into their experience and sharing it as my own.

To mirror the thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes of another person has very powerful results. I’ve developed a few
tricks over the years which allow me to do this easily and naturally. These techniques border on real mind reading and have
dramatic results.

I begin by developing a state of rapport with the man or woman I am working with. This can be done up close and personal
or over a great distance. As long as I can SEE my subject I can start building rapport.

Mirroring my subject’s body posture, gestures, breathing and blinking patterns (using as much as a 30 second delay!) I quickly
start to become more like them. As I become more and more like my subject in mind and body through the process of
mirroring I shift my awareness and my attention to their mental and emotional states.

All of us do this naturally as do many animals. It is a common experience for human beings to look at one another and
mentally ‘jump’ into their head and experience!

Most all of us can look at another person and think and feel what they must be thinking and feeling in a given moment. As
heart-centered beings we are all very naturally empathic and sympathetic. When a friend, family member or loved one is
having a bad day (or a great one) we can see and sense and feel it immediately.

If we’re at the park and see people laughing, kissing and holding hands we can imagine what they must be thinking and
feeling like in that moment. If we pass a homeless person asking for spare change we can imagine and feel within ourselves
what that must be like ON SOME LEVEL. We are using our natural gifts of empathy to notice other people’s state of mind,
emotions (energy in motion), their feelings and experience.

If there’s a person sitting quietly on a park bench staring off into space we are able to look at their face and appearance, their
very demeanor and ‘energy’ they put off and place ourselves into their shoes. It is possible to feel how another person is
feeling, even if only in our own imagination!

Passing a young child who is crying over dropping his or her ice cream cone we are able to FEEL and IMAGINE what this
young one is feeling. Looking at the driver of the ice cream truck makes it possible for us to mentally ‘jump’ into his mind
and experience just by the way he looks, how he holds himself, how he interacts with others, how he sits, how his face and
body is held.

All we have to do is look at a person and open up our awareness to THINK and FEEL what they must be feeling. The
process whereby this happens is easy to understand; as we look at, notice and become conscious of/aware to another person
we consider their body language, their facial expressions, gestures, attitude, emotions (etc) and ALL of this output is
catalogued in our mind, even if done unconsciously.

As a result of receiving and harvesting this subtle information we then naturally, as human beings, remember a time, place
and/or event wherein we ourselves looked like, felt like and acted in a similar fashion. By doing this we effectively RECALL

our own thoughts, feelings and mental state at the time and as a result we can begin to think, feel and experience what the
other person is going through.

Even though we are only imagining what another person is FEELING in our mind and imagination it creates a deep sense
of rapport on a personal level (your experience) and allows us to MIRROR those thoughts and energy during our

Remember, imagination is more important than knowledge and the subconscious mind does not realize a difference between
fantasy and reality. Many of these techniques are merely perfected mental constructs and exercises in imagination/intuition
and thereby have their own results.

So, why is this information so valuable and how do we use it?

This is very simple and intricate at the same time.

By mirroring a person we become MORE empathic and more sympathetic, especially when those are our conscious
intentions. Because we all do this naturally most all of the time, it’s very easy to pick up, learn and practice immediately. The
difference here is we are becoming CONSCIOUS of the process and using it to our own advantage AND to benefit the
other person.

There are a few steps I take that allows me to first notice and realize my subject on all levels and then to experience (think,
feel and become ‘one’ with) what they are. The benefits of doing so are many, many. It creates a deeper level of rapport,
certainly. It also allows us to practice the closest thing to real mind reading we shall ever encounter, and this, on a regular
basis. You will startle and astonish others by how well you seem to know them and can relate to them, seemingly able to read
their mind and identify with them on all levels. This information and practice is of infinite value to the hypnotic mentalist.

Merging With The Mind Of Another

The following technique is EXTREMELY powerful and something I use all the time in my daily life and every
performance, in all my readings, healing work, etc.

This is nearly an effect all by itself and when combined with hand holding, eye gazing and sharing a ‘Holy’, quiet moment of
sincerity and reflection with another person (or group of people) the sense of entering the mind and heart of another is very,
very real.

By leading a participant CONSCIOUSLY through this technique and sharing the process with them to experience a
‘merging’ directly one sets them up for a nearly perfect NON VERBAL INDUCTION.

It can (and should) also be used covertly without tipping or drawing attention to the process or exercise itself. This alone will
place the hypnotic mind reader into a perfect state of mind and body for hypnotizing or reading the thoughts and subtle
‘energies’ of another person.

I love ‘merging’ and using this technique during my aura readings, combined with ‘The Process’ from my ‘T&R’, ‘The Holy
Moment’ (RAOK) and before select pieces of mentalism.

Start by mirroring the subject you wish to ‘merge’ with. Become as much like them in mind, body and Spirit as possible
through the process and techniques/practice of mirroring as taught earlier in this course.

Next, after your mirroring is underway begin to consciously notice HOW the other person is feeling using your own natural
knowing, intuition and self perspective/frame of reference.

Take the subject into your mind and awareness completely and REMEMBER a time, place or situation in which you yourself
looked like, felt like or acted like they are NOW, in this very moment. Imagine what the other person might be feeling like
based on what you see and feel.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

• Based on what I’m seeing and my own experience (memory), what is this person FEELING LIKE right now? What
might they be feeling like right now? What COULD they be feeling like right now?

• If I were to know EXACTLY how this person is feeling in this moment, HOW WOULD I (they) FEEL? If I could
know APPROXIMATELY how this person is feeling in this moment, how would THAT feel?

• If I DID KNOW how they were feeling currently, what would that feeling be like?

Once you have elicited this ‘emotional inventory’ I want you to ask yourself when the last time was that YOU yourself felt
this way…

If you cannot remember an exact time or instance, simply step into the feeling.

Although you may or may not be able to place when the last time was that YOU personally felt like this, you will always be
able to recall the particular feeling or IMAGINE what it might be like. The reason for this is that our subconscious mind

takes in everything we have ever seen, read, felt, heard or experienced and catalogues this information inside the deep
recesses of our mind.

The subconscious mind is the heart-centered mind. It is based on and works with feelings and emotions and suggestion
attached to an emotion creates permanent memory. That you can or cannot CONSCIOUSLY recall the circumstances
surrounding the experience doesn’t matter – what matters is those experiences and feelings (your own frame of reference)
exist within you and remain there for you to draw upon. Human beings are naturally empathic and sympathetic creatures.
Everyone can already do this, and everyone already DOES do this constantly.

One of the greatest things I ever learned about giving readings was from Kenton Knepper when he said, ‘Realize that you
ALREADY KNOW everything you need to know about this individual (on some level) before the reading begins.’

So, whether you have consciously remembered when the last time was you ALSO felt this way (the general way your subject
is/MIGHT BE feeling in this moment) OR you have simply remembered the feeling itself and how it sits within you and
affects your experience, all is well and either way is fine. I want you to step momentarily into that experience and feeling once

Mentally ask yourself, ‘When is the last time I looked/felt this way and what did it feel like?’

Look at the client’s body posture and where they hold their weight, stress and tension in their body. By looking at their
physical body and then asking yourself, ‘What would I FEEL LIKE if I were seated like they are?’ or ‘The last time I held my own
body like this, what did I feel like emotionally?’ you will have your answers.

Once you have invoked that feeling/emotion/experience within yourself I want you to strengthen and intensify it. Do this by
taking a deep breath and remembering all you can about that particular feeling and/or emotion and how it affected you.

INTEND to strengthen the feeling of that emotion for just a few moments, even if it is a seemingly ‘negative’ feeling or
emotion. We will release this emotion shortly and for now it is important that you are able to FEEL what your subject is
feeling based on your own experience in order to better relate to the person and create deeper rapport and ‘merging.’

When you can FEEL what your subject is FEELING changes will begin taking place in your mind, body and awareness.
You’ll start to empathize and sympathize with this person on a much deeper level – this process is mirroring emotions,
energy, attitudes, consciousness and experience.

By FEELING what your subject is feeling (even if only imaginary) you will begin to THINK like your subject is thinking,
easily and naturally.

As we begin to think and feel like our subject and hold those thoughts and feelings in our mind, body and conscious
awareness your subtle body language, facial expressions, tonality, energy/output and intensity will all change to reflect this.

There is very little you have to do at this point other than to continue mirroring the other person. Once you have their basic
feeling in your mind and have intensified that energy and memory through conscious intention and awareness it will begin to
affect your body without any conscious effort.

Think of this as the ideometer response with thoughts, feeling and experiences. Micro expressions, facial features, gestures,
the way you hold yourself and move, the way you speak and feel and act will ALL REFLECT your subject’s basic state of
mind and experience at this point. What you hold in your mind is reflected through your body.

The experience of merging will happen for 9 out of 10 ‘Thought Veil’ students with no delay or hassle in the slightest because
it is something we all already do, we are simply bringing our awareness to it.

For those who experience ANY difficulty at all, ask yourself the above or similar questions… ‘If I knew how this person was
feeling right now, what might that feeling be like?’ Once you have your answer (it comes naturally from within) simply allow yourself
to FEEL it for the time being.

Let’s imagine the response that comes back to you (from you) as a result of mentally asking this question is ‘Angry.’

Follow with, ‘Okay, when is the last time I CAN REMEMBER feeling angry? What did it feel like?’

As you recall the emotion of ‘anger’ within you, give yourself permission to really FEEL IT for a moment and make it part
of your experience. Once you have summoned the feeling of anger within yourself, check to make sure you’ve got it right by
mentally asking, ‘Is this what I imagine the person in front of me is feeling in this moment?’

You will know intuitively if you’ve got it right. Perhaps it is anger with a bit of frustration or sadness. If that is the case, allow
yourself to remember and feel those additional emotions for a moment as well. Whatever you imagine the other person is
feeling, I want you to feel that same way yourself to the best of your ability.

It doesn’t matter if you are ‘spot on’ or 100% correct in your assessment. The idea and object lesson here is to begin
FEELING how other people are feeling and by intensifying those feelings within yourself you allow them to be reflected
UNCONSCIOUSLY through your own communication and body language.

You might be wondering WHY we would want to mirror negative feelings and emotions such as ‘anger’ in the first place and
the reason is simple. We are meeting a person at their level, accepting them exactly as they are and then slowly we will begin
to shift their attitude, emotions and demeanor into something else through LEADING. We will lead them into the state of
mind, feelings, emotions, attitudes, actions and outcomes that we wish to.

Interestingly enough, if we meet a person on their level and begin to mirror their feelings – be it anger, depression,
happiness, excitement (etc) – we can begin to shift and change our own emotions and the subject will naturally follow suit.

The exercise we are working with here is PACING via MIRRORING. We are pacing the subject’s mental and emotional
states through conscious empathy and intended sympathy. Eventually this pacing and mirroring will become LEADING.

I always use a short visualization during this process. It provides another imaginary mental construct/internal script and
allows me to deepen the experience of actually BECOMING the other person for a short time and experiencing what they
are experiencing.

I start by looking at my subject’s feet and shoes. Remember the old saying, ‘To walk a mile in their shoes?’

I imagine what it would FEEL like to be standing in the subject’s shoes RIGHT NOW, in this very moment. Of course this
is a metaphor, but a very useful symbol that is going to allow me to ‘jump’ into their head and experience in a moment.

I imagine how the shoes would feel around my feet. By doing this I begin to identify with the subject on a deeper, alternative
level. Thought this visualization is only happening in my mind and imagination it will have very REAL results.

Feeling their shoes around my own feet and how my feet feel as a result, I imagine myself wearing their pants. How do they
feel around my legs and waist. I imagine the subject’s shirt – how does it wear on me and feel around my neck? I look for any
jewelry, perhaps focusing on a wedding band and watch. I imagine the tension created from the watchband and the weight of
the ring on my finger.

I look at the face of my subject…if I was in their body, how would my face feel? What might the texture be like if I were to
touch it? Maybe there are marks, scars, moles or acne upon my (new) face (as the subject). What might those feel like? How
do my teeth feel against my lips and tongue? Remember, we are only using our imagination at this point!

Notice their teeth, their lips, their ears (any earrings?) and their hair…

How might the hair feel if I were to take my new hand (imagining myself AS the subject) and ran my fingers through it?
Does it hang across my neck and make my nape warm? Is it cut close to the sides or long and shaggy? Is it dry or oily? How
does it feel in my imagination?

Notice your subject’s hands, their texture, moisture, the nails and their condition. IF I was this person how might these things
feel to me? I allow my imagination (intuition) to run wild. I intend on BECOMING the subject in my own mind.

I allow my eyes to meet with the subject’s (even if just for a moment) and imagine WHAT they are seeing, from their
perspective. How does the world look from that side of the room? How do I look to the person I’m speaking to?

I imagine what the other person is seeing FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE! Use your mind and imagination to step into their

Keep in mind this entire scanning process, taking mental inventory and briefly experiencing what you perceive and imagine
the subject to be FEELING and EXPERIENCING takes place in a matter of seconds. With practice you’ll find yourself
able to merge directly with other people almost instantly. You’ll walk around the store as I do mentally jumping into many
dozens of people as you pass them…

Once I have briefly imagined the experience as it appears to my subject I INTEND to ‘merge’ with their mind completely
and BECOME THEM for a moment, even if ONLY in my IMAGINATION!

I look through their eyes and see ME standing there across from them. I FEEL what they are feeling, what they are thinking
and how they are experiencing the world at this moment. I take a deep breath and begin to withdraw back into my own mind
and body, back into my own experience.


Take a deep breath.

Realize that although a creative, imaginary exercise the above has beautiful and powerful results.

Think about it.

By first mirroring another person on a physical level through body language and mimicking their gestures, posture and
demeanor and then FEELING what you imagine they must or might be feeling in this moment BEFORE you step into their
shoes and experience the world from their current perspective and experience you are laying the foundation for the most
amazing, deep and powerful rapport you have ever experienced.

Now IMAGINE how much better you can, are and will be able to relate and work with this other person. Think about how
clear and powerful a personal reading for them might be at this time or how well you are able to select the PERFECT
suggestion, positive affirmation or performance piece for this particular person now that you have done this!

Even if you have only became them on a ‘pretend’, ‘make believe’ and ‘imaginary’ level you have still BECOME them on
some level (even if only in your mind!) and this ‘becoming’ carries a number of spectacular benefits and positive results.

This perspective WILL be reflected through your natural body language and expressions. The level of rapport between two
people has never been deeper. It is for this reason that RAPPORT is a double edged sword, and we’ll explore why this is a bit
later in this course. For now it is enough to realize this exercise can and will allow you to ‘merge’ with a person on very deep
and intimate levels. The result is that complete strangers may (read: CAN & WILL!) feel more deeply and comfortable

towards you than they ever have to another person. Personal experience has shown this to be true and I make that statement
as a FACT.

All the time I have people saying things to me like, ‘I don’t know what it is, but I feel so connected to you’ or ‘I just feel so drawn to you’
and ‘It’s so comfortable to be around you, and we just met’ and even ‘I must have known you in another life’ and other such things.

They feel more comfortable and more connected with me than they have and do with people they have known for half their
lives. This is proper rapport working out perfectly. It is a very potent and potentially dangerous tool. It can be misused and
rapport left to run wild can be counterproductive.

If a person feels too close and comfortable and connected to us that they simply bask in this connected state of being or
comfort and security and their attention is not turned to the business, process, reading, performance or contract signing at
hand then my rapport starts to harm me.

With rapport there is ALWAYS an objective; a greater use than rapport in and of itself. That objective might be making a
deal of some type, or giving a reading or sharing a piece of magic or mentalism. Usually the goal of rapport is to begin and
proceed with the technique of LEADING – taking the person and experience where we want them to go based on our own
intentions and criteria.

Whatever your goal and objective is, keep it in mind while creating rapport and never stop working towards it. The purpose
of rapport and the process of mirroring and merging is eventually to begin LEADING.

Leading takes place after we have met the client on their level, gained an advantageous position of trust and comfort and
then TAKE the client/subject where we want them to go by LEADING the experience.

Before we discuss leading and language patterns in depth it’s necessary to review the steps given for successful programming.

Pacing Modalities

Each of us has a primary mode and modality of expressing ourselves.

Some people are auditory, they learn by HEARING. Other people are VISUAL, they learn by seeing. Still others are
KINESTHETIC, they learn by doing/experiencing. Rarer still are the EMPATHETIC modalities wherein a person learns by

We ALL incorporate each of the modalities in our lives and yet we are ALL primarily ONE or two of them.

There are a number of ways to mirror and pace these modalities. The most simple way to learn what your
client/subject/participant’s primary modality is, is to listen and pay close attention to them as the two of you interact.

VISUAL people will often use words and phrases which have to do with sight and seeing. Examples of this would be, ‘Yes,
that’s clear to me’ or ‘I see what you’re saying…’ (…looks like…appears to me…eye to eye…I get the picture…I’ll see to it…
picture this…imagine that…in my view…from my perspective…etc).

Visual learners also tend to do very well with books and written instructions. They use controlled, pointed gestures and learn
visually. They are usually closer to their mother/sister in childhood and may have problems with a father/brother figure.
Visually oriented individuals tend to speak a bit faster and breathe shallow. Their eye movements will usually be up and to the
right or left, or staring into space.

AUDITORY people will use words and phrases such as ‘I hear you’ or ‘that rings a bell…’(…listen up…I’m all ears…that’s
loud and clear…describe it to me…he’s outspoken…lend me your ear…etc).

They are usually music lovers and make spontaneous, animated gestures as they speak (a dead giveaway). Auditory people
tend to be closer to their father/brother and may have issues with mother/sister. Auditory individuals tend to speak
definitively and breathe evenly. Their eye movements are straight and to the left or right and down to their left.

KINESTHETIC types use words (and ACTIONS!) such as, ‘I get what you’re saying, I feel you’, ‘I feel…’ or ‘I sense’ and ‘I can
certainly DO that…’, or ‘In my experience…’ (…that feels right…get a grip…hang in there…get in touch with…smooth as
silk…that’s soothing…etc).

Kinesthetic describes a man or woman with a sensory, tactile orientation. They learn through body experience and make
dynamic, powerful gestures as they communicate.

Kinesthetic types also tend to make large body movements as they speak, though not as large or as flamboyant as
emotional/empathetic types. Verbal/auditory and visual people make LESS body movements while they speak and
communicate with others. They are normally quite composed, calm and collected (reserved). Kinesthetic types tend to speak
slowly and breathe deeply. Their primary eye movements will be down and to their right.

EMOTIONAL types often empathize with you and what you are feeling and these folks are easy to create a deep sense of
rapport with. They are already mirroring you! They also tend to be confused with KINESTHETIC type personalities because
they too make large, exaggerated motions as they speak. They talk with their hands a lot.

The next easiest way to learn what primary modality a person falls into is simply to ask them. Of course this isn’t as good for
covert persuasion or seduction though in performance or hypnotherapy it’s an excellent tactic.

To do this I ask my client, ‘When you learn something new, do you find that you learn best by HEARING the subject matter explained
(auditory instruction, verbal guidance, etc), EXPERIENCING/DOING (jumping in directly and getting your feet wet
through experience) or SEEING and doing as you perceive?’

The answer will tell me if the client is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic type personality.

Another option is to trust your natural knowing and intuition or use methods for bio feedback such as muscle
testing/kinesiology or a pendulum and the ideometer response to elicit the subject’s primary modality.

So why is this information helpful?

Once we KNOW how and why a person learns and what modalities they incorporate we can begin changing our speech and
patterns to reflect their modality. For instance, if I know my client is an AUDITORY learner I’ll begin to use words that
reflect sounds such as, ‘I hear you’ and ‘that rings a bell’ as touched on prior.

I can also use my knowledge of the different modalities to control my body language so that when I speak I am more in
alignment with the client and his/her primary modality.

When mirroring others I simply pace as much of the subject as I can. This includes their body language, blinking, breathing,
tonality, inflections, gestures, breathing, blinking, emotions, opinions, beliefs, energy levels, verbal patterns and more.

I incorporate language patterns to pace feedback and elicit criteria with the intent of establishing and strengthening rapport
in preparation to LEAD. I also use a variety of mental constructs and visualization techniques to further empower the

This includes linking chakras, creating a mental ‘Thought Bubble’, merging with the mind of my subject, telepathic influence
(subconscious rapport) and especially sharing my spontaneous, intuitive thoughts, feelings and impressions in a very casual
and heart connected type reading format. It seems I am empathizing with my client as I share these intuitive responses.

YOU can do this. Creating a deep level of rapport very quickly is one of the most important skills you can learn. Make a
personal goal of establishing rapport in 60 seconds or less. In these beginning stages it’s not about the time it takes (or
doesn’t take) but how deep and effective the rapport you build really is.

There will come a time very soon when rapport with people everywhere and in all situations begins to happen automatically,
instantly. This is the natural result of learning and applying these techniques and making them a permanent part of you.

As rapport happens naturally your sphere of influence increases. The people you interact with will respond to your natural
persuasion, seduction and influence patterns and techniques without much conscious effort on your part.

Advanced Pacing & Leading

When mirroring a subject for rapport we should remember to pace, pace, pace!

If there seems to be little progress made during your interactions or negotiations go back to pacing immediately. Do as the
client does subtly and on every level possible. This will create rapport. When in doubt, go back to pacing. If you get stuck, go
back to pacing. If your results are not in alignment or harmony with your intentions and desires, go back to pacing.

In this section I’m going to discuss the basics for ‘Yes Sets’ and some advanced pacing techniques that are still very easy to
use. A lot of valuable information is being given to you throughout this course. There will come a point where it gets
overwhelming and it’s at that point you will STOP and simplify things according to your own manner and style. Use what
works for you to get results and discard the rest. You only need a few of these techniques to create miracles.

My desire is for you to learn mirroring, pacing, leading, language patterns and waking trance techniques naturally and
intuitively. If my students are analyzing their plan of action or behavior during the process it becomes very difficult to do
these things well and spontaneously. Avoid overwhelming yourself while applying these techniques. I advise learning a few
‘tricks’ very well and implementing them at a comfortable pace.

Yes Sets

The ‘Yes Set’ is a very effective technique for eliminating resistance (on a conscious and/or unconscious level) and
creating compliance.

We glean this technique from Socrates who was known to enter debates by asking questions guaranteed to garner an
affirmative ‘YES’ response from his opposition before changing their mind with his own ideas, philosophies and argument.

The idea here is you will get your subject, volunteer or participant to respond affirmatively to a number of ideas, suggestions
and instructions before giving a SUGGESTION.

By getting your subject to think and say ‘YES’ to statements that are UNDENIABLY TRUE we have greater chances of
them saying ‘yes’ and responding successfully to the suggestions which follow.

Examples of this could be during my book test (or a reading, hypnotherapy session, mentalism performance, etc.). The
possibilities are endless!

‘You’re holding that book (yes) and listening to my instructions (yes), breathing naturally now (yes) and BEGINNING TO RELAX…’

The underlined portion above represents the SUGGESTION I’m giving the client. Notice how I’ve paced THREE things
that are occurring naturally during this experience. The client/subject cannot disagree with any of these statements as they
are undeniably true.

I set the tempo in my participant’s mind to AGREE (say or think ‘yes’) and then give the suggestion, ‘beginning to relax.’

‘You have a word in your mind now (yes) and you’ve been saying it over and over again silently to yourself (yes). You’re becoming even more relaxed
by the moment and ready to do as I say…’

This time I have paced TWO natural occurrences in this process and then gave TWO suggestions. Slowly I will begin giving
less undeniably true statements and MORE suggestions as I proceed.

‘You agreed to participate in a mind reading experiment (yes) and a telepathic link has been established. Hypnosis is the key to psychic
development. As you enter a deep state of trance now the miracle occurs spontaneously.’

Notice how this time I’ve only paced ONE natural occurrence and I’ve given THREE SUGGESTIONS. With my next
verbal offering I’ll include ONLY SUGGESTIONS without pacing any natural occurrence. Structuring our suggestions in
such a manner is extremely powerful.

Soon you will learn how to pace ANYTHING that is occurring naturally as a buffer to your suggestions. Take cloud busting
for instance:

‘The sun is shining (yes), the birds are singing (yes), children are playing (yes) and you can begin to realize how extremely fortunate you really are

‘You have the day off from work (yes), it’s a Thursday afternoon (yes) and it’s easier and easier to relax by the moment (suggestion). You can
start to FEEL GOOD NOW without any conscious stress or effort at all (suggestion)…’

‘As clouds move in the sky (yes) you may find the uncanny desire to merge with the environment (suggestion). This is a very pleasant thing to do
(suggestion) and your influence can now be exerted over the forces of Nature (suggestion).’

‘Clouds melt, break apart and dissipate naturally in your presence (suggestion). As the clouds shift and disappear almost instantly now
(suggestion) any problems or issues in your life begin to disappear and dissipate with them (suggestion). You can start to feel happy and at
peace in every way (suggestion)…’

The formula is simple.

Pace, pace, pace, LEAD = yes, yes, yes, SUGGESTION.

Pace, pace, LEAD, LEAD = yes, yes, SUGGESTION, SUGGESTION.



I often use this technique in a reading to assist in reprogramming the sitter for success and happiness.

‘You’ve expressed deep concern about your relationships at this time (yes), you wonder if things will work out (yes), you care about this man a lot
(yes) and this card shows us no matter what the outcome you will find peace and happiness with your decision (suggestion).’

‘This card is the Eight of Swords (yes) and this one is The Lovers (yes). Together they represent trials in love that will be overcome
(suggestion) and that your unhappiness at this time will soon come to an end (suggestion).

‘The Celtic Cross is a well known, traditional spread (yes) and creating the formation during a reading has naturally healing and ‘almost
therapeutic’ effects on a person (suggestion). Gazing at the cards now creates peace inside of you instantly and reminds you of how incredibly
valuable this reading truly is (suggestion).’

‘Having your cards read is a great source of joy and inspiration ( suggestion). This reading is more accurate than any you’ve ever had before
(suggestion) or will have after (suggestion) because you’ve connected with your life’s true purpose at this time (suggestion).’

This technique is incredibly strong. When combined with other ‘Thought Veil’ tools you are empowered to create real and
lasting miracles. Be gentle.

We can create a ‘Yes Set’ by including statements that are undeniably true followed by a suggestion. Use the formula above to
pace natural occurrences by offering more and more suggestions with each passing moment. This really is one of the most
powerful tools we can learn and use.

I tend to use things that are blatantly obvious and undeniably true to pace during a ‘Yes Set’ such as, ‘You’re sitting there now,
listening to my voice, breathing normally and STARTING TO RELAX…’

With verbal and physical mirroring and pacing, presuppositions and other language patterns pacing ‘Yes’ becomes even
stronger as we’ll soon discover.

Always On My Mind Part I & II

There are simple things we can do to lock ourselves forever in the minds and memories of another person. Here
are a few methods and techniques I prefer which first appeared in my ebook, ‘Random Acts of Kindness.’

I’ve included some additional tips, touches and techniques here so please do well by yourself and re-read the information and
material presented here.

For the sake of completeness and to save ‘Thought Veil’ students some hard earned cash I’ve included some very important
portions and techniques from ‘RAOK’ here with some additional notes and touches.

Do not underestimate or disregard the power and usefulness of these techniques. What is written and taught here has the
potential to set you apart from the rest and cause both you and your performances to deeply affect a person or audience.
Using these verbal and psychological methods alone can have profound effects on one’s mind and heart. This is real magic
and infinitely useful.

As magicians and mentalists we carry enough power to impact a person or group of people in deep and severe ways. The
value of proper rapport should be inherent in our work and as entertainers I believe we should seek ways to make a person
fill great about themselves inside in tandem with our performances.

Here are some things I incorporated in my role as a clinical hypnotherapist and transformational trainer. The following “heart
talk” scripts are fun and easy to use, make a huge impact and WILL get you remembered in a very fond manner and fashion.
These words can be used in readings and after readings, in performances and after performances, with your boss, your lover,
your children, your enemies. They are worth their weight in gold to me – use with caution.

Many of these tools have a place in the proper seduction of others. I personally would advise against using them in such
passionate ways and to each their own. If you truly wish to understand power and how to use it I HIGHLY recommend the
books, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’ and ‘The Laws of Seduction’ by the same author, Robert Greene.

The above are invaluable works for anyone in this line of work interested in seducing the minds of others through artful
magic and mentalism. This recommendation is GOLD and those who follow it will be extremely well rewarded.

The first thing I’d like to discuss is how to generate immediate interest in a person.

This is very easy with the following line which can be used anytime and with anyone. It comes across like a compliment of
sorts and is non-specific. It is this non-specific nature that elicits interest.

“There’s something unique and interesting about you.”

That’s it!

Although it seems very simple let’s look at what this verbal language pattern does to a person.

First, most people want to believe they are a unique and interesting snowflake, that despite our many similarities something
about themselves is wonderful and different. So be it. We will use normal human behaviors and work WITH them.

Second, when a person is told, ‘There’s something unique and interesting about you’ they want to know WHAT that is! They wonder,
‘What does he see in me that nobody else does?’

Third, though we are not saying exactly WHAT that ‘unique and interesting’ something is, we are giving specific information by
designating it to a person (‘about YOU’) that is, the one person we are sharing this phrase and pattern with.

This person will wonder and ponder what’s so unique and interesting about them that you see. They will ask you straight out!
This is a good thing and exactly where we want to be. When faced with this question you will give the following response:

‘I can’t quite put my finger on it, but when I find out I’ll tell you.’


‘I’m not quite sure, but there is SOMETHING incredibly unique about you and your energy and when I figure out exactly what I’m picking up
on here (‘sensing’) I’ll definitely let you know!’

This leaves the sitter hanging, wondering and wanting more. You have just given a mysterious and indirect compliment and
this person will take it in whatever manner THEY wish. They will fit it to themselves and wear the compliment proudly while
never knowing exactly what it was. In this sense the compliment becomes perfect because the participant’s mind fills in the
details. It plays on their core beliefs, fantasies and desires for their selves.

This also serves another purpose. This person now begins to display different characteristics and changed behavior around
you. If YOU have seen something unique and interesting about them, they WANT to show and prove to you that this
‘something’ indeed exists and while you claim to NOT know what it is at this point your subject will go out of their way to
prove these special characteristic and traits exist.

When delivered to family, friends and co-workers you may find them being more genuine in your presence, more helpful,
more caring, more sincere . . . this is a good thing.

When delivered to someone before, during or after a performance you will create genuine interest and intrigue within that
individual. It’s a flattering thing to hear and think about and helps create a deep rapport. You will have their undivided
attention during your work and they will never forget what you saw and said to them.

‘I hope you don’t mind my sharing, but there’s incredibly something unique and interesting about you.’


‘I hope you don’t mind my sharing, but there’s something incredibly unique and interesting about you TODAY.’

This is an instant hook. It can also be used to begin ANY reading, “Let’s find out what’s unique and interesting about you” and then
begin your reading using the methods and oracles of your own choosing.

Another variation on this is, ‘Something about you seems different.’

Again they will want to know WHAT is different about them (we are deliberately vague – this difference could be a change in
their demeanor, attitude, appearance, work ethic, weight loss, etc.) allowing you a perfect opportunity for a great compliment
without being overly cheesy.

I pride myself on being an exquisite charmer in life and my performances. I’ve even used this with dear old mum who I don’t
get to see nearly as much as I’d like:

‘Something about you seems different!’

Really? What?

‘I’m not sure exactly . . . have you lost weight?’

Flattery will get you everywhere.

If the person you use this pattern on is someone that you will see at another time or on a regular basis simply come up with a
sincere compliment, blow it out of proportion a bit and deliver it with grace and a smile. It works wonders.
While on this topic of delivering rapport building lines and language patterns, I often use the following three steps . . .

“What I’m getting from you is . . .”
“And how I feel when I’m around you is . . .”
“The gifts I see in you are . . .”

You must be sincere and open in both mind and heart to make this work effectively. You cannot be afraid to speak from your
heart and say what is truly on your mind. Sincerity can only be faked so much and I suggest you either brush up on your BS
skills OR become a genuine, caring person and performer. Hopefully you will choose the latter.

I often use the above three lines at some point during a private reading. While summing up the reading is a perfect time to
incorporate them.

Here is a list of some positive states of being you can call upon for ALL three patterns and areas (what I’m getting, how I’m
feeling and the gifts I see.) Just pick any three you actually feel and use them.


‘What I’m getting from you is . . .’ (any three states of being listed below OR choose your own)

‘How I feel when I’m around you is . . .’ (any three DIFFERENT states of being listed below)

‘The gifts I see in you are . . .’ (any three -different again- states of being listed below)

Positive States Of Being You Can Draw Upon

Abundance, acceptance, accountability, assistance, authenticity, awareness, beauty, brightness, clarity,

commitment, compassion, completeness, connection, consciousness, contribution, courage, creativity,
dependability, divinity, embracing, empathy, empowerment, feelings, focus, forgiveness, freedom, generosity,
genuineness, gratefulness, harmony, honesty, honor, inspiration, joy, lightness, leadership, unconditional love,
natural knowing, openness, passion, peace, positive nature, preciseness, presence, radiance, realness, respect, risk,
sensitivity, sharing, strength, sincerity, space, spirituality, supportiveness, tenderness, trust, truth, unity, urgency,
vulnerability, vision and win/win
…to name a few.

The simple language patterns given above create rapport because they allow us to mirror back exactly what we are receiving
from the person we share them with. They can also be used to diffuse a difficult situation and let a person know how what
they are being, saying and doing is affecting you.

Using heart-to-heart communication in a heated situation is wonderful and soft. Imagine telling an angry venting person,
‘What I’m getting from you right now is stress, anger and disappointment and how I feel being around you right now is frustrated, a bit confused
myself and ready to help you nonetheless, what can I do?’

Speaking to someone is such a direct manner is something to be admired in my book.

You’re going to see this person take a step back and say, ‘Wow. I’m sorry to vent on you. I didn’t realize I was causing you to
feel that way’ and so on. This technique is a pattern interrupt and technique for open, honest communication that simply
allows another to KNOW how they are showing up in the moment and how it affects you.

These techniques are extremely useful in creating and maintaining rapport in the most difficult of situations and
circumstances. Speaking in such ways allows us to mirror and reflect the other person’s mental, emotional and psychological
state of being very effectively. After we mirror the process of leading can begin and these techniques allow us to actually
change the mental and emotional projections of a person very quickly.

Using this to create a stronger rapport and deliver a heartfelt and sincere compliment that will never be forgotten is more my

After the above lines instead of the dots ( . . . ) you will simply give/state to this person whatever it is you are really feeling!


To my son . . . “Cole, what I’m getting from you is love, happiness and appreciation and how I feel when I’m around you is content, happy and
peaceful. The gifts I see in you are strength, humor and magic. I love you son.”

What you’re getting, what you’re feeling and the gifts you’re seeing will be different for every person. Go with your heart –
your own gut feelings, natural knowing and intuition. The best thing you can do here is simply to speak your truth and share
your experience of the other person IN THE MOMENT. Let the other party know how they are showing up and affecting
you and deep rapport will be created and maintained with little effort.

Say what you want and mean what you say. It doesn’t get much better than this.
You may use this with a single person or a group of people. I have often addressed my audiences at the end of my show . . .
‘I’d like to thank you all for being such a wonderful audience for me this evening. I enjoyed myself and the time we spent together immensely.

What I received from you tonight was an eagerness to participate, capable, open & powerful minds to work with, incredible energy and how I felt
during my performance was empowered, centered and peaceful as a result. Thank you one and all from the very bottom of my heart. I appreciate
every last one of you and please do have a wonderful rest of the evening.

Go well!’

Win-Win Relationships & Performances

The next pattern and technique I will share at this time is an absolute gem. It can be used with anyone again and
in any situation. It is also a very nice way to deal with troublesome and problematic people or hecklers during a

It’s been many years since I’ve had someone try to ‘heckle’ me or give me a hard time either on stage or close up. I firmly
believe it is due to my approach, material choices and level of rapport I establish with my audiences and participants. I truly
care about the people and audiences I perform for and this sincerity and feeling shines through.

It happens in 4 easy steps and for this example I will use “relationship” as a working model.

STEP 1. ‘On a scale from one to ten where would you rate our relationship?’ (Or, ‘HOW do you rate/experience our relationship?’)

This can just as easily be made to ask, ‘On a scale from one to ten how would you rate my performance tonight?’ Or, ‘On a
scale from one to ten how would you rate our time spent together this afternoon?’

In this simple rating 10 would be the highest (best experience) and 1 would be the lowest.

‘Ann, on a scale from one to ten how would you rate our relationship right now?’

Umm, I would say an eight and a half, Jerome, why do you ask?

‘No reason, really – I’m just wondering what you’re needing from me to make this relationship a ten.’

STEP 2. ‘What are you needing from me to make this relationship a 10?’


RELATIONSHIP in her book and experience.

After she tells me EXACTLY what she was needing/desiring from me I respond with, ‘So what you’re saying is you need A, B
AND C, is that what you’re saying?’

STEP 3. ‘So what you’re saying is . . . (repeat what they said), is that what you’re saying?’

This helps create and maintain rapport by MIRRORING their own language and needs back to them. It places you on the
same level of clear understanding.

For A, B and C I simply state (for purposes of rapport and clarity) exactly what she told me she wants and needs! After she
agrees I follow up with, ‘What you can count on from me is . . . (A,B,C) and THAT’S what you can expect from me!’

STEP 4. ‘What you can count on from me is . . . (A-B-C) and THAT is what you can expect and count on from me for now on.’

This is actually much easier to do than it is to read and make sense of.


‘Ann, on a scale from one to ten how would you rate our relationship right now?’

Umm, I would say an eight and a half Jerome, why do you ask?

No reason, really – I’m just wondering what you’re needing from me to make this
relationship a ten.

Let me think . . . what am I needing from you to make this relationship a ten? Can it be anything?

‘Yes, anything.’

Ok then… I guess what I’m needing, or at least what I’m WANTING from you, is more one-on-one time and a bit
more help around the house. Both would be nice!

So what you’re saying is . . . you would like more one on one time and a bit more help around the house . . . is that what you’re saying?”

YES. That is what I’m saying!

Yes! And I hear you, Ann. What I commit to and WHAT YOU CAN COUNT ON FROM ME IS . . . more one on one time and a bit
more help around the house and that’s what you can count on (expect) from me.’

A week later after making a few slight changes in alignment with her criteria and desires for our relationship I asked her, ‘Ann
. . . on a scale from one to ten where would you rate our relationship?’

‘A perfect 10’ was her answer and after 7 years together we’re one of the happiest couples around. At the time of this
writing we have now been together for nearly 9 years and still going strong!

Regarding a ‘heckler’ or problematic person, ‘What are you needing from me to make our time spent together worth it for you?’ Or
slightly more stern, ‘What are you needing from me to sit back and relax?’

After I have elicited criteria I give the difficult person what they want and need to enjoy themselves and our experience
together. Many times a heckler just wants attention. Their actions and antics are nothing personal they just need a bit of TLC.
I provide them with a bit of attention, sincerity and honest caring to which we are all happy TOGETHER.

Often being direct and asking a problematic person, ‘What are you needing from me to resolve this situation immediately?’
Or ‘What are you needing from me to go ahead sign this contract today?’ will yield tremendous results.

Unless you can read minds for real ELICIT CRITERIA and then deliver on it. Our job as artists and entertainers is always to
deliver on what is expected of us by meeting and exceeding the expectations of our clients and audience.

A Short Verbal Routine

I often combine verbal magic and sincerity to create deep, heartfelt responses within people.

This short piece of wonder is nothing more than the above techniques all used together. I love combining this with another
signature piece of mine, ‘Real Magick’ from ‘The Taboo Treatise’ however it is used a lot on its own as well as shown here:

I begin by telling my recipient, ‘There’s something unique and interesting about you…’

This creates a natural spark of interest and intrigue. When I’m asked WHAT that ‘special something is’ I follow the question
with a response using my techniques of heart to heart communication thus,

‘What I’m getting from you is…’

‘And how I feel when I’m around you is…’

‘The gifts I see in you are…’

And that’s it!

I tell my subject there’s something unique and interesting about them and then WHAT that something IS, how it affects me
and the gifts I see in them.

Instead of relying on the ambiguous statement as before (‘something unique and interesting’) I go a step further here and tell
my subject EXACTLY what these perceived traits are.

This is one of those things I share with others as a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ wherever I go. I love using these combined
techniques with a short reading as it provides a natural entrance and opening into the reading process and shared dialogue.
The process and techniques used here are so open and heartfelt that people cannot help but to become deeply affected by

This is something that has a profound impact on just about everyone I use it with. There is something enigmatic and
eccentric about sharing so openly. There is power, compassion and gentleness here. I consider this piece one of those ‘golden
routines’ that while not magic or mentalism as most know it has a beautiful and magical effect upon others.

When used with my ‘Real Magick’ bit of business, ‘The Holy Moment’ from RAOK and other similar pieces I absolutely
KNOW that I can change a person’s life in just a minute or two and effect them positively forever. As a result I will always be
remembered by the people I share these techniques with.

Many times I will simply ask a participant, ‘If you had ONE WISH (and only one) what would you spend it on?’

Using the ‘wish’ as a model to open doors of perception in my client/subject/volunteer I use the ‘What’s important about?’
language pattern taught in this course to elicit the participant’s criteria, core beliefs and values.

Once I know what the volunteer’s criteria is I USE THOSE TRAITS, QUALITIES AND POSITIVE STATES OF BEING

This then becomes an affirmation of being, subtly telling the client they are ALREADY those things they are seeking to be,
do and have.

We might take a few moments together and create a symbol for their desires and an affirmation to support their dreams. I
use a simple induction to deeply relax the subject and alter their brainwave patterns before installing the positive program.
This is described later in this book in depth.

To wrap it up I use the ‘short routine’ as written above. When the combined techniques are learned well you’ll be able to go
with the flow and change it up a bit using the techniques I’ve taught here in the beginning, middle or end of your shared

A Rapport Building Technique

This is one of those very powerful tidbits I stumbled onto after years of close observation, practice and studying
the effects and techniques for building rapport.

The following language pattern(s) creates a deep sense of rapport and connection. It’s nothing more than a verbal subtlety
but one that has amazing results in practice. It will give your client/subject/sitter the experience of being directly connected
and ‘on the level’ with you.

The pattern itself could not be simpler. When I’m speaking to someone and they say something (ANYTHING) and I wish
to create deeper rapport I state, ‘That’s what I was thinking!’ or ‘I was just about to say that!’ or ‘I was just thinking that!’ or
‘You must be reading my mind!’

I agree with the thought or sentiment expressed by my subject and claim it as my own. This sends a very subtle suggestion to
the subject that we are THINKING and EXPRESSING ourselves in very like manners. The result is deeper rapport. Later
we will explore how to mirror and pace beliefs, attitudes and opinions with incredible results.

I’ll often use this particular technique with friends and family for fun. For example, if someone says to me, ‘Hey Jerome, have
you heard from Tom lately?’ I’ll say, ‘That’s so weird! I was JUST THINKING of calling him today’ or something to that effect.
For the purposes of mirroring and pacing this small touch is of infinite value and I wonder how many of you will see the
true value in it and all the ways to begin using it now.

This works for songs, movies, books, private thoughts, vacations, business transactions, fashion choices, questions, food
preferences, FEELINGS & EMOTIONS, belief systems and anything else. In the magic and mentalism community others
often use this unconsciously (or consciously?) to claim ideas not their own and justify stealing them, unfortunately.

So there you have it – the basic idea is to agree with the thought being expressed by your subject and foster a deep sense of
rapport and connection by claiming to have ‘just had’ that very same thought yourself. It’s a very small suggestion but one
that I’ve found to have tremendous impact.

This is something I like to call ‘Retroactive Validation’ meaning that we get information from the subject and then claim it as
our own after the fact. I spoke about some of the techniques I use with people’s names in ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ around
this same method and premise. It’s very effective.

Eliciting Criteria, Core Beliefs & Values

Besides creating rapport I feel the next most important tool is properly eliciting criteria.

Elicit is defined as:

a. To bring or draw out (something latent); educe.
b. To arrive at (a truth, for example) by logic.

2. To call forth, draw out, or provoke (a reaction, for example).

Criteria is defined as:

‘A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based.’

To ‘elicit criteria’ then can be defined as ‘drawing out, arriving at and/or deducing the standards by which a person
makes a judgment or decision about something.’

Once we know WHY and HOW a person makes decisions we can use their personal criteria in our trance and persuasion
models to affect certain changes.

When we elicit a client’s criteria (or a subject, volunteer, participant, etc) they CANNOT fight our suggestions because we
base them on WHAT makes the person in front of us ‘tick.’ To reject our ideas, suggestions and methods at this point would
be to fight themselves because we are using THEIR OWN CRITERIA as the foundation and basis for our process.

It is impossible for me to stress the importance of creating rapport and eliciting criteria enough. These two basic tools are of
such incredible importance that to overlook them would spell eventual disaster and ineffectiveness on all levels.

I begin every private reading and healing/hypnotherapy session, each performance, every show sale, contract and negotiation
with establishing rapport and eliciting criteria as soon as possible.

If you learned nothing else about NLP or effective heart to heart communication, sales, persuasion, dating and relationships
(etc) just learning these two tools well and utilizing them in your work will place you leaps and bounds ahead of your

Without the following ‘tricks’, language patterns, special words, methods and techniques one could learn to create rapport
and elicit criteria with life changing results.

Rapport and criteria go hand in hand. One leads to the other. As we elicit the criteria of a person we delve deeply into the
land and mysteries of rapport. As we develop, maintain and increase rapport we dive headfirst into criteria easily and
naturally. The two go together, remember this.

I use physical mirroring, merging and the language pattern, ‘So what you’re saying is…is that what you’re saying’ pattern and
techniques to establish rapport instantly with people wherever I go and whoever I perform for.

To elicit criteria I use a few different techniques I shall teach and explain to you now…

Eliciting criteria is all about asking the RIGHT QUESTIONS.

The most basic and important question I use during this process is simply, ‘What’s important about (fill in the blank).’

The (blank) in this case could be a reading, a hypnosis session, booking a show, going on a date, seeing a certain movie,
dining at a certain restaurant – whatever really. The purpose of this question is to find out WHAT’S IMPORTANT about
the objective and motivation behind the question and where it comes from.

By asking a client, subject or volunteer ‘what’s important about (X)?’ we begin to get answers which show us very clearly what
the subject’s core issues and values are.

I want to know what’s so important about what’s so important to them!

For example, a person comes to me for a reading. The first thing I do is greet them at my office, shake their hand, smile,
establish direct eye contact and ask them how they are doing.

When given their answer I mirror it back to them by saying, ‘So what you’re saying is…is that what you’re saying?’

Because I have just mirrored back their own verbiage and internal/emotional state of being naturally the client must agree.
This strengthens and builds our rapport and intensifies the mirroring process. We are off and rolling!

Directing my client to the reading room I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and pull out a chair for them to sit in. I hand
them the water and ask/command them to take a seat. This works to start breaking down any resistance and creating
compliance. Giving them a bottle of water is another technique I’ll discuss later. Very simply I am doing the client a favor
and gaining ‘award points’ and reciprocity within them.

At this point I might increase my suggestions and compliance techniques by asking the client to switch seats in my office. I
ALWAYS have two chairs set up at the desk I give my readings at. It doesn’t matter which chair the client sits in, I ask them
to change seats anyways. As they do I fold up, pull back or otherwise take away the other seat thus psychologically marking
my territory and implanting the suggestion that I’m the master of the environment we reside in.

Keep in mind this entire process happens within a matter of seconds; much less than a minute for everything I have just
described above.

Now that I take my seat I smile again and ask the client WHY they have come to see me today. I do this by asking/saying, ‘So
(name), what’s important about getting a reading today…why are you here?’

This direct question WILL produce a detailed answer. Immediately the client will tell me WHY they are seeking a reading, the
reasons and circumstances which has brought them here.

To hell with any mentalism funny business at this or any other point. I don’t use cold reading lines or mentalist props, gaffs
or gimmicks in my work for a reason…I DON’T NEED TO!

I have a pen and notepad next to me and as I ask these first opening questions I take notes on the response. This is not
necessary BUT it adds a nice touch to any reading or hypnosis session and suggests to the sitter I am actively involved,
listening intently and giving them my full, undivided attention.

As they give me their answer I make short yet detailed notes regarding their criteria at this point.

Some ‘Thought Veil’ students might think I or someone else who asks such direct questions might be called out at some point
with a client who says, ‘You’re the psychic, you tell me!’ but that is just NOT the case here. I’ve never had anyone give me
such a response and after thousands of readings the results remain constant – the people open up and give me rich, detailed

This goes back to the truth that people don’t care HOW you get the questions, they want the answers. This is just as
important a concept in my private readings as it is with my public Q&A sessions, hypnosis and mentalism performances.
Obviously by providing me WITH the questions on their mind the subject will get those answers they seek after that much

I beg ‘TV’ readers to cut the bullshit and stop thinking like magicians if there is doubt these direct questions do not work
perfectly and are above suspicion. I’ve heard all the arguments that such methods are not ‘mystical’ enough and it’s just
ridiculous. I think the people spouting such things have never really done a reading before in their life.

Moving on…

Once I ask, ‘What’s important about getting a reading today’ I get a detailed answer. I’m going to use the answer given and THE
SAME QUESTION to boil down and concentrate the client’s personal criteria again and again. After a short exchange I’m
going to arrive at the client’s ‘bottom line’ which tells me their core beliefs, values and criteria (EXACTLY what they are
needing, wanting and hoping from the reading and myself) perfectly.

Let’s take a real life answer to this question and see how this is done…this is paraphrased from my memory of the reading
and the notes I took during. Here’s how it went down.

‘So Jessica, what’s important about getting a reading today? Why are you here?’

Well, a lot of things have been changing in my life lately. Work is the shits right now and my relationship sucks. I’ve been
seeing an old friend without my boyfriend knowing and thinking of going back to school to finish my degree. I just want
some answers…

‘I hear what you’re saying and I know how you feel! It seems like there’s a very sound reason for you getting a reading at this time, so let me ask
you this…and I’m sorry if this sounds redundant but I want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly…

What’s important to you about getting some answers at this time?’

I just feel like if I could get some answers or some insight here I might be able to do something more about this. I want to
know if I’m making the right decisions and how it’s all going to turn out…can you do that?

‘I can show you possibilities, yes. The future isn’t written in stone and part of my work consists of looking at possible solutions WITH YOU so
we can find a working solution FOR YOU. To this end, let me ask you what’s important about gaining this insight, learning how this might all
turn out AND what would that knowing provide or create for you at this time?’

It would give me peace of mind and some security. I really want to know so I can sleep better at night and be more
productive during the day…I spend so much time worrying about these things and my relationship situation that it drives me


This is a great example of eliciting criteria and how it works in play. I’m going to take the above WORD FOR WORD and
walk ‘Thought Veil’ students through the steps and psychology in action here. The sitter’s reply will be in BOLD LETTERS
for ease of reference.


‘So Jessica, what’s important about getting a reading today? Why are you here?’

Notice how I use the client’s name. I do this a lot. The most beautiful sound in the world to anyone is THEIR OWN
NAME! It captures their attention immediately and we are each so conditioned to responding to our name it’s a basic tool
that is very effective. Using the participant’s name causes them to sit up and pay attention.

I ask the first question, ‘So what’s important about’ and ‘Why are you here?’ with each other. My verbal exchanges are very casual
and one of the most difficult things to do for those new to NLP, language patterns and rapport building techniques is in
making these precise techniques and methods look natural and casual.

‘What’s important about…’ is a great question by itself. It can be used ONCE with excellent results. I use it once, twice or three
times in any given situation depending on the quality of the answers I am given and if I feel the need to dig deeper to hit the
client’s ‘bottom line’ and core issue.

‘Why are you here?’ is a very direct question that produces similar results to ‘What’s important about?’ it’s just another way of
saying it and a bit more direct. I find people really appreciate this directness and I really appreciate cutting through the BS
and getting to the core/heart of the matter as quickly as possible.

In addition to these two questions I also favor, ‘What can I do for you today?’ and ‘What are you needing/wanting/hoping to gain from
this experience?’

In a therapeutic context I’m fond of these two ‘challenging beliefs’ questions:

‘Why do you criticize yourself ?’ and ‘What, in your belief, is wrong with you?’

Ask the questions YOU feel comfortable with and keep the intention of eliciting criteria in mind as you do.

Well, a lot of things have been changing in my life lately. Work is the shits right now and my relationship sucks.
I’ve been seeing an old friend without my boyfriend knowing and I’m thinking of going back to school to finish
my degree. I just want some answers…

‘I hear what you’re saying and I can imagine how you must feel right now! It seems like there’s a very sound reason for you getting a reading at this
time, so let me ask you this…and I’m sorry if this sounds redundant but I want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly…

I could use the, ‘So what you’re saying is…’ language pattern here very effectively and I recommend that you do! I tend to use it
1-3 times in just about every conversation, hypnotherapy session and reading I have.

In this case I used a variation to let the client know I am an attentive listener, ‘I hear what you’re saying’ and then I RELATE
to her situation.

I want to be empathic without being assumptive. I tell her ‘I can IMAGINE how you must feel right now’ instead of, ‘I know
how you feel’ which would be a lie in this case as I’ve never been in this particular unique situation. I also reaffirm her
reasons for getting the reading which is really just an affirmation of her best decision to see me.

In my usual casual mode I ‘apologize’ for sounding redundant which is not something I normally do though in this case I felt
like she was being very honest and forthcoming with me from the beginning. We can use apologies selectively to garner a
sympathetic relationship and perspective from the sitter/client if desired. It tends to put the guard down quite a bit.

My rationale for this seeming redundancy is I want it to be clear that I am understanding my client. This is APPRECIATED
by her as evidenced by her willingness to communicate clearly and cooperate fully.

I continue with my search for her true criteria (core issue and beliefs).

What’s important to you about getting some answers at this time?’

I just feel like if I could get some answers or some insight here I might be able to do something more about this. I
want to know if I’m making the right decisions and how it’s all going to turn out…can you do that?

Here I take the first answer and concentrate it. This is the normal process we use when eliciting criteria. ALWAYS take the
answer given and ask, ‘What’s important about’ to gain further clarity.

I use the ‘What’s important about pattern’ up to THREE TIMES before I hit the heart of the matter and my clients TRUE
bottom line.

Think of it this way and it will make better sense:

The first time we ask, ‘What’s important about…?’ we get an impulsive, LOGICAL, left brain response.

The second time we ask, ‘What’s important about…?’ we get a non judgmental, RIGHT BRAIN response.

The third time we ask, ‘What’s important about…?’ we elicit a HEART CENTERED/CORE ISSUE response from the client.

Play your exchange by ear at this point. You might need to ask the question 3 or 4 times or you might only need to ask it
once or twice to get the concentrated, pure answer.

As we continue asking, ‘What’s important about…?’ we continue getting clearer, truer responses. We are bringing out the client’s
own personal criteria from within him or her.

Remember to take their EXACT answer as given before and use it as stated with, ‘What’s important about…?’ to keep boiling it
down. Soon you will hit the client’s ‘bottom line’ as I like to call it.

In this case she gave me her criteria with a question. She asked, ‘Can you do that?’ I want to be honest with her and represent
me and my work truthfully so I tell her exactly what she can expect from my reading and service at this time.

‘I can show you possibilities, yes. The future isn’t written in stone and part of my work consists of looking at possible solutions WITH YOU so
we can find a working solution FOR YOU. To this end, let me ask you what’s important about gaining this insight, learning how this might all
turn out AND what would that knowing provide or create for you at this time?’

By this point I know quite a few things about my client, her situation and the REAL REASON she is seeing me for a reading
– no impression pads or center tears required. I can address these topics in my reading or hypnotherapy session and I have
loads and loads of material to work with…

I know she’s having relationship problems and has been seeing an old friend. I also know she is thinking of going back to
school which means she has an education and is seeking to finish her degree. I know that she’s stressed and frustrated. I also
know she is curious about the process of my reading and what I can do. I know that she’s having problems sleeping, that her
work suffers because of it and that she would like to be more productive. She also told me her current situation is driving her
crazy and she’s probably ready to make some real changes in order to know more peace in her life.

I know that she wants insight and answers into her unique situation at this time. That’s good! Knowing all this I can now ask
the question that brings this dialogue to its fullness. The question is, ‘What would that create (or provide) for you at this time?’

This is a magical, MAGICAL question! The answer will tell me EVERYTHING I need to know here.

I mirror back to my client EXACTLY what she is looking for from a reading (or performance or hypnotherapy session, a
sale, a date…whatever your intended outcome is!) and ask her WHAT those things would create for her in her life. This is
easy and her answer will tell me her CORE ISSUE – the real/true reason she is seeking a reading from me at this time. It is
the origin of the action, her bottom line.

It would give me peace of mind and some security. I really want to know so I can sleep better at night and be more
productive during the day…I spend so much time worrying about these things and my relationship situation that it
drives me crazy!

And there it is, at last!

Her bottom line and core issue – exactly what she wants and needs from me and this reading is PEACE OF MIND and
SECURITY. She also wants to sleep better at night and be more productive throughout the day. Notice these are all things
the client does NOT currently have, thus her CRITERIA is also her CORE ISSUE. If I can now provide her these things or
assist her in attaining and meeting her criteria I am the ONLY reader she will ever come to and I guarantee you she’ll tell
ALL of her friends and family about me.

I take this information knowing it is her own CRITERIA as given BY HER and work it into my reading appropriately.

I’m also going to look over my notes and start with a few language patterns at this time. We’ll get into the others later but as a
sampler here is basically what I said (to paraphrase):

‘Wonderful – and that’s really what I wanted to know…

Take a deep breath for me, please. As we proceed with the reading I want you to keep in mind that AS WE explore our options together today
and AS WE provide you with some answers you MAY FEEL inspired just knowing that you’re making perfect choices and learning perfect
lessons at this moment in time. Is that okay to know?’


‘Yes, and as we work together this afternoon and consider many possible solutions for you at this time you MIGHT ALSO FIND the peace of
mind and security you’re looking for comes very easily and naturally after this. Are you open to that?’

Yes, I am.

‘Good, because that is what my intention is while reading for you today. Take another deep breath for me…that’s right…

Realize now that the more we explore the situations and circumstances of your life through the Tarot the more easily you’ll be able to sleep as a
result. The easier you’re able to sleep at night the better and more productive you’ll be at work during the day because you’ll have enough energy to
make it through your day and that WAS one of the things you were concerned about, correct?’

Yes, absolutely.

‘Perfect. Getting a reading from me today might also assist you in opening up the doors to your mind and heart so that peace of mind and security
can work through you NOW and manifest itself as your reality starting today…you might also find you’re not going crazy at all in fact the crazier
you thought you were becoming the closer and closer to clarity you start feeling naturally because it brought you here to me today…does that make


Yes it does…

‘So with this in mind if you could take another deep breath for me and cut the deck with your left hand we’ll begin…’

With the above few paragraphs I have continued to mirror the client with her own thoughts and feelings. I’ve worked her
criteria into a series of embedded commands, presuppositions, positive suggestions and excellent programming. I link her
criteria to me and the service I provide. All of her needs are being met at this time.

I can give you the tools to do this yourself in whatever situation you wish to use them in though I cannot make you use them
or learn to be comfortable with them. Like anything else, ‘Thought Veil’ students must actively USE these techniques on a
regular basis to become proficient with them. It’s very possible to ‘get really good’ at using these techniques in a very short
period of time. Practice makes perfect! The more you use these methods and techniques the better you’ll get at using them.

The fun thing about NLP and persuasion, seduction and therapeutic techniques such as these is you’ll begin to achieve and
experience results far greater than you ever have before. It’s exciting, inspiring and very addictive once you learn what you can
do for yourself and others through these methods.

Let’s look at another quick example for eliciting criteria using the, ‘What’s important about?’ question and succession.


Let’s say I have a client who wishes to quit smoking. Very simply, after establishing rapport, making my first impression,
mirroring the subject’s state of mind and demeanor (all taught in this book and from now on called ‘The Set Up’) I take the
primary objective to ‘quit smoking’ and ask, ‘What’s important about quitting smoking at this time?’

Let’s pretend my participant gives me a few generic answers and we’ll continue applying the ‘magic question’ until we hit the
client’s bottom line/core beliefs and values.

‘So let me ask you this, Ted…what’s important about quitting smoking at this time?’

It’s getting expensive and I worry about my health. I’ve been smoking for over 15 years now and I can just tell I
don’t have that much energy anymore…I get winded pretty fast these days.

‘So what you’re saying is… it’s getting expensive, you’re worried about your health, you get winded pretty fast and just don’t have that much energy
anymore…is that what you’re saying?’

Yes, that’s exactly right.

‘Those all sound like great reasons to quit smoking to me Ted, and I acknowledge you for being so conscious and self aware at this time. That’s
very healthy of you.

So with these things in mind, what’s important to you about saving your health, money and having more energy? What might that allow you to do?’

I’d be able to play ball with my two sons without getting exhausted or taking constant smoke breaks. We could
probably buy two boats with all the money I’ve spent and I want to be around a nice, long time to see them grow
up. My dad was a smoker and died when he was 62…I don’t want that!

‘I hear what you’re saying and I want for you what YOU want for you and your children. I’m here to support you in your choices and assist you in
making these positive changes at this time.

So all things said and done, if you were to have all those things – the extra money, the more energy, the better quality time spent with your family,
the longer life and longevity that naturally comes with a smoke free environment…ULTIMATELY, what would that create for you in your life?
What kind of feelings do you IMAGINE that might produce?’

Peace. Comfort. Happiness. I’d be very grateful.

And there we go! The bottom line for this particular gentlemen is he is seeking PEACE, COMFORT and HAPPINESS. As a
result he would feel GRATITUDE. These are all things the client is now wanting and seeking – thus, they are ALL things the

client does not currently experience himself as having. These are his CORE ISSUES and the CRITERIA he has for himself
and this experience.

Notice how these are all positive states of being?

The purpose of eliciting criteria is not only to find the motivating factor and driving force behind our clients and their
actions but also in taking ANY situation, purifying it and boiling it down to its positive states of being.

It is important that you read the following very clearly and reflect upon these words deeply…

After we have elicited our client’s criteria (core beliefs and values), as a Core Issue Hypnotherapist in my own practice I would
use our time spent in trance to tackle any issues surrounding the client NOT being happy, comfortable and peaceful. THESE
are the core beliefs involved here and whatever is lacking that causes my client to smoke, at least in part.

I could go the ‘band aid’ therapy route and simply give ‘non-smoking’ scripts while my client is deeply relaxed, open and
receptive to affect a positive change, but that would be short changing the client and not giving him my best or most effective

For lasting change to be made the CORE ISSUE needs to be resolved. When it is resolved appropriately then positive, lasting
change is the rule. Working like this allows me to go to the heart of the matter and deal with the CAUSE (lack of comfort,
peace and and happiness) behind the EFFECT (smoking).

If you wish to get more training and go down the road of Hypnotherapy it’s important that you realize the problem which
brings the client to your office is not ever the REAL PROBLEM. There is an underlying issue. We elicit criteria to gain a
deeper understanding of what that issue is.

Because you would definitely want and need further training and experience to become a proficient hypnotherapist (far
outside the scope of this book) I still urge you to create a positive experience for the people you work with by taking the
CRITERIA of your client and turning it into a positive affirmation.

In the case of the smoking gentlemen above his affirmation would be, ‘I am happy, comfortable and at peace. Content with my Self
and my surroundings I express my gratitude with each and every breath.’

Or something to that effect.

All I did was take the criteria I have drawn out from within the client, placed it into a positive state of being (speaking in the
present tense!) and turned it into an auto suggestion.

I couple this with a symbol to anchor the suggestion (an effective magical talisman or sigil) and use creative visualization,
guided imagery, trance, language patterns and pattern interrupts via EFT and ‘Swish patterns’ to affect a change in mind, heart
and behavior. This is EASY!

Affirmations and mantras are fantastic tools to use because all they are is DIRECT SUGGESTIONS given over and over
and over again. Say something enough times and you’ll begin to believe it! Such is the case with positive affirmations. We
begin to imprint the mind (conscious and subconscious) with a new idea and program to positively affect behavior.

When coupled with relaxation, visualization, breathing, positive suggestions, affirmations and a few other
techniques we have the potential to create PERMANENT CHANGE without overstepping our boundaries as

Let’s take a look at one more example to elicit criteria so you can better understand how this all works together.


In this example let’s consider someone calling me interested in booking a Banquet show for psychic entertainment.

After receiving the call and greeting the caller (using ‘The Set Up’) I ask him/her, ‘What’s important about booking a show for your
venue at this particular time? What’s the reason and what are you looking for in an entertainer? Is there a specific purpose/special occasion or is
this a regular event you put on?’

I’ve given a few different example questions I use in a case like this and obviously there is more than one way or one question
you can use to elicit criteria. Just remember that you are looking for the client’s primary objective and purpose for
entertainment (or a reading, hypnotherapy, social dating, etc) here. In doing so we will begin to feed the criteria and objective
back to the potential client with our name and services attached.

In this example I’m told it’s an awards party for the VIP staff of her corporation. After ‘The Set Up’ in which I have created
a deep sense of trust, comfort and rapport (60 seconds or less) I set my intention for closing this show and proceed with

‘Wonderful! And just out of curiosity, what’s important TO YOU about throwing a party in their honor and acknowledging them at this time?
What do you hope (intend) to gain or create from such an event?’

Good question! Of course we want to acknowledge them for their hard work but also to boost company morale at
this time and give our employees an incentive for their continued hard work and dedication. We just want to have
fun and show them a good time.

‘So what you’re saying is…you’d like to acknowledge your employees for their hard work, boost company morale and give them an incentive for their
continued hard work and dedication while showing them a bit of fun and a good time in the process…is that what you’re saying?’


‘Perfect. Here’s what I can offer you, Mr. Brooks. My fee starts at (X) and I’m available on the date of your event. I show up about 60 minutes
before the show to set up and get a feel for the venue.

As you HIRE ME TODAY and as you acknowledge your employees for their hard work through the show and service I provide for you, you
may find they respond very well to your efforts and that company morale increases easily and naturally as a result, after all, that is what you’ve
called me for today, correct?’


‘Yes and as company morale boosts through our work and having a great time together you may also find their dedication actually GROWS which
is a normal result of the show and service I provide BECAUSE they can actually see and sense and feel the quality and entertainment value you
bring them and there’s no doubt in their mind that you sprung for the best and brought your employees an entertainer who reflects their own great
work and efforts. Everybody will be on the same level and we’ll have A LOT of fun together. I’m excited! I always love doing events such as this
one and they are constantly turning out very positive, beneficial results for the companies I work for.

Would you like a list of my references now or just an address to send the deposit today?’

Do you take credit cards?

‘Yes I do. I’m ready for that number when you are.’

This is a decidedly very short example how I book shows and appointments. It’s bold and effective and may or may not take
this much work. Sometimes when using these techniques I can close even faster while at other times a few questions need to

be answered first. Keep in mind the process and wording is always different, I don’t work from scripts and yet I know where
I’m going and what techniques I need to use to seal a deal.

It’s not about speed of the close but the quality of your communication, any questions that need to be answered or concerns
addressed and all this hinges on rapport and how effectively you’re able to elicit criteria and make the sale by meeting and
exceeding the criteria as given.

I feel like someone is going to make this technique and pattern harder than it really is. Remember, this is easy!

What’s important about (X)?

Take the answer given (Y) and use it as the basis for the same question again.

‘What’s important about (Y)?’

Take the answer given (Z) and use it as the basis for the same question one last time.

‘What’s important about (Z)?’

Whatever answer you get at this time will be very close to the client’s bottom line or core issue. Follow up with, ‘And ultimately
what would that allow you to create (be, do, have or experience) for yourself ?’

We ask the question ‘What’s important about…?’ three times because as we do this we engage different levels of the client’s
mind. The first time we ask the question we get a logical, left brained response. The second time we elicit a right brained,
subconscious response (closer to the truth) and the third time we get a HEART CENTERED/CORE ISSUE response.

The answer you receive now is the client’s bottom line. You have successfully discovered your participant’s criteria. Use it to
your advantage and to benefit them appropriately. You will often find the words the client uses here are similar to those you
can find in the ‘Positive States of Being’ portion of this book.

There are so many wonderful, magical and insanely effective things you can do and miracles you can create through just
rapport and properly eliciting criteria alone.

There are no miracles of suggestion I cannot create or duplicate through rapport and eliciting criteria. Take this for
example…I’ve just placed a pre-bent coin into a participant’s hand and I want them to acknowledge to the audience that it is
bending and heating up/melting in their hand.

As I place the coin inside and close the participant’s hand around it I might ask them, ‘Before we do this, if you could have or
experience ANYTHING you wanted in your life RIGHT NOW what would that be?’

Let’s say they tell me, ‘A million dollars!’

I would go with the flow and ask them, ‘And if you HAD 1M$, ultimately, what would that create for you in your life? How would that

It would feel awesome! I’d never have to work again. I could kick back and relax for once and enjoy my life…

‘Would you like to experience how that WOULD FEEL RIGHT NOW?’ … (while shaking my head ‘yes’ up and down)...

For sure!

‘Good, because as you take a deep breath for me now and as you imagine that feeling of having ONE MILLION DOLLARS you may find
the coin begins to heat up inside of your hands easily and naturally. And as the coin heats up you may also find yourself starting to kick back and

relax right here, right now…the more you relax the more it bends, the more it bends the more you relax and draw closer to the experience of
actually having one million dollars…can you feel and sense that coin bending IN YOUR MIND?’… ( shaking my head up and down in a
‘yes’ fashion again)…


‘Perfect. I want you to remember that feeling, take another deep breath and allow it to become a permanent part of you. Through this experience
together we’ll open up the doorway to your subconscious mind in order to ACTUALLY DRAW THE EXPERIENCE OF ONE
MILLION DOLLARS TO YOU! How would that be?’

Dude, you rock!

‘The same goes for you my friend! Can you feel the coin in your hand now? What does it feel like?’

It’s starting to bend!

‘Perfect. Keep your hands closed, I don’t want to touch it. I’m going to try and bend it a bit more. Keep that feeling and that image of the one
million dollars in your mind now. If the coin happens to get too hot, let it go. I don’t want you to get burned. As the coin bends and as the coin
continues to get hotter and hotter, hotter and hotter still KNOW that your money, success and perfect financial abundance is drawing itself towards
you now. When you’re fully committed to attaining and realizing this experience in your life, drop that burning, melting, bending coin from your
hand and take a deep breath…’

Make of this what you will. It’s a very effective technique to use and it never fails to get results. It can be used in a different
manner altogether such as, ‘And when you’re 110% committed to entering the PERFECT RELATIONSHIP allow your arm to become
stiff and rigid, completely unable to move or bend whatsoever…’


‘And when you’re 110% committed to realizing complete happiness and total harmony in your life allow your eyes to close and seal themselves shut,
unable to open them again until I give the command, completely sealed shut now…go ahead and TRY to open your eyes!’

When these techniques are combined with personal wishes, desires and criteria arms levitate high into the air, feet become
stuck to the floor unable to move an inch, performers become transparent and every manner of miracle happens through
compliance, imagination and waking trance states. Gain rapport, get your participant to breath and follow your simple
instructions. Elicit criteria and link it to the desired phenomena and experience you are creating. People don’t want to fight it
because doing so destroys whatever they want and wish to experience in their life.

This could be considered a very ‘unfair’ technique though I look upon it as a sacred deception and a very powerful
suggestion and affirmation which anchors the experience deep inside of the participant. They might ACTUALLY create
what they are looking for by participating in a magic trick! How large of a miracle do you wish to accomplish? You would be
amazed at what the mind can do.

It should be obvious that if you assist a person in quitting smoking, losing weight, breaking a bad habit, overcoming some
fear or self doubt (etc) they are going to love and remember you forever. The effects of these techniques will far outweigh
the mentalism you share. That said, if you were to share a bit of BOTH then the effects would be fun, dramatic, interesting,
mysterious and genuinely helpful all at once.

I will give you a few scripts given to nearly every new hypnotist or hypnotherapy student for the major concerns people will
approach you with.

There’s little more to it than inducing trance to deeply relax the person and free up the power lying dormant in their heart-
centered, subconscious mind and offering the script/positive program with your best blessings and greatest wishes for the

person. The power of suggestion is an incredible thing. Even if ONLY a placebo the potential for a person to respond to it
effectively and create the desired change for themselves is not something to be overlooked.

What I recommend is something a bit different. We’ll speak about this again later and to implant it in your mind here and
now is the basic model I follow to create helpful, lasting and positive change within others:

1). Establish rapport

2). Elicit criteria

3). Feed the criteria back to my subject in a series of language patterns including embedded commands, hidden directives,
direct commands and suggestions (disguised as mantras, prayers and/or affirmations), binds, double binds and
presuppositions. I speak with powerful words in positive states of being.

4). Deeply relax the subject/client and use visualization and guided imagery for them to SEE and EXPERIENCE
themselves exactly as they desire and choose to be now. I do this in the present tense and give all of my suggestions in the
present tense.

5). Using the subject’s own criteria I duplicate step 3 as my client imagines and visualizes themselves as they wish. I turn this
into an experiential process and draw upon all 5 senses. This means my client is guided to see, hear, feel, taste and smell their
imagined reality/visualization and guided imagery AS IF IT WERE HAPPENING NOW. This gets the subconscious mind
deeply involved with the process. I anchor this state through BREATHING and SMILING.

6). I use a combination of NLP and EFT to eliminate the issue (both are pattern interrupts) and then establish that a change
has been made through bio-feedback using a pendulum and/or kinesiology and muscle testing. This impresses the idea of
change and my positive programming directly upon the conscious and subconscious mind. It has the effect of
CONVINCING my subject a change has taken place.

7). I count my client out and terminate trance appropriately. I ask a few basic questions such as, ‘How do you feel?’ and ‘Who do
I remind you of ?’ before I issue my last series of POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS using the criteria I’ve been working
with and give my subject detailed instructions to follow until the permanent change has been affected.

These are the 7 basic steps I follow in EVERY session I give.

In over 90% of my sessions I only require the client to see me once or twice. I’ve found over the years that by following the
model I have born through experience that I can effectively work with just about anyone and with positive, lasting results.

My sessions normally run $75.00 – $125.00 for 30-40 minutes from beginning to end. It’s not going to make anybody rich
BUT it’s a comfortable living and an easy one at that.

I often offer this service at a discounted rate WITH a private reading and vice versa. A combined session runs from $150.00
– $200.00 at the time of this writing. Given the current economic crisis I’ve found myself offering more and more sessions at
a SLIGHTLY discounted rate to stay consistently busy and have 1 or 2 days a week I allow my clients to ‘pay as they choose’
meaning ‘value given for value received, within your means.’

I have no problems booking these sessions and they practically sell themselves. The money isn’t bad for 45 – 60 minutes of
work and I feel good knowing I’m making a positive change in the world. We’ll speak more about these and other methods
that I can pretty much GUARANTEE will keep you busy and booked as we proceed if and when you use them.

We’re going to discuss all of this again later on and I ask that you pay close attention as I do. I’ll be giving you proven
methods to get CONCRETE RESULTS. I’ll also be teaching you a few ‘mini sessions’ that are practically ‘self help’ routines

you can share with people before, during or after your mentalism or even incorporate them into your mentalism and hypnosis

Coming Into Clarity

The following questions first appeared to the mentalism community in my book ‘T&R’ and were inspired by the
work of the remarkable Louise Hay from her epic, ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’

I recommend that ANYONE who wishes to conduct hypnotherapy sessions now or in the future at a professional level to
buy, read and study this book many dozens of times. I’ve given away more personal copies than I can count and include it as
part of my RECOMMENDED READING list for just about everyone.

The following questions (and others) are part of my ‘Pre-Hypnosis Interview’ and I also use them in my private readings with
fantastic results.

The following questions are something I refer to as my ‘VERBAL CLIPBOARD.’ I call it this because these questions cover
every major area of concern regarding a person and their life, the answers of which will open up doors to new questions and
new insights during any conversation, reading or hypnotherapy session.

Most good therapists ask lots of detailed questions in order to gain a point of clarity about their subjects during a session.
Answering such questions is naturally calming and therapeutic for the subject as well (for the most part) because TALKING
ABOUT our lives and problems is usually a good thing when we are doing so with a compassionate, enlightened, intuitive
and supportive friend, therapist, family member of healthcare professional.

When I’m giving psychic readings my job is to be INTUITIVE, not to read minds. I ask lots of questions and use my natural
knowing and intuition to zone in on those subjects and areas I feel are most vital and important to the reading. The following
questions are all part of EVERY reading and hypnotherapy session I facilitate and I trust you can all see as much value in
them as I do.

• What’s important about? (X3!)

• So what you’re saying is…is that what you’re saying?

• What is currently happening in your life?

• How is your health?

• What do you do for a living?

• Do you like your work?

• How are your finances?

• How is your love life?

• How did your last relationship end?

• And the relationship before that?

• Tell me about your childhood, briefly.

• What seems to be the problem? (What SPECIFICALLY?)

• If you DID know, what might that be?

The above questions are fairly self explanatory. The exceptions are the last two and I use this to elicit answers and get
specific with my clients.

Very simply, when faced with a client who responds ‘I don’t know’ to some question or statement I give them I respond with,
‘If you DID know, what might that be?’ This works for thoughts, feelings, experiences and inner answers to their own
questions. Play ‘pretend’ with your client and ask them IF THEY DID KNOW the answer to the question you’re asking,
what might that answer be?

‘What seems to be the problem?’ is fairly easy to understand. Instead of buying in to the client’s problem I ask them what SEEMS
to be the problem. I use the question ‘What SPECIFICALLY?’ to negate broad generalizations. If somebody tells me their
job sucks I ask them what SPECIFICALLY about their job sucks!

Most psychic readers might cringe at this point at the number of direct questions I ask during a reading. If so, I would say
these folks have never really given a private reading or at least not on a continued basis. Sooner or later direct questions such
as these become a remarkable asset and infinitely valuable tool in our work. As I said before, my job is to be helpful and
intuitive – not read minds.

Instead of coming right out and asking these questions I use the oracle or system I am using for the reading to inspire these
questions. For example, I might be looking over a Tarot spread and spot The Four of Pentacles. Seeing this card and
knowing what it means I can give the traditional meaning and message to my sitter and then follow up with the question,
‘How are your finances?’

Asking questions is a powerful tool and it’s important to ask THE RIGHT QUESTIONS whenever possible. By finding
cards, keys and patterns which PROMPT the direct questions during a reading we give the client a solid REASON for asking
them. Another very strong technique employed here in the above example of giving impressions/interpreting meanings and
then ASKING A QUESTION is this:

When sharing impressions and/or interpretations of the oracle in use it doesn’t matter if I’m right or wrong in my
impressions! I simply interpret what I see truthfully AND follow with a direct question (such as ‘How are your finances?’)
which inspires and prompts AN ANSWER within my sitter instead of resistance, fighting the interpretation or giving a ‘yes’
and ‘no’ response. In doing this my client must accept the impressions given and answer the question instead of picking the
reading apart.

In my readings I’m always using this verbal clipboard technique. Asking these questions will give you all of the information
and feedback you desire which we can then EXPAND upon. By finding cards (or palm lines, eye markings, zodiac
correspondences, bone patterns – whatever you choose!) that gives us a REASON for asking the questions everything flows
together smoothly and seamlessly.

In my ‘Intuitive Life Coaching’ sessions I incorporate hypnotherapy and core issue change work, intuitive devices such as the
Tarot and scrying with other healing modalities to facilitate positive and personal transformations within my clients. I ask lots
of questions with solid reasons and justifications and together my subjects and I look closely at what is going on in their life
and discover possible solutions and/or illuminated perspectives that may not have been considered before. Once potential
‘blocks to happiness’ have been identified and examined beneath an intuitive microscope I use a variety of techniques in this
book to assist, empower and inspire my client to find peace and happiness in their life and experience.

A few of the most potent tools I use are effectively mental constructs and pattern interrupts as taught below in the ‘Swish
Pattern’ and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) flows.

Using these two effective and seemingly miraculous tools for change (and teaching very simplified versions to my clients to
take away and use themselves!) we become proactive together and strive towards a better working life and experience for the

The Swish Pattern

This is a very, very powerful technique with its roots in NLP and primarily the brilliant work of Richard Bandler.

This is a method to effectively interrupt negative thinking and destructive behavior, self defeating actions and beliefs that are
no longer ‘working.’

ANYONE can effectively learn to use this ‘Swish Pattern’ and be armed with a very potent tool to create nearly instantaneous
and lasting positive changes within a person anytime, anywhere and for whatever reason.

Again, not to harp on entertainment or mentalism because I love both dearly…the ‘Swish Pattern’ is a tool that will cause you
to stand out in the minds and hearts of others because it makes you a genuinely helpful person to have around.

The effects of providing a genuine HELPFUL service in this capacity far outweigh whatever neat magic trick you can share.
This is why readings for entertainment are generally more effective than a card trick, book test or magic square…the positive
effects of your ‘Swish’ pattern is something your participants/clients will carry away with them and it will continue to shape
and mould their life long after your nail writing routine has been forgotten.

I use this technique in many of my performances. Often I’ll offer it to a participant for a job well done, after a reading to
eliminate or resolve a painful memory, habit, situation or characteristic the sitter wishes to change. It can be an effective
demonstration (and lecture) in and of itself.

Though I’m dubbing this exercise a ‘Swish’ pattern my variations have deviated a bit over time and unlike the original version
of this technique I DO NOT instruct my client to say ‘Swwwwwiiissssshhhhhh’ or any other variation during this work. For this
reason the technique which follows might also be called a ‘Switch Pattern’ or a ‘Change Pattern’ appropriately.

Before my mind reading demonstrations to add a bit of flavor I might use the ‘Swish Pattern’ to assist a person in relaxing or
to take away anxiety. It basically allows us to stop, change and reframe any thought, pattern, action/behavior or belief we
wish to. I have even used it to eliminate skepticism in others and suspend their disbelief completely. I’ve used it to cause
those who wish to stop smoking to quit in 5 minutes or less. I’ve used it to assist people in losing many pounds of excess
weight easily and naturally after just a few moments of using this technique.

Of all the tools and methods present in NLP this is one of my favorites. I’ll teach you variations of the traditional ‘Swish’ as
taught by the founders of NLP and I’ll include a few of my own versions that I use and favor today. Whatever version you
end up adopting know this: once you learn this technique you’ll use it effectively for the rest of your life to help, aid and
assist others as well as yourself.

I’ve done my best to make the ‘Swish’ a simple and effective tool anyone can use. Like other NLP tools and techniques these
methods and practices can become more advanced or complicated if you wish them to. Keep it simple and use what works.

The Feel Good Exercise

The following exercise and techniques will provide the basis to future ‘Swish’ patterns.

In and of itself what I’m teaching you here is an extremely potent tool. I often use this in my readings, therapy sessions and
mentalism performances with many different people. It’s also a great technique to use on myself when I need a
mental/physical boost or a ‘pick me up’ very quickly.

1). Think of a time you felt WONDERFUL.

This is the first instruction I give to my participants when using this technique. It can be anytime they wish to remember,
recall or re-experience – whatever works for them is fine! The participant should merely think of and recall a time when they
felt good about life, themselves, their job, what they were doing, etc. Any and whatever experience the subject can recall
wherein the truly felt WONDERFUL is one I will use.

It might be a time they were completely relaxed and content in every way, it could also be a special occasion or something
which had a deep and positive impact upon them in some way.

This ‘wonderful feeling’ and moment could be something simple like laying in a warm patch of sun with their puppy or slipping
into a warm bath with a glass of wine and some music after a long, hard day of work. Whatever they wish to think and feel is
fine, so long as it’s a time when they truly felt good (better than good!).

2). Close your eyes and imagine that time and feeling in vivid detail.

In this step I want my participant to re-imagine and re-experience this feeling on every level possible. Because this is an
experiential process I incorporate as many senses here as possible too.

See the sights, hear the sounds, feel the emotions and stimuli, smell the scents and taste anything that might be involved with
this time, feeling and experience.

It’s a simple instruction to FULLY RE-EXPERIENCE that time you felt wonderful in your mind as deeply and clearly as
possible. I lead my participants to step into that experience as if it were happening again NOW in their mind and

As my participants do this I point out the fact they can change slightly and alter certain aspects of their memory and
experience. For example, they could make the images BIGGER or BRIGHTER, more crisp and colorful and as they do this
they’ll probably begin to feel EVEN BETTER (especially because I suggest they will!).

The sounds may grow louder and more pleasing to the inner ear, tastes become more rich and pleasurable…even the scents
become lighter and sweeter. If there are no sounds I instruct my participant to ADD SOUND to their memory. This could
be birds chirping, angels playing harps, classical music or any sounds that are pleasing to them.

Just as the sights and sounds (and other) senses can be intensified, so too can those good feelings.

Notice how all of this is assisting the participant in entering a trance state. Closing their eyes and visualizing is the key. Slowly
I begin to intensify and re-immerse the participant into the experience.

To increase the effects of this experience I often incorporate a few deep, rhythmic breaths and instruct the participant to
smile gently for a few moments (up to 30 seconds during this part of the process).

This entire process of remembering and re-experiencing this wonderful time, feeling and experience happens very quickly. I
don’t rush the process and at the same time I don’t dwell on it for too long.

There are two parts to this step: First they are to recall and intensify the wonderful feelings in their mind and imagination and
secondly they are to step into the experience/memory/feeling and re-experience it as completely, fully and deeply as possible.
I recommend anchoring into this feeling with a finger hold/mudra (placing the thumb and ring finger together and pressing
hard, taking three deep breaths or repeating some “key word” or affirmation) so the client may call upon, elicit/evoke and re-
create this feeling and experience whenever they wish.

Once the participant feels and I mean REALLY FEELS (!) those good, warm, loving, positive, wonderful feelings and has
stepped into the experience in REAL TIME I move on to the next step.

3). Find out where the feeling starts and how it moves.

In this step I gently instruct my participant to pay attention to those wonderful feelings within their body. I want to know
where the feeling starts, where it goes and the direction it moves in.

If the participant gets ‘stuck’ here or says ‘I don’t know’ I use the simple pattern, ‘IF YOU DID KNOW what would you say?’
This will always evoke an appropriate answer and response.

I instruct the subject to imagine taking control of the feeling and spinning it faster and faster inside their body.

Normally when we have feelings within us they start/originate in one place and move to another. They might also FEEL as
if they are rotating or spinning and really there are only a few ways a feeling or emotion (energy in motion) can move
throughout the body.

Feelings can move up and down, back and forth, side to side or spin in any direction. It might pulse, it might pull or it might
do something else. It’s our job to find out HOW the feelings move inside the client.

If a positive emotion is to be INCREASED I spin the feeling/energy/emotion FASTER in the same direction it’s already

As the feeling spins faster and faster it grows stronger and stronger and radiates throughout the body filling it with the
positive emotion.

If a negative emotion needs to be dissolved then I simply slow its movement down and start spinning it in the OPPOSITE
direction as it leaves the subject easily and naturally.

The breath is a potent tool with which to direct this ‘energy’ and movements. Breathing faster and deeper causes the energy
to spin faster and stronger.

Breathing more shallow and slowly causes the energy to slow down.

I also incorporate visualizations in these exercises. The subject is instructed to IMAGINE their energy as it moves and
VISUALIZE it spinning faster or slower as I direct them. Later we’ll begin to ‘color’ these feelings and emotions for different

What I want to do now is simply find out HOW the feeling moves inside the subject and intensify those movements with the
positive emotion. This is easy.

For example, when I feel happy I notice a warm glowing feeling which starts in my chest and tumbles, circles and revolves
AWAY from me – cascading into the world like a waterfall of love and harmony. When I draw my attention to this feeling
and movement and increase the speed and intensity of that circular motion I can intensify the emotion and its (positive)
effects as well.

Just the same, when I feel angry I feel a knot in my stomach. I notice this feeling spins clockwise like a hula hoop in my
abdomen very slowly. I can take that movement and spinning feeling inside of me and start spinning it the other way (faster)
to release anger from my body easily and naturally as I take deep, cleansing breaths.

I think of emotions as ENERGY IN MOTION. As we focus on the feelings in our body, where they start and how they
move, we can begin to direct and manipulate them consciously.

A pendulum can also be used as a symbol for the movements of these feelings and their ‘energy.’

I use a pendulum when I have a participant who has trouble imagining or visualizing certain things or feelings in their body.
Holding the pendulum my subject can ask (aloud or internally), ‘Show me how this feeling moves inside of me.’

Even if this is an IMAGINARY movement all I want here is a visible SYMBOL or REPRESENTATION for that

Let’s say the pendulum swings back and forth in straight lines. I can now shift the emotion by giving suggestions or blatant
instructions to focus on the emotion/feeling and willing the pendulum to move right to left instead. In this way I effectively
begin CHANGING those feelings and their effects via the ideometer response.

If the pendulum/feeling moves in clockwise circles I instruct my participant to change the direction and thus change the
feeling and its effects. This is extremely effective.

On the other hand, if the emotion is a POSITIVE ONE I wish to intensify I instruct my participant to INCREASE the
movements of the pendulum through breathing and focused concentration.

As the pendulum speeds up and the movements become stronger so does the feeling or emotion. This is a masterful way of
syncing the mind and body and utilizing them together through a pendulum. In my own variation of the ‘Swish’ pattern this is
what I do over 90% of the time. I feel that using a pendulum gives us valuable bio-feedback and convinces the client of
certain changes naturally as they witness the change in the pendulum’s movements. Later I’ll show you how to use muscle
testing and applied kinesiology in the process.

4). Harvest the emotions.

In this last and final step a few things have already taken place.

I have evoked a wonderful feeling and memory in my subject. We’ve intensified the feelings/emotions appropriately and have
made them brighter and more brilliant via the imagination. The client has stepped into the experience again in their mind and

As they are immersed back into this wonderful feeling and experience together we discover where this wonderful feeling
starts in their body and how it moves. I instructed my participant to INCREASE the speed and direction of that feeling to
charge up/energize their mind and body with its positive effects.

In my advanced handling of this technique, exercise and process I use a number of anchors so I can elicit this wonderful
state of mind and being in my subject whenever I wish during or after the performance.

For now we’ll continue with the basic handling for this technique and simply imagine/think of a time in the future (near or
far) when all these good feelings can be of great benefit and service.

Perhaps the subject knows they will be in a difficult situation next week. Maybe they are spending time at their in-laws house
and they don’t quite get along well. Perhaps they have a difficult day at work they know about ahead of time or some
challenging situation that hints at being emotionally draining.

Whatever it is I simply instruct my subject/participant to spin these positive feelings and wonderful emotions throughout
their body as they THINK OF and IMAGINE that time in the future.

If nothing specific comes to mind I instruct my subject to imagine themselves doing all the normal things they do over the
next few weeks and continue spinning those emotions as they visualize and imagine going about their life and activities.

These positive feelings can be projected into the future to meet the client at a certain time or place in which they might need
them OR they can even be projected into the past to heal certain events and trauma that has already happened. Likewise, the
energy can be directed to people, places, animals and difficult (or non difficult!) situations at ANY time with positive effects.

I’ve had clients bring a photograph of a loved one they wish to send healing thoughts, prayers, blessings and energy to.

Holding the pendulum over the photograph I lead my client through the ‘FEEL GOOD’ exercise to re-experience, intensify
and spin their positive energy before directing it through the pendulum and into the photograph for those within it with
excellent results.

Even if this is only a psychological ritual it has amazing effects. Often times people feel powerless to help the ones they love.
A ritual or exercise such as this allows them to feel as if they are DOING SOMETHING positive. I also firmly believe in the
positive benefits and power of prayer and meditation as it has been shown to have naturally calming, soothing and healing

From beginning to end I can use these tools and exercise within a few short minutes with astounding results. As part of my
MIND READING PROCESS I often explain that ‘feeling good’ and embracing positive thoughts and feelings opens up the
psychic pathways and lends power and greater/heightened success (and credibility) to the process of mind reading.

This makes a person FEEL GOOD and as a result all of my mentalism is much stronger as it becomes a full, MULTI-
SENSORY experience. This is an invaluable technique for private readers, hypnotherapists, magicians, stage hypnotists and
mentalists alike. When used with anchoring we can make a person feel GREAT and anchor those positive memories and
emotions into us, the performer, and the demonstrations we are sharing.

When anchoring is combined with these techniques and performance mentalism whenever the participant recalls their
experience with us they begin to FEEL GOOD again and will remember us and the material we share for much longer.

The ‘Swish’ pattern interrupts the negative thought process and energy which fuels negative behavior. Remember that
emotions are ENERGY IN MOTION. By changing and redirecting the energy we transform the causal energy behind the

Keep in mind that the above technique can be used effectively to elicit ANY state you wish!

You might draw upon a time wherein the client felt very excited, completely in love, totally relaxed or perfectly at peace, ready
to BUY or invest in something and much, much more. You could also cause them to recall a time in their lives when the
subject FORGOT something (useful for amnesia) or experienced a state of complete awe and wonder.

By eliciting states that are supportive to and congruent with the mind reading effects, miracles and phenomena we are sharing
and demonstrating we can significantly increase our impact, reactions, response and results within others and DECREASE
how hard we must work to maintain a strong, intimate connection with our audience members and participants.

The Swish For Positive Change

I have a few basic ways of changing ANY negative emotion or behavior easily and naturally and I’ve simplified
them here. The first thing I do before every session is simultaneous.

1). I set my intentions.

2). I establish and build upon a state or mutual trust, comfort, connection and deep rapport.

3). I elicit the client’s criteria, core beliefs and values (so I can leverage the criteria to both mine and the client’s own

The next step is having my client presence their perceived ‘problem, consideration or issue’ in their mind. Without going into
a full regression I still desire for and instruct my client to take a few deep breaths (they may close their eyes if they wish) and
increase the FEELING associated with the thoughts or behavior they wish to change.

It’s very important that my client FEELS the energy/emotion inside of them.

The first question I ask at this point is ‘Where does the feeling start?’

Together we pinpoint the origin of the emotion within them. For some it will start in the stomach, for others it may originate
in the heart/chest or even the head. By identifying and locating the source of the emotional energy we prepare ourselves to
shift, change and transform it.

I explain to my client that ALL feelings, energy and emotions MOVE in some way. The energy can circulate forward or
backwards, side to side, up or down, diagonally or pulsate within them.

‘If this energy were to MOVE within you, how would you feel it?’

Most clients have no problem whatsoever identifying how the energy seems to move around or pulsate within them. If they
do and say, ‘I don’t know’ I challenge the belief with, ‘If you DID know, what would it be?’

I might also use a pendulum or muscle testing/kinesiology to discover how the energy moves within the client. Most often it
is experienced as tumbling, revolving, circulating and spinning in some direction.

This energy and movement can be spinning like a top within the client clockwise or counter clockwise. It might be spinning
forward like a water wheel going AWAY from the client or it could be spinning in reverse within them (like a bicycle tire
moving towards the client). However they choose to see, feel and experience the energy is fine – there are no wrong answers
here and soon there will be no more victims.

Once we have ascertained HOW the energy moves I want to know if it moves FAST or SLOW. This is important in the
change work to come. Note the answer and proceed.

The next step is to ask my client to give this feeling and energy A COLOR. It can be any color they might associate with this
energy and emotion. For example, anger and frustration might be RED. Sadness could be dark brown or black.

Whatever the client says is perfectly fine!

This is another mental construct that allows us to work with the emotion and resulting behavior in new and exciting ways. We
are giving additional qualities to it in order to better affect the pattern and its source.

From this point the rest is easy!

To change the energy and resulting behavior I ask my client to do a few things.

First we change the COLOR of the energy. Use your natural knowing and intuition at this point. An easy and effective way
to do this is to identify the negative emotion (X) and ask the client what the OPPOSITE of that emotion might be to them

Now ask the client to think of/imagine a color to associate with that emotion (whatever they choose is fine) and then to also
associate a new color with the positive counterpart.

We already know HOW the energy moves, where it originates and how fast (or slow) it moves within the client. It’s a simple
matter now to CHANGE THE SPEED AND DIRECTION of the energy within the client and visualize this energy
moving with the new (positive color).

For instance, a ‘red’ ANGRY energy might cycle within the client moving counter clockwise at a medium pace. In this case I
have the client Spin the energy in the other direction (clockwise), color it BLUE and make it cycle faster and faster and faster
as love, peace and happiness radiate in all directions throughout their body.

We are effectively changing how the ‘anger’ energy is felt and experienced within the client and taking steps to change it. The
client is LEARNING how to do this as we go along and now has potent tools with which to identify their anger and stop it,
color it and spin it in the opposite direction to negate its effects and harvest positive thoughts, energy/emotions and
beneficial effects instead.

Doing this exercise while taking deep breaths and using EFT or firing off a previously set anchor WILL result in positive
change. This is an extraordinarily effective tool and of infinite value.

Let’s look at a client who experiences ‘sadness’ as a dark cloudy energy over their heart. The energy moves very slowly back
and forth, looming.

In this case the client tells me her experience of the opposite of ‘sadness’ is HAPPINESS and that its color to her is
YELLOW. Once the negative emotion is located, felt and identified (color and movement patterns) we REVERSE the
direction it moves in. In this case the energy begins to move UP AND DOWN (as opposed to back and forth). We color it
yellow and speed up the rate at which it moves inside the client. Intention, visualization, breathing and will/desire is enough
to affect this change and experience. It is very simple.

As the energy takes on a new color and vibration, a new movement pattern and radiates positive effects and HAPPINESS in
all directions throughout the client I set an anchor. To learn to set and fire anchors refer to the ANCHORING section in this

Before we are done I’m going to use a few more techniques that are very fast, simple and effective to rid the client of this
negative emotional experience and resulting behavior FOREVER.

Done correctly these brilliant techniques WILL institute positive change and a new, positive experience and behavior pattern
within your clients, volunteers and participants.

What’s even more exciting is the fact a full session rendered using these techniques only takes a few minutes and it’s amazing
how with NLP, language patterns and a few additional techniques we can assist people from all walks of life with many of
their personal problems, issues and difficulties.

In many cases I have used these techniques with a person ONCE and years later the positive behavior is still a permanent
part of them – this is something which takes place so often that I’ve come to expect it as a result of my work.

It’s admittedly difficult for me to justify performing mentalism anymore when I know instead I can work with people in such
deep and effective ways and actually do a lot of good in the world as a result. Your mileage and beliefs may vary.

Now that I and my client have started to reverse the effects of the energy/emotions in their body and energetic system it’s
time to close the session in two parts:


Pay close attention to what I’m teaching you here as the results are miraculous and can be used for all types of miracles.

Now that I have the NEW ENERGY moving throughout the client the old energy and experience of it has been
transformed through speed, color and direction.

Positive suggestions are given to the client to allow the NEW energy and its effects to radiate throughout the mind and body.
I intensify the feelings of this energy and cause it to grow and grow in speed, intensity, color and effects.

There are a few simple things to do to assist the client in dropping the core problem or issue completely. I’m going to make
this as simple as possible…

The first thing I do is have my client open their eyes if they are not already open. I need to SEE where they are going to look
in a moment.

You will be observing the client closely at this point and psychologically MARKING the areas in which they look as they do
a few simple things and answer a few very easy questions.

All of us hold our inner images, projections, fantasies and visualizations all around and within us. When a person
IMAGINES something with their eyes open there are certain places around them each person will focus to form the
appropriate imagery.

The first question I ask the client is, ‘What is something about you that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?’

The answer here can be ANYTHING as long as it is verifiably, absolutely TRUE. Examples might be, ‘My name is Jerome’
or ‘I’m a man’ or ‘I was born in January.’ These things are all absolutely true.

As I ask my client to think and name something about them that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE I watch closely and observe
where they look. They might look up, down, to the right or left or gaze off into space. Everybody is different.

The AREA the client looks at (in space) will indicate to me where their brain forms images about themselves which it accepts
as absolutely true. This is the area I call ‘TRUE.’

In this example let’s say my client tells me, ‘My name is Terra’ and gazes forward and slightly to her right. This is where I can
place verbal, visual and auditory suggestions now that her mind will accept as true! Remember this…

The next question I ask the client is equally important, ‘What’s something that USED TO BE TRUE, but no longer is?’

In my case I could say, ‘I used to be 10 years old’ or ‘I used to live on Cobalt Lane.’ These are both things that USED TO BE
TRUE, but no longer are.

As I ask my client this question I watch just as before to see the space and area she gazes into while she imagines an answer.
Let’s say my client settles on, ‘I used to be 12 years old’ and gazes up slightly and to the left. This is where she holds images,

beliefs and opinions about herself that ‘ARE NO LONGER TRUE’ and that is what I call this space; the “no longer true

I now know that I can place old suggestions, ideas, beliefs, opinions and actions that are no longer working into this space (to
help make them and how they are perceived and affect this person NO LONGER TRUE) and thus program her mind to
negate the effects.

The rest is easy.

Taking the original thought, belief, opinion, experience and effects which produced the NEGATIVE EMOTIONS and
BEHAVIOR within my client I do the following.

I ask my client to imagine the negative behavior (she wishes to change) IN THE AREA outside herself where things are
‘TRUE.’ I force her to create/see herself, the behavior and the resulting image/experience in the space of ‘TRUE.’ She is to
make the image as real as possible by adding every detail, feeling and tactile experience she can to it. I want her to see, feel,
taste, smell and hear herself and the experience as vividly as possible.

I stand there and indicate with my hand where she is to look as she forms this experience. This is the visual space she looked
into as she imagined an answer to the question, ‘What’s something about yourself that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?’

It is in this same space that I want her to imagine the behavior she wishes to change. With her eyes open I instruct the client
to form a mental picture in her mind and project it into the space before her as detailed above. This is easy! This mental
picture goes into the space of ‘TRUE’ and is held there in the mind and imagination. I instruct my client to imagine a gold or
silver cord which connects and attaches her to the image. This cord is important as symbolically it connects my client to the
experience and image/reality she has made for herself.

To change the behavior now it’s a simple matter to MOVE THE IMAGE into the space my client looked into when she
answered the question, ‘What’s something that USED TO BE TRUE, but no longer is?’

Can you see what this is doing?

We are effectively reprogramming the subconscious mind to perceive a new reality. In this case we are TELLING IT that
what once was true is NO LONGER TRUE for the client. As a result a new, positive pattern and behavior will emerge easily
and naturally.

This technique is very valuable for creating rapport as well and I use it all the time during my performances and daily
communications with people. I often ask the subject to, “Bring to mind someone you love, admire and respect deeply and completely…
someone that makes you feel ALIVE and respected and cared for…someone you feel absolutely comfortable being around and who’s presence you
cherish in your life…”.

As the subject goes inside and begins thinking, feeling and re-creating the image, memory and inner experience of such a
person in their own mind and heart I simply watch where their eyes go (literally the windows to the soul in this exercise!).

Once the client STOPS and freezes in a particular space/area outside of them I know they have HIT such a person in mind
and have positioned them at the forefront of their consciousness.

Now I move and physically position myself to occupy that space, that is, wherever they are looking and/or forming the
MAJORITY of that image and memory is now the space I wish to physically move to and occupy.

As a result, I begin linking myself with the person in mind using the subject’s own referential index to create such a feeling
and experience.

Try it.

This works like real magic and couldn’t be easier to do.


Now that my client has MOVED her mental image, memories, thoughts, feelings and experience into the ‘NOT TRUE’
category we can play around a bit WITH the image.

Simply guide your participant to mentally MOVE the mental picture and movie they have created from one space (‘TRUE’)
to another (‘NO LONGER TRUE’).

I use my hand to gesture in the space before my client and instruct her to mentally MOVE the image she is projecting into
space from one area of her vision to another.

There are many ways to go here. A few of the tools I use with the clients OLD mental picture are as such:

• I ask her to dull up the colors of her mental picture. Take away the intensity, make the image bland and boring.
After a few moments of weakening this image I instruct the client to go ahead and make it black and white
removing ALL COLOR (and power) from the picture.

• I get my client to shrink the picture and distort it. They can stretch or minimize it, blur the lines and images, take
away the sounds, feelings, tastes, scents and sights associated with it and more. The idea here is we begin to turn the
image upside down, weaken it and thus demonstrate our power over it.

• I now have my client shrink the image so it becomes very, very small. It’s still black and white, very bland and boring
(powerless) and I remind my client that SHE is doing all of this and exercising her power and authority over her
reality and the life picture she paints for herself.

• Once the image has been de-colored and shrunken down I begin having my client move and push the image farther
and farther away from her. As she does this she continues to gaze into the exact area I indicate (the NOT TRUE
AREA!) I get her to push the image out into space (still in the same area, just back and far away from her) until it’s
nothing more than a pin dot.

• At the end I instruct my client to mentally severe the cord and tie that binds her to the image and experience. I want
the client to do this him/herself. If there is a problem here (payoffs for holding onto the negative thoughts, beliefs,
opinions or experience) I will assist the client with their permission in cutting the umbilical cord to their issues. I’ve
only ever had to do this a few times. 99.9% of the time the client is all too happy and willing to do this themselves.

• As the cord is severed their problem fades, fizzles and dissipates into NOTHING. Many times I will transform,
change and transmute the negative energy and attachments into white, positive, healing energy instead.

As an alternative, we may just as well place a plastic drawstring garbage bag around it and send it out into space never to
return (hit by a flying meteorite or comet, sinking into a black hole, etc). At times I have even given detailed suggestions
which state from this moment forth the old, non-existent behavior, thoughts and energies continue to fade, dissipate and
move away from the client which each exhale for the rest of her life.

At this point I give the client positive suggestions, feedback, encouragement and anchoring. I have them breathe deeply and
work with the energy cycles as we did before. Instead of the negative emotion the positive emotion remains in its place. We
spin the energy faster, intensify the color, give it a SOUND (make it whir, whistle and buzz!) and allow the positive energy
and emotions to radiate throughout the body.

As my client breathes this new energy and program it seeps deeply into their subconscious mind, into the very cells and
molecules that bring them together and thus becomes a permanent part of them and their life experience.

You could end here or not. In a formal session I always go further; it only takes a few minutes to do some really strong,
terrific work.

If I’m assisting a person through some personal issue or frustration (non major!) as part of an impromptu reading,
demonstration of hypnosis or mentalism performance I usually do stop there. With the ‘GOOD FEELING’ exercise taught
here in just 2 or 3 minutes (or less!) I can leave my participants feeling very happy, good about themselves and excited about
their life.

When I continue I do a few little things that make a big, positive difference in my client.

Now that we have changed the energy within them and removed the negative programming and effects of whatever was
NOT WORKING I go on to create a new positive mental picture and program for the client. This consists of a gentle
induction (they are already there, practically), positive suggestions in the present moment, creating a symbol/anchor for the
client and forming a new mental picture and reality to embrace.

As I do this my client forms the mental picture in the ‘TRUE’ position and category outside of them. It’s very simple, keep it

I intensify the color, imagery and experience through color, sound, indicating/dedicating tastes and scents to this new
experience and increase the positive feelings by spinning the energy within them faster, coloring it brighter and everything
you have already been taught in this portion of ‘Thought Veil.’ You have ALL the tools I use to do this.

After my client and I have formed the new mental program, picture and experience in the ‘TRUE’ area I do the OPPOSITE
of what I did to negate the old image.

In most cases I simply intensify the image, make sure it’s in the present moment, provide an anchor, spin the new color and
energy within them and use BREATHING to form an energetic cord and connection to this new reality. This simultaneously
increases suggestibility and connects the new program to the client’s physiology and mental states.

Unlike before (with the negative program) I now have the client EXPAND the image, intensify it in every way and begin
drawing it closer. My subject uses their breathing to strengthen the cord and pull the new image and program closer and
closer to them. All of this is done while they are staring into the ‘TRUE’ space.

When the image is pulled closer and closer eventually my client superimposes the image over their physical body and steps
into it. I have my client close their eyes and pull this new program and reality into their mind and body. They MERGE with

I set another anchor at this point with suggestions of the new program entering them, functioning perfectly and working
properly NOW and forevermore.

I am constantly amazed by the results.

Instead of learning and memorizing dozens of scripts for quitting smoking, weight loss, anxiety scripts, nightmares, social
dysfunction, deep relaxation (etc) I opt to use a combination of language patterns and techniques taught in this book to
implant permanent and positive changes within my subjects and clients. This is working smarter, not harder.

ANYBODY can give positive suggestions, provide relaxation techniques and guided meditations. At this point although
hypnotic effects and altered states of consciousness are achieved, because the client is fully awake and keenly aware at all

times I would seriously doubt this goes against any state or federal laws regarding the practice of hypnosis. Check to make

This ‘Swish’ pattern is extremely effective for change work and transforming whatever within or about your clients is no
longer working for them. Behavior, thought patterns and emotions (their reactions and experience), habits, beliefs, opinions
and outcomes are all easily dealt with using this one simple technique exactly as outlined above.

Other techniques for these radical pattern interrupts may be learned or come to you intuitively. I’ve often had my clients
form a symbol in their mind which represents some problem, issue, behavior, emotion or situation they would like to change.
I then proceed to color it differently, feel the energy, spin it and place it into the appropriate VISUAL submodalities (TRUE
& NOT TRUE) to quickly dissipate the negative effects upon the client.

Because Swish patterns and EFT flows are effective pattern interrupts once we understand the psychology behind the
interrupt, placebo and mental construct we can form other practices, routines, techniques and rituals for effective change. In
one of my personal and prized variations on these patterns I use a short prayer/mantra, visualize White Healing Light with
the subject and anchor the desired positive change with a Japanese Mudra (hand formation). The results are the same!

Like other tools used in NLP and hypnosis this one can be expanded upon and complicated to no end. After using this
technique for years I have boiled it down to the most effective sequence that gets the greatest and most positive results for
the people I work with. You have all the tools necessary to begin using this immediately.

I highly suggest you learn all you can about this highly effective tool for positive change through constant practice and
experience. Use it well.

Eliciting States Of Being

Just as we can evoke/elicit good feelings and positive states of being within a single client, subject or participant
we can do the same thing with the same techniques with AN ENTIRE AUDIENCE at once!

This is an effective tool to create rapport and assist your audience members in FEELING GREAT during their time with
you. I often do such things as a demonstration of HOW suggestion works and what the mind is capable of doing with a bit
of guidance.

The same as with psychological and statistical forces with an entire audience, these techniques and processes are something
everyone can do and get involved with. Make people feel really good and they will love, respect and remember you.

As I perform I constantly elicit positive states of being within my audience, volunteers, subjects, spectators and participants. I
consider this a powerhouse routine all its own. In 2 minutes or less I can take a group of people and completely change,
shift, alter and evoke whatever feelings, memories and experiences I wish for them to have in the moment.

Eliciting states of being is a very, VERY powerful technique to use all the time. With it you can make the natural reactions to
your material and performance (and yourself!) even stronger than ever before.

Before I perform a piece of magic or mentalism I often elicit a state of extraordinary awe and wonder and astonishment
within my spectators FIRST. I do this under the guise of identifying WITH that experience so they can KNOW IT AGAIN
when they see/experience what I’m about to share with them.

I’ll often elicit a feeling of awe, shock and wonder in my participants and ask them to rate that feeling on a scale from 1 to
10. As they do this I instruct them to keep that feeling and rating (number) in mind so they have something (an
experience/perspective) to compare what I’m about to teach, show or share with them to! I do this with suggestions that as I
proceed/continue to share what I’ve prepared for them they MAY FIND those feelings of awe, shock and wonder
INCREASING inside of them easily and naturally.

Before the climax of my routine or demonstration I’ll hit an anchor or simply have my participants take a deep breath as they
imagine again that feeling of awe, shock and wonder they experienced beforehand and then end my routine. Because my
participants are still in the previously evoked state (awe, shock and wonder) they will experience my magic, mentalism or
hypnosis with the same effects and perceptions.

If I’m demonstrating hypnotic amnesia as I often do before I begin I elicit a state of amnesia, forgetfulness and temporary
loss of thought and memory within my subject or participants. By first evoking this forgetful state and immersing my
volunteer deeply into that state I get amazing results with the work I do.

Eliciting states is a very useful tool in persuasion and seduction. If I were a car salesman I might create rapport, elicit criteria
and evoke the memory and feeling of the LAST TIME my soon-to-be buyer bought a car or made a serious investment. By
anchoring into that feeling, increasing it, changing the subject’s brainwave patterns and neural activity, giving suggestions
directly to the subconscious mind and more I can greatly increase my chances and success for a sale many, many times over.

In seduction I might follow the same model and structure only this time I would evoke the feelings, memory and experience
of the first and last times my ‘target’ fell in love, went home with a man or made the decision to sleep with somebody. I
might elicit states of being regarding times she was very excited, spontaneous and free emotionally and physically and anchor
into that experience with a touch, word, facial expression, sound or other method.

I prefer to use these techniques in performance, private readings and hypnotherapy. It’s easy to create a certain state of being
through these techniques, strengthen it and anchor into it or recreate it in real time.

By mentally and emotionally placing the subject directly into a certain feeling/emotion, thought, memory, situation,
circumstance or experience FIRST it becomes infinitely easier to evoke and link that same response through my reading,
performance piece or session and intensify it many times over.

Mentally placing people into certain states or guiding them to experience your psychological suggestions in their imagination
FIRST will cause them to experience those suggestions immediately afterwards in their physical reality very easily.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques

I have already HIGHLY recommended ‘Thought Veil’ students to learn the basic EFT flow for use in their work.

Allow me to take this opportunity to recommend it again and again if needed. One basic EFT flow will allow you to work
effectively with hundreds of different complaints and personal issues with your clients. The idea here (as with the ‘Swish’
pattern) is to learn ONE Universal Technique that can be applied effectively to many, many different scenarios.

Here is a link to a 7 Minute ‘EFT’ video and FREE Instructional Manual:

Whether one believes in ‘energy’ or techniques such as NLP or EFT does NOT matter at all to me. I look at these things as
SUGGESTIONS or even PLACEBOS in some cases. They are MENTAL CONSTRUCTS that affect change easily,
naturally and very, very powerfully.

The modified ‘Swish’ pattern and EFT Flows I use are permanent parts of my work. I experience each of these tools as
effective pattern interrupts and suggestions given through rite and ritual – they provide a believable PROCESS for change.

In the client’s mind, if we are going through such a process there MUST be a reason! A change in behavior and experience is
thus imprinted upon the subconscious mind and positive change is the result. When positive suggestions, a light induction,
anchoring, language patterns, criteria and rapport come into the equation change is the RULE.

Like the ‘Swish’ pattern I use and taught prior the BASIC EFT FLOW is something anyone can use and learn to do
effectively in about 30 minutes. One basic flow and tapping sequence is all that we need to produce some very startling
results. If you have never used or tried EFT before you’re in for a real treat. I use both EFT and the ‘Swish’ pattern with
myself on a daily basis.

In my experience, between the ‘Swish’ pattern and EFT Flow there is very little that I cannot positively change or effect
within my clients, volunteers and participants. These two basic tools will empower ‘Thought Veil’ students to create real,
permanent change within themselves and others.

The Basic EFT Flow

EFT techniques manifest themselves as a series of ‘taps’ upon the client’s body over energy points and meridians
as used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Like acupuncture or acupressure, EFT has shown almost MIRACULOUS results in a variety of cases – many of which no
other treatment or self help therapies (or even medicine and surgery) were effective.

Like any dynamic ‘client empowerment’ session, the EFT sequence begins with eliciting criteria and speaking directly to the
mind and body of the subject.

I ask the questions, ‘What’s important about?’ a number of times to discover the client’s bottom line and core issue. In every
session I aim to avoid ‘band aid therapy’ at all costs and work directly with the consideration BEHIND the issue or
symptom. Remember that as far as ‘Thought Veil’ goes these techniques are never meant to cure, treat or diagnose any person,
situation or medical issue and this information is presented for educational purposes only.

EFT is intended to balance emotional energies where possible in order to affect a self healing outcome and clear state of
being. It is from a space of clarity and emotional reset that my clients are able to find their way and take empowered steps
towards creating the life of their dreams.

EFT can be used for ANYTHING you can imagine (!) from anxiety and insomnia to the common cold and adverse effects
of cancer. Personally, I use EFT and my ‘Swish’ inspired patterns for EVERYTHING.

These are effective tools for radical change and personal transformation. Though these techniques may or may not help
EVERYTHING we apply them to, I tap and ‘Swish’ for just about everything and encourage my clients to do the same. What
could it hurt? As a placebo, psychological pattern interrupt, positive affirmation and proactive tool/experience it can only

The tapping sequence and eliciting criteria (discovering the problem, issue or consideration) is easy, straightforward and
effective. Simply find what is bothering the client and what they would like to change.

One of the first things we do is set up a bar or gauge by which to examine our success and the positive effects of EFT. In
this first example let’s take a look at a client who has intense anxiety in social situations.

The first thing I do WITHOUT REGRESSING THE CLIENT is ask her to FEEL that emotion inside of herself and
IMAGINE certain social situations in which she might have anxiety. In my case I want and need for the client to associate
with the issue at hand and identify with it on a personal level.

I ask her the same questions I do in all EFT sessions and sequences: ‘On a scale from 1 to 10 – 10 being the most and one
being the least, how do you currently experience (BLANK)?’

(BLANK) in this case is the unique problem or issue my client is facing. This could be anxiety, depression, sexual
dysfunction, nicotine cravings, bad eating habits, nightmares, trust issues, relationship and bonding problems and more!
Whatever the client perceives as NOT WORKING for them is what I want to tackle with EFT (and other techniques).

By finding where the severity of my client’s problem resides on a number scale and how deeply it affects them I can later re-
assess this ‘rating’ and immediately show the positive results derived from EFT.

This scale rating is also great to use with the Swish technique and other pattern interrupts.

Let’s say my client tells me her anxiety level is currently at an ‘8’ on the scale (fairly high). I acknowledge my client’s
experience and self rating and proceed.

Once we have identified whatever requires attention (anxiety in this case) and rated it on a number scale the next step is to
begin the actual touching/tapping/rubbing sequence used in EFT flows with a bit of positive ‘self talk.’

The self talk is always the same in EFT (or at least the way I and many others do it).

The affirmation at this beginning stage is simply, ‘Even though I have this (BLANK), I still deeply and completely love and accept

Again, the BLANK in the above case is the situation your client is now facing. In our example it would go like this: ‘Even
though I have this ANXIETY, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.’

This could just as easily be, ‘Even though I have this financial issue’ or ‘Even though I have this headache’ or ‘Even though I
have this frustration towards my spouse’ or ‘Even though I have this car problem’ or whatever (!) ‘I still deeply and completely love
and accept myself.’ EFT CAN and SHOULD be used for everything! What can it hurt? It can only help!

In EFT we want to confront the issue AND make the affirmation that EVEN THOUGH we are having this experience WE
STILL deeply and completely love and accept ourselves.

This love and acceptance is important – it keeps us away from a place of judgment regarding ourselves for HAVING this
problem or negative experience. It allows us to say and acknowledge inside that even though there is something now that we
wish to change, at our core we love and accept ourselves in spite of what we experience.

By loving and accepting ourselves we affirm that although there is some ‘issue’ we wish to resolve or something ABOUT US
we desire to change that we are all still perfectly loveable and acceptable as we are. Loving and accepting thyself AS YOU
ARE is one of the first steps towards healing on all levels.

So what happens if the client DOES NOT ‘love and accept’ themselves? They get to SAY IT ANYWAYS! In rare cases
wherein a client cannot even bring themselves to say this simple line and affirmation I will use ‘Swish’ patterns and EFT
techniques to change or break that state of mind and thinking.

Let’s proceed with the client stating ALOUD, ‘Even though I have this anxiety I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.’

Now this is important! The client will say this THREE TIMES ALOUD and AS THEY DO SO they (or us, with
permission) rub a ‘sore spot’ on the client’s body near their shoulder.

This ‘sore spot’ is beneath the collar bone/clavicle above the pectoral muscle on either side of the body. I prefer to rub the
spot on the left side of my body as it is associated with the RIGHT BRAIN, thus, the suggestions go deeper. Gary Craig’s
‘EFT’ site or even Youtube will show detailed videos of where these spots are and what the basic flow and sequence looks
like. I HIGHLY recommend that you go to Gary’s site, download the EFT Manual and begin learning all you can about this
remarkably simple and effective technique.

The ‘sore spot’ is known as a TRIGGER POINT to massage therapists and body workers. It is also an energetic/meridian
point in TCM. The point is very tender and with just slight pressure causes a bit of physical discomfort. This slight
discomfort is actually important because believe it or not it helps to drive in the suggestion of ‘deeply and completely loving
and accepting myself ’ within the client.

The participant continues to rub the ‘sore spot’ with their fingertips AS they state the full affirmation aloud three times, ‘Even
though I have this anxiety I still deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I have this anxiety I still deeply and completely love
and accept myself. Even though I have this anxiety I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.’

Once this has been done we are all ready to proceed with the first basic flow!

I’ve broken the points down in steps below. Each point should be ‘tapped’ a number of times. I prefer 6-10 times per point.
This happens very quickly. With the fingertips simply TAP (lightly) the energetic points as instructed.

While this tapping occurs we ISOLATE and shift the ‘anxiety energy’ within the client’s mind, body and energetic system. As
the taps are made any imbalances in the energy (which produces anxiety) are unblocked and released – or so the EFT
philosophy states.

AS the taps are being made the issue being confronted is acknowledged by saying, ‘This anxiety.’

Remember that whatever the issue being worked on IS, that is what we’ll say as we tap the proper meridian spots. It could be
‘This anxiety’ or ‘This stress’ or ‘This frustration’ or ‘This anger’ or ‘This depression’ or ‘This broken foot’ or ‘This financial issue’ or
whatever you are working on!

Remember to simply use the client’s issue and state aloud, ‘This (BLANK)’ as the spots are tapped. If I am doing the tapping
for the client I say the words aloud. If THEY are doing the tapping on themselves THEY say the words aloud… ‘This

Normally I do TWO EFT flows with the client for any issue or consideration to be resolved or its negative effects
lessened/decreased. In 1 or 2 minutes a complete shift will have occurred as you will soon see! Because I simultaneously USE
and TEACH EFT to my clients (so they can use it themselves) the first round of ‘tapping’ I do on them. The second round
they do on themselves with my guidance and expert facilitation.

Here are the exact spots you (or the client) will tap as the words, ‘This BLANK (Client’s issue in ONE or TWO WORDS)’
are stated aloud:

• After the rubbing and affirmation begin TAPPING (6-10 times, lightly) directly above the client’s eyebrow. This is
directly above and center of the client’s eye – just above the eyebrow. Tap this area a number of times while saying,
‘This anxiety’ (or whatever the issue is) before moving on.

• The second series of taps come immediately after the eyebrow taps (above) and are placed at the SIDE of the eye.
To find this spot simply trace the eyebrow with your fingertip TOWARDS the ear. When the eyebrow ends, that
spot BESIDE the eye is where you want to tap. This is easy to find – it’s just on the side of the eye in the center,
beneath the eyebrow. As we tap the spot repeat the suggestion/command/intention ‘This anxiety.’

• The next spot we tap is directly beneath the eye on the cheek bone. Remain in the center of the eye, just below the
eyelid. Tap here a number of times while saying, ‘This anxiety.’

• Next give your taps directly under the client’s nose on their UPPER LIP. This is where the small cleft from the nose
runs vertically to the lip. This little ‘valley’ is where the taps are made. Tap 6-10 times while saying ONCE, ‘This

• The next taps are placed BELOW the client’s LOWER LIP, right next to the lower lip line. Just find the lower lip
and tap lightly directly beneath it while saying, ‘This anxiety.’ The beauty of EFT is that it’s so easy and anyone can
do this!

• The next taps are placed on the collar bone of EITHER SIDE of the client. Again, I prefer to tap on the left side
of the body (RIGHT BRAIN) but either side will work and have the same dramatic effects and outcomes. These
‘clavicle taps’ are OFF CENTER on either side, not directly in the middle. Find the collar bone and trace it to the
center of the body where it meets. Go over about an inch and place your taps there. Easy, easy, easy. Remember to
say, ‘This anxiety’ or whatever the issue being ‘tapped out’ is!

• The next place to be tapped is directly UNDER the client’s arm, near their armpit. Again there is a very sore spot
here and that’s the spot you (or they) will tap. It’s about 3 and a half inches below the armpit in the center of the
client’s body. Another beautiful thing about EFT is the meridian points can be tapped ANYWHERE within a 5 or 6
inch radius. This means that if you are even APPROXIMATELY in the correct area the flow will be effective, so
don’t sweat it! Placement is not as important as your INTENTION. Remember to say, ‘This anxiety’ as a means of
telling the mind and body to RID ‘this anxiety’ from the participant. We target the problem and tap it out at each
location thus freeing the emotional ‘stuck’ energy which feeds the complaint.

• The last and final taps are made at the base of the hand and the back of the hand, respectively. If you take your
hand and make a KARATE CHOP you will see the soft, fleshy part of the hand closest to the pinky. This fleshy
area on the SIDE OF THE HAND closest to the little finger is where the taps are placed. Give 6-10 light taps in
the center of this fleshy padding with the location command, ‘This anxiety’ just as before.

• To finish the basic flow tap 6-10 times on the back of the hand directly behind the knuckle of the pinky (small)
finger. Make the taps while stating, ‘This anxiety.’

• Go back to the 1-10 scale and check for any positive difference made in the feeling, emotional state and thus the
condition and effects of such.


You have just completed your first BASIC EFT FLOW.

For now that’s all there is to it!

At this point I have my client take a deep breath and exhale before asking them to reassess their anxiety level NOW on a ‘1 to
10’ scale.

Trust me when I say this simple process and experience and the feeling/state it provides a person with is stronger than just
about ANY piece of magic or mentalism you can provide.

After the first flow we ALWAYS get the client’s response and number rating on this scale to gauge our positive effects. Most
of the time, even after JUST this one simple flow you are going to find the ‘intensity level’ lowered dramatically. Other times
it might be the same (extremely rare!) or just a number or two less. Either way this RATING shows us that progress is being
made. It is not uncommon for a ‘9 rating’ to go to a ‘3’ after just ONE basic EFT flow and sequence.

After the client rates their issue on a 1 to 10 scale AFTER the first flow we are going to DO IT AGAIN!

The basic model is exactly the same as before with a few very minor changes.

Once more the client rubs the sore spot above their pectoral muscle while saying, ‘Even though I STILL HAVE this (BLANK)
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.’

Just like before the client continues to RUB on the pressure point while saying the revised affirmation THREE TIMES like
this: ‘Even though I STILL HAVE this anxiety I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I still have this anxiety I deeply
and completely love and accept myself. Even though I still have this anxiety I deeply and completely love and accept myself.’

Once the affirmation has been re-stated we RE-TAP and do the ENTIRE EFT sequence again! Nothing is different now as
far as the tapping goes - everything is the same. You’ll tap the exact same spots, only this time you’ll say, ‘Remaining
(BLANK)’ as you do where ‘BLANK’ is the client’s issue.

Remember the (BLANK) is the client’s issue now restated. This second flow is working to take away whatever vibrations of
the ‘ISSUE’ still remains after the first flow. The intention here is to unblock the remnant energy and resolve the problem,
issue or consideration completely (or as much as possible).

In the case of our client with anxiety, after the first flow she goes from an ‘8’ on the intensity scale all the way down to a 4!
This second time around we will do the taps just as we did before while saying, ‘Remaining anxiety’ at each point. Everything
else is the same except for at the end where I ‘LOCK’ in the positive change and new energy.

To ‘lock’ this energy and change within the client I tap (or have them tap) near their belly button. Simply have the client find
their navel, move laterally an inch to the right (toward the client’s right side) and UP two inches. Tap that spot EXACTLY 8
times and the positive change and merit you have just accrued will remain deeply seated within the participant.

In this real example my client then went from a ‘4’ all the way down to, ‘I can’t feel it at all!’ with a huge smile across her face.
This is just one of many real world examples and success stories I have had firsthand and continue to have and hear from
others using EFT.

I instruct my client to FOLLOW THIS EXACT PROCESS now and in the future ANYTIME they have this same problem
sneak up on them. All they have to do is stop and take a deep breath, give their selves a rating in that moment, begin the
rubbing and affirmation and begin tapping their way to freedom!

When I look at EFT with my skeptic hat on I can see the suggestions taking place here, how the effects may be garnered
through placebo, a desire for change and relief, the strength of a ritual, deep breaths which assist with calming the client,
confusing the mind and taking one’s attention AWAY from the issue at hand and more. However EFT works is of no
consequence to me. The fact remains that EFT can and does work for thousands of people on a daily basis and has
succeeded where other treatments, remedies and therapies have failed miserably.

When we add creating rapport into the mix, deep breathing and visualization, eliciting the client’s criteria and feeding it back
to them with language patterns and suggestions that can be attained through EFT the results are startling.

Through EFT my clients are given a powerful and effective tool for their own ‘self care’ they can use within 1 or 2 minutes
to break the negative states they find themselves in. If they require further instructions I will go over the basic flow and
process a few more times (with a different issue!) so they can understand it completely and begin using it immediately. I also
direct my clients to the EFT Website and Free Manual.

As my client returns for their ‘follow up’ session in two weeks I will begin giving them new ideas and tools to use with EFT
(and/or my revised ‘Swish patterns’) so they can immediately notice, break and transform themselves at any time or in any
difficult situation.

I promise if you begin doing this for people they will love and appreciate the service you provide for them and will
compensate you handsomely for it. As said before, you can provide these sessions before, during or after your hypnosis and
mentalism shows, private readings or even as a full blown business by itself. Later I will show you HOW.

If you do not wish to teach the basic EFT flow or ‘Swish’ patterns then simply learn them yourself and USE THEM on
others for their benefit! There is nothing which says you have to teach others how to use these tools. In cases where there is
no time (such as a mentalism performance or hypnosis demonstration for the public) I will demonstrate the techniques
together, make positive and rapid changes on the most difficult of people and concerns and send them on their way with
thunderous applause.

This type of visibly dramatic and immediately verifiable change work is extremely impressive. With that said, this ‘impressive
factor’ should obviously NOT be the reason you assist others using these techniques. Use them because they work. Use them
because you care about others. Use them because you remember what it’s like to be a victim of your own negative thinking
and behavior.

Use these techniques on yourself for instant positive change and transformation. Create the life of your dreams by shaping
your mind, body and spirit, the world you live in and the people and circumstances around you according to your desires and
the highest and greatest good for all involved. Use these techniques that ANYONE can learn and use effectively to heal the
world. Be a light!

Like NLP, EFT can get a bit more dynamic as the practitioner advances. I learned this same basic EFT flow in an NLP
seminar and used it for years just as taught and described above with remarkable results and amazing effects.

More advanced variations on the basic EFT flow include a number of other helpful skills and pattern interrupts, anchors,
breathing techniques, blinking and breathing, humming, counting, singing a song, tapping different areas and much more
which all boosts the effectiveness and success rates of this work exponentially.

To learn these advanced uses for EFT I got into Gary Craig’s EFT Trainings and DVD Sets which opened up a whole new
world of possibilities before me. The DVD set was $100.00 years ago; I don’t know how much it might cost now. Purchasing
allows the buyer to make DVD copies for their clients and is a terrific ‘give away’ after any session.

Remember that I learned EFT for the first time in a live NLP training exactly as I have taught you here and used it for many
years as basic and bare bones as it gets with incredible results.

Keep in mind there are people all around the world who make a great, comfortable living with ONLY EFT! With the
marketing materials and set up later in this book and a bit of practice, experience and dedication you could also do this. It’s a
nice little business on the side and can provide a very comfortable living while assisting others.

Applied Kinesiology & Muscle Testing

Muscle testing (applied kinesiology) is one of my favored methods for SUGGESTING a change has taken place
within a client or subject.

Muscle testing is a method which has been used by physicians, chiropractors, psychics, herbalists, massage therapists and
hypnotists for many years to evaluate the success of our work and its effectiveness upon the client.

I think of muscle testing a lot like I do the remarkable pendulum. As a low tech tool for accurate ‘bio feedback’ it simply
cannot be beat. Many people doubt the positive effects and accuracy of muscle testing and with this in mind, look upon this
technique as simply another way to use the IDEOMETER RESPONSE and suggest certain changes within your subjects.

Muscle testing philosophy relies on the mind/body link as its foundation. Those who practice this type of applied
kinesiology use it to speak directly with the subconscious mind of the subject THROUGH their body OR to test the effects
of certain thoughts, emotions (medicines, wellness practices, etc) on the body.

During very advanced hypnotherapy sessions I have often drawn upon kinesiology as a way to propel certain Gestalt
processes forward during the session. It’s a very useful technique for ‘multi level communication’, speaking directly with
individual body parts and effectively giving them a voice, working with energies (and even ‘spirits’), engaging the
subconscious mind and working with multiple personalities.

The simple way we’ll be using kinesiology in this course is to get simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers directly from the subject’s own
mind. Herbalists have often used these techniques to discover which HERBAL REMEDIES work best with a client, to find
allergies and even energetic disturbances within a person.

To do this, the herbalist might have 4 or 6 vials of dried plants (or homeopathic remedies) they feel might benefit the client
and their unique condition.

A short calibration process is included which shows the client how the body becomes ‘weak’ when negative thoughts,
emotions, a ‘NO’ response or negative influence is brought closer to the body.

Just the same, POSITIVE THOUGHTS, a ‘yes’ answer, helpful remedies and more all cause the body to become STRONG.

These reactions, answers and strong/weak effects are shown by simply pressing down on an appendage and gauging the
response through kinesiology. If the answer to our question is ‘yes’ (or remedy helpful) the body will test STRONG. If the
answer to our question is ‘no’ (or remedy not helpful) the body will test WEAK.

Muscle testing can be used with a client/subject/participant standing up, lying down or sitting. It is VERY versatile. There are
many different procedures for this technique and here I will give you a few simple ones and one or two advanced uses I
incorporate in my work.


As hypnotic mind readers and intuitive hypnotherapists we can just as easily test responses and reactions on the clients left
side of their body as we can the right side. I prefer to test on the LEFT SIDE as this half of the body is overseen by the
RIGHT BRAIN thus there is a greater subconscious response (open, non critical, less resistant) and the work is more
effective in my experience.

I explain muscle testing to my clients as a way to speak directly with the mind and body through the mind/body connection.
It allows us to get a TRUE ANSWER to just about any question from the body and mind working together through the
process of kinesiology. After this simple explanation I immediately demonstrate what I mean.

The procedure is simple.

Instruct your subject to hold their left arm straight out in front of them at a 45 degree angle to the floor. This is the position
a person’s arm might be in if they were walking a dog on a leash. Simply ask the subject to hold their hand out in front of
them with their PALM facing their waste line.

In a moment you will ‘calibrate’ their YES & NO answers to SHOW THEM how the body tests ‘weak’ when the answer is
‘no’ and strong when the answer is ‘yes.’ A great example and one I often use is this –

‘In a moment I’m going to press down on your arm and when I do this I want you to RESIST. It’s not going to be a lot of pressure, but I simply
want you to push your arm against my hand while I push down upon it.

To show you how this works the first thing I want you to do is say, ‘My name is (blank)’. After you do this I’ll press down on your arm and
you’ll see that as we present the body with a TRUE ANSWER it responds to us by showing us strength. Likewise, when your body indicates a
‘yes’ answer for us it will also ‘TEST STRONG’ during this process. Let me show you what I mean…

Go ahead now and say, ‘My name is (insert client’s name)…’

After the client states their name aloud I press down on their arm while (with my right hand on their left shoulder and left
hand on their wrist or forearm) saying ‘RESIST.’

This reminds my subject to resist the pressure I am exerting and thus affirm their own physical strength. Because we are
using the client’s own name the body and its response will test STRONG. It is EASY for them to resist this pressure and
keep their arm level without being pushed down.

After I test this first time using the client’s name I immediately show the client how the body will test WEAK when
indicating a ‘no’ answer or is presented with false information.

‘Now we’ll do the same thing, only THIS TIME I want you to use a different name! Instead of saying ‘My name is Brandon’ I want you to say
‘My name is Bob’ (something obviously NOT TRUE) and as we just, again I will push down on your arm using the same amount of force
so you can see the different results.

Say, ‘My name is Bob’…(they do) and RESIST…’

This time around the arm will be pushed down easily and naturally! It really IS a phenomenal happening. Your client will be
equally amazed.

I FORCE my muscle testing to work the right way every time by leading the client and giving suggestions that they’re body
will test ‘WEAK’ with ‘NO’ responses and false information and STRONG with ‘YES’ responses and positive information.
The types of suggestions wherein we indicate the final outcome and response are called ‘leading suggestions.’ Because this
‘set-up’ and leading suggestions are a natural part of the muscle testing process and explanation this technique very rarely

Another example of a leading suggestion might be during a ‘Past Life Regression’ (PLR) wherein the regression facilitator asks
the client, ‘And were you Royalty or just a consultant to Royalty at this time?’ thus implanting certain suggestions in the clients mind
which LEADS their answer/experience and effects the regression.

Anyhow, by setting up the RESULTS of the test beforehand we naturally affect the outcome. Expectation leads to
REALIZATION (what is expected tends to be realized) and by setting up a WEAK RESPONSE to a ‘no’ answer and a
STRONG RESPONSE to a ‘yes’ answer we can get exactly what we want.

I’ll often do 4 simple, congruent ‘tests’ when explaining this process like this:

I have my client say, ‘My name is (blank)’ and then immediately tell them to resist my pressure as I press down on their wrist or
forearm arm. The body will test STRONG when using their own name.

I affirm this STRONG/YES answer by then saying aloud, ‘This person’s name is (blank)’ and again ask my client to resist. Just
like before, the body will test STRONG. This CONDITIONS the client to realize either I or they can ask the question(s) and
the body will respond appropriately.

Both times the client will test STRONG when using their own name. I do this twice (once with the client stating their name
and once with me saying it) to affirm and re-affirm the process and response. As stated above, this is simply
CONDITIONING the proper response.

After these two ‘YES/STRONG’ responses are elicited via the client’s body and its reactions to the ‘TRUE’ statement we
immediately do it again (twice) with a FALSE NAME.

‘Now, say my name is Bob (they do)…and RESIST…’ (THE MUSCLE/BODY TESTS WEAK)

And after this I say, ‘Is the person I’m now touching named Bob?…and RESIST…’ (AGAIN THE BODY TESTS WEAK).

This short, simple sequence demonstrates the reality and effectiveness to the client very well!

I often go on to explain that muscle testing such as this is often used by herbalists, hypnotherapists and psychics to find out
which vitamins and minerals are most beneficial to the client, which affirmations are most readily accepted by their
subconscious mind, which crystals and gemstones they respond the most strongly to and if certain thoughts or feelings affect
them in a positive or negative fashion. Muscle testing such as this can evoke a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer via the mind/body
connection for just about any decision. We’ll get into this later.

Another test I often use with the above simple demonstration is with a quartz crystal point. I explain that simply holding a
quartz crystal is said to DOUBLE the strength and intensity of the holder’s aura and as a result the body will ‘test stronger’
when holding the quartz crystal point.

To show this I remove a small pocket crystal and instruct my client to hold it in their right hand as they extend their left hand
in front of them. When holding the quartz the body tests ‘STRONG.’ If I take the crystal away the body will test ‘WEAK.’
Matching actions to words I demonstrate exactly this.

You can just as easily have your participant imagine something ‘bad’ like Hitler or ‘good’ like Buddha. This also works just as
well using ‘love’ and ‘hate/fear’ or ‘happiness’ and ‘sadness.’

You can use muscle testing to discover ‘lies’ and ‘truths’ very easily. You can also test positive and negative words, thoughts,
opinions, beliefs and more. You can show the audience and your clients how certain positive thoughts and affirmations make
their mind and body response STRONG and how negative ones make it WEAK. There is no limit to what you can do with
this technique.

This muscle testing process is extremely effective for showing others how their thoughts affect them and have an impact
upon their body and energy.

Now, you need to learn a few things to make muscle testing work out magnificently for you at this time.

1). I often use the client’s arm at a 45 degree angle to the floor/their body for testing as well as extended STRAIGHT OUT
to their side perfectly level with their shoulder, palm facing the ground. These are the two most basic testing positions and
both are tried and true.

2). The general rule in muscle testing is called ‘THE RULE OF TWO’ meaning: 2 pounds of pressure are exerted while
pressing down on the client’s arm – 2 seconds of pushing down is the time used for the test – 2 fingers or an open palm
ONLY are to be used for the pushing – 2 inches ‘range of motion.’

When I say to use a ‘2 inch range of motion’ it means that you will push your client’s arm down just two inches. Many muscle
testers are very dramatic and when the body tests ‘WEAK’ they will push the arm ALL THE WAY DOWN or at least 6-10
inches. When the body tests ‘STRONG’ the arm will remain solid, stiff and rigid (apparently) and will meet the pressure
exerted with equal strength and force. In doing this the arm will not move at all, or if it does it will be just a little bit!

Muscle testing is very gentle and you’ll not be using a lot of force to get your results. When I’m using REAL muscle testing I
follow ‘THE RULE OF TWO’ and play it by the book. I get very excellent results using REAL muscle testing and applied
kinesiology in my work.

Being a magician and mentalist I’ve also discovered natural ways to CHEAT and get the results I want every single time.
Some of these ‘cheats’ are described below.

3). When asking my client to extend their arm out in front of them (rather than to the side) I will often use BOTH of their
arms for the test at the same time. This gives me more leverage for the actual push and the client’s arms can be ‘pushed
down’ even as they resist very easily. This same ‘cheat’ technique can and will be used with ONE ARM as well. This ‘walking
the dog’ position as described makes it very easy to push the client’s arm down any time I wish.

If you wish to muscle test with the subject’s arm STRAIGHT OUT to their side (in alignment with their shoulder, palm
facing the floor) I stand facing the participant with my LEFT HAND on their left shoulder while my RIGHT HAND braces
the client by the wrist or forearm (thumb on bottom) and presses downward vertically towards the floor. Remember that by
deflecting the pressure horizontally instead the client may find their body to be STRONG and resist (meet) the pressure you
exert very easily.

4). To get the results you want EVERY TIME when you know the answer you can simply adjust your pressure. This
‘cheating’ technique and muscle testing as a mind/body process can open up doors to direct mind reading that have not yet
been explored by this community, art or industry to the extent in which I have and continue to use it.

For the client to respond ‘yes’ as you push down on their arm simply use less pressure. Doing this will mean as they can resist
easily and their arm will remain STRONG. Also, if you apply your pressure horizontally (across) the arm as described at the
end of tip #3 above, the force and pressure you exert will be dispersed. It is very easy for a client to maintain their strength
and stability when the pressure is applied this way.

If you want to get a ‘no’ answer to some question simply exert a bit more force as you press down (vertically) and instruct
your client to ‘try to resist.’ By exerting more pressure in a different direction and giving the suggestion ‘try to resist’ you will
naturally get a WEAK(er) response!

Remember to be very subtle about the pressure you use and the way you direct it. When done correctly the participant will
NOT realize you are fudging or controlling the process at all. They will be convinced it is taking place in exactly the same way
with each test/succession and that their own body is responding differently!

Because the answers and responses are coming directly from the subjects own body the ‘feedback’ is very powerful and a
very strong convincer.

These ‘resist’ and ‘TRY to resist’ patterns while muscle testing is verbal steering and audible conditioning at a very fine level.

When I desire for the body’s response to be a STRONG/YES my command while pushing down is ‘RESIST.’

When I want the body’s response to be WEAK/NO my command is ‘TRY to resist.’ This conditioning and verbal steering
will begin leading the client and their responses in the direction I wish for them to go!

Using suggestion and my knowledge of language patterns and the effects of certain words IN MENTALISM, when I wish
for the client’s arm to go ‘weak’ I exert a bit more pressure while saying, ‘Try to resist.’

The word ‘try’ presupposes the client will have a difficult time and thus the results will be a WEAK body/mind response.
After just a few successions the participant will come to realize, at an unconscious level, that as I say ‘RESIST’ their arm will
remain strong and when I say ‘TRY to resist’ their arm will become weak. Again, this is a combination of leading, steering,
using expectation and conditioning to get the results we want.

By now you can begin to realize all of the incredible uses simple MUSCLE TESTING can have in your work as a mentalist
and hypnotist.

Besides using muscle testing to discover the best affirmations, words, trance techniques, inductions and subconscious
answers/preferences with your clients and subjects you can also use these techniques for mind reading with spectacular

ANYTHING we can do with a pendulum we can also do with muscle testing.

I often use muscle testing in combination with CONTACT MIND READING with spectacular results. For instance, an
object can be held in a room and using muscle testing with a participant we can show how we are able to communicate
directly with the subconscious mind to locate the object.

When doing this I simply explain the process of muscle reading (set up the outcome and process) and then SHOW my
participant(s) exactly how this works by using their own name as described prior.

Once my participant is shown HOW this process works and what they can expect (i.e. the body is weak when the answer is
‘no’ and strong when the answer is ‘yes’) I ask them to hide an object in an adjacent room.

Entering the room I explain to my participant that I will now begin communicating DIRECTLY with their subconscious
mind via muscle testing and hypnosis. I explain to my client that s/he will remain wide awake, eyes open, fully conscious,
aware and alert at all times AND YET they are still able to follow my suggestions perfectly and enter a light ‘trance like state’
while experiencing a newfound and remarkable RELAXED, FOCUSED AWARENESS as I work with their mind and body
together. Many of these techniques will be explained later in this book under the title, ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis!’

Instructing my participant to focus on the object I’ll often have them close their eyes, take a few deep breaths, IMAGINE
the object and listen closely to my instructions. Remember, this all serves to change the participant’s brainwave patterns and
neural activity. This short and simple process WILL effectively place them into a light trance.

Now I begin the process of muscle testing to find/locate the hidden object.

This is dynamic and extraordinarily simple. It takes but a few seconds and will effectively allow ANYONE reading this
course to effectively locate ‘thought of ’ objects and hidden items (or information) with a KILLER alternative to contact
mind reading!

I begin by first locating the corner/which side of the room the object is on. I explain to my subject that as we draw closer to
the object their arm/body will test STRONG. Further, I explain to my subject that at ANY TIME I can ask their body/mind
a direct question and get a detailed response through muscle testing.

I’ll position the subject on one side of the room, have them extend their arm and ask aloud, ‘Is the object on THIS SIDE of the
room…(?)…RESIST…’ or as an alternative way to present the question ‘The object IS ON this side of the room…(?)…RESIST’
and watch the results. If the object is on this side of the room their arm will test STRONG. If it’s on the OTHER SIDE of
the room the body will test WEAK.

As far as the two questions presented above the only difference here is that one is an obvious question and the other seems
like more of a statement – it’s a personal preference as to which one YOU use. Whatever the case I will get detailed feedback
from the client using muscle testing. Keep in mind this is REAL muscle testing at this point – no trickery involved! It’s also a
very easy process to use and again, anyone can do this.

After I get my response to the first question/statement I CHECK THE RESPONSE by taking my subject to the other side
of the room and asking the same question again. I test the body/muscle and I’ll get either a yes or no response. It WILL BE
OPPOSITE of what I got on the other side of the room and thus I will know immediately which side of the room my
object is on. I do this merely to check my results and re-affirm the process and response. If you’ve got a good client (or little
time) this is unnecessary.

Now I can have my participant focus on both corners of the room (the side the object is on!) and imagine if it’s closer to
‘THIS SIDE’ or ‘THAT SIDE’ while pointing at the two corners of the room. Using muscle testing I will find the correct
corner on the proper side of the room to locate the object.

Moving towards the correct side of the room I can now ask a few simple questions/statements which will lead me directly to
the object.

For instance:

‘The object is UP HIGH…?’

‘The object is DOWN LOW…?’

‘The object is INSIDE SOMETHING…?’

‘The object is UNDER SOMETHING…?’

‘The object is in THIS direction…?

‘We’re close to the object now…?’

Asking just a few simple questions with a good participant I can find ANY hidden object is just about 2 minutes or less
(more if the working space or theatre is very large).

The participant is amazed because they NEVER SAY ANYTHING and yet marvel at the level in which I can effectively
communicate with their body and subconscious mind. The audience is impressed because I can find the object so easily and
naturally via muscle testing. All that’s happening here is my participant is telling me WHERE the object is without words via
signals sent by their mind and obtained through their body.

Now here’s the great part…with contact mind reading (a few basic techniques, some guts and a LOT of experience using
these techniques) we can use the same kind of procedure and outward appearance AND the same line of questioning with
the simple twist that our “GUIDE” (the subject/participant) only answers the questions in their own mind!

This is a great demonstration and I often use it with ‘Contact Mind Reading’ as a preamble to my full demonstration. Many
times I will use the quartz crystal I spoke about earlier and go through the whole ordeal as such:

1). Calibration.

I explain muscle testing to my audience or participant(s) and use the ‘NAME DEMONSTRATION’ to show them how their
body will respond STRONG or WEAK based on certain answers, questions or statements.

2). I remove the quartz crystal and demonstrate how the body is STRONG when holding it and WEAK when I remove the
crystal energies.

3). The crystal point is hidden and I find it through muscle testing. At the end I gift my participant with the crystal and
anchor into the experience. They get to keep the crystal and think of me whenever they see or touch the crystal or remember
our experience together. Because the crystal strengthens their aura they are invited to carry it with them daily as a sort of
‘lucky charm’ with positive suggestions and affirmations delivered as I gift them with the crystal.

If I want to carry this demonstration a bit further I’ll go ahead and show how the same thing can be done without asking the
questions aloud (or asking them aloud but NOT “testing” the muscle as before to get a definite, solid and CORRECT

I often use (real/legitimate) muscle testing to divine zodiac signs and this is even more effective and mysterious with a zodiac
sign anagram such as Alain Nu’s incredible ‘Astrologic’ work and material.

Another great demonstration with muscle testing is giving a short explanation and calibration process to set up the
participant’s expectation and then using a deck of cards. This is a great way to TEST your muscle testing procedure. With a
relaxed, open participant in rapport with the operator/facilitator you will NOT meet with resistance and will always meet
with success using these techniques and demonstrations.

Using cards is fun and I recommend you practice like this. You can gain a great working knowledge of muscle testing in less
than an hour and have another powerful tool you can draw upon for the rest of your career.

To practice you can use a marked deck or simply force a known card on your participant.

Now simply explain muscle testing in your own words and go through the simple calibration process using the name of your
participant. This sets them up and induces a proper level of expectation. They know when you ask a question and the answer
is ‘YES’ the body tests STRONG. If the answer to your question is ‘NO’ the body will test weak!

At this point have your participant THINK of their card (close their eyes, take a few deep breaths, IMAGINE the image,
color, suit and value, etc) and begin the process of muscle testing to divine the card.

‘Is the card red? Black?

‘Is it a heart? Diamond? (or Club? Spade?)

‘Is it a number card? Picture card? Ace?

‘High value?’

‘Low value?’

‘Jack? Queen? King?’

‘2-5? 6-10?’

Go through the numbers testing the arm as you call them out and find then name the card!

Obviously you will NOT be asking ALL of these questions! After each question you will get a STRONG or WEAK
response based on the correct answer/statement. This will obviously tell you which question/statement to present next.

For example, if I ask/say ‘The card is RED?’ and get a strong/YES response then I can now ask/say, ‘The card is a Heart?’

If I get a ‘no/WEAK’ response to the card being a ‘heart’ I immediately know it’s a diamond!

Now I can continue with questions to find out if the card is a number card, picture card or Ace, etc. This is so easy it’s

If you are practicing your muscle testing I suggest forcing a card or using a marked deck (I prefer the ‘Ultimate Marked Deck’).
This way you will already KNOW what the card is and thus you can check your REAL responses and no matter what you’ll
nail the card at the end.

If you’re doing this card demo in front of an audience and want to INSURE you get the proper reactions and final results
when you ask your questions you can use the aforementioned ‘cheats’ to get the proper mind/body response!

With a bit of practice you won’t have to cheat at all. You only need to have strong rapport with your volunteer/subject,
condition their responses as you’ve already been taught and congratulate them when they respond in the correct manner and

I’ve been using REAL muscle testing for years and I’m at the point now where I can have a person simply THINK of any
card in a deck of cards and using muscle testing I can divine their card without the participant saying a word.

I DO NOT present this as ‘mind reading’ because that would be too obvious (perhaps) to be effective. Instead, I present
these feats as a method to SHOW how muscle reading works and how it allows us to garner appropriate responses from the
subject’s mind using ONLY their body – nothing is said by them and yet we are able to communicate effectively.

There are many options to use and ways to go here. You might wish to have your participant THINK of a card and then
write it down to insure they don’t change their mind. I sometimes do this NOT because I fear them changing their mind, but
because afterwards my participant can hide the slip of paper in a pocket/upon their person OR in the room and I can go on
to find it with either muscle testing OR contact mind reading.

I often combine muscle testing with the ideometer response, contact and NON contact mind reading (and
psychological/statistical forces) with my hypnosis demonstrations and ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence for a FULL SHOW with
very little props that hits harder than a Mac truck.

Here are a few more ideas you can use with muscle testing…

I love doing a participant as medium ‘Living & Dead Test.’

4 to 6 people can get in on the action here. One writes a ‘dead name’ and the other record ‘living names/people’ on business
cards or slips of paper. Of course the ‘dead name’ and card is marked using your favorite method. I’ll often use a pencil dot
or pin prick in the middle of a lower case word (if using my business cards) or a small nail mark, corner dent or other
method to locate the card.

At this point the person who wrote the dead name is CALIBRATED using the muscle testing methods I explained prior.
Show them what to expect (yes and no/strong and weak responses through their body). I explain that their subconscious
mind (or ‘Spirit Guides’ – whatever you wish!) KNOWS where the dead name is though consciously they have no idea.

The cards are mixed and one at a time they are placed FACE DOWN upon the participant medium’s right hand. With their
left hand I muscle test each card or name.

Using the cheats I explained earlier in this section I cause my participant’s arm to ‘go WEAK’ when the DEAD NAME is
placed upon their palm. All I’m doing is watching for the marked card to be placed on their hand and at that point I use a bit
more pressure/leverage and my verbal steering techniques to push their arm down lower.

The card is turned over and a miracle is there to be had and shared by everyone present. This is extremely impressive!

On one of Banachek’s ‘Contact Mind Reading’ DVD’s I saw him use TWO people in order to locate the correct hand a small
object was held in. Since seeing this I began using a similar idea with muscle testing to get the same results.

One person hides an object in their hand and shows it to the other. The participant NOT holding the object is tested using
applied kinesiology/muscle testing and thus the correct hand and object is easily located.

This same setup can also be used with a number of people to easily ‘fake’ my entire ‘Thought Channel’ routine. After I do it a
few times with muscle testing I then perform my full original routine with the methods I’ve promoted in the ebook and
championed over the years to nail the object and hand which holds it over and over again.

I often do a ‘TERASABOS’ type routine (from ‘The Book of Haunted Magic’ - Rick Maue is a genius!) one on one with a
person using muscle testing. This is a miniature ‘object location’ that works very well. An object is hidden under one of 5
cups and using muscle testing I locate the correct cup and the object.

NOW I follow this test using mental telepathy and my connection to the participant using Rick’s original ‘TERASABOS’
with tremendous reactions.

A psychological ‘PSYCHOMETRY’ routine can be presented with or without gimmicks using muscle testing to audible gasps
of thunderous applause.

Muscle testing can be used in place of a pendulum to answer simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions during a reading, test the energetic
strength and weakness of certain decisions/options and more. I find this ethical and realistic as the sitter KNOWS in their
mind what they really wish to do and these secret desires and responses come out during muscle testing. Together the client
and I can muscle test certain options and begin to investigate those which show up STRONG/POSITIVELY.

Muscle testing can also be used OVERTLY to discover which area to focus on during a reading. Instead of ‘asking’ the client
(ahem!) I frame the process as ‘asking their unconscious mind’ what it would serve the client best to focus on at this time!

Now I go through love, money, health, travel and spirituality while testing the different categories and supposedly taking my
answers from the unconscious mind of the sitter. Because I address the categories and questions TO THE
UNCONSCIOUS MIND it doesn’t appear as though I’m directly asking the client, even though I am!

A lot of times I’ll use a short and simple induction and suggest the client imagines their unconscious mind forming an image,
face and persona…we effectively give it a body and a personality that is connected to but separate from the conscious mind
and ego of the client/subject (sitter). Now I’ll reach out and ASK this “Higher Consciousness” to answer and NOT the
conscious mind of the client, if that makes sense.

It just so happens that what the ‘unconscious mind’ tells me via muscle testing is EXACTLY what the client consciously
wants to focus on as well.

Once this technique has been mastered it can be combined with other calibration techniques such as those set forth in my
‘Thought Channel’ routine and manuscript. There are many, many uses for these techniques in NLP and Hypnosis because
many of them are derived from NLP and the field of hypnosis.

Over these past few years I’ve begun to use muscle testing by itself and/or with other calibration techniques to divine
THOUGHT OF people in the mind of my participant. Using these techniques I can discover if they are living or deceased,
young or old, family or friend, male or female and much, much more.

These techniques all look and feel like REAL MAGIC and mysticism at work and play here. I highly recommend learning this
material and learning it well. The miracles possible as a result will astound you and delight your audience.

When proficiency has been attained via muscle testing a person can begin using it ON THEMSELVES to get information
directly from the subconscious mind. For instance, I often muscle test myself using my thumb pressed against my ring finger
(in a circle) as I ask questions. If the response my subconscious mind gives me is ‘yes’ my fingers will remain stuck together
and not slip apart. If the answer is ‘no’ my fingers will become unstuck as the pressure exerted causes them to fall apart.

Another way of doing this is making TWO RINGS with your thumb and index finger of each hand. Now interlock these
rings (one inside the other) and ask your mental questions as you PULL the rings/links together. If the chain is broken the
answer is ‘no.’ If it remains strong and the fingers are all intact when the pressure/pull is exerted the subconscious answer is
‘yes.’ I liken this to an ‘organic pendulum!’

This technique is helpful to me as it allows me yet another tool to communicate directly with my subconscious mind (even if
ONLY a mental process!) and the ‘Little Man’ I’ve employed to assist me in day to day activities.

If I ever get ‘stuck’ in a reading (rare) I can ask a few mental questions as I muscle test myself to elicit a subconscious

Instead of asking the subconscious mind of my client which area to focus on I can connect with their mind (using the
techniques in this book) and ask those same mental questions directly TO THEIR subconscious mind (!) and get an
appropriate response from MY own body. This is known as surrogate muscle testing and it can be very effective. It’s
definitely NOT for the beginning stages though I do recommend you give it a go after some practice and experience with
these basic techniques.

Once you begin to think of muscle testing as a very direct form of the ideometer response you will start to see how infinite
the uses for it truly are. Because I am a proponent of ‘doing it for real’ I invite you to practice up on these skills and begin using
them in your work. You can see and judge the effects for yourself.

There are many great resources for learning advanced muscle testing. I learned this and many other muscle testing techniques
during my hypnotherapy training, again in my GeoTrain ™ training (energy work using numeric codes) and in my ‘Touch for
Health’ class at the Utah College of Massage Therapy. Later I went to work with a chiropractic doctor conducting
hypnotherapy sessions at her clinic and she was also a very advanced ‘Touch for Health’ trainer who taught me advanced uses
for these tools and information such as NON CONTACT testing and surrogate testing.

I’ve also seen muscle testing getting very popular in the NLP and EFT circles as of late. All of these techniques work
together and have a remarkable synergy.

The information in this book is solid and more than enough to get you started – it could be all you want or need.

Other Tools For Transformation

Another tool I favor is the PERSONAL READING experience; psychic readings blended with conversational
hypnosis. Readings and language patterns, rapport techniques and other tools taught in this book were destined to
meet and work together beautifully.

The private reading is a naturally therapeutic experience and why shouldn’t it be?

We all need someone to support us in our choices without judgment or reservation and listen to us closely as we share what’s
going on with us and our lives. A reading by a good reader provides this. The result is naturally healing, positive and lightly
(or deeply) therapeutic.

I cannot stress how effective a simple induction is when followed with positive suggestions, a set anchor and the EFT and/or
Swish patterns and techniques working together. These tools provide a Universal session that ‘Thought Veil’ students can
begin using now to make money AND assist their clients. These session are fun and empowering and business is booming!

What I’ve aimed to do here is give you the tools necessary for providing people with positive, uplifting and empowering
sessions. These ‘sessions’ can be provided in a formal atmosphere or even as a ‘give away’ after a hypnosis or mentalism
demonstration and performance.

That everyone is different and unique is obvious. With that in mind the tools I am sharing with you are the ones that WORK.
I have tested them for years and simplified them in ways you can understand and use now. A basic structure to my sessions
has been provided.

I would say that using the techniques taught in this course and the basic structure to my sessions I have provided allows me
to work in the same manner with most of the people who come to me for assistance. People and details (their issues) may
differ though for the most part my session and its execution remains the same. The resulting success is something I can rely
and count on.

Here are the steps I take in the majority of my sessions:

1). Meet and greet the client, establish rapport.

This includes all the usual things we as a people do when we meet others. I make eye contact, shake the client’s hand with a
warm smile and ask, ‘How are you doing today?’ and say ‘It’s nice to meet you’ or ‘It’s nice to see you again’ depending on the
situation. These things are obvious.

2). Elicit criteria, discover what the client wants and needs are and what has brought them to me.

3). Feed the criteria back to my client with language patterns and begin the session with light relaxation techniques or a
reading. A reading in my case incorporates relaxation techniques and waking hypnosis during the process.

4). I use any one of the inductions I favor to deeply relax the client. Using the criteria as a focal point the client and I use the
process explained in the ‘PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER’ portion later in this book to create a symbol and
affirmation/mantra for the client to use in the moment and days to come.

5). Counting the client out of trance we tackle the problem or issue together and confront it head on. I use the ‘Swish’
technique and EFT Flow to remove the negative program, thinking and behavior.

6). Once the negative programming has been removed I and my client create a new reality, image and experience. I remove
the old and replace it with a new program that WORKS for the client.

7). I merge my client with the experience by taking it deep inside of them and anchoring it to a physical touch, breathing,
their symbol, affirmation and energy spinning (used in the Swish pattern). I re-induce trance and give positive suggestions
directly to the subconscious mind.

8). I now terminate trance by the methods taught prior. I ask my client, ‘How do you feel? and ‘Who do I remind you of ?’ to make
sure there are no negative attachments to the facilitator or process.

9). I re-assess the client on a 1-10 scale. I make sure the positive programming has taken properly and fire off my anchor.
This insures that my client leaves me positively glowing, happy and at perfect peace – ecstatic about their session and
resulting feeling. I also use feedback from a pendulum or through muscle testing TO SHOW A DEFINITE CHANGE
which further impresses these suggestions upon the conscious and subconscious mind of my client.

10). As I wrap up the session I thank the client, receive my payment (if I haven’t already) and give detailed instructions
regarding how to STOP negative thoughts and behavior in their tracks. This takes about 5-10 extra minutes. It’s at this point I
answer any remaining questions about the work and process the client might have at this time.

My follow-up sheets consist of about 25 pages of dietary suggestions (vitamins, minerals, calcium and oils I use and
recommend), an exercise regimen that ANYONE can do, a water chart and simple instructions regarding meditation and the
use of the BASIC ‘Swish’ pattern and/or EFT flow, eliciting the anchor I set and reaping its benefits, spinning positive energy
to negate self defeating emotions and instructions on how to keep a dream journal and combat insomnia.

The packet is all inclusive and provided as part of the initial session. Of course for every health related suggestion followed
no intention is made to cure, treat or diagnose in any way, shape or form and the information is provided for educational
purposes only. Any instructions relating to personal health or emotional wellbeing my client may wish to follow are agreed to
be done under the watchful eye and care of a licensed physician or medical doctor.

The point of my sessions is to meet the client on their level and inspire them to higher, healing states of mind and body
while providing unconditional love and support (via holding them in a state of unconditional positive regard), supporting the
client in their choices without reservation or judgment and creating a safe space for healing and ‘self induced therapy’ to
happen all around and within them. I create and share healing states of mind, body and Spirit.

I use a combination of relaxation techniques, guided meditation, positive suggestions, hypnotic inductions, language patterns
and energetic techniques to assist, empower and inspire the client in realizing their goals and desires.

The handout I provide my clients with is effectively a recap of the work we did together in a very simplified format. I leave
the client FEELING GOOD and armed with a variety of very simple tools they can begin to use NOW to shape their life in
a positive manner. I use basic tools and modalities during my session and I use them to their greatest effect and potential.

Usually I only need to see a client for ‘inspired change work’ once or twice for any given issue. I do my best to NOT go over 3
to 5 sessions and then in only the most intensely dire of cases.

Many times people just need to relax, de-stress and decompress, have access to a sincere attentive listener and get a few
positive suggestions, encouragement and reassurance in their life. I support the client in their choices and do my best to
impart tools, techniques and positive mental programs that naturally lead to a higher/grander life experience.

By doing solid work and giving the client the tools necessary to stay empowered and make small changes with a big
difference I avoid creating a co-dependent relationship among those I work with. Like a good reader and
hypnotherapist/healer should, my intention is to give the client TOOLS they can use and to empower them to create positive
change on their own.

Through teaching the client simplified ‘Swish’ patterns, the EFT flow and positive affirmations/auto suggestions, meditation
instructions and visualization I eliminate the need for them to come back and see me more than is absolutely necessary.

I often combine private readings with the change work I do in one session. This is very effective and I offer a discounted rate
for both of these services when combined. The idea here is to discover what ‘coming up’ for the client/sitter and happening
in their life through the reading and use the process as a format and structure to move seamlessly into the positive change
and transformational training process. In this sense I consider myself an ‘Intuitive Life Coach’ and that is often how I bill
myself. Readings with NLP and conversational, waking hypnosis is very effective when combined.

This process is so dynamic because in a reading while working with my sitter we often find out WHAT the potential
‘problem areas’ are in their life together. Very few readers I know actually go the extra step to assist the client in making
personal, positive changes and using tools such as core issue hypnotherapy and other techniques or modalities to help
alleviate the problem and its negative results.

I often set a follow up session two weeks after the initial meeting with my clients. This allows me to see the immediate results
of my work and make small changes if necessary. It also allows the client to know and feel that I truly do care about them
and how they are doing in life. ‘Do unto others’ remains the rule I live by.

Many people will be so impressed by the results of our work and time spent together they jump at the opportunity for
another session. In two weeks time they have seen and experienced the positive changes and effects made in their mind, life
and heart and will begin to bring other ‘changes’ or issues to the surface to confront in a manner that has proven effective
and which I provide.

While I am more than happy to work with a client for an extended period of time providing we continue to make positive,
detailed progress AND the client is constantly empowered and provided with tools and techniques they themselves can use
to affect these changes I don’t see a problem. I have a personal rule that I will not meet with ANY client more than 6 times
per year for readings or healing work. I get consistent re-bookings for the services and work I provide and don’t wish to
create codependency or take advantage.

Later in this course I will teach you very effective techniques to market yourself and the services you provide. This
information works just as well for the private reader and Intuitive Life Coach as it does for an entertainer, mentalist or
hypnotherapist. My model is also very cost effective and simple to follow.

Guidelines For Success

1). As a highly trained, advanced, intuitive Hypnotist you always succeed. Creating deep and positive change within a person
may or may not take more than one visit and in some cases you might require the assistance of another professional, healer
or therapist.

2). Always have your intention clear about the desired results. Right, wrong or indifferent your clients and subjects will
manifest the results of your shared, clear intentions.

3). In trance many forces are at work. If you are ever in doubt regarding how the safety of your session or performance is
going TERMINATE TRANCE. As a hypnotist you are a magnifier of consciousness. All that is hidden deep within the
subconscious mind will make itself known.

4). Smiling, laughter, crying and other emotions are ways of RELEASING emotions and anxiety. If you subject begins to
laugh while on stage or during a private session it doesn’t mean they are NOT hypnotized – it’s simply a release and tells you
the process IS working perfectly.

5). An abreaction is the process of reliving an experience. In trance the client may physically act out the experience and it
MAY be traumatic. Be careful. Always keep the safety and well being (emotional and psychological health) of your subject(s)
firmly in mind. We’ll deal with how to cope with an abreaction later. For the most part if you are sticking to the role of a
stage hypnotist and entertainer ONLY you are cutting back on the chances of experiencing an abreaction. With that said,
they will happen to everyone eventually. You need to be prepared.

6). Pathology (the physical cause of symptoms) is a condition that must always be ruled out when dealing with pain. I come
from the school which teaches, ‘the cause is not the cause’ and ‘where you think it is, it isn’t.’ This simply means that our
mind creates the symptoms and experience of the body and urges anyone going further with this course and seeking to
become a skilled hypnotherapist to remember NOT to get involved with band aid therapy. We desire to go to the root of the
problem and help resolve the core issue of whatever manifests and shows up in the body.

7). Semantics have the power to heal or kill. Select your words carefully and always use positive words and positive states of
being in the present moment.

8). Always put the monkey (the client’s problem) on their back. Do not buy into the clients reasons, stories and excuses for
why they are how they are. Teach them to be personally responsible for their life and actions, and especially their thoughts.
Inspire the accountable version in all that you do. Buying into the client’s ‘victim story’ keeps them small and stuck. There is
always an accountable version regarding how and why the client has created their current life experience. Until they own their
experience and the power to change it, they cannot change. We are always at choice and always creating.

9). Anything that happens in your life remains locked away and hidden in the subconscious mind and will never change – that
is a fact. Only our perceptions and experience of a past event can change and that is what we work with during hypnotherapy
sessions and trance states. As you change the client’s perspective you will naturally change their experience. In this sense we
can begin to heal past wounds and trauma.

10). Think only positive thoughts about the client and your desired results/outcome. Learn to hold each person you work
with in ‘unconditional positive regard.’ Visualize and hold in your mind the outcome and client you want. Remember that
thought proceeds physical manifestation.

11). Transactional Analysis can help resolve prisons of the mind. TA is a system that recognizes three distinct states of being
within each of us – the parent, adult and child. You will learn a bit more about TA as we proceed through this course. The
point is to liberate the child from their imposed sentence of suffering and free the adult to be open and loving.

12). There are two types of induction – paternal and maternal. The Paternal Induction is an authoritarian or fatherly
approach. This is a very direct type of induction that is commanding and used by hypnotists. The Maternal Induction is
permissive, gentle and a motherly approach to trance. It allows the client to find their own state of trance and comfort with
you acting as the gentle guide and facilitator. When working with a client it is always better to start off paternally and take
control in the beginning. Later you can switch to a maternal approach if need be. If you start off passively you will likely find
resistance in these early stages.

13). A therapist can be compassionate and even gullible, but not stupid. This means that you are in information gathering
mode and collecting data you can use later to assist your client in confronting their history and creating positive change at all

14). You DO NOT cure, treat or diagnose. Ever! You assist the client, subjects and participants in empowering themselves
and entering deep, tranquil states of peace and relaxation which has natural, beneficial results. It’s not what you do, it’s what
you SAY you do!

15). The presenting problem is never the real problem. The presenting problem gets the client in to see you. Then you may
assist the client in discovering and coming to terms with the real problem, issue or consideration and inspiring them to move
forward with their self healing potential.

16). Will power is nothing in and of itself, but couple it with motivation and positive programming and you will create
enough free space/movement for rapid change.

17). In relationship to an individual being hypnotized only FEAR and RESISTANCE will prevent your success. Remember
the three feats of being hypnotized – fear of losing control, fear of revealing secrets and fear of getting stuck. There might
also be a fear of looking foolish and I’ll teach you how to address all of these and more shortly. Address the fears, put the
subject’s mind at ease and move on. It’s as simple as that.

18). The BIG BROTHER of the subconscious mind is that part of an individual that will talk to you and may or may not
reveal information and what it knows about the client to you while in trance. Do not ever tell your client about an event that
they do not remember consciously but share with you while in trance. Your work is to convince the subconscious mind to
release any and all vital information to the conscious mind so that the client has full access to the inner scripts in order to
make all necessary changes.

If a BIG BROTHER conversation arises during trance and the client does not remember what transpired during the session
ask them, ‘What do you think we talked about?’

If the answer is, ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I can’t remember’ ask them, ‘If you did know (could remember), what would you say?’

19). When a client does not respond to positive changes, suggestions and programming look for secondary gains. These
‘secondary gains’ are payoffs or benefits a person might have for holding onto their problems and ‘non working’ behaviors.

20). Should you encounter symptom transference you had better get to work on the real issue. An example of ST would be if
an individual stops smoking but gains twenty pounds in the process. Remember that you client deserves and requires
empowerment and assistance on all levels.

21). Don’t believe that your client had a happy childhood even if they tell you they did. You’re paid to act gullible, not stupid.
Don’t challenge the client’s beliefs unless it is necessary to the process and you are trained to do so in a gentle, effective
manner. Don’t expect to challenge ANY beliefs unless and until you have enough information to make a case.

22). If a client has a problem with a certain word, find out what it means to them.

23). In regressions, tapping on the forehead creates an annoyance. This tapping action creates tension and while offering
questions the anxiety created will actually assist one in entering hypnosis because it gives them something to RELEASE
from. You should only consider this more forceful tapping if you have been trained personally and properly with a gifted
mentor as you might actually hurt the client or dissolve the trance state. Gentle tapping can be used much like warm, golden,
rhythmic raindrops falling upon ones forehead if framed just a bit differently for deep peace and relaxation.

24). Breathing is the key to relaxation. Relaxation is the key to suggestion. Suggestion is the key to hypnosis. Always have the
client take some deep breaths before you work with them, and both during and after your session. I cannot stress the use
breathing techniques enough!

25). Watch out for the person with the will or wish to die. This will to die may or may not be very deep as the basic instinct
we all have is to survive. If a person is manic depressive or suicidal depressive I will always refer them to a licensed healthcare
professional in their area for immediate treatment and contact the authorities. I make it a personal rule NOT to work with
those who exhibit suicidal thoughts, tendencies or behavior. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen and a major potential tragedy.
These folks need and deserve MORE than a hypnotherapist and this, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

26). We do not have patients or customers, we have clients. Also be wary of making personal friends of your clients. There is
a client to hypnotherapist relationship that should never be crossed. Hypnosis should never be used as a means to attain
sexual favor. Use your best thinking and better judgment here. Strive to be a good person and remember the golden rule, ‘Do
unto others as you would have others do unto you.’ Trance places your clients into a highly suggestible, open and vulnerable state of
being. Be compassionate.

27). ANYBODY can assist, empower and inspire others by showing them proven ways to relax, de-stress and take control of
their life through their emotions.

ANYBODY can inspire other people by example to take action now and take positive steps towards their goals. We can use
the power of positive suggestions, creative visualizations and guided imagery or meditation with affirmations, language
patterns and pattern interrupts to assist in making positive changes within a person. If anything, this should be the extent of
your work as far as what you’ve learned and will continue to learn within this course goes.

I cannot stress enough how SERIOUS any type of therapy is. People are complex creatures. The last thing I want is for
‘Thought Veil’ students to get in over their heads with someone in a therapeutic context and end up harming that person or
their growth and development. Remember this information is presented here for educational and informational purposes
only and DO NOT attempt a therapeutic process without the proper skills, training, qualifications, licensing and experience
to do so.

Rules For Successful Programming

1). Speak in the present tense: ALL suggestions whether during hypnotherapy or performance mentalism and hypnosis
shows should be given in the moment of NOW when possible.

While it is possible (and later encouraged) that you give post hypnotic suggestions and eventually you will be using
suggestions meant to take place SOON (a few moments after giving them) for the most part you’ll want to give your
suggestions in the current moment of NOW.

For (a bad) example, instead of giving a smoker the suggestion of ‘You’ll become a healthy non smoker by Wednesday next week’ we
want to speak to them AS THOUGH they are ALREADY a non-smoker with suggestions such as, ‘You’re a healthy, non
smoking man with a keen sense of personal health and well being.’

I’ve called the above a ‘bad example’ because it defies the second rule of positive programming which is speaking in positive
states of being. It serves us here as an instruction only.

We give positive suggestions NOW and speak to the client in positive states of being AS THOUGH they were already in that
state or person they are now seeking to become. We proceed as though the positive suggestions have already become a reality.
We treat the client or subject as a changed person NOW, not later.

Instead of, ‘You’ll begin to feel the coin heating up in your hand’ we might give NOW suggestions such as, ‘And already you can feel the
coin heating up in your hand.’

As you grow in experience you’ll begin to see how both NOW and FUTURE suggestions can be of immense use and value.
For now simply focus on giving your suggestions in the present tense.

2). Be positive: We should at all times speak and give our suggestions in positive states of being.

Following are lists of words that describe both how clients might initially appear to us (negative states) and how we desire
them to be, act and feel after working with a highly trained hypnotherapist.

Positive States Of Being

Abundance, acceptance, accountability, assistance, authenticity, awareness, beauty, brightness, clarity, commitment,
compassion, completeness, connection, consciousness, contribution, courage, creativity, dependability, divinity, embracing,
empathy, empowerment, feelings, focus, forgiveness, freedom, generosity, genuineness, gratefulness, harmony, honesty,
honor, inspiration, joy, lightness, leadership, unconditional love, natural knowing, openness, passion, peace, positive nature,
preciseness, presence, radiance, realness, respect, risk, sensitivity, sharing, strength, sincerity, space, spirituality, supportiveness,
tenderness, trust, truth, unity, urgency, vulnerability, vision and win/win to name a few.

Negative States Of Being

When making it a point to remain positive and speak in positive states of being it is valuable to remain conscious
and aware of the following, broken states:

Abusiveness, analytical, anger, blame, boredom, bound, cheated, closed, cloudy, co-dependent, confused, rumors, selling out,
coldness, conditional, controlling, darkness, deceit, denial, disconnected, draining, ego, emptiness, excuses, fake, being in
other’s business, mediocrity, fear, fixed beliefs, greedy, grudge, guarded, guilt, hateful, heavy, helping, invalidation, inventing,
judgmental, justifying, keeping score, lack, loneliness, manipulative, needy, negative, negligent, opinionated, pain, pity,
preoccupied, reacting, reasons, rejection, rebellion, right/wrong, scarcity, sadness, selfishness, self centered, separateness,
shameful, slow, sugar coating stories, spiteful, stuck, sucky, suspicious, turmoil, user, vague, vicious, victim, weak, lose/lose,
reasons, stories & excuses…

I do my best to avoid the negative states of being and fill the mind and consciousness of my sitters, clients and audience with
positive states of being.

For those of you who offer private readings with Richard Webster’s ‘Psychometry from A-Z’ the following lists will provide you
with plenty of topics and subject matter with which to draw your inspiration.

3). Be specific: We want for our suggestions to others to be specific when possible. In performance mentalism and theatrical
mind reading sometimes NON SPECIFIC suggestions can also be very powerful as we will soon realize. For the most part
though make your suggestions clear and to the point. Be specific.

4). Be detailed: This goes hand in hand with specificity during suggestion. Tell your audience, subject or volunteer
EXACTLY what you wish for them to do.

5). Be simple: Keep your suggestions simple. The more complex the suggestion the harder it is to respond to.

6). Use exciting and emotional words: Draw upon the powerful words and positive states of being (above) when
delivering suggestions and the effect will be stronger. Successful suggestions begin with using specific, simple and detailed
commands with powerful words and positive states of being.

7). Affirm activity: When causing a coin or spoon to heat up or a subject’s arm to lift AFFIRM activity even when there is
none. Continue giving suggestions that a change is taking place and that your suggestions are working, even though subtly.

I’m very keen on the phrase, ‘It’s SUBTLE, but it WILL HAPPEN!’

8). Accuracy: Make sure your wording and suggestions are in alignment with the desired phenomena. For instance, if I wish
to make a subject’s eyes grow tired and seal them shut I want to give suggestions which support the phenomena, NOT ‘Your
mind is filled with energy now and it’s easy for you to stay awake.’

Though a very bad and obvious example I think the above makes my point quite nicely. Don’t contradict yourself when using
suggestion. Say what you intend and make sure that everything you say and do supports what you wish to achieve until the
suggestion takes effect and comes to fruition.

9). Be realistic: Suggestions that are too unbelievable or farfetched will invite natural resistance from the left
brain/conscious mind. We get to begin with light suggestions to wear down resistance and open the doors wide to a greater
phenomenon to take place.

An example would be suggesting to a hypnotherapy client they were going to lose 20 pounds a day for the next week…it ain’t
gonna happen. Suggestions like this are going to fail and invite resistance you may not be able to overcome once in motion.

10). Personalize: Tailor your suggestions to the man or woman in front of you. Use the subject’s name when possible, touch
them and make suggestions based on their criteria for maximum effect.

11). Symbolize the suggestion: It often helps if we can take the suggestion and create a symbol or metaphor to link it with.
For an arm to become light perhaps the subject’s wrist is tied to a cloud or hot air balloon. For it to grow heavy perhaps they
are holding a steel weight or a large boulder that causes their arm to sink down lower and lower with every breath.

If nothing comes to mind instead of creating a symbol for the suggestion to follow I nearly always have my subject or
participant close their eyes and see/IMAGINE the suggestion working perfectly. It’s a simple step now to consciously guide
my participant to follow exactly what they see in their own mind. The results are the same!

Re-read how I explained ANY suggestion can be faked appropriately. We’ll see how I use this concept to its maximum
potential in my ‘Telepathy in Action’ notes and sequence.

Putting It All Together

As a phenomenal ‘Random Act of Kindness’ and positive programming session ‘on the fly’ I follow a few simple
steps for success. Keep in mind the following is very entertaining with a bit of thought and can actually make a
real, profound difference in the world and your participant.

The effects you create with the following guidelines will far outweigh and outlast any card trick or swami effect you can do.
Learn this well and it will be very good to you and everyone you share it with.

1). Elicit the criteria of your subject using the, ‘What’s important about?’ language pattern three times in a row. Each time we
ask the question we get a different (though congruent) response. This concentrating criteria exercise is meant to take us to
the heart of the matter and subject within three of four questions (successions).

I will often ask my subject if they had ONE WISH and one wish only, what would they spend it on or how would they spend
it? Once I get their answer I use the ‘What’s important about’ question three times to hit the participant’s bottom line (core issue
and desire).

2). Drawing upon positive states of being and using powerful words I work with the participant to create a positive
affirmation which perfectly reflects their desire. Together we choose 3 or 4 positive states of being which support their
deepest wish(es) for themselves.

Another great method here is to hand the participant a pendulum and show them a list of words (Positive States of Being) or
call off a few words I feel are congruent and get our feedback and the best words to use from the pendulum. If working
from my office I don’t hesitate to use a written list.

During performance I’ll rattle words off the top of my head and/OR ask the audience to call out words they might associate
with the participant’s goal or wish. This assists in getting everyone involved. Whatever the case your participant should be
actively involved in the process. Share the experience WITH THEM, don’t do the work FOR THEM.

3). Together we take that affirmation and desire and turn it into a symbol. Money and material wealth might be symbolized
by a fancy car or house painted in dollar signs ($). A loving, harmonious relationship might be symbolized as a heart with two
stick figures holding hands within it. Use your creativity and assist the client in creating a symbol to reflect their wish and

It’s a simple matter to ask the subject directly, ‘If you could turn that wish/desire INTO A SYMBOL what immediately springs to
4). After a short, simple and positive affirmation and symbol has been created I use an induction to deeply relax my
participant. This can be any induction you wish from the basic ‘3 MINUTE INDUCTION’ or ‘Handshake Technique’ to an
instant induction or any other you wish to use. In situations where time is of the essence I simply ask my participant to close
their eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine a few colors (short Rainbow Induction).

Another very powerful technique to use with the ‘Rainbow Induction’ is to ask your participant to visualize ANY color they
wish in accordance with how they FEEL. They are to take their feelings and transform them into a color. ‘Happiness’ might
be a light blue or soft green color while ‘excitement’ may show up as red or a fiery orange color. If more feelings and/or
colors wish to be imagined that is fine too. The participant is to take their thoughts and feelings and turn them into

When the participant is deeply relaxed and in tune with their thoughts and feelings I will bring to mind the symbol we created
together and use the personalized/tailored affirmation we also created to deliver positive suggestions and programming to
the participant.

If you simply wish to program the participant for an empowering life experience, great feelings and a good attitude I use a
generic affirmation as follows,

‘I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and prosperous.’

This is my all time favorite affirmation and I use it constantly myself and with my clients, audience and individual
participants. Because the affirmation (direct auto-suggestion!) is so universal and all encompassing if pressed for time this is
the one I will use for just about every situation. With that in mind it’s a very strong gesture and suggestion to custom
make/create and tailor a specific induction with your participant. By using the client’s criteria, core beliefs and personal values
you will create a perfect affirmation or personal mantra each and every time. You might also choose to create a few of them
together and calibrate their effectiveness with a pendulum or muscle testing to see which of them the subconscious mind of
your client responds best to.

The mantra/affirmation works to occupy the conscious mind while the symbol/drawing assists in impressing the meaning
and desire on the subconscious mind.

I have my participant focus on the image/symbol while mentally or verbally reciting the affirmation THREE TIMES. That’s
all it takes! I might go a bit further and use a few binds, double binds and hidden directives to drive the suggestion and
affirmation deeply into their subconscious mind. The choice is yours. You and your participant WILL get very positive and
powerful results with the 3 direct affirmations and simple instructions to use the basic process daily until they arrive at their

You could go a step further if time allows and suggest that your participant merges completely with the symbol of their
desires, that s/he already has that which they seek (it’s being created and making its way towards them NOW!) and so on.
You can keep the process very simple and straightforward or embellish and decorate it appropriately.

The idea here is to use a short and simple process to assist, empower and inspire the participant and give them an idea,
symbol and affirmation to focus on as they move towards their goal.

I count the subject out/terminate trance and they are left with a very positive feeling and experience. The subject is deeply
relaxed and FEELING GOOD and has a few new tools to use as they move forward towards their goals and desires.

A big point is made that direct action and hard work is necessary to attain our goals. This exercise is meant to empower my
participant and focus their thoughts and energies on what they desire to create for themselves, nothing more and nothing

Instructions are given both in and out of trance for the subject to take a few moments each day to close their eyes, take a few
deep breaths and IMAGINE their symbol as they recite the mantra/affirmation 3-15 times per session. It is often helpful and
produces spectacular results when the subject includes SMILING as part of their home ‘mini session.’ It also makes them

Closing their eyes, taking three deep breaths and focusing on their symbol will naturally alter brainwave patterns and neural
activity. The subject is instructed to recite the affirmation/mantra we created together and spend 30 seconds smiling and they
are done! This is an exercise and great manifestation/goal realization process they can take with them and use every day as a
support mechanism in the realization of their goals, wish and desires.

There is lots of room for mentalism here but this short routine doesn’t need it. It’s very powerful in and of itself
ESPECIALLY when the pendulum is involved.

When I am using the pendulum I can easily test how suggestible my participant is by its movement. I can also then use the
pendulum for a strong induction after the affirmation has been created (based on the subject’s core beliefs and values).

To further impress the positive affirmation upon the mind of my subject I calibrate the pendulum movements to see which
direction it responds to and moves in while my subject thinks of ‘YES’ and ‘NO’, respectively. This is a simple process and
will be detailed in my pendulum induction later in this book. It all happens in the participants hand and is very, very effective.

The pendulum can be used to supercharge affirmations and drive them deeply into the subconscious mind by asking the
subject to think ‘YES’ and having the pendulum move in the appropriate/calibrated direction as the affirmation is said aloud.

This gives the subconscious mind the cue that our affirmation is already a reality and thus can assist to better create the
experience in real life. The subconscious mind will accept the suggestion/affirmation in accordance with the pendulum
movements and aligning our conscious and unconscious thoughts through the body.

If one desires to spruce this routine up a bit (I don’t now, though I have in the past) you can use a simple drawing duplication
with the symbol creation. You might also pocket write a few of the words chosen for the affirmation. You can also have the
subject write their wish down on a business card or slip of paper for a peek, billet switch or center tear to gain the
information. After you reveal the ‘core desire’ simply proceed as written above to create a symbol and affirmation which
reflects the client’s goal or wish.

Have fun and use this little piece in good faith. The people you share it with will remember it for many years to come and in
many cases it might actually help to create that which they desire. Of course when this happens there is a positive anchor
with you in mind there, especially if you suggest it during the process!

Using the above techniques with the ‘Swish Pattern’ and EFT Flow gives you the basic building blocks to conduct a very
effective session with practically anyone and for any reason.


The following routine is a personal favorite. It’s a lot like the prior piece with a different slant and method.

This is a highly valued piece of mine and something I use on a regular basis. Part of the additional services I offer during my
private reading sessions are centered around assisting the client in releasing their stress, personal issues and frustrations in
unique, interesting and effective ways.

‘Telepatherapy’ is based on something I call a ‘Sacred Deception’, a term coined by the fabulous Alejandro Jodorowsky to describe
his work, the philosophy and process involved in healing others through the ‘sacred lie.’

There are a few wondrous modalities I feel it’s beneficial for the hypnotist, reader and Psychic Entertainer to learn. These
‘quick fix’ modalities include:

• EFT, ‘Emotional Freedom Techniques.’ EFT can be learned in a matter of minutes FOR FREE online at the following

• One can use the BASIC EFT FLOW with their clients to facilitate a pattern interrupt, energetic balance or at the
very least a very powerful placebo. Gary Craig has done extraordinary work in this area and the basic EFT sequence
is available to learn and use online. I also highly recommend his entire DVD course.

• NLP ‘quick fixes’ and ‘Swish’ patterns. One of the best sources available to learn easy and effective ‘Swish Patterns’
is in the book, ‘GET THE LIFE YOU WANT’ by Richard Bandler. There are many available sources online and on
YouTube that can teach you this basic technique. Later in this book I will teach you my variation on the ‘Swish
Pattern’ which has proven more effective in my own work than the original.

Using just these two techniques one is prepared to make a huge, positive difference in the world and facilitate lasting,
powerful changes in the life and mind of your clients.

The astute and efficient ‘Thought Veil’ student will realize a basic induction can be used with simple rapport building
techniques, a few good language patterns, some positive suggestions and affirmations with EFT and a nice ‘Swish’ pattern to
create the necessary shifts in mind and consciousness required for deep healing.

One doesn’t need to be a therapist to share positive suggestions with the world or create powerful changes within other
people. Take my advice and learn these few simple techniques well and you will marvel at all the goodness and empowerment
that arrives as a result.

People will remember a solid 5-7 minute reading or mini hypnosis session with a ‘quick fix’ to some troubling problem or
light emotional issue forever. It is certainly ‘real magic’ and will outweigh ANY piece of magic or mentalism in the long run,

In ‘Telepatherapy’ I use a combination of EFT and NLP to produce a positive, healing state and resolution to difficult
problems and issues. It’s very, very effective.

The basic structure behind my routine is simple and was inspired by a Luke Jermay piece from ‘7 Deceptions’ wherein he
magically removes a person’s worst fear.

My routine is a lot different in that besides the magical act and symbolic gesture of destroying a fear (or problem in my case)
I actually go a few steps further using the above written modalities to REALLY remove the problem and its effects from a
person’s life.

To begin I have my participant think of a current problem or issue they are facing at this time. This problem can be anything
of a personal nature – I want something that affects them NOW and has proved troublesome or problematic, the alleviation
of which would be of great value and service to them.

If my participant has a few things that are bothering them I’ll take the biggest problem, issue or consideration at this time. If
the subject is having a hard time deciding I turn to my trusty friend the pendulum to assist us with a decision.

Once a perceived problem is in mind I ask my client to IMAGINE their self experiencing that problem. Most importantly I
ask them to remember HOW THEY FEEL when experiencing this problem or issue. I also want them to rate how
troublesome, stressful and frustrating this problem is on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.

This is similar to the process forthcoming wherein I will use EFT and my ‘Swish’ pattern to remove the feelings and
perceptions surrounding the client’s personal issue.

At this point I ask my participant to THINK of one word and one word only that could best describe their problem or even
better, HOW THEY FEEL when experiencing it. As before the participant may ALSO create a SYMBOL which represents
their current issue. The choice is yours.

This word is written down on a business card, billet or close up impression device. I prefer John Riggs’ ‘Beautiful Butterfly’ or
Millard Longman’s incredible ‘Acidus Novus.’

Once the word has been written down I move into the process of taking this issue and the negative effects surrounding it
away from the client completely.

In a SYMBOLIC GESTURE the card or billet with their word inside is destroyed by tearing it into pieces. It’s at this point I
use my instant read CT or other peek. Millard Longman’s wonderful ‘Acidus Novus’ is spectacular here.

While I am destroying the billet my client/participant is to focus on RELEASING this problem/issue and the stress
surrounding it to the best of their ability. You can burn the billet or tear it to pieces – whatever you wish is fine. If using an
impression pad allow the client to destroy the billet in a symbolic act of parting with and releasing their problem.

During this process of tearing and peeking my client is instructed to imagine this problem fading away and leaving them. As
always I have them take deep, cleansing breaths and imagine the issue leaving them and taking the negative effects of its
existence with it.

As a psychological anchor I follow it up with ‘The Process’ from my book ‘T&R.’ If you’re not familiar with this piece, simply
ask the participant to breathe deeply and imagine the 7 basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) to
help relax them.

Sitting across from the person I take both their hands in mine and share the following impressions from ‘TPPR’ in ‘Thought

“I feel that you’re not exactly at the high point of your life or in this situation yet. It’s almost like you are looking back and looking ahead,
symbolically tearing yourself in two… re-evaluating things . . . I do feel empowerment from external sources, an important friend or other person
involved here somehow . . . I also feel opposing forces and plans for action, getting closer to a solution, random, ready… I sense some feelings of
insecurity surrounding this topic and that your full participation and attention to life is required at this time.”

Without knowing what the actual problem or issue was the above reading makes it appear as though I have tuned in on the
sitter’s specific concern. I end the reading with a description of the word or feeling they had previously written down

I do this by asking myself HOW I would feel if I were to experience the word/feeling the client has written and how I would
respond to that feeling mentally, emotionally and physically. How would it make me feel?

I take the word and allow myself to feel as MY CLIENT was feeling through it. I meet them at their level of experience and
slowly bring them out of it by eliminating the EFFECTS of their problem/issue through EFT and NLP.

This sequence alone is enough to convince just about anyone and provides us with a very suggestible and receptive state of
being within them, something I believe to be integral in this type of psycho-spiritual healing process.

I follow up with my ‘EFT/NLP’ sequences to remove the adverse effects of the participant’s difficulty.

That is the FIRST PART of this two part routine.

To finish I use a very simple psychological force.


After I’ve given the reading, divined the word/feeling and removed the problem I ask the client to take an ‘internal inventory.’
I want to know (and I want them to know) that our work together and the process here is successful. They take a few
moments and search deeply within themselves and look for the problem or issue and its negative effects.

9 times out of 10 the problem is perceived as gone… COMPLETELY GONE!

I don’t care if this is the result of a placebo, suggestion, hypnosis or pure bullshit. I and those I work with want RESULTS.
Make of this process whatever you will and do not discount the results and benefits derived from it.

I recap with their word (the ONE WORD description of their problem or resulting feeling – for example ‘frustrated.’) like

‘Before we began our work together to remove this problem and its effects I sensed that you were feeling ‘frustrated’ and you agreed. Now that your
problem is GONE what’s ONE WORD that could describe HOW YOU FEEL NOW? Hold that word in mind and feeling in your mind
and heart…’

The normal response at this point is ‘happy’ or ‘relieved.’

I use this psychological type force to my advantage.

Holding their hands again and closing my eyes, I begin the following reading…

‘I sense that your problem has receded now and will not be troubling you anymore; at least not at the level in which it was before this. The feeling I
get now is one of happiness, relief and peace. Is that about right?’

More than likely they will agree here completely. If they say they feel something (anything) different to what I have described
above, I ask them directly ‘How do you feel?’

The results and response is normally a very positive one.

Notice how I throw out THREE different answers to increase my chances of nailing the client’s internal state of being at this
time. I also include the words, ‘is that about right?’ to further increase my chances. Even if I am off slightly I am still SPOT
ON in effect. This is what Ian Rowland calls ‘Wrong Headline, right small print’ principle. We can be ‘right’ even when we
are ‘wrong.’

It should be said right now this routine is not meant to cure, treat or diagnose any mental, emotional, physical or
psychological maladies. This is an empowering, theatrical and entertaining demonstration and should be treated as such. If
my client or participant has an issue of a severe or pressing nature I refer them to a doctor, lawyer, marriage counselor or
other professional as I see necessary.

This routine is best suited for small problems and stresses; things at work, little habits, sleepless nights and everyday
concerns. Do not hesitate to refer your client to a financial planner, relationship counselor, legal advisor and licensed medical
practitioner for problems of a serious nature. As readers, hypnotists and entertainers we should want what’s best for a
person, remember our boundaries and not assume the role of a healer, therapist or external source of answers, solutions and
fixes of a serious or life changing nature.

At the end we can incorporate the routine outlined before this to shift everything into a POSITIVE STATE OF BEING.
This would include getting proof and feedback of our success from the pendulum, creating a new picture, affirmation and
symbol and inducing trance to leave these powerful and beneficial tools with the recipient.

Learning basic EFT and NLP ‘Swish’ patterns is very easy. Both can be learned within an hour and used effectively for the
rest of your life as explained earlier in this book.

Often these two remarkable tools can be shared with a person by themselves and be remembered and talked about long after
your mentalism has been forgotten. I suppose it comes down to this: do you want to be another magician with no role or
purpose outside momentary distractions for people or do you wish to be an agent of change and a REAL MAGICIAN?

I’ve made my choice.

Language Patterns

Language patterns provide a model and structure with which to deliver suggestions.

They are created in such a way that embedded commands and other techniques fit into and work with them very easily. When
delivered correctly your suggestions have the capability of bypassing the conscious, judgmental mind and directly affecting
the open, receptive subconscious mind.

Using just a handful of good language patterns will give the hypnotic mentalist incredible results in performance, business
negotiations, creating rapport, inducing trance, positive suggestions/ mental programming and they have a variety of other
uses as well. Some have used them in seduction, persuasion or even group meditation, readings and life coaching.

I stick with a few basic patterns and use them very, very well. The following patterns will allow you to create hardcore
miracles with little effort and in very little time. These patterns are meant to be used as part of your every day speech and
conversations (also in readings, hypnotherapy, performances) as your subject does NOT have to be in a formally induced
trance state for these suggestions and language patterns to have great impact.

I highly suggest taking ONE PATTERN and using it as many times and in as many different situations as possible for a full

As you proceed you’ll begin combining patterns and working in this slow, methodical fashion within a month or so you’ll
have an incredibly powerful skill set that will set you and your work high above the rest.

I’ll list the major patterns I use here and then explain their uses and how to execute them properly.

Instant Rapport:

‘So what you’re saying is…is that what you’re saying?’

Hidden Directive:

‘I was wondering whether…’


‘As you…’

‘You may find…’


‘The more (x) the more (x)…’

Double Binds:

‘The more you… (x)…the more you…(y)’

Eliciting criteria:

‘What’s important about...?’

Eliciting core beliefs and values:

‘What’s important about…’

‘What’s important about…’

‘What’s important about…’

‘Ultimately what would that create for you (in your life)?

What would (BLANK) allow you to be, do, have or experience at this time?’

Other language patterns I use quite a bit are tried and true classics, tested verbal deceptions and linguistic miracles such as:

Can you notice…(X = suggestion)?

With your permission…

Now, I’d like you to have a new experience…

And I’d like for you to discover…

At first…(X)…but later…(Y).

I wonder if you can notice…

Or if you’ve started to realize…

And your unconscious mind can enable you to…

In all probability…

In truth…in reality…

And I’d like you to allow yourself to…

At times like this, some people experience/enjoy (think, feel, etc)…

Give yourself the opportunity to…

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen…

…and by simply noticing these changes now, you may find…

Almost as if…

Kind of like…

That’s right…

What’s important now is the ability of your mind to…

And as that occurs, you can’t really help but noticing (thinking, feeling)…

You might already be conscious and aware of… (X, Y, Z) taking place within you and all around you NOW…correct?

And you can feel/sense/imagine/experience these things (X, Y, Z) happening already, can you not?

Imagine you feel/sense/experience (X)…and tell us all what that feels like to you, in your own words…

Go ahead now and…

Just let go and…

Simply feel/sense/experience (X) AND…

When you’re fully committed to (X, Y, Z) go ahead and just lift your arm and those feelings will increase…

And you can open your eyes when your unconscious mind is fully prepared to accept and create these changes within you (& your life) now…

Now be honest…

You don’t have to lie to make me look good…

You don’t have to (X)…for this to work even better for you…

Is that okay with you…?

Are you ready to begin…?

Give yourself permission to…

Show me/us how powerful your mind really is by…

From this moment forth you can…

Tell me everything about (X)…

Most people go into hypnosis very quickly… and very deeply…

The vast majority of people can enter a very deep trance state in just (only) 10 seconds or less…

The more intelligent a person is, the more intuitive they are and the more aware they are of themselves, the more they can…

The more you try to resist the better this works BECAUSE resistance is a conscious effort and what you’re experiencing now relies directly on a

And so on and so forth.

Armed with just a few simple suggestions and sticking to the major ones I teach and have recommended you to study and
utilize will allow you to create just about any shift, change, effect or suggestion you wish.

Later I’ll explain embedded commands as these suggestions can be worked into ANY conversation or dialogue with excellent
results and are very easy to use.

Realize that even though this book is not filled to the brim with language patterns that a few good ones are all you need to
create magnificent reactions and results! Quantity is not important here. What matters is that you learn to use these few
patterns well to get tremendous results.

We’ve already discussed some very powerful techniques for creating rapport so let’s move on to ‘Hidden Directives.’

Hidden Directives

It is important to realize that using tonality and inflection during language patterns will increase your success
rates exponentially. Also PAUSING briefly before the command or feedback is given works to make the suggestion
stronger as we shall soon see.

When ASKING A QUESTION and raising our voice and pitch AS we ask the question we capture the attention of the
conscious mind. For example, if I say ‘So what you’re saying is…’ with an UPWARDS tone and inflection it produces a higher
degree of interest in the client. As my tone goes UP the subject’s mind sits up to attention and listens. Higher tones produce

It’s a very simple rule to remember that raising your voice and pitch gets the attention of your subject easily and naturally. By
LOWERING your voice during the following command or feedback we psychologically MARK the suggestion and drive it
deeply into the subconscious mind. This is easy!

There is a reason I structure language patterns in such a way as will soon be explained in depth. The basics of the psychology
here is that I raise my voice slightly to capture the conscious mind’s attention, PAUSE briefly (1, 2, 3) and then lower my
voice slightly to mark and drive in the suggestion. By pausing slightly before delivering the suggestion (in a lower tone) the
conscious mind goes away.

The conscious mind NEEDS constant stimuli to remain interested. If nothing happens within a few moments it shifts
attention and goes somewhere else. It is during this brief moment wherein the conscious mind ‘gives up’ that I fire back the
suggestion in a lower pitch or tone that I used to set it up.

Using the ‘So what you’re saying is…’ example – I ask the question with an upward tone or inflection. When I deliver the
feedback I pause for 1-3 seconds and then lower my voice slightly. This simply makes the pattern and execution more

If I’m mirroring back a client’s response to the question, ‘How is your day going?’ and they tell me, ‘I’m having a really good
day today’ the language pattern would look like this:

‘SO WHAT YOU’RE SAYING IS (high tone/pitch) …(slight pause)… you’re having a really good day today, is that
what you’re saying?’

The UPPER CASE QUESTION is made with an upward tone to elicit the attention of the conscious mind. I pause
(indicated by the …) for 1 to 3 seconds and then lower my voice/tone/pitch as I deliver the feedback, ‘you’re having a
really good day today…’ as indicated by the bold letters.

This is really, really easy to grasp and begin using immediately.

When using Hidden Directives (hidden direct commands & suggestions) this structure of raising the voice, pausing and then
delivering the command in a lower tone/pitch is vital. Following these exact instructions when working with language
patterns will make all of your work more effective.

As mentioned prior HIDDEN DIRECTIVES are simply direct commands that are hidden. Usually they are hidden within a
question. This is brilliant because the QUESTION (upward tone) grabs the attention of the conscious mind. A slight pause

before the command (and the suggestion/command being made in a lower tone) drives the suggestion deeply into the
subconscious mind where it will take root, grow and be acted upon accordingly.

For hidden directives I use a few models. The simplest one and certainly the most effective is by saying, ‘I’m wondering

‘I’m wondering whether…’ is said in an UPWARD TONE. This creates interest in the conscious mind of the subject because it
is a question stated with an upward/rising pitch.

After the question I use a SLIGHT PAUSE of 1 to 3 seconds. This pause lowers the resistance provided through efforts of
the conscious mind. PAUSING drops the recipient’s conscious guard/resistance and makes the following suggestions more

After this slight pause I give the DIRECT COMMAND or suggestion with a lower tone or pitch to mark it.

The full suggestion would be done like this, ‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward tone, catch the attention)…(slight
pause, lower resistance and conscious effort)…you’d like to see a movie with me…(direct suggestion, lower tone).

‘I’m wondering whether…’


‘I was wondering whether’

Are both beautiful and effective questions with which to HIDE your direct commands.

Hidden directives in this sense are much like embedded commands but a bit more forceful and planned (and isolated,
intentional). I view embedded commands as more spontaneous suggestions I happen upon during the moment and
conversation and weave naturally into the dialogue and process. This will come with experience using embedded
commands…you’ll hit points in your scripts, dialogue and conversations where you JUST KNOW you can pause, alter your
pitch and tonality and deliver the suggestion with slight emphasis to make everything you say even more effective than ever

The HIDDEN DIRECTIVE is an extremely potent tool you can use to give ANY suggestion you wish to. The beauty of
embedding it in a question is it appears as though you are merely ASKING A QUESTION and not giving a direct

The basic structure again is: ‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward tone)…(slight pause)…you’d like to (BLANK)…?’

The (BLANK) in this case is your command or whatever you are suggesting!

The command and suggestion you give in the (BLANK) can be anything you wish such as – ‘see a movie’ or ‘hire me for your
event’ or ‘meet me for a drink tonight’ or ‘feel this spoon heat up with energy’ or ‘have your mind read now’ or ‘experience hypnosis’ or ‘see some
magic’ or whatever you wish. It’s an extremely versatile and effective tool.

Language patterns allow us to put thoughts, ideas and suggestions directly into the subconscious mind of those we work

When working with direct commands, hidden directives and presuppositions I continue to raise my eyebrows (reflects
interest), shake my head ‘YES’ and smile when appropriate. These are all things which help subtly guide your subject to say
‘yes’ and agree with the command being given.

These language patterns are very effective in hypnotherapy when used like this, ‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward
tone)…(pause)…you’d like to quit smoking NOW, easily and naturally…?’


‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward tone)…(pause)…you’d like to RELAX INSTANTLY NOW deeper than you
have ever relaxed before…?’

For teaching purposes I have put in italics the additional command and suggestion ‘RELAX (instantly) NOW’ as an
embedded command. With a bit of practice and understanding these techniques you will begin to embed commands and
suggestions within hidden directives so there is no doubt they will be accepted and very little chance of them ever being
resisted. We’ll get into embedded commands shortly.

Hidden directives are so effective because they are DIRECT commands and suggestions that LOOK like questions!

Let’s look at a few more very basic examples before we move on.

‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward tone)…(slight pause)…you’d like to close on this house today…(direct
suggestion, lower tone)…?’


‘I’M WONDERING WHETHER (upward tone)…(pause)…you’d like to see me for a psychic reading (downward tone)

I cannot stress how valuable and potent these techniques are in use. I have seen my beginning students create MIRACLES
with just a few of these simple tools. For instance, I usually give my formal students one language pattern a week until they
have 5 or 6 they can use well and start putting them together.

Week two in my live training is when I teach the HIDDEN DIRECTIVE. During week 1 my students learn mirroring and
pacing with the ‘So what you’re saying is…’ language pattern.

Using just these two techniques together my students have completely transformed their life by the results and effectiveness
of the suggestions they give others. They create rapport first and then use a HIDDEN DIRECTIVE or two or three to
implant suggestions. As a result they were closing more sales, getting dates, booking shows, getting promotions at work, given
deals on items they purchased, even free meals and attaining what they wanted from their relationships and much, much

One young man who never had a real date before in his life walked straight up to the girl he admired since grade school and
said, ‘I only have a minute, but I wanted to swing by and say ‘Hi’ real quick…how are you doing today…?’

He mirrored the woman’s feedback and response with, ‘So what you’re saying is…is that what you’re saying?’ to which she naturally

He continued, ‘Great. So Christina, I was wondering whether…you’d like to go out to a movie with me this Saturday…?’
while raising his eyebrows slightly and shaking his head ‘yes’ up and down.

The man was terrified, but he was doing what I taught and promised him would work if he would follow my instructions and
implement his training. He sat there with a nervous smile before she responded, ‘Umm, sure. I’d love to!’

He followed with, ‘So what you’re saying is… YOU WOULD LOVE TO (!)…is that what you’re saying?’ still shaking his head

She responded in the affirmative and felt closer and closer to him by the moment.

He ended with, ‘Perfect! I’m also wondering whether… you’d like me to pick you up around 8:00 or so…?’

She agreed and rather enthusiastically at this point! He was made in the shade. He proceeded to get her new cell phone
number and made a B-line to the parking lot to puke behind a parked car.

The reality is language patterns work and they work really damn well in the right hands (err, mouths). Although this student
already had a great deal of rapport with this girl to begin with the LANGUAGE PATTERNS gave him the confidence he
needed to approach her and ask her on a date – something he was unable to do before. As he did this he felt secure knowing
he was speaking in the most powerful, persuasive way possible and the results reflect this perfectly.

Speaking with language patterns is naturally powerful – they reflect confidence, strength and solidity, all things which are very
attractive to a woman (and most people).

These tools allow us to implant firm suggestions directly to the open, emotional, non judgmental mind of our subject/target.
The results are magical.

Now are a few language patterns always going to work with this much success? The answer is ‘NO’, not always. Effective
suggestions, negotiations and performances rely on a number of tools working together to gain effective results.

Those tools are rapport, eliciting criteria, using language patterns and suggestions properly and working with a certain
confidence and authority people naturally respond to.

Being clear in your intentions and keeping the subject’s criteria in mind while closing is important. My beginning students
don’t have immediate access to all the tools I teach as ‘Thought Veil’ students do. With just a little technique there is so much
that you can and WILL do.

Take a deep breath. Imagine yourself using these techniques to create the results you desire.

Are you enjoying this process?

What is this material worth to you?

We’ve already looked closely at physical, mental/emotional and energetic mirroring AND creating rapport with, ‘So what you’re
saying is…is that what you’re saying?’ language patterns.

You’ve also learned how to elicit criteria and I’ll tell you this: using criteria with HIDDEN DIRECTIVES is lethally effective.

How I incorporate these techniques together is very simple…

Once I have elicited criteria by asking, ‘So what’s important about…’ three times (3X) and then, ‘Ultimately, what would that create
for you?’ to hit the client’s BOTTOM LINE (core beliefs and values; what they are needing and seeking from me). I take the
criteria and feed it back to the client with a HIDDEN DIRECTIVE.

Once I have the criteria I say, ‘I’m wondering whether…you’d like to experience (enter criteria – for example, ‘Peace, happiness
and satisfaction’) NOW…?’

Of course the client will respond ‘YES!’

‘Good, because as you…TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND IMAGINE THIS NOW …and as you…schedule a reading
with me today, you may find…(enter suggestions) you can finally experience ALL OF THIS AND MORE, easily and
naturally…now how would that feel?’

The above is a short example of what you will soon be doing. Once we have established rapport and elicited criteria we begin
working with our language patterns. I set it up with a HIDDEN DIRECTIVE and then move into PRESUPPOSITIONS.

In the above example I have used a few presuppositions and embedded commands and then ENDED with a question!
Ending with a question is a very powerful tool that we’ll also be looking at soon.

I use the hidden directive and subject’s own criteria to begin linking the criteria to myself, the service and sessions or
performance I provide. A fantasy is created in the subject’s mind which suggests if they DO THIS (whatever I tell or ask of
them) the result will be they can GAIN, HAVE & EXPERIENCE the object of their desires – the life outcome and results,
the feelings and experience they are searching for.

This can be considered a very unfair technique and I admit to being an advantage player. Once we have elicited the subject’s
criteria we should do everything in our power to MEET their criteria honestly and effectively. To use language patterns and
other techniques with the client’s criteria to get what we want without giving back to them in return is simply manipulative.

The nice thing about eliciting criteria is that your subject absolutely CANNOT fight your suggestions from that point
because they are centered and revolving around EXACTLY what your subject wants, needs and is looking for. To resist your
suggestions at this point would be to fight and go against their own criteria. It simply won’t happen.

Eliciting criteria FIRST AND FOREMOST allows you to know EXACTLY where you need to aim your suggestions for
maximum effect. It gets straight to the heart of the matter and gives you a nicely visible target for your language patterns and
suggestive techniques to follow. By eliciting criteria and then feeding it back with language patterns such as, ‘So what you’re
saying is…?’ rapport is deepened and strengthened even more.

With these things in mind we can start to use our hidden directives, presuppositions, binds and double binds, embedded
commands and other techniques to their full potential and thereby attain immediate, successful results.

This has so many uses in mentalism and private readings, selling products, creating deeper and more meaningful relationships
(and more!) it’s insane. Start thinking about how you will start using these techniques yourself. Study the material in this book
and learn to use it well through constant practice and I guarantee that you will be in a league of your own.


The next technique we’ll speak about with regards to language patterns and delivering effective suggestions is

A presupposition is simply an idea or suggestion (a behavior, effect or outcome) we PRE-SUPPOSE.

When using these language patterns we do so with the intent that our suggestions have ALREADY BEEN ACCEPTED and
basically tell the subject WHAT will happen as a result!

The basic structure for effective presuppositions is simply,

‘As you (X)…you may find (Y)…’

‘AS YOU’ is the presupposition in this case. The (X) is the suggestion we give. (Y) is the result of the suggestion or whatever
IDEA we wish to attach/link the suggestion to. In this sense we are giving TWO distinct suggestions with one single
language pattern.

‘AS YOU (upward pitch/tone of voice)…(pause slightly)…feel the spoon bending…(downward tone/direct suggestion)…’

‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(slight pause)…relax deeply now…(downward tone/direct suggestion)…’

In the above examples ‘feel the spoon bend’ and ‘relax deeply now’ are the suggestions I am giving with the presupposition

Once again we remember to incorporate tonality and inflection to catch the interest and attention of the conscious mind so
we can effectively bypass it and give our suggestions directly to the subconscious mind.

We pause briefly before the direct command or suggestion to lower the guard and resistance of the conscious mind and then
FIRE our suggestions directly at the subconscious mind.

By using the words AS YOU we presuppose that our suggestions WILL HAPPEN and even that they ARE HAPPENING
NOW. Presuppositions ASSUME something and that ‘something’ is whatever command or suggestion you wish to give at the

‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(slight pause)…go on a date with me this weekend…’


‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(slight pause)…enter a deep state of peace and relaxation (lower tone, direct suggestion)…’


‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(slight pause)…hire me NOW (lower tone, direct suggestion…’


‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(slight pause)…hold that image and possibility in your mind (lower tone, direct command or


The words ‘AS YOU’ can be used at any time during a performance, conversation, negotiation or formal hypnotherapy
session to give a command or suggestion in the form of a PRESUPPOSITION. It implies and assumes that our suggestions
ARE (IS!) what’s going to happen. We speak as though a decision has already been made, thus the term ‘presupposition.’

Now, we can begin to work with this a bit more in depth by combining the words ‘AS YOU’ with ‘YOU MAY FIND’ to give
an entirely new suggestion simultaneously.

Examples of this might be:

‘AS YOU (upward tone)…(pause)…take a deep breath now (said in a lower tone, direct command) AND AS YOU (slightly
higher tone)…(pause)…allow your eyes to close down gently (lower tone, direct command)…YOU MAY FIND (upward/rising
tone)…(pause)…hypnosis feels wonderful AND you can become hypnotized very quickly (lower tone, direct command and suggestion)

There are a few things going on with the above language patterns and example.

First, I have used ‘AS YOU’ a few times and each time I give a NEW SUGGESTION. Realize that you may use ‘AS YOU’
multiple times during a pattern or ‘SET’ (set of combined patterns working together) to give a number of suggestions very

Second, I have added a new gambit to the mix in the form of, ‘YOU MAY FIND…’

The words ‘YOU MAY FIND’ allow me to give and link even more suggestions easily and naturally within my set. Whatever
comes after the words, ‘you may find’ is a suggestion! We implant certain ideas/suggestions inside the subject’s mind of
things they MAY find…

Third, I have included the word ‘AND’ in the pattern to further give and link suggestions. Realize that ‘AND’ links words,
patterns and ideas.

The words ‘may find’ are also very sneaky. They can be taken to mean and understood in two different ways…

1). You MIGHT or MIGHT NOT find…(lessens resistance and allow the suggestions to work perfectly)…you COULD

2). You MAY FIND (denoting permission granted to find and respond to the suggestions).

The reason I use the words ‘you may find’ as opposed to the more direct ‘you WILL find’ is that direct commands that are
not hidden invite resistance from the conscious mind.

By saying ‘you MAY’ instead of ‘you WILL’ the conscious mind stays dormant and allows the suggestions to enter the wide
open subconscious mind very effectively and without any resistance. The results WILL be the same, the only difference here
is that one set of words (‘you will’) invites resistance while the other (‘you MAY’) does not. I also favor using the words,
‘YOU CAN’ with these and other language patterns.

Of course you can and should learn to change up the delivery of your language patterns for texture. Examples of this may
include, ‘As you (X)…you may EVENTUALLY find…’ or ‘As you (X)…SOONER OR LATER you may find/come
to realize/become aware of… (Y/suggestion)…’ and so on.

Keep these patterns SIMPLE. They are easy to learn and easy to use. I realize it seems like a lot at first glance – simply read
over the instructions here and PRACTICE aloud until you have a thorough understanding of these techniques. The more
you use them in the real world the easier they become. As a result of your constant practice these patterns may soon become
a permanent part of you and you’ll begin using them without having to try so hard.

Remember the structure here, ‘As you (X)…you may find (Y)…’

‘X’ and ‘Y’ are the suggestions you wish to give and/or the phenomena and responses you wish to create. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ can be
anything you so choose or desire!

Many times I’ll frame it as ‘X’ = what the client will do


‘Y’ is what the client will think, feel, find or experience (suggestion).

I often begin by pacing natural states by marrying something observably true TO/WITH a number of suggestions following
such as, ‘AS YOU sit in that chair NOW, YOU MAY FIND your mind and thoughts growing clearer every moment…and as your mind
and thoughts grow clearer every moment you might begin to realize a warm, glowing feeling swirling around and building up within you at this time.
As a result you can START to experience waking hypnosis immediately and STOP for just a moment to notice that it feels really good…’

With my language patterns and during every performance, reading and hypnosis session I offer I use a number of the
powerful words in conjunction with these verbal patterns for greater effect. I do my best to include as many of the
POWERFUL/POSITIVE WORDS as possible in my language patterns.

Let’s look at a few more examples:

‘As you (upward tone)…(pause)…take a deep breath now (slightly lower tone, direct command)…and as you (upward tone)
…(pause)…begin to relax AND agree with what I’m saying (lower voice, direct command)…you may find (rising tone)…
(pause)…that warm, loving feeling of peace and contentment growing deep inside of you very quickly now…’

I also like to link the words ‘AS YOU…YOU MAY FIND’ with ‘AND’ and also ‘AND AS A RESULT’ to create dynamic
patterns with many different uses like this:

‘As you take a deep breath now…and as you…close your eyes down gently…you may find… a deep state of peace and contentment
washing over you now OR you might just find instead a perfect mental clarity you’ve never felt before…and as a result…you are able to
make positive life changes now very easily, very quickly and which last forever… now isn’t that a nice feeling to have?’

The presupposition words are in BOLD LETTERS above while the direct commands and suggestions appear in italics.
Remember to use rising tonality and inflection with short pauses and a lowered tone when driving in the suggestions and
commands for the greatest effect.

Using multi-layered patterns and structures such as these allows the skilled persuasion artist and hypnotic mind reader to
create many different effects, suggestions and outcomes simultaneously.

The most beautiful thing about language patterns and structures is one can learn them in a relatively short amount of time
and begin using them immediately to create amazing, positive results. Also, these patterns allow you to use suggestions YOU
CAN CREATE in any time or place. You will simply think of what you want your client, participant, spouse, co-worker or
salesman to do and begin working those intentions into your language patterns and suggestions.

Instead of memorizing scripts and ‘sets’ I simply hold a focused intention or desire in my mind (and the target’s criteria
whenever possible!) and use formal structures as taught to create perfect language patterns on the spot. They happen

When using language patterns also remember to use as many of the POWERFUL WORDS as you can possibly fit into the
pattern while avoiding negative words at all costs.

Binds & Double Binds

Language patterns known as ‘binds’ and ‘double binds’ are wonderful for many reasons…

First, they allow us to create CONSTANTLY LOOPING SUGGESTIONS which can be replayed over and over and over
again in a client’s conscious and subconscious mind. By giving just a few binds during our hypnosis sessions, persuasive
conversations and suggestion based mentalism we can effectively create a situation where the suggestion given is constantly
repeated in a person’s mind until the suggestion is acted upon.

Second, binds are very useful for tying suggestions together and empowering ALL of them. Third, binds can be used to fight
against resistance and even the blatant conscious rejection of our suggestions. By using binds we can turn ANYTHING to
our advantage.

The last great use for binds is controlling thoughts and behavior at a subconscious level. These patterns and techniques are
dangerous in the wrong hands. Like usual, sincerely caring for the people you deal with and treating others as you want to be
treated should be foremost in your mind.

The way I use binds is very simple. The structure we’ll be working with here is:

‘The more you (X = SUGGESTION) the more you (X = the same or different suggestion, action or effect)…’for


‘The more (X, SUGGESTION)…the more (Y, SUGGESTION)…’ for DOUBLE BINDS.

‘X’ and ‘Y’ in this case is whatever thought, action or suggestion we wish to implant and empower. Another way of looking
at binds is ‘The more you do THIS, the more you also do THAT…’

‘This and That’ can be anything you wish! For example, using SINGLE BINDS we might say:

‘The more you breathe deeply now (X) the more you continue to breathe deeply (X).’

‘The more you relax the more relaxed you become.’

‘The more you (bind)… think about what I’m saying (natural behavior, response, suggestion)…the better it feels (pure suggestion)

‘The more you try to resist, the better it works!’

‘The more you think of your name, the easier it is to forget it for just a moment now completely…’

‘The more you consider this new idea, the more appealing it becomes to you…’

‘The more you relax deeply now the easier it is for all your stress to melt away instantly…’

‘The more you (implant suggestion and/or natural behavior)…THE MORE YOU MAY FIND (implant suggestion or desired

Let your mind and imagination run wild with the possibilities here. With binds and double binds we are basically just telling
our subject THE MORE (X), THE MORE (Y)! As I said before, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ can be anything you wish.

‘The warmer you imagine the coin becoming, the hotter it becomes.’

‘The heavier you imagine your arms and legs becoming, the heavier and more relaxed they become.’

‘The more stiff and rigid you imagine your arm becoming in your mind, the more stiff and rigid it becomes now – easily and naturally.’

‘The faster you imagine yourself entering this deep state of trance, the faster you may begin to enter it now and realize how relaxed you’re capable
of becoming.’

I usually PACE something the client is doing for ‘X’ (sit in the chair, look over the cards, read a book, listen to my voice,
breathe naturally, think of their problem, imagine what I tell them to, hold their hands together, try to open their eyes, etc)
and then give my suggestion with ‘Y’(the more you: begin to relax deeply, drift into a natural state of trance, want to book a
show, desire to have a reading, imagine the possibilities, find that your eyes are unable to open, etc).


‘The more you (X)…try in vain to pull your hands apart…the more (Y) … they become stuck together now even tighter and tighter.’

‘The more (X)…the more (Y)…’

‘The more you (X)…relax…the better you feel. The better you feel the more you may find (can/realize) yourself drifting off into a
peaceful state of trance very quickly now.’

‘The more you (X) …breathe deeply at this time and listen to the sound of my voice…the more (Y)…relaxed you can start to become now,
easily and naturally…’

‘The more you (X)…imagine that coin bending in your mind…the more (Y)…you can also feel it heating up inside of your hand…’

‘The more you (X)…DO THIS…the more you (Y)…DO THAT!’

‘The more you (X)…respond to my suggestions perfectly…the more (Y)… relaxed and creative you become…’

‘The more you (X)…breathe naturally…the more (Y)…relaxed you become…’

‘The more (X)…relaxed you become…the more you may find (Y)…all of these ideas and suggestions begin to make perfect sense…’

‘The more you (X)…START to think about your life at this time…the more (X)…inventive and creative ways you can discover to make
it work exactly how you want it to!’

‘The more you (X)…think about going on a date with me tonight…the more you may find (Y) I’m able to take great care of you and
we’ll have a wonderful time together.

The more you (X)…think about it…the more (Y) this idea grows on you…and likewise the more this idea grows on you, the better it
feels. Obviously the better it feels the more you want to SAY YES NOW… so what time should I pick you up?’

‘The more you (X)…consider hiring me for your event at this time…the more you may find (Y)…I’m the best man for the job AND
more qualified than my competition… So what’s important to you about having an entertainer for your corporate party?’

Binds can also be used to INCREASE whatever effects or suggestions you have already given the subject such as, ‘The more
you (X)…think about me now…the more you (Y)…find yourself thinking about me all the time! Try not to think TOO MUCH about
me, because the more you do the more you want to be around me. Isn’t it funny how suggestions work?’


‘The more you (X)…become deeply relaxed now…the more (Y)…deeply relaxed and hypnotized you become…’


‘The more you (X)…imagine the spoon getting warmer…the more it (Y)…becomes physically hotter and hotter all the time…’


‘The more you (X)…try to resist the better it works. The better it works (Y) the deeper and more completely you relax now. Simply
thinking about what I’ve just said CAUSES my suggestion to replay over and over and over again in your mind (YOU’RE
MINE) easily and naturally.’

Binds can also be used to reverse certain effects, ideas and behaviors such as,

‘The more you (X)…think about the magic convention the LESS involved you want to be with it.’

‘The more you (X)…find yourself craving junk food THE LESS you begin to want it – and the less you begin to want it the more
you may find yourself starting to crave a big healthy salad instead. Out of curiosity, what’s your favorite kind of dressing?’

‘The more you think about me the LESS you think about him. The less you think about him the more you naturally want to
spend time with me.’

Can you see how this works?

Take whatever action, thought or behavior you wish of your client and turn it against them! Give them the suggestion that
THE MORE they do (think, feel, act) like this, the more THAT (your suggestion) also happens!

Pace natural events such as sitting, standing, breathing, blinking, thinking, imagining, waiting, wanting and other observably
true occurrences and link them to your suggestions. The more they DO THIS, the more they DO THAT.

You can also use binds with many incredible mentalism suggestions too. For instance, ‘The more you imagine the coin heating up
now the hotter it feels. The warmer and hotter the coin becomes at this time the easier it starts to bend now… and as the coin bends easily and
naturally you can even start to feel that too and if you begin to doubt that ANY of these things I’ve just said will happen simply take a peek
inside of your hand now and be astonished!’

I often use binds in my therapy sessions with clients such as, ‘The more you STOP THINKING about your past failures and
heartaches the more empowered you’ll become to LIVE IN THE MOMENT and step into the future with grace and dignity.’

There are infinite uses for binds and double binds in hypnosis, of course:

‘The slower you breathe the deeper you relax. The deeper you relax the easier it becomes to respond to my suggestions. The more you respond to my
suggestions now, the better you feel…so just GO AHEAD and start to feel really good NOW!’

I use binds much like any other hypnotist during my inductions and suggestibility tests and even performances,

‘The more you try to pull your hands apart, the tighter they become stuck together. The tighter they become stuck together, the harder it is to pull
them apart. The more you try to pull your hands apart the tighter they become stuck and bound up together now, perfectly and firmly stuck, glued
and locked together in place…’


‘The more you try to speak your name the harder it becomes. The harder it becomes the more you stutter and stammer – and your name again?’


‘The more you think about fighting or resisting my suggestions the better they work, so by all means PLEASE TRY IN VAIN to resist them
now and enter an even deeper state of hypnosis very easily and naturally…’


‘The more you try to lift your foot the more solidly it becomes stuck to the ground. The more solidly your feet both become stuck to the ground now
the harder it is to lift either of them even for just a moment…and if you begin to doubt that what I just said is true, go ahead and try to lift either
of your feet now and see what happens…’

Remember to use the basic structure for your other language patterns with binds and double binds. I say, ‘The more you…’ in
an UPWARD TONE and then PAUSE briefly before giving my suggestion with a DOWNWARD/LOWER TONE and

With time and experience the suggestions will begin to roll into each other naturally – the pauses, rises and drops in tonality
and inflection will become less and less noticeable until it appears as though you are simply speaking naturally and all kinds
of crazy shit is happening as a result. This is persuasion and conversational hypnosis/waking trance states at its very finest.

I use the words ‘you can’ and ‘you MAY find’ to negate any resistance the conscious mind might offer up. Later once the
subject is in a state of deep rapport, I’m LEADING (the subject is following along and doing what I’m doing) and I’m using
their criteria to wrap them around my little finger.

I begin using more direct, affirmative suggestions such as ‘YOU WILL’ and ‘YOU DO’ and ‘YOU FEEL’ and ‘YOU
THINK’ as much and as often as I wish. There will come a point when you will realize that you have WON and there will be
no more resistance.

Of course with a client or subject in a hypnotic trance through a formal induction your language patterns work even better as
there is already less conscious resistance and more subconscious involvement. Your suggestions and language patterns are
delivered directly to the subconscious mind.

During mentalism performances, day to day conversations, readings and business negotiations the key is to alter the state of
mind and consciousness of your subject, volunteer and participant without them knowing OR by getting them to follow
along willingly.

To do this in a conversation simply use the techniques I’ve been teaching you to change the brainwave patterns of your
subject and facilitate an eyes open trance state. Getting your subject to VISUALIZE/IMAGINE something (anything!),
breathe deeply, FEEL and/or REMEMBER things and memories will all drop them into an altered state of consciousness.

Remember to elicit criteria, build rapport and then give your suggestions using these language patterns, powerful words and
other techniques. The only choice and outcome here is TO BE SUCCESSFUL. As you follow this model you will begin to
get the reactions, results and outcomes that you desire with anyone, anytime and anywhere.

This is easy.

Embedded Commands

Embedded commands are great tools for the hypnotic mentalist to use all the time. A deep understanding of
embedded commands allows one to include suggestions in ALL of their presentations, scripts (verbal OR
written!), performances and conversations.

An embedded command is simply a COMMAND or SUGGESTION that is embedded naturally into the conversation.
There is no set structure for an embedded command and though I’ll give you a few ideas here REALIZE that anytime you
can 1). Pause briefly before the command or suggestion and 2). Drop the tone of your voice slightly to mark and change the
command or suggestion you want to place will work wonders for you.

Embedded commands are lovely because we can plan them or allow them to happen spontaneously. The beauty I find in
embedded commands is they allow us to SAY and SUGGEST certain things, ideas and notions that we supposedly ‘aren’t

ANYTHING can be turned into an embedded command. Simply work your suggestions into your natural speech patterns
and dialogue as you go along. Remember to supplement the power of the suggestions with other language patterns, rises and
drops in tonality/inflection and PAUSE briefly before the command is given.

Here are some great examples I utilize in my own work:

‘One may, (name)…(suggestion)…

‘One may, Daniel, begin to realize the power of suggestion working perfectly.’

‘One may also…start to see the benefits of hypnosis in all areas of their life.’

The italicized portions are the embedded commands and suggestions in this case.

‘You can…start to relax deeply and completely now…BECAUSE you know you’ve fulfilled your obligations AND have followed my
instructions here perfectly.’

When using ‘YOU CAN’ I begin to suggest what the client CAN do and WHY using the word ‘because.’

Here’s one of my personal favorites…

‘It’s not like I’m saying…(embedded command/suggestion)…’

‘It’s not like I’m saying…come home and sleep with me (!)…’

‘It’s not like I’m saying…YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS CAR (!)…’

‘It’s not like I’m saying…quit your job and find something better as soon as you can…’

The ‘it’s not like I’m saying’ embedded command setup is PERFECT. It allows us to say and suggest whatever we want
without actually saying it, or so we say! It’s very sneaky and incredibly effective.

A variation on this useful tactic is, ‘Someone once told me…(enter suggestion)…’

‘Someone once told me…you’ve got to make smart investments to get ahead in life.’

‘Someone once told me…it’s easy to relax deeply if you spend a few minutes breathing first.’

‘Someone once told me…hypnosis is easy and fun to use all day every day.’

‘Someone once told me…if it’s not broke, don’t fix it!’

Other ways to make suggestions without seeming to make them yourself is to QUOTE other people. Of course as
persuasion, seduction and suggestion experts we don’t wait for a great suggestion to quote, we simply make them up
whenever we feel like it such as,

‘My grandfather used to say…be thankful for everything you’ve got…’

‘My mother used to tell me…eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, cleans your teeth AND helps one lose weight. Do you like

A great way to give suggestions and deliver embedded commands is by telling your client/subject what SOME PEOPLE
think, feel and do. For example,

‘Some people…sit in that chair and fall directly into a trance.’

‘Some people…sit around all day smoking weed.’

‘Some people…refuse to leave without buying something.’


The word ‘eventually’ is useful because it allows us to suggest something that will EVENTUALLY happen, take place or
come to pass,

‘Eventually…that spoon will start to bend…’

‘Eventually…you’ll begin to realize that everything I say is true…’

‘Eventually…your mind will become blank and you’ll find it very easy and EVEN PLEASUREABLE to follow my simple instructions…’

Another way to do this is by setting up your embedded command with ‘sooner or later’ like this,

‘Sooner or later…you’ll want a house of your own. When that time comes you’ll know who to call!’

‘Sooner or later…something very strange will happen. Your body will become warm and relaxed AND EVENTUALLY you’ll find
yourself wanting to close your eyes down gently and take a short rest as we continue to speak…’

‘Sooner or later…you’ll realize I have your best interests in mind.’

After this section of ‘Thought Veil’ I’m going to tip a few of the ‘dirty tricks’ I use in my own persuasion arsenal. One of
those tactics appears here in a shortened form and entails having your subject IMAGINE and/or FEEL certain things as you
suggest them.

‘You can…see yourself spending more and more time with me, can you not?’

‘You can…begin to relax with just a bit of focus, can’t you?’

‘You can…IMAGINE what it feels like to have everything you desire, correct?’

Something I always love doing is having the person I’m using my suggestions with IMAGINE themselves BEING, DOING
and HAVING whatever it is I’m suggesting. There are simple ways to do this. For instance, if I were selling cars, houses,
boats, insurance (whatever) I would ask my subject to IMAGINE themselves HAVING that boat, car or house and then
IMAGINE what it feels like!

Persuasion artists often use these tactics to persuade women. While I am completely happy in my own relationship as of now
I can attest to the value and power of such suggestions.

‘Can you imagine what that car would feel like to drive? Take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment…I want you to be honest…see
yourself in this car and IMAGINE driving around town with the wind blowing through your hair and that brilliant ‘new car’ smell…
IMAGINE pulling up next to a stop light and seeing all the stares of curiosity and admiration you’d get in a machine like this…feel the speed
and the power of its acceleration as the light changes, the control of its steering. IMAGINE this car sitting in your driveway and what your
neighbors might think or what your co workers would say seeing you glide up to the office inside of it. IMAGINE pulling it into your garage at
night, washing it on the weekends, picking the kids up from school or arriving at the beach in this thing…



The idea here is to create a sense of ownership and identity WITH the car (reading, performance/show, the service you
offer, the product you sell, etc) inside of your subject. Remember to include as many of the 5 senses as possible in your
description. Take your client on a short guided visualization so they can EXPERIENCE what you have to offer in their mind
and begin fantasizing about it.

This works wonders during the process of mind reading, thought transference and telepathy!

Once we place a person into an imaginary context and experience in their mind it becomes much, much easier to persuade
them in reality.

Another example of this for those who use hypnosis for dating and seduction would be to ask the woman to IMAGINE
where the two of you would go for a date, what you would do, where you would eat and more. Get her to IMAGINE the
date already happening and how SHE would see and experience it in her mind.

The uses for this in mentalism and hypnosis are infinite.

‘Can you imagine…the spoon bending in your hand?’

‘Can you imagine what it would be like to go into a trance INSTANTLY?’

‘Can you imagine how it would feel to be perfectly content? Because THAT is what I offer with my new show and

Another beautiful embedded command setup is, ‘What happens when you…?’

‘What happens when you…think of me at work?’

‘What happens when you…imagine buying a new house today?’

‘What happens when you…take a deep breath and focus on a color?’

I also enjoy telling my subjects and participants what a person COULD do…

‘A person could…decide to move forward now without exploring their options…’


‘A person could…realize that by coming to me they’ve made the best possible decision for themselves at this time.’


‘A person could…try in vain to resist these temptations BUT what good would that do?’

Likewise, a person may…book me for a reading after just having met me BECAUSE they’re intrigued with what I do and want to
experience it for themselves…and as a result of that…they could have one of the greatest experiences of their lives and FEEL GREAT
knowing that intuitively they found the best psychic around…’

Another perfect way to deliver suggestions is by stating, ‘You probably already know…’

‘You probably already know…that by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath it’s possible to relax completely in 30 seconds or less.’

‘You probably already know…how fun a vacation would be at this time.’

‘And you’re probably already aware of the fact that…hypnosis works just as well with your eyes open as it does with your eyes closed.’

‘You might already know how to…buy the perfect automobile for your needs.’

A favored version of the, ‘It’s not like I’m saying’ line is, ‘I wouldn’t tell you to…’

‘I wouldn’t tell you to…leave your boyfriend and come stay with me.’

‘I wouldn’t tell you to…go along with my suggestions and become hypnotized instantly.’

‘I wouldn’t tell you to…give me your life savings.’

‘I wouldn’t tell you to…jump off a bridge for making me upset.’

‘I wouldn’t tell you to…follow me blindly…BECAUSE I’m not that kind of Guru.’

The key to suggestions is KNOWING HOW to put an idea (suggestion) inside of a person’s mind whether they act on it or
not! When I persuade, when I perform, when I lecture, when I give suggestions to the people all around me I do so with the
intention of NOT CARING if those ideas and suggestions are acted upon or not. I let go of the process and while I have a
final goal, result and outcome in mind I do my best to stay un-attached to that outcome. I don’t worry about messing things
up because for me it’s all for fun. As a result of this I SEE, HAVE and EXPERIENCE greater results than most.

I know that if my suggestions fail that it’s not the end of the world. Just the same, I KNOW that when I follow what has
been taught and instilled within me and do what I know best (remain clear in my intentions, create rapport, elicit criteria,
speak in powerful words, incorporate mental constructs, employ language patterns and more) then I WILL be successful!

There are a few embedded commands that have become almost cliché over time as nearly every new hypnotist who learns
them begins to use them all the time and feels very devious while doing so.

I dub the following language patterns and embedded commands ‘phonological ambiguities’ – also known as an ‘auditory un-

These are words have double meanings and can be taken a few different ways.

One of the most common patterns of this nature is, ‘You, like me…(suggestion).’

The suggestion to our subject here is simply YOU LIKE ME! To be effective this pattern needs to be followed up with
another suggestion like this,

‘You, like me…can understand the value in having a sales team who works together and strives towards a greater, mutual goal. What I teach
corporations to do is… (suggestion)…’

‘You, like me…can IMAGINE what it might feel like to work 3 days a week and make six figures a year, correct?’

‘Naturally, you like me…can decide for yourself what’s best to do in a situation like this. I see this happen all the time and here’s what I
do…(suggestion, suggestion, suggestion!)’

Another great ‘ambiguous suggestion’ is ‘by now’ which sounds exactly like ‘BUY NOW!’

‘By (buy) now…you’ve probably considered a few models to choose from. Do you prefer the red or the white version?’

‘By (buy) now…you can probably imagine all of the benefits and perks that come from a seminar such as the one I provide…’

‘By now…you’ve probably thought of a number of personal questions you’d like to approach with the Tarot…’

A suggestion I’ve already mentioned briefly earlier in this book is simply, ‘In your mind’ which also sounds EXACTLY like

That ‘your mind’ and ‘you’re mine’ are so similar makes this particular phrase very useful for those who are serious into
psychological mind control devices. Keep the use of this phrase subtle; when delivered correctly there is absolutely no way to
tell between the two. This embedded command creates a sense of belonging within the subject TO the hypnotist – there is a
definite sense of ownership being suggested here.

‘And as you take a few deep breaths for me I want you to see a few simple colors IN YOUR MINE. The first color I want you to see in your
mind is red…and as you see the color red in YOUR MINE allow your level of peace and relaxation to double, easily and naturally – knowing
that in YOUR MINE a process for perfect trance and relaxation is taking place and that you are doing wonderfully…’

Those three primal sexual sounds (Oooohh, Ahhhhh and Mmmmhh) can be used to great effect during suggestion and
persuasion. As mentioned briefly before these three sounds are practically ingrained into our human minds. They denote
pleasure, satisfaction and contentment. Because they unconsciously remind humans of their sexual nature they elicit many a
conscious and subconscious response.

Once that conscious and subconscious response has been elicited, the conscious mind stands to attention as the
subconscious mind opens up wide to receive our suggestions…

To use these for persuasion and suggestion I simply wait for an opportune moment such as when my subject asks a

‘So how does hypnosis work exactly?’

‘Mmmmm. That’s a very good question! I’m wondering whether you’d like to learn more about the process while experiencing it


‘How much do you charge for a reading?’

‘Ahhhhh. I charge (X) and Like most people, you probably have a number of questions and concerns you’d like to have
answered at this time, correct? While this is a rare and valuable service and while my rates also vary depending on what
YOU want and need, there’s something unique and interesting about you – you have a very nice energy to you and I’m sure
we can work SOMETHING out to create a win/win situation here. What’s important about getting a reading and having your
questions answered at this time? What might that create for you and how much do YOU feel such clarity and insight could be
worth to you?’


‘Ohhh. Can you feel that (coin) bending it your hand now?’

You get the idea.

Another hilarious sexual suggestion is, ‘I’m going to a movie later and I was wondering whether…you’d like to COME

To steer a conversation towards sex a great method is to wait for a sexually ambiguous phrase, word or term and then STOP
and ask, ‘Wait, are we still talking about the same thing?’

Dirty Tricks & Big Secrets

When using NLP, heart to heart communication strategies, persuasion, seduction and rapport technologies there
are a few ‘dirty tricks’ I’ve picked up along the way that can actually help, aid and assist you in creating positive
results with the people you work with. The information presented here is meant for entertainment and educational
purposes only. I include it at this time for the sake of completeness.

Persuasion is a potentially dangerous art and science. As I’ve preached and gone to great lengths in this course to show you
the RIGHT WAY to do things I’ll choose to spare you more rhetoric at this time.

Let’s look at anchoring, placing yourself into the minds of others, creative scenarios for persuasion and additional techniques
for charming and seducing the minds of others as this will all make you a greater hypnotist and even better mentalist. We’ll
begin with ‘Sleight of Mouth.’

‘Sleight of Mouth’ patterns are generally disruptive – they have the tendency of breaking down resistance, challenging fixed
beliefs and changing the minds and hearts of those you wish to. Only an asshole would use these patterns to hurt other
people. Don’t do it.

When placed on the spot and you need some time to come up with (create) an appropriate response a great method is to
answer the difficult question being posed WITH another question…

‘Where were you on the night of April 11th around 7:00 p.m.?’

‘THAT’S an interesting question, officer. Why do you ask?’

The key here is to ACKNOWLEDGE the question and then ask your own as though you wish to clarify a reason for the
response or information requested. The result is that the person ASKING the question must now give their own answer.
This buys you time AND lets you know exactly WHY these questions are being presented to you. It turns the table so now
the questioner is doing the explaining. It steers the conversation and query in a different direction.

‘Is what you do REAL or are you a magician?’

‘That’s a great question, why do you ask?’

‘Did you cheat on me last night?’

‘That’s a REALLY odd question, sweetheart. Why do you ask?’

‘What happened at your last job to make you leave?’

‘That’s a good question. Why do you ask?’

‘Do you believe in Pro Choice rights for women?’

‘That’s a deep question, why do you ask?’

‘How do you feel about our military presence in the Middle East?’

‘That an interesting question – and I’m sure you have a good reason for asking it. May I ask what that reason is?’

In situations such as the last example this ‘turning questions’ tactic is great to use when you intend to mirror and pace
people’s beliefs, opinions and attitudes. It allows you to KNOW what their particular stance is first so you can choose to
mirror and pace it appropriately.

One of my personal heroes is Persuasion Guru Kenrick Cleveland. A large portion of my NLP 101 classes, training and
instruction was based on his particularly useful and beautiful system of suggestion, persuasion and seduction. For the record,
I consider Kenrick the very best in the world when it comes to this stuff and he’s a pioneer in the field of suggestion and

My mentor was a personal friend and student to Kenrick and as a result I feel like I had the best possible training available
when it comes to this area of practice. Combined with the pivotal, foundational works of Bandler and Grinder, Ross Jeffries,
Kenton Knepper, Rex Sikes, the Master Hypnotists and NLP Trainers Maxwell, Spencer, “The Rods” and others within and
without our industry I became very proficient very quickly.

Kenrick teaches something called the 100% + 1 principle which states that when pacing people’s beliefs and opinions we
should NOT compromise ourselves or our own beliefs just to get what we want. Instead, we should find out what our
subject thinks, feels and believes and identify with the 1% of their issue, belief system, approach or political/religious stance
we CAN agree with and then back that 1% with 100% of our efforts and energy!

This means that we can usually find SOMETHING within a particular belief, religion, political system or attitude (that we
don’t agree with fully) and agree 100% with the 1% we CAN agree with. As a result we don’t sell out our own beliefs or
compromise on issues we might also feel very strongly (and oppositely) about.

There are many ways to challenge and change another’s thoughts and beliefs. I know I could mirror, pace and create rapport,
elicit criteria and then use the techniques at my disposal to effectively reprogram a person from the ground up – but who
wants to do that? Work of such a nature would be the epitome of manipulation and I don’t want any part of it.

Instead, there are ‘SOM’ (sleight of mouth) patterns that work just as effectively to CHALLENGE the belief or opinion and
actually cause our subject to begin doubting it themselves and/or eventually reject it completely.

One such pattern is simply, ‘That’s an interesting belief.’

This does feel a bit condescending and it DOES make the person sharing their beliefs, viewpoints and experience feel ‘small.’
For this reason I choose to challenge fixed beliefs that no longer work for a person and ones they’ve told me they wish to
change ONLY.

For example, imagine someone telling you that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world and you turned around to
say, ‘That’s an interesting belief.’

It simply makes the person sharing feel STUPID (!) no matter what they are sharing. It’s hard to explain the effects it has on a

There are patterns to follow up with in cases such as this:

‘(X) puts on a great concert!’


‘Cirque Du Soleil always puts on such wonderful shows.’

And I say…

‘That’s an interesting belief. Have you seen one lately?’


‘(X person) is looking really good this week.’

‘Hmmm. I find that very interesting. Have you seen him/her today?’

This second question, ‘Have you seen them lately?’ implies that PERHAPS something has changed and all of a sudden the band,
person or show in question SUCKS. This may or may not be the case, but patterns such as this CHALLENGE what is being
said and held as ‘true’ to a person.

‘That’s an interesting belief. Have you seen them (heard them, been there, ate there, stayed there) lately?’

In the subject’s mind it immediately feels as though something might have changed so that their once beloved restaurant,
vacation destination, band, performer (etc) MIGHT NOT be as great as they had once previously thought.

Another effective ‘SOM’ pattern is, ‘Do you really believe that or are you just trying to convince yourself ?’

This pattern may cause a person to feel as though there is something ‘wrong’ with their personal belief or opinion, or that
their way of expressing it is flawed. Psychologically it really screws with people. The two patterns can be combined as such:

‘That’s an interesting belief. Do you REALLY believe that or are you just trying to convince yourself ?’

In my younger years I would use these patterns together or separately when some young punk thought he had all the answers
to my magic shows. Whether he was right or not didn’t matter – ‘That’s an interesting belief ’ and the follow-up patterns was a
way to put him down for the time being.

Sleight of Mouth patterns damage rapport – they are psychological challenges to questions and comments that bother you.
Another one that is very effective is, ‘Interesting YOU would go there…’

This pattern suggests that whatever you are being asked, accused of or attacked for is an inherent quality within the one
doing the attacking.

‘Interesting YOU would go there’ implies the one casting the stones is guilty for the same offense his stones are being cast for.

Another pattern to challenge beliefs is, ‘Based on results, that’s a lie.’

In this book I’ve taught you to speak from a space of your own EXPERIENCE instead of opinions. The reason is that your
experience is just that – YOUR experience (!) and as such it cannot be argued with. Your experience of a thing is reality and
true FOR YOU. Opinions can be argued, a personal experience cannot.

Just the same, results = reality. This means if something (an idea, belief, opinion, attitude, action or behavior) doesn’t carry
consistent, observable RESULTS the challenge to use here is, ‘Based on results, that’s a lie.’

If a person has borrowed money from you and has not paid it back on time BUT say’s they will you can say, ‘Based on results,
that’s a lie.’ How is a person going to argue with results?

They can’t!

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

And speaking of ‘they’ – who are ‘they’ anyways?

Another good way to make a person feel stupid and unsettled (sarcasm intended) is to challenge them during a verbal
sparring match. When a person quotes someone or says, ‘They say two wrongs don’t make a right’ or some other nonsense
you can challenge their folk wisdom with, ‘WHO says that?’

Or if the person says, ‘You know they say…’ ask them, ‘Who is they?’

I do this a lot when people say ‘everyone’ or ‘all the time’ or ‘never.’

This is just being dick-ish, really. Most of us speak in such ways and the truth of the matter is that NOTHING happens ‘all
the time’ and there isn’t much that ‘never happens’ either. I can look through this book and find numerous examples where I
myself have said everyone, all the time, never and other Universal ism’s. It’s not really an issue unless you want and need to be
very specific and desire to knit-pick at the details.

‘Everyone’ really?

Does EVERYONE really do that?

Is it true?

How do/can you KNOW that EVERYONE does/knows/feels that…?’

When people make blanket statements such as ‘everyone’ it opens up the door to a challenge.

Another one to challenge people’s reasons, stories and excuses is simply listening to what they say, claim and victimize
themselves with and then saying, ‘And that’s the story you tell yourself…’

This can be supplemented with such words like, ‘And that’s the story you tell yourself so that you can break your commitments with me’
or ‘And that’s the story you tell yourself so that you can be the victim here’ or ‘so that you’re not held accountable for your actions.’

One thing that really buggers me is when people play the role of a victim in life. ‘It’s interesting how you fight for your limitations.’

I have included a few of these sleight of mouth patterns for the sake of completeness. I don’t like using them because they
break rapport and that is NOT the way to effective change in my experience. A better way, for me at least, is to lead and
inspire others by example.

I MIGHT challenge a fixed belief that I perceive as ‘not working’ for a client such as, ‘I can’t stop smoking’ or ‘I’ll never find
the right guy’ or ‘I’ll never have enough money to retire’ and so on. Beliefs and statements such as these may actually serve to
be challenged as they are self defeating, limited beliefs that do no good for a person.

One golden tip I’ll give to my ‘Thought Veil’ students is to research ‘The Work’ of Byron Katie. I’m not going to get into Katie
and her story at this time – I’ll just throw the suggestion out there.

Her ‘The Work’ and the process involved can be highly effective and extremely healing/therapeutic. It’s easy to use and I often
use it with just about everyone I work with.

‘The Work’ is based on 4 simple questions and a series of ‘turn around’ statements and questions which allow a person to
look at and closely examine various aspects, parts and portions, feeling and life experiences in an attempt to end their
suffering and misunderstanding. ‘The Work’ is great for challenging beliefs that are no longer working.

Like the RAYID suggestion I have given you, this recommendation is solid gold. Whether you choose to believe in ‘The
Work’ or not is up to you. I have used it with myself and others, I’ve sat with Katie in a live seminar and have gained
immense value from the process.

‘The Work’ is based on four simple questions that can be used to challenge and closely examine any belief, opinion or
experience which creates pain.

• Is it true?

• Can you REALLY know that’s true?

• What’s the feeling you get for holding that belief ?

• Who would you be without your story?

A few of the follow up questions (prior to the turn-around) are very simple such as,

• Can you see any positive reason to hold onto/attach to that belief ?

• How do you react when you attach to that thought (“buy into” that story or belief)?

• Does that belief serve you?

• Does it create joy or pain? (Is it based in love or fear?)

• So based on results, is it working or not working for you?

‘The Work’ is another method to elicit criteria. It provides an experiential process by which we can ‘turn around’ the
statements, beliefs, opinions and experience of other people to align, connect and identify with them on very deep levels and
change their thinking to eliminate suffering. Can you see how this might be of great value to a hypnotist?

This is all I will say about Byron Katie and her process. I leave it with you with my highest recommendation to check it out.

Eye Scanning For Rapport & Seduction

The following piece of work is very strong and useful. It’s also easy to do and effective at attaining a very deep
level of rapport with a person. I’ve incorporated this technique in my ‘Personal Reading’ from ‘T&R’ and love
using it with Rayid eye diagnosis.

Looking at your participant/sitter, allow your eyes to meet with theirs and begin ‘scanning’ their iris back and forth, right to
left and back again. Do this a few times. This horizontal pattern is hard wired in to our neurology to produce a feeling of
closeness and intimacy.

If you watch a girl's eyes when she is in a romantic situation, often when gazing in to the other person's eyes she will scan
horizontally with her eyes (no head movement). When you see that you can go in for the kiss! It’s a green light and lets us
know that proper rapport has been achieved in the current romantic/intimate situation.

Start to look at your participants in the eyes and scan back and forth until you feel it "click". The person will shift and feel
more intimate towards you.

The scan should only be done for a few seconds once, until you gauge their reaction. Then decide how much closer you
want them to feel.

At home if you are looking in your partners eyes try "scanning" your eyes across hers, horizontally, back and forth a few
times. Feel the increase in intimacy.

If you ever see a woman do this it means she would like to be closer/kiss the person she is looking at. Women respond to
this eye pattern with intimacy.

So do men.

When you do an eye reading, after you have gained rapport incorporate the eye scanning technique to increase it.

When I use the scan I begin with the participant’s RIGHT EYE (left brain) and scan horizontally to their left eye. This is very
similar to the neurological integration technique in RET (Rapid Eye Technology).

Besides this being the natural direction in which we read words, it begins by approaching the logical/critical mind and ends
with making an impression on the right brain (left eye).

There’s not much to it! This is one of those little ‘Jedi Mind Tricks’ that delivers consistent results. Enjoy it, and please use in
good faith.

A small variation on this technique would be to gaze softly in to your participants RIGHT EYE with YOUR right eye. The
RET Institute has found this simple connection technique has a naturally calming and soothing effect on the human mind

and body. It’s often used with babies who are born with addictions and chemical dependencies from their mothers as a way
to comfort, support and stabilize them during treatments.

I begin by gazing at my participant’s right eye with my right eye to create a feeling of balance and homeostasis while we work
together. After a few moments, I will deepen the connection by scanning from the right eye to the left (and back and forth,
smoothly) for a few moments to dramatically increase the connection and rapport established.

Softening The Eyes

In speaking with a good friend, fellow psychic and incredible healer recently she shared an experience with a
Quechua shaman and something he said to her that opened her up instantly, changed her attitude completely and
transformed her experience immediately.

During a healing ritual the shaman approached my friend and told her to SOFTEN HER EYES.

Keep in mind this friend has a rather energetic and intense personality. She asked, ‘I’m sorry, what?’ to which the traditional
healer told her again, ‘SOFTEN YOUR EYES.’

The healer knew very well that our eyes are the windows to the SOUL.

By telling this woman to ‘SOFTEN HER EYES’ he was basically asking/commanding her to SOFTEN HER SOUL. She

Consciously she began to soften her eyes and in her own words,

‘I felt myself open up completely. I started to panic – I was absolutely terrified. I felt so vulnerable, so receptive looking at him. My energy and my
attitude, all my thoughts, how I perceived my experience – EVERYTHING changed for me instantly in that moment.’

Being a hypnotist when I heard of this I knew what the healer did and the subtle technique he used was SOLID GOLD.

SOFTENING THE EYES not only opens a person up and brings their guard and walls down, it DOES make softer,
vulnerable and receptive.

And not just this, but by gazing upon the shaman with ‘SOFT EYES’ he was actually creating rapport with the student and
causing her to view, perceive and experience him in a certain way. Our eyes and hands are wired directly to our brain. By
manipulating and mapping the eyes and hands (or reading them) we can effectively read and direct the conscious and
subconscious mind – another reason I feel Rayid and Palmistry should be learned and utilized by every ‘Thought Veil’ student.

I’ve been using this technique ever since with my clients and have found it of infinite value – plus it’s easy, subtle, strong…
what more could a guy ask for?

For a nice little read on the subject of eye contact and eye gazing I highly recommend, “The Power of Eye Contact” by Michael
Ellsberg. This book is a treasure trove for those involved with Rayid Eye readings & analysis, Mesmerism, the Hypnotic
Gaze, instant rapport technologies, persuasion, seduction, power sales, dating and eye gazing methods for verbal and non-
verbal influence.

Instant Verbal Hypnosis

Close friend, student of the mind and human soul artist Brad Gordon recounts an experience he had recently
when a girl working among a group of men placed EVERYONE into a trance within moments with a few simple
requests and questions.

The female persuader in question did this unconsciously but as Brad tells the story, it was deadly effective and during the
process he REALIZED, ‘I’m in a trance. She totally hypnotized me.’

How did she do this?

While standing around on break the young girl ASKED the group to give her a NICKNAME. She said, ‘Will you guys come up
with a nickname for me? I’ve never had a nickname. What could I be called?’

Just like that, every person present went deep inside themselves, gave their attention to the woman, looked at her, considered
her personality, recalled their experience with her and what they knew about her and began offering suggestions.

Instantly all attention was on HER and everyone else was deeply focused, in tune and sharing their personal thoughts and
awareness with her.

I believe this stems from a place of our own psychological self importance. People LOVE to give advice and feel giddy when
they are ASKED for it. The same results can be had by simply asking a person for advice, what to title a new book, what
clothes they might look good in, etc.

Doing so immediately brings all of the subject’s attention directly to US. They think and feel like they can or might be able to
help us. We’re asking them for advice (it strokes their own self worth and illusion of self importance) and garners impressive
results. This is another technique I’ve been putting to great use since learning it.

Thanks to Brad Gordon for being so astute and aware and sharing this remarkable insight!

Thought Bubble

Think of visualization techniques such as the one to follow as mental constructs; these are methods of ‘internal
scripting’ and creative visualizations which assist us in clarifying our intentions while performing, persuading and
reading others.

My ‘Thought Bubble’ is one such construct.

Although imaginary this technique is just as potent as the eye scanning technique taught prior. These mental constructs are
very subtle and serve to help keep the hypnotist and persuader IN STATE while we work.

To produce and draw upon the ‘Thought Bubble’ I simply imagine a large bubble of shimmering golden light surrounding me
and my participant(s). I set my intention while creating this bubble of light accordingly – it is meant to
energetically/spiritually connect me to my participants and them to me.

Because our thoughts, energies and intentions are contained within the bubble this mental construct assists me in containing
the thought forms and energies which rise within. As a result those energies grow in strength and intensity without
dissipating through the environment. They create an energetic environment in which my participant in saturated in the
thoughts, energies and intentions of my work.

As I begin the rapport building process (mirroring or matching, pacing and leading, language patterns and energy work) I
mentally erect this imaginary bubble to enclose and encapsulate the individual or party I am working with. Later I’ll show you
how to do this with a large group or your entire audience.

Clear in my intentions I imagine the bubble in whatever way is pleasing to me. I know that as a result I am affirming a
process and effectively hypnotizing myself by doing this (fine by me). As a result I begin to take on certain patterns,
characteristics and behaviors which have positive benefits on my work and processes.

My imaginary bubble is usually light, shimmering gold and WHITE LIGHT. Other times the color of the bubble’s surface is
iridescent, almost like a soap bubble. You might wish to imagine and visualize a clear bubble or a colored bubble.

Whatever the case I make this imaginary bubble large enough to cover and include me and the person(s) I’m working with. I
can expand and contract the bubble and direct it with my BREATHING and CREATIVE VISUALIZATION abilities.

I might take a moment or two during the interaction with my participant to change the colors of the bubble in my mind to
alter my brainwave states. To do this I merely go through the color spectrum as detailed in this book. Another technique I
use as I work with the ‘Thought Bubble’ is to create an iridescent globe to work inside and project my consciousness into the
shimmering, rolling, vibrating colors on its surface. As I do this I alter my brainwave patterns by exploring (briefly) each color
that appears in my mind and imagination.

Because I am clear in my intentions as I CREATE the ‘Thought Bubble’ I know that my subconscious/unconscious mind is
picking up on the process and reacting accordingly. The exercise assists me in maintaining the necessary state for my work to
be successful and that is how I do things!

Now, a few small touches will take this from an interesting concept to an incredible working tool…

First, remember to set your intentions before and AS you create the bubble.

Second, breathe and will/intend/desire for specific results to come as part of the process.

Third, VISUALIZE the bubble in as much detail as you can imagine.

Fourth, allow the bubble to become part of you, an EXTENSION of you by causing it to shrink and grow in tandem with
your breathing.

Fifth, realize that once your secondary intention or ‘main goal’ has been achieved (i.e. the contract has been signed, the date
has been made, the successful reading has been given and closed) TAKE DOWN THE BUBBLE.

To take the ‘Thought Bubble’ down I imagine it shrinking, shrinking and shrinking until it becomes a wisp of energy that is
inhaled with my last conscious breath to end the process and disassemble this particular mental construct. It’s not going to
do any harm to leave it up BUT what we have created we can ‘un-create’ and by doing so affirm our power of creativity.

Your ‘Thought Bubble’ is a wonderful tool to use with a single person, small or large group and an entire audience all the same.

Later we’ll look at methods and techniques to create rapport with a large audience which is something I do during all of my
stage shows, public demonstrations and private workshops.

For mentalists the bubble can be created WITH your participant! I love doing this and for those of you who are also students
of the material, philosophy and esoteric systems as set forth in ‘The Taboo Treatise’ you’ll realize how effectively this can be
used with many of the routines and techniques I divulged within that tome.

To create the bubble with a participant I simply ask them to IMAGINE a large shimmering bubble growing from our heart
space and chakras to surround us and contain the thought forms and energies we raise within it. I guide the participant
through some gentle breathing exercises with suggestions of expanding the bubble. I alter my participants state of mind by
getting them to focus on the colors and visualize both the surface and interior of the bubble with me.

For those metaphysicians out there this is similar to casting a magical circle. This exercise can be done before a séance as the
opening prayers and benedictions are given to Spirit and definitely also before a reading or healing/hypnotherapy session.

By surrounding the participant in a shared bubble of white, glimmering light they naturally begin to feel closer to us! Even
though imaginary we are creating a shared space and mental construct TOGETHER. This means we are exchanging, sharing
and participating in the same process and exercise. The result is a deeper level of rapport and heart to heart connection.

At the end we both consciously dismantle the duo creation together. Now the client has another tool to take with them and
can erect this imaginary, positive, warm, safe, loving bubble at anytime they wish.

I liken this to my friend Enrique’s ‘Invisible Gemstone.’ In this case I am giving my participant a protective, positive, radiant
mental ‘bubble’ to carry within them and draw upon it wherever they go and whenever they wish.

Often times I will teach people how to place the bubble around themselves for ‘psychic protection’ or around their car when
they leave it unattended. I show them how they can enlarge the bubble to cover their entire household and even how they can
send and project the bubble to certain people, times and places.

I believe this bubble IS protective because of the intentions we set while creating it. I also believe it activates an unconscious
program within the mind of the user that DOES protect them on some level (whether real or imagined!) by subtly changing
the way we act, think and display ourselves to the world UNCONSCIOUSLY during this exercise.

For energy workers and massage therapists the energy bubble can be raised and used to hold and intensify positive thoughts
and healing energies before releasing it and the energies contained within in all its glory.

The energy created inside the bubble can be increased much like a feeling or emotion is during a traditional ‘Swish’ pattern.
Notice how the energy within the bubble moves and consciously direct it to speed up, slow down or change directions at will.
Doing this will change the imaginary qualities of the energy and has different effects upon the subconscious mind of the

Bubbles can be created to hold dreams before bedtime for better recall upon awakening. Our goals, intentions and desires
can also be held within specified bubbles to assist us in manifesting that which we desire. Make of this what you will.

Bubbles can be placed around objects, children, pets and other precious ‘targets’ for their healing and protection. Bubbles can
also be filled with positive thoughts, affirmations, creative visualizations, prayers, meditations and blessings and sent or
projected to those in need. These charged bubbles can even be projected into the past or future to assist us in healing or
overcoming difficult situations, challenging people and frustrating experiences.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

I often create a 30 second ‘Thought Bubble’ with my participants for MIND READING. Inside the bubble we are more
centered and connected and thus miracles of mind reading, telepathy and suggestion which could not normally take place
happen easily and naturally within its buoyant confines.

Tiny, remarkable bubbles might be projected into clouds for cloud busting or placed into spoons, keys and coins for bending,
melting and twisting. In ‘The Taboo Treatise’ I taught my students how to create small and large bubbles that can be passed
throughout the audience and actually played with in many different ways!

We dive deeply into very mysterious realms and waters with techniques such as this very easily. By creating a ‘ritual’ to
accompany these thought forms and miracle bubbles a pendulum could be incorporated, a bubble charged through hypnotic
trance and energy work, given a name and sigil for evoking its effects and actually make into a Group Spirit or egregore.

How far you wish to go is up to you. I’ve done a lot with these techniques and imaginary mental constructs, creative
exercises, meditations and internal scripts such as these have profound effects which can border on the TRULY magical and

A combination I use in every performance, negotiation, reading, healing, business meeting or even casual conversations and
exchanges is creating a mental bubble as I begin and merging with the mind of my subject while inside the bubble. The
combination is extremely effective and helps me to maintain my internal state and intentions. These exercises signal the
subconscious mind and as a result my nature, behavior, patterns and techniques begin to work on very different and subtle

One thing I love to do is create a large bubble with a group who then ‘projects’ it to some part of the room or theatre while
my back is turned. Using a pendulum I am able to dowse and find where the Group Mind has relocated the bubble. I also do
my ‘which hand’ and ‘Thought Channel’ sequences with these bubbles at times.

Use your imagination. This is what hypnosis is all about.

A variation on this often used in NLP is having the subject/participant imagine a circle drawn on the floor. Into this circle we
project certain thoughts, memories, emotions, mental programs, healing energies, positive affirmations and visualizations and
everything that brings us joy and inspires us to a state of peace and happiness within us.

Once this imaginary circle has been ‘charged’ (it only takes a few seconds with practice and a few minutes while beginning)
the participant PHYSICALLY STEPS INTO the circle and pulls the imaginary edges up all around them, covering them
completely and immersing them in positive thought forms.

This circle, like the ‘Thought Bubble’ can also be projected on or to other people, places and things. This mental construct is
very effective.

Again, I’m not asking any ‘Thought Veil’ student to believe this is a real thing. It’s merely a tool to keep the hypnotist focused
and imprints certain ideas and suggestions upon the unconscious mind of the miracle worker. As a result our thinking,
actions, patterns and behaviors are going to reflect those mental constructs and the intentions we used when creating them.

Energetic Wave & Thinner

The following psychological routines, effects and suggestion based performance pieces are personal favorites of
mine and something I include in most all of my performances, readings and hypnotherapy sessions in one form or

This first routine is something I had originally titled ‘Thinner’ and was a major portion of a close up Voodoo themed miracle I
use in my private work. I drew my inspiration for this effect from the 1996 Stephen King horror movie titled ‘Thinner.’

In the show our main character hits and kills the daughter of an old gypsy mystic who responds by laying a curse on him. To
hurl the curse our magician used a very interesting formula that may serve as a perfect lesson in the art of suggestion itself:

1). The man tells his victim WHAT he’s doing and WHY he’s cursing him (presentation, intention and delivery of the
premise to create an effect; definition equals CREATION!)

2). He makes a magical gesture (touching the man’s face with the BACK of his hand) and says, ‘THINNER’ with an unusual
tone and drawn out/elongated inflection. This is the process.

Notice in the trailer linked below how this suggestion was so beautifully executed and realize it’s an effective theatrical device
and naturally hypnotic gesture because of the unusual nature of the act, speech and touch.

The back of the hand drawn across the face is unique and unusual enough to stick out in a person’s mind – it suggests to the
unconscious that something OUT OF THE ORDINARY is taking place here; the imagination is left to draw its own
conclusions with information provided by the conscious mind, i.e. ‘This guy is cursing me!’

The tonality and inflection used lends further weight to the suggestion because again, it was so unusual. This is similar to a
NLP technique known as MARKING and imbedding commands and suggestions through sensory driven abnormalities and
curiosities in the perceived experience.

When linked with something that elicits the attention of the unconscious mind (rooted in the imagination and creative fields
of the human being) we’re better able to link suggestions to actions and allow us to drive them deeply into the psyche to be
acted upon, grow and develop in the effects.

The psychological curse is also very effective because it works on an unconscious level of non-verbal communication and
affects the unconscious mind of the victim which speaks, interacts with and understands the world using symbols and
metaphor. This simple action implied something – ‘thinner’ – an unconscious cue to begin wasting away in mind, body and

Usually when we’re using the back of our hands for some action it’s to ‘shoo’ something away, a gesture to TAKE
SOMETHING AWAY (the man’s weight and well being in this case – i.e. he becomes THINNER) or a gesture which implies
something moving AWAY from us or being pushed aside.

3). The final suggestion given was simply ‘THINNER’ and is just vague enough to be effective, yet specific enough to create
an effect.

4). The psychology behind most curses is one of BELIEF and EXPECTANCY in the power to curse. What is expected
tends to be realized, and in cases where someone has been ‘CURSED’ the negative effects are obtained and derived because

of the victim’s own mind and NOT some mysterious, magical force. The power of suggestion and the power of your mind
to heal or kill with thoughts and by suggestions alone is a very real, very powerful thing indeed!

5). The movie itself is great fun and a perfect lesson of how what we desire most, what we yearn for and dream about can
actually become self destructive and negative when taken to the extreme. Many overweight people would love to be
‘THINNER’, but taken to the opposite end of the spectrum ends up killing this man. And not just losing his physical weight
as the result of the curse, the victim begins to feel as though he’s being ‘ERASED’ as his life continues falling apart before
his eyes and there’s nothing he can do to stop it!

When you watch the show you’ll even see how neighbors and other people start asking him what his weight loss secret is.
Something THEY WANT becomes something the ‘victim’ would do anything to part with.

A link for the trailer is HERE:


Watching the trailer will show you this formula in action. The movie will fill in the rest of the details – it’s a masterpiece of
suggestion, theatrical detail and object lesson in how vague suggestions with specific intentions can work for us, and
illustrates the fact that what we focus on expands for us through directed attention/increased awareness/focus and
perception. There’s an old saying, ‘What you resist persists. What you look at disappears.’

One of the many underlying messages in this movie was very simple – be suspicious of what you want!

Also, that what we THINK we want (consciously or unconsciously, in secret or publically) and feel might be good for us has
the capacity and potential to be our grand un-doing. I found the film a fine example of how even
UNCONSCIOUS/CONSCIOUSLY DENIED guilt can be a great destroyer, among other things.

I could go on and on about this movie and certain psychological ploys and theatrical elements contained therein that are
relevant to Mystery Performers; varied and textured suggestions I found effective and numerous startling concepts I
discovered while watching it. I recommend you take an evening to enjoy this movie and a few others I’ll recommend with a
pad of paper and pen in hand. It will be great fun and you’ll learn A LOT just knowing what to look for.

Stephen King is a linguistic wizard and creative genius when it comes to writing and creating. His ‘Dark Tower’ books are
highlights of my evening time currently and something I think everyone interested in magic, mind reading, mysticism or pure
literary genius deserves to read and consume in their entirety.

What does ALL of this have to do with the effect at hand and the process of HEALING in relation to Bill’s recent
experience with surgery and mentalism?

Well, lots actually.

On a healing note, one might realize that the same power to curse is the power to heal using the same means and techniques
with different suggestions and INTENTIONS. The formula I’ve described above and will detail again later in my routine can
be used to give very positive, uplifting, self healing/self soothing suggestions directly to the mind and heart of your
participant. The victim becomes the vessel for the healing states accessed via their own mind through expectancy and
positive suggestions – the Hexenmeister becomes a Divine gift giver and co-supplier of such pure and sacred energies.

Because I developed this piece originally for a Bizarre Magic performance the presentation and execution of these techniques
was indeed similar to ‘The Curse’ mentioned above BUT with much different effects and suggestions – it wasn’t something
so brutal, but served merely to illustrate a point of manipulating energies via suggestion and mind power.

Later I began using this and other techniques which rely on suggestion as part of the method such as my trademark ‘Energetic
Touches’, ‘The Curse’, ‘The Blessing’ , ‘Ken VS Ryu’ (and others) with varied pieces, past work and offerings from my treasured,
‘The Taboo Treatise’ with spectacular results.

When combined with select pieces of material such as ‘The Process’ (from ‘T&R’), ‘The Holy Moment’ (Random Acts of
Kindness), ‘The Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ & ‘Vanilla’ scripts and suggestions (RAOK and my ‘Guerrilla Q&A’, respectively) I
began to grow and evolve with this formula, the effects it produces and suggestions rendered to create a variety of very
powerful and stunning effects.

This one piece eventually became so unbelievably strong in the way I presented it, the effects were so undeniable and
profound with my specific delivery and execution of the formula that I began using the technique and resulting masterpiece
routine in nearly ALL of my work in one form or another.

What I have to share with you now is something I have never released before and represents one of the first extremely
powerful incarnations of my ‘THINNER’ effect, later called ‘EMPTY.’

Using this technique I would speak about the nature of curses, energy, intentions (etc) and with nothing more than a wave of
my hand, a solid connection and the expectation of my participant together with multiple well placed suggestions and
psychological gambits would cause practically ANY person to feel EMPTY, weak, absent minded/forgetful, dispassionate
and lacking interest or enthusiasm in their life at this time.

After this effect I would proceed to IMMEDIATELY reverse those effects and occurrences with another wave giving them
more passion and excitement than ever before! Like the curse, I was changing physical and mental states with a pass of my
hand; these changes were visible and could be CONFIRMED by the participant.

Not wishing to misrepresent the Vodou tradition or leave my participants feeling ‘less than’ in any way, I utilized my skills as a
traditional healer and hypnotherapist to begin delivering very powerful suggestions that would uplift, empower and inspire
others using the same structure and formula.

I realized I could use the ‘EMPTY/THINNER’ suggestions, formula and technique in the same way as my participant
focused on something in their life that was affecting them in a negative fashion.

In this sense I began to CURSE a CURSE!

By sapping the power and strength from a negative thought, feeling, belief, attachment or experience within a person I could
slowly begin to RE-STRENGTHEN that person as a result.

This was offered as nothing more than an example of mind power, suggestion, emotional energy (emotions = ENERGY IN
MOTION) and clear intent.

For example, my participant might be in a relationship that is no longer healthy or working or smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a
day, has problems sleeping, nightmares, anxiety at work or any other personal consideration (!) they DON’T want, DON’T
like, hold as NOT WORKING and ideally wish to change on some level.

This psychological placebo may cause some amount of relief to be found already existing within them. The ‘THINNER’
suggestions and formula merely removed all the surrounding garbage so the gold inside a person could be exposed.

Holding the thought and feeling of this negative behavior, experience or belief in mind I would proceed to EMPTY the
person standing before me taking their negative thoughts and feelings away with everything else.

My participant’s became completely NEUTRAL as a result – a fresh canvas and an empty vessel which I could then RE-FILL
with positive thoughts, positive energies/emotions, positive suggestions, positive imagery and a newer, more positive model
of the difficult situation they were facing!

The idea behind this was that in many cases to create change we must first destroy in order to rebuild, tear down before we

It should be said these techniques are presented as a psychological experiment only and are not meant or intended
to cure, treat or diagnose on any level whatsoever. Use with caution. This information is presented here for your
information and educational purposes only.

Now, as a magician or mentalist what I’m sharing here will be used in a much different way and context but uses the same
ideas, basic formula and methods to produce a gigantic, seismic wave of psychic energy to cascade across a person and can
be felt or sensed by just about everyone .

The technique can be used to ‘clear’ the energies of a person, place or object very quickly and I often demonstrate it at the
beginning of my performances, lectures and workshops by instantly changing the feeling and atmosphere of the room, space
or theatre I’m performing in. I’ll explain later how this is used by me as a nearly perfect and very covert suggestibility test.

Jerome Finley’s ‘Energetic Wave’ technique is a grand routine and exercise (exorcise!) with which to demonstrate your control
over the mind, directing subtle energies and vibrations and even how SUGGESTION has the power to transform the world
and her people on a very deep level. In its original form I considered this piece a type of psycho-spiritual BANISHING or
suggestion based energetic correction, direction and manipulation. As I teach it here and now I use this effect as merely a
way to distribute powerful energies and allow others to feel and experience them directly.

My ‘ENERGETIC WAVE’ can be used in conjunction with spoon bending, cloud busting, aura readings, bizarre magick,
Ouija board work, pendulum, glass moving and table tipping presentations, mind reading, hypnosis, mind control and other
suggestion based themes, routines and methods – it’s very flexible!

A few more beautiful points I’ll announce before moving on with the presentation, full method and execution of this
reputation making effect is that it can be utilized with a single participant, multiple individuals or large groups with the same
mind expanding results. It can also be demonstrated alone as I often perform it or in conjunction with other effects you
utilize. From beginning to end the ‘Energetic Wave’ can be rendered in its fullness in less than 1 minute or drawn out over a
few very captivating moments. The choice is yours.

To begin, let’s look at a more detailed presentation lasting all of a minute or two which culminates in the actual effect and
phenomenon. After this I’ll give you my handling, scripts and the suggestions I use for this piece in walk around and close up
performances. Both handlings are preferred and highly recommended. I include both of them here to suit the environment,
time allowance and pacing you require in your own work. I use a few different variations (all given here) depending on how
the mood strikes me.

‘Can I get you to stand right over here for me? Feet together, back straight, take a deep breath and just look at me…good… now listen very

…in a moment, NOT YET, something very strange is going to happen. What I’m going to do now is just play with your energy and perceptions a
bit – and while I promise it won’t hurt you at all or negatively affect you in any way, it CAN be unsettling for some people if they don’t know
what to expect.

The process itself is very simple…after I’ve connected with your mind and energy I’m just going to wave my hand in front of you LIKE THIS
(wave your hand in front of the participant)…and when I do that, I simply want you to remain open, conscious and perfectly aware of any
changes that take place within you or around you in the following moments.

Again, when I wave my hand LIKE THIS (wave hand) your job is to just COMMUNICATE as openly as possible and in the most direct,
specific manner possible whatever changes you feel or notice within you… OUT LOUD… so everyone present can hear and learn from your
unique experience, do you understand?


Go ahead and take a deep breath now…and just look at me…

NOW…(wave hand)…(pause as you maintain direct eye contact)…simply notice how this energy affects you, how it changes the thoughts
and feelings inside of you and THINK ABOUT how you would define such a feeling before you describe it to the group…’

By creating a high level of expectation, vagueness, suggesting changes and THE PARTICIPANT’S ROLE in describing
those changes aloud the effect practically works itself. They WILL find or create something to speak about as opposed to just
standing there like a deer caught in headlights.

Anytime you can make a suggestion and lead a person INWARD for a few moments to take a personal, mental (inner)
inventory they WILL find changes taking place. Leave them to their own mind and devices and they will CREATE their own

By delivering suggestions with confidence and conviction as though no matter what the effect WILL take place the effect
WILL take place! Below you’ll see how I use lines such as ‘NOT YET’ and ‘It’s subtle, BUT YOU WILL FEEL IT!’ to
increase my success rates exponentially.

I pace these suggestions by waving my hand a few times while telling the participant what to expect. I’ve been deliberately
vague BUT make these changes sound very specific. This recapping during the presentation raises the subject’s natural level
of expectation.

Another way I get into this is by simply turning to a person and saying,

‘I want you to FEEL SOMETHING for me…

In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to use my mind, my thoughts and my energy to affect the way you feel IN A POSITIVE WAY. Now, I
don’t expect you to believe this just yet and you don’t have to lie to make me look good…that’s not what this is about.

What this IS about is just being open and aware of any changes or sensations that take place within you over these next few moments, is that okay
with you?


So just to be clear then, in a moment when I WAVE MY HAND LIKE THIS you’re going to notice a series of energetic changes and positive
emotional shifts in your inner state of being and the way you FEEL about yourself and the world around you(shaking head ‘YES’). For some

Your job is simply to describe whatever happens in your loudest, clearest voice so that everyone here can experience and learn about what’s taking
place through YOU as our firsthand witness. After I pass my hand over you (wave hand again) take a few moments to breathe deeply first…
relax and center yourself before you try to speak; and do your best to put those changes and the feelings that take place inside of you now into the
best words possible to describe what’s going on with you.

Are you ready?

Take a deep breath and just look at me…NOW…(wave hand)…(pause)…

Take a few moments to simply notice those changes and THINK about the words you’ll be using to describe them.

While s/he does this, and while those changes continue taking place within her right now…I’ll just share a little bit about the first time I was
introduced to this technique…and then we’ll get to our next volunteer…

When this…PRINCIPLE… was first shared with me I was incredibly skeptical – in fact the ONLY reason I tried it out was because I
thought I knew it wasn’t going to work on me, or that whatever this guy was doing, it wasn’t going to affect me at all…

…and then all of a sudden I began to feel very warm and very positive inside. The old Pow Wow healer using this technique had only just waved
his hand over my eyes and instantly I began to feel like I was glowing…I got a bit dizzy and I got a bit lightheaded…there was a momentary
shortness of breath, my pulse seemed to jump around for a few seconds and then I got very, very relaxed…I remember this heavy, sinking feeling in
my chest and stomach and then – just like that (SNAP!) – it all went away and what remained within me and all around me was pure happiness
and total bliss.

I was…amazed…I was astonished…I spent the next 10 years of my life learning with this old man and devoting myself to his techniques and
methods for healing…

Hold that thought…

And let’s come back to you now…how do you feel?

Are you ready to share your experience with the group at this time?

Go ahead then…what’s the FIRST thing you noticed…?’

And that’s basically it.

By giving the participant a few moments of QUIET TIME to themselves as I address the audience I can begin LEADING
their experience by making indirect suggestions. This happens as I share my own experience of how the technique affected
ME the first time I was introduced to it. I’m merely sharing an experience with the audience, and of course the quiet
participant waiting for and noticing any changes happening within them HEARS THIS and begins to look for those same
sensations within themselves.

Also, in most cases something WILL be felt. In those rare cases when the subject is resistant to these suggestions hearing my
story helps them out A LOT. All eyes are on them, and as the participant finds themselves in the ‘hot seat’ with the
expectation of the audience bearing down upon them, many times they will make something up OR go out of their way to
grasp and hold onto even the slightest, faintest changes taking place within them.

It is very rare for NOTHING to happen!

In the few instances where I picked the wrong person for this I simply thank them, send them back to their seat and then ask
for someone who considers themselves a bit sensitive or intuitive to join me.

‘These energies are SUBTLE, but you WILL feel them! And when you feel them, you’ll notice they begin to grow and grow!’

Another tool I use a lot is BREATHING.

By raising the level of expectation of the participant, delivering the suggestion, making the gesture and then leaving them to
their own devices for a few short moments AS THEY BREATHE DEEPLY they WILL find much more than expected!

I often perform this piece while delivering my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ and ‘Vanilla’ scripts and suggestions which cause a
person to SEE energy, feel vibrational shifts and environmental changes (temperature) in the space around them, get chills,

goose bumps, ringing ears or even sense spiritual beings and perhaps receive a personal message, vision, insight or

Here is the shortest method and presentation I use for the ‘Energy Wave’:

‘In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to pass my hand over you LIKE THIS (show them!) and when I do, your job is simply to pay close
attention to any changes, thoughts or feelings that take place within you.

In a moment I’ll ask you to describe these changes to the group and I just want you to be completely honest and forthcoming about what happens,
knowing that you don’t have to lie to make me look good. For some people these energies and changes are SUBTLE at first, but you WILL feel
them, and sooner or later once you begin to notice those changes, they’ll continue to grow.

Does that sound alright with you?


Are you ready?

Take a deep breath and just look at me…’

And now, I wave my hand before the person to cause the effect. I might also ask them to close their eyes and take a few deep
breaths while they notice and pay close attention to those inner changes taking place.

I often suggest,

‘I realize it might be hard to put all that’s happening into words, but it helps if you can just IMAGINE the changes in your mind first and
foremost, see them happening on the movie screen of your mind and then begin to describe them SLOWLY…piece by piece’

I’m basically asking the participant to IMAGINE these changes taking place!

If they reply with anything along the lines of ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I’m not sure’ I ask them,

‘If you DID know, how might you describe these changes?’


‘If you were to feel those changes now, what might they feel like to you? How would you describe them?’

A very, VERY helpful tactic at this point is to say –

‘Maybe I can help you out a bit, I felt the same way when this first happened to me…it can be quite startling…

I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but when this happened to me, it was ALMOST LIKE (X, Y and Z)…is that about right?’ (or,
‘Does that sound familiar? Can you relate to that?’)

X, Y and Z in this case are simply the SUGGESTIONS I want the subject/participant to agree to!

The suggestions can be anything. By NOT ‘putting words in their mouth’ (actually you are!) it becomes much easier to get an
appropriate response as now, instead of being descriptive, the participant must only reply with ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ It makes the
responding process very easy for them.

Refer to the earlier presentations wherein I explain to the AUDIENCE how this technique and experience first affected me.
The only difference here is now I’m suggesting and explaining these things directly to the participant before me. Remember
that definition equals creation. I am giving this person a model to follow and they WILL follow it accordingly!

Something I recommend as well is doing this routine and using these principles with 2-6 people at once. Sharing the
experience between multiple participants guarantees your success as they will all feed off of the reactions, response and
experience of the others.

Another way I use this technique is prior to any piece of direct mind reading, ESP or telepathy.

I explain to my participant that for a telepathic experience to be had it’s vital that we establish a connection…

‘And this is going to feel a bit strange, but in a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to just wave my hand in front of you LIKE THIS…and when I
do, your job is simply to notice any changes that take place within you and the feeling of our minds connecting that follows. It’s subtle at first, but
make no mistake about it, you WILL feel this happening…and when you do, simply nod your head for me and we’ll continue.

Now, to be honest, It’s a different feeling involved for everyone, but many people describe it as a very light, positive, relaxing sensation that just flows
over their mind and washes over their body and makes them feel good in every way…are you open to that?


Just look at me…take a deep breath, and feel this connection taking place…NOW…’

The participant CREATES their own sensation based on suggestion, drama/theatre (a ritual act, motion and gesture of my
hand passing before them) and nods their head. Now I very directly reveal the word, name, number, drawing, etc.

I love doing this before short readings and I’ll often use it with many people during my Q&A.

You can see how with just slight revisions one can use these techniques to change the feelings in the environment so that
EVERYONE present can feel and sense those changes taking place.

This entire piece can be delivered with different suggestions to relax, go within and enjoy this profound state of connection
and the relaxed, focused awareness that happens as a result. I’ll often use this piece as a hypnotic induction or suggestibility

To use this as a HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIBILITY TEST I’ll speak a bit about energy, Higher Mind, the power of our
thoughts and intentions and then change/shift the energy in the theatre, working space or room I inhabit. By asking those
present who CAN FEEL A CHANGE, however subtle or dramatic to raise their hands I know INSTANTLY who my most
suggestible audience members are.

These are the people I’ll acknowledge as both sensitive and ‘in tune’, invite to the stage and continue with my ‘Telepathy In
Action’ sequence or hypnosis show, immediately locking their hands and eyelids together, etc.

Once I get those people who respond to these suggestions and phenomenon raising their hands and/or joining me on stage
I’ll send a SECOND WAVE of energy over them causing them to sink INSTANTLY into deep state of Super Conscious
Awareness, eyes closed and listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions. If they’ve already responded to
the first wave and suggestions they will naturally also respond to the second wave and different effects attached.

A very bold way to present this piece is just to look at someone and say,

‘What we’re going to do now is play around a bit with our conscious minds and A LOT more with our unconscious minds…and I want you to

Take a deep breath…and just look at me…

(Wave Hand!)

…and simply notice how you begin to feel inside RIGHT NOW….

Describe how this makes you feel…’

You’ll get the same amazing results.

If working with a single participant and the person refuses to FEEL SOMETHING simply ask him/her to close their eyes,
take a few deep breaths and IMAGINE a giant wave of energy crashing down upon them and flowing freely all around them.
Take their mind, thoughts and awareness inside of themselves with suggestions to focus on their own breath and heartbeat –
they WILL find something!

I often do this with groups during my walk around work by saying,

‘I want you guys to FEEL SOMETHING for me…this is a bit odd at first, and it’s subtle, but you WILL feel it!’

Now I go into the gesture or any presentation I wish to use (long or short) and conclude by asking,

‘HOW MANY OF YOU ACTUALLY FELT something happen; some slight shift or change within you or in the space around you?’

Those people who raise their hands or acknowledge feeling something (even if they can’t properly describe it or quite put
their finger on it!) are used in my next suggestion based piece.

By prefacing this demonstration with suggestions of only the most sensitive, intelligent and intuitive people being the ones
able to FEEL these changes you’ll get plenty of folks who raise their hand.

I do this like so,

‘The very sensitive and intuitive types out there in the audience this evening will feel these changes taking place quite easily…’

Or you might say,

‘Those of you who naturally pay close attention to detail and don’t allow or let things to slip by you without noticing them on some level will begin to
feel these changes first, followed by the sensitive, empathic and intuitive types here this evening who also tend to feel these changes very quickly.’

This insures that you’ll always have quite a few people raising their hands. The results will astound you. By raising their hands
the audience members actually acknowledge and compliment themselves! They show those around them that they’re
intelligent, naturally conscious and aware, sensitive, intuitive and/or empathic BECAUSE they’ve ‘felt’ this energy, shift or
change taking place.

If you prefer to lead your participants through a short breathing exercise first you can increase your positive results with
these principles even more.

To do this I simply instruct my participant and/or entire audience to close their eyes for a moment and take a few deep
cleansing breaths,

‘If I could get everyone to sit up straight in their seats, hands palm down in your laps, make sure your feet are resting flat on the floor and take a
few deep breaths with me…in…and out…that’s perfect…

Go ahead now and just allow your eyes to close as we continue breathing together and as we center and focus our thoughts to better feel this energy
and the sensations about to take place.

Breathe in…relax…

Breathe out…SMILE…

Breathe in…present moment…


Preparing our minds and our bodies for a unique and interesting experience…in a moment, NOT YET, I’ll ask everyone to open your eyes, open
your minds and open up your hearts to FEEL SOMETHING incredible happening within you and all around you…it’s subtle at first, BUT
YOU WILL FEEL IT, and when you do, notice how these positive feelings will continue to grow, strengthen and increase for you easily and
naturally…they just sort of…HAPPEN!

One last breath now, and as you exhale simply allow your eyes to open, presence yourselves back here in the room with me…welcome home!

I’m going to begin projecting my mind, my thoughts and our combined energy out into the audience, and I just want you to NOTICE and FEEL
any changes, shifts or transformations that begin taking place within you right now…

Those of you who are naturally conscious and aware, pay close attention to detail and don’t allow or let things to slip by you without noticing them
on some level will begin to feel these changes first, followed by the sensitive, empathic and intuitive types here this evening who also tend to feel these
changes very quickly.’

Many times I’ll include a very short (30-60 second) visualization wherein the audience members all imagine, focus and
visualize a calm, gentle, relaxing energy flowing from their hands, their eyes, their hearts and their minds up to me, onto the
stage and gathering into a pool of collective consciousness before us – growing.

Like tossing a pebble into the calm, glassy waters of their minds, I send this imagined, focused, combined and concentrated
Group Energy & Consciousness back to them so the ripple effects will flow out into the audience, meet in the center and
rebound colliding and gliding back towards the edges of the pond.

I’m simply taking their imagined, focused energy, thoughts, visualizations, intentions/directed consciousness and sending it
back to them INCREASED through suggestion and an experiential process. It just so happens that as this energy returns it
carries very relaxing, soothing, naturally healing vibrations within it for EVERYONE to enjoy and benefit from. It’s a perfect
example of the audience member’s own personal and positive healing states of mind coming out and rising to the surface
from deep within them for the purposes of relaxation, waking meditation and instant stress relief.

I’ve done this (and continue to use this process) at times with my ‘5 Star Opener’ from the forthcoming ‘Thought Veil’ using a
series of remarkable, layered, lesser known and very effective psychological and statistical forces. As the group receives their
own energy back to them and it’s been programmed and encoded with my thoughts (the psychological forces), as those
gathered pick up on this information OR GET CLOSE (!) they each relax even deeper and drift powerfully into this relaxed,
focused state of mind.

I think of exercises and routines such as this one as relaxing, expressive ‘MIND GAMES’ to play with the audience; they are
experiments in personal creativity, sensitivity and intuition.

When I use this in my Psychic Home Parties and private work, for New Age Groups and even certain ‘open minded’ public
audiences I go a step further.

How do I know if a group or audience might be open to this type of experience? I ask!

I ask, albeit in a very subtle manner –

‘By a show of hands, how many of you here this evening are familiar with the recent studies showing the profound results and positive benefits of
prayer and meditation? I’d like to try something along those lines with the same positive, naturally calming effects RIGHT NOW…’


‘By a show of hands, how many of you here this evening have ever had some personal, spiritual or even paranormal type of experience that you
simply couldn’t explain OR KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO HAS at one or more points and time in your lives?’

Seeing how many people raise their hands in response to this question allows me to gauge whether this is a good experience
to be sharing with the particular audience in front of me.

Whatever the case, I use the scripting, principles and outlines given here for my ‘Energy Wave’ with the entire audience. Their
minds become still, calm and serene like a pond of calm, quiet waters and together they project their positive thoughts,
feelings and attitudes towards me on stage.

This is another very subtle, very powerful and very covert way to gain the admiration of your audience. By asking/telling
them and leading them to surround you in their best thoughts, most positive intentions and greatest wishes (to accumulate
the Positive Group Energy!) you’re actually gaining personal favor in the conscious and unconscious mind by being
surrounded/the recipient of their most positive thoughts, feelings and intentions.

Through my short visualization we gather our thoughts and energies about us ON STAGE in a large pool of white and
golden light. This reflective pool represents the cumulative energy, blessings and clearest intentions of the Group/audience
and is gathered around me before sending it back to them threefold.

When this Group Energy comes flowing back to them (THREE TIMES STRONGER!) I ask the audience to raise their
hands as they FEEL this combined energy coming back to bless them. As my THOUGHT WAVES hit, the hands go up.

Once hands start going up I suggest this energy will continue flowing as I speak,

‘Blessed is the Source of Life, the Fountain of Being…who grants life, supports our unique unfolding and has brought us to this very moment for

May everyone be happy and safe and may their hearts be filled with Joy. May all living beings live in peace and security; may all of them dwell in
perfect tranquility.

Breathing in…KNOW that you are breathing in…

Breathing out…KNOW that you are breathing out…

Breathing in…allowing your breath to become deep…

Breathing out…notice how the breath has become slow, gentle and relaxed...

Breathing in…feeling calm…

Breathing out…allowing you to feel perfectly at ease…

Breathing in…SMILE…(!)

Breathing out…releasing any stress, worries and tension…

Breathing in…dwelling deeply in the present moment…

Breathing out…realizing NOW is a wonderful, perfect moment…

In, out, deep, slow, calm, at ease, smile, release, present moment, wonderful moment…’

To say this creates an audience of adoring fans and people hooked into the performer and presentation would be a gross
understatement. This is just the type of heart centered approach and sincerity based performance that I love sharing with my
audience members – it’s what I strive to be about in the work that I do and the experiences I offer.

I often use the principles outlined here to open up my performances and Gallery Readings. The positive effect this has is

The above presentation is a combination of prayer and a Buddhist blessing. It’s Universal in Nature, ‘God’ isn’t mentioned
and I’ve never had a single person ever become offended over me repeating these few words as I led the group and audience
through some deep, relaxing breaths. It’s a Rite of Blessing, breathing, being in the moment and adopting an attitude of
gratitude and thanksgiving.

As a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ I’ll often leave my audience with a breathing meditation from Vietnamese Monk Thich Nhat
Hanh they can use ANYTIME to re-enter this group experience and reap all the positive benefits and blessings we’ve
created and shared through this process.

The following mantra is given as a gift and an anchor into this experience by saying,

‘From this moment forth, ANY TIME you wish to relax your mind and body as deeply or even deeper than what you’re already experiencing right
now, simply focus on your breathing for just a moment or two and say to yourself,

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out, I smile.

Dwelling in the Present Moment…

I know this is a PERFECT MOMENT!


There will be a handout available after the program for anyone who would like more information on instant, deep relaxation and rapid stress
release…basically everything we’ve just experienced here together this evening…

So, retaining this positive feeling and this deep sense of comfort, peace and relaxation…in a moment I’ll go ahead and ask everyone to open up
their eyes, staying centered and balanced, present in the moment of NOW and back here in the room with me – ready to have a wonderful evening
filled with perfect moments and ready to CONTINUE /move forward with this unique and interesting experience…’

Now consider this – when I repeat and offer the words and exercise by Thich I state the mantra THREE TIMES, slowly.
The first time the audience becomes familiar with it, the SECOND TIME I raise my voice and the tempo slightly really
pressing these words and process into the Group Mind. The THIRD TIME I ask everyone to say the mantra with me (or
repeat after me). This integrates the process and words within them.

In VERY open groups I might ask the audience members to link hands with the person sitting next to them. I do this in the
private séance I offer.

This entire experience from beginning to end should not be rushed, but neither is it long and drawn out. I enjoy playing a
nice piece of music in the background when possible. Many times I simply proceed without the music which can actually be
a distraction for some.

Really, I don’t want the people involved to focus on the music and miss the changes happening or the experience growing
inside of the group mind and members. If it’s a repeat engagement and the people gathered have been through this
experience with me before (as in my Psychic Parties and Workshops) I’ll go ahead and play the music.

The choice is yours and you should do what suites you and your audiences the best.

This entire experience can be done with a single person, a small group or audiences of ANY size very effectively. I often
combine it with other pieces of work, hypnotic inductions and relaxation processes, the ‘Energy Wave’ and other pieces of my
work mentioned prior in this write-up.

The combination of eyes closed (or open!) with breathing, visualization, suggestion, relaxation, the performer’s confidence
and the participant’s expectation is what makes this entire piece a real wonder-worker. I trust you’ll all find some ideas here
that you can put to use immediately and a few more that you can work into your programs, sharing and offerings in time.
Thank you for giving this material a good home and for sharing your art, your heart and your mind with the world through
extended ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and masterful performance art. The world is a better place because of you.

Thought Veil

This particular technique is one I had developed many years ago and was the inspiration for the title of this book.
Like other mental constructs this one is very powerful and includes imaginary phenomenon with REAL

My “Thought Veil” technique is based on the Indian idea of “koshas” or “sheathes” that wrap up and encapsulate our
consciousness and can be peeled back/away like layers of an onion to expose our super-conscious mind and true nature
(inner guru, Higher Self) .

In essence I use this technique to break down resistance to suggestions within my participants. We begin with a simple
explanation that our minds are open and vulnerable to suggestion. Because of this our subconscious mind creates a type of
‘protective barrier’ or ‘buffer’ which prevents suggestions that might harm or negatively affect us from entering our mind and
wreaking havoc on our lives.

‘I prefer to think of this invisible barrier as a THOUGHT VEIL. Intuitively I see each person’s THOUGHT VEIL as a light, sparkling,
wispy, cloudy of energy which covers your head and drapes across the neck and shoulders. For the power of suggestion to work effectively for you
today let’s take a few moments and consciously INTEND to dissipate the THOUGHT VEIL for the time being. When we’re done your
VEIL will naturally reform around you and become even stronger than before.’

This pseudo explanation is nothing more than a psychological gambit that does two things:

1). By dissipating the THOUGHT VEIL your subject is basically giving you PERMISSION to use suggestion with them and
do whatever you wish. They are unconsciously agreeing to the process at hand and affirming that YOUR suggestions are
positive, light filled and helpful.

2). The process of dissipating and removing this protective barrier or ‘THOUGHT VEIL’ is a natural hypnotic induction.
We’re going to use breathing, visualization, compliance techniques and suggestion here to great effect here.

This process can be done with the subject’s eyes open or closed, it’s their choice.

With skeptical, guarded, resistant types of people I explain this imaginary process is nothing more than a guided creative
visualization I use to strengthen the effects of our mental connection and increase the positive results of my work – nothing
more, nothing less!

The first thing I do is have the participant IMAGINE this light, sparkling, foggy, ethereal shroud around them…

‘If you pay REALLY close attention you can almost feel it…almost like a pressure around the ears, neck and shoulders. Some people can even
hear their THOUGHT VEIL ringing very softly – others notice it emits a dull buzzing sound or quiet hum. You’ll hear it with your INNER

In this explanation we are making the THOUGHT VEIL real. I’m layering suggestions for additional phenomena so as to
give strength and life to a mental construct.

Once the participant can ‘notice something’ I proceed. If you happen to get a person who does NOT respond to these
gentle suggestions simply have that person imagine their VEIL the best they can and proceed. This will still work!

‘The next step is to CONSCIOUSLY INTEND for your THOUGHT VEIL to lighten up and dissipate a bit. It won’t vanish completely,
but it WILL lighten up enough for suggestion, telepathy and positive psychic influence to work for you perfectly at this time.

Give yourself permission to remove the THOUGHT VEIL for the next few minutes knowing full and well that it WILL return and that
you’re in safe, loving and competent hands until then. Is that okay to know? Good. Mentally command the THOUGHT VEIL to lighten its
grasp on your mind.’

Because I’ve introduced the THOUGHT VEIL as a protective barrier it’s important to assure and re-assure your subject that
they will not be harmed, manipulated or otherwise negatively affected by removing this barrier. Rapport is vital here.

After my subject INTENDS and instructs this imaginary THOUGHT VEIL to lighten up its grasp the next step is
IMAGINE it dissipating through breathing and visualization. Each of these instructions, commands and suggestions is
breaking down resistance and causing this person to comply with your requests. They are CONSCIOUSLY and
WILLFULLY making themselves vulnerable to you!

‘Imagine your THOUGHT VEIL dissipating and becoming lighter and lighter with each passing moment. As this happens, take a few deep
breaths to help direct this energy and your intentions – go ahead now – in and out, and another – in and out – that’s perfect. You’ll know the
THOUGHT VEIL is being removed properly when you can IMAGINE and SENSE that light pressure you felt around your ears, neck and
shoulders becoming lighter and lighter…you’re able to feel that now, correct?’

Again, these instructions are simply more compliance techniques and similar to ‘Yes Sets’ rendered without questions but
commands instead. You’ll notice I ask my subject a direct yes or no question at the end here. It’s quite rare for someone to
say ‘no’ at this point given how I’m pacing and leading their responses, suggestions and instructions, maintaining and
strengthening rapport, etc. IF for some reason a subject DOES say ‘no’ at this point I move right along and ask them to
simply IMAGINE IT in their mind.

‘And when you feel in your heart that your own THOUGHT VEIL has released its grasp and influence over your mind well enough for my own
thoughts and suggestions to come through and meet yours at this time, just nod your head ‘yes’ and we’ll proceed.’

Here I am re-affirming the subtle implications of removing the THOUGHT VEIL. It allows my own thoughts and
suggestions to come through and MEET the subjects own thoughts at this time. This implies a very deep, psychological
rapport and level of trust, openness and sincerity between two people. Another very subtle tactic is involved here. By telling
the subject to NOD THEIR HEAD when they feel this happening I effectively place my subject into a state of total

I tell my subject that WHEN THEY NOD THEIR HEAD I will proceed!

And now I wait…very soon or after a few moments my subject WILL nod their head. They do this because a) they feel
something via suggestion or b) they realize I will not proceed with them until they do. Whatever the case may be, when my
subject nods their head they have agreed to a particular state and phenomena; they have complied perfectly. When the subject
nods their head they effectively bring life to my suggestions and turn them into a REALITY.

Once my subject has nodded their head they have entered a silent agreement that says I can now do whatever I wish as far as
the power of suggestion goes. At this point I have my subject take a few more deep, cleansing breaths and then I proceed.

At this point I know I have a few options. I can proceed directly with my mentalism, suggestions and hypnosis
demonstration OR I can continue using this ‘THOUGHT VEIL’ technique and process to tighten up my results and the
connection I have to the subject.

If I’m not pressed for time I opt for the second route. It’s just more fun and powerful to me.

To continue with the THOUGHT VEIL I replace the protective barrier with a soft, gentle, connective mental construct.
There are subtle implications here as well which suggest the OPPOSITE of the ‘TV’ – increased suggestibility, deeper
connection and greater power of my mind and thoughts working on the subject.

‘Now that we’ve effectively dissipated the THOUGHT VEIL let’s replace it with a warm, soft, glowing, peaceful energy. Just like before, take a
few deep breaths…that’s right. Perfect!

Imagine if you will a radiant, beautiful PINK cloud and ethereal ribbons enveloping your mind and body – almost like a liquid rose quartz
connecting our two minds. See this remarkable, sparkling energy as a gentle, comforting blanket of love and compassion wrapping around your
mind and body and connecting your mind with your heart on every level.

This particular creative visualization and energetic process actually INCREASES your ability to perceive my thoughts and act upon my positive
suggestions for your benefit. By creating this soft cloud of energy all around and within you we can effectively cause our two minds to merge for a
time and become ONE. As this happens we’ll be able to trade our thoughts back and forth and share our greatest combined energy and intentions
with greater effect.’

By creating this alternative to the THOUGHT VEIL with suggestions that a warm, peaceful, beautiful energy is connecting
out minds and expanding/increasing the subject’s ability to share their own thoughts and feelings with me we enter into a
deep level of mutual trust, connection and sincerity. The reason I like to create this alternative shroud of suggestibility is
because people don’t like feeling as though something they HAD (the Thought Veil) has left. In its place I create another
beautiful, supportive image. Again, this is all pacing and leading, creating compliance and breaking down resistance.

To assist my subject with creating this shroud of warm, connective energy I lead them through a few more deep breaths and
tell them,

‘And when you can imagine and feel this energy growing and wrapping all around you – connecting our two minds – simply raise your hand to your
heart and we’ll proceed.’

This is drawing upon the same psychology as before and causes the participant to enter a silent agreement and affirmation of
the process.

At this point I give a few more suggestions that it’s NORMAL to feel closer to me now than they’ve ever felt to another
person and that I honor and respect this mutual sharing and will not take advantage of the sacred trust and energetic
relationship being forged.

I continue by adding that AFTER this process (my demonstration, our time and sharing with each other) has been completed
that my participant will continue to bask in this warm, glowing energy and that after we’ve parted ways their THOUGHT
VEIL will continue to return at a rapid pace and become a stronger shield and protective ‘thought barrier’ for them than ever

I also give a few post hypnotic suggestions that should we ever meet again their THOUGHT VEIL will naturally dissipate
and in its place this warm, peaceful energy and mind/heart connection to me will return instantly, easily and naturally.

This is a suggestion I use with nearly all of my clients. I often include anchoring AND suggestions of this warm peaceful
energy actually assisting my subject in entering a deep state of relaxed, focused awareness and increases their own natural
knowing and intuition.

You could anchor these suggestions with a series of taps, pressure on the knee, arm or shoulder, a finger grip or mudra, an
affirmation or symbol – whatever you wish. This allows the participant in this process to dissipate their own THOUGHT
VEIL at will and invite this warm blanket of energy to surround them instantly anytime they wish!

I often use this process with groups of people and I’ve even done it with an entire audience at once.

As mentalists we are in a strategic position to use bold and blatant hypnotic techniques as the simple explanation of
inductions, suggestion and other ‘odd’ demands all seem natural and commonplace when we attribute their use to greater
telepathy and connection between two minds.

By telling our participants these tools actually help, aid, assist and empower the process of sending and receiving thoughts we
give a perfect, logical explanation as to WHY we should do such things.

I know if you begin using this technique you will love it and so will your participants. It creates a very deep sense of rapport
and makes the process of telepathy, mind reading and ESP more believable.

This short process naturally leads to altered states of consciousness via the breathing, suggestions and visualizations. Once
this task has been completed I proceed with whatever mentalism demonstration I wish, my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence,
direct mind reading or whatever I choose to embrace and share in the moment.

Energetic Techniques

When rapport and persuasion, seduction and waking trance techniques get REALLY interesting is when they
begin to take on energetic forms and tap directly into the subconscious mind of the operator (hypnotist) and
subject (client).

Even though purely mental constructs and exercises in creativity these techniques activate certain unconscious programs and
intentions held deeply within us. Tools such as the ‘merging’ technique and ‘Thought Bubble’ have proven invaluable in my
work. These esoteric methods have proven to carry REAL results time and time again.

One technique I love using with merging minds INSIDE the thought bubble is linking chakras.

If you are not familiar with the chakra system and anatomy of the energetic bodies you may use this technique to simply link
heart centers, the throat and the mind (brow chakra) together. I do this as I state the suggestions and intentions that,

‘Your words may become my words, your thoughts – my thoughts, your feelings – my feelings.’

This is a visualization technique just as before. Standing or sitting across from my client/subject I imagine their chakras
spinning before me. Many times I see their meridians (life streams) flowing across the surface of their body and their aura
extending from their physical shell and vessel.

As I continue perceiving these energy centers in my mind and imagination I INTEND to create an energetic connection and
deep level of rapport by ‘linking up.’ To LINK UP I imagine Rays of Light shining forth from my own energy centers and
entering the chakras of my participant.

I begin at the root and work my way up to the navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown chakras. Because the 7
chakras correspond to the spectrum colors I place myself into an altered state of consciousness easily and naturally. I also
remember to implement my breathing techniques as I work. It takes me about 7 seconds to perfectly link my chakras up with
my client.

After I link our chakras I imagine braiding and weaving our energy streams and meridians together. Once this is done I
imagine my aura expanding and merging with the client’s aura in front of me. Energetically, creatively and imaginatively we
are becoming ONE.

Keep in mind this process can be done on your own as a creative visualization and perfect mental construct to access a
program of energetic rapport within your subconscious mind AND/OR it can be done verbally, visually with kinesthetic and
auditory modalities all included WITH your participant for hypnosis, suggestion or mentalism performances.

If I’m including the subject I get a very nice induction working for me as the client imagines (with me) various colors and
Rays of Light extending from the energy centers (the 7 colors of the spectrum) and merging in a pool of golden white,
shimmering, glowing, rainbow colored light in the space between us.

This practice is similar to creating a Group Spirit and can be done with many, many people at once. After life has been given
to the ‘thought form’ the group collective can charge it with an intention (to protect the group, create some effect, manifest a
certain goal, etc).

We’ll dive deeply into this practice later…

After I have ‘linked up’ (and this comes AFTER the ‘Thought Bubble’ has been formed) I merge with my participant through
their eyes. I follow the same guidelines I always have as set forth in the ‘Merging with the Mind of Another’ section of this book.
One thing I notice is that AFTER I have ‘linked up’ as explained here it’s incredibly easy to step into the mind and body of
my participant, with or without them knowing.

I also notice if I don’t link up energetically first the ‘stepping into’ and merging process is possible though my transition is
not as smooth in my mind. Whichever method works for you and you are comfortable using is what you should continue to
do. With a bit of practice these techniques become second nature and they will happen simultaneously with your mirroring,
pacing, language patterns and other techniques.

Using mental constructs such as these takes no extra time and creates a different outcome and expectation in the mind of the

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

There are a number of positive suggestions, empowering messages and intuitive notions I enjoy sharing with my
clients when the situation calls for it.

I think of these messages and teachings as little ‘reassurances’ the client can think about, feel and fall back on when the going
gets tough if they happen to ring true or elicit the same response within them as they have within me.

Examples of messages and programs I instill within the majority of people I work with include teaching the client:

1). We are all making perfect choices and learning perfect lessons.

The truth of the matter is that we are ALL making PERFECT CHOICES for ourselves no matter what the outward
appearance of those choices and their results might look like. Our choices in life provide a format for LEARNING and
textured, varied EXPERIENCE. As we learn (remember = re-member; to become ONE with) we GROW, EVOLVE and
can BE MORE as a result.

We can know we are all making perfect choices because as a result of our choices we learn PERFECT LESSONS. There is a
cause and effect pattern happening within every life and person. Without each of the decisions, actions, choices, thoughts,
beliefs and experiences we’ve all made and have and had over the years since our birth we wouldn’t be the person we are
today, nor would we be WHERE we currently find ourselves in the moment (which is also PERFECT).

When we can come to realize the truth that we are learning perfect choices and learning perfect lessons and see our life
experience through this higher perception we can start to let go of the past and stop beating ourselves up over decisions we
might regret. I remind my client those decisions/choices they regret were necessary steps in their unique life and process.

I let the client know they are making perfect choices and learning perfect lessons FOR THEMSELVES.

These choices and lessons aren’t meant to be in alignment with their parents or grandparents or spouses or their boss – it’s
their own process and unique to them.

After I share my experience with this idea I ask the client, ‘Is that okay for you to know?’ and ‘How does that make you feel?’

2). When things don’t go as planned, TRUST there’s a Higher Plan working perfectly.

When life gets crazy and we lose our way I am reminded that even when things don’t go as planned there’s a Higher Plan
working perfectly because ‘what is’ is what ought to be!

To believe differently is to argue with REALITY. When we argue with reality we create pain for ourselves. As we begin to
trust in a Higher Plan and start to work WITH life instead of against it we can end a great deal of personal suffering. This
goes back to making perfect choices and learning perfect lessons – acknowledging everything we say, think, be, do, have and
experience as valuable parts and portions of the learning/growing process.

3). Nothing ‘bad’ happens ever.

I got this tidbit from a book of the same title. The basic premise of this message is ‘nothing bad happens ever’ BECAUSE
EVERYTHING happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves you.

Why does it serve us? Because we are making perfect choices and learning perfect lessons. How can we know this? Because
we can trust in a ‘Higher Plan’ and life dynamic that in our limited view is imperceptible at this point. As finite beings we are
unable, as of now, to perceive the infinitely bigger picture and life dynamic we are all part of.

4). Live in the moment.

This is something I believe in very strongly. I’ve come to realize (on a personal level) that the current moment/NOW is all
there is. As we bring our consciousness and attention into the current moment as we experience life and the world around us
we may find there is very little ‘pain’ here and that most of our stress, fear and frustration is being hoarded in the past (our
memories) or projected into the near or distant future. By coming into the moment we may start to realize the MOMENT
OF NOW is perfect in every way. Because we cannot change the past and our future is not guaranteed it becomes very clear
that the point of power is always in the present.

Carpe diem.

I encourage my clients to ‘seize the day’ and experience ALL of the pleasures (and even the pain!) the MOMENT OF NOW
affords without regard for the future. I invite them to live in the moment without regard to the past as far as ‘past hurts’ go.
We can honor the past and prepare for the future while remaining steadfast IN THE MOMENT which is something we shall
all always have.

By encouraging my client to seize the moment and OWN IT they can find their personal power there. Whatever they can
DO, I invite them to start/begin it NOW.

5). Everything changes.

Because the moment is all there IS and all we really have – if the MOMENT OF NOW sucks (!) we can rest easy and assured
that each moment changes and that our current situation will also change. Nothing remains the same forever and CHANGE
is the only CONSTANT. Whatever momentary hurt, stress or burden we experience will also change and pass away
completely transformed.

6). Moment to moment we are giving and receiving.

We are all part of a process. This process includes giving and receiving, gaining and sharing, loving and losing. That there is a
‘season for all things’ and that all seasons change is abundantly clear. What remains the same during that change is that we
never stop giving and receiving.

7). As you sow, so shall you reap.

I believe we get what we put out, project and share/offer with and to the world and others. When we commit to being, doing
and having good (GREAT!) ‘things’ and life experiences and intend on being the best person we can be we should expect
great things to happen for us and to us.

That ‘what goes around, comes around’ and vice versa appears ‘true’ to me. As in all things I myself am open to being
‘wrong’ (it helps me to learn and grow) and I’m the first to admit I neither have all the answers to life OR all of the

Your thoughts are real things and travel outwards to manifest themselves in the world. ALL thoughts create some type of
reaction and have some kind of results. Your thoughts are seeds which eventually yield a harvest. Look at your thoughts and
ask yourself what you are planting in the worlds around and within you.

The thoughts (positive or negative) you harbor and release/project out into the world will eventually come home to roost.
Their positive or negative nature will dictate whether the results of those thoughts will show up in your life as ‘working’ or
‘not working.’ Remain conscious of your thoughts and the effects they might have on yourself and others no matter how
dramatic or subtle.

As we intend to fill our mind and consciousness with loving, empowered, inspired, positive thoughts in turn we create loving,
empowered, inspired and positive THOUGHT FORMS – that is THOUGHTS taking form and manifesting themselves
within our body and environment.

Our actions REFLECT the thoughts and consciousness we hold and entertain. By holding only loving, empowered, inspired,
positive thoughts we have a greater chance of ACTING/DOING things that are loving, empowered, inspired and positive in

I’ve heard that where thoughts go energy flows and form comes into function. As I taught you earlier in this course ALL
things (experiences, goals, ideas, art, performance, etc) are effectively created TWICE – once in your mind and then once in
physical reality.

A wooden chair doesn’t simply spring into being, it begins first as a thought inside of the carvers mind. The THOUGHT
(idea/suggestion) of a chair is nurtured and acted upon until finally we have an object (bought, obtained or otherwise
created) in which to sit down upon.

The same holds true for everything else we create in our lives.

8). Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

The Golden Rule is truly golden. I believe it is the epitome of human morality (it’s a prominent part of nearly ALL of the
world’s religions) and if we can just learn to apply the rule to our life and all others the world will be a better place. To me it
makes sense to practice the Golden Rule in all that I do because I believe we are all connected and what I do to/for ONE
person I do to/for ALL others.

By treating others how we ourselves would want to be treated in every situation and circumstance we’re able to increase our
empathy and understanding towards others, express our unconditional love for humanity and embrace compassion from
moment to moment.

9). I can choose peace instead of this!

Life has jagged edges and I’ve realized I can dull those edges up a bit by CHOOSING PEACE instead of stress, frustration,
anger and sadness.

Moment to moment we are AT CHOICE. By embracing the accountable version of our life and experience (owning ALL of
our experiences, for better or worse) we become empowered to CHANGE IT (our lives, ourselves and the world around us).

Accountability means ‘to account for.’

Responsibility means ‘the ability to respond to.’

I teach the ACCOUNTABLE VERSION above all else because it denies access to the ‘victim’ role in life. Instead of
responding to things – which presupposes we are powerless regarding the effects the world has on us – I ‘account for’
everything I can be, do, have or experience and claim the effects of the world upon me as my own. Whether I perceive
something as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ (working or not working) is up to me. As a result I know that ‘I can choose peace instead of this.’

By owning everything that happens in my life I take upon myself a role in changing it. I know that EVERYTHING that
happens ‘to me’ or in my life is a direct result of ME and ME alone (through my thinking, actions and perfect choices)! I
either choose it, create it, call it forth, generate it or allow it to happen.

The accountable version allows us to create the life of our dreams. The ‘Response-Able’ version means we take the life given
to us. Things don’t happen to me, I happen to things!

Instead of lack I can choose and create ABUNDANCE.

Instead of hate I can choose, embrace and create LOVE.

Instead of sadness I can choose, create and experience JOY and HAPPINESS.

I AM AT CHOICE – and so are you.

To change something it’s necessary to claim and ‘own’ it – to take full responsibility for it (all of it!). By owning our
experience and embracing the moment we find the footing necessary to hunker down and via lots of hard work CHANGE

10). Commitment and Intention

I’m a big believer in the power of commitment. I know that as I COMMIT fully to something/experience/purpose/goal
(anything!) that Heaven and Earth will move to support me in my decisions.

Intention goes hand in hand with the power of commitment. If delving into the realm of hypnotherapy, as facilitators to a
healing state we get to be CLEAR in our intentions. The same applies to private readers, healers and performers and all
empowered, inspired human beings.

Embracing the moment and being clear in my intentions (aware of my own criteria FOR the moment!) I can make a personal
commitment and set my destiny in stone. When intentions and commitment are in alignment we can do ANYTHING.

Whether it’s for some major life goal or change or whether it’s a stellar reading, mentalism performance or hypnotherapy
session our intentions and commitments work in the same manner and fashion.

I often teach my clients how to develop their WILL. What we ‘will’ is what we intend to bring forth and experience – a
decided outcome.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said that as we unlock our human doors our speech will become thunder and our thought will be

In order to create the life of our dreams and allow our own thoughts to become LAW (creating what we WILL, intend and
call forth) we get to develop our WILL.

Easy ways to develop our will and increase the power (and support) of our clear intentions and unwavering commitments
consist of:

1) Being clear in our intention(s)

2) Making a commitment

3) Acting upon those clear intentions and commitments

If I go outside to check the mailbox I ‘get clear’ in my intentions (aka – get the mail!), make a commitment (I AM GOING
TO GET THAT MAIL!) and then ACT – go and do it!

I go through this same process when I take a drink, brush my teeth, clothe myself, eat, move, speak, etc. In doing this I am
training my mind to ACCOMPLISH that which I desire (will), intend and commit to. It doesn’t matter if what I will, intend
and commit to is ‘small’ (chewing gum) or LARGE (performing miracles, moving mountains!) – the results are the same. By
developing our will in such ways we effectively train our mind and heart to create and achieve what we

11). There’s a spiritual solution to every problem.

Wayne Dyer wrote a great little book called, ‘There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem’ which I often recommend to my clients
of a spiritual persuasion.

The basic premise of the book is simple…

Everything is energy.

‘Problems’ are lower/denser manifestations of this energy

To dissolve our problems, issues and considerations we only need to bring a higher field of energy into our experience and

Doing this allows one to break through their personal barriers and limitations and effectively, INSTANTLY dissolve their
‘self perceived’ (relative) problem, issue or ‘non-working’ experience.

The book is sound and if you are so spiritually inclined I highly recommend you check it out.

Along these lines I also share with my clients another belief I have – that the Universe and LIFE is in all ways PERFECTLY
BALANCED. A problem CANNOT exist without its PERFECT SOLUTION also existing simultaneously!

With this in mind, the solution to our ‘problems’ becomes a simple matter of bringing the two together. The higher energy
will always trump the ‘lower’ energy and thus our perfect solutions will win over our IMPERFECT problems.

Speaking of problems, who was it who said ‘I don’t have problems, I have opportunities…’? I find that person very wise as our
‘problems’ are relative as is our experience, perceptions and beliefs about ‘right and wrong.’

12). Nothing is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – it simply IS.

Without casting judgment, instead of seeing the world, people and circumstances as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ we can start to look
upon them and their effects on us as simply ‘working’ or ‘not working.’

Right and wrong never needs to enter the equation. By calling something ‘wrong’ we step into judgment. We also affirm that
whatever we call ‘wrong’ is not PERFECT and further, that we did not create it, call it forth, generate it or allow it to happen.
As a result we are powerless to change what is ‘wrong’ and become blinded to solutions through our judgment.

By doing this we can eliminate our often ‘skewered’ sense of self righteousness and base our perceptions and experience
completely on RESULTS.

13). ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’

Man IS what he thinks about all day.

Given the nature of the subconscious mind we often attribute it with functions, actions and associations of the HEART –
and those being passion, creativity, love, acceptance, non judgmental, open, sincere and receptive – to name just a few of the
qualities of the heart and subconscious mind.

‘As a man thinketh’ is a Proverb which effectively states the truth that man CANNOT have anything without the
consciousness for it. This is true for anything you can create or experience from health to sickness, abundance to lack, love or
fear, success, failure and more.

Without the consciousness for a certain experience, goal or state of being one cannot effectively create or enjoy the desired
experience, goal or state of being. The same holds true for otherwise ‘negative’ experiences, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, opinions
and actions. It is impossible to experience ‘lack’ without a consciousness which supports, affirms and thus creates the ‘lack’

If one desires health we’ve got to maintain a ‘health consciousness.’ If one desires wealth one must maintain an ‘abundance
consciousness.’ If one desires loving relationships one must cultivate and maintain a ‘loving relationship consciousness.’

I believe the reason why hypnosis and hypnotherapy is so incredibly effective is that we can successfully change the
subconscious (heart’s) programming and thus affect the consciousness and programming of the subject/recipient of those
programs. The necessary first step towards ANY positive change occurs initially within our own mind.

Just as we reap what we sow the ideas, thoughts, beliefs and opinions we hold in our mind and give our energy, attention and
intentions to will GROW and begin to take shape in the world. By programming the creative mind with positive ideas,
thoughts, suggestions, ‘working beliefs’, empowered actions and loving experiences we shall begin to create, embrace and live
the life of our dreams/subconscious mind (dreams = subconscious).

14). Be, Do, Have

Bruce Lee said, ‘Becoming is a denial of BEING.’

Many of my clients come to me with the intention of creating or manifesting some important goal, result or life experience. I
take these clients through a TWO PART process.

Part one consists of eliciting criteria and discovering the client’s bottom line. We’ll use this as an effective program and
affirmation to fill the subconscious mind with suggestions which support the desired outcome.

Part two consists of re-training the client to think and act in positive states of being in ways that are proven effective to
obtain the desired results. One idea I’ve found to be true through personal experience (based on RESULTS) is the fact that
everything we seek to be, do, have or experience already exists WITHIN US.

The reason why these things can and do already exist within us is because they are inside of us as part of us IN OUR MIND,

A ‘thought’ is a dual creative force and ‘baby experience’ just waiting to take form in some way. By realizing that everything is
energy and we are all connected – that everything we seek already exists within us and simply needs to be released and born
through ‘right thinking’ and ‘right action’ it makes it easier to call those experiences, results, goals and successes forth.

Because these things already exist within us we must only create a warm, positive and safe environment for our children (your
thoughts) to be born and brought forth into the world. We are effectively creating, calling forth, generating and allowing our
thoughts to happen/take place/find form and be experienced moment to moment, all day every single day.

That ‘becoming is a denial of being’ can be of great value to us as we start to understand these radical ideas and principles. The
Bible is a book of wisdom like many other religious and spiritual tomes and scriptures. In the Bible we are told, ‘BE ye
therefore perfect.’

Notice how it DOESN’T say ‘BECOME ye therefore perfect’ but ‘BE’ perfect!

There is nothing to ‘become’ because we are all already everything. There is everything to BE because everything is
connected and it all exists within you in raw potential.

Instead of creating ‘something’ from NOTHING we only need to understand that we already have it all (ARE it all) and that
we are constantly at choice. You can have everything you desire. It’s simply a matter of BEING and embracing those things
already within yourself. The exciting news here is that you can CHOOSE to be anything you desire!


Some of the greatest spiritual wisdom that was ever shared with me was the creative process which 99% of all people have
completely ass backwards.

Humanity has it in their mind that if we could HAVE something – a house, a companion, health, money, success, the perfect
job – then we could DO what we always wanted to do – take that vacation, get married, buy a boat or house on the beach,
spend our time with someone we love (etc) – and as a result of that we could BE that thing people call ‘happy’ or ‘free’ or
‘loving/loved’, ‘at peace’, ‘secure’ or whatever it is we are seeking.

The error in thinking like this is it goes directly against the real creative process as a Universal Truth.

The most effective creative process as I understand it is reversed and states we must BE, DO and HAVE to create a desired

The easiest way to create whatever you desire is to elicit criteria first. What’s important about (X)? What’s important about
(Y)? What’s important about (Z)? Ultimately, what would that create for you in your life?

Once you have asked yourself (or your client) these questions you will have your BOTTOM LINE. Your bottom line will
most always fall under one of the aforementioned (or similar) POSITIVE STATES OF BEING.

With that bottom line (clear criteria) and those positive states of being in mind it’s a simple matter to start BEING what you
would BE if you were to achieve your goal or experience NOW. What you think, how you feel and what you choose to be is a

This is where ‘act as if ’ comes in. ‘Act as if ’ means we get to ACT/BE as though we have already attained our experience. In
doing this we create the appropriate consciousness for our desires. By maintaining this consciousness and state of being the
Universe around and within you MUST CREATE whatever it is you desire!

Your subconscious and SUPER CONSCIOUS MIND effectively communicates with the world around and within you and
says the desire must now be brought into form and experience BECAUSE you have the appropriate consciousness for it.
That consciousness is the fertile womb from which your experience will be conceived, nurtured, grown and birthed for you
to experience.

Unconsciously your subconscious and super conscious mind (that part of your mind connected to ALL things, times, people,
places and events) will begin to place you in the right place at the right time to achieve your experience and desires. You’ll
begin to think, say and do things which bring you closer to your growing experience, goal or successful outcome. Things
begin to happen as if by MAGIC and MIRACLES – the parts and pieces begin to fall into place perfectly and serve as
stepping stones to your happiness – the fullness of your experience.

As we bring intention and commitment into the process these events happen even faster. Life starts to be recognized as a
series of perfectly synchronized events which in turn tells us that although we might not consciously understand it, the
HIGHER PLAN truly IS working out perfectly!

Let’s say I have a client who wishes to make a successful career of selling real estate. This scenario could literally be
ANYTHING a person can desire to be, do, have or experience in their life.

The first thing I ask is ‘What’s important about having a successful career selling real estate?’

It would provide me with more money, time and assets to share with my family.

‘What’s important about having more money, time and assets to share with your family?’

I want (desire) for them to be happy and to have everything they want and deserve in life; to be able to attend the
best colleges and for our family to be comfortable financially.

‘What’s important to you about them being happy, having everything they want and deserve in life, to BE ABLE to attend
the best colleges and for your family to be financially comfortable?’

It would make me feel like a better mom knowing I’m doing my best to give them all of the experiences I didn’t
have and helping them to succeed in life.

‘Ultimately, what would that create for you?’

Happiness, joy, peace of mind…security.

So in this case I know my client’s BOTTOM LINE/CORE ISSUE is happiness, joy, peace of mind and security.

When we reverse the ‘normal’ misguided creative process and approach it from a BE, DO, HAVE standpoint the first thing
my client gets to do in order to create a new and highly successful career in real estate is to BE (NOW) her bottom line!

I will guide her now to CHOOSE to be happy, joyful, peaceful in mind and secure TO THE EXTENT IN WHICH SHE IS
CAPABLE. I invite her to BE these things now knowing that ‘becoming’ is a denial of BEING.

By BEING these things (embracing them NOW) and ‘acting as if ’ she begins to communicate with a very powerful and
capable part of her mind, heart and soul that is naturally creative and infinite in potential. By BEING her criteria and final
outcome starting NOW she is able to change her consciousness. By changing her consciousness she will open up the doors
to her experience.

So, my client agrees to embrace these things and ‘act as if ’ starting NOW.

The next step is to DO something which REFLECTS her happiness, joy, peace of mind and security. This action – this
DOING – is a reflection of her inner state of being. By DOING something (anything!) which REFLECTS her inner state
she can start to HAVE the experience she desires in MINIATURE FORM NOW!

This reversal of the process – embracing the final state of BEING (first!) and then DOING something which reflects that
inner state she will HAVE the experience she seeks in some small way.

This small way/action/experience is THE SEED she is planting in her subconscious mind that will eventually go out into the
energetic Universe and establish FORM. She is effectively magnetizing herself and programming her mind and the world
around her with her desires.

That MUCH GATHERS MORE is another spiritual truth I adhere to – an object in motions stays in motion. All it takes is
for ‘something’ to come into form and to begin growing for everything else LIKE IT to be drawn to and added TO it.

Through being her final state first (opposed to HAVING something first in her quest to experience the final state) and then
DOING something which reflects that inner state (i.e. TAKING ACTION and STEPS TOWARDS HER GOAL) she sets
up a harmonious environment for her to HAVE her experience in miniature form first and then in its fullness as her goal
comes to fruition.

It’s a process to be certain – very rarely does someone snap their fingers and have everything they desire…unless they do…

I guaranteed that if my client follows the BE, DO, HAVE process (instead of the flawed have, do, be model) she will
eventually create, achieve and experience her goal. It IS as simple as that!

Being, doing and having are equally important.

By being first the outcome of our final goals and experience we begin creating the experience within us. DOING is vital at this
point. Not only should my client DO something which reflects her inner state of being (happiness/joy, peace of mind,
security), she should obviously be DOING something which brings her towards her goal.

This would be things like calling real estate companies, taking the proper classes, typing up a resume and applications,
meeting people involved in the business and hitting the streets DOING the necessary foot work (hard work made easy via
this process!) to step closer to her final goals, results and desires.

As she does these things she does so with happiness, joy, peace of mind and security foremost in her mind and heart. She is
clear in her intentions and what she is creating and COMMITTED to the final result, goal and outcome. This means that she
WILL do the necessary work and she WILL NOT STOP until she experiences her goal exactly as she intends to and
imagines it.

While we are able to consciously create as a hypnotherapist I would support her process by inducing trance, engaging the
subconscious mind and instilling new programs with her criteria. I’ll have her IMAGINE and EXPERIENCE her goal in her
mind and heart with as much detail as possible and further IMAGINE and EXPERIENCE herself meeting her goal in the
moment NOW.

Together we’ll create an affirmation and visualization with her criteria and goal in mind. I’ll also create a symbol and verbal
and/or physical anchors which will place her directly into the state of happiness/joy, peace of mind and security whenever
she wishes to draw upon it (and I suggest this is VERY often!).

Further, I will give her tools like the EFT flow and change patterns to rid herself of negative thinking and support her in the
positive choices she is making by encouraging her to TAKE ACTION and DO what is necessary to attain her goal.

Something I cannot stress enough is the importance of DOING what must be done to attain your desires and intended
experience. As said before, it’s often hard work that is made EASY through this process. Once you change your mind, heart
and thoughts, elicit criteria, set your intentions to achieve it and commit to having it NO MATTER WHAT THE COST OF
EFFORT OR HARD WORK you will have what you desire. It all starts with BEING.

Finally, with each step she takes (DOES) which brings her closer to her final goal and outcome she gives thanks and
embraces a state of gratitude. Gratitude and thankfulness keeps the process going and will create experience at light speeds.

CHOOSE what you wish to be, do, have and experience and give thanks knowing that as you follow this process you WILL
attain your goals, dreams and objects of your desire. Be grateful knowing that you already DO have your goal – it is merely
being formed in the ethers of your mind and brought forth into the world for you to enjoy.

Be, do, have = experience.

Be the final outcome you are seeking. Act as if. CHOOSE to be it NOW.

Do something which reflects that inner state and brings you closer to your goal, intention and commitment.

Have the object, goal or experience in miniature form while it grows and then eventually in all its fullness and glory.

Give thanks, be humble, grateful and share it with others. What goes around comes around.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

As I taught prior – we cannot have something (anything!) without the appropriate consciousness for it. We require the
consciousness for those things and experiences we desire because our consciousness constitutes the quality and level of our
thinking and our thoughts are creative.

By embracing the ‘health consciousness’ and living in the SPIRIT of health, health will eventually become yours by RIGHT.
The same holds true for abundance, love, success, happiness, prosperity and your total fulfillment. It will become impossible
for anyone or anything to keep your perfect health/love/wealth/career from you because your consciousness creates and
supports your experience.

Think of your thoughts as a magnetic force which PULLS your desires directly into your space (from within you into the
outer world) and sphere of experience to enjoy and share with others. By magnetizing and SUPER CHARGING our mind,
thoughts and subconscious with the object, goal or experience of our desires and cultivate an appropriate, SUPPORTIVE
consciousness for such things and we create them.

‘As within, so without’ and ‘As above, so below’ are principles which suggest this process and how it works. It supports my ‘as a
man thinketh in his heart’ and ‘as you sow so shall you reap’ philosophy perfectly. Based on hard results these principles work and
they work very well.

I’m the first to admit the popular movie and process called ‘The Secret’ is, was and will continue to be a huge crock of bullshit
and packaged to sell to the unsuspecting and disenchanted masses. For a bunch of so-called EXPERTS in the fields of
positive thinking and manifestation they sure missed the boat completely with their video and teachings. It is nearly

impossible to merely THINK something into being no matter how positive our thoughts are or how much we fight our own
disbelief or have faith in the process.

HARD WORK and taking the necessary steps is vital to the outcome. The money and financial abundance you might be
creating isn’t going to fall into your lap while watching television. We’ve got to get out into the world and MAKE the
experience happen.

By following the process taught here it WILL happen – you’ve got to do the work.

Natural laws are NOT going to be broken to achieve your goal – it will take place in natural order through seemingly
synchronistic means and methods. You don’t have to worry about the PROCESS or the ‘mechanics’ by which your good
arrives and comes to embrace you – you only need concern yourself with following the process and paying your dues
through proper hard work and application of these principles.

The Law of Expectation is also in full effect here.




15). Fear and worry create experience.

My grandmother used to tell me that ‘WORRYING is like praying for something you don’t want.’

The same goes for FEAR. How many times have you feared the worst only to create it/actualize it and experience it?

There are only two types of fears:

Fear of losing what we have

Fear of not getting what we want

Both of these ‘fears’ are illusions (albeit persistent ones at times) and can be acknowledged, looked at and dropped. Fear isn’t
real and love and fear cannot exist in the same space. To get rid of your fear CHOOSE TO BE LOVE. The power of love
can do ANYTHING. It will turn the frightened into knights in shining armor, send mothers running across busy streets for
their children in danger and firemen into burning buildings for cats and dogs. Heroes can do what they do because they
LOVE, not because it’s their job.

16). Desire vs. Wanting

As mentioned prior, CHOOSE to have desires instead of ‘wanting’ things (material possessions, outcomes, results, goals or
experiences). Just like BECOMING is a denial of BEING, ‘wanting’ is an affirmation of NOT HAVING. You already have
it all – choose it, create it, call it forth, generate it and allow it to happen. Give thanks when it does, you’re all set!

17). In order to ‘get’ you must GIVE.

One thing I’ve realized during the creative process is that whatever it is I wish/intend/desire to choose, create, call forth,
generate or allow to happen for myself I must also be willing to give and do for others.

One of the great keys to success is this: if you desire to be successful then help, aid and assist others in finding THEIR own

The same applies to love, wealth, happiness, good health and more.

What you desire for yourself, desire for others as well and help them to achieve, attain and experience it if that is there wish
as well. In doing this you will surround yourself with like energies/experiences and draw them to you at an increased rate.

In this process the ego gets to take a back seat and follow the heart’s lead. We get to GIVE what we desire for ourselves to
others and in doing so we affirm the truth that there is an UNLIMITED SUPPLY and more than enough to go around –
and we all know that what goes around comes around, correct? It is in giving that we receive, in pardoning that we are
pardoned, in loving that we are loved…

18). Love is all there is.

And this is my bottom line. ‘The greatest thing you’ll EVER learn is just to love and be loved…just to love and be loved.’

Through the above thoughts I’ve shared some things that I’ve found of personal value and power. As with all ideas in this
book I don’t expect anyone to embrace or share these thoughts and sentiments with me. Many of you might think some of
these ideas are complete bullshit and I’m open to that as well. That could be true!

In the end I believe that LOVE is all there is and all I (personally) should strive to share and affirm for the world. Further, I
have a feeling deep inside of myself that tells me that NO MATTER WHAT this thing we call ‘life’ is all going to turn out
just fine in the end. Perhaps it’s a matter of faith – I think and feel it as a sense of NATURAL KNOWING – and when you
know, YOU KNOW!

When I share these ideas with my clients I do so without any intention or will to ‘change’ the person I share them with –
instead I share what I have found to be of value for myself and lead/inspire BY EXAMPLE.

I could go on and on and on about ideas, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, notions, New Age thinking and psycho-spiritual
philosophies that work for me and that would be a completely new book by itself. I would much rather you become clear
regarding your own WORKING beliefs and notions about yourself, your life and the world around you that you can share
with your clients who might be wandering, but are certainly not lost.


The Basics & Theory Of Hypnosis

The following information consists of more material and further information you deserve to know in order to
better understand human nature, the process of suggestion and phenomena of hypnosis. While in depth study of
the following pieces is highly suggested, for strictly entertainment purposes it might not be necessary.

Semantics Of Trance

The hands can tell you a lot about people. I use this information in my palm readings, during hypnosis, while
shaking hands and mid performance.

Part of creating rapport is being friendly. It’s a normal procedure to shake a person’s hand upon meeting them. It’s a good
social skill and consciously shaking hands can tell you a lot about the other person. If you find yourself afraid to touch or be
touched by other people, get therapy. Our society needs touch and human beings depend on it. I openly hug perfect strangers
and while I am not advocating everyone goes around doing this, it couldn’t hurt.

You’ll normally find about 5 different types of hands –

• Warm, moist hand – this makes for an excellent hypnotic subject and they are usually ready to respond to trance and
suggestions immediately. During performance I might invite 3-6 people on stage to join me for a demonstration of
mind reading. As my participant’s arrive I shake their hands, introduce myself and get their names. As I’m doing this
I’m actively searching for the warm, moist hand. THAT is the person I want to use to begin or end my
demonstration because they are of the open, suggestible type.

• Warm, wet hand – this is also an excellent subject for hypnosis or suggestion based mentalism. The excessive
moisture tells me they are a bit nervous, but a great subject nonetheless.

• Hot, wet hand – this person responds quite well to suggestion but may fight the process of hypnosis at first because
of neurotic fears or paranoia. When in doubt, create rapport and ease into the demonstration with a few tests to
condition this type of subject.

• Cool, dry hand – generally, the cooler the hand I feel the more left brained and logical minded the person is. This is
not a hard and fast rule as certain environmental conditions may be a factor such as the temperature outside or even
due to medical reasons. Use your intuition and people reading skills. These folks can make good subjects and
respond well to suggestion in time BUT rapport is absolutely vital here. A strong level of trust and connection must
be established before venturing further.

• Cold hand – every once in awhile I come across a person with an icy grip. Palmistry might tell us this person is cold
and calculating (take it for what it is worth) and generally I find they are extremely logical, rational and resistance
may be intense in the most extreme cases.

These are not hard and fast rules but simple observations I have learned over time.

There are a lot of factors that go into selecting a proper subject for hypnosis and suggestion and please remember that
EVERYONE can and will be hypnotized to some degree using the techniques in this book and EVERYONE can and will
respond to suggestions and suggestion/psychology based mentalism as the material set forth in this book is properly utilized.

Suggestibility Testing

So how can we find out which people are great candidates for hypnosis and suggestion? There are a few simple
keys I have found invaluable.

First and foremost I’m a big advocate of being clear in our intentions. This means that as a performer and hypnotist we are
aware of who we are, what we are doing and why we are doing it. This is a state of mindfulness, if you will. Being clear in
our intentions means we have elicited our own criteria (moment to moment) so that we KNOW what we are doing, where we
are going and WHY we are being, doing and having as we are. Before I set out to do anything I take a moment and
internalize my intentions and purpose. In the case of selecting proper subjects my intent and purpose might appear as the

1). I’m going to determine my subject’s ability to respond to directions and suggestions.

2). Through suggestibility testing I bring my participant to a conscious awareness that something ‘different’ is about to
happen. Expectation = realization.

Determining my participant’s ability to respond to suggestion is easy. This can be done through a simple pendulum test, via
psychological forces or by following the path of least resistance as described earlier by giving my subject a few easy to
understand and easy to follow suggestions/instructions such as:

• Step right over here

• Sit (stand up) straight

• Place both of your feet together

• Take a deep breath

• Close your eyes

• Hold your hand out

• Choose a spot on the ceiling and stare at it

• Look into my eyes

• Take this book

• Pick up this pen (paper, book, etc)

• Have a seat on the couch

• Put your hands together

• This is a silent process (or a closed eye process)

• Please, choose a card…

• Think of…

• Imagine (fill in the blank)

Anything I can request of my participant is effectively a suggestion. Once the subject follows my lead and suggestions we are
simultaneously and effectively engaging in a process and lowering their resistance.

One very easy sign that a person is highly suggestible and can be/will be responsive to suggestion is to watch for those who
volunteer easily and spontaneously. Those people who wish to become an active participant and part of the process (for both
mentalism and hypnosis) are usually primed and ready to go.

The exception to this rule is when the volunteer is unruly and desires to create problems or a spectacle of your possible
failure. Seasoned performers will be able to spot such people coming and avoid them with ease. This is not something that
can really be taught, but must be learned through experience. If this is something that worries you, pay special attention to
the volunteer’s body language during the encounter and you’ll have your answers.

You’ll find that individuals will respond to suggestion and suggestibility testing in two different ways:

1). The PATERNAL approach – this is direct, demanding and authoritarian. This is the approach taught by Anthony Jacquin
as he guides his students to be THE HYPNOTIST. When the performer exudes confidence and control, force and solidity
they are taking a paternal approach. We assume a fatherly type role in the process.

2). The MATERNAL approach – this is permissive and more coaxing than demanding. The maternal approach tends to be
soft, gentle and caring to get results. This is the approach of a motherly figure.

You’ll quickly learn how to shift back and forth between a maternal and paternal approach to suggestion and working with
your volunteers. The great hypnotists and performers I know are neither one of the other all the time, but shift and change
between the two approaches based on their audience and volunteers. This should be your goal.

Again, shaking hands will be a strong indication of how rigid and gentle a person is. If the handshake is very strong, forceful
and confident this person may need to be approached in the same manner and fashion; water seeks its own level.

If your subject is very calm, soft and gentle when shaking hands, they may respond better to a like-energy and approach
(maternal in this case). You’ll also find people who only respond well to the opposite approach – very strong characters might
need a bit of softening and very gentle souls might need a bit of force and authority. This is an art as well as a science. By
staying aware of both approaches we can hedge our bets accordingly and work well with all types of people.

Some hypnotists prefer to test the suggestibility of their subject and the progress made during their inductions with a ‘Set
Piece.’ These sets normally consist of simple tests such as causing the arms to become light or heavy, the eyes to become
heavy, relaxed and sealed shut, the hands being pulled together or drifting apart, the client’s feet being stuck to the ground
and other ‘tests.’

It’s a personal opinion of mine born through practice which suggests I don’t like to use or prefer traditional suggestibility
tests for the most part. There is a time and a place for them, certainly, and yet I feel the very idea of such a test or set piece
presupposes the idea of our hypnotic techniques and inductions NOT working for the subject.

Instead of ‘tests’ I prefer to gauge the suggestibility of my client/participant/volunteer based on their ability to follow simple
instructions (suggestions) as mentioned earlier – sitting up straight, taking a deep breath, closing their eyes, counting
backwards from 5 to 1 and following my basic guidance and expert facilitation.

This is nothing more than a personal preference and I’ll include a few traditional tests here now. I’d like to emphasis the fact
that subjects for hypnosis and hypnotherapy have already proven themselves highly suggestible through merely seeking you
out and agreeing to become the subject of hypnosis.

The Rising & Falling Arm Test

This test is classic and very easy to do. Your subject can be sitting or standing with their feet together and asked to
hold both their arms out in front of them.

Notice that even these first few suggestions are mini ‘tests’ in and of themselves; ‘place your feet together and hold both arms out in
front of you LIKE THIS…’

As I say ‘LIKE THIS’ I show my subject(s) what I wish for them to do. The reason why I SHOW THEM instead of just
verbally instructing them is simply so that I am able to make the gesture FIRST and my subjects MIRROR what I am doing.
This assists me in developing the process of LEADING very quickly.

I instruct (both verbally and physically) my subject to hold their left palm facing the ground while their right hand is held in a
loose fist with their thumb facing the ceiling as if hitchhiking.

‘Now close your eyes and imagine a large bucket filled with sand is fastened to your LEFT HAND/WRIST and it’s VERY HEAVY while
your RIGHT HAND is tethered to a rope that is gently tugging your hand and pulling your wrist and arm UPWARDS making it feel

And as you IMAGINE these objects fastened to your wrists, notice how your body begins to respond to your thoughts and suggestions. The power
of the mind is an incredible thing, evidenced by the fact that your LEFT HAND is now beginning to sag and pull itself down towards the floor
while your RIGHT HAND starts lifting higher and higher into the sky, easily and naturally. Do this now…

Up and up and up, higher, higher and higher your RIGHT HAND lifts into the air. This is the power of your mind and imagination at work!
Your LEFT ARM feels heavier and heavier, heavier and heavier growing tired and weary from the weight of the sand…

If the subject is having any difficulty at all I simply place my hand beneath their right arm and gently lift it up a bit and/or
apply a little pressure on the left hand to force it down slightly. This is part of the process and nobody questions it. I don’t
like wasting time with suggestibility tests so if I use them I make damn sure they are going correctly and at a fairly rapid pace.
The end results will be the same.

The more you imagine the rope and the sand, the more your arms are gently pulled up and down, up and down using nothing more than the power
of your mind…

As I say ‘up and down, up and down’ I lightly tap my subject/participant on their right and left shoulder, respectively. If there are
multiple people in on the test I might walk down the line gently tapping each of them as I give the suggestions.

This light touch allows me to create rapport and lets my subject know I am here to support them and actively involved in the

I continue to give suggestions of the bucket of sand being very heavy and pulling the LEFT ARM towards the ground while
the RIGHT HAND/ARM continues to lift and be pulled into the air by some natural, invisible force – the power of the
subjects own mind at work!

Once visible progress has been made I instruct my subject to STOP and take a deep breath. Now I can instruct them to hold
this position and open their eyes to SEE their progress. Many people are amazed to see how much their arms have moved
(it’s hard to tell exactly with the eyes closed) and almost everyone gets a kick out of this. It’s fun.

I used to incorporate this suggestibility test before my early, early stage shows. I used the test with the entire audience (with a
few others) and those who responded well and had great results were invited to the stage to take part in the show.

Like psychological forces, suggestibility tests are a great way to get your entire audience involved with the performance and
for this reason alone they have worth and value. As I mentioned, it’s simply a personal preference that I choose not to use
them because in the end I know (for me) they are unnecessary. My subjects ARE going to be hypnotized with or without
these preliminary tests.

I’ll often throw this and other suggestibility tests in with a demonstration of mind reading to flesh out a mentalism routine.
For example, let’s say that my participant has just looked at a few words from a book and locked them into their mind. I’ll go
into this suggestibility test by saying,

‘Before we take a shot at the mind reading I need to better understand HOW POWERFUL your own mind really is…’ and proceed exactly
as written above.

This assists in adding a little more ‘oomph’ to the demonstration and is very good ‘filler’ material. I get a strange occurrence
happening BEFORE the actual mind reading takes place and this ‘occurrence’ is seemingly important to the process as it
allows me to see exactly how powerful the mind I am working with really is. The stronger and more capable the mind, the
easier the process of mind reading becomes for both of us.

You can change this test up by giving different suggestions and visualizations such as a stack of books and handful of
balloons or a large rock and a cord fastened to a cloud.

I used to incorporate the large rock and hand fastened to a cloud images where at the end my subject would ‘bust’ the cloud
imagining their stress pouring into it. When their arm was raised completely into the air the cloud broke loose and took all of
their pain and stress away with it, fading into nothingness. The rock would sink deeply into the earth and assist the subject in
remaining grounded and stable.

One tricky thing I like to do is turn my suggestibility tests into full blown inductions, so not only am I gauging my client’s
ability to respond to suggestions, but I am actually placing them into a full blown trance during the process.

As usual, one thing that will continually assist with these suggestibility tests is deep, circular breathing. Remember that our
tests are naturally hypnotic – the client is closing their eyes, taking deep breaths and visualizing which are all proven to change
and alter their brainwave patterns.

When using directed breathing patterns to this test I suggest my subject(s) take a deep breath in through the nose and out
through the mouth. As they do so, the right hand lifts higher and higher as the left hand sinks and drops lower and lower. I
can also change it up by suggesting that each time the subject inhales the right hand becomes lighter and lifts higher. Each
time they exhale the left hand becomes heavier and sinks lower. The key here is to link a natural action (breathing) with a
suggestion (hands lifting and dropping).

I’ve had my subjects take deep breaths and as they do the balloons on their right arm grow larger and larger lifting their arm
higher and higher and many other variations. Play around with these tests and see how you can make them better work for
you and your style of performing.

Obviously you could switch up the right and left hands so that your mental balloons and weights are on opposite wrists, it
doesn’t really matter. I choose to keep the arm becoming LIGHTER on the left side, the exact opposite of what is written in
the above explanation.

My reasoning here is that the RIGHT BRAIN controls the LEFT SIDE OF THE BODY. It is a more challenging suggestion
for an arm to lift than it is for it to drop lower because when dropping lower the muscles will naturally become strained over
time and gravity will take its toll. This only helps to make the suggestion work better and for this reason I choose to have the

RIGHT ARM/HAND be the one that becomes heavy. Again, the LEFT BRAIN controls the RIGHT SIDE OF THE
BODY and to me this makes better sense. Take it for what you will.

The Pendulum Test

Pendulums are great for all types of hypnosis and mentalism routines. I always carry a pendulum with me and I
find it’s the perfect tool with which to ‘test’ a subject’s level of suggestibility.

Hypnotic inductions and mentalism routines with a pendulum appear later in this book and for now let’s look at HOW the
ideometer response can be used to test a person’s ability to respond to suggestions.

Many mentalists make working with a pendulum (ESPECIALLY in the hands of a participant) more difficult than it really is.
All that is necessary is that you SUGGEST the participant(s) focus on the pendulum and IMAGINE it swinging back and
forth, back and forth as they take a few deep breaths and expect/intend for the movements to take place. This also works for
the pendulum to swing in circles, clockwise and counter clockwise, stop and so forth.

If the participant places their attention upon the pendulum (you or they are holding) and IMAGINES it moving first and
foremost (in the desired direction) while taking deep breaths and listening to your voice and suggestions it is inevitable that
the pendulum will begin to move in the chosen manner and fashion.

Pendulum work is deceptively simple. The movements in a participant’s hand work even better if you take just a moment or
two to demonstrate HOW EASY it is yourself.

To use the pendulum as a suggestibility test I simply explain what it is, what it does and then SHOW THEM with my own
pendulum. Now I hand my participant a pendulum too and ask them to focus their attention upon it, take a deep breath and
imagine the pendulum moving back and forth, back and forth, easily and naturally ‘Like this’ as I demonstrate with my own
pendulum. If I’m only working with ONE pendulum I simply mime the actions and movements in the empty space and air
before me.

I tell my participant(s) ‘This is simple’ and ‘Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it WILL HAPPEN easily and

That is all it takes to get the pendulum moving in their own hands. It won’t ever fail you and it works like a charm. The key is
to focus on the pendulum (where their attention goes phenomena is created), take deep breaths to induce hyper suggestibility
and increase the effects of the ideometer response, VISUALIZE/IMAGINE the movements happening first (!) and then
WILLING/INSTRUCTING the pendulum to move only with their mind.

I create an attitude of expectancy and ease during the test because what is expected tends to be realized. I also remind my
subject there is no ‘wrong way’ to do this and that it’s impossible to fail. This eliminates any excess pressure they might feel
which could impede and obstruct the test. Perfect results are the rule.

Once you get a subject responding to the pendulum and its movement you’ve found yourself a great candidate for hypnosis.
The same can be said of psychological forces and I find those who respond well to psyche-forces are wonderful subjects
during hypnosis.

My Pendulum Routine

I use a number of different pendulum routines, effects and demonstrations. I cannot stress how remarkably
effective the proper use of a pendulum is in hypnosis, private readings, mentalism and guided meditation
processes. The pendulum is a powerful tool with which to create MIRACLES.

Here you’ll find some of my all time favorite pieces with a pendulum. The only one I use one a regular basis that I’m NOT
including is ‘The Curse’ from my book ‘The Taboo Treatise.’

Using a pendulum during or prior to contact mind reading (or NON CONTACT mind reading!) and muscle testing is
another one of my favorite uses for these miracle tools and for obvious reasons will not be discussed in this book but
covered in depth in a forthcoming manuscript.

In my classic pendulum test and demonstration I show my participant HOW a pendulum works and offer to show them a
few simple ‘tests’ we can use with it.

Most of my pendulum work begins with a simple calibration exercise as described prior in which the pendulum moves in my
participant’s hands in straight lines (back and forth as well as side to side), in clockwise and counter clockwise circles, ovals,
looping flower petal patterns and then STOPS.

Based on the amount of time I have to work I might only demonstrate and ask for a few of the movements such as simple
straight lines and ‘one way’ circles.

Once the pendulum is moving correctly and effectively in my participant’s hands I say,

‘And as the pendulum swings back and forth NOW I want you to breathe and time your breaths WITH its movements.’

To show the client what I mean I instruct them to breathe in and out through their nose ONLY. As the pendulum moves to
the left they inhale. As it moves again to the right they exhale and do this same thing over and over again until I say stop.
Obviously these directions and movements can be reversed to suit your own needs at the time. There is no ‘wrong way’ to do

These instructions will cause mild hyperventilation in my participant as the pendulum movements are short and fast. Because
of this my subject will begin inhaling and exhaling rapid ‘puffs’ while the pendulum moves. This only needs to continue for a
few moments – perhaps 12 to 15 short breaths.

By breathing in such a manner my participant will alter their brainwave patterns and increase their level of suggestibility via
hyperventilation. As a person hyperventilates they will begin to see, feel and experience things most normal suggestions
cannot accomplish.

Hyperventilation is another powerful tool with which to create gigantic sized miracles and create suggestible participants. Use
caution here so as to not make your subject uncomfortable by OVER hyperventilating them as this will create anxiety in
some. Should your participant become uncomfortable during any part of this process or demonstration they should stop the
special breathing and resume normal breathing at once.

If for some reason a subject DOES panic simply have them fold their arms, press the soft areas under their armpits and
resume normal breathing. You can use EFT and the ‘Swish’ pattern to remove excessive anxiety if necessary, though you

should never allow your participant to get to such a point and 12 – 15 short breaths IN AND OUT THROUGH THE
NOSE (!) isn’t too much for most people.

Moving on…

After the subject has made it through a certain number of short breaths I use the EFFECTS of this short ‘power breathing’
sequence to induce trance. I know my subject is lightheaded at this point and open to suggestion. I KNOW these things
because their pendulum has been moving AND they have followed my instructions up to this point (conditioning) AND
have just finished this series of breaths.

Once 12 or 15 breaths have been completed I instruct my subject to begin BREATHING NATURALLY at their own pace
and comfort and,

‘As you continue to focus on the pendulum and its movements now MENTALLY command, will, intend and desire for the pendulum to begin
slowing down…slowing down… slowing down completely… until eventually it STOPS.

WHEN the pendulum stops simply close your eyes and when you close your eyes ALLOW YOURSELF to enter a deep state of peace and
relaxation – listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions – continuing to hold tightly onto the pendulum…feeling perfect in every
way…that’s right…just allow your eyes to close down now…PERFECT.’

As I’m delivering the above script I can see my participant’s pendulum slowing down and coming to a stop. I do my best to
time my script with the pendulums movements and at all times match my words to the process and phenomena taking place.

Once the pendulum has stopped and my participant’s eyes are closed I proceed with my routine and hypnotic/suggestion
based pieces as detailed in PART TWO.

For this particular demonstration (and many others) I really prefer my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction, script and technique
taught elsewhere in this course. ANY induction or deepening technique will work with a pendulum and for the remainder of
this routine. You may also include visualizing the seven colors of the spectrum, progressive relaxation and deepening
techniques and more.

One thing I really used to enjoy is calling out the various movements and having my subject control, will, intend and desire
their pendulum to follow suit and keep up with my commands. As this happens I would give instructions for the subject to
VISUALIZE the 7 spectrum colors while the pendulum moved in different patterns. This can be done with the participants
eyes open or closed – it’s your choice.

For example, as the pendulum moved back and forth the subject would imagine the color RED. It often helps if you
command, suggest and instruct your subject to imagine RED as the color of the pendulum or LIGHT shining from it while
it moves.

After my subject sees the color red in their mind (and/or the pendulum) I would suggest that AS THIS HAPPENS the
pendulum would naturally begin to move side to side. While the pendulum moved side to side the color would change to
ORANGE. As the subject moves the pendulum in the proper direction and SEES the color orange the pendulum would
then begin to move in clockwise circles with the color YELLOW and so on and so forth.

My basic pendulum induction ends with the above script and technique – it’s very simple. Once the pendulum begins to
move successfully in my subject’s hand I use eye fixation (focus on the pendulum as it moves back and forth, back and forth,
around in circles, etc), breathing timed with the movements, slowing the movements down via direct commands and
suggestion and as the pendulum STOPS instructing my subject to close their eyes and relax. Easy!

Like all inductions there are many variations on this technique. Sometimes I’ll instruct my subject to raise their arm and keep
it there as they allow the pendulum to swing back and forth at eye level while they watch and focus on it. This is a

combination of eye fixation and an arm levitation/suspension induction, both of which I favor. Instead of suggesting the
subject’s arm will begin to fall BUT ONLY AS FAST AS THEY ENTER A TRANCE I change my wording and instructions

‘And very soon now the pendulum will begin to slow down and stop completely BUT ONLY AS FAST AS YOU ALLOW YOUR SELF
to enter a deep state of peace and relaxation.’

Like the arm levitation induction taught in this book the above techniques work really great. I’ve often combined the two –
pendulum movements AND the arm levitation induction.

NOBODY is going to sit there and keep a pendulum swinging (or hold their arm up) to avoid entering a peaceful, relaxed
state! Rather, their own mind and body will work together via the ideometer response to cause the pendulum to STOP
swinging sooner than later SO they can enter such a positive state of being even faster.

Remember to give the simple instructions that as the pendulum stops swinging (or slows down significantly) the subject is to
allow their eyes to close down gently as they continue to listen closely to the sound of your voice and your simple

To prevent your subject from dropping your pendulum give further suggestions that they will continue to relax and hold
securely onto the pendulum as they follow your instructions and respond perfectly to your suggestions – feeling perfect in
every way…

PART TWO: The Phenomena

It’s up to you whether you wish to use further deepening techniques to create the following effects. Because of the
proceedings in this particular routine there is very little you’ll have to do. If you’ve followed my instructions your participant
is now relaxed, altered, aware, open and suggestible. They will CONTINUE to follow your guidance and your suggestions at
this point. Your subject is already playing along perfectly and given that proper rapport has been established (and I’m sure it
has!) you’ll be able to create ALL of the following effects exactly as I do.

Drawing upon the techniques of waking hypnosis, the psychology of suggestion and language patterns I now engage my
subject in a ‘rapid fire’ sequence of hypnotic demonstrations.

If combining the pendulum induction with the arm suspension and levitation the first thing I do here is wake my subject up
(count them out from 1 to 3) and draw attention to the fact their arm has remained suspended in the air all this time and that
when I snap my fingers and ONLY when I snap my fingers they can lower their arm and sink even 10 times deeper into this
conscious, relaxed state.

I snap my fingers, the arm goes down and voila! My subject is more relaxed.

Taking the pendulum in my own hands now I instruct my subject to hold their LEFT palm out facing the ceiling as I say,

‘In a moment when I place the pendulum into your hand I want you to IMAGINE it becoming lighter and lighter. And as you imagine the
pendulum becoming lighter and lighter you may find the urge to raise your arm slightly…go with it!

The more you imagine the pendulum becoming lighter and lighter IN YOUR MIND the lighter and lighter it becomes. The lighter and lighter it
becomes the higher and higher your hand begins to lift and rise up into the air. Go ahead and allow your arm to begin rising NOW…as you
imagine the pendulum getting lighter and lighter with each passing moment.’

You can see here how I’m telling my subject EXACTLY what I want and expect for them to do. EVERYONE can imagine
an object getting ‘lighter and lighter’ IN THEIR MIND. As my participant IMAGINES this happening I instruct them to
raise their arm. I continue with a few binds and then blatantly TELL THEM to begin raising their arm now!

Get used to your subjects just DOING whatever it is you tell them to do. Handled correctly and following my instructions
here will yield the proper results. As long as your subjects are doing what you want/ask/command/suggest for them to do
they are following your instructions and complying with your suggestions.

Once my subject has their arm (and pendulum) raised high into the air I tell them to STOP and take a deep breath as they
continue to ALLOW their arm to hang there in the air, invisibly suspended and supported by the power of their mind and
thoughts only!

At this point I congratulate my participant for having such a powerful mind and praise their ability to follow my simple
directions and enter a deep state of hypnotic awareness at this time.

I use this position to relax my subject even deeper and more completely now. Just as before I continue with,

‘And while you allow your arm to hang there in the air I want you to IMAGINE it’s growing heavier and heavier, BECOMING heavier and
heavier still until your arm wishes to descend, fall, relax and drift slowly and peacefully down…ALL THE WAY DOWN … into your lap
BUT ONLY AS FAST as you ALLOW YOURSELF to TRIPLE your level of peace and relaxation at this time. Expect it to happen,
allow it to happen and it WILL HAPPEN easily and naturally. Imagine your arm and the pendulum both growing heavier and heavier still
with each passing moment and with each and every breath – HOLD THAT THOUGHT IN YOUR MIND - and begin to slowly lower
your arm down NOW…’

NOTE: Many times I’ll turn this phase into an arm levitation induction (detailed later in this course) and instruct the subject
to close their eyes as their hand passes their face.

Said in the same manner and fashion as I do and have written here these suggestions will work every time. Again, I’m using
hypnotic language and subtle coaching to make my subject respond exactly as I wish. I tell them EXACTLY what I want
them to do.

The beauty of these verbal techniques is that I can use them with anyone hypnotized or not (!) and so can you. This routine
and ones to come are PERFECT for waking hypnosis routines and demonstrations.

As my subject’s arm begins to lower and approaches their lap (or the table if standing) before it touches I add,

‘And as your hand meets your lap take another deep breath for me and just allow your eyes to close – sinking deeper and deeper into this relaxed,
peaceful state.’

You’ll notice I’m inducing and re-inducing trance, deepening the relaxed hypnotic state, affirming and re-affirming my
subject’s perfect ability to respond to my every suggestion. I continue to congratulate, thank and praise their natural ability to
do these things.

At this point as my subject remains sitting with their eyes closed, listening to my suggestions, continuing to relax and
following my instructions I’ll begin to implant suggestions that ANY TIME for the remainder of this demonstration and
process (and/or now and in the future!) whenever I say the words ‘Deeply relaxed’ (or ‘SLEEP’ if you prefer) my subject will
INSTANTLY take a deep cleansing breath, close their eyes and re-enter this same deep state of relaxed focused awareness
and perfect hypnotic trance easily and naturally.

I might also anchor into this suggestion by pressing firmly on my subjects hand, knee or forearm, tapping them lightly on the
head or other method.

I’m going to use a few more suggestions with hypnotic phenomena before I free my participant to use the pendulum in their
altered state to communicate directly with their subconscious mind and answer one or two PERSONAL QUESTIONS they
might have at this time.

Continuing the routine as follows…

Now that my participant has their hand (and pendulum) in their lap I continue with the ‘HEAVY’ suggestions to stick their
hand firmly into their lap and pin it down through the power of suggestion and their mind unleashed.

‘And as you continue to feel the weight of your arm and pendulum in your lap now I want you to IMAGINE an invisible force is emanating from
the pendulum…

I like to think of this force as a pure, clean, odorless anesthesia.

With each and every breath you take imagine inhaling this powerful anesthetic which flows throughout your body now and creates a warm, numb,
tingling feeling inside of you and all around you.

The more you breathe naturally the better this anesthetic begins to work and helps you to relax so that eventually you can start to FEEL
BETTER NOW than you’ve ever felt before. The more you relax the better you feel so go ahead now and relax even more…feeling even better…
breathing even deeper…you’re doing perfectly…

Nod your head when you can feel this warm, numb, tingling feeling radiating throughout your body.’

(They do).


In a moment I’m going to ask you to lift your arm and the more you try to lift your arm the funnier life becomes because now your arm is stuck
securely to your lap (leg, chair, table, etc) and the harder you try to lift your arm the more this wonderful anesthetic works for you and keeps it
pinned down securely to your leg. The more your arm remains securely pinned to your leg the deeper you relax… and the deeper you relax the better
you feel so TRY NOW to lift your arm and see for yourself how tightly and securely it can remain bound to your leg at this time.’

The participant ‘tries’ to lift their arm and finds it bound securely to their leg or object I’ve pinned it to.

Following with this powerful anesthetic suggestion I begin to give suggestions at this point of the anesthetic moving,
flowing, becoming stronger and then wearing off with various effects.

If I choose to use different suggestions I might forgo the anesthetic bit of business and simply continue to give suggestions
that my subject’s arm and pendulum becomes so heavy now they are unable to lift or move their arm at all. Following this
suggestion that same ‘heaviness’ begins to move, spread and flow to their legs and sticks them firmly to their seat.

Keeping in line with the anesthetic suggestion I continue…

‘And now imagine this anesthetic has spread to your waist, your legs, your knees and your ankles…all the way down to the tips of your toes and
the bottoms of your feet.

JUST LIKE BEFORE in a moment I’m going to ask you to stand up and walk around and when I ask you to stand up and walk around
you’ll notice your arm becomes UNSTUCK very quickly and in its place your legs become stuck securely to the floor and bound to your chair
NOW easily and naturally. As your arm becomes unstuck you can even hand the pendulum back to me and as you hand the pendulum back to me
you’ll become even TEN TIMES more relaxed and stuck securely to your seat.

Your mind and thoughts are powerful things and because your mind and thoughts are powerful things the harder you try to stand up or move
around the tighter, more securely bound and stuck into place you’ll remain. You could try in vain to stand up at this point or you might simply

realize there isn’t any reason to, as you feel perfect in every way exactly where you are. I don’t know which one it will be, but when you’re ready to
proceed simply nod your head ‘YES’ and we’ll continue.’

This is hilarious because my client has no idea at this point if they are supposed to nod their head yes and then TRY to stand
up OR if they simply nod their head yes to signal me to continue.

I could give them a prompt to TRY and stand up and see the suggestion working perfectly though I much prefer at this point
to simply MISINTERPRET their signal and proceed with my suggestions and other hypnotic effects. To everyone watching
it appears exactly as though my subject is bound securely to their chair and is unable to move.

The words ‘JUST LIKE BEFORE’ in the prior script suggests that my subject is to keep doing exactly what I want for them
to do and follow my suggestions perfectly. I give them the option to TRY (in vain) to stand OR simply remain in their seat
relaxed and REALIZE there is no reason to stand which presupposes they couldn’t even if they wanted to – which they

As my client imagines the anesthetic flowing into their waist, their legs, their knees, their ankles, toes (etc) IF appropriate I
might firmly touch, grasp or tap their knees, ankles and feet as I give these suggestions. I press their feet firmly into the floor
with suggestions they are unable to move. Do what you feel is appropriate!

Instead of anesthesia you could use whatever suggestions or imagery you wish to incorporate. I like to change it up a bit
myself and here is an opportunity for you to be creative with your suggestions and imagery. Often times I like to suggest an
invisible energy which flows through all things is emanating from my palms, my eyes and the pendulum which keeps the
participant glued firmly to their seat. The choice is a personal one.

When I give the suggestion that my subject’s arm becomes UNSTUCK I use this opportunity to receive the pendulum in
turn. This allows me to condition the participant, lead the process and keeps them responding to my every suggestion. I
periodically use SIMPLE commands and suggestions such as ‘take a deep breath’ or in this case taking back the pendulum to
secure this compliant state.

Depending on how much time I have I will continue with my suggestions causing the participant to laugh out loud, forget
their name or telephone number, glue their eyes shut and more. You’ll learn the exact series and sequence of events in my

‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show’ later in this book. It is there that I’ll provide you with the exact scripts and outlines I use.

After I’ve demonstrated the power of suggestion and trance states appropriately I like to bring the client out of their state
with positive suggestions and then re-induce trance instantly using my anchor and the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ or ‘DEEPLY

At this point I continue to give suggestions that my participant is completely in tune with their subconscious mind and able
to communicate directly with it through the pendulum. It’s here that I will hand the pendulum back and allow my client to
ask one or two personal questions, receive their answers through the pendulum and then immediately afterwards become
fully awake, conscious and aware – feeling perfect in every way and in a state of awe at the power of their mind and natural

Naturally this entire sequence can be done with or without a pendulum as can the subject communicating directly with their
subconscious mind to receive personal answers (enlightened and inspired) to their questions. You could just as well do this
entire bit with a pocket coin, a pen or paperclip or NOTHING.

I will often use demonstrations such as this one in my walk around and strolling work at banquets and cocktail parties, on the
street, in bars and clubs and other venues. I also favor using more than one person and often perform these short
demonstrations with many people at once and/or blend it with my mind reading bits.

I liken these routines and suggestions to a short little hypnosis show with many positive suggestions afterwards, lots of praise
for the participants and powerful post hypnotic suggestions and affirmations.

Angel Pendulum

This is another of my preferred pendulum routine. I begin by asking my participant a VERY important question
and that is… ‘Do you believe in Angels?’

This simple question by itself will tell you many, many things about the person you’re working with. Their answer is a good
way to gauge how open minded and/or skeptical they are and will normally produce an answer that is linked to a story
featuring them or a friend and family member at the center of some experience.

If they answer ‘YES’, we’re off and running. If they answer ‘NO’, that’s okay and I handle this a few different ways.
Sometimes I’ve said, ‘I really didn’t either…until someone showed me what I’m about to share with you…’

Other times (facing a ‘NO’) I’ve replied, ‘That’s perfectly okay and I’m not asking or expecting you to believe in anything here…we’ll be
using the pendulum to connect with angelic archetypes locked deep within your subconscious mind.’

STEP ONE: Relax the participant.

To do this I have them sit in a comfortable position, close their eyes and take a few long, deep breaths. Three of these work’s
out well.

Borrowing a suggestibility test from Ormond McGill (and a bit from my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ from RAOK) I explain to
my audience/participant,

‘Over half the world believes in Angels, and many say for good reason! Our relationships to them span across thousands of years and predate
Christianity by millennia. Their images and energy are something we can all associate with and regardless of whether or not we believe in them, I
find they are helpful figures in relaxation, protection and guidance and that THEY believe in US!

I was taught that we ALL have angels who protect, bless and guide us. My grandmother stressed the point that our Angels cannot intercede and
act on our behalf unless we specifically ASK them to. When we ask them properly, she also believed they could even heal us in miraculous ways, no
problem being too big or small for them to reach – no request or question too absurd or impossible to ask or share with them.

Today we’re going to ask YOUR Angels to draw near us for a time, if that’s okay with you…’

NOTE: I’ve had people be very skeptical at this point but the majority are all for it! I’ve NEVER had a person tell me ‘No’
at this point or ask to stop.

Once I’ve been given the green light to proceed I follow with,

‘Close your eyes for a few moments and take some deep breaths with me. As you breathe in, imagine yourself expanding in size and filling your
mind and body with pure, White Light. As you exhale, imagine breathing this Light into the world and your own personal Angels drawing near.

During our time together you might begin to feel a bit lightheaded – this is from the special breathing and perfectly normal. You might also begin to
feel tingly, warm, cold or very peaceful. That’s also normal…

Pay special attention to what’s going on within you and around you as we work together now…notice any tingling or touches, any taps upon your
body…perhaps even visions, whispers or heavenly scents wafting through the room as I speak to you and connect you with the Angels.

You may even experience visions of Angels in your mind, or hear their whispers and messages to you in your ears…some people believe this is your
subconscious mind speaking and interacting with you now through the IMAGES of Angels while others believe these are actual Beings and
Heavenly Energies drawing closer to spend time with you…the most important thing is that you intend to communicate with them and welcome
their presence as they make themselves known…’

At this point I get my participant breathing and visualizing Angels. This could be the classic image of a White Light Being
with wings and halo, or it could inhabit some other form or image…I’ve seen Angels who look exactly like humans do; also
towering 9 foot winged beings, Angels with the head of a Lion and the body of a Man and even my own Spirit Guides and
loved ones who have passed from this world and are now Angelic Ancestors operating from the World of Spirit. I explain all
of this in my own way. However and whatever your participant chooses to see/imagine and decides to focus on is perfectly
fine and should be encouraged.

I instruct my participant to call out to their Angels, in their mind, by saying, ‘With my full permission, love and respect I now invite
my Angels to appear. Draw closer to me now and give me a sign of your loving, healing presence.’

As I repeat these words aloud, my participant repeats the words in their mind. I repeat the above ‘request’ three times in this
fashion, instructing my participant to breathe thus:

INHALE SLOWLY AND DEEPLY – ‘With my full permission, love and respect I now invite my Angels to appear…’

At this point I instruct the sitter to hold their breath. This is important! I hold their breath to a count of three and then
instruct them to exhale slowly while mentally repeating (after me)… ‘Draw closer to me now and give me a sign of your loving, healing

I repeat this inhale/exhale sequence and mental ‘Angel Calling’ three times. At the end, I give my participant a few
moments to bask in this deep state of relaxation and ask them to notice any changes in their thoughts, mood, inner and outer
states of being, any changes in the environment, etc.

It only takes a few moments and offered exactly as written here will produce powerful, positive results!

When finished, I instruct my participant to open their eyes and ask them very directly if they can understand what I’m talking
about and if they could REALLY feel the energy. 9 times out of 10 they will say ‘YES!’

This short, beautiful sequence can be used by itself with a lone participant or with an entire audience as a suggestibility test
as Ormond used it. I won’t get into my own personal beliefs about angels here but I DO believe in them and feel this
exercise helps us to get in touch with them very quickly.

By using powerful imagery, the widely held belief in angels, deep breathing and visualization, repeated requests
(affirmations/direct suggestions), suggestion, hypnotic techniques, an air of expectancy and other psycho-spiritual gambits
nearly EVERYONE will have some amazing experience with angels produced as a result of this work.

Some people become very emotional at this point, they might even cry. This is often in joy, weeping because of the beauty
and depth of the connection made here. I let them know the angels love them, support them in their choices, are proud of
them and what they’re doing (Angels never judge us!) and their Angels WANT to be close to them to hold, lift up and inspire
them. I might ask the emotionally charged person if they are open to a hug. I want to be there for them and share an
experience that can change their life. This is NOT out of place with the work I do.

This is certainly not mentalism.

If working with a group I ask anyone who felt or saw or otherwise experienced their angels, a profound feeling of peace and
healing, a loved one or family member (Angelic Ancestor), energy or any other phenomenon to raise their hands.

These are the people you want to work with. They are open and ready to go.

At this point, proceeding with my pendulum demonstration is something I may or may not even do. I carry a nice designer
crystal pendulum with a gorgeous carved Amethyst angel on top but used a normal, plain looking pendulum for many years.

IF I move forward with the pendulum demonstration I find this is some of the most potent and beautiful pendulum work I
can do. The sitter/participant is completely open and receptive at this point.

For those who do not wish to use the Angel experience I’ve provided the outline for a ‘psychological’ dowsing demonstration
using science and the ideometer response as a foundation above.

When I continue with the Angel Experience and pendulum work the first thing I do is get my participant to hold the
pendulum and ask their Angels to move the pendulum, thereby showing us another sign of their presence. This movement
takes place in a participants hand and is extremely powerful.

I’ll ask the Heavenly Hosts to move the pendulum back and forth, in circles (both ways), to stop the pendulum, etc. Less is
more with the Angel Pendulum exercise. Just a few movements to show their presence is very effective and awe inspiring.

This is pure magic.

Together we can proceed to communicate with the Angels via the pendulum. The participant can ask personal questions
about themselves, their life or loved ones and receive an intelligent, direct response. Few things are stronger.

Think of the Angel Pendulum demonstration as a hand-held Q&A for any sized group and you’ll begin to realize its power.

No ‘effects’ are necessary at this point. It’s more than enough to connect a person to their angels and have them move the
pendulum, feel the energy and end the session.

If I do decide to proceed with some revelation it’s usually in form of a zodiac sign divination still with the pendulum in my
participant’s hands. Astrology is based on the stars and planets – the heavens and cosmos are the playgrounds for angels, so
this works out beautifully.

To end the Angel experience I ask my participant to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths as they visualize the White
Light all around them and allow the angels to fill their mind and heart with love and perfect peace, healing and blessings.
During this moment of ‘quiet time’ the participant can speak to the angels in their mind, ask them questions or make special
requests, tell them about their life (mentally, for comfort) and something they may need help with and more.

When my participant is ‘complete’ with the experience I instruct them to fold their arms across their chest (right over left)
and verbally say ‘THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU’ to break the connection.

I love this piece and it’s one of the most powerful and profound things I can share with a person. I have a deep love and
respect for angels AND people and love helping to connect the two. Whether this is real or not is up for you to decide and
doesn’t matter. The effect and experience it produces IS real, pure and beautiful.

Once the connection has been temporarily severed I ask my participant if they would like to talk about their experience, what
they saw of felt, how they feel now and more. Use your natural knowing and intuition to deliver a few heartfelt messages or a
short reading, a ‘Holy Moment’ or tell the person before you about all the gifts you see in them. They will love and appreciate

Often times a person will see loved ones, angels, hear voices, receive messages, feel energy (or see it!) and experience other
unique and interesting phenomena.

This is not a demonstration to prove how powerful you are or that you can read minds or about displaying your superior
gifts. This is something tender, heartfelt, sincere and special. It’s all about the person you’re working with and helping to
make a sacred connection for them.

This is something they will cherish forever and never forget.

Many times I carry a few Angel pins – a guardian angel token you can gift to the person to anchor into and remember this
experience by. You can get a lot/bulk supply of angel pennies online, simple tokens a person can keep in a pocket, purse or
wallet to draw upon their angels.

These gifts are inexpensive and have deep meaning and purpose. People keep them forever.

Sometimes I carry an ‘Angel Box’ for use with my Angel Q&A presentation.

Inside this box are a few dozen cards all bearing different written messages, poems and quotes about angels…it’s nice to
open the box and let your participant take an angel card to keep and reflect on.

There is a book available called ‘The Dictionary of Angels’ that I also carry at times in my work bag. Using the pendulum, a
person can dowse over the angels to find who their particular guardian angel is. I would advise against using it as a book test
– while certainly possible I want to keep this experience as above board and REAL as I can, as with my angel Q&A wherein
no trickery or deception is utilized. I often use the two experiences together.

Cute little angel pendulums are available here:

You can find even nicer and more expensive ones too. I have several.

These pendulums listed are available in assorted stones and housings. I use these ones myself and have them in rose quartz,
amethyst and clear crystal. These dowsing tools are gorgeous, perfectly weighted/balanced and fit with the theme. I highly
recommend them.

Realize that other pendulums (any really, even impromptu ones) can also be used. Because this is such a special experience I
like to use an Angel pendulum dedicated specifically to this purpose.

Use well.

This demonstration has become a hallmark of my work and I share it with special people wherever I go (they’re ALL

The Golden Question

Like the Ormond McGill test question with angels, the following one sentence question will show you EXACTLY
who in your audience is open to suggestion and would make for a great participant.

‘By a show of hands, how many of you here this evening believe in the power of prayer?’

Those who raise their hands, I’ve found, make for excellent subjects. I too believe in the power of prayer/meditation and the
results and positive benefits, the effects on our mind and attitude have been documented extensively.

Instead of asking the audience if they believe in the power of prayer and/or angels (I often ask these questions together) it
also works out quite well to ask who believes in the power and benefits of meditation, hypnosis and other highly suggestible
practices. While I may or may not do this in my full hypnosis show (without some alteration) this is a very powerful technique
to use in other performance formats.

The Mental Journey

This routine is something very simple that never fails to get a HUGE reaction. The only things required now are a
willing participant (or a few!), your skills as an entertainer and the humble yet remarkable PENDULUM.

I’ll be walking ‘Tattoo’ buyers through my personal pendy routine I use in a variety of situations including close up, walk
around and seemingly impromptu performances.

Any pendulum you already have or can make will do for this routine. One of the few ‘props’ I carry with me on a day-to-day
basis is a handcrafted pendulum I’ve had for about a decade now. It’s nothing special in appearance though it functions
perfectly and has great sentimental value. I’ve a number of pendulums from high end pieces that look like a million bucks
down to very simple, homemade dowsers that work exceptionally well.

It continues to amaze me how many magicians, mind readers and hypnotists do NOT use pendulums in their work.
Personally I find the pendulum one of the single greatest tools a mystery performer can adopt and work with. Whether I’m
using my pendulum for an actual routine, to test suggestibility in a person or group of people, as a tool for hypnotic
induction or even to check the flow of vital life force ‘energy’ within a participant, the mighty pendulum is a gateway to
unique, interesting and naturally compelling experiences wherever one can be made or found.

I’ve used my pendulum routine with car keys, a necklace and borrowed finger ring (or just the necklace!), my own pendulum,
dental floss and a paperclip and just about anything I can find to create a makeshift pendulum in just a few seconds.

To demonstrate how our mind and thoughts may control and affect our body I reveal the pendulum and propose an
‘experiment’ with my guest. Many times I’ll present this demonstration as a WARM UP exercise – a simple instrument and
process useful for getting our minds IN TUNE and prepared for miracles.

“Do you believe in MIND OVER MATTER?

I’m not talking about bending spoons or moving objects without touching them, but more of using our minds to control our bodies…have you ever
attempted such a thing?

Are you open to the possibility?

Would you like to try something along these lines right now?”

This opening question is direct and to the point. It’s also a very subtle SUGGESTIBILITY TEST and the answer you receive
will speak volumes about the person you’re working with!

If I get someone who is a very strong believer in psychic abilities and phenomena I may even put the pendulum away at this
point and move right into a demonstration relying heavily on psychology and the power of suggestion.

If I am met with a ‘yes’ (affirmative) answer I often say,

‘I thought so!

You just have that type of energy about you – I’m pretty good at sensing these things and when I saw you I JUST KNEW (felt) that you had
some natural talent in this area and perhaps had given some thought or maybe even had some experience with these things…would you mind
helping me out for a moment?’

If I’m met with a ‘no’ (negative) answer or response I simply roll with it by saying,

‘You know, I really didn’t either until I learned about something called THE IDEOMOTOR RESPONSE. The IMR is a natural
principle that basically tells us whatever thoughts or ideas we hold in our minds produce a physical reaction inside our body.

This principle is the same one that allows a person to THINK themselves healthy or in reverse action, to worry themselves SICK. The IMR
suggests the thoughts we have ALL produce an involuntary muscular response/reaction inside our body, and it’s this INVISIBLE
UNCONSCIOUS RESPONSE that I’d like to demonstrate and share with you right now…’

An alternative way to present this routine is simply to remove the pendulum and ask your participant or group if they know
what it is and if so, if they have any experience with ‘dowsing.’

I explain,

‘Some of you might be familiar with the pendulum. This simple device has been used throughout time and history for a variety of purposes
including foretelling the sex of an unborn child in pregnant mothers to locating water and precious minerals buried deep beneath the earth’s surface.

In ancient times, people once thought the pendulum movements and its effects were caused by spiritual forces though today we realize the movements
and effects are obtained through something called THE IDEOMOTOR RESPONSE.

The IMR basically tells us that whatever thoughts we hold inside our minds produce an unconscious physical reaction within us; an involuntary
muscular response to our thoughts via micro-movements happening inside our body. These tiny, imperceptible movements have been proven time and
time again to be in direct relation to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions we’re entertaining at the time.

To me this response supports the idea that our mind and thoughts affects our body and that ALL thoughts are creative and produce tangible
physical results, for better or worse. This same principle is actually how people demonstrate the ability to THINK themselves into radiant health or
even how one might literally worry themselves sick.

Instead of getting into ALL THAT STUFF right now, I use the pendulum in a much different way as a tool to focus a person’s creative mind
and imagination and align those qualities with your natural knowing and intuition. Think of the humble pendulum as an extremely sensitive BIO
FEEDBACK TOOL that YOU CONTROL and which creates both a visual and kinesthetic LINK between the unconscious mind and your
physical body.’

The above are short, effective examples of how I might introduce and present a pendulum to a client, volunteer, participant
or even an entire audience. This short presentation & introduction takes about 60-90 seconds to get through and does a great
job of introducing the object and theory behind the movements.

In my extended version (a slightly longer 2 or 3 minute presentation) I often speak about using the pendulum in particular
and dowsing in general to communicate effectively with the unconscious mind, locate hidden or lost objects, to program the
subconscious and speak directly with our Higher Self through the mind/body link.

With very open or ‘New Age friendly’ groups and participants I explain how even with our modern scientific knowledge of
the ideomotor response that some metaphysicians feel our guides, guardian angels and ancestors actually use our mind and
body as a channel to interact with the physical world through a pendulum, automatic writing, glass moving or table tipping.
This process may indicate the presence of another (separate, outer) consciousness, energy and independent forces working
WITH us by moving THROUGH us.

For a very short, straightforward presentation I may simply show the pendulum, call it what it is and explain that our
thoughts manifest in our body through very small movements that can easily be seen with through the motions of a

‘As a instrument to communicate with the unconscious mind (of the operator) the pendulum is an invaluable tool. Let me show you what I mean…
if I think ‘YES’ the pendulum will swing in circles like so…’ and so on and so forth.

Again, however you wish to present this tool, technique and resulting effects is up to you. I’ve gone down both scientific
roads as well as the New Age thought process and ended up combining the two into a presentation that rings true to many
people on both sides of the fence.

Once the pendulum has been introduced we’ll move directly into CALIBRATION.

Pendulum Calibration

After the tool and premise has been introduced and established it’s time to show your audience or participant how
the pendulum works and let them use it!

I always begin with the pendulum in my own hands to show the participant exactly what I want and wish for them to do.
This is leading and inspiring by example and if you happen to have two pendulums OR CAN MAKE ONE on the spot
using borrowed items and available objects, even better!

Normally I have a nice pendulum with me. Here’s a nice little piece of psychology I’ll share with you…

I wear a necklace and a wedding band on a day to day basis – not because I like necklaces or I’m married (I’m not) but
because I can remove the necklace and ring and create an extra pendulum at a moment’s notice. My preference is to borrow
objects from my participant(s) to make their own ‘instant pendulum’ BUT I’ve found that by giving them my custom made
pendy to use and then ‘making’ one from my ring and necklace I begin persuading, influencing and affecting the participant
on very subtle levels.

By letting the participant know how much my personal pendulum means to me, how long I’ve had it, how I acquired it and
how useful it is (etc) and then giving it to them while I work with a LESSER version I am doing them a sort of FAVOR.

It is a well known tactic amongst ‘Maximum Persuasion’ students and influence artists that doing someone a FAVOR obligates
them to do one for you in return on some level. It’s a response that happens on both conscious and unconscious levels, the
basic idea being if you can do someone a favor before ASKING them for something in turn your chances for them agreeing
to your request are dramatically increased.

In this case, the favor I do the participant is letting them use my nice, shiny, personal pendulum while I rig up a makeshift
model using everyday items. It’s a small thing and a minor tactic but one that works very well. I often incorporate little
touches like this into my performances to guarantee the LEAST RESISTANCE inside the mind and heart of those I work
with…something to keep in mind!

Whether using ONE pendulum (shared) or giving one to the participant and making another one (with their objects or mine)
I proceed.

By teaching a person to use the pendulum with one in hand a process of rapport and connection takes place. You’re able to
mirror the participant’s thoughts, actions and results with such procedures easily and naturally. Later I’ll share my ‘duo
pendulum routine’ that’s also quite stunning.

To begin the calibration process I explain in very clear and simple terms that for many people (myself included) the
pendulum responds in certain KNOWN ways when specific information is cycling through the mind. The most common
example here is calibrating a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response.

‘When I hold the pendulum like this and begin thinking ‘YES’ in my mind, the pendulum responds via the mind/body link (working through the
ideomotor response) by moving around in circles. Watch…


I say the above script aloud and lo and behold my pendy begins to move in circles. I tell the audience and my volunteer this is
my ‘YES’ response.

‘From this moment forth whenever my unconscious mind wishes to communicate a ‘ YES’ answer or response (through my body & pendulum
to the conscious mind) the pendulum will move as it’s doing right now.

Just the same, if I think ‘NO’ the pendulum will change its direction and start moving back and forth in straight lines.


And it does.

Again I explain that from now on whenever I present my subconscious mind with a question that carries a ‘NO’ answer or
response the pendulum will respond as it is doing currently.

‘The pendulum responds PERFECTLY to the ideas, thoughts and suggestions we hold in our mind using our body’s natural energy (electricity,
volts) and kinetic memory (muscle memory). If I think ‘STOP’ what do you suppose will happen?


The pendulum slowly comes to a complete stop.

At this point I want to hand the pendulum off to my participant. Of course if s/he already has a pendulum I would be going
through this process, motions, provided scripts and verbal instructions simultaneously.

One way I assure my participant gets constant, consistent (guaranteed!) results with THEIR pendulum during this routine is
pacing the experience by showing them what to do and HOW IT LOOKS first. This is important.

‘Everyone has a different frame of mind, a unique body type and their own special unconscious response to the pendulum. Your motions might be
different, though I find what you’ve just seen is consistent for me and has been for many years now.

Go ahead and take the pendulum and what I want you to do is hold it like I showed you and DON’T CONSCIOSULY try to move the
pendulum. Instead, I want you to keep your arm and hand perfectly still as much as possible and allow the pendulum to move through your
unconscious thoughts and mind power alone.

The first thing we want to do is find your ‘YES’ response. In your mind, begin thinking ‘YES’ now and ask the pendulum (aloud or mentally)
to show you how it will swing when your mind and body wishes to communicate an affirmative, positive answer.’

The participant will think ‘YES’ and you’ll see their pendulum start to swing to indicate their specific pattern and direction
showing an affirmative response. You’ll find that people LOVE this moment and they are often just as surprised as you will
be the first time you try it. It really is a beautiful thing.

Once we’ve found the ‘YES’ response for my participant I go ahead and anchor into this process and resulting motion by
MARKING this specific action with a gesture, word or touch.

‘From now on whenever the answer coming from your unconscious mind is ‘YES’ the pendulum will move and continue to move as it’s doing right
now. You’ll also find the more you do it and the more you LET GO RIGHT NOW the stronger that response becomes and the more your
pendulum will continue to swing on its own, easily and naturally.’

Should those reading this routine also be hypnotic performance artists you can very easily set a physical, verbal or non-verbal
anchor to elicit this ‘YES’ response with the pendulum (in your participant’s hand) any time you wish. You’ll see how this
works in a favored variation at the end of this contribution.

Once we’ve calibrated the ‘YES’ response we continue and calibrate the ‘NO’ response. I do it like this,

‘Knowing now that your ‘YES’ response is X (simply state whatever movement was shown as the ‘YES’ movement, i.e. “circles” or
“straight lines” – whatever motion was shown for the affirmative response) it’s safe to say that your ‘NO’ response will be the exact
opposite, but let’s just see!

Exactly like you did before begin thinking ‘NO’ in your mind and use your intentions (NOT your body!) to MOVE THE PENDULUM in
whatever way might indicate a ‘NO’ response for you.’

The participant does this and now we’ve CALIBRATED both ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ responses.

Once these directions for ‘answers’ have been established we can really start to have some fun. There are many different
things you can do now and ALL of them border on the truly miraculous. Pendulum work is very close to what I consider
REAL MAGIC and the results are often astonishing.

One of my favorite demonstrations at this point (and I have many) consists of inviting the participant to REMEMBER a
happy, positive, joyous moment in their life at some time. I explain that when the joyful, happy memory is held in their mind
the pendulum will automatically begin moving in a ‘YES’ (positive) direction.

Likewise, if at any time the thought changes and an unhappy memory or experience is recalled the pendulum will STOP and
START moving in the ‘NO’ (negative) direction. The participant is given a few moments to see, feel and experience the
effects of their thoughts and memories upon the pendulum.

I instruct the volunteer to MERELY THINK of an unhappy, stressful or frustrating time or event in their life (briefly) and
watch how the pendulum picks up on these thoughts and swings as it would for a ‘NO’ response.

Just the same I tell them,

‘Now allow that negative thought and experience to gently fade away from your mind and away from your body…letting it go now…releasing it
completely…and REPLACING IT with the thought, memory or experience of a HAPPY time in your life. Focus on a POSITIVE
experience now and observe the difference in how the pendulum behaves.’

The pendulum begins to swing as if showing us a ‘YES’ response. I continue saying,

‘Breathe deeply into that positive feeling and experience; allow it to become a permanent part of you now because this is the memory we’ll continue
to work with.

Now that you’re attuned to the pendulum and I AM ATTUNED TO YOU I can actually begin communicating directly with your unconscious
mind THROUGH YOU (and through these subtle responses made by the pendulum).’

At this point I start gently tapping the participant on their shoulder, arm or back (with their permission) and say,

‘I’m now speaking directly to the subconscious mind and body memory of (name)…

…and I want you to tell me (through the pendulum), going back to this current memory and when it happened, was it daytime or nighttime?

(Watch and wait for the response from the pendulum)

Was s/he alone or with someone? With someone?

(Watch for response)

NOTE: If the participant WAS indeed with someone else – which is very common – go ahead and find out WHO that
person was by asking the pendulum as usual! Find out if it was a family member or friend, male or female, if they were
younger or older, which specific family member (immediate or extended) it was, etc.

Was this a recent experience or past experience? Recent?

(Watch for response)

How old was (name) at the time? Younger than 10 years? Younger than 20 years?

(Watch for response as usual)

By chance did this experience have/carry a permanent impact on his/her life?

Yes or No?’

(Wait for response)

I continue with this line of questioning asking a number of personal questions and garnering feedback from the pendulum.
At the end I recap by tapping on the participant and saying (for example),

‘So what your unconscious/subconscious mind is saying…is this was a HAPPY experience from years gone by, you were 15 years old, with
someone else – your older SISTER, this event and memory took place OUTDOORS during the DAY TIME and affected your life/helped
shape it in a positive manner and fashion forever.

Is that what happened and would you agree?

What was the memory you had in mind?’

Of course you are gaining your answers directly from the participant THROUGH the pendulum and yet it looks and feels
like REAL MIND READING. Though we’ve given them an explanation for how this works, the fact that it DOES work (in
their hands with the answers ONLY being thought of!) is astonishing.

This is very powerful mojo.

When seeking an answer to the participant’s AGE simply take it in steps like so:

Past or recent experience?

Younger or older?

Was (name) older than 10 years in age?

In her twenties?


Remember that you’ll be getting instantaneous VISUAL feedback from the pendulum directly from the participant. They’re
doing it, but they don’t realize to what level exactly. They KNOW the information is coming from them but dowsing is so
unusual and extraordinary to most people that this fact doesn’t really seem to sink in or make perfect, logical sense quite yet.
The reaction is amazement and pure astonishment in spite of the conscious, logical, rational mind of the participant being

The first ‘hit’ I receive during the recap (this was a HAPPY experience) is FREE. I’ve already told the participant to focus on
a positive memory to continue with this demonstration. To make this look a lot less obvious I link the statement to a piece of
FACTUAL INFORMATION (derived from the pendulum and series of questions!).

In the above example it was, ‘This was a HAPPY experience (free hit) from years gone by (info obtained from the pendulum)…
etc.’ Notice how I connect the ‘freebie’ hit and piece of information to an actual detail given to me by the participant using
the pendulum.

We already know the person WILL be thinking of and settling on a HAPPY/POSITIVE memory because I tell them to (!) –
& memory really IS the keyword here – the very suggestion of which presupposes a past experience!

Please bear in mind this is not presented as a MIND READING demonstration, although it could seem that way with some
slight variations. I present this sequence as a way to communicate directly with the unconscious/subconscious (HIGHER
MIND) of the volunteer, establish a mind/body link with the pendulum and get REAL, accurate, non-verbal feedback and
information about the life and person involved here as a result. I often present this routine as an example and demonstration
of ‘Multi-level, non verbal communication.’

I sometimes combine this pendulum demonstration with a hypnotic induction using the pendulum as a tool for hypnosis.
Any induction you can do successfully will work, simply apply the same basic principles to your pendulum, pace the
movements and give suggestions to relax the subject deeply and completely.

Having the subject breathe, VISUALIZE the pendulum moving, willfully LETTING GO and consciously resisting the urge
to move the pendulum will cause it to move even more and the motions will be even more exaggerated. I suggest that with
each rotation made or line the pendulum ‘bob’ travels across, the subject/participant relaxes even deeper and more
completely than ever before…the gentle back and forth motion of the pendulum is naturally hypnotic so this is very easy to

When continuing along the presentational lines of direct questions posed to the unconscious mind of the participant this
duo hypnotic induction and routine makes a lot of sense. With that in mind, a hypnotic induction is unnecessary to the actual
method (though it’s impressive and works to relax the participant) and the routine will come to a beautiful conclusion

Let’s look at another example of how I feed back and re-frame the information gathered. Let’s say I’ve been working with a
older male subject whose pendulum tells me the following:

• This is a HAPPY memory (free hit, as I told him what to think to begin with)

• It was a more recent experience

• He was the same age he was now (and I will know the age!)

• He was alone

• Indoors

• It was nighttime when this event occurred

• Although ‘happy’ this memory/experience did NOT affect his life forever

Knowing all of this I will say,

‘So what your unconscious mind is saying…is this was a HAPPY/POSITIVE experience that happened fairly recently, you were the same age
as you are now (56!) and by yourself when it occurred, it happened INDOORS during the NIGHTTIME and although a positive experience
it’s not one that would necessarily affect your life forever.

Is that what happened and would you agree?

Would you mind BRIEFLY sharing/describing what the memory was?

See how this works?

Though very simple and even BASIC in application the results of this little ‘test’ are incredible. People are REALLY
impressed by this; those watching AND the person(s) involved.

The last two questions I ask are very important,

‘Is that what happened and would you agree?’


‘Would you mind sharing the memory/experience?’

In case you haven’t noticed this is one of the most powerful hypnotic tools I can share at this time because it works directly
WITH the unconscious mind of the participant and functions as both a verbal and non-verbal ‘YES SET.’

This particular demonstration gets the participant(s) involved agreeing with me over and over and over again! The process
itself, as stated earlier, really builds up the level of rapport and connection between me and the person I’m working with. At
the successful conclusion I KNOW that I’ve found and established a perfect candidate for hypnosis within this volunteer.

By asking, ‘Is this what happened (and would you agree)?’ DIRECTLY to the participant (NOT their unconscious mind as
before – I am now speaking to the conscious mind, ego and personality sitting before me!) I get yet another ‘YES’ response.
It’s the ONLY response possible because everything I’ve said is 100% correct!

The follow up to this same question ‘would you agree?’ garners another positive ‘YES’ response. Next comes a very beautiful
moment for the AUDIENCE…I ask the participant to ‘share, describe or speak about’ this experience.

This question opens the volunteer up and gives them the limelight. The question encourages and inspires them to 1).
CONFIRM THE READING/FEEDBACK and 2). Reflect on a happy time and memory in their life in front of an
audience. The participant now has a ‘green light’, permission, an opportunity and excuse to speak about their favorite subject

This is all about making people feel good and sharing their positive thoughts, joyous experiences and happy memories with
them. A natural by-product of this routine is people become VERY suggestible and not just that, they start to FEEL

This ‘feel good’ effect can be strengthened and increased by simply suggesting with each correct response we obtain from
their unconscious mind (through the pendulum), the participant will begin to feel even better and better as they drift back
and sink effortlessly into those same positive thoughts, feelings and attitudes they experienced before.

By combining this with RELAXATION techniques, rhythmic breathing and light visualization we can achieve all types of
extraordinary effects.

Sometimes people ask me what to do if the pendulum does NOT respond when given to a person. To be very honest, done
properly the pendulum should ALWAYS respond perfectly when handled by yourself or another person.

The reason why you’ll continually be successful is because the power of suggestion is very strong, you’ve already shown the
participant how a pendulum works (in your hands AND in their own!), calibrated both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses and the
ideomotor effect IS in full effect during this routine.

By holding a ‘YES’ thought with the intention of seeing the pendulum move in circles the pendulum WILL move in circles.
It’s not just part of a nice presentation – the IMR is a REAL thing and has REAL results. The body will move the pendulum
through involuntary muscular micro-movements in response to the ideas our participants are given and focus on.

By telling your volunteer to NOT consciously move the pendulum and even ‘do everything in your power to keep that arm still but
allow the pendulum to move itself freely’ it places even more pressure on the person and invariably the pendulum WILL move in
the appropriate directions. As long as your participant is open, focused and not intentionally trying to resist the process their
pendulum will move. It’s a scientific principle being displayed here and the results can be counted on.

You can test this or even help these movements along by simply handing a pendulum to someone and then suggesting they
keep their arm perfectly still but to go ahead and IMAGINE (visualize!) the pendulum moving in circles or straight lines and
it will begin to move almost immediately. If you ever meet a resistant person, simply ask them to IMAGINE the direction
that pendulum would be moving were it to respond at this time and it will start to move.

I continually pace this demonstration and constantly give suggestions of this being EASY, telling my participant they are
doing a wonderful job and have a very powerful mind, that they are very creative, their thoughts are powerful things and most
importantly… that THEY CAN DO THIS… easily and naturally!

Breathing, visualization (imagine the way you want the pendy to go!) and consciously letting go of resistance will take care of
99% of the problems you encounter when using a pendulum.

Think of the various ways you can use a pendulum and you’ll begin to see how powerful a tool they are to the professional
mind reader. I often use a pendulum in my ‘Living & Dead’ test, for readings, to check and balance energies, to follow thought
forms around the room (contact and NON CONTACT mind reading) and in the past even to ‘randomly’ select audience
members that were actually my stooges.

This is a devious use (they all are) because the pendulum is held responsible for choosing the stooge, NOT the performer.
For non-contact mind reading the pendulum is incredible. I’ll be releasing more information along these lines in a future
work on the subjects of CONTACT (and non contact) MIND READING.

Now, with the memory revelation routine as taught above there are a few extra things you can do to make it appear even
more ‘psychic’ or like thought reading.

One tactic I really like to use a lot is something I call ‘retroactive validation.’ The concept is simple – I just gain a piece of
information and then AGREE with it. Once I know the answer I give a suggestion along the lines of,

‘That makes perfect sense.’


‘Yes, that’s what I was feeling.’


‘Wonderful…I was only a year off in my mind…let’s keep going!’


‘Hmmm (interesting). I thought so!’


‘I was sensing that.’


‘Just as I suspected…I could tell by your energy.’


‘That’s what I was getting too…’

These remarks must be used sparingly so as to not overdo it and bring the whole effect down.

I have a few more excellent pendulum routines I’ve built a close up career with. I’d like to share those with you now in honor
of the Sparks family and their incredible heart at this time.

Zodiac Divination

I’m a huge fan of propless, impromptu zodiac sign divinations. The system I currently use is Alain Nu’s
‘SIGNAGRAM’ from his remarkable ‘Astrologic’ manuscript.

At times when I wish to change up the pace and present something different than dowsing I gladly use muscle
testing/kinesiology in place of a pendulum. This technique assures that no matter where I go or what situation I find myself
in I have a similar tool that operates on the same basic principle and can be done anytime, anywhere with NO physical

While muscle testing is far outside the scope of this particular contribution I have included a basic ‘crash course’ in my
‘Thought Veil’ hypnosis book and shared many different ways that I use it.

I enjoy keeping my skills razor sharp and marked with variety. At times instead of using Alain’s ‘SIGNAGRAM’ to divine a
zodiac sign I may instead hand my participant a pendulum and suggest a short ‘warm up’ exercise to get our minds in tune.
Like the prior memory divination I ask a series of questions to divine the specific month, date of birth and proper zodiac

After calibrating for ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ I begin with:

• Born in the first or second part of the year? First?

• Winter or Spring (summer or fall)?

• On an odd or even month? Odd?

• Born in A, B or C? Yes?

• A? B? C?

• First half of the month? Second half ?

• Odd or even day?

• Etc.

This is actually much easier than it sounds.

Realize that after presenting each opposing option such as, ‘Born in the first part or the year?’ you DO NOT HAVE TO ASK the
second question (i.e. ‘Second part of the year?’) unless you want to check your work.

The only reason you would need to ‘check your work’ is if you haven’t spent a moment or two to calibrate the proper ‘YES’ and
‘NO’ responses prior. If I ask a person’s unconscious/super conscious mind if they were born in the first part of the year
and I get a ‘YES’ response, I have my answer.

If I ask the same question but instead I get a ‘NO’ response, then I automatically know the participant was born in the
second half. This sounds obvious, but write a book for magicians and you’ll be surprised! 

Once I locate the time of year of SEASON a person was born in I can begin calling out months. If I know a person was
born in the summer months I may ask the pendulum, ‘So what you’re saying is…s/he was born in either June, July or August…is that
what you’re saying?’ and watch for the affirmative ‘YES’ response and associated movement.

Now I can narrow down the month one at a time by asking, ‘June? (wait for the response) July? (wait) August? (wait)’ one
month at a time until it swings to indicate ‘YES.’ Now I have my answer.

By asking the pendy (unconscious mind of the participant!) if they were born in the first half or the second half of the
month I will instantly know what their zodiac sign is. To play it safe you may wish to call out the two opposing zodiac signs.
For instance, if I know my participant was born in July I could ask the pendulum,

‘Was (name) born a Leo?


And watch the response.

If the pendulum swings ‘YES’ for LEO then I know I’m looking at a date in July BEFORE the 23 rd of the month. If ‘NO’
they will be a VIRGO and then I know the date of birth is somewhere in July from the 23 rd to the very end of that month.

Whenever I get an affirmative response and the pendulum swings ‘YES’ I reply, ‘Exactly as I thought!’ or ‘That’s what I was
feeling’ to lend more weight to my statement. In this sense the pendulum becomes a tool to measure my intuitive hunches,
psychic impressions and gut feelings against and NOT a tool whereby I am simply deriving all my answers – although believe
it or not, that works too!

To perform this routine to its greatest potential you should memorize the names of each zodiac sign and the dates they span
from, naturally. I still meet ‘psychic entertainers’ all the time who can’t even call off the 12 zodiac signs, much less know the
dates they span from. I think any MIND READER, psychic entertainer, bizarre mage or theatrical medium worth their
weight in salt should know these things! It’s basic information that relates directly to our field.

You might argue the point, ‘Well Jerome, I don’t do astrology!’ and that’s the excuse you tell yourself to stay lazy and
incompetent. Even if YOU don’t use astrology in your work as a mentalist you would do well to understand that horoscopes
and zodiac signs are common knowledge to most people whether they believe in them or not and it’s our job to keep up with
popular culture and trends so as to best exploit them when the opportunity arises. It will take you ONE DAY (if even that!)
to learn all 12 signs and the dates they span from. I recommend you do it soon if you haven’t already.

Moving on…

Another option when revealing the participant’s zodiac sign with a pendulum in their own hand is by first eliminating HALF
the signs by finding which part of the year they are born in.

This cuts the following ‘call’ in half instantly. I often do this with a pendulum or a ‘which hand’ revelation (‘hold your ring in the
right hand if you were born in the first part of the year, in your left hand if you were born in the second half) or even just have the
participant CONCENTRATE upon the correct hand to indicate the correct part of the year and use contact or non contact
mind reading techniques to discern which 6 months I should be paying attention to.

Once you’ve determined which half of the year your volunteer was born in with the pendulum, ask the pendulum/their
higher mind if their birth was on an odd or an even month.

Let’s say I get a ‘YES’ response to my question/statement, ‘Was (name) born at the BEGINNING (first half) of the year?’ (I
thought so!)

‘And was it an even month?’ (YES again, I knew it!)

‘Tell me, is she a PISCES (no)…a TAURUS (YES!)…’

Knowing the woman I’m working with now is a TAURUS I will STOP calling out signs (there’s only one left, CANCER) and
exclaim, ‘I knew it was one of the two!’

If I named both PISCES and TAURUS and got a ‘NO’ response for both I would simply finish by calling off CANCER and
getting the ‘YES’ response at that time.

Back to my initial example here – if you’re NOT using the odd/even month ruse you can do it another way. In this case I
know the woman is a TAURUS and I KNOW this sign spans from April 20 th – May 20th. There are MORE days in May so to
locate the exact date with as few questions/statements as possible I would begin by asking/stating, ‘Is this a MAY birthday?’

I’ve got a 2/3 chance of hitting on MAY because there are twice as many possible days there. If I get another ‘YES’ response
it looks more like I’m ‘tuning in’ than it does ASKING QUESTIONS.

Whatever the case I use this same line of reasoning, asking questions and making statements to successfully nail down the
exact date. Again, you can use odd and even days, the first, second or third week of the month, etc.

A very short, fast way to reveal the sign is by locating the correct half of the year and then slowly calling out the 6 zodiac
signs associated with that half of the year. Suggest to your participant that when the correct sign is called the pendulum will
automatically, IMMEDIATELY begin signaling us with a ‘YES’ motion and positive response.

Once you hit the correct sign just STOP. You don’t have to reveal the date, although I like to and I don’t do it any other way.
It’s just more impressive and very, VERY useful because I usually only reveal/divine a person’s zodiac sign if I’m going to do
some type of reading (astrology, numerology, etc).

I love doing Richard Webster’s ‘YANTRA’ from his book ‘Numerology Magic’ (and later the book “Readings for
Entertainment”) and also Lo Shu Squares.

Instead of asking for the DOB of my participant (or for their sign) I divine it using Alain’s system, a pendulum or simple
muscle testing to get the correct sign and date ‘psychically.’

For those of you still with me (hehehe) I’ve decided to let a perfect GEM go now…consider it a bonus for reading this far…

When I use Alain’s ‘SIGNAGRAM’ I might do it with no props OR with a pendulum. You can hand the pendulum to a
person, calibrate ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ responses and then begin calling out letters. The pendulum movement will confirm or deny
the presence of the letters and ‘impressions’ called in their zodiac sign.

While this is very effective, I’ll share something that works even better with a single participant or small group of people.
This is simply astonishing…but you must know an anagram to reveal a zodiac sign for it to work.

Three people are required:

You, the psychic.

Your participant, the impromptu assistant.

A third person whose zodiac sign you’ll be revealing shortly and which should be unknown to both you and your ‘helper’,

I begin by explaining and introducing the pendulum and its uses and offer an experiment in INTUITION.

I hand the pendulum to my assistant (just a normal person/audience member!) and calibrate for both ‘YES’ and ‘NO’

This person points to someone they don’t know (make sure your assistant doesn’t already know the zodiac sign you’ll be
divining!) and off we go.

I explain,

‘In a moment I’ll begin calling out letters I feel MAY BE significant to his/her (third person’s) zodiac sign. I want you to simply trust your
super conscious mind and higher awareness…and ASK the pendulum if the letters I call out are indeed part of her sign. Obviously the answer is
‘YES’ or ‘NO.’

I’ll call out some letters and together we’ll see what the pendulum says about them. In this way we can test your natural knowing and intuition in a
very effective manner.’

This is so freaking sneaky…

I begin calling out the individual letters in whatever system I’m using (for example the ‘SIGNSE’ anagram from T.A Waters
‘Mind, Myth and Magic’). I call out the first letter ‘R’ and ask my ‘helper’ to trust her intuition and ask the pendulum if there’s
an ‘R’ in the (third) person’s zodiac sign.

One of two things will happen…

Your assistant will get the RIGHT ANSWER (yes or no indicating the presence or absence of the letter ‘R’ in the sign)…to
which the person having their mind and zodiac sign read will confirm or deny…


…your helper will get a wrong answer…

Either way YOU now know the answer you need and information you seek!

There is a technique being published in ‘Thought Veil’ that will, in my opinion, revolutionize mentalism and psychological
methods. This technique will allow you to elicit the answer you WANT as another person holds a pendulum instead of the
answer they spontaneously give you…

Until then, imagine what may happen with this new pendulum application (using a zodiac anagram) with simple VERBAL
STEERING. This is similar to a psychological ruse Christian Chelman uses in his book ‘Capricornian Tales’ in a routine titled
‘The Mikado Test.’

Very simply, to get a ‘YES’ response from the pendulum you can ‘steer’ your assistant in that direction by saying, ‘Let’s try
something EASY now.’

Much like subtle marking and anchoring in hypnosis or NLP this type of verbal steering can be very effective. To elicit a
‘NO’ response from the pendulum and participant simply STEER the person you’re working with by saying, ‘And now let’s try
something MORE DIFFICULT.’

While calibrating ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ responses it’s an easy matter to remark,

‘See how EASILY it begins to move when the answer is YES? When you think ‘YES’ the pendulum begins to move in circles immediately…

…NOW let’s try something a bit more DIFFICULT. Let’s discover what your NO response is…’

These subtle suggestions begin to ingrain the idea that ‘YES’ is easy and ‘NO’ is difficult in the sitter’s mind. With a few well
placed suggestions you can actually say to the participant, ‘Let’s start with something EASY…ask it if the letter A is in his zodiac
sign!’ while expecting a YES response from the pendulum…and you’re likely to get one!

Let’s assume the 5 letters in my zodiac anagram are ‘A,B,C,D & E’ for explanation purposes only.

Due to the nature of my (example) anagram, I know that ANY TIME I get a ‘NO’ response from the participant (whose
sign I’m divining) I’ll be very, VERY close to revealing their full sign. Such is the nature of these anagrams and the better
ones have the fewest ‘NO’ responses possible and/or ways to turn a miss into a HIT.

Let’s assume now that my (unknown) participant is born under the sign of AQUARIUS.

In a normal zodiac sign divination/revelation I would start by calling out the first letter in my anagram – in this case ‘A’ (for
example’s sake).

My participant would tell me if the letter is or IS NOT in their zodiac sign. If I get a ‘YES’ response I proceed to the next
letter ‘B’ and ask/state that it’s in their zodiac sign as well. Please remember this is a very elementary example without a

Sooner or later in the zodiac anagram the performer is likely to hit a ‘NO’ response. This will actually lead him one step
closer to the full revelation of the sign.

The verbal method is good and I’ve used it for years because IT WORKS. Any misses are covered up in the anagram I use
very well and over time I’ve learned how to turn those misses into extraordinary looking hits, but I digress.

The beauty of using this technique with a pendulum in the hands of another person is intense.

First, you get to warm up with TWO participants in a very startling fashion. You’ll be influencing and teaching to use a
pendulum with one person and using that information to reveal personal information of the other.

Second, because this is a ‘test’ and a working example of the ‘helpers’ intuition it doesn’t matter if you get a WRONG
answer/NO response because they are the one working with the pendulum and not expected to get these answers ALL right.

Third, whenever you DO get a WRONG response you’re one step closer to the full sign revelation.

Fourth, at any time you can use marking, anchoring and verbal steering to take subtle control of the pendulum and
participant to recover from any loss or miss and STILL make them come out looking like a star.

The basic idea here is simple: I call out letters that pop into my mind (the branching anagram) and my HELPER asks the
pendulum if they are in the unknown zodiac sign of the third person.

Now, if I’m doing this for ONE person it still works the same way.

I hand the participant a pendulum, calibrate ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ response and present the experiment.

‘I’m going to WRITE DOWN a few letters (sight unseen) that I feel might be significant to your sign and YOU will simply use the pendulum
to ask your Higher Self if those UNSEEN letters do indeed appear in your zodiac sign, okay?’

I take a business card or slip of paper and write the first letter of my anagram on the back, turn it face down and slide it sight
unseen in front of the participant. They hold the pendulum over the card and ask,

‘Is this letter in/part of my zodiac sign?’

Watch for the response.

No matter if the pendulum says ‘YES’ or ‘NO’, once you get the answer from your participant and their pendulum simply
turn the card over and show the first letter.

Now they will VERBALLY tell you if they were right or wrong (!) and if the letter appears in their sign or not.

This is a test of their INTUITION and yours, not just yours alone. If the participant gets a ‘YES’ response from the
pendulum and indeed the letter written appears in their sign they are congratulated and we move on to the next letter. If the
answer they receive from the pendulum is ‘NO’ and the letter written is NOT in their sign, that’s a direct hit too! Either way,
you know the necessary information to proceed with the zodiac anagram.

If your participant gets a ‘YES’ response but the letter written down does NOT appear in their sign, they’ll tell you they were
wrong or ‘off ’ when you reveal the letter and NOW YOU KNOW where to go and what to do with your anagram.

In this case I am very close to knowing/revealing the sign and with the method I use I KNOW a letter that WILL BE in the
sign no matter what it is. I can now write this letter down on another slip of paper, place it face down in front of the
participant and say, ‘Let’s try an easy one!’ to steer the proper response and elicit the proper movement from the pendulum so
my participant gets it right!

In cases where a ‘miss’ or wrong answer comes from the participant and their pendulum feedback (it will happen, of course)
I tell them it’s okay and guide them to clear their mind, take a deep breath and we’ll try again!

One thing I like to do is ‘take turns’ with the participant. We go back and forth with the pendulum and individual letters until
somebody hits a wrong answer at which point the pendulum is given to the other person to continue. It’s a nice way to
WARM UP and a very fun little exercise that ends up being very, very impressive. Naturally we start with the participant,
because when they get a wrong answer I’m going to get them ALL correct and end up revealing the sign.

This process can be used with multiple people at once each sharing the pendulum anytime the person in front of them gets a
wrong answer (the pendulum is then handed off to the next person participating).

Think of what I’ve written here and if you know a zodiac sign anagram go ahead and start working with it. You’ll see the
process is fun, dynamic, entertaining and mystifying. It takes all the heat off the method (anagram) used and shares and
responsibility with the people involved.

I love it a lot!

To Control One's Mind

In this final routine I’ll be showing you a very short, simple and effective routine I use in fast paced settings. The
sequence is very fun and packs a huge punch!

I’ve dubbed this routine, ‘To Control One’s Mind’ in honor of the immaculate Michael Fraughton routine ‘To Control 10,000
Minds’ from his book ‘The Dark Waltz.’

I consider Michael’s piece the single greatest mass pendulum effect I’ve ever seen. In this master showpiece Michael takes
control of the pendulums held by many hundreds of people and even over LIVE RADIO! It’s an incredible sight and
experience to be certain.

This routine is basically a very short version of Michael’s massive effect and done with either a single participant or a very
small group of people.

Handing someone a pendulum I simply explain that we’ll be working with subtle thoughts, energies and intentions which can
be experienced and viewed directly through the motions and movements of a pendulum.

We calibrate for both ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ responses as usual and I say,

‘Now the interesting thing is, because our minds are connected I can actually control, influence and direct the movement of your pendulum by
exerting my own will, imagination and subtle energies THROUGH YOU to affect the object…

…allow me to demonstrate…’

I’ll be working with a few simple gestures; an open hand and a closed fist.

‘NOT YET, but in a moment when I project my thoughts towards the pendulum and close my hand LIKE THIS your pendulum will actually
start to swing in circles.

Likewise, when I open my hand out flat LIKE SO and change my mind, raise my thoughts and alter my consciousness your pendulum will
automatically start swinging back and forth in straight lines!’

These are the initial suggestions and instructions I give the participant. I use the words ‘NOT YET, but in a moment…’ to
create expectation and expectancy within the volunteer. I want to give the person my suggestions and instructions FIRST and
then demonstrate how I use them to control the movements of the pendulum.

This is a very subtle, covert suggestion (sometimes blatant and OVERT) that I CAN CONTROL the mind, thoughts and
body of my participant. This power and ability is demonstrated through the pendulum. Keep in mind that I present this
phenomenon as happening and taking place because we are CONNECTED, not that I am controlling the person or group
I’m working with.

The more suggestible a person is the better this routine will work. If the man or woman you choose for this routine is NOT
highly suggestible just make sure a level of rapport is established and maintained and the demonstration will work out

Calibration is also of great importance here – you need to make sure the participant can get basic movements through the
pendulum first and foremost. With this said, in certain walk around situations and strolling performances when I only have a

few minutes per group I might forgo this calibration phase and simply hand someone a pendulum and launch straight into
moving it in their hands!

So, after giving my instructions and gestures regarding how I will move the pendulum and how it will respond to my ideas,
thoughts, energies and physical movements I DO IT!

The participant holds the pendulum still and I take a deep breath, raise my hand up from my side and stare intently at the
pendulum. Now I make a big deal of squeezing my hand into a tight fist and wait…

Done correctly the pendulum held by my participant WILL begin moving around in circles. After this happens I say, ‘NOW
WATCH!’ and slowly open my hand up flat, palm facing the floor. Immediately the pendulum will begin to swing back and
forth or side to side in straight lines. People FREAK out at this point!

Again, I close my hand and the pendulum starts moving around in circles again. Once the FIRST MOTION has been
successfully completed I KNOW the second and third motions (straight lines and circles again) WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!

Now with all three of these beginning movements successfully demonstrated I say,

‘And if I make a fist with my LEFT HAND your pendulum will begin to swing in circles going the OPPOSITE direction instead…JUST

I drop my right hand to my side and make a slow, tight fist with my left hand. With the suggestions and pacing involved here
the pendulum WILL begin to change its direction and make circles in the opposite manner (clockwise or counter clockwise,
whichever is OPPOSITE of the current circular movements).

‘And when I open it up, instead of back and forth (or side to side) the pendulum will automatically start swinging front to back (or left to
right, again, whichever is OPPOSITE of the original ‘straight lines’)…

…take a deep breath for me…

…and just let it go…’

I say this last line as I open my left hand up flat, palm down and watch as the pendulum and mind of my participant
responds perfectly.

This is an amazing sight.

For anyone who owns my beloved, ‘The Taboo Treatise’ I highly recommend blending this routine with my signature ‘Energetic
Touches’ for an additional phase that stays congruent throughout the whole demonstration and maintains the original premise
and presentation.

You have a few options here.

You may continue for a few moments, move onto something else, turn this experience into an induction or proceed with
another piece of mind reading or waking hypnosis.

If you wish to continue for a moment or two here is what I do:

Changing gestures (and suggestions) rapidly I might make a fist with my right hand, open it, make a fist with my left hand,
open it and begin controlling and directing the pendulum movements in different (fast) succession. I switch, alter the
movements and change the directions for 30-60 seconds and then STOP the pendulum for the end.

To stop the pendulum I suggest the following,

‘And finally, if I bring my palms together like so the pendulum will SLOW DOWN and STOP COMPLETELY…you’ve done a wonderful
job here tonight…

…take a deep breath for me…

And let’s all give her a BIG round of applause for having such a powerful mind!’

I put a definite END to the routine by stopping the pendulum, having the participant take a deep breath, garner some much
deserved applause and compliment the volunteer on their incredible mind and mind power.

The most valuable part of this routine besides it being a high octane MIRACLE of suggestion and invisible mind power is
the fact that it causes your participant to follow along with your words and gestures and creates a high level of suggestibility
and cooperation within them. They are basically allowing you to LEAD THEM, pace and direct this experience AND they
are happy about it while being amazed in the process!

At this point you can go in for a hypnotic induction, waking hypnosis or examples of the power of suggestion, my ‘Telepathy
in Action’ sequence or anything else you might wish to share.

I often use this same routine without the gestures in a demonstration of ‘subtle thought forms’ and ‘sympathetic magic’ with two

After calibrating the ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ response with my participant I use my own pendulum to control, direct, influence and
affect theirs instead of using gestures as described above. This is a beautiful sight as well and can be used with many, many
people at once just as the aforementioned (one pendy) variation can be too.

After calibration I take my participant through ‘The Process’ (from T&R) or some other short ritual to connect our minds.
Once our minds are connected I suggest that whatever I happen to experience over the next several moments my participant
will experience also. As an example, I hold my pendulum and begin THINKING it to move in circles…and it does.

When MY pendulum begins to move in circles, because of the suggestions I’ve given to my participant and process I used to
connect our minds their pendulum will ALSO begin to move around in circles in sympathy with mine.

I can mentally control my own pendulum, obviously, and the participant simply follows my own movements because I
suggest this is what will happen ‘because we’re connected.’

I can direct my pendulum to move in opposite circles, straight lines (back and forth, side to side), to stop and even make
flower petals and different geometric designs and patterns which will be followed and made with the pendulum of my
participant. Remember to give your suggestions, congratulate, thank and otherwise acknowledge and encourage your
participant throughout the demonstration and you’ll get the same pristine results I do.

The experienced psychological mind reader may use this routine as an opportunity to create deep rapport, break the ice, test
suggestibility levels, pace, lead and direct the experience and mindset of the participant and more. Think of ‘To Control One’s
Mind’ as a great technique for mirroring and matching to create rapport.

When your participant(s) do what you do and follow your lead they are in sync with you and a deep level of rapport and
personal connection can be easily established.

Keep your mind open to pendulum work and what I’ve written here. These routines are very basic and yet extremely
effective. The pendulum truly is an invaluable, magical tool that will create delightful miracles whenever and wherever you
wish. To this day I’ve not ever encountered a person who couldn’t be guided and taught to properly use a pendy after a few
moments of gentle yet firm and clear instruction.

More of my pet pendulum work and routines are contained in the forthcoming ‘Thought Veil’, my hypnosis and psychological
mind reading & suggestion course. Using the foundational tools and guidelines I’ve shared here alongside suggestion,
psychological methods, relaxation techniques and waking hypnosis will allow you to create all types of unique and interesting

An example of a full showpiece and another favored pendulum routine of mine includes the proper presentation and
calibration followed by various movements, controlling the pendulum held by my participant and then causing the pendy to
become light and heavy, hot and cold, changing in shapes, color, answering THOUGHT OF QUESTIONS and more.

With a bit of imagination you can start to see how these same techniques I’ve just outlined may be used with a pendulum
held by your participant to answer personal questions, locate hidden objects (for real!), tune in on specific areas to explore in
a reading (such as health, wealth, love, career, travel, etc) and to compliment a huge selection of mentalism using everything
from card revelations to L&D tests, name, number, word and drawing revelations and much, much more.

The ideomotor response is perhaps the strongest of the most under-utilized and appreciated tools in the working mentalist’s
arsenal. The same principle that moves a pendulum is the one that will move a glass by ghostly hands, tip, rock and levitate
tables, allow the performer to locate ‘lost & hidden’ objects with ease, balance chakras and manipulate the aura of a person,
plant or animal and much, much more. The opportunities for spectacular presentations are nearly infinite and a huge variety
of effects can be achieved using the same basic principle applied in different ways.

It’s for this reason (and others) that I consider the IMR of such great value. For me it’s a phenomenal example of learning
ONE TOOL that opens the doorways to seemingly endless routines, effects and presentations. This feature alone makes
working with the pendulum and various ideomotor responses one of the ideal principles for working smarter NOT
HARDER (!) and a cornerstone of what I call ‘Guerrilla Mind Reading’ – anytime, anywhere miracles of the mind using very
few props (if any) and yet are still capable of achieving maximum impact and lending the greatest entertainment value while
being incredibly powerful.

We’ve briefly discussed making a pendulum from borrowed items and common, everyday objects. When creating a pendulum
with a participant’s ring (or other special object/piece of jewelry) I love giving a short psychometry reading and speaking
about the soul and energy of the object. With the breath of life I give a voice to the ring, we place it on a cord or string
together before it begins to answer questions and tell us its story.

While creating a pendulum from borrowed objects is practical it may not always be PROFESSIONAL. If you’re interested in
pursuing pendulum work and its related material I highly suggest investing a few bucks in a very nice, great looking
pendulum that you will own and use for many years to come.

One of my favorite pendulums is one called an ‘Etheric Weaver’ offered by a New Age Guru ‘The Buddha Maitreya.’ You can
find them here:

I have a few of these ‘energetic healing tools’ and the very source makes for an interesting presentation. The quality of these
pendulums is to die for AND they are customizable. They come in a variety of precious quartz and gemstones, wire
wrappings, chains, etc. You can mix and match and make the one YOU want.

The one I use most often is a 3.5 ‘Etheric Weaver’ in clear quartz crystal, wrapped in copper and suspended from a heavy gold
chain. It looks and feels and WORKS amazingly well.

An additional benefit of these ‘weavers’ is they are made with two neo-magnets in each side (wrapped in the copper wire)
and allow for some very special effects such as remotely affecting and moving a compass needle with ‘energy’ just like I do
with the pendulum held by a participant! This is often the closing piece to another pet routine I have.

Another sweet characteristic of these magnets being built into the pendulum is a person can hide a magnetic object such as
‘The Relic’ (from Outlaw effects) in one of their hands and instead of using a PK Ring the ‘Etheric Weaver’ pendulum will

move very subtly when approaching the hand that contains the object. This movement will go by unnoticed by everyone but
you. It’s a very small, light movement but allows for a PERFECT tell and one that is just as effective as the original method
of the magnetic ring.

Another one of my favorite pendulums is a handmade piece I acquired from a mentor of mine over a decade ago and has
been with me ever since. This is a beautiful agate pendulum on a thin chain with a carved ‘bob’ (the weight and portion that
swings) and a nice hand piece. This is the pendy I carry with me on a daily basis.

Included in my collection is a remarkable pendulum I obtained from Rich at Mentalcraft. I highly recommend his beautiful
and top quality work. His pendulums are perfectly weighted, they look and feel right and never fail to garner compliments
once shown. His website is here:

Rich also offers a LARGE Haunted Key which is a perfect lead in and opening segment for any type of pendulum work or
lecture/presentation regarding the ideomotor response. I use his large key for a number of pet routines including my
‘Ideomotor Key Induction’ from ‘Random Acts of Kindness.’

Besides looking right and being a HUGE key that seems impossible to move, I’ve discovered another very interesting quality
with this key from Mentalcraft – it works BEAUTIFULLY as a pendulum.

In my Haunted Key presentation I combine a number of movements; in my hand, in my participant’s hand, at my fingertips
and then finally I move the key isolated from a cord, string or chain held by a spectator. Like my pet ‘Hypnotic Pendulum’
routine the key becomes light and heavy, grows hot, cold, answers questions, etc.

When I began working with Rich’s magnificent key I found that it’s so extremely well weighted I could use it as a pendulum
WITHOUT a string or cord! I simply slip my index finger through the key head (loop) and because of how perfectly
balanced this thing is I can get the same wonderful pendulum movements (and so can my participant!) using it in this way.

Straight lines, circles (in both directions), ovals and other patterns all occur very smoothly with his key. The range of motion
isn’t as large as it would be if the key were suspended from a chain, BUT, it’s more than enough movement, can be easily seen
and is very, very powerful. Many times instead of my pendulum I’ll throw his LARGE KEY or medium sized key in my
attaché case and off I go!

Another option Rich provides combines the best of both worlds in a HAUNTED KEY PENDULUM that includes a strong
magnetic piece to attach the key. The key can be clipped on and off the chain in a split second (!) and used for any number
of haunted key and/or pendulum effects and combinations thereof as mentioned above.

The Rigid Arm Test

This is another very fun, very simple suggestibility test I’ve always had great results with. When we start to think
of suggestibility tests as hypnotic inductions our work will naturally become more efficient. By combining the two
as ONE we eliminate the need for a suggestibility test followed by a separate induction and vice versa.

A good suggestibility test will naturally look like hypnotic suggestions affecting the subject because they are! The very nature,
look and feel of the test suggests that the participant is already succumbing to the effects of hypnosis.

To use the RIGID ARM TEST instruct your participant to extend their left arm (or right) out in front of them, palm facing
down towards the floor. I choose the left arm because using it will engage the right brain through the process.

There is nothing difficult about this test; simply ask your participant to imagine their arm becoming stiff and rigid, almost
like there is a solid steel beam running through their arm that makes it strong and straight as steel, difficult to bend without
exerting tremendous force.

To negate any resistance I constantly praise my subject and tell them this process will SHOW THEM DIRECTLY how
powerful and capable their mind really is and how the mind impacts the body directly. It becomes less about the hypnotist
taking control of the subject’s mind and causing them to do things and MORE about the subject succumbing to their own
‘mind power’ to achieve some extraordinary result or effects.

Another popular visualization is for your subject to imagine the arm is like a fire hose and spraying a huge stream of water
out the ends of their fingertips. When the hose is turned off the arm is limp and relaxed. When the hose is turned on the
force of the water makes it stiff and rigid.

You could also suggest a swift and powerful mountain stream cascading through the arm of your subject. Remember to get
them breathing. It might also help if they close their eyes as it will assist them with the visualization process, but this is not
completely necessary for great results.

I often lightly touch my subject’s arm as I give these suggestions and make sweeping motions from their shoulder down to
their fingertips with suggestions their arm is becoming stiff and rigid, strong, straight and unbendable through the power of
their mind and suggestion alone.

The subject may or may not be given an affirmation (direct auto suggestion) of, ‘My arm is stiff and rigid. My arm is stiff and
rigid. My arm is stiff and rigid’ to repeat over and over and over again in their mind to help them focus.

I test my suggestions secretly by lightly pressing down on my subject’s arm and feeling for resistance as I make the brushing
motions. The arm should be stiff and rigid. When I feel this rigidity and resistance to my push I instruct my participant to
TRY and bend their arm, not exerting brute force but simply feeling how rigid and strong it has become through their
focused thoughts and intentions.

I tell them, ‘In a moment I will ask you to TRY to bend your arm. You don’t have to exert a lot of force here, I don’t want you to break your
concentration. When I say ‘NOW’ simply TRY to bend your arm a bit and notice how the more you try the more difficult moving your arm
becomes BECAUSE you’re focused so intensely upon it.

The more you TRY to move your arm the stronger it actually becomes. The stronger your arm becomes the more difficult it is to break your
concentration or even TRY to bend you arm.

Focus your thoughts now, you can do this! Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it will happen easily and naturally…

NOW, TRY to bend your arm and see firsthand how stiff and rigid your own thoughts have made it…’

Very rarely will any movement or action take place here at all. The combination of my suggestions, the subject’s own
concentration and expectation, the breathing patterns I put them through, their altered state which happens through
breathing and imagining/visualizing, stroking the arms while giving the subject suggestions of growing stiff, strong, rigid and
the subject’s natural desire to do well in the process/procedure all guarantee our joined success.

If any movement takes place here at all I congratulate my participant on a job well done and suggest that NOW we are going
to increase these effects even more.

At this point I will do something or take some action which implies a change.

Examples of this might be such meaningless things as tapping them lightly on the forehead, mumbling something beneath
my breath as I touch the center of their back, hold my hand extended in front of them or whatever…these actions have no
effect other than to suggest that SOMETHING different will now happen and that their arm will be stronger as a result.
After I’ve built up the theatrics I ask my participant to TRY AGAIN NOW and experience the differences.

One of two things will happen. The most common is that their arm will now be MORE stiff and rigid. This equals success!

The less likely of the two outcomes here is that my subject’s arm will bend MORE. In this case success is also implied as it
appears as though whatever actions, gestures and ‘magical passes’ I just finished released the hypnotic hold on their arm.
Think about it…at first they could barely move their arm, I extend my hand towards their back and now they can bend their
arm in half completely. Everything here is implied. There is no way to fail.

I cannot remember the last time this suggestion didn’t work.

Following with the RIGID ARM TEST and desired results I will now suggest the arm is becoming lighter or heavier. I place
actions to words and suggestions here and simply instruct my participant to imagine their arm is getting lighter and lighter,
staying strong and rigid and lifting higher and higher into the air, easily and naturally.

I place an open palm beneath the subject’s arm and slowly move it UPWARDS. It appears as though our arms are two
magnets – mine arm is gently repelling theirs and lifting it higher and higher.

Once the arm gets to my desired height (wherever I choose – I want this to be fairly high in the air to be more noticeable) I
command my subject to ‘STOP’ right there and take a deep breath.

At this point I will reposition my hand ABOVE theirs and just like before when I lifted it by some invisible, magnetic force I
will now PUSH it back DOWN again.

I give the suggestions that my subject’s arm is almost repelled by my hand, becoming heavier and heavier, sinking down lower
and lower all at the command of their beautiful and powerful mind and thoughts. I congratulate my subject throughout the
test and praise them for having such a strong and capable mind.

As their arm becomes heavier and sinks lower I push it all the way down to their waistline and stop. At this point I can give
the suggestions to take a deep breath and allow their mind and arm to relax completely now. I might have them imagine
turning off the fire/water hose or the steel bar dissolving in their mind.

Many times when I have a GREAT subject I will milk this for all it is worth and actually pin their arm to a desk, table or even
the floor. This looks very strong to other people, almost as if the invisible force I am emanating is capable of controlling the
body and mind of my participant completely.

When I pin their arm to a tabletop or the floor I know they are in a very highly suggestible state of mind. I’ll give them
suggestions to TRY and raise their arm only to realize they can’t and it’s not going to happen. You’ll know when your subject
will play along and respond to your suggestions in such a dramatic fashion.

To get these types of incredible results I cannot stress the importance of proper rapport from the very beginning. You
should always go into these tests, routines and demonstrations with subjects you have mirrored properly and created a deep
sense of rapport with.

I create rapport (and it’s possible for you to as well) within 20 or 30 seconds tops. I will lead my participants and have them
mirroring my body language at an unconscious level, leaning in to me and hanging on my every word. You will learn to cast a
hypnotic spell very quickly and begin to direct the mind and heart of other people with ease almost instantly. Once you have
practiced these techniques and put them into constant use in your everyday life they will become second nature.

There is a point with NLP, hypnosis, mirroring and other techniques when you begin to incorporate them at an unconscious
level. They will simply become part of you and start working whenever you engage another person or enter a conversation or

By gaining a deep level of rapport FIRST our suggestibility tests will constantly work with amazing results. Remember to
turn the ‘tests’ into actual inductions through breathing, visualization and positive suggestions. This is easy.

The Stuck Eye Test

This is another classic test. The following piece can be used by itself or as a separate piece/test in a number of
inductions. It should be said that ANY suggestibility tests CAN be used WITH your inductions or even as the
induction itself.

The STUCK EYE test is a good one because it’s a little piece of ‘Body Magic’ and a principle involved which makes it nearly
impossible to open the eyes. Because the principle is based on a physiological response and coupled with suggestion it has
the effect of confounding the mind of the participant and convincing them your hypnosis is working on them with
spectacular effects. They will not be able to open their eyes IF they follow your instructions (which they will).

To use the test is easy.

After my subject has taken a few deep breaths and as their eyes begin to close I begin implanting suggestions that their eyes
are becoming heavier and heavier, closing down gently and sealing themselves shut. You might also use suggestions such as
the eyelids becoming heavy like steel doors that collapse and secure/prevent the eyes from opening. You might wish for the
subject to IMAGINE their eyes are glued shut or that they are facing the Sun directly and doesn’t wish to damage or open
their eyes.

Whatever the case you should choose suggestions that are appropriate for you and that fit your persona. The test is going to
work regardless.

The idea here is to have your participant CLOSE THEIR EYES and focus their attention and ‘inner vision’ upwards slightly.
With their eyes closed they should continue ‘looking’ at the point directly in the center of their forehead (Third Eye/Brow

When the eyes are focused on this area upwards and between the eyes, the muscles of the eye prevent them from opening so
long as the gaze or stare and attention is directed in this area.

I often use this with an eye fixation induction wherein my participant gazes at my hand or ring and allows their eyes to close
while CONTINUING to focus their vision and attention on the ring. I hold my hand or ring in the appropriate area (around
the subject’s hairline) and instruct them to focus their gaze and attention there continually as they imagine their eyes shutting
like two steel doors becoming heavier and heavier.

At this point I lightly touch my subject between the eyes and up a bit (about an inch and a half above their eyebrows) and
suggest them to look at that spot I am touching with their eyes closed and focus their attention there.

Now I say, ‘And as you focus your attention on the spot I am touching now, IMAGINE that your eyes are becoming heavier and heavier, heavier
and heavier still. The more you try to open your eyes, the heavier your eyes become and naturally seal themselves shut.

With each breath you take and with each word I speak your eyes become heavier and heavier, more permanently sealed, all according to the power
of your mind and your ability to follow my simple suggestions…this is easy…

And after you have imagined and intended with all your heart and concentration that your eyes WILL NOT OPEN, and while you continue to
focus your inner vision, gaze and attention at the point I am now touching, go ahead and TRY to open your eyes for a moment and notice how
tightly they are sealed shut.

Go ahead and TRY to open your eyes and notice how tightly sealed and shut they are now…’

Of course given the situation and principle at work here your subject is physically unable to open their eyes. You will see it
very clearly when they try because the subject’s eyelids will flutter. When you see this strain and flutter you know they are
following your suggestions and are trying to press their eyelids open. As long as they continue to follow your instructions and
direct their gaze and attention at the point you are touching it is physically impossible for their eyes to open. This is a very
odd feeling for your participant.

After just a few seconds I command the participant to STOP TRYING and allow their closed eyes to relax gently and

I praise my subject for following my instructions and suggestions and for having such a powerful, capable mind and continue
with my process and suggestions.

If you do not wish to touch your subject (or they do not wish to be touched OR you are working with multiple people at
once and cannot touch them all) I simply snap my fingers at the specific location between their eyes and instruct them to
focus their inner vision and focused gaze at the sound/spot that I’m snapping at. The results are the same though I prefer to
actually touch them between the eyes when possible.

Anything you can do to TOUCH the subject in a gentle, non invasive, non sexual, non threatening way while performing or
using hypnosis is great. It deepens the connection, rapport and effects multiple times over.

Magnetic Finger Screws

This is old as the hills and a classic ‘test’ for good reason – it works! Most of us are already familiar with the basic
workings of this ‘Body Magic’ effect. If not, follow along with me now.

Place your hands together, fingers interlocked with your thumbs crossing; it’s almost as though you are clasping your hands
together in prayer and the fingers are weaving/interlocked.

With your hands in this position raise your two index fingers and keep them separated as much as possible. They will form a
‘V’ shape in front of you.

With the audience or participants in this position the hypnotist now gives suggestions that those two index fingers are
‘magnetized.’ As proof of his suggestions working the two index fingers are slowly drawn together until they form a unified
‘steeple.’ The ‘drawing closer/magnetic’ action takes place naturally. By holding your fingers interlaced with the two index
fingers extended they will naturally want to move towards each other. The body and muscles do all the work and the mind is
given credit.

This test works on practically everyone and it’s a great one to use with a subject who might be resisting. It’s a killer little
‘warm up’ piece and can be done one-on-one or with large groups just the same.

Magicians and hypnotists alike have been using this body magic with an ‘invisible screw’ presentation for years. Holding your
hands next to the subject’s raised fingertips you can make motions and gestures similar to turning a screw or a knob/clamp
which draws the fingers closer and closer together.

As you make these suggestions and couple them with actions the natural body magic will take effect and the fingers begin
moving slowly towards each other. It’s a very cute effect.

When I use this test it is as a precursor to the following demonstration, ‘The Magnetic Hands Test.’

Breathing, visualization, the subject’s own mind and imagination should be engaged in the process for pristine results. I often
use this set piece as a proper induction when feeling a bit zany. Suggestions are given to my subject that as their fingers are
drawn closer and closer together, they naturally become deeply and deeper relaxed. As the fingers touch/meet in the center
my guest is invited to allow their eyes to close and off we go!

If ANY resistance at all is encountered (it IS possible to resist and keep the fingers separated) your guided breathing
techniques will cause the effects to happen easily and naturally. As the subject breathes they should be invited to relax and
watch as the power of their mind takes over and draws the fingers closer and closer together.

Congratulate your participant’s and provide them with positive reinforcement whenever possible. Establishing rapport in the
beginning assures that you will not encounter any problems with this and/or other tests.

Magnetic Hands

I developed this test awhile back as a full blown demonstration. It’s perfect for a suggestibility test or a
PK/Remote Touch type of effect in its own right. It’s takes balls and it’s very direct – this shouldn’t dissuade you
from trying it out. I get spectacular results with this piece and it always works.

How can I say it ALWAYS works? Does anything ALWAYS or NEVER happen? With proper intent, training, practice and
techniques all working together I can proudly state YES, ABSOLUTELY. With the right approach, attitude and participant
this will always work.

I achieve spectacular results with ANY subject through creating proper rapport and following the general guidelines of
breathing, visualization, closed eyes, rapport and proper suggestion to create my results. If and when the proper criteria is
met your suggestions and suggestion/psychological based mentalism will ALWAYS work and I realize that is hard for some
to believe.

Similar to the ins and outs of personal psychic readings, there is no way to fail – a way to success is constantly present and
can be tapped in to. It’s a matter of experience, covering your bases, learning this material inside and out, constant practice,
devotion to the subject matter and the will/desire to MAKE it work.

Instead of a suggestibility test I would use this piece as a lead in or follow up to my signature effect, ‘Energetic Touches’ as
written in ‘The Taboo Treatise.’ After touching my participant three different times with hot and cold energy from across the
room I ask them to hold their hands facing each other and attempt to FEEL their own energy and it dances together with
mine upon their palms.

Now I would simply tell my subject, ‘And if you had ANY doubts in your mind at all (!), remember how THIS FEELS!’ and I would
move their hands together while standing across the room or stage.

For the MAGNETIC HANDS test I instruct my participant to hold their hands palms facing each other and extend their
arms out in front of them. I give suggestions for them to follow along the lines of their hands being embedded with strong
magnetic energy.

‘In a moment you’ll take a deep breath and IMAGINE that your hands are being pulled STRONGLY towards each other. It’s subtle at first,
but I promise you it WILL HAPPEN!

And as you IMAGINE your hands filling with magnetic energy with each and every breath you may find they’re ALREADY starting to tingle
or want to move towards each other. Let them.

The more you breathe and the more you focus on that energy now inside your hands, the more they’ll begin to draw themselves towards each other
easily and naturally. Using the power of your mind alone, LET GO NOW and allow your hands to start slowly moving towards one another…’

As I’m giving these instructions a few simple things are taking place.

1). I am instructing my subject to breathe deeply and by now we all know what natural effects breathing deeply causes!

2). I am altering my subject’s brainwave patterns through suggestions (there are embedded commands, binds and double
binds layered into the above script), visualization and imagination.

3). Placing actions to words I hold my own hands out facing each other and as I give my instructions/suggestions I focus on
my hands and begin slowly pulling them towards each other. This is a lot like the ideometer response WITHOUT a
pendulum. I visibly take a deep breath, close my eyes as I speak about this natural, invisible magnetic force and slowly allow
my hands to come closer.

My subject will follow suite and do the same.

There is a lot of psychology inherent within this simple test. By taking the appropriate and requested actions myself I
naturally continue the mirroring and leading process. When my subject follows my lead they are unconsciously ‘hypnotizing’
themselves and naturally lowering their own resistance to my suggestions.

Also, because I have continually developed a deep sense of rapport and connection with my subject’s and participant’s they
WANT to maintain this rapport on both conscious and unconscious levels. When proper rapport has been established your
subject’s will do ANYTHING and WHATEVER you wish and ask of them because they like and want to please you! The
subject feels comfortable with you and will seek your approval. All these things are obviously working in your favor.

By giving the participant a visible pattern to follow the suggestions take even better. Again, I’ve not ever had this test fail on
me or a subject become unresponsive.

To make it look GREAT, as my subject’s hands begin to move towards each other I make motions and gestures (similar to
Banachek’s PK Time) seemingly using my mind WITH the participant’s to move their hands closer and closer together.

With my open palms at the OUTSIDE of the subject’s hands and about 8 inches or so away I push my palms together with
the participant’s palms in between them. It looks as though I am using my own magnetic/invisible force to PUSH the
participant’s palms together.

This is a great follow-up to the FINGER SCREWS TEST taught prior.

As with most suggestibility tests this is a wonderful one to use with an entire group or audience. There is another beautiful
quality here…

After I have done this with ONE subject/participant I now ask many other people to extend their hands in the same manner
and fashion and LOOK AT ME…

Approaching one or two people I make the proper motions and gestures as though I am pushing their hands together.
Miraculously their hands will begin to move and be drawn together in the center!


I have already CONDITIONED this response by working with the first participant and allowing everyone to SEE our
results. Expectation = Realization and my other spectator’s will follow suit.

After I have ‘pushed’ 1-3 extra sets of hands together I suggest that EVERYONE looks at me now. It’s as though I take
control of everyone simultaneously as I dramatically move my hands together, breathing deeply and closing my eyes. Without
fail most of the other people watching and their hands will begin to drift closer and closer together.

I often turn this into an induction (and even a shock induction) by using the command ‘SLEEP!’ as my participant’s hands
finally touch.

This is usually suggested thus,

‘SLEEP! Relaxing way down deep, allowing your eyes to close, standing upright with your feet locked into place, listening gently to the sound of
my voice and my instructions…you’re doing perfectly…’

I FORCE my subject’s to behave exactly how I want them to. If they are not ‘hypnotized’ I make it look as if they ARE
DEFINITELY hypnotized now.

As I say, ‘relaxing way down deep, allowing your eyes to close…’ I simply take my hand and cover the subject’s face, almost as if
pulling their eye lids shut. This does a few things.

First, it blocks their face so that anybody watching cannot tell one way or the other if the participant’s eyes are open or
closed. For this reason others watching must assume the subject’s eyes are closed (due to my suggestions to close them and
the previous experience and suggestibility test being successful).

Second, by using my hand to gently cover the eyelids of my subject they will naturally close their eyes. It’s a common
response. It feels unnatural to stand there with open eyes when a hypnotist has his hand in your face. It feels better to simply
allow the eyes to close. This is perfect.

Third, I think this is almost a subliminal type of gesture in that I make the same gentle, sweeping motion we see in the
movies when someone dies with their eyes open. The distraught hero walks over to the person, puts his hand over their eyes
and pulls the eyelids down closing them. This is what I think of as I do this. The natural response, again, is for the subject to
close their eyes.

The term ‘listen gently’ is intended to confuse and confound the conscious mind – how does one LISTEN GENTLY? I
interchange this instruction with ‘listen closely’ as I see fit.

The Stuck Hand Test

Another very strong suggestibility test is the ‘Stuck Hand Test.’

This test is just as the title implies…using suggestion you will effectively ‘stick’ a person’s hand firmly to the table, chair,
floor, object or themselves. There is another variation at the end of this short routine that I use in my stage shows.

There is also a beautiful piece of ‘Body Magic’ I’ll teach you here that’s wonderful in and of itself.

To perform the ‘Stuck Hands’ test simply induce trance, deeply relax your participant and suggest their hand is stuck firmly to
whatever object you wish. I like to use the table, chair or subject to plant their hand to.

I give suggestions in the following manner,

‘I want you to imagine that your hand is STUCK firmly to this table now…

Whatever you wish to imagine is fine…in YOUR MIND perhaps a newly developed super glue is causing your hand to stick to the table at
this time or maybe there’s a large weight placed on top of your hand pinning it down, making it unable to move. It could be that your hand was
still magnetized and is drawn towards the table easily and naturally, so strongly in fact that if you TRIED to pick up your hand and move it, it
simply wouldn’t budge. I like to imagine that roots are extending and growing from my hand and driving themselves deeply into the table top like a

The more you relax the stronger and more firmly your hand becomes stuck to the table. The more your hand becomes stuck to the table now, the
deeper and more completely you relax because that is how the process of hypnosis works.

As you imagine this happening and form the experience completely in your mind I want you to try in vain to lift your hand. Notice how completely
and powerfully it remains stuck to the table, unable to lift itself and all of this is done via the power of suggestion and the unlimited potential of
your subconscious mind working together. You’re doing wonderfully…’

A few sneaky things happen here. With a deeply relaxed subject this test works all by itself (legitimately) with a few
suggestions as written above. To increase my success rate and cause this test to go off without a hitch I do something else as

First, I love doing this induction on stage or in impromptu situations because it’s very powerful and leads me into different
routines and tests. It works very well with the arm levitation induction, the handshake technique and a few other inductions
using the participant’s hand I will teach you later on.

Second, I position my participant so they are leaning forward slightly and placing most of their upper body weight directly on
the hand I’ve pinned to the table. This leverage makes it very difficult to lift the hand even if the subject wanted to. Like
balancing a ‘Telekinetic Timber’ make sure that your subject doesn’t look like they are leaning on their hand TOO HEAVILY.
We don’t want to make it obvious to everyone watching the subject really couldn’t lift their hand based on physics.

Third, as I give my suggestions of the hand being stuck to the table I lightly tap the back of my participant’s hand to anchor
these suggestions within them and drive my suggestions deeply into their mind. Put a bit of light pressure on the hand as you
give continued suggestions that it’s STUCK FIRMLY to the table.

Part of my script suggests that I myself do this test by imagining that roots are extending from my hand and growing into
the table top. This is a comforting thing for the subject to hear – it implies that I’m not asking them to do anything that I
myself wouldn’t do.

Fourth, the wording is a bit ambiguous in the ‘script’ I use. I tell my subject, ‘As you imagine this happening and form the experience
completely in your mind I want you to try in vain to lift your hand. Notice how completely and powerfully it remains stuck to the table, unable to
lift itself and all of this is done via the power of suggestion and the unlimited potential of your subconscious mind working together. You’re doing

This isn’t exactly asking my subject to lift their hand now, is it?

Just a few moments after I have delivered the line, ‘You’re doing wonderfully’ I will say, ‘That’s perfect…you can STOP TRYING
to lift your hand now and continue becoming even deeper and more deeply relaxed…’

To the audience it now appears as though the subject WAS trying to lift their hand this entire time. Really though I have very
few people who know WHEN to try and lift their hand and thus they never end up doing it. The illusion of their hand being
stuck to the table is perfect.

This is just a bit of added insurance. Nobody is going to care if a subject DOES happen to lift their hand a bit. I’ve not ever
had this test fail and if someone DID lift their hand I would go right along with it and tell them, ‘That’s perfect…notice how
incredibly difficult it is to lift your hand now. Raise it higher and higher into the air relaxing 10 times more deeply and completely than before as it
goes…when I snap my fingers your hand will fall gently to the table, stuck in place now and completely unable to move again…’

Having my subject IMAGINE the test taking place in their mind FIRST assures they respond perfectly in reality.

This is actually one of my favorite tests because I do a few different little variations here that are all very impressive and
entertaining. All I need to do first is have my subject respond to this initial ‘stuck hand’ test and I’m off and running.

Here’s what I do:

After sticking the subject’s hand firmly to the table I begin giving suggestions along the lines of, ‘ANYTHING I stick your
hand to, it will remain stuck and planted there firmly just as before…’

I now lift the subjects hand and place it in their lap, unable to move. After a few moments I lift their arm/hand and place it
stuck firmly to their head. I show how this can be done with two hands and stick the OTHER hand to their abdomen. I used
to include a small joke here of, ‘Now rub your belly and pat your head at the same time…’ that I no longer include. It was funny
seeing the participant trying to respond to this suggestion because my subject couldn’t pat their head OR rub on their
stomach at all because their hands were stuck firmly in place!

I would then take some object – perhaps a cell phone or car keys, a crystal or the pendulum, whatever I wanted – and give
suggestions to my subject that their hand was wrapped firmly around the item and unable to drop it or loosen their grip.
Remember that once they have responded to a few easy suggestions the more difficult ones are simple too.

I often cause the object to become so heavy that it pins the subject’s arm to the ground, chair, table or even just in their lap.
Simply give suggestions that the object is growing heavier and heavier, pushing the hand down and relaxing the subject more
and more as this happens. You might also like to give suggestions of the object becoming light again, very light in fact raising
the hand and arm high into the air as it does.

This ‘light/heavy’ inclusion is very impressive when the object is very tiny – the pin I use to find with contact mind reading, a
borrowed coin before I bend it, a crystal necklace I wear or some written talisman the subject and I create together…

As a presentation suggestion I sometimes talked about newborn babies and the strength of their hands and grip when very
young. Many of us know that a baby can grab a finger or make a fist so strong that even a full grown adult has trouble
opening it or loosening their grip and I explain this is due to the fact that a baby hasn’t developed a conscious mind yet and
they’re experiencing life completely from a subconscious mind perspective. They can channel their early thoughts and energy
to do remarkable things like make a fist a grown adult cannot open.

To demonstrate this point I make a CONE with my fingers. To do this I simply bring my five fingers together to form a
point. Simply open your hand (looking at your palm) and bring all 5 of your digits together so the tips of each finger touches
in the center. This CONE has some amazing properties…

Anyone who tries to pry your fingers apart and ‘open’ the cone will fail miserably. The Traditional Chinese Medicine
practitioners I used to work with claimed the meridians and energy points of the body flow through each hand and finger. As
we bring the tips together to form a soft point (cone) the energy centers connect and as a result it’s damn near impossible for
anyone to open the cone as the chi is flowing smoothly and harmoniously.

Whatever the case, this is a great piece of ‘Body Magic’ I started using immediately. It suggests HYPNOSIS and working
trance states and suggestion when the subject/participant pulls their fingers into a cone and sees very clearly that no matter
how hard an audience member tries they CANNOT open the cone or spread those fingers apart. This is a great bit of
business and a natural convincer to both the subject AND audience.

To end the ‘stuck hands’ test I often take control of my subject’s arm completely. This can be used before or after the rigid
arm test. I simply place the arm into any position that I wish with suggestions that my subject is unable to move it.

Very quickly I raise and lower the arm to different heights showing how it stays perfectly in the place and position I tell it to.
I bend the arm at the elbow (a 45 degree angle) and leave it suspended in the air. This looks very magical, almost as though
my subject is a statue or mannequin I can pose in any position I wish.

I might hold their hand/arm up to their ear as if speaking on a telephone or give suggestions to stick their hand to their ear
unable to pull it away. Get creative!

Before I move on I usually release my control over the subject’s arm/hand and give suggestions that their feet now do the
same. I will often stick one or both feet firmly to the floor and show the success of my suggestions to the audience by having
the subject stand (being careful not to fall) and try taking a few steps forward. If they have responded to the previous
suggestions this one is surely going to work – they’ve already committed to any tests or suggestions I can give them at this
point by participating successfully in the previous ones.

To do this simply follow the outline and suggestions above only this time instead of a hand you’ll give your suggestions that
your subject’s feet are stuck. This is easy.

A variation of the ‘stuck hand’ test I use on stage with everyone (or with a single participant/small group) entails asking the
subjects to place their hands together and interlock their fingers. I give suggestions that their hands are stuck firmly together,
so strongly in fact, ‘The more I try to pull your hands apart the tighter and more securely they remain stuck together…expect it to happen,
allow it to happen and I promise you it WILL HAPPEN easily and naturally…’

In my stage show I now walk down the aisles, grab my participant’s forearm and give them a good shake to try and loosen
their hands. This is a wonderful suggestibility test because anyone who ‘fails’ at this point is going to be sent back to their
seat. You’ll see how I handle all of this shortly.

The action of shaking their hands apart does something else for me as well – it creates CONFUSION. This jarring motion
rocks the head and body of my stage volunteers and deepens the trance state and induction. I often include the short series
of tests and demonstrations described here in my ‘EZ Hypnosis Routine’ taught later in this course with wonderful results.

More Suggestibility Tests

I don’t wish to dwell on this area because there is so much more to learn and teach you at this time. The tests I
have already given you are classics, tried and true and will give you spectacular results.

Realize there are many other great suggestibility tests out there such as hot and cold tests, balancing and equilibrium tests,
memory (and amnesia stunts) which test and increase suggestibility and more. A personal favorite of mine is using
psychological and statistical forces to achieve the desired effect.

A bit later you will see a wonderful IMPROMPTU demonstration of hypnosis that I have used for many years now. It is
nothing more than a simple induction with a number of suggestibility tests that never fails to get a very strong reaction and
response. Further, this routine can be used with one single person or a group of people of ANY size. It is a miniature stage
show you can use anytime, anywhere.

There are still a few things you must learn about suggestion, visualization, breathing, how the subconscious mind works and
the actual induction techniques themselves. Following this portion of the book are a few of the PSYCHOLOGICAL

Psychological Suggestibility Tests

Though one of my favorite ways to test audience or participant suggestibility is through a pendulum (as it
provides instant feedback) I often use other verbal or psychological suggestions to ascertain a potential subject’s
level of suggestibility.

If meeting a client for hypnotherapy or a private reading I ASSUME they are already highly suggestible which is why they are
seeing me.

One of the ways I use psychological suggestibility tests was a favored method of Ormond McGill and was mentioned prior
with my ‘Angel Pendulum’ routine and demonstration. He would ask his audience members to raise their hands if they believed
in angels! Those who raised their hands were those who were highly suggestible and the people he worked with.

I’ve continued to use this in my work since I first learned of it. I’ll often ask my participants, ‘By a show of hands, who here
believes in Angels? Maybe these are Spirit Guides or perhaps even Guardian Angels – our friends, family members and loved ones on the Other
Side who continue to guide and watch over us…?’

Another great one is, ‘Who here believes in the power of prayer and/or efficacy of meditation?’

Those who raise their hands are highly suggestible and great candidates for suggestion. I’ll often strengthen this to include,
‘Who here believes in the power of prayer, the positive benefits of meditation or even self hypnosis?’

Those people who raise their hands are ready to go!

In my hypnosis show I ask, ‘By a round of applause, how many of you here tonight have been to see a hypnosis show before? By a show of
hands, how many of you have ever been hypnotized?’

Those who have either been to a hypnosis show OR have been hypnotized before are perfect candidates. Keep in mind that
during my full program I very rarely use traditional suggestibility tests with an audience. Many hypnotists like them and use
them in every show, I don’t.

After many years of stage hypnosis shows and hundreds of public demonstrations I’ve come to realize a few things.

1). EVERY single thing I ask of my audience is a suggestion and/or suggestibility test! If I ask them to applaud loudly for
themselves for coming out this evening and they DO they are already following my commands and suggestions. If I ask
them to stamp their feet and roar with applause if they want to have a GREAT TIME tonight and they DO, they are already
following my commands and suggestions! If I present a question and ask for the audience to respond through a show of
hands and they DO, they are already following my commands and suggestions!

2). Suggestibility tests are great for eating up extra time, but as far as stage hypnosis goes they are completely unnecessary.
The greatest suggestibility test we have access to is the moment when we ask for those people who would LIKE TO
experience hypnosis this evening to join us on stage! The people who come up DON’T NEED a suggestibility test – they are
standing there in front of you BECAUSE they are suggestible and willing to be hypnotized! That alone should tell you
instantly how highly suggestible these people are and how ready and willing they are to be hypnotized by you this evening.

3). I often use non verbal suggestibility tests in my performances and stage programs. Examples of these include SMILING
at people and getting them to smile back at me or even just making and maintaining direct eye contact with a group or

individual. You’ll see in my preshow lecture and priming HOW I make audience members WANT TO be hypnotized. I also
use psychological suggestibility tests via creating rapport with the group/audience and then begin the process of LEADING.

To do this, as I give my opening speech I create rapport with the audience in 60 seconds or less using the techniques in this
book. I’ll often adjust my tie in the process and WATCH the audience closely. ANYONE who touches their chest, adjusts
their shirt, scratches their throat (etc) is in perfect harmony with me at that time. I know that person CAN and WILL be
hypnotized by me.

Other examples of this are LOOKING UP at the ceiling as if I notice something during my presentation. It’s just an
IMAGINARY ‘something’ but I do this with the intention of finding suggestible audience members. Those who ALSO look
up are primed and ready for me to lead them into a deep state of relaxation and hypnosis.

I might be speaking and pull my hair back behind my ear and WATCH for those people in the audience who make the same
action/gesture (or similar) within the next 30 seconds. Those people are in rapport with me and will do as I say.

Everything I instruct my audience to do is a suggestibility test. If I ask them to applaud, if I ask them to sit straight up in
their seats, open body, feet flat on the floor, hands palm down in their laps and take a deep breath (and they do!) – these
things are ALL my suggestibility tests!

Very rarely do I go through the stuck eyes, stuck to their seats, rigid arm test, light/heavy arm test (etc) with my audience or
subjects like most hypnotists do. It is simply unnecessary. I find suggestibility tests of much greater use in close up or small
group performances and maybe, MAYBE for a first time client seeking private hypnotherapy sessions as a way to explain
HOW hypnosis and positive suggestion works.

For large groups I would rather issue a series of psychological and statistical forces and CLAIM those who met with success
are perfect candidates for hypnosis. What I say is true IS TRUE! If I tell the audience those who thought of the color ‘blue’
are great candidates for hypnosis then they ARE because I say they are! Take control, be a hypnotist!

The reason I use psychological forces is because with 3 to 5 of them EVERYONE in the audience will at least get one or
two correctly. Many of them will get 3 or more. I make a big point of saying that ANYONE who got two or more correct
answers is a perfect candidate for hypnosis – and so they are.

The psychological forces are faster and can work even better than traditional suggestibility tests – they are also
EXTREMELY impressive. I also shy away from suggestibility tests as the very test itself is a negative suggestion. Their very
nature implies this may not work! If using a traditional suggestibility test it should be framed a bit differently. Instead of
finding those people who are able to respond to suggestions, present them as a way of showing how EVERYONE is able to
follow and respond to suggestions with great success.

The truth is this: once I get a person on stage I can make them do anything I wish, I only need them to get on stage. By
coming on stage my audience members are entering an agreement. They are affirming their willingness to be hypnotized by
me and no other ‘tests’ are necessary. As they follow my simple instructions from this point on the participants can and
WILL be hypnotized.

There are certain dynamics in play during a hypnosis show that create different behaviors and reactions in people once they
get in front of a group. As long as you, the performer, doesn’t make them LOOK or FEEL stupid (or if you do, make it
OKAY!) then generally you can get a person to follow along and respond to your every suggestion. The key is getting them
on stage in front of a large group and allowing the burden of the audience expectations to rest upon them.

You’ve got to keep in mind there are many psychologies at work during a hypnosis show. Many people in your audience
WILL perform as though they are hypnotized just by asking them to and telling them they are hypnotized. These folks are
natural entertainers and they can make for great shows. They would follow your suggestions and pull off outrageous stunts

for attention and the laughter/applause of their peers without any form of trance whatsoever. You’ll get these people on
stage if you can promise them a bit of the limelight in your opening spill.

The next group of people you’ll find are those who have been hypnotized before and want to be hypnotized again. These
folks are natural candidates and perfect to work with.

Another group of people you’ll find are those who are open to the idea of hypnosis and willing to ‘see if it works.’ In my
opening/preshow talk I assure this group of people that as long as they can follow simple instructions I guarantee they can
and will be hypnotized by me this evening.

You’re also going to come across folks who are naturally shy and reserved and would die for an opportunity to take the stage
and act confidently, make people laugh and applaud for them and will do OUTRAGEOUS things under the banner of
‘trance.’ Hypnosis gives them an excuse to act out in ways they could otherwise never dream of doing. Because of their
personality they will require a bit of coaxing, only if just to show their family and friends they arrived with they were resistant
and thus ‘really hypnotized.’

The fact of the matter is that just like women know within 30 to 60 seconds of meeting if they will sleep with a man your
audience KNOWS as soon as they enter the theatre if they will allow themselves to be hypnotized that evening – regardless
of what you’ve been told before I’ve found the majority of people who get hypnotized made the decision to participate in
the show long before they entered the venue or looked upon the performer. Everyone who arrives at a hypnosis show does
so with SOME KIND of expectation. Whether that expectation is what they will see OR what they will do doesn’t matter to
me. Expectation = Realization.

This percentage of willing participants naturally increases when they first see the performer (and how confident he is!), how
he speaks to and treats his audience from the very beginning and how much fun, excitement and positive benefits of
hypnosis he can convince or assure them of during the process. All of this and more is covered in my opening lecture and
works wonders for your hypnosis show.

I favor hypnotherapy and close up hypnosis much more these days than I do stage work for the simple reason that STAGE
HYPNOSIS is 98% pure and utter bullshit. All we’re doing is giving people AN EXCUSE to act out and say, do or be things
they wouldn’t normally say, be or do otherwise. Give them a believable process and an excuse they can give their friends
explaining away their behavior and they WILL become ‘hypnotized.’

Now does this mean that people on stage are not in a state of trance? Absolutely not!

The on stage participants will drift into and out of a deeply relaxed trance state periodically throughout the program. The key
is RELAXING the participants during the induction (prior to the ‘real show’ aka demonstrations of hypnosis) to take away their
fear of performing in front of large groups, levels of anxiety and social nervousness. You also provide a PROCESS through
the induction and give your volunteers an excuse to act out under the umbrella of ‘hypnosis.’ THIS is the truth and THAT is
the purpose of an induction – to take away the stage fright of your on-stage participants prior to all the outrageous stunts
and skits they will soon be involved with.

I want and need to be very frank as I begin teaching ‘Thought Veil’ students the ins and outs of stage hypnosis. I truly believe
that ANYONE can do this and that even a remotely good entertainer who can approach an audience with confidence (with a
show script or set outline) could effectively pull off a great stage hypnosis show with no hypnosis training whatsoever! A
skilled actor would be a great hypnotist.

For the record, I firmly believe in trance states, hypnosis and the benefits derived therein. I believe with my whole heart in
the remarkable power of suggestion and the effective nature of persuasion and influence in the work that I do. In my own
opinion STAGE HYPNOSIS is the worst possible use FOR hypnosis. Is it great entertainment? Yes! Will you astound,
amaze and delight your audiences? Yes!

I take this particular stance because after years and years of doing stage hypnosis shows and impromptu demonstrations I’ve
come to highly prefer the use of hypnosis and suggestion for positive effects and not just entertainment. Of course your
show and demonstrations (formal or impromptu) can be BOTH and this is the direction I strongly encourage ‘Thought Veil’
students to consider – entertainment with a GREATER PURPOSE than just entertainment.

If hypnosis is used solely for entertainment purposes it’s a great medium to do that but we end up throwing the baby out
with the bathwater. It can be so much more.

Instead of making people cluck like chickens or hallucinate their favorite celebrities (or become their favorite celebrity!) I
prefer to use hypnosis and the power of suggestion to positively affect a person and assist them in making positive,
empowered life changes. These things can be done IN ADDITION TO clucking like chickens or becoming a celebrity, of

Hypnosis and suggestion are both tremendous modalities for HEALING and as a traditional healer and hypnotherapist this
is how I prefer to work currently. It’s a good thing for YOU, the student of this course, because without my having made this
decision on a personal level you would never have had access to this material…

While I understand completely the desire to offer shows strictly for entertainment purposes and do not in any way expect
anyone reading this book to follow after my example you all deserve to know where I’m at with this.

Mind/Body Magic


Start by having a person close their eyes (standing) and take some deep breaths. Get them to relax slightly and remember the

I clap my hands in a clockwise circle around the participants face, neck, chest and shoulders about 7 times. After that I grab
the person's wrists and raise their arms into the air (at their sides) at about 45 degree angles and hold them there for a
moment before lowering their arms.

I repeat the process 2 or 3 times, each time doing the exact same thing; clapping a number of times (always the same) and
then slowly lifting the participants arms into the air, holding them and gently placing them back down again.

On the last round I clap the same way but this time I DON’T touch the person and their arms will lift effortlessly into the air
just as before. This happens because the participant is conditioned to a specific response. They realize that after my clapping
ends their arms are going to be raised. In this little routine they simply jump the gun a bit and it could not be more simple or
easier in application.

This is a great little hypnosis stunt I used for awhile to explain how suggestion works. This is a nice little exercise in pacing
and leading, suggestion and other techniques. It's a great 'tester' to find a nice, suggestible person to work with. It can also be
done with multiple people at once! Those who respond well are primed and ready for full scale stage hypnosis.


From a person's waist to the base of their neck I make large sweeping motions UP towards their face (never touching them, I
claim this was 'energy work.'). My participant’s extend their arms to their sides at shoulder level and I push down on them,
kind of like the process of kinesiology/muscle testing.

The participants would have no trouble or problems resisting and 'staying strong' when these sweeping motions went UP.
(This is something that goes back to 'Touch for Health' and the idea and model of the flow of energy in the human body.)

Next I make the same large sweeping motions in the opposite direction (from neck to waist line) downwards, apparently
shutting off their energy centers. My participant would again hold their arms out as I push down on them. Like limp noodles
the person's arms will be pushed very easily downwards and back to their body/side appearing very weak!


A very effective piece of body magic that has been made more popular over the last few years is the classic ‘The Lift’ stunt
wherein a large man apparently cannot pick up/lift a much smaller woman. I often use this in combination with the ‘Chakra
Balance’ bit of business tipped earlier.

First I demonstrate how easily the female assistant/participant is lifted into the air by the male volunteer. Second I ‘shut
down’ the gentleman’s chakras and show how his arms are weak and easily pushed down to his sides and then follow this
suggestion with him now being unable to lift the once LIGHT female participant.

This is actually a really nice piece of work that can be done with an assistant or without one ‘in the know’ as I will soon

The basic premise is a small woman and one large man are standing face to face. The man is instructed to lift the girl from
her waist (her arms are at her sides, hands on his forearms) which he does with no problems whatsoever.

Now the hypnotist gazes deeply into the man’s eyes and begins to ‘psychically’ sap his strength away making it impossible to
lift the girl.

The man takes his position in front of the woman just as before and tries to lift. This time she doesn’t budge!

This is a very nice stunt and extremely easy to use. The way I learned it was through physics. The first time the man lifts the
girl her arms are tucked in close to her waist and she touches the man’s forearms lightly.

The second time (after you give suggestions to make the lifter ‘weak’) the girl extends her arms a bit so they are away from
her body. This slight difference in positioning makes it impossible for the man to gain enough leverage to lift her into the air.

Because this difference is so minuscule nobody will notice and you’ll find your ‘lifter’ absolutely confounded and frustrated at
his attempts. Your ‘suggestion’ has apparently worked.

To end, suggestions can be given for his strength to return and once again the woman is lifted bringing this routine to its
successful conclusion.

What I didn’t like about this test was the fact I needed an assistant to do it with. In my stage show this wasn’t a problem
because I had two very beautiful assistants (twins) and I would use this piece with anyone who might be skeptical and needed
a bit of convincing on stage. I would often use it on someone I had already induced to ‘prove’ they were in a trance state and
thus convince them. Of course my girls were well aware of the principles involved and made it play beautifully. There was
also a reason to use these specific women…they worked for me and it was natural for them to be there.

All the woman being lifted needs to know is this: the first time they are lifted up they are to keep their arms close to their
body and place their hands closer to the males wrist. By keeping the body rigid they are lifted up into the air easily and

After the suggestions for being ‘weak’ have been placed the lift happens again and this time is met with failure. My assistants
place their hands closer to the crook/crease between the elbow and forearm of the man lifting them instead of near the
wrist. Also they relax their body instead of keeping it rigid. Because the grip of the assistant is now further back on the
male’s arm he doesn’t have the ‘up and under’ leverage required to make the lift successfully.

This idea of convincing non-hypnotized subjects via ‘Body Magic’ is a good one. Often pseudo hypnosis can and will lead to
TRUE hypnosis and REAL trance states.

To perform the lift without an assistant already prepared with the method I give LEGITIMATE suggestions for the lift to
fail and the male participant to weaken. Like ‘Telepathy in Action’ there are certain factors that come into play here. Once you
understand ‘TIA’ type suggestions, routines and structure you’ll be able to re-create the lift stunt with anyone, anytime,

There are two ways I do this without an assistant.

One ruse is to use a medium sized woman instead of a small one for the UNPREPARED lift. When doing this I make a
small compromise with a slightly larger female body than I would normally incorporate. Though it may or may not be as
theatrically satisfying I know the end result will be the same.

I choose a medium sized woman and a LARGE medium sized man. I know this gentlemen will have ample strength to make
the lift happen successfully the first time and as he does I encourage him to ‘hold’ the woman lifted in the air for a few
moments. I do this to exhaust his muscles and make the next lift fail.

After proper suggestions have been given (to weaken) I position the man in front of the woman and this time I position her
arms in the correct manner as I would do with an assistant. I’ve performed the entire ‘The Lift’ stunt as usual doing this in
real time.

During the first lift I position the woman’s arms close to her and instruct her to make her body rigid. During the second lift
my instructions change slightly to, ‘just relax.’ It’s a bit different but not enough for anyone to realize what’s going on here. I
get the two participants looking into each other’s eyes as the woman imagines she is stuck fast to the floor, unable to move.
By maintaining eye contact the difference in her hand position (that I have facilitated) goes by unnoticed.

For this second lift I just position the woman’s arms as I did the first time but further back on the gentlemen’s arms. This
makes it impossible for him to lift her. When working without an assistant who knows the method I opt for this ‘hand’s on’
assistance and instructions to make the stunt a success.

I will often use this stunt in my ‘EZ Hypnosis’ routine in impromptu situations as a finale. As a nice encore I would often then
hypnotize the male to become catatonic and position him between two chairs. The woman would now step up and stand on
his rigid body – another classic and well favored stunt.

I used the woman incorporated in ‘The Lift’ because after she could NOT be lifted it suggested to the audience she was now
psychically ‘heavier’ instead of the man being ‘weaker.’

My ‘Lift’ and then the ‘Rigid Body’ demonstration made a nice, compact and highly sought after piece at the venues I worked.

Lee Earle also published a great routine titled, ‘Aikido Arm’ in his Syzygy volumes if memory serves me correctly. Many of the
principles used here are the same.

Breathing Patterns

Notice when a client or volunteer breathes deeply from the diaphragm. This type of breathing naturally slows
down the brain wave pattern from 21 cycles per second (BETA STATE) to 14 cycles per second (ALPHA LEVEL).
This type of breathing will begin to happen naturally as your subject drifts into a deep state of relaxed, focused

You may notice that when a client is relaxing and giving in to trance or suggestion (or entering deep rapport) there will come
a time when they take one last deep breath.

Knowing that breathing from the diaphragm naturally will slow and alter the brainwave patterns is a valuable and potent tool.
By instructing our participants to take a few deep breaths in a circular, rhythmic fashion FROM THEIR DIAPHRAGM we
can begin altering their state of mind instantly. Full instructions for the breathing patterns and exercise I use with people is
included in this book.

When hypnotic and/or suggestion techniques are applied to a person there are other signs and signals that let us know our
participant is responding appropriately and entering the desired state.

• Their core temperature may change slightly – watch for people getting hot (flushed, red in the face) or cool.

• Fluid releasing – their eyes might swell up with tears or their nose might get runny or stuffy during the process.

• Body movements or twitching – this is more easily recognized and observed in the trance state.

• Body relaxing – this is obvious. Look for the neck and shoulders becoming loose, limp and relaxed. The jaw will be
separated; this means the participant is not clenching their teeth. Your subject might yawn, which is not a sign of
boredom but indicates relaxation and a lack of oxygen to the brain. Yawns are also a great suggestibility test by

• Swallowing – you’ll notice the hypnotized/responsive subject taking large gulps, or having problems swallowing.
The throat is relaxed.

• Breathing changes – when subjects enter the hypnotic state (in trance) they often sigh and begin a naturally slower,
more rhythmic breathing cycle.

• Therapeutic pulse – this is a great technique to use in both awake and induced subjects. It entails taking their pulse
like normal and FEELING. This special pulse feels similar to a cardiac pulse BUT it becomes stronger and then
decreases until no longer palpable. It’s a ghost pulse, it comes and goes.

Sensory Acuity

When we are watching a client/subject/volunteer breathe, blink their eyes, elicit a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer we become
conscious of what their facial expressions and appearance looks like.

By staying aware and incorporating our natural (and learned) gifts of sensory acuity we realize even before the client does
consciously whether or not they are accepting and responding to our suggestions and techniques.

As you mirror the blinking and breathing patterns of a client you might have the experience of ringing ears or taking on the
mental, physical and emotional traits of the client. When proper rapport is established you’ll actually begin to FEEL what the
subject is feeling, what they are thinking and what they are experiencing.

I firmly believe that deep rapport cultivates an almost ‘psychic’, ‘telepathic’ or ‘extra sensory’ link between people. For the
psychic reader and mentalist learning how to gain and maintain rapport becomes one of the most important skills we can
develop because once in proper rapport with a person, we begin to pick up on their subtle thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Remain conscious and aware of your subject and their non-verbal reactions to your suggestions. Calibration is a powerful
technique when it comes to sensory acuity and simply means to ALIGN your thoughts and physiology with the subject. By
paying close attention to their verbal and non-verbal responses we can tell if our suggestions, rapport building techniques
and persuasion patterns are working or not working by remaining acutely aware of the subject’s senses.

Calibration is an easy tool to use. I do this in a very casual manner by watching closely and noting what kind of feedback and
tell-tell signs my subject gives when responding ‘yes’ to a question or statement, when they are feeling good about
themselves, the process and their decisions, etc.

Calibration means I want to use the same patterns and feedback cues my client gives off as I work with them and give
suggestions. Find out how your subject responds to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers, questions and statements (blinking, breathing,
body language, tonality and more) and then MIRROR those responses as you give ‘yes’ and ‘no’ suggestions.

Mirror and pace the feedback methods your client uses. For instance, if my subject unconsciously smiles whenever they agree
with an idea I will begin smiling whenever I give a suggestion I wish for them to agree, adopt and respond to. I have
calibrated/aligned my own non verbal ‘yes’ response with the clients and begin using it with suggestions I wish them to
respond to.

If the person sighs or takes deep breaths and shift in their seat when responding ‘no’ I will begin to incorporate that
feedback into ideas and suggestions I wish to break or eliminate within the subject by letting out a deep breath or shifting in
my seat when I wish to elicit a ‘no’ response in the client.

By finding out how the client reacts through their body language and physiology to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ statements, questions,
thoughts and scenarios I can begin LEADING the subject appropriately. If my client speaks about an unhealthy habit or
belief I can break the thought process by shifting in my seat as they speak (mirroring what they do and how they react to an
idea they reject or resist). When my client begins saying, doing and thinking as I wish for them to I relax and smile. This
unconsciously lets them know I agree or disagree with the proceedings.

When proper rapport has been established your client will make every attempt to maintain it by doing as you wish for them
to do.

Psychological Marking

Before we get into anchoring let’s discuss psychological marking as an effective tool for the suggestion based
mentalist and hypnotist.

Marking is anything which causes an idea, thought or suggestion to STICK OUT and be noticed by your subject. For
instance, when performing Max Maven’s ‘Positive Negative’ routine I lay out three imaginary/invisible coins stating, ‘A penny,
nickel and a dime.’

As I place the invisible coins to the table and say, ‘…a penny…’ I tap my finger twice behind the coin as I set it down as if
affirming its reality and position. I don’t do this for the other coins and thus I have psychologically marked the penny in my
subject’s mind and thus increase my chances for it being chosen without equivoque.

Studying Rick Maue’s brilliant ‘TERASABOS’ will give ‘Thought Veil’ students another terrific lesson in psychological

Marking and anchoring go hand in hand. The differences in my mind is that marking is more casual and causes an idea or
suggestion to stick out and be noticed while anchoring takes a client back to an idea or suggestion through verbal or physical
action and responses.

I used to enjoy performing a very clean, impromptu chair test using psychological methods. 4 or 5 chairs would be lined up
and as I gave my verbal presentation I would sit in one of the chairs. This impressed the idea upon my audience and
participants that THIS CHAIR was mine. I would let a bit of loose change from my pocket fall upon the chair which
subliminally ‘marks’ my territory.

The change or object lying upon the seat denotes ownership and possession. Sometimes I would mark the chair with my car
keys, a marker or cell phone. I might place a white board or a few books upon the chair at some point in my presentation and
remove them again before my volunteers chose their seats. Most often (when done correctly and with proper rapport
established) the chair I marked and designated as MINE is skipped over.

This method was a very effective way to demonstrate subconscious influence. These days I often do the same thing using
only ONE participant and frame it as the subject picking up on my telepathic instructions and sitting in the appropriate chair
I lead them to. You’ll see this in my ‘Telepathy in Action’ show and sequence.

The idea is this person will choose the chair I wish for them to choose among 4 or 5 empty seats. The key here is rapport and
subconsciously marking the appropriate chair. Once my subject and I are in deep rapport they are naturally drawn to the
chair I MYSELF FAVOR in an attempt to STAY in rapport!

By saying, ‘I’m leading you to one of those chairs NOW. I don’t want you to think about it, simply go with what you feel and whichever chair
sticks out to you in your mind at this time. Go!’ my subject WILL choose the chair I have marked and designated.

When given a choice of 5 empty seats the best my participant can do is go with the chair I have shown prior attention or
favor to myself. This is the chair I stood in front of for a bit longer during my presentation or set a notepad and pen down
upon for a few moments so I could adjust my tie or microphone. I might have walked behind the chairs and stopped to pick
something up off the floor behind the desired chair. Sometimes I gently lean upon the chair (briefly!) as I give my
instructions. I might have picked an imaginary piece of lint off of the chair or myself as I pass it. Any of these things will
serve the purpose of marking this chair and selection in the mind of my participant.

There is verbal and non verbal marking. Verbal marking is done through inflection and tonality. By raising or lowering the
pitch of our voice or the speed at which we speak it’s possible to force a certain card, object, book or mental picture using
words alone. The idea is to cause the force object to stick out in the participants mind and thereby increase the chances of it
being chosen.

Physical marking can be used in much the same way. For instance, if I want to force a certain book I might pick up each
selection and speak about it briefly. To psychologically mark the force book I pick it up the same way as the rest but raise the
tone of my voice SLIGHTLY while transferring the book from one hand to the other and setting it down a bit more
forcefully than the rest. These subtle movements and techniques will cause the desired book to stick out more noticeably in
the mind of my volunteer.

In suggestion and persuasion I use marking differently. For example, if I’m with a group of friends and we’re going out to
dinner someone might rattle off a list of restaurants and food choices. When I hear the place I WANT TO GO I might
uncross my legs, take a deep breath and lean forward to grab something. For the rest of the selections I remain motionless
and indifferent.

The chances are high my guest or host will end up choosing the restaurant that now sticks out in their mind. Because rapport
has been established the only thing my friend knows on an UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL is that one choice affected me
differently than the rest. If I were to give a ‘free choice’ back to them the result will be the one I intended.

If I’m asking my family which movie they would like to see I might call out show times and movie titles. If a particular one
interests me more than the others when I call out this movie I change the pitch of my voice a bit, state the show time and
title in reverse (movie and then show time, different than the rest) and then sip a drink before moving on. This small change in
the procedure psychologically marks the desired selection in the mind of my family.

If a client comes to me for a reading and has a choice between palmistry, tarot and bone casting and I want to read bones
that day I will offer the sitter their choices and mark ‘bone casting’ through verbal or physical means and methods. Perhaps I
reach out and turn my bowl of bones as I give the selections while the others I do nothing but offer them. This draws
attention to the bones and puts them foremost in my sitters mind. Of course I can use rapport, pacing, leading, suggestion
and language patterns in conjunction with any of these scenarios to absolutely attain the desired results. I get what I want
when I want it.

Marking can be ANYTHING that causes the desired object, idea or outcome to be noticed. This includes tapping a finger,
shifting your body weight and position, taking a deep breath, changing the tone and pitch of your voice or the speed at which
you speak when the selection is offered, tapping a pen or finger against the table and more.

I have a great little ‘Living & Dead’ test I use in impromptu situations. I often force the 4 th position on a card numbered 1-5.
To do this I give my participant simple instructions to think of a departed friend or loved one and to write their name on any
number they wish before filling in the rest of the numbers with the names of living friends and family members. As I give
these instructions I follow up with, ‘One, two, three, FOOOR or five…’ I change the way ‘four’ sounds just slightly. Not
enough to be obvious or suspicious, just enough to get the fourth position noticed and my subject thinking about it.

I might lick my lips as I say ‘four’ or lean forward in my seat or adjust the table as I say it. I might also physically mark the
index card or paper at the fourth position by inking it in a bit differently. To do this I simply number the card in front of my
participant and retrace/go over the number ‘four’ TWICE as I make the numbers, almost as if the first time it was too
light…you’ve got to be very subtle about this. The last thing you want when persuading a person is to LOOK like you are
attempting to persuade the person.

As I make the row of numbers when I get to FOUR I might bend or twist my head a bit as if popping my neck. It’s very
casual and WILL be noticed! Something is now DIFFERENT with the number four and differences are noticed. Of course I

also have the 4th position being naturally psychologically appealing which only serves to further boost my chances and success
rates. I hit at 90% with this technique in actual performances and I work without an out.

Once you learn to psychologically mark and force things in this manner you will achieve a much higher degree of success
prior to resorting to equivoque or a magician’s choice force. I only use mentalism as an OUT for failed, real phenomena and
suggestion. This makes my work cleaner and more efficient.

Another method for psychological marking is used much like the chair test to denote ownership and influence. For example,
when entering the office of my contract or potential business account I will make my presence known in the environment by
MOVING something on the desk or space I am persuading in. I may or may not ask, ‘Can I move this chair?’

I immerse myself into the environment I find myself in and affect it in small ways. I might lay set my laptop case in a chair
instead of on the floor, unbutton my jacket and place a pen upon the client’s desk. By affecting the environment we begin to
take control of it. As a rule whenever I enter a space where I am the alien presence I always MOVE SOMETHING. I make
my presence and my influence known. I’ll ask, ‘Can we shut this door?’ or ‘Can I move this chair?’ while shutting or moving
it. I’m not really asking permission. One must be careful with techniques such as this to prevent coming across like an asshole
or someone too comfortable or disrespectful.

Marking has a variety of uses and can be incorporated with anchoring for powerful results. One technique I often use is
when performing on stage during my Q&A. I condition the audience to know certain things and to show me certain signs
and signals UNCONSCIOUSLY as I go through my presentation.

For instance, I might only speak to those people with financial questions on the left side of the stage. For those with
relationship issues I speak to them from the right side of the stage. For career oriented questions and personal concerns
regarding the workplace I speak in the center of the stage.

This conditioning works wonders for me. Once my audience has been subliminally/unconsciously set up to realize I speak to
one group of people and concerns from the left and one group of people and their concerns from the right I am all set to
go. This happens naturally by doing exactly as I have just described. Your audience WILL get it through repeated
conditioning! Like Pavlov’s dogs I train them to expect certain things from certain places.

To reap the benefits of this marking and conditioning I closely OBSERVE my audience members as I walk to the right of
the stage. I know those who sit up and pay closer attention here (shift body positions, change their expressions and attention
levels) likely have a relationship issue on their mind. I can now point to a person and pick up ‘certain vibrations’ about what
is concerning them and is on their mind currently. This is a sort of a group or ‘Environmental Thought Channel’ and it’s all about
audience attention and levels of interest.

When I walk back to the center or the left of the stage I do the same thing by observing closely and watching for the
audience members affected by my prior conditioning. I can successfully spot the people with certain questions and concerns
without saying a word and tune in on their exact thoughts and situations at this time by how they react when I approach or
enter a given position on the stage.

A few important notes about stage work here…

In this book you are shown how to cast, form and create a mental bubble for rapport and suggestive purposes. When
performing my stage show I create this bubble around the entire audience and isolate it over specific audience members
when I desire. This mental construct allows me to feel connected to my audience on an imaginary or energetic level and as
such my subconscious mind responds to my intentions and desires by affecting my behavior and guiding my techniques.

To take control of an audience FAST I pin point the natural leaders of the audience. You’ll be able to spot these people
through experience. They are usually the center of attention, charming, strong, capable and charismatic. You’ll notice the

natural leaders through their interest levels, body posture and position. I’m not sure how else to explain it other than you’ll
know them when you see them. They are the audience members who seem most composed, assured and in authority.

With all large groups there is an unspoken agreement at work. Due to our tribal mindset we all designate group ‘leaders’
unconsciously. I see this happening in Churches, airplanes, movies, concerts, lectures and more. The audience feels more
secure next to certain people and often they do not know why. It’s just how these natural leaders project themselves and
affect the people around them.

One of the first things I do when I take the stage is locate the group’s leaders. There might be one or two of them, there
might be 8 or 10 of them! Whatever the case I pinpoint these people and create rapport with them first.

By developing a relationship with the alpha males and females of the audience I create rapport and compliance in the
followers. Find those who have been delegated as authority figures in the audience and enter a relationship with them first
and the rest will follow. This is an easy way to take a group of a few hundred people and establish your position, authority
and rapport very quickly.

You’ll see in my stage show how I know within the first 60 seconds those who are highly suggestible and susceptible to
hypnosis and will be great participants. We’ll explore this idea more at a later time but for now simply realize that I take the
stage, present myself and begin using rapport building techniques and language patterns immediately.

After about a minute or so I test the audience rapport by breaking state and LEADING. In doing this I normally use an
action such as brushing my hair to the side or adjusting my tie as I STOP and smile, watching my audience closely.

I know that the people who FOLLOW ME by adjusting their shirt, tie, hair or smiling when I DO are in rapport and highly

We always test rapport and our ability to LEAD by doing something DIFFERENT than the subject. First we pace, then we
do something different in hopes the subject complies and follows along with us. Eventually the subject will begin
unconsciously mirroring and pacing what WE do. If they follow along (changing their energy levels, body posture and
position, expressions (etc) to match YOURS) then you have gained rapport and are now in a leading position.

This same concept works with an entire audience. I take the stage, toss the bubble over them, fill the room with inner light,
use a few language patterns and then TEST (smile, brush my hair, adjust my tie) to see who follows suit. I locate the natural
leaders of the group and begin developing rapport with them FIRST. In a matter of seconds I can take command of very
large groups.


It continues to strike me as amazingly odd that people who are skeptical or even completely against NLP cannot
see the extreme value and benefits in the most basic of tools.

What is so hard to understand about the power of interrupting and breaking negative thought patterns which inevitably lead
to negative behavior or of eliciting personal criteria or of the benefits of becoming more and more like your clients these
people fail to grasp? It’s all so obvious to me and many tens of thousands of others who use these techniques on a daily

What is it about a client centered approach (as opposed to an egocentric, performer only based approach) and open heart to
heart communication that is so seemingly impossible for these NLP skeptics to understand?

I hear arguments about NLP having no basis in science and it rubs me sideways. Persuasion and suggestion is a psychological
art form which has undeniable, REPEATABLE results with practice and application. In this the art form is raised to a hard
science which is one we can study, view and benefit from very quickly.

Among the tools which are argued lies the process and technique of anchoring.

ANCHORING is based on eliciting an emotional state and then providing a unique stimulus (anchor) that creates an
association between the anchor and the emotion/suggestion in the mind of your subject. Through anchoring we deliberately
create an association between feeling and a sensory experience such as touch, sound, taste or a specific place. Non physical
anchors can also be employed which rely upon visual, auditory, olfactory (scents) or our sense of taste. Our sense of SMELL
is perhaps THE MOST POWERFUL anchoring device we can use.

Anchors can also be set for thoughts, attitudes, feelings/emotions, general moods and even places – for instance, I can set an
anchor within my clients so that whenever they arrive at my office they sit down in a chair and immediately enter a deep state
of trance.

An example of effective anchoring might be deeply relaxing my subject while giving suggestions they can re-enter this same
deeply relaxed state by taking three deep, rhythmic breaths, counting backwards from three down to one, and then having
them TAKE THE INSTRUCTED BREATHS NOW and count backwards to experience this suggestion and its effects
firsthand. In doing so I have created an association of this relaxed state of mind and body with the breathing and counting.
The result is an anchor that has been set. You’ll see how this works in action throughout this course with special attention
given in my ‘No Induction Induction’ and ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ sections of this book.

Anchoring is simple and extraordinarily effective. Before we look at some examples let’s review the necessary steps.

1). Elicit an emotional state in the subject. Remember that suggestion attached to an emotion creates permanent memory. By
evoking certain emotions within our clients, subjects and participants our successful suggestions and outcomes are

2). At the peak of the emotional state set your anchor. We want to set our anchors at the height of the client’s experience for
maximum effect. With this in mind, REPETITION is an effective form of anchoring as well. To create permanent memory
however it’s best to set anchors at the pinnacle of the client’s emotional state.

3). Calibrate the anchor closely to the emotional state of your participant.

4). Stop the anchor and suggestions BEFORE the emotional state subsides.

5). TEST the anchor to see that it elicits the desired emotional state or reaction/response. Do this by simply reapplying
(firing off) the anchor and checking to make sure it elicits the proper response.

6). Leverage the anchor by firing it (setting it off) when you desire for your participant to have the anchored response to what
you say, do and suggest. By doing this multiple times with each succession the anchor and state it elicits becomes stronger
and stronger.

While it’s important to realize that heightened emotions are more successful for deep (even permanent) anchoring you also
deserve to know that it is not always necessary.

Repetition, binds, double binds and conditioning can take the place of emotional responses in the anchoring process.

At the height of your subject’s experience or emotional state link a new suggestion with some chosen stimulus to drive the
anchor deeply into the subconscious mind.

Examples of stimuli to be used for setting and firing off anchors may include:

• A series of breaths

• A certain visualization, symbol or image

• A physical touch (tapping, squeezing, rocking, etc)

• A command/anchor word, a ‘secret’ word

• A song or some certain scent

• Some specific taste

• Questions

These are just a few examples.

When giving suggestions (any) I often combine physical touch and anchoring to drive the suggestion deeply into my
participants mind. For example, if causing a spoon to heat up in a person’s hand I might give them a spoon, ask them to
close their eyes and take a deep breath, imagine/see/visualize/feel/experience the spoon heating up in their mind (‘You can
feel/sense that now, can’t you?’) and tap my subject lightly on the shoulder after receiving a ‘yes’ or affirmative response. This
tapping is done at the height of my suggestions with further instructions such as,

‘From now on whenever you feel me TAP you like this (tap, tap, tap) you’ll begin to see, feel and experience this spoon becoming hotter and hotter
in your mind. Whenever I tap you like this the spoon becomes warmer and warmer easily and naturally. The more I tap you LIKE THIS (tap,
tap, tap) the hotter the spoon becomes – the hotter the spoon becomes the easier it bends, twists and melts. Whenever I tap you LIKE THIS (tap,
tap, tap) the spoon automatically gets warmer, easily and naturally.’

I LOVE to gently tap a subject on their hand, forearm, head, neck, knee or shoulder as I drive my suggestions deeply into
their mind. Tapping in this manner AS I GIVE SUGGESTIONS brings a certain focus and intensity to the suggestions,
words and programs I am using.

Instead of tapping to drive in the anchor I could have the client take some deep, rhythmic breaths as I give the suggestions. I
could also have a specific oil/scent or sound a bell that accompanies my suggestions to drive the experience and suggestions

deeper. I could link the suggestions and anchor to a specific word, symbol or image in reality or even just in the subject’s
mind. The choice is yours.

Looking at the above anchoring process to cause a spoon to heat up the next thing I would do is fire off the anchor (after a
light induction and at the height of the suggestion and experience) thus:

‘(Insert name), from now on whenever I tap you like this (tap, tap, tap) what happens?’

The spoon heats up.

‘Yes, perfect! And (tap, tap, tap) what can you feel the spoon doing now?’

Getting hotter.

‘Wonderful. Take a deep breath and allow these suggestions to become a permanent part of yourself and your reality now. Go ahead and open your
eyes. How was that?’


Now I proceed with my metal bending demonstration and know that whenever I tap my subject on their shoulder I take
them back to the memory and experience of the spoon getting hotter. I frame this as sharing our energies and intentions to
make the spoons bend, twist and melt.

Because I delivered appropriate suggestions while my subject was in a lightly altered state of consciousness AND I linked
these suggestions to a physical response/stimuli (tapping) it creates the Pavlov’s dog effect of whenever I tap my client in
such a manner again, the same response within them is evoked.

Anchoring is nothing more than giving suggestions WITH a certain anchor/stimulus and then evoking that same response by
firing off the anchor. We do this at the height of the experience or series of suggestions and it works like a charm.

When a person first learns about the power and potency of these tools it’s a dangerous time indeed. My mentor required his
students to actively practice giving suggestions and programming people in real life situations. We had specific homework
assignments regarding our proper use of persuasion and suggestion through these techniques.

To be honest I have done some things with suggestion that I’m not proud of and even a few things I deeply regret. It’s very
possible to hurt people once a level of proficiency has been attained. It’s also easy to take advantage of others when using
these tools. The Golden Rule should be kept in mind here at all times.

There are many ways to use anchoring. When I first began studying NLP, seduction and persuasion I would practice on door
to door solicitors that came by the house and I LOVED messing with the survey girls at my local shopping mall

(I worked in the magic shop in the basement, so we were partially familiar with each other).

I would often approach these survey girls and start a conversation with them. Soon a friendly relationship was established
and I could take bigger chances with my persuasion techniques. After rapport was established I would begin giving these gals
suggestions of thinking about me, remembering me and how good they felt as we spent time near each other and talking
together, how smoothly their days go by after having seen me, how good they felt when we were done sharing and more.

I would mostly give these and other suggestions to the women indirectly by telling them A STORY or giving them a reading.
In this imaginary story or reading my friend, neighbor, client, ex girlfriend (whoever) was quoted as saying things to me such
as, ‘I just feel so good when I’m around you, I can’t stop thinking of you since we spoke last…’ and using binds, double
binds, hidden directives, embedded commands and other techniques I would build up the process and momentum.

A favorite technique was to elicit the criteria, core beliefs and values of these girls and link or feed it all into me with
suggestions they could and would experience these things and achieve their dreams as…(insert suggestions)…the more time
they spent around me and catered to my desires the closer they felt to attaining their dreams and achieving their goals. Being
around me made them FEEL GOOD, plain and simple. I BECAME their criteria!

It was a very brutal game I played.

At the height of my suggestions with these girls I would remove a pack of gum and chew a piece. I chose gum because it was
such a tactile experience. They could see the silvery paper wrapping and hear the crinkling as I ate a piece, they could SMELL
the gum and SEE the chewing motion.

I would offer the girls a piece of gum while I did this. When they took a piece (they always did – we were in rapport and I
was LEADING) I would give further suggestions such as from this moment on whenever they enjoyed a piece of gum they
would think of me and how much we enjoyed taking a break to speak with each other. As they chewed the gum they would
begin thinking of me and how badly they wished to spend their time with me.

I took the suggestions further…

Whenever they chewed on ANYTHING they would remember the gum and these same suggestions; I was effectively forcing
them to think of me constantly.

Furthermore, whenever they saw a pack of gum, gumball machine or a gum commercial, whenever they enjoyed a piece of
gum or chewed on anything AND whenever they saw other people chewing gum or food or anything of the sort they would
automatically remember how good I made them feel and how badly they wanted to be with me. This last suggestion was very
harsh because they worked directly across from the food court in the mall.

A week later I had dates with nearly all of them and all day, every day they would ask the public for survey’s while chewing
gum (the same brand I had offered them) and giving me their starry eyes through the shop window. It would have been very
easy to take advantage of them even more than I did. While I was pleased with the results of my work I wasn’t happy with
myself or how I was affecting others.

Using anchoring and language patterns with other techniques I caused quite a few women to develop an intense infatuation
with me. Some would literally complain that I had done something to them, but then remark it was okay – we should just
hang out!

The women I dated would constantly report seeing me in their dreams and a few of them (unbeknownst to me) were already
in committed relationships and their thirst for me was creating major problems. Many of them started having problems at
work and couldn’t focus with me constantly on their mind – they tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep without me
beside them. The craziest part of all this was they weren’t mad or upset, they were simply reporting the results of what I had
done and begging to spend more and more time with me.

I released and deprogrammed each of them very quickly. This wouldn’t be the end of the horrors and emotional upsets I
caused using some of these techniques, but it WAS the beginning of a tremendous learning process and one which I paid
dearly for. Now I use NLP and hypnosis specifically to assist, empower and inspire others. Thank god nobody stays a stupid
teenager forever!

Eliciting a ‘feel good’ state as taught in this book is very effective for anchoring. The process itself can and should be subtle.
By evoking a strong feeling of happiness and perfect contentment and then anchoring it to some bizarre phrase, odd song,
sound, scent (cologne, incense, food), a pat on the middle of the back, the special handshake (index finger extended on their
wrist) and other anchors with language patterns and suggestions will automatically elicit that response within your client,
subject and participant.

When working in hypnotherapy I often anchor my subjects into a certain gesture, word, sound or phrase for them to re-enter
trance instantly. After a few minutes into a single session I can re-induce trance instantly with a brief glance or hypnotic gaze.

We all have a variety of anchors as a living part of us. Often certain music/songs or movies, food, scents and other stimuli
have a very strong nostalgic effect upon us and send our mind and emotions sending back to the period of the initial
experience. These are all very strong anchors.

At the height of your suggestions set the anchor through whatever means you choose (I usually use one or at the most TWO
anchors when setting) with suggestions that as you do this (X = anchor) the subject will instantly and automatically
experience that (Y = anchored experience).

Always test the anchor first and observe the reactions and responses closely. If you do not get the appropriate results you
need to begin working backwards. Reset the anchor and suggestions first and try again. If this doesn’t succeed then you
might even need to go all the way back to pacing. Your anchors can and should be working properly. Often resistance comes
down to rapport. When rapport is established your subjects will WANT to respond to your anchors and feel good as they do

When giving workshops or offering lectures at the height of the experience I will ask questions such as, ‘Are you enjoying the
training?’ or ‘Are you gaining value from your session?’ or ‘What is this worth to you?’ or even ‘Let’s move on and continue to
enjoy the training.’

At the pinnacle of the training (reading, therapy, performance) experience I set off the anchors through a series of questions
or stimuli. I link the highest emotional impact to the value and effects of the experience. When people leave they remember,
recall and re-experience the greatest parts of our time spent together. I can re-induce this state anytime I wish now or in the
future by simply firing off the anchor and enjoying the responses.

Here is a very easy way I use anchors and set my suggestions permanently within my subjects or ‘How to create ANCHORS’:

1). Ask the subject to recall a time when they felt happy and at peace (in control, confident, fulfilled in every way, deeply
relaxed, etc. You choose!). It’s important that your subject begins to REALLY associate with this time and experience – not
just to remember it, but to experience it FULLY in their mind. I give them suggestions to re-create that feeling and
experience so they can ‘be there now.’ My subject is guided to notice the feeling in their body and any other senses that might
be associated with this time, feeling and memory.

2). Intensify the desired state.

Through suggestion by having your subject/client take a few deep breaths and as they do, ‘allow that feeling of peace and
relaxation to DOUBLE.’ I go through this process having the client double, triple and even quadruple their current state and
intensify the feeling as much as possible. Remember sensory acuity at this point – many of the signs of hypnosis will start to
be displayed here (flushed skin, deep breathing, eye movements, sinking deeply into the chair, table or floor, body
temperature and more).


When your subject appears to be experiencing the state you want and they have re-created those thoughts and feelings in
their mind and they are experiencing them fully (to the best of their ability, they are at their PEAK) set your anchor!

The anchor can be something YOU do or something THEY do. A common anchor is to press firmly on the subject’s knee
or shoulder for at least 5-8 seconds. This gives their body time to associate the peak emotional experience with the physical
stimuli (pressing on their knee). You can also tell the person to press firmly on their own body (anywhere!) or to squeeze a
finger, take a special cycle of breaths, touch two fingers together (I use the thumb to forefinger or thumb to ring finger a lot),
tap the subject (EFT anyone?) and more. You can effectively set ANYTHING the subject can experience with their 5 senses
(within their self or the environment), thoughts or emotions as an anchor.

Do your best to create a UNIQUE anchor because something normal and natural to do such as shaking hands and other
actions already have thousands of associations with them. It’s best to use a UNIQUE anchor to further impress the mind
and subconscious memory with the suggestions and physical response. Pressing a fingernail against the thin skin at the top
of the thumbnail of on the same hand is NOT something people normally do, thus the NEXT TIME this is encountered
the mind will associate the action with the FEELING experienced at the time of the anchor.

I prefer to use breathing cycles, visualizations, affirmations/mantras and MUDRAS for my anchoring. A mudra is a hand
formation or gesture which focuses and directs energy in a yoga pose or meditation. These mudras are perfect for anchoring.
One thing I’ll often do is anchor suggestions, responses and states of being to a single finger with instructions that my
subject can hold the finger with their opposite hand UNTIL THEY FEEL THEIR PULSE within the finger to set off the

4). Test the anchor.

It might be necessary to fire off and reinforce the anchor before it becomes a permanent part of your subject. This is similar
to fractionalization in hypnosis wherein multiple RE-inductions simply support the trance state at hand.

To do this, after the anchor is set have your subject clear their mind and begin a new process. This can be anything from a
short visualization, breathing techniques, using affirmations, focusing on a symbol, working with the pendulum, using an
EFT flow or Swish pattern – whatever you want. This is simply to engage the client’s mind and get him/her focusing on
something DIFFERENT. Simply asking questions and carrying on a conversation (or reading) is also very effective.

After a few moments the process of reapplying the anchor would then be repeated in EXACTLY the same way (with the
same anchor) as before. When you’re happy this has been done successfully go ahead and test the anchor. Be sure to test it a
few more times as well before your time with the subject has ended. They should INSTANTLY revert back to the desired
state whenever you (or they) press their knee, tap their shoulder 3 times, hold their fingers together or whatever anchor you
have applied.

You and the subject will both be able to tell if the anchor took properly (and if you’ve followed these simple instructions it
WILL have!) by firing off the anchor (stimulus) and observing the responses. This is easy.

Using The Anchor

Once an anchor has been properly set you or the client can apply it at ANY TIME now or in the future to
completely shift, change and alter the current physical and emotional state.

This is very useful in wiping out negative thought patterns, habits, addictive tendencies and cravings, bad eating habits,
confidence and self esteem issues or simply to relax and de-stress completely almost instantly. I’ve programmed myself with
a number of positive anchors for all types of situations and draw upon them constantly throughout the day.

As a performer you can set anchors that allow you to relax completely and get in ‘the zone’ prior to a public show or
demonstration. By taking a few deep breaths and imagining your performance, what (if any) negative or anxious feelings and
processes you go through prior to taking the stage and applying the anchor you can begin to train your mind and body to
respond differently in these situations. By holding the experience and thoughts/feelings of your show and performance in
mind and applying the anchor we begin to condition the body to respond with those same confident, relaxed, assured feelings
very easily and naturally.

Because the mind does NOT know the difference between fantasy and reality when it comes ‘show time’ you will
automatically start to behave, think and react in different, more empowered ways. Of course applying the anchor right before
show time and basking in the resulting feelings for a few minutes is helpful and highly recommended.

With your clients these same type of anchors and responses can be programmed for whatever difficult situations they might
encounter now or in the future. Once the anchor has been applied have your subject IMAGINE various situations in which
the anchor and resulting state would prove beneficial. Have them CREATE that experience in their mind and immediately
apply the anchor. All we are doing here is re-training the mind and body to behave differently. In doing this we begin to
create the life and reality we intend.

Multiple Anchors

In a ‘Self Help’ or light therapeutic context multiple anchors can and will be set for a number of different reasons
and scenarios. There is no limit to the amount of anchors one can hold though I try to limit any ACTIVE anchors
to about 5 or 6.

‘Flooding’ consists of having your subject recall multiple positive experiences and feelings simultaneously or in quick
succession and applying a different anchor for each one of them. As the client meets with a stressful situation, negative
thought or physical reaction they can immediately apply each of the anchors in succession and flood their mind and body
with the positive anchored emotions and experiences.

When firing off an anchor FOR a subject I do so with the suggestions that ‘the more I fire off the anchor the stronger it becomes. The
stronger it becomes the better it works so let’s go ahead and do it a few more times and see how great you can start to feel now!’

I fire off anchors with the suggestion that each time I elicit this response (touch their knee, tap their forehead, etc) the
resulting feelings and emotions become twice as strong as they were before and that these feelings remain as a permanent
part of the subject from now on.

I have many, many clients who can simply hold a finger and enter a state of complete bliss and mental/physical ecstasy in
just a second or two – completely blissed out! How popular do you think I AM?

Post Hypnotic Anchors

Like post hypnotic suggestions, PHA can be set to elicit a variety of responses within your subjects instantly.

Anchoring along these lines may be set so that whenever a particular event occurs the anchored state will immediately come
to fruition. Examples of this are clients who enter trance as soon as they arrive at my office or people who experience a
warm, peaceful feeling whenever they think of my name, see my face or hear my voice.

Anchors can be set in the client’s bedroom so that as they enter their sleeping quarters they immediately enter a state of
relaxation ready for a full night’s sleep. They can be set at the office so that as a subject arrives to work they become highly
motivated, energetic and enthusiastic about the work at hand. There is no limit to what can be done with hypnosis,
suggestion and anchoring of this type.

I often anchor my client’s into a certain song or piece of music, scents and even tastes (chewing gum, chocolate and other
treats I give them after a session to help ‘ground them.’).

Post Hypnotic Anchors can be made so that whenever my subject hears, thinks or sings (X) song they will immediately enter
a deep state of peace and relaxation or whenever they look into the mirror they will notice some small change that lets them
know their life and everything in it is working out perfectly. I anchor into all types of things that occur in the world naturally
so that my chances for elicting the desire state and being connected with it via the mind of my client happens with greater

For personal anchors I always use an UNUSUAL/UNIQUE anchor. For PHA I tend to use things that are more common.
It’s a personal preference.

Anchoring In Performance

Anchoring is an extremely beneficial tool to use during your magic, mentalism and/or hypnosis performance, of
course. In this context my anchoring process becomes less formal and more casual.

For instance, in strolling situations, cocktail parties and banquet performances I perform a really strong piece of mentalism
and as my participants react (the peak of their experience!) I will begin applying my anchors. I do this through a word, phrase
or gesture and most often through a light touch on the participant’s shoulder or forearm.

Now I’ll perform another solid piece and as the participant reacts I apply the same anchor again. This is conditioning their
mind and body to act in harmony and respond in this same manner and fashion in the future.

After one or two pieces (usually two) I’ll apply the anchor by itself and make a person go nuts for no apparent reason! I often
call conscious attention to this and say to a person I’ve anchored, ‘I want you to feel something…’ and start rubbing my hands
together in preparation to touch them.

To the audience it appears as though something very magical or psychic is about to take place. I pause dramatically and then
touch the participant (fire off the anchor) and they react! This is sort of a hypnotic ‘Electric Touch’ with no gimmicks

The audience feels as though my participant felt something (and they did!) when in reality all they were doing was responding
to the anchor I had set. The illusion is perfect.

Many times after seeing this occur my audience WILL BELIEVE something is happening here. I go around touching other
(non anchored) people in this exact same way and just due to the reactions I got before (from the anchored participant)
MANY, many of them will ALSO REACT in such a way. This happens because they are primed and conditioned to think
‘something’ profound will happen as I touch them. They create the experience themselves.

Now I can close with another piece of mentalism and fire off my anchors and remaining suggestions as I make my way to
another group, table or intimate performance. Believe me when I say that people will be talking about you for a very long
time afterwards.

A lot of times at the beginning of my close up set I’ll tell my audience that for mind reading to work properly it’s important
that everyone remain as relaxed as possible and to assist with this I lead the group through a very short (1 minute) exercise to
recall a POSITIVE emotional experience, thought or memory, take a few deep breaths and more.

I begin by asking everyone to sit or stand up straight with their hands palm down in their lap (or next to their sides), feet flat
on the floor, OPEN BODY and take a few deep breaths as they recall this positive feeling or experience. This creates
compliance within the group mind. At this point I’ll begin anchoring into those positive experiences with the suggestion that
as my work unfolds those GREAT FEELINGS will increase within the group and individuals easily and naturally. I suggest
that by the time I’m done the people involved will be feeling better than they have ever felt before.

Now my entire performance becomes one big induction and anchoring process with the people around me feeling better and
better every step of the way. The reactions I get are huge and at the conclusion of my set I make the anchors
PERMANENT. Now and in the future ANY TIME I say the word (X) or make the gesture (Y) or give the instructions (Z)
my participants will easily and naturally enter this same deep state of relaxation and well being.

I also take a few moments (30 seconds) to explain how THEY themselves can elicit this state within them anytime they wish.
Later in the evening I’ll approach the group or various individuals and fire off the anchor. I send them on their way smiling
from ear to ear and feeling wonderful!

Eye Movements

Remember what I said about the body and mind being linked in an ‘X’ formation…

Eye Movements Up = Left Brain (rejection mind)

Up and to the LEFT indicates a person thinking of what to say.

Up and to the RIGHT indicates a person is thinking HOW to say it.

Eye Movements Down = Right Brain (accepting mind)

Down and to the LEFT indicates a person RETRIVING an emotional experience from the database of the subconscious
mind. They are in a process of recall.

Eye Movements Straight Ahead indicates a person forming visual imagery; visualizing/imagining something.

We can use these simple eye patterns to better realize what is going on behind the scenes and what is involved in the thought
process of the participant, subject or volunteer at hand.

This is useful information to know during a mind reading demonstration. For example, if I ask a volunteer to think of
ANYTHING in the world before they write it down and I watch their eye movements and patterns closely, I can begin to see
if a person is recalling a past emotional experience or if they are thinking of something logical or rational (say a word,
number, time of day, etc) and I can begin reading the experience using chosen techniques before I ever get my peek or

There will be more information appearing on this particular subject later.

Nature Of The Conscious & Subconscious Mind

To know WHY we are so intent on working with the subconscious mind it is necessary to learn the differences
between the conscious and subconscious mind. Doing so will show one very clearly why suggestion depends on
shifting the participant’s state and immersing them in a right brain, subconscious oriented experience.


• This is the rejection oriented or ‘No’ oriented mind.

• Judgmental

• Critical Thinking

• Makes evaluations based on logic

• Provides reasons, stories and excuses

• Intellectual

• Analytical

• Mental/Cerebral

• Precise thinking

• Focused


• Accepting mind & ‘Yes’ oriented mind

• Non Judgmental – pathway to the heart and emotions

• Emotional

• Imagination, creativity and intuition resides here

• Regulates the functions of the body


• Deep feeling

• Sensitive

• Creative, expansive

• Spontaneous

• Trusting

• Intuitive

Given the above traits and characteristics, can you begin to see WHY we desire to take the path of the subconscious mind
over the conscious when utilizing hypnosis and suggestion in readings, mentalism and performance? Of course you can!

If I want a person to see, believe, think, feel and experience an object getting hotter or colder, my own body becoming
transparent, seeing and/or feeling energy, feeling remote touches via suggestion, going into a trance, seeing the future and a
plethora of other phenomena it is imperative that I first place them into a proper open, responsive, non judgmental,
suggestible state.

Once this highly suggestible state has been facilitated miracles of suggestion are commonplace and ALWAYS work! ‘Thought
Veil’ is designed to teach you HOW and WHY to place your volunteer’s into this proper state in order to cause the proper
experience of trance and suggestion based mentalism to work.

Positive & Negative Words

In hypnotic processes, demonstrations of suggestion and even in our everyday life and conversations there are
words that have been proven to have more effective and beneficial results during communication.

Traditionally these words have been described as either positive or negative words, dangerous and safe words, empowering or
disempowering words and more. What we call them is not important; that we realize what they are and learn to use them
effectively means everything.

Following is a list of words I do my best to avoid. I have also listed some ‘healthy’ alternatives.

You = I

One of my pet peeves is when a person is telling me a story and they continue saying things or making references like, ‘YOU
known when you (fill in the blank)…or when you…and you just feel like…?’

What this person is doing is PROJECTING their own thoughts, feelings and experience onto me. I was taught to speak
about MYSELF from my own experience by using the word ‘I.’

Instead of speaking about yourself through the other person and projecting, claim your experience and maintain awareness
during conversation by using the word ‘I.’

This is more a more empowering and accountable way to speak AND it doesn’t break rapport. What happens when others
project their feelings and experience by continually using the word ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ is rapport is damaged. If the person on
the receiving end of ‘you’ cannot or does not relate to the experience being described, rapport is in danger.

The positive side to using the word ‘YOU’ when speaking about yourself is in rapport. When a subject begins speaking like
this it means they are in a deep state of rapport with their hypnotist. By consciously using ‘YOU’ with clear intentions (like I
do myself with ‘always’ and ‘never’) we can use it as a powerful tool to create connections.

If = As

Soon we will learn about presuppositions and how to get our way through suggestion and language patterns. This allows us
to set and reach goals effectively and efficiently, and with clear intentions.

When persuading and inspiring others to buy into our product, way of thinking, respond to our suggestions (and more) we
get to be conscious of the word ‘if.’ The word ‘if ’ implies a choice – IF this happens, then (X) will be the result. IF you do
this for me, I will do this (X) for you.

When we wish to persuade people and use suggestion properly, instead of using the word ‘IF’ we shall start to use the word
‘AS’ as a presupposition. It makes a huge difference, for example:

‘IF you hire me to perform at your company banquet, I promise to give your employee’s and management a show they will never forget!’


‘AS you hire me to perform at your upcoming banquet next month, you may find I AM the very best choice NOW because I provide
a show your company and employees will enjoy immensely and never forget!’

The word ‘AS’ becomes a presupposition in the sense we are acting ‘as if.’ I am effectively presupposing the deal will go
through and entering a suggestion of hiring me as opposed to ‘maybe’ hiring me. It’s AS they hire me, not ‘if ’ they hire me.

You’ve noticed certain words above are highlighted, italicized and underlined. These are short examples of marking,
embedding commands and using both tonality and inflection to deliver a message straight to the subconscious mind of my
soon to be employer. There is a lot to cover here and in-depth instructions and lessons surrounding these subtle tactics are
included in this course.

But = And

The word ‘but’ negates whatever was placed before it, plain and simple. These words are double edged swords. In live
trainings I teach my students to remove as many of them as possible at first. Later when they have been taught WHY they
are asked to do this, I begin bringing the ‘dangerous’ words back again. They can be effective in the process of getting what
we desire.

Here is an example of the word ‘but’ negating everything said before it:

‘I love you, BUT you need to clean your bedroom.’

A child hearing the above statement senses the condition of that statement. ‘I love you, BUT…’ In the above case this love
apparently comes with its own set of rules and conditions (cleaning the bedroom).

How about, ‘I’ll do you this favor, BUT…!’

What kind of ‘favor’ is that exactly? The word ‘but’ makes it sounds more like a ‘trade’ to me!

Or, ‘I want to go with you, BUT…’

What I’m hearing with the above is you don’t really want to go! If you DID (truly) there would be no ‘but.’

Knowing the word ‘but’ effectively cancels everything before it we can either A). Learn to use the word ‘but’ to consciously
negate or cancel things we don’t really mean and/or B). Replace the word ‘but’ with ‘AND’ to get better results.

‘AND’ links ideas, commands and suggestions. It’s a connecting word.

Looking at the previous examples, notice how the feeling changes when ‘but’ is replaced with ‘AND.’

‘I love you AND you need to clean your bedroom.’

In this case the child hears BOTH messages – the parent loves them AND s/he gets to clean her room now! There are no
conditions and one does not depend on the other at this point. One small shift, a single word, has made a world of

‘I’ll gladly do this favor for you now AND I would appreciate your assistance later next week as well.’

Much better! It sounds to me as though we’re creating a win/win situation here. Instead of feeling like I ‘owe’ somebody for
a favor, being spoken to like this instead INSPIRES me to assist that person later, as they have assisted me now.

‘I want to go with you AND I’m unable to at this time. Can we get together tomorrow?’

Instead of getting the message that my guest doesn’t WANT to spend time with me, I realize now they are simply unable to.
Replacing ‘but’ for ‘and’ makes a world of difference.

Try = Do

‘TRY’ is a weak, disempowered word. It presupposes possible defeat. IF a person begins an undertaking with defeat as a
possibility in their mind, their defeat is almost certain. To quote Master Yoda, ‘There is no TRY, only DO.’

One either does something or doesn’t – there is no ‘try’ and to use the word in conversation is weak.

Thus ‘I’ll try my best’ becomes ‘I’ll DO my best!’

Help = Assist/Empower/Inspire

To ‘help’ someone is to take away their power. Avoid helpery by providing assistance when necessary, empowering others with
support and leading or inspiring them by example. To ‘help’ others is to do the work for them. To assist others is to keep
them empowered as an individual and be there to lend your support.

The difference is huge.

‘Let me help you…’ becomes ‘Please, allow me to assist you.’

Opinion = Experience

It’s been said that opinions are like assholes, everybody has one (and most of them stink). Opinions can be argued with, they
are just OPINIONS.

Instead of giving people my OPINION about something, I provide them with a detailed account of my EXPERIENCE.
The difference here is that opinions can be argued, but nobody can argue against a personal, firsthand EXPERIENCE.

Your experience of a thing is strong. Your ‘opinion’ of something is subject to change, attack and ridicule. Personal opinions
can be argued while personal EXPERIENCES are undeniable.

Person = Man/Woman

To say, ‘I am a clear, powerful, loving, abundant PERSON’ denies my masculinity and removes part of my identity. Again, it comes
back to the point of sounding weak and un-true. ‘He’s a great person’ doesn’t feel as right to me as ‘He’s a great MAN.’

To acknowledge that a ‘person’ is a man or a woman is to acknowledge part of the truth of their being. In therapy when a
client does not wish or seem able to acknowledge their manhood or womanhood it’s a sign they are denying their masculinity
or femininity. This might be an individual on the brink of a personal identity crisis because they are not identifying with
certain aspects of their given sex.

During positive affirmations, guided visualizations and both light and deep hypnotic processing it is important to speak to
the client as a man or woman appropriately. It assists the subject in identifying with the suggestions given and aiming them
towards a specific individual, gender acknowledged.

Think about it. Use this change if it suites you and like everything else in this course, whatever you disagree with or can’t see
eye to eye with, disregard!

Hope = Expectancy, Belief, Trust, Faith, Certainty

Hope can be a beautiful thing. ‘False hope’ can be crippling. To ‘hope’ for something is a weakened approach to life; I
empower my clients to be proactive whilst creating and striving towards their goals. Sitting around ‘hoping’ for something to
happen does no good at all. It is a weak affirmation to the mind and Universe to ‘hope’ for something.

It’s been said that ‘hope floats’ which isn’t really true at all. ‘HOPE’ was a boat that set sail to gather the wounded at sea. The
ship sank!

In my readings I stress the point ‘The best way to predict the future is to invent (consciously create) it.’ Instead of ‘hoping’ for
something to happen, invite your client’s to take direct action to attain their desires. Teach them to speak and think in positive
states of being and couple that thinking with detailed action for results.

I replace the word ‘hope’ with ‘expect’, ‘believe/belief ’, TRUST, faith and certainty/certainly.

‘I hope you surgery goes well’ becomes ‘I trust your surgery will go well.’

‘I hope tomorrow goes as planned’ becomes ‘I’m certain tomorrow will go as planned.’

In this sense ‘hope’ becomes a positive affirmation. Trusting, expecting, having faith and belief in a certain, specific outcome
is stronger than ‘hoping’ for the best.

Want, Need, Have to, Should = Choose to

I was taught the act of ‘wanting’ is an affirmation of not HAVING. To actively ‘want’ something is to affirm to ourselves and
the Universe that we are without and disconnected to the object of our desires. Not to go‘The Secret’ on you folks, but Bruce
Lee said, ‘Becoming is a denial of BEING.’ It’s important to realize that we are all connected. Because our mind does not know
the difference between fantasy and reality, it is said if we affirm, decree and consciously direct our attention towards a goal or
object that our subconscious mind will take notice and assist in creating that which we hold in our mind.

Einstein showed us that everything is energy and Bell’s Theorem shows us very clearly that everything is connected and
everything in existence affects (directly) everything else, even if those effects are subtle and not noticed by our conscious

A study of fractals and harmonics, Divine Proportions (and especially the Mandlebrot) suggests in turn that our Universe is
holographic and that the whole is contained in the part; that everything in existence is effectively a microcosm of the
macrocosm and that we are all connected.

Why am I bringing this up now? Because knowing this empowers us to make choices consciously and to consciously create in
the truth that we are connected to everything. As we realize our connection to ALL THAT IS we find power to change
whatever might be necessary to attain and maintain a level of personal joy and happiness.

CHOOSING to be, do, have and experience a certain goal or state of being, holding that intention in our mind and heart
and taking active, working steps towards our goals has served me better than ‘wanting’ or feeling that I ‘need’ or ‘have to’ or
‘should’ be, do and have something. The latter takes away our power. The former power of ‘choice’ reinstates it. Choice puts
us in the driver’s seat.

Responsible = Accountable

To be responsible is the unaccountable version of the story we tell ourselves all day, every day. It means quite simply our
ability to RESPOND. Again, this is a word and state of mind that takes away our power – we find ourselves in response to
life instead of being at cause and actively creating.

Being accountable for our lives and actions means that we are held liable; that we have called ourselves to account and answer
to our own act of creation. It’s a shift in perspective that means we are no longer responding to the world around us, but
actively creating and accounting for each individual experience we come into.

Uh huh, Yeah, Maybe, Might = Yes, Absolutely

When speaking in the affirmative or in agreement, words that lack commitment such as a casual ‘yeah’ or ‘yep’ or ‘uh huh’
also lack power and believability.

When you agree or say ‘YES’ to something, do so with full authority and conviction. I prefer ‘Yes, absolutely!’ or ‘Yes, certainly!’
to show my total conviction. For the person I am engaged in conversation with, a strong, solid, committed answer feels
better than a casual agreement. My solid response becomes an affirmation like other words mentioned above.

You’ll learn that verbal communication in hypnosis centers around speaking in committed, positive states of being
and always in the present tense.

Burden = Lesson

This is more a way of looking at and interacting with life than it is a conscious word choice. I strive to remember that I don’t
have ‘problems, issues or considerations’ – instead I have OPPORTUNITIES. The truth that things don’t happen to me, I
HAPPEN TO THINGS is constantly in my mind.

Every choice we make and each experience we have is a lesson to be learned.

Duty & Obligation = Choice

Once again this is more a philosophy than it is a word choice. As we remember that we do not have duties or obligations,
things we ‘have to’ or ‘should’ be doing we regain our power of choice. Burdens cease to exist as one begins looking at life as
a series of actions and choices we take and make consciously. There is nothing I HAVE TO do – everything is a choice.

I don’t know/I don’t care = Phonological Ambiguities/AUDITORY UNCLARITY.

The two statements above are popular in our culture and I experience them both as illusions. More often than not a person
claiming ‘I don’t care’ really DOES care. Just as true, people who state ‘I don’t know’ often DO know!

Everybody has a preference in life and we all inherently know more than we let on at times. The challenge or correction for
both of these statements is simple:

‘If you DID care, what would you say (think, do)?’


‘If you DID KNOW, what would you say (think, do)?’

This simple challenge to not knowing/not caring is often enough to produce an answer conducive to the process of clear
communication. This is an important statement to keep in mind when eliciting criteria in others. A man or woman who does
not wish to engage or interact during a process of communication and offers up phonological ambiguities (auditory un-
clarity) is unclear.

The hypothetical ‘IF you did know/care’ quickly becomes reality. It allows the recipient to access their personal inventory and
criteria and natural knowing. It invites them to make a choice instead of avoiding life and the process at hand.

Might/Can’t = Open to the possibility

A subject who says ‘maybe’ or ‘I can’t!’ deserves to be inspired. This is similar to suspending disbelief in mentalism. The
difference is we are now suspending disbelief in life and being.

For positive change to be facilitated the person who does not believe must in turn be inspired and invited to simply remain

Staying open to the possibility is important because it keeps the doors to change open and swinging both ways. Nothing is
impossible when we are open to the possibility. It doesn’t mean we believe or that the possibility we are open to is fact, truth

or reality – simply that we are open to the possibility. By staying OPEN we don’t shut ourselves down or close ourselves off
to any experience.

Faith = Intention

Blind faith is dangerous. Instead of simply ‘having faith’ in something or some certain outcome it assists us more to
INTEND that our goals will come to fruition. This is more than active ‘hoping’ – the act of intention and conscious
creation, working hard and striving towards our goals is infinitely better than simply ‘having faith’ that a certain goal,
behavior or outcome will come to pass.

I’m a huge believer in the power of our intentions and commitments. As we intend to create specific goals and outcomes and
stay committed to RESULTS (and being willing to WORK HARD FOR THOSE RESULTS!) we can make great progress in

As we make iron clad commitments to ourselves, others, life and the world around us I believe that Heaven and Earth will
move to support us in our choices. The energy and power to create responds to intention and our level of commitment.

Intention and commitment MUST be coupled with hard work and direct action for results. This is the issue I take with such
ideals as ‘The Secret.’ No amount of ‘wishing’ or ‘hoping’ or ‘intending/manifesting/calling forth’ is going to yield results
without hard work and direct action.

Many people today (and throughout history) seem to want something for nothing. Large parts of our society have forgotten
its ability to roll up its sleeves and get dirty through hard work. Blood, sweat and tears have built empires and legacies.

Wishful thinking without action never did anything but instill false hope and cause inaction in people who eventually suffer
because of their unwillingness to work for what they desire.

There is NO SUBSTITUTE for hard work and direct action. This is the truth.

Positive thinking is a valuable tool. It allows the mind to stay healthy as we work towards our goals, actions and states of
being. The mind and body working together can produce miracles and marvels. By staying positive in our thoughts we take
some of the burden and suffering out of the hard work that must be done.

Optimism and hard work/direct action will continue to be more effective than pessimism/cynicism and direct action. I’ve yet
to meet a person who loves being around a cynic or habitual pessimist. We can affect others with our positive thoughts and
actions and keep our mind and body healthy with positive thoughts and positive actions working together. Remember this.

Sacrifice/Compromise = Sanctify

When we consider the many things we personally sacrifice in this life as people, places, things and experiences that we
SANCTIFY for a reason and purpose that serves us this act empowers us to see the sacred, mysterious process in life.

Instead of making sacrifices and compromises those ‘things’ and experiences we ‘sacrifice’ become set apart for a higher
purpose. In this sense what we lose or ‘give up’ serves us.

We are able to give social and moral sanction to the experiences we change or part ways from. Everything has a reason and a
purpose that serves us. As we adopt this perspective we can begin to see life and its process as a partner to work with; every
experience begins to work in our favor instead of against us.

When a man or woman goes against the grain of life they arrive in my office with ‘splinters.’ Suffering stems from fighting
the process and not loving ‘what is’ AS IT IS.

It empowers an individual to accept their life as it is. Before we can change anything we must accept it first. We cannot
change something we deny. Being accountable means we OWN everything and every aspect of our life and Self first and
foremost. By owning EVERYTHING we are empowered to change everything. The first step is acceptance and noticing
things that are no longer working that may need to be sacrificed, sanctified, made holy and set apart for individual growth.

Polishing up my rose colored glasses I strive to keep in mind things don’t happen to me, I happen to things. In this sense nothing bad
happens ever because EVERYTHING exists and happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves me. When life and things
don’t go as planned I remember to trust a Higher Plan that is working perfectly.

I remind myself that reality is the highest order and that ‘what is’ is what ought to be IN THIS MOMENT. Fighting the
process of life or saying otherwise only leads to suffering. I realize that I AM empowered to change anything and everything
in my own life, mind, body and experience.

These changes will involve a lot of hard work and making personal sacrifices to affect the desired outcome in which case I
make them lovingly, willfully with good thoughts in mind and love in my heart. I’m open to change and make unbreakable
commitments with conscious intent. Who can stand against the empowered man or woman who fully realizes the power of
their own thoughts and accepts that hard work is the way to reach their goals?

These ‘dangerous’ or ‘unhealthy’ words are here for no other reason than for you to think about and incorporate them if it
serves you. Those who know me understand very well that I am extremely biased towards the New Age movement and
philosophies. For me HYPNOSIS is still an arcane and magical art and science; my style it is ripe with metaphysical teachings
and theory and backed by science.

Once you’ve learned reasons why NOT to use the negative or dangerous words you’ll have the ability to break the rules with
style and wisdom.

Please realize that although our differences in thought and action may be vast that I’m not asking anybody reading this book
to change their way of thinking, feeling, interacting with and perceiving the world around and within them in any way. It’s not
necessary that you agree with me or follow my way of thinking to reap incredible benefits from this book and material
contained herein.

Though my style of thinking and writing may or may not turn some people ‘off ’ I thank each of you kindly for allowing me
to teach in a style and manner that is consistent with and remains true to who I am.

Powerful Words

Just as there are ‘negative’ words we can use or not use to affect certain outcomes there are a number of ‘positive’
or ‘powerful’ words that have a number of uses as well.

Proper use of the following words and word combinations are a big deal in the field of NLP and persuasion. They can be
used to create a variety of effects and to empower our suggestions.

While what we don’t say may at times be just as important as what we DO say, powerful words used correctly are undeniably
strong and have beautiful effects during hypnosis and suggestion based mentalism.

Though we should strive to communicate as intelligently and elegantly as possible I have found that placing emphasis on
these power-filled words gets better results than tip toeing around negative words. The following words are easy to use, are
meant to be used liberally and as often as possible in our verbal communications without overdoing it. These lists of words
were chosen because their use makes it more difficult for the conscious mind to reject or fight them.

The easiest way to start working with the following words is to begin incorporating a few of them each day into your
conversations and performances. Should you wish to be very thorough I recommend taking ONE of the words each day and
working it into your speech and verbal patterns slowly. Within a month you will have a fairly solid grasp on the words and
how to use them effectively. Of course if you happen to be a fast learner and enthusiastic student feel free to grab a few
more and begin working with them immediately.

Incorporate these words into your speech, performance and suggestions as much as possible. Get creative. I use the
following words often and place them naturally into the situation and current performance, conversation and interaction.

Adjective/Adverb Pattern:







Awareness Pattern:







Spatial Pattern:






Cause & Effect Pattern:










You can…

These words are fairly self explanatory. You’ll see how I use them throughout this book, in my induction scripts and

The adjective/adverb words & patterns suggest HOW something (a suggestion) might take place, i.e. easily and naturally,
quickly and gently or with an infinite capacity to produce startling effects.

The awareness words & patterns bring attention to my suggestions, their effects and associated phenomena. My participant
might become aware of a coin bending inside their closed hand and/or realize how HOT it’s getting in the process. These
words allow us to direct the experience of the subject and to suggest higher forms of reality and alternative experiences
which take place only in their mind.

Incorporating words like ‘notice’ and ‘conscious’ into our performance and presentation allows us to subtly suggest and
direct the client towards noticing and becoming conscious of certain phenomena as it happens – the room getting warmer
with energy, the subject’s mind growing clearer and clearer by the moment, stress melting away as an ice cube does on the hot
summer pavement and more.

The spatial patterns draw our subject’s attention to the location and direction in which we desire it to go (move). The focus
of these words and my clients attention could be directed somewhere among the process at hand, the words I speak or
perhaps even beyond that! While using these words I’m able to cause the mind, thoughts, energy and consciousness of my
subject to expand easily and naturally.

Cause and Effect words & patterns are great because we can begin to link suggestions and experiences through their use. For
example, AS my client reads a hidden word from a freely chosen book AND AS they hold that word in their mind easily and
naturally, they may find their thoughts becoming more and more focused all the time, similar to a laser beam…

This surgical precision of focused thought and consciousness might cause a deeply intense experience of ESP and telepathy
to happen spontaneously BECAUSE that is the nature of hypnosis and suggestion when coupled with mind reading.

Commands are great fun because they allow us to make direct suggestions. NOW STOP and think about this for a
moment…and START to imagine how to make these magic words work for you as well.

Beginning Inductions

Now that you’re starting to understand the nature of hypnosis and suggestion in theory it’s time to put what you
have learned into practice.

In the following pages I am giving ‘Thought Veil’ students two classical, tried and true inductions to begin using with their
work. This is where this course starts getting REALLY fun (!) and you’ll begin to see powerful and dramatic results in your
work and performance. Dozens of intermediate and advanced inductions will follow and the ‘Thought Veil’ practitioner is
invited to choose the best ones for themselves and their clients.

For these techniques (and everything taught in this book) to work you MUST put them into to active practice. If you’re a
beginning hypnosis student you might start offering deep relaxation and stress relief sessions to your family, friends, loved
ones and co-workers to gain experience. There will always be people ready and willing to experience the wonderful vistas of
their mind through hypnosis and willing to reap all the positive rewards and benefits inherent within a trance process.

If the laws of the land you reside in forbid hypnosis then you’ll be relieved to learn these techniques can all be relabeled as
‘relaxed, focused awareness’ sessions and techniques which may or may not produce very gentle and naturally therapeutic
‘trance-like’ states of mind and consciousness. I might be wrong but to my knowledge it’s not considered an illegal practice to
assist another person in entering a deeply relaxed state of being anywhere in the world.

Because ‘trance’ and ‘hypnosis’ are so misunderstood I prefer to describe the techniques and process I use as a state and
process of ‘relaxed, focused awareness.’

The word ‘trance-LIKE’ is beautiful and wonderful because it suggests a trance state WITHOUT hypnosis. It’s LIKE
hypnosis, possibly, but not hypnosis…

Through experience I’ve learned that it’s easier to market a bad hypnotist than it is to market a great mentalist. Hypnosis is
naturally compelling and most people are familiar with the works of a hypnotist and what he or she is expected and capable
of doing. Most people have ideas in their mind regarding what hypnosis is and what it isn’t and even how a hypnotized
person might act and react to the hypnotist and his/her suggestions.

Hypnosis, like the word ‘PSYCHIC’, is a huge buzz word and WILL get people talking! All one really needs to do is mention
either of the above words to get a common, enthusiastic response in most people and places. Many individuals would love to
get a psychic reading just as most people would love to know if they can be hypnotized, what hypnosis feels like, what it can
do and if it can do something FOR THEM.

At the mere mention of the word hypnosis huge conversations are started, stories and experiences are shared and eager
people (some of them skeptics) start lining up asking if I can hypnotize them, if I will, if I can and will do it NOW, if they
can have my business card, if I do public shows, if I offer private sessions and more.

This is much the same response I get after I tell people I offer psychic readings.

For this reason, when asked ‘what I do’ I simply tell others I’m a palm reader and a hypnotist. INSTANTLY I’m the center
of attention and the conversation flows like a good wine.

Both hypnosis and psychic readings are fascinating and naturally compelling. Both of them are also potentially very, very
useful to the average man or woman and the desire to experience them both is generally a great one.

I’ve long maintained that half the secret to being a good psychic is simply knowing when, how and why to use the word
‘PSYCHIC.’ As mentioned before, this is a huge buzz word/attention grabber and practically self explanatory.

There is a great deal of energy and belief invested in the word ‘psychic’ or ‘psychic reading’ and most people alive in the
world today have SOME TYPE of experience with a psychic or psychic reading whether through television and the movies,
personal experience, a story they heard from a friend, family member or co-worker – whatever the case may be.

One of the world’s top psychic entertainers once told me a person could make the claim ‘I’m a Psychic’ and then just start
speaking to other people normally in regular conversation and would be perceived as psychic, intuitive and connected.

The word itself is emotionally charged and empowered. It carries a certain meaning and connotation with it and has its own
magical effects upon the person hearing the word ‘psychic.’

The same thing goes for ‘hypnotist.’ Once you make the claim ‘I’m a Hypnotist’ the suggestion will start working in your
favor. People will begin to attribute you will a special ‘power’ or ‘quality’ – special knowledge and esoteric techniques.

The people around you might become intrigued or a bit uneasy, they might believe in hypnosis completely or reject it entirely,
but the word and suggestion will ALWAYS have effects on a person!

Just stating that you’re a psychic or a hypnotist is half the battle. Once said, the suggestions and their magical effects begin
working on the minds and hearts of others. This very notion is one of those things I consider a BIG secret in our field.

Knowing that ‘hypnosis’ is naturally intriguing, mysterious, magical, affecting and compelling you’ll immediately have all types
of people responding even better to your suggestions.

Introducing yourself or working the fact that you’re a practicing (or Master) Hypnotist into your magic or mentalism
demonstrations, performance and presentations will cause your suggestions to work even better. Why? Because as I said
before people have a certain idea in their mind regarding what a hypnotist does and what they are capable of.

If a normal person were to place a coin in your hand and tell you (suggest) it would heat up and bend, there is no reason to
believe them. If a psychic and/or hypnotist did the same thing, people are more inclined to suspend their disbelief based on
the person doing such things and the ‘credentials’ behind their claimed or supposed abilities. Does that make sense to you?

If a HYPNOTIST tells his volunteer that his mind will become clear as his body begins to relax easily and naturally in
preparation for mind reading, that volunteer is more inclined to believe the suggestion and respond to it, given its SOURCE.

The HYPNOTIST can make all sorts of strange, wonderful, magical, mysterious and beautiful events take place. They have
some kind of ‘power’ or ‘ability’ that society is aware of and that most other people DO NOT have.

This is the power of suggestion taking place and it begins with the words ‘hypnotist’ and ‘hypnosis.’ Say the words and let
their implied meanings work their magic for you.

I must also take a few moments and speak about the commercial effects of a basic induction. Getting a strong (yet simple)
induction beneath your belt has many, many benefits.

First, it’s a genuinely helpful gift or skill to have and share with others. ALL people can benefit greatly from taking a few
minutes to break from the rat race, enjoy some deep breaths and light guided imagery to assist them in relaxing very deeply
and very quickly…

Second, a proper induction is extremely effective very, very quickly. In 3 minutes or less the beginning student can give a
proper, solid and effective induction with many positive and beneficial results.

In time you will learn how to shave the minutes and seconds off your induction sequence until you are effectively placing
people into a bona fide trance state within a minute or two, then one minute, then 30 seconds.

Eventually you will get to the point when using these techniques becomes so natural and so ingrained that you will start to
have a hypnotic effect upon all people and places through your mere presence and they will become entranced at first contact
or the second your eyes meet. This is hypnosis at its finest.

Third, just as everyone can benefit by taking a few minutes to breathe deeply and relax, everyone can and will respond well to
positive suggestions, even if only on an unconscious level.

Fourth, because hypnosis is so compelling and so commercial, a short induction or hypnotic demonstration is the perfect
business card. These techniques are deeply affecting and provide others with a fantastic experience to relish in and share with
their family, friends, loved ones and co-workers. People love to have a great story and they love to exaggerate, embellish and
create miracles of greater volumes and magnitude than what you’ve ACTUALLY showed them. ‘Did I ever tell you about the time
I met a hypnotist and what he did for me?’

As soon as people learn you are a hypnotist, whether casually or professionally, you are going to be showered with requests to
‘hypnotize me!’ or questions, ‘Can you hypnotize me?!’ or stories, ‘My friend was hypnotized once’ or experiences, ‘One time
I saw this hypnotist…’ or skepticism, ‘I can’t be hypnotized’ and more.

The point here is that you are going to draw and garner LOTS of natural attention, requests, conversations and shared
experiences. You will be asked repeatedly to do what you claim you do. In these cases you will offer the requester a simple
demonstration of what you do – a true hypnotic induction for their positive benefit.

Many times when I am performing on the streets, in bars and clubs, at banquet parties, in my walk around gigs, at psychic
home parties and on stage I will place multiple people (together or individually) into a state of trance or ‘hypnosis’ just so
they can see and feel and experience what the actual process and phenomena and resulting feelings are like.

Everyone loves this.

I often incorporate simple inductions into my mentalism performances. These are FORMAL INDUCTIONS meaning the
process of trance and hypnosis is acknowledged.

As stated in the beginning of this course, I’m constantly using hypnotic techniques in my performances and readings and
take the majority of my participant’s to an ALPHA LEVEL during our time spent together. Whether or not I tell my
participant what is going on here is what defines the difference between a casual trance and formal trance. A formal trance is
where hypnosis is obviously part of the process and the goal. A casual trance is when I use hypnosis and induction
techniques to alter the consciousness of my participant without their awareness.

A casual trance is easy to facilitate. During my performance or demonstration I ask/tell my subject to concentrate on their
‘thought of ’ information, take a few deep breaths, close their eyes and imagine a few basic colors; red, orange, yellow, green,
blue and purple. I claim this short spontaneous induction will assist me in tuning into their thoughts more effectively. Of
course they follow my instructions and end up placing themselves into a light trance state.

This is all it takes to send your participant into an ALPHA LEVEL brain wave state. At this level your subject is highly
suggestible, in deeper rapport with you, more relaxed, using more of their right brain (suspension of disbelief) and
experiencing magic on a different level.

Both casual and formal states of trance have great use in mentalism and private readings as we’ll soon discover.

I’ll guarantee that including either a casual or formal induction into nearly ANY piece of mentalism will make your
demonstration much, much stronger and more compelling.

Even if I’m doing a simple word, name, card or number divination I’ll incorporate a fast induction claiming that a light
trance-like state and feeling of relaxed, focused awareness is integral to the process of mind reading. I’ll get credit as both a
hypnotist AND a mind reader and in turn I will be perceived as something completely different (read better; superior) than
ONLY a hypnotist or ONLY a mind reader… I aim to blow people away, not just wound them.

My goal when performing is to slaughter the performer before and after me in one fell swoop. There can be no comparison;
I burn myself into the mind of my audience members forever.

Doing so ensures that I will be looked upon, perceived and experienced differently, as even MORE of a specialty and rarity –
a true master – as will my demonstrations. I am no longer a magician or theatrical mind reader, but a magical and mysterious
creature able and empowered to hypnotize the masses and read their mind. This is nothing more than flexing my
supernatural muscles. There are many other ‘things’ a great performer should be doing to ingrain himself, his name, his show
and a grand experience besides performing incredibly strong material.

I feel very strongly about mentalists knowing as much about the human mind and how it works as possible. If we can truly
read minds I feel like that would place us in the ‘Master Mind’ category. To then find we know little or nothing about the
mind, how it works and how to make it work for us (through hypnosis and other techniques) is simply disappointing and
unbelievable. Hypnosis changes all that.

Begin using these inductions on the people around you who wish to relax and are open to experiencing hypnosis. If you
cannot find willing people (yeah, right!) then simply begin incorporating these techniques and inductions into your close up
magic, stage mentalism or other performances.

Make these inductions part of whatever routine or demonstration you are using and reap the rewards. Your work and
performance is about to change drastically and for the better. You’ll love the power and attention hypnosis lends to you and
your work and marvel at how well accepted it is and the power it has to uplift, empower and inspire others.

The Three Minute Induction

This technique was developed by Dave Elman about 50 years ago. It is very basic (great!) and very effective.

I’ve known many professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists who have made the Elman procedure and induction process
their favored induction. They use it because it works and it works well. They know that when followed and administered
correctly this induction gets RESULTS.

When using ANY induction it is imperative that you are confident, poised and act like you know what you’re doing. If you
are nervous, choose to be excited instead. There is nothing that can go wrong here and I invite you to ‘fake it until you make
it!’ Act as if, play the part. BE THE HYPNOTIST.

90% of stage hypnosis is pure bullshit anyhow (the truth) and the mind of your subject creates all of the phenomena and
effects necessary based on your suggestions. Stage shows rely on mass hysteria and odd group dynamics, natural entertainers
and desperately needy attentions seekers wanting some stage time and I say this from great experience… and then there’s real
hypnosis (or powerful suggestions and placebos called hypnosis) and we’ll separate the differences in time.

Begin with the following script and use it in the real world a few times. With some practice you’ll begin to tweak it to fit your
own style, pace and verbal habits. For now simply use the script and directions as follows:

(To the subject):

Place your feet flat on the floor and place your hands palm down in your lap. Good. Now just pick a spot on the wall and stare at that spot without
moving a muscle.

Take a long deep breath through your nose and hold it in. Exhale slowly though your mouth and relax…

Take a second long deep breath through your nose, hold it, exhale slowly through your mouth and intend to relax even more deeply now…

Now take a third long deep breath through your nose, exhale slowly and relax even deeper and deeper still…almost to the point where it feels like
you’re drifting off to sleep; deeply relaxed, listening intently to the sound of my voice and my instructions…that’s good…

Now gently allow your eyes to close down all the way (if their eyes are already closed just say, ‘now with your eyes closed’ and move
onto the next paragraph)…that’s right, all the way closed, becoming even more deeply and deeper relaxed still with every breath and heartbeat.
You’re doing perfectly.

Now I’d like you to relax all the tiny little muscles around your eyes, relaxing them so much that they just won’t work, and they don’t want to
work. And when you’re sure that ALL the little muscles around your eyes are so relaxed that they just won’t work and don’t even want to work,
I want you to test those muscles so you can see for yourself that they just don’t have to work for the next few moments.

That’s fine, you’re doing perfectly…

Now go ahead and stop trying and send a wave of relaxation from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Allow this wave of deep
relaxation to wash over your body easily and naturally…

In just a moment I’m going to pick up your left/right arm by the wrist. As I do this, I want you to let that arm be completely loose, limp and
relaxed, heavy – just like a soft, heavy blanket.

Good. Allow that soft, warm blanket of relaxation to surround your entire body. Now when I drop your hand back down into your lap I want
you to DOUBLE your relaxation. That’s right – perfect. Just allow your mind and your thoughts and your stress to melt away for a few moments.
This is good.

Now I am going to pick up your right/left arm by the wrist (use the opposite arm of before) and just let that arm be as loose, limp and
relaxed as that (other) arm is. Very good…

When I drop your arm down let yourself sink even 10 times deeper into this peaceful state of relaxation you’ve found yourself in right now.

At this point you may notice what a profound state of peace and deep relaxation you are capable of enjoying really feels like. Take a few moments
and enjoy it. I’ll wait…

(Pause for a few moments)

Now I’ll show you how to clear your mind completely and achieve a perfect state of mental relaxation as well…

I’m going to ask you to start counting backwards in just a moment from 100 down to 97. Each time you say a number, say the words
‘DEEPER ASLEEP’ and double your relaxation, and by the time you reach 97 you’ll be so relaxed that all those numbers will just fade away
and disappear naturally on their own.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it WILL HAPPEN easily and naturally. Begin counting out loud now, please.
(Encourage your subject to relax as they count down from 100 to 97).

When your subject arrives at the number 97 say,

And there goes the numbers, fading away from your mind very gently now…

At this point your subject is in a very relaxed state of mind and open to HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS. It is at this point in
the routine/induction that you would deliver whatever suggestions, intentions, programs and affirmations you have designed
for this particular subject.

If you’re using this induction during a mentalism performance you could give a few suggestions here about mind reading,
sending and receiving thoughts, feeling energy and more. Because it is still very early in this course let’s go ahead and give a
few Universal suggestions for the future use of hypnotic trance…

Each time you experience hypnosis in this way you will relax faster and deeper, deeper and faster still – all the time listening to the sound of my
voice and my instructions…

Whenever I say the word ‘SLEEP’ your eyes close and your body relaxes, easily and naturally, transporting you instantly back into this deep,
peaceful state of bliss and relaxation…

Each time you experience hypnosis in this way, with me, you will be able to relax even faster and deeper with each session.

With this type of process and suggestions taking place, the only thing you need to do from here on out to hypnotize this
individual is ask them to take a deep breath (just like before) and say the word ‘SLEEP!’

Their eyes will close and their mind and body will become deeply relaxed, based on your previous work and suggestions.

We’re going to use this basic induction as the template to explore embedded commands, anchoring and other techniques
shortly. Get familiar with the 3 minute induction. If you’re a seasoned hypnotist I would implore you to come back to the 3
minute induction technique and refresh it in your mind again.

Deepening The Trance State

Now that you have learned a few basic inductions, theory and applications for hypnosis and you are now able to
effectively induce a trance state it’s time to discuss how to DEEPEN that trance.

The easiest ways to deepen the trance state are by BREATHING, VISUALIZATION, GUIDED MEDITATION and
PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION. These are all techniques taught in this course.

Once induced there are a number of ways one may proceed to deepen and strengthen the hypnotic trance in your subjects.

These methods range from advanced progressive relaxation exercises and working with various depths and levels of the
mind, giving powerful suggestions for further relaxation using binds and double binds and more.

For now let us continue with a few basic tools and VERBAL methods that will allow you to effectively deepen the client’s
trance and levels of relaxation.

After using the traditional methods to induce trance as taught prior proceed to give gentle suggestions such as,

‘Allow all of the sounds around you to assist you in relaxing even more…’

‘The sound of my voice and my instructions allows/causes you to drift into a deeper, more complete state of peace and relaxation with each and
every moment BECAUSE that it how hypnosis works…’

‘Sitting there now and listening to my voice and my instructions CAUSES you to become more deeply relaxed. The more relaxed you become the
deeper you drift into a peaceful and powerful state of trance now…’

‘The faster and deeper you drift into this natural state of peace and relaxation the better hypnosis works for you…’

‘Each breath you take now causes you to become even more and more relaxed, easily and naturally…’

‘Every second that goes by, with each rotation of the planet, for every star which blazes in the night sky your mind can embrace an even greater and
more profound level of peace, acceptance and relaxation, more relaxed now than you may ever have been or felt was possible…the more you
RELAX NOW the deeper into this peaceful, gentle trance you go – the deeper into this peaceful, gentle trance you go now the deeper you relax
easily and naturally…deeper and deeper…peace and relaxation…’

‘Each easy beat of your heart causes you to become more calm and relaxed now, listening gently and intently to the sound of my voice and my

‘As I continue to tap on your (head, neck, arm, hand, shoulder, etc) your muscles continue to relax and melt into a deeper state of peace and

‘Look deeply inside of yourself and allow your mind and thoughts to be drawn into your own quiet, centered inner space…’

‘As you breathe in deeply now, you may realize that you are breathing in the very breath of life. And as you breathe out deeply you might also
realize that you are breathing out and gifting the breath of life and extending light and energy to the plants, the flowers and the trees. In each and
every moment you are giving and receiving – feeling perfect in every way, shape and form…

Every word I speak and the instructions I give you, each breath you take and each easy heartbeat, each of your thoughts and feelings all working
together now assist you in entering a deeper state of relaxed, focused awareness easily and naturally…

Expect your perfect trance to happen, allow it to happen and realize that your perfect trance IS happening now in perfect time and in perfect

Hypnosis is in inward journey – we bring the client to a (heart centered) place of absolute awareness held deeply within
them. Hypnosis allows the facilitator (hypnotist) and subject (client) to journey and explore this inner space together. My role
as a hypnotist/hypnotherapist includes guiding people gently inward where their perfect trance is already there, ready and
waiting to be embraced.

I look at trance states and hypnosis like this: a perfect, profound state of trance already exists within each and every person.

Instead of CREATING/evoking/inducing/eliciting trance (most often seen as something NOT there which we desire to BE
THERE NOW) I experience the opposite…introducing the subject to the trance state that is already inherent and waiting to
be explored and embraced within them.

In this sense I feel I’m able to generate the desired results faster than many others because there is no TRANCE I have to
create – only a trance state which already exists and it’s a simple matter of introducing the client to this state. Milton knew

This shift in perception and experience is also a great boon to those who might otherwise be resistant to hypnosis or harbor
a fear of failure when it comes to entering a deeply positive trance state. By explaining the trance is ALREADY there and
within them and all I am doing is taking the client deep inside themselves to embrace it the subject is able to hurdle many of
the ‘blocks’ that would otherwise prevent them from achieving success during hypnosis.

We are all in a perpetual state of trance. All we have to do is tap into it. By calling forth the trance within us or diving deeply
into the dark and somber pools of subconscious awareness we merge with the trance states within in the most remarkable
and profound ways.

I love to use suggestions which imply that just about EVERYTHING that happens, takes place or can be experienced all
support and/or cause the subject to enter a state of trance.

This is where the powerful words really come to life and work for us. You’ll notice a few of my pet favorites of the powerful
words are: easily, naturally, causes, because, NOW and ‘as.’

Using these words allows me to create the desired state and suggestions using just about anything and everything I wish. I
also draw heavily upon the breath and natural visualization processes to introduce the subject(s) to their already developed,
ready and waiting state of trance within them.

Here are a few more examples. Feel free to pick and choose from the suggestions listed or create your own. Remember there
is NO WAY TO FAIL and every way to succeed.

‘The more you breathe the faster you enter a deep state of peace and relaxation and the faster you enter this state of peace and relaxation the
deeper you breathe…simply breathing naturally CAUSES you to enter trance BECAUSE that is how this process works…it’s possible that
you’ve heard of this before, right?’

I use environmental factors such as,

‘Sitting in the chair NOW CAUSES you to relax even deeper and faster than ever before…’

‘Listening to my voice and my instructions naturally CAUSES you to go deeper and deeper into this state of peace and relaxation…’

‘Everything around and within you – all the people, places and things which move and exist in the material, physical world – all of the thoughts,
feelings and emotions of your non-physical reality all cause you to enter your own perfect state of mind and hypnotic trance in this very moment,
easily and naturally by their very existence…’

‘Nothing may keep you from this perfect state of trance that is within you – EVERYTHING supports you in meeting with your perfect trance
state now and all of creation serves to take you deeper and deeper into this trance with each passing moment, breath and heartbeat.’

‘Your heart beating naturally CAUSES you to enter a deep state of peace and relaxation…’

‘As you focus on the beating of your heart and feel the pulse of life within you, you may find yourself relaxing deeper and faster than ever before. It
might happen now with your breathing or in a few moments from now with your heartbeat. It’s quite possible that your process has already occurred
a few moments ago WHEN MY OWN DID…whatever the case this natural state will continue to occur, take place now and increase with each
and every moment. Everything we can be, do, have, think, feel or experience at this time together or separately, as individuals in the world or as the
human collective upon this planet all serves to deeply relax and entrance you…’

‘Your natural state and pace of breathing CAUSES you to enter a deep state of peace and relaxation…’

Each of your senses and all of your experiences allows you to enter this perfect hypnotic trance very quickly now, going deeper and deeper, deeper
and deeper still…’

‘The sound of my voice CAUSES you to enter a deep and profound state of peace and relaxation BECAUSE that is what the art of hypnosis
is all about…’

You might wish to lead your subject and participants through a series of breathing and visualization exercises. Realize that
any induction can practically be used as a deepening technique after a basic state of trance and altered awareness has been

‘Thought Veil’ students know very well by now how keen I am personally about using the breath and natural visualization
abilities of every person to induce and deepen trance states. One of the all-time FASTEST ways to enter trance and alter
brainwave patterns, consciousness and awareness is through the breath.

Once I have induced a basic trance state it can be easily deepened simply by having my participant focus on their own breath
as I guide them in a circular, rhythmic breathing process. A few guided breaths is all it takes!

Visualizing a few basic colors or any FEELING or MEMORY – really ANY THING (when imagined and seen in the mind)
all serve to connect with the subconscious mind and call its effects to the surface.

Another way to deepen the hypnotic trance is to give suggestions with physical actions. Examples of this would be gently
tapping on the subject’s head or arm while giving suggestions that with each and every gentle tap the subject enters a deeper
and more completely relaxed state of mind and awareness.

During a hypnotherapy or meditation service I will often lift up a client’s arm with the suggestion that as I drop their arm
gently into their lap the action CAUSES them to relax even 10 X more deeply than ever before…

‘And as I drop your arm gently into your lap now ALLOW YOURSELF to relax even 10 times (X) more deeply and completely even still…’

I can now do this with the subject’s OTHER arm with the same suggestion and action only this time they relax 100 times
(X!) more deeply and completely than ever before.

On stage I often use a short visualization in which the subject imagines themselves standing on a roof top, entering an
elevator and going down, down, down through the floors and levels feeling the elevator moving as they do. With each

movement of the elevator, each ‘ring’ of the elevator bell and the gentle music playing inside of it, with each floor and level
they pass the subject enters a new level of peace and relaxation.

This deepens the hypnotic state very quickly and effectively as the visualization is easy to follow and includes visual, auditory
and kinesthetic qualities all together.

Anytime and anything you can use a total sensory experience DO SO.

Doing this means that your suggestions and visualizations, inductions and suggestions are all more effective. The fuller and
more completely they are created and experienced in the mind of your participant, the better. Do your best to include visual,
auditory and kinesthetic experiences and suggestions. Make what is imagined as real as possible inside of the subject’s mind.
Bring tactile senses and experiences into the process – include sights, sounds, scents, feelings and tastes together with your
suggestions. Incorporate as many modalities (VAK) as possible.

Because I am hiding and tucking away gems throughout this book to reward those who truly read, learn and study the
material they purchase I will now tip one of the fastest, safest, most gentle, powerful and successful inductions I use and how
I deepen the state of relaxation.

Once I’ve obtained permission from my subject to proceed with hypnosis I simply ask them to take a deep breath and
HOLD IT for a moment while saying,

‘When I snap my fingers begin to exhale slowly and relaxing deeply…NOW (snap)…allow your eyes to close as you continue exhaling smoothly,
listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions.’

This induction is fast, easy and direct.

I continue with the deepening suggestions immediately by gently rocking or lightly tapping the subject’s head or body while

‘Person I’m now touching…in a moment I’m going to count backwards from 3 down to 1 and say DEEPER RELAXED. When I get to that
last number simply allow that feeling of peace and relaxation to double, triple or even quadruple inside of you easily and naturally, it’s your

…3, 2 and 1…deeper relaxed…that’s perfect…’

There’s really nothing to it. Once a subject has agreed to hypnosis nothing else is required. Take control and use that control
to assist this person or group of people into a deeply relaxed, altered trance state.

After my initial induction and deepening I say,

‘In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to count upwards from 1 to 5 and say WIDE AWAKE (as I snap my fingers). When I do, allow
yourself to continue to experience a very relaxed eyes open trance state while you presence yourself, your mind and your thoughts back
here in the room with me now…

…1, 2, 3, 4 and 5…WIDE AWAKE!’

Now I ask my subject how they feel as I smile and nod my head in approval. I tell them how wonderful they did and are
doing now and what a natural ability they have to experience a very deep, very profound trance state so quickly and easily.

It’s at this point I will begin fractionation.

‘Hypnotic Fractionation’ is a fancy term which basically means that each time your subject enters their trance state they’ll
naturally go deeper and deeper each time. The second time the subject enters this eyes closed, relaxed state of mind and

consciousness the deeper they will go. The more they go under, come out and go under again the deeper and deeper they will
go and the stronger their trance will become. This is pacing states through hypnotic induction and natural relaxation
techniques. Like anything else, the more the subject does this, the better they get at it.

With the above in mind, I immediately induce trance again and follow up with my suggestions like so,

‘And just like before (name), take a deep breath for me and hold it…that’s right…

When I snap my fingers start exhaling slowly as your eyes close down gently and your body becomes loose, limp and relaxed drifting deeper and
deeper into this wonderful state of relaxed, focused awareness.’

I snap my fingers and my subject does as they have been guided, conditioned and led to do; exhaling slowly they close their
eyes, their head dips forward and the body relaxes. If their head doesn’t tip forward (chin towards their chest) I simply pull
their head down a bit and continue speaking, guiding and delivering my suggestions to the subject. If they are standing at this
point you’ll remember to give them suggestions they are ‘standing sleeping, perfectly balanced, knees locked in place and feet planted
firmly now as if you were wide awake and perfectly aware of your balance and surroundings at all times.’

To deepen the state I pick up the subject’s arm (either one is fine) to check their level of relaxation and deepen the state. The
arm should be loose, limp and relaxed. If it isn’t, I simply tell the subject to ALLOW their body to become as such as I gently
shake it back and forth for a moment.

I say,

‘When I drop your arm into your lap/to your side simply allow this current level of peace and relaxation to increase ten times (10X) within you.
Relax and let go.’

The arm falls like a wet noodle as the subject wills, intends and desires to relax even deeper. Now I do the something with
their other arm immediately. As I pick up their arm I shake it gently back and forth and say, ‘Loose, limp and relaxed…that’s
perfect…HOLD IT THERE’ no matter how relaxed the arm is! I suspend their arm in the air with the direct command to
HOLD IT THERE and they will.

‘In a moment when I snap my fingers let your arm come down again, only this time at the same rate you can relax deeply and completely now,
allowing this wonderful trance-like state you’ve discovered to increase in strength and intensity 100 times… (snap)… go ahead and do it now…’

In less than 2 minutes I now have a subject that’s primed and ready to embrace their own subconscious mind power and do
anything I suggest. I proceed with two different suggestions/instructions/commands at this point.

‘From this moment forth whenever I say the words SLEEP or DEEPLY RELAXED your eyes will close again as you drift back into this
same focused state easily and naturally. The sound of my voice, each breath you take and every easy beat of your heart simply causes you to relax
even deeper and more completely than ever before because this is the nature of the mind and hypnosis and how they work together causing you to
relax and become even more able to follow my simple directions for peace and relaxation.

Anything I say or do from this moment forth only serves to help you relax even deeper and more completely. Everything you can say or do now and
any sounds you hear only serve your unconscious mind to relax you even more at this time and with each passing moment you go deeper and deeper.
Whenever I say the words SLEEP or DEEPLY RELAXED take a deep breath and close your eyes, allowing yourself to instantly return to
this incredible relaxed focused state.

Let’s experience that now…

…1, 2 & 3…WIDE AWAKE!’ (Again I snap my fingers!)

I bring my subject back out abruptly without much warning. Because they are so deeply relaxed at this time it normally
shocks them a bit and takes a moment for them to snap to attention. I move this waking state along by gently rocking them a
bit, or tapping on their arm or shoulder saying,

‘Open your eyes now, eyes open trance, awake and alert, feeling perfect in every way! So how was that?


Look at me…and SLEEP (snap!)…deeper and deeper relaxed…you’re doing perfectly…’

The above script is intended for teaching purposes and in actual practice can be shortened by at least HALF.

I usually hammer in my suggestions by giving them twice (or three times) at the very most, though even once will usually do
the trick! Remember to be thorough and clear with your instructions, directions and suggestions to the subject(s).

Should you choose to include a few binds at your discretion here you may create looping, repeated suggestions though only
giving the actual command once.

I now proceed with my version of what Jonathan Chase calls ‘The Super Suggestion’ which appeared in print nearly 150 years
ago and it still just as viable and powerful today as it was back then.

Jonathan tipped this SUPER SUGGESTION in his book ‘Deeper and Deeper’ which is required reading for all of my private
hypnosis students before their stage work and formal apprenticeship. Recently Anthony Jacquin breathed life back into this
technique through his pivotal and ground breaking works such as ‘Reality is Plastic’ and ‘The Manchurian Approach’ which are
both highly recommended as well.

Most of the hypnotist’s I’ve known, watched and worked with over the years have used this Universal ‘Super Suggestion’ in one
form or another. The version I use works really well for me and my subjects and is delivered next like this,

‘Person I’m now touching…from this moment forth EVERYTHING I say to you, EVERY SINGLE THING will instantly become your

You will see what I say you can see, know what I say you can know, be, do, have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience EVERYTHING I say
or suggest from this moment forth until our time together has finished.

Take a deep breath now as this suggestion becomes a powerful tool for you to use in creating the life and reality of your dreams, starting

Of course in working with a group on stage, at a party or private event, on the street or anywhere else I (or you) may
perform and empower others through hypnosis using this simple, powerful suggestion. I turn it into a positive TOOL and
instrument for change for the subject(s) to draw upon during our time together and though it’s a very confident, direct,
authoritative suggestion I give it with the mindset that it actually assists my subject in breaking through their own personal
barriers. By offering the suggestion with this special rider at the end I’ve found it’s much less likely to be resisted at this point.
When delivered correctly and to subjects in the appropriate state of mind resistance shouldn’t really be an issue at this point,
though again, I’m an advantage player.

Because my subject has already come this far and because I started them out small and very simply, relaxed them deeply and
brought them out of their state over and over again (3 times total, very quickly) they are now in the perfect state to begin a
formal session or start a blockbuster show or performance.

We’ll discover new and exciting ways to use these and other techniques together as we progress through this course. For now,
realize the above techniques, fractionation and deepening sequences can be used with any induction and with any

combination of techniques taught in this book. As usual, remember to be supremely confident in your work and abilities
while working with people and performing. If there’s one thing that can make or break any hypnotist it’s both confidence and
rapport. In your work you require both, so don’t skimp!

Perhaps the all-time fastest way to intense altered states of mind and consciousness is through the breath, as stated before.
The fastest route to the subconscious mind and effective trance states is through the heart and emotions. Physically it can be
accessed the quickest via our sense of smell and breathing.

Our memories contain emotional vibrations and the process of REMEMBERING or visualizing our past is a fast path to
suggestion, trance and altered states of consciousness.

One technique I use in many of my readings, healing sessions and mentalism performances is simply to have my participant
take a few deep breaths, close their eyes and imagine eating and relishing their favorite meal. I present this as a simple way to
‘warm up’ and often combine it with a SHORT 60 second pre-talk regarding hypnosis, suggestion and the power of our

During this process I instruct my client to fully immerse themselves back into their thoughts, memories and experience of
their favorite meal. I ask them to TASTE and SMELL the food (does their mouth water?). I guide them to FEEL and
EXPERIENCE how they felt while eating the meal (and after). I get them to SEE and DESCRIBE the sights and sounds
around them…these can be in the restaurant or home they ate the meal in, the loved ones, family members or friends that
were around, any music playing and/or ambient noise…these are all extremely effective techniques for inducing trance state
in a matter of seconds. Immerse your client into a daydream of their favorite experience and you’ll be well on your way to

I get the subject to IMAGINE eating and loving and enjoying this meal again in the present moment. Generally I want for
them to draw upon a past memory or experience and not imagine eating the meal again in the future. The reason I want to
tap into a memory at this point is to awaken the subconscious mind and bring it to participate.

Most often I have clients describing and experiencing a birthday meal or some special occasion. It might also be a festive
occasion such as a holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are very popular. This ‘best meal’ is usually associated with a ‘best
time’ or ‘cherished, great moment’ in the subject’s life. It might have been a meal consumed on their Honeymoon or a dream
vacation or cruise.

It might have been an 8 course meal at a very expensive restaurant in another country or with the company they work for. I
discovered that this ‘best meal’ experience has never happened alone, the subject is constantly with someone or a group of
people and these people are usually very close – either friends or family members.

The reason I use a meal is multifold: as we eat we all naturally change our brainwave patterns and enter a trance state.
Remembering a meal also places us into a trance state, and fast!

A meal is also very tactile – the memory and experience incorporates all five senses. There is a lot of texture and details to
imagine and any one of those details can send a person deeply into a trance state almost instantly.

A lot of mentalists love to use a peek or center tear for a ‘First Kiss’ type routine. Instead of a ‘first kiss’ I like to do a BEST

Like my ‘Hypnotic Book Test’ I use progressive relaxation techniques and suggestion during the revelation. I have also used it as
a very pure and powerful induction by itself with great effects.

The method is simple – I use an instant read center tear, impression pad or business card peek to find out what the clients
best meal or favorite food choices are. To cut back on the amount of words written I instruct my client to remember their

very favorite meal and what they ate and drank during it. Now handing the participant a business card or pad of paper I ask
them to jot down just 2 or 3 words to describe the meal to HELP THEM FOCUS.

This ‘point of focus’ is something that will assist us both in creating a deeply profound state of trance very quickly and with
minimal effort. The memory and information simply serves to provide something to FOCUS ON during the induction.

Realize that as a hypnotist there is a lot less heat when asking such things of your participant than if you are presenting
yourself as a mind reader or magician. Nobody expects a hypnotist to use magic tricks, they expect them to hypnotize people!
This is another great reason to present yourself as a hypnotist first and foremost and then include mentalism as you so

A Thanksgiving dinner might include, ‘Thanksgiving, Turkey, Wine.’

A corporate luncheon might be, ‘Filet and Lobster’ or ‘Sushi and Sake.’

A wedding feast might be, ‘Cake, grill, champagne.’

I often give a few examples to show the participant exactly how focused and concise I want their words to be. Remember
these are NOT descriptions; the words serve only to represent the fullness of their dining experience. The complete memory
and all the little details will come later through the induction and visualization experience.

Once the information has been written down I use it as a focal point. Starting with a few simple suggestions such as, ‘Close
your eyes, take a deep breath and begin to IMAGINE having that meal once again…’

I lead the client through their memory and experience guiding them to see, feel, taste, hear and smell everything associated
with this particular special meal and time of their life.

Not only does this serve to relax and induce trance in the subject but it allows me to now STEP INTO THEIR MIND and
experience what they do. Slowly I meet them behind the doors of their mind and share in the meal with them. I start to
describe what I smell, what I see, the feelings I get (joyous occasion, holiday, happiness, celebration, etc) and then go on to
name a few of the food items.

I do my best here to NOT name (directly) the items my participant has written. Knowing what the bulk of the meal includes
I can begin to describe and name different food items and drinks that are likely present in their memory.

If I know my client is dining on ‘spaghetti and meatballs’ I can make solid guesses of there being salad, bread, parmesan
cheese, appetizers and flavored drinks as well. These may or may not be things my client is eating in their memory, but things
that might be associated nonetheless. My re-creation and description doesn’t have to be perfect.

As my subject once again TASTES the food as they enjoyed it then, smells the scents and sees the imagery of the food and
their surroundings, feels how content the meal makes them and how they feel around the company they are keeping I take
them deeper and deeper into trance. It happens naturally! All my mentalism is doing at this point is adding a bit of mystery
and making the process a mystical induction. Sharing the same thoughts and memories with a person suggests rapport on
levels never before imagined. I feel that mentalism when used properly is one of the most powerful hypnotic tools we have
access to. Thank God that not all hypnotists are mentalists – we have a distinct edge over the competition with material and
insights such as those contained in ‘Thought Veil.’

Go back and study my ‘Hypnotic Book Test.’ I use much the same process to deepen the trance state and eventually naming
specific details of this ‘best meal’ memory and experience. The result is not only a perfect piece of mind reading but a fully
induced participant ready to proceed with the test or demonstration, programming or experience of my choice.

If no mentalism is to be involved at this point (and it IS optional!) then I simply use the emotions and experience behind the
memory and natural trance effects of the perfect meal to increase the state and follow it up with suggestions. This method
works amazingly well without chicanery.

Another method I favor to induce a deep state of trance within a trance is guiding my subject to imagine, recall and re-
experience the most vivid, colorful, impactful DREAM they can remember. Obviously as we dream the subconscious mind is
running rampant; in the dreamtime we are interacting in the playground of the unconscious mind. Dreaming IS a state of
trance. Likewise, REMEMBERING A DREAM induces trance just the same!

Remember that REMEMBERING/RECALLING/RE-EXPERIENCING either a ‘best meal’ or ‘most vivid/

powerful/affecting dream’ will induce a deep state of trance very quickly and efficiently. When coupled with a few deep
breaths and closed eyes this is a near instant induction technique. It is also a wonderful deepening tool.

It all seems so natural…as we dream we have our eyes closed and we are imagining, seeing and experiencing a variety of
shapes, images, colors, situations, scenarios, people, objects, lessons, etc. Anytime we close our eyes and VISUALIZE
something we alter our brainwave patterns and enter a light trance state. During the dreaming cycles our breathing patterns
are also changed.

Re-creating, remembering and re-experiencing a DREAM will drop a person directly into a trance state. As suggested above,
I often ask my subject to write down a few words to help focus on their dream. They close their eyes and re-experience the
dream as best they can and I meet them on the vistas of their mind and begin to interact and experience/describe the dream
with them. During this process the client is led deeper and deeper into trance.

Later you will see how I use a ‘Dream Q&A’ in my hypnosis shows and I work with dreams for the very reason that recalling
them naturally leads one into a trance. It also gives me a lot of information to work with regarding dream interpretation and
important symbolism from my audience members. My full evening hypnosis/mind reading show will be explained at the end
of this book.

Dreams are powerful, magical and hypnotic instruments. A great way to reveal information obtained through mentalism
methods to a single person or small group entails getting the info through whatever means you wish…force it, find it, fill it
in, etc. You can use this technique with a simple card force, center tear or book test with tremendous effects.

In all honesty I have only used this method less than a dozen times or so. It’s a great bit to remember for those times when I
desire to share something REALLY far out there, though it’s not usually practical enough to use on a constant basis. I know
someone could take this bit and use it to create a religion, and I hope you do!

The payoff here is extraordinary but it takes longer. Once I have the desired information forced I tell my subject I will
attempt to enter their dreams over the next three nights. I also suggest I may or may not appear to them in their dream as I
do now, BUT, they WILL notice me and have no doubts in their mind the figure they see IS me.

I tell my participant that IN THEIR DREAM I will appear to them and reveal the information (card, word, name, drawing,
etc). To PROVE I was literally INSIDE their dream and working with the subject in their own mind inside the dreamscape I
reveal the information in real life.

There are a few different ways to frame this experience. One of my favorites is instructing the client to watch for me in their
dreams. When they see me they are to approach me in the dreamscape and share their thought (word, name, drawing) with
me. If the experiment succeeds I will be able to tell them what I saw and heard in the dream. This presentation can also be
framed as bi-location, lucid dreaming, astral projection and even remote viewing.

A few days later I ask my participant if they saw me in their dreams. If they answer ‘yes’ I go on to ask them to describe their
dream and what I looked like to them and proceed to reveal the information I have always known (the info I forced or found

through other means) while implying the participant gave it or showed it to me in the dream. If they answer ‘no’ I suggest
that I was indeed there but people do not always remember their dreams. Now this is fun…

I can begin describing a totally random FAR OUT dream (making it up as I go!) with as many incredible details and
experiences as I wish and then end by revealing the forced info like this, ‘And then you approached me and asked, ‘Is that you?’ and
you whispered something into my ear before you ran back down the mountainside…I think the word was something like MERCURY or
MERCEDES….does that make any sense to you? It was an M-E-R-C sound…’

In this example let’s say the word I forced or found out was ‘merchant.’ I hesitate to nail ANY information so directly – it
just doesn’t look real or believable to me.

Mentalism actually appears MORE REAL and I feel it’s MORE IMPRESSIVE when I am not spot on. Unlike most I am
barely if ever ‘spot on’ with my thought divinations or revelations. It’s good enough for me to be really damn close without
getting it exactly. I make the miracle REAL and it’s spooky for a person just realizing that I was so close and there must be
SOMETHING real happening here. It’s close enough to be impressive and remarkable. It’s very, very subtle.

It’s actually better for this ‘dreamscape revelation’ when the participant does NOT remember me in their dreams, or does not
remember their dreams at all. In these situations I can make up whatever I wish and often the participant will begin to
‘remember’ little bits and flashes from their dream, hahaha. The final convincer is made by me revealing the information.

While on the subject of dreams I’ll add another interesting piece of information I learned from the Amazulu in South

To generate better dreaming capabilities and to be able to better recall your dreams the Zulu shamans taught me to wear
WHITE LINENS to bed. The effects of wearing white to bed cause us to have clearer dreams and remember them in better
detail. You will often have clients that tell you they cannot remember their dreams (I instruct all of my clients to keep a
dream journal). When I hear this I give them the suggestion to wear WHITE to bed at night and they will remember their

The suggestion coupled with an action or behavior (the client wearing white to bed) is enough to impress this program and
suggestion upon the subconscious mind. As a result they will begin to recall their dreams easily and naturally.

These little suggestions and rituals can be used for a variety of effects and purposes. Perhaps the client bathes in milk and
honey to attract a lover or breaks an egg to relieve a migraine headache. Symbolic acts such as these can be implanted during
hypnotherapy sessions as a symbol and metaphor the subconscious/creative mind responds to. More information about
these and other techniques extremely potent tools and techniques appears in my book, ‘The Taboo Treatise.’

Developing The Hypnotic Coma

The coma state as it relates to hypnosis is characterized by catatonia, lethargy and complete anesthesia over the
entire body. Because this is a very deep state (showing Theta and/or Delta brainwave patterns) this particular state
is not desired by most hypnotists and the information is presented here for educational/informational purposes

The best use for this material now is in learning how to bring a subject out of the coma state. This information is also taught
in the section following ‘Terminating Trance’ – or ‘The Subject who will NOT awaken.’

To achieve the coma state:

1). Begin with the classic 3 Minute Induction or other induction of our choice.

2). Proceed with a progressive, multi-level relaxation exercise. I do this by giving the subject imagery and suggestions of
standing on top of a 3 story building and getting into an elevator of perfect peace, relaxation and tranquility. Level by level I
take my subject DOWN to the bottom floor and with each level passed the subject will double their present state of
relaxation. Doing this three times (once for each level) will result in a VERY relaxed subject. It is here that I obtain
somnambulism (partial anesthesia/analgesia).

3). Share with the client that there is an even deeper state of peace and relaxation waiting for them when they are ready to
experience it – a so called ‘bottom floor’ of hypnosis, trance states and the hypnotic experience and that you can assist them
in getting there. I ask my subject to nod their head slightly or move a finger when they are ready and willing to proceed.

At this ‘bottom/ground level’ of hypnosis there are actually THREE MORE floors which extend beneath ground level and
allows one to dive deeply into the subconscious and super conscious mind. We’ll call these floors A, B and C.

To reach floor A the subject must ALLOW THEMSELVES to double their current level and state of relaxation yet again…
and down the elevator goes. As the subject attains/arrives at ‘Floor A’ they are simply to say “A.”

To reach floor ‘B’ the subject must allow that feeling and level of peace and relaxation to TRIPLE in strength and intensity.
Once again the elevator moves down, down, down taking the subject and their incredible feeling of peace and relaxation with
them. As the client arrives at floor ‘B’ they are to simply say “B” to let us know they’ve arrived. It may be very difficult for
them to repeat this letter at this time and I suggest to my client they WILL be able to say it nonetheless.

For those who cannot bring themselves to repeat the letter B because they are so deeply relaxed, this is an excellent sign and I
proceed. Watch for the physical/physiological signs of hypnosis during this process. Flushing skin, changes in temperature,
breathing and heartbeat, REM’s, the ‘hypnotic sigh’ and more will all tell you the client is where they should be for this

To reach the last and final floor ‘C’ the subject must intend, will, desire and ALLOW themselves to relax even TEN TIMES
DEEPER than ever before. By COMMITTING to the experience of a deeper level of peace and relaxation than has ever
been felt previously BEFORE the session begins I’ve found a person who CHOOSES to be so deeply relaxed can enter this
state very easily through my guidance and facilitation.

As this final level of peace and relaxation is attained I give the suggestion,

‘To try and say the letter “C” will be too difficult for you at this time. Go ahead now and ENJOY this remarkably deep feeling of peace and

Sitting/laying there CAUSES your inner state of peace and outer level of relaxation to double, triple and quadruple in strength, intensity and
enjoyable effects with each and every breath.

With each and every heartbeat you can continue to RELAX DEEPLY and enjoy this deep, profound state of hypnosis.’

We’ll get into TERMINATING TRANCE below.

As the client continues to relax and seep deeply into this state of hypnotic coma I give suggestions at this point that,

‘When it’s time for our session and your experience to end you will be able to open your eyes when I count of five. When I count from one to five
you’ll open your eyes becoming centered, present and fully awake, alert, aware – back here in the room with me – and feeling perfect in every way.’

For the very, VERY deep subject I might also include suggestions at this point that,

‘When I count from one to five you’ll be able to open your eyes and become fully conscious, alert, awake and aware with me at that time – otherwise,
you may not be able to enter or achieve this very deep state of bliss, relaxation and focused awareness again in the future.’

This is an older, traditional ‘scare tactic’ for the subject who will not awaken or may prove troublesome. I don’t prefer to use
such tools and again, it is presented here for the sake of completeness. Using binds and double binds with the subject who
will not awaken will do the trick much better such as,

‘The more you TRY to stay in this deeply relaxed state the more you begin leaving it now easily and naturally. Simply lying there, breathing, heart
beating and every moment passing releases you from this relaxed hypnotic state quickly, gently and completely. The more you TRY IN VAIN to
remain so deeply relaxed, the faster and faster you begin to wake up now feeling wide awake and perfect in every way.’

And so on and so forth.

Procedure & Tests
For Obtaining The Coma

There are a number of ‘tests’ for showing, proving and demonstrating the hypno coma has been attained. Please
remember this information is presented for the sake of completeness and NEVER do I intend for my ‘Thought
Veil’ students to actually achieve these effects for entertainment purposes.

Aside from the traditional tests I’m going to show you a few ways to ‘fake’ the results of these tests while your subject is still
TRULY hypnotized.


When you’re sure the client is at ‘C’ take a clamp and test for anesthesia WITHOUT any suggestions for numbness. This
could be a surgical clamp or hemostats though I prefer to use a clothes pin. By clamping and pinning certain parts of the
body you effectively ‘show’ there is no pain involved with the procedure and thereby suggest the intended state.

I’ve used a few variations on this – my favorite was using a pair of pliers (or medical hemostats) to PINCH the skin on the
back of the hand and raise the subject’s arm high into the air. The skin on the back of the hand near the KNUCKLES is
very tough and stretchy; pressure exerted here is normally painless with or without hypnosis. WITH hypnosis the subject is
assured there will be NO PAIN involved whatsoever.

I seem to recall Derren doing a hypnosis demonstration wherein he pinned the hand of a medical student to a table top and
then inserted a thin 14 or 16 gauge needle through the back of their hand at this same area. If memory serves, a marketed
‘geek magic’ item was recently released to the magic community with instructions regarding HOW to do this (for real). I
could NEVER push an actual needle through the hand of a person no matter what the format, suggestion, venue or
demonstration and again, this information is for educational purposes ONLY.

After I raise the subject’s limp and relaxed arm high into the air I would drop it dramatically by releasing my grip and pressure
on the pliers. I also covered the pliers in medical gauze to provide a bit of cushioning and to prevent swelling or painful
bruising after the effect. The arm falls to the ground (really upon the client’s abdomen for safety) with a THUD.

I would then go on to the other arm and do the same thing only this time I raise the subject’s arm into the air by their
elbow/forearm. The skin of the elbow is also very tough, stretchy and painless to squeeze, grab and lift with the hemostats.

Like the back of the hand a thin needle can also be inserted here without pain.

While very dramatic and impressive it is also a great way to get your ass sued in a court of law. Unless properly licensed,
trained and INSURED – doing such demonstrations for the medical community during a lecture on clinical/medical
hypnosis and its effects isn’t something I couldn’t ever recommend ‘TV’ students doing or ANYTHING along these lines.

Remember that if discomfort is felt during any part of the process (when doing it for real) you have not properly attained the
coma state.

Regarding theatrical hypnosis, as part of my stage show I would often do a ‘Needle Thru Arm’ effect on a hypnotized subject
or audience member. I would go through the motions of placing the volunteer into a REAL hypnotic coma and then
perform the illusion on their body.

This was venturing into dangerous territory itself as family and friends of the subject would often be hysterical during the
process. It was necessary to condition them BEFORE the actual demonstration and I would do this minor ‘preshow work’
while preparing the participant’s arm for ‘stabbing.’ Everyone knew what was going on and though I promised a true
hypnotic state I assured those who arrived with the participant that my demonstration afterwards was nothing more than a
great looking illusion.

Because the preparation needed for the needle effect was great at times I eventually opted for the ‘Zoran Horror Cutter.’ I
played this thing up and created standing ovations with this simple piece of kit.

This gimmick allowed me to do the ‘cutting’ effect on ANY audience member with complete safety and it was utterly
convincing. It requires no preparation of the subject physically (mentally, for sure!) and looks phenomenal. Instead of slicing
half way through their finger I would simply remove the box cutter and ‘slice’ their finger with one smooth draw of the
blade. Immediately blood would surface and THERE WAS NO PAIN FELT!

Afterwards as a demonstration of Theta Healing States I would bandage up my subject and give suggestions that their finger
and body had entered a regenerative state and could heal its self completely, easily, naturally and almost INSTANTLY.

After my demonstration I would then remove the bandage and show there was no pain, no blood, no wound, no scar and no
swelling. This draws GASPS of amazement – if you try once it you’ll love it forever. Just be sure to INSURE your audience
member and their friends or family beforehand they will remain perfectly safe and this part of your show is an illusion meant
to demonstrate hypnotic possibilities. Do this quietly.

I went ‘all out’ with this particular demonstration and combined it with the clamps and other tests including a pulse stopping
routine with a registered nurse. There were REAL hypnotic tests and demonstrations before, during and after this piece.

When it came time to draw blood I would wipe the subject’s finger with gauze and sterilize it, place latex gloves upon my
hands, spray off the box cutter with antiseptic and everything was placed in a sterile container. The bloody bandages and
wrappings, band aids and other theatrical devices were placed in a BIO HAZARD bin I obtained from a Doctor friend. The
reactions and results were astounding.

Any type of ‘Blister’ effect with a hypnotized/coma state subject at this point can be completely convincing and utterly
entertaining. John Riggs has a great one that I highly, HIGHLY recommend.

Old school hypnotists would remove a lighter and place the flame directly beneath the subject’s arm to show that no pain was
present. The hair would burn and smell something fierce but by keeping the flame moving the subject would remain
unharmed. This would have been a great lead-in effect to the ‘Blister’ demonstration though again, it’s just not my style
currently and I can only blame so much on being young and stupid.

Over time I began to use different gimmicks for this state including the ‘Abbots Daring Steel Spring Traps’ which look pretty
dangerous but can be ‘sprung’ or released without pain. During trance I would give suggestions to my subject of their hand
becoming hard, stiff and rigid as steel – that they would feel NO PAIN and that without delay or hesitation they would
thrust their hand into the trap (which I guided for extra safety). I felt awful after I did these things as it was placing the
audience member in some small and trivial amount of danger, but danger nonetheless. Even as great as the reactions were I
eliminated this from my show after a few weeks. I felt like it was akin to using an audience member for a ‘Smash and Stab’ or
‘Dangerous Monte’ effect and thrusting their hand down on a steel nail. No audience can completely love a performer who
willfully places their own into harm’s way.

At one point in my stage show I had a hired fire eating expert who would take my stage subjects at the MID POINT in my
show during the break and teach them in a few minutes how to eat fire SAFELY. There were release forms, an attorney
present, medical staff and EMT’s along with other trained personnel present at all times during this demonstration. This was
a bit I got from Marshal Sylver who used to do the same thing (and might still do it!) but the risk involved was not worth the
effort and legalities associated with such a demonstration.


Ask the subject to TRY to lift their arm, leg or other large muscle group. There may or may not be slight movement in the
arm or leg and if the subject finds themselves UNABLE to move or lift the suggested appendage they are ready for TEST 3.

You can naturally increase your success rates with this test through binds, double binds, hidden directives, presuppositions,
embedded commands and other language patterns. By combining direct suggestions with imagery, eliciting states and drawing
upon techniques for DEEP relaxation you will get the results you seek each time you offer an audience or subject such
hypnotic phenomenon.

Fraser Parker released a great little manuscript titled, ‘Stuck to the Floor, Unable to Speak’ that is available via

I believe these manuscripts have been renamed ‘Struck Dumb’ and ‘Strength of Imagination’ appropriately.

Using Mr. Parker’s gambits one can easily fake a plethora of hypnotic phenomena and these techniques will insure you that
no matter what you will get the intended/desired results of this test. It should be noted that these effects and many more are
all easily accomplished by the skilled hypnotist and persuasion artist without pseudo hypnosis means or methods.

Once the subject has been found unable (or unwilling!) to TRY and lift their arm or leg you can proceed to the next test.


In this test you will simply ask your client to TRY to open their eyes. I continue giving binds at this point such as,

‘The more you try to open your eyes the harder it becomes BECAUSE you’re so deeply relaxed. The harder it becomes to open your eyes the more
stuck together, glued and bound down tightly they remain – completely shut, unable to open.

Take a deep breath NOW, remain perfectly relaxed and TRY to open your eyes.’

Of course with the ‘Stuck Eyes’ suggestibility test in this book we can increase our effective results of this test as well though
I find extra gambits unnecessary. If your client/subject is deeply relaxed and these techniques and procedures have been
followed they will NOT be able to open their eyes – or if they are PHYSICALLY able to, MENTALLY they simply don’t
wish to! The results are the same.

If your subject is able to open their eyes, they flutter or move and open slightly you simply need to double, triple and
quadruple their level of peace and relaxation again and again until they become so relaxed they cannot open their eyes. This
is easy! In a true hypnotic coma the tiny eye muscles will not move or allow the eyelids to open at all.

TEST 4: Catatonia.

Stretch the subject’s arm to the side or out in front of them. If the catatonic state exists the arm will remain in the position
you place it in without any suggestions to do so!

As you extend the arm simply hold it for a second or two and begin to lessen/withdraw your support. If the arm begins to
drop increase your support and make proper adjustments to keep it in place. Consciously and subconsciously your subject
will ‘get’ what you wish for them to do and hold their arm there.

In very deep states of trance where catatonia exists the conscious mind will be completely occupied and relaxed allowing you
to work directly with the unconscious and subconscious mind of your subject. Catatonic states and suggestions will occur
naturally as the client holds the position of their arm, leg or other appendages without further suggestion – you’ll simply
position their body in the way you wish and it will remain there until you make further adjustments, commands or

One of my favorite impromptu hypnosis demonstrations consists of inducing trance and deeply relaxing my subject very,
very quickly. I achieve an effective hypnotic coma and catatonic state in about 2 or 3 minutes. This includes the induction.

Once catatonia has been attained I do something I call my ‘Living Statue’ routine wherein I place the subject’s body in a variety
of positions where they remain completely still and perfectly relaxed. I might cross their legs for them, hold their arms up
and tilt their head as if giving a speech, extend their arm and raise a thumb, raise their other hand and give me a ‘High Five’ or
a nice pat on the back and more.

Often times I’ll lean the subject back and place their arms behind their head while placing my sunglasses on their face as if
they are just sitting on a park bench relaxing and waiting for the bus or enjoying the sun. In adult shows I might pose them as
though to flip people off (give them the middle finger) or sit a pretty girl next to the subject to feel his face (play with his lips,
push on his forehead, try to make him smile) and then place the catatonic subject’s arm around her as though on a date at the
movies. Other times I’ll pose my ‘Living Statue’ like a rock star or President giving an address (while another hypnotized
subject ‘speaks’ for him), in certain obscene gestures and positions and like other stone statues.

This short routine is very powerful and impressive – there’s a lot of natural humor involved throughout. It makes the desired
point and demonstrates catatonia very effectively.

To begin this demonstration I follow the guidelines I’ve suggested prior. The nice thing about hypnosis is that I can
effectively give SUGGESTIONS to my subject(s) while SEEMINGLY addressing the audience. For instance, one of the first
things I do is raise the subject’s arm as I turn to my audience and say,

‘And if I raise her arm like this it will remain suspended there in the air in any position I place it in...’

It appears as though I’m merely explaining to the audience what’s happening here and what they can expect when in
REALITY I am doing this (!) and ALSO giving my subject direct suggestions on how they should behave and respond. The
subtle tactic of leading the subject and conditioning their response while speaking to other people, explaining the process and
lecturing to the audience is something I use and do A LOT.

When developing the coma it’s vital that each step is completed successfully before moving on to the next step. When ALL
tests have been completed in the traditional order, fashion and method as detailed here you can rest assured knowing that
your subject has effectively and successfully entered a proper hypnotic coma.

Exercise caution with subjects so deeply relaxed. They will NOT be able to act or react physically on their own at this point
and will hear and understand EVERYTHING said to them and going on around them at all times. Please treat your subjects
with the utmost care and respect. Keep their personal integrity and safety foremost in your mind at all times.

Dealing With Abreactions

Abreactions are ‘abnormal reactions’ during a state of trance and the process of hypnosis. An abreaction is a
negative emotional response which occasionally occurs DURING hypnosis. Simply put, an abreaction is when
someone gets upset during hypnosis…

Most hypnotists cringe when they hear the word ‘abreaction’ and fear running into them. While you don’t need to fear an
abreaction when it occurs, you DO need to learn how to handle them appropriately if they do.

During an abreaction the subject may enter an emotionally volatile state wherein they regress, re-live and re-experience past
traumatic, painful memories and even physical injury, mental/physical/emotional abuse and even sexual abuse.

Abreactions are more common during regression work and deep therapeutic processes than in hypnosis for strictly
entertainment purposes. They can, do and will happen spontaneously in most cases where they occur.

An abreaction doesn’t necessarily have to entail the client’s regression into a past negative experience. It might be a simple
purging of built up emotion and released in the moment with no particular (singular) experience attached – it’s a cumulative
build up and general release of emotions. If your client or stage participant is under a lot of stress or has many unresolved
emotional issues these issues may or may not surface during trance.

With this in mind, realize that abreactions CAN and WILL occur during hypnosis for entertainment if you work with enough
people over time. It’s inevitable – at some point a subject of yours WILL experience an abreaction and it’s very, VERY
important that you know how to deal with them safely and effectively when it does. There are also some things we can do to
PREVENT an abreaction from taking place during your shows and sessions and we’ll get into those as well.

Abreactions are possible during ANY hypnotic process, induction, show or session for the simple reason that we are working
with the emotional, subconscious mind.

This mind is connected to memories, feelings and past events that are stored there. Unresolved issues may creep to the
surface during trance because through hypnosis we are opening powerful, emotional doors within the client/subject.

To prevent abreactions from occurring it’s best to speak in positive states of being and avoid using negative words and
negative associations. I see many adult or ‘R’ (or ‘X’!) rated hypnosis shows dealing with abreactions much more than a
family-oriented hypnosis show because the CONTENT of the adult show is more closely linked with possible negative
situations, circumstances, memories and past hurts a person might experience.

DO NOT give negative suggestions during your show or session! Remain conscious of the client at all times and what they
are going through. Remember that EVERYTHING is a suggestion and that anything you say to a client during trance is
going directly into their subconscious mind, creating permanent memory and shaping the client’s now and future experience.

I’ve seen stage hypnotists giving their subjects suggestions of sticking to their seats or having their feet locked into place
(during standing inductions) with the comment or explanation, ‘So you don’t go flying off the stage and crack your head open.’


These people are supposed to be ‘hypnotists’ – professionals who understand the power of suggestion and their effects upon
a human mind. If that’s the case, why in the hell would ANY hypnotist use such words and give such suggestions to a
hypnotized subject? It’s certainly NOT speaking in positive states of being either.

By making the comment ‘so you don’t fall and hurt yourself ’ we give the subconscious mind a suggestion to fall and hurt
itself. The reason we speak in positive states of being is because the SM of the client doesn’t know the difference between
illusion and reality – nor does it differentiate between ‘do’ and ‘don’t do.’

This goes back to the old ‘Don’t Think of Pink Elephants’ lesson that all beginning hypnotists should learn. By
SAYING/telling a person ‘DON’T think of pink elephants’ they HAVE TO think of ‘pink elephants’ just to understand
what we are saying and telling them NOT to do! The mind must comprehend the information before it can take the
appropriate actions NOT to do it.

This creates a bind in a person’s mind – by telling them NOT to do something they must first think of doing it. What we give
our attention to expands and where thoughts go energy flows. What is expected tends to be realized. We can actually end up
creating that which we fear and try our best to avoid.

When a parent tells their child, ‘Don’t spill your milk!’ they give the child a DIRECT SUGGESTION to spill their milk! The
child must first THINK of what ‘spilling their milk’ IS before they can remember NOT to do it. So what happens when we
ask a child NOT to spill their milk? They think about spilling it! This then is the exact opposite of what the parents SAYS he
or she wants.

And what happens when we tell a hypnotized (highly vulnerable, open and suggestible) subject NOT to fall down and break
their head open? We implant of a subconscious suggestion of doing just that.

We don’t experience love by focusing on ‘hate.’ We can’t have peace by placing our attention on ‘war.’ It’s practically
impossible to attain radiant health by entertaining thoughts of or worrying about ‘sickness.’ As hypnotist’s who truly
understand hypnosis and the power of suggestion we realize that to get what we want we should focus ONLY on what we
want. Everything else and all that is contrary can go away.

Instead of telling your subject NOT to fall down and crack their head open give them suggestions which state they are safe
and secure, feet planted firmly, perfectly balanced and having fun with hypnosis!

If during a hypnotherapy session for smoking cessation one tells a client to ‘stop smoking’ what then is the attention on?

The way to change is NOT through things, objects or ideas contrary TO that change. We place the client’s attention
(conscious and subconscious) on where we intend for the positive change to be made and begin stepping towards our goals,
one foot in front of the other and never look back. Choose what you desire and begin moving towards it. Focus on the

Back to abreactions…

The reason why I present a family appropriate show is because using sexual suggestions, violent suggestions or dangerous
suggestions (overt or subtle) has greater chances of eliciting an abreaction within the participants and I don’t consider such
uses for hypnosis proper or responsible entertainment.

If a woman on my stage was (God forbid) raped, molested, beaten, robbed or had some other traumatic event or past
experience and I told her to put a condom on a cucumber using just her mouth or faking an orgasm on stage obviously the
chances of bringing up a past hurt, memory or traumatic experience is much greater than if I suggested she sees her favorite
celebrity out in the audience or is a dancer in the Ballet.

I’ve seen hypnotists perform routines and skits where the subject’s are drunk driving, getting shot out of the air inside
airplanes (while playing the ‘Top Gun’ soundtrack), running around the theatre shooting each other with toy guns to James
Bond music (Spy vs. Spy) and other skits while the people doing them or those on stage watching have had an abreaction and
totally flipped out.

One man I saw was a Vietnam veteran and had a severe breakdown on stage. The man was crying, having flashbacks,
snapped out of his trance state and was shaking violently for many minutes before the hypnotist even noticed. To say I was
pissed off would be an understatement. This was an irresponsible display of hypnosis and soon following that ordeal the
hypnotist in question lost his entire audience and shortly after that his venue. It was far too heavy for the management to
want to keep him on board and for good reason! He was a shitty hypnotist.

I’ve seen young girls and older women alike have abreactions on stage when the suggestions given become sexual in nature.
In my own shows I’ve had subjects go into their own abreactions for little or no reason at all (or so it seems).

One girl was mourning the recent loss of a grandparent. Another one was slipping out of her chair during a skit and was
flung back into a rock climbing accident years earlier that left her in a coma with a swollen brain for 2 weeks.

Any ‘play violence’ type skits are something to be steered clear away from. Currently some hypnotists seem to think it’s funny
to have their participants on stage re-enact the popular video game ‘Grand Theft Auto’ with plastic toys and fake weapons that
are really just abreactions and potential bad memories waiting to happen.

As performers we don’t have the same format that we do in a formal hypnotherapy session (in an office-type setting) which
allows us to get to know the client first and we generally have little to no idea regarding what our on stage subjects may have
been put through in life. Somebody present or on stage could have lost a loved one due to drunk driving or a violent crime or
drug overdose. Maybe the subject had someone they loved who was hurt through a gun accident or was raped, beaten or

All I’m saying here is please (PLEASE) keep your subjects, their comfort, their safety and integrity in mind. PLEASE keep
your hypnosis shows, skits and routines in good taste. PLEASE remind yourself to speak only in positive states of being and
give suggestions and performances which are uplifting, empowering, inspiring and good natured. While I personally don’t
perform adult oriented shows I’m certainly NOT telling any ‘Thought Veil’ owners that they don’t have the right to do so
themselves. You do!

If you DO decide to put on an adult show or include sexual and/or violent or traumatic suggestions as part of your
performance realize that you do so with much greater chances of running into an abreaction with each and every

Some hypnotists are of the belief that IF a person is going to have an abreaction, they’re simply going to have one no matter
what. Though I disagree with this I can understand and see their point of view all the same. Many hypnotists don’t like to
tiptoe around their shows or walk on eggshells and worry about every little thing that could go wrong and I understand that
too. To each their own.

I’m of the firm belief that ANYONE who uses hypnosis in any format whether on stage for entertainment, in the office for
hypnotherapy or in psychic development classes and Past Life Regression workshops SHOULD KNOW what an abreaction
is, how to spot it and how to deal with it effectively for the sake of your subject(s).

We can avoid abreactions by avoiding material that has negative connotations and associations with it to begin with (i.e.
drugs, sex and violence) while in trance. Whether real or imagined, these suggestions can and will be very real to your
subjects while they are hypnotized and they might react negatively towards them.

You can reduce (though not completely do away with) abreactions by eliminating the deep emotional experiences and deep
therapeutic processes involved with hypnosis if you do not feel inclined to receive proper therapeutic training. Many

abreactions take place during regression work and Inner Child processing. A lot of people have buried hurts, emotional (and
physical) pain and traumatic events associated with their childhood.

By regressing a subject back into their childhood we risk bringing those things up to the surface; in therapy this can be useful
but that is not the purpose of this book. We can significantly reduce the chances for these childhood evoked abreactions
occurring by ONLY regressing people back to happy times and memories and monitoring them closely or by filling the
experience with a fantasy situation which never occurred and/or by using positive suggestions.

I’m not making such a big deal about abreactions to scare anyone. Using the material and techniques in this book not only
will you be able to avoid these intense abreactions for the most part, you’ll also know how to safely and effectively deal with
them and comfort your subjects if and when such an abreaction to hypnosis occurs. You must continue to project an aura of
confidence and security in the face of an abreaction. Though they can be unsettling at first, stay composed! Take a deep
breath. You and your client are going to get through it together.

Besides what I’ve written and suggested above here are a few of the recommended tools I use with clients and subjects
having an abreaction:

Before ANYTHING else you need to consider beforehand whether you will terminate the trance or continue working with
the subject in their current state. For stage shows it is often enough to fire off a positive anchor and give a few suggestions to
shift the experience and attention of the subject very quickly. Many times I can simply redirect their ‘trip’ and steer it in a
new, positive direction in a matter of seconds.

Before you become proficient with these techniques and working with subjects in trance states the initial procedure I
recommend is terminating the trance. This tends to take the subject OUT of the negative experience BUT they will still feel
the after effects which will require further attention.

1). Set up a positive anchor in advance. Trigger a positive emotion to override the negative.

With a solid knowledge of anchoring this suggestion and safeguard should be self explanatory. A Universal Positive Anchor
can be set up with your private clients and on stage participants during the show or session.

Generally, if a subject is deep enough to experience an abreaction they are deep enough to respond to your overriding
positive suggestions just as well. As part of my induction process (or immediately afterwards) I give my group suggestions
that whenever I count backwards from three to one and say the words ‘SLEEP’ or ‘DEEPLY RELAXED’ they will close
their eyes and enter this same deep state of peace and relaxation easily and naturally.

Just the same, whenever I say the words ‘HAPPY TIMES’ or ‘FEELING GREAT NOW’ the subjects will immediately begin
to feel better and happier than they’ve ever felt before and even better than they already are currently (!) with each passing
moment. Because of this, when I say the words ‘HAPPY TIMES NOW’ the participants are able to immediately remember
and re-experience all those perfect, happy times and experiences in life as well as BE HAPPY NOW, excited and feeling
positive about their life and future.

NOTE: Many times I’m giving these suggestions directly to my subjects as well as indirectly by telling or explaining to the
audience what I’m doing and what’s going on here. The subjects hear me speaking to the audience and thus are conditioned
to respond in the appropriate manner. It’s like giving them a second set or series of instructions.

Not only does this technique allow me to cause my on stage participants to feel awesome during and after the show, it also
allows me to STOP any abreactions which might occur DURING the show.

You’ll see how I implement these techniques into my stage program and turn this process into its own skit. I take the on
stage participants through a wide range of effects and emotions to show them and my audience members all the benefits of
hypnosis and the power of the human mind.

These same techniques and others can (and will) also be applied to the private hypnotherapy session.

2). Disassociation.

During an abreaction if a positive anchor has not previously been set to override the potential negative experience when and
‘if ’ it comes up you’ve got to work in the moment to lessen the negative effects and impact right then and there.

One way I do this is by taking away the strength and intensity of the negative experience as the subject is going through it. To
do this I lead the client through a process where they see the hurtful (traumatic/negative) experience happening as a movie.

I remove them INSTANTLY from the direct experience and have them project/perceive it as happening on a television or
movie screen in their mind. By seeing the negative experience in second (or third) person and NOT in the first person
perspective the negative impact and weight of the experience is drastically reduced. This is a great technique to use in many
therapeutic processes and tends to work very well.

Besides immediately removing the client from the direct experience I give suggestions for them to take away the COLOR
from the image or mental picture they’re seeing and thereby make it even less intense than before. I have them eliminate the
sound so there is stillness and silence. This helps bring the subject back to a state of being centered, grounded and focused.

Depending on what’s going on and the level of communication and interaction between the client and myself at the time of
the abreaction I might have them FREEZE or STOP the picture completely, fast forwarding or rewinding appropriately until
we get to a peaceful place to do so.

I have the subject make the image smaller and fuzzy – I give them suggestions to blur the lines a bit with further suggestions
that with each change they make to this picture and experience, the experience (and impact) begins to lessen and lessen,
weaken and weaken, release and release its negative hold and attachments on their mind, body and Spirit.

By disassociating the client from the experience they become able to view the whole experience/incident in a ‘symptom free’
environment with a certain ‘emotion-free’ objective detachment.

3). Positive Suggestions.

If I see an on stage participant or my private client(s) starting to display an abnormal reaction to hypnosis I am immediately
right there beside them to guide, support, coach and coax them into an alternative experience that is more enlightened,
positive and empowered. I refrain from touching the subject having an abreaction. This is generally a good rule unless the
subject is in immediate physical danger of harming themselves or others. If the subject is reliving a sexual attack, assault or
physical injury having you touch them is not going to help no matter how supportive, non sexual and assuring it might seem
at the time.

One exception to this is a hysterical subject who might be moving or flailing about (it’s rare, but it DOES happen) for their
own physical safety AND perhaps then only lightly tapping them on their head to direct and re-direct their attention if
absolutely necessary. The environment in which you conduct your hypnosis sessions and demonstrations should be SAFE,
even if you choose to do it on the street!

Again, this type of intense physical reaction is VERY rare and I recommend NOT touching the client going through an
abreaction. Your touch might also anchor the subject into the negative state or reaction and elicit future negative associations.

After I’ve terminated trance immediately (on stage) OR I’ve worked through the process of disassociating the client from the
direct experience I begin giving soothing, assuring, comforting, positive and supportive words, imagery and suggestions.

Just like immediately after a hypnosis show or hypnotherapy session the client will still be highly suggestible, vulnerable and
open to positive post hypnotic programming and suggestions.

I employ a number of the positive suggestions I give in this book such as, ‘You are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving and loved,
harmonious, happy and prosperous NOW’ among others.

Because I play it safe and put on a great show without a lot of questionable content AND because I use positive anchors
throughout the program, session or performance I rarely run into an abreaction these days. It’s been many, many years since
I’ve seen one in my clients.

4). Pattern Interrupts.

A few very effective tools for working with abreactions appear between these covers. The Basic EFT Flow and NLP ‘Swish
Patterns’ are both extremely effective tools at shifting, changing, transforming and releasing the negative emotions, behavior
and experience associated with an abreaction.

I get my client/subject to breathe deeply and RELAX. I assure them that everything is fine now, that I’m here with them and
I’m here for them. I let the subject know they have done nothing wrong and there is nothing wrong with them in this
moment – there are simply some things buried deep inside of them that might require some looking at and working through.

With my client NOT in a trance I can apply the EFT and SWISH Patterns to remove the negative impact and emotions that
were brought to the surface through hypnosis and once my client is feeling balanced, positive and centered again we can take
a break and make an appointment for another day. If the abreaction wasn’t too intense I might even continue with the
session that same day, re-induce trance and remain very conscious and aware of both my subject’s experience and the process
at hand. I know to be careful now and I remember what triggered the abreaction in the first place so I can avoid it or isolate
and control it if we MUST approach and resolve it for a breakthrough to occur.

When I worked with the Chiropractic Doctor I often saw people who were in very bad car wrecks who would come in for
adjustments and then book me for hypnotherapy sessions to work through the emotional impact and resulting depression
often caused by such an injury. It wasn’t unusual for these subjects to have an abreaction during the process. Knowing they
were more likely in this therapeutic context I could prepare myself and the client in advance and see the possible negative
reactions coming from a mile away.

By using the aforementioned techniques of disassociation we can isolate, direct and engage the experience directly through
indirect means. I was sure to use positive anchors at the onset to instantly snap my clients out of a severe/intense abreaction
as soon as possible. Some regression experts actually use abreactions as a process and method for positive breakthroughs to
occur. Again, these techniques are outside the scope of this book.

These types of reactions also happen with great frequency in another type of work I do and that being CranioSacral Therapy.
During the process of ‘unwinding’ and ‘Somato Emotional Release’ (the process of releasing emotional tensions and trauma
from the body) the client may easily slip into an intense (albeit therapeutic) abreaction.

Something I used a lot during these sessions and taken from my hypnosis training brings us to the next step…

5). Eleven Magic Words.

The nine magic words I continue to use during ALL abreactions are simply, ‘The scene fades away now and you return to your

This could also be, ‘The scene fades away now and you return to your body’ or ‘The scene fades away now and you return to the room’ or
whatever other variation you might feel more comfortable with.

This simple suggestion is often enough to STOP an abreaction from further developing and taking place. Using anchors,
language patterns, pattern interrupts, eliciting positive states of being, guided breathing and imagery and more are all

powerful and potent tools that when used together or in ANY combination thereof are helpful adjuncts to stopping an

6). A few general guidelines to keep in mind…

I refuse to buy into or get involved with RESOLVING an abreaction if I’m not being paid for it. I’ll STOP an abreaction
and assist a stage participant in feeling better momentarily before I send them back to their seat and with that in mind I
WILL NOT RESOLVE the conditions or situations surrounding or provoking an abreaction in the middle of my show, on
the street or anywhere else if it’s not part of the process I’m being paid for.

It’s not professional (or even legal in most cases) to begin conducting therapy during a street show or a stage show and that is
not what your audience or participants are there to see or go through. I feel responsible in STOPPING the abreaction it its
tracks, NOT resolving it for the person.

If the subject wishes to employ my assistance in resolving their issue or consideration that CAUSED the abreaction in the
first place they can have my number and schedule a session OR I’m more than happy to redirect them to a competent
professional in the various fields of mental healthcare.

If an abreaction happens as part of my healing or hypnotherapy session I use the techniques outlined here. You have more
than enough tools in this book to do it the right way.

Remember to stay calm, confident and assured during an abreaction. Keep your cool. Many abreactions are unsettling but not
as bad as you might think. These emotional outbursts are sadder than they are scary. You’re going to be okay!

Remember that abreactions are a normal part of hypnosis and nothing to be afraid of, concerned by or worried about.
They’ll happen and you’ll get through them.

End of story.

Clearing Suggestions

During your show and hypnotic performances or demonstrations I suggest you spend ample time clearing out any
and all previous suggestions you’re no longer using but have already given to and has been acted upon by your
subjects previously.

The process of clearing out suggestions and negating their effects is very simple and necessary in most cases to keep your
show and volunteers acting, thinking and behaving clearly. Too many suggestions being followed at once have a tendency to
muddy things up for the audience and subjects. It’s easy to clear your suggestions from their mind after each major skit or
string of routines and suggestions. To do this, when finished with one suggestion and piece of hypnotic phenomena and
moving on to another I tell my participant,

‘All prior suggestions are now gently fading away as you continue to relax deeply and listen closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions.’

I also often tell my hypnotized subjects,

‘All prior suggestions and behaviors are fading away now as you return completely back to normal maintaining this deep state of connection to the
sound of my voice and the awareness of your own inner trance.’

During a formal stage show you’ll see one of the major suggestions I give to every participant on stage is that when my show
is finished and our time together draws to an end ALL of my suggestions will fade away completely, easily and naturally.

I include a rider which states that as soon as my participants leave the building they will return to their normal state of mind
and consciousness and be completely back to normal in every way, exactly as they were before they took the stage and
allowed themselves to become hypnotized this evening. This is an extra bit of insurance for those times when you might
accidently falter on your count out and forget to clear all of the previous suggestions given over the evening. It also prevents
you from being held liable for any accidents or actions which may or may not occur after your show. By including a general
suggestion such as this you insure yourself and assure your audience and your participants that once they’ve left the building
they are no longer under your control, influence or direction and no longer in any sort of trance state. This also suggests that
any ‘hypnotic hangover’s’ or after effects will be completely erased and non-existent.

Clearing suggestions between skits, routines and effects is a great habit to get into. The exceptions to this are long term
suggestions, cause and effect patterns (when I touch my ear you’ll stand up and scream X,Y and Z, etc) and suggestions or
effects you’ll maintain throughout the show and performance.

Examples of suggestions you’ll maintain throughout the show will be those instances in which you’ll give your participants
the command/suggestion to re-enter this deeply relaxed state of mind and body each time you say the words ‘SLEEP!’ or
‘Deeply Relaxed.’

Also, any suggestions regarding your personal safety and that of your subject’s will be made to last the duration of your
program. I ALWAYS include general group suggestions along the following lines:

NOTE: I present many of these suggestions while speaking to the audience. The subject’s hear the suggestions and
guidelines being given as little ‘explanations’ to the audience and thus know what to expect and act upon them accordingly. I
also tend to give the subjects as a GROUP these same suggestions directly at least once or twice for good measure.

‘From this moment forth when I ask my subjects to stand up and do something or move anywhere inside this theatre they will do so with their eyes
wide open, STILL BEING HYPNOTIZED, remaining conscious, alert and perfectly aware of their surroundings and each other.

Likewise when I tell you to sleep and you happen to be standing you will re-enter this same peaceful relaxed state of mind and hypnosis with your
feet locked in place and perfectly balanced in every way as though you were awake.

When sleeping in your seats each of you will remain stuck firmly to your chairs, relaxing deeply and listening closely to the sound of my voice and
my instructions.’

This insures that my subjects are kept safe from harming themselves by acting out skits or moving around with their eyes
closed. These suggestions will remain until the end of the show because I SAY THEY WILL when I give them! What YOU
say is so, IS SO!

Another semi-permanent suggestion I give will be for the group and individuals to re-enter this deep state of sleep, peace
and relaxation instantly upon my command.

Yet another suggestion I give is,

‘No matter what happens tonight or how you might feel in the moment at NO TIME will you become violent or physically aggressive in any way.
You’ll not kick, bite, pull hair, spit or throw things at your peers, audience or the hypnotist, but remain physically peaceful in every way, harming
neither yourself or others as pissed off and animated as you might be or as heated and frustrating as the situation may become.

This is a permanent suggestion and hearing it now both consciously and unconsciously CAUSES these effects to remain with you until this same
time tomorrow in which case they’ll fade away easily and naturally.’

By telling my subject’s certain suggestions are ‘permanent’ and/or WILL REMAIN until X happens (they leave the theatre or
venue) or until Y time (later that night, when the show ends or even when they go to bed this evening) I insure that a few
general safety measures are taken.

Now I can clear out any and all other suggestions and negate or replace any other hypnotic phenomena knowing full and well
with supreme confidence and authority that my PERMANENT (temporarily permanent!) suggestions will remain stuck in
place and continue to be followed throughout the program.

The general guideline I follow otherwise for clearing all other suggestions is this:

1). I give a suggestion and have my subject act upon that suggestion accordingly.

2). Once the suggestion has been followed and the desired phenomena/effect is produced I clear the suggestion completely
and/or replace it with another suggestion which negates its effects.

An example of this would be if I re-induced a person and said,

‘Person I’m now touching…as I count from one to three and say the words WIDE AWAKE you’ll notice your own name has completely escaped
your mind, thoughts and consciousness at this time.

Try as hard as you wish but you WILL NOT be able to say, think of or remember your own name! When I count from one to three and say the
words WIDE AWAKE you’ll be alert, refreshed and happy to be here though unable to speak or remember your own first and last name.

The more you try and remember your own name the more it escapes you and your best efforts completely. And as you remember to forget your own
name now you’ll find yourself becoming more and more relaxed with each passing moment and your name will stay GONE until I say

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Hello and how are you this evening?


Would you like to be hypnotized tonight? You would!? Perfect! Well, my name is Jerome…and your name is…?’

The subject will be unable or unwilling to speak their own name at this point.

Once the subject has responded perfectly to my suggestion and has been proven unable to remember or say their own name
multiple times I’ll say the word ‘SLEEP’ and put them out again. At this point I’ll continue by tapping on the subject’s head
or shoulder (LIGHTLY!) while saying,

‘Person I’m now touching…take a deep breath now as my previous suggestions fade away from your mind and thoughts completely. All back to
normal now and your name has returned just as quickly as it vanished only THIS TIME when I ask you to repeat your name aloud the harder
you try to say your name, the more you stutter, hiccup, spit and stammer. The more you stutter, hiccup, spit and stammer the more difficult it
becomes to pronounce your own name.

1, 2, 3 – WIDE AWAKE! And your name is?’

During my show I go down the line and give rapid fire suggestions to multiple people at once. After the group has acted
upon their individual suggestions I’ll put them all back to ‘sleep’ at once and tell them collectively that my prior suggestions
are fading from their minds and thoughts now and they’re all back to normal, having a great time with hypnosis and ready
and willing to respond to my next suggestion which is THIS (enter suggestion).

Remember to clear and erase your previous suggestions when necessary. This doesn’t need to be done before and after each
new suggestion UNLESS the old one would AFFECT the previous one as in our ‘name’ example prior.

I’ll often give a few suggestions at once, switch, alter and transfer them and their effects around before removing them all at
once and proceeding. I might give each subject or the group 2 or 3 suggestions before putting them back out and clearing my
previous suggestions and their effects before implanting new ones and moving on.

Anytime a participant seems to be confused I’ll put them under and tap them while saying,

‘All prior suggestions are fading gently and quickly from your thoughts now – your mind feels clear and refreshed, completely relaxed, all back to
normal and ready to (enter suggestion).’

You should also realize now that it’s NOT NECESSARY to put your subject’s back to sleep between suggestions to
alter/change or clear and implant NEW SUGGESTIONS! You can (and should) do this in their current state by simply
telling them so!

An example of this would be SNAPPING or lightly tapping a hypnotized subject while saying, ‘And now that suggestion fades
away from your mind completely…and in its place your feet become stuck to the floor making it impossible for you to move!’

This will save time and allow you to work with more people much faster than putting them all out again between skits,
routines and individual suggestions. I change my suggestions and their effects multiple times before I put the subject’s ‘out’
again (eyes closed), clear my suggestions and then proceed with new ones, waking them up and watching as they act on my

Though there’s a lot behind the performance of hypnosis this isn’t really rocket science. Use your good common sense and
constantly allow yourself to experience the suggestions you give from your subject’s point of view and experience. If
something you say would confuse YOU then chances are very high that your subjects are lost at that point. A lost or

confused subject will not respond as well as they can, could or should. Clear any confusing suggestions you give, make them
easier to understand and then move on with the show or demonstration.

Clear out your prior suggestions when you need to and remember to keep your hypnotic suggestions, commands and
instructions to the subject(s) short, clear and to the point. Tell your subjects EXACTLY what you want and wish/desire for
them to do and HOW you want them to do it! Give examples when necessary and remember to have fun during the process!
This should be PLAY, not work – though always professional.

Hypnosis should be an enjoyable, fun, exciting, entertaining and powerful experience for your subjects and your audience.
Include yourself among them because in reality you are a combination of them both and enjoy what you do.

Terminating Trance

At this point let us end whatever hypnosis demonstration or session we’re facilitating and terminate trance. To
terminate trance means to end the hypnotic trance, return the client/subject back to their normal state of mind
and bring the session or show to a close.

Just like deep relaxation can occur by counting down for a time (with suggestions to relax) bringing the client/subject out of
this relaxed state is easy and involves counting up from 1 to 5 (or from 1 to 3 if on stage between sets and routines).

Before you completely terminate the trance state ALWAYS give your client/subject a post hypnotic/future suggestion to re-
enter this deep and peaceful state of hypnosis (or ‘relaxed focused awareness’) at will when they are working with YOU.

This is only necessary if you will be working with this person again or are doing a regular hypnosis stage show. If this is a
Guerrilla (impromptu) demonstration of hypnosis this suggestion can be forfeited.

Always give positive suggestions that uplift, empower and inspire the client to feel good about themselves, their life and
especially about their experience with you.

End your trance with a formal trance termination sequence that includes COUNTING UP with suggestions of positive
health, clarity of mind and general well being.

When it’s time to terminate trance use the following guideline to get your client to open their eyes feeling aware, revitalized
and refreshed.


I’m going to count up from 1 to 5 and when I get to the number 5 allow your eyes to open and center your mind and thoughts back here in the room
with me now – feeling refreshed, revitalized and rejuvenated on every level – fully awake, conscious and aware – having had a great experience
through hypnosis with me today…

1: Begin easily, calmly and gently allowing your mind and body to return to their full awareness once again…

2: Each muscle, nerve and fiber stays loose, limp and relaxed; feeling great in every way…

3: Your conscious mind and thoughts are coming back to you even faster now, feeling perfect in every way, shape and form…

4: Your eyes begin to feel sparkling clear as though they have been washed in clear mountain spring water. Your mouth feels fresh, clean and moist.
On the next number your eyes open up completely now as you remain calm, refreshed and alert…

AND 5: Eyes open, wide awake! Take a long, deep breath again and fill your lungs up with air… take a nice stretch… How do you feel?

Realize that your client is still in a very relaxed and HIGHLY suggestible state. Give them positive suggestions as they
continue to ease back into normal consciousness.

After terminating trance I always ask a simple question. This question is either, ‘How do you feel?’ or ‘Who do I remind you of ?’

With the first question, this is meant to simply get the client speaking, participating, responding and consciously thinking
again. It also allows me to anchor the positive physical and emotional states and make any last minute adjustments if

The second question is more therapy centered – it allows me to make certain the process was a deeply affecting and uplifting,
POSITIVE one and that my client does not have any negative attachments or associations with me as the therapist.

I don’t use these questions after my stage show trance termination unless I’m sticking around afterwards to speak with people
(the norm). As they approach me to share their experience and shake my hand I’ll often ask one or both questions during the

There is no ‘wrong answer’ to either question, really.

The second question can signal red flags if there is a problem, however. We don’t want to have rushed the trance termination
and be associated with some negative memory or experience with an abusive father or ex-husband or whatever the case may
be. The question itself simply allows me to check and cover my basis and make certain they associate me with myself, or with
someone or something positive after a formal hypnotherapy session.

Variations on this ‘counting out’ and terminating trance procedure I favor are as follows,

‘One – allowing your mind and thoughts to meet each other once again on a conscious level…

Two – knowing that you can BE, DO and HAVE anything and everything you desire.

Three – accepting that you are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and prosperous.

Four – feeling as though your eyes and mouth have been bathed in pure mountain spring water and like you’ve just had a full 8 hours of sleep, a 4
hour massage, 2 hours in a Jacuzzi and full hour of sunbathing…

And as I say this last number your eyes will open, you’ll be wide awake, fully conscious, centered and aware – back here completely in the room
with me now and feeling perfect in every way.’

1, 2, 3, 4 & FIVE – Eyes open, wide awake! Take a deep breath and smile…

How was that for you? How do you feel?’

I also use,

‘One – moment to moment you are giving and receiving; realize that you are making perfect choices and learning perfect lessons. As you breath in
you take in (and receive) the breath of life and as you exhale you give, share and provide life, nourishment and energy to the world around you…

Two – empowered with the awareness that you can be, do and have anything and everything you desire. Accepting the truth now that you are
whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and prosperous; that you can have a perfect body, the ideal mate or companion, complete
protection, total fulfillment and great success…

Three – connected to the Earth, the rocks, the trees, the streams, the clouds and the flowers. Allowing your mind, body and Spirit to be connected
completely now to the people who love and care about you – the situations and circumstances that serve your Highest and Greatest Good – knowing
the Universe has a plan for you and continues to place you in the right place at the right time in all that you do…

Four – celebrating your own honesty, courtesy, integrity, self control, perseverance and indomitable spirit through the incredible power of your mind
and process of self hypnosis.

On the last number you’ll open your eyes feeling wide awake and perfect in every way as if you’ve just had a full eight hours of sleep and a 4 hour

Before we end though, (name), I’d like to tell you how extremely impressed I am by your progress this afternoon and how well you’ve done in your
session with me.

On this last number you can open your eyes and experience the sense of security and satisfaction that lets you know right now that you’re a secure
individual, fully in charge of your senses and capabilities, absolutely secure in your business, life and personal relationships and with these feelings
of warmth and peace and security in mind…

1, 2, 3, 4 and…5


During trance termination you can use whatever messages, procedure and positive suggestions you wish. You might start to
give post hypnotic suggestions as early as the COUNT OUT for your client to instantly re-enter this same deep state of
peace and relaxation whenever you count backwards from 5 to 1 (or 3 to 1) and say the words ‘SLEEP’ or ‘Deeply Relaxed.’

I normally give these suggestions immediately after the first induction, once mid-session and again during the count out.
Instead of linking these re-induction suggestions to the process and procedure of counting you can use something else if
you wish, such as sitting down in a special chair, hearing a certain key word, reciting a personal affirmation, being tapped
three times on their left wrist, etc.

I’ll often fire off an anchor I’ve set previously during the session so my client FEELS GREAT as they come out of their
trance and hypnotic experience with me. They should be feeling this way naturally and by setting off an anchor just prior to
the final count your subject will feel even better.

During my count out I’ll often tap, touch or nudge the client to bring their conscious awareness back to their body. If
working with a large group of people or in a stage show I obviously don’t include this personal contact.

In my private sessions and readings I have a bottle of cold water and a light snack ready for the client. This can be (and often
is) as simple as a few chips or crackers, Hershey Kisses candies (or Werthers hard candy) and breath mints or gum available
for the subject. These days I opt for an apple, orange or banana and offer these to my clients with a bottle of water after their

This is another subtle and remarkable tactic.

For a few minutes AFTER the trance termination your client and subjects will be HIGHLY SUGGESTIBLE. This is the
time I use to set another appointment or continue to give positive suggestions, feedback, praise and encouragement.

By offering the client something sweet at this point we get a SUGAR INDUCTION and the natural act of chewing and
digesting light snacks at this time further helps bring the subject back to a conscious awareness.

Also, in the future whenever my client has a piece of fruit, gum, chocolate or candy of the kind and type I’ve offered them
they’ll naturally begin to feel good, think about me and remember our session together.

Congratulations, Again!

At this point in the ‘Thought Veil’ course you are well on your way to a successful career and stage performance as
a highly trained hypnotist and Reality Engineer.

There is a lot to cover in this course and we have just barely skimmed the surface.

By using the basic inductions and simple procedures included in this book you’re now able to hypnotize practically
ANYONE, ANYWHERE in just 3 minutes or less. This is a highly valuable and practical skill to have. Give yourself a pat on
the back!

The 3 Minute Induction is the foundation for many other inductions. I still use it regularly with some additional tidbits. A few
ways I make the Elman induction more effective is by adding some deep, cyclic breathing to the procedure with short color
visualizations and stronger suggestions.

I’ll describe one more induction for you to begin working with and then we’ll look at many variations on popular inductions,
how to deepen the trance state, how to anchor states and suggestions, how to give positive affirmations and programs and
much more.

The Finley Handshake Induction

The following is my personal variation on the ever popular and classic ‘Handshake Induction.’ Like the ‘3 Minute
Induction’ this handshake technique was developed through the work and efforts of Dave Elman. It’s a ‘staple’
induction and a perfect training model for ‘Thought Veil’ students.

An issue arises with inductions like this that I’ll get out of the way here in the beginning. The original handshake technique
entailed walking up to a person and using the following induction on them without consent. Though such hypnotic
inductions can and do still work (as do the better shock, instant and rapid inductions forthcoming) I find them inappropriate
and offensive in many ways. To use a hypnotic induction without prior warning, consent and permission is rude,
inconsiderate and could be dangerous.

This becomes a tricky issue because hypnosis is great for strolling performances and street shows. Like street magic, I loathe
the street hypnosis acts which entail assaulting people who did not ask for magic and who were not prepared to deal with a
street magician on a mission to gratify his own ego.

There is a huge difference between accosting people with magic, mentalism, readings and/or hypnosis and simply being able
to perform these art forms on the street and other impromptu type venues when hired to or sincerely requested.

For example, though both can be considered ‘street magic’ there is a world of difference between the old street buskers and
Master showmen who set up their shops in the City Square, on famous Piers, Parks and Street Corners (as they have done for
the last 40 years in some cases!) and the young teenager who bothers people while they are eating as his friend sits in the
background and tries to film the performance with a rented video camera.

An exception to this rule of ‘no warning hypnosis’ is when it has been established that hypnosis and trance work is part of
the show, process at hand or demonstration and COULD possibly be used on anyone at any time. There are some specific
routines which are presented this way inside of ‘Thought Veil.’

Derren Brown is often seen using rapid inductions on his audience members during his mentalism show as they come to
meet him on stage. To an audience these inductions are very powerful and remarkable. The image stays with a person for a
very long time, but then again, any properly performed induction and hypnotized subject WILL.

Impromptu performances of magic and mentalism with hypnosis are still among my favorite. It’s when true miracles can
occur and they come on unexpectedly that I really love what I do.

Though I can and will hypnotize anyone, anytime and anywhere I ALWAYS ask for their permission first and most of the
time I let THEM come to ME. As I spoke about earlier, these types of performances usually happen for me when a person
or group of people first learns about whom I am and what I do. I might be at a party where the host and home owner
introduces me to a large group of people as a psychic or hypnotist or a psychic-hypnotist () and as a result they beg and
plead for some small demonstration.

In all cases I make those who request a private demonstration wait. I am not a performance monkey and it’s a rare treat when
I decide to share my gifts and talents. I do not give this stuff out and away for free, though I don’t charge for these
impromptu performances, of course.

Do the right thing before you attempt to hypnotize a person; introduce yourself and be honest about your abilities, create
proper rapport and a sense of trust and mutual respect. Be safe and considerate and never attempt to force hypnosis on
someone who is not willing to participate.

In this course we will look at how to negate resistance to this work, short opening lectures and the ‘elevator pitch’ to put
people at ease about our work and performances as hypnotists.

End of rant – let’s move on with the famous Handshake Induction…


After a proper introduction and SOME level of rapport has been established continue with your impromptu demonstration
of the handshake technique by saying,

‘If I could show you how to relax in less than one minute you’d like that, wouldn’t you?’

Nodding your head up and down as you give this statement makes it much more likely that your subject will respond in the
affirmative. When your subject has agreed, continue by saying…

Great, here’s what I’m going to have you do…

At this point you are going to just show the individual HOW to respond, almost like a trial or test run at this point, or so it
seems. The real reason here is you are conditioning the subject and preparing them for a full on trance in less than 60
seconds. Once this ‘test run’ has been completed you will do it for real and drop your subject into a deep state of hypnosis
(relaxed, focused awareness).

I’m going to shake your hand four (4) times…

…The first time I shake your hand, your eyes are going to start to feel heavy. Let them.

The second time I shake your hand, you’re going to want to close your eyes.

The third time I shake your hand, simply allow your eyes to close on down, easily and naturally.

The fourth and final time I shake your hand, continue standing and allow yourself to relax completely. I’ll stand here to brace you…

As you give your subject the above instructions you are gripping their hand and shaking it; you are showing them exactly
what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and what you EXPECT them to do (or what is going to happen) as a

Now take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Wonderful! Take in another deep breath
and hold it…and now let it go…perfect!

Here we go. Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it will happen easily and naturally…here we go…


Shake hand up and down again while saying,

First time your eyes are going to feel heavy…

Second time you’re going to want to close them…

Third time, just go ahead and close your eyes down gently…

Fourth and final time simply relaxing completely now and SLEEP!

As I give the command to ‘SLEEP’ I tug very, VERY gently on my subject’s hand/arm. I don’t yank it and I’m not being
forceful at all. This pulling is simply to cause the hypnotized subject to lean into me and/or up against me.

Because my right hand is doing the shaking my LEFT HAND is now free to grab my subject behind their neck at the back
of their head and gently rock and cradle them as my right hand continues to gently pull them forward and leans them into
my shoulder.

Once this is done I continue with my suggestions and instructions. There will be further tips and subtleties soon so please
read through this induction entirely.

After I say, ‘Fourth and final time simply relaxing completely now and SLEEP!’ the subject is left dazed and hypnotized. I don’t want
them to fall down or even entertain the thought of it. It’s funny how most people think and believe if they are hypnotized
they are SUPPOSED to fall down and flop around like a wet noodle. To make sure this doesn’t happen and nobody gets hurt
I follow this last command up with, ‘Legs frozen and stuck firmly in place, your knees are locked, standing and sleeping, standing and
sleeping, deeply relaxed and listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions. You’re doing perfectly!’

Take another BIG, deep breath for me and exhale slowly…

Each time you relax like this you’ll find yourself relaxing deeper, faster and even more completely, responding to my ideas and positive suggestions
for you and instantly able to re-enter this deep state of peace and relaxation whenever I touch your head like this (tap forehead) and say the word

I’ll now count to 3 and when I get to three you will open your eyes feeling wide awake and perfect in every way, better for having realized the power
of your mind through hypnosis today.


How do you feel?

And that’s it! This is very simple, extremely easy to use and completely effective.

The handshake technique is a real beauty and one of those rare inductions that anyone can learn to do well in just a few short
minutes. I often use it and its variations in my mentalism routines, demonstrations of mind reading, as a quick relaxation
session prior to my readings and as a fast, effective demonstration of hypnosis for INSTANT relaxation.

There are a few nuances that will make this handshake technique and induction work even better for you.

1). When shaking the subject’s hand in the beginning I extend my forefinger and use it to TOUCH my subject on their wrist
as I ask the initial question, ‘If I could show you how to relax completely in less than a minute, you’d like that wouldn’t you?’ and continue
to shake my head ‘YES’ as I give the suggestion.

By reaching out with my forefinger and lightly touching the inside wrist (where one might find a pulse) I throw my subject
off a bit. They are not used to shaking hands like this, it seems slightly unusual. What I’m doing here is using confusion with
a question and non-verbal conditioning (shaking my head ‘YES’ to elicit a ‘YES’ answer from the subject).

This technique works especially well when my subject already knows that I’m a hypnotist. Immediately they feel like I am
‘doing something’ that is going to have an effect on them.

To cause the people I meet to remember me for a very long time after just a brief encounter I use this handshake technique
(index finger extended, touching their wrist) as we first meet and shake hands.

With a firm handshake, direct eye contact, a warm smile and mirroring AFTER the handshake it is likely the people I meet
will remember me always. Touching their wrist with my index finger is slightly unusual, but not enough so to cause a ruckus
or break rapport. It simply marks me in the subject’s mind.

These things all working together have never failed to get the appropriate response and in over 10 years of using the full
Handshake Induction I’ve not once had it fail.

I HAVE had someone fall down on me though which is why I include the suggestions now that my subject is stuck to the
floor, legs and knees locked in place, standing sleeping, etc.

2). The SECOND TIME I go through the motions I use BOTH of my hands to shake the subject’s hand – like a politician’s
handshake. This is for a few reasons…the first is that as we draw towards the actual command to ‘SLEEP!’ I’m going to
gently pull my client towards me with both hands – this will get them leaning in before the command to ‘sleep’ goes off.

After I give the command to sleep my left hand releases its grip from the duo-grip position. My left hand is going to travel up
the subject’s back (not touching) and brace the back of their head and neck to further pull them forward and rest them on
my shoulder. The right hand is pulling them in by their arm/hand and my left hand is further pulling them into me from
behind their neck and head.

To create a bit more confusion and to plant the subject and keep them planted, once they are leaning into me I will gently
pull their arm and wrist straight down, towards the ground.

While this is happening I am giving the instructions and suggestions of being locked into place, standing sleeping (etc) as I
gently lean them against me.

I choose to lean the subject against me so I can let go of their wrist as both of my hands come up to brace the subject by
their shoulders (both, one hand on each side) so that I can step out from beneath them (I circle to their right, still holding
onto them), stand them up straight (sleeping) and continue with my routine, inductions and suggestion.

You might have a different preference for handling the standing/sleeping subject. Go with what is safe and what works for
you during this process. Unless you hurt yourself or someone else there is no way to fail here.

The tip about shaking your head ‘YES’ as you ask a question (and are seeking an affirmative answer) is one of those little
gold nuggets that has great effects. This goes back to the whole can of worms known as ‘non verbal communication.’

As hypnotists we should be conscious of how we are using our body when we communicate. For example, when we
VERBALLY say ‘Yes’ our head should also be nodding up and down in a ‘yes’ manner and fashion. This will assist in making
the subject agree with us and come along for the ride willingly.

Likewise, I often see people who send plenty of mixed signals because they unconsciously shake their head ‘NO’ when
verbally saying ‘yes’ and vice versa. It’s really strange and when I see this happening I know instantly that this person is
confused, mixed up or unclear about what they want and what they are communicating.

Your body language should reflect the words you are using, properly.

As well as shaking my head ‘Yes’ I also raise my eyebrows and look straight ahead to inspire my subject to respond in a ‘YES’
manner and fashion as well. I might also pace yes’s for a few moments beforehand (more on this in a bit) and use other
techniques to get my participant to respond accordingly in the affirmative.

It should be noted that most of the time you won’t need any subterfuge or persuasion techniques at all. People will hear that
you’re a hypnotist and they’ll be waiting in lines to speak with you. Many of these people WILL ask you if they can be
hypnotized. When they do, use the Handshake Induction.

I use this induction whenever someone is curious about hypnosis and how it looks and feels to be hypnotized. It’s the perfect
ice-breaker and lead in for a private session OR a more in depth demonstration here and now.

During a piece of mind reading I will often feign NOT getting the information and suggest something that might help
before quitting and admitting defeat altogether…

‘If I could place you into a momentary state of relaxed, focused awareness for this to work properly, you’d be open to that, wouldn’t you?’ (said
while shaking my head up and down and raising my eyebrows as though saying ‘yes!’).

Wonderful. Take my hand, because in a moment I am going to shake it four times…

And I proceed with the induction as outlined above.

After I have given the command to sleep and stand in place sleeping and relaxing deeply (etc) I ask my now hypnotized
subject to recall the name, card, word, number (whatever they have in mind) INTHEIR MIND AND IMAGINATION

I request my subject to nod ‘yes’ when they can see the hidden information in their mind’s eye. Of course they will nod here
very quickly. At this point the induction and mind reading process has garnered quite the attention. People are astonished and
waiting on the edge of their seat to see what happens next! This is perfect and I am exactly where I want to be.

I routinely give my subject very clear suggestions to take a deep breath, SEE the information in their mind and surround the
image in COLORED LIGHT. This simply helps me to further alter their brainwave patterns and induce a deeper form of
trance. I also give suggestions that by doing this they are helping me to get to the information locked inside the mind for
both our benefit.

Once I have milked the theatrics here I bring my subject/participant out of their trance state (positive suggestions, counting
out and everything else still applies!) and ‘try’ once more to divine the information held ONLY in their mind…

Of course this time I get it, and the crowd goes wild.

Often afterwards I am swarmed by people who want me to hypnotize them or read their mind. They are always incredibly
impressed, extremely courteous and respectful and still in shock and awe long after the show or demonstration has finished.

The procedure for the ‘Handshake Induction’ can be turned into a verbal pacing sequence I’ll teach you as we progress. This is a
method I favor in many of my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ skits and inductions.

At this point let’s take a break and share a few of my favorite impromptu pieces of mentalism with ‘Thought Veil’ owners.
Among these following routines is the psychological opener I use, a short hypnosis routine plus something I call it ‘The
Hypnotic Book Test’ and all of them are cherished favorites. I often use THBT with the above and similar inductions as well as
with the following routines. I know you will love and continue to use them in your work and performances.

As we continue through this course I’ll be sharing a number of direct mind reading routines and demonstrations, individual
effects and full blown showpieces I use to make a nice, comfortable living for myself and my family.


The EZ Hypnosis Routine

This is a series of inductions, suggestibility tests and hypnotic demonstrations I often use in my walk around mentalism, at
home parties as an additional bit of business, in bars, at cocktail parties and banquets, on the street in impromptu situations
and more.

The beauty of this piece is that it uses NO PROPS of any kind, can be lengthened or shortened according to the time you
have or wish to spend with the subject’s, it’s extremely effective and will cause a huge, positive commotion among your

Hypnotists are prone to the same delusions that most magicians and mentalists suffer from. It’s easy to forget how extremely
effective the BASICS of our craft are. It’s common to search for ‘the next best thing’ while forgetting or rejecting those early
techniques we used and drew upon during our formative stages.

This routine is very basic (SOLID) and therein lies its beauty. Do not let its foundational nature dissuade you. A great
entertainer will use this piece to entertain and enthrall dozens or even hundreds of people with very little effort.

I get into this routine by bringing up the subject of hypnosis. If working for a group of people in a walk around situation I’ll
simply ask, ‘Which of you here has been hypnotized before?’

This is possibly the best suggestibility test one could use. If ANYONE you meet has already been successfully hypnotized
make it a point to work with that person! They are primed and ready to go.

By asking WHO has been hypnotized before you are making it obvious that you are a hypnotist and that something
‘hypnotic’ is forthcoming. You’ll see the faces, expressions and energy of the people you’re working with change immediately.

Your guests KNOW what’s coming next and they start to EXPECT a demonstration of hypnosis to follow this question.
Remember that expectation = realization. These people are effectively setting themselves up for a great, miniature hypnosis

Realize the following routine can be used by itself or together with magic (or preferably) mentalism. I often use it as one of
my early pieces to drum up interest and excitement in the venue I’m working. I might use the entire routine a few times over
the course of an evening with different groups of people and I also like to use it when closing my set.

This routine and full demonstration is PERFECT after one or two pieces of really strong mentalism first and then asking,
‘Which of you here has been hypnotized?’

Immediately you’ll find people that have or have not been hypnotized before and you’ll also have to deal with a barrage of
stories, questions, comments and people reacting to the mere question and possibility of hypnosis becoming part of their life
and night.

The audience will get very excited and you must control the situation to avoid spending too much time answering questions
or hearing stories about a ‘friend of a friend’ who was hypnotized once, etc.

After asking the question and seeing if I’ve got anybody that’s been hypnotized previously I say, ‘Let’s try something together.
Hold your hands like this’ and move directly into the ‘finger screws’ or ‘magnetic hands’ test.

If I get someone who has been successfully hypnotized prior (or would like to be!) I move them to a suitable space and
position (away from tables, out in the open and into a highly visible area for other people to see) and proceed.

I’ll ask people directly, ‘Have you been hypnotized before?’

If the answer is ‘no’ I ask them, ‘Would you like to be?’ while shaking my head ‘YES’ and raising my eyebrows.

If the answer is still ‘no’ I use this person anyways. I tell them, ‘I promise not to hypnotize you if YOU PROMISE not to hypnotize
yourself. Can I get you to stand right over here for a moment and play along with us? I promise it won’t hurt a bit and you won’t end up running
around this place barking like a dog or clucking like a chicken!’

If there is ANY hesitation at all I gently tell my soon-to-be participant, ‘All we’re going to do here is gauge the power and potential of
your mind; it’s a ton of fun and incredible to witness and you won’t be hypnotized by playing along. Come on (showing them where to stand),
I want EVERYONE to do this…’

This is a very gentle, very relaxed way of handling things. I do my best to make the process fun and non-threatening. I’m
using a very friendly, comforting approach. For some individuals or groups I might turn the tables and become very paternal,
commanding and authoritative.

Most times you’ll have friends of the resistant subject also coaxing them into playing. This is working to your advantage and I
know the people who do so will be excellent subjects because they want to participate and they want this to work.

If this were a full blown stage show I would eliminate resistance in the very beginning through my opening lines, lecture and
addressing the common fears people have regarding hypnosis…

This really is ideal, however, since this piece has been developed specifically for my impromptu work I have skipped over it
for time. In the majority of cases you’ll have the people you ask lining up and willing to ‘try hypnosis’ for the first time in
their lives.

Of course it always helps to bullshit your way through these situations by dropping some credentials or blatantly claiming to
be one of the world’s fastest and/or leading Master Hypnotist to assure your guests they are in caring, capable hands.

In the case where ANY person is highly resistant and cannot be inspired to play along through gentle coaxing I simply leave
them be. I don’t want to waste my time or alienate my guests.

Many times would be participants are slightly hesitant because they don’t want to look foolish in front of their friends or co-
workers. These unvoiced concerns can be addressed very casually during the process. Usually folks just need a bit of
reassurance to proceed. You’ll know when this is the case and when it’s best to leave them alone.

If proper rapport has been established and I’ve already rocked my participant’s with a great piece of mentalism this part is
not ever an issue and I’ll have multiple happy and willing subjects.

Once I have at least ONE subject (duh) and up to about 6 or 8 for this miniature showing I proceed. Great results can be
obtained with only one guest or as few as two or three working together.

The beauty of hypnosis is the more people you have to work with, the better your results will be because the participant’s
tend to feed off of each other. There is a tendency to want to ‘put on a better show’ than their friends are, can or will be.

At this point I have my subject’s standing in a short line (side by side) or sitting in an open space. Again I want them to be
highly visible to everyone around and I desire for the space I’m in to be comfortable and allowing for movement to take
place. If the area is cramped I proceed the best as I can with what I have available.

I proceed by using a simple induction. For our early purposes you can choose from the ‘3 Minute Induction’ or the ‘Handshake
Induction’ both of which are suitable for this short routine. You can also use the ‘3MI’ on a few guests and the ‘HSI’ on your
last and final participant for that ‘awe’ factor and to change it up a bit. This method is highly recommended.

Personally I simply have my guests close their eyes, take a few deep breaths and visualize a shorter version of the ‘Rainbow
Induction.’ I lead them through just three colors here – red, yellow and green. I allow them to imagine the colors on a traffic
light and as each color blinks and traffic moves they enter a deep state of relaxation and focused concentration. This full
process with many different people only takes a minute or so and alters their brainwave patterns thus producing the desired

I frame this experience as a way of showing my participant’s how to relax completely, deeply, easily and naturally in just a few
short moments. I tell them we’ll conduct a few simple tests to demonstrate the power and potential of their mind when
following suggestions and then bring them out of this soft and gentle state of relaxed focused awareness to go about their
night, changed positively and beneficially forever...

I openly tell my participants they will NOT be hypnotized and that I’m only introducing them to a positive and vibrant ‘trance
like state’ momentarily. Before moving on and with these few simple words I ask if there’s anyone else who would like to get
involved before I begin.

Start by having your subjects close their eyes and take a few deep breaths. Instruct them on HOW to breathe; in through the
nose and out through the mouth at a very even pace.

At this point a few things should have already happened. If you’ve been following my words and instructions in this course
closely you will have already developed and maintained a solid or even very deep state of rapport with your guests.

You would have also followed the rule of 3 or 4 suggestions such as ‘stand right here, feet together, back straight and take a deep breath’
to lower their resistance and get the group responding to your simple ideas, suggestions and instructions.

In the moment your guests are now aligned, eyes closed and taking a few deep breaths focused gently on the sound of your
voice. Any outside noises or commotion in the environment only serves them to relax even deeper now…

The technique I implement is the short color visualization (three colors, mentioned above) and instruct my subject’s to open
their eyes, still deeply relaxed, before proceeding with the individual tests.

BEFORE I have my guests open their eyes I remind/instruct them that although they are not hypnotized (!) that any time I say the
words, ‘SLEEP!’ or ‘DEEPLY RELAXED’ they will close their eyes, take a deep breath and re-enter this peaceful state of
relaxed, focused awareness instantly, easily and naturally.

As I give this suggestion (to re-enter sleep and relaxation) I tap or touch each of the participant’s lightly upon the head or
shoulder to anchor and mark my suggestion.

After I do this I REPEAT myself and my prior suggestion, ‘Again, although you are NOT hypnotized, any time I command the word
‘SLEEP’ or ‘DEEPLY RELAXED’ I want you to close your eyes, take a deep breath and re-enter this peaceful state of relaxed focused
awareness, easily and naturally and even 10 TIMES deeper than before. This is easy!’

All the above does is relax your participant’s and give them a PROCESS to respond to. In their mind your instructions must
have some result or purpose. They know that something ‘different’ is happening here, they just might not be sure ‘what’ that
different-something is. All of these techniques and inductions impress the idea upon their mind that a change is taking place
and that ‘something’ is happening as a result.

The participants also begin using a bit of reverse psychology on themselves. I keep telling them they are NOT hypnotized, so
they MUST BE hypnotized…

To further cement this idea, when asking my subjects to open their eyes I do this in traditional hypno-fashion…

‘1, 2 & 3 – WIDE AWAKE!’

Very good! How is everybody feeling?’ (Smiling at my guests).

To everybody watching or listening this looks and feels like hypnosis.

At this point I have fun with it. I approach my subject’s and introduce myself, extending my hand to shake their hand. ‘Hello,
thank you for playing along this evening. My name is Jerome and you are?’

Once my subject has took my hand to shake it and has given me their name I DON’T let go of their hand just yet! I reply,
‘It’s very nice to meet you again (insert name) – will you do me a favor please and ‘SLEEP’…way down deep, listening closely to the sound of
my voice and relaxing very peacefully now… that’s perfect…’

Naturally my subject will close their eyes and enter a deeper state of relaxation as suggested prior. Though everyone watching
knows what to expect this is a fantastic, pure and extremely powerful moment. It’s working!

The reactions from this simple procedure will make you laugh and smile inside. It’s incredibly strong to see and experience
this happening firsthand. People on the outside will start going nuts and reacting.

Often the induction process is one of the most powerful parts of a hypnosis show and close up inductions are god-like in
their qualities. People marvel at them.

Now WHY do I wake my participants up and immediately re-induce one of them?

I want to make a statement and show people everywhere this works. I also want to impress this idea of perfect, instantaneous
sleep upon the minds of my other subjects. When possible I recommend coupling your verbal suggestions with a physical
example. I match words to actions and give my other participants a model to follow.

This is usually the part that scares new hypnotists. They wonder, ‘What if it doesn’t work?’

To be blunt, if you have followed my instructions and the material in this book it WILL work, without fail. Don’t make this
or the process of hypnosis harder or more difficult than it is. This is easy!

Proceed with confidence and you will get pristine results. IF for some bizarre reason your subject does not respond by
entering the suggested deep state of peace and relaxation I have given you easy methods to fake it. You will always come out
on top. Place your hand over their eyes as instructed and BLATANTLY TELL THEM to close their eyes!

Take control. You can do this.

Once I have re-induced and put this FIRST subject back to sleep I tap them on the shoulder and call them by name telling
them they are responding perfectly. I congratulate and reward them for having such an open, powerful mind and that now
we’ll see just how incredibly powerful their mind REALLY is.

I count to 3 and wake them up, again.

Now that everybody knows what’s going on and what I’m capable of/how they should (can and will) respond I go about my

1). Begin by having your subjects participate in the ‘Light/Heavy’ arm test together. Congratulate them on their results.
Remember that for the untrained layman your ‘suggestibility tests’ are immediately mistaken for actual hypnosis.

To those observing, these participants are not ‘testing’ their adaptability or ability to respond here; for all intents and
purposes to anybody watching they are ALREADY hypnotized and you are making their arms light and heavy through
hypnotic suggestion (the truth).

I turn each ‘test’ into a spectacle of mystery and magic. As my subject’s follow their instructions and suggestions (hands
raising and sinking) I walk around them and PRETEND to be forcing their hands/arms up and down with my invisible,
magnetic, hypnotic power.

Later I will push their hands and fingers together, seal their eyes shut with magical passes and more. I turn each test into a
BIG EVENT and share the credit and results with my participants.

2). Induce sleep as a group. Put them all out, again, as a group with the command ‘SLEEP.’ This happens instantly and will
make other gasp and stammer, amazed at your ability as ALL the subjects close their eyes, slump over and relax deeply.

At this point though it’s better if your subjects are seated as your participants can be more dramatic as they re-enter sleep.
That said, this can and will be done standing and in this case FIRM suggestions must be given that your subject’s feet are
planted firmly to the ground, knees locked into place, perfectly balanced and lightly relaxed. If at any time they feel about to
tip over, they are to open their eyes immediately and be wide awake, feeling perfect in every way.


Though standing hypnosis is very effective if you’re not right there to catch anyone who might tip or fall over it’s not worth
it. In the early stages especially I recommend that you work with fewer people so you can support them, enlist other audience
members to stand behind the subjects in case they fall and/or have your volunteers seated appropriately. Their personal
safety and well being is in your hands. Don’t risk it!

3). Give positive suggestions and affirmations to your participants. Tell them they are open minded, intuitive, receptive,
deeply relaxed and doing wonderfully. Tap or touch them lightly on the head, forehead, arm, hand or shoulder as you do.
Make contact.

4). Bring them out again by counting from 1 to 3 and ‘WIDE AWAKE!’

5). Proceed by going into another test. After the ‘Light/Heavy Arm’ test I use the ‘Rigid Arm’ test with the entire group. I find
myself the best responding participant and stick their arm to the floor or a table.

If any participant does not give me the results I’m looking for I instantly put them ‘out’ again (re-induce the sleeping trance
state) and wake them up again with new suggestions and instructions to follow my suggestions perfectly, finding their arm
completely unable to bend this time around.

By putting the participant ‘out’ and waking them up to try again the results will be different. You’ll see how and why this
works with my ‘Telepathy in Action’ material at the end of this course.

This is where learning to speak with binds, double binds, embedded commands (etc) will come in handy. You’ll be able to
create powerful suggestions on the spot to use with your subjects.

It’s rare but every once in awhile you’ll get a person who simply doesn’t wish to play at this point. If so, that’s perfectly fine.
Shake their hand and send them back to the bar.

The rigid arm test is the last one I will use on the entire group together. I split the rest of my tests up between participants to
lend variety to this short demonstration.

6). I put the group to sleep again, this time in different fashions. For one I might touch them on the forehead and command
‘SLEEP’ while for another I might snap my fingers over their head while giving the ‘RELAXING DEEPLY’ command.

For another I might back up across the room and hold my arm high in the air, above my head and suggest that when my arm
drops their eyes will close and their mind will enter a deep state of relaxation and awareness JUST AS BEFORE.

For another I might extend my index finger and instruct the subject to touch it with their index finger. When they do they’ll
feel an electric shock that puts them to sleep easily and naturally.

I don’t use Mesika’s ‘Electric Touch’ here, for the record. Suggestion is enough! My participant will touch my fingertip, jump
from the imagined jolt and go to sleep.

Once it has been established that your participant’s relax/sleep at your command you can then get creative and start re-
inducing them in different ways (more on these variations later).

7). At this point I’m about 4 or 5 minutes into the whole ‘mini-show.’ I don’t want to go over about 7 minutes for these short,
impromptu performances because I have readings and mind reading demonstrations to share with other guests and I’m being
paid by the hour. The next few minutes are important.

Splitting the ‘tests’ up between participants is easy and effective. I have one or two follow the ‘sealed eyes’ test, one or two
doing the ‘magnetic finger screws’, one or two following the ‘magnetic hands’ test and so on. I get multiple people each engaging in
these different tests and demonstrations simultaneously.

With each test my guests are lowering their resistance, following my instructions, deepening their level of awareness and
relaxation and getting positive attention, suggestions and reinforcement as a result.

Though only a simple, simple, simple induction and a few basic tests are used I have turned this short demonstration into a
very entertaining mini-show. By framing basic suggestibility tests as hypnotic phenomena (implying the subject’s are
ALREADY hypnotized) the tests (and subjects) will be mistaken as such.

Most other hypnotists use the ‘tests’ as a means to gauge suggestibility and lose a lot of the inherent power within them,
which for all intents and purposes looks exactly like hypnosis does!

Get familiar with a simple induction and short series of ‘tests’ you can use together comfortably. Though not the strongest
hypnosis demonstration a performer can give by any means, I cannot stress how entertaining and effective this is for other
people and the subjects. It’s great for a simple, powerful, impromptu demonstration.

Also realize that you can change this up later when you’ve become more proficient using these techniques. Even at a very
basic level there are ways to change these tests to get better, more personalized results.

For example, I can easily see which of my subjects are responding really well to my suggestions and are natural entertainers. I
use the best one, two or three subjects before I end this short group demonstration and give them each a few quick
suggestions of having their hands stuck together or to each other, being unable to move or speak, stuttering and stammering,
forgetting their name, getting hot or cold, seeing their favorite celebrity, giving or selling me all of their personal, valuable
possessions with imaginary money or bar peanuts (returned immediately afterwards, of course) and more.

You can also use a simple induction and series of ‘tests’ with incredible results with just ONE PERSON and aim it at the
group. Though only one subject is involved (the one I have the greatest rapport with) everybody still enjoys it!

Often I am booked to perform a duo mind reading/hypnosis demonstration. When this happens I offer up to 60 minutes of
walk around BEFORE the show (at a reduced rate). This allows me to do any preshow work I might wish to, warm up to the
guests and has another very sneaky advantage…

I use this time for my suggestibility tests as written above. It allows people to have a brief experience of hypnosis before the
actual show AND it allows me to find the best subjects and volunteers FOR the show in about an hour.

I also use my pet mentalism routines and give readings and create rapport, I get paid more and hand out more business cards
which equal more future bookings, clients for readings and private hypnosis sessions. It’s a win/win situation and one I take
full advantage of.

Instead of putting on a miniature show it’s very commercial and effective to simply launch straight in to the suggestibility
tests with an entire group (large or small). People are amazed at how their mind is able to respond to suggestions. With arms
raised in the air, arms unable to bend, eyes sealed shut, hands clasped and more it’s smiles all around.

I used to use these tests with the entire audience BEFORE asking guests who would like to be hypnotized to join me on
stage. I also use them WITH psychological forces as seen next.

As mentioned before, these ‘tests’ are great because like psychological/statistical forces everyone can get involved and have a
fun, interesting experience.

Keep this simple and effective demonstration in your mind and start using it. By implementing these basic techniques you
will only grow more comfortable and familiar with the skills I am teaching you. The next time someone asks you if you can
hypnotize them, say yes! You now have a very easy and very fun routine to use.

The 5 Star Psychological Opener

This routine is one of my personal favorites and one which I continue to reap great mileage and reactions from. I
use it close up, one-on-one, with small and large groups and on stage to engage everyone in my audience
simultaneously. I love this piece A LOT.

Like most of the material I favor this particular routine uses no props, can be used with a single individual or a very large
group (any size), there is nothing to find, nothing to go wrong or get busted with and it hits very, very hard.

This routine is also a very natural way to select the best possible participants for a forthcoming demonstration and is
structured in such a way wherein those who meet with success and would be perfect candidates cannot refuse to assist me or
do well as participants.

I have found that people who respond well to psychological/subliminal forces make wonderful candidates for hypnosis and
‘Telepathy in Action’ ESPECIALLY when they are told their success makes them perfect candidates!

My ‘5 Star Opener’ is a perfect combination and layering of 5 psychological/statistical forces with a very strong effect. This is
the piece I use to open up my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence.

I’ve used this piece before my hypnosis shows for a number of years (as opposed to more traditional suggestibility tests) and
it allows me to secure the best, most responsive participants for my show and following demonstrations.

It would be a great mistake to overlook this piece or share it with others. I really love using this routine as an ice breaker
when strolling and performing for both small and large groups. It provides a perfect entrance and segues into either mind
reading pieces or hypnosis.

I’ve incorporated a lot of very sound psychology here. These nuances were learned through hard won experience and I trust
you’ll all appreciate what I’ve done here.


Audience members pick up on the unspoken thoughts and mental projections of the performer with startling success.

The most successful audience members are incorporated in the evening’s full show and program, i.e. the proceeding
demonstrations of hypnosis and telepathy.


After I’ve taken the stage and have been introduced to my audience (or introduced myself in close up venues) I offer this
piece as a ‘test’ or a ‘mental, psychic game’ we can all play and enjoy.

I describe this routine as a process that will allow me to gauge how open and receptive one is to sending and receiving
unspoken thoughts.

I tell my audience that I’m holding a few pieces of information in mind that will become more significant very shortly.

‘In fact I’ve been projecting these thoughts to various audience members FROM BACKSTAGE for the last 15 minutes. Some of you might have
already begun to pick up on them. This might have taken the form of odd images or random thoughts and feelings entering your mind for no
apparent reason. Now that each of you has learned WHERE these supposedly ‘random’ thoughts are coming from, let’s explore WHY.

I’m a big fan of taking credit for as much ‘additional phenomena’ as possible.

Those of you familiar with my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ and ‘Vanilla’ scripts are already well aware of this. This presentation
gives audience members the suggestion that I might already be affecting them, minutes before they have ever seen me. It’s
naturally intriguing.

One at a time I’m going to project five (5) pieces of information to this group, that is, from my mind to yours, and ALL at a time you will start to
receive them. I want everyone here to play along and keep track of your answers and progress as we go…

A wise man once told me that ‘Spirit speaks first’ which simply means that whenever we get one of those gut feelings, intuitive flashes or
impressions THAT’S the thought or feeling we should pay attention to. Any thought or feeling we have AFTER that only allows us to second
guess ourselves.

While playing the ‘Psychic Challenge’ with me tonight I want you to go with your FIRST thoughts and impressions. Please don’t shout out your
answers – keep them to yourself until the very end. If you think it might help you to receive my thoughts more clearly during the experiment
FEEL FREE to close your eyes whenever necessary.

The above script gives clear, detailed instructions about WHAT is going to happen. It also sets up the working for successful
psychological forces perfectly by directing each individual audience member to go with their FIRST THOUGHT. This
boosts the success rate of each force dramatically. It also gives audience members a bit of ‘philosophy’ they can take with
them when they leave the theatre.

To begin I’d like you all to sit straight up in your seats, hands palms down in your lap, feet flat on the floor and take a nice, deep breath with me…

Good… and another…

…and one more…perfect…

With the above instructions I am conditioning the audience to follow my suggestions. This creates rapport, allows me to lead
and is very helpful in letting me see exactly WHO is following my suggestions from the very beginning.

As I give the instructions to sit up straight, feet flat, hands palm down and take a few deep breaths I am closely watching my
audience members. I’m looking at them ALL and watching specifically for those who move to follow my suggestions FIRST.
These are the people who do what they are told and will not give me any problems later during the show. I make a short
mental note of these folks to the extent possible. Later I will choose them first to join me on stage.

The first thought I’m projecting to you now is a simple color…(pause)…NOT RED, because many people seem to jump directly on that color and
think of it first…so the NEXT color that comes into your mind, easily and naturally, and lock it into place. I want you to remember it!

The prior verbiage obviously eliminates ‘RED’ (the most common color thought of when a person is rushed for an answer)
and instructs the audience members to think of the next color which appears to their mind. This will likely be either BLUE
or GREEN. The words ‘easily’ and ‘naturally’ bring the colors ‘blue’ and ‘green’ to the forefront of the mind and make this
force more effective as both are ‘easy/relaxing/soothing’ and ‘natural’ colors. It’s a small subtlety that makes a BIG

And with that basic color in mind take another deep breath for me…in and out…good. Allow your mind to grow clear and receptive in
preparation for the next thought I’m sending you, which is a TWO DIGIT NUMBER…

Keep in mind this can be ANY two digit number from 99 to 10. Once a number appears in your mind, lock it into place and remember it…

As I move from a basic color to a two digit number there is a sense of the routine and demonstration progressing and
developing appropriately. It appears to have become more challenging already!

The number I am forcing here is ‘22.’ This is one of the more beautiful and lesser known psychological forces and one of
the most free and fair ones in existence.

Realize there is NO PARAMETER set for this force other than it being a TWO DIGIT number. We don’t have to tell the
audience to think of a number less than 50, both digits odd and both different like the old ‘37’ force. I simply give them a
FREECHOICE OF ANY TWO DIGIT NUMBER and know that ‘22’ is the most common answer!

There was a study done wherein a large group of people were asked to FREELY name ANY two digit number they wished.
The most common number called for was ‘22.’ This was a natural occurrence and no additional instructions were given other
than freely naming ANY two digit number. It looks very, very fair.

The second closest numbers to the most common answer (22) were 21 & 23. This fact alone makes the ‘22’ force a very
strong one indeed. In the event your participants do not hit it ‘dead on’ chances are great they will be very, very close.

All we have to do is request a simple 2 digit number and give the audience a totally free choice. The majority of them WILL
THINK of 22. The rest of the majority will be very, very close with either 21 or 23 and we’ll consider that a hit!

There is also another very subtle factor in play which INCREASES my ‘hit rate’ with this force. I use a simple verbal subtlety
to direct audience members to the number to ‘22.’

Although the number is a completely FREE CHOICE (as long as it’s two digits) I increase my success rates by
INFLECTING harder on ‘10’ during my instructions.

By telling my audience, ‘ANY NUMBER from 99 TO 10’ while placing more emphasis on the ‘to’ and ‘10’ I get my audience
members thinking in the LOWER two digit numbers AND the double ‘t’ sounds (to ten ‘tt’ subtly steers them towards
twenty two).

By giving the parameters of a two digit number between ‘99 & 10’ and inflecting harder on the ‘10’ in my script this force
works even better than before and insures that most of my audience is now thinking of a LOWER two digit number
between the 11 and 25 ballpark. This subtle inflection merely marks the lower two digit numbers in the mind of my audience.
Trust me on this one.

I also inflect a bit harder on the ‘tuh’ sounds in my script. My changing my tonality slightly I am marking these ‘t’ sounds in
the mind of my audience members. I say, ‘Think of ANY Two digit number from nineTy nine to Ten.’

I also hold up TWO fingers on each hand as I say, ‘ANY 2 digit number…’ This is done very briefly and casually, I don’t want
to make what I’m doing obvious. I make the gestures only briefly and drop my hands while I continue speaking.

I wanted there to be a logical progression to this routine when I created the ‘5 Star Opener.’ We move from ONE simple color
to a TWO digit number to a THREE LETTER WORD and so on. I call this routine my ‘5 Star Opener’ because each ‘phase’
is similar to drawing a STAR with 5 points. With each progressive line the number of arms or ‘points’ on the star increases
one at a time until there are 5 total.

It also creates a very easy mnemonic to remember where I am going next (and where I have been during the routine) when
I’m working all night or under a lot of pressure.

…and another deep breath with me…very good…

With this two digit number still locked in your mind, allow yourself to think of a THREE LETTER WORD…a three letter word…

Don’t choose something like ‘and’ or ‘the’ – make it a word you can picture, something you can visualize, bearing in mind this is not an ‘R’ rated

At this point in the routine the WORD (three letters) I am forcing is ‘CAT.’ This is another one of the lesser known and
better psychological and statistical forces out there. There are no further instructions that need to be given other than to
choose a DESCRIPTIVE three letter word, ‘something you can all imagine and visualize.’ I eliminate words like ‘and’ or ‘the’ and
direct my audience members to think of something they can visualize like an object or thing.

Common words thought of here are ‘cat, dog, box, mom, mad, sad, dad, sit and sex.’ The most common among those is
‘CAT’ and it’s the one I go with.

I eliminate ‘SEX’ and get a chuckle by reminding my audience this is not an ‘R rated’ show. When I’m working for an entirely
adult audience (most of the time) I use one or two lines to this effect such as, ‘From the look on his face I think I know what this
gentlemen is thinking about!’ with a grin (pointing briefly to an imaginary audience member) or ‘I think this just turned in to an ‘R
rated’ show…’ which both get a laugh. This subtly leads people away from ‘SEX’ as the most common answer. I remind the
audience members to go with the first thought/word that flashes through their mind.

…and another deep breath, becoming more relaxed, open, centered and intuitive with each and every thought I send you…we’re almost there…

I’m also projecting a strong human emotion – a strong human emotion – whatever you wish to feel is fine. If it happens to be a positive emotion
take it within you and allow yourself to FEEL IT deep inside of you. You might also think of a time when you felt that emotion very strongly…
lock that feeling into place, in your mind…

Human beings are marvelous and complex creatures. We are each capable of experiencing an almost infinite number of
emotions and responses, the most common of which are ‘love’ and ‘fear.’

The emotion I am forcing here is ‘LOVE.’

While it might not seem at first there are as many POSSIBLE ANSWERS to this particular force this fact will be covered
over appropriately later. The rest of the forces have many dozens and even hundreds of possible answers in some cases and
feel extremely free. I have chosen the included forces specifically according to how impressive they are when they hit, their
ease of use and being lesser known as important factors.

Instead of using a different psychological force here that might be more impressive or have more possible answers I continue
to use ‘LOVE’ for a few very good reasons. Because my audience members are breathing deeply with each ‘phase’ or
succession, following my instructions and VISUALIZING their answers and information they are effectively entering a light

The easiest way and shortest distance to the subconscious mind is through EMOTION. By invoking an emotional response
in my audience I am effectively deepening this trance state in a very natural way.

To make the force look even fairer I tell my audience, ‘whatever you wish to feel is fine’ and ‘IF it happens to be a positive emotion, take
it within you and allow yourself to really FEEL IT’ and so on. I also give them the option of remembering a time in their life
when they FELT this particular emotion, what they were doing, who they were with, etc.

This last part is very sneaky because although I am only forcing a simple emotion here many people ‘remember’ that I was
also able to tell them their specific memory. At first I thought this was a fluke but it happened too often for me to dismiss.
Audience members would speak to me after the show and comment about how amazing it was that I could sense exactly
what they had thought of and the people, places and circumstances involved. Their tendency is to misremember and
exaggerate a marvel. Let them.

Though ‘LOVE’ is the most natural and common emotion for audience members to pick up on and feel at this point,
‘happiness’ is also a common answer and I increase the chances of ‘LOVE’ being the chosen emotion by making a brief and
subtle gesture towards my heart with my left hand as I say the words, ‘if it happens to be a positive emotion…’

The ‘LOVE’ force actually sets up the last force (mental drawing) of a ‘HOUSE.’

A very subtle principle is at work here with the progression of each phase; my audience almost subliminally picks up on the
‘5 Point Progression’ in their mind.

I go from ONE simple color to a TWO DIGIT number to a THREE LETTER WORD to a strong, human emotion (that
has FOUR letters) and finally to a mental drawing of a ‘HOUSE’ (five letters in the word) and it all seems to assist with each
other force.

Many of us keep house cats as pets and have heard the saying ‘the home is where the heart is’ and other principles that seem to be
in play here. This wasn’t something I consciously realized as I first created this routine and the principles and connections
involved which all lead to its success have become more apparent over time.

I also continue to use this ‘LOVE’ force instead of others because later in my revelations and ‘tally’ I have a very good
message that goes with this force – it’s something I truly believe in and wish to share with my audience. It’s also tender and
endearing and lets them know what kind of man and performer I am.

As stated before, audience members love hearing or learning something new to take with them when they leave – a new
thought, philosophy, breathing technique or memory system they can learn and use are all very good examples of how to
increase the value of your show and extend the experience afterwards.

The ‘message’ of LOVE I leave them with is one of those they can take, reflect on and share with family, friends and co-

…and just as before, take a nice deep breath with me…

…and finally I want each of you to imagine a simple drawing, a simple drawing…

This can be anything you wish, something we could all know and recognize…something like a HEART or a STICK FIGURE would work

At this point I am forcing a simple ‘mental’ drawing of a HOUSE. There are a few things working to our advantage here.
First, a HOUSE is one of the most common drawings to begin with. Many people will hop on board with a ‘HOUSE’
naturally and without further suggestion or instructions.

Secondly, I am eliminating both a HEART and STICK FIGURE from the choices by mentioning them. By acknowledging
both of those simple drawings and images I’m subtly directing my audience members to imagine something LIKE those two
drawings. This further leads them in the direction of a HOUSE.

Remember what I said about ‘a home is where the heart is?’ And when children draw houses what is most always around them?
The family! Stick figures! These suggestions are helping to put everything together.

Thirdly, by mentioning a heart and a stick man it works to cement the PRIOR FORCE of ‘LOVE’ in the mind of my
audience members. A heart is associated with love and a person (stick figure) is who/what love is primarily directed at.

You can increase your hit rates of a ‘HOUSE’ being chosen by drawing a square in the air as you say the words, ‘A simple
drawing – something basic (drawing a square in the air) we could all know and recognize, like a heart or a stick man.’

When drawing the square in the air it’s important again that it be brief, casual and that I maintain eye contact with my
audience. I draw the square with my left hand (right brain) and proceed with my routine and instructions. I want this drawing
of a SQUARE in the air to be seen at an almost subconscious level out of my audience members peripheral vision if

These little suggestions all working together increase our success rate many, many times over. The beauty is that everything
seems so incredibly free and fair and it is.

That we have an advantage here is a good thing. Not everyone will get all of these forces correctly and THAT is a good thing
too! We don’t want to be ‘too perfect’ but successful enough to smack the audience hard and stop them to think and ponder
and enter a state of astonishment (suggestibility).

Do we all have something in mind? Fantastic!

Finish by taking one last deep breath with me now. Continue to focus and concentrate on the color, number, word, feeling and image each of you
are now holding in your mind and let’s proceed.

PART II: The Revelations

At this point MANY of your audience members will have one or more of the following pieces of information locked into
their mind:

• Blue or Green

• ‘22’ (or 21 – 23)

• ‘CAT’

• ‘LOVE’

• A mental picture/drawing of a ‘HOUSE.’

You could simply go down the line and announce each thought/projection you were sending and request those who ‘tuned
in’ or ‘picked up’ on and received them to raise their hands, but I prefer a bit more elegance here and harvest my hits.

I’m going to do a few very sneaky things here to increase my success and hit rates.

At the end of my ‘5 Star Opener’ MOST of the audience is going to have their hands raised high into the air, in fact ALL of
them should have picked up on at least ONE or more of my thoughts and projections. Many of them will be standing and a
lot of them will be standing with their arms held up high. This is a great photo opportunity.

I’m going to filter my participants down to find the most suggestible and bring those people onto the stage to assist with my
hypnosis show or ‘Telepathy in Action’ act. Those audience members who got the most correct answers could also be used in
any piece of mentalism you might wish to follow this routine with.

Remember that I also use this routine almost exactly as written for close up and parlor type performances as well. I’ll get to
some alternative handlings shortly.

I proceed as written,

‘The first thought I was sending to all of you was the color ‘BLUE’ – the color BLUE…

To be completely honest though I also thought of the color GREEN for a moment – with my deepest apologies. When I realized what I had done
I went back and concentrated on the color BLUE once again and that is the color I intended to project to you.

If you picked up on the color BLUE, or hell, even if you picked up on the color GREEN go ahead and raise your hand!’

Here I am hedging my bets. You’ve got to make this casual ‘mistake’ look very accidental and be very nonchalant about it. It’s
not a big deal, just fake a slight mistake and move on. Harvest your hits and get your audience members who correctly got
the color to raise their hands and be acknowledged.

When working with mature audiences or in a bar or cocktail party setting I’ll make a comment with the color GREEN and
‘old habits die hard’ and raise my hand to my lips as if smoking a cigarette. This will make sense to some of them and get a

Sometimes I have the ‘BLUE’ people raise their hand first and then the ‘GREEN’ people next just for fun. I ask the audience
to keep track of their score and progress as we proceed. I might also ask the ‘GREEN’ people to come meet me after the
show which gets another laugh.

If my audience is responding to these types of jokes it’s a good indication of how open minded they are and where I can go
with the rest of my material that evening. Eric Mead has the best example of this subtle ‘testing’ in his own show I have ever

‘The next thought I was projecting to all of you this evening was the number ‘22’… the number ’22.’ If you happened to pick up on ‘22’ as your
number, go ahead and raise your hand now so I can see how many of you got it correct. Keep your hands up!

If you were CLOSE meaning you were only off by one – a 21 or 23 – go ahead and raise your hand as well so I can see where you’re at… very

By asking for those who got ‘22’ first and THEN tallying anyone who might have been close I garner more hits in a realistic
fashion. With so many numbers to choose from it is only natural that I should acknowledge those who were ‘very close’ for
their receptivity.

Proceeding with my revelations I recapitulate on what we’ve done prior:

‘And after the two digit number I asked each of you to think of a THREE LETTER WORD…a three letter word…

The word I was projecting to each of you this evening was ‘CAT.’ Some of you might have even picked up on this thought as you entered the
theatre (insert venue) this evening and noticed random thoughts and images of felines entering your mind. If you were one of those people or you got
the word ‘CAT’ correctly raise your hand!’

Again this is very sneaky and allows me to take credit for something which may or may not have ever happened. It’s very
likely that SOMEONE in my audience was thinking of a ‘CAT’ at some point during the evening. It might have been a pet or
an image off of ‘The Discovery Channel’ or whatever. I simply take credit for it. This line also allows some people who
might be ‘behind’ on the score card to salvage their miss and have an excuse to raise their hand here.

I blur the lines a lot by SUGGESTING the phenomena first (thinking of a CAT) and then linking that idea and suggestion
with an actual response (the psychological force of a CAT).

By asking two questions together, ‘If you were one of those people OR you got the word CAT correctly please raise your hand…’ the
audience members cannot tell WHO might have been thinking of a cat (picking up on my thoughts) while they entered and
who simply got the word ‘CAT’ correctly as my 3 letter word. The illusion is perfect.

NOTE: Immediately following this routine I will share one of my ‘Master Techniques’ that will make it so your
psychological forces always come out 100% perfectly. Stay tuned! This information is priceless and though simple, I consider
it worth the price of this course to anyone who uses psychological forces in their work.

Moving on, I acknowledge the audience members who picked up on my thoughts here and/or three letter word correctly and
proceed to reveal the EMOTION.

‘Next we thought of a basic human emotion and not to be CLICHÉ – the thought and feeling I was projecting to each of you this evening was
(is) pure, unconditional LOVE…

eden ahbez said, ‘The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved; just to love and be loved…’ and with
that in mind, LOVE is the emotion I was sending you and intending that you all receive. If you happened to recall the feeling or experience of love
for yourself or a special place or person close to your heart please raise your hand and keep it up for a moment.’

The ambiguous nature of this revelation is very powerful. Are my audience members supposed to raise their hands if they
LOVE someone? If they have felt LOVE while entering the theatre at any point? If they picked up on the thought or feeling
of LOVE when I sent it to them?

Instead of knowing for certain they simply raise their hands instead. Besides, who doesn’t want to be seen or acknowledged
as a loving person? Love makes the world go ‘round and I acknowledge that with the eden ahbez quote.

As I said before, people will remember this quote and share it with their friends. Some have even turned it into a life
philosophy and it causes the audience members to closely examine their lives and their motives in this world and focus them
on LOVE for a moment. I believe this has positive effects in the world.

Even those who might have thought of a different feeling or emotion and didn’t get this force correctly still get to hear a
great message and think of LOVE for a moment. As a result they will begin to think and remember – momentarily and
briefly – people, places and things in their life, about their life and about themselves they LOVE.

All these forces are not only creating rapport and engaging my entire audience, they are assisting me in altering their
brainwave patterns, inducing trance and shifting internal states. This routine is a complex mental science and technology
playing out beautifully.

‘And with this feeling of love in mind and heart I also asked each of you to imagine a simple drawing…a simple drawing…

The image I was focused on and projecting to each of you this evening was a HOUSE…nothing complex…just your basic house…

And please, if you happened to pick up on this image as well, raise your hands and keep them up…’

OPTIONAL: There is a clever way to increase your hits here as well. I simply change the scripting a bit for the revelation to,

‘The image I was focused on and projecting to each of you this evening was a HOUSE…nothing complex…just your basic house…perhaps with
a tree outside or the Sun shining in the background…or not…the choice was yours.

If you happened to pick up on one of these images please raise your hand!’

By changing the wording slightly I can now get ‘hits’ on a HOUSE, TREE or SUN. This obviously increases the amount of
‘correct’ answers my audience will get in the end.

At this point in my routine I have delivered my 5 beautiful psychological and statistical forces and revealed them
appropriately. There are many ways to do this and in a few short moments we’re going to look at other variations that might
better fit your own particular style.

I continue with my presentation by saying,

‘It’s safe to say that nearly EVERYONE here this evening was able to respond to simple suggestions and instructions to actually pick up on an
unspoken thought. Take a deep breath with me and give yourselves a big round of applause!

Now to the moment of truth!

If you correctly picked up on ONE of my thoughts and projections this evening, please raise your left hand and keep it up…

If you got two of the five thoughts I sent you raise BOTH of your hands for a moment and please keep them up so I can see you…don’t put them
down yet…

If you happened to get three of the projections correctly will you please stand up for me? Thank you!

If you successfully received four of my thoughts tonight OR YOU WERE CLOSE (!) stay standing and raise your left hand high into the air

And finally for you ‘Master Minds’ out there, if you correctly and successfully picked up on ALL FIVE of my unspoken thoughts and mental
projections this evening please stand and raise both of your arms so you can be acknowledged…



Look at how powerful your minds are and how capable each one of you is of doing impossible things you’ve never imagined. I’d like to go a bit
further with the most receptive minds out there this evening…’

I’ll give a variation for the revelations at the end of this routine. By harvesting my hits and layering the revelations as I have at
the end I’ll have people with their hands in the air having met with success.

It is at this time that I take those people who got 3, 4 or 5 ‘projections’ correct and bring them to the stage to proceed with
my next demonstration, ‘TIA’ or hypnosis show. In my formal mind reading show my second piece was a glorious book test
with 9 people. It seemed logical that those who were successful with my ‘5 Star Opener’ would be capable of sending me their
thoughts during the book test.

With Meyer’s ‘Telepathy in Action’ my ‘5 Star Opener’ works perfectly. Now that my audience has experienced RECEIVING
thoughts I am able to sell the idea of sending and receiving commands and mental instructions, picking up on thoughts and
questions for my Q&A and much more.

In my variations I’ll give you all the second part to this demonstration which is combining a READING with the final
revelations. This gives the routine a lot more mileage and further increases the success of my forthcoming demonstrations
with the chosen participants. You’ll see how this all works soon and it will make you smile…

This routine is one of my baby’s. It’s a perfect opener and includes everyone. It can play for any size group (large or small
from 1-1,000), it’s impressive and contains a great message, it uses hypnotic techniques to create deep relaxation, rapport (the
audience is mirroring my thoughts!) and lower audience resistance to full scale hypnosis and more. It’s a worker’s dream come
true. After you include it in your show or performance even once you’ll fall head over heels in love with it.

Because this routine uses no props of any kind it is ideal for those performers who prefer to work as I do using the least
amount of props possible. The beauty of hypnosis and mentalism for me is the same – the mind of my audience members
and their hearts become the props, objects and mediums of my art.

Alternate Endings & Procedure

Remember to harvest your hits.

In this variation I rattle off the 5 ‘projections’ very quickly and then go back over them with a longer explanation as taught

I simply say, ‘I was projecting the color BLUE, the number ‘22’, the word ‘CAT’, the emotion of LOVE and the simple image of a

People everywhere will start reacting to this ‘fast revelation’ instantly. It’s smiles, laughter, shock waves and gasps all around.

Now I go back through the revelations and explain each one (and harvest my hits) as explained in the full routine.

When revealing the 5 pieces of information for the second time I go down the line as follows:

1). I ask my audience members who also picked up on (my) the first projection (BLUE) and got it correct. These folks raise
their hands and keep them raised. I include, ‘If you sitting next to a person with their hand raised in the air TOO, give them a high five!’

This is fun and gets everybody interacting. It gets better!

2). I ask for my audience members who picked up on the second projection ‘22’ (or close!) and got it correct. They raise their
hands and keep them raised. If they picked up on BOTH the first and second thought they raise BOTH hands high into the
air and shout ‘Touchdown!’

3). I ask my audience members who picked up on the third projection (CAT) and got it correct to raise their hands. If they’ve
correctly perceived ALL three thoughts they are to stand up at this point!

4). I ask my audience members who picked up on the fourth projection (LOVE) and got it correct to raise their hands and
keep them up. If both hands are already in the air (they’ve got two thoughts correctly) they stand.

5). Those few people who correctly received all 5 thoughts and projections (or were very close, i.e. got the thought but then
changed their mind, second guessed themselves, etc.) are invited to come see me after the show for a special offer. When they
do I offer them free tickets to my next showing, a ‘scholarship’ to one of my hypnosis classes or 50% off a private reading or
hypnotherapy session.

This ‘special offer’ can be acknowledged very quickly in real time to subtly advertise for your other services while SEEMING
to be a special prize for those guests who did an exceptional job during my test. Whichever way you choose to handle it is

Remember that at ANY TIME during the revelations if you audience members received one thought (answer) correctly they
are to raise one hand. Two thoughts = two hands raised. Three thoughts = standing up. Four thoughts = standing with a
hand raised. Five thoughts = standing with both arms held high. This will allow you to see immediately who got the most
answers correctly so you can single them out easily and enroll them into what comes next if you wish.

The situation will be as follows: Most EVERYONE in the audience will have at least ONE HAND raised high in the air.
Many will have two (both hands) up, a large percentage will have got three projections correct (and are standing) and many,

many people will have correctly received ALL 4 or even 5 thoughts up to this point (or claim to) and are standing to lead us
in a HUGE round of applause.

This is a natural standing ovation cue – the finale is KILLER. You’ll already have a large number of people standing and
most the audience with one or both hands in the air. It’s very natural for them to stand up (or remain standing), join in the
applause and cheer you on in such a posture and position. You could even prompt a standing ovation here at the beginning
of your show if you wish.

I’ve had spontaneous standing ovations with no priming at the very beginning of my show using this piece. It’s gold.

Close Up

Using my ‘5 Star Opener’ close up is very simple. I shorten the presentation appropriately. Remember this can still
be used with a single person or small to medium sized group. I often frame it as a calibration test which allows me
to recognize those people most capable to sending and receiving unspoken thoughts.

I explain I will attempt to send 5 different thoughts to my participants. I advise them not to shout out their answers but to
keep them to oneself for confirmation later.

My basic script after setting up the premise is,

‘If you could all take a deep breath with me…perfect. The first thought I’m sending you now is a basic color – not red – because everyone seems to
jump directly on that one…so the next color that comes into your mind (easily and naturally) and lock it into place…everyone have one? Good.

Another deep breath…this time I’m sending you a TWO DIGIT NUMBER – a two digit number, so from 99 to 10, obviously. Once that
number appears in your mind remember it and lock it into place.

Allow your mind to grow clear in preparation for the next thought…we move from a two digit number to a THREE LETTER WORD, a
three letter word…

I’ll warn you this is not a word like ‘and’ or ‘the’ - this is something descriptive that you could actually visualize and imagine. Lock it into place
now… (‘I think I know what THIS guy is thinking…!’)

And next I want you to feel a strong human emotion, a strong human emotion. Whatever you choose is fine, but it’s important that you actually
FEEL IT deep inside yourself.

Once you’ve felt that emotion take one more deep breath with me…in and out…perfect. The last thought I’m projecting to you now is a SIMPLE
DRAWING…a simple drawing…something we could all look at and recognize like a heart or a stick figure would be perfect…whatever you
wish and remember to go with your first thought and impression ALWAYS…’

And that’s pretty much it!

Once my participant(s) have their thoughts locked into place I ask them to take one last deep breath with me/for me as they
hold their chosen color, number, word, emotion and drawing in mind.

I proceed to the revelations and sometimes I do this like a ‘Simon Say’s’ game. This works really well if I have 6-10
participants and can stand them in a line next to each other. With each revelation my participant’s take one step towards me IF
they got the projection correctly.

The person(s) who get the closest to me afterwards are the ones I will use in my next demonstration of mind reading or

You could also write your 5 projections down on a business card or cocktail napkin and hand it to someone for safe keeping.
I’ll often combine just three of these forces with a business card prepared for Millard Longman’s wonderful ‘Acidus Novus. ‘

The first three forces go in the first three ‘squares’ on my business card and the 4 th (lower right corner) is left blank for a
name or other piece of information.

The card is handed off to the group and located using ‘Thought Channel’ technologies and I end with revealing the appropriate
piece of information I peeked at previously. It works like a dream.

With Readings

To get the best participants possible for my suggestion based mentalism, hypnosis and/or ‘Telepathy in Action’ I
thank and acknowledge the audience members and especially those who got 3 OR MORE of my thoughts and
projections correctly.

Because they did so well they are all perfect subjects/candidates for what comes next (or so I say) and I invite them all to the

It’s usually the case that I have 30 or more people standing with a medium sized audience, so I’ll take those guests who
received all 5 of my projections (or claim to) first, then everyone who got 4 correct and finally 3. To take away the sting I tell
the rest of my audience that practice makes perfect and that anyone can get better at these things with a bit of sincerity and
dedication. I applaud them for their efforts and tell them they’ll do better at my next show (presupposition).

As I’m bringing the ‘high answer’ people to the stage I’m priming them to be wonderful subjects by saying things such as,

‘Because of your ability to pick up on my unspoken thoughts and projections I know that each of you displayed an above average intelligence in
your early, formative years. This doesn’t necessarily mean book smarts, though it could certainly be that too, but that each of you is ‘wise in the
ways of the world’ and possesses a certain quiet wisdom won through hard earned experience.

I also know that each of you are natural born leaders, able to take control of difficult situations and provide appropriate responses. Many of you
will express a higher level of natural knowing and intuition than most and because of your sensitivity you know how to be a good friend to others.
Gifted minds such as this group I’ve assembled here now excel in what I’m about to try next and it’s for this reason that I’ve found you and asked
you to assist me at this time. Let’s give them all one more BIG round of applause!’

This is very, very, VERY sneaky!

I’ve flattered this group of people and told them certain things about themselves (as a collective, in front of an entire
audience) that I was able to deduce through the prior ‘testing’ and their results.

I’ve also mentioned because of their success and capabilities as just shown that they’ll respond perfectly to the next
demonstration which is usually my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence. These people are NOT going to give me any problems or
resistance at this point!


Because to do so would mean they are NOT all those nice things I just said about them! Their ‘ability’ as shown in my test ( 5
Star Opener) proves them to be a CERTAIN KIND of person, blessed with specific qualities and admirable attributes.

If for some reason they were to ‘fail’ or even RESIST my next suggestions and demonstration they would have to
acknowledge in front of the entire audience that they are NOT natural born, capable leaders – that they are NOT blessed
with an above average intelligence, that they are NOT highly intuitive and empathic GOOD FRIENDS to others and so on.

Everybody loves to be complemented on a job well done. It seems through the prior test these subjects met with a certain
success and met a certain criteria. As such they are perfect subjects for what is to come and because of this I know they have
certain qualities and attributes inherent within them. Through my next series of ‘tests’ and ‘demonstrations’ I wish to
exemplify and highlight all those amazing qualities within them.

Please read this again and think of the psychology at play here. To put it simply, to do well in the prior test means that you’re
a certain type of person and one that will naturally do well and excel in the next test, demonstration or experiment.

The subject’s admitted to and claimed ownership of all those great things I said about them in front of hundreds of people
through their success and involvement with my ‘5 Star Opener’ and joining me on stage. Their prior success and participation
is a silent agreement and affirmation of everything I just said about them.

They have no choice but to follow along now and do exactly as I say OR admit they were wrong (or I was wrong) and that
they are NOT all those great things I just said about them…nobody is going to do that!

It’s much easier to play along and not give me any problems and for these participants to ‘fake it’ so as to look good and fit
the description of them I just gave.

Doing so will insure they come out looking like super stars. I open most of my mind reading shows with the above piece. I
open ALL of my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequences with the above piece too. Combining the two insures that I do not meet with
all the normal problems and issues that abound when simply selecting volunteers that have not met a certain standard or

The Opener As An Induction

Because of the process involved and how I structured the ‘5 Star Opener’ it has natural trance-inducing qualities
contained within it. With just a bit of thought this routine is EASILY turned into a full blown hypnotic induction
on an even greater scale.

Using psychological and statistical forces AS inductions is an advanced use for both hypnosis and mentalism techniques and
like many other valuable pieces of my personal work and repertoire will be explained in depth inside this course.

I’ve done this before with tremendous results and you can do it too. Simply give your audience suggestions that with each
thought received they drift deeper and deeper into a natural state of peace and deep relaxation, listening intently to the sound
of your voice and your instructions.

With each breath and with each new answer or thought received they naturally become even 10X more relaxed than before
BECAUSE that is how the mind works and responds when involved in this process.

This is a progressive relaxation exercise with psychological forces as the foundation. In my next full routine, ‘The Hypnotic
Book Test’ you’ll not only learn a KILLER piece of mentalism you can do anytime, anywhere – but you’ll begin to learn the
process of inducing trance naturally via the performance of mentalism.

Once this lesson is learned you will effectively induce your participants with no extra work at all and your mentalism will be
better because of these principles.

A Secret To Psychological Forces

If you’re a student of mentalism, psychology, suggestion and hypnosis you would do well for yourself by studying
and applying the wide range of psychological and statistical forces developed over the years. I’ve already shared
some of my favorite ones in the prior routine.

Super-mentalist Banachek has propelled the mentalism community forward many years in this area via his remarkable
‘Psychological Subtleties’ collection. If you don’t have these books, get them! They are to be in every serious mentalist’s library,
no question about it.

The power of learning psychological and statistical forces is multifold:

1). The proper execution and reception of these forces gives the undeniable feel of REAL mind reading taking place.

2). The practitioner proficient with psychological techniques and forces has a nearly inexhaustible arsenal at his or her

3). Armed with psychological forces the professional mentalist is able to create mind numbing demonstrations at a moment’s
notice with few or even NO props.

4). Deep knowledge and study in this particular area and branch of mentalism allows us a more complete understanding of
the mind, how it works and how we can use those workings to our advantage.

And that’s just for starters.

I meet, see and hear a lot of mentalists who have given up and turned their back on psychological forces because they find it
‘too risky’ or their results are too inconsistent. As much as I don’t want to do this I’m going to teach ‘Thought Veil’ students
how to make ANY psychological force hit with the impact of a runaway train. One of the keys is to prompt a spontaneous
response within your participants.

I do this through my ‘Spirit speaks first’ bit of business and yet that’s not the key I’m about to share with you.

The following principle and discovery is something I consider one of the most valuable observations in my career as a
mentalist to date. It is a MASTER CLASS technique that is so incredibly simple it’s ridiculous. With that in mind, what I have
to teach you now will take your psychological forces to the next level and beyond any amount of success you have ever come
to know and experience while using them.

Most mentalists will use a psychological force in the following manner:

• MENTALIST: ‘Think of a color…’

• PARTICIPANT: ‘Okay, I’ve got one!’

• MENTALIST: ‘Blue!?’

• PARTICIPANT: NO (!) it was…(fill in the blank)…

Though a very basic example this really is how (poorly) most psychological forces are presented. There are so many problems
here I don’t even know where to begin.

First, the mentalist in this case put all his eggs in one basket. That’s a problem. When faced with a missed psychological force
presented in this way where else is there to go in the event of a miss?

Second, the mentalist put the participant in a position where it’s possible to make him (the performer) wrong. He did this by
placing the participant in a position where he could say ‘No.’ This is a problem!

Third, the participant needs to accept equal responsibility in the case of a missed or failed psychological force. In the above
scenario the blame for a miss is put directly on the mentalist. Ideally success/credit OR a miss/failure is to be shared with the
participant. It’s a 50/50 process as ALL mind reading should be!

Fourth, the force above was presented in such a way that it is what it is and nothing more. Either it works or it doesn’t. This
is a poor way to present psychological forces. Done correctly it won’t matter if these forces are right or wrong – both the
process and the answer has a reason and a purpose and it serves us.

I use psychological forces as a way to warm up and CALIBRATE the minds and thoughts of others to my own. In this sense
there is NO WAY to fail! Even a wrong answer (miss) assists me in the calibration process and thus has both great meaning
and value. In this sense the misses are just as important and relevant as the hits.

The premise I use (especially in close up situations) with my psychological forces is simply: I will attempt to project a thought
from my mind to yours. YOU will attempt to receive it successfully.


Another way to set up the premise for psychological forces and one I also love and utilize is this: YOU will think of
something (within certain parameters, i.e. an animal, a color, a word, a number, a vegetable, etc) and I will attempt to read
your mind and tell you what it is. This is normally the way I see psychological forces utilized.

My ‘Psyche Force Technique’ will allow you to achieve undeniable success with both presentations. It is a priceless, golden
technique for your ultimate success when using psychological and statistical forces.

Instead of painting ourselves into a corner with a direct question or answer (‘Blue!?’) we shift the energy of the
question/answer slightly. It becomes a different creature altogether. We cannot get a wrong answer using this technique.

Take the above scenario again and apply the following wording and technique:

• MENTALIST: ‘Think of a color…’

• PARTICIPANT: ‘Okay, I’ve got one!’

• MENTALIST: ‘Perfect. Concentrate for me…take a few deep breaths and intend to project that thought to me

• MENTALIST: ‘Did the color BLUE happen to flash through your mind?’ OR ‘Did you happen to see the color
BLUE at one point?’

• PARTICIPANT: ‘Yes, it/I did.’

• MENTALIST: ‘Perfect!’

The point here is we are not asking if the color BLUE is the thought of color in mind, only if our participant SAW the color
BLUE at some point!

There is a big difference and even so, nobody can tell exactly WHAT that difference is. Remember that your participants do
not know exactly what it is you’re trying to do here. This is a bold bluff and one that takes some serious nerves to pull off.

This was a very basic example – let me show you how it works when I am projecting the color BLUE to a single participant
(or audience!):

• MENTALIST: ‘I’m projecting a simple color to you now…take a deep breath and allow one single color to enter
your mind…’

• PARTICIPANT: ‘Okay, I see one.’

• MENTALIST: ‘Wonderful! Let me ask you something…did the color BLUE flash through your mind at all?’


• MENTALIST: ‘Wonderful! That is the color and thought I was projecting!’

Do you see what just happened? Instead of asking my participant if BLUE was the color they had in mind I simply (only!)
asked them IF the color BLUE entered their mind at all at some point.

98% of the people you work with and use this technique on are NOT going to argue with you and say, ‘Well actually, no. I
completely failed to do well in this experiment.’

Instead they are going to keep their mouth shut and agree with you. This is liberating the psychological force from its prison.
The prison is a solid answer whereas freedom comes as the result of having SEEN the specific psychological force in mind
but perhaps not ending with it.

When using psychological and statistical forces I take credit and consider it a ‘hit’ when the intended thought/force is or
WAS present in the mind of my participant, not if it actually does or does not end up being settled on.

Take this for example:

MENTALIST: ‘In a moment I will attempt to project a single thought from my mind to your mind. I want you to imagine a forest and simply
think of any THING or object you can imagine within it…’

PARTICIPANT: ‘Okay, I’ve got one. Should I tell you?’

MENTALIST: ‘No, not yet.’

MENTALIST: ‘Take a deep breath for me and concentrate on that image…perfect, I get that you’re holding it in your mind quite clearly
now…you’re doing wonderfully!’

MENTALIST: ‘NOW BE HONEST…did the image of a BIRD happen to flash through your mind at all?’

PARTICIPANT: ‘Yes, it did.’

MENTALIST: ‘Spot on! Let’s give her a big round of applause!’

Do you see what’s happening now? I’m asking a specific question and getting a specific answer. The difference here is I’m
NOT asking if a ‘BIRD’ IS THE SPECIFIC ANSWER! I am only asking if the image of a BIRD has appeared. THIS (I say)
is what I intended to happen. I have successfully sent a flashing thought from my mind into the mind of my volunteer.

When framed this way it appears as though the mind reader is simply causing FLASHES of information and certain thoughts
to enter the mind of the participant.

It seems as though I am able to cause brief images, shapes, colors, words, numbers and pictures to enter the mind. That is
what I call success. The difference here is the intended information/force does not have to be ‘locked into place’ for this to
be effective. That it was present in the mind at some point is enough.

By asking for a piece of information likely to be thought of during your particular psychological force it is nearly certain that
it WILL flash through your participant’s mind at some point. Whether they eventually decide on it to keep in mind or not is
another story. They may or they may not. With this very sneaky handling and verbiage it will not matter because the results
will look the same.

Take this very bold drawing duplication for example: I know the most common drawings made are of a house, a stick man, a
star, a heart, a car, the Sun, a flower, a boat, a cat and so on. By asking my participant to IMAGINE a simple drawing,
‘something we might all know and recognize’ and then giving her some time to think of different objects and images as I say, ‘Allow
these various shapes, pictures and images to swirl around your mind before your thoughts come to center and focus on ONE of them…’

I am assuring that certain pieces of information are going to drift into and out of her thoughts! This is the nature of
psychological forces. When given enough time various images will ‘flash’ through her mind before she consciously settles on
one of them.

Now (standing across the stage) I can ask her to look at me, breathe deeply and intend to receive the thought I am projecting
(as I quickly sketch a HOUSE). At this point I openly ask her, ‘Did the image of a HOUSE happen to flash through your mind at
some point?’

Chances are very high that one did. I know this because this is the nature of psychological forces. To this question she must
answer yes! When she does I’ll take her affirmative answer as a HIT and immediately give her credit, congratulate her, ask the
audience to give her a round of applause and send her back to her seat as I turn my sketch around to show the picture of a

To cement the illusion and make it perfect before I show my drawing I ask her, ‘And once more that image was of a (blank)?’ to
which she will reply ‘HOUSE.’

To make these instructions more clear, imagine the following:

There are 6 people in a small group. At some point during my performance I write something on a business card and place it
face down on the table.

Telling my audience I will now attempt to project a thought directly into their minds, ‘I want all of you to clear your mind and
simply imagine a FLOWER…’

Now moving on to my revelation, I pick up the card, show it (ROSE!) and say, ‘If the image of a ROSE happened to flash through
your mind, raise your hand!’


The difference with this presentation and the normal way to present the ‘Rose’ psychological force is that instead of asking
which participant’s HAVE a ROSE in their mind, I ask which participant’s HAD a rose in their mind!

Of course given the nature of psychological forces most if not all of them WILL have had a rose in their mind at some
point. I’m not painting myself into a corner with a specific question, ‘Who thought of a rose?’ BUT ‘Who saw/had a rose

In the event a psychological force misses what usually happens is the INTENDED information entered the mind and was
replaced by something else. Either your participant thought it was ‘the obvious choice’ and thought of something else to
make it more difficult or impressive in case you ‘got it’ OR many different pieces of information came flashing through the
mind at once and one OTHER THAN the intended/hoped for force was eventually thought of and settled on.

The specific information was still there (a Rose) but somehow a Tulip was chosen instead, for example.

In this case if I asked for a ‘Rose’ I would be wrong and meet with a miss BUT if I asked a different question, ‘Did the image
of a Rose enter your mind?’ the answer will still be ‘YES’ even though it’s not the flower being thought of.

This is a simple, effective concept and yet a bit difficult to explain.

It’s this flash that I am apparently going for. I don’t care if that’s the flower my participant finally ends up with. I DO care
that my thought was received and showed up as a flash or picture in their mind whether they settled on it in the end or not.

To me that ‘flash’ is enough AND I feel like it’s a lot more how this process and phenomena might REALLY look if it was

Our thoughts or ‘projections’ would enter the mind of our subject briefly, possibly to be pushed out of the way by another
thought originated by the participant.


Rookies who use psychological forces set them up in such a way that invites failure. They aren’t used to disguising
or blending the forces together in such a way that insures success.

Also, many mentalists have the wrong idea about psychological forces. It’s the same problem they have with mentalism in
general and readings or Q&A in particular – they don’t know HOW (or why!) to be ‘wrong.’

When I use psychological forces I have no care in the world. It absolutely does NOT matter to me if they hit or miss. If and
when they hit (well before I discovered this principle) it packed an extra punch and strengthened my already existing routine.
I might combine one or two psychological forces with a name revelation or book test for added results and greater impact.

I still love performing mentalism in the above fashion. The big difference between performer’s like me and most is that when
I’m wrong I don’t care because the success and outcome of the routine was not riding or entirely dependent upon the
psychological force working.

Performers who don’t prefer or use psychological forces often take that stance because they just don’t understand them or
how to utilize them correctly. I’m about to fix all that.

Another point when I use these forces – when they hit naturally, that’s great! If not, no worries. I use psychological forces as
a warming up process 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I will even use them as a CLOSING PIECE when
combined with my principle. It looks EXACTLY like true mind/thought reading.

Take my ‘5 Star Opener’ for instance. Though my forces might not hit for everyone (and I deliberately left this technique out
for teaching purposes) the success of the routine does not depend on every one of the forces meeting with success.

This is where harvesting hits comes in so handy. By collecting ‘hits’ for as many things as possible there are more
opportunities for EVERYONE to have some amount of success. Because I am using my opener as a way to choose/force
the best participants for my proceeding demonstrations I don’t care about the results of them not working – I only want the
people who are receptive and suggestible enough for them to work on anyways!

The way I use my ‘Psyche Force Technique’ is very easy. To put it very simply, it is a bold bluff that cannot really be argued with.
That is, in all my years of using this technique I’ve not had many people fight it and those few times a participant DID say
something they were not being difficult – they thought they were being helpful! I’ll teach you guys how to get around this
additional ‘helpery’ soon enough. For now, let’s look at the actual technique and how to use it.

With my ‘5 Star Opener’ you can increase your success and that of your audience DRAMATICALLY by changing the
questions during the revelation.

For example,

‘The first thought I was projecting to the audience this evening was the color BLUE…the color BLUE…

If the color blue happened to flash through your mind, please raise your hand and keep it up so I can see you!

The next thought I sent you was ‘22’…this one was more difficult and you might have received a thought very close to it…21 or 23… if one of
those numbers entered your mind and thoughts, please raise your hand.

After the number we went to a three letter word. The thought I intended for you to receive this evening was ‘CAT’ and if this word entered your
mind at some point go ahead and raise your hand to be acknowledged…’

And so on and so forth.

So you see, I am not asking who has the color BLUE, ‘22’ or ‘CAT’ locked into their mind as their final choice, only WHO
had the thought appear in their mind at some point during the test.

The effect is the same yet your results and success will likely be doubled, tripled or even quadrupled when executed in this
fashion. You’ll still have many audience members who DID end up with the final thought and force locked into their mind.
Those people who settled on something else will still likely have thought the correct answer and intended force at some point
and for this they will raise their hands!

This insures that my routine and my psychological forces ALWAYS work well and get fantastic results.

I trust that you will all deeply consider this method as a better way to present your psychological forces and continue to use it
in your performances. In time you’ll discover a multitude of new uses for this concept. We’ll explore different uses and
variations later that will allow you to seemingly read minds and project thoughts directly into people with startling success.

Rant, Lecture, Observation
& Recommendation

Because my particular take and style on the art of mentalism is one that tosses out the props and gimmicks of our
trade in favor of propless mentalism, psychological subtleties, statistical forces and other such methods I’ve long
promoted a few general areas of study. The following fields are of great use to the ‘Guerrilla Mind Reader’ and
have been invaluable resources in my growth and development as a professional Psychic Entertainer.

1). Psychological and Statistical Forces (Psychological Subtleties)

2). Muscle Reading (Contact Mind Reading and NON CMR) and the Ideometer Response

3). Body Magic

4). Hypnosis & Telepathy in Action

5). Psychic Readings & Character Analysis

This last field is one that many might refer to as ‘cold reading.’ To be honest I have never much liked that term and for the
most part ‘cold reading’ has been grossly misunderstood by both magicians and mentalists alike.

As with all my work and publications I highly suggest those individuals who wish to be proficient psychic reader’s and better
mentalists devote their time and energy to learning an actual system and proven method to give LEGITIMATE readings.

I’m not asking you to believe in palmistry or tarot, however, learning to give REAL Palmistry and Tarot readings will take you
and your career much, much further than trying to study ‘cold reading’ as magicians sell it. I am opposed to someone
(anyone!) thinking they can learn a few stock lines or canned readings and go out swinging with the best readers out there. It’s
delusional and counterproductive.

I am continually disappointed whenever I see, read, meet a mentalist or browse a magic forum wherein the wannabe reader
asks for the ‘strongest lines’ or ‘the best stock reading’ and other information. It reminds me of the days in our magic shop
wherein young and old magicians alike would enter asking for the next best thing – the one ‘new’ effect that was going to
drop everyone and skyrocket them and their career to the top.

There are no reading lines or stock answers and scripts that will allow one to fake this stuff and look great doing it; at least
not when it comes to the Psychic business. I would challenge ANY admitted ‘cold reader’ to defy this statement and we’ll
place him up against a seasoned professional who gives legitimate readings using a traditional method or system. I would
place my health and life savings on the seasoned reader using a legitimate system with traditional meanings such as Tarot,
Palmistry, etc.

The bottom line is this – DON’T waste your time with cold reading lines, canned readings, stock systems and watered down
approaches. If you want to learn to give INCREDIBLE readings that are accurate, different and deeply affecting every time
then please do yourself a favor and help change the face of mentalism by learning an actual tradition or system of divination.
I feel that we are all blessed with empathy, natural knowing and intuition and that we may draw upon it to give sincere,
legitimate readings and boost/support our performances.

I don’t care if this system is Palmistry, Tarot, Runes, the I Ching, Dowsing, Astrology, Numerology, Tea Leaves, Scrying or
even nipple reading. You will benefit greatly by studying and learning an actual system for reading these oracles based on the
TRADITION and meanings behind them.

Even if you don’t believe in the oracle used for the readings (and I’m not asking you to!) you can and will still use the
information derived from a proper tradition to your extreme benefit.

It is of great value and benefit for hypnotists and mentalists to peek behind the curtains and study the ancient art and science
of divination. The best mentalists I know, as much as I love them, could never compete with the best psychics I know as far
as pure entertainment and being a commercial, saleable commodity goes.

I’m not going to debate closed eye or open eyed readers – it’s all the same – effective readings are the goal and using those
readings to assist the client in front of you. If you can turn a buck doing it so much the better.

Personally speaking I would not be able to live with myself if all I did was try to pass off cold readings as intuitive
inspirations or oracular interpretations. It just wouldn’t cut it for me. Interpreting a system (any) based on the traditional
meanings and values OF that system presents no ethical conundrums in my book. I am honestly interpreting an oracle as
advertised. Psychic Entertainers and mentalists can be honest about what they do and still be effective.

This doesn’t mean one has to use disclaimers or remove the mystery from their readings or performance, it only means we
get to think deeply about what we do, how we do it and how we present ourselves through representing this rather occult art

I cannot recommend the discerning hypnotist and ‘Thought Veil’ student to study, learn and practice giving actual, legitimate
readings using a proven tradition and system enough. Because I have found that psychic readings and hypnosis are the two
most desired forms of entertainment for most of my mature audiences it seems more than reasonable to encourage you to
combine them.

If for no other reason the ‘Thought Veil’ student should learn to give psychic-flavored readings for the following reason:

The level of rapport that can be established with a short, personal reading is incredible. Many people attribute some type of
‘mysterious power’ to the hypnotist. On some level many people are aware that hypnotists can make people do incredible
things or even HEAL them.

Hypnosis has been shrouded in mystery since its pubic inception and it’s only natural for the Master Hypnotist to have been
exposed to and proficient in a number of magical and mystical art forms. One of those is psychic, oracular interpretation or
intuitive readings.

There are a variety of systems of divination and corresponding oracles that are well suited to the hypnotist. My personal
recommendations are as follows:

1). Rayid Eye Readings: Unlike iridology the Rayid model has little or nothing to do with states of health and well being. It
is a perfect model for change and personal enlightenment and has been a tool of great worth to me in my career as a
hypnotist and mentalist.

There are many similarities between Rayid and NLP and using the two together appears to have miraculous results and
incredible effects with people everywhere. Rayid is based in hard science and research over many years with tens of
thousands of people. It is very accurate and appeals to the New Ager and skeptic alike. Rayid is also a perfect modality to
incorporate with NLP as many of the communication processing techniques are the same.

Invest a few bucks in the book, ‘What The Eye Reveals’ by Denny Ray Johnson, the founder of Rayid. One could use the first
50 or 60 pages of this book ONLY and be set to give better readings than any cold reader on this planet.

I’ve found Rayid to be one of the most accurate, beautiful and effective systems for giving readings that I have ever
discovered or utilized. It truly is remarkable. This single book is by far better than ANY cold reading book I have ever read by
a magician or mentalist. It is light years ahead of what is out there right now as far as readings and systems go.

There’s something about the classic hypnotist line, ‘Look into my eyes…’ to facilitate a trance state that people remember. One
of my opening lines for Rayid is demonstrating WHY and HOW this line and myth came into being – hypnotists are actually
able to look deep into a person’s eyes and tell them all about themselves (and/or induce a light, trance-like state). As an
example I give a short Rayid analysis (reading) and a very pleasant, relaxing induction. No magician or mentalist is going to
top the effects this has on a person. Try it once and you will love it forever. The results and reactions are astounding.

This simple Rayid reading and basic induction introduces me simultaneously as a hypnotist and psychic reader and combines
the best of both worlds. I promise a combination of the two (Rayid reading and light induction) WILL equal work for you!

I work my induction and relaxation techniques into the reading and facilitate the trance states to assimilate the information
with a very short, very simple induction. Nothing else! Like the ‘EZ Hypnosis Routine’ I taught in this book, this 2 punch
combo is a personal favorite and absolute workhorse.

2). Palm Reading: Aside from Rayid (and in addition to it) I highly recommend that my ‘Thought Veil’ students take up
palmistry as part of their practice. I combine palm reading with eye reading (Rayid) to give one of the greatest, most
intimate, connected, beautiful and accurate readings around. I would place a 3 or 5 minute reading using this combination of
art forms against ANY piece of magic or mentalism in the world for one person or a small group. No ‘magic trick’ is more
impressive or deeply affecting.

Holding a person’s hand and looking into their eyes and telling them everything about their inner self is powerful, powerful,
powerful! It’s effectiveness cannot be denied. There is not a better piece of magic or mentalism one can do for a close up,
intimate performance than this combination reading.

Inside the mentalism industry the greatest book about palms is hands down Ron Martin’s incredible ‘The Palm Readers
Notebook.’ He also offers ‘The Tarot Readers Notebook’ (both available at MevPro Shop) which is an indispensable guide to the
Tarot. I recommend both.

Outside of mentalism the best palm reading book I have discovered is the amazing and detailed ‘Palmistry: From Apprentice to
Pro in twenty-four hours’ by Johnny Fincham. With Ron’s book(s) and the Rayid tome one doesn’t need anything else.

Realize that the eyes, hands and brain are all deeply connected and reflective of each other. There is a detailed science behind
palmistry and it corresponds perfectly with hypnosis and the Rayid model.

As resistant as most people are to change, please realize this is the information I use myself and swear by. I’ve been through
hundreds of books and courses and I’ve been a professional entertainer for over 12 years now (and casually for another 12
years, I have some experience). Take my words of wisdom here and use it to benefit yourself and others. I am including it for
you to prosper and benefit from. This isn’t stuff I usually share with people, it’s too good to give away or tip.

3). Tarot Readings: I recommend Tarot readings for the hypnotist purely for mystique, their commercial value and inherent
power (symbolism = subconscious mind). I also gave you one of the greatest resources above (Ron Martin) and that is more
than enough to get you started and working for many years.

Because the Tarot is an optical language and works through symbolism is it wonderful for the working hypnotist. The Tarot
allows us to tap into the subconscious mind through imagery and suggestions given during a reading are rock solid.
Divination opens up the subconscious mind of both the reader and sitter and as such can be used as an induction by itself.

During most readings the sitter is in a highly suggestible and potentially emotional state of mind. Because suggestions
attached to emotion creates permanent memory we get to be very careful of what we say and how we say it during a reading.
The more I have learned about suggestion and how the mind really works the more careful and sincere my readings have
become as a result.

In my ‘Tarot Induction’ I’ll share an extremely powerful technique that can be used anytime, anywhere with any person and
with amazing effects. This is a combination of readings, inductions, suggestion, visualization, affirmation and deep magick
that will have your head swimming with possibilities. As with much of the single routines or lessons and suggestions in this
book I consider it worth more than the asking price many times over. You’ll want to use this.

Other areas of divination that work well with hypnosis are astrology and numerology. I prefer my own ‘Thought Dial’ as a
combined system of horary astrology and numerology and that is what I use in many small group settings as it allows me to
give dynamic readings to many people in a very short amount of time.

All I need is a person’s date of birth and I have enough information to read them for 30 minutes if need be. I can get the
birth date info from 4-6 people at once and give dynamite readings simultaneously, like a short Q&A. If I don’t ask for the
birth date I simply ‘Thought Dial’ a few numbers in my mind and voila! My information shows up and I start the reading

I use my readings to create rapport and interest in groups of people. I also use them to introduce trance states and break
down resistance. I cannot stress the importance and value of readings with hypnosis. Together they create a mutually
beneficial dynamic and will set you apart in the mind and heart of your audience and participants.

Should you be a diehard skeptic remember that I am not asking you to invest belief in the system you learn and use. It would
be ideal if you could meet with it on some level and develop a personal relationship and better understanding of the oracle in
use, but you could also approach readings from a left brain stance as well.

Readings are a right brain art and science. They consist of an intuitive approach coupled with logic to better express certain
ideas, possible truths, potential solutions and perspectives.

Should you be against providing readings with hypnosis (or in addition to) I respect your wishes and feel like I’ve said my
piece here. Of course you can still use all of the material in ‘Thought Veil’ with spectacular results. Because readings are
congruent with my approach and most of my material I thought to include my recommendations here as well for your
possible benefit.

Part II Of My Rant

I support and encourage ethical readers and TRUE READINGS so much that I will go as far as saying one could
learn to give great readings in a relatively short amount of time and make a wonderful living and full career from
it. Readings are an art and like any art you can begin experimenting with the medium immediately.

If I had to choose one area of practice to delight, entertain people, assist others and support my family for the rest of my life
I would choose the honest reading.


Over the years I have grown vast with experience in many fields. It has been my experience that psychic readings or even
NON PSYCHIC READINGS in which the reader honestly interprets an oracle based on the traditional meanings and
significance inherent within it is more popular, more commercial and easier to sell than many other areas of practice and

I break it down as such in their levels of both public and personal appeal, raw power and simultaneous ability to entertain
while making money (and lots of it).

1). Psychic Readings

2). Hypnosis

3). Mind Reading/Mentalism

4). Magic (Stage or sleight of hand)

5). Other

Remember this is only a general assumption based on years of experience, marketing myself and others, working with
entertainers all over the world and making a living with ALL of the above categories.

I have found that when given a choice of the above categories most laypeople will opt for a short psychic reading. When
hypnosis is placed side by side with mind reading laypeople are more interested in trying out hypnosis or seeing someone
they know get hypnotized.

Most people assume ‘mind reading’ is magic and nothing but tricks. Your job is to convince them otherwise and only the
most gullible are going to believe it is real straight out of the gates.

Mind reading has shown to be more appealing to a mature audience than magic. The challenge factor (and negative
associations with magic) have something to do with this.

This is due to the fact that magic is generally associated with clowns and kid shows (nothing wrong with either, mind you) in
the mind of an uneducated public and has received a bad rap over the years. Magic on Youtube, exposure on national
television and the amount of bad magic in the world in general is enough to turn most people off – it can be a tough, uphill
battle selling magic shows and services.

On the flip side of this coin people who have seen the likes of David Blaine or Criss Angel on television usually have an
increased interest to see magic live and up close.

I have reserved slot #5 for ‘other’ which could be anything magic related; clowning, balloons, geek magic, juggling, fire eating
and more. Note that given the right entertainer that any slot is only temporary. Obviously a great clown or magician is going
to have far greater impact on an audience than a bad mentalist or incompetent hypnotist. I know there are balloonists out
there working almost every day and pulling in a 6 figure income twisting latex sculptures and working far more than 90% of
the magicians and mentalists on forums such as ‘The Magic Café.’

Though not everyone reading ‘Thought Veil’ is going to agree with my assessment, this has been my personal experience

I’ve found it easier to make a comfortable living as a private psychic reader than I have as a hypnotherapist. There will always
be a market for both of these tools and offerings and yet psychic readings seem to be hugely popular in most places I’ve lived
and travelled. Psychic readings seem to sell themselves. When offered at a fair price and the reader is competent the work is
almost never ending.

When it comes to entertainment I’ve found that pitching and selling a stage hypnosis show is infinitely easier than pitching
and selling a magic or mentalism show. The reasons are many. Hypnosis is simply a bigger draw, more commercial and has
more perceived value. In terms of marketing and promotion hypnosis is much easier as well as the buzz word ‘hypnosis’ or
‘hypnotist’ attracts natural attention.

Briefly, mentalism needs to be explained and many corporations, theatre owners, managers, hiring parties and venues know
what they can expect from a hypnotist. It goes back to hypnosis being a Universal art form; even when there is no direct
experience many people have an idea about what hypnosis is and what hypnotists can do or how people respond to hypnosis.

Almost everyone knows SOMEONE that’s been to see a stage hypnosis show or has heard of one and what transpired there.
The same cannot be said for mentalism. Again, there are exceptions to every rule and a good entertainer will be able to sell
himself and his art successfully. Your work should speak for itself.

It’s rather difficult to sell a purely psychic theatre show (pure Q&A and audience readings) on a continued basis. For a special
run these shows are a typically easy sell, at least they have been for me. The problem is that it is such a specialized show and
offering that many contracts do not realize the incredible staying power and attraction such a show can provide.

I’ve been able to book continued acts and extend contracts after an initial run of shows and the merit of my work has been
established, but it’s never been like the offers I’ve received doing hypnosis. Even walking in the door cold, pitching my show
as a hypnotist, providing references and credentials of my past shows and venues has landed me 3-6 month contracts at very
plush theatres.

Unless you are Copperfield or one of the big time names (easily recognized) then magic shows, while marketable, are not AS
marketable as a good hypnosis show. The sad truth is that even a bad hypnosis show will often trump a GREAT magic show
and is easier to sell. It’s our duty as performers to educate our hiring parties, contracts and clients and to leave a strong,
favorable and lasting impression upon those who book us and contract our services.

If entertaining with the above art forms (or any combination thereof) as a profession, way of life and primary form of
income it might serve you to combine a few categories. This has its own advantages and drawbacks. Generally it’s a good idea
to specialize in one or two industries and art forms and being a multi-flavor performer and jack of all trades is generally
frowned upon. We need to get to a state of professionalism and proficiency – even mastery and artistry – with ONE area

When you become proficient as a hypnotist it will be easier to sell your mentalism show. Hypnosis can get your foot in the
door at many places that wouldn’t think twice about booking a mentalist. You could even include mentalism as part of your
hypnosis show and after a successful run pitch something different or alter the program.

Hypnosis is a very marketable skill to have and hypnotists are extremely valuable as proven effective entertainers. Whether
you’re a magician, mentalist or psychic reader, being an entertaining and capable hypnotist will only help to catapult your

The Hypnotic Book Test

The following is one of my all time favorite routines. It fits my criteria for perfect mentalism and besides a
borrowed book it uses no props and no gimmicks. It’s ready to go and SLAUGHTER audiences anytime,

I’ve been a fan of book tests for many years now. There is something about the impossibility of such a test – one word out
of tens of thousands – that really speaks to me.

Over the years I have looked at and actively worked with many of the gaffed books and gimmicked tests as well as a number
of impromptu ones. It never seemed like the impromptu tests were quite as strong as the gaffed versions (obviously) and not
all of them were as clean.

I set about a personal mission to create the perfect impromptu book test. I had a list of conditions and strict criteria that had
to be met. I didn’t want to add anything or take anything away. It had to be as close to foolproof as possible. I had to be able
to do it surrounded. If it utilized a peek (as most non-gimmicked BT’s do) the peek had to be invisible. I wanted to be able to
do this test with ANY book I found – whether just bought, borrowed or found in the middle of a busy street the test had to

I thought and I pondered and I developed or combined principles I thought would work. I went around and around for
many months until the answer struck me by mistake one day a little over 4 years ago.

While I cannot claim this book test is 100% because there are always different factors involved it’s close enough for me. I’m
hitting in the high 90 percentiles with this piece and very rarely do I meet with some problem or issue.

I’ve kept this discovery and book test to myself to use in my private work. I have used this piece all over the world in the
most severe conditions to just about every audience type imaginable. This test and the underlying principle involved has been
so good to me, so effective and this routine is so goddamn good that I should have sold it alone for $500.00 to the serious
mentalist. This is the truth and no exaggeration. The piece is a gem.

To be honest I was very hesitant about including this piece in ‘Thought Veil.’ The ONLY reason I am doing so at this time is
because I feel like you guys have all waited patiently and have been more than understanding with my computer situation, the
family crisis and printing issues involved with me recently. As one good deed deserves another I have included my pet book
test here in its entirety.

Please, please, please keep this routine safe and close to you. It is near and dear to me and to be honest, it’s too good to share.
Learn ‘The Hypnotic Book Test’ in a day and use it for the rest of your life and performing career. You won’t be sorry.

With all of the lost information and computer crashes throughout this project this is actually my THIRD time writing this
information. Third time’s a charm!

The Principle & Discovery

The key behind my book test is a little known principle and discovery contained within just about EVERY BOOK
I have come across since. The principle itself might be as old as the hills, I’ve never seen it in print or utilized in
this fashion. Though I discovered it independently I have a hard time believing that no other mentalist has also
stumbled across it and utilized it to their extreme advantage, but I don’t see anyone else using it at this time.

The idea here is that most every book has a natural ‘break’ within it at some point. I have used this test with the utmost
success with hard cover and soft cover books, comic books, large magazines (more like catalogues), the Bible, the phonebook
and many others. It’s extremely versatile.

Let’s explore how the effect looks in presentation and then we’ll get into the method, how to practice and present it properly.
Once you have it down the advantages are many.

First, you’ll have a dynamic book test that can be used under ‘AAA’ conditions with devastating effects.

Second, you’ll save loads of money on book tests simply because though un-gimmicked and impromptu this test is as good
as any other marketed or gaffed book test out there in my own not-so-humble opinion. It might just be the way I use it which
gets the most glorious results.

Third, ALL of the books you already own will be instantly converted to working book tests naturally. You’ll have all the
variety you always wished for in terms of look, feel and subject matter.

Fourth, the book can be immediately handed out, given away or left with the participant forever without compromising the

Shall we?


Steering the performance or conversation to the topic of mind reading and telepathy the performer asks to borrow a book,
ANY BOOK, as an instrument and example with which to display his unique and interesting gifts.

Explaining exactly what is going to happen, the performer riffles through pages of the book and asks his participant to call
‘STOP’ whenever they wish. As they do, that EXACT PAGE is stopped on and the book opened up for the participant to
look at and remember a specific line or word on the page.

Once the simple process has been explained the performer turns his head away and flips through the pages of the book in
hand. The participant does as instructed and calls ‘STOP’ whenever they wish. The book is opened up to that specific area
and the book is handed away immediately. The mind reader never touches the book again.

The performer has his head turned the entire time. He may also turn around with his back facing the book or leave the room
entirely. There is no chance in hell for a peek and the information exists in the participant’s mind only.

In dramatic fashion the hypnotic mind reader reveals the word or subject matter from the page step by step. As he does the
participant is led deeply into a relaxed trance-like state. At the conclusion of the effect the subject is in a full on trance and
ready to obey the instructions of the hypnotist.


As explained before the effects of this particular book test are obtained through natural breaks occurring in almost every
printed book. To better illustrate this principle (and for you to learn it firsthand) go to your personal library and grab a
handful of books. I’ll do the same.

For learning purposes get some soft cover books off your bookshelf as they are easier to learn with initially. Once proficient
with the method you’ll be able to do it with practically any book.

The books I have for teaching you this time around are all different than the previous tomes I used for the lost explanations.
I expect the results to be nearly identical as the method is solid and certain successes are to be expected.

The titles of the current books I’m using to illustrate the method are:

‘Living Buddha, Living Christ’ (215 pages)

‘The I Ching’ (274 pages)

‘The Discipline’ (244 pages)

‘Finding God’s Love’ (158 pages)

‘Home with God’ (326 pages)

‘The Mystic Christ’ (273 pages)

‘Quantum Touch’ (207 pages)

‘Going Home’ (272 pages)

‘The Drawing of the Three’ (408 pages)

‘The Greatest Miracle in the World’ (114 pages)

‘The Gunslinger’ (231 pages)

‘Numerology Magic’ (167 pages)

These are simply 12 random books I’ve pulled off my shelf to teach you. I’ve not used them before in performance or to test
the method and will be doing so for the first time here with you now.


Hold the book facing you with the spine in your left hand. The cover is facing you and the pages of the book open up to
your right.

I hold the book with my left hand near the bottom left corner, but it depends on the size. Hold the book exactly as you
would for Larry Becker’s wonderful ‘Flashback’ book test.

What I want you to do now is take your right index finger and riffle through the pages of your book. To do this place your
right index finger at the top RIGHT CORNER of the book and begin to softly pull back on the pages.

Start at the back of the book (closest to the spectator) and pull your finger and the pages towards you. The pages will begin
to flip and fall away easily and naturally. It’s important that you realize your FINGER is not actually moving, but the pages
are moving beneath it.

I create some pressure/tension by pulling the top right hand corner back towards me slightly and releasing pressure from my
index finger so the pages fall away. This is so simple it’s ridiculous. Don’t make it difficult, anyone can learn this in under a

What you are doing here is looking for the natural break in the book. During this riffling you’ll hit a spot in the book where
the natural break resides. You’ll simply feel the pages STOP falling away and THERE is your natural break! Look at and
remember the page number of the left hand page and close your book.

Once your book is closed and you’ve remembered the page number stopped at, hold the book exactly as before and do it
again. Ideally you are going to stop NATURALLY at the exact same spot and page number. In these early stages it may take
you a few tries and you might stop on different page numbers. No worries! In under an hour you’ll be doing this perfectly
every single time.

IF the particular book you are using is giving your issues after 10 or so tries switch books and make sure you are learning
with a SOFT COVER – you can change to a hardcover later. It’s quite possible that you’ll find a different break in the book
(the actual break) and realize the first time you were not hitting it correctly but were on a different page altogether.

You’ll actually be hitting this natural break TWICE during the performance; once during the explanation and example of the
procedure to get your peek and once in the actual performance.

I’m doing this for the first time now with ‘Numerology Magic.’

The page I have stopped on in this particular book is 76-77. I’ve closed the book and my intention is to hit this same page
with the natural break. The first line says, ‘Two in box H is a good combination.’


I know this book is good to go for any future tests I may wish to do with it. If handed to me in an actual performance I
would have just slayed my audience with this title.

Understand that the natural break in the book is where the book wishes to open up to naturally. This is NOT a dog eared
page or a defect of the book. This is simply a spot inside where due to printing and layout the book will naturally give a break

This break is small and imperceptible to the eye. With the closed book one cannot see a thing as it’s not visible by just
looking at the pages or opening the book. The only way to find this ‘invisible break’ is to riffle through the pages as I’m
teaching you here.

I’m going to take a few minutes and go through the stack of books sitting here and record my results so you can see them.

Okay, I’m back.

Out of the 12 books I tested (exactly as if it were an actual performance) I had issues with just two of them. The books were
‘Living Buddha, Living Christ’ which is printed with uneven pages (like steps) and the second book that gave me issues was
Stephen King’s ‘The Drawing of the Three.’ The last book is a bit larger and gave me problems because of the extremely soft
pages (it is old and well read).

I used a slightly different technique on both of them afterwards and was able to hit the desired page over and over again. I’ll
be teaching you a few of these techniques as we go along.

It is important you remember that whatever way of riffling you use during the actual routine (procedure and process) is the
one you need to keep using throughout the presentation. You should riffle with the same amount of force, direction and
tension as the first time on the second time. This will increase your success rates with this technique exponentially.

Another small touch I have is while the right index finger is pulling back on the right corner and releasing tension the LEFT
HAND is moving the book ever so slightly forward towards the participant. This simply helps the pages move and flip over
better. It’s a very soft movement and not always necessary. After you’ve tested a few books and are getting consistent results
you’ll have a certain knack or ‘feel’ for the technique. Once under your belt it will be practically the same for every book.

Continue practicing with your books (many of them) and note your results. Ideally you want to be hitting the same page in
each different book every time. Do it over and over and over again so you can get a feel for it. Once you are proficient with
one book move to the next. Hit the natural break and do it over and over and over again.

Once you’ve gone through a small pile of books you will have created the proper feel, tension and technique. Breathe deeply
and imagine this force and memory becoming a permanent part of you.

During an actual performance you’ll be using this technique cold. That is to say you’ll be using the same riffling technique
and natural breaks of a book you have never seen or touched before in your life. This isn’t as scary as it sounds. With some
practice you’ll discover, as I did, this technique is solid and workable and produces magnificent results. There is nothing to be
afraid of.


There are quite a few subtleties that have gone into this book test over the years.

As explained before, you’ll be hitting your break right in front of the audience/participants and getting your peek right out in
the open. This happens as you explain what you’ll do and what you wish for the participant to do as well (call ‘STOP’, open
the book, look at a word, etc). As I’m explaining this I riffle through, hit the break (right in front of them), open the book
and read a few words to myself as I point at the page and explain what I wish the participant to do.

The book is held slightly towards me. Everything is happening very casually, there is no heat at this point.

So, when giving my first example of what will happen I take the book in the working position and riffle through it as I’m
speaking. I time my words with hitting the natural break in the book. When this happens I’m telling my participant they will
call out ‘STOP’ (hit the break) and at that point I will stop and hand them book.

WHEN I find the natural break this first time I open up the book and match actions to words.

‘At that point I will stop and open the book for you to look at and memorize the first few words on that page…’ as I read those exact words
to myself. Additional subtlety will come later in the routine.

There are many different variations on this test. Sometimes I use the first word or two on the force page while other times I
use the longest word in the sentence. Other times I might take an extra second or two and read the first one or two lines to
get a FEEL for the content on that page or paragraph. The choice is yours. It will be different with every book and every

Of course if you’re using one of your own books you have a lot of freedom here. Hours, minutes, days, weeks or even
months before a performance you have ample time to get familiar with your own book (read it!) and especially the force page.
You can memorize the content (not word for word, mind you) and know beforehand what the participant will be seeing and
reading there.

Whenever I buy a new book the first thing I do is riffle to the force page/natural break and memorize a few words and the
content of the first sentence or two on that page. Now I put the book in my tote bag with my other personal belongings and
whenever I’m out and about in the world I know I have a spectacular book test I can use anytime AND it’s the book I’m
currently reading!

If I have two or three books with me I always note this information and keep it in mind. This makes the actual performance
even cleaner because I don’t have to peek at the word or page during the routine – I already know it.

When giving an impromptu or test conditions performance I always get my peek in real time as I open up the book and
explain to my participant that s/he will look at and memorize the first few words on that page before shutting the book as
explained above.


After I have hit my natural break/force page and have read a few words to myself I close the book and flip through the
pages from front to back with my right thumb at the center of the book. This subtly suggests that the page has been lost and
no ‘breaks’ are being held, which is the truth. It looks completely innocent and totally fair.

With the example (and peek) out of the way I move into the actual performance.

Holding the book just as before, I turn my head away and begin to flip through the pages while my participant calls ‘STOP’
whenever they wish. I time their calling ‘STOP’ with hitting the natural break. This is similar to a riffle force in classic card
magic and is something all mentalists should be familiar with.

Simply riffle through the pages and time the participant calling ‘STOP’ with the break. This is easy and you have a lot of
freedom here.

At that point I make it a BIG DEAL to keep my head turned away eliminating any idea of a peek and hand the book directly
to my participant to read a few words (from the first line) of the page they have stopped on.

Once this is done the book is closed, I never touch it again and proceed with the revelation of the word(s) in the most
startling and impressive manner I know. You might have different preferences and please feel free to use them.

Personally I incorporate a step by step revelation of the participant’s thought with a progressive relaxation hypnotic
induction. Before we get into this let’s look at a few of the more subtle aspects and variations to this test.


When it’s Friday night at Madison Square Garden and I absolutely CANNOT miss with this test I have, from time to time,
opted for a bold bluff to force the page.

To use this daring move I simply hit the natural break/force page, open the book and read the first line to myself. Remember
this only takes a second.

Now instead of closing the book as usual I close the book BUT keep my right index finger in the force page as a break. My
thumb is on the front cover and my last three fingers (middle, ring and pinky) are on the back cover at the top. Held at the
correct angle (learn this move in a mirror or camcorder) the break cannot be seen. It appears as though the book is closed
and my right index finger is at the top right corner for riffling/flipping through the pages.

Here’s where it gets funny…

I MIME going through the exact same motions as before only this time NO PAGES ARE FLIPPING! Because the book is
held at an angle my participant cannot see the pages whether they were flipping and turning over or not! I continue to bend
the pages back towards myself which gives the illusion of my finger moving across the pages. All I am doing here is widening
the break. It’s hilarious. This is a bold and beautiful bluff that will insure I hit the correct page each and every time.

With this bluff in mind I still prefer the more natural and fair way of doing it as originally taught and used. I started using
this bluff on the spur of the moment at a cocktail party I was working when the guests were a bit tipsy. It flew right past
everyone. The problem with this method however is it cannot be done surrounded. While it insures I will hit the page every
time it’s not as fair or as ‘test conditions’ and I’ve presented it here for informational purposes only.

Another subtlety I often use is this: after I riffle to my break the first time (as per the original routine and instructions) I open
up the book and peek the first few words or line as usual. At this point something changes – instead of closing the book now
I simply open the book at another spot, point out a few words to my participant, flip a few pages and point out a few more
words, etc.

This is done during the process and explanation that I want them to look at the longest word on the first line or two.

When I am looking at the force page myself I miscall the longest word there. I flip/turn a few pages and point out (to the
participant) the REAL longest word on that page…

For example,

Looking at the force page I miscall the word…

‘If you were to stop on this page the longest word in that line would be ‘tranquil.’ (Miscall the longest word)

Now I flip a few pages and show them to my participant…

‘If it were this page you would look at and remember the word ‘position.’ (Real longest word, verifiably true as shown)

Flip a few more pages…

‘And on this line you would remember ‘Amsterdam.’ (Real word again, obvious example).

And then I close the book and riffle through it with my thumb to eliminate the idea of any breaks.

You can also use this subtlety with the first word or two on any page. The choice is yours. By throwing a miscall into the mix
it helps to further cement the illusion of the force page being random and unknown later in the routine.

If the book is my own I basically just flip through it, ask my participant to call ‘STOP’ and hand her the book with my head
turned to read a few words. It’s a very short procedure and process and only half as long as I don’t need to get my peek as I
would with a borrowed book.

Another great subtlety I use is just having my participant THINK ‘STOP’ at any point. I time this with my natural break and
force page while I riffle and the mechanics are basically the same only this time my participant only THINKS of the word
‘STOP.’ This gives my mind reading an extra little boost.

It’s easy in application, I simply ASK MYSELF when I would call ‘STOP’ and that is how long I wait to hit the force page. I
place myself in the shoes and experience of my participant and I’ve found that when doing so my own impulse is usually
remarkably similar to theirs.

I’ve also used the timing from the Hofsinzer ‘STOP FORCE’ to allow this mental ‘STOP’ trick to happen. Eugene Burger
has some great approaches to this particular force that are well worth looking into, as does Kenton Knepper.

I’ve given you the instructions and mechanics to pull this wonder off without a hitch. I don’t wish to part with my exact
presentation at this point because it is something unique to me and me alone. What I WILL do however is show you how I
reveal the chosen (forced) word and use that revelation to induce a trance state in my participant.


Experiment with a few different riffling techniques to use in this test. After you’ve worked with enough books you’ll realize
that although one basic technique will work with the majority, you might hit books as per my example that contain
photographs, soft pages and other distractions that mess with your break or technique in use.

Aside from the basic riffle I’ve found that applying a bit more pressure and directing that pressure from the top right corner
of the book diagonally towards the bottom left of the book and pages will create a LARGE break and sort of a fanning
effect. This is nice because it allows for a great big break I can hit rather easily. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.

Also, in some smaller books (like ‘The Greatest Miracle in the World’ I used in the example) because it is a smaller book flipping
through the top right corner pages causes them to fly by too quickly. I need a bit of time (a few seconds only) during the
presentation so I can time the participant calling ‘STOP’ with my actually stopping at the force page.

For smaller books like this instead of riffling at the top right corner I place my right index finger at the TOP of the pages
and about an inch closer to the center (toward the spine). For some books this revised technique simply works better.

The only books I have found troublesome with this discovery of natural breaks and riffling are magazines. At first I thought
it could obviously not be done with newspapers and boy was I wrong! I’ve done it successfully by doubling the newspaper
over so there were twice as many pages. This doubling provided me with additional support which is something most
newspapers and magazines lack for this test to be effective. It cannot be done in this fashion with magazines because the
spine gets in the way, but loose papers can be used well with practice.

Obviously this book test can be done with a blindfold. I prefer a very casual one such as Anneman’s rolled blindfold. It
happened once perfectly during a show that I was performing my ‘Ultimate Thought Channel Psychometry’ and the object a
person gave was a book! Not only did I read the owner and return the object but before I did I had an awesome book test
that sent my audience over the edge.

The thing about a BF is I wouldn’t just use it with this test alone. It doesn’t need it. Looking away serves its own purpose and
it’s obvious that I cannot see the selected page or word during the process. With that said, with any blindfold in which the
performer can get a downward peek this works very well. I simply go through the motions and procedure as usual and get
my peek through the blindfold. Everything is exactly the same except for the fact that I am blindfolded. This adds another
layer of mystery to the test but again, I find it unnecessary.

While on this subject of blindfolds and mentalism I’ll throw in another gem for those of you who are still with me. You’ll
notice throughout this book many golden nuggets such as this have been hidden to insure you read the whole thing. Ha!

The way I perform my signature demonstration ‘Thought Channel’ these days uses a blindfold. Instead of getting my info from
the participant’s I simply look at their feet. People will stand unconsciously pointing in the direction of the object. By the feet
of my participant’s I know very well where the object is hidden!

After I have located the object 2 or 3 times (and which hand) I have my guests or ‘committee’ hide the object somewhere in
the room or theatre. Now I can remove my blindfold and use it for a demonstration of Contact Mind Reading with the
participant I have the best rapport with. This ending provides a congruent feeling to the entire demonstration and allows me
to end in spectacular fashion.

Also, the premise for ‘Thought Channel’ is the same for contact mind reading in that before with the silent object location my
participants were answering mental questions which led me to the discovery of the object. In this final demonstration with
contact mind reading my participants are giving me instructions and directions in their mind such as ‘STOP’, ‘FORWARD’,
‘DOWN’, etc. It all fits together beautifully.

I have even gone so far as to use a pocket Bible and prayer scarf for this blockbuster demonstration. 2 or 3 people hide the
Bible upon them in a pocket while I am blindfolded with the prayer scarf. Using ‘Thought Channel’ methods I locate the object
over and over again (no ‘which hand’ here, of course, BUT I can tell them WHICH SIDE/pocket the Bible is on!

Now I use my book test (still blindfolded) and a participant locks a passage, word or scripture into their mind. Of course I
already know what this is because it’s my Bible.

Before I reveal the word or passage the Bible is now hidden somewhere in the room. I take off the blindfold/prayer scarf
and wrap it around my arm and wrist for CMR (contact mind reading) to locate the Bible. Once found I look directly at my
participant and reveal the word or scripture held only in their thoughts. To end I wrap the prayer scarf around their neck and
thank them for assisting me.

Progressive Relaxation With
The Hypnotic Book Test

The following lesson is a supremely valuable one for you to learn and use with your existing mentalism routines. By
combining progressive relaxation techniques with a name, number, word or drawing duplication/revelation we are able to
actually use mentalism to induce trance states.

Let’s say I’ve just done a book test with my ‘I Ching’ sitting here. I’ve asked my participant to look at and remember the first 3
or perhaps four words on that page and to focus on the longest of those words which is ‘overcome.’

Because I already know the word I have a huge advantage in revealing it, of course. I might include a few psychological
forces prior to revealing this word in order to calibrate and attune my mind with my volunteer’s mind and thoughts.

During this entire process I am instructing my participant to take deep, rhythmic breaths, close their eyes and visualize a few
colors (which I might work into my psychological force) to alter their brainwave patterns and produce a deeper, richer effect
of mind reading.

I often claim that mind reading works the best when both parties are deeply relaxed, open, intuitive and receptive. This has
its own subtle implications – IF the mind reading happens to work (and it will) then it means both me and my participant
ARE relaxed, open, INTUTIVE and receptive. As such they will act as if they are those things and behave accordingly. Also,
many people LOVE to hear they are naturally intuitive, so this affords me a bit of flattery as well.

Another ruse I highly favor is this: in addition to being relaxed, open and receptive to the process of telepathy and mind
reading it often helps A LOT if my participant can recall a strong, POSITIVE emotion, time in their life, memory or
experience during the process. To put it simply, I want them to feel good!

Why do I want them to feel good? It should be obvious, but allow me to lay it down for you…

When my participant recalls a strong, POSITIVE emotion, time or memory it assists in inducing trance. Any time a person
closes their eyes, takes a few deep breaths and VISUALIZES something they alter their own brainwave patterns. I can work
this process into ALL of my mentalism by simply suggesting that it helps the process or that it is necessary for success. Who
is going to argue? Nobody knows exactly how mind reading is SUPPOSED to work, so they go along and do as I ask them.

Also, I want my participants to FEEL GOOD for another reason and that reason is when they FEEL GOOD and they
FEEL GOOD around me they will begin to associate that GOOD FEELING with me and the experience we are sharing
together. It’s a form of anchoring and emotional marking that comes in very, very handy for all sorts of things. Remember
this. It will make all of your work better whether it’s a simple card trick, a book test, a name, number or zodiac sign
revelation, a roulette routine – whatever. This is one more of my ‘Thought Veil’ Master Techniques as I’ve come to know and
draw upon them.

Back to the presentation…

In the case of the word ‘overcome’ I would have my participant silently count the number of letters in the word which now
exists only in their mind and send that thought to me…

I give my participant suggestions that with each little bit of information I receive she enters a deeper state of peace and
relaxation easily and naturally (which all lend power, believability and aid to the process). With each correct answer to keep
the channels open for mind reading she is instructed to take yet another deep, soothing breath. Her levels of peace and
relaxation are directly connected to the process at hand and are both very important if we are to meet with any level of

She thinks of the number of letters in her word and allows me to glimpse that thought in her mind… (mind reading is a very
psycho-sexual process!)

‘For some reason I’m picking up on AUGUST…hmmm…that’s the 8 th month…which tells me your word must have eight letters in it, yes?
You’re doing wonderfully – take another deep breath and allow that feeling of peace and relaxation to surround you on every level…’

This is a ruse I really love to use a lot. I ask my participant’s to mentally count the number of letters in their chosen name,
word (or object if it’s a picture – aka ‘boat’ = 4 letters = April) and send those thoughts to me INTENDING that I receive

Instead of just blurting out the number of letters I change it a bit and use the letters to associate them with a month. Four
letters would become the month of April while 8 letters would be August and so on and so forth.

This makes the process seem a lot more believable. It also allows me the chance for another hit because I can ask her, ‘Does
the zodiac sign Virgo or Libra have any meaning to you, or perhaps the month of August?’ This is ONE question with THREE

Because both Virgo and Libra span the month of August I increase my chances of nailing her zodiac sign significantly by
naming both of them. I also ask ‘or perhaps the month of August?’ because chances are still there that even though she may
NOT be one of those signs that she still might have an important date or significant event happening in that month. Chances
are high there is some connection there just waiting to be exploited.

My participant does not make the connection between the number of letters and the month I’m naming by the association, it
simply appears as if I’m asking some non-related question. If I can get an extra hit or two that’s great! If not, that’s great too.
I’ll simply continue saying, ‘Hmmm. Well, August is the 8 th month – I would take that to mean the word IN YOUR MIND also has eight

Handled this way I am ALWAYS right and I might even get an inexplicable hit out of the process.

A very brief note about the phrase, ‘In your mind’ …many hypnotists and persuasion/seduction artists have used this in the
past as an embedded command changing it slightly to in ‘YOUR MINE’ instead of ‘your mind.’

Experience has shown this is a useful technique in certain situations and works wonders when the recipient is already in a
relaxed, emotional and or suggestible state. It creates a subconscious sense of ownership and of the participant
BELONGING to the mind reading hypnotist on some level. Use with caution. It has real results.

Now that I’ve revealed the number of letters my participant takes another deep breath and we move on. There are a lot of
ways I can go. Banachek has some great work using his ‘Brain Game’ from ‘Psychological Subtleties’ (originally appearing in
Wonder Words by Kenton Knepper) and a few performer’s like Brad Henderson for example have taken that concept and
done wonderful things with it.

I might take a moment and utilize Joshua Quinn’s ‘Thought CHUNNEL’ from his book ‘Paralies’ to gain some more mileage
or my personal preference, Paolo Cavalli’s work from ‘Shades of Mind’ (SIGMA) and ‘Into the White’ (a private release) to reveal
the word drip by precious drip. It’s up to you and whether you have access to the above works.

Let’s continue here and see what we can do…

Personally I would milk this for all it’s worth and ask my participant to THINK if the word in their mind as a person, place
or thing and to send the category to me, mentally. I would feign some issue or ‘block’ at this point and claim, ‘it’s not really a
person, place or an object but more like something you could do or some type of feeling…is that correct?’

Of course I am correct (with ‘overcome’ still as our example) and thus my participant takes another deep breath and/or enters
a new level of peace and deeper relaxation and awareness.

I would now jazz this performance up a bit. Something I really love about mentalism (and especially private readings and
hypnosis) is the jazzy or spontaneous factor involved with them. It requires the telepathic hypnotist to think on his feet and
change presentations with the flow and energy of the situation and participant.

In the case of ‘overcome’ I would announce I felt this was more of a feeling or an action (something one could DO or
experience) and then instruct my participant to take that feeling deep inside of them and experience IN THEIR MIND how
they would FEEL if they were to experience that word, emotion or experience firsthand.

Now the real fun begins.

I can step into the mind of my participant and have a look around at levels never before imagined. MERGING with my
subject I can begin to DESCRIBE in my own words how they feel inside (more psycho-sexual suggestions, ahem!).

This is where mentalism becomes terrifyingly beautiful. I take the word ‘overcome’ and ask myself HOW I WOULD FEEL
if I had just ‘overcome’ something or HAD something to overcome. I describe what my own answers and experience would
be and believe it or not, this is a lot like my participant is going to think of and experience it too!

Sean Waters also stumbled onto this technique and revealed it in his wonderful and highly recommended ebook ‘Ponderings’
much to my chagrin. It’s another extremely powerful ‘Master Class Tool & Technique’ that I use daily.

By placing yourself into the role and mode of your participant (merge with them, step into their shoes) and mentally answer
or obey the same questions and instructions you are giving them you will be surprised to find that YOUR OWN experience
matches the participant’s very, very closely.

I could begin to describe a few different things here…the feeling of being ‘almost triumphant’ in some sense or the feeling of
being burdened and having something difficult to rise above, or some type of challenge I’m facing…whatever I wish. The
point here is I want to describe what ‘overcome’ might feel like WITHOUT actually saying the word ‘overcome.’

In my ebook ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ I described a beautiful technique similar to this I use in my drawing duplications. It
basically allows one to EXPERIENCE the thought, image or object in a participant’s mind – to step inside of that image,
walk around, hear, feel, taste and smell all the things that might be associated with it WHILE the participant is doing the
same. This is very close to REAL mind reading.

A process like this allows the artist to share a deeper, richer, fuller experience of mind reading. It becomes an experiential
process as opposed to something that ‘just happens’ or is thrown at the participant.

Most mentalists I see do not treat their volunteers, subject or participants AS participants or co-creators of these beautiful
experiences but as ‘props’ that are nothing more than warm bodies to bounce their presentations off of. Mind Reading is not
something that happens WITH them, but something which happens AT THEM. This way of performing has ‘hack’ written
all over it. The perpetrator is not an artist or even a performer as I understand it – they are lifeless mechanics which only
know process and nothing about creating a meaningful, enjoyable, LIVING experience with another human mind or soul.

Again, back to our presentation…

After I’ve described in detail what this ‘word’ feels like and might be experienced as my participant is becoming more and
more deeply relaxed, open, receptive, intuitive and aware that a true miracle is taking place. It’s a very nice state of being to
relax and sink in to.

I proceed as I did with the number of letters turned into a month, this time with a specific word.

As much as I love Kenton and Banachek and their work I could never get that damned ‘Brain Game’ to work well for me.
Unlike most psychological forces I just didn’t have adequate results to keep it as part of my work. What I do instead is

I now ask my participant to imagine a large blackboard in front of them and project the word in their mind upon it in great
BIG letters. I use different presentations here as well and we will get to those…

Using a bit from TA Waters I ask my participants to allow their mind, thoughts and consciousness to shine across this
blackboard as though it were a spotlight. They go back and forth across the written letters and little by little I start to receive

My favorite way of doing this entails the participant seeing the word and letters written out clearly before them. I ask them to
go ‘right into the center of the word’ and focus on the letter there.

This allows me to reveal the specific letter and get another hit. Another direct hit equals another deep breath and/or a deeper
feeling of relaxation to wash over their entire body.

Obviously some words have an odd number of letters in them so the MIDDLE WORD will be isolated all by itself. An
example of this would be ‘fence’ with the middle letter being an ‘N.’ Words like our example ‘overcome’ would be split
between the ‘r’ and the ‘c.’ In most cases I go for the letter on the left (‘r’ in this case) as it is most often the one chosen.

Other times I will feign a mental block saying there must be TWO ‘middle letters’ and to simply focus on whichever one they
wish. When given a choice I find most participants will choose whichever letter comes first. If not, it won’t matter anyways
because I can simply reveal both of them.

The way I reveal this middle letter is the same way I reveal the number of letters by the month associated with it only this
time I use a common name.

To do this I ask my participant to focus on the letter and send it to me. Keep in mind I am still continuing to have them take
breaths, imagine certain things and perhaps close their eyes. There is a process involved here. They focus on the letter and
instead of a month I use a person’s name. In the case of ‘overcome’ I think of names that begin with the letter ‘R.’

Immediately Richard, Ricky, Ron and Rebecca come to mind. I would reveal it like this…

‘Does the name Richard mean something to you? Perhaps even a Ronnie or a Rebecca? It’s someone significant with an ‘R’ name or initial – I’m
picking up on an ‘R’ sound here…’

Notice how I framed my question and statement in this case. With the month I rattle off a few zodiac signs and end with the
month/number. The participant MUST confirm and give me a ‘yes’ answer here.

The same with names, I rattle off a few of them and then say, ‘It’s someone significant with an ‘R’ name or initial – I’m picking up on
an ‘R’ sound here.’

A few things happen. First, chances are good that there IS someone significant in my participant’s life with an ‘R’ name. If so,
I get another hit! If not, by ending my question/statement with, ‘I’m picking up on an ‘R’ sound here’ my participant MUST

This is devious because to the audience it appears as though I have just nailed a name AND the correct letter! They do not
know which part of my statement the participant is agreeing to.

Just like before I think of the letter and allow my mind to summon up names that start with that letter. I don’t have a
memorized list of names I just use the first ones that come to me. This is a spontaneous event and one that looks and feels
just like ‘the real thing.’

If I’m going the blackboard route the following information is something I keep in mind.

It often assists the participant to close their eyes as they imagine this exchange of thoughts taking place. This also helps ME
and the process at hand because again, anytime a person closes their eyes and IMAGINES something they alter their
brainwave patterns. This brainwave adjustment allows for a deeper and more significant experience to take place – the
participant will experience my mind reading on another level DIFFERENT from their normal waking consciousness and
brain activity. This sets it apart and makes it special; they can FEEL a difference!

Having my participant close their eyes at this point is a good thing and I can even finish my routine with their eyes closed
which is what I will often do when using mentalism as a hypnotic induction. There is something about proceeding with the
participant’s eyes closed that I really love…

Think about it and let’s get off track for a moment...

Why does the participant need their eyes open at this point?

Mentalism takes place on a mental level and there is very little to see. My subject can actually SEE MORE with their eyes
closed! Especially since I am using progressive relaxation techniques and deepening their state of mind and consciousness it
is a wonderful idea to have them close their eyes, continue relaxing and working with me as we proceed.

Closing their eyes assists in internalizing this process and experience. It seems to happen on a much deeper level where the
participant is all alone behind the black walls of their eye lids and allowing me/inviting me in as a guest in their mind.

There are lots of great ideas for visualizations here that are very profound and beautiful in effect. With my routines and
performances I want to make them ‘sparkle.’

I might ask my participant to close their eyes and imagine standing in a large, ornate room of their own design. I often take a
few moments and allow them to decorate this room with everything they love and desire. This assists them in FEELING
GOOD and visualizing at a deeper level – together we create their own private retreat or special place within the infinite
vistas of their mind.

On the other side of this room is a magnificently decorated door. I have the subject imagine I am on the other side of that
door and knocking (I stand at the door and knock… ‘knock and it will be opened unto you.’) The participant opens the door and
invites me into their mind as a welcome and respectful guest.

Now we are interacting on an entirely different level. It’s a really, really beautiful thing. This presentation will bring me to
another point later on (making the experience of me being inside their mind real – DREAM WALKING – in a waking state.
They show me a card, number, image and I reveal it thus proving I am in their mind!).

Proceeding with the revelation of ‘overcome’ there is still a lot I can do here.

I might ask my participant to break the word up in to two parts and get pieces from each part over time. I might even
purposefully be OFF slightly with the word! There is a lot of psychology in play here that simply cannot be taught, you’ll just
have to experience it and learn over time.

Think on your feet and begin to make connections in your own mind. You might have your own process and procedure you
wish to use and that is perfectly fine and even encouraged! Whatever process you wish to use is great – just remember to use
progressive relaxation techniques with each and every drop of information you give back to the participant and they will
enter a state of trance very easily.

When it comes time to end this routine and finally reveal the word in all its glory I do so with a rider that ‘if and when I am
correct my subject will fall into a deep state of relaxed, focused awareness sinking peacefully and gently into a sublime state of mind and
consciousness, completely relaxed in the safest and deepest trance-like state they have ever experienced…’ and other such things.

This provides my subject with a cue. I nail the information and they go out like a light, responding perfectly to my suggestion
and all of the combined techniques I used prior.

Though this essay and explanation reads long techniques such as these do not really take that long in application or
performance. I can use a piece of information to induce a very deep trance state in a matter of a few seconds if need be.

Some ‘performers’ will think these steps take too long and will continue to simply reveal the name, number, word or images
held in their participant’s mind. To me this is unoriginal, uncreative and an insult to proper mind reading and performance

If this stuff was real (!) there would be an involved yet gentle process at play here. To me, this is exactly how REAL mind
reading could and should look. So what if it takes me 5 minutes to reveal a single word? This is art!

Plus, I am going to end up revealing much more than a word. The word is merely a doorway to all of the other information,
hits and tidbits I am going to inevitably stumble across and fall into.

Many times I will use a single name, number, word or image divination by itself and combine these techniques with others
for a stellar 10-12 minute performance and let it remain a miracle and the only thing I do. Nobody is ever going to forget it –
less is more.

Other times I will use my book test or other routines at a more rapid pace, induce trance quickly or simply use them as tools
for mind reading without hypnosis. There is a time and place for everything. The key is in knowing when that time and where
those places are.


Instead of having a name, number or word drawn out on an imaginary chalk board as mentioned earlier I will sometimes lead
my participant through a ‘mental cloud busting’ exercise.

In this variation I ask my participant to write their word in the clouds as though they were skywriting. With each and every
piece of information I receive correctly the cloud breaks up just a little bit and my participant becomes more and more

I often have them pour their stress, frustration and hardships into the cloud. Together, through this process of mind reading
and hypnosis, we’ll bust the cloud and release their stress easily and naturally.

By the time I finish I have induced trance, revealed the information in mind and released the subject’s stress. As a result the
imaginary cloud has been busted up, dissolved and completely dissipated taking all that stress and frustration along with it.

Many times I will link this demonstration to REAL cloud busting claiming that I often do this with real clouds as I bend
spoons and heal the sick (or whatever) and because I have given this suggestion AND LINKED IT to an actual experience
the subject will go about their life telling people I can do all those things they never saw, based on what they DID see.

Refer to my ‘Cloud Busting Secrets’ or Docc Hilford’s ‘Ball and Tube’ manuscript if you still don’t understand this phenomenon
and technique completely.

From my books, ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and ‘T&R’ please consider the following –

Relaxation & Visualization

The ways in which I relax and induce people differ. One of my favorite methods is taught here.

Begin by having the client take a few deep breaths. I’m a huge fan of 36 successive, deep breaths – in and out in a rhythmical

This type of circular breathing is easy to do and teach, even during the actual process itself.

Begin by taking a long, deep breath to the count of 4. Inhale…, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Now hold the breath to the count of 4…1, 2, 3, 4.

And exhale to the count of 4…1, 2, 3, 4.

Leave the body breathless to the count of 4…1…, 2…, 3…, 4….

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

That’s it!

For those who actually read books, I’ve tucked the following info in here very discreetly. There is a very nice induction I use
with the clients breathing patterns that is dreamy.

Taking 36 full, deep breaths naturally alters brain wave patterns, will naturally relax and energize the person taking the breaths
and causes minor hyperventilation. For this reason the ’36 Breaths’ induction is PERFECT for séances, mentalism and
hypnosis. It produces a very highly suggestible subject.

If your subject cannot take 36 deep breaths in a row without becoming uncomfortable simply break them up into sets of 9
breaths (use 4 sets throughout the demonstration) and do it that way. The results are the same and this routine super
oxygenates the bloodstream. Realize that once a person is hyperventilating that their mind is in a much different state than
when in normal waking consciousness. Use this difference to your advantage – facilitate it with ‘36’ breaths.

Did I mention before this is perfect for both large and small groups? Because I am leading the rhythmic breathing
exercise/induction I can EASILY mirror or match my clients breathing patterns through mirroring. If I’m breathing with
them (as I often do, I like to be altered too) then I can actually start LEADING the subject though their breathing patterns.

Doing so allows me to slow down the rate of their breathing or speed it up, whichever I wish – all I have to do is lead the
breathing and ask the subject to breathe with me. Now I get to choose how fast or slow they are breathing! This is nice. It
creates a very strong sense of rapport as well.

This circular/rhythmical breathing is easy to do, deeply relaxing and naturally stimulating. It creates mild hyperventilation
which increases suggestibility and creates certain optical illusions such as ‘seeing energy.’

Often after having taken a client/participant or even a group/audience through this type of breathing exercise I will implant
my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ and ‘Vanilla’ scripts and suggestions from my books ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and ‘Guerrilla
Q&A’, respectively.

Special care should be taken NOT to induce hyperventilation within a client or participant to the point of discomfort or
anxiety. Should the client be overwhelmed or uneasy at any time during the circular breathing exercise, they should stop
immediately and resume normal breathing.

Have a paper bag handy in case someone needs to breathe in to it to stop a panic attack due to hyperventilation.

Crossing the arms and pressing on the tender spots beneath the armpits will also facilitate normal breathing and stop

Take care of your people.

It is my firm belief that visualization should always be used in conjunction with breathing techniques, and vice versa. The
two seem to go hand in hand and when working together produce the greatest results.

My inductions rely upon a combination of relaxation, breathing and visualization techniques combined with suggestion for
their effects.


Hans Berger discovered that closing the eyes and VISUALIZING certain imagery would naturally shift the
brainwave patterns to a light, trance-like ALPHA state of consciousness.

Deeper forms of hypnosis aside, the ALPHA state is very light, relaxing, enjoyable and while altered, the subject still remains
quite conscious. It’s a perfect state for hypnosis and a lot of good work can be done here. This is my preferred state for
positive programming, affirmations, powerful visualizations, deep relaxation, stress relief and more.

Eliciting an ALPHA state is both easy and natural as Hans discovered. Simply closing the eyes and visualizing certain imagery
will facilitate the change and shift in awareness.

I prefer the color spectrum as it’s easy to visualize, natural and has inherent calming and relaxing qualities. It is also very fast
and can be rendered in a few short moments.

The color spectrum is 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Visualizing these colors in the above order and succession is naturally relaxing and hypnotic.

An easy mnemonic to remember this color sequence is an imaginary character ‘Roy G. Biv’ – his name is the correct color
series abbreviated.

Over years I’ve found some people have difficulties with the colors indigo and violet. Indigo is a blue-ish, purple color. Violet
is a reddish-purple.

For ease of use I’ve replaced both these colors with a solid purple which I find has the same effects in the end. So, in order,
the colors are: red, orange, yellow (Roy), green (G.) and purple (Biv.).

The combination of deep breathing and visualizing the primary color spectrum has magnificent results.

When visualizing the colors, it is only important that each color is SEEN for a brief moment. If a person cannot hold the
image, that is fine AS LONG AS they can see it, REALLY SEE IT in their minds eye for even just a brief moment.

Also, the colors can take any form the client wishes. For example, to see the color red one can imagine ANY red thing or
source of ‘red’ they wish; an apple, a stop light or stop sign, a fire, blood, a garnet birthstone or ruby, etc.

For orange it could be the setting sun, an orange, an orange flower or even simply the color splattered on to a black screen in
their mind.

Yellow might be an egg yolk, yellow gold, the sun or anything they wish to imagine, as long as it can be SEEN for a brief

The same holds true for ALL the colors.

Putting this all together is very easy.

First, I guide my subject through a series of deep, circular breaths. Any number of deep breaths is beneficial and the more
the better. One can begin to see results with as few as 3 or 5. I prefer 9 or 12 and go as high as 36 for deep work (séances,
past life regressions, etc).

After a number of breaths I instruct my client to close their eyes and listen gently to the sound of my voice as we visualize
the color spectrum together.

Here I guide the participant (or group) through the above mentioned color series knowing all along what this exercise is
doing to their mind set and brainwave patterns.

Different Inductions

As we look at some different methods for hypnotic induction and facilitating trance states begin thinking of some
of your own to use.

It’s great fun to create new inductions and once you have learned the basics of hypnosis you will turn EVERYTHING you
do into a natural induction. You’ll begin acting in a way that is naturally hypnotic with tremendous benefits to you and those
around you.

1). Fixed Gaze.

Have your subject stare at an object held about 20 inches (or more) away from their face and slightly above their forehead. By
asking the subject to focus on this object you will naturally direct their attention and strain their eyes. As you watch the
subject closely eventually you may see their eyes about to turn a bit RED or become watery as they strain the tiny muscles to

As the client’s eyes become reddened tell them, ‘Your eyelids are feeling heavy and drowsy now and you want to close them down. Go
ahead and close your heavy tired eyes and relax every muscle in your body.’

Now that your client has closed their eyes and is relaxing their muscles you will probably notice them take a large deep breath
and exhale. This is known as the ‘Hypnotic Sigh.’ This is a very clear sign that your client is relaxing and letting go. At this point
you might already have an effective hypnotic state. Proceed with positive suggestions and programming.

One of the early alternatives to this induction that I learned as a child is also very effective. Placing your hand in ‘karate chop’
position (palm down, fingers facing the client) ask your subject to focus on your pinky finger and follow it with their eyes
wherever it goes.

At this point I move my hand up, down, up and to the left and right, down and to the right and left accessing all of their
mental faculties and straining their eyes. I now dip my open palm down and beneath their chin. As my subject follows my
finger with their eyes, when my hand goes down and beneath their chin (out of their vision) they practically have to close
their eyes naturally to TRY to keep up with it.

As the subject’s eyes become closed (or half closed) simply give the suggestion to close their eyes and take a deep breath and
relax now by melting into their seat.

2). Eye Fascination/Fixation.

Position the subject standing or sitting directly in front of you; you will be a few inches away. Ask your client to stare into
your eyes. Soon you will start to notice all of the expressions leaving their face. It’s common at this time to experience a sort
of ‘tunnel vision’ (especially if you SUGGEST IT!) as they focus on your eyes and your eyes only. It’s a very disorienting
experience as they see nothing more than the ‘hypnotic eyes.’

Tell the subject to continue to focus on and remember your eyes as the close their eyelids down gently and go fast to SLEEP.
I suggest it’s almost like they can still SEE my eyes and their color through their eyelids, looking now with their ‘Inner Vision.’

As the subject continues to remember the look, shape and color of my eyes I’ll have them imagine the color changing – my
eyes become red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple in their mind.

I ask my subject to nod their head in the affirmative after each color to confirm they have seen my eyes change IN THEIR
MIND. This is a simple color visualization using the eyes as the color-changing object.

Many times I’ll take the visualization even further by having the subject imagine MY EYES becoming THEIR EYES as if
they are looking into a mirror. By giving suggestions now of our eyes, minds and hearts becoming ONE it is very easy to
lead the subject into a deep trance state.

If the subject happens to be standing give them a firm suggestion that their legs are stiff and rigid, feet stuck to the floor and
perfectly balanced. We don’t want anyone falling over on us!

This is a very magical, very impressive and beautiful induction and I use it during my own version of the handshake
induction taught in this book.

Prior to finalizing the induction and introducing hypno-sleep you might take a few moments at this point for a very short
Rayid eye reading. For those not familiar with ‘Rayid’ check out the book ‘What the Eye Reveals’ by Denny Ray Johnson and
thank me later.

I’ll teach you soon how a short reading can be transformed into an induction.

3). Stroking.

Light touch is often used to facilitate a hypnotic trance and I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of entering an altered state
of mind when our hairstylist shampoo’s our hair before cutting.

Of course this should only be done with permission and only non-sexual, non threatening touch should be used. It’s insane
that I even have to include such a statement (you should know better) but there it is.

Start by having the subject sitting or lying down. Begin gently feathering their body (similar to very hypnotic, relaxing
massage strokes). Start with their head and rub your hands evenly down the sides of the subjects face, down the neck and
over the shoulders.

Next stroke the client’s arms from the shoulder down to the fingertips. Always make your strokes towards the extremities as
this may assist with lymphatic flow and helping to move and remove ‘negative energy’ from the body. The subject may
experience numbness and lose their sense of sensation or touch for a short time. For many, human touch shocks us. This is
also due to the state of light trance and hypnosis they have now drifted into. You may continue to give gentle, supportive
strokes as you state your positive suggestions and mental programs to the client.

While I’m not a huge fan of this induction I have included it here to be thorough. I DO use a process similar to this during
my Past Life Regression and I DO often touch my subject while they enter a state of trance or are under the active influences
of my hypnosis.

To drive suggestions in very deeply it is common to touch and tap the client on their arm, shoulder or forehead during the
session. This is a form of marking and anchoring that is very effective. It also lets the client know on a very subtle level that
you are there beside them, attentive, supportive and actively involved in this process.

As I give my client/subject the command to ‘SLEEP’ I nearly always touch or tap them in the center of their forehead. This
is more of a habit than anything else I suppose – something taken from my days as a full time stage hypnotist and has no real
use or benefit aside from the ones already described.

4). Hand Passes.

Have the subject sit or lie down with their eyes closed. Bring their attention and awareness to their breathing and begin to
facilitate some deep, rhythmic breathing cycles. Begin making passes from the head down towards the client’s feet without
touching the body. This is similar to an aura sweeping technique and it’s better for the people watching than it is for the
subject being hypnotized. It adds a level of mystique and theatrics that are very valuable in this art form.

As you continue making these slow, graceful sweeps and passes you might lead the client quietly through a short color
visualization. Because this has a very ‘auric’ feeling to it I only use a few colors. Remember that it’s the process of
VISUALIZATION that is the key here, not the actual colors use or mental picture imagined. Just closing the eyes, taking
some deep breaths and mentally picturing ANYTHING will produce changes in the brain wave patterns of your subject.

While you are making your sweeping gestures the client will enter a trance state. At this point you can stop and proceed with
positive suggestions, programming or deepening trance.

5). The Simple Command.

Have the client sit quietly for a few moments with their eyes closed. After a short time loudly give the subject a command to
‘SLEEP!’ You’re going to see your client jump a bit, twitch and then visibly relax. The key here is to startle the subject and
then as a response to their shock they will be momentarily ‘opened up’; simply follow your direct command with immediate
relaxation techniques naturally. When the mind and body is shocked or surprised it is uncanny how we will follow whatever
command is barked at us from an authority figure.

Proceed as usual with positive programming or deepening techniques.

I personally use this induction in two ways.

The first is to ask a person mid performance (magic or mentalism), ‘You’re not hypnotized, are you?’ to which they will naturally
respond ‘no.’

I proceed by asking, ‘But are you SURE about that?’ and AS SOON AS I SEE this person formulating an answer/developing a
response I pull them forward and give the suggestion ‘SLEEP!’ in a loud, authoritative voice.

There are a few infinitely valuable points I need to make here.

A few things will happen at this point. Either your very bold induction is going to work and the subject will fall immediately
into state OR they will look at you like a deer caught in headlights…what to do then?

Here’s how I handle this. The first option is obvious – when the subject is induced using this method I run with it and
proceed immediately to the deepening sequence.

The second scenario (with a resistant, non induced subject) also has a few ways it can work out.

A). Continue to move forward! I might tell the person, ‘Close your eyes now and take a deep breath…’ while proceeding with the
utmost confidence.


B). I play this off by saying, ‘Well, you didn’t expect it to be THAT EASY (forceful, obvious, rude, etc), did you? True hypnosis is
actually a lot more subtle, allow me show you what I mean. Sit up straight up in your seat, hands palm down in your lap, both feet flat on the floor
and take a deep breath as you listen to me very closely now…’

I find that option ‘B’ is the better way to go in most cases AND believe it or not, this simple and risky induction works far
more often than not!

Another point I would like to make right now is this –

Most hypnotists are taught to SHOUT/YELL/SCREAM the word ‘sleep’ for their shock inductions. This isn’t necessary.
The command should be strong, affirmative and supremely confident, but there is no need to yell. I know these guys were all
taught do this shouting command to shock the person into a startled state in order to deliver their direct suggestion, though I
prefer not to do it this way personally. I raise my voice and change my tonality so as to mark my direct command and it’s
FAR from shouting.

6). Attention & Suggestion.

Position your subject sitting or standing. Hold two of your fingers above their eyes at an angle that forces them to look
upwards. Instruct the subject to gaze at your fingertips and make their mind as blank as possible.

After a few moments their eyes should begin to close on their own. If not, simply use your two fingers and draw them over
the subject’s eyelids. They will close them.

Here’s the sneaky and devious part… as you physically close their eyes for them give the verbal suggestion, ‘Your eyes are feeling
heavy now and want to close. Very shortly you will enter a deep state of relaxed, focused awareness – listening intently (closely) to the sound of my
voice and my instructions.’

Said in tandem with the physical action of CLOSING your client’s eyes for them the above little ‘trick’ makes it appear as
though your subject is becoming hypnotized and responding to your commands and suggestions – and they are – we are just
helping them out a bit.

As the participant’s breathing becomes rhythmic you can proceed to give them positive suggestions.

7). The Pendulum.

Instruct your subject to hold the pendulum in front of their face and slightly elevated to make them stare upwards. Suggest
to them that as they continue to stare at the pendulum it will begin to move back and forth, back and forth…

Next, suggest to your subject that as they continue to gaze upon and focus their attention and awareness on the pendulum
tell them, ‘As the pendulum moves back and forth, back and forth you might notice your eyes feeling a little heavier now – a bit drowsy, sleepy,
lazy and tired. Your eyes are getting heavier now. Close them and allow your mind and body to SLEEP deeply…’

Your subject might drop the pendulum at this point unless you have suggested otherwise. I normally just instruct them to
close their eyes and notice their arm and hand holding the pendulum slowly descending, drifting down into their lap at the
same rate their eyes are closing. This is similar to the raised arm induction I use as both actions happen simultaneously.

I personally LOVE the pendulum induction because I carry a pendulum with me wherever I go. Not just an induction, this
routine is a perfect suggestibility test as well. Those who respond well to the ideometer response are primed and perfect
candidates for both suggestion and other forms of hypnosis.

You might wish to try this induction before a pendulum test or even during it. One could show how we get better and more
consistent results with dowsing when hypnosis is brought into the process and ‘test.’

The pendulum can also be used to anchor suggestions through its movement which is very effective. For example, when
asking your pendulum to show you a ‘YES’ answer it is common for it to begin moving in circles (for me anyways). Since my
subconscious mind knows that ‘circles’ actually mean ‘YES’ I can use that to my advantage. When using Self Hypnosis,
positive affirmations and auto suggestion techniques I can embed those suggestions directly in my subconscious mind by
mentally willing the pendulum to move in circles and stating the affirmation over and over and over again.

Because the subconscious mind is in charge of the ideometer response (and it’s the ‘YES’ oriented mind!) and my pendulum
is circling in a ‘YES’ manner and fashion…I’m really just taking different naturally occurring physical phenomena and linking
it with subconscious affirmations and programming.

This same technique can be used with a client. For example, holding the pendulum she can begin to negate certain patterns,
habits and suggestions/old beliefs and release them through the pendulum motions of ‘NO’ (back and forth, straight lines in
my case) and thus link a physical response to a subconscious suggestion.

When hypnotizing a subject using a pendulum you could instruct/suggest them to retain their hold on it and instead of
answering verbally the sitter allows their subconscious mind to communicate and respond THROUGH the pendulum. This
is very fun and very effective. It is great for past life regressions, working with multiple personalities and levels of the mind in
parts therapy and more.

If you don’t happen to have a pendulum handy you can also use a necklace (yours or the clients) or some other makeshift
pendulum such as a ring on a piece of floss, etc.

8). The Candle Flame.

For this induction simply turn down the lights and have the subject gaze at a flickering candle flame. As they continue to
breathe in a circular fashion and focus their attention on the flame give them suggestions for relaxation. Continue these
suggestions with the aforementioned ones with heavy, tired eyes.

‘And as you continue to stare at the candle flame right now, allow yourself to become very relaxed and very much at peace. You might notice that
your breathing becomes gentle and slower on its own or that your muscles are becoming loose, limp and relaxed with your thoughts, easily and
naturally. Whatever the case, the candle flame and its dancing is all that matters right now BECAUSE it helps your mind (you’re mine!) to relax
you even deeper and more deeply still…

…and now your eyes are becoming even heavier and more tired all the time…

As the flame jumps and dances around the wick your eyes begin to close… allow them to close down all the way now, relaxing peacefully and
sleeping deeply…

At this point I might gently blow on the candle flame to cause it to dance and flicker, adding physical action to the
suggestion. Your subject is following your suggestions perfectly whenever you ask/tell them to close their eyes down AND
THEY DO. For all intents and purposes, they are now hypnotized.

The candle induction is a really fun one and I love it and use it a lot. For theatrical purposes as the subject closes his or her
eyes down in tandem with my suggestions I will blow out the candle flame and give the command ‘SLEEP.’

The flame goes out, my subject closes her eyes and enters a deep state of peace and relaxation.

I use the candle flame to deepen trance at times – again I use the color visualization (a big personal favorite of mine, if you
can’t tell!) and ask the subject to imagine the candle flame changing colors. As the subject focuses on the flame, each time it
moves they take a deep breath and exhale. I’ll sometime lightly blow on the flame to quicken this breathing cycle and I do
this openly with nothing to hide, of course.

I sometimes instruct my subject to hold their hand over the candle flame and feel the warmth it gives. I then command that
warmth, peace and relaxation to stay with them and travel all over the subject’s body to relax and soothe them.

Presenting this exercise as a method to still the mind and inner thoughts or subtle energy of the subject is very effective. I
often use the premise of scrying with flames and praying with fire as a means to relax the subject. By focusing on the flames
people are able to see forms, images, shapes, different colors and inner visions projected by their mind into the flames. With
each image, shape, vision or subtle change they witness the subject’s level of peace and relaxation increases dramatically.

Keeping in line with the Elman Induction, at times instead of picking up my clients arm/wrist and dropping it into their lap
for 10X deeper relaxation, I will merely bring their hand closer to the flame to feel its warmth. As the subject feels the
warmth from the candle they allow themselves to relax even deeper and deeper still. Be very careful not to burn yourself or
anyone else if using this technique – always exercise caution with lit candles or open flames.

Do you see how this is all starting to fit together? Many techniques cross over into each other and there are many different
variations on these same basic structures.

One might carry a Zippo brand lighter (or even a normal lighter) that can be lit and placed on a table or held by a participant
for this induction as well.

9). Fractional Relaxation.

Instruct your hypnotic subject to sit or lie down and intend on becoming very, very relaxed. Proceed by having them close
their eyes and listen gently to the sound of your voice, guidance and instructions.

Begin by having the client relax every part of their body part by part in fractions or subsets.

‘Relax all of the muscles from the top of your head down to the bottoms of your feet. Relax all the muscles in your forehead, your eyelids, your
mouth and lips, your face. Separate the jaw slightly so your teeth do not touch (conditioning, breaking down resistance!) and place the tip of
your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth…that’s right…very good…

Relax all the muscles in your mouth and tongue, all the way down through your throat and down through your chest and shoulders, down your
arms, into your fingertips and across your palms…

Now relax all the muscles in your stomach and midsection. Focus on your breathing…

Relax the muscles around your waist and hips and allow this deep wave of relaxation to travel down both of your legs, your calves, your ankles,
across your toes and down to the very bottoms of your feet again…

There are a few techniques I also use with this Fractional Relaxation Sequence which I greatly prefer. For one, with each
section I ask my client to relax I also have them take a deep, relaxing and naturally cleansing breath. Remember what
breathing does to increase suggestion and create a hypnotic trance?

Breathing techniques are great to use in any induction for the simple reason that everyone has to breathe and each time they

This following your suggestions over and over and over again breaks down any resistance within the client and conditions
them to do as you say.

Secondly, whenever my client takes a deep breath and focuses on a body part or section to relax I have them imagine a color
(any I choose) and imagine that wave of relaxation appearing in their mind as a green (blue, red, orange, pink, yellow, white –
whatever!) wave that assists them in becoming even deeper and more deeply relaxed.

Third, as I instruct my client to relax each specific body part and section, when appropriate I guide this process by lightly
touching or tapping the intended section (head, neck, shoulders, forehead, arms, fingers, knees, feet, etc).

It is very effective.

There is another technique I use that is a lot like this progressive relaxation exercise but it happens INSTANTLY and can be
used in conjunction with progressive relaxation or by itself.

This technique has the same results but it happens much faster. It simply entails asking the client to make their entire body
TENSE and to hold that tension for 30-60 seconds before relaxing and letting it all go at once.

Holding tension in every part of the body possible all at once is slightly uncomfortable and actually very hard to do after
awhile. It is a welcome signal when we ask the client to release the tension, relax every part of their body and ‘SLEEP’
deeply, relaxing and drifting away to the sound of my voice, easily and naturally.

As mentioned before, I often will use the two together with some other techniques for very strong results.

10). The Ring Induction.

If possible, use a unique and interesting ring for this induction. It can also be a ring you already own and wear such as a
wedding band or even the client’s own ring.

I prefer a ring that is special and looks strange and mysterious. The one I use is a large Agate crystal skull ring all carved from
one piece of solid stone with piercing eyes and sports a world class carving style and lots of detail. It is special, fun to look
at, sufficiently mysterious and works like a charm! Whatever you decide upon, use your ring as the focal point for this
induction by doing the following:

Instruct your subject to fix their gaze on and stare at the ring. Slowly begin to move your hand up and down in front of their
face. As your hand goes up instruct your subject to breathe deeply. As your hand lowers the subject is to exhale the breath.
Do this 3-5 times and on the last pass as your client exhales instruct them to allow their eyes to close, shutting peacefully and
sleeping, sleeping, sleeping deeply…

I often touch my subject’s head at this point (tapping or light touch on the forehead) as I continue with my suggestions and
programming or deepening techniques.

The ring can be seen to shift shapes, change colors, grow larger and smaller, breathe or pulse with a life of its own and
perhaps even move a bit. These additional effects are to be had via suggestion, straining the eyes, causing mild
hyperventilation AND I often use the ring induction with a candle and combine the two. The light from the candle and
natural pattern of my ring helps create some spectacular effects when coupled with suggestion and breathing techniques.

I love this ring induction because it gives us a nice way to pace and lead the breathing process and by this time we have all
discovered just how much I adore and promote breathing techniques with suggestion and hypnosis for some truly
magnificent and beautiful experiences.

As a wonderful technique for hypnosis or even deepening I often deliver suggestions that as I slide the ring onto my subject’s
finger they will fall instantly into a deep state of relaxation and hypnosis. This can be used with the prior techniques or by
itself as a wonderful and unusual tool to induce trance.

I often begin by taking my ring and placing it into the subject’s hands as they focus on its carving and details, breathe deeply
and begin to calm, still and relax their mind and body. As the client focuses on the ring, their breath, the weight and coolness
in their hand (etc) I ask them to IMAGINE a time when they were deeply and completely relaxed in every way, on every level
and to PROJECT those thoughts, feelings and memories directly into the ring.

Suggestions are given that as the client transfers and transmits/projects these thoughts and feelings into the ring it begins to
grow warmer, heavier, changing shapes, shifting colors, pulsating, beating, breathing and taking on a life of its own because
now the object is sharing THE SUBJECT’S LIFE with them…it’s subtle, but they WILL begin to see these things in their
mind and their imagination.

Once appropriate phenomena has been observed and confirmed it’s time to pick up the ring and place it onto the subject’s
finger with suggestions that as I do these thoughts and feelings of warmth, peace and relaxation will become part of them
once again as they enter a very deep state of relaxed, focused awareness.

I have also used this bit to TEACH someone how to place themselves into a very deep ‘trance like’ state – a state very similar
to ‘self hypnosis’ or ‘guided meditation.’

By having the subject place the ring onto their own finger when they are READY to relax even deeper and enter a blissful
state of self hypnosis and relaxed focused awareness I effectively give them control of the situation and continue to act as a
guide and facilitator to the process.

It’s a lovely bit of business.

11). The Smile Induction.

Earlier I showed ‘Thought Veil’ students a few of the effects and benefits to be realized through the simple act of SMILING.
It should come as no surprise that smiling is actually a very strong induction technique and makes the client feel very good

When we smile we are sending a message to our mind and body simultaneously that we are happy and that life, in the
moment, is good. We can actually trick the brain THROUGH our body by smiling to begin producing good, happy feelings
within our body chemistry.

Smiling like this causes the mind to produce chemicals that DO indeed make us happy. When we are happy and smiling the
heart is open and the subconscious mind steps up to the plate. Our emotions are ruled by the subconscious mind; it is a
naturally occurring hypnotic process. Smiling alters our brainwaves, changes our mind, adjusts our chemistry and
physiological responses and places us into an altered state very quickly.

Laughter also does the same thing and both smiling and laughing are both indications of emotional release when observed in
a hypnotized person. This will often happen on stage where participants are ‘sleeping’ but can’t stop smiling or they might
laugh when we give them suggestions, even as they act them out. Just realize these are ways of releasing tension and emotion
and are very good signs – nothing at all to worry about.

With the smile induction I use this as a shorter ‘add-on’ to most of my other inductions. I always do it at some point. Smiling
for even just a minute or two actually gets difficult after awhile. It strains the face and takes a lot of muscles to continue

This is good for us and I use it much like the instant and progressive/fractional relaxation technique taught prior. When my
subject has smiled until their face hurts and then relaxes it’s easy to transfer that warmth and relaxation to every part of their
body as joy, happiness and jubilation flows throughout their body relaxing every muscle, nerve and fiber as it goes.

I also favor the use of smiling when it’s time to give my client positive suggestions during my session or performance as it
will drive my suggestions deeper into their subconscious mind. As the subject sits there and smiles for a solid minute or two
(at my command) I know they are accessing the subconscious and sending a certain message to their brain/changing their

Because of this I use the open door to the S.C. mind to deliver heartfelt, positive suggestions such as, ‘You are a beautiful,
inspiring, passionate woman’ or ‘You are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and prosperous!’ while the subject
continues to smile. Feeding back the clients criteria here in the present tense and positive state of being is very effective.

If I don’t use the SMILE TECHNIQUE during the bulk or main portion of my session I will use it during the count-out
and trance termination portion. I simply instruct my subject(s) to begin & continue smiling as I count from 1 to 5. As I count
them out of the trance state I give all the normal suggestions as taught in this course.

The simple act of smiling can induce a trance state in and of itself. I combine it with progressive relaxation techniques,
breathing and visualization to produce results.

The subject should smile for 30-120 seconds for the best results. I include a short 15-30 second ‘smiling suggestion’ with a
lot of my mentalism to invoke a certain state or feeling in the client which I then anchor into me and the performance

12). The Temple Induction.

Position your subject so they are sitting or lying down comfortably. Stand behind them at their head and instruct your
participant to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing.

With the tips of your first three fingers begin to gently rub the subject’s temples in a circular fashion as if removing a stress
or tension headache. I use a light oil and include this as part of my special ‘non-magic’ pieces that I share with people. It is
essentially an oil anointing (the crown) followed by the laying on of hands with a Universal/non denominational blessing of
good tidings and best wishes.

Because I have the oil I used to anoint them and my hands are already upon the person I simply transition into my induction
before I give the verbal and silent blessings. You could also have a key chain ‘Holy Oil’ dispenser or a small bottle of massage
oil packed away in your close up case.

As I gently rub the subject’s temples I instruct them to focus on their breathing (which I lead), visualize the color’s of the
rainbow one by one and simultaneously give them positive suggestions, custom affirmations and gentle programming.

I might also (or instead) instruct my subject to verbally count backwards from 100 until they feel completely relaxed and at
ease to the point where they no longer wish to speak. When this happens I know I have a subject in the proper hypnotic

13). Breathing.

to insure that my ‘Thought Veil’ students are getting the most of their education I have included the instructions for my
breathing induction somewhere else in this manual. I trust that you all found it the first time and that you are working
through this information slowly and thoroughly.

The Breathing Induction is one of my favorite ones to use by itself or as a major part of nearly ALL my other inductions. I
highly recommend it.

14). Drumming.

Drumming is a wonderful way to induce the hypnotic state or to deepen it. Along these lines rattling, singing, dancing,
chanting, meditating and praying are all very, very effective. These are ancient techniques that shaman’s and traditional healers
have used over a few millennium to achieve an altered state of consciousness in preparation for their spiritual workings and

The basic idea behind drumming is that the rhythm produces a deep hypnotic state. I have a few drums I use for this
induction and I incorporate drumming into my traditional healing sessions along with smudging, rattling, singing, dancing,
chanting and praying as mentioned above. This is the first medicine and original form of healing and I love it. Ancient
medicine men realized the drum was a powerful vehicle that could transport the thoughts and consciousness of themselves,
the tribe and their patients very quickly.

As I beat my drum for hypnosis I am not playing a song (those come later in my Earth Healing sessions) but simply keep a
steady pace. I time the beating of my drum with either mine or my client’s natural heartbeat and breathing.

During the last 20 or 30 seconds of my drumming I instruct my client/subject to take a fast, forceful deep breath with each
beat. Again this is nice because I get to direct the pace and rate of the breathing process. He who controls the breathing of
his subjects also controls their state of mind and brainwave patterns.

My entire drumming induction only lasts about 4 to 6 minutes. That is ample time to alter and shift the client’s state of mind
and inner being.

Once trance has been established and positive suggestions are given, instead of the traditional ‘count out’ to terminate trance
I’ll beat on the drum very rapidly to bring the subject out again. This energetic drumming energizes and revitalizes the client

Small hand-held drums can be purchased and stored in your close up case. Remember these same principles can also be
applied to rattles or other rhythmic actions like a metronome going back and forth (also a great induction) – tossing pebbles
into a pond, breathing with the clouds, patting the ground or knocking on wood with the owl’s hoot and more. Anything can
become a proper induction as we’ll soon discover.

15). The Rainbow Induction.

This induction technique is exactly as the title implies. The subject is led gently into a deep state of trance by visualizing each
color of the rainbow in succession. Just accept that when you visualize the 7 basic colors of the spectrum you automatically
cause beneficial things to happen within your mind and body.

The order I use is as described previously – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (or just purple after blue, it’s
easier and includes both indigo and violet!). I then have the participant/subject/audience visualize a calming, protective
WHITE healing Light all around and within them. This positive WHITE LIGHT might have streaks of gold, crimson, silver
and iridescence within it as well.

It is also very effective for the subject to take their thoughts and feelings and convert them into colors. Focusing on their
‘internal colors’ produces a deep state of peace and relaxation very quickly. Practice such as this one lead to a state of
mindfulness and both inner and outer awareness.

I also favor leading the subject through a duo guided visualization/hypnotic induction as we link chakras and allow our auras
to merge with each other. I facilitate this process with suggestions that with each energy center and color imagined my
participant takes a deep breath. As they take a deep breath they allow themselves to relax…

At the brow chakra the eyes gently close and with the subject’s eyes closed I go on to link and connect our crown chakras as I
proceed with the suggestions and visualizations to expand and merge our auras. This all takes place verbally and

NOTE: As you’ll see in many of my inductions and deepening techniques I’m a huge fan of visualizing the basic spectrum
of colors to induce trance and/or deepen the positive effects of hypnosis.

Should a person be COLOR BLIND these techniques CAN & WILL STILL WORK FOR THEM!

How I handle this is with very simple instructions to HEAR the colors buzzing, humming and whirring as I call them out. If
a person is unable to see the colors they can simply choose to hear them instead.

I also use FEELINGS with my color visualizations. As the frequencies of the colors go higher and higher while we progress
through the color scale the FEELINGS and vibrations of the colors called out intensify too. It’s a simple matter to
SUGGEST that as the colors change the sound and pitch changes as well as the physical vibration and inner feeling of the

By incorporating ALL of the visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities in one simple exercise we insure the deepest effects
possible on the largest number of people.

The wording I use for this is very basic such as,

‘To begin, I want you to IMAGINE the color RED in your mind’s eye and inner vision…the color RED…see it in your mind, even if just for
a very brief moment.

And as you actually SEE this color RED allow yourself to HEAR it humming very softly and gently inside of you and notice that with this
humming there is also a subtle physical vibration as well.

Simply SEEING the color RED naturally allows you to hear it and HEARING IT will actually CAUSE YOU TO FEEL IT because
that is how the mind and body works together…

…and now allow that color red to shift, change and transform to become a nice, vibrant ORANGE COLOR. See it in your mind. Notice how
the sound and pitch of the color CHANGES – and as the color, pitch and sound changes so does the FEELING and vibration of the color…
that’s right. Notice the remarkable changes taking place in your mind and feel the gentle, calming effects on your body…’

For people who are color blind I include this technique, of course, and I also include it in my handling of the ‘Jumping Pulse’
and other induction techniques as it provides for a more in depth full sensory experience.

With clients who are color blind I’ve noticed in trance that many are able to SEE the colors I call out in their own way and
have perfect colored vision! I’m not sure exactly what they are seeing, but in their descriptions to me afterwards it appears as
though they can IMAGINE certain colors and see them vividly while in trance.

By asking a color blind participant to IMAGINE what the color (X) might look like many times they can have some level of
results. If not, I simply use a different technique which entails them imagining a physical object of the same color if NOT
the color itself!

For example, for red I might ask a color blind client to visualize an apple. Although they cannot see the color I think this
sends a subtle message to their brain of the color on some level. This is only a theory but one that seems to work. For
‘orange’ they might imagine the fruit ORANGES, for yellow they can see the sun or an egg yolk – even without color. And
as they imagine these various objects I turn up the SOUND and FEELING/VIBRATION of them as well.

This technique is very effective.

16). The Tarot Induction.

The Kabbalah gives us detailed instructions on ‘Path Working’ through the Tarot. This exercise is a more intimate, experiential
way to learn about the Tarot and its imagery. The process consists of entering a deep, meditative (trance) state and merging
with the imagery of the card to interact with the beings, figures, feelings, messages and symbols inherent within it.

The process can be simplified greatly and actually incorporated into your Tarot readings for your clients. I love opening up a
Tarot reading by handing my client the full pack and having them go through and take out a number of cards that have some
appeal or attraction to them. I also have the client choose their own significator card to represent themselves.

Once this task is accomplished I lead the participant through an eyes open ‘merging’ with the Tarot imagery as they relax,
release, enter the Tarot and mentally, physically and spiritually prepare for their reading. After a few moments the sitter closes
their eyes and steps directly into the image and optical environment the Tarot provides.

This also elicits the subconscious response which is helpful in the interpretation of the cards which is a process I share with
the client. My readings are very ‘hands on’ processes for both me and the sitter(s) involved.

Because giving readings entails delivering very strong, emotionally charged suggestions a good Tarot spread can be a
powerful tool for the working hypnotist. The subconscious mind (and heart) is wide open and prepared to receive a plethora
of suggestions and positive programming.

AFTER my Tarot spread and reading I normally ask my sitter what they wish to manifest in their life – what they choose to
focus on and desire to create for themselves.

Once I have elicited the criteria for what they desire I remove the appropriate Tarot cards from the pack (again, with the
participant!) and place the images face up ON TOP of their cards in the spread. This subtly suggests changing or rearranging
their destiny. Together we create a different story, ending and outcome with this visual affirmation/Mandala to create certain
changes and subtle shifts within the client and the world around them via the unconscious mind.

With a light induction and some positive suggestions this becomes a powerful affirmation of things to come.

17). The Jumping Pulse Induction.

Bill Cushman wrote an ebook titled ‘Suggestabilities’ which includes a wonderful audience participation effect called ‘The
Jumping Pulse.’ I’ve used a pulse-induction for years and was giddy as I read Bill’s wonderful piece. I’ve combined it with a
classic progressive relaxation induction and with Bill’s permission have included it in ‘Thought Veil.’

I highly recommend you follow this script and these instructions as you try Bill’s ‘Jumping Pulse’ out for yourself. It really is

To use with another person or group simply follow these instructions.

Begin by calming and centering yourself with a few deep breaths. I instruct my audience to sit up straight, hands palm down
in their lap, feet flat on the floor and take a few deep breaths with me. I’ll be joining them in the process.

‘And as you take a few deep breaths you might wish to close your eyes down gently, or not. Either way is fine and whatever makes you feel
comfortable and relax now is perfect...

I’m going to guide you through a short exercise to produce a calm inner state of relaxed focused awareness. The experience itself is actually
incredibly pleasant and personally I find this process very interesting and intriguing. I’m wondering whether you’ll find it as interesting as I do…

As you listen to the sound of my voice and feel yourself sitting there in your seats I want you to go ahead now and place all of your attention and
inner focus/awareness in your left hand. And as you take another deep breath, sitting in your chair and listening to the sound of my voice simply
allow this awareness to increase. As this awareness increases simply NOTICE whatever sensations you’re experiencing naturally.

You might feel warmth or a slight breeze from the air conditioning or perhaps just the pressure of your hand upon your leg. Realize that whatever
you happen to feel at this time is just fine and perfect exactly as it is…just notice what is already there and give yourself permission to allow
yourself and your attention to become even clearer and more refined in your own time, at your own pace.

Continue to breathe smoothly and pay easy attention to your experience. In particular I’d like you to begin to notice your pulse as it beats in your
hand. As you do so, your attention may cause it to jump a bit, speed up or slow down before it becomes smoother and more rhythmic.

And now allow your attention to drift to your fingertips. Feel how they can move slightly with your pulse and awareness. And once you have noticed
this sensation, just go ahead and nod your head for me. That’s right…perfect…

Now take that same inner attention and outer awareness and just shift it to your index finger so you can feel your pulse beating there now too. Just
like before, nod your head when you can feel it – it might take a moment or you might notice it very quickly; either way is perfect.

Wonderful…allow it to continue for a few beats and just notice what it does, how it behaves and what it feels like.

Now imagine it (your pulse) moving to your middle finger and as you do this you can place all of your attention there just as easily and naturally as
before. Feel your pulse as it beats there…

After a few easy beats go ahead and move it to your third finger for a few gentle, relaxing moments…and experience this sensation as fully as you

Next, place your attention in your little finger and simply notice what your pulse feels like as it beats there…just the same thing as before…that’s

After a few beats there take your pulse, your attention and your awareness back to your third finger…good. Notice what it feels like and how it
moves with your attention. And again to your middle finger…up the ladder we go. You’re all doing perfectly. And now back to your first finger…
take a big, deep breath for me…and focus on your breath, on your heartbeat while you allow your experience to unfold here with me – sitting
comfortably in your chairs now and listening to the sound of my voice and my instructions…’

And that’s it!

‘The Jumping Pulse’ is short, simple and extraordinarily effective. I really love it a lot for what it is, exactly how it is.

That said, I’ve also used a few additional techniques to produce some startling results. With just a bit of revision the
wonderful ‘JP’ can be turned into a progressive relaxation. With each finger and jumping pulse felt there simply continue to
give your client or audience suggestions that,

‘And as you feel the pulse beating in your index finger now simply allow yourself to double your current level of peace and relaxation…that’s

With this increased relaxation in mind go ahead and allow your thoughts and attention to drift and jump to your middle finger. Just like before,
feel and notice how your pulse moves with your thoughts. Notice what it does and how it behaves with each easy beat of your heart and as you do
this, take a deep breath and once again allow your current level of peace and relaxation to TRIPLE in strength and intensity. Expect it to
happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen easily and naturally…that’s right…’

And just like this I go through the ‘JP’ exercise. With the palm beat my participants enter a light state of peace and relaxation.
With the index finger that relaxation doubles. With the middle finger it triples and with the ring finger it quadruples, easily
and naturally. The little (small/pinky) finger comes next as we guide the participant(s) to increase their relaxation TEN
TIMES NOW going deeper and deeper.

As we go back up the hand (or ladder as I call it) the pulse moves and again, with the third finger the participant’s are guided
to an even deeper state of mindfulness, peace and relaxation which increases this time by one hundred. As we move again to
the middle finger that relaxation increases by one thousand (1000) times. Finally with the first finger the pulse and process
allows those involved to increase their relaxation by TEN THOUSAND (!) times.

This is perhaps the most stunning progressive relaxation I have ever used or know of. The same suggestions can be given
with a simple visualization like the moving elevator relaxation technique. What makes it unique with the ‘JP’ is that an actual
physiological occurrence is taking place and by linking suggestions to what is already occurring naturally it’s even easier and
more effective to relax a participant so deeply. When combined with the breath it’s even more effective.

My ultimate version of the ‘JP’ is simple in application and quite advanced. I use this version when I require a DEEP state of
mindfulness, inner awareness, peace, relaxation and hypnotic trance. In this sense I incorporate everything I spoke about
above and all the additions to Bill’s magnificent original handling. By giving suggestions with each phase and finger to double,
triple, quadruple (etc) the relaxation, guiding my participants through deep, circular breaths AND utilizing the naturally
calming and trance inducing effects of the color spectrum we find a technique that simply cannot be beat by anything else I
personally am aware of.

Index finger = red.

Middle finger = orange

Third finger = yellow

Little finger = green

Ring finger again = blue

Middle finger again = indigo

Index finger again = violet

At the end I instruct my participants to take a deep breath and make a closed fist with their THUMB INSIDE to anchor this
sublime state of harmony, inner and outer awareness, total peace and complete relaxation. The reason I have my participants
make a fist with their thumb on the inside is because it’s different than a fist one would make in anger, tension or to harm
somebody. I don’t want to lead their thoughts (consciously or unconsciously) towards something negative.

The anchoring technique with a thumb-in fist has been changed by me since my development of this technique and now
includes simply bringing the thumb and fingers of the hand together to form a ‘THOUGHT CONE.’

In my ‘Touch for Health’ classes it was taught this brings the meridians (life streams) into alignment and balance. As described
elsewhere in this book, it’s a fantastic piece of body magic which makes it practically impossible for a person to now open or
pry loose/apart the participant’s joined fingers. Walking down the row now I can gently and with EVEN PRESSURE ‘try’ to
pull the fingers/hand apart thus affirming this deeply relaxed and balance state. It’s similar to a ‘hand clasp’ test with just one

I’ve ended this whole, combined technique a few different ways too. One method is to end the exercise with ALL fingers and
the palm pulsing and beating in unison. As the hand closes to anchor into the effects of this process the feelings the warmth
and colors of each finger come together to produce a dazzling rainbow and display of beautiful radiant streams of light with
healing, calming and rejuvenating effects inside of each participant. I’ve even gone so far as to produce a Kirlian photograph
of a radiant hand showing the ‘after effects’ of this technique to New Age groups.

I’ve noticed that in 3 to 5 minutes or less I can effectively produce the coma state in the majority of my clients using this
technique. I can also reverse the deeply sedative effects by instead giving suggestions that with each and every movement of
the pulse, every deep breath and every change of the colors my participant becomes more excited, invigorated, mentally clear
and physically energized.

This is a natural energy boost and I liken it to a hypnotically induced power nap with remarkable benefits and incredible

A few helpful tips are in order and come via Bill’s incredible book and experience with this technique. I agree with all of the
points now made and can personally testify to their importance.

First, while leading your participant(s) through this exercise, as mentioned before, do it with them! This will allow you to find
a natural pace and rhythm for guiding the process.

Second, stay conscious of any deviations in the script and your instructions to the group. If you find yourself straying or
happen to get lost simply go ahead and get back on track. Remember, while very powerful this technique is also very easy to
use – part of its natural beauty!

Third, realize this exercise is not REALLY about your pulse moving but your ATTENTION and focused awareness noticing
your pulse in each individual finger.

I cannot thank Bill enough for allowing me permission to include his incredible technique in my book. It has become one of
my top 3 inductions I use and I draw upon this exercise in both my stage shows and private work for healing and
entertainment with equally impressive results.

There are two more things I would like to share with this technique which really send it over the edge. I seriously considered
not including both of them and keeping them to myself. I trust ‘Thought Veil’ students will see how incredibly powerful both
of these current additions and variations are and use them with the best of intentions, kindness and respect.

The ‘JP’ has many great uses in persuasion, seduction and psychological mentalism alike.

I’ve discovered that I can link verbal suggestions and language patterns with their own specific effects to the process and
natural effects of the JP to produce a variety of marvelous results.

For instance, sealing a subject’s eyes closed while linking those suggestions and strengthening their effects via the JP process
is remarkably effective. As the pulse moves the hypnotic suggestions move with it and increase, perhaps causing the subject’s
arm to become strong, stiff and rigid.

When the pulse moves again their arm can relax as their foot now becomes stuck to the floor, etc. I use the natural pulse and
heart beating as a way to bring greater awareness to the suggestions and give them more life and power.

I’ve also been using the ‘JP’ to cause objects to heat up or cool down, become light and heavy, change shape and color (and
more!) in the mind of my participants. It takes a bit more time, BARELY, but in working in such a fashion suggestion based
mentalism becomes even stronger and more surefire.

To form a hypnotic and/or telepathic relationship between people on stage, in the audience or around a banquet table I often
cause the pulse of each person to jump from hand to hand, finger to finger, person to person and taking certain thoughts,
ideas or suggestions and their effects with it as it goes.

Another way I use this tool is to connect an audience by splitting them up into two groups/halves and having their pulses
jump to the people directly across from them on the other side of the theatre. When combined with psychological forces the
results are nothing short of stunning.

It’s also possible to create a relaxing ‘pulse wave’ flowing down the aisles and rows in the venue. As the pulse is transferred
between people the next receiver relaxes deeply and mentally shares/sends/projects the pulse and these calming effects with
it to the next person in order.

To save time I end up starting 5 or 6 rows simultaneously and using this demonstration as a metaphor and lesson for
connecting with others. I’ve even had ‘pulse jumping races’ with the different rows of audience members during my program
to see who can connect and share their thoughts the fastest. It’s almost a massive PK Touch routine and very, very effective.
Another way to do this is with groups all using the JP by themselves (individually) and everyone raising their hand when
finished with the sequence to find the group who can respond with positive results the fastest.

During my Q&A I often share thoughts and pulse jumping between the audience member and myself as I read for them.
This creates and maintains a subtle, invisible yet profound connection between us. To end, the pulse jumps back into the
audience and whoever receives it raises their hand, stands up and asks their question next!

Working with a few participants on stage I demonstrate how our thoughts, energies and pulse can jump over the longest
distance by moving/jumping across the entire theatre with ease.

On stage I use a brilliant 3 way mind reading experiment wherein the participants are situated in a TRIANGLE on both sides
of the stage and middle, respectively. I begin with the center participant and the JP. Using their mind and intentions the
middle subject receives my thought which is then ‘SENT’ to the participant on their dominant side (usually right) with their
pulse as a carrier/vehicle.

The second participant CATCHES this specific thought and the pulse with it and in turn PROJECTS it to the third
person/participant. When my third person receives the pulse the three have formed a powerful connection and we begin
pulse jumping in this triangle formation very quickly now. As the pulse jumps to and fro the connection builds and grows in
strength and intensity.

As I count to three and snap my fingers each participant writes down their answer or draws an image on a piece of poster
board. In the end ALL thoughts match and nobody knows exactly how they did it!

In persuasion I’ve found great uses for the JP as well.

I’ve included eliciting states of being and ALL the language patterns I teach and use with the pulse. For example, after
eliciting a client’s criteria, core beliefs and values I begin sharing and relating a story from my own life (remarkably similar to
theirs and their current situation or thought process!) and something a person taught me to go inside and center myself
before making the best decision possible...and I’ve been using it ever since with incredible results…he said…(enter ‘Jumping

As I describe the process I’m guiding my target with the JP. If I wish to remain REALLY covert I tell the story and describe
the process without ever asking my client or the person on the other end of the phone line to follow along. I know many can,
do and will naturally as we go.

I can actually take my client’s values and use presuppositions, binds, double binds, hidden directives and embedded
commands with each and every pulse, breath, heartbeat and individual movement to drive these suggestions straight into a
client’s mind and heart.

In seduction or deep rapport and heart to heart communication processes an interesting new friend can be led to recall an
experience in their mind when they felt (enter the state you wish to elicit such as elated, passionate, excited, loving,
empowered, etc) and with that thought in mind begin focusing on their left hand.

BTW, I love that Bill uses the left hand because it’s closer to the heart and left body = right brain. It’s the attention to detail I
love so much about Cushman’s work.

Anyhow, once the state has been elicited we can INCREASE the effects gradually and very quickly by using the ‘JP’ as a
means and process to strengthen it. Instead of using the exercise for peace and relaxation I change my suggestions to the
desired state which increases instead.

Of course you can do BOTH too!

Lately I’ve been experimenting with BOTH hands and noticing the pulses jumping around and creating diverse effects
simultaneously. The left hand is still held for the CORE ISSUE or MAIN GOAL because of the relationship it maintains
with the creative, open, non resistant right brain. The right hand now becomes peace and relaxation or whatever other
program I wish.

Again, to do this covertly I present the exercise in the form of a story, quote, something I read or watched on television, a
technique someone taught me, etc.

I’ve discovered more and more uses for this technique over the time between ‘Suggestabilities’ original release and now. One of
these revelations shows us that Bill’s JP can be used with positive suggestions, imagery, breathing, relaxation, guided
meditation, auto suggestion and self hypnosis with practically ANY goal or mental programming. Hypnotherapy scripts or
even radically powerful mind reading suggestions can be incorporated too as a nearly complete, self contained session or
experience all by itself.

While I won’t tip ALL the work I’ve done in this area (with infinite thanks to Bill!) I will say that as you continue to use and
work with this technique you too will find more incredible ways to incorporate it in your work.

One thing that remains constant and no matter what the variations appear like is this: people LOVE the ‘JP’ and I often teach
it to my clients for private readings, hypnotherapy, shamanic processing and traditional healing, on stage during performance,
in the parlor and even shortened versions used up close and personal.

My own clients and audiences have reported almost miraculous results and major breakthroughs using this technique with
the affirmations and visualization exercises I give them and many have incorporated it as one of the primary methods in their

meditations, psychic development trainings, prayers, self healing and as a calming, relaxing, enjoyable process for their family,
friends and co workers.

One of my clients works with children and has been using a very shortened version we created for her with the children’s
hands and a single ‘jump’ to just ONE finger with incredible results. By her own accounts she has seen the children focus
more, remain calmer in class, take a mid day nap easier and with far less ‘fuss’ or attitude and many other very positive results.

Bill has stumbled onto a very therapeutic technique with this beautiful piece and we all deserve to show him a kind ‘Thank
you’ and hug of gratitude the next time we see him!

To extend or even turn the JP into a full blown relaxation session and showpiece I’ll now share two more very powerful
exercises I include as a perfect opening to the JP effect and process.

I call the first addition my ‘Thought Circle.’

The script and presentation goes like this,

‘If I could get each of you to sit up straight in your seats, uncross your legs, place your hands in your lap and take a few deep breaths with me I’d
like to share a very powerful technique that you can use anytime, anywhere to attain a profound state of peace and relaxation instantly…that’s

Now everyone take your left arm, hold it out in front of you and open your hand. I want you to look at your palm, and I mean CLOSELY look
at it now. Study it and even become fascinated by it as though you’re looking upon your palm for the first time ever. Allow yourself to experience a
state of childlike wonder, your destiny, power to create and all of the miracles held in your very own hands…

Notice the lines on your palm and see how it contains different mounds, valleys and hollow points across the surface. Begin to stare softly and
intently at the very center of your palm now. Continue staring and it and as you stare I want you to imagine a circle in the center of your palm
about the size of a quarter…a circle about the size of a quarter in the center of your palm now. Now stare at that imaginary circle, see it in your
mind. As you continue staring allow yourself to feel more naturally focused as you concentrate on it.

It’s been said that, “Where thoughts go, energy flows” and that’s what this exercise is all about. As you sit in your chairs, listening to my
voice and my instructions…staring gently into the palm of your hand I want you to IMAGINE a flow of energy coming down your arm and into
your palm. Feel this energy cascading down your arm, through your wrist and into that spot (the circle) in the center of your palm. As you allow
yourself to feel it actually begin to SEE IT flowing through you with your inner vision.

As you do this you’ll feel the circle in your palm beginning to tingle. It will start to get warm. It will begin to FEEL DIFFERENT from the
area around it. Send the energy down your arm and into the circle in the center of your palm. Feel the warmth. Feel the new sensation and allow it
to grow. Concentrate upon that ‘Thought Circle’ and keep concentrating until it tingles and grows even warmer with your thoughts, energy and

When you feel this – REALLY feel it (!) – go ahead and just extend your right hand now and feel the difference between your two palms. For
some of you the difference may be slight, for others there will be a considerable difference and though it may appear subtle at first, THERE

Nod your head when you feel it…’

This is a PHENOMENAL way to introduce Bill’s ‘Jumping Pulse’ to your audience. Both pieces can be performed alone or
together and my personal preference when time allows is to do BOTH. I present my ‘Thought Circle’ exactly as described
above and once success has been attained I move directly into the JP.

I’ve continue to use this ‘Thought Circle’ technique to open up my own version and handling of Luke Jermay’s ‘Twisted Palm
Reading’ from his book ‘7 Deceptions’ with my entire audience. I often use Luke’s piece as a suggestibility test with my audience
and individual participants and incorporate all three pieces.

I begin with the ‘Thought Circle’, transition effortlessly into the ‘Twisted Palm/Group Induction’ and then use ‘The Jumping Pulse’ to
deepen and enhance the effects.

This ‘Trinity Technique’ as I call it simply cannot be topped and is a perfect way to open a show, performance or
demonstration. I often combine this entire sequence as written above in my private work, close up and stage performances,
traditional healing and hypnotherapy sessions, public lectures, workshops, on the phone with clients long distance and more.

The wording I use for Luke’s dynamic piece is special too,

‘Closely study the lines on your hand and as you continue breathing deeply, relaxing and allowing that Universal energy to flow, circulate and move
across your palm give yourself permission to relax and dive even deeper into this experience.

Understand that JUST LIKE the lines you see before you, THE ROAD OF LIFE is filled with twists and turns and no two directions are
ever the same.

And as you listen closely to the sound of my voice and reflect on this simple truth I want you all to breathe deeply, take this idea a step further now
and IMAGINE all of the personal changes and transformations waiting for you in your future.

Begin to see the lines of your palm starting to move, changing, swirling around, flowing into each other, spinning, revolving, whirling forth, crying
aloud…telling you their own unique story…as you witness the physical and energetic changes in your own hands.

Realize that your future isn’t set in stone and just as we can build and create, hold each other, love one another, give AND receive with our own
two hands understand too the best way to predict the future is to INVENT IT & CREATE IT yourself.

As a symbol for your own power and ability to create the life you desire, give your unconscious self permission to change by simply allowing your
conscious mind to cause the lines on your hand to move, shift, change, transform and pulsate more and more now with your every thought, every
breath and every heartbeat.

In a moment these movements will subside and your palm with your symbolic, self created future will begin to naturally move closer and closer
towards your eyes. Let it happen. Allow this to happen…make it happen with your mind!

When your hand touches your face allow your eyes to close and your head to rest gently in the palms of your hands NOW…’

This dynamic demonstration of the JP, ‘Thought Circle’ and my wording for Luke’s ‘Twisted Palm Reading’ is also a perfect topic
and demonstration to start a lecture and explain the power of the human mind, our thoughts and their effects on the body
with a very beautiful piece of work.

To end, using any or all of these techniques combined with my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction provides one with additional
power and hypnotic options beyond measure.

18). The Sugar Shock Induction.

Many religious groups, self help meetings and 12 Step Programs implement hypnotic techniques and Group Mind Dynamics
as part of their process.

After these meetings or banquets refreshments are offered to the guests and attendants and these are usually sugary, sweet
treats and drinks such as punch or cola and cookies, coffee with lots of sugar available and other such snacks.

Sugar and caffeine are both highly addictive and potent substances. They effectively shocks the mind and body of the one
consuming it – both change brainwave patterns and neural activity.

By filling your subject(s) with SUGAR and/or CAFFEINE after a hypnotic process we get one more anchor and effective
technique with which to continue giving suggestions and insuring those suggestions are driven in deeply riding on the
stimulation provided via sugar and caffeine.

The snacks you provide AFTER a session or ‘group process’ can be of remarkable use and benefit to you. For the purposes
of anchoring, having special ‘treats’ is also very effective.

19). The Haunted Key Induction.

From my ebook, ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ I now present you with a very good induction and one which I still greatly favor in
my close up work. The process of utilizing naturally occurring and/or ongoing phenomena to induce trance and progressive
relaxation is a tool with many uses. Reading this induction and following it closely will lend ‘Thought Veil’ students a format
and structure by which to craft your own similar inductions.

Some ideas that immediately spring to mind would be using this procedure with a Viking Magic ‘Hypno Ball’ or ‘Hot
Thought/Hypno Heat’ before it was banned. The same psychology at work here can be applied to other tools and inductions
such as my pendulum induction, a candle induction, a crystal ball induction and more.

From ‘RAOK’ -

I’m tipping my work and handling with a common item used in magic and mentalism, ‘The Haunted Key’ which is available
online from your favorite magic dealer.

A few things I’d like to touch upon his how I first present the key. I show it and hand it to a person telling them, ‘This is an
IDEOMETER KEY, a tool used for training the mind/body connection. It responds to our thoughts and helps train our minds to work in
tandem with the body. Let me show you what I mean.’

Now I will take the key back and go into the movements.

It’s important to have your group handle and inspect the key BEFORE the movement.

It’s a bad idea to do the movements and then give the key for inspection as many times the one inspecting it will to some
degree try to imitate the movements and handling and be successful.

This incident can work or not depending on how you present the key and demonstration. In my work I proceed as I have
outlined above.

The commonly available ‘Haunted Key’ is an inexpensive and well balanced item. It only takes a few moments to learn to
control the key with precision. Something that I’ve found to work very well is placing the key on your open palm at an angle.
To do this I simply lay the key across the “life line” on the palm of my hand. This can also be a great presentational angle,
the key of Life, etc.

If getting the key to move in another’s hand, use breathing and visualization for even better results in movement. The
Ideometer Key also becomes an ideal pendulum with a simple chain or string through the handle.

The Ideometer Key can also be used in a very powerful, very direct and compelling INDUCTION.

An aged haunted key may be had from Carlyle and is very nice. I have a few of each. I simply time my hypno-script with the
keys movement giving suggestions that as it turns over, the subject is to focus on their own breathing and relaxation, allowing

their eyes to become more heavy and more heavy as it turns and finally, when dropping, they slump over, eyes closed,
breathing deeply and listening to the sound of my voice.

I’m sure to remind them this is not hypnosis and they are not being hypnotized, simply relaxing deeply, conscious and aware,
listening to the sound of my voice and my instruction . . .

“As you look at the key I want you to focus all of your attention and concentration upon it. Don’t strain . . . instead allow your focus to settle
gently upon it, easily and naturally.

As you gaze at the key allow your mind and thoughts to become ONE with it. Take a deep breath for me…in and out…Perfect…that’s right…

In a moment the key will begin to move…

(I make them wait quite awhile before the movement starts . . . just when they think nothing is going to happen, I snap their
focus and attention right back to me).

When it does, simply become mindful of your breathing. Watch the key closely because it has the uncanny ability to help the one watching it relax
very deeply and very quickly.

(Begin movements)

“Breathing in and out gently and peacefully, watching the key as it turns, perhaps now also noticing your eyes becoming tired and heavy. Notice they
don’t feel sleepy at all, simply heavier and wanting to close for a few moments. That’s ok. Simply watching the key helps you to relax and causes
your eyes to grow heavier and heavier now BECAUSE it’s working with your mind and body connection.

In a moment this key will fall. When it does simply allow your eyes to close and your body to become loose, limp and relaxed, sitting there alert yet
tranquil, listening to the sound of my voice and my instructions . . . there you go . . . perfect.”

That’s all there really is to it!

My scripting is always along similar lines as written above and I’ve never had it fail. Even though I am telling the subject
EXACTLY what to do (close your eyes when the key falls) the induction sequence appears as though they are becoming
hypnotized via the key’s movement.

Now that this person is relaxing, eyes closed and listening to the sound of your voice, you may proceed to deepen this state
of being through breathing and visualization techniques, frame your next demonstration around the subject of hypnosis,
form a mind to mind connection via mental imagery and more.

You could use this induction sequence before a full routine or demonstration.

I love launching into a full demonstration with my key.

After the initial movements and induction/relaxation sequence I ISOLATE the pendulum on a cord, string or ribbon and
hand it to the participant. This effectively turns the key into a perfectly balanced pendulum. From this ‘isolated position’ the
key CONTINUES to move as it swings back and forth, turns in circles and stops.

If you’ve got yourself a nice key with an open end/loop for the handle instead of placing the key on a cord, string or chain I
simply dangle it from my pinky finger which allows for the entire spectrum of pendulum movements with a remarkable
range of motion.

Like my classic multi-phase pendulum routine I often incorporate a number of suggestions at this point along the same lines.
The key will grow light and heavy, pulsate with a life and heartbeat all its own, change colors, grow hot and cold, pin the
participants hand to the table, some object or their lap and eventually answer a personal question or two IN THEIR HANDS
before I finish.

The key can be used to answer question as tipped above very successfully. I do this both on and off the cord (pendulum).
Holding the key in my own hand or resting it upon the hand of my participant I ask them to think of a personal question. If
the key moves the answer is ‘yes.’ If it doesn’t move the answer is ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know.’

We don’t need a full rotation here – even the slightest movement at this point will do the trick. At times I’ve even just
CLAIMED the key has moved and announced the answer when in reality NO MOVEMENT ever took place!

It’s a strong bluff and yet very subtle. Along these lines, I’ve also claimed the key has started to vibrate or heat up on my
palm for an answer. This cannot be argued.

Feeling the pulse, temperature and texture of my subject’s hand and observing how closely they are burning the key with
their eyes and attention I can easily tell if they want the key to move OR NOT. Remember that the ideometer response is still
in full effect here via physical contact.

I might also know the question my participant has in mind! In knowing this I can give them exactly what they want by
keeping the key perfectly still or causing it to move appropriately.

20). ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis!’

One of my pet inductions relies upon a strong series of suggestions, pacing, compliance techniques and language patterns to
work its magic…and it IS “pure magic!”

The basic premise is that my subject will NOT be hypnotized, they will NOT go into a trance and THEY WILL REMAIN
wide awake at all times, eyes open, perfectly conscious, completely aware AND YET (BUT) they’ll still be able to respond
perfectly to my every suggestion, relax completely and tap the unlimited potential of their subconscious mind with
impressive results.

I’m devoting a lengthy section to this particular induction later in this course. It’s one of the greatest inductions I’ve ever
utilized and it absolutely works wonders. I use this technique A LOT in the work I do (70-80% of the time this is the
induction I use!).

‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ is one of my MASTER CLASS tools which through years of use and polishing is alone worth more than
the asking price for this entire course. It will effectively allow ‘Thought Veil’ students to ‘NOT hypnotize’ anyone, anytime and

I know you’ll love it, adopt it and begin to utilize it immediately.

21). The Crystal Ball Induction.

This is a technique I first saw in use by Ormond McGill.

It’s magical, mystical and extremely effective. Because it suits my character so well I happen to use the ‘CBI’ quite a bit and
especially prior to a private reading.

There is something naturally intriguing and very powerful about the more MYSTERIOUS induction techniques and
facilitating trance states working with objects such as pendulums, candle flames, singing bowls and crystal balls. These tools
have MAGIC written all over them!

To begin this induction I remove a palm sized crystal ball, speak briefly about how intuitive people and professional psychics
might use crystals and other reflective surfaces with lucid dreaming techniques or guided visualizations to project images
from their unconscious mind directly into the object for interpretation.

I hold the crystal ball in front of my subject(s) and ask them to focus their thoughts on the crystal, to gaze at its surface and
then allow their mind and thoughts to actually move INTO the crystal. I guide them to step inside the sphere mentally and
take a look around. As they do this I give suggestions for them to begin relaxing, drifting easily and peacefully into a deep
state of focused awareness.

Giving suggestions of imagery, personal messages, visions, colors, moving lines, cracks and reflective/shimmery portions of
the crystal taking place and assisting the subject to relax even deeper is very effective.

As I hold and move the crystal in front of the faces of my subjects or use it as an object for eye fixation & fasincation I can
lead them through an eyes open color visualization which ends with them all taking a deep breath, closing their eyes and
continuing to SEE the ball in their mind and imagination.

I love using this in my Psychic Home Parties and moving subjects INTO the ball to experience a crystal cavern, the
deva/helping spirit inside the ball and moving their consciousness effortlessly across the dreamscape.

A pet Q&A handling that I use in a lecture type presentation entails bringing 10 to 12 participants up on stage with me,
inducing and relaxing them very quickly with the crystal ball, linking up with the Collective Unconscious & Superconscious
Mind and then gazing into the ball to share my readings and impressions for those on stage with me.

Using a crystal ball in a Q&A is very effective and scrying has been one of my strongest psychic gifts for many years now.
Something about gazing softly and deeply into a crystal really ignites my imagination and intuition and allows me to tap into a
very connected, calm, knowing, super intuitive/hyper aware part of myself.

By having audience members raise their hand and ask a personal question I can gaze into the ball (flame, crystal skull, bowl
of water, etc) and access my subconscious mind for the perfect reading and response.

Here is a script I’ve revised for my own purposes directly from the great Ormond McGill during his demonstration of
Eastern Hypnosis.

What follows is a nearly perfect example of verbal scripting, pacing, suggestions and approach to create hypnotic
phenomena. I’ve used this exact wording with a crystal ball and other devices many, many times now and it continues to be a
wonderful, effective piece of work.

‘Take a deep breath, eyes to the front and start to direct your gaze at the crystal as it moves from side to side, watch it closely and just feel yourself

And as you sit there now watching the ball and merging your mind with the crystal simply think of your body relaxing even more and it will…
even to the point of falling completely fast asleep if we let it…and now think of and start to feel your body becoming clear and translucent…just
LIKE THE CRYSTAL…and dissolving into itself…into one big pool of light, thoughts, energy, consciousness, self awareness and perfect
relaxation…that’s right…allowing every muscle, nerve and fiber of your body to become loose, limp and relaxed by simply WANTING it to and
allowing it to happen for you…

One the count of three close your eyes…1, 2 and 3…eyes closed…

Now I want you to consider and begin to relearn the power of pretending…allow your mind to wander and your thoughts to drift and go back into
the pleasant parts of your childhood…and remember HOW you pretended…and what you pretended…way back then…

Maybe you pretended, imagined or could make believe that you were a hero and had super powers… or a princess in a fairy tale… or a lover
trapped inside a castle…maybe you were a martial arts guy or you could fly around and turn invisible…fight monsters, ghosts and dragons…
Cowboys and Indians… cops and robbers…maybe you were the child who enjoyed playing doctor… or house and tea with your friends…or
brought your toys, dolls, stuffed animals and action figures to life for hours on end… and got lost in books…or maybe you had an imaginary friend
who perhaps wasn’t so imaginary… and you pretended SO strongly, imagined so vividly and believed so deeply that whatever you pretended, made
believe and imagined at the time became a REALITY in your life in that moment BECAUSE your mind and heart working together with your
feelings, your imagination and creativity made it REAL. You could create your own Universe then, and today I’m going to show you how to create
the life of your dreams NOW.

And so now we’re going to learn how to pretend again, as adults, with the same powerful results…pretend your eyes are stuck together…

BELIEF to ACTUAL REALITY ITSELF…and try to open your eyes…TRY AS HARD AS YOU WISH, do as you will, TRY
AS YOU MIGHT, BUT KEEP BELIEVING that you can’t open your eyes…and you’ll find it impossible to open your eyes…your mind is
that powerful…you can do this!

TO IMAGINE AND PRETEND FIRST AND FOREMOST… and then we’re going to move even deeper into belief and finally into
reality to demonstrate what your mind is capable of doing and creating in your life at this time through a performance and demonstration of
SELF HYPNOSIS… and hypnosis…

At the count of 5 you’ll come back with me, you’ll feel refreshed and what’s most important is you’ll feel a VITALITY in your body of
LIFE and realize this energy is giving you MORE LIFE…increasing naturally as you drift even deeper and deeper…

At the count of 5 your eyes will open and you’ll continue to feel this warm, radiant energy surging in your palms and moving through your

1, 2…eyes opening…

3, 4, 5…

How was that?

Now, using that focused thought energy and mind power let me show you how strong your mind and the power of belief when coupled with your
imagination, natural knowing, intuition and creativity really is!

Take a moment to breathe deeply and imagine a goal in your life you wish to create for yourself…this can be anything – something you earnestly
desire and are working towards currently would be perfect…

Now hold your hands out like this, palms facing each other…that’s right…

Imagine this invisible life force and concentrated energy bringing your hands closer and closer together now…almost as if there are large magnets
embedded inside each of your palms pulling them together, bringing them closer and closer, pushing them together even tighter and tighter more and
more with each passing moment.

Use the Law of Attraction and your own focused, subconscious awareness TO DRAW YOUR HANDS CLOSER AND CLOSER

Realize that whatever you desire, will, intend and focus on expands for you and that where your thoughts go energy flows and imagined forms come
into being.



This is a duo induction, demonstration of creativity and suggestibility test that’s very strong. After my subject’s hands have
been pulled together I use their imagined goal and further suggestions to lock their hands in place as a metaphor for NOT
letting go of their dreams or allowing them to slip through their fingers.

Using the imagination and our natural childhood ability to make believe and pretend and then bringing those abilities into the
current moment is a fantastic way to fight resistance in adults when it comes to hypnosis.

I use a similar premise in my waking trance and conversational hypnosis demonstrations wherein I tell a person to
IMAGINE they were already hypnotized and can respond perfectly to my suggestions and then IMAGINE how that might
feel to them, what it would be like. I then proceed with my hypnotic demonstrations with the subject(s) as a symbol,
affirmation and perfect example of their own innate ability to respond to creative ideas called suggestions and enjoy a direct
subconscious expression and conscious experience of how powerful their mind really is.

My combining these tactics with my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ scripts and techniques I can provide a remarkable show,
demonstration and experience of hypnosis with just about anyone. Hypnosis isn’t even necessary at this point!

Also, if we can get a person or group of people to start imagining, make believing and pretending in certain ways eventually
their creative mind will take over as it HAS TO be involved with such a process for it to be effective. For all intents and
purposes these people will enter a legitimate trance state eventually.

Incorporating my ‘TOTAL CONTROL’ script, waking trance techniques and plenty of true hypnotic suggestions I’m able to
quickly tune into the unconscious mind of my participant and create real hypnotic phenomena very easily.

22). The Indirect Induction (Conversational Hypnosis).

Using hypnotic language, hypnosis techniques and tools of the private psychic reader together is powerful beyond compare.
As private reader’s we are able to give all manner of suggestions and voice these suggestions as ‘impressions’ or insights the
oracle at hand or our own intuition is providing us.

The Indirect Induction I’m sharing with you now has been an incredible tool in both my public and private work for quite
some time and has continued to serve me extremely well for years and years. If I had to guess I would say I’ve induced over
2,000 people using this method alone.

In my experience what follows is another one of those things that probably shouldn’t be in this book. I use it whenever I
wish to induce trance during a casual conversation, private readings and anytime I wish to demonstrate and/or explain the
power of suggestion, trancework, trance-like states, waking hypnosis, conversational hypnosis and more.

This induction works wonders with those people who show outward resistance or anxiety about/TO hypnosis and would
fight normal hypnotic techniques, suggestions and induction methods. It’s also a very gentle induction and great for just
about anyone in any case. Many people have an unfounded, irrational ‘fear’ of not being able to ‘go under’ or become
hypnotized. In these cases I’ll always use this induction with a few of the techniques which appear later in this course.

I begin as I would any other induction by being clear in my intentions, creating rapport with my client/participant and
eliciting their criteria. When I’m ready to induce my subject I simply say,

‘I’m wondering whether you’d like to relax, de-stress completely and experience all of the positive benefits of SELF HYPNOSIS TODAY in
30 seconds or less…

…BUT… before you answer me, I just want you to go inside to that place and part within yourself that wants to tell me YES – that part of you
that’s naturally curious and really WOULD like to experience a profound state of peaceful awareness and complete relaxation ALMOST
INSTANTLY… you would probably be willing to take half a minute and do something nice like that for yourself today, correct?


Go ahead and connect with those natural feelings of curiosity and anticipation to relax and de-stress inside of you now…and because you’ll be
doing this ALL BY YOURSELF together with me, when YOU feel ready to begin – when you have already GIVEN YOURSELF
PERMISSION to start relaxing completely now, simply stop, take a deep breath and we’ll begin…


In a moment we’ll proceed to relax you VERY deeply and before we do there‘s just a few simple things you deserve to know!

ONE …of the most wonderful things about the work I share with others and what amazes ME the most about it, is that it takes place without
you having to do ANYTHING at all!

It’s truly incredible!

You don’t have to do a single thing to make it work and happen even more for you; you don’t even have to TRY!

You can just sit here and listen to me, or even think about something else entirely if you like and not TRY to do anything else while drifting deeply
and completely into your own relaxed, focused trance state… BECAUSE …your subconscious mind does all the work for you… maybe it’s
already happened? I don’t know – but what I DO know is you don’t have to try hard and force anything to happen or take place here right now.

(A client of mine said recently…) There’s just something REALLY AMAZING about going into a very nice trance state without having
to do much of anything at all…but just sit back, relax and allow your unconscious mind to do all the work it’s already doing for you now. You
just get to enjoy it, and benefit.

You may notice it already happening, and you will sooner or later, or you may not even notice it all YET… because you don’t have to know when
your unconscious is starting to make these changes, you (also) don’t have to understand consciously what your unconscious mind is already doing for
you to enjoy all the peace and relaxation it affords you now…pretty cool, huh?

Yes, exactly!

What’s even cooler still is this: as we continue to relax deeply and completely together… your unconscious mind will continue to work for you
causing you to feel better and better all the time, with each passing moment, every single breath and each easy beat of your heart…you can just let
go and relax even deeper and deeper still…how does that sound?

Can you imagine how you might feel after this takes place?

In fact from this moment forth ANY TIME you say or even just THINK these powerful, magical words… ‘I feel great’ …your unconscious
mind will automatically generate a steady stream of positive thoughts, feelings and attitudes within you that lets you know you REALLY DO


Now of course you could try to resist this deep feeling of peace and relaxation coming over you now; you could even try really hard to fight it, but
that’s not why you’re here (and who WOULDN’T want to experience such a thing, really?).

In truth, in reality, the very fact that you’re sitting here now CAUSES you to drift even deeper and deeper into this eyes open, waking trance state
easily and naturally.

In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to snap my fingers like this (SNAP!) and when I do a feeling of warmth, peace and relaxation is going to
rush over your mind and wash over your body getting stronger and stronger as it goes.

When that happens it’s going to FEEL REALLY GOOD and when it does, I want you to just look at me and say, ‘I feel great’ – and that
will be MY CUE to go ahead and snap my fingers again – (SNAP!) – only this time that feeling of warmth, peace and relaxation is going to
DOUBLE in strength and intensity.

At that point you’ll be FEELING REALLY GOOD NOW – and like you did before, I want you to just look directly at me and say ‘I feel
great.’ And when you say those magic words again, that will trigger your unconscious mind and tell it to make you FEEL EVEN BETTER; it
will also be MY CUE to snap my fingers a third and final time – (SNAP!) – only now that feeling of peace and relaxation is going to
TRIPLE or even QUADRUPLE in strength and intensity causing you to FEEL BETTER than you’ve ever felt before in a very long time…
the only words we could possibly use to describe this feeling you’ll be having right then is…SHEER ECSTASY.

And although it’s already started to happen, when your conscious mind is ready to proceed, just go ahead and say, ‘I’m ready’ and we’ll begin…to
show you HOW to relax completely in 30 seconds or less and retain these amazing positive benefits forever!’

My induction is a marvel of pacing, embedded commands, persuasive tactics, expectation, mild confusion and switching,
visualization, now and future suggestions, verbal marking, eliciting each of the VAK modalities, pausing and chaining
commands…there’s a TON that went into this thing to get it working perfectly.

I’ve included the sample question at the beginning as a special bonus. I use this when approaching people COLD for
hypnosis, street hypnosis demos or clients who show resistance to the initial hypnotic process. It’s also great to overcome
resistance towards ANYTHING or any idea, show, plan, goal or desired result you might be pitching to a person or group of

This leading question plays upon the fact that very rarely are people ever 100% directly and vehemently opposed to
something. In most cases there is some small part of us hidden away and locked deep inside of us that IS curious (even
remotely) about the reality, experience, idea or suggestion we’re rejecting.

As long as the suggestions you deliver do not include something so insanely far against your subject’s belief system using this
subtle yet direct and revealing power ploy garners amazing results. A bit of thought will show you how it can be used for
ANY purpose you may have in mind.

The OPTIONAL LINES and script is only meant to be used in the cases which warrant them. Most often you’ll find your
participant is moving along perfectly and drifting quickly and peacefully into an extremely pleasant state of trance.

To make this induction even more covert you could quote a previous subject, client or participant’s experience, relay a story
you read or came by recently and more!

If required, the Indirect Induction Method flows perfectly into the Expectation Induction AND all of the words used such as
‘trance’, ‘hypnosis’ and other buzzwords can be changed very easily to terms such as ‘guided meditation’, ‘trance-like state’, ‘relaxed
focused awareness’, ‘self hypnosis’ and even ‘telepathy’ without compromising the overall effect and structure.

As mentioned prior, I often present this piece as the power of suggestion and almost like a discussion/lecture or
demonstration of HOW the subconscious mind continues working for us constantly, even when we don’t realize it.

Whether used by itself with devastating results or combined with other techniques such as ‘The Expectation Induction’, ‘It’s
NOT Hypnosis’ scripts, ‘The Jumping Pulse’ exercise and other methods outlined in this course, this technique is one tool I’d be
willing to bet good money on you using for the rest of your career.

23). The Expectation/Expectancy Induction.

This will appear under the section ‘My Favorite Inductions’ later in this book.

Like the ‘No Induction Induction’ and my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ techniques the ‘Expectancy Induction’ is a near perfect tool and one
that I draw upon constantly and consistently in my personal work. Learn these techniques and use them well and I’d be
surprised if you don’t go as crazy using them all the time just as I have!

24). The NON VERBAL Induction.

Non verbal inductions seem very esoteric and mysterious indeed. I’ve a few I’ve learned, developed and used over the years
and I continue to find them very effective.

The majority of non verbal inductions I’ve come across normally use a gentle combination of rocking the client back and
forth, a hypnotic gaze, energetic/meridian sweeps, pressure points and other techniques to produce a profound state of
trance without saying a word.

The key to these inductions is EXPECTANCY and subtly delivering the required suggestions BEFORE the induction

A NVI is very devious because although we’re not going to speak during the formal induction procedure you’ll find it’s
necessary to prepare the subject mentally for what’s about to take place for the majority of these inductions to work properly.
In other words, you’re not going to meet somebody on the street and induce trance with them with nothing said – at least not
at first.

Though certain techniques such as catching the gaze of a person, changing the rate of your breathing and blinking,
modifying your unconscious body language and the messages sent out you CAN change the brainwave patterns of another
person very quickly yet it’s still a far cry from full blown hypnotic trance.

One method I favor for inducing a light trance state with your gaze alone entails an odd way of staring, gazing softly and
resting your eyes upon another person which proves to be very disorienting.

With my right eye I focus on the physical space about a foot in front the subject while my left eye focuses on the space about
a foot behind them (or vice versa). This produces a very odd feeling and effect indeed as it seems like you’re staring
THROUGH a person because you ARE.

By directing this ‘hypnotic gaze’ at the center of a subject’s forehead or even while making indirect eye contact you will begin
the process for a non verbal induction very effectively.

The next thing I do here is the eye scanning technique for seduction and persuasion as outlined in this course. I change my
breathing to mirror the subject’s own and now I begin softening my eyes and gaze even more now while pacing the mental
and physiological state of my subject with my blinking.

By starting to softly bat my eyes and blinking as though very tired, relaxed, drowsy and disoriented (a lot like a CAT does
when they blink and bat their tired eyes at their owners to show affection) I can begin to induce my client with great success.

To do this, start slowing down the rate and speed of your own blinking patterns and breathing. Begin blinking more slowly
and closer and closer together as you allow your own eyes to grow tired, softer and heavier LOOKING. With proper rapport
and by maintaining a position of LEADING your subject will naturally begin doing the same and becomes very drowsy,
sleepy and tired indeed.

After a few moments of this go ahead and start closing your eyes for just a few brief moments, opening them up again
briefly and allowing them to droop, drop and close down gently again and again. The subject is likely to do the same. These
are the same actions one might take while watching television or reading a book and starting to fall asleep.

Because we’ve preconditioned the client to become induced through a NON VERBAL INDUCTION they already know
what to expect and are anticipating entering a perfect trance state without you speaking a word. Consciously and
unconsciously the subject will realize your methods here are meant and intended to hypnotize them. Given that you have
permission and a willing subject beforehand the participant will relax themselves and slip into a very nice, hypnotic trance

One way I set this up with my participants is by saying,

‘Now I’m going to show you how it’s possible to hypnotize a person (place a person into a very deep state of trance) without saying a single word.
This is a very effective, very advanced technique that I’m sure you’re going to love a lot and have a lot of fun with. It naturally causes people to drift
easily and peacefully into a very nice trance state and relax really VERY deeply because it happens so quickly and it’s quite powerful and gentle.

Are you ready?

Just look at me…’

After stating the above and TELLING the client what is going to happen, how they will react and exactly what to expect I
don’t have to say anything else during the induction because I’ve already said it all!

In my formal session I usually don’t even say as much as I’ve written here – we simply elicit criteria, set our intentions for a
positive, powerful session and when the client says they are ready to begin I go directly into my non-verbal induction.

You might combine such techniques with pressure points, energetic sweeps, temple massage, the laying on of hands, gentle
rocking, passing your hands in front of the subject’s eyes, eye fixation, gesture/implied meanings and more.

25). The Psychic Reading Induction.

Just like my ‘Hypnotic Book Test’ I often use a personal reading to induce a deep state of trance within my sitter. As said before,
readings and conversational hypnosis is the perfect tool and medium for delivering suggestions as we can
FRAME/PRESENT our suggestions as IMPRESSIONS. This is very subtle and basically allows us to SUGGEST anything
we wish.

Whether an oracle is incorporated and interpreted such as Tarot, scrying, dowsing (etc) or nothing external is used (palmistry,
Rayid or just pure intuition!) this tactic is equally and remarkably effective.

How I induce trance using this technique is by delivering the same type of suggestions and progressive relaxation techniques
I use in my book test and other pieces but I replace words and other information divined with intuitive impressions and
gut/heart responses I garner and deliver in my reading.

You might suggest that tuning in so deeply and receiving information so clearly from the mind, heart, center, soul, Higher
Self, Universal Mind, Guides or whatever medium you personally use to get your information CAUSES the recipient to
become naturally relaxed, open and receptive to subtle vibrations, impressions and intuitive energies…

…the more open and receptive the sitter becomes the deeper and more completely they can relax and settle into these strong,
harmonizing energies. With each and every impression we receive that rings true for the subject or that the client in front of
us can associate with ON SOME LEVEL, our intuitive hunches, impressions and psychic expressions only serves to help, aid
and assist them in relaxing even deeper and more completely now…

We’re going to speak about this technique and others like it later in this book.

As I’ve said before I will state again now and express how adamant I am regarding this particular topic and the promotion of
DOING IT FOR REAL when offering psychic readings. I don’t believe in cold reading as anything more than a tool with
which to start learning how to speak to people during a reading format and dialogue.

A number of resources will be provided in the ‘READINGS & HYPNOSIS’ section of ‘Thought Veil’ that will get students
well on their way to using intuition and a traditional method or system with which to give their readings very effectively,
honestly and with spectacular results. In my opinion, ‘cold reading’, stock lines, scripted answers and canned ‘impressions’
have no place in my work or the work of my dedicated students.

Cold reading as magicians and mentalists know it is exactly that – COLD, and often leaves a person feeling as such. Ditch the
tricks and hang out on my side of the fence regarding this subject, I dare you. The sun is shining, people are smiling and lives
are changing using sincerity, natural knowing/intuition, subconscious impressions brought to the surface and ancient oracles
and legitimate systems as a method with which to provide answers, deliver impressions and render legitimate psychic-flavored

26). Jerome Finley’s ‘WHICH HAND’ Induction.

This induction technique is a personal favorite and allows me to induce a sort of eyes open waking trance state and even
deep hypnosis during my ‘Thought Channel’ routine and other effects. It can be a valuable tool for formal hypnotherapy and
has the ability to occupy and impress the conscious mind while the unconscious mind of the participant is led towards a deep
state of peace and relaxation.

Like a progressive relaxation and cause & effect patterns I simply link the revelation of ‘which hand’ an object is held in with
suggestions to relax even deeper, focus even better, become even clearer…deeper and deeper relaxed.

With each individual object location and revelation the participant drifts even deeper and deeper into an ‘eyes open waking
trance state’ and profound level of relaxed, focused awareness.

My Favorite Inductions

I’ve heard people cry, ‘there’s nothing special about inductions’ and think of the process as simply the way to a
trance state. This sort of ‘it’s not important how one gets there’ type attitude is missing one of the major strengths
behind proper inductions.

They provide that first moment of true astonishment wherein both the subject and audience realize that HYPNOSIS is
working! A strong induction is an extremely powerful convincer.

Look at the work of Derren Brown and you’ll see how he often uses inductions in situations where it is unnecessary to the
effect but provides a powerful punch all the same or supports his premise. Derren and others use inductions because they are
impressive, shocking and powerful in their own right. In casual situations or impromptu performances I’ll often induce large
groups of people very quickly, give them a few positive suggestions and count them out very rapidly. Everyone loves this and
it’s AMAZING to see a person induced.

Over the years I’ve worked with a number of wonderful inductions. I have a few that are my personal favorites and I will
share those with you here.

Verbal Pattern Interrupt Induction

In ‘T&R’ I tipped this verbal interrupt with a promise to expand on it within ‘Thought Veil.’

I often use this pattern interrupt ‘cold’ as the first primary induction I incorporate in rapid street hypnosis. It is also useful to
re-induce the subject at any point during stage shows and hypnotherapy. This is such a great language pattern that I use it for
a variety of effects many of which have appeared in this book and were taught and tipped or hinted at in ‘T&R.’

To use this very fast and very impressive pattern interrupt as an induction I combine it with my version of the ‘Handshake
Technique.’ Here is the script and pacing that I use.

‘You might have SEEN people hypnotized live or on television by a stage hypnotist or maybe even HEARD of or know people working with a
hypnotherapist for weight loss or to quit smoking. What I do is kind of like that but happens a lot faster and FEELS quite a bit different…

Before we begin, tell me…What is it you’re not thinking about right now?’

A few things happen at this point.

While delivering the above script I am holding the hand of my subject (I’ve just shook their hand OR delivered a short palm
reading) and my right index finger is lightly touching their right wrist. This alone creates an interrupt in the thought process
as it feels different than a normal handshake.

After I say the magic line, ‘What is it you’re NOT thinking about right now?’ I can visibly see the thought process of my subject
coming to a halt. For a split second their thoughts will stop, their eyes glaze over and they pause. It is at this moment I lightly
tug (not jerk!) on their hand/arm and give the command ‘SLEEP!’

The ‘magic question’ creates a window wherein the logical mind is confounded. This is our window of opportunity and
allows us to couple a physical action (tugging on the arm) with a verbal command to ‘SLEEP’ to produce the results.

Immediately after the SLEEP command is given my left hand comes up from behind the participant to cradle their head and
neck in my left palm. I use my left hand to gently pull the subject’s head forward into my shoulder, release the grip with my
right hand and begin SNAPPING my fingers beside their left ear as I continue with my suggestions and instructions.

Because I often use this induction on people while standing I always give suggestions that their legs and knees are locked into
place, their feet are planted firmly and my subject remains perfectly balanced. This allows me to stand them up and
reposition myself if necessary or desired.

For the first 15 seconds or so AFTER a standing induction I keep a hand on the shoulder of my subject. This assists with the
anchoring and deepening process to follow and also helps to stabilize the subject. Once they have regained their sense of
balance and are able to stand alone I simply keep an eye on them.

When hypnotizing more than one person standing extra precautions must be taken. I can do this comfortably with three
people (standing inductions) and after that I find it unsafe to do. If you plan on hypnotizing more than 2 or 3 people at once
it’s best to have them sitting to avoid falling and injuries.

I use the script above for a few reasons:

1). It combines all the modalities (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) in the same script. As such it applies to everyone I meet
and the induction works better because it corresponds to the subject’s primary learning modality.

2). I draw upon any past experiences of hypnosis by prompting the imagination and memory of my subject (a hypnotist live
or on television, hearing a story of someone working with a hypnotherapist and so forth). This assists in creating a near
instant trance state when coupled with suggestion and pattern interrupts with direct commands.

3). Whatever experience (firsthand or through media, stories, etc) my subject might have with hypnosis I align with it and
then rise above it. I use the word ‘but’ to cancel out everything before it and give the embedded command ‘FASTER and
FEELS quite a bit different.’ This follows the rule of the mind ‘Expectation = Realization’ and gives the subject something to

The word ‘different’ could mean anything and again, this simply creates a bit of confusion or intrigue through ambiguity and
the expectation of this ‘different’ feeling. The induction works like a charm.

If I’ve already used a different induction on my subject and wish to deepen or re-induce trance at any time I can simply use
‘the magic question’ to confound the mind and give the command to ‘SLEEP’ coupled with a physical action (anchor) to
achieve trance.

This might also be coupled with prior post hypnotic suggestions and anchoring to re-induce trance. For example, I might set
the anchor of my hand on the subject’s shoulder as I give direct suggestions along the lines of,

‘Any time I touch you LIKE THIS (squeeze and tap) and say the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ you’ll instantly re-enter this same peaceful state of
complete relaxation, listening to the sound of my voice and able to follow my instructions perfectly, easily and naturally.’

As usual remember to be confident, secure in your skills, knowledge and ability and then proceed boldly/with authority.
When using inductions (especially instant or rapid inductions) I act as though it’s a given fact that my subject will become
hypnotized. I expect it to happen EVERY TIME and that their trance is inevitable. Those thoughts, attitude and demeanor
shines through in my work. The subject responds very well to this type of confidence and attitude.

While on the subject of ‘the magic question’ induction let’s take a look at ‘T&R’ and a few of the techniques I taught therein
using this verbal interrupt.

It’s Not Hypnosis!

These next two inductions that follow are personal, time tested, cherished and honored favorites. I have a number
of people to thank for these inductions most of which is the incredible John Cleesattel, a magnificent hypnotist
and trainer working out of Fort Worth, Texas. You can find John’s website and learn more about him here: and I highly recommend that you do.

John has written a wonderful ebook titled ‘The Nature of Trance’ with an equally amazing price tag that’s of incredible value
and bang for the buck. Inside his book he tips his own personal discoveries with the art of hypnosis and teaches his handling
for ‘The Expectation Induction’ which includes how it works, why it works and further tips on using it.

Before meeting John and studying his own techniques in depth I applied the basic principles and scripts taught here WITH
traditional hypnotic inductions.

These inductions were applied under the premise of them NOT being hypnosis. All that was left in this case was to find a
great induction that really appeared to NOT be hypnosis (or even an induction at all!) and this is where, to quote one of his
students, ‘this magnificent bastard’ John Cleesattel and his remarkable discoveries and applications entered play.

I refer to this first piece as my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction, script and techniques for a number of reasons.

First, these combined techniques allow the one using them to practice something very much like and very similar TO
hypnosis without getting caught up in the legal mumbo-jumbo and possible laws preventing it. I go far with this technique
and presentation to stress the point that it is NOT hypnosis, but a bit LIKE hypnosis.

These techniques result in a very deep ‘semi hypnotic trance-like state’ which enables the subject to respond perfectly to my
suggestions and tap into the unlimited/infinite potential of the human mind.

Second, because this is NOT hypnosis (or so I say) it easily bypasses the conscious, critical mind of the participant/subject
and resistance is significantly lessened. I present these exercises in a few ways including: guided meditation, creative
visualization, Mind & Imagination Games, the power of suggestion, SELF HYPNOSIS, rapid relaxation techniques, RFA
(relaxed focused awareness), Mind/Body connection, applied intuition, psychophysiological thought processing/interior
xenocoding and direct communication with one’s unconscious mind and Higher Self to name a few.

Third, the more we tell a person this is NOT hypnosis and they WILL NOT go instantly into a very deep trance (etc) the
more we place focus on it. This is a bit like ‘Don’t think of pink elephants’ as what we resist persists. These techniques are also in
full effect during my ‘Conversational Hypnosis and Indirect Induction’ methods taught earlier in this book. We also draw upon the
law, ‘What is expected tends to be realized.’

Fourth, these techniques ALL place of the burden and responsibility on the client, subject or volunteer. These techniques
exist and represent affirmations of THEIR own mind power, ability to focus and potential to relax while following simple

instructions. Soon I’ll teach you how I get people excited to try their hand at these techniques and all of the amazing ways
they’ll benefit through using them.

Fifth, I have many ‘favorite’ inductions that I’ve learned over the last 12 years and use in my work. Today the most utilized
among those are Bills ‘Jumping Pulse’ with my additions and advanced handling, the ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ presentation outlined
here with the ‘Expectation Induction’, ‘Indirect Method/Conversational Hypnosis Induction’ and the ‘No Induction Induction’ of John

If I’m working on the street or stage I have a few instant inductions I use and we’ll be covering more of those here shortly.

Without further ado let’s get started with how I begin. After creating proper rapport with my participant (30 seconds or less)
I say,

‘What we’re about to do IS DEFINITELY NOT HYPNOSIS, but it IS a bit LIKE HYPNOSIS ONLY in that it results in a very nice,
very relaxed semi-hypnotic ‘trance like’ state. You’ll continue to be very relaxed and feeling REALLY GOOD, open to the power of suggestion
and yet, YOU WON’T BE HYPNOTIZED or placed into a trance of any kind during this process.

In fact, you’ll have your eyes open the entire time, you’ll be completely conscious and wide awake, alert, focused and perfectly aware of yourself and
your surroundings at all times. We’ll be able to communicate back and forth exactly like we are right now and still you’ll be able to use ALL of
the stored up mind power and infinite potential within you to experience some really incredible things.

How does that sound? (Affirming acceptance)


Is that okay? (Getting permission)


And with this we’re off and running!

Presented as a demonstration of THE POWER OF SUGGESTION or meditation/mindfulness, conscious relaxation or

even just the raw potential of your subject and their incredible, beautiful mind this technique works wonders.

‘If I could just get you to sit up straight in your chair now, feet flat on the floor, hands palm down in your lap and take a deep breath as you listen
to the sound of my voice and my simple instructions – remembering NOT to become hypnotized or go into a deep state of trance at this time
because here’s what’s going to happen…

In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to snap my fingers like so (SNAP) and when I do that some phenomenal physical effects will begin to take
place as a feeling of warmth, peace and relaxation will start to wash over your mind and wash over your body causing you to FEEL REALLY

It may or may not be subtle at first, but you WILL feel it! And as you imagine that warm, peaceful feeling washing over you, I just want you to
take a deep breath, look right at me and say, ‘I feel great.’

When you say those powerful, magic words ‘I feel great’ that will trigger your unconscious mind to generate additional positive thoughts, feelings and
attitudes within you so you can start to feel even better!

And as this happens, whenever you say ‘I feel great’ YOU WILL FEEL GREAT and that will be MY CUE to go ahead and snap my
fingers again (SNAP), only this time when I do that feeling of warmth and peace and relaxation is going to DOUBLE in strength and
intensity…and immediately you’ll begin to FEEL EVEN BETTER than you did before...and just like before I’ll want you to look directly at
me and say, ‘I feel great’ as that feeling continues to double and double in strength and intensity.

Once again that will be my cue to go ahead and snap my fingers ONCE more (SNAP), only THIS TIME you’ll notice that warm, peaceful
feeling TRIPLES in strength and intensity, and at that point you’ll notice that you REALLY FEEL AMAZING, and that you’re

And again, you’ll just look at me and say, ‘I feel great’ so we can continue with our experience together and allow you to AMAZE YOURSELF
with your newly discovered gifts and abilities.

Is that okay? (Permission!)

Are you ready?



And you’re not hypnotized right now are you?

Wonderful. I didn’t think so!

Just nod your head when you’re ready to proceed.’

As the subject nods his/her head I proceed with snapping my fingers while I say,

‘Simply imagine that incredibly warm feeling of peace and relaxation washing over you now…and then you’ll know what to do…’

I give at least 5 seconds for the full effects to set in, and a bit longer in some cases.

Watch your participant and you’ll be able to see their facial expression change, their body position to shift, the ‘hypnotic sigh’
or their skin might even change color as in a typical induction.

As my client looks at me and says, ‘I feel great’ I mirror that statement and confirm the state back to them with, ‘So what you’re
saying is, you feel great…is that what you’re saying?’ to which they will AGREE!

They also know that’s MY CUE to proceed. If the participant seems to stall or is so relaxed at this point they forget to say, ‘I
feel great’ I’ll gently remind them to trigger their unconscious mind and give me our cue to proceed by saying…what…?

They’ll get the hint.

When they agree to the above mirroring pattern and say YES to ‘So what you’re saying is…?’ I simply respond with,
‘Wonderful…continue to enjoy that warm, peaceful feeling now and just look at me…(SNAP)…as you allow that feeling of peace and relaxation
to DOUBLE in strength and intensity…you know what to do...’

Again I give the client about 5 to 10 seconds to enjoy their increasing state of mind and body – or however long it takes for
them to ‘come around’ and look at me saying, ‘I feel great.’

This time as they say ‘I feel great’ I simply smile and say, ‘Yes you do! And it’s really amazing how that works, is it not?’ while nodding
my head up and down.

Of course the subject will AGREE here again. Not only is this process inducing my subject, it’s also setting up a state of
compliance, cooperation and creating a hypnotic relationship between us. This is important.

At this point I may ask the client to DESCRIBE HOW THEY FEEL. This is important!

By asking your subject to describe how they feel they effectively ‘buy into’ the demonstration, phenomena and experience
taking place. By defining/describing something we CREATE IT and give life and reality to it. If I forgo the description of
this feeling at this moment I always remember to include it at the end of the ‘induction.’

Once that feeling has increased and the effects have begun to sink in I ask the client to look at me one last time as I snap my
fingers and say, ‘And just like that, notice how your feeling of peace and relaxation TRIPLES now, easily and naturally…’

My subject will look at me and say, ‘I feel great’ just like before. A few things are going to happen here and I want to do two
specific things:

1). Confirm and affirm the current state.

2). Re-affirm the NOT HYPNOTIZED STATE!

To do the first ‘thing’ I ask my client to DESCRIBE how they feel now. You have a few options here and personally here is
what I do.

• Ask them to describe their feeling on a scale from 1 to 10. This can also be done between ‘snaps’ (nods to Vigil) and
phases if you wish. Doing so would naturally confirm the increasing nature of this warm, peaceful feeling of deep
• I often say, ‘Now, you don’t have to lie to make me look/feel good, but you REALLY DO FEEL GREAT RIGHT NOW,
• Sometimes I’ll borrow a line from Erickson and say, ‘Tell me EVERYTHING about how you feel right now. What’s it

By asking our subject to describe and detail their experience and resulting feeling they affirm its reality and CREATE it
themselves because the act of defining something creates it. Defining something cements its reality in the world and effects
within my subject.

Once the client has described and affirmed/rated their feeling and experience in this moment I proceed to say things such as,

‘And you’re NOT hypnotized right now, are you? You haven’t gone into a trance, you’re wide awake and feeling great, we’re communicating and yet
you’re able to respond to my suggestions and tap into the incredible potential and mind power within you! How incredible is that?’

This induction works because of the EXPECTATION we set up within the subject from the very beginning. We are pacing
the natural cause and effect patterns of this experience by first verbally leading our participant(s) through an ‘imaginary’
experience by explaining EXACTLY what’s going to happen, what they will feel, how they will react and then DOING IT.
In truth, they begin following along and start feeling great DURING the explanation! The second (real) time we go through
the process only serves to increase those feelings again and again. It truly is incredible.

Go back and read the Dave Elman handshake induction and you’ll see the exact same pattern working beautifully here.
Instead of matching our words and suggestions to a handshake we’re merely snapping and speaking to create that
expectation and explain what will happen.

So, for all intents and purposes your client is now in an eyes open waking trance state. As mentioned before you can combine
this process and induction with my ‘Conversational Hypnosis’ patterns, an exercise such as ‘The Jumping Pulse’ and more. It really
is flexible and perfect the way it is.

Once my subject has described their state and I’ve confirmed that they are NOT hypnotized I set up a series of
‘demonstrations’ regarding their newly discovered gifts, abilities and current state of awareness. This is a perfect opportunity
to launch into the ‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show’ I teach in this course or another waking hypnosis demonstration of your own

Bear in mind this entire induction/relaxation process happens in less than two minutes! It’s very fast and extremely effective.
Also, instead of warmth, peace and relaxation we can invoke whatever state we wish by simply changing the words and
cause/effect patterns around. For instance, I might cause/allow/support the subject in feeling excited, passionate and
enthusiastic about life, their job or relationships.

I could also enter a certain program here working with the client’s criteria. What I love doing is eliciting criteria at the
beginning (while creating rapport) and using the client’s core beliefs and values as the STATES OF BEING I instill/install
during this process.

For example, let’s say I have a client who wishes to stop smoking. I go through the questions, ‘What’s important about?’ (X3) to
hit their bottom line. I then ask, ‘And ultimately what would (x, y & z = their criteria) create for you/allow you to experience in your life?’

For the sake of our example let’s say the subject’s answers are ‘abundance, contentment and radiant health’ or ‘joy,
satisfaction and more energy.’
Taking their criteria I simply replace the words warmth, peace and relaxation in the above script and process with joy,
satisfaction and more energy – or whatever the client’s criteria IS!

I cannot stress how much this person is going to love, respect, admire and appreciate you and the work that you do for
causing these changes to occur RIGHT NOW and allowing them to feel like they’ve always wanted to feel like.

For the first time possibly ever, or in a very long time the subject will feel complete, centered and perfect in every way as they
experience exactly what they wish, desire, hope for and dream about in a few short minutes BECAUSE OF YOU and their
work and experience WITH YOU.

Seriously folks, what piece of magic or mentalism is going to top this? We just eliminated half of your repertoire.
Considering how fast these changes take place and how nearly instantaneous the results are I often use this piece of work
and resulting effects in my walk around performances, impromptu hypnosis demonstrations, in the middle of my show (and
after) and any time I have 2 or 3 minutes to do some good in the world and cause another person to feel WONDERFUL for
a change!

It’s obvious to see exactly why this is one of my favorite pieces – an ultimate effect and to say it draws attention, garners
business and books shows and private clients left and right is an understatement. I use this piece of work when I meet with a
potential client for the shows, lectures and demonstrations I book. It’s a simple matter to offer to demonstrate exactly what it
is I do. I leave the booking agent feeling great and it’s practically inevitable that I will book the show, private reading, hypnosis
session and future business from it.

As I meet with theatre managers and large business owners for a LIVE demonstration to show them exactly what I do and
what they can expect from me, my show and the services I offer, to check out the venue, sign the contracts (etc) I might
ONLY use this piece or even combine a direct mind reading routine (short and to the point/impressive) with a very short
reading (optional) and then the ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ experience to end.

Another amazing, incredible quality about this induction is you CAN use it over the phone, or even over an instant
messenger (IM) as first discovered by John Cleesattel who gave me his kind permission to include the induction here in
‘Thought Veil.’ All praise, thanks and credits must go to him and our forbearer’s for these miraculous techniques.

By learning this simple technique well and USING IT all the time you will create a major name and reputation for yourself.
People will get used to feeling great around you, when they speak to you and even THINK of you.

By tossing in a few well placed language patterns we cement this effect and cause it to happen even further. Once I cause my
client to feel really great I anchor them into this experience so that for now and ever more they can press their fingers
together, tap their shoulder 3 times, say ‘I feel great’ or some other key and instantly fire off and evoke this incredibly
wonderful feeling. It’s a supreme gift to share with others and something they will love you for until the end of time. You
really CAN change people’s lives with this – no hype or bullshit!

Now that you’ve learned the basic presentation, methods and psychology behind this it’s time to explore our various options.

Consider this…

Instead of snapping your fingers you might instead call out a few simple colors. This happens to work very well because we
KNOW that visualizing colors naturally relaxes a person. Likewise, you could count down a few numbers. By calling them
out in order (1, 2 and 3) the effects you are producing are linked to the digits instead of your snapping fingers.

You can also call out IMAGES such as a heart, a star and a flower with the same effects.

I’ve created a slightly different presentation I favor today with PSYCHOLOGICAL/STATISTICAL FORCES for an added
punch. The incredible thing here, again, is there is NO WAY TO MISS! It’s presented in such a way that if the force doesn’t
‘hit’ the effects still take place anyways.

Here’s how:

‘In a moment I’m going to call out a few different categories of information, and I won’t tell you exactly what those are just yet, because the end
result is for YOU to decide and you can think of whatever you wish and whatever enters your mind first to assist you in relaxing deeply.

And when I do this, something remarkable is going to happen as a feeling of warmth, healing and security begins to flow out from within you and
wash over your mind, all over your body and causes you to become very deeply relaxed…

And once you can imagine and sense/feel those intense feelings of warmth, healing and security taking place I simply want you to look directly at
me and say the POWER WORDS, ‘I feel great.’

When you do that, it will be MY CUE to go ahead and give you the next category/piece of information – and just like before – that warm,
secure, peaceful, healing feeling is going to DOUBLE in strength and intensity.

At that point you’ll be feeling very warm and relaxed, embracing a natural healing state of mind within yourself and secure in every way. Again, I
want you to look directly at me and just say, ‘I feel great’ as those feelings continue to grow and double inside of you.

That will also be my cue to give you the last and final piece of information only THIS TIME that feeling inside of you and all around you will
TRIPLE in strength and intensity.

You’ll realize you’re feeling remarkably and naturally healing, comfortably warm and incredibly secure with life, yourself and everything around
you. As that happens, you’ll look at me and you already know what to say. After this short process we’ll go ahead and show you a few more
incredible things you can do/achieve to amaze yourself with the tools you already have access to and which you can use to create the life and reality
of your dreams.

How does that sound?

Are you ready?’

Here I’ve set up the premise and cause/effect patterns, expectancy for the results and everything else taught in John’s original
handling for this induction technique. You might also wish to combine the ‘categories’ (all are within the realm of
psychological forces) with a SNAP of your fingers to prompt a faster, quicker response from your subject.

You might even wish to change up the wording a bit to suit your specific tastes and style, or even change the forces. Make
this technique YOURS and unique to you.

Once I’ve set up what is going to happen and how it will play out, the participant knows what they’re to do and how they are
to feel as a result I proceed with,

‘Just take a deep breath and look at me as you continue to listen to the sound of my voice and my instructions…

And here it comes…the first piece of information I want you to think of is a simple color…NOW (snap)… and relax…whichever one you wish
PEOPLE A BIT LIKE YOURSELF A NICE SHADE OF GREEN …whatever it is, simply hold that color in your thoughts as
that growing sense and feeling of warmth, healing and security envelopes your mind and gently flows over your body…that’s right…’

You’ll see immediately if you HIT upon the chosen color in your participant’s mind! I speak a bit more slowly (this is a
relaxation exercise after all!) and STOP if I see the participant REACT. For example, if I say ‘a lovely shade of red’ and they
smile or react with shock and surprise I won’t name the other colors! If they don’t react I’ll continue with, ‘or even a blue, like
me.’ I only watch for a reaction at this point and if one doesn’t surface in just a second or two I continue with, ‘or knowing
people such as yourself, even a nice shade of green. Whatever it is, simply hold that color in your thoughts…’

Because red, blue and green are the most psychologically chosen colors our chances for hitting the participant’s ‘secret
thoughts’ are significantly increased. If so, we have a nice extra bit of rapport and synchronicity going on as the process

The subject will now look at me and repeat the aforementioned magic words to buy into, increase and confirm his/her state
of being and with that I’ll mirror their ‘I feel great’ response back to them with ‘So what you’re saying is…?’ pattern just as taught

Notice how I’m able to use the psychological & statistical forces to INCREASE a certain positive feeling and state of being
within the client! There’s no way to ‘miss’ because it’s not anything I need to ‘hit.’ Does that make sense?

The information is presented only as a key and something for the subject to think of and gently focus on or notice while this
desired feeling increases inside of them.

By allowing the subject to THINK of their chosen color first AND THEN casually describing a few different options I place
myself into the unique position of hitting their chosen/thought of color!

If I hit the color (or other force) that’s great! It will serve to create a deeper sense of rapport and greater hypnotic
relationship between us; a sense of empathy, telepathy and heightened intuition.

When I hit upon the color in my participant’s mind this is further confirmation to them that they’re doing everything exactly
as they should and the results are working perfectly. It’s a very, very sly and an extremely subtle technique to use. This is one
way I’ve discovered to present psychological forces that I’m very proud of.

If my subject happens to have something such as ‘yellow’ or ‘orange’ or WHATEVER ELSE in their mind, that’s perfectly
fine too! After all, my remarks were only EXAMPLES of what they COULD be thinking of, not what they are supposed to
think of OR even what I’m saying they are thinking of!

Presented like this there is no way to miss and nothing to fail with or get busted on.

Either way the color they hold in mind serves a purpose – a greater purpose than a small hint of mind reading ever could.
This is merely something which can ADD TO the effect and induction, the ‘miss’ of which doesn’t harm it in the slightest.

I LOVE using this induction BEFORE a piece of stunning and direct mind reading with a participant in both my close up
work and on stage. I change the evoked states and feelings to ‘natural knowing, intuition and a heightened 6 th sense/ESP’ (or
even TELEPATHY) instead.

This allows me to show a process and prepares my participant to experience the feat of mind reading on a level never before
imagined by mentalists. All modesty aside, it has absolutely incredible effects and garners AMAZING reactions from the
audience and participant.

After this short 1 or 2 minute induction I continue with my book test, name revelation, question answering or whatever piece
of mentalism I choose to share next. When the mind reading is successful (using a suitable and guaranteed method) the
INDUCTION PROCESS itself becomes all the more real!

Immediately, with the information revealed, we all get to see the effects this exercise really (seemingly) had on the successful
outcome of the demonstration.

I also use this induction and presentation with my private hypnotherapy clients, sitters for readings and also with 2 to 4
people during my signature ‘Thought Channel’ demonstration with amazing results on a regular basis.

Once this first phase (of 3) is completed I continue with,

‘Take another deep breath and allow yourself to think of this next piece of information…as those feelings DOUBLE within you…this time it’s
any FLOWER you wish…(snap)…

And just like before, this particular flower can be whatever you choose – in my case it was a ROSE, but yours could be a Violet, Lilac or maybe
even a Daffodil, who knows (?)…whatever you choose to see and think of while this feeling of (X, Y and Z) increases and DOUBLES within
you is perfectly fine and just as it should be…and out of sheer curiosity…how do you feel?’

Of course again the subject will look at me and say ‘I feel great’ if they have not already.

Again I pause slightly between the examples of flowers I use as examples and watch for an immediate reaction. If I get a
response from the subject I stop naming flowers! If not, I’ll toss out a couple and move a bit slowly to garner a response. If I
don’t happen to hit on any of them, that’s okay! The subject still relaxes and allows the chosen feelings and evoked states to
increase within them easily and naturally. There is no way you can be ‘wrong’ working like this.

Proceed as usual.

On the last phase I do the exact same thing, only this time the feeling within my subject is going to TRIPLE in strength and
intensity and I snap my fingers while having them THINK OF A SIMPLE IMAGE, DRAWING, SHAPE OR DOODLE.

As I normally do and have been teaching you, I allow the subject to get a thought in mind (sensory acuity will let you know
when this happens!) and then proceed with a few different options and examples,

‘Such as a house or a sun or a stickman, it could also be an animal, a car, a tree or even a heart, maybe a star or a triangle…whatever you
wish…and simply notice as that feeling of (X, Y and Z) TRIPLES in strength and intensity inside of you and all around you now…’

I’ll toss out 1 to 3 possible images and pause for a second or two to watch for a reaction. If I get one I stop, if not I proceed
with 2 or 3 more and continue going like this until I’ve covered however many I wish. I’ve dubbed this method of presenting
psychological and statistical forces ‘HANGING MENTAL FORCES’ which simply means we leave our answers and
examples ‘hanging’ while we wait for a response.

The ONLY thing you’ve really got to remain conscious of while doing this is NOT to be too obvious or seem like you’re
fishing. Remember, we don’t REALLY care if we hit these or not – it’s just additional icing on the cake if we do. The process
still develops and unfolds perfectly either way.

IF (and that’s a big IF!) your subject cannot feel the desired sensations I’ve continued with confidence and told them, ‘That’s
perfectly alright! It can be subtle at first but you WILL feel it! Simply imagine what THOSE FEELINGS AND SENSATIONS
WOULD/MIGHT BE LIKE were you to experience them in their fullness NOW…’


Another great option is to allow your subject a few moments to go deep inside of themselves and scan their internal/mental
inventory FOR those desired feelings. This brings their awareness within which facilitates trance. Also, a few deep breaths
and language patterns including presuppositions, binds, double binds, embedded commands, hidden directives and more will
do the trick perfectly.

You might also ask them to think back to a time when they felt (X, Y and Z) and proceed to increase that feeling inside of
them to get the ball rolling. Once your subject has touched upon the feeling it will grow and grow and grow within them as
you continue with this exercise.

This induction works based on creating a sense of expectation, TELLING the client exactly what they will feel and how to
react and then attaching those suggestions to an anchor such as snapping your fingers, counting down numbers, calling out
colors, etc.

In my experience this induction has a higher success rate than many others I’ve used and I only use the ones that give me
fantastic results – this is one of the best. It’s gentle, subtle, powerful and yet nonthreatening. The psychology behind this
method is perfect.

Another way I use this ‘Expectancy Induction’ technique is by creating specific individual effects such as arm levitations,
cloud busting, coins and keys heating up and other assorted effects using only the power of suggestion, pacing, leading,
waking hypnosis and the subject’s own expectations for the effect.

Let’s go back to an example of doing this sort of thing with a coin or key. I often do this with a pre bent coin, or a coin
and/or key bent in real time via your favorite method. I’ve also used this piece BEFORE the bending takes place stating
when the metal is warmer it’s easier to bend OR as an effect by itself without a bend of any sort.

After placing the object in my participant’s hand I say,

‘Take a deep breath and listen very closely. In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to snap my fingers and when I do, that coin/key is going to heat
up and get warmer INSIDE YOUR HAND. It can be subtle at first but I assure you, YOU WILL FEEL IT! And when that happens, I
want you to just look directly at me and say, ‘It’s getting warmer.’

That will be MY CUE to channel the next round of energy and snap my fingers again…only THIS TIME that coin is going to become at least
TWICE as hot as it was before and because it’s warming up very quickly now, it might even start to get a bit uncomfortable at this point. If at
any time it gets TOO HOT, go ahead and just drop it to the floor. I don’t want anybody getting burned.

Just like before, after I snap my fingers this second time and the coin heats up again, you’ll just look at me and say, ‘It’s getting warmer’, exactly
like we did before. That will be my cue to snap a third and final time as I channel these powerful energies – only NOW – that coin is going to get
at least 3 or 4 times as hot as it was before, CAUSING that coin to be very hot indeed and it’s at that point, no matter what, that I want you to
drop it.
Are we clear?


Look at me, and feel the coin heating up…NOW (snap)…’

I continue as outlined earlier with this induction and the effect is a raving success.

If you have bent the coin prior I suggest NOT having it dropped to the floor, but as I have done, into a glass of water that is
purposefully placed beneath the participant’s hand from the onset of the effect(s). This is a very strong suggestion in and of
itself – a perfect reason for doing so that makes itself apparent as I proceed with the induction sequence and suggestions.

Once the coin or key is dropped into the glass you can show it around without anyone suspecting a switch and it makes a
lovely presentation. There’s just something about displaying a melting, hot, bent key in a clear glass of water that is very
beautiful and strong.

If performing this on stage I use to have the water slightly above room temperature to begin with. Afterwards it made a great
convincer because my participant and audience members could dip their finger in the glass and feel the mildly hot water.

The illusion was perfect.

If you like this convincer, realize that you can do it very effectively with suggestion and room temperature water. Another sly
ploy I used was having a small pocket warmer rubber banded around the water bottle in my bag. As I proceeded with my
presentation I would retrieve the water bottle, open it up, pour a glass and drink from it.

At times I would also have the glass of water already on my table in the very beginning of the show. Because I normally did
this effect as the third routine in my set I could say (after the key was dropped in and my original participant was sent back to
their seat), ‘And look! All the ice cubes are completely melted!’

Of course you could have the bent coin or key just dropped to the floor or table as you wish. Many times I do this (and other
effects) without bending the object. This method also works well to cause an object to grow or shrink, pulsate, change shapes
and colors, become hot and cold and may produce many other suggestion based miracles.

To end my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ sequence and ‘The Expectancy Induction’ as championed by John Cleesattel I normally use a very
rapid deepening sequence or launch directly into my program, mini show or demonstration.

A very nice and extremely simple/quick deepening method to use at this point is just to say,

‘In a moment I’m going to count backwards from 5 down to 1 and as I do, with each number we pass that feeling of (X, Y & Z) is going to grow
even stronger and more profound within you.

Go with it!

At the number 5 that feeling will double again, on 4 it will triple, 3 it will quadruple, 2 it will increase in times by 10 (or 100) and finally at 1
by 100 (or 1000). Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it will happen for you easily and naturally.

5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 – deeper and deeper relaxed now enjoying this increased sense of (X, Y & Z), listening closely to the sound of my voice and my

At this point your participant is in a suitable state to perform and respond to other suggestions. I favor implementing the
‘Super Suggestion’ at this point, personally.

With this completed I like to go right into my ‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show.’ If I’m providing a positive programming session or
change work I opt for more deepening, breathing and relaxation/visualization sequences.

ANY hypnotic suggestions you could give at this point are appropriate. Treat this piece of work as you would any very good,
very workable, different and effective induction and continue working with the subject as you wish.

For the sake of clarity and your complete educational purposes I highly recommend ‘The Nature of Trance’ ebook by John
Cleesattel regarding his work with ‘The Expectancy Induction.’

Also, an incredible and FREE resource for hypnotists (where I met John) is here at:

I became a member recently and although another forum is the last thing I need right now I’ve found it a wonderful place
filled with volumes of helpful information, an advanced search engine, many, many knowledgeable people who are
passionate about hypnosis and willing to share or discuss just about anything.

I’ll see you there!

The Heartbeat Induction

The following is a very organic and effective induction. This technique allows me to induce a trance state NON
VERBALLY for the most part.

I begin as I do all my inductions by getting consent from the person to be hypnotized. Once I have their permission to
proceed I ask the subject to use their left hand (pressed to their neck) to take their own pulse.

With their right hand (or finger) they TAP up and down in rhythm with their pulse. This takes the subject deeply within
themselves and attunes their thoughts to their body. Focusing on the breath and heartbeat has startling effects by itself.

As my subject taps out each beat of their heart I ask them to become aware of their breath…I simply want them to grow
conscious of their body as it works.

While doing this the subject gazes deeply into my eyes and I meet their gaze naturally and use the ‘Eye Scanning Technique’
outlined earlier in this course.

After a few moments I begin to blink my eyes as though I myself were growing tired and weary. Simply imagine a time in
your own life where you were absolutely exhausted (falling asleep standing or at the wheel, yikes!) and wanted more than
anything to just close your eyes for a moment or two.

Use this memory to allow your eyes to blink and flutter in tired fashion as you gaze into your subject. The effect this has on a
person is similar to yawning…it’s contagious. Blinking in such patterns will alter both yours AND your subject’s brainwave
patterns and neural activity.

After a few more moments I simply close my eyes and my subject follows suite. This is a lot harder to explain than it is to do.
After you’ve done it once successfully you’ll always be able to do it. I love this induction because it looks very mystical and it’s
very effective.

Another variation I developed is having my subject take their pulse with their left hand (RIGHT BRAIN) as they raise their
hand up and down, up and down over and over again in accordance with their pulse. I begin with direct eye contact and eye
scanning as before only in this variation I reach out and take the participant’s rising and falling hand in mind and cause their
actions to SLOW DOWN…

I begin raising and pushing their hand gently up and down, up and down. Because this was action was timed with the beating
of their pulse and it’s much slower now the subtle suggestion here is that THEIR PULSE and heart rate is also slowing
down. This is a non-verbal cue to relax.

At this point I start blinking my eyes as explained prior and finally allow them to close. Most of the time my subject follows
along perfectly. In those rare cases where they fail to ‘get the suggestion’ I’ll simply whisper, ‘And now allow your eyes to close, way
down deep...and relax…that’s perfect…’

If you DO wish to speak more during this process I would suggest you direct your participant’s attention to their breath and
heartbeat as such:

‘And as you tap your hand in connection with your own heartbeat you may find your pulse begins to speed up, slow down or even stop for a few
seconds. This is normal and only serves to help you relax even better, more deeply and completely than ever before.

If I think the subject spooks easily instead of saying their pulse may stop for a few seconds I change this line to say, ‘speed up,
slow down or even pause for a beat or two…’

And as you focus on your heartbeat I want you to become conscious and aware of the rest of your body as it relaxes and melts into your chair now
easily and naturally. Notice how each breath feels as you draw it in, use it up and release it once more, again and again.

As your thoughts, breath and heartbeat becomes ONE you might also notice your eyes getting heavier and heavier, heavier and heavier still…until
you just want to close them down gently in your own time and pace to sink even deeper into a more complete state of peace and relaxation…’

Here I blink as described above. The results speak for themselves.

If for some reason my subject does NOT close their eyes I simply tell them to by saying, ‘Go ahead and close your eyes now,
allowing your hands to fall loose, limp and relaxed to your sides as your mind and body enter a deep state of peace and relaxation…’

This is similar to the verbiage I use in many of my inductions. I simply tell the subject what I want them to do and deliver
suggestions to relax as they do it.

Total Control

It was extremely difficult coming to the decision to release the following routines and material. For starters, like
the rest of the material I’ve made available over the years the following demonstrations come straight out of my
working repertoire and 98% of it is still in active use by me today.

I share it in the hopes that you will love, enjoy and use it as I have over the years and with as much (if not greater) success.

The following is a very short script I use with Orville Meyers ‘Telepathy In Action’ act and also with numerous hypnosis scripts
and techniques. I consider it the script which makes all other hypnosis scripts, inductions and participants WORK!

I also use this script in many pseudo hypnosis demonstrations and mind reading routines. It gives the illusion of hypnosis
without anyone actually being hypnotized.

After my induction I say,

‘Remaining deeply in this ‘trance like’ nearly-hypnotic state, in a moment I’ll ask you to open your eyes, stand up and move around all while
remaining IN A TRANCE and going deeper and deeper in to this wonderful state of relaxed focused awareness, inner peace and total
tranquility at all times.

I’ll continue to speak to you and you will continue to respond very well to the suggestions I give you.

Should you feel unable to maintain this trance with open eyes, you’ll go ahead and open your eyes anyway and move around with the rest of my
subjects as you vividly IMAGINE how you might respond to my suggestions IF YOU WERE in a trance!’

That’s all!

You can go a bit further, but I find it unnecessary. The above three portions are all I use. If you wish to lay it on a bit thicker,
consider the following (used with a group) – simply continue where the last script ended:

That person will behave exactly as though they are in a very deep state of trance, filled with inner peace, tranquility and experiencing complete
relaxation. In time, those people who vividly imagined themselves in a trance and responding perfectly to my every suggestion will realize it’s no
longer necessary to IMAGINE this trance as they’ve slipped in to a deep state of hypnosis now, in their own time, easily and naturally. And
because by then you will have realized the reality of this work you will continue to respond to my suggestions effortlessly and effectively, listening to
the sound of my voice and my instructions.’

This last part is drawn as a personal variation from a tremendous script I found in Master’s and Houston’s ‘must have’ book
‘Mind Games’ and is recommended with all my heart.

This script basically says, ‘Although you’re not hypnotized, you’re hypnotized (or are going to be very soon, perhaps without
knowing it or even believing it!).’

The above allows the performer to SEEMINGLY hypnotize anyone. The fact they act like a normal, non-hypnotized person
is part of the script and effect.

The above script can be tailored to individual or group work very easily and/or combined with other techniques from this

The Arm Levitation Induction

I use this induction all the time for a variety of purposes. I believe that hypnosis and deep relaxation hold the keys
to TRUE natural knowing and intuition, expanded creativity and more.

I often use short rapid inductions before my mind reading and telepathy demonstrations. I feel it adds a lot to the overall
impact and this is something we are going to speak about in depth later in this book.

Inductions before select pieces of mentalism are very strong and impressive. They imbue the performer with power and help
relax the participant. On top of all this a proper induction shows the audience a process. Derren Brown’s ‘Reminiscence’ and
‘Lift’ routines are perfect examples of this.

I wouldn’t use overt hypnosis techniques and inductions before EVERY piece of mind reading, but for the right ones it
increases the strength and weight of impact in a huge way.

Please keep in mind that many of the techniques and bits of business in this book can, will and should be used together.


Very simply I ask someone to raise their hand. When they do I say the following:

‘As you hold your hand up, please keep it there for just a moment and take a deep breath for me…perfect.

(Because) In a moment your hand will naturally begin to lower itself with your thoughts, easy focus and gentle attention BUT only as fast as you
ALLOW YOURSELF to enter a deeply relaxed ‘trance like’ state.

And as your hand passes your eyes simply allow them to close, listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions…that’s right…you’re
very good at this…’

Like it or not, that’s basically it!

WHY this induction is so effective will be explained in ‘Thought Veil’ and for now, just now that it relies on linking natural
actions to verbal commands and suggestions with social compliance techniques, pacing and leading.

It’s long been touted that for instant inductions to be most effective, the subject must respond to THREE suggestions prior.

The three suggestions in this case are:

• Raise your hand

• Keep it there
• Take a deep breath
• (EXTRA) Allow your hand to lower itself and as you do so RELAX...

This is pacing the subject. Pacing turns to leading when we begin implanting suggestions, i.e. ‘And as your hand passes your
eyes, simply allow them to close…’

We are taking natural actions (raising and lowering our hand, breathing) and LINKING them to verbal commands.

The prior instructions were the short, basic version. In actual practice it looks more like this:

‘In a moment something very strange is about to happen. Can I get you to raise your arm/hand like this for just a moment? Perfect. Keep it there
and take a deep breath for me. That’s wonderful.

In a moment you’ll begin to notice your hand naturally lowering itself BUT only as fast as YOU ALLOW YOURSELF to enter a light, trance
like state.

As I’m giving these instructions and suggestions I am physically doing (showing) the participant what I want them to do.
Instead of telling them to ‘begin lowering their arm and becoming deeply relaxed now…’ I simply begin lowering MY ARM
and the participant follows suit.

When their arm is lowering in tandem with mine I say,

And as your hand passes your eyes, simply allow them to close down gently, listening very closely now to the sound of my voice and my instructions.’
Basically I’m just TELLING the participant what to do and they do it. I’m linking commands and suggestions to actions
taking place/occurring in real time and leading my participant towards the desired end.

This induction is very, very effective. I’ve never had it fail.

I think most inductions are a big waste of time and it’s actually the deepening techniques and regression exercises that garner
the best results. Very often I will ask a person to, ‘Look at me…take a deep breath…allowing your eyes to close down gently now and…
sleep!...continuing to become very relaxed, easily and naturally…listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions…’ and I’m off
and running! It’s fast, effective and very impressive.

Once the subject’s eyes are closed and their hand has lowered (if using the arm levi induction) you can proceed with further
relaxation and deepening techniques.

For my full length ‘PK Touches’ routine I will isolate the subject (sit them in a chair) and proceed FIRST with the arm
levitation induction and then go straight in to my routine.

It’s very impressive taking ANY PERSON in your audience, inducing them in 10-12 seconds and then tapping them a
number of times from across the theater. You could proceed with a different piece of mentalism of course, or hypnosis and
‘Telepathy in Action’ just as well. I know if you try it you’ll love it.

The Handshake Induction Variation

Many times instead of the traditional handshake induction I use a variation favored by NLP guru Richard Bandler.

In this variation as the subject reaches out to grasp my hand and shake it I simultaneously pull my right hand away as my left
hand takes the subject’s wrist and brings their palm upwards to face them.

This is one smooth, swift motion. I find it rude to use this induction on someone BEFORE properly shaking their hand, so
personally I always shake hands for real first and then ask permission for my participant to be hypnotized.

Once I’ve been given consent I ask my subject to TAKE MY HAND as I offer it to them in a handshaking gesture once
again. This time however I pull it away, take them by the wrist and turn their palm to face them.

After my subject is staring at their palm I instruct them to focus on ONE SPOT, LINE OR POINT on their hand. As they
focus and gaze at this point I slowly bring their hand towards their face getting closer and closer as my suggestions continue.

I say, ‘Notice how the lines, points and mounds of your palm become distorted the closer your hand moves to your face. As your hand touches your
face NOW (guiding their hand to their own face) close your eyes, take a deep breath and standing up, relaxing very deeply now easily and

It doesn’t take much else besides confidence, rapport and a bit of authority to make these inductions work.

This induction combines a series of principles and techniques from eye fixation, confusion and linking a physical action to a
mental response. That action/response connection is the lines of my subject’s palm becoming distorted the closer it draws
towards their face. I use this natural occurrence and link it to the suggestion, ‘As your hand touches your face…NOW…close your
eyes, take a deep breath and standing up, relaxing very deeply NOW, easily and naturally.’

Hypnosis is easy to use and a simple state of trance can be entered into effortlessly when your subject is willing to follow
your simple directions, suggestions and instructions. If a person can follow simple instructions they can and WILL be

The Instant, Instant Induction

Inductions are a great lesson in audience and volunteer management. I can apparently place anyone in to a
hypnotic state INSTANTLY with very, very few exceptions. It all comes down to confidence, authority, personal
power, rapport and the conscious direction of your participants.

This induction takes about 5 seconds. It’s very fast.

I follow the social/hypnotic compliance techniques and RULE OF 3. That is, if I can get a person to respond to just three
of my suggestions (these can be anything!) then I have very quickly paced them to the point where I can begin leading and
use an instant induction on them without prior set-up, verbal direction or lengthy scripts.

This ‘rule of three’ is similar to a ‘YES SET’ or ‘pacing and leading’ with commands, verbal instructions/directions and
suggestions. It conditions your subject to follow your lead and instructions one right after another. We begin with three
SIMPLE requests and follow it with a fourth SIMPLE COMMAND to ‘SLEEP!’

By instructing the subject to follow THREE (or four) simple suggestions it breaks down barriers and resistance in their
mind, conditions them to follow your instructions and do what you say. It also keeps the conscious mind busy so we can
catch it off guard and deliver our direct command and suggestion to ‘SLEEP!’ directly to the unconscious mind.

These three suggestions prior to my induction/hypnotic instructions can be anything, i.e. take a deep breath, feet flat on the
floor, hands in your lap…and…SLEEP!

It could also be, ‘Remove your jacket (1) and stand right over here please (2)…take a deep breath for me (3) and SLEEP!’

By asking simple things like ‘stand up straight, place your feet together and focus your attention here’ we begin taking very
subtle control of our hypnotic subject.

IF you can lead a person to respond to just three of your suggestions/commands then normally the resulting induction to
follow will go off without a hitch. This is all basic stuff for the advanced hypnotist. You should have a solid grasp on these
concepts and material by now.

We get the participant to follow three of our suggestions. This lowers their resistance to the fourth suggestion which in my
case will always be, ‘SLEEP! Way down deep, allowing your eyes to close and your body to relax, focusing gently on the sound of my voice and
my instructions…’

This simple technique of pacing and leading can be used in a variety of ways such as, ‘Stand up straight, feet together, take a deep


‘Take this pen, sign your name, fold up the card and ALLOW YOURSELF TO ENTER A DEEP STATE OF TRANCE NOW…


‘Think of your (word, name, number, picture) and take a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment and SLEEP (!)…way down deep…
listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions…’

The simple formula is to pace (give the subject) three or four SIMPLE SUGGESTIONS you wish for them to follow and
then give them one or two more ADVANCED SUGGESTIONS you wish to create your desired effects by.

As with most of my inductions I am simply TELLING the person what I want them to do (under the guise and authority of
hypnosis) and they do it. With follow up techniques to deepen the state (breathing, visualization, suggestion, etc) the subject
WILL enter a bona fide trance or as I like to call it, ‘a state of relaxed focused awareness and effortless deep concentration.’

Long, boring hypnosis scripts are not for me. I like to work fast and with a dramatic flair.

After you have set your induction feel free to follow up with deepening techniques, positive suggestions OR your mentalism
effect of choice.

Simply adding an induction to the mind reading piece you choose to perform can give it a great boost. Let me say this can be
a ‘catch 22’ situation though as ‘hypnosis’ becomes a great OUT and reason for the audience to explain away whatever you
might do next. It gives them a simple solution to your mind reading…‘Oh he was just hypnotized!’

Some performers do not like mixing mentalism and hypnosis because the act of hypnotizing someone provides an out and
excuse for the mind reading. In my eyes a well placed induction can add volumes to your work if used sparingly. If my
audience wants to explain away what they’ve seen as ‘hypnosis’ that still works for me!

Hypnosis is very powerful and mystical to people as is mind reading. When they are combined they have the potential to
strengthen each other. They also have the potential to weaken each other, so use them with caution.

I do my personal best to make it obvious the mind reading is mind reading and hypnosis is hypnosis when at all possible. I
also try NOT to use too many hypnotized subjects for mind reading, but focus my mentalism on the audience watching and
reserve my hypnosis for those with me on stage. When I choose to combine the two it’s done after I’ve made it very obvious
to my audience what each power is individually and they know full and well when I am combining the two to produce
different results.

I’ve given readers numerous inductions I personally use and prefer throughout this manuscript. My general preference these
days is to get my participant to follow three simple instructions and follow with the 4 th, ‘‘SLEEP! Way down deep, allowing your
eyes to close and your body to relax, focusing gently on the sound of my voice and my instructions…’

The italicized portion is delivered with a jolt; it can be a snap timed with the command ‘SLEEP!’ or a tug on their arm if
shaking hands, a gentle rocking motion or other instant/shock induction technique.

I love using shock inductions without the violent shock. I take a very paternal approach to hypnosis inductions with very
maternal, gentle deepening effects and combined paternal/maternal patterns and approached in my performance. The
combination of hard and soft techniques with intense and gentle/comfortable approaches works extremely well for me.

There are a number of inductions I use on a regular basis. The idea here is to give you quite a few of the best ones so there
are many tools to pick and choose from. One of my favorites goes like this:

• Get permission from the subject.

• Offer three simple suggestion – ‘Rule of 3’ to create compliance.

• Take the subject’s right hand in yours.

• Tell them, ‘Just look right here’ and get them to stare into your right eye. This creates a neurological link via the

• Place your left hand on the back of their neck.

• Wait a few moments to create expectation within the subject.

• Quickly YET GENTLY pull their right hand down towards the floor as your left hand pulls the subject into you
with the command ‘SLEEP!’

• Your right hand immediately lets go of the subjects and comes up to brace their head.

• You can begin rocking their head or simply lean it on your shoulder while your right hand gently taps their temple
area or left shoulder as you say,

‘SLEEP (!)…way down deep…standing sleeping, perfectly relaxed, drifting, rocking, floating, dreaming, sinking quickly now
into this deep, peaceful state of relaxed focused awareness…that’s right…just let go…listening to the sound of my voice and
my instructions…you’re doing perfectly…

…In a moment I’ll count backwards from three down to one and when I do simply allow this warm, peaceful feeling to
double, triple and quadruple inside of you now easily and naturally…3, 2 and…1 – deeper and deeper relaxed…

…The sound of my voice and my instructions as well as ANY OTHER SOUNDS all serve and assist you in relaxing even
deeper and more completely with each passing moment…relaxing even deeper and deeper with each and every tap I tap I
give you, with every breath you take and each easy beat of your heart, relaxing more and more now with each passing
moment so that every muscle, nerve and fiber of your entire body simply melts into this warm, peaceful feeling of deep

…from this moment forth whenever I say the words, ‘SLEEP NOW’ or ‘DEEPLY RELAXED’ your eyes will close and
your head will fall forward gently as you instantly enter this same deep state of peace and relaxation once again…

In a moment I’ll count from one to three and when I do, on that last number your eyes will open, you’ll be wide awake
feeling relaxed, refreshed and perfect in every way – capable of responding to my suggestions and entering a profound state
of peace and relaxation INSTANTLY…

The One Touch Induction

This induction is a variation of the STAGE SHOW INDUCTION I use in my live shows. I use a revised version
close up in both street hypnosis and strolling mentalism performances as well as in my live hypnotherapy and past
life regression classes.

You’ll notice how with this induction I am first telling the participant exactly what I want them to do and then immediately
afterwards I tell them once more EXACTLY what WILL happen. I make these instructions very clear.

The set up is easy. After I have a willing subject who has given me permission to hypnotize them and/or has expressed an
interest in experiencing hypnosis I have the participant follow three or four simple suggestions to create a state of
compliance within them. My exact script, word for word:

‘Sit (stand) up straight, feet flat on the floor, hands palm down in your lap/to your sides and take a deep breath…


In a moment when I touch you AND ONLY when I touch you (!) allow your hands to fall loose, limp and relaxed to your sides as your mind and
body enters a deep state peace and relaxation.’

I am following basic hypnosis guidelines for trance and the rules of the mind here; Imagination is more important than
knowledge and what is expected tends to be realized (and more).

After I give the italicized instructions as shown above I instruct my participants to take one last deep, soothing breath and
LISTEN VERY CLOSELY. At this point the energy RISES quite a bit. The following words are very intense. I am nearly
shouting my commands at this point. I think of myself almost as an army drill sergeant. I am admittedly forceful here. I take

‘In a moment when I touch you AND ONLY WHEN I TOUCH YOU your eyes will close and your hands will fall perfectly loose, limp and
relaxed to your sides as your mind and body enters a deep state of peace and relaxation…listening gently to the sound of my voice and my
instructions. You can do this!

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you it WILL HAPPEN easily and naturally!’

All that is left for me to do here is walk up behind the participants and shock/jolt them slightly by tapping on both their
shoulders and loudly commanding ‘SLEEP!’ as I catch them.

If my participant is sitting down I can simply tap them on the forehead, arm or leg while giving the ‘SLEEP’ command and
they’ll go out like a light bulb. If I’ve got a catcher I might simply tap the subject gently on their forehead as I gently push
them back into the waiting arms of my assistant.

On stage my participants have their hands clasped (detailed below) so I am able to tap them on the shoulders and
immediately catch them beneath their arms (armpits) to prevent them from injury.

Because their hands are clasped, at the moment when I touch them their arms are not flailing about to strike the person next
to them or poke me in the eye. The surprise/shock factor insures that my subject’s don’t jolt their head backwards and knock
my teeth out or break my nose.

Just in case, if I think or feel a subject might violently jerk back I approach them with my right leg and shoulder facing their
back. This is sort of like bracing for a football tackle…I can now tap their shoulders and give the command to ‘SLEEP!’
while protecting my eyes, nose and teeth.

The only action my subject can possibly take at this point is falling backwards into the waiting arms of me or my assistant
and begin relaxing deeply.

Stage Show Inductions

The above induction is a more simplified version of my stage induction. During my hypnosis show I don’t use a
lot of variation to induce the group trance initially.

My goal is to have my participants put under and get on with the show as soon as possible (within 2 or 3 short songs, tops).
There is enough time and variant re-inductions to use later in the show. For now I want the process to be fast, smooth,
effective and impressive.

After I have taught ‘Thought Veil’ students a few more great inductions we’ll tackle the HYPNOSIS SHOW structure,
psychology and execution from beginning to end.

On stage I invite those audience members who wish to experience hypnosis and be directly involved with the show to join
me on stage. This can be done AFTER a few suggestibility tests, a short mentalism opener (my ‘5 Star Opener’) or even a few
group suggestibility tests such as the finger screws, magnetic hands or light/heavy arm test with the audience still in their
seats. The choice is yours.

One thing that remains constant no matter how I begin interacting with my audience and priming them for hypnosis and
suggestion is my opening lecture. This will be included in 100% of the hypnosis shows that I do. I suggest the same for you
as well and this is the standard form for most professional stage hypnotists.

When it is finally show time and my participants have joined me on stage I space everyone out evenly given the room I have
to work with. For the most part they can stand side-by-side and there should be some room between them to the point where
they are NOT touching each other and I could walk between them if necessary without touching or having to move anyone.
I have about 18-20 chairs lined up behind the participants and at this point everyone is standing.

I’ve done shows with 1,500 + people in attendance with a few hundred wishing to join me on stage. We’ll get into how to
handle these situations later. With a medium sized audience (300-500 people) I’ll usually have about 30 to 50 people AT
LEAST trying to join me on stage to participate in the show.

Having one or two dozen empty chairs set out in the beginning works for me. It lets the audience know I plan on successfully
hypnotizing a large group of people.

This alone is a very strong suggestion. If the audience consists of 100 people I’ll still have12-14 chairs on stage. If my
audience happens to be a VERY small one (40-100 people) I STILL have about a dozen chairs on stage. This is a subtle
suggestion in the mind of my audience that people WILL be hypnotized and that I expect a lot of people to meet me on
stage and BE hypnotized. Chairs can always be removed from the stage if they aren’t filled.

By positioning my subjects appropriately, having them take a few deep breaths, choose a spot on the wall and begin staring at
it I’m effectively pacing their expectations and leading the experience – getting them to focus on a spot on the wall or ceiling
allows me to take control and direct their focus and attention immediately. This is the beginning of a hypnotic process and
these few initial suggestions set up a ‘Yes Set’ and creates compliance within the volunteers.

After 10 years of doing stage hypnosis shows I realized that just about ANYONE who joins me on stage is already highly
suggestible and ready/willing to be hypnotized. The fact they are joining me on stage speaks volumes. Of course there are a
few exceptions to every rule and we’ll get to those in due time.

The purpose of my first suggestibility ‘test’ and first two skits is to quickly weed out those participants who are not
responding well to my suggestions or hypnosis or who might obviously be troublesome (there for their own purposes).

As for the induction I begin by thanking everyone who has joined me on stage and ask the audience to give them all a big
round of applause. This is important!

I want to start conditioning my subjects to know this: when they perform, when they follow instructions, when they take
RISKS and do as I say they get rewarded. Their reward is applause from the audience, positive suggestions, personal
acknowledgement from me and more time in the spotlight.

The audience also needs to be educated regarding their role in the program. I make it well known during my show that the
more the audience applauds the better the hypnotic subjects are going to perform. You’ll see how I handle this shortly.

Once my subjects are on stage and the audience has applauded their bravery I reminded everyone to silence their cell phones
and remain as quiet as possible during the process/induction so the subject can focus.

After thanking my subjects and giving these few simple instructions the first piece of induction music comes on. My
instructions are as follows:

‘I’d like each of you to take a deep breath for me now and simply choose a spot on the wall or ceiling to focus your attention on for the next few
moments. Any spot you can find will do, just look at one, choose it and begin to stare at it now as you listen closely to the sound of my voice.

The more willing and able you are to follow my simple instructions this evening the easier it will be for you to experience a very profound and
relaxing trance at this time. Most people find they can enter an incredibly deep state of hypnosis easily and naturally AND very, very quickly…
and as you follow my simple instructions this evening I guarantee those of you who wish to be hypnotized WILL be hypnotized.

This is easy.’

I have my subjects choose a spot on the wall or ceiling for a few reasons. First, this is a classic eye fixation technique. It
assists in inducing a state of trance within my subjects and focusing their attention. It also prevents them from making eye
contact with the audience and getting stage fright or wandering attention. I make sure they focus on a spot HIGH on the wall
or ceiling by gesturing up high as I give my instructions. I do this because I want to wear their eyes and their tiny, little
muscles out. I want to fatigue the muscles in the eye so they WANT TO CLOSE.

I don’t want anyone to get stage fright at this point or interact with their friends and family members while I’m proceeding
with the induction. It’s merely a distraction to the participants having friends in the audience and by focusing at a spot on the
wall or ceiling I take these distractions away. I am also immediately conditioning my participants appropriately and getting
them used to following my commands, suggestions and instructions.

Once the group is focused on a spot on the wall for a few moments I take this time (very briefly) to make sure I have ample
walking room on stage and I can get to each participant. I’m simply checking to make sure everyone is at a safe distance from
the audience and stage chairs, standing far enough away from each other, etc. I take care of this by telling the volunteers to
form a row (or two or three rows) behind me, standing next to each other in a straight line with a foot or two of space
between them so they’re not touching each other.

If I need to make any last minute adjustments here is where I make them.

When everything checks out I proceed by saying,

‘And now as you CONTINUE to focus on that spot simply clasp your hands in front of you by pressing your palms together, interlocking your
fingers and holding your hands at chest level… as you take a few deep breaths and focus on your hands now while your grip becomes tighter and
tighter with your thoughts…

Use your mind to IMAGINE your hands becoming stuck, glued, bound and locked together NOW, so that with every word I speak at this time
your hands become even more stuck together, locked firmly into place, bound tighter and tighter with each passing moment. This is easy! You can do

Take a deep breath NOW and allow your eyes to close as you will, intend, force, imagine and desire for your hands to become even tighter and more
tightly pressed together – stuck, glued, bound and locked perfectly in place.’

This is more conditioning, leading and suggestions. While nothing special it IS very important to the process at hand. I
continue with,

‘In a moment when I touch your hands allow them to become even 10 times more stuck together, tighter and tighter, pushed, squeezed, glued and
locked even more tightly together now, becoming stronger and stronger with each passing moment…’

While giving these suggestions I move around the stage and firmly touch/grasp the hands of my participants as I say these
words and give these suggestions.

The entire process of having my participants meet me on stage, choose a spot to focus on, clasp their hands in front of them
and follow my instructions and suggestions for them to become tighter and tighter (locked into place) takes just 90 seconds
at most.

From the moment I ask my participants to choose a spot on the wall the house lights go down and my music starts. We’ll get
into music selections later and though it’s VERY nice to have you should remember that ALL music, while entirely optional,
certainly adds a lot to your show. I’ve performed shows where the sound tech didn’t show up or the equipment was faulty
and had problems and still gave my audience and subjects a great performance.

When I do hypnosis on the street I don’t use music, obviously. If you were performing regularly in a park, City Center,
boardwalk or in similar locations you might include a small, portable sound system to add sound effects and music or even a
recorded introduction and relaxation sequence to your presentation if you wish.

Now that my participants have their hands clasped together and are following my instructions, locking their hands tighter and
tighter I move around and TOUCH the clasped hands of my participants as I give the above script and suggestions for their
hands to LOCK.

If I’m working with an assistant or two they are to travel down the rows of subjects and firmly press their hands together,
touch them, squeeze their hands and assist me in this action to save time. Otherwise I simply walk down the rows and do it
myself. It doesn’t take long and at the same time I want the induction over ASAP so we can get on with the show.

Once we’ve touched everyone’s hands I continue with,

‘In a moment I’m going to TRY to pull your hands apart and the more I try to pull your hands apart the tighter and tighter they become.

The more I TRY to pull your hands apart the tighter and more stuck together they can become BECAUSE this is how powerful your mind and
thoughts really are!

Listening to the sound of my voice and my simple instructions CAUSES your hands to become even more tightly secured, locked together and
bound in place very quickly now.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I personally guarantee that HYPNOSIS WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU THIS EVENING
easily and naturally.’

Now I proceed to walk down the rows again and pull firmly on the locked hands and forearms of my subjects. I want to
create confusion here as well and give the appearance and suggestion of these hands REALLY being stuck firmly in place!

Don’t pull too hard at this point, but give your subjects some firm, authoritative tugs to be sure they are following your
suggestions and responding appropriately.

You’ll already see people at this point who are entering trance. They will be shaking, their hands and arms will be visibly
vibrating and their entire body might even be convulsing. This is a good thing; these folks are ready to go.

You’ll want to do TWO things here:

1). Make sure the subject’s arms and hands are stuck together. Be firm.

2). Create confusion by making their head rock back and forth with your pulls. This isn’t a violent shake and I don’t want you
to hurt anybody, but DO get your subjects rocking back and forth with your tugs.

By rocking the head when you try to pull the subject’s hands apart you will deepen the trance state AND it looks a lot more
dramatic to the audience members. When the subject with their eyes closed and hands locked together FEELS you pull and
their head rocks and sways back and forth it APPEARS as though you’re using quite a bit of force. Their hands will be stuck
tightly together via the power of their mind and your suggestions and they should know this!

Because I normally have A LOT of participants with me on stage I call upon my assistants to help at this point too. Because
the subjects all have their eyes closed they can’t really tell WHO is pulling on their arms and I don’t think it would matter if
they did. Any instructions to my assistants are given away from the microphone or delivered via stage signals and hand
gestures. The only thing I want my subjects to hear at this point is my instructions to them.

To keep everyone involved I continue speaking to my subjects during this process saying,

‘In a moment I’m going to try to pull your hands apart and the more I try to pull your hands apart the more you’ll simply focus on keeping them
stuck tighter and tighter together in place.

Again, in a moment when I try to pull your hands apart continue to focus your thoughts and energy on these hands being so tightly stuck together,
glued, bound and locked in place that it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me or anyone else to pull those hands apart…

And realize that because your mind and your thoughts are so powerful that even just trying to pull your hands apart right now naturally causes
them to become stuck even tighter and tighter in place with each passing moment.’

Instead of asking the subjects to TRY and pull their hands apart I give them suggestions to keep their hands locked tightly in
place while I and my assistants TRY to pull their hands apart. There is a difference! This handling creates much less
resistance to the suggestions and conflict with the conscious mind of the participants.

After all hands have been tested it’s time to proceed.

Note that if a subject has their hands pulled apart at this point I send them back to their seat. Interestingly enough, I can
think of maybe only two or three times I’ve had to send a participant back at this point. This part of the show is very easy
for just about anyone to have great results with.

I continue with saying,

‘I’d like to thank everyone on stage this evening, you’re all doing great! You’ve already proven yourselves to be remarkable and capable subjects for
hypnosis this evening and we’re going to have a lot of fun together.


In a moment when I touch you AND ONLY WHEN I TOUCH YOU, allow your hands to fall loose, limp and relaxed to your sides as your
mind and body enters a deep state of peace and relaxation…


‘IN A MOMENT WHEN I TOUCH YOU AND ONLY WHEN I TOUCH YOU your hands will fall loose, limp and relaxed to
your sides as your mind and body enters a deep state of hypnosis and complete relaxation here this evening…

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen for you tonight easily and naturally…this is easy…!’

At this point in the induction I am raising my voice significantly. On the second paragraph in this script I am being very loud,
authoritative and energetic – almost to the point of shouting my instructions to the subjects. This builds energy and creates a
sense of urgency, expectation and excitement in both the audience and on-stage participants.

All that is left to do for now is to walk up behind each subject, hands hovering about 6 inches above their shoulders. You’re
going to pull, tap, jolt and SHOCK the subject by tapping them strongly by the shoulders and pulling them back into you
while giving the command,

‘SLEEP!...all the way down/way down deep…deeper and deeper relaxed…’

You’ll very quickly TAP the subject with both of your hands on their shoulders and then IMMEDIATELY move your hands
to beneath their armpits to catch them and lower them to the ground as you continue giving them suggestions and
instructions to ‘SLEEP (!)…way down deep, perfectly relaxed…’ and lowering them to the floor. This happens very quickly.

The touch/tap comes as a big surprise and shocks the mind and body of your subject. Though the subjects are expecting this
touch and resulting level of peace and relaxation they never know exactly when it’s going to happen. Also, because they’ve
been standing there with their hands locked for a few short minutes now it’s a very pleasant feeling for the subjects to relax
deeply and completely and let go of this tremendous grip they’ve developed.

At this point I begin dropping people like flies, one right after another.

The first few inductions are one of the most dramatic and magical parts of the show. This is a stunning sight for the
audience to watch. We are in a precious position here with all eyes on us and the subjects and a very high level of excitement
is present – you can feel it!

Remember those people on stage have family and friends in the audience. Every person you approach to ‘take down’ at this
point has someone watching intently and excitingly in the audience. Use this to your advantage. Make the inductions a big,
powerful spectacle.

When dropping the subjects into this deep state of hypnosis I always go for the ones who are visibly shaking and responding
the most dramatically first and foremost. These will usually be ‘floppers’ and will hit the stage floor like a ton of bricks if you
let them. Make sure everybody is safe and secure at all times.

The reason I give the suggestion ‘In a moment when I touch you and ONLY WHEN I TOUCH YOU…’ is so the subjects
don’t end up falling or touching each other and falling all over the stage. Exercise control for the safety and well being of
your participants.

There are times when a very large man or woman will be on stage with me and I need an assistant to catch them safely. If I’m
working without an assistant I have a very easy way to handle this.

Begin by snapping your fingers over and over again directly in front of the face of your large subject. I say,

‘Keeping your eyes closed and continuing to relax, begin SLOWLY lowering yourself down to the stage floor, sitting up straight and preparing to
relax even deeper and more completely than ever before…’

This snapping with the following instructions is shorter and just as effective,

‘Keeping your eyes closed and continuing to relax, begin SLOWLY lowering yourself down to the stage floor.’

Once the subject is planted firmly on their backside I go ahead and tap them as outlined before to bring their relaxed body all
the way down to the stage.

By speaking directly into the ear of your subject and snapping your finger in front of them they will realize you are speaking
to them and will follow your suggestions. This also looks very magical to an audience and often gets a chuckle because they
realize I’m a little guy and this 6 foot 6 dude that weighs 280 pounds would absolutely crush me, yet I’m able to take
command and figure out a clever way to save myself.

I don’t want to TOUCH the person at this point or their hands will come apart and they will relax deeply as per my
suggestions. This is another reason why I snap my fingers well in front of them.

This is a technique you’ll want to use sooner or later to REPOSITION your subjects anyhow. At times I’ll have 30 or 40
participants on stage and when they are all laying down floor space is limited. It takes a bit of rearranging to get everyone
positioned properly, so to do this I snap my fingers in front of the subject I wish to move with similar instructions.

By telling the subject to move back, forwards, turn to their left, turn to their right, take two steps in either direction (etc)
you’ll be able to maneuver and position them where you wish. Once in the correct position I step behind the person, tap
them on the shoulders and give the command to ‘SLEEP!’

You might have noticed I present my hand clasp induction a bit differently than others. I make it all about the subject’s level
of control and what their mind and thoughts can do when I TRY to pull their hands apart.

This plays very well to those who might wish to challenge me at this point were I to suggest these people couldn’t pull their
own hands apart. Needless to say it works exactly as it would when suggesting ‘in a moment you will try to pull your hands apart
and find yourself unable to’ BUT I find it works even better because instead of setting up a challenge or test to fail it presents
this phase as a demonstration of how powerful the subject’s own mind truly is.

This is the induction we’ll be using in my full STAGE SHOW outline later in this book.

Sitting Stage Show Induction

This induction really has a ton going for it. It’s safe, easy, suitably dramatic and very powerful. While I personally
love the sight of standing bodies falling to the floor because it’s such a strong image and suggestion this sitting
induction variation really is just as strong and sometimes even more effective.

Begin with your subjects in the row of chairs.

I say,

‘Everyone go ahead now and sit straight up in your seats, hands palm down in your lap, make sure both feet are flat on the floor so you can take a
nice, deep breath for me now and just start to RELAX…

Go ahead and extend both your hands in front of you like this (show them!), palms facing each other about a foot apart, keep your eyes and
your attention focused on me RIGHT HERE (pointing to the middle of my eyes/bridge of my nose) and listen very closely to the
sound of my voice and my instructions. This is easy!

In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to count backwards from three down to one (from 3 down to 1) and when I reach that number 1 simply
close your eyes and bring your hands in closer towards each other until the palms of both hands are touching.

(Repeat this last paragraph or these instructions if necessary)


Prepare to close your eyes down gently just like this…3, 2 and 1(SNAP!)…all eyes closed…and slowly bring your hands together now until your
palms are touching…that’s right…and now interlock your fingers…PERFECT (!)…

Begin to push, squeeze and lock your hands together very tightly now and imagine that your hands are made of one solid block of wood, completely
fused together, locked, glued, stuck and bound perfectly in place…almost like your hands are just made of wax and they’re simply melting into each
other RIGHT NOW.

Use your mind to control your body – you can do this!

And realize that just sitting there and listening to my voice RIGHT NOW causes your hands to become stuck even tighter and tighter together
because the more you focus, intend, will and desire for those hands to be locked together, bound perfectly in place…the harder you can squeeze and
the tighter and tighter your hands become.

In a moment I’ll ask you to try CONSCIOUSLY to pull your hands apart while UNCONSCIOUSLY you continue to focus on keeping them
locked tightly together.

And as you keep your hands pressed tightly together now – stuck, glued, locked bound and fused together in place you may find they become even
more stuck together now growing tighter and tighter. The more you try to pull your hands apart the more they remain stuck perfectly in place and
the more they remain stuck perfectly in place the harder you squeeze and the tighter and they become because the power of your mind and thoughts
over your body is phenomenal and you’re ALL capable of doing this.

Go ahead RIGHT NOW and try to pull your hands apart as you continue to focus and experience those hands locking tighter and tighter together
in place.’

I love this induction A LOT.

It’s extremely effective for the following reasons:

1). I’m conditioning, pacing and creating compliance in the subjects with each set of instructions. Notice how in the
beginning they are to sit up straight, hands palm down in their lap, feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath and more.

Once this first set of instructions is completed I continue.

2). More pacing and leading happens with the second round of instructions as I instruct the subjects to hold their hands
apart in front of them ‘LIKE THIS’ and I show them what to do! As they follow of course they are mirroring me (I’m
LEADING them) and we’re creating more rapport and compliance.

3). To skillfully evade the conscious mind of the subject and any resistance instead of the ‘Magnetic Hands Test’ I simply
TELL my subjects exactly what I want them to do. I count to three, they close their eyes and bring their hands together.
Remember, this is ALL conditioning their response and setting up a ‘YES SET’ type mentality within them. It’s very effective!

4). I proceed with the hands locked routine. The big difference in my locked hands test and many others is I don’t ever tempt
the subject into making me look like a fool, disobey the suggestions and screw up the test.


Because I DO NOT tell them, ‘Try to pull your hands apart, you cannot!’ and other such suggestions that many other stage
hypnotists do. It’s bad form to create conscious and unconscious resistance by getting into these CHALLENGE situations
here in the beginning.

Instead of creating a mental challenge I simply give my subjects suggestions that the more they try to pull their hands apart
the tighter and more locked together in place they can become.

I incorporate ruses such as ‘TRY to pull your hands apart while focusing on keeping them stuck and locked together’ which
is a suggestion that negates itself. Because I’m suggesting TWO OPPOSING actions the result is my subjects sit there in the
position they were already in – their hands locked together!

Throwing in the CONSCIOUSLY/UNCONSCIOUSLY suggestions makes this work even better.

In many cases I (and/or my assistants) will be the ones who TRY to pull the subject’s hands apart, much like my standing
hand clasp test and induction. All this is doing is raising my success rates. I use language patterns, binds and presuppositions
to insure my subjects all follow along perfectly.

At this point with this induction it’s safe to say that EVERYONE who can follow basic instructions will succeed at this point
and later too!

Because there is nothing a participant can really fight or resist now this induction has superb success rates. I recommend it
wholeheartedly to the beginner and seasoned pro alike. If history is any indication, this is quite similar to and was inspired by
the induction Gil Boyne used in his shows. It works like a charm and has been part of my induction repertoire since I first
started in this industry and I still use the induction as written today.

Waking Hypnosis Shows & Inductions

At this point I should mention that currently I bill myself as an ‘Eyes Open Waking Trance’ expert who is able to
render FULL Hypnosis Shows and demonstrations, therapy, suggestions, hypnotic trancework, effects and full
blown hypnotic phenomena with ANY PERSON without using the word ‘sleep’ or instructing my subjects to close
their eyes at any point.

I incorporate a masterful blending of NLP, conversational hypnosis, waking hypnosis, the power of suggestion, non-verbal
communication and telepathy to achieve my effects and create the desired response.

I’m also very keen on the ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ philosophy while doing almost EVERYTHING a hypnotist does naturally! I
render full hypnotic inductions under the premise of ‘Mind/Body Control’ also known by some as ‘Mind over Matter’ using the
power of suggestion, meditation and mind to mind communication very effectively. Everything I do is a demonstration of
my subject’s natural ability to imagine/visualize suggested imagery, follow simple instructions, focus in the moment and
embrace their creativity.

Throughout the program I speak of ‘trance-like states’, ‘Super Consciousness’ and constantly remind my subjects they ARE NOT
hypnotized, they haven’t been placed into a trance and repeatedly affirm and confirm the fact their eyes are open, they are
perfectly aware, able to communicate, they can notice everything going on around them, could resist if they wanted to (but
they don’t want to!) and will remember EVERYTHING taking place after the demonstration!

My TOTAL CONTROL ‘Master Technique’ and scripts feature heavily here, as well as my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence. Both
are detailed below.

The Instant Relaxation Induction

The following induction is simple, fast and effective. It can and will produce the desired state within ANY subject
in 10 seconds or less. The instructions I give to my subject and/or group are very simple.

I will ask the subject(s) to make their entire body stiff, tense and rigid for a few short moments by flexing and holding every
muscle in their body. I want my subjects to FLEX, make tense and hold every muscle in their body as strongly and as tightly
as they possibly can.

I demonstrate what I mean here by showing the subjects what I wish for them to do – this is easy. I make my entire body
tense from the bottoms of my feet to the very top of my head and hold it for 3-5 seconds so they can see what I am asking
of them. This can be done sitting, standing or lying down – you are just FLEXING as much of every muscle and part of
your body as you can.

As my subjects take a DEEP BREATH and inhale they will STOP and HOLD their breath when their lungs are full. After
they fully inhale and continue to hold that breath each subject causes their entire body to become tense, flexed, stiff and

When I COUNT aloud to seven the individual or group will EXHALE and as they do I instruct them all to close their eyes
and release their breath as well as ALL of their muscles and tension thus entering a very deep state of peace and TOTAL

Once these simple instructions have been delivered and everyone knows what to do I proceed with,

‘Remember, you’ll all take a deep breath and HOLD IT while you flex and make tense and rigid every muscle in your body and STAY THIS
WAY until I count to seven...

Inhale NOW and HOLD…2…3…4…5……6………and 7. Exhale NOW allowing your eyes to close as you drift, melt and sink
INSTANTLY into a deep level of peace and relaxation.’

As you read this instant relaxation technique and induction exercise now you can, should and will TRY IT IMMEDIATELY
so you can see firsthand the incredible results this has on a person. Go ahead, I’ll wait!

Counting to seven is a personal preference. I want the body of my subject(s) to be VERY stiff, rigid and tired by the time
they exhale and relax completely – this full body flex only takes a few seconds to be completely effective and I’ve done it in
as few as THREE SECONDS with the same incredible results.

The combination of letting go of the breath and simultaneously releasing all of the tension held in the body will cause a
person to enter a very deep state of relaxation and instant peace very easily, naturally and quickly.

Immediately the mind becomes calm, quiet and serene. ‘Mental chatter’ and a racing mind and thoughts fade away completely
and the body glows with a warmth and peace you cannot imagine until you try it yourself.

I often use this technique before, during or after my morning prayers and meditations, shamanic journeying, readings and
stage performances. It’s a wonderful technique employed by actors to combat stage fright, relax instantly and even to rid
oneself of anxiety completely at a moment’s notice. It only takes a few seconds to utilize and the results are astounding.

Once the subject has exhaled, closed their eyes, released their tension and is now sinking, melting, drifting and relaxing
completely I do nothing more than push their head forward towards their lap, lean them over or next to each other, catch
them (if standing) and pull them into me or allow them to melt deeply into the therapy table they’re lying on. Once you’ve
seen what this technique feels like firsthand you’ll have a better idea of how you’ll want to use it for an induction.

Within a few short seconds ANYONE who follows these directions and uses this technique can experience instant peace and
total relaxation. This technique is invaluable to me and makes for a PERFECT induction. When followed up with language
patterns, suggestions and rapid deepening techniques it’s possible to hypnotize a single individual, small to medium sized
group or even a large audience without doing much else!

Telepathy In Action My Way

What I’m about to share now is one of the most exciting parts of this book for me personally. Orville Meyer’s
INCREDIBLE ‘Telepathy in Action’ manuscript was based on the work of Professor George Lyman and his act
titled, ‘Exploring the Labyrinth of the Human Mind.’

Original versions of the ‘TIA’ manuscript were quite rare for awhile and fetched large sums of money on Ebay and for
anyone willing to part with their copy of the work. I received mine from a dear friend and began working with the principles
and structure involved immediately.

I’ve since purchased an electronic version too so I could have it on my computer to study even more wherever I go and keep
on my Iphone. As much work as I’ve done with these principles and the act which follows I still constantly read books and
perform material such as this and ‘Dynamite Mentalism’ constantly to gain an even deeper understanding of the workings,
structure and psychology.

Speaking with my peers who had a great deal of their own work and extended applications in this area such as Paolo Cavalli
and Enrique Enriquez provided many valuable insights regarding an act of this nature and the fundamental keys which made
it work. I have both of these gentlemen and beloved friends to thank for this current incarnation. I appreciate the both of
you, truly.

It should be known that anyone who has a knack and gift for performing and can DARE and RISK pulling off such bold
stunts, maneuvers and suggestions with the utmost confidence, charisma and connection/rapport with his audience and
volunteers will go far with this act.
Like a reading or Q&A I’ll teach you how to never fail with these suggestions by going with the flow exactly as though what’s
happening is what you expected and intended all along.

I began using my discoveries with ‘TIA’ alone and with George Anderson’s ‘Dynamite Mentalism’ and later my own Q&A and
waking hypnosis suggestions and techniques for a jaw dropping show and performance that alone paid my bills there for a
good long while. Today not much has changed and I continue to perform live on stage, in public lectures and demonstrations
using these techniques to great effect, positive results and superb reactions.
Acts of this nature really are a worker’s dream come true and I trust you will all enjoy and cherish the subtleties, handling and
techniques I have developed around such.

I HIGHLY recommend, in fact I demand and REQUIRE anyone who wishes to move forward with this piece to purchase
the original manuscript which is available via for an amazing low price.

As it stands the act in its entirety is still applicable in all parts and portions to today’s audiences. We’ll be drawing upon many
of the same techniques, goals and presentations – revised, expanded and updated – to allow you the greatest measure of
success possible with an act of this nature.

The ‘Telepathy in Action’ act is a miracle of psychology and will allow the one who understands and utilizes these techniques
properly to put on a tremendous show using the power of mental persuasion and telepathic influence as their premise.

As Orville suggested I would strongly advise you NOT presenting this piece as a pseudo hypnosis or hypnosis show, though
I have done so before and it’s certainly an option, I wish to maintain the original integrity and premise of the original as
much as possible. In my experience it is more difficult for hypnotist’s to learn this act and its proper portrayal than it is a
good mentalist.

I’ve found that my hypnosis students want to use the same lingo, techniques and suggestions they implement on stage during
this act and it’s something which definitely takes away from its natural charm, unique power and devastating effect.

The most important part of this entire act is the set-up, opening sequence and beginning stages. I’ll show you how to lay a
strong foundation so these techniques WILL WORK properly and practically guarantees you the most impressive results.

Just as a stage hypnosis show relies heavily on a fantastic introduction and pre-talk, the ‘TIA’ act is no different in this regard.
The premise and suggestions which make it work require due attention to assure your ultimate success.

Without further ado let’s begin to look at what exactly the premise is, how to open or begin such an act, where and how to
place it within your existing show or program and how to make it a complete self contained act in and of itself.


Like the original version the premise and presentation I stick to is one of mental influence and telepathic thought projections
into the minds of my ‘subjects’ – also known as ‘pupils’ during this act. I often refer to them as my ‘guests’, ‘students’ or
‘living examples and demonstrations’ of the incredible power of the human mind unleashed.

Many times I use my ‘TIA’ portion to demonstrate the natural knowing and intuition we all possess as well as transmitting
subtle energies, thought projection and transferring thought forms from one person to another (or many others) and/or
sharing ONE united consciousness.

I also use TELEPATHY & ESP as a major focal point and premise, just as Orville suggested. Realize this current
demonstration is one of the closest things you can do to ‘the real thing’ in both feel and appearance and I personally believe
that many REAL occurrences of ESP and telepathy often take place and happen during the exhibition and performance of
such material. To each their own!

Once I began THINKING for an individual to untie his shoes and then immediately retie them with a double knot which he
did with no prior suggestions or verbal influence – the suggestion was only issued telepathically. It’s very normal for
something like this and similar occurrences to happen a few times during any particular performance of this piece.
SOMETHING is definitely going on here!

Orville originally recommended not presenting this act for audiences numbering less than 50. On this I could not disagree
more. Not only have I done just this very effectively, I’ve used these techniques in my close up and one-on-one mentalism
performances, private readings for a single person (or couple) and small/intimate group relaxation workshops with incredible

results. In my experience the principles which cause this act to work can, do and will continue to work properly with even a
single person, small to medium sized groups as well as large audiences.

Similar to a hypnosis show, the more people you have involved the greater your chances are for success and finding ample
subjects willing to respond to your waking suggestions. That said, this act is NOT strictly a numbers game and an audience
of 1 or 50 or 550 will work out just the same once these principles are understood and applied.

In the end it will come down to the rapport and connection you establish and maintain with your participants. Treat them
warmly and kindly as valued, respected friends and they will bend over backwards for you.

On stage I’ve found that having even just 1 to 3 people will make for a wonderful show. Because of how I open and present
this piece I continue to have ample ‘pupils’ to guide and work with throughout. If not including a full ‘TIA’ sequence in my
program I often used just a few mental suggestions and the principles involved after a book test, name revelation, chair test,
etc. I love performing these short, ‘bite sized’ pieces of the act with just one or two people and often include a number of
these demonstrations after my signature ‘Thought Channel’ routine.

The average number of guests I’ll take from a small sized audience (50-100 or so) is 8 or 10. If less than 50 people are
present I still attempt to get at least 5 or even 8 pupils on stage with me and for smaller groups I’ll pull 4-6 and even less in
some cases depending on what I want to do and the degree in which I’m presenting this act and demonstration.

Because of how I present this demonstration I’m not ever at a loss for willing, helpful participants. Many times I’ll get more
volunteers than I know what to do with! If I feel like a full audience presentation would work out better I’ll work the ‘TIA’
presentation into my full program and use bits and pieces with people from my audience throughout.

A larger presentation I favor is working with the entire audience on the floor at their level. I work with the people I think will
respond and EVERYONE gets the opportunity to join me.

There are certain bits and pieces here that work quite well with a single person and that’s also something we’ll explore later.

There are also many variations in the handling I’ve devised over time and one I favor greatly and mentioned above is working
with EVERYONE (potentially) with a good propless Q&A and using these suggestions out in the audience with people
staying in their seats!

These principles all working together and combined with my Q&A or a psychometry demonstration is exactly what I favor in
my own pet performance and presentations of this piece as you’ll soon discover.

There are two different ways I opened this act in the beginning and intermediate stages. One relies on a subtle suggestibility
test used by Ormond McGill while the other utilizes sheer impression as the driving force and motivating factor.

The handling I prefer today is a combination of what you see here and pieces from my previous works and includes my ‘True
Telepathy’ demonstration from ‘Thought Dial’, my ‘Guerrilla Q&A’ work and select pieces from ‘The Taboo Treatise’ such as ‘Real
Magick’, ‘Energetic Touches/Ken vs Ryu’ and a few others.

Remember this act is ultimately flexible and one may present it in combination with many other pieces and psychological
tidbits, by itself, with a Q&A and audience readings and more. Because it’s ready to go anytime, anywhere it will be a favored
item for those working pro’s who wish to eliminate as many props from their program while maintaining the entertainment
values and wow factor of their professional offerings.

Because a properly performed ‘TIA’ act will get the same OR STRONGER response than most hypnosis shows in the world
today though it’s NOT HYPNOSIS it will also hold great appeal to those performers who live in an area where local laws
may prevent the public exhibition of hypnosis. It’s also ‘better’ (in my experience) for a ‘pure’ mind reader as the presentation
relies on telepathy and a mental connection to make it work.

I really love the McGill ‘Angel Suggestibility Test’ described in my ‘Angel Pendulum’ routine in this book. Briefly, I ask the
audience by a show of hands who believes in or IS OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY OF ANGELS.

Like Ormond did, I go on to tell how tradition tells us that we all are born with a Guardian Angel (sometimes even 2 or 3!)
and that throughout our lives we learn, love and lose some of the people closest to us…but not forever! Many shamanic,
religious, spiritual and mystic traditions/teachings believe our loved ones go on to become our faithful ‘Angelic Ancestors’ and
are there to continue to assist, empower, inspire, love, protect, guide and even provide HEALING FOR US from the Other

Now I ask people to think of and focus on their angels citing something I’ve heard since my childhood…that the angels
cannot intervene or intercede in our lives or act on our behalf unless we specifically call out to them and GIVE THEM
PERMISSION to do so!

I proceed with asking my audience members to all sit up straight in their seats, hands palm down in their laps, take a few deep
breaths and listen to me very closely now as we each take a few personal moments and really focus on our angels, call out to
them in our minds and hearts with our own words and our own inner voice and really FEEL for their presence and energy
around us, within us and in our lives.

I might include my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ script from ‘RAOK’ for additional phenomena (taught later in this manuscript)
and after just a few short moments – a minute or two at the VERY most – I ask people to open their eyes and I say, ‘Now
please be honest, how many of you here tonight know exactly what I’m talking about now and could actually feel that energy and sense something
shift or change within you or around you as we did this?’

I shift the energy and focus of my audience INWARD to take a personal mental inventory and do a quick body scan
INSIDE AND OUT to notice anything which may feel different or seem ‘changed’ or ‘strange’ or ‘different.’ I tell them it’s
SUBTLE but they WILL feel it and to raise their hands when they do.

This process of going inward naturally induces trance and a heightened state of suggestibility.

Another variation is to do this exact same thing BUT I have people raise their hands whilst the group still has their eyes
closed. This is more comfortable for some people. I simply watch my audience while I’m speaking to decide on the best way
to go here based on how responsive and attentive they are as I begin talking about this stuff.

In doing this I mentally note the people who raise their hands and DID feel some type of energy and remember them for
later. These are the people who are open and receptive to this and similar demonstrations and my effects.

I often cite a current statistic and the high percentage of American’s who believe in angels while speaking very briefly about
all the eyewitness accounts and reports of angelic manifestations, miracles, healings and their saving people, their protecting
grace in times of danger and more. I do this like so,

‘A current study has shown that over HALF of all Americans believe in Guardian Angels who watch over them and protect us. One fifth say
they’ve heard the voice of God speak directly to them, over one quarter testified they have witnessed a miracle or miraculous healing at some point in
their lives, a full 16% had received a miracle or Divine healing personally and nearly half as many spoke in tongues and inspiration while praying.
I count myself among these numbers and please raise your hand if you do too.’

Another option I use alone or WITH the above presentation is,

‘Over half the world believes in psychic and spiritual phenomenon – and for good reason! Every year in the U.S. alone there are millions upon
millions of documented reports and eyewitness accounts, bursting open volumes filled with photographic evidence and audio recordings both digital
and conventional which support the premise and idea that ESP, ghosts, UFO’s, Angels, Past Lives, miraculous healings, life after death,
reincarnation, communication with the departed and other phenomena exists, can be drawn upon and experienced.

Many of us can directly relate to the experience of thinking of a friend or family member from out of the blue one day only to have the phone ring
and pick it up to find there they were on the other end of the line…and sometimes the phone never even rang!

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of a gut feeling, flash of intuition or impression that told us when something just wasn’t right, or conversely
that something absolutely WAS right!

Maybe you or someone you know had a dream or premonition of something that was going to happen and then it DID happen, or perhaps it was
more subtle – the feeling of déjà vu…or seeing a ghostly image or apparition out of the corner of your eye…some have even experienced mysterious
object hovering in the night sky.’

By a show of hands I ask sincerely how many people here tonight can relate to an experience such as the ones described. If I
don’t get A LOT of people raising their hands at this point I’ll ask a follow up question such as, ‘How many of you know of
somebody personally who has experienced such things?’

Those people who raise their hands are primed and ready to proceed with my presentation. There are three ways I proceed at
this point:

• Call these people immediately to the stage with a warm round of applause and recognition for assisting and sharing
with us this evening.
• Note a number of people and remember where they are sitting. I do this if I’m working my ‘TIA’ sequence IN THE
• Proceed with a short guided meditation and imagery such as the ‘Angel Test’ described prior. I also use the ‘Jumping
Pulse’ and a group ‘Expectancy Induction’ because remember, it’s NOT hypnosis (!), but merely an exercise to guide us
inward and tap into our intuition. Everything I do serves to connect the Group Mind/Collective Consciousness and
provides a direct, telepathic connection and harmony within the number of people present.

Notice this presentation is certainly NOT for everyone!

I would strongly advise anyone considering performing this demonstration as I do it to find something that works for them.
Many of these opening lines and presentations are unique and now specific to me and so far I’ve heard of nobody else who
does this currently. Please respect my hard work and efforts and don’t directly use the material I’ve built my reputation and
career on.

I present these things now for educational and training purposes ONLY. I trust you guys to use these ideas to create your
own presentations. I didn’t have to include the actual tests, wording and presentations I use, but I want to inspire you to
create something just as original for yourself and something unique to share and enjoy with your audiences.

Unless you are prepared to go the full distance and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF with a performance of this nature don’t even
think of doing it! It won’t work and at best you’ll get few people involved before you’re laughed off the stage, losing the
respect of your audience as you go.

Alternative ways to present this piece and ones that I now give you my full blessings and permission to use are as follows. I’ve
used all of these over recent years and can testify to their effect and successful results.

Presentation - Opening Lecture

‘It’s been said, “What we call man – the eating, drinking, planting, counting man does NOT as we know him
represent himself, but MIS-represents himself. By unlocking at all risks his human doors, man is caught up in the
life of the Universe. His speech becomes thunder, HIS THOUGHT IS LAW. ”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The idea of our THOUGHTS becoming LAW led to what I’m about to share with you this evening and represents my own personal answer to a
lifelong question I’ve shared with history’s greatest philosophers, artists, poets, shamans, mystics, saints, yogis, charismatics and visionaries from the
very beginning of time…that question being…IS IT POSSIBLE TO KNOW WHAT OTHERS ARE THINKING and communicate
our personal thoughts, desires and intentions to others without saying a single word?

In other words…does telepathy exist?

Based on the intention of our thoughts becoming LAW I wanted to know if mental telepathy, remote influence and sending or receiving unspoken
thoughts between minds (and people) was possible…and after many years of study, practice and intensive research in this area with some of the
brightest minds, top psychics, leading professors, quantum physicists, and explorers of human consciousness in the world today I’ve come to the
personal conclusion that yes, IT IS POSSIBLE… (and can be demonstrated!)... if the people involved can become deeply and intimately connected
for a time.

The human mind is the most complex mystery in the known Universe and even today, despite all of our science and technological advances we, as a
collective, remain almost completely in the dark regarding what is possible and even probable when our full mental power and inner potential has
been completely unleashed.

My own discoveries in the fields of thought and consciousness revealed a number of contemporary exercises and esoteric techniques which may better
serve to fully understand and realize our true and hidden potential.

Among these tools I found and implemented in my practice, the most effective instruments for producing such as experience as mental telepathy and
energetic communication were things such as guided meditation, creative visualization, positive affirmations, self hypnosis/auto suggestion, lucid
dreaming, developing our natural knowing and intuition together with relaxation techniques and exercises of the imagination; the combination of
which when applied with clear intentions, an earnest desire for positive results and that all important connection I spoke about earlier proved and
provided both myself and nearly ALL of the other people involved with these tests and experiments the most startling and undeniable results we
could ever imagine…and we’ve only just begun to skim the surface of what’s possible.

The word TELEPATHY itself describes the purported transfer of information in the form of images, thoughts and feelings between individuals
by means outside of our 5 normal senses – and perhaps even hints at a heightened state of subtle, thought and energy laden form of non verbal
communication that science is just now beginning to understand and realize happens at an unconscious level.

So I ask you again…is it possible to sense what other people are thinking, and to communicate or share those thoughts and ideas between
organisms without speaking a single word? Can you read minds?

If you, like me, have ever wondered and pondered something similar for yourself and can remain OPEN to the possibility of this happening for
you tonight and work with me now… your opportunity to answer these questions once and for all through a direct firsthand experience is

The above is a not too longwinded to be effective in fact this was the original draft and first script I personally used during
the first 12 months I performed this act.

Today I have a much shorter opening presentation that works incredibly well for me. It’s so personal of a script and way to
present this piece that I’ve not included it here for obvious reasons. Orville taught us more of a MOTIVATIONAL
LECTURE approach in the original ‘TIA’ manuscript that also works very well with some revising to suit your character and

Whichever presentation you eventually choose the last thing I’ll say on this matter is that it should assist you in appearing
educated in this area and well spoken, dedicated to this specific purpose and totally committed to the fact that THESE
THINGS WILL WORK and can be successfully demonstrated.
Once the opening spill has been given I offered a means and exercise to ignite our intuition and begin the delicate process of
tuning in, connecting and linking up THE GROUP MIND and collective consciousness of the audience. As we turn this and
other demonstrations from a ‘look what I can do, I can control you mentally’ type of performance and make it all about the
CONNECTION established between myself and the audience AND the audience and other audience members it happens
to work much better. I strongly advise making ‘IT’ about the audience and what THEY CAN DO, not you.

The routine I used here was my own ‘5 Star Psychological Opener’ detailed earlier in this book.

The idea and subtle suggestion/implications in mind and at play here, unbeknownst to the audience, was if they could do
well at this point they would NATURALLY do well and be able to proceed successfully in the next portion.

After my opening routine was completed I ask for those people in the audience who received 3 or more thoughts/answers
correctly (OR WERE CLOSE!) to stand up to be acknowledged as all of my kind praise and attention goes to them for a
moment and then immediately they are asked to join me on stage with a big round of applause.

In presenting the act this way those people who did well with the psychological forces were already preconditioned for
success in the forthcoming demonstration – my version of the full ‘Telepathy In Action’ act.

By having those people who got three or more thoughts correctly stand up it made it much easier to get them to the stage as
they were already standing and all eyes were on them!

Also, because everyone present (including me) personally cheered, applauded and acknowledged those guests who did well in
the opening ‘test’ and then continued to applauded and commend them with great energy, enthusiasm and intensity during
the call to my stage their positive behavior and levels of expectation for results was significantly increased.

Because of their natural prowess in the beginning via the ‘5 Star Opener’ the audience expected my new participants to work
out very well for whatever I had coming next, and so did they.

Psychologically speaking it wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense for these people to do exceptionally well one minute
(receiving my thoughts) and then turn around and fail miserably the next. When all eyes are on them, the subjects WANT to

As the audience applauded and my guests made their way to the stage I would exclaim very loudly, ‘Ladies and gentlemen…meet
the stars of our show!’

This was my best attempt at any sort of disclaimer (the show implying ‘entertainment’) which personally I advise against
using during this particular act and as usual to each their own and at their own discretion is the rule.

On stage I would smile, shake hands with each person and make eye contact in a soft, warm, gentle and accepting manner. I
created the deepest rapport and momentary connection with each person as fast as I possibly could in the time I had and
showed them to the row of empty chairs I had lined up on stage.

Because it suits my character very, very well I often HUG my guests and participants, both male and female, during my
performances. I can pick and choose the ones who will respond with a friendly embrace and the ones who are more heavily
guarded and require direct eye contact with a firm, assertive handshake.

Whenever possible and appropriate I will hug those people who arrive on my stage at this point. This has plenty of
psychological impact upon them as well…it is also very appropriate for me based on the sincere CONNECTION I claim is
so vital and important to this work. I also frequently bow down humbly and respectfully before them as I grasp their hands
with both of mine, lowering my eyes and showing them the crown of my head for a few seconds. I make them feel
respected, appreciated and sincerely welcomed.

Hugging affirms a certain bond and closeness. This simple act insured those I was about to work with on stage felt
connected and friendly towards me, knew that I cared deeply about each one of them and that I was absolutely sincere in my

Also, my chances for these folks now playing along and doing exactly as I say at this point were SIGNIFICANTLY increased
after a short, simple hug or friendly embrace had been shared! It’s not very likely that you are going to shake hands with
someone, give them a hug and then turn around to royally mess up their performance – it just isn’t going to happen!
Once two people are connected in a friendly and professional/sincere manner they will generally go out of their way to be
helpful and accommodate each other.

These social niceties and ‘extended favorable relations’ will remain functioning once established unless something happens to
break rapport or one of the parties is asked to give too much – or of something more than they are willing to do.

Even with this perfect psychological structuring in place I still have ONE MORE failsafe method I use to glean the most
cooperative and helpful volunteers at this point.

In offering ONE MORE TEST I give those who absolutely do NOT wish to be on stage or part of my show the chance to
leave and take their seat – but doing so means they have to FAIL in the next short experiment. Those who pass and remain
stay on stage with me and I begin my ‘TIA’ sequence.

The ‘backup test’ I use here is either my ‘Thought Circle’ or a simple ‘Magnetic Palms’ suggestibility test. I do this with everyone
already on stage and as with my psychological forces, with EVERYONE in the audience. Two things are going to happen

1). I’m probably going to get more people from the audience up on stage with me. NOTE: If I run out of chairs (something
which happens often) I begin lining up the able bodied participants at the front of the stage sitting on the side. I’ve also lined
them up on the floor or had them stand BEHIND the people seated on stage. These days I opt for them to stay in their seats
as they continue to work with me.

2). Anyone on stage who absolutely DOES NOT want to be there for whatever reasons will now have a chance to leave – all
they have to do is FAIL the test! I’m happy to give them an ‘out’, but not without making a statement in front of the group

I present this set piece like so,

‘Now that our minds have been warmed up and we’ve connected the Group at an Unconscious/Superconscious Level it’s time to connect our
combined minds and thoughts with our bodies (so as to mentally influence each other’s actions for mutual benefit).

‘Of course this will be easier for those people already on stage with me because of their earlier success, but if one of them happens to have
difficulties at this time I’ll send them back to their seat with my best wishes and exchange places with someone in the audience who gets the usual
perfect results and wants to be a significant part of this. If everyone stays, and normally they all do, we’ll just make room for those of you out there
in the audience who get positive results NOW and still wish to join us up here.

Again this is process is easy and many of you who weren’t perfectly clear, mentally prepared or totally receptive earlier WILL MOST
CERTAINLY BE AT THIS TIME and still have an opportunity to participate if you wish. This next exercise will show me exactly where
your natural talent lies and once successful, if you wish to be part of the demonstration I would be honored to invite you to the sharing.’

At this point I proceed with either of the two ‘tests’ mentioned prior BUT I present them as sending mental/telepathic
thoughts and energy to my guests and audience members and causing their hands to come together easily and naturally.

The results of this test tell me everything I could possibly wish to know – both who on stage is ‘in it to win it’ and who in the
audience would like the opportunity to participate.

If anyone on stage chooses out at this time they must deliberately fail, fight and resist the ‘Magnetic Hands’ test. Likewise,
anyone in the audience who may wish to participate must succeed in it.

I’m very fortunate in that I rarely get people at this point who absolutely don’t want to be up there with me! They are excited,
intrigued and proud of their previous success. Many just love the attention received and like any hypnosis show will do their
best to put on a great performance and be very entertaining in the process. Let them!

The combination of the psychological forces and ‘Magnetic Hands’ follow-up assures me groups of people and select
individuals with which to proceed.

Once all of the participants I’m going to get are on stage (sitting in chairs or standing in a row facing the audience) I sit down
in the center of the stage and say,

‘In a moment I’ll begin sending my thoughts and energy to the people (pupils) on stage with me. When you feel them, when you notice something
compelling, urging and driving you to move forward and draw closer to me by creating a perfect circle here in the center of the room just relax and
let it happen by coming to the front and creating/forming a circle around me.’

I sit down in a meditation-like pose (legs crossed, hands on my lap, take a deep breath and close my eyes) and WAIT…

In a minute or two I’ll hear people starting to move and crowd around me, sitting as I am in the center of the stage. I also
explain I’ll be projecting these same thoughts and intentions out into the audience and for those sensitive enough to receive
them to please follow their unconscious response/promptings, heart/gut feelings, natural knowing/intuition by joining us for
an incredible experiment in telepathic thought projection.

At all times, even with the ‘tests’ success or failure for certain individuals I proceed as though I still have the potential and
capability to work with EVERYONE present. I’ve been so bold as to open up my show with a short introduction and
explanation regarding the proceedings, sit down and state I’ll begin mentally, energetically and spiritually drawing people to
the stage to work with me by forming a circle around me and relaxing deeply – it works!

I continue to do just this when I have less time by giving my opening lecture, presentation and introduction and then
immediately ask,

‘By a show of hands, how many here consider themselves fairly intuitive or have had some remarkable PSYCHIC-TYPE of experience at some
point in your life?’

Once the hands go up I explain,

‘I’m going to begin sending my thoughts and mental energy (which combine to create THOUGHT FORMS) out into the audience to THESE
PEOPLE FIRST and I want everyone else to just watch and see how easily they’re able to pick up on them!

Those people who just raised their hands are sensitive enough types to receive my thoughts almost instantly and can normally feel SOME INNER
CHANGE, SHIFT OR SUBTLE DIFFERENCE during this process, and when they do, you’re all very welcome and encouraged to go
ahead and join me up here on stage – quickly and confidently.’

NOTE: As an advanced gambit to use I watch my audience CLOSELY at this point and look for people leaning forward,
listening closely to my every word and very, very interested. I’ll look at and point directly to 4 or 5 of these people while
making remarks such as, ‘Just looking at your energy right now I already know you, and you, and you, and BOTH OF YOU (!) will all be
picking up on these thoughts and joining me this evening. I can’t wait to work with you!’

I continue to explain to my audience,

‘These feelings are SUBTLE, but YOU WILL feel them! And when you do, act upon them now and join me on stage standing in a circle…’

Now here’s the great part – EVERYONE who joins me at this point is going to respond perfectly to the entire act. Not only
is this my suggestibility test but a great way to produce a steady stream of subjects for this presentation and get them
responding to an amazing effect from the very beginning. Imagine sitting down, projecting my thoughts and having a dozen
or more people stand up from their seats and come join me on stage by sitting down in a circle around me. It’s breathtaking.
Nothing else needs to be done here, unless I need or desire MORE participants!

By tossing out a few suggestions with my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’, a few deep breathing exercises and moments of silence
and stillness to go inward people WILL find, notice/discover, create, invent or channel some different feeling or change
within and/or around them!

When the various people in my audience sense one or more of these subtle or dramatic shifts, changes or differences within
or around them they are to follow their promptings by joining me on stage with an open mind and an open heart.

Because I know these slight changes and differences WILL occur naturally I simply use those changes and shifts in awareness
as a key factor, ‘prompting’ or confirmation they are to join me on stage. This again is very similar to the Ormond McGill
‘Angel Suggestibility Test.’

I explain as I’m sitting down,

‘These feelings, urges and compulsions may come on now or in a few moments from now and manifest themselves in a variety of different ways. The
receivers often get butterflies in their stomach or ALREADY KNOW they are supposed to be up here with me tonight.

It might be a sudden thought or desire to be involved that comes from OUTSIDE of you somewhere and stays on your mind, popping up over and
over again relentlessly as I continue projecting these mental thoughts, commands, messages and subconscious suggestions across the audience over and
over and over again.

You’ll see the more you try to ignore or discount the connections being made right now and the subtle feelings they create inside of you the stronger
those thoughts and feelings will naturally become because I’m working with the Group Mind and Collective Consciousness of the entire audience
now. All of these things and more will LET YOU KNOW what I say is the truth, these things are real and you WILL experience miracles of
the unconscious mind with me tonight.

It’s hard to explain exactly what it feels like as it effects everyone differently – many describe it as a subtle, simple KNOWING or an invisible
force or ‘pull’ that is directing and guiding you towards the stage to work with me. I realize it’s a bit odd at first, but just let go and go with it and
everything will be just perfectly fine. Should you even THINK you might be experiencing such a thing, the answer is YES (!) and indicates your
ability to achieve great success with me and these principles tonight.

You may start to feel warm or cold, tingling, numbness or even just an intense sense of urgency and increased mental curiosity that LETS YOU
KNOW RIGHT NOW to move forward and begin gathering in a circle all around me.

Relax and take a deep breath – the many of you who already know you are joining me can start to collect yourselves on stage and stand/sit (I
prefer them STANDING for this particular presentation) around me now and the rest of you…simply pay attention to what your mind
and body tells you over the next few moments and you’ll know what to do then as well.’

Here’s the next great part…this technique alone, when done with complete confidence and authority, openness and heartfelt
sincerity WILL produce amazing results. If there is anyone who holds back at this point (and many will only because of their
own self doubt, uncertainty or stage fright) I solve this immediately by opening up my eyes and saying,

‘I’d like to thank everyone who received my thoughts and arrived on stage to participate…

Now I close my eyes and extend my open palm facing the audience and continue saying,

‘and I’d also like to address some people still in the audience who received or felt the urge to join us and yet second guessed themselves or accidently
resisted that inner voice of guidance, desire and my sense of ‘pulling’ them to the stage. If you think I’m talking to you right now, I AM!

There have been times when I’ve demonstrated these techniques to 500 people and all but 20 or 30 received my thoughts and made their way
through the aisles to join me on stage – and gives a whole new meaning to the words ‘EXPERIENTIAL GROUP DEMONSTRATION’.

*** Remember, I’m sending these thoughts out to EVERYONE and we’re just seeing now who at this point can be sensitive
enough to receive them as many already have.***

Let’s try this once more – take a deep breath and follow your heart – you know what to do. I’ll continue projecting my thoughts for a few moments
so those very gifted though still uncertain souls out there get the proper opportunity to experience telepathy in action and the power of their subtle
energy, superconscious mind and full potential here this evening.’

This creates a lot of additional participants who wouldn’t have made it to the stage otherwise. At times it only nets a few
extras and I have quite a few people already on stage, though it nearly always gets a few more out of their seats to join me.
It’s not a lie that a few times now I’ve had nearly half of my entire audience ‘pick up’ on my thoughts and energy and begin
making their way to the stage in huge lines!

After this happened so many times I began placing it into my script which made it occur even more. And although I cannot
possibly use everyone (or can I?) it makes a nuclear sized impact when you’re seen to influence an entire audience with
nothing but your telepathic suggestions and personal energy as they begin moving towards you in huge waves.

Of course if you have all the participants you wish to work with already you can choose out of this option, but I love to get
as many as possible up there to create a HUGE demonstration.

Once the participants are on stage and standing around me I proceed with a few simple things that look really great and make
a significant difference in this act.

Still sitting on the floor I extend my open palms towards the people circled around me and turn them to the sky/ceiling, take
a deep breath and then lower my hands (palms facing the floor) as I close my eyes, lower/bow my head and go into a deep
state of trance/meditation. In unison, they all sit down. I take a few deep breaths and moments to center myself and then

This is easy to accomplish, I just make eye contact with a few people, hold my hands out, pause to create tension and
expectancy and then slowly lower my hands. What the audience cannot see is that as I lower my hands I use the index fingers
of both hands to point/gesture towards the floor. This is very subtle indeed and will only be seen by those gathered around.

This is a pretty Universal gesture and is used in many churches to get the congregation to sit, after classical musical
performances by stage conductors and even in large speeches by the President and politicians. People just know what it

Once I lower my hands everybody sits and it looks incredible! The audience sees very quickly the participants are doing
exactly what I want and we are connected.

Once seated on stage in a circle around me I stand up and extend my hands to my sides (PALMS FACING ME!), make eye
contact with a few people again and then PULL my hands towards me as I lean forward slightly, bow my head and close my

Once done the group all slides, inches and moves forward so they’re very close to me. This simply looks amazing and
dramatic – the audience often gasps at this early stage as all bodies move in unison and they can’t believe what they’re seeing.

This is BEAUTIFUL framing and stagecraft which naturally creates expectation and intrigue. Because the participants on
stage have surrounded me standing I am completely invisible to the audience, but they know I am there sitting on the floor in
my meditation pose. They have to THINK about me and see me in their mind or try to get a closer peek through the many
surrounding bodies which means that all of the audience attention is directly on me and what is taking place here. What has
becomes concealed from them generates interest.

When my participant’s all sit in unison and I stand up so the audience can see me, the pupils gathered at my feet and pull
them forward…well, you just have to see it to believe it. This is some very high level work at play here and the presentation is
just gorgeous.

The on stage participants have already succeeded in my ‘tests’ by receiving my thoughts and prior suggestions and taking to
the stage – that was the most difficult part for anyone. Everything I’m doing now is just assuring my footing.

By making the suggestibility test and call to stage part of the process and linking it directly to the premise I found over lots
of trials, errors and eventual repeated successes this not only worked even better for me, but it took much less time and
continued to get the appropriate response consistently after.

Once the participants have gathered in a circle, sat down and moved closer to me (the compliance rule of three is in full
effect) I speak openly and address them for the first time. If I’m performing ‘TIA’ with the audience members as well first I
need to remove myself from the circle. If I’m only working with my crew of pupils on stage I’ll remain in the circle.

When removing myself from the circle to include the ‘audience act’ I draw an imaginary line with my hand down the center
of the circle between the two participants directly in front of me and move my hands as if pulling back a curtain or parting
the Red Sea. I do this gently, not as a power ploy, to appear god-like or to be condescending. I’m kind and gentle, yet
POWERFUL. My actions and gestures are open, fluid and graceful.

My participants will get the hint and move to their respective sides so I can exit. At times I even close the circle behind me by
reversing the action. In essence, I’ve cast a magical circle with all involved.

I’ve also used the Golden Dawn ‘Portal Sign of Rending the Veil’ magickal gesture for those familiar with such things. It’s very
effective and people naturally understand what it means at a physical level. Much of what I do in this act is IMPLIED.
This is simply an option and something I may or may not use as the mood strikes me. I include it here for the sake of
completeness. Remaining within the circle has some unique advantages as well as it implies I’m the center of attention, power
and the authority figure here. One of the beautiful things about what I do is that I SHARE this power and position with my
pupils and stand with them on the level.

Whatever the case I proceed to address my participants and/or the entire audience simultaneously.

I have three ways of doing this depending on which show I’m presenting and how much time I have. Bear in mind that like
any good Q&A this entire act is modular in nature meaning certain parts and portions can be extended or cut completely
depending on the needs of the performer.

It’s quite possible to walk out, give a short 3 to 5 minute presentation, call people to the stage who fancy themselves ‘open
minded, receptive and/or intuitive’ and proceed with 30 seconds of on stage instructions to get this show slamming immediately.
The choice is yours. I prefer to set it up with grace and expectation and really lay a strong, solid foundation.

One method I use here is very fast, the other is a duo lecture and verbal instructions back and forth between the audience
and on stage participants and can be adapted very easily to deliver to the entire audience with everyone still in their seats SO
EVERYONE can be involved and try their hand at this! I’ll give you a few options as well for using these principles close up
and WITHOUT ANY verbal instructions at all!

If I’m actually having people join me on stage (the usual) I stick to more or less the same wording and methods outlined
here, changing them only in the interests of time.

The show I currently use my ‘TIA’ sequence in is my full 2 and a half hour evening show or my 90 minute Q&A
demonstration as an example of how I’m able to send telepathic/non verbal answers and readings to individuals and receive
thoughts and impressions regarding questions and concerns from the audience.

Originally Orville suggested that we spend roughly only 30-60 seconds or so to address the on stage participants and this is
something I also found has severe drawbacks and made the performance a lot more sketchy and ineffective.

Even if we are to take 2, 3 or even a full 5 minutes to mentally ‘prepare’ the participant’s on stage for receiving ‘complex mental
thought forms’ whilst the audience enjoys a short power point presentation or nice piece of relaxing music it’s still a lot shorter
than many FULL stage show hypnosis induction you’ve seen!

Personally, when it comes to ANY method we use I would rather draw attention to it/not hide it and take my time rather
than blowing through it. You might feel differently. Kenton refers to this as ‘hiding in plain sight.’ I make no attempts to
conceal my methods in this case. I do my best to script instructions that can be heard by both my audience AND my
participants without deriving from the power of the demonstration or taking away its effect and mystery, as well as use ‘open
methods’ for my work.

Whenever I address the on stage group alone it doesn’t matter if my audience hears this portion or not. I make absolutely no
efforts to hide what I say at this point, nor do I go out of my way so everyone can hear it.

If you wish to tell your audience you’ll need a few moments of complete silence while you mentally and energetically prepare
your on stage participants for more complex and difficult tests/experiments/demonstrations that’s perfectly fine!

Besides the examples given here I also have a private version I now use and will not be including, however I WILL tip a few
different scripts of varying lengths and intensity that work like a charm and get the job done rather well.

One is long and is given as sort of a 180 second ‘mini lecture’ in front of the entire audience as stated prior – the other one
is specifically meant for the group gathered around me and takes much less time to deliver in its entirety. I’ll also tip an
extremely bold method I use in my walk around performances that just KILLS though participant selection must be handled
with expert care and precision.

My ‘LECTURE VERSION’ of the final instructions to both my audience and on stage participants (circled around me OR
in the row of chairs on stage) goes a bit like this,

‘I’m constantly amazed and impressed at the power and untapped potential of the human mind. Thank you for joining me, you’re all very
impressive and what you’ve accomplished here already is nothing short of amazing.

I’ve reached out and chosen you this evening because you’ve just proved what I already know and could sense… that we’re cut from the same cloth so
to speak and it’s absolutely true that ‘like attracts like.’ By involving myself and working with you kindred spirits tonight I come to learn and
know more and more about myself in the process. I honor and thank each one of you sincerely.

By receiving my thoughts and unspoken intentions you’ve proven yourselves both capable and sensitive and because of this I KNOW you can do
exactly as I mentally guide and direct you to in a few moments – and successfully read my mind – something very difficult if not impossible for
many people to do in such a short amount of time. And this of course is through no fault of their own as many of us were taught to begin
shutting off these gifts and abilities at a very early age.

With that said, ANYONE can RE-learn how to do these things if enough time and attention is devoted to the process…and even a few evenings
specifically set aside for this purpose can produce dramatic results.

I applaud and acknowledge each and every one of you.

(Gesturing to the audience AND the on stage participants).

OPTIONAL LINE: ‘Let’s GIVE IT UP for everyone who had the willingness to try out this evening and came here to support and explore
Higher Minds Infinite & Previously Unknown Potential together!’

I like having a round of applause and sincere thanks and acknowledgement for ALL of my guests at this point, but again, it’s
up to you.

Once the applause has died down I respectfully request just a few minutes of silence and quiet contemplation as I prepare
my on stage participant’s to receive my COMPLEX MENTAL THOUGHT FORMS & ADVANCED TELEPATHIC
PROJECTIONS. This is a great spot to play some soft music for the crowd OR draw your on stage participant’s close and
give them detailed instructions.

If you are performing my version where the entire audience can get involved, go ahead and proceed with the next scripts so
EVERYONE can hear; by shifting my focus and attention back and forth between the guests/audience and my
participants/pupils on stage I keep everyone involved and excited for what’s about to happen.

What follows is actually A LOT lengthier than it needs to be for training purposes and once more I’m being very, VERY
thorough with you at this point. In the beginning stages you’ve got to become comfortable with the level of rapport and
personal connection required to make this act fly and become proficient at establishing it. Watch your pupils and you’ll know
when they understand what is expected of them.

With experience you’ll learn how to do this in less time and with fewer words though for now I highly suggest you err on the
side of extreme caution and don’t skimp on the time required or words used to create these magnificent effects and
successful results.


Very soon now I’ll begin working with you both as a group and as unique and gifted/receptive individuals by projecting my unspoken thoughts and
energy, clear intentions and inner guidance DIRECTLY to each of you in turn.

There’s nothing you can do to help me or make this work even better for you besides simply going as far as you possibly can with me by doing what
YOU THINK AND FEEL I want you to do at the time I send my thoughts over (!)…
…and you’ll know EXACTLY when I’m sending them because you’ll be able to feel and sense it within you…allow yourselves to be a blank
canvas and willing receptacle/vessel for my unspoken thoughts and suggestions…and do what you think I am mentally willing you to do…

And with that will come the startling realization that instantly YOU’LL BE READING MY MIND, sharing my thoughts…and you’re own
thoughts for yourself and the actions you’ll take will actually/eventually be my own projected thoughts and desired actions FOR YOU, if you’ll
allow them to come through as you already have!

Imagine for the next few moments that everything I say or think – EVERY SINGLE THING – is now your reality. You will see what I see,
know what I know, be, do and have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience everything I do as if my own thoughts and experience was now your
own reality because you have a super powerful mind.

It’s obvious that anyone up here right now could try to resist my mental instructions, direction and telepathic/energetic influence – you could even try
really hard to fight this process and experience completely, but that’s not why you’re here, and not the purpose for this demonstration.

The purpose for this demonstration is to prove to the world that we are all connected through means and methods we don’t fully understand yet, but
which originate in the heart and happen through the Higher Mind and her Infinite Power, Wisdom, Mysteries and Potential. The implications are

As you continue to behave, act and react as though my own thoughts are your thoughts, my thoughts WILL begin to become your thoughts at an
even deeper level then easily and naturally…there will be no distinction or separating line that tells us where I end and you begin…for the time
being, we will become ONE – the same in kind and quality, alike in thoughts and energies. This is rapport and connection that is expressed on a
deeper level than most people ever experience – and once you know what that deep connection really feels like you can learn to recognize it, call upon
it, embrace it and share it with others whenever you choose.

During this process I simply ask for each to use your best judgment, natural knowing and intuition ( gut feelings and heart’s response) JUST
LIKE YOU’VE ALREADY DONE to figure out as quickly and as easily as you can exactly what it is I wish for you to do as I project my
subtle thoughts and vibrations to you, and then DO IT.
There’s nothing for you to be nervous about at this point and it never gets harder than what you’ve already done here – you’re all going to do
extremely well.

I believe deeply and completely in each and every one of you, in your creative mind and unconscious ability; the imagination, intuition and infinite
potential within you, and within ME, and though you might not do the EXACT THING I’m sending you every time, that’s okay!

You’ll be close enough by simply remembering to DO SOMETHING and trusting your natural instincts and intuition to guide you every time I
throw a thought or mental suggestion your way.

As soon as you receive a thought or feeling from me as I work with you, I want you to ACT ON IT…and let everyone here see, feel and
experience the effects of our deepest mental connection. If you happen to notice your own mind, thoughts and mental chatter interfering with the
process simply do the exact opposite of what you would normally do… and BLOCK THAT OUT.

As you continue to think and act on the feelings and impulses I GIVE YOU you’ll also continue to receive my mental suggestions, telepathic
guidance/non verbal instructions and likewise you’ll be surprised at how remarkably easy this is once you LET GO, FLOW WITH IT and
notice how amazingly accurate you really are and continue to be long after this has finished.

In truth, success here tonight will naturally equal and lend you a greater success in every area of your life and the more you pick up on and respond
to my mental ideas, gentle commands and connected suggestions, the better and better you’ll begin to feel inside regarding all parts and portions of
your life and your existence.
With such enormous amounts of positive energy and THOUGHT POWER being generated and channeled through you this evening any
potential problems, issues or considerations you may be facing at this time have no choice but to become temporary in your presence.

For many, their direct involvement with these precious next 15 or 20 minutes has changed their life completely and for the better – the positive
effects of which shall remain with you and continue to guide and inspire you throughout your life. And when you come back to another
demonstration or see me in the future you’ll be able to instantly begin picking up on the thoughts and suggestions I give to you, and you’ll be able to
act on them immediately as this connection is established once again.

Remember, tonight I’ll be working with you every step of the way and with our minds connected and all of us working together our ultimate success
is insured – simply trust yourself, trust me and trust the process.

Follow your instincts and let everything you do from now on to be an affirmation, expression, shining example and perfect demonstration of how
incredibly talented, amazingly capable and uniquely gifted each of you truly is.

For the next quarter of an hour we’ll be working together to bring forth your latent potential, intuitive and psycho-spiritual gifts, inner talent and
divinely inspired creativity. Allow this time spent together and everything you can be, do, have and experience now to serve as a remarkable example
and reminder of the creativity, insight and imagination each of you possess and intend now for those qualities to become a permanent part of you.
The results will change and transform you if you allow them to.

Let’s take hands for a moment and enjoy a few deep breaths as we center ourselves and enter this deep telepathic relationship with each other on an
even deeper level, clear our minds and strengthen, connect and link them together as ONE MIND AND ONE BODY and intend always to

strengthen this intimate bond and connection between us for both our combined and individual Highest and Greatest Good, so there remains
TRULY only ONE of us in perfect trust, harmony and receptivity.

When I let go, simply keep your eyes on me and follow your heart – if ever in doubt regarding what to do next watch each other – because you’re all
connected too!

You’re the stars of the show from this point on and your family and friends (and perhaps even co workers) here this evening will be inspired
by your Highest Self and have no choice but to share with each of you how absolutely brilliant you were tonight, and I’ll agree, as their final
applause will all be for you.’

At this point all of my seasoned ‘TIA’ buffs are either cringing or smiling from ear to ear. When considering my lecture
version please keep in mind that I make a huge ordeal and miraculous event out of this performance. It’s ALL about
oneness, connection, harmony, relationship, receptivity, potential, rapport and our inner brilliance brought to the surface to

I’ve included a number of language patterns and intricate suggestions in the above script – see if you can pick them out.

Besides my Q&A and audience readings nothing else I do has as much impact as this entire act done as I do it. When I
include this in my full evening show the ‘TIA’ portion can run as long as 40 or 45 minutes which is REALLY pressing it.

Like ‘Dynamite Mentalism’ I strongly suggest you keep it shorter than longer and begin by adding maybe 8 or 10 minutes of
this to your current act. Slowly as you grow in experience you can begin adding time to this presentation in 5 minute
increments until you have it at the optimal length.

That ‘LESS IS MORE’ is certainly true as far as I’m concerned and yet, once rocking and rolling, what my audience will
experience with this particular piece will be one of the most powerful and impressive experiences of their lifetime.
Though telepathy is included as a method and premise I’ve changed the intent behind this act to express a deep sense of
knowing, oneness and ultimately a PERFECT CONNECTION between myself, the audience and my pupils – the effects
themselves being a direct expression of the natural, inherent and latent gifts of my participants and carries with them severe

This entire LECTURE and opening presentation takes a good 15 or 20 minutes to lay the foundation, basis, psychological
forces, magnetic hands, call to the stage and open lecture/instructions.

This is a showpiece, not a magic trick. The perfectly detailed presentation, time and attention to detail is more than well
worth it. This WILL BE the most powerful thing you can do or share with a group of people. In my eyes this one effect and
demonstration and what I’m teaching you here is worth many tens of thousands of dollars. I wonder what its worth and true
value might be to you?

The material itself is engaging enough to hold both my audiences’ and participants attention and remember – I work and
present everything I do as the real thing because at this point IT IS – something psychic, mysterious and inexplicable using
the power of the human mind and our energetic/spiritual connection as the methods. I have no qualms about taking this
much time and keep it mind that a number of powerful events have already taken place to entertain, delight the audience and
which command and captivate their attention.

Since I’m milking this for all it’s worth and making an EVENT out of this it works for me. I spend the first hour of my show
with my opening, introduction and setting up my ‘TIA’ sequence much like described.

After the first hour there is a short break to stretch, get a drink, use the restroom, fill out a question card (etc) before the
audience returns for 75-80 minutes of Q&A and group readings.

I fully understand that many mentalists, psychic entertainers and hypnotic performers work under different conditions and
premise and I respect that. I’ve included short scripts and alternative handlings/presentations that work just as well for
shorter time periods and show lengths below.

I’ve presented short 25 minute shows at Arts Festivals and Private Galas that were only ‘TIA’ and audience readings to
packed houses and standing ovations just as effective and cherished in far less time. Treat this demonstration as the miracle
and act of wonder and astonishment it truly is. It will change you and transform your audience. Take your time if at all
possible and enjoy yourself while performing this material. This is not something to rush or to rush into!

The idea here is to give you as many tools and options, handling ideas and routine suggestions as possible and set you free to
create your own perfect miracles.

Following are different scripts you’ll give to your participants once you get them on stage with you. Choose the one that
works best for you and realize if you’re not using the opening lecture, presentations and premise I’ve supplied you with here
you can get into this demonstration any way you wish and then use the below scripts before you start with the actual

*** **** ***


‘Thank you all for joining and assisting me this evening. I’m extremely grateful and deeply appreciative of each and every one of you. Before we
begin, I have just one simple question for this group and I need a combined effort and honest answer for this to work...

Will you follow my instructions to the letter and do exactly what I ask of you?


Then I’ll ask you to go one small yet significant step further with me at this time…as we work together over these next fifteen minutes simply do
your very best to behave, act and respond exactly as you think and feel I want you to, or in other words…READ MY MIND…

(It’s easier than it sounds, in fact you’ve already done it!)

Simply figure out as quickly and as intuitively as you can WHAT… with your own mind and feelings… it is that I WANT AND MEAN
FOR YOU TO DO…and then DO IT…and in doing this you’ll begin to realize that my thoughts have suddenly become YOUR

You might not do the right thing every single time, but simply go with your heart and DO SOMETHING and you’ll all be a huge success.

Use your best judgment – in many cases you’ll be able to use your mind, gut feeling and hearts response to think and feel out exactly what I want
and mean for you to do, without speaking a word, almost immediately. If ever in doubt, simply do the exact opposite of what you would normally
do and more often than not it will match up perfectly with my mental commands and suggestions.



As a token of my extreme gratitude and appreciation I’ll help each of you to release your creative unconscious and Super Conscious Mind LIVE
on stage this evening and by doing so you’ll become the stars of the show and the applause at the end will all be for you.

Is everyone clear? It will make more sense after the first one or two tests.

Are you ready? Then please take your seats/stand over here and I’ll begin.


‘In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to exert a very gentle mental influence over you now by projecting certain thoughts/ideas, feelings, commands
and telepathic suggestions (ideas, instructions) from my mind directly into your mind. When I do this, your job is just to receive the information
I’m sending you and act on it to the very best of your ability!

You might not do the exact thing I want you to every single time, but that’s okay!

Do what you think and feel intuitively I want you to do…READ MY MIND…

As long as you trust your intuition and believe in yourself this can and WILL happen for you!

Is that okay to know? Good.

Are you ready to proceed?’

This is closer to the actual script I use today in both my stage and close up work.

I find it’s short, friendly and to the point. As long as a connection and some rapport has been established this entire act is
going to work out perfectly.

The Ultra Bold Maneuver

Something remarkable I’ve discovered over the years and should only be attempted with the most confident, bold
and daring of performers (and those who can attain and maintain only the deepest levels of rapport) is NOT
giving your stage participants ANY further directions regarding how to act whatsoever. I continue to do this even
now and only use the verbal scripts as a backup plan or ‘out’ only.

Think about it…

These people have already been called to the stage for correctly picking up on your thoughts (psychological forces) and I’ve
confirmed this connected and telepathic state by drawing their hands together with my mental energy and influence. For all
intents and purposes these people are already primed and ready to go!

Especially after the opening lecture has been offered, my participant’s feel led, pulled, guided and inspired to take the stage
and crowd around me in a circle, sit down (etc)…they are ALREADY performing in my revised and updated ‘Telepathy in
Action’ act perfectly.

The Sequence, Phase One


The beautiful nature of ‘Telepathy in Action’ is such that like any great hypnosis show there is tons and tons of room to
improvise and jazz your way through this experience. With only a simple outline in mind and experience behind you you’ll
realize IN THE MOMENT while working with your participants just what is possible and feasible for each of them to do
and what they’ll respond to.

I’ll break this section up into portions for both teaching purposes and dramatic effect in performance. There should be a
visible, experiential progression and rising level of difficulty (seemingly) as we progress through the demonstration.

Also like a hypnosis show you’ll be drawn to your best participants to work with in greater depth, though with the way I do it
and teach you here (and how I hope you’ll do it too) they will ALL be better participants than not.

Besides a number of different demonstrations, thoughts, suggestions and mental instructions I personally use I’ll outline a
number of other more traditional options you can draw from in creating your own act and sequence. We’ll also talk about
dismissing subjects, using OUTS and what to do or fall back on if this thing goes wrong for some reason – something which
is practically inevitable and guaranteed in the beginning stages to some degree.

After giving my personal instructions and helpful words of guidance to the on stage participants (or entire audience) I
continue by repositioning ALL of my subjects thus:

If I’m doing the SEATED CIRCLE presentation as detailed prior I start the actual sequence by raising my arms and mentally
commanding everyone involved to stand. Once done I reposition them by walking to one side of the stage and holding my
hand out/gesturing for them to make a line OR take their seats provided on stage. Gestures, body language and non-verbal
communication will be your best friend at this point.

If you simply walk to one end of the stage and hold your open palm out while looking at and nodding at the group as a
whole, combined body they WILL get the hint to come and form a line where you indicate. All of the usual compliance
principles are still at work here and throughout.

Do it if you have to, but try to avoid drawing a short line with your hand. I normally walk briskly to one side, hold my hand
out palm open, look at the floor and NOD to the group. The pupils follow along beautifully and in total group harmony.
This works just as well to get them seated by standing next to the row of chairs with an open palm and looking at the group.
They’ll know exactly what they are supposed to do.

Once this is done I address my audience. Remember that in addressing and explaining certain points to your audience you are
subtly giving instructions to your on stage participants, indirectly. This fine tactic is one I use a lot in my stage hypnosis
shows to create expectancy and proper results in the subjects.

I favor this method of indirect suggestions instead of speaking directly to the participants as much as possible, after all, if we
are truly involved in a symbiotic, telepathic relationship at this point I should barely have to speak with them at all.

I speak to my audience saying,

‘I realize that many of you are shocked and amazed at this point, especially if you have a friend or loved one up here, and let’s all give them a
HUGE round of applause to show our support and appreciation for the true stars of our show this evening.’

As the audience applauds I act as an orchestra conductor by raising my face up palms higher and higher to build the energy,
loudness and intensity or the applause and then gesture to the pupils as if saying, ‘IT’S ALL FOR THEM!’

This type of attention and immediate reward is infinitely useful for insuring the FIRST FEW demonstrations are completely
successful. It places a lot of weight and pressure to perform successfully on the participants and rewards them for a job well
done up to this point even at this early stage. After such an energetic response nobody wants to be the first one to be
dismissed or fail to do everything they were built up to do.

I up the ante quite a bit by saying, no matter how enthusiastic the applause was,

‘That was quite sufficient, thank you! By the time we’re done let’s insure that our applause and appreciation for the volunteers this evening shakes
the walls of this place and brings down the ceiling. Getting on your feet and shouting their brilliance from the rooftops WITH ME would NOT
be going overboard once you see what these guys can do!’

This conditions my audience and empowers the participants even further – it gives them confidence and boosts their ability
to perform. Also, I love doing this act the first time I play a venue or work for a new company or client. I get the audience
going absolutely wild multiple times throughout the program and this creates a strong impact and very powerful suggestion.

It’s very impressive. It’s normal for me to get two or even three standing ovations PER SHOW. Only one I cue or prompt to
condition the response; the others are spontaneous and happen at such a moment where it’s the ONLY response possible
given what’s just happened.

‘We’ll begin by sending, throwing and projecting my thoughts through just a few feet of space working right here among those gathered through our
thoughts, established connection and combined clear intentions alone. In some cases I may at times even transmit my thoughts through a very light
physical TOUCH.’

This last line sets up some very intimate and mystical experiences I include later such as contact mind reading and non verbal
inductions. I continue,

‘Later, when we’ve successfully tuned in/warmed up I’ll demonstrate how this connection, relationship and phenomenon of sharing thoughts can be
sent and acted upon through 25, 50 or even 100 feet of space thereby proving that barriers of time and space only exist in our minds and

Now, with the possible exception of very close identical twins, everyone is completely different in our unique genetic imprints, subconscious
programming and mental thought processes so some people up here may respond differently to the suggestions and thoughts I give them than others

Some of us can grasp certain ideas instantly while others can and will do the same though perhaps they might require just a little more time to
acclimate to the tremendous subtle energies and thoughts projected through our Collective Unconscious.

Though some are naturally more capable at this than others, because we’ve established a deep bond and connection between us EVERYONE up
here will be able to tap into their full potential and meet with great personal success at this time UNLESS 1).They are hell bent on fighting the
process (which may hint at personal insecurity, fear of intimacy and inability to put their guard down?) OR 2). They have VERY
deep seated psychological, mental and emotional issues which preclude the free and open transfer of thoughts and feelings between people.

I’m not sensing anything(at all!) of the sort at this time which might suggest such a barrier this evening and we’re all going to have a wonderful
time together; one that will continue to assist, empower and inspire each one of us for many, many years to come.

OPTIONAL: In reality, ANYONE on this stage RIGHT NOW can do these things very successfully and most of us do to SOME
DEGREE every single day.***

With that said, I’d like to begin with the first demonstration of Scientific Telepathy and show you the heartfelt connections and events made
possible between people in this state.’

The above is a generalized script and watered down version of the one I now use personally. The ideas are the same – the
wording has changed drastically and appears much different than what is shown here. Notice how I prime my pupils ONE
LAST TIME and place the burden of responsibility upon them and their own potentials.

I also include two different riders which give me some leeway during this experience. The first of these is saying it WILL
WORK unless the subject/pupil is committed or ‘hell bent’ on fighting and resisting, something which suggests their own
fear of intimacy and being vulnerable OR they may have very deep seated emotional issues which may or may not be true
(we’re all a bit crazy!) but nobody wants to be perceived as such or admit these things in front of an audience. Their failure
implies something personally wrong with them now – nobody wants to fail.

Instead of appearing broken or insane it’s a lot more likely for people to go along at this point and make damn sure they
work as hard as possible to do well, even if they have to FAKE IT or FORCE these things to happen!

Some might consider this an unfair gambit, but again, I’m an advantage player and this is my show and performance. In my
personal script today I no longer use this tactic but it IS an effective one and will get the desired results.

If I’m performing a duo ‘TIA/Q&A’ program SIMULTANEOUSLY it’s at this time I begin asking my audience members to
think on their personal questions, an important matter or specific concern in their life at this time. Those of you with my
‘Guerrilla Q&A’ manuscript will recognize this immediately and know exactly how to continue if you wish to do this.

There is something extremely powerful about combining TIA with Dynamite Mentalism-esque techniques and performing
them in tandem. I’ll only speak briefly on this because right now we’re focused on a TIA ONLY segment.

I’ve had a lot of success doing this and it remains one of my favorite ways to work.

I’m able to receive thoughts, feelings and vibrations FROM my audience members to keep EVERYONE involved. It also
allows me to send and PROJECT thoughts, feelings, images and mental suggestions directly to my on stage participants.

Over time I developed a very, very advanced handling for this express purpose which entails my pupils on stage starting to
pick up on the specific thoughts and questions from my audience and answering them with my telepathic/psychic
impressions I give them in the process.

I can also flip this experience around so my audience becomes susceptible to my mental projections as I perform TIA out
there among them AND begin giving readings and sharing my impressions with the pupils on stage.

Working in this manner and fashion is very dynamic and for now is outside the scope of this book and performance piece.
Perhaps in a future manuscript or supplement I’ll tip my workings to do such a thing with ultimately impressive results, but as
it’s something I still use on a regular basis it’s not likely as of right now.

Should you wish to perform something similar you deserve to learn and experience as much as you can about hypnosis,
suggestion, waking hypnosis, TIA, readings, demographics, psychological methods, rapport, PERFORMING and Q&A as

The work I’ve set forth here (and to come in this portion) is enough to keep you busy and working making the big bucks for
many years to come, if not the rest of your life!

Shifting back, I now bring the first pupil/individual up to the front of the stage and proceed with the first DIRECT
demonstration with a single person.

As Orville and Lyman before him I use the ‘stuck hand’ bit of business here. This is a powerful performance piece in and of
itself and the first thing I draw upon in my close up performances of this piece too.

Again there are many options you can take at this junction.

Sometimes I include in my script and set up to the pupils that this is a SILENT PROCESS unless I specifically ask and
request them to give a verbal response – otherwise they are to simply focus on going inward to experience this deep
connection and enjoy the silence and stillness, calm, peace and clarity within them while we share our thoughts and combined

For a few months I performed this act in complete silence only speaking directly to the audience members to indirectly cue
the pupils. It works very well.

One way to continue at this point is to gesture with an open palm to one specific pupil and draw your hand up close to you
so as to guide them to stand at your side. If you wish to continue speaking you can simply turn around and say,

‘Let’s begin with you, your energy is fantastic!’

However you decide to proceed, think of how you wish to present this person to your audience and how you wish to work
with them. I’ve often greeted them as they come forth, stand them facing me (or the audience) and say, ‘Tell the audience what
your name is and where you’re from.’

Once the answer is given I use their name and say,

‘So Brandon from California, have you ever done anything like this before?’

Of course the answer 98% of the time is going to be a ‘no’ in which case I reply,

‘I didn’t think so and I’m very excited to be sharing this with you tonight. You’re going to do great!

Do me a favor and place your right hand upon my palm…and take a deep breath…’

If for some reason s/he says ‘yes’ I reply,

‘Wonderful! I knew I was drawn to start with you for a reason, you’ll be a perfect example for the rest of the group!’

This is one very small example of how you can never be wrong and this will nearly always work. Be fluid and flexible – go
with the flow and proceed with the utmost confidence!

I stand facing the pupil and hold my left palm out in front of me, facing the ceiling.

There are a few pacing techniques I use here to insure this first demonstration goes off without a hitch. If you happen to fail
here it’s very hard to get the demonstration back on track – especially after the huge setup you’ve (potentially) just gone
through. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience. Don’t make the same mistakes I did – your wording at this critical time is
very important.

The participant does as I ask and places his hand upon mine, and takes a deep breath. I continue by saying,

‘Now look at me…and slowly lift your arm…’

My request to ‘look at me’ focuses the pupil’s attention and increases our connection. They can see the gentle firmness in my
eyes and I theirs.

The verbal suggestion to SLOWLY lift their arm is for a reason to and that reason is this: In a moment I’m going to
INDIRECTLY SUGGEST their hand is stuck firmly to mine.

When they TEST this phenomena and suggestion I don’t want anyone ripping/tearing their hand away from mine. By asking
them to SLOWLY lift their hand/arm first we set up the same response and instruction later. You’ll see what I mean.

So, the pupil does as requested and slowly lifts his hand. I comment TO THE AUDIENCE,

‘And just as one might expect, the hand comes away from mine easily and naturally. Now let’s try it another way, this time with me sending a
strong mental thought and suggestion that WILL produce a different response within Brandon this time.

Watch closely!

If working close up with a person I say directly to them,

‘I want you to do the same thing as before, only THIS TIME I’m going to be sending you a specific thought that WILL produce a different
response, reaction and result between us/within you.

Is that okay with you? Are you open to that? (Optional)

Then place your hand in mine, take a deep breath and just look at me…’

Here is PAUSE for two or three beats before saying,

‘NOW… TRY to lift your hand…’

If the pupil is keyed up properly they will respond perfectly to this suggestion and their hand will remain STUCK to mine,
unable to lift it away. This is the most common reaction and sets the pace for everything which comes afterwards.

At this point you’ll hear audible gasps and waves of amazement travelling across the audience. It’s a big ‘WOW’ moment as
the fruits of your labor and premise are being fully experienced now and it only gets better!

This first simple demonstration shows all of the other pupils how simple this can be and what they should do and are
expected to do. This first action takes away A LOT of the stress and anxiety present within the pupils if any should exist at
this point.

It’s a huge relief to them to realize what I’ll be asking of them is so extremely simple and non-threatening. It’s also a very
strong effect and to see it done effectively will impress you to no end.

With the EXACT wording I’ve just supplied you with and given that you’ve developed a deep sense of rapport, cooperation
and connection with your pupils this first stunt will work at least 8 out of 10 times THE FIRST TIME you try it.

This is the type of eyes open, WAKING/CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS and use of subtle, indirect suggestion that I
love and the audience eats up!

Remember that hypnosis in the traditional sense is never once suggested during this program. One very brief mention of
‘self hypnosis’ was included along with a bunch of other techniques in the very beginning of this presentation and it’s obvious
that nobody here is hypnotized.

Your audience, like most others, equates the hypnotized state with sleep and an eyes closed trance – nobody here is sleeping

‘TIA’ is a masterful display of suggestion.

Now, what to do if your subject happens to raise their arm?

There are a few ways I handle this and in all honesty I haven’t needed to go with either of these options for an incredibly
long time now. I count on these demonstrations working and proceed filled to the brim with confidence in my abilities and
those of my subjects/pupils.

The first thing you might do is to just remember to GO WITH THE FLOW exactly like a reading and make whatever
happens WORK FOR YOU as if that is EXACTLY what you intended the entire time.

One way to do this is say,

‘Perfect! Now hold your arm there. Take a deep breath and notice the back of your hand as I project my thoughts and energy through it…tell us
all what you feel…’

I might also use my mind power and ‘thought energy’ to make their hand and arm become stiff and rigid, light or heavy, etc.
I could use my thoughts to close their hand into a fist or project my energy upon it. Remember to use appropriate gestures
and physical implications by extending your open palms towards the subject and match actions to words.

Once I get a response here I might say,

‘NOW let’s test the difference in your lift. Place your hand in mine…’ and proceed as usual.

By using language patterns and verbal suggestions at this point you can usually re-direct the attention of your misguided
pupil and salvage a potential disaster. I will say only this – do whatever you need to make this initial test WORK.

You will fall behind if the person is not affected. Whatever you do PLEASE DON’T go into ‘stage hypnosis’ mode and
begin giving cause and effect patterns, tests, inductions or anything else that smacks of hypnosis or the gig is up!

Though you can always send this person back to their seat or try something else I much prefer keeping everyone involved
and getting pristine results from each person on stage.

A close friend of mine has been known to say, ‘Let’s try it again, only this time I don’t want you to try so hard. If you’re not able to
capture my thoughts this way we may need to hypnotize you.’

Personally I don’t like this ‘out’ as it brings hypnosis into the equation and that’s NOT the direction I wish to go for this
particular demonstration. I also want to stay away from the appearance of failure in all cases.

Another option I’ve used here is to immediately say,


You’ve got to pay attention to the subtle thoughts and feelings I’m projecting to you and use your intuition to do what you think I’m willing,
intending and meaning for you to do.

This is easy!

Don’t make it harder than it really is. Place your hand in mine again, take a deep breath…and look at me…

Now, READ MY MIND (!) and TRY to lift your hand.’

I only do this when absolutely necessary. It also provides me with a great ‘lesson’ to share with the pupils, that lesson being:

‘These thoughts and mental suggestions are SUBTLE; they might or might not hit you like a Mac truck BUT they will affect you just as strongly
if you’ll let them. I’m ONLY unable to do this if you’re not completely willing to WORK WITH ME, TRUST YOURSELF and pay close

In order to ‘teach’ the failed pupil how to do these things I might even pull another one or two students up to the stage and
do this first test successfully with them. This makes the problem person feel like the odd one out, which they will be if they
don’t play along.

I’ve done this act and worked with these principles long enough to know they can, do and will work with just nearly everyone
with the proper approach. At this point I simply know that if a person is on my stage these techniques will work with them.

Since I learned to combine my psychological forces with the ‘Magnetic Hands’ or STAGE CIRCLE test prior I’ve continued to
have immediate and impressive results.

Draw upon the tried and true classic suggestion if you require it, ‘Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I PROMISE IT
WILL WILL HAPPEN for you easily and naturally!’

I also use a minor failure to explain to the audience (pupils, indirectly) that,

‘Whenever we encounter problems most of the time I find it’s because the pupils are trying way too hard and haven’t learned to trust their
unconscious connection yet…but they WILL soon as they discover how incredibly easy this is now that we’re all in sync.’

The last out I use and one I favor greatly is saying,


We now know this is your normal CONSCIOUS RESPONSE to the verbal command/suggestion given. Let’s work together and discover your


‘Yes, your conscious response is working perfectly, as it should be. Now let’s test your unconscious/intuitive response!’


‘That’s your conscious, disconnected response and now I want you to go with your unconscious, connected response.’

Between these 5 or 6 outs you’ve just been given you should have very few problems. The only exception at this point really
WILL BE someone who is completely intent on stopping you at this point. Because I use the ‘Angel Test’ in my own
performance I don’t get a lot of die hard skeptics up on stage with me.

The other reasons I’ve found ‘TIA’ may run into problems is when the subjects are unclear, they are expecting too much,
trying too hard or not paying attention. I’ve taken care of ALL these things in my complete overhaul of this incredible act. If
you’ve established rapport with your group you shouldn’t have people dead set on fighting you or resisting your suggestions
and mental influence at this time.

After quite a few frustrating initial attempts with this act that didn’t go exactly as planned I began asking a very simple
question to the pupils to instantly weed out those who might not respond to the suggestions. I no longer include this, but the
question was,

‘By a show of hands, how many of you BELIEVE THIS CAN WORK and would like to experience such an event this evening?’

Anyone who didn’t immediately raise their hand at this point was sent back to their seat with my deepest thanks and warm
wishes. I simply stated I require people who actually believe this can and will work for them for the best results. It worked
like a charm though I found a real time ‘pre-screening’ with the psychological forces and follow up test or ‘Angel Test’ was all
that is necessary and began to use those instead.

Let’s just assume that everything has gone exactly as planned at this point because that’s what is going to happen more than
anything else when you follow my detailed instructions.

The subject finds their hand unable to lift, the audience ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ and I praise the subject for doing so well and get
their due applause from the audience if they haven’t done so already (usually they will!).

To get this applause I make a BIG DEAL out of this person being the FIRST ONE UP to assist me and demonstrate their
remarkable inner talents and latent gifts brought forth via this deep and powerful connection.

Before sending them back to their seat I work with two more people like so…

First I extend my hand and pull another subject up to the stage front and do the same thing. This is a simple open palm,
smile and pull the open hand towards me.

The selected pupil will come a running.

‘Thank you for joining me, please tell the audience your name.

Now Jessica, just like we did with BRANDON I’d like you to place your hand in mine as I send you THE SAME mental suggestion…

…take a deep breath…look at me…

Now, TRY to lift your hand!’

Because they have already seen exactly how and what they are supposed to do at this point this is just a freebie. It also lets my
audience know the first test wasn’t a fluke. Although it’s the exact same thing happening with a different person, the audience

If the hand rises for some reason I have her replace it and make it very clear that NOW I’m sending her a different thought
and do it again. It will work perfectly.

Now I begin having a lot of fun very quickly. I ask my subjects to turn and look at their peers on stage. I place my hands on
their shoulders (one on each) and tell them,

‘POINT to any ONE of our friends you see over there, whoever you wish and we’ll project our combined thoughts to bring them over here!

I need you both to focus your thoughts, point and project that shared energy to one person to come join us.’

I use a pretty subtle bluff here. One pupil will always point at a person while the other sees this and also points at them. I
turn to the audience and say,

‘And you can see how because we’re all connected they immediately pointed and projected to the same person!’

When the person arrives at the front of the stage I continue,

‘Interesting how THAT feels, isn’t it? Now be honest, there’s no way you could resist that pulling sensation, could you? All I have to do is
POINT and THINK and you can receive my thoughts and be drawn like a magnet coming towards me instantly.’

Because of the first two incredible ‘tests’ the third person is suitably impressed/inspired and naturally willing to go along –
they BELIEVE in what is taking place (and for good reason) or they are willing to go along. The more the pupils respond to
my mental thoughts and suggestions the more they effectively HYPNOTIZE THEMSELVES and create a sense of
expectancy within them.

Also remember that nobody wants to be the first one to fail in this demonstration. They all work together and work with me
to stay in the game.

Now that my third person is up on stage next to us I usually do one of two things.

1). All three are instructed to place their hands together in the middle as if ‘cheering’ or making a pact. I now say,

‘Now move your hands away and see how easily they come apart…’

Once they’ve done so I get the pupils to place their hands in the center once again only THIS TIME I place my hand to my
head and ask them to take a deep breath and EXPECT TO RECEIVE my mental idea/telepathic suggestion directly at the
level of their Super Conscious Mind!

Instead of striking the classic mentalist pose I’m also quite fond of placing my own hand in the center hovering it a foot or
two above the pupil’s hands. Now I take a deep breath, close my eyes and while keeping my hands there proceed by saying,

‘And NOW, try to pull your hands away! Try! Try harder!

*** To the audience ***

‘As long as I hold this thought in my mind the pupils will find themselves unable to move their hands away – stuck, bound and locked perfectly
together. This is how powerful the human mind is!’

2). Instead of locking their hands together I often prefer to use a tall barstool or folding stage table already on stage with me.
This is a very portable, makeshift ‘stage table’ I normally use to set a glass of water, a pad of paper and a pen upon.

By removing the items (or having more than one free barstool) I can easily stick the subjects/pupil’s hands to the surface.
Many times this moves into a Spiritualist flavored demonstration wherein I tell the audience (indirectly suggesting to my
pupils!) that I can actually project my thoughts and energies through the subjects and into the physical object to make it rock
back and forth, move about the stage and seemingly take on a life of its own, all through the power of the human mind and
our remarkable connection!

This is incredibly impressive.

Now, with their hands still stuck to the moving table (or locked together beneath my open, floating hand) I ask an audience
member to POINT to a pupil on stage and say,

‘And as soon as you do that person will stand up and run over here to join us. When they stand the hands now bound together/stuck fast to the
table by sheer thoughts and unconscious force alone will come away easily and naturally.’

My audience member points to a pupil who stands, approaches and the previous suggestion fades away as the locked or stuck
hands of my subjects dissipates instantly.

I now DO draw an invisible line/gesture and my four subjects all line up appropriately, facing the audience. Now I extend my
left arm out in front of me and expect my subjects to do the same – this is accomplished easily by extending my arm and
giving them a simple nod. If they don’t follow along immediately I ask EVERYONE (audience and pupils included) to
extend their LEFT ARM out in front of them, palm down.

This will serve two purposes.

1). It allows me to work with ALL of my subjects at once.

2). It allows me to see who in the audience might now become affected by my mental suggestions at this point as well.

Once everybody – the four pupils standing with me, the pupils still seated and ALL the audience members are extending
their left hand, only now do move off to one side (far left) where I am visible to everyone as I say,

‘You could try to resist what’s about to happen, though I much prefer if you allow yourself to FEEL THESE THINGS firsthand. For all my
pupils this will be easy; for those of you in the audience I invite you to share our connection and experience the effects of this invisible force as it
flows through you…

…everyone take a deep breath…look at me…and focus on the connection we’ve established by letting whatever is going to happen for you now to
happen easily and naturally…’

Now I slowly raise my left arm into the air and as the exquisite puppet master that I am ALL of my pupil’s arms do the same
and many of the audience member’s arms will too! This looks absolutely incredible.

Once all the arms are raised high into the air (or as many as I’m going to get) I say,

‘And hold it right there…LOOK AROUND YOU!


Everyone take a deep breath and focus your attention HERE as we relax and release together…allowing your arms to lower with mine but only
as fast as you can increase depth and strength of this amazing connection we’re all sharing together…’

I slowly begin to lower my hand as I deepen this connected state. Notice how this is very much like an arm levitation
induction with the entire group and instead of suggesting trance or even relaxation I use it to increase and deepen this
massive connected state and radical effects of the Group Mind.

‘A BIG round of applause for everyone involved…I want to hear it!’

Before the applause dies down I tell the pupils standing next to me and I continue,

‘I think we’re ready to take this to the next level.’

As my pupils walk back to their seats I might hold my hand up high towards them as if telepathically controlling their actions
and return. Remember, everything here is IMPLIED.

I approach another pupil, smile and ask,

‘Are you ready?

Do me a favor and simply notice the color or your shirt while you sit there enjoying this connection – you can see it there now very clearly and realize
the color is…?’

(My pupil fills in the blank).

‘And now watch what happens…just look at me…(mind reader pose – I touch my forehead and make a ‘flicking’ or tossing motion
towards my subject)…and in your loudest voice please tell us what color you THINK it is NOW…’

You can also change the wording to say, ‘and in your loudest voice please tell us what color you IMAGINE it being NOW…’ which
also gets a very good response.

Let’s imagine my subject says, ‘Green.’

Just like my ‘HAND TEST’ at the beginning my pupils realize they are NOT supposed to state the obvious/real answer but
something DIFFERENT. When they do I reward them and praise them for their efforts and exceptional ability.

A few subtleties are about to unfold.

I state aloud,

‘Yes it is, and it will continue to appear GREEN until I release that thought from my mind and yours…is that okay with you? Can I get you to
come stand up here with me for just a moment please…thank you!

Now be honest…your shirt is WHITE (the REAL color!) and yet you’re able to think and see and feel that it’s GREEN, correct?

And once again that new color is…?’

As I ask this last question I re-affirm the answer ‘Green’ by placing my forefinger next to my brow and looking directly at the
participant OR lightly touching them in the center of their forehead as I ask the question…whatever I wish, really. The
verbal structure also compels the subject to give me the required and desired response.

Like usual, one of three things will happen.

1). They will say/re-affirm their shirt is the imaginary color (Green)…

2). They will take my gesture as a ‘release’ of the suggestion/projected thought and again name their ORIGINAL/real shirt

3). They will think I’m changing the suggestion and now name a different color!

Whatever happens here is PERFECTLY FINE!

If they happen to name the ORIGINAL/real color my audience will take my GESTURE to mean I released the thought as

If they happen to name the color GREEN (or whatever it was) this simply verifies, again, the reality of my projection to

They might re-interpret my gesture/touch as a different color – especially because I ask the question again. I designed this
sequence so no matter what happens I am always RIGHT and always EFFECTIVE!

See how this works?

In whatever case, IF the pupil goes back to the ORIGINAL/real color I’ll send another thought and change it again!
Chances are good of them naming a completely different color now, especially when I say –

‘And just like that (gesture/touch)…NOW what color do you see?

(Passing my hand over their eyes)

‘And now?


I use whatever color they name last and approach my other pupils in their chairs. I let this segment go where it will. In turn I
ask 4 or 5 of them,

‘What color do YOU see his shirt as being?’

I back up a few feet, look directly at them and ask the exact same question as before,

‘And now?’

Getting the new answer I proceed to the next pupil in line and ask,

‘What about you? What color do you see?’

By proceeding just like this down the line I’ll get a mixture of answers of different colors. Anytime a pupil claims the original
color I simply take a few steps back, wave my hand, throw a thought, make a gesture and then ask, ‘And now?’ to get a
different response.

This part is easy.

I’ll continue like this with 3 or 4 subjects and on the last one state,

‘Now this is going to be REALLY WEIRD…look at me…brace yourself…and now tell me…


Doing so insures I will get a DRAMATIC response – many times people will remark they see NO SHIRT or NO PERSON
even (!), a ‘Hawaiian Shirt’ or some other interesting, unusual, dramatic or outlandish answer.

Once s/he answers appropriately I look at the audience, bow my head and say ‘THANK YOU’ which cues them to applaud
and I lead my subject back to their seat after a handshake, smile and sincere THANK YOU. I’ll often say, ‘This applause is for
you, you’re doing great!’

I proceed as Orville taught by throwing mental suggestions to my pupil’s one right after the other.

I love doing the ‘miscounting’ bit with the pupil’s fingers. I simply request one or two of them hold their fingers of both
hands up and count them before gazing upon them softly and asking to count their fingers again, out loud so everyone can

They will understand the suggestion and my intention to get A DIFFERENT ANSWER and respond with something
different just the same.

With only a gesture, a gaze or a simple touch I can change the answer again instantly and thus affirm the power of my mental
suggestions and this psycho-spiritual, energetic, telepathic connection.

Approaching another pupil I ask them to ESTIMATE about how many people are in the audience this evening. They will
give me a number which I then change using the exact same principle. Instantly the audience number grows vastly, shrinks
and returns to normal once again. Often I look at the pupil and slowly draw my hands apart while projecting the thought of
INCREASE, matching actions to suggestions. By contracting my hands and slowly bringing them back together I can make
those numbers and the pupil’s answer decrease in size.

I’ll often end by extending my arms very wide, asking them to look out over the audience now and tell me how many people
they can see. I normally get a VERY large number with this, either in the thousands and tens of thousands to which I

‘Yes, 20,000 people here tonight seems about right to me! Let’s all give him/her a big round of applause!’

Using a different pupil I ask them to tell me how many minds and bodies (pupils/volunteers) are joining me on stage this
evening. The best answer I ever received here was, ‘There is only ONE of us.’

The audience was blown away – a solid confirmation of the ONE MIND and COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of the

Whatever the answer, again, I can change the response instantly and receive a new answer.

I move briskly at this point going back and forth from working with a single pupil, two or three at a time, all of them at once
and whatever combination I wish as I proceed.

You can use practically ANY traditional hypnotic skits and suggestions you wish at this point. I tend to keep the phenomena
vocal at this point – changing the normal/usual/obvious ANSWERS received from the pupils to something different. Like
the original TIA act this all relies of verbal reactions and phenomena.

Once I’ve warmed up the group and have found my best and brightest pupils I continue with PHASE TWO of the

The Sequence, Phase Two


After this initial phase I know I can rock the house with some very, very powerful material and suggestions and that each of
my pupils will continue to respond. I treat these first few tests, suggestions and demonstrations as my secondary tests and
deepening tactics. If any individual makes it through the ‘Trial by Fire’ they were just exposed to (and they WILL!) I know I
have them hook, line and sinker and exactly where I want them to perform MIRACLES.

When I’m personally satisfied and I’ve subtly tested (directly) each pupil on stage in greater depth with my ‘projections’ I turn
to address the audience and say,

‘Up to this point I’ve been working in close proximity to the pupils and I think we’ve shown you through our combined mind and efforts how deeply
impressive it is to direct and even gently influence each other’s thoughts and actions through mental, physical, vocal and optical means using this
remarkable form of telepathy, unspoken mental suggestion and energetic body language.

I’d like to take us all a big step further now by demonstrating total mental control over one’s body by means of this deep and significant connection.
I’m also going to increase the distance between us which WILL NOT affect the outcome or the results of my volunteers in the slightest!

Let me show you what I mean…

I turn around to face the pupils and say loudly,


You’re all doing absolutely amazing. Please stand up and take a bow!’

As they stand in unison I spin lightly on my heels turning back to face the audience and bow with them. It looks like some
type of concert, a masterful orchestration of thoughts and actions with the pupils responding perfectly to my every
command and suggestion both spoken and merely thought of.

There is a very real sense of being performed for and catered to for the audience members. We on stage are a well
orchestrated team of minds working together for their inspiration and entertainment.

This bow is a subtle suggestion that one phase or portion has been completed and now we’re moving forward to a whole
new level.

Moving on…

A few things I love doing at this point is asking all of my pupils to remain standing up (or gesturing for them to do so) while
I ‘throw’ the group another mental suggestion.

When they are all standing I take the center stage and hold my arms out to the side, bring them forward to the front of me
and make a PUSHING MOTION/GESTURE as bodies fall back into their seats one at a time or in large numbers. This is
how I get them to sit after our group bow.

Now I clap my hands loudly to maintain their attention and press my palms to the ground/stage floor and look up to them

‘Now again, TRY to stand up!’

If a subject DOES happen to stand up (rare!) I go with it and never miss a beat by using one of my OUTS and then using
the result to my advantage. If all else fails I can go back to strengthening the connection, asking them how they feel inside to
notice any shifts or differences, etc. There is always a way out of a failed or modified suggestion and its result.

For instance, if a subject stands when I suggest the group CANNOT STAND I might say,

‘Very good! I’m surprised you picked up on that!

Well done, I’m impressed!’

…and then approach that person and tell them to look at me, take a deep breath and affirm their connection by TRYING to
sit down. This will salvage the situation as the pupil is found unable to sit now. The illusion is perfect – it seems as though I
had a DIFFERENT IDEA or mental thought/suggestion for THIS specific person AND THEY GOT IT!

Remember to GO WITH THE FLOW and use any odd occurrence theatrically and to your advantage. Because of the way
I’ve structured this entire performance I’ve had opportunity after opportunity to test the pupils beforehand. Anyone who
would have given me problems would no longer be with us at this point.

Realize in your heart of hearts that once you’ve delivered the presentation properly and pulled your pupils up to the stage
with the psychological forces and follow up ‘test’, those who RESPOND to these initial suggestions will likely respond to
ALL of them for the remainder of the program.

This brings me to the subject of dismissing pupils on stage. I have a super high success rate for keeping my participants on
stage and working successfully throughout the show. I rarely have to return someone or dismiss them from the performance.

In the event I find someone unwilling to be influenced (again, this is RARE with how I do things) I simply wave my hand in
front of their face as if severing a mental cord or invisible connection, thank them graciously and return them quietly to their
seat. I don’t make a big fuss about it and I don’t draw attention to it or even comment on it at times.

With my psychological forces and ‘Magnetic Hands’ in the beginning I know I’ve given myself the best possible subjects to use
and just passing those few tests and/or the ‘Angel Test’ and questions I pose in the beginning that this entire act is going off
with a bang and not a hitch in sight.

A few times in the very beginning I felt a need or desire to comment on the pupil who was dismissed and said something
along the lines of,

‘That hasn’t happened in a VERY long time…I wish you well with everything that’s going on right now in your life and I know you will be okay
– you’re amazing and gifted and I appreciate your assistance this evening. Keep your head up and know that you’ve got all my positive thoughts and
blessings in the world for you. Thank you, sincerely, for sharing yourself and your thoughts with me this evening.’

Eventually I opted to give a short yet very powerful and direct reading to the pupil before sending them back to their seat
with my deepest thanks which made even THEM question whether this whole thing might have been real or not!

Remember that nobody knows (audience or pupils) how the other people are feeling (although they may believe THEY
KNOW!) and nobody in the audience knows what was said in private during a dismissal OR what the correct action for each
pupil to take REALLY is!

These days I might include something along the above lines and dismissal ONCE if needed on very rare occasions, but
usually I have so many great subjects/pupils I’m working with that losing one or two mid-performance isn’t a big deal to me.

I only care about the show cruising forward, gaining momentum, getting more impressive with each passing moment AND
the person(s) I dismiss not feeling bad or awkward for any reason. I thank those dismissed graciously and tell them the
applause we receive at the end will STILL be for them too and they did wonderful during the time spent with me.

Once I’ve worked with every pupil at least ONCE individually (something quick and impressive is all that is needed!) and the
GROUP as a whole 1 or 2 times I proceed.

Remember to verbally and physically show your appreciation and approval to the subjects when they react appropriately and
draw due applause from the audience.

It’s here in PHASE TWO that I give the ‘Super Suggestion’ just the same as in my hypnosis stage shows but worded differently
to keep with the premise and foundational principles established here.

Turning to face my audience I say,

‘I’m now going to increase the distance and strength of this mental connection and our relationship together. From this moment forth EVERY
THING I SAY AND EVERY SINGLE THING I THINK until our link is severed will become a REALITY for my volunteers on

They will see what I say and THINK for them to see, they will KNOW what I THINK and BELIEVE for them to know – they will be, do,
have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience EVERYTHING I hold in my mind, state aloud or project to them through using only our combined
thoughts and this strong mental connection.’

By explaining to my audience what is now going to happen the volunteers on stage with me indirectly get to the suggestion
and respond to it just like before.

This is where the demonstration really takes off and becomes a whirlwind of mental suggestions and demonstrations of
telepathy. I increase my audience readings (if performing the full act) and work with the subjects in quick succession.

I do an energetic type induction/falling backwards test here that is VERY strong indeed. I ask for a few (2-6) strong and
suitable men in my audience to please assist me on stage for a moment with applause.

Once they have arrived I choose a few of my best pupils to come stand next to me.

All I say here to the male volunteers from the audience at this point is,

‘NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, you will catch him/her/them, understand?’

Now standing with the ‘catchers’ behind my pupil with them facing me I say,


And with that I wave my hand/gesture throwing energy towards them as they fall backwards into the waiting hands of my
volunteers. I like to do this with 3 or 4 subjects at once and a number of BIG male volunteers from the audience. This sight
and visual alone is remarkably powerful.

I do this to make a point thus,

‘Now anyone who doesn’t know what’s taking place here or walked in late might think these people are all hypnotized and I can assure you

As you can see very clearly everyone is wide awake, all of them are perfectly aware and each of them is intimately connected to their Super
Conscious Mind, their own heart and the center of their true potential.

It’s the connection and their willingness to BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES, TO BELIEVE THEY CAN DO THIS…which allows
them to experience a higher form of Reality and their own powerful hidden abilities onstage with me this evening.’

I continue (indirectly to the pupils) by telling my audience and on-stage ‘catchers’,

‘I’ve released them ALL to stand on their own now, please help them up and let’s give our assistants and volunteer’s at this time a nice, BIG round
of applause for coming up on stage!’

If I can find large enough men to act as ‘catchers’ I’ll use this ‘energetic induction’ to drop my pupils into their waiting arms
and then hold the microphone up to their mouth (the catcher) while asking,

‘What do you think about that?

S/he’s pretty amazing, yes?’

After I get a few direct responses from the ‘catchers’ I’ll release the pupils and ask my catchers to please help them stand up
again with a big round of applause for everyone involved.

My preferred, signature way to handle this situation is by having the catchers simply lower the fallen pupil to the ground,

‘All the way down, that’s right. They’re all in a very deep state of (eyes open?) meditation and communing directly with the Universal Mind and
Consciousness at this point. They’re now seeing all the positive points of their very near future!’

After a few moments I have the pupils stand up with a helping hand from our assistant catchers and receive a big round of
applause before asking them in turn,

‘Briefly, what did you see of your future?’

This continues to get a HUGE response.

Moving on, I rely on many of the traditional Meyer and Lyman tests at this point.

Tossing a coin or pen out on the stage floor I instruct a pupil to TRY and pick it up. They will be unable to do so.

When I release the mental suggestion the object is lifted up very easily. I may proceed to make it light or heavy, heat up, cool
down, change its shape, colors and characteristics all in my pupil’s hand. I’ll often use multiple volunteers at this point too.

Remember to imply your changes always by saying things like,

‘And now?

What about NOW?

What do you feel?

On a scale from 1-10, how much hotter/cooler/heavier has it become now?

Tell me what you see/what it FEELS like…’

I also use lots of ‘mind reader’ poses, gestures, direct eye contact and lots and lots of praise, personal attention and applause
cues from the audience.

Laying a coin or other object on the open palm of my subject I can now back far away and ask them to stare at the coin and
note the date. With a wave of my hand and a simple question such as, ‘And now what date do you see?’ they will give me a
different response, just like before.

I continue,

‘And you said it was a penny? Look again, and tell us what you see…


And now?’

I often have my participant’s imagine their full names written out like in large letters on a blackboard and then visibly mime
wiping those letters away (myself OR the subjects (!) completely erasing their memory) before asking them in turn what their
name is.

Sometimes I will mime picking up a piece of chalk and writing ‘Bob’ or ‘Sam’ or some other short, simple name in the air in
front of the pupil. Now I act as though I’m pushing that invisible name into them and ask,

‘And now your name is?


It’s so nice to meet you!’

I often instruct my subjects/pupils to look at me as I mime ‘zipping’ up my mouth and turning the key as though taking an
oath of silence or being very quiet and then asking them a question…they cannot speak.

A list of things you might wish to do with your pupils in this phase include:

• Vanishing an object the pupil holds in their hand or places in a pocket.

• Rendering yourself invisible or vanishing the audience, though I usually save this for very last!

• Causing the pupil’s chairs or shoes to become hot or cold, or heating up the contents in their pockets.

• Taking away their ability to speak completely.

• Changing the taste in their mouths.

• Creating pleasant and unpleasant smells and scents.

• Holding my straight arm out – the subjects do the same and are found unable to bend their own arms. To do this
simply keep your own arm straight and tell them to, ‘TRY to bend your arm!’

• Turning their personal items such as wallets, jewelry, cell phones, car keys (etc) into living objects or different

• Visual and auditory hallucinations.

I do my best to include as many of the 5 senses as possible and manipulate, direct and influence the pupil’s and their
experience with my implied suggestions, direct commands and suggestions, gestures, gaze, etc.

As an example of this last suggestion (hallucinations) I might point to an empty spot on the stage or high in the air and ask,

‘What kind of BIRD is that? It’s flying right next to you!’


‘Is that someone’s dog? See if you can catch him, safely (!) – we’ve got to find the owner!’


‘It’s raining MONEY! Collect as much of it as you wish and remember to share your abundance with the audience this evening!’


‘Can you hear that? It sounds like a marching band/ballet/circus is coming through here. You had better (want to) get up and join them!’


‘An orchestra is forming here this evening…and as you hear it now notice how you just begin to dance and waltz around the stage to their beautiful

I prefer to keep things as mystical as possible at this point and every other by personally staying away from too many of the
above-type suggestions. I won’t reveal my exact handling at this point because it’s taken me years to develop it and is still a
significant part of my current act.

One example and something I’ve a lot of success with is having each pupil (together) hallucinate/see their Spirit Guide or
power animal/totem appearing before them. Each asks a personal question in their mind and receives a profound answer.

You’ll notice a slight shift in the execution and delivery of your mental suggestions at this point too. Instead of creating a
difference in experience and reaction to your suggestions you simply begin creating FULL EXPERIENCES using your
thoughts, commands and verbal prowess.

Whereas before we were LEADING the subject/pupil to respond a certain way, at this point we are blatantly creating and
telling them exactly what to do and how to do it. I tell them everything they can see, taste, touch/feel, smell, experience, be,
do and have just as I suggested prior!

Instead of asking your subjects questions like, ‘And now?’ (among other prompts) to get a different verbal response and
physical reaction (as we have been doing) we begin telling them directly what they are experiencing at this point. It can be as
outrageous as you wish – by this time they are so deeply involved with the process they have no choice but to continue
responding just as you desire them to.

Orville and Lyman used to suggest things such as a beautiful woman strolling by which you can do also by saying things such

‘Don’t look now, but is that Pamela Anderson sitting/walking/shopping over there?’

Having your pupils hallucinate seeing a famous person in the audience and checking them out very closely is particularly

I begin using very bold, very direct suggestions by blatantly saying things such as,

‘Look around this… RESTAURANT… (hotel, arena, movie theatre, symphony, opera, etc) and notice X, Y and Z.’

As I say the above I wave my hand across the stage or grasp my head in both hands as if mentally changing the entire
landscape and surroundings we are in.

X, Y and Z are the suggestions I wish to implant in the mind of my pupils. They can and will be ANYTHING you wish to
suggest and have them experience or react to.

Orville would suggest such things such as a mouse on the floor or a hot dog vendor coming by for the pupils make a
purchase to then devour the imaginary food on stage. These are all ideas and at this point there truly is no limit to what you
can do. For all intents and purposes this is a full blown hypnotic stage show and your pupils are perfectly hypnotized and
responding as such.

Whatever you suggest to the pupil’s at this point is exactly what they will experience.

Have fun and remember to avoid looking like a hypnotist BUT continue getting the exact same or better results than one!
Continue ‘throwing’ mental thoughts and suggestions, waving your hands to create, touching their forehead lightly while
closing your eyes and breathing deeply while speaking or NOT SPEAKING/suggesting, etc.

Give the participant’s free reign to be as creative and reactive as they wish and keep garnering applause from your audience
while personally praising the group and individuals in turn.

By changing your suggestions and mental projections regularly you can maintain the highest entertainment value of this act
and increase the strength and texture of your demonstrations and suggestions at any time.

It really helps the entertainment factor if you can get 2 or 3 pupils doing ONE THING, 3 or 4 doing another, 1 individual
doing something else (etc) SIMULTANEOUSLY or in quick succession. Leave no doubts in the mind of your audience
regarding this mental connection and your ability to create a different reality for the on stage participants with your thoughts
and MIND POWER alone.

Instead of ‘clearing suggestions’ and returning the subjects back to normal simply announce that you are now ‘clearing your
mind’ and all thoughts you had are now vanishing for the pupils as well.

Once you’ve had as much fun as you wish in this phase it’s time to move to close this portion of your show (or your entire
show!). Be very careful if attempting to perform something else (almost anything, really) after this act and demonstration.
Few things can compare or even come close to touching it in strength, effect and audience response.

Personally I’ve found that a short intermission and then closing the show with an incredibly strong and hard hitting Q&A is
pretty much the only thing that will work well after this act – and it’s got to be knocking at 110% or you’ll only decrease the
effects and results you’ve garnered through this act.

The Sequence, Phase Three


There are numerous sub-phases to closing this act as I perform it.

A few things to keep in mind are:

1). You need a strong and impressive finale.

2). You’ll need to thank (sincerely) each and every one of your pupils and praise their incredible talent and potential.

3). You need to give some suggestion of this telepathic link and connection fading away and your pupils returning completely
back to normal, just like a regular hypnosis show.

4). You may wish to give a motivating, positive ‘mini speech’ here at the end to leave both your audience and pupils
invigorated and thoughtful/contemplative regarding what has taken place. Re-framed POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS
for the pupil’s benefit is recommended, but DO NOT treat this as you would a traditional ‘count out’ or ‘waking up’

Here is how I personally handle all of this.

Regarding the finale I do this in one of two ways.

The first entails the classic Lyman/Meyer ending as such,

‘As the last affirmation and final manifestation of this combined energy, connection and remarkable telepathic relationship I will end with one of
the most difficult things I can do…a little test/game/experiment I call “SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND.”

The reason it’s so difficult is because at this point my wonderful students and pupils of the Universal Mind on stage this evening have developed an
incredibly deep bond and strong connection to me on all levels by this time, as evidenced by everything which has just taken place.

When I shout ‘BEGIN!’ the pupils will begin actively searching for me as I cloud their minds and begin dissolving the connective energies and
thoughts which held my group together over these last (X number of) minutes.

They’ll walk all over the stage, around me – EVEN RIGHT NEXT TO ME and yet they will remain unable to see or touch or feel my
presence nearby them on any level.

They can try their very hardest to find me, and they will try VERY HARD, and yet they WILL NOT be able to discover me standing right
next to them…

fully conscious of or aware they each had locked inside of them.

They will discover and find these gifts from the Universe and their Higher Self as they search the Earth and skies for me. In my place they will
find health, wealth, wisdom, ability, security, unconditional love, perfect peace and total harmony.

As they discover whatever it is they’re needing to fulfill their personal destiny and create the life of their own dreams and desires they’ll also want to
place those gifts directly into their minds, hearts, souls…or maybe even into their pockets, wallets and purses to share with others at a later time and
place – I don’t know! It’s up to them.

Realize these gifts and whatever you discover, with the exception of me WHO CANNOT BE DISCOVERED, these gifts and blessings will
remain a permanent part of you, your life and your reality now and forever more…



Know that everything you desire, seek and are about to find at this time is your birthright. Take it, it’s YOURS!

The more you look for me and remain unable to find me the more you discover EVERYTHING ELSE you could possibly ever wish, desire or
hope for at this time!’

This is vastly different to what both Lyman and Meyer suggested and performed. The basic premise is the same – that being
the pupils cannot and will not be able to find me as they go searching in all directions.

I’ve changed the ending here even more as we’ll soon discover. I’ve found this is a phenomenal way to GIVE BACK to my
participants, leave them with empowering suggestions and leave them in a better place mentally, physically and emotionally
than when they entered into a telepathic relationship with me.

With the suggestions I’ve just placed and the gifts I’ve left for them each to discover the subconscious mind will readily
accept the suggestions and I wouldn’t be surprised if the unconscious of many of my pupils actually ends up (and I know for
certain it has on certain occasions!) CREATING what they discover within themselves.

I’ve had my pupils find their dreams in the process of searching for me, gifts, talents and abilities, new potentials, new
insights, answers, healing states, their heart’s desires, perfect relationships, increased abundance, their ‘dream job’ or whatever
else they might require and desire at this time.

I’ve changed the ending title from ‘FIND ME’ to ‘SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND.’ I’ve also used ‘KNOCK AND IT
SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU’ with a different presentation and ending/parting visualization the audience can all get
in on, as I will also explain in a moment.

By structuring my ending like this I take care of ALL of the above points I made in the beginning of this phase and section.
I’m able to THANK each person and GIFT them with their deepest desires and wishes, instill a few positive suggestions,
create a HUGE effect, leave them with positive suggestions and programming AND disconnect the link (akin to the
traditional ‘counting out’).

I humbly request my ‘Thought Veil’ students to spend ample time devising their own variations and endings along these lines
because this finale is unique and very specific to me and again, it’s something I still use even today and probably should not

I’m far from finished here…

As I state loudly, ‘PUPILS! LOOK AT ME…’ I raise both my arms out in front of me as if sleep walking (zombie walking)
or holding my hands out in the darkness to feel, grasp, sense and search for what is lying before me.

My pupils will do the same. All it takes is the gesture, gaze and subtle/intentional nod in their direction. They get the message
loud and clear.

I give my final instructions and shout ‘BEGIN!’

My subjects/pupils will begin scouring the stage looking for me in every direction, out in the audience, up on the ceiling,
beneath their chairs, etc. Something INCREDIBLE begins to happen in its own time…people begin finding things, shouting
in joy and cramming INVISIBLE GIFTS into their pockets, inhaling them into their lungs, tossing them into their head,
openly placing them within their’s an incredibly beautiful sight to see. I’ve brought my audiences to tears with this
as they witness their loved ones find exactly what they require, in their minds, to be happy at this time.

The pupils often get very, very close to me. Not once have I ever had them touch me or find me. I HAVE had them discover
their gifts and insights at my feet or very close to me, but they never claim to discover ME specifically.

I let this go on as I walk around the stage and give a short quote. This is a well known and very inspirational piece that just
fits this ending perfectly FOR ME. It is similar to the quote I open with by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Again, I leave you to find
your own unique ending if you wish to model this exact handling, and I would much prefer if you create your own.

As I’m speaking to my audience and the pupils are searching all around me, finding what they REALLY came for and NOT
finding me it’s a breathtaking, beautiful scene indeed. The message hits very hard and once I’ve finished I take my own bow,
clasp my hands together, smile at the audience and shout,






My pupils freeze in their exact position, mid action and remain frozen like statues as I walk around and examine them
closely…admiring my work. This is a nice personal moment for me and inside I reflect on how deeply appreciative and
grateful I am for the many blessings in my life – my ability to perform and share my own gifts with others, the ability to make
a living doing something I love.

I reflect on my family, friends and loving peers. I take a moment of silence as I walk and I reflect. It is almost as though the
world has stopped for a time, and time stands still.

As I weave in and out of the frozen bodies I smile and approve of what has been accomplished here this evening. The
audience can tell I’m not only admiring my handy work, but admiring the subjects and pupils on stage with me. It’s a
beautiful, surreal, serene moment. I allow myself to give thanks and enter my own state of awe and wonder as I marvel at the
human mind and our potential.

I begin to speak,

‘STAYING FROZEN…Breathing deeply, becoming fully conscious and aware of ALL your amazing gifts, incredible talents, infinite
blessings and true potential now as all these things and more come together once and for all, INSTANTLY IN THIS VERY MOMENT…
to pile up, grow, accumulate, replicate, double, triple, quadruple, harmonize and vibrate together before entering the very depths of your being…
there to remain...and then to be shared.

In a moment you’ll become UNFROZEN with your true potential and once again feel compelled and led to enter into this perfect circle and silent
agreement with me – an agreement that from this moment forth we can each go out into the world and share our inner light, full potential, gifts,
talents and abilities with the world and those we love and everyone we encounter. Use this connection to be a light to others and know that I deeply
and completely appreciate each and every one of you.


I take the center of the stage, sit on the floor with my legs crossed, close my eyes and extend my arms to my sides in a lotus-
type meditation pose.

In a few moments (if not already) my pupils begin ‘snapping out of it’ and begin forming a circle around me. Literally, we
have brought this presentation and experience FULL CIRCLE together.

I end this performance as I began it. We take hands, close our eyes and share a few deep breaths…I let my participants know
again how wonderful they are, how great they did, how much it means to me and that although we are disconnecting FOR A
TIME, that we are never truly separate and I am with them always, and they with me – AND WE ARE ONE.

I open my eyes and smile at the subjects and say,

‘Let’s stand up together and walk hand in hand to the front of the stage for our final bow. Who’s coming with me?’ 

Together we stand and bow.

You can decide for yourself what kind of response I garner from this demonstration, ‘act’ and shared experience.

Nothing can beat it.

Final Thoughts

Regarding ‘Telepathy in Action’ I’ve really come into my own with this master level showpiece.

Even after all this time the more I learn about it, the more excited and passionate I become about it and my repeat
performances of this MIRACLE teach me something every single time; I am constantly stretching and shattering the barriers
and personal limitations of both myself and the pupils who join me.

Though my ending, or even my full presentation, may or MAY NOT be for you, I trust that you have learned something of
value from my instruction. If you do not already own an original copy or electronic version of Meyer’s ‘Telepathy in Action’ I
highly suggest that you run, not walk, to purchase one from immediately. It will make everything I’ve said here
make even more sense.

One of the things I love best about this performance piece is that I can change it up each and every time I perform –
something which already happens naturally and in my experience is absolutely necessary. No two performances will ever be
the same, again, much like a traditional Q&A.

For those who do not wish to maintain the New Age/mystical/spiritual or motivational approach that I favor, please feel free
to change the act around and make it YOURS – something that will work for you and serve it faithfully for many years to
come. This act can definitely be presented as psychological influence, mind control, waking hypnosis and other such
presentations though I feel very strongly about staying as much in alignment as possible with the ORIGINAL piece.

My good friend Enrique Enriquez wrote up and released his full version in his pivotal, ‘Acts of Imagination’ which is
recommended reading for anyone who wishes to go far with these techniques.

For those of you who already own (and perhaps even use) Meyer’s basic ‘TIA’ manuscript, act, insights and principles you’ll
notice that Meyer buries a hidden secret within the pages of this remarkable piece. In my own reading and experience with
this material, to me THE BIG SECRET is how extremely powerful suggestion really is and how we can use it to empower
and inspire both the audience and our participants.

Any remaining wisdom I have at this point centers around giving and sharing the power and connection with your
participants and turning this into a 50/50 experience of sincerity, connection and mutual sharing. Should you take the
approach of CONTROLLING, manipulating or directing others you will be met with forceful resistance – I know!

I would also once again advise you against turning this into a mock hypnosis show.

Like my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ scripts and techniques I often use a callback during the program wherein I state openly, ask
directly and confirm implicitly that my participants are NOT hypnotized, NOT in a trance – they are wide awake, eyes open
and fully aware at all times AND YET they are still able to use their mind, natural gifts and latent talents and abilities to do
some really remarkable things.

Keep in mind that when starting to work with material of this nature things can and will go wrong. This is where being a
competent stage hypnotist and mentalist comes in so handy. I always got very strong reactions from this piece (TIA), I feel,
because I was so confident with my approach. I knew that if worse came to worse I could induce the pupils and move
flawlessly into a full hypnotic stage show. It was a last resort, but a nice ‘Plan B’ in any case.

I would say the first dozen times (at least!) that I performed this act or its individual pieces I had a large stack of books ready
and waiting nearby for a very impressive group book test. This was my ‘Plan C’ just in case I had the worst possible
introduction/reception, performance conditions, bad night, inappropriate subjects, etc. forced upon me.

I used Richard Webster’s forcing dictionary (AMAZING!), 3 or 4 normal books, Ted K’s ‘MOAB’ (gimmicked with Einhorn’s
‘Word in a Million’), Becker’s ‘Final Flashback’ book (just one), Keith Field’s ‘Insight’ test, Hilford’s ‘The Wizards Manual’ and I
was totally confident that no matter what happened I could use my variation of Chuck Hickocks ‘Books Galore’ to put on a
blockbuster show.

This multi-phase test was complete with direct mind reading, a drawing duplication, kicker ending, hypnosis (Wizards Manual
and my Hypnotic BT with a normal book), an ANY WORD revelation or duplication (of a name, number, word, etc) and
much, much more. With my handling I could easily include 15 people in this remarkable stage test.

I got lots of audience participation throughout using a number of my favorite psychological forces and suggestibility tests,
question answering/readings, body magic, Mind Games, suggestion, contact and non-contact mind reading and more.

I would walk into the theatre which held my self-contained stage show (a nice Doctor’s bag) that held my books, a CD of my
music and introduction (with a guided meditation), some pens, dry erase markers, pendulums, a pack of Tarot cards, blank
CT papers/index cards, business cards, marked envelopes and a large white board under my arm. With only this I could go
for 2 hours or more on stage without skipping a beat or losing a single audience member. This bag was small enough to fit in
the overhead bin on a commercial airliner and I always travelled the world with my show ready to go ‘just in case’ my desired
propless performance failed me.

Even prepared for a makeshift chair test, Magic Square, PK Time and Touches, KK, Metal Bending, a multi-phase equivoque
routine and much, much more if necessary I think there was only maybe once or twice at the very most I ever had to fall
back on these things. These days I have learned and developed enough high octane, triple Grade A material to insure I
NEVER will have to work with props again!

Once a level of proficiency is attained with ‘TIA’, stage hypnosis, readings, psychological forces, CMR and Body Magic you’ll
be able to throw away nearly ALL of your props and rock the house with incredible results. This is the only type of ‘Guerrilla
Performing’ I do today.

Over time I began to eliminate more and more from my show to where it was either straight hypnosis/TIA or Q&A ONLY.
Today I’ve found a remarkable balance between the two and offer my full 2 hour evening show with absolutely NO PROPS
whatsoever. I walk into the theatre or venue with time in advance for a sound check and to make any last minute adjustments
and the rest is taken care of.


I often throw the following script (or one like it) into my presentation at some point. Your script, pacing and
character will determine where YOU use it, if at all.

As I work, please notice any sensations that happen around or within you. These feelings could be hot, cold, a tingling, touch, tap or embrace,
visions, whispers in your ear, goose bumps, ringing ears; even scents and gifts from spirit are known to materialize at times. It’s very common to feel
a rush of hot, fiery energy as I read for people and many of you WILL feel these things (and more) as we work together this evening.

Pay special attention to my aura, too. The psychically sensitive will notice my energy changing shapes, color and forms and I move across the
audience. Your own loved ones and guides may present themselves to you directly to give you a message or one may come through my ancestors. Many
here will experience spiritual healings and blessings even if I don’t work with you directly and some of you will even see angels and spirits working
alongside me on stage.

The above opens the doors to a plethora of phenomena to take place and really puts that ‘REAL’ feeling in to the
performance. Many of your audience members WILL claim to have experienced the above, all you need to is suggest it and
proceed with your performance and suggestions!

Use what you’ve been taught in this book and my other works to create miracle sized reactions. Whether it’s a close up mind
reading piece, a private reading, hypnotherapy session, healing work, hypnosis (etc) I continually use these and other like

Of interesting note, you may have realized by now I’m a firm believer in psychic and spiritual phenomena and do my best to
be open, receptive and a source for these things to move through me and be experienced by my clients and audience.

I routinely channel Reiki and other subtle energies, send (and receive) thoughts telepathically, call upon invisible forces, guides
and ancestors during my work while making these things happen. If for nothing more than a perfect mental construct and
method for internal scripting/acting ‘as if ’ I find when I do this my positive results go up significantly.

Shortly I’ll tip a supreme bit of business which allows for other psycho-spiritual phenomena to be witnessed and experienced
during this piece and at times I also include suggestions that because we’re working with the Group Mind/Collective
Consciousness of the combined audience that many people will begin to receive the thoughts and feelings of the people
around them. This has the potential to be very, very powerful.

I state,

‘At some point, if it’s not happened already, you might even start to notice that you’re picking up on the subtle thoughts and energies of the people
around you and begin to experience a deep, growing sense of knowing, mutual trust, personal understanding and compassion for them and their life
situation at this time.

You’ll begin to feel very empathic and sympathetic as you begin relating to the group on a Soul or Higher Mind level…and while this happens,
realize that many of them will be having very similar thoughts and feelings towards you and about you at this time as well.

Be kind to each other and allow yourselves to connect. You’re not always going to know from exactly whom or where certain thoughts are coming
from, but you’ll get a general sense of the direction while your intuition takes over.’

In my extended handling for this piece I incorporate my propless Q&A work as set forth in, ‘Guerrilla Q&A.’ Because I often
combine this presentation with a strong question answering segment and present them simultaneously this is a great
suggestion to throw into the mix. After we get through the entire ‘TIA’ masterpiece we’ll begin looking at how you may do
the same thing.

Hypnosis & Relaxation Scripts

The techniques and scripts in this section are tried and true. With the tools that follow and a good induction you
WILL be able to take a stage participant, private client or even an entire audience through a very powerful
experience which happens solely in their mind.

This course has included a number of positive and valuable items suited specifically to the properly trained and certified
hypnotherapist. These tools and techniques are presented here for educational purposes only. Because it is far outside the
scope of this book (or any book alone!) to teach about the many therapeutic uses and positive benefits of hypnosis I’ve
opted to give you a number of set scripts and outlines I use in my own work and practice.

‘Thought Veil’ students deserve to know that while I strongly advise receiving proper IN PERSON TRAINING through a
certified and accredited school for hypnotherapy (and stage hypnosis) it doesn’t mean that you cannot use these scripts and
techniques with a deeply relaxed participant to obtain and derive stunning, powerful results for that individual.

Relaxing a person deeply and then offering a guided meditation and positive suggestions often has marvelous and almost
‘magical’ results and effects upon that person. ANYONE working through this course could take the scripts which follow
and use them both publically and privately with spectacular results. If you wished to start up a practice on the side of your
entertainment services, these are the scripts you can use to do that.

Instead of marketing yourself as a hypnotherapist (if you are not trained to do so) many of my students have gained
incredible results and benefits by offering their services as guided meditation, creative visualization, progressive relaxation
techniques and positive suggestions. In doing so they are able to circumvent the laws regarding hypnosis and practicing
therapy in the lands they reside within. Local laws and practices aside I find the above descriptions more accurate of what I
do and have taught you within this course.

Guided meditation, creative visualization, progressive relaxation and stress reduction techniques with positive suggestions
and clients placed in to a state of relaxed focused awareness gains the same results as many hypnotherapy programs.

By including language patterns and powerful words with these scripts while using the incredible change work techniques,
placebos and patterns interrupts I’ve detailed in ‘Thought Veil’ such as EFT and the ‘Swish Pattern’ I would go so far as saying
you’ll have more powerful tools to at your disposal than the majority of hypnotherapist’s I encounter.

ANYONE can use these scripts and techniques with positive suggestions to make a positive change in the world, our client’s
own life, mind, heart and thoughts. Many people I’ve trained over 6 week introductory courses have taken these same
techniques and used them to start a successful business. These UNIVERSALLY POSITIVE techniques will get you and your
clients the results they are looking for.

Later I’ll show you how to start up your own business with very few start up costs, how to market yourself and present these
new skills for fun, profit and positive impact.

After years of use I have the majority of the scripts and variations I use committed to memory. In the beginning stages I
highly recommend you print these off, change the wording appropriately so each script fits your unique style and personality
and continue to include language patterns and positive words throughout.

During a private session and once the client has been formally induced and guided into a relaxed, open state you can begin
reading your chosen scripts and programs aloud as you continue to guide the client and facilitate a positive state of awareness
and self-empowered approach to creating the life and reality of their dreams.

By establishing rapport, eliciting criteria and using the techniques outlined in this course you too will have the skills at your
disposal to make a lucrative and fulfilling career assisting others. A full or part time business drawing upon the tools
presented here and/or simply offering relaxation scripts and guided meditation/visualization techniques as an additional
service after your formal shows and stage engagements, private readings and other services has a lot of appeal and a
multitude of extremely positive benefits for both you and those you acquire and enquire about your services.

I am vehemently opposed to anyone reading this book and using these techniques while marketing themselves as any type of
therapist, healer or other expert unless properly trained, qualified, licensed and insured to do so. I advise ‘Thought Veil’
students to be honest and upfront at all times about your training and qualifications or lack thereof. Realize that nobody is
going to bust your balls when offering proven techniques for stress relief, guided meditation, creative visualization and
positive suggestions as tools for change and personal empowerment.

There’s nothing wrong with telling a potential client,

‘Over the years I’ve studied a number of positive thinking and self help tools designed to assist myself and others. These range from progressive
relaxation techniques, focused breathing, stress relief, guided meditation, creative visualization, positive suggestions and affirmations to empowering
internal scripts and inspired mental programs with lightly altered states of mind. All these tools have been shown and proven to produce a very
beneficial state of relaxed focused awareness and a positive state of being within those I work with.’

I advise staying away from the word ‘hypnosis’ and especially ‘therapy’ when offering these tools. Present them as they are for
what they are and promise to do your very best for the people you work with. While we can and should always encourage
positive change and results it’s not something you can ever really promise or guarantee a person.

By relaxing a client and helping take their stress away, eliciting criteria and working with it during your programs and sessions,
using positive states of being and powerful words with PROVEN techniques for positive self talk and internal changes the
client WILL experience positive and beneficial results.

When we our clear in our intentions and gear those results towards a certain outcome whether it be smoking cessation, rapid
weight loss, relaxation and stress relief, promoting positive attitudes, positive self talk and positive imaging as we
simultaneously impart tools the client can USE TO HELP THEMSELVES we take a gigantic step forward in terms of
supporting people who really want to change in their choices and decision to create a better life.

Now I am handing over the reins and offering you a number of scripts I use and have found to carry the most dramatic,
positive results of any pre-planned relaxation coaching and internal awareness sessions.

We’re going to treat this like a business and as such I’m including scripts for the most popular and sought after uses of
hypnosis and hypnosis-like techniques for positive change.

It’s very beneficial for each student to experience firsthand HOW these various techniques look and feel in actual use and
practice. If you happen to be studying this course with a friend I advise taking turns placing each other into a deep state of
relaxation and following the appropriate scripts. If working solo simply record yourself reading these scripts into a tape
player or electronic voice recorder to give yourself a delightful ‘mini session.’

After the scripts we’ll look at a proven business outline and plan of action ‘Thought Veil’ students can incorporate immediately
to begin changing the world and her people in positive ways and creating financial abundance and prosperity in your own life.
These techniques are very powerful. I trust you to treat them with the respect and attention they deserve.

The Clear Plastic Bag

The following is something I have used for years in my public and private work with phenomenal results. It has
increased in value and popularity since I learned it over 10 years ago and I’ve made some important changes to the
work for better results.

The ‘Clear Plastic Bag’ meditation/guided visualization can be used with 1 person or 1,000. You can incorporate it before your
lecture or program to ‘clear’ an audience or after the bulk of your program to close your show and share something special
with the group gathered around you. I often use it before or after my private readings and it’s also one of the first things I do
with new clients for hypnotherapy.

A fantastic use for this technique in mentalism is to follow the meditation as described, taking an entire audience through the
process and then using it as a frame to deliver your Q&A – seemingly drawing upon the pool of information contained
within ‘the bag’ to give your readings.

I like to have some ambient music playing very lightly in the background during this process which lasts just under 10
minutes in performance and delivery and can be shortened or lengthened as you desire.

The reason this meditation is so helpful and positively therapeutic is because in addition to deeply relaxing a person or group
of people to facilitate stress release/relief it also allows the facilitator AND subjects to let go (mentally and emotionally) of
many fixed beliefs, opinions, habits and experiences which may not serve the client at this point in their life.

A very advanced use for the ‘Swish Pattern’ I use with a single individual in my private practice consists of following the
meditation to the end and then moving the bag and its contents which DO NOT serve the client’s HIGHEST AND
GREATEST GOOD across the visual planes and into the appropriate submodality of beliefs, ideas, thoughts and
experiences that are ‘NOT TRUE/NO LONGER TRUE’ and ‘not working’ for the client for instantaneous positive change
and release. These changes are often radical, dramatic, FAST and most important, permanent.

I’ve used this script effectively with my clients for smoking cessation, breaking habits and even hardcore addictions in
addition to the many positive benefits already listed.

This program and script is the perfect one to use during a lecture and presentation on the mind, guided meditation, creative
visualization, relaxation and stress relief, self hypnosis and other such subjects. It results in a very clear, centered, positive
feeling and self empowered group or individual. The value of such a script, to me and the work I do, is of infinite worth.

It begins,

‘Imagine in front of you there is a large, crystal-clear bag.

As you look at the bag I want you to notice all you can about it, especially the clarity of the bag and how easily you can see anything placed INTO
the bag.

One thing you might notice immediately is the color inside the bag. Imagine a beautiful, sparkling purple light slowly moving around inside the bag,
almost iridescent.

Take a moment and simply feel this soft, purple light swirling around inside the bag.

There are things you can place into this bag; things about yourself, your thoughts, your ideas, your hopes and difficulties . . .

Willfully place your own name into the bag and everything it means about you, what it says about who you are and how it feels to have this name.

See your name swirling in the purple light – drifting around inside the bag.

Place into the bag your clothes, your favorite outfit, your entire wardrobe.

Place in the bag your hairstyle and your makeup, what it says about you and what kind of statement it makes; everything it means to and about

Watch it all slowly swirling around in the bag and notice the things that are important to you.

Put in the bag your furniture, your entire house and everything in it. Notice everything you own swirling in the purple mist.

Now put in the bag your car, what it says about you and what you are trying to tell others about yourself.

Now put your phone in the bag . . . and all of your possessions into the bag.

Put your job in the bag and all those ideas that you are what you do.

Put your mind in the bag and with that, the little voice in the back of your mind that’s always telling you what to think and what to do.

Put your personality in the bag.

Your dreams.

Your nightmares and all your fears.

Place in the bag your beliefs . . . all of your beliefs about money, men, women, sex, beliefs about your weight, your complexion.

Beliefs about race, God, religion, politics. Place it all into the bag for a moment.

Place in the bag all of the ideas and fears you have about death and loneliness

Put your mother in the bag and all of your ideas and thoughts about her.

Put your father in the bag.

And into the bag now place your sisters, brothers, grandparents, husband, wife or significant other; your children and your friends . . . all inside the

Put in the bag anyone you have ever hurt

Put all of your complaints in the bag, anything and everything that you have ever complained about and all that energy.

And All your judgments into the bag

Those people and things you felt were good, bad, right, wrong . . .

Put in the bag your need to always be ‘right’ and your secret desire to be ‘wrong’

Your opinions, opinions about what you have and have not accomplished.

Opinions about failure, reputation, things you’re guilty of, laws you broke, your personal problems and all the arguments you’ve ever had into the

Put into the bag all the agreements you didn’t keep.

All the relationships you left and all the relationships that left you.

Put in the bag others opinions about you. Opinions your parents had about what they wanted you to be, what your friends wanted you to be, what
your boss wanted you to be.

Put in the bag what your enemies think of you.

Your characteristics, habits, addictions, your resistance – put it all in the bag and just watch it all swirling and moving, all those things that are you
and that define you.

Put in the bag your need to be argumentative or vengeful.

Your need to be alone, your need to be surrounded constantly.

Your desire to not tell the truth – your desire to confront or not confront others

Put in the bag your refusal to let other people teach you, your reluctance to empower other people.

In the bag put all your fears and your need to justify what you do, right or wrong – the reasons why you are what you are.

Place all of your current problems about health, love, money and relationships into the bag.

All of those things about you, swirling in the bag and dancing with purple, misty light.

Now look around and put anything you might have forgotten in the bag, anything about you, put it all in there so that everything that is you is in
the bag.

Now put the clothes you are wearing into the bag.

Put your naked body in the bag.

See everything that is you IN THE BAG, all swirling around within it, drifting through the purple light and notice, YOU ARE NOT IN

You are who is looking at the bag.

You created everything in that bag to help you experience yourself, BUT YOU ARE NOT IN THE BAG!

You are free to keep or discard anything in the bag that is not for your highest and greatest good.

It is YOUR CHOICE, it is your choice – these things are NOT you.

YOU are not who is in the bag, you are not those THINGS or past experiences in the bag.


(pause here)

Choose to keep only those things which serve your true purpose and all elements that serve your own highest and greatest good and work with you
and for you in your life. You can keep whatever you choose. It is your choice.

Anything else may be discarded – in a moment you will release the negative contents of the bag out into the Universe where it will remain far away
from you.

Imagine keeping anything you don’t wish inside the bag and tying a large knot around the top of it with a glowing, golden ribbon sealing up the
contents which no longer serve you . . .

How you choose to discard the unwanted contents is up to you. Be creative!

The Round Room Exercise

This exercise and visualization is really basic and wonderful. It entails leading your subject into a ‘Round Room’ in
the deepest parts of their mind; a room which represents their own subconscious mind where EVERY detail and
memory of their own live(s) and experience is safely kept in large wall to wall files.

This exercise is great for clients wishing to remember certain key information about their past or present. Because the
‘Round Room’ effectively contains everything about the subject we can also find all their memories, experiences, habits,
personality traits, beliefs and other information there.

I begin with a progressive multi-level relaxation sequence which guides the participant into an elevator or staircase which
goes down by levels. With each level passed the client allows themselves to relax – to double, triple and quadruple their level
of relaxation until they hit the bottom (3rd) level.

Here the doors swing open and we enter a large, round room with files, bookcases, shelves, a computer system and other
information logs. Here the client can meet their own subconscious assistant to assist them in finding and locating pertinent
files easily and naturally.

In some cases I’ll add levels and layers or different rooms to this central ‘Information Station.’ Often this includes a special
locked ‘back room’ only the Subconscious Guide & assistant has access to. Upon special request s/he can retrieve files
detailing past lives, the Akashic Records, soul blueprint and even the DNA programs and files for health and wellness for my

These files can be viewed almost like a movie being projected upon a computer or movie screen in the Round Room. The
subject simply describes what they see as the movie plays and I record this information or jot down notes as I deem fit.

If I have a client who wishes to change some aspect of their personality or a behavior pattern/habit I’ll lead them into this
‘Round Room’ and ask them to locate the file titled ‘SMOKING’ for example. This could just as easily be ‘anxiety’ or
‘relationship issues’ or whatever you’re working on.

Once the appropriate file is located we can look at it together, read the information and beliefs held inside it and see what the
pattern or underlying issue is regarding the consideration we’re working with.

Once the file is located and studied (and found to be ‘no longer working’ for the client) I guide my subject through a process
where they destroy the file via burning, a paper shredder, tearing it to pieces…whatever works!

Once the file has been destroyed the subject now writes a new program with my expert facilitation. I incorporate their criteria
into this process with visualizations, auto suggestions/direct commands (affirmations) and pattern interrupts such as EFT,
the ‘Swish’ patterns and more.

This ‘new’ program can be written out by hand in the client’s mind very quickly or even typed up on one of the computers
nearby. For the sake of time this task can even be given to their subconscious guide and assistant to be handled almost

Once the new file and program has been written and the old file destroyed, we replace that old file with the new one. To do
this have your subject place this new, inspired file in the exact same location as the old one (i.e. on the same bookshelf, filing

cabinet or drawer). They are to tell/command the subconscious mind and assistant to begin running the new program

Only a very light trance state is required for this very fun and creative exercise. You can include any other hypnotic processes,
bits of business or details you wish. Unlike the previous and forthcoming SCRIPTS this mental program does not include
my wording for such an experience. It changes based on the client and together we generate the appropriate process and
imagery in the moment.

Intuition is a big factor here, as is your own creativity and that of your client’s.

Taking this brief outline and remembering to stay in alignment with their criteria, using language patterns and powerful
words, guided imagery, light and/or deep relaxation processes and psychological/subconscious clearing exercises you’ll have
yourself a complete session that happens to work out very, very well.

I usually include this exercise as part of a longer session. I’ve also used it with great success with a potential client to
introduce them to hypnotherapy and the services I offer.

Your Secret Place

Once again we find an exercise, visualization and process that is very therapeutic, easy to use and extremely
effective. I love sharing this piece and process with my clients after a private reading or Reiki session. This script
and exercise can be utilized before, during or after such things with remarkable results.

You may use the wording I learned and further developed to create this experience or like any scripts, change it to one more
suitable for you.

Many times when I’m out and about people will begin speaking with me about hypnosis or ‘psychic things’ and ask me what
it’s like to be hypnotized, have a past life regression or other things of interest. Instead of describing a process that’s different
for every person I offer to SHOW THEM right then and there with this ‘Secret Place’ mental program and guided

I’ll use a combination of ‘The Jumping Pulse’ with my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction to lead the participant into a deep state of
relaxed focused awareness.

Once properly induced I simply go through this exercise and end with a plethora of positive suggestions, affirmations and a
proper count out. The entire process only takes a few minutes and is a super ‘give away.’

After this process (and during it) I’m leading, teaching and instructing my participant to access this inner ‘Secret Place’ anytime
they wish to relax deeply, decompress and de-stress completely and wash away any feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness or
frustration easily and naturally.

The participant can also access this place within them to develop their own natural knowing, intuition and clairvoyant vision,
meet with their guides, explore their past lives and have other related experiences.

To say that people LOVE this process would be a gross understatement. They usually show me their gratitude by booking
another (or initial) session with me on the spot.

Think about how powerful of a tool this really is and how valuable it is to everyone you meet and share it with. In causal
settings it’s a perfect introduction to hypnosis or psychic development and a great gift to share with others. This miniature
demonstration really generates a lot of attention and I’ll often do it with groups of people together. I also run my audiences
through it when incorporating group hypnosis and group mind dynamics in my shows, lectures and presentations.

Shortened versions of this script and process can be written quite easily or even free-styled in the moment before a unique
piece of mind reading. I find that when I use this exercise with a person prior to ANY demonstration which includes the
ideometer response (pendulum, table tipping, glass moving, CMR, etc) I continually get better responses because the client is
relaxed and feeling REALLY good!

It starts like this,

‘There is a psychic, special place that you can go to – a place that is exclusively yours, where you can relax, dream and store up energy for your
return trip back into the physical world.

I won’t presume to tell you where it is or what it is, I only know how to find it.

Over years of practice I’ve found it’s different for everyone. The fact is that it’s SO SECRET of a place that you yourself won’t even know about
it until you actually reach it! Then, there it will be, fully developed, spread out before you and inviting you to enter.

Once you’ve found it you can return whenever you wish, knowing it will be there and knowing you will always have it all to yourself. This is a place
that’s easy for you to reach but impossible for anyone else to desecrate – finally a place you can call your own that is uniquely yours and prepared
with a special purpose in mind…how does that sound?

For many people their ‘Secret Place’ becomes as sacred as a chapel, as impressive as a church, as inspiring as a cathedral and as holy as a temple.
A place where when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me we are one.

When you’re ready we can begin…I can guide you to the door of this place, but I cannot enter in. It is your special, secret place and yours alone.
Are you ready?


Go ahead and sit up straight in your seat then, hands palm down in your lap, feet flat on the floor and take a few deep breaths with me…and now
just allow your eyes to close as you listen closely to the sound of my voice and my directions.

As you continue to breathe deeply now, take a deep breath and HOLD IT…exhale slowly…

Do it again…a big deep breath…hold it…good, now exhale…you’re following along perfectly.

This time while you’re breathing in imagine a WHITE, PROTECTIVE LIGHT coming in through your nose and filling up your lungs.
Breathe it in and feel the calmness and purity of this WHITE, PROTECTIVE LIGHT as it comes into your body and radiates throughout
your entire being…

And as you sit in your chair, breathing deeply, imagining this white protective light and listening to the sound of my voice now, I want you to
visualize the color RED.

SEE IT in your mind’s eye. Actually SEE IT with your inner vision, imagination and creativity and know that you have seen it even though your
eyes are closed…this is easy…

Now see the color ORANGE. See it in your mind and KNOW that you have seen it, even if only for a brief moment. Nod your head when you
have done this…

And now the color YELLOW, just like before. See it in your mind and know that you have seen it. Nod your head…

And now the color GREEN – continuing to relax even deeper now, breathing deeply and listening to my voice as you imagine these colors within
you easily and naturally. Again, just nod your head when you’ve done this…

And now the color BLUE. See the color BLUE in your mind and thoughts. Know that you have seen it and nod your head when you do.

And now down to the final color – your choice…it can be either VIOLET or LILAC. See the color in your mind, experience it now and realize
that because you have seen it within you it’s helping you to relax even deeper and more completely now…

See yourself standing and surrounded by the color VIOLET or LILAC. Actually SEE your physical body standing there as if in a mist or
cloud of VIOLET or LILAC.

Don’t try too hard to see it or rush too fast to relax completely…just allow it to come to you, let it come gradually and we won’t do anything else
until your physical body has been completely covered in this soft, conducive and highly spiritual/relaxing color.

When you’ve reached this VIOLET deeply relaxed state then, with your eyes still closed, look in front of you and you’ll begin to see that you’re
standing at the end of a corridor.

The hall is made completely of white marble. The walls are marble, the floor is marble, the ceiling is marble. It’s not a very long corridor and there’s
a light at the end. Start walking down the hallway, in your mind, in the direction of the LIGHT.

When you get to the light, stop and nod your head (or wiggle your index finger).

Now in front of you, if you’ll look down at your feet, you’ll see that you’re standing at the top of a staircase. There are steps there in front of you
leading DOWNWARD.

What the staircase is made up of is not important to me, but it’s important to you because this is the staircase leading to YOUR SECRET
PLACE. Put a staircase there that suits your own thoughts and personality – a staircase that you might like to have in some private mansion
inside your soul. In your own words, tell me what you see…

There are 13 steps on this staircase and in a moment you’re doing to start down them and you’ll take them all the way down to the bottom, but only
as fast as you can relax deeply and completely. Wait just a moment until I guide you to descend, drifting deeper and deeper into this perfectly
relaxed state.

NOT YET, but as you go down the steps I want you to SEE YOURSELF descending the stairs and I want you to see your physical body going
down them. See yourself as it happens. FEEL yourself descending down those stairs as we count them aloud and they pass by beneath you.

All right. You’re now standing on the top step, the 13th step.

I want you to go down to the 12th step and raise your finger when you’ve done so…

Down to the 11th step…continuing to raise your finger as you relax even deeper and continue to step downward into your special SECRET

Down to the 10th step…

And now down to the 9th step, becoming more perfectly relaxed and centered with each step we pass…see yourself descending…

Down to the 8th step, relaxing deeper and deeper...

Down to the 7th step…you’re doing perfectly…

Now down to the 6th step…feeling even better with each passing moment…

Down to the 5th step…taking a big deep breath for me now…

Down to the 4th step…deeper and deeper relaxed…

Down to the 3rd step…you’re almost there…

Down to the 2nd step…feeling perfect in every way…

And finally down to the 1st step…

You’re at the bottom of the stairs and I’ve got to say, you’ve done very well up to this point, and I appreciate that!

Bring both of your feet together on the landing pad at the bottom of those stairs in your mind and REALIZE that At this point you are deeper
inside of your own TRUE SELF than possibly you ever have been before.

Notice how it feels and you wonderful you can feel now that you’ve done this…and yet, you are in complete control. You can, just by opening your
eyes, return back up to the normal conscious level. You’re perfectly safe here and can allow yourself to feel even calmer, more centered and aware.

You are where you are because you want to be here.

Realize that you’re not being hypnotized, you’re not being placed into a trance and this isn’t hypnosis. You will continue to remain fully in control
of your Self, conscious, alert, awake and aware at all times drifting deeper and deeper and deeper into this profound, relaxed state of mind and
body with each passing moment and continue feeling perfect in every way – and even better as we go along.

Take a deep breath and simply feel the atmosphere of this newly discovered level of complete peace, total relaxation and perfect inner bliss.

And now I want you to notice there’s a door there in front of you. Look at it. Describe it to me but first examine it carefully in your mind. What
kind of material is it made of ? Wood? Metal? Glass? Steel?

Is it painted, studded or of a natural color?

Are there any designs on it? (If so, ask them how they would describe those designs and how it makes them FEEL!).

Does it look light or heavy?

In your own words, tell me what you see…’

NOTE: At this point I should mention to continue to pay close attention to the subject’s answers here. Like the popular
game, ‘The Cube’ this door and how the subject describes it, is symbolic of their own self.

You can bring this up later, or not. In any case it will give you a nice look into how the subject views and perceives
themselves on an unconscious level and will give you lots of information for a nice reading during the wrap up and post
hypnotic discussion.

‘Wonderful…keep that in mind and remember it because this is YOUR DOOR – the door to your very own secret/special place. Look at it
carefully so you can recognize it again the next time you see it. From this moment forth, all you have to do to enter the Secret Garden of your Soul
and feel this very same way is imagine walking down those steps, approaching this door and what lies in wait for you on the other side.

Now look at the lock and handle of your door. What are they made of ? What color are they? Are they light or heavy looking?

Notice there’s a key in the lock. Take the key out and examine it. What kind of material is it made of ? What color is it? How does it feel in
your hand?

Now, place the key back into the lock. Before you open the door KNOW that behind it is a scene from Nature. This is your secret place! Expect to
see an outdoor scene. Expect and allow yourself to see your particular private scene.

Now open the door.

Step inside.

What do you see?

Take your time before you answer. Look around you. Walk into your scene and notice everything about it.

Are there trees? Mountains? Birds? Rocks? Flowers? Clouds? Crystals? Streams? A river perhaps? Maybe some green grass and rolling


Look around. If there is something there you don’t like, CHANGE IT! This is your own private world and you can change anything about it to
suit yourself. This world responds to your thoughts, wishes and desires. You can instantly create or erase anything and everything around it.
Decorate it with your own mind and heart so that it’s perfect for YOU.

Are there things missing that you would like there? Go ahead and put those things there wherever you choose. Using your power to create, your own
mind and creativity you can create the world of your dreams, inside and out.

Just by WANTING to have something here, you can have it instantly. This is YOUR secret place inside yourself. You can do with it as you

Listen for sounds. Are there any? Birds? Music? Water or the wind rustling the leaves? Listen to the sounds of your secret place. Hear them and
notice them all now…

Take a deep breath…

Bring in the air of this new place. What do you smell? Flowers? Perfume? Freshly mown grass? Take a deep breath and bring into your lungs the
freshness and purity of this incredible air.

Now continue wandering in your wanderings and exploration of this place. Walk around for a few and look and approve of what you see, or
change and create it the way you wish and see fit.

Find a comfortable place and sit down, perhaps under a tree or at the edge of a brook. Maybe you want to perch on a rock, or maybe you just want
to stretch out on the grass and stare at the sky.

Go ahead now and do whatever you wish, letting the beauty, purity, power, magnificence and magic of this place to saturate your very being.

I’ll be quiet for about 5 or 10 minutes. This is your world and you can do as you wish. When you’re complete with your experience and have
bonded with your special place simply clasp your hands together in front of you and I’ll guide the way out.’

This visualization is magnificent because it includes our sense of feeling, seeing, smelling and hearing. You could also include
tasting as I often do, leading my subject to their own TREE OF LIFE or a special garden where they can pick out sweet
fruits and taste them as it rejuvenates and replenishes them on every level.

Every word and direction in this process is there for a reason. By describing certain things and how they feel, nodding their
head, tapping their finger, taking deep breaths and clasping their hands at the end the subject effectively buys into and invests
in the experience. They create a reality!

I often use this special place as a metaphor for the subject creating the life of their dreams. I explain how they can come here
anytime they wish to heal, relax, relieve their stress and explore their mind, heart and soul whenever they choose.

We might take their criteria together and use it to create certain things within this hidden landscape such as a ‘healing cave’ or
‘cleansing waterfall’ or ‘abundance garden’, ‘peace flowers’ and similar surroundings.

Depending on the context I am working I usually allow my subject to remain in this place for about 10 minutes, or until they
feel complete and clasp their hands in front of them. When they do, that’s my cue to lead them back out the way we came.

You’ll find many people might drift to sleep here for a short power nap. That’s okay. When I start talking again they will
usually come around. At that point I ask them to clasp their hands and lead them back out. I hesitate to use this exercise with
my subject’s lying down because I want them to stay conscious, alert and participating in this event. Some people are simply
tired and that’s okay too.

When it’s time to leave this secret place I say,

‘Take another deep breath and realize you can re-enter and re-experience this special place inside of yourself whenever you wish. Get up from
where you’ve been in your mind and special place and have a nice stretch.

Look around you one last time for now. Make sure everything you wanted there is still there and everything you wished to change has remained

Now walk back to the door. When you get to the door turn around and take another deep breath. I want to see your lungs filling and expanding
with pure, energizing oxygen. Take one last deep breath of this incredible atmosphere and then turn around and walk back through the door. Pull
it shut behind you. Turn the key in the lock. Make sure the door to your secret place is locked now and put the key in your pocket.

Now turn around and you’ll notice you’re standing at the bottom of that staircase again. Stand at the bottom and as I count, see and feel yourself
going up each step one after another until you reach the top of those stairs. Good? Perfect…

Walk onto the first step…

And now up to the 2nd step…

And the 3rd…

The 4th…going higher and higher, your thoughts becoming centered and clear, continuing to feel remarkable in every way…

And the 5th…

And the 6th…taking a deep breath for me now…

Up to the 7th…

And the 8th…you’re doing perfectly…

Up to the 9th…realizing you can enter this special place anytime you wish through these same stairs and doorway…

And the 10th…preparing to open your eyes and center yourself back in the room here with me…

And now the 11th step…

The 12th step…ready to move through the colors before you open your eyes again…

And again on the 13th step at the top of the staircase…wonderful!

Before we proceed look down the hallway and notice a LIGHT at the other end of the corridor. Start walking towards that light and stop to nod
your head when you reach it…


Now let yourself be bathed in that violet or lilac color, just like before. Feel it all around you like a fine mist or gentle cloud upon your body. See
yourself surrounded by this colored, calming light…

And now that color changes to BLUE…

It changes up into GREEN…

Up into YELLOW…

Up into ORANGE…

Up into RED…

Take one last deep breath and as you do, when it’s perfect for you go ahead and open your eyes feeling wide awake, alert, centered, calm and
aware…back here in the room with me and ready to share your experience!

Welcome back!

How do you feel?

Who do I remind you of ?’

And there you go!

Now that your client knows where their SECRET PLACE is and how to get there they can choose to enter this same
profound state anytime they wish. I’ll usually make a few short notes on the back of a business card with the color/light
sequence, the 13 steps and a few words they used to describe their door.

I might also take this opportunity to share a few things my subject can do in their special place to create a better life for
themselves. One thing I enjoy is teaching them how to ‘sow seeds’ of what they desire in a secret garden. In this garden there
is always enough water, fertile soil and ample sunlight to give life and energy to what they desire and wish to create for
themselves. I explain how they can wade into the gentle streams and rivers and allow the waters to melt away their stress. I
instruct them on how they can gaze into a crystal or bird bath and imagine their friends, family or co workers and speak
directly to their unconscious mind or how to send positive thoughts and healing energies to them.

The SECRET PLACE really is amazing!

You can treat this experience like hypnosis with an induction of your choice or as a simple yet profound guided visualization
that’s perfect for stress reduction and instant relaxation.

Visualizing the SECRET PLACE and going through the steps to get there alters our natural brainwave patterns and produces
a state perfect for sleep. Often this is a great ‘cure all’ for insomnia that my clients just LOVE.

As a demonstration of hypnotic trance states this is a very beneficial tool to share. I also present it a lot as a guided
meditation and use it in conjunction with the ‘Jumping Pulse’ and my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction as stated before. The
process itself can be lengthened by adding more stairs and more time for the creation and visualization of the secret place, or
shortened by taking steps and time away.

Often I will induce and deeply relax a client, take them to their special place and once there I deliver my regular hypnosis
scripts and mental programs to affect the client’s behavior, attitudes and daily patterns for positive change. It’s here that I
provide positive suggestions, affirmations and symbols, metaphors and other instruments for personal healing,
empowerment and wellbeing.

Once my client has entered their SECRET PLACE I can continue to access it over our future work and sessions together. It
effectively allows a person to hypnotize themselves and I do this a lot in my weekend workshops too by instructing everyone
(on day 2) to take a deep breath and enter their ‘SECRET PLACE’ so we can proceed.

A person can relax and enter their special place inside them in just a few short minutes. This is perfect before a test, on a
coffee break, as a power nap, before a reading, after a reading or healing session and more. I often access my own special,
secret place inside multiple times a day. I find it’s a great way to clear myself between clients and especially when I’m having a
rough day. When combined with Bill’s ‘Jumping Pulse’ this exercise produces a profound state of mindfulness, focused
awareness and deep relaxation.

Just the process of resting for a few minutes throughout the day has proven to relax and de-stress us and to become mindful
in this way will naturally lower blood pressure, extend our life spans, increase energy levels and make us happier. There are so

many positive benefits to be shared through this process that it truly is one of the invaluable tools I use in my daily life and
professional work.

Many people these days feel a staircase induction or deepening techniques are too slow and out of date to be perfect. In
some ways I agree, in some ways I disagree strongly. While there are faster ways to develop a state of deep relaxation within
your clients I still use this technique with certain people with incredible results.

Keep in mind that whether you use the staircase or other rapid relaxation and deepening techniques that you can still draw
upon the ‘SECRET PLACE’ guided visualization process with spectacular results.

Accessing A Basic Psychic Level

Because I’m a babe of the New Age and love what it offers, my current hypnotherapy practice is very alternative
and metaphysical in both nature and service.

Many of the sessions I provide currently have to deal with Past Life Regressions (PLR), increasing natural knowing, intuition
and energetic awareness within others, spiritual/energetic healing, contacting Guides, Angels and the Higher Self of my
clients and more.

I find the programs and sessions I provide my clients with today are very much in line with my own beliefs, interests and
goals I have for myself. I provide a lot of private readings and Intuitive Workshops and as such my clients are often times
naturally drawn to these areas of study and practice too.

In your own business you might wish to focus on Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Teaching, Peak Performance
Training/Success Coaching, Stress Relief and Instant/Rapid Relaxation Techniques too. Maybe you’ll decide to offer just a
few of the most common reasons and goals that people seek hypnosis and hypnotherapy for such as smoking cessation,
weight loss, increasing their sales and business productivity and more. The choice is yours and you should always do work
that is enjoyable to you and sits in alignment with your own goals and interests if you want to have fun and be more effective
while earning extra income.

What follows here is a technique I share with many of my clients and in my workshops and sometimes even as a short
demonstration of hypnosis all by itself. When coupled with a nice induction, relaxation and deepening techniques, a few
anchors and well placed suggestions the following program is very, very effective.

I provide this session and accompanying tools that will enable one to access a basic psychic operating level. From this light
altered state of mind and consciousness I’ve found that my own natural knowing and intuition – as well as that of my clients
– increases many times over. It provides a nice ‘home base’ and optimal level for all things psychic, spiritual and intuitive.

This ‘Basic Psychic Level’ can be used and shared with those who give readings or provide any type of healing work that
requires intuition to function at a high level for the best results. It can be offered to those who practice Tai Chi, Yoga or
meditation, or even just for people who wishes to be more in tune with their unconscious abilities and better explore the
psychic and spiritual side to life.

I’ve also found this makes for a great presentation of mentalism and mind reading when offered strictly for entertainment
purposes. By using a fast induction, rapid deepening techniques and then leading a participant through this program
BEFORE your mind reading demonstration the impact and positive results can be increased exponentially. It will also leave
your volunteer with a working tool they can use in their day to day life to help develop their intuition.

If working in this manner and fashion I ALWAYS perform and share something where intuition is a real factor in the
success! Items such as my ‘Thought Channel’, ‘Terasabos’, ‘which hand’ work, guessing playing cards, the use of psychological
forces and pendulum work all do very well here, to name just a few examples.

To begin, elicit criteria and set your intention with the client to discover and attain the keys to their basic psychic level.
Proceed with your favorite induction and deepening technique and continue producing a relaxed, focused state using the
breath and the classic color spectrum. Once a deep level of relaxation and receptivity has been induced you have a few
options. Here are some that I use:

1). Elicit states.

Once relaxed I elicit an intuitive state of being within my client. This can be similar to a very light and gentle regression
wherein the client allows their mind to drift back to a moment in time wherein they received some gut feeling, heart
response, intuitive impression, hunch or feeling that defied conscious, logical, rational thinking but still provided them with a
deeper, more intuitive information and feedback.

Maybe they’ve had a dream where something happened and later in real life it DID happen? Perhaps they thought of a friend
from out of the blue one day and that person just happened to call or text them shortly thereafter? Many people have
hopped in the car with a certain song or tune in their head only to turn on the radio to hear that exact song playing!

Many times your subject will have more than enough experiences along these lines to recall. When they do I simply invite
them back into that experience to see and feel what it was like IN THAT MOMENT. Once a proper thought or memory has
been recalled we anchor that feeling into the subject using an anchor of your choice.

2). Programming.

Another approach is to install a verbal program the subconscious mind can respond to when consciously desired. Once a
deep level of relaxation has been achieved I proceed with the following WHITE LIGHT SCRIPT,

‘And now I want you to imagine a gentle, soothing point of LIGHT sparkling in the air and space right above you; in your mind you can see and
sense and feel this LIGHT anytime you wish by simply imagining it being there and intending for it to come forth and feel the effects.

And now imagine this small, shimmering point of LIGHT becomes even brighter and more radiant; a warm, comforting, healing, protective form
of light that rapidly becomes so large, so beautiful and so intense that although it doesn’t hurt your eyes at all, it is so large and luminous that no
matter where you look, all you see is this beautiful field of light that engulfs you, surrounds you, wraps you up and seeps deeply into the heart and
soul of your very being.

When you can see this LIGHT as I’ve just described in your mind, go ahead and make a circle by pressing your thumb and your ring finger of
your LEFT HAND together, and as you do NOTICE how that LIGHT becomes larger, stronger and even more vibrant as it radiates within
you and all around you.

Realize that as you bask in this warm, loving, connected energy and pure WHITE LIGHT that no matter where you look there is no evidence of
lack, sickness or separation anywhere within it. Inside this LIGHT all things are connected and everything is perfect.

And now release the circle you’ve made with your fingers and notice how the LIGHT remains with you now but withdraws ever so slightly – and
understand that it does so because the LIGHT responds perfectly to your breath, your thoughts and your feelings…

And now make that same perfect circle with your fingers again and notice/experience how the LIGHT seems to enter into you once again as a
warm, loving, healing, protective blanket and cascading waves of Universal Consciousness and pure, Life Force energy flowing all around you…

…And notice how you can direct this LIGHT with your thoughts so that it flows back and forth inside of you and all around you, swirling
around, rolling about like clouds in the blue night sky before you, diamonds and stars twinkling in its wings, tumbling around inside you, crashing
like gentle waves all around you and notice that it goes anywhere and everywhere you want and desire for it to go… shimmering and illuminating
your heart and soul as it moves and as it stays…causing you to feel perfect in every way…as the LIGHT shares an experience of peace and well
being, healing, blessings, Divine Grace, mercy, perfect forgiveness, protection on every level and Unconditional Love radiating throughout every cell
of your body…’

I love using this white and/or silver, gold and iridescent shimmering energy to calm, relax and soothe my clients prior to past
life regressions, private readings, Angel Communication Therapy and other such processes.

The Light itself might take on the various colors of the rainbow as I take my participant through the color scale with
breathing for an even deeper state of peace and relaxation.

Once I feel we’ve achieved a desirable level I continue with,

‘Realize that right now, in this very moment, you are experiencing what is known as your BASIC PSYCHIC LEVEL – a level of mind,
heightened consciousness and expanded sensory awareness wherein your natural knowing, intuition and spiritual discernment can function at a
much higher level than ever before.

You can enter this same deep level of natural knowing and psychic/intuitive awareness for whatever reason and purpose that you choose for

Those reasons might be for past life regressions, to give more accurate psychic readings, getting to know another person on a psychic level and
receiving intuitive impressions about them, communicating with the Universal Consciousness, accessing your precognitive dream states, working with
energy, meeting your Guides and Guardian Angels or even speaking directly with the energy and memories of your loved ones on the Other Side
now held deeply and completely within your own mind and heart…and you can do all of this and more by accessing this BASIC PSYCHIC
LEVEL while remaining fully conscious with your eyes open or closed, aware and alert at all times by simply applying the five (5) Keys to get here

Closing your eyes, taking a few deep breaths (3 is ideal), counting backwards from three down to one, visualizing the White Light all around you
and making a circle with your thumb and ring finger. Applying the 5 Keys together will immediately place you into this unique intuitive state we
now know as your BASIC PSYCHIC LEVEL.

When you feel comfortable and familiar with this level you can begin to access it by closing your eyes and counting backwards from three down to one
which will place you here again immediately having a similar experience.

While functioning and operating at this BASIC PSYCHIC LEVEL you may find your natural knowing and intuition is greatly increased. The
feelings, hunches and impressions that come to you are much easier to discern, more crisp, clear and stronger in their feelings…and all of your
senses and extra sensory gifts function together at an increased level when your mind and heart work together in this special state and place…is that
okay for you to know?


In a moment I’ll count from one up to three and ask you to open your eyes. When you do you’ll be wide awake, feeling fresh, focused and alert –
feeling perfect in every way – and I’ll watch closely as you take the steps just learned to access your BASIC PSYCHIC LEVEL.

Nod your head when you’re ready to proceed and I’ll count you out of this deeply relaxed, intuitive state.

1, 2 & 3 – WIDE AWAKE!

How was that?

How do you feel?’

I might take a few moments and explain to my subject how they can call upon the WHITE LIGHT while visualizing a friend
or family member in need of healing to send their positive thoughts, energy, feelings and good intentions to them for
assistance. I also teach them how they can direct and place the LIGHT around their car, house, office and personal objects as
a protective, glowing barrier of good thoughts, harmonious vibrations and loving intentions.

Whether you believe in spiritual energy or wish to approach this as another mental construct is up to you.

After listening to my client’s experience with the Light I recap how they can access the Light and this greater intuitive field
and their BASIC PSYCHIC LEVEL anytime they wish by simply closing their eyes, taking a few deep breaths, counting
backwards, visualizing the Light, making the circle with their fingers and affirming their own BPL.

Once we’re both (or all) clear, I go ahead and invite the subject or group to take the steps and place themselves once again at

This is the perfect opening to a Psi-Party, Séance, private reading and other experiences. I used to host psychometry nights
and Reiki evenings in my home and would teach and lead those gathered each week through this process before we shared
psychometry readings and our true impressions with each other. It also works very, very well with aura readings and analysis.

People seem to really LOVE and respond well to this exercise and lesson. We can link the White Light to a number of
positive feelings, happy memories and joyous experiences, a symbol, affirmation, mantra, Yantra, a physical item such as a
crystal and other states of being or anchors to produce marvelous results at an unconscious level. I treat this as I would any
other therapeutic, naturally relaxing/calming/soothing tool.

As a person feels more relaxed and connected of course they are going to be in better touch with their feelings and intuition.
Also, when the subject uses their creative mind and imagination they tap their intuitive gifts directly. I’m merely giving them a
customized process for doing so and it’s an experience my subjects really, really enjoy and love and continue to use for years.

With ‘The Trinity Technique’ and a few other tools, language patterns and suggestions all working together – and especially with
a nice reading – this becomes a full experience and one that is ultimately cherished on very deep levels.

Guest Contributions

I’m honored beyond words to include some pieces from my friends, peers and mind reading contemporaries at this
time. Each of the following pieces has been selected based on the strength of its nature, solidity of method,
extremely high level of thinking and immaculate effects.

In reading the various contributions from Michael Weber, Bill Cushman, Dave Moses and Joshua Quinn please reflect on the
sincerity and attitude of giving present within each of these gentlemen and how amazingly good the following material they
have offered up really is. Each of these pieces is a true piece of magic and artful performance piece of the highest caliber.

These items are included for each student of my ‘Thought Veil’ system for hypnosis and suggestion-empowered mind reading
with my deepest thanks and earnest gratitude.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

A Way Aweigh

Joshua Quinn

When I learned what kind of material Jerome was putting in this book, it seemed like it would be the perfect place
to introduce something I've been keeping under wraps for a while now: a technique that is the closest thing to
Genuine Mind Control™ I have ever personally experienced. In simplest terms, it could be described as a forcing
method... but what a forcing method.

Imagine, if you will, a procedure that actually allows you to do what other forcing methods attempt to simulate: give a
participant a genuinely free choice or series of choices – not the illusion thereof, mind you, but the honest-to-goodness real
deal, with no props or gimmicks or moves – and still have things come out the way you want in the end. That is what this
technique allows, for pretty much any item (physical or thought-of ) that you might care to force. The bad news: it won't
work every time, or with every person, and it isn’t suitable for every circumstance (or even most circumstances for that
matter). But with the right participant in the right time and place, it can create some of the most inexplicable experiences
imaginable, and is utterly indistinguishable from the “real thing” – because that is essentially what it is.

The procedure is structured much like equivoque, starting with a range of possible items and narrowing them down through
a series of choices until only one is left. However, that’s where the similarities end. For unlike in equivoque, here each step
really is a true choice, not a Hobson's choice cleverly disguised by ambiguous verbiage and linguistic chicanery. “Equivoque
without the equivocation” is a good way to think of it.

So then, what takes the place of the equivocation? Something you have (presumably) read a good deal about already by this
point: anchoring.

The idea was inspired by a version of a classic card effect that was published a number of years ago (which I won't identify
so as not to expose it, though it will no doubt be familiar to many readers). This version turned the usual method on its head
by replacing the “moves” with two distinct, opposite anchored responses, which the performer would trigger as necessary. It
wasn't 100% effective (which was fine with me), but it was literally 100% clean, as there was simply nothing to be discovered.

As soon as I read this, two thoughts immediately struck me: One, it was a thoroughly brilliant idea. And two, it could be used
for much, much more than a card effect.

As I mulled over the different concepts, states and feelings that one could anchor in a spectator, and how they might be used,
it dawned on me that perhaps the most useful thing to anchor would be two of the very most basic human responses: yes and
no. If you could use anchoring to influence whether a person thought of yes or no at a given time, then it would be possible
to guide her to virtually any desired outcome via a process of elimination. For example, suppose you wanted to force a
particular person out of a group...

Is the person male? Or is it a female? All right, does she have dark hair? Or is it lighter? Is she fairly young? Or is it someone a little older? And
so on...

Or say you wanted to force a particular color...

Is it one of the primary colors – red, yellow and blue? Or is it one of the secondary colors – orange, green and purple? Would you describe it as a
warm color? Or is it a cooler color? And so on...

Or even the most obvious, banal, argument-starting example...

Is the card red? Or is it black? All right, is it a Club? Or does it seem like a Spade? And so on...

So the bare bones of the procedure are quick and simple to describe. Once you’ve chosen a participant, you set an anchor
that will trigger a yes response in her, and a different anchor for a no response. (This doesn’t have to be covert or even
remotely subtle, as I’ll explain.) Then start with a field of possible choices, and ask her a series of questions that will narrow
them down to just one item. As you ask the questions, fire off the yes anchor when you want her to think yes, and fire the no
anchor when you want her to think no, so that her final choice ends up being the item you wanted her to choose.

Obviously, there’s a lot more to the actual procedure than is conveyed in that vastly simplified description. If I were
explaining this in a stand-alone manuscript, I would have to spend a good number of pages dealing with topics like selecting
the right participant, gaining rapport, establishing the right kind of setting and framework to start from, and so on.
Fortunately, Jerome has already covered those things with greater detail and insight than I could manage on my own, so I can
simply give you the shorthand version. You need a participant who is cooperative, suggestible, and “into” what you’re doing.
She needs to be excited to be part of the process. It will be helpful if she’s the sort of person who makes decisions based
more on feelings and emotions than on reason and intellect, since that is what you’ll be asking her to do. And above all, she
needs to feel like she is working with you to achieve something extraordinary and empowering, rather than trying to challenge
you, mess you up, or catch you in a “trick.” If there is the slightest hint of that kind of challenge from her, I promise you this
will fail. So use all you’ve learned so far in this book to find the right person, get her on your side, and put her in a conducive
frame of mind to work with you and experience the incredible.

(A brief tangent about word choice: When I started putting effects into writing some years ago, I made a conscious decision
to use the pronoun “her” when referring to an unspecified person. I did this simply because I liked it better than the
technically-correct-but-flawed “him,” or the commonly-used-but-wrong-and-often-confusing “them.” It does not mean the
participant needs to be female.)

Once you’ve got the right person in the right state of mind, the next step is to establish a suitable and conducive premise for
what you’re going to attempt. The best such premise that I have discovered, is to frame the whole thing as an experiment in
listening to our feelings, and seeing what we can accomplish when we do. And ‘feelings’ really is the key word, since that is what
the participant will need to rely on in order for this to work. When used correctly, the anchors will trigger a feeling of either
yes or no at a sort of undefinable, pre-rational, gut level. So those are the kinds of feelings you want the participant to pay
attention to and base her responses on. That’s why, as I said before, this will be easier to achieve and more likely to succeed if
you get a participant who is naturally more of a “feeler” than a “thinker.”

At this point you’ve chosen a participant, built rapport with her, maybe taken her through one of the relaxation/visualization
processes explained earlier, and generally gotten her in a receptive and open state of mind. And you’ve explained that you’re
going to try something based on listening to her feelings. The next step is to get her to experience those feelings deeply and
vividly. Ostensibly this is simply to allow her to pay attention to them consciously, which will aid her in recognizing them later
when they come from her subconscious. And while that’s true, the very large, unspoken ulterior motive is to allow you to set
anchors for the feelings.

As I mentioned earlier, due to the premise you’ve established, this doesn’t need to be a subtle process. That is, the actual
anchoring should be subtle and not consciously noticed, but the elicitation of the feelings needn’t be covert at all. In fact I
find it works best when it’s done with all the subtlety of a jackhammer. Simply ask her, “What’s a yes-or-no question I could
ask you, that you would feel strongly, passionately positive about? That is, one where your answer would be not just ‘yes,’ but
rather, ‘Oh my god, YYYEEEESSSS!!!’? Don’t make it anything personal or embarrassing, of course, but something you
wouldn’t mind being asked in front of people. Something like, I don’t know, ‘Is George Clooney hot?’, or ‘Is cheesecake

Once she tells you, explain that you’re going to ask her that question out loud, but you want her to answer only in her mind,
without saying a word. Also add that since she’s only answering in her mind, and no one can hear that (except you, of
course), then mentally she should answer it the way she would answer it after her fourth glass of wine while hanging out with
her best friends – with that kind of enthusiasm and lack of inhibition. Once that’s established, simply ask her the question
aloud. Pause for a beat, then ask again as though you didn’t understand her answer or are incredulous of it. Repeat this a few
times, building up the intensity of her internal response. For example: “So tell me, would you, by any chance, like to take a
two-week vacation to Rome? I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, did you say you would like to take a two-week vacation to
Rome, or not? Really, you would? I find that difficult to believe, are you sure? What about if it were an all-expense-paid trip,
would that make it better? Really, you think so?” And so on. At the height of this, when she’s hopefully leaning forward with
her face turning red and her eyes bulging, set your anchor several times as you say, “Right there, the way you’re feeling now...
this is your yes feeling. Let it wash over you, soak it in, feel it in every part of your body, and remember what it feels like. Take
a moment to just feel that way and get comfortable with it.” As for what kind of anchor you use, it can be anything suitable
for the circumstances – visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or ideally, some combination. Again, I will assume that by this point in
this book you have a grasp on the concept, so I won’t spell out the details. Just make sure it’s distinctive, and something you
can do the opposite of in the next part.

Once that’s done, pause for a few beats, and say, “All right, now take a few deep breaths, relax and shake it off.” Then repeat
the process, only this time with a question she would have a strong negative reaction to; one that she would answer not just
“No,” but rather, “Oh hell no, are you kidding???” The only catch is, it can’t simply be the opposite of the previous question
(like “Would you refuse a two-week vacation to Rome?”); it needs to be an unrelated question. Set the anchor for her no
feeling, then have her relax and bring her back to a neutral state.

Finally, it’s time for the fun to begin. How exactly you proceed from here will depend on what you’re forcing and how you’re
approaching it. But in any event, explain to the participant that now that she’s got those feelings fresh in her mind, you’re
going to ask her a series of questions. When you do, her job is not to “try” to answer them. Instead, she should just relax and
pay attention to her own feelings as they bubble up from inside her. Once she gets a feeling one way or the other, then (and
only then) should she let you know what it is. But she’s not to force it. If she doesn’t feel anything one way or the other at
first, that’s okay; she should just keep relaxing and paying attention, and eventually she will feel something.

Then, at an unhurried pace, start asking pairs of opposite questions, firing off the appropriate anchors at the appropriate
times to lead toward a yes or no response as desired. For example, suppose you were going to have her describe a photograph
she hasn’t seen. Let’s say it’s a full-color shot of a group of children playing outside. You might start off, “This picture, does
it feel like a color picture? [Fire off the yes anchor. Pause...] Or... does it feel like a black and white picture? [Fire off the no
anchor. Pause, but not as long as before.] Don’t answer yet, don’t force anything, just pay attention to what your feelings are
telling you... one more time: Does it feel like it’s in color? [Fire off the yes anchor. Pause...] Or... does it feel black and white?
[Fire off no anchor. Pause...] So now tell me, did you get a feeling one way or the other? Did it feel like it was in color?”
Obviously, if all goes as planned, she will hopefully say yes. From there you would repeat the process with, for example,
“Does it feel like it’s an indoor picture? [No anchor.] Or does it feel more like an outdoor picture? [Yes anchor.]” And so on...
Is it primarily a picture of people, or a picture of things? A group, or a single person? Adults or children? Go for as many
steps and whatever level of detail you like.

How many steps should that be? Well, that’s largely a matter of preference and circumstance, but personally my rule of
thumb for most instances is, no more than five steps. If you’re going for strict binary choices, that’s thirty-two different
possibilities, which is plenty for most applications. There are times when three steps will do. Four often seems to be the best
balance of improbability vs. taking too long, but again, that’s a personal call.

In addition to the anchoring itself, there are a couple other strategies you can use to increase your odds. One is to use
common guessing patterns to your advantage. You may have noticed that in the example above, I phrased things so that in
the first pair of questions, the participant would think yes for the first question and no for the second. Then for the second
pair, I reversed it; she would think no for the first question, and yes for the second. This was deliberate, and it’s the way I

always start off. It’s based on a common pattern in the way people often tend to answer a series of yes and no questions
(when there are no obvious answers). The tendency is to answer yes for the first question; then no for the second; then switch
back to yes for the third; then stay with yes for the fourth, to avoid “predictably” switching back to no; then switch back to no
for the fifth; then switch back to yes on the sixth, to avoid “predictably” answering two in a row the same way again; and then
answer two nos in a row for the seventh and eighth. So the pattern is:


I’ve simply adapted this to pairs of questions, rather than individual questions. The pattern represents the way the participant
will tend to answer the first question of each pair. That is, for the first pair, the tendency is to answer yes to the first question
(and therefore, by default, no to the second). For the second pair, the tendency is to answer no first. The third pair switches
back to yes first. The fourth pair repeats that, and the fifth pair switches back. And so on. So the letters in the pattern
represent the answers to the first question of each pair. To accomplish this, I simply ask the questions in whatever order will
achieve that result. In the previous example, I wanted her to choose color rather than black and white for the first step, so I
placed the yes option first: “Does it feel like a color picture, or does it feel black and white?” For the next step, I switched and
put the no question first: “Does it feel like an indoor picture, or an outdoor picture?” From there it would be two “yes firsts”
in a row: “A picture of people, or a picture of things? A group, or a single person?” Then a “no first”: “Adults? Or children?”
The pattern accommodates up to eight steps, which is more than I think I’ve ever used.

The other strategy is to take advantage of any obvious social/emotional baggage that may come into play with any given
step. That is, try to set things up so that people can give the answers they would want to give. To continue the example of the
photo, once we had established that it was a group of children, I might ask something like, “Does it seem like they’re happy?
Or do they maybe feel not so happy?” Obviously, most people would rather have a positive reaction to happy children than
have a positive reaction to unhappy children – or more to the point, they would rather be seen reacting that way. To use this to
your advantage, simply avoid using a photo of unhappy children, or any other item that would require the participant to
make an uncomfortable or socially awkward choice. Of course, depending on what exactly you’re forcing, most of the
individual steps will probably be fairly socially and emotionally “neutral,” so this idea won’t come into play often. But for
those occasions when it does, it can offer a worthwhile advantage – and you’ll want all you can get.

That brings up the obvious question: what do you do when the participant misses? In the broad sense, there are two options:
let it go, or try to get her to change her mind. Which one you choose, and how you go about it, will depend on a number of

The first thing to consider is how much a given choice will affect the choices that come after it. Continuing with the photo
example, the choice of color versus black-and-white is an isolated detail; that is, it’s possible to get it wrong but still get
everything else right, because none of the other choices depend on it. However, the choice of people versus things is a
bigger issue, because its outcome will determine the line of questions that follows it. If the participant chose things, then the
subsequent questions would be along the lines of, are they man-made or natural, are they small enough to hold in your hand
or bigger, and so on – all of which would be moot, and would lead to an outcome that was nowhere close. That kind of
importance will determine whether you have the option of letting something go as one small mistake out of many right
choices, or whether you need to fix it. Personally I’m a fan of letting one small mistake slide if I can – partly because being
slightly off can add to the overall realism, and partly because it’s a good strategy to save the corrections for when they’re
really necessary. For that reason, I like to start any force with two non-essential questions (in this case, color versus black-
and-white, and indoor versus outdoor).

So if you do need to “fix” a participant’s choice, how do you go about it? That depends largely on whether or not you
(apparently) already know what the item in question is. For example, is it a photo that you provided (so the spectator is
apparently reading your thoughts)? Or is it a photo that she “randomly” selected from a face-down stack, so neither of you
(seemingly) knows what it is? If it’s something you obviously know, then you have the option of simply telling her directly
that she got it wrong. While that may not seem very appealing at first, it’s actually quite useful when used only once, because

it gives you the opportunity for some further subtle conditioning. When I do it, as soon as she says a wrong answer, my tone
and posture change and I immediately say, “No,” in an unexpectedly direct and serious manner. I don’t yell or become
frustrated or unpleasant, but it is a noticeable shift from my previous calm, soothing demeanor. This typically produces a
slightly surprised response, which is exactly what it’s supposed to do. I then continue in the same tone with something like,
“Now that’s the first one you got wrong, so you’re still doing pretty well. Just remember, don’t get ahead of yourself, and
really pay attention to what your feelings are telling you, all right?” This is difficult to describe, but it’s done it a way that’s
almost chastising, without quite stepping over that line or being mean or condescending about it. The goal is simply to make
her not want to go through it again, which tends to make people pay more attention to any cues they can latch onto
(consciously or subconsciously).

However, if you apparently don’t know what the item in question is, then there should be no way for you to know whether
she’s right or wrong. In that case, rather than just coming out and telling her, you need to take a more subtle approach: “All
right, up until that point, your choices seemed very natural and unforced, which is what we want. But that time, I have to tell
you that just from your posture and tone of voice and the way you hesitated, it really seemed like you were over-analyzing
things and second-guessing yourself. Does that make sense?” This is one of those sneaky questions that essentially demands
a yes answer, whether or not she actually felt that way. Continue, “I can tell you from experience that when that happens, it’s
usually when people make mistakes. Since this is your first time, I’ll give you the opportunity to change your mind if you want
to. Would you like to do that?” Obviously this approach would be laughable in something like a Bank Night routine, where
the participant is trying to win money from you. But because the dynamic here is completely different, and you are clearly on
her side and trying to help her succeed, it works in this instance. Also in play is the fact that, given who you are and what
you’re doing, it’s completely congruent and believable that you would notice that sort of thing, probably even more than she
would notice it herself.

So then, what if she misses more than one essential question? That’s where we get into the unavoidable fact that this is not a
surefire technique, and needs to be treated accordingly. Put bluntly, there will be times when it fails. Badly. When it’s done
well, with the right person in the right context, those times will be few and far between... but the possibility can never be
completely eliminated. For that reason, you need to choose carefully in deciding when and where to use this technique.
Fortunately (in a sense), that choice is made easier by the fact that it is completely unsuitable for most typical performing
situations anyway. It’s no good for walkaround. It’s no good for stage, because the process is house-clearingly long and
repetitive. It’s no good for when you need to make a quick impression. What it is good for are situations where you’re more
interested in providing someone with a powerful personal experience, than in being an “entertainer.” Small, intimate gatherings (planned or
impromptu) are good. One-on-one with someone who’s already intrigued by you is good. House parties can be good,
depending on the guests. Seances can be really, really good. In general, use it only when people are sufficiently invested and
interested in the process that they won’t be bored by it, and when outright failure would not be catastrophic. In those
situations it is well worth the risk, and the rewards can be off the charts.

Also note that when using it with a group, one thing that can make it vastly more interesting for the audience is to present it
as an open prediction – that is, the audience can see the thing being described all along, but the participant can’t. That way
each of the participant’s decisions becomes a point of interest and tension, and rather than having to wait until the end for
the payoff, the amazement builds throughout as the participant (hopefully) gets every question right. The only catch is, you
have to make it clear from the outset that the audience is to stay completely silent throughout, and not give anything away
whether the participant is right or wrong (which can be easier said than done).

And that brings up the question of what to use this technique for. I hope its versatility in forcing just about anything is
obvious, but here are a few ideas to get the juices flowing. The example I used, of having someone describe an unseen
photograph, really is one of my favorite uses for it. It can be a photo that you provide, or that someone else chooses in
(apparent) secrecy, or that the whole audience sees, or that the participant chooses blindly so “no one” knows what’s in it – all
depending on your preferences and the effect you want to achieve. I’ve also used this technique for the cleanest and most
inexplicable spectator-to-spectator drawing duplication imaginable: Spectator A draws something that no one sees (including
me); Spectator B describes it perfectly; neither of them has any idea how; and (most significantly) they can talk about it

openly afterward, with the audience and each other, with no danger of anyone realizing anything they shouldn’t. (Of course
the viability of that depends greatly on what Spectator A draws, so be sure to learn that before bringing Spectator B into it.)
In impromptu situations, it can be used for a simple divination of one object out of several – items from people’s pockets,
things on the table, pieces of furniture, or what have you. Family members, currently playing movies, and yes, for those who
insist, even playing cards are all fair game. Also note that it can be combined with other methods to be even more effective.
Besides combining it with things like impressions, peeks, and physical forces on another person, you can also use it with a
small number of multiple outs to make it more surefire – like, say, four possible photos in a Himber wallet with two double
envelopes, so that two of the choices can go either way. I would say it’s “limited only by your imagination,” except that if I
said that, I would then have to go commit ritual hari kari with a billet knife for using one of the top five most loathed clichés
in the mystery arts.

So there you have it. I will close by candidly admitting that I do not consider this to be a fully perfected technique. If it were,
I would very likely release it in its own manuscript (after getting sufficient use out of it myself for a while). In fact I hope to
do so one day. But one of the main reasons I wanted to put it in this book was to introduce it to a small number of
performers who not only would respect and appreciate it, but would be able to try it, refine it, and make it even more
effective. My strong hunch is that Jerome’s readership fits that description. So please, if this appeals to you, then try it, work
with it, and get in touch to let me know what worked, what didn’t, and how you made the most of it. My hope is that
collectively we will be able to shape it into one of the most powerful and “real” tools in our arsenal.

Joshua Quinn

[email protected]


What Joshua has just tipped here is a miracle of suggestion. I think he’s a bit too modest about his technique not being
perfected; as it reads here the piece is remarkably effective. I know because I use it.

Following are a few of my personal presentations, notes and tips I’ve found to make Quinn’s piece work even better for ME.
As usual, your mileage may vary. I’ll just say that anyone who puts the time and effort into this piece will be greatly rewarded.
Not only will you have a blockbuster method and resulting routine that nobody else is using, but it’s a grand lesson in pacing,
suggestion, anchoring and eliciting responses. The uses for this are enormous and of infinite value to the psychic entertainer
and hypnotic mind reader.

First things first, regarding the presentation angle and set-up, I’ve found working with a woman sports a slightly higher
success rate when using this tool. I have also used it and continue to use it with other men, though women seem to be
significantly more sensitive to their subtle feelings and emotions which is part of what we’ll be relying on for this
demonstration to work.

Working this angle also allows me to speak about ‘women’s intuition’ as a presentational model which is extremely effective.
Instantly the women I’ve suggested this to WANT to do well during this experiment. They will go out of their way to assist
you and really pay close attention to their feelings during.

Second, Joshua speaks about choosing the right participant and setting this up as a process of teamwork and draw upon
sincerity and connection as a key to success which is SO important. Please read his thoughts and advice here again and again.
If there is any type of challenge situation created, you’re screwed. If rapport has been built and both you and the participant
are ‘in relationship’ so to speak, your chances for success are dramatically heightened.

A nice way to pre-screen people to use this with or create a nice level of expectation within your participant is to share a few
‘impressions’ you happen to be getting about them…something that TELLS YOU this person (man or woman) in front of

you is the type who really listens to his/her feelings, is incredibly sensitive to the subtle thoughts, energies and attitudes of
others and has learned to listen to what their gut hunches and heart feelings are telling them about certain things.

‘And if I’m right, you’re probably also a great judge of character and can see right through people’s facades…you’re sensitive enough to practically
KNOW a person after speaking with them or standing next to them and watching them for even just a few short minutes, is that about right?

Chances are good that you’ve had some type of incredibly synchronistic or intuitive hunch about something that turned out to be exactly right –
almost like a premonition of things to come…and it’s happened more than once, hasn’t it?

You might even notice how life is much EASIER when you go with your feelings and the answer you receive from within you says ‘YES! GO
FOR IT!’ and much HARDER (more difficult) to stomach when the answer is ‘NO! DON’T DO IT!’…would you agree?

(Fire off anchors while eliciting the YES/EASY and NO/DIFFICULT responses, appropriately!)

Take a deep breath and just remember what it feels like to listen to your feelings and go with your first intuitive impressions about a thing.’

And so on.

This is fine flattery AND affirms the person you’re speaking with is capable of doing what you need and want for them to
do. After being built up and acknowledged as such a person the participant you’ve chosen will ACT AS IF and do their best
to live up to your expectations and impressions for them. It also sets me up for another gambit I’ll share in a few moments
AND allows me to fire off the respective anchors as part of the presentation. This is simply reinforcing the tools and
responses being used.

Third, eliciting the proper states is something you’ll find helps A LOT with this piece. You might cross anchor and condition
your participant to feel a certain way FIRST by immersing them gently back into a desired feeling (i.e. being EXCITED,
helpful, intuitive, etc) and then setting an anchor for that desired state first. Part of the script I use helps to accomplish this.
Like fractionation with inductions, this anchoring, firing and re-anchoring process tends to lessen any resistance the person
has consciously or unconsciously added to the process of anchoring.

Joshua spoke about two natural examples of anchoring ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses. This can also be done with FEELINGS
(good or bad, happy or sad and more) with great results. In doing this your participant can go with how they FEEL about
something rather than answering yes/no which in most cases implies a conscious, logical decision making process. I continue
to do it both ways based on whether my participant seems more visual (logical) or kinesthetic (emotional feeling).

In using the ‘yes/no’ response and anchors I ask my participant to describe what the FEELINGS are like inside of their
body when they just KNOW the answer. This might be a pleasant warmth in their abdomen for ‘yes’ and a tightness in their
chest for ‘no.’ Find out what your participants REAL bodily/physical responses are to such answers. Now as I get their
answers during this routine it’s still yes and no oriented, but based even more on that FEELING within them instead of a
conscious thought and logical decision making process.

Fourth, Joshua’s gambit for answering the mental questions is superb and for this reason I’ve been using the technique with
my ‘Thought Channel’ AFTER the full routine with the person who I received the most HITS from. By this point rapport has
been established and if the participant is confident in YOUR ability to work with them in such a fashion your results and
successful outcomes will increase again. With a suitably impressed and responsive participant you’re going to have a much
better run using these advanced techniques.

Fifth, I’ve found what Joshua has written regarding the fact that we don’t NEED to get ALL the answers right for this to be
incredibly, remarkably effective in the outcome is entirely true. One miss here and there is not going to ruin the end result. IF
the participant states/gives or provides an answer that WILL throw the outcome off in a major way (Example: they say the
person in the photo is a male and it’s a female, or the card is red when it’s really black, etc) I use a few different bits of
business to ‘change’ their answer.

Think about the best times to use these answer-changing techniques and only save them for MAJOR changes when you
require them as per the above examples and other situations like them. For instance, if a participant says the card is a spade
but it’s a club, I probably WOULD NOT attempt to change their answer. The same goes for saying the person in the photo
has brown hair when they have black hair. Situations like those are probably not going to affect the outcome too drastically.

When their answer affects a MAJOR portion of the outcome I can use Joshua’s wonderful gambit with the following (or by
itself) to change or prompt a change for the answers given like so:

1). ‘Now be honest, was that your FIRST feeling and impression?’ Asked while firing off the ‘NO’ anchor!

2). ‘Yes, that’s your conscious thought/feeling, now listen to the question again and give me your subconscious/unconscious response…’ This
wording implies a change and hints at a ‘wrong’ answer.

3). Bring in other people! In the event of a WRONG ANSWER, ask your audience or other participants and people
watching what THEY got themselves! Now you can ask the question again, go with the ‘majority rules’ decision or simply
move on…you have many options to either change the answer or proceed unaffected.

4). I’ve been using Joshua’s incredible tool here with multiple people giving each participant the opportunity to respond
intuitively and emotionally to these questions and answers. You could even incorporate the entire audience for a massive
effect and demonstration of the Group Mind and Collective Unconscious.

By using multiple people (2 or 3) in the event of a WRONG ANSWER that would dramatically affect the outcome you can
turn to the person sitting next to your misguided pupil and say, ‘No offense, but I have to follow MY OWN FEELINGS during this
process as well and I think that last question was actually meant for you. What did you happen to get (what would YOU have said?) when I
asked her that question?’

While this is the least desirable ‘out’ it’s one that works. You can also get a nice additional bit and convincer of ‘thought &
feeling exchange’ (mind reading) in the process BECAUSE you can bank on the fact that your other participants are answering
the questions posed internally as you proceed.

Another great tactic I use is verbal steering for the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses. To employ this technique for the ‘yes’ answers I
wish to garner, before asking the question I say, ‘Now let’s make this a bit easier’ or ‘Let’s TRY something a little easier now…is this
person indoors or outdoors?’ while the ‘no’ answers are set up with, ‘Now let’s try something a bit more difficult’ or ‘Now let’s try something
even harder.’

Of course you will apply and fire off the previously set anchors during this verbal steering process.

You’ll notice that I increase my positive results even more by including a line in my opening presentation for this tool by
saying, ‘You might even notice how life is much EASIER when you go with your feelings and the answer you receive from within you says ‘YES!
GO FOR IT!’ and much harder to stomach when the answer is ‘NO! DON’T DO IT!’…would you agree?’ as per the above script.

This type of verbal steering is very effective and when combined with the other ploys and anchoring as the major method
here my positive results went through the roof. Remember to be SUBTLE about this and don’t use the verbal steering codes
with every question. I save them for the ones that matter.

Sixth, I find that if I present this a bit like Docc Hilford’s ‘Psychic Card Force’ (from Wonder Words and Banachek’s PS3) by
saying something along the lines of, ‘Don’t think of the answers, but allow yourself to FEEL them…and notice what I’m sending you!’
and/or ‘Let ME project my thoughts and feelings TO YOU…don’t just answer, but let ME place the correct answers in your mind and heart
FOR YOU’ naturally gets me better results. Both ways are extremely powerful. This latter example merely allows me to
control and pace the answers given to a greater extent.

I’ve been working with these techniques within a psychometry presentation. In doing this my participant is found to describe
either a hidden object itself (inside a large envelope or an ornate box), to describe a photograph of my grandmother during
my ‘The Grandmother Séance’ from ‘The Taboo Treatise’ and also as the projected thought of a playing card. I’ve got a few other
ideas too and I’m sure many, many more will come to me in due time because Joshua’s technique is extremely flexible and
infinitely useful.

Here is how I handle a PLAYING CARD force.

‘A Way Aweigh Ideas’

To begin I carefully select my participant. This isn’t as difficult or important as you might think – I simply choose someone
who seems to be into what I’m doing and sharing at the time and who I have a nice, comfortable level of rapport with. I
often build this participant up in the beginning through a very flattering impression as such,

‘If you don’t mind, I’d like to try something with YOU right now. For the last several moments I’ve been picking up on something very unique and
interesting about you specifically. At first I wasn’t completely sure what it was that’s coming through so strongly, though as I stand here speaking
with you right now I get the deeper sense I was drawn to you at this time because you’re also a very intuitive person and quite good at listening to
your feelings. Does this sound like you at times?


And if I’m going to be completely honest, you’re probably also a great judge of character and can see right through the masks that people show
us…you’re sensitive enough to practically KNOW a person inside and out after speaking with them or standing next to them and watching them
for even just a few short minutes at times, isn’t that right?

Chances are good that you’ve had some type of incredibly synchronistic or intuitive hunch about something that turned out to be exactly right –
almost like a premonition of things to come…and it’s happened more than once, hasn’t it?

I thought so!

You might even notice how life is much EASIER when you go with your feelings and the answer you receive from within you says ‘YES! GO
FOR IT!’ and much HARDER (more difficult) to stomach when the answer is ‘NO! DON’T DO IT!’…would you agree?

(Fire off anchors while eliciting the YES/EASY and NO/DIFFICULT responses, appropriately!)

Go ahead and take a deep breath and just remember what it feels like to listen to your feelings and go with your first intuitive impressions about a

This is my basic set up and there are actually a few different phases I use here FOR this set-up. Keep in mind these same
techniques can be applied across the board for a variety of different reasons and experiments.

This first part as described above allows me to BEGIN the anchoring process, create rapport, find a great participant to work
with and cooperate with me AND starts to elicit a specific state of being within them. It also sets me up for the verbal
steering I’m going to use later.

In phase two I’m going to use a few psychological questions in my ‘ATTEMPT’ to get to know this person and how they
think on an even deeper level. I use the 1-10 scale here and simply ask my participant to rate themselves on this scale
regarding the following questions.

This is a wonderful and SCARY way to present ‘getting to know someone’ as a deeper means of eventually influencing their
thoughts and predicting their actions.

I personally and purposefully choose to NOT use cold reading lines or mentalism techniques in my work as a private reader
(instead I rely fully on natural knowing, intuition, creativity and my true feelings/impressions while interpreting them through
a system Tarot, palmistry, etc)… BUT…the following method when used with mind reading or hypnosis presentations,
routines and demonstrations creates a very deep sense of rapport and allows me to use stock lines and cold reading
techniques as a means of deciphering and learning certain things and qualities about a person.

I also love presenting this technique as a short PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST that enables me to better understand the person
I’m working with and better predict their thoughts and actions as a result. The premise, technique and presentation can be
used before any number of mind reading routines and even hypnosis inductions!

Using this tool with Joshua’s lovely technique also allows me to ANCHOR the most strongest and most dramatic ‘yes/8-10’
and ‘no/1-3’responses I receive from the participant – and we’ll be speaking more about this later…

‘I’d like to step into your mind for a moment and get to know you better – I promise it won’t hurt, in fact at the end of this little experiment you’re
likely to feel closer to me than you’ve ever felt to anyone else you’ve just barely met before in your entire life.

With just a few well placed questions I’ve developed over the years I’m going to show you HOW we can both come to better understand many of the
deeper sides and hidden aspects about yourself, your life and your personality.

Is that okay with you?


Your job is to let ME know how well each statement I give you describes and relates to YOU specifically. In other words, I want to know how
ACCURATE my questions are FOR YOU on a simple 1-10 scale; one being a NO, THAT’S NOT ACCURATE AT ALL and 10

Do you understand?

I promise not to ask questions that might embarrass you or questions that might seem too private or too personal. In any case, the answers you
provide are going to make more sense to you and to me than they will for anyone else here this evening.

So…on a scale from 1-10, how accurate would you say the following statement would be in describing you…?

You can be quite emotional at times and get upset easily…

On a scale from 1-10, how accurately would you say that statement describes you?

(Note answers, acknowledge them and proceed to the next statement.)

Okay, great.

I would have been pretty close on that one…

How about,

You’re realistic, tough minded and self reliant – insistent on your own independence…

On a scale from 1-10, how accurate would you say that statement is in describing you?

Okay, very good…

And what about,

You DO NOT like to conform and DO like to be seen as someone who gives strong, valid opinions…

Your self-rating on that one?

How about this’s pretty juicy (!)…,

It can be hard for you to accept when you’re wrong, but you CAN be the bigger person and apologize when
necessary…and… you’re reluctant to be swayed by other people’s opinions…

How well does that statement describe you on this 1-10 scale?

Okay… I think I’m getting a pretty good idea for how you process your decisions, think and feel inside yourself and interact with the world around

Thank you very much for sharing (name), I appreciate you and your honest answers here very much. I know people can feel vulnerable and a bit
revealed during this process and your inner strength, willingness to divulge personal information and your open-mindedness towards this process is
something to be acknowledged and applauded at this time!

If you don’t mind I’d like to just double check my work and ask you just THREE more of these simple questions which will allow me to know
EVERYTHING I need to know about you to proceed…to be honest you’re more multi-faceted and complex than many of the people I try this
with, is that okay?

Perfect…and thank you again…

How well does the next statement apply to you…?

You get frustrated when events around you move slowly and you can’t stand it when other people waste your time
OR when you have your free time taken away and stolen from you…

On a scale from 1-10, just like before…how would you rate the accuracy of this statement on a personal level?

And what if I said,

You need to feel valued and set very high standards for yourself.

How would you rate yourself then?

Very good…

And last but not least,

Financial security and physical comfort is one of your major life goals…

How would you apply and rate this one?


Taking my feelings about you and your answers both into consideration actually helps what we’re about to do A LOT. Basically, it allows me to
better understand YOU and work with you on a much deeper level.

Is that okay to know?


Then what I’m going to do now is take this information you’ve just provided me with and USE IT to make a very specific decision…’

Now take a step back and re-read what I’ve just outlined here.

This is one of my many MASTER TECHNIQUES for creating rapport with a person using psychological cold reading and
completely entertaining large groups of people with NO PROPS using one or more participants.

For all my psychological mind readers out there this technique should prove to be solid gold in your work.

Human beings are naturally curious creatures. We WANT to know more about the people around us and this ‘reading-type’
of experience on stage, in the parlor or close up with another person (or even multiple people) works wonders for that

Though it’s just a bit of pseudo psychology it provides a very interesting and entertaining PROCESS for the audience and
participant to witness and is a perfect red herring. In using this READING SCALE TECHNIQUE we are seemingly able to
pick a person’s mind and thought process apart from the inside out.

Because Joshua’s routine relies on eliciting states (connected to yes/no answers), deep connection, rapport, team work,
mutual respect, equal responsibility and cooperation to the greatest extent possible be very careful that you don’t use this
presentation in any way that might resemble manipulation OR to upset a person by showing how quickly you can unravel

Obviously there is tons of room for playful banter and developing a deeper connection when using this interactive technique.
When a person has friends or family present it’s often very interesting to see how THEY react to the answers given and this
is also something you can play on.

What my goal is when using this piece of work and cold reading accuracy scale with Joshua’s technique in ‘A Way Aweigh’ is
much different, subtle and cunning.

The lines I use have been carefully chosen to apply to the largest number/group of people and individuals possible. Such is
the beauty of cold reading lines. They appear VERY specific but alas, they are very general.

Because of the nature of the phrases and statements I use the chances are very high that at least half of them are going to
get a decent response or PARTICIPANT RATING between the 8 and 10 mark on our scale.

When my participant agrees VERY STRONGLY to any of the statements I give them (Between 8 &10 = YES! THAT
DESCRIBES ME *ALMOST* PERFECTLY!) I anchor into that response. Remember, a high rating, answer and response
equals the participants YES RESPONSE and POSITIVE ANCHOR.

You might also wish to use Joshua’s line, “Right there, the way you’re feeling now... this is your yes feeling. Let it wash over you, soak it in,
feel it in every part of your body, and remember what it feels like. Take a moment to just feel that way and get comfortable with it.”

When getting a strong positive response from the participant(s) using the READINGS SCALE I may or may not use these
extra instructions and suggestions depending on the participant I have in front of me.

Here is another secret I’ve discovered while using Joshua’s technique…

We don’t always have to anchor into both of the YES and NO responses! As long as we set a STRONG ANCHOR for
ONE of them, we can get his technique and routines using it to work like a charm.

So long as there is a BIG DIFFERENCE in ONE response/reaction and feeling it will tip the tables in our favor. This cuts
out about half the work and process and still gives us magnificent results. I anchor very deeply into the YES response and

that is what I use in my routine when I require a YES ANSWER. When I require a NO ANSWER I simply do not fire off
the anchor!

Also, and this is VERY important (!) – whenever in my list of questions and rating/scale presentation I receive a LOW/NO
rating and response from the participant I reply with, ‘Wonderful, thank you…and now let’s try something a bit MORE

‘MORE DIFFICULT’ can be replaced with ‘EASIER’ to assist you with the verbal steering. In doing this we
CONDITION and ANCHOR our verbal steering methods into the participant. At a subtle level they know when the answer
is ‘NO’ it equals something more difficult (and vice versa) and when the answer is ‘YES’ we ‘try something easier’ which then
likely to garner a STRONG YES RESPONSE as well.

This plays upon the principle that most human beings seek to avoid pain instead of seeking pleasure and do their best to
avoid the ‘NO’ or ‘PAIN & DIFFICULTY’ answers and experiences in life to the greatest extent possible. When we know
something is going to be HARD/DIFFICULT our first inclination might be to AVOID IT or think and say ‘NO’ at first.

On the flip side, things that are EASY we like (!) and what is EASY is EASY to say YES to!

Conversely, whenever I get a STRONG YES RESPONSE (8-10 on the scale) I reply with, ‘Great! Let’s try an even easier one!’
OR, ‘Great! Now let’s try another easy one!’

This technique conditions the participant like so:



This technique is difficult to explain in writing and EASY as pie to apply. Just remember that when your participant strongly
disagrees with a statement and gives it a low rating that your next phrase/statement will be delivered under the guise of

When they give you a HIGH RATING/YES ANSWER the next statement/phrase you give them in turn will be
EASY/EASIER. This works on a very subtle level, yet it’s simple in application and deadly effective with regards to the
results it produces.

Using Joshua’s technique, let’s say I have a handed the participant a sealed photograph of a light haired man, outdoors in a
red shirt.

Whenever I want a YES answer I hit my positive anchor (fire it off). I don’t worry about the ‘NO ANCHOR’ at this point
because the ‘YES ANCHOR’ is strong enough to get the desired response.

I would say,

‘I’m projecting the thought and feeling to you NOW…tell me, do you sense this person is a man (fire anchor)…(pause)…or a woman…?

Remember to let me PLACE the thought into your mind…go with your FEELINGS…is it a MAN (inflection/tonality/marking +
FIRE ANCHOR = YES RESPONSE)…pause…or a woman?’

The likely answer here is a man, of course!

Now I can say,

‘Let’s try something a bit more difficult (DIFFICULT = NO RESPONSE!)…do you feel this person has dark hair (very little pause, if
any) OR light hair (FIRE POSITIVE/YES ANCHOR!)…?’

Because I have previously CONDITIONED my participant to experience ‘harder/difficulty’ when the answer is NO, I
increase my chances of success with the second alternative offered, in this case a man with LIGHT HAIR!

The FIRST OPTION my participant hears is going to be associated with a NO ANSWER/RESPONSE because it’s the first
choice heard after I say, ‘Let’s try something more a bit harder/more difficult now’ and I DO NOT fire the ‘yes anchor’ until
immediately after I have given the information I want my participant to respond ‘YES’ to, as per Joshua’s instructions.

With all these subtle trappings working together the response is most certainly going to be a YES answer with the LIGHT

Do you see how this works?

If you do not wish to use the verbal steering and verbal anchoring/marking/suggestions then I recommend you follow
Joshua’s instructions to the letter and anchor into BOTH the YES and NO responses!

*** *** ***

Now, back to my routine using Joshua’s methods…

After I have created rapport with the participant, anchored into his/her responses and (optional) set up my verbal steering
through this short QUESTION AND RESPONSE rating game, I go ahead and remove a pack of playing cards from their

Because I now SUPPOSEDLEY have a strong idea regarding HOW my participant thinks, feels, makes decisions and
experiences the world through my short PSYCHO-ANALYSIS bit of business I’m able to take out one card and one card
only and place it on the table in front of the participant.

I make a few very STRONG points here:

1). I maintain and deepen rapport.

I do this by building up my participant, thanking them, flattering them and getting their verbal agreement regarding
teamwork, maintaining this deep connection and our complete cooperation during this process.

2). I make a BIG DEAL about them not just thinking or feeling whatever they wish to, but to ALLOW me to PLACE the
appropriate thought or feeling directly into their mind and heart!

3). I hedge my bets using a variety of techniques at this point. The card I remove is always the 9 of Hearts OR the 9 of
Diamonds (if working with a male). For our example let’s say I’m working with a woman and the card is a 9 of Hearts.

Removing the card I say,

‘Have you ever had a Tarot reading, or known someone who has?

This is kind of like that only I use playing cards… and based on what I know about you I’ve removed a card I FEEL bears an accurate
description for you and might even answer a personal question you’ve had on your mind recently. I don’t want you to just think of a card – that’s
not what this is about.

What this IS about is you and I sharing our thoughts and feelings with each other on a very remarkable level unlike anything you’ve ever
experienced before. Since you’re a very intuitive person I know this will be EASY for you if you allow me to do what I do best and actually
PLACE the image, thought and feeling of this card directly into your mind.

***IMPORTANT*** I didn’t choose an Ace, because those can be HIGH (fire yes anchor!) or LOW, WHICH CAN BE
DIFFICULT for some people to differentiate and I want to keep this is simple as possible for you in these beginning stages.

I also didn’t choose a picture card to represent my thoughts and feelings about you simply because those have too many little details to transmit all
at once for this to be effective.

I’ll send you the card through my thoughts and feelings in manageable bits and pieces; just remain open minded and relaxed during the process,
remember to let me place the card IN YOUR MIND, go with your FEELINGS and what FEELS RIGHT to you and I’m sure we’ll have
the most incredible results possible together here this evening. With a person as sensitive and as in tune as yourself, I know if we’re wrong at all
that it will only be something very minor and still very close in any case.

Go ahead now and take a deep breath for me, sit up straight in your seat, feet flat on the floor, hands palm down in your lap and just look at
me…FEEL that sincere connection between us…and just nod your head when you can FEEL IT…’

When my participant nods their head affirmatively OR takes some other ideometer action I declare (raises a finger, says I’M
READY, etc) I fire off the YES ANCHOR!


Because they have just (non-verbally) responded with a YES pattern and statement of their own and I want to further
associate my POSITIVE/YES ANCHOR with a positive/yes response. Whether it comes directly from me or the participant
doesn’t matter.

The anchor = YES!

Keeping in alignment with Joshua’s founding principles and his own discoveries I ask a series of questions at this point as

1). The Color.

‘Let’s begin with something EASY…I’m placing the COLOR in your mind now…just relax and go with your feelings…and tell me…is the
card RED…(FIRE ANCHOR!)…(pause)…or black?

Trust your first response, the one that FEELS the strongest when you consider RED (fire anchor)…or black…

Now (name), which one is it?’

This is very easy to hit.

If for some reason my participant doesn’t get the correct answer here (RED) I’ll use one of my designated outs for this
purpose such as, ‘Was that your first response?’ or ‘Are you sure about that? (this creates doubt)… Go with your feelings…is it RED
(fire anchor) or black…?’ which is certain to garner the proper response. You might wish to use the line, ‘Yes, consciously – now
tell me what you feel UNCONSCIOUSLY’ which implies the opposite of whatever was named.

After hitting the ‘YES/RED’ response I smile and say,

‘VERY GOOD! The card I’ve chosen to send you at this time IS red!’

As I say this I fire off the ‘YES’ anchor again. This is simply reinforcing the response and deepening the feeling.

2). The Suit.

‘Now that you have correctly picked up on the color, let’s try something else you’ll find JUST AS EASY…EXACTLY LIKE BEFORE!

Is the suit a HEART (fire anchor)…or a diamond…?

Again, go with your FEELINGS and give me your first impression – whatever you heard in your mind and felt in your body FIRST!’

This is another subtle tactic. I’m basically TELLING my participant to go with the first option she HEARS! I also use the
verbiage, ‘Just as easy’ and ‘Exactly like before’ which further steers her towards the first option called.

Because I’m also firing off the anchor and using the verbal steering and conditioning techniques this nearly always hits. If
not, no big deal – I will not attempt to change the answer at this point. Worst case scenario the suit will be wrong BUT the
color will be correct!

3). The value.

Because of my presentation I have already eliminated the Ace and any Court/Picture cards from the presentation. All that
remains are number cards, obviously.

Using just two more questions I can direct the subject/participant to the correct card.

The first thing I do is say,

‘Now feel this…is it an even card…(pause)…or an ODD card…(fire anchor)?’

I use a slightly different pattern to the questions and answers than Joshua uses based on my own discoveries and a piece of
work by Sean Waters coming soon in his next offering, ‘Reflections.’

Also keep in mind that if you wish to use the verbal steering at this point you would say,

‘Let’s try something a bit more difficult now…I want you to FEEL this, and tell me…is the card even…or ODD…?’

This will increase your chances and hit rate.

Notice how when I ‘make things more difficult’ the answer I DON’T wish to be used or chosen is placed at the beginning of my
question and like usual I don’t fire the anchor until after I state the desired information (at the end, the second half of the

Using all these methods together insures a very high success rate and my participant choosing ‘ODD’ as the feeling they get.

In early trials I used another subtle gambit in my presentation at this point by speaking about ‘a STRANGE (odd), subtle
feeling’ that let’s my participant know what the value is. Later I decided this was overkill and the anchoring techniques and
verbal steering worked so well I didn’t need to do this.

4). HIGH or low.

The reason I choose an ODD, HIGH CARD is because it presents less options when we get to this point.

Using the same techniques as we’ve been using and that Joshua has so generously shared with us I proceed with HIGH or
low regarding the value. I also use yet another subtle bit of business here by asking my participant to REMEMBER that
number scale we used in the beginning.

Because of the generally effective nature of well placed cold reading lines and how they apply well to most people the
chances are great my participant gave me more HIGH answers than s/he did low ones during my presentation.

By asking the participant to REMEMBER that 1-10 scale and go with their feelings to TELL ME if they sense the card I’m
sending is HIGH or low my chances for them getting the correct answer yet again are dramatically increased.

Remember to fire off the anchor as usual when asking the question and saying, ‘Do you sense your value is HIGH…or low?’

This is a phonological ambiguity at work.

By saying ‘YOUR VALUE’ as I point to the card this statement can mean one of two things…the value of the card itself or
the personal VALUE my participant has for themselves during this process.

This is also a very effective MOTION because I often anchor the ‘YES’ response with a motion or gesture to the center of
the table. This allows me a reason to fire off the anchor when I need to because it simply appears as though I’m pointing or
gesturing to the card in the center. I’ll cover a few more anchors I use in due time.

Once the participant has answered ‘HIGH’ as the received thought and feeling we’re home free. I chose an ODD, HIGH
CARD for the simple reason there is only 2 options here – 7 & 9.

Nine (9) is the most chosen at this point simply because of the HIGH VALUE suggestion and nine is higher than 7,

5). The Final Answer.

At this point I intend to tidy up my work as neatly and cleanly as possible by going for the direct kill. Chances are very good
that my participant will name the correct value when I say,

‘Now, if you had to guess – what would you say the VALUE of this card is?’

If they say ‘9’ then I’m finished!

If they happen to say ‘7’ it gives me a nice call back and lesson as such,


Keep that in mind while I transmit the final value to you and instead of guessing, you’ll do everything you’ve done before and GO WITH YOUR

Do you sense the remaining value NOW is a seven…or a NINE (fire anchor)…?’

At this point it’s very likely that my participant WILL change their mind if they haven’t hit the proper value already.


At this point some people might be thinking this is A LOT of work to go through for a simple psychological force of a
playing card.

It isn’t.

The anchoring process itself happens very quickly and effectively with practice.

This routine and the underlying principles Joshua Quinn has offered us provide ‘Thought Veil’ students with an excellent piece
of work to practice their anchoring techniques.

Instead of this being JUST a psychological force it provides a wonderful, connecting process between the performer and his
participant. The presentation with the READING SCALE, psychological cold reading lines, premise of sharing thoughts and
feelings (and more!) makes this an amazing routine in both effect and higher potential and it’s incredibly fun to do!

There are a few key points I should explain at this point.

Before the card is revealed I always recap the steps, thoughts and feelings my participant has made and received.

‘Using your intuition you were able to tell me the card was RED, a HEART, a HIGH VALUE and finally a NINE…absolutely brilliant.

How do you think you did? Go with your feelings!’

This recap of the events streamlines the effect and creates tension, surprise and a feeling of expectancy at the end when the
card is finally turned over.

Notice how I use subtle linguistics to pace how the participant herself thinks/feels she did! I say, ‘absolutely brilliant’ thereby
showing her I AM already impressed. I know what the card is, so if I’m impressed it must mean she did rather well!

I also LOVE another optional line to create a larger reaction by asking,

‘How astonished (surprised, impressed, excited, blown away) are you going to be when we turn that card over and it’s THE NINE OF

This line can be directed to the audience, the participant or BOTH.

Once proper tension has been created I allow the participant to turn the card over herself. Immediately she reacts and even
more so if I’ve anchored that shocked/surprised/astonished feeling into the ‘YES ANSWER’ and response.

First I slowly move towards the card (firing the anchor) and then stop, and withdraw my hand. NOW I ask the question and
allow the participant to reach over and turn the card.

The reactions to this are huge.

To end the routine I give a classic playing card reading based on the card and use it to (potentially) answer a question on the
sitter’s mind recently. This is another reason I use a HEART or DIAMOND in this experiment, because LOVE and
MONEY represent the two most questions and categories I receive as a private reader and Q&A advocate.

Ending with an intuitive reading and starting with a nice presentation for cold reading is very charming and powerful. More
than just a card force and demonstration of telepathy, natural knowing, intuition, emotional intelligence (and more), this
routine actually ends up MEANING SOMETHING to my participant greater than the sum of its parts.

Remember that you can actually DEMONSTRATE these techniques with one person on stage at a very direct and intimate
level while simultaneously using them covertly (or blatantly!) with your entire audience.

I love working with large groups who are advised to follow or play along and check their own answers against the participants
as we go.

I’ve been contemplating using this idea as a very unique SUGGESTIBILITY TEST with an entire audience to see who can
pick up and receive my thoughts (playing card, photo, etc) as an alternative or even additional means of pulling participants
for my ‘TIA’ sequence’ or hypnotic stage show.


If you haven’t noticed I’m a huge fan of this technique and tool shared by Joshua. This method knocks one out of the
ballpark for me because it is REAL, pure in its application and the responses so far have been stellar. The anchoring method
as Quinn described it here doesn’t get much better and if anything, what I’ve been able to do with this piece up to this point
is just the tip of the iceberg.

Using ‘A Way Aweigh’ exactly as Joshua offered it has garnered tremendous reactions and positive results in my work. What
he’s shared here is actually one of my very favorite items in this entire book!

The only thing I’ve done here is make this piece and handling my own by adding a few of my thoughts and handling tips to
the process. As it stands, Joshua’s routine suggestions and methods are remarkable on their own and WILL be effective for
you when learned well and applied correctly with care.

As said before, I often use ‘A Way Aweigh’ to force a playing card in a very clean and entertaining manner. I’ve also been
actively using it in a psychometry routine, a photo divination, a participant REMOTE VIEWING experiment, as a means of
leveraging psychological forces, subtly forcing a predicted object (similar to the classic Equivoque) and a few other things.
This technique is groundbreaking and extremely flexible.

Regarding the above routine with the card force and reading I’ve played with a few different handlings.

One of them was to use Joshua’s routine ‘Xijatsey’ from his phenomenal book ‘Paralies.’ By making the anagram and forcing a
different card I was able to glean an additional moment of weirdness from the final effect AND could use a more
psychological presentation versus an intuitive one. Handled like this Joshua’s work here was more of a demonstration and
mini-lecture regarding the use of suggestion and unconscious/subliminal influence.

Of course a deck of cards doesn’t even need to be used in either presentation and you can simply write your impression on
the back of a business card.

Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of removing a BLANK CARD from the pack as a demonstration of how the mind is
creative and we can use our imagination to see and create something that wasn’t ever really there to begin with.

After the proper card is named the tabled card is turned over and shown to be perfectly BLANK. Again, this creates a very
unusual moment…until I remove my car keys and shine a UV light keychain across the card to show ‘9 OF HEARTS’
written in invisible ink!

As per Joshua’s recommendation, using ‘A Way Aweigh’ during a theatrical séance is very strong when the sitter divines the
image of an old photograph as done in my ‘The Grandmother Séance.’

A few more things before we move onto the next phenomenal guest contribution…

Think of all the different anchoring methods you can use with Joshua’s work here. You can anchor into a physical touch
which is something I did when I first started performing this routine.

During the ‘transmitting process’ I would hold both of my participants hands while asking the questions. When I wished to
fire and activate the ‘YES RESPONSE/POSITIVE ANCHOR’ I would do so by just slightly increasing my pressure to a
point where it was practically imperceptible to the conscious mind.

Later I started doing the same thing, only this time the firing was linked to a subtle pushing or pulling, raising or lowering or
even a side-to-side movement of the participant’s left hand as I held them.

I’ve worked with anchoring by touching my arm, gesturing towards myself, gesturing towards the participant, leaning to one
side, blinking, taking a deep breath, batting my eyes (blinking them twice together), smiling, pointing to the center of the
table, gesturing towards the card, clearing my throat, swallowing, pursing my lips, reaching for another object, tapping my
finger, spreading the fingers of my hand and much, much more.

I learned very soon that I could actually anchor into my participant’s ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ response and feelings WITH the verbal
steering codes by saying things such as, ‘And notice how your ‘YES’ thoughts and feelings seem so much EASIER, more comfortable, more
natural...breathe deeply into that feeling…’

This allowed me to fire off the anchors with the verbal steering techniques outlined prior with much greater results – it was
at least twice as effective.

Find an anchor that works well for you (or even a few of them) and get to work with this routine immediately. The results
will astound you.

The last thing I’ll say here is that Joshua’s technique is a masterful use of PROJECTIVE ANCHORING. What I mean by
this is Joshua is using anchoring to elicit a desired response within his subjects. These techniques can be used in REVERSE
in a more RECEPTIVE manner to actually READ MINDS.

Instead of YOU firing off an anchor, you would simply and subtly anchor your participant into doing something such as
breathing deeply, blinking, shifting in their seat or some other response while THEY thought of a certain ‘thing’ or piece of

To do this I would elicit the proper ‘YES’ response/desired state within my subject and wait until they blinked or sighed,
changed their breathing, swallowed or made some other unconscious action or movement. At that point I would set my
anchor thereby linking the desired response to the participant’s unconscious action.

Once set, I can use my training in sensory acuity to begin asking questions such as, ‘JUST THINK if your question is about love
(watch for response), money (watch for response), travel (BINGO! I see the reverse anchor firing back at me!) or health…’

By observing my participant closely I can tell when I’ve hit the key area, thought and question/topic because the subtle
action and response I’ve anchored them into is activated and observed when I state it aloud. This is a very, very advanced
form of mind reading, suggestion and anchoring that techniques such as Joshua’s will lead you to understand and apply on
greater levels than ever before.

Over years of using this particular technique and method I realized I could anchor a strong ‘YES’ response and then instead
of linking them to an unconscious action I could simply watch and observe my participant closely and sense subtle
differences in their body posture, blinking and rate of breathing naturally.

I consider such advanced uses the future of mentalism and TRUE MIND READING. If you wish to pursue this area of
study I would highly recommend the very close study of pieces such as my ‘Thought Channel’ and the techniques I’ve given for
these and similar feats therein (very basic compared to what I’m tipping now!), contact and non-contact mind reading, the
ideometer response, waking/conversational hypnosis and more in depth anchoring techniques.

Teaching such things right now in this book is far outside the scope of ‘Thought Veil’ and with thanks especially to Joshua
Quinn and what I’ve just said you have more than enough information to get started down this road. Again, the results will
blow your mind. Joshua’s dynamic technique in ‘A Way Aweigh’ is a perfect start!

The Chosen One

Dave Moses

The following routine by Dave Moses really rocked my world.

What we have here is an example of a perfect method elegantly matched to a powerhouse effect that ANYONE can do. ‘The
Chosen One’ is a great routine to place in your mind reading demonstration, hypnosis show or ‘TIA’ sequence. It’s strong
enough to be a closing piece and streamlined enough to act as your opener.

The beauty of this routine lies in the strength of its effect, simplicity, impossibility factor and clarity of method. Like Joshua’s
brilliant piece before, this is something that as a performer I would have paid many hundreds of dollars to access and include
in my show.

Without further ado I present you with Dave Moses’, ‘THE CHOSEN ONE.’

EFFECT: An impossible prediction.


Everybody in the audience is given a sealed envelope,

“Not to be opened until instructed!”

The performer stands onstage with a lit candle on the table,

“In a moment some of you will find an inexplicable urge to stand... if

the spirit moves you-- respond... if you don’t feel it... just sit back and relax.”

Once five (or so) spectator’s stand the performer ensures that there are no stooges or set up involved by asking the audience
to choose their representative through applause.

“Again, go with your feelings and applaud for the person you want to come
up and join me.”

The audience applauds and one among the five is chosen.

The Chosen One comes on stage.

The performer asks everybody to take out the envelope they were given and hold it up to the light. The performer asks the
Chosen One if he can see what is written on the card inside the envelope. He holds the envelope near the candle and ‘The
Chosen One’ can see some writing but cannot make out exactly what.

The performer asks everybody to open their envelopes... And pull out
the card inside... They all say:

You will NOT
be Chosen.
The performer asks the Chosen One to open his envelope (which has been
in plain view the whole time) and pull out the card inside... It

You will
be Chosen.

The end.


In Dave’s own words…

“When I started doing this my method, though effective, wasn’t nearly as clean. I used Bob Cassidy’s version of Al Baker’s
thumb tip switch after the spectator dumped the paper into my hand while he tore apart the envelope... making sure it was on
the up and up.

But now, inspired by a brainstorming session with Jeremy Weiss, I use-- as you may have guessed-- a Frixion pen. The candle
dissipates the Frixion ink through the envelope as it’s held over it. It works great!


I love impossible, jaw dropping effects that can be explained fully in less than a page! Nothing else needs to be said regarding
the method…it’s perfect.

When Dave sent me his routine immediately the wheels began to spin. Below are the thoughts and ideas I sent back to him
regarding how I personally would use, present and incorporate such a demonstration.

I’ve got to say that Dave Moses has really outdone himself on this one. The basic framework he provided me allowed me to
take his thoughts and begin to magnify the effect. I trust you’ll love what we’ve been able to do as a result.

Thanks and gratitude must also go to Jeremy Weiss whom, without his thoughts and influence on Dave, this dynamite
routine would not have come into being.


Following here is an email I sent to Dave regarding my initial thoughts and response regarding, ‘THE CHOSEN ONE.’ All
expletives have been deleted.



I've been thinking a lot on this routine and here is how I’ve decided to present it.

I prefer to have a stack of envelopes distributed by a non-partial audience member. After handing the envelopes out to the
audience I pick up the candle and begin by saying,

'I'm projecting my thoughts and mental suggestions out and into the group NOW.

In a moment...NOT YET...a number of you may feel a distinct urge and inner impulse to stand up in your seats and when you FEEL THAT
IMPULSE, please DO stand up so everyone here knows exactly who I'm tuning in on.

And at first as you FEEL THAT IMPULSE you might even start to second guess yourself, and yet I've got my sights set on a few of you and
the more you doubt and second guess yourself and this impulse you feel now the more compelled you'll feel to stand up immediately - take a deep
breath and go with it - you know who you are!

In fact, many of you might have already had this thought or urge to stand up flash through your mind and if that's YOU, please go ahead and
stand up now...'

At this point you'll get a nice group of assorted people standing. Here's a nice kicker I use to intensify the effect and
incredibly impossible mental influence you're exerting...

Once the first group stands I acknowledge them and say,


Thank you all for following your inner voice and impulses. In a moment we'll move on BUT for now I'm getting the distinct impression that
SOMEONE out there felt like they should stand - and they almost did before they second guessed themselves, talked themselves out of it and
stayed sitting down.

If you think I'm talking to you right now...I AM!

If I could get everyone still seated to LOOK at the candle flame once again and take a deep breath for me...perfect...and again...

NOW...On the count of three (or five) I want ANYONE else who had this distinct mental urge and inner impression to stand and who
TRIED TO RESIST to go ahead and stand up NOW with the rest of the group so we can REALLY proceed!'

Now I stand up there with the candle in ONE HAND with my free hand held up high in the air slowly counting to 5 by
raising my fingers.

This creates tension and suspension and I guarantees that a few more people will stand. This looks insane to everyone
watching - the fact that I KNEW there was someone out there who had that exact mental process and that I was 'tuned in'
enough to perceive it and spoke directly to them.

I also create compliance by having the audience sit up straight, look at the candle flame once again and take a deep
breath...the rule of 3 is in full effect!

After ALL of the people who would stand are finally standing now I proceed to narrow them down using the audience
applause to choose the final person.

Remember that ALL the messages are doctored with the Frixion pen so it doesn’t matter who the audience eventually decides
on. This is the fairest choice they will ever have!

Here's another step I use to create more tension...


I keep the three people standing with the most audience applause and invite them on stage.

Immediately I turn to them and say,

'One of you ALREADY KNOWS you're not the one I'm looking for this knew it instinctively since that first moment you stood.
When I snap my fingers, please have a seat right here on stage with a big round of applause!'

I have an additional seat on the stage specifically for this person. I snap my fingers and the most timid of the three usually
takes a seat instantly, or after just a moment or two. Guide them if necessary. You would be surprised at what a subtle nod
towards a person doubting themselves can do.

As the participant sits in the chair I’ve designated for such I take this opportunity and ask them for their name. If you wish
you could even incorporate Dunninger’s ‘STAGE WHISPERS’ at this point as an additional effect.

This entire time I’m STILL be holding the candle and 'projecting' my mental influence, suggestions and inductions over the
audience and participants.


At the end when I’m down to just TWO people I have a few more neat options. such as having the TWO people on stage,
facing me and listening closely as I say,

'Out of this entire audience we're down to just the two of you. NO MATTER how this goes from this point on I think you'll all agree this was a
miracle, and you'll soon find out WHY!

The one of you I've been focusing on INTUITIVELY knows who they are, as does this entire audience on some level!

In a moment I'm (name of sitting participant) is going to reach out and touch both of you on the shoulder.

In that moment s/he I touches you AND ONLY WHEN s/he TOUCHES YOU one of you will FEEL COMPELLED to sit down
just as ONE OF YOU will feel it's imperative to remain standing. Neither of you will know exactly HOW you know, but you WILL

Focus on the candle NOW and take a deep breath. You know who you are...'

Now here's the beautiful part...

To gesture to my sitting participant how to reach out and TAP/TOUCH both of these people on their shoulder I HAVE
TO put the candle down! This gives me a motivated, natural reason for doing so.

Throughout this entire demonstration the candle has played an important role in the process (for relaxation, focus, etc). In
the end it becomes a CONVINCER and not a method as I hold the envelope up to the light and show the writing inside.

Now, my assistant reaches out and gives them both a tap. I thought of combining all sorts of PK TOUCHES type effects at
this point so the touches were invisible, but felt it wasn’t needed or helpful at this point.

By having my sitting assistant tap the participants I take away any and all suspicion of doing so myself and secretly keying or
cueing the last two people on stage.

NOTE: With these last 3 people on stage you could even give ANY ONE OF THEM a choice at any time to change their
mind and trade either places/envelopes with anyone else in the audience. There are just so many beautiful options here.

Something I adore about this routine is that I can just wing it and have a different presentation and result each time. Though
this is my initial handling for Dave’s brilliant piece I know it will continue to evolve with time.

I enjoy this type of progression because it goes from a large group of people feeling compelled to stand up in their seats and
separating themselves 'like oil from water' from the rest of the audience, seemingly in response to my mental projections.

THEN the audience gets to make certain intuitive choices via their applause.

Next it comes down to three people, then two, and then finally one who is UNDENIABLY shown to be the person you
intended and were projecting to the entire time.

It's sooooooo good.

Here at the very end after the third (eliminated) participant makes the touches as per my instructions and the last of the two
eliminates themselves I take the final person and remaining envelope and proceed to hold it up to the candle as per Dave’s
original handling.

Another option I favor here again is having the audience use their intuition and applaud for the person they wish to keep.
I still DO love the audience applause handling as it allows them to use their intuition and make their own choices which
preclude any trickery and free choices throughout. I thought a nice way of doing this would be to give suggestions such as
the ones Paolo mentioned...'When I point to each person in turn, pay attention to the FEELINGS between your palms. I don't know if it
will be a warm or a cold feeling, or if it's just going to be a subtle tingle BUT there WILL be a difference! And when you sense that difference in
your mind/hands that's your unconscious mind telling you to applaud/put your hands together for that person. You don't know how you know this,
but you DO know it at an unconscious level (because I know it and our minds are linked).'

Dave originally thought of using a hot plate or pocket warmer under his close up mat, table cloth or décor on
stage. This would allow one to toss the envelope upon the hot area to get the Frixion ink to disappear as the
performer recaps what has happened.

It’s a great idea and personally I think going with the hot plate would be the wrong thing to do here. Think about it...the
candle is so inherently magical and mysterious. I often keep a lit candle on stage just because it looks great. Also, you could
USE the candle in the beginning by having the entire audience FOCUS ON the candle flame as you give the suggestions!

Here's another very exciting use with the candle and this routine.

With each progressive phase/sequence and person eliminated the audience continues to FOCUS on the candle flame,
breathe deeply and ALLOW their own mind and thoughts to grow clear, their intuition to function at a greater level and with
each choice made they COLLECTIVELY allow themselves to become even more and more relaxed.

You could use this as one HUGE induction and progressive relaxation whose ending sends the psyche and consciousness of
the audience reeling and giving up completely through the sublime ending we’ve orchestrated. You could even give final
suggestions near the end that, 'If and when this works YOU CAN ALL allow yourselves to double and even TRIPLE your current
level/experience of peace and relaxation, easily and naturally.'

Start setting an anchor whose effect is fired off at the conclusion. You could even turn this progressive relaxation throughout
into one Group KNOCKOUT by showing the perfect ending and results, allowing them all to open their envelopes, giving
EVERYONE involved (and the audience!) a huge round of applause and then immediately bringing their attention BACK to
the candle...

Give a few more suggestions to relax and then BLOW THE CANDLE OUT with the command that as you do,
EVERYONE involved and present here this evening will take one last, deep final breath, close their eyes and allow their
heads to move forward as they continue to SEE the candle flame in their mind and listen closely to the sound of your voice
and your instructions.

Now you can anchor into this mental image of the flame and give EVERYONE suggestions that from NOW ON, anytime
this group or these individuals need or desire to access a perfect state of peace and relaxation, tap into their natural knowing
and intuition (etc), all they have to do is close their eyes, take a deep breath, imagine this candle flame and REMEMBER
what you've all been able to accomplish together!

This is sweet because throughout the rest of your show whether you are doing hypnosis, TIA, mind reading, Q&A
(whatever) you can have your participants take a breath and SEE that flame burning brightly in their mind. It’s a nice call
back and running thread that can prove productive and effective throughout the show.

For example, say you're doing a book hit a snag (planned) and then ASK your 'sender' to take a deep breath,
remember that flame, see it in their mind and re-send their word to you.

NOW you nail the word correctly!

This is also a magnificent use in ‘TIA’ – if a participant happens to FAIL in receiving your mental suggestion you can simply
have them take a deep breath, focus on that candle flame image inside them and THEN ‘try to lift their hand’ or whatever piece
it is you’re doing. A different process equals a different result!

This is just another psychological convincer that your ritual and suggestions REALLY work and have REAL WORLD and
REALLY VALUABLE effects and benefits.



I also think a great way to do this entire routine would be to use a pendulum. If the audience all had pendy's (bakers string
and paper clips/fishing weights/key rings = nice and cheap!) we could do a massive pendulum demonstration in conjunction
with your wonderful routine.

If going this route I would encourage reader’s to pick up copies of both ‘The Fource’ by Bill Cushman and Michael
Fraughton's book, 'The Dark Waltz’ available at

Besides having a plethora of really great showpieces and essays the price of the book is easily justified for this next routine
alone...the same with Bill’s book.

Michael Fraughton is a dear friend and one of my earliest mentors. In his book he tips a showpiece titled, 'To Control 10,000
Minds' which is just to die for! This routine could easily be incorporated with Dave’s routine and pendulum’s moving in the
audience hands for a showpiece that’s hard to top.

This would provide a very nice EXPERIENTIAL PROCESS for the audience to TUNE IN on the correct person/envelope.

With each person standing the audience would ask their pendulum to show them 'yes' or 'no' responses. Instead of applause
you would go with the most popular movement from the group for each person. Later as we get down to just three people
on stage you can revert back to the ‘majority rules’ through intuition expressed via applause for a nice layering.

This presentation would also tie in with the whole 'unconscious mind' already knowing the answer and other such things.

I’d like to again express my infinite thanks to both Dave Moses and Jeremy Weiss for their work on this effect and giving
their permission to include it inside ‘Thought Veil.’ It’s a phenomenal piece of work and I trust you will all get a ton of great
use out of it.


Michael Weber

Michael Weber is one of the most brilliant people I’ve ever known; praising him is easy. The man has also been of
tremendous inspiration and assistance to me over these last few years and I’ve really come to cherish his presence
in my life as well as his influence on my thinking and material.

You can imagine how stoked I was when Michael offered a piece for inclusion in ‘Thought Veil.’ The work speaks for itself
and will make a lot of people very, very happy. I smiled from ear to ear as I read the following routine and I know that you
will too!

In Michael’s words,

I do not usually include any hypnosis in my corporate stage performances, but much of what I do does have the theatrical dressing of "trance" and
control over my "subjects" both on and off the stage.

Here is a big secret for working one on one:

It is a way to convince a single subject (when you are working for just one person) that you have truly put them under and have subtle
proof they discover for themselves.

How it looks/feels:

You invite the subject to sit in a comfortable chair, you give them a brief introduction to trace work and what they can
expect, how safe it will be, what you will and will not do. Setting rules, expectations and boundaries.

You remove your watch and put it in your pocket and ask them to take off any watch or jewelry they are wearing that may
bother them (they may happen to notice the time as you take the watch and other items from them and place it in a brown
envelope you ask them to hold in their lap.)

After a few introductory "tests" (magnetic palms, frozen eyelids, light and heavy arms) you begin a rapid induction procedure.

You begin counting backwards, suggesting sleep, your voice trails off...and then silence...and peacefulness...and

...and your voice sounds as if it is at a great distance, growing closer, louder, stronger.

"And now slowly opening your eyes as I count backwards from ten, beginning to open, eight, slowly now, seven, the energy coming back to you, six,
still feeling heavy, but good, five, eyes more open, more energy, more awake, four, wide awake now, as if you just had eight hours of deep restful
sleep, three, completely awake now, refreshed and aware, knowing you could return to this deep trance any time I ask you to, two, beginning to
stretch now, wide awake and aware and one."

"How did that feel?" you ask,

"Good, but I thought more would happen, was I really under?" they inquire.

"Well I wouldn't keep anyone in a trance state for more than a half hour the first time." you reply.
The subject looks at you to see if you are kidding, they smile, but your face stays calm, focused, in control. You have clearly
done this thousands of times and their response does not surprise you.

"Put your jewelry back on" you suggest, and when they do, they realize they have been in a deep hypnotic trance for 35 minutes
as they see how much time as passed from the face of their watch.

You can now put them back under with no resistance, and the power and magnitude of your control is exponential.
You have just proven, without trying to prove anything, that you have the power, you are in control.

How it Works:

This is the method of Shaw's "Psycho Kinetic Time" with a very different application.

As you take the personal items from them, you suggest the watch first. You hold it for them as you ask them to remove
finger rings and bracelets as well.

You hand the watch and items back as you remove an envelope from your pocket, and then run a quick inventory (just
enough detail and emphasis so it is clear you want your subject to be clear as to what is and is not in the envelope - this is for
their peace of mind and your personal liability.)

"OK, you have your bracelet - gold rope chain" it goes in the envelope gently, "Your Movado watch, it's about 3:15" which
they visually verify as you place it in the envelope and hand it to her, "and two rings, one with a diamond and a plain gold
band" both go in the envelope she is holding. She seals it herself and holds it on her lap.

What really happened was that you secretly pulled out the stem on her watch after taking it back from her and handing her
the envelope. You spun the stem to make the hands go backwards to make the time appear between 15 and 35 minutes
EARLIER than the actual time. After allowing her to see the time, you lower her watch into the envelope, returning the
hands to the correct position and pressing in the stem, as you hand over the envelope for the final items.

After the procedure described above (which should take three to five minutes) your subject will be sitting there, relaxed, but
feeling like "nothing happened" after she closed her eyes, just a few minutes of relaxation and then quiet.

Until you awaken her, and allow her to discover for herself that a great deal of time is unaccounted for during her "trance
Since it is now the real time on her watch, your watch and in the room, there is nowhere to backtrack. The subject has fooled
herself by accepting a false condition as reality. And you have created and "effect" by merely pointing out true reality.

Feel free to use it. Only for one person at a time (one on one)

Please do not share this with others under any circumstances.

Copyright 2002 Michael Weber All Rights Reserved (ALL)

*** I don’t have a lot more to say regarding this routine other than it is BRILLIANT and I love it.***

What Michael has done here is extremely clever…

By giving a strong suggestion and convincer to the hypnotic process Michael effectively side-steps any resistance during the
process, confounds the conscious mind and allows himself a very deep yet gentle level of control and leverage over the

If you can convince a subject they are hypnotized, THEY ARE HYPNOTIZED!

Michael’s routine is a perfect example of this.

Thank you, Michael. Your thoughts and sharing here come as most welcome additions to this project and I deeply and
completely appreciate you!

Struck Dumb

Fraser Parker

It’s my honor to include a wonderful piece and working concept by Fraser Parker. If you’re not yet familiar with
Fraser, you WILL be!

Mr. Parker is a student of the enigmatic Kenton Knepper and a member of his S.E.C.R.E.T School. What Fraser has so
graciously given to ‘Thought Veil’ is a wonderful utility and verbal deception – a slight dual reality that in itself has the ability
to facilitate a (waking) trance state.

In Fraser’s own words,

“I try to create magic which looks real but not only that, has as close to a real method as possible; By using words, suggestion and ‘acting as if it is
so’ to create the illusion of magic in the mind of your participant and audience. This is one of the reasons I have been drawn to the work of
Kenton and why I LOVE the work of the author, Jerome Finley so much too.

It would not surprise you then to know that I share similar thoughts on creating the illusion of trance and hypnotic influence as Kenton.

By using direct statements and my actual influence as a magician I tell someone what I wish them to do and they then do as I wish. Kenton prefers
a more indirect approach, using suggestion instead of such direct statements, although the principle is the same.

Do NOT let the simplicity of this approach fool you. This allows for a greater deception and is the real secret behind this work, some may miss;

How what you do appears, fools the participant as well as audience into believing what has apparently happened
is in fact what has taken place.

Everyone is fooled by the illusion.

Please keep this in mind as you read the following application of this subtle notion.

Struck Dumb

The magician speaks a few words and touches someone, instantly causing them to fall under their spell and not be able to speak, even when the
participant is told to try and speak.

This work uses a similar principle from ‘Ultimately Under’ by Kenton and the S.E.C.R.E.T. School, in the context of a card trick as a
basic structure for the effect.

This also uses the dual reality principle made popular by Kenton, in a very subtle way.

Some may only see this as a trick and doubt it can work. However, this can look very real to everyone, including the participant.

The effect and method are so close this can seem to be real magic and leave no explanation as to how it was achieved.

The participant is in fact playing along and following the performer’s words, not to speak. This is a normal compliance from the participant, as in
any other trick.

How this is perceived is shifted through illusion from a normal compliance to the participant apparently having been under the performer ’s hypnotic

The participant does as you wish because of your actual influence as a magician, to get them to play along in a trick. The illusion of influence is
created through your real influence. Others can try and do what you do but because they are not a magician, it will not work.

The performers actual words and actions, as well as the participant following your words and doing as you wish, creates the illusion of hypnotic

The participant becomes convinced through the illusion and what has apparently happened is seen to be what has actually happened.

This is the real secret to creating this effect of instant hypnotic influence, which may not be believed until you have had it work for yourself.

There are also outs for when your suggestions do not work as well or do not work at all and the participant speaks.

Whatever happens and however what you do is perceived, at the very least you are attempting to create the illusion of real magic through trickery.

Here are the words which not only get the participant to actually do as you wish but also help create the illusion, at the same time.

“For the magic to work... Just listen to my words and do as I wish!”

This is similar to the stage whisper in “Kentonism”. Although it appears to be a request for the participant to just play along
as in a stooge situation, your words still fit the perception of magic they help to create.

The words you use are also directions as to how the participant is to play along so that you get the reaction you need from
the participant to complete the illusion.

I add a little laughter here at the end of the line, which helps the suggestion to be accepted. Although they may think it a
funny notion themselves, doing anything you wish. They will still follow your words and do as you say if they want to take
part in the effect and see the magic.

Remove a Deck of cards from their box and fan the deck face up, towards the participant, showing the cards to be normal in
the process.

The performer now slowly touches the participant on the forehead. You are apparently doing something though this touch,
as in the principle which has become known as “The Old Witch Doctor” ploy. This also helps create the illusion of influence.

The words you use and your actions all suggest the effect. They become powerful in and of themselves and all of the
suggestions within your performance along with the principle already described combine to create a greater deception.

When you touch the participant on the forehead, pay attention and be careful not to poke them in the eyes. Kenton uses the
bottom of his palm to touch the participant, making sure his fingers are out of the way of the eyes of the participant. I
suggest you do the same as a precaution, as to not harm the participant.

Touch the participant on the forehead and say the following words:

“Just for the moment you can not speak any words, although you can still move your lips...”

This is a direct command and is understood by the participant as a direction as to how to act during the effect. The way this
is worded also looks to be an overpowering command or a suggestion, as in a stage hypnosis act. This does NOT mean you
should be overpowering. Some may imagine you made the participant act against their will, although this is not actually the

Continue with,

“Don't worry I won't leave you like this for long and I am not trying to make you look a fool!”

These words insure the participant does NOT think you are trying to make them look stupid and they are therefore less likely
to go against your suggestions.

“... Although you may not know why you just do as I wish... we will do a card trick anyway...”

This line helps get them to do what you say even though they do not know why they should just do as you wish for the
moment and you have not told them why you want them to NOT speak. This line also suggests a strange reason for their

Fan the deck face down or just spread the cards towards the participant, for the selection of a card.

“Please take any card and look at it yourself but don't show anyone else it yet!”

The participant takes a card and looks at it, just as in any other card trick.

“So... This may seem odd and you may become slightly confused because you can not speak and can only move your lips for the moment
but try now and tell everyone your card!.. Try!”

This line openly states that the participant may find it odd and confusing to do as you wish and also reminds them not to
speak. The participant can NOT do two things at once and so may now actually have a confused look on their face as they
realize they can’t speak because they are following your first suggestion not to speak.

The fact they have been told to try and speak but find they can not do so because they are following your previous
suggestion, acts as a convincer to the participant that you have indeed caused them to temporarily not be able to speak.

They may see this as a trick only and think that they can speak. Even so, you have still got them to follow your words and do
as you wish so that they are effectively not able to speak for a moment.

Sometimes they will follow your words so well they actually move their lips and this looks as if they are really trying to speak
but can not do so. This adds another convincing level to the effect for the participant, as well as everyone else.

After the participant has attempted to speak and tell everyone their card for a moment, interrupt with the following words.

“Okay. Just show everyone the card instead and put it back in the deck...”

The participant showing everyone their card suggests they can not speak as this is apparently the only way they can
communicate their card to everyone else.

Undercut the deck at the start of a Overhand Shuffle and get the participant to put their card on what was the top half of
the deck. False Shuffle off the rest of the cards on top of the participants card, apparently loosing it in the process by in
jogging the first card of the other half of the deck and then shuffling off the rest of the cards normally. At the end of the
shuffle cut the cards below the in jogged card to the top, thus controlling their chosen card to the top of the deck.

Fan the cards, faces towards yourself and ask the participant to think of their card. This will enable you to glimpse their
chosen card, after it has been controlled to the top or bottom of the deck. Of Course, more subtle methods can be used to
know what card the participant is thinking of, if you prefer.

“So Just think of your card, now that you can not speak!.. The Card you are thinking of is the (Queen of Spades).”

Pause for a moment and touch the participant on the forehead again, still being careful not to poke them in their eyes and
state the following.

“Of Course, you can Speak!.. what was your card?”

They respond with their card and can speak again.


“Of Course, you can Speak!” to the participant breaks the previous suggestion and lets the participant know that they can in fact

The way this is worded means even the most skeptical participant can not argue that this is the case. If they think it obvious
that they could speak all along this line will make them wonder why they did as you wished and did not speak.

At the end of any effect which uses trance or suggestion, whether real or imagined by the participant and audience always
make sure you let the participant know that everything is back to normal at the end. Although this is the illusion of trance or
influence primarily, people can become convinced through the illusion and believe what you do is real.

This material can have a very powerful effect on the participant and should therefore be treated with responsibility. Here are
the words I use as a reminder to the participant after the effect, to be careful no harm is done to anyone.

“Now everything is back to normal and you can speak again.”

If at any point during the effect the participant speaks again before they are meant to do so then this can be labeled as your
influence having worn off. This still suggests that any compliance before was due to your influence over the participant.

When the participant does not follow you words at all and speaks, this is explained away as being because your suggestions
did not work on this occasion and you were not able to put them under your influence this time. Be sure NOT to make the
participant feel that this is their fault or that there is something wrong with them for not following along and doing as you

This lack of influence still suggests that this does work some of the time and that you do have a power of influence over
others but that it did not work this time with this particular person, that is all.

Fraser, Student S.E.C.R.E.T. School


Once again I would like to thank Fraser and ALL of my guest contributors for including some of their finest work and
thoughts in this book.

I’ve been using Fraser’s ‘Struck Dumb’ since it was first released. I highly suggest those who have not performed this piece or
are unfamiliar with it check out the following link (or search YouTube for ‘Fraser Parker’ to find the STRUCK DUMB clip):

Fraser’s original work here was first released in a short manuscript titled, ‘Stuck to the Floor, Unable to Speak’ and used this exact
same technique to produce a variety of effects, which as the title suggests, included a participant being stuck firmly to the

For anyone practicing waking hypnosis, pseudo hypnosis or ‘Telepathy in Action’ these words and gambits are of infinite value.

With permission from Fraser I’m honored to share a few of my own thoughts and uses along these lines now.


When I perform this piece I use wording slightly different from Fraser’s and yet we get the same pristine results. Special
attention should be paid to his line,

“For the magic to work... Just listen to my words and do as I wish!”

I’ve modified this slightly to fit my own performance style as such,

‘For this to work, just listen to my words and do as I wish.’

It’s a very small change. Another variation I use a lot is,

‘For this to work, simply follow my instructions and do exactly as I tell you.’

While this is a bit more direct and forceful, it still says everything that needs to be said and creates the appropriate response.
It’s similar to the ‘Telepathy In Action’ line of,

‘Will you do EXACTLY as I tell you to?’

When met with a ‘yes’ (affirmative) response I go ahead and say,


Look right at me then…(tapping/touching participant on their forehead)…

BECAUSE…as an exercise in the power of your mind and suggestion, for the next few moments… YOU CANNOT SPEAK.

Your lips will move but you cannot utter a single word. I know it’s weird, but just relax and go with it.’

I now proceed with whatever routine or demonstration I’m using.

One thing I find helps very much is if I IMMEDIATELY get the participant/subject focused on and doing something else.
In Fraser’s case he immediately has them draw a card. This, I feel, is meant to engage their conscious mind and remove any
‘dead time’ for an objection.

I give the suggestion and then immediately move onto something else and more suggestions or instructions. This can be as
simple as delivering the ‘CANNOT SPEAK’ lines and then asking the ‘struck dumb’ person to go ahead and take a seat,
‘move right over here’, ‘take a card’, ‘open the book’ or anything else you might have in mind.

Implementing cards is a very natural way to do this and will allow you to begin using these techniques in your everyday
performances. When I use cards it’s with a simple force, control or my preference – an ‘Ultimate Marked Deck.’

The use of marked cards makes the selection very free and fair and the revelation particularly stunning and clean.

I also use this piece in other routines wherein I’m demonstrating the power of suggestion and hypnosis. It doesn’t have to be
with a card trick to be effective – you can literally use these techniques with ANYTHING or even as an effect all alone.

We use the same techniques, linguistics and gambits to produce a variety of other effects too. Here is how it is used to create
the illusion and reality of a person being stuck to the floor, unable to move.


Again we are going to set up and preface these hypnotic effects with the line,

‘For this to work out properly, simply follow my instructions and do exactly as I tell you to do. Is that okay with you?’

I sometimes include this question, ‘Is that okay with you?’ as a covert way of obtaining permission for the effect to happen. At
this point my participants don’t even realize what they are agreeing to or buying into. Their knowing isn’t necessary; what IS

necessary is that they agree to comply with you and give you permission to TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. This is where
rapport will feature heavily.

Once I’ve received an affirmative response I continue with,


Go ahead then and just look at me…because for the next few moments …YOU CANNOT MOVE.

(Touching their forehead, waving my hand, snapping my fingers – whatever gesture you wish to mark this with!)

You’ll still have full control of your muscles, but you’ll sit in the chair completely still and unable to move NOW, almost like your feet are stuck
firmly to the ground by a strong invisible force and you’re being pressed back firmly into your seat. I know it can seem a bit odd at first, but just
relax and go with it…’

You can see I tell the participant exactly what to do. The line ‘for this to work’ is a subtle dual reality and meaning here. The
participant assumes this means ‘for this experience/routine/effect to work.’ They believe their sitting still will affect (or has
the potential to) the outcome of what you’re doing!

I have different way of phrasing these lines, suggestions, requests and instructions though the basic model stays the same,

‘For this to work properly just look at me and listen very closely, because for the next few moments…you CANNOT (X).’

“X” in this case is the suggestion we’re giving.

Let me show you how I use this pattern for a variety of other effects now.


When using the hypnotic ARM LOCK/STIFF ARM with a person who is resistant I’ll often throw this technique and
verbiage in with other suggestions OR just use it all by itself. It’s extremely flexible and very, very effective!

For the ARM LOCK suggestion I’ll say,

‘For the best results simply follow my instructions and do exactly as I say.

Go ahead and hold your arm out in front of you like this…(show them)…perfect!

Now for this to work properly just look at me and listen very closely…because for the next few moments YOU CANNOT move your arm!
Imagine that arm is locked in place, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid to the point where you simply CANNOT move it until I say otherwise.

The more you try to move that arm the more locked, stuck, stiff and rigid it becomes and you’ll remember that arm is NOT supposed to move right
now…is that okay with you?


Simply keep that arm straight, locked, stiff and rigid then and with this focus and concentration in mind…TRY to bend your arm now…go
ahead and TRY and see that you can’t bend it now just to make sure.’

At this point the arm is locked, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid. The participant is asked to TRY to move their arm and
confirms that it’s locked straight. They are following instructions perfectly.


Fraser’s verbal pacing also works like a dream come true for such phenomena as the hypnotic ‘EYE LOCK.’

To do this I say,

‘For this to work properly just do exactly as I tell you and follow my simple instructions to the best of your ability…is that okay with you?


Take a deep breath, close your eyes and listen to me very closely…because for the next few moments YOU CANNOT OPEN YOUR EYES!
You can still feel them and notice how strongly your eyelids are closed now, but you CANNOT open them!

Imagine, focus and concentrate all of your attention on those eyes being stuck closed, sealed shut, glued down and completely unable to open. Nod
your head when you can do this…


In a moment I’ll ask you to TRY to open up your eyes while you continue to focus on those eyes remaining shut, glued and sealed down even tighter
and tighter than they already are. Use your mind to control your body…you can do this…NOW…go ahead and TRY to open up those eyes as
you continue to focus on your eyes remaining perfectly and completely shut in place!

Wonderful…you can stop trying now and…(enter suggestions)…’

While this is a slightly different handling I find that using Fraser’s suggestions and verbiage allow it to work even faster and
carries the same hypnotic results of the classic ‘EYES LOCKED TEST.’

Later in my portion on ‘Thought Veil Waking Hypnosis’ you’ll see how I combine this and other gambits to effectively produce
hypnotic phenomena in ANY PERSON without them being hypnotized. As a teaser, here is how I use Fraser’s gambit with
the ‘SUPER SUGGESTION’ as discussed elsewhere in this course.


The ‘SUPER SUGGESTION’ is a tactic I currently use in just about everything I do from hypnosis and mind reading to
private psychic readings and healing work. It’s incredibly effective and with Anthony Jacquin’s softener (*) at the end, even
more so!

*Anthony’s ‘softener’ is the tag line, ‘because you have a super powerful mind!’ which helps take the edge of this direct,
authoritative suggestion and makes everything that happens after a result of the participant’s own mind and thoughts. It feels
much less controlling when the suggestion is rendered in such a way. Thanks, Ant!

‘For this to work… just listen to my words now and do exactly as I ask of you…

…simply IMAGINE that for the next few moments then, everything I say – EVERY SINGLE THING is now instantly your reality! You
will see what I say or suggest you can see, know what I say you know, you will be, do and have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience everything I
say and suggest to you NOW because you have a super powerful creative mind and you can do this!

And while I realize this might feel a bit odd at first, simply relax, let go and go with it and I promise you’ll do just fine!’

This is one of the most powerful keys I use in my ‘Telepathy In Action’ sequence!

I ask/tell the ‘pupils’,

‘Will you do exactly as I ask you to do?

Good…then I ask you to go just one step further with me and imagine that for the next few moments, everything I say or think or send to send you
mentally – EVERY SINGLE THING – is now instantly your reality. You will see what I see, know what I know, be, do and have, taste,
touch, feel, smell and experience everything I do as if my own thoughts and experience were creating your reality RIGHT NOW because you have
a super powerful mind and you can do this.

Is that okay for you to know?’

Hypnosis Routines
To Create Amnesia

(From ‘T&R’)

There has been an increased interest in amnesia routines and effects as of late.

I prefer doing it for real using psychology and intellectual misdirection, NLP and subtle communication techniques,
minor/temporary confusion, pattern interrupts, phonological ambiguities (etc) to produce the effect(s). It's common for me
to go the Derren-esque route causing people to 'forget' their names, phone numbers, destinations and more immediately
using no props or gimmicks. It's a fascinating area of practice and something I’ve become exceptionally good at.

I've been a fan of Jermay's 'RGM', Sankey's 'Memory Lapse' and 'Freakey'. These are great routines to produce the necessary
mindset called for during amnesia routines, effects and demonstrations.

I find that routines such as the above are more useful as a type of INDUCTION rather than a demonstration in and of
themselves. By eliciting the correct states through deception, we can blow the doors wide open and REALLY cause a person
to forget (or for that fact REMEMBER) just about anything we wish.

Once the mind of the participant is convinced via trickery, their mind becomes a fertile playing field and for a few moments
(at least) we are free to do as we wish. The way I perform mentalism is a bit different in that I only use trickery as an out for
failed REAL phenomenon, in which case the illusion becomes an induction of sorts and gets me back on track to produce
the real stuff using deception and the states it elicits as the precursor to such experiences.

It's a lot of trial and error. This type of material is not technically difficult but requires a lot of subtlety, of course. My
background is in stage hypnosis, core issue hypnotherapy, NLP, Relaxed Focused Awareness, group mind dynamics, ecstatic
states of consciousness and cult mind control so I've had a lot of tools to work with. While there are a lot of great
mentalism routines to produce pseudo-effects I think it's easier to produce true results with a bit of knowledge, application
and lessons derived through LOTS of error.

It's worth it!

One of my favorite things to do for other mentalists is placing a single card onto the table and causing a participant to forget
it completely. Or placing a coin with date noted into a person's closed fist and causing them to be unable to recall the date, or
a simple drawing or a name, etc.

One gem I discovered a few years ago was based on a study which found the majority of American's were unable to
remember their countries pledge of allegiance so I have used tidbits like this to my advantage during amnesia routines.

A very effective gambit while eliciting this forgetful state is having the participant remember the last time they
forgot something! It could be anything; their wallet, cell phone, car keys, appointment or television program they
were intent on watching, etc.

We elicit the forgetful state FIRST and then proceed. It produces results far better than working an amnesia routine ‘cold.’

If the person can recall the last time they forgot something they are already remembering to forget! If they cannot recall the
last time they forgot something, that's perfect too as they are already forgetting something! Using this momentum and
combining it with layers of additional techniques it becomes a simple step towards causing people to truly forget a thing for a
time and I find is more effective than gaffs or gimmicks to do the same.

One of my favorite gems is a mind-blanking technique that can be used one-on-one or with an entire audience. I use it
myself to produce a state of instant meditation and thought clearing - it comes via my long time friend and hypnosis mentor,
a close personal friend and student of Persuasion Artist Kenrick Cleveland (the best there is in my opinion) who originally
taught him the pattern.

The pattern is simple, 'What is it you're NOT thinking about right now?'

See what happens?

The mind goes blank instantly, easily and naturally. When the question is asked with an anchor (snap, gesture, touch) the
results become reproducible and very effective. As we begin stacking commands, anchors and suggestions the participant is
led into a mind numbing world VERY quickly.

A quick example of a strong, signature, impromptu piece of mine is the following:

We'll say my participant's name is 'David.'

'David, if I could ask you ONE question . . . it would be . . . what is it you're NOT thinking about right now?’ (snap/wave,

(You will immediately get a very blank faced stare and see the mental wheels coming to a halt - often the victim will ask,
'What am I not thinking of right now?' Hmmm. I don't know! - - - to which I will reply,

'That's okay, I DON'T KNOW EITHER' while repeating the anchors and question .

. . . I follow with…

If I could ask you TWO questions, the second one might be, 'Besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you forgot (X)?' (This question is
asked while firing the previously set anchor).

X can be anything at this point!

Besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you forgot your own name?


Besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you completely forgot where you were headed?


Besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you accidently forgot your own phone number?

Or as I prefer, do something actually helpful aka, 'Besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you forgot your fear of heights so easily
and naturally (or deeply/ completely and quickly)?'

The results are most often blank faced stares, stuttering and stumbling, drawing a complete mental blank and experiencing
the actual mental processes and faculties shutting down and turning off. These techniques and their ilk result in a very
neutral, unthinking, BLANK person and participant!

This is just one very small, simple example of how I personally produce such effects. The duration of such hypnotics vary
but can be quite extensive with proper work and application.

I'm sure to give the participant their thoughts and clarity back when I'm finished.

This is a deep seated mind-screw and working with the previously set anchors and psychological convincers like American's
natural tendency to forget the pledge of allegiance (especially when placed under pressure AND after the previous bits of
business) it makes for a great, fast and incredibly strong demonstration of impromptu hypnosis and mind control.

In time I will sit down to finish the next manuscript in my 'Thought' series with, 'Thought Veil', including all my work on this
subject, routines and demonstrations, impromptu hypnosis, instant inductions and psychological ruses to facilitate a stronger,
deeper experience.

‘Boat, Cucumber, Wire’

I use this bit as a suggestibility test or set piece. It can be done with an entire audience (as Max Maven does with
his ‘finger to chin’ bit of business) and used to explain how suggestion works.

I often combine it with a single subject or small group having them all forget their name and the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ which as
we know now happens naturally with most American’s especially when coupled with suggestion, confusion and pattern

In the movie 'Super High Me' there is a scene in which our host undergoes a psychological test in which he is asked to repeat
the following words: 'boat, cucumber, wire.'

He is then asked to name/describe various simple objects (example: I hold up my car keys, cell phone or wallet and have the
participant name/describe it/WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE). The point here is to momentarily get the participant focused on
something else. This is also a great point to use the aforementioned pattern interrupt/confusion technique.

After just a few moments I ask them what the WORDS are I had them repeat just moments earlier.

People really struggle and strain to remember/recall their previous thought! They normally miss at least ONE of the words
(boat, cucumber, wire) and it allows me to go into a deeper effect using this short bit of business as a segue in to amnesia

I've done this with the entire audience many times and it works really, really well! Do to the numbers game there will always
be plenty of people who ‘forget’ at least one of the words!

I also have an opening wherein the entire audience gets involved with all types of psychological tests, suggestions and forces
and use the line, 'What is it you're NOT thinking of/about RIGHT NOW?'

The mind goes blank . . . and just when I see the lights beginning to turn on again I ask, 'and what were those three words I had you
all repeat just a few moments ago?'
You can follow this memory lapse with any number of ruses including, 'And what’s more…besides right now when is the last time

(And I DO mean addressing this to the entire audience as a mass effect!)

Again the audience is stunned as many members struggle to recall their own names for a moment. This is one of those
legendary type effects wherein the story that comes after it is often greater than the actual effect itself.

I follow up with saying,

‘By a show of hands, how many of you struggled to recall your own name even briefly?

Yes, quite a few of you…and some of you will continue to struggle all the way until this show ends in which case your name will come flying back
to you instantly as you stand up to leave the theatre…’

Even if this DOESN’T happen it gives the audience members a great story to retell and creates a bigger suggestion and
phenomenon that what actually occurred. Many times the story told is much larger than the actual result and gains a
legendary status.

Post ‘T&R’

Many people wondered what else to do with the above suggestions to create spontaneous amnesia in a subject. I’ll
tell you right now the above is 90% of all I do to create amnesia in impromptu performances!

Everyone thought I was holding back and not sharing the ‘secret key’ to make this work when in fact it works as described
using exactly what was taught in ‘T&R’ and nothing else!

Here are a few points on amnesia that will make your routines and skits work even better. It should be noted that during
stage hypnosis very little is needed other than inducing the subject and giving the suggestion of amnesia to produce results.
Stage hypnosis is a different game altogether and bigger results are obtained with less subtlety.

To create amnesia ‘cold’ in a person I proceed in one of two ways:

1). Using the techniques from ‘T&R’ (above) I proceed exactly as written however I do something else that produces more
definite results:

I touch the subject in the middle of their forehead (about an inch above the eyebrows) while giving the suggestion of
amnesia. This touching creates another response – the subject thinks and feels THERE MUST BE A REASON for this
touch and that it must have some result. These theatrics give them an excuse to forget! If my touch did not produce some
result, I wouldn’t be doing it, right?


I touch the subject with no meaning or intention at all and allow the participant themselves to give meaning and effect to the
action of touching. They respond to my touch by CREATING some effect or phenomena themselves.

I often use this principle during my mentalism demonstrations. At some point I will stop and turn to a person and say, ‘You’re
not hypnotized, are you?’

This question really throws a person and puts them off balance. What an odd question to ask! The question itself almost
implies they MIGHT BE hypnotized. It also presupposes they might BECOME hypnotized later.

Whatever their answer is I follow it up with, ‘I want you to feel this’ or ‘I want you to feel SOMETHING’ and place my hand upon
the participant’s head, arm, shoulder, hand, neck or whatever I wish and feel would be comfortable and appropriate to this

Doing this produces some very odd results. I also find it’s a perfect confusion pattern and easily leads to trance.

‘You’re not hypnotized, are you?

I want you to FEEL SOMETHING…’
At this point the subject begins to create all sorts of phenomena and sensations in their own mind. Are they feeling heat?
Energy? A pulse?

While touching the subject I might ask, ‘What is it you’re NOT thinking about right now?’

This question coupled with the prior ‘You’re not hypnotized’ and ‘I want you to feel something’ sends a mind into chaos. It’s very easy
at this point to give the command ‘SLEEP’ with spectacular results.

When proper rapport has been established (30 seconds or less!) inductions are easy. There is even a great way to get the
proper results with no risk of failure and this is how I do it:

Introducing myself to the person appropriately and shaking their hand I retain my grip (index finger touching their wrist) and

‘It’s nice to meet you (name). My name is Jerome and I’m the Hypnotist this evening…you’re not hypnotized are you?

Umm, no…

‘Perfect. I didn’t think so! I want you to FEEL SOMETHING FOR ME…’

At this point I retain my grip even still and place my left hand on the subject’s shoulder. I look into my participant’s eyes for a
few moments and then smile as if I know something OR that I realize the subject is starting to feel something. My smile (and
slight head nodding) is almost an acknowledgement of sorts. It implies something is happening.

‘Do me a quick favor (name) – take a deep breath and close your eyes…’

As my subject follows my directions and closes their eyes I give a slight tug on their arm and pull them into me with my left
hand (on their shoulder) and say,

‘SLEEP…way down deep, perfectly relaxed and listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions…’

We can FAKE any induction by asking our participant to close their eyes and saying ‘SLEEP’ as they do. An interesting thing
occurs – as my subject closes their eyes and hears the words, ‘SLEEP, way down deep…’ (etc) they often start to drift into a
trance! Although we cheat a little initially with our suggestions and induction process this person will actually end up in a
trance state after all is said and done.

I often assist the participant in this process by lightly pushing their head down (chin towards their chest) as I gently roll their
head around a bit (with my hand on the back of their neck) and slowly rock them back and forth with positive suggestions to

The only thing left to do here is use the techniques I’ve taught you prior; breathing, visualization and positive suggestions. I
use a combination of binds, double binds, presuppositions and embedded commands to produce the desired state. Trance is

In the above example I usually follow with the following lines and suggestions,

‘Remaining deeply in this ‘trance like’ state, in a moment I’ll ask you to open your eyes, stand up and move around all while remaining IN A
TRANCE and going deeper and deeper in to this wonderful state of relaxed focused awareness, inner peace and tranquility at all times.
I’ll continue to speak to you and you will continue to respond very well to the suggestions I give you.

Should you feel unable to maintain this trance with open eyes, you’ll open your eyes anyway and move around with the rest of my subjects as you
vividly IMAGINE how you might respond to suggestions IF YOU WERE in a trance!’

At this point I will count the ‘instantly hypnotized’ subject(s) out as usual and perhaps give them a short reading or
mentalism performance. As a result they THINK and FEEL that they are and were hypnotized by me!

Using the suggestion, ‘I want you to FEEL SOMETHING’ with a physical touch produces its own amazing results. People will
often report feeling energy, wanting to close their eyes, a certain thought or memory flash through their mind and more. This
is a great bit to use with psychological forces, transferring thoughts from one mind to another, inducing trance and more.

To ‘feel something’ is ambiguous; people aren’t sure what they are going to feel or how they might respond. As a result any little
change in mind or body is attributed to this TOUCH. The subject will start to create their own effects.

I remember the first time I did this. The gentlemen I used the technique on yanked his arm away from me as though he were
shocked and yelled, ‘What are you doing to me?’

It is a very powerful gesture and suggestion in its own right.

Another helpful method to create amnesia is to have the participant focus on the information to be removed or ‘forgotten’ in
some type of visualization. For instance, I might ask my subject to imagine writing their name on a chalkboard in BIG,
BROAD LETTERS. Now I continue with my suggestions and instructions having the participant IMAGINE erasing their
name and with that (and other techniques) they may temporarily forget it.

When combined with binds, double binds, hidden directives and interrupts it’s very easy to cause someone to forget.
Remember to elicit a prior ‘forgetful state’ to increase the effects of amnesia many times over. By ‘remembering to forget’
they will do so easily and naturally .

The 7 Minute Hypnosis Show

The following demonstration of hypnosis is one of my all time favorite pet routines and showpieces. I could do
this one routine all day, every day and still love it completely. Very often in my impromptu demonstrations this is
the ONE THING I do and I draw upon this structure constantly in my stage work and full evening programs as

Mixed sets and series of hypnotic suggestions and demonstrations such as this one have been around and put to good use by
the best hypnotists across the world for quite a few years now. Over a decade ago before hypnosis on the street or in
impromptu situations was catching on with the popularity and vigor in which it is today Maxwell and I had already developed
blockbuster routines such as this one to use in a variety of situations – all of them impromptu.

Hypnotists I grew up with nearby such as Don Spencer, Vandermeide, John Daughters and others put short, skillful routines
such as this one to good use to promote their public shows and private hypnotherapy services. When asked about hypnosis it
is short and impressive demonstrations such as this one I go to first when explaining what I do.

Performing a routine such as this one WILL ALLOW YOU to entertain either a single person, a small group or even many
dozens (or hundreds!) of excited audience members. It can be performed close up, on the stage or in the street and in just
about every venue and situation you can imagine. It takes up practically NO SPACE and as always there is no set up involved,
no props used (optional), it’s completely impromptu and extremely dynamic.

I favor this rapid fire sequence of hypnotic suggestions AFTER my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ induction yet ANY good hypnotic
induction taught in this book or learned from other sources will work just fine. Instead of presenting the following as a
demonstration of what I can do with a person through hypnosis I allow this demonstration to be an AFFIRMATION of the
power and creativity of my participants OWN MIND and UNLIMITED POTENTIAL.

What follows here is a short set and series of hypnotic suggestions, routines, skits and demonstrations to use AFTER you’ve
got a subject in a trance through the effects, changes, processes and inductions of stage hypnosis/hypnotherapy.
I present this routine and demonstration as a sure way of showing and explaining to my subjects and clients what they are
capable of doing with the power of their mind. This is a wonderful way to EXPLAIN the hypnotic process, the power of
suggestion, hypnotic inductions and to DEMONSTRATE the power of those suggestions, their positive benefits, effects,
uses and potential simultaneously.

This routine is of infinite value to me because it’s so powerful, impressive and can be performed at a moment’s notice. It can
be funny and inspirational, amazing, mysterious and educational as well as entertaining. What other showpiece in your
repertoire can you say that about?

I have a few different variations on this performance piece and once you see and understand how many suggestions can be
used together for effective entertainment you’ll realize how you can also create your own variations, a similar routine or even

a full show on your own by mixing and matching other routines, effects and hypnotic suggestions for something which is
more suitable to you and your unique performance style.

In this book I’ve included a section on things to say, ideas to entertain and techniques to use with people who may or may
not resist your suggestions. With a bit of reassurance, gentle coaxing and steady rapport you shouldn’t ever really have a
problem getting a subject/potential subject to do exactly as you say, ask or suggest.

As we remember to make these hypnotic demonstrations all about the participant and what THEY can do with their own
mind, creativity, imagination (etc) many of the normal problems and resistance hypnotist’s encounter are side stepped and
overcome easily and naturally.

In 100% of the cases successful suggestion all comes down to the confidence of the performer, participant management and
how we present the effects and suggestions, the rapport you have developed with the subject and the subject’s own criteria,
willingness and desire to be hypnotized.

When these few things are kept in mind and properly utilized you can and will effectively hypnotize anyone, anytime,
anywhere and your suggestions will continue to succeed in the ways you intend.

To begin this routine, after my induction I suggest a series of affirmations, demonstrations or ‘Mind Games’ the client/subject
can enjoy right now to startle, impress and AMAZE HER SELF (or himself) with the power of suggestion and the unlimited
potential of their mind unleashed through SELF HYPNOSIS.

This framing is another very powerful tactic I use and draw upon in my work. By framing this masterpiece routine as an
example and demonstration of what my participant(s) can do with their mind and their potential and present these feats as
the effects of auto suggestion and self hypnosis there is far less resistance. Of course the results are the same.

With this in mind, if you choose to present yourself as the type of performer who ‘can make people do things’ and that
YOU are the Hypnotist here – the CAUSE of these EFFECTS and EXPERIENCES – that can also work. Mine is a
personal preference and tactic to avoid resistance and get consistent, powerful results every time.

Another way I get into this performance is by completing my induction and then launching directly into the suggestions and
routines to follow without any additional explanations. I just go right into it and start swinging for the fences!

Here is a general outline of EVERYTHING I do during this routine. Perhaps making notes or jotting down the bullet points
on a piece of paper or index card will assist you in studying this routine and remembering where everything goes and what
happens next.

In performance it helps to stick with this structure or create a similar one of your own.

If you happen to forget the natural order or what comes next, DON’T WORRY!
Simply continue with the next part or portion and suggestions you DO remember.

This is the outline I use:

• Induction or relaxation sequence of your choice.
• Stuck object test
• Locked/Rigid Arm (and/or hand) – optional audience test.
• Left hand stuck to head – optional audience test using ‘Body Magic.’
• Right hand stuck & pinned to stomach
• Left hand stuck to leg
• One foot pinned to the ground OR subject stuck to their chair
• Mouth stuck/locked wide open
• Eyes stuck or sealed tightly shut
• Magnetic Hands (fingers) – optional audience test using ‘Body Magic.’
• Magnetic Pull on audience member (OPTIONAL)
• Number Amnesia, miscount fingers
• Name Amnesia
• Stuttering and Stammering
• Positive Suggestions and Anchor
• Count Out/Trance Termination
• Post Hypnotic Suggestions and optional demonstrations.

The first test or demonstration of suggestion I use here is either the RIGID ARM TEST or a similar effect/suggestibility
test wherein the hypnotized subject is made unable to drop or let go of an object I hand them (a variation of the ‘Locking
Hands’ test). Instead of presenting these items as ‘tests’ for suggestibility I use them as actual effects after my induction to get
the ball rolling. At this point I have already ASSUMED THE HYPNOTIC STATE for my subject.

The very suggestion and process of a hypnotic induction is a strong convincer by itself. A formal induction creates
anticipation/expectation and gives the person you’re working with a reason, story and excuse with which to follow your
suggestions without feeling ‘silly’ – after all, they WERE HYPNOTIZED!

With a strong induction many people will simply do anything you say and whatever you tell or suggest for them to do
BECAUSE they think they are supposed to and will because they are hypnotized! You’ll be surprised at how many people
simply go along and never question it. Such is the remarkable power and suggestion of the word ‘hypnosis’ by itself.

Follow my directions and scripting under ‘Suggestibility Tests: The Rigid Arm’ for a full example of what I say and how I use this
piece or simply use your own scripts, wording and suggestions with my material to create the proper effects and pacing you
might require.

For this routine I personally love to couple the Rigid Arm Test with a physical object such as a pen or business card to begin
the series (more on WHY I do this later!). I use a combination and variation of the ‘Locking Hands’ test and the ‘Rigid Arm’ by
handing my subject a pen or business card and saying,

‘I want you to place your fingers around this card/pen (pinch and squeeze it between their fingers) and start to grip it tighter and tighter,
tighter and tighter with each passing moment and every breath you take NOW so that IT SEEMS, looks and feels as though your fingers are
actually becoming ONE with the card.

Believe it in your mind! You can do this!

IMAGINE (accept/allow yourself to know) that because you’re gripping and holding this card now and focusing your thoughts in one place that
your mind actually CAUSES the object to become held by you even tighter and more securely now very easily and naturally – locked in place all
the time, so the more you try in vain to remove your fingers, drop your hand or release the card the tighter and more securely stuck together it
remains locked in place between your hand and fingers.
Take a deep breath and allow your grip to become tighter and tighter.

This is the power of your mind in action. Imagine it first, BELIEVE it will happen and your body will respond accordingly. This is easy!’

I give the subject a few moments to squeeze, grip and tighten their hold on the pen or business card while I give the
appropriate suggestions. This act of gripping, pinching and squeezing the card tighter and tighter creates temporary muscle
memory and exhausts the hand or fingers as they squeeze.

A few moments of this with my suggestions and a compliant, relaxed and suggestible (properly induced) subject and they
WILL NOT be able to release their grip on the object or if they CAN they won’t because they simply don’t want to and are
quite pleased to play along and do everything I say as a testament, example and affirmation of their own mind power,
focused attention, will and natural ability!

I present these tests and demonstrations as the power of the mind OVER the body – true mind over matter – and I assure
my subject that once they can do THIS they can do ANYTHING. I praise them for a job well done and correct them
when/if they resist. I repeatedly tell my subject(s) how wonderful they’re doing, this is EASY and they can do this (!) and
cheer for them as we continue exploring the power of their mind, unlimited potential and shared intentions together.

When I feel the subjects are following my directions and suggestions appropriately I’ll ask them to TRY to release their grip
and/or drop the card AS THEY CONTINUE to focus and allow their grasp to become tighter and tighter. This is a great
bind and useful for many other types of suggestions as well. How can one TRY to do something as they focus and intend on
NOT doing it?
And as they CONTINUE to hold the thought, image and belief/notion/possibility of being unable to release their grip on
the card in their mind, their own body will follow suit and respond accordingly.

You’ll most likely see the subject’s hand start shaking at this time and that’s a sure sign for you that your subject is following
along perfectly and will not be able to drop or release the object when asked/not asked/subtly told NOT to!

To make our suggestions work properly we need the subjects to follow our directions and put the burden of success and
outcome directly on their shoulders.

My instructions will always entail the subject holding the thought and suggestion I give them in their mind (seeing, feeling,
imagining and then believing it is their only reality for a moment) and then using their IMAGINATION to BELIEVE it is so
before demonstrating the effects of such!

Instead of me taking control of the subject and their mind through suggestion I present these and other tests, routines and
demonstrations as WHAT IS POSSIBLE for THE SUBJECT to do using the power of their thoughts.

The ‘Imagination Games’ and demonstrations which follow are all examples and external affirmations of an internal process.
The subject’s own mind, thoughts and potential are now working for them. Once the body is trained to obey the mind of my

subject they become/are/will be empowered to take control of their life and create the world of their dreams, ‘but it starts
with this right here, first!’

This subtle suggestion implies a great deal and bypasses the ego mind. There is no reason for a rapport driven subject to
NOT do these things.
I continually tell my subjects that if they can and will hold the idea/suggestion in their mind and believe in it with all their
might they will experience success with self hypnosis (or suggestion) easily and naturally.

The act starts out as pretending, imagining and playing ‘make believe.’ Slowly I lead my subject to another level as what we
intend, imagine and desire together becomes REAL or TRUE for us.

Imagination becomes reality for the subject as the effects of my mental suggestions and power of the subject’s own mind
and thoughts are demonstrated in the physical world. I’m able to PROVE how our thoughts create a physical response in our
body and that through our mind and mental attitude we shape our life, world and experience. This can make for an
exceedingly powerful lesson (or even full evening lecture) displaying the importance of positive thinking and how our
thoughts create, even to the point in which they can heal or even kill us.

The pendulum, contact mind reading or my Haunted Key to demonstrate the ideometer response (that our mind produces
startling effects within our body) is another surefire approach I favor here when time allows.

Though presented as ‘self hypnosis’ and as my subject controlling their body with their mind and thoughts I am the one
facilitating the process and giving them the suggestions to give themselves (!) and I’ve found over many years of doing this
and other hypnotic routines BOTH WAYS this slight shift in perception and experience works absolute wonders! The
experience becomes empowering, meaningful and ALL ABOUT the client and what they can do, not what I can do TO them
or MAKE them do.

The subjects are to imagine the effect or suggestion happening first in their mind (make believe) and then by slowly
firsthand!) we achieve ultimate success.

We as facilitators and the subjects as observers of the power of their own mind and consciousness are able to witness the
startling effects of the mind over the body and physical world as their own thoughts and temporary beliefs/imagined realities
take shape before them and SHOW us results.

My immediate suggestions continue to work out perfectly. By removing the subject’s ego (and my own) from the process I
insure that my demonstrations turn out perfectly.

If working with a small group (1 to 10 people or so) I’ll often take everyone through a short induction and relaxation
sequence using Bill Cushman’s wonderful ‘Jumping Pulse’ (also taught in this book) and then proceed with my current routine
using everyone and this starting piece to open. By removing a small stack of business cards and handing one to each person
for the demonstration it serves as the perfect suggestibility test.

After my instructions and the subject’s act of gripping the card tighter and tighter and being unable to drop it I continue
working with those people who respond to the suggestions and allow self hypnosis, positive thinking and MIND POWER to

work for them. Because of how I work with a group and present these demonstrations this should be just about everyone
involved, if not EVERYONE involved!

By starting with this ‘Stuck Object’ piece I can see immediately if my subject is going to work out for the following tests and
because I’ve been doing this for so long with such magnificent results I’ve come to expect, assume and believe that
EVERYONE who participates is going to experience some amount success with this opening demonstration and the ones to
follow. I realize there truly IS NO WAY TO FAIL and every way to succeed!

As the subject’s find themselves unable/unwilling to release their grip and drop the business card I use the momentum,
experience, success and memory of their results here to pace the rest of my routine and suggestions accordingly. Once this
FIRST suggestion has been accepted and proven successful I continue with,

‘Wonderful! You’re doing perfectly!

You can (all) stop trying now and as I snap my fingers you’ll be able to release your grip easily and naturally and put the card away in a purse,
wallet or pocket now (SNAP!) so we can proceed.’

I snap my fingers, the subject’s grip is released and they put the card away before moving on to the next suggestion.

There are obviously a few neat variations here and ways you can handle this. You could simply snap your fingers and release
the subject’s grip before they put the cards away OR you could have the card or object you’re using drop to the floor. I
DON’T personally do this because I want these people to keep my card and I feel it’s a bad suggestion for them to toss it on
the floor. I HAVE done this on purpose on stage before so that later a subject hypnotized to be a JANITOR had something
to sweep up.

You might wish to continue at a rapid pace and instead of taking a moment to allow the subject(s) to put the card away you
can simply take it back (and give them one at the end) or have them release their grip and place the cards down on the table
or floor, an empty chair, their other (free) hand, etc.

Whichever way you choose to proceed is fine!

At times I’ve even had my business card holder out on a desk or table and asked my participant(s) to return the card to the
holder before we proceed. This is nothing more than a psychological gambit which allows me to continue the leading process
and conditions my subject to respond to my suggestions.

I use this first experience with suggestion being effectively demonstrated to pace the following suggestions by asking my
subject(s) to REMEMBER what it was like as they gripped the card and focused their thoughts and then doing that very
same thing ‘JUST LIKE BEFORE’ in the next test or demonstration.

This implies that because they have already succeeded and done what I’ve asked and suggested ONCE that they can, will and
are very able to do it again. I also assure the subject during my first demonstration that ‘Once you can do THIS you can do
ANYTHING and what I ask of you will never be harder than this!’

This beautiful line and suggestion implies a few things; that this current suggestion is EASY and my subject will be
successful, that my subjects can do what I ask of them and that my proceeding tests, routines and demonstrations will very
easily be just as successful.

Instead of snapping your fingers you could blow across the subject’s hand to release their grip or give suggestions that when
you smile (or blink) their grip becomes soft and relaxed as they become able to release the card easily and naturally. I often
pass my open hand slowly over the hands of my subjects with suggestions that as I do their grip will once again become
loose, limp and relaxed.

After the first test is concluded I go into the ‘Rigid Arm Test’ as an effect and demonstration of the effects of self hypnosis,
waking trance states, mind power and positive suggestion.

At the end of this routine I’m going to share even more variations and combinations that I’m using currently. For now let’s
get through this basic routine, structure and format then we’ll look at other possibilities.

Following the ‘Stuck Object’ test/demonstration I proceed with the ‘Rigid Arm.’

‘And now I’d like you to make a fist and hold your arm out in front of you like this (I show them what to do here, leading by example)
and focus your attention HERE at the top of your hand.

And as you focus your attention there I want you to imagine that your arm is becoming locked in place, strong, stiff and rigid as though a steel
beam is running through your shoulder, all the way down your arm, into your elbow and out through your wrist, hand and fingers making your
limb incredibly strong and completely unable to move or bend.

NOTE: As I give my suggestions of the steel bar running through the subject’s shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist (etc) I
GRAB/GRIP each body part firmly for a moment as I mention it to reinforce the idea of locking it up and making it strong,
stiff and rigid.

As long as you can hold this thought and image in your mind and CONTINUE to focus your unconscious attention and effortless concentration
just here (touch) on the top of your hand you’ll be able to do this EXACTLY LIKE BEFORE and it becomes easier as we go!

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you these things and more will ALL happen easily and naturally. Allow your arm to
become strong, stiff and rigid like a steel bar now so the stronger it becomes the more impossible it is to bend it…the more difficult it is to bend the
stronger and stronger your arm becomes and naturally remains locked into place.

…NOW go ahead and TRY to bend your arm as you continue to focus your attention and hold these thoughts and positive suggestions in your
mind…remain focused NOW and TRY TO BEND IT!’

Because my personal approach to hypnosis shifts and changes between PATERNAL approaches and inductions to
MATERNAL tests and demonstrations I rarely encounter problems.

Once I’ve got a subject ‘under’ I prefer to go easy on them and instead of commanding them around with an ‘Almighty’ ego
I’m more like a good friend and facilitator who guides them, cheers them on and shows them what is possible with their

newfound state of mind and abilities. I congratulate and praise the subject with each passing command and successful

If the subjects fail to respond to ANY suggestion I reprimand and correct them before giving the instructions and
suggestions again and cheering them on to succeed!

Because my entire body is tattooed (including my face) this gentle approach of giving the power of hypnosis to the subject
alone really works for me – it’s an odd dichotomy as people expect me to be forceful because I look forceful. In the event I
get a more resistant subject (rare) I’ll shift in my approach and execution of these techniques to a more PATERNAL,
commanding presence and state of being to meet their expectations.

At this point I should bring up a few more small variations so that we’re not overwhelmed at the end.

Many times for the first and second demonstrations (‘Stuck Object’ & ‘Rigid Arm’) I use a simple Bic pen and a peek wallet. I
remove the card from the peek wallet and have my subject write a piece of information (anything they wish or something I
tell them such as a name, word, number, drawing, etc) on the back simply as SOMETHING TO FOCUS THEIR
THOUGHTS ON. I turn around or place myself into a trance (close my eyes, breathe deeply and imagine the 7 colors of the
spectrum) while this is taking place.

When this has been completed I use the card (turned over to hide the info) for the ‘Stuck Object’ test. By this time the pen has
been switched for a tipping pen and once my subject has released their grip on the card it goes back into the peek wallet for
later ‘in case we need it again.’

This presentation is really nice because I instruct my subject to THINK and FOCUS on the information they wrote down as
I give them my simple suggestions and instructions. I present this as a random piece of information we can use to occupy
the conscious mind while I speak DIRECTLY to the subject’s subconscious mind. I’ll use the tippler pen later.

Another variation uses the pen immediately in the ‘Stuck Object’ test thus:

In the beginning I instruct my subject to hold their arm out in front of them and grasp the pen at their fingertips. As I
complete the ‘Stuck Object’ suggestion I transfer that stuck feeling to their arm so the suggestion continues.

Because the subject remains in more or less the same position throughout the two different segments (stuck object/stuck
arm) and because not much is changing it’s easier for them to relax and follow my early suggestions, commands and
instructions. This prepares and conditions my subject to follow more difficult and complex suggestions later in the routine.
I begin by having the subject place their attention at their fingertips and the pen that is held between them and conclude by
removing the pen at the end after my subject has been found unable to release it AND their arm has become strong, stiff
and rigid – completely unable to bend or move. When I remove the pen (the object of focus) the subject’s arm becomes
loose, limp and relaxed ‘all back to normal.’

Many times I will also lock the subject’s hand into a fist as the more the subject concentrates on their closed fist and how
difficult it might be to pry open the stronger and more rigid their arm also becomes, and vice versa. I link one suggestion and
effect to another. In doing this, only ONE suggestion really needs to take effect for them BOTH to work perfectly.

Now I continue by removing the pen from the subject’s closed fist and as I do the subject can release their grip and bend
their arm once again, easily and naturally.

As mentioned before I LOVE doing this full routine with a ‘PK Pen’ from Banachek. Structuring my routine like this has
another very subtle use to me. The subject becomes intimately familiar and comfortable WITH the pen via this early
demonstration and thus here is a point in the procedure which is equal to the subject or audience examining it.

I often do such things with the ‘Haunted Key’ where I hand it out in the beginning and instead of asking for the prop to be
examined the key grows light, heavy, pulsates, heats up, cools down, changes shape and color, takes on a life of its own, etc.
It’s a better way for me to handle things.

Now ANYTIME I need or desire to have something (anything!) examined I simply hand the object to a participant and
proceed with a few suggestions and tests WITH the object as a focal point. This goes for books, cards, coins, pens,
pendulums, keys, spoons, dice and more. In this sense the objects are NOT being ‘examined’ – I’m giving them to a
participant to place their attention, focus and concentration on. We use the object with a few suggestions BEFORE
incorporating it in another routine USING it.

The reason I use a Banachek ‘PK Pen’ (and/or peek wallet – optional) is because later I can finish the routine with something
that is NOT possible through hypnosis – psychokinetically affecting a physical object and causing it to move and perhaps
even mind reading or ‘hypnotic telepathy.’
The participant actually does this ‘moving pen’ their self, supposedly, and thus this prop adds yet another STRONG
convincer that my subjects were in a Super Conscious state of mind and being.

I should add that the incorporation of a tippler pen and peek wallet is NOT something I normally do. It is an ‘extra’ phase
and variation I may use for the right people and at the right time. My preference is to do this routine without any external
props or gimmicks. Instead of a peek wallet you could use any center tear, billet switch and peek, an impression pad or other
method of your choosing. Because I often present this routine with my business card (they can’t let go of my services!) it’s
natural to use a wallet.

This routine reads long but is actually fairly short and constantly entertaining. So far I’ve demonstrated a simple ‘Stuck Object’
and ‘Rigid Arm Test’ only!

Once I’ve got the arm of my subject(s) locked up and unable to move or bend successfully I take my subject’s OTHER arm
and hand and proceed to stick their palm to the top of their head.

As I do this I simply say, ‘Hold that right there, don’t move’ and continue. Giving this simple instruction insures that my subject
will continue to hold their hand to the top of their head and remain in this position.

If I haven’t caused the ‘RIGID ARM’ to become loose, limp and relaxed yet, it is now that I REMOVE THE PEN from
their fist with the suggestion that,

‘As I remove the pen FOR YOU NOW your arm becomes loose, limp and relaxed…all back to normal, BUT…as it does so your OTHER
HAND is now stuck securely and firmly to the top of your head!

The more you try to pull your hand off your head now the tighter and more securely stuck in place it remains. The tighter and more securely stuck
in place it remains the easier it becomes for you to KEEP IT THERE and re-direct your attention to the top of your head NOW!’

I set this up so that as one suggestion ends another (similar) effect begins/is transferred. The thoughts and suggestions are
merely being transplanted as we go and the suggestions and their effects go to wherever I SAY they go and do whatever I
SAY they do.

The subject’s right arm becomes loose, limp and relaxed (no longer stiff and rigid) but instead NOW their left palm is stuck
securely to the top of their head.

At this point I incorporate a nice piece of body magic and psychological convincer. Not only will this convince my subject of
the power of their own mind and self hypnosis/suggestion, it will convince the audience too. Utilizing this short convincer is
wonderful because it GIVES my subject a great reason to KEEP their hand STUCK to their head!

I ask the largest man I can find to approach the stage/subject and TRY to pull his/her hand from her head! As I’m
presenting this I continue giving suggestions to my subject that their hand is stuck firmly and securely to the top of their
head completely unable to move or come off it. While I give the subject my suggestions I might also press my hand down on
top of theirs and ask them to IMAGINE their hand being stuck, glued and locked tightly in place JUST LIKE BEFORE.


The man I choose to pull the subject’s hand off their head will be found unable to do so, but how?

Quite simply, when the subject holds their hand to their head and continues to apply pressure it’s very difficult if not
impossible for anyone else to remove that hand no matter how hard they try. I make sure they don’t JERK the stuck hand,
but apply even, steady pressure as hard as they can.

While I tell the large man to pull ‘as hard as he can’ I also remind him NOT TO HURT HER/HIM (the subject). It goes like

‘I want you to try and pull her hand from her head. Pull as hard as you like, you won’t be able to move it! I only ask that you don’t jerk or startle
her out of this deeply relaxed state, so please apply an even, steady pressure and pull as hard as you can remembering NOT to hurt her!’

The image of a tiny woman with a very large man unable to pull her hand from her head is very, very strong.

This convincer is only a matter of leverage and the participant’s center of gravity. The assistant WILL NOT be able to pull
the subject’s hand away and thus the subject herself is utterly convinced and once again praised for having such a powerful,
competent mind and clear focus.

Many times I’ll already have a large man on stage and I’ve used him for the ‘Rigid Arm’ test as well. Because this hand stuck to
the subject’s head bit comes next he’s still there to test this suggestion as well. This routine is a psychological masterpiece. I
use the audience against themselves to convince everyone watching AND the subject that what I say is happening is
happening (and it is!).

If you don’t wish to use another audience member to test the stuck arm and/or stuck hand as I do simply deliver these
suggestions as usual and ‘test’ them yourself. If you don’t wish to physically ‘test’ the effects of your suggestion simply
suggest that your SUBJECT tries to bend their arm, lift their hand, etc.

There are many options always available to you.

Keep in mind that at this point I’m going to be moving rather quickly. I spend a few brief moments with each new
suggestion and then proceed to the next one in order. I move a bit more slowly here in the beginning and use the compliance
‘Rule of Three’ to begin pacing this experience and demonstration. Now that three successful demonstrations are underway
and they’ve been confirmed with success and confidence I really pick up the pace.

It isn’t necessary to test each new suggestion during this or any other hypnosis routine. Most of the time it’s enough for your
subject to follow your instructions through two or three demonstrations and then throw an actual TEST into the procedure
to AFFIRM every suggestion which came before it. If a subject stands there with their hand on their head and I say it’s stuck
and they remain there WITHOUT testing it (!) this amounts to the same thing in the eyes of the audience.

The subject is still doing what I say and suggest!

After a few more suggestions I can throw an actual TEST in the mix to confirm and affirm the effects of everything which
came before it if I wish to. This is working smarter, not harder and there are even less chances for failure; less opportunities
for things that can potentially go wrong to go wrong.

I don’t usually love the idea of ‘testing’ anything whether it’s the suggestibility of my volunteers or the strength and effects of
my suggestions because the testing itself implies IT CAN GO WRONG or FAIL. This isn’t a ‘pass/fail’ demonstration. We
only get and show success! The exception to this rule are ‘tests’ which are actually NOT tests but CONVINCERS that
cannot go wrong and will always succeed based on certain psychological and physiological methods such as select pieces of
‘Body Magic’ and the ideometer response.

Moving on…

In my current performance of this routine after I’ve stuck my subject’s LEFT hand to the top of their head I go back to their
RIGHT HAND and stick it to their stomach/abdomen like this,

‘And if I take THIS HAND (picking up their free right hand) and stick it here…
(pressing/pushing their hand to their stomach)…wonder of wonders THIS HAND can now move again (pulling their left hand
effortlessly from their head) and THIS ONE (re-touch and re-affirm the right hand on stomach) now remains stuck tightly and
securely in its place!

Weird, isn’t it?

Go ahead and TRY to move it and AMAZE YOUR SELF as it remains stuck, locked, glued, bound and cemented in place. This is the power
of your mind working through HYPNOSIS!

You can stand up now (or sit down) and yet your hand remains stuck in place firmly and securely.’

I may do something very sneaky here to insure my success if I’m ever in doubt (rare).

As I tell the subject to ‘go ahead and TRY to move it’ (their right hand stuck to their abdomen) I’m actually STILL pressing their
hand firmly to their mid-section and making direct eye contact. This flies past everyone and believe me when I say your
subject is going to follow along no matter what you do if using this safety net.

This test can, does and will work based on the merits of hypnosis and the strength of your suggestions alone. With this in
mind I continue to perform this piece in the way I was taught using all the little tricks, tips and cheats throughout. What can I
say? I’m an advantage player!

I normally perform this routine with a standing subject. I can also do it with someone sitting. At this point in the routine I
will usually ask my participant to REVERSE their position. If they are standing I’ll ask them to sit. If they are sitting I’ll ask
them to stand. Whatever the case, their hand remains stuck firmly to their abdomen. This repositioning is helpful because
again it allows me to lead and maintain control over the subject and create compliance by giving them small, simple
suggestions to respond to. I ask them to do something and they do it. The subject is now getting really used to this! I’m
teaching them as we go.

Because I’m moving at a fairly rapid pace at this point in the routine it’s incredibly rare for my subject to even TRY to test
these suggestions when I ask them to. As soon as I place the subject in one position and give the appropriate suggestions I’m
already doing something else and offering other suggestions too. I keep moving and talking to create confusion and
complacency. Eventually the subject WILL be overwhelmed and confused and simply begin doing whatever I tell them to in
order to catch up.


As a related short example, if I have a standing subject and I tell them,

‘Place your right hand here at the top of your head and your left hand here, pinned to your leg and HOLD IT…now look at me…NOT
YET…but in a moment when I snap my fingers I want you to mentally count backwards from 5 down to 1. As you do I want you to imagine
those hands becoming stuck tighter and tighter locked securely in place!

When you reach the number 1 go ahead and TRY to remove your hands as you continue to relax and breathe deeply, listening to the sound of my
voice and my instructions so that your hands remain stuck to your body, growing tighter and stronger, held more firmly and securely in place with
each passing moment…go ahead and do it now…’

While giving those instructions my subject will remain standing with their hands on their head and stomach. They already
seem stuck! All the subject is doing at this point is listening to my instructions and standing in the position I told them to.

If at this point I start immediately repositioning them and/or giving other suggestions such as,

‘Allow your body to grow more invigorated and energized with each breath you take…TRIPLING your current level of peace and relaxation.
Allow every heartbeat and sound in the room to assist you in drifting quickly into this relaxed, centered state…

Go ahead now and STOP TRYING to unfasten your hands, you’re doing perfectly!

Of course when I snap my fingers your hands become loose, limp and relaxed…all prior suggestions fading gently from your mind and thoughts,
regaining control and moving your hands again exactly as you wish whenever it feels perfect for you…(SNAP!)’

The above example is NOT part of my routine but illustrates how we can FAKE pretty much any suggestion and its ‘testing’
by our subject. Also notice another very subtle ploy here in our example…I never snapped my fingers to BEGIN the first
suggestion! This flies right past everyone. The hypnotic language and structures I use cause people to forget the actual steps,
actions and process in a barrage of words, linking words, pauses, direct commands and future suggestions.

To anyone watching my subject has remained standing in place with their hands stuck to their body. To anyone listening I’ve
even TOLD my subject to TRY to pull their hands apart/off their body and then later told them to STOP TRYING and
restored personal control of the hands to the subject.

This implies that my suggestions stuck the subject’s hands in place, the subject tried and could not move them (evidenced by
the fact they remained standing in place NOT moving their hands!) and that I removed the suggestion whereby my subject
could then move their hands once again. The very natural movement of their hands after I snap my fingers this time (for
real) IMPLIES the hands couldn’t move before. It’s just a big, clever psychological CON at this point, and a very good one I
might add!

In reality all that took place with the above example is my subject remained standing in the position I placed them in and
tried hard to follow my different directions and instructions.

Before they can do or act on ONE THING I’m already speaking to them again and immediately saying/suggesting
something else. This negates or delays the first direction/instruction/suggestion I gave and to listen at this point my subject
has to STOP what they are planning to do (follow my prior instructions) and give me their full attention which delays the
process they were just involved in. At this point they COULD HAVE counted from 5 to 1 many, many times now (if I hadn’t
interrupted that process with other suggestions) and yet their hands remained stuck in place the entire time. The illusion is

This routine includes such a rapid fire sequence and barrage of suggestions that usually the subject will simply stand there in
place doing exactly as I say. It’s a confusion tactic at play here. I’m throwing out so many suggestions so rapidly it’s just easier
for the subject to remain in whatever positions I place them in.


Back to the routine…

While I’m delivering the ‘go ahead and try to move or remove it’ line in the above script my left hand is still pressing the subject’s
right hand down on their stomach AS my right hand is now taking the FREE LEFT HAND of my participant and sticking it
to their leg. I may or may not say once again, ‘Hold that hand there…’ as I stick their left hand to their left thigh and then,

‘And as you do, THIS HAND (subject’s right hand) becomes unstuck once more as your LEFT HAND now becomes stuck firmly and
securely to your leg using only the power of your mind and the unlimited, far reaching potential of your thoughts…you’re doing beautifully!

Let’s give her a big round of applause!’

You can see how I am merely TELLING my subject exactly what to do and then CONGRATULATING THEM and
praising their incredibly powerful mind and ability to focus, follow my instructions and comprehend simple suggestions.

My subjects are getting all the credit, personal attention from me and the satisfaction of my audience through their response
and applause. There is no reason for the subject to deny or go against what I’m telling, suggesting and commanding them to

Consider the fact as well I present this routine as auto suggestion and self hypnosis I MAKE POSSIBLE and we have an
undeniable miracle that works pretty damned close to 100% of the time with a single participant AND small and large

This routine is very beautiful because it can even be done quite easily WITHOUT hypnosis…as we’re now seeing!

Because I’m not asking my subject to do anything too farfetched or drastic at this point there is no doubt whatsoever that my
participant(s) will respond perfectly to my every suggestion up until this point and beyond.

I provide an easy way for my subject to get attention and time in the spotlight, get the credit, be praised and garner applause
doing very little work. They get credit for being both the hypnotist AND the subject!

The subject will also be the center of attention when I’m finished as people watching will have plenty of questions and
comments for them when they are through. I’m also creating and making possible a great story and conversation for my
subject, their family, friends and co workers to share for many months or even years to come!

With hypnosis we always start SMALL with little suggestions which can be easily followed and then move on to larger more
dramatic ones.

Though my participant has now tapped into the qualities of their subconscious mind and creativity I still remain careful not
to bruise or ask too much of their ego/conscious mind (which I kept fed through praise, encouragement and applause).

Every suggestion followed and acted upon makes it easier for the next subsequent suggestions to ALSO be acted upon. Our
work becomes easier and more powerful as we proceed.

Routines like this constitute nothing more than psychology and the induction only serves to relax my subject and take away
their own nervous energy and anxiety to perform. A properly timed and executed induction also quiets the conscious mind
and helps the ego to take a backseat and enjoy the process without getting too far involved and messing things up.
Remember, the more conscious resistance and involvement here the less the subconscious response. With hypnosis we need
to override or quiet the conscious, logical, thinking, rational, resistant mind of our participants.

The induction provides a process and serves as a convincer to the hypnotic state and generates both anticipation and
expectation within the audience AND subject. The induction and great banner/umbrella excuse of ‘hypnosis’ (or SELF
HYPNOSIS) gives those involved a reason to do things they normally wouldn’t do – they are hypnotized! As such, they
create a lot of leeway for themselves to act contrary to what their normal personality might allow or dictate. My subjects are
allowed/given permission to ‘let loose’ with a great excuse as to WHY they will do what they will do. The induction is an
unspoken agreement between the operator and subject.

Because my induction relaxes the person involved, convinces their logical mind that ‘something’ is going on and creates the
expectation of hypnosis all the work I do with suggestion is much, much easier.

All of this working together provides a format in which your hypnotic demonstrations will come to life and take flight right
before your very eyes! I think of inductions in a few ways – as relaxation and centering exercises of course, but also as
psychological placebos which create the expectation of certain hypnotic phenomena. Since what is expected tends to be
realized it becomes very easy to cause a person to follow and respond to my suggestions.

At this point I’m about to change my subject’s position (sitting or standing) to do THE OPPOSITE. Before I do this I’m
going to set up my next demonstration perfectly with the ‘Stuck Eyes’ test outlined in this course. You can find my handling in
the section regarding SUGGESTIBILITY TESTS.

By performing the ‘Stuck Eyes’ routine at this juncture I set myself up perfectly with a strong convincer and again the phrase,
‘just like before…’

After the ‘Stuck Eyes’ demonstration has been concluded I proceed to have my subject sit or stand accordingly. Again, I
merely reverse the position they are already in – this too is OPTIONAL (as with everything else in this routine).

I’ve just had my subject reverse their position (sit down or stand up) and their LEFT HAND is still stuck firmly and securely
to their left leg. Just like before I’m going to give suggestions that their hand now becomes UNSTUCK but in its place their
foot or leg becomes stuck to the floor and is completely unable to move, ‘just like before with your eyes.’

If my subject is sitting at this point I’ll use these same suggestions to simply stick them to their chair/seat and become
unable to move. If standing I continue by saying,

‘And as I snap my fingers two things will happen and BOTH are unique and interesting! When I snap my fingers you’ll notice your hand comes
away from your leg easily and naturally – all back to normal – and in its place ONE OF YOUR FEET becomes stuck, bound, glued, cemented
and secured firmly to the floor instead!

I’m not sure which foot it will be – your right or your left – but I DO KNOW that as your hand becomes unstuck NOW (snap!) your foot is
now completely stuck in its place. (Gesture towards the subject’s LEFT LEG.)

Let’s find out which one it is TOGETHER. Being careful to maintain your balance, go ahead and TRY to take a few steps forward and as you
take a few steps forward NOTICE which of your feet remains stuck behind you, unable to move forward and bound firmly in place.’

I turn this portion into a shared experience of DISCOVERING ‘which foot’ is the one that gets stuck. This allows the
subject to FEEL as though they have a bit of choice in the process, but it’s only the ILLUSION of a choice. Their foot is
still stuck!

Often I combine and layer the suggestions so the stuck eyes, stuck hand and stuck foot are all happening simultaneously. It’s
very strong and makes for a great photo opportunity.

Again, a few sneaky things happen here with the ‘Stuck Foot’ and I’m constantly gauging my participant’s level of
suggestibility. When I say ‘I’m not sure which foot it will be’ I GESTURE briefly to my subject’s left foot and leg. If they are in

deep rapport and harmony with me even this tiny gesture and suggestion will be enough for them to respond to and as such
their LEFT LEG/FOOT will be the one to stick.
If not, no big deal!

The secondary suggestion will fly right past them and their RIGHT LEG/FOOT will become stuck instead. Either way I
win! In the event that my subject picks up on and responds to my subtle gesture and non-verbal suggestion I know that I can
up the ante a bit and begin delivering even larger and more complex suggestions.

The funny thing is this: if my subject fails to respond to my suggestion I am eventually going to utilize these bigger and more
complex suggestions anyhow! Remember this gesture is just a subtle personal test, nothing else.

When going the sitting route instead of standing I will give the subject suggestions and instructions of TRYING to stand up
from their chair. Of course you could plan it so that your subject is ALWAYS sitting or ALWAYS standing and again, it’s up
to you.

Moving on…

Once the last suggestion (stuck foot) has been successfully noted and confirmed I’ll ask my subject to STOP TRYING and
either remain seated or bring their two feet back together (if standing) and perfectly balanced.

I continue with,

‘And the remedy for this rather odd sensation and situation is simple…all you have to do to UNSTICK your foot again is OPEN YOUR
MOUTH like this (I show them by opening my mouth wide and keeping it open, leading by example) and keep it open…NOT
YET! There’s more…

As long as your mouth is open your foot remains completely under your control. If for some reason your mouth should close again your foot will
immediately become stuck in place again. When your mouth is open wide and you place your attention and focus here (I lightly touch the
subject on the tip of their nose) your foot will remain unstuck and under your control. It’s up to you to decide which is which.’

Go ahead and open up your mouth nice and wide now and enjoy how loose, limp and relaxed your foot becomes again instantly. I DO need you to
move right over here though, if you would please (showing the subject where to go) and with each step you take your mouth becomes stuck
wide open and locked with each passing moment so the more you try to close your mouth the harder it becomes and the harder it becomes the better
control you now have over BOTH of your feet again.’

I use the same gambit and illusion of the subject having some amount of choice in the process and results of my suggestion
just like I did before. I give use a few more confusing suggestions and I begin to link suggestions and their effects.

I also ask my subject to place and hold their attention and concentration on the tip of their nose for a reason! It provides an
‘out’ or ‘safety net’ if I should require one. Should the subject close their mouth for some reason AND move without being
stuck I’ll firmly say,


Please focus your attention right here on your nose and as long as you remain focused on that spot you can use your mind to direct your body, JUST
LIKE BEFORE…you can do this! Cause your body to respond to your MIND and THOUGHTS!’

Or something similar to the above as we shall now see…

95% of the time I’ll never have to do what is written below.


If for some reason my subject closes their mouth at this point AND moves where I tell them to without their foot
becoming/remaining stuck I will quickly remedy this situation and put the burden of events directly onto the subject’s
shoulders by saying,


Place your attention here at the tip of your nose and as you place your attention on the tip of your nose AND CONCENTRATE you’ll notice
how the power of your mind, thoughts and intentions will keep your mouth open for you easily and naturally.

I promise you can do this!’

In the event that my subject doesn’t do or act EXACTLY as I tell them to I reprimand them very forcefully by saying, ‘NO!
You’re not concentrating!’ and then once again give them proper instructions. Remember, this is all about THEM, the power of
their mind and what they can do. If they fail to respond it’s on them, not me.

I’ll often use a ruse from Dave Elman by saying,

‘No! You’re focused on MOVING (or ‘bending your arm’ or ‘remembering your name’, etc) when you should be focused on NOT
MOVING it (X = suggestion).’

IMMEDIATELY AFTER I reprimand the subject and reposition them I re-implant my suggestions and INSTANTLY I say,
‘I’ll make this even easier for you. Hold your mouth open like this…and allow it to remain stuck in place.

Perfect! That’s exactly what I want! Give him/her/them a HUGE round of applause!’

I say and do this even if my subject has done nothing! I simply give them my suggestions and instructions again and FAKE
PERFECTION and reason for applause! I immediately tell the subject, ‘Yes, that’s perfect!’ and get the audience to applaud.
This educates the subject very quickly.

Another great point here is at this moment I will usually start educating my audience and prompting them to respond to my
subjects with enthusiastic applause without my verbal prompting. I do this whether or not a suggestion has failed. It’s a great
point in the routine to start laying it on a bit thick.

This also assists in re-educating a wandering or ‘iffy’ subject. I’ll place the onus on my audience AND the subject by saying,

‘The more you applaud the better she’ll do (him or they) and the better and greater she continues to respond to my suggestions using the power of
her mind, the more you should all clap, cheer and applaud her for her exceptional gifts, natural talents and incredible efforts for all of us this

The reward for paying attention and doing exactly as I say has been mentioned in earlier pages. The ‘punishment’ for the
subject NOT doing as I say is being sternly reprimanded in front of the group and losing my sense of satisfaction and praise
for them.

I’ll only let this happen ONE TIME and then I will no longer ‘play nice’ with this subject. I’m not embarrassing them – I’m
not alienating them, I’m only HELPING THEM and EDUCATING THEM. We’ll get to that topic in depth here in a few…

Remember that throughout this routine and series of tests and demonstrations that I am constantly praising the subject and
how powerful their mind is, how great they’re doing and how much natural ability they show, how strong their thoughts are,

I guide, coach and coax my subject into doing as I wish and as a result I also get the audience cheering for them, applauding,
laughing, clapping and causing a ruckus. It’s a fun event and it will stay that way as the subject continues doing what I wish.
Sometimes I’ll perform bits and pieces of this routine with a private client for hypnotherapy to show them exactly what their
mind is capable of and how the power of suggestion works. We’ll get into these same demonstrations inside a therapeutic
setting later as well.

If working a banquet, table or small group, strolling in a bar or club, on the street or other impromptu performance settings I
make sure that if other people are watching they are involved and applauding for my subject if I need them to be.

Other times I will simply go through the entire routine with NO APPLAUSE until the very end and then I MYSELF
applaud for the subject(s) and know that other people will follow.

The unspoken agreement here is this: Do what I say and you will be rewarded, I’ll be VERY nice and gentlemanly and make
you a star!

SCREW WITH ME: Not so terrific and you won’t like what happens!

The vast majority of the time I don’t adopt this attitude because I don’t need to.

Because I attain and maintain such deep rapport with my group/audience and individual participants (and how I present this
work) they follow my every suggestion BECAUSE not doing so risks breaking rapport and nobody wants that to happen.

Consciously and unconsciously the subject wishes to please me. I let them know I am very pleased as they do what I say and
as I suggest and if they work for me I will in turn go to bat for them and make them a star with plenty of love and adoration
from the audience with lots of praise, flattery and compliments throughout.

As I said before, we are teaching and training both the audience and subject(s) as we proceed. As THE HYPNOTIST and
performer we are in powerful positions and should honor the sacred agreement we have to respect our audience members

and volunteers. At the same time, it’s so easy to do as I say that if a person refuses me due to some bigger ego trip than mine
or agenda of their own I’ll tear them apart live on stage. I promise they’ll only screw up once!


Now to back to our regularly scheduled program…

When my subject has their mouth stuck open (or tightly shut if you wish) it can go many ways depending on the nature of
the demonstration (serious or for laughs?) and how you wish to be perceived by your audience.

It’s often funny when their mouth is stuck open to ask the subject what their name is and repeating the guttural sound they
make back to them as a question to which they will respond ‘Yes’ or suggesting they sing a song or recite the alphabet. I have
a nice joke here with the alphabet: after I ask the subject to recite the alphabet with their mouth stuck open I’ll stop them and
say, ‘Now backwards!’

It’s just a stupid little line and the audience laughs. So be it.

Once I have given my subject or group suggestions that their mouth is stuck open wide and/or they cannot move their feet
while their mouth is open I will continue with TWO MORE ‘stuck’ type suggestions. This time I use an audience member to
assist me.

A few things need to happen here.

First, my subject(s) needs to have a quick break, receive attention and encouragement, compliments, praise, flattery (from me)
and audience applause/response. This all assures they continue doing as I say.
Second, the prior suggestions all need to be cleared. I do this by tapping the subject on the head or by snapping and saying,

‘And just like that all suggestions now fade from your mind and consciousness and besides feeling very relaxed at this moment you are completely
back to normal. How is everyone feeling? Good? Great!

The power of your mind is an INCREDIBLE thing, isn’t it?

In a few minutes I’m going to SHOW YOU how to create happiness, peace, abundance, prosperity, perfect working relationships and complete
relaxation for yourself INSTANTLY anytime you wish. How does that sound?


Do me a favor and holds your hands out like this, palms facing each other…’

At this point I may speak briefly about an invisible energy which courses through every breathing thing and permeates the
Living Universe. I ask the subject to IMAGINE this energy coming to focus in the center of their palms and slowly drawing
their hands together like magnets.

If I forgo the ‘energy’ presentation I’ll simply perform the ‘Magnetic Hands Test’ and proceed.

The way I personally continue with the test today is a slight variation in which the participant spreads their fingers and draws
their hands together so their fingertips meet in the center and touch – not their palms! This position is held in preparation
for the ‘Stuck Hands Test.’

With all 10 fingertips touching I proceed by having the participant focus their energy and attention on their fingertips (as well
as the space in between) and take a few deep breaths as that energy and magnetic attraction continues to grow stronger and
Later I may use this act as a metaphor in deep trance for the subject to draw ANYTHING they wish and desire for
themselves towards them easily and naturally.

I combine the ‘Magnetic Hands/Fingers’ with the ‘Stuck Hands Test’ like so…

‘And as you continue to focus on that energy and magnetic attraction between your fingertips you may find the more I try to pull your hands apart
the tighter and more stuck together they remain. The tighter and more stuck together they remain the easier it is for you to relax very deeply and
start to feel even better NOW with each passing moment…continue to hold your hands in that position, pulled closer and closer, pushed together
magnetically and energetically, stuck firmly in place and continue to FEEL REALLY GOOD NOW while I find someone to help us out here
on stage.

You’re doing perfectly!’

Once the subject’s hands/fingers have been drawn together and stuck in place I turn to the audience and ask,

‘Who here would like to ASSIST ME IN TESTING THIS ENERGY by simply trying to pull her hands and fingertips apart for me?’

Multiple hands should go up or someone will say, ‘I’ll try it!’

I might also just point to a person and ask them to assist me on stage. One time I asked a man who seemed just slightly
hesitant to which I struck my best hypnotist/mind reader pose, placed my hand to my forehead and gazed at him intently
before smiling and asking the audience to give him a big round of applause as I waved him forward to the stage and took a
short bow.

I played it as a joke BUT the man still came up and helped me! Remember, everything you do says something to an audience.
Since then I’ve started using this in my show as a planned line and bit of business.

Make it work for you.

These days I now use a bit from Ormond McGill with the audience member who agrees to assist me for this portion of the
demonstration that’s very strong, incredibly effective and looks particularly good and magical.

I have the audience give my audience volunteer a big round of applause as s/he takes the stage or center of the room with

Once the volunteer is on stage or about 10 or 12 feet away from me I look at them and hold my hand up saying,


I’d like you to FEEL what this energy is like through a personal, direct experience because LATER these people are going to ask you, ‘What
was it like?’ and ‘How did it FEEL?’ and I want you to be able to tell them something truthful based on your own experience…


If you would be so kind as to hold both of your hands up, palms towards me like this (I show them by doing the same) and take a few deep
breaths…I’ll do the same…

I want you to SIMPLY IMAGINE that same invisible, magnetic energy now flowing through and sticking her hands firmly together to begin
growing and pulsating in your own hands, palms and fingers just as I will in mine.
Like two magnets being attracted, growing and moving towards each other IMAGINE yourself being pulled towards me, your palms towards
mine. And with each and every passing moment this feeling becomes stronger and stronger until you take your first step…


As both of us continue breathing and visualizing this same thing together in just a moment you’ll begin to FEEL COMPELLED to take a
step towards me…slowly at first and then faster with each passing moment. One foot in front of the other, our hands coming together to join in the
center and with that in mind I’ll have you try and pull her hands apart.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen easily and naturally!’

Now I simply stand there with my palms facing the volunteer, their palms are facing me and I close my eyes and take a few
deep breaths. This is all showing a process with drama, expectation and anticipation at work and play here.

This is also very similar to my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence and Orville Meyer’s psychology behind performing that
wonderful act and routine. Using the script above or alternating between ‘TIA’ and/or other language patterns and inferred
suggestions the audience member will slowly begin walking towards me. Our hands and palms seem attracted and destined to
meet in the center and the volunteer begins marching towards me with their arms out in front of them like a zombie!

Another very cute bit I like to use before magnetically PULLING the audience member/volunteer towards me is ‘harvesting’
or ‘charging’ up my palms with the subject’s MAGNETIC hands which are now stuck together on stage! This adds a bit of
drama and showmanship and is something I like doing sometimes. I hold my hands about 8-12 inches away from the
subject’s locked hands, palms open, facing them. Now I withdraw my hands, rub them together and extend them again as if
warming my hands on an open fire.

In a formal show I’ve even pulled out a horseshoe magnet for these and other suggestions to add a psychological element,
reminder, affirmation and process to the suggestion. Later I used the magnet in an energetic induction and demonstration of
Mesmerism and magnetic healing.

I love the ‘Magnetic Hands’ with an audience member. There are many uses for this piece alone. I’ve often used a short
induction/progressive relaxation with my entire audience and then as a test/demonstration pulled EVERY SUBJECT to be
used in my show up on stage in this same manner!

I also enjoy using it as in this case with ONE person but choosing someone in the center or very back of the theatre and
pulling them out of their seat, through the aisles and up to meet me on stage.

It kills.

I highly recommend the following for a larger show: Once the subject(s) have their hands stuck together and you’re working
with one audience member go ahead and give the same ‘Magnetic Hands’ suggestions to everyone in the audience and see who
can get the same results with their own mind power and intentions.
This is a classic audience suggestibility test and you might even find many people becoming part of the show at this point!

For those who have their hands drawn and stuck together I enjoy calling them to the stage, hands locked in place and
listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions.

Working with my single audience participant, once our hands meet I thank the volunteer for joining us on stage and raise
their hand up high in the air to cue my audience to applause.

Now that I’ve got an audience member on stage to ‘TEST’ the ‘Stuck Hands’ of my subject/participant the rest is easy.
Because my subject has been pressing and pushing their fingertips together for a few moments now they are VERY stuck
together indeed. This is a combination of expectation, suggestion, muscle memory and now…leverage.

I position my hypnotic subject’s hands so the fingertips touch and their hands are held a bit higher than HEART LEVEL
and with their hands/fingers CLOSE TO THEIR BODY as they continue to focus on the energy between their palms.

Now I take the audience member and position his hands on the wrists and forearms of my subject on stage.

The ‘tester’ stands facing the hypnotized subject and slightly off to one side so the audience can see! In this position it
doesn’t matter if the subject is hypnotized or not – the gentlemen from the audience will NOT be able to pull her hands
apart. This is a great piece of body magic and a really strong convincer to the process and phenomenon taking place.

Also, because my ‘tester’ has been dragged to stage through their own ‘Magnetic Hands’ the last thing they expect is to actually
be able to pull the subject’s hands apart! They arrive with their own expectations and many times I find their effort is

Keep in mind here there is no way to fail and every way to succeed. If you’ve followed my instructions up until this point the
hands will be kept stuck together. Give your volunteer the same instructions as before remembering not to jerk but to extend
gradual, even pressure and ‘remember not to hurt her, but pull as hard as you wish – they won’t come apart!’

IF by some random act of God and Nature the hypnotized subjects hands are pulled apart (don’t worry, they won’t be!) I
have an ‘out’ for that as well I’ll be sharing next.

I do the same thing in any case!

If I’m working very quickly I simply show how the hands are stuck firmly together by attempting to pull them
apart myself, to no avail.

Once the ‘stuck hands’ are found to be inseparable I give the suggestions that,

‘Although it’s completely impossible for even TWO or THREE grown men to pull her hands apart right now, where brute strength fails the

In a moment when I touch you and only when I touch you, your hands will fall loose, limp and relaxed to your sides as your mind and body enters
an even deeper state of peace and relaxation easily and naturally!’

I touch the hands, forearm or shoulder of my subject and instantly her hands come apart and relax completely. I turn to the
audience member/tester and say, ‘Not bad, huh?’ and then remind my audience or people watching in the streets to applaud.

You could also do as Ormond did and lightly blow on the subject’s hands to release and separate them. You might snap your
fingers or suggest that when the subject smiles they can release their hands. You might even turn this into a stage
‘Shock Induction’ as detailed in this book and go for a very deep, full blown hypnotic trance and complex phenomena.

I choose to keep the subject awake, aware and continue with a few very powerful yet simple and fun routines and

As promised – in the rare, rare, ULTRA RARE event that my subject’s hands ARE pulled apart by the audience member I
don’t skip a beat! Instead I congratulate BOTH the audience and volunteer and exclaim to the ‘tester’, ‘I may have given you a
little TOO MUCH of the energy in my hands!’ and laugh it off.

At this point I also offer to try something else.

Bringing my five fingers together into a cone (put all of your fingertips of ONE HAND together) I ask my hypnotized
subject to do the same and she does.

Once more I give suggestions of this strong, invisible, magnetic, life force energy forming between her fingers and keeping
those digits pulled closer, pushed together, locked and stuck completely in place and unable to open.

This is another FANTASTIC and lesser known piece of ‘Body Magic’ and using this bit I can salvage the failed ‘test’ in any
It’s very fun too because I can have both the hypnotized subject AND the audience participant BOTH do this and try to pull
and peel away the fingers of the other’s hand. Both will fail. It’s nearly impossible to do.

I often have the people in my audience join us as I project my thoughts, energy and suggestions out into the crowds and have
their family, friends or neighbor test their strength by trying to pull their hands and fingers apart. They will be unable to do

Instead of speaking about thought energy/mind power you might wish to speak instead about ‘magnetism’, the power of the
Superconscious mind and the deep effects of suggestion, chi power, auras and meridian points.

You could also speak about newborn babies and the power they have to close their hands into a fist so strong and so tightly
that not even a fully grown adult man can pry them open. Have fun with it!

The beauty of working with the audience member has subtle suggestions and implications here as well…

I often use this small piece of ‘Body Magic’ to induce the audience member and get him involved with the remaining tests and
demonstrations. Sometimes I’ll just do this – it depends on the person and what I can perceive of their personality.

If I get the intuitive ‘green light’ to proceed I might use an instant induction and put him out standing up before giving him
suggestions and involving him with the remainder of the show, or even a short portion wherein the audience member
experiences a few incredible events for themselves.
You could just as well thank this gentlemen and send him back to his seat with applause or continue to incorporate him with
more ‘Body Magic’, pseudo and/or REAL hypnosis, a piece of mind reading and more.

Because we’re now looking at my ‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show’ and we’re currently about 4 and a half minutes into the program we
had better continue on schedule and then speak about all the possibilities and variations you can use later if you so choose.

Assuming that my subject’s hands have remained stuck tightly together I proceed with the suggestion along these lines,

‘NOT YET…but in a moment when I touch you and only when I touch you, your hands will fall loose, limp and relaxed to your sides as your
mind and body enters an even deeper state of peace and relaxation, listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions.

In a moment when I touch you and only when I touch you, not only will you relax even deeper and more completely than ever before, but you’ll also
develop a very temporary case of STAGE 3 AMNESIA…

As I touch you now and as you allow yourself to relax deeply and completely your ability to count numbers in order becomes a bit…shall we say…
DIFFERENT…in fact today, until I say otherwise, you’ve completely forgotten the number three…COMPLETELY forgot the number three
NOW… and not only can you NOT recall the number three, you cannot even COUNT TO the number three or remember the number three ever
having existed!

The more you try in vain to remember or say the number three the more completely it vanishes from your mind and consciousness and leaves your
thoughts entirely.

It’s almost as if the word ‘three’ is on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t remember or seem able to spit it out! In fact the more you try to say,
speak, count, write or recall the number three the more instantly and completely it vanishes and leaves your mind now entirely…’

As an alternative to these long winded suggestions and scripts I often simply touch the participant, snap my fingers or tap
them lightly on the forehead with the suggestion that,

‘From now until I suggest otherwise the number (X) leaves your mind and thoughts completely. The more you try to remember the number or say it
aloud the harder and more difficult it becomes for you. The harder and more difficult it becomes for you the further away from your own mind and
consciousness it remains until you simply refuse to even try and speak, say, count or utter it aloud at all!’


‘When I snap my fingers the number (X) vanishes and leaves your mind completely. The more you try to remember it or speak it aloud the more
difficult and harder it becomes for you BECAUSE the number (X) is gone now completely!’

Remember that in hypnosis what you say to the subject and participants is what temporarily becomes real, true and
demonstrated for them. In general the shorter your scripts and suggestions, the clearer they are to understand and follow the

Once you’ve learned how to properly pause, mark your suggestions, use tonality and inflection with other techniques your
instructions and scripts can be as short or AS LONG as you wish because all of your subjects WILL HEAR the pertinent
and necessary info/suggestions.

What you say will happen, WILL happen!

What you say will vanish will vanish. What you say and suggest the subject(s) can, should and WILL be, do, have, remember,
forget, experience, see, taste, touch/feel, smell and so on is what they will experience.

YOU are in control here. Your words and thoughts are LAW.

I use this moment to offer a very strong, general suggestion. Many hypnotists work with similar tools and yet I must
personally credit my remembering the power of such a fantastic bit to Mr. Anthony Jacquin, the Hypnotic Trance Master &
Street Phenomenon from the UK.

From his book, ‘Reality is Plastic’ (highly recommended!) Anthony gives us something inspired by what Jon Chase from ‘Deeper
and Deeper’ fame (also highly recommended!) coined the ‘SUPER SUGGESTION’ as follows,

‘From this moment forth, everything I say now is your one and only reality, every single thing. You will know what I say you know, you will do
what I ask you to do, feel what I say you can feel and see what I say you can see…’

The idea here is to take a very direct, PATERNAL approach to hypnotic trance and suggestion by telling your subject in very
clear terms they will accept everything you suggest.

This tactic and suggestion is so extremely good that I happen to use it a few times throughout my performance. I tend to
include it at the beginning after my induction and initial relaxation sequence and again after a few strong suggestions have
already been acted upon. I also include it during my post hypnotic suggestions at the very end of my routine together with
further suggestions and anchors for future hypnosis.

I tend to change the wording up a bit each time like this, ‘From this moment forth you will see what I say you can see, know everything I
say you DO know, hear, feel, taste, touch, smell and experience EVERYTHING I say, exactly as I say you can and will.

Though I don’t personally one could follow up and secure this suggestion speaking in opposites immediately after by saying,

‘And just the same you will NOT be able to remember what I say you cannot remember or see what I suggest you cannot see and you will NOT
HEAR what I suggest you cannot hear or FEEL anything I suggest you cannot feel.’

While the general idea is the same I use different wordings with each suggestion and remember to use language patterns such as direct commands,
presuppositions, binds, double binds and powerful words to insure these suggestions are fully accepted and acted upon.

When these BIG direct suggestions are given under the pretense of what a subject CAN DO under ‘self hypnosis’ the maneuver is even more
subtle and acceptable.

One might give lengthy suggestions or very short and to the point suggestions. By this point you’ll know how deep your
subject/participant really is and how much reinforcement you need to lend to your suggestions.

If my subject is doing exceedingly well at this point I will give them very short and very powerful suggestions. If I’ve
encountered a bit of resistance or the subject is not/cannot pay close attention to my suggestions I might take a few extra
moments and really hammer them in.

Your audience doesn’t really care either way. Don’t go overboard or make the process and suggestions too long and boring –
simply do what you need to do and move on with the demonstration.

After giving the ‘Number Amnesia’ suggestion I use the old gambit of holding my fingers up and asking the subject to count
them aloud. Of course s/he will SKIP the number (X) and thus I will be shown to have eleven (11) fingers!

This is very entertaining and for as simple as it is, people are truly impressed by it.

Once the subject has done this once successfully I now have them count their own fingers and discover they too have an
extra finger.

I ask them first,

‘How many fingers do you have?’

They will say ‘10.’

Now I say, ‘Count them out loud for me, please.’

When they come to the number you’ve erased from their mind and memory they will SKIP the number. Now here is
something very interesting to think about…

You can effectively give someone THE SUGGESTION that they are unable to count, say or recall a certain number OR you
could simply give the suggestion that your subject is UNABLE to COUNT the number and will skip it in the sequence.
In the eyes and mind of your audience these both equal a state of amnesia. The effects are very close and very similar.

I prefer to erase the thought and memory of the number completely because after we show the suggestion has been
successful I’m going to bring the number back and in its place the subject’s NAME vanishes instead. I do it like this,

‘Look at me…

When I snap my fingers AS SOON AS I SNAP MY FINGERS the number (X) will instantly return to your mind, thoughts and
consciousness though in its place YOUR OWN NAME vanishes completely!

Just like before the more you TRY to remember or say your own name aloud the harder and more difficult it becomes because for now you’ve
temporarily forgotten your own name which has left your mind and thoughts completely.’

Now I snap, the number comes back and the subject correctly counts their own fingers. I praise the subject, have the
audience give them a huge round of applause and shake their hand as I say, ‘You’ve done an absolutely wonderful job with self
hypnosis today and I’m sorry for asking, but what was your name again?’

As an additional bit of funny business I’ll often use the subject’s name in the above script. There’s something really funny
about saying their name and them hearing it a second earlier and yet being unable (seemingly) to recall it.

I use the words ‘temporarily forget your own name’ because in the event I ask this person what their name is AND THEY
TELL ME (!) I simply snap my fingers with the suggestion to, ‘Temporarily forget it again, only this time for even longer. And your
name, please?’

The subject will stand there and stare into space as they struggle (apparently) to recall their own name. This is a fun moment
and very impressive to other people so make the most of it! I milk this for all its worth and I love getting a really good
subject for this routine as they will naturally act out their frustration and inability and be hilarious and animated as we
proceed here.

A few things I like to do now is ask the subject to remove their driver’s license and look at their name. I’ll say, ‘Is that you?’ to
which the subject will respond in the affirmative. I’ll then ask them, ‘And what does that say?’ as I point to their name, to which
the subject will state their own name aloud. To finish I’ll ask them, ‘And your name is?’ and the subject will not respond OR
they will claim not to know. It really is an easy and fantastic bit of business.

If instead of seven minutes I take more like 9-12 or even 15-20 I can have a lot more fun with these demonstrations. Usually
though I am presenting them in a few short moments and moving on at a rapid pace. As soon as the subject acts upon one
suggestion successfully I erase it or change it and proceed.

In cases where I take a bit more time and milk the process, tests and demonstrations I like to incorporate my ‘Name Amnesia’
bit of business from ‘T&R’ saying,

‘Imagine your name written in LARGE, bold letters on an old blackboard. And now I want you to take the eraser in your mind and remove your
name from its surface completely. As you erase your name from the board now IMAGINE it leaving your mind as well so that the more you try
and say your name aloud the more difficult it becomes – almost as if it’s right there on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t seem to spit it out!
With this touch (I touch them) allow these thoughts, ideas and suggestions to become a temporary part of you.

Now, if I could ask you TWO questions the first one might be…what is it you’re NOT thinking about right now?
The second question I would ask is…besides RIGHT NOW, when is the last time you forgot your own name?’

As I deliver these lines I snap my fingers and wave my open palm in front of my participant’s face to confuse them, almost as
though I’m taking that eraser and erasing their name from the imaginary chalkboard completely.

When utilizing my FULL Impromptu Name Amnesia Routine I’ll often place my subject into the appropriate state
wherein they REMEMBER the last time they forgot something and then ‘remember to forget’ whatever I tell or suggest them to.
More details on this have been included in this book. This bit of business works like a charm in and out of hypnosis with
just about anyone. It’s all about eliciting and evoking/invoking a complimentary state to your suggestion.

Eliciting states can be used with any suggestion such as the ‘Rigid Arm’ by asking your subject and participants (or audience!)
to allow their minds to drift back and remember a time when they felt STRONG, CAPABLE & COMPLETELY SECURE
both mentally and physically.

Guide your subject to imagine a time when they experienced complete STRENGTH and SOLIDITY. Also remember to
have the subject IMAGINE/VISUALIZE your suggestion working out perfectly in their mind FIRST and then to ‘do what
you see in your mind and are visualizing now in this world and reality…bridge the inner and the outer…this is easy!’

With those thoughts and memories in mind proceed with the ‘Rigid Arm’ or other demonstration. These eliciting states
techniques are more powerful for waking trance states and processes in my experience.

A subject fully induced and enjoying a deep trance is already open, capable, receptive, responsive and subconsciously aware
and thus will drift into and out of the states you suggest with very little effort.

Continuing with my hypnotized subject I can now give suggestions that their name returns BUT although they can now
remember it, they still can’t seem to speak it aloud because they have a horrible stuttering and stammering problem like so,

‘And NOW your name comes back into your mind and thoughts easily and naturally – (snap) – there it is!

And although you can remember your name it might still be a few moments before you can say it clearly because for some reason as it returned it
came back to you with a severe case of stuttering and stammering…so much in fact that the more you TRY and pronounce your name aloud the
more you’ll stutter and stammer, stammer and stutter…getting worse and worse the harder you try.

The more you try to say your name the more difficult it becomes, so just go ahead now and try to stammer your way to a full pronunciation of your
own name with this new challenge and suggestion in mind.’

Of course this is very funny as well as the subject cannot fully state aloud or pronounce their own name correctly. I allow this
to continue for a few moments before altering the suggestion thus,

‘And now your Hypno-Speech Impediment goes away instantly and you can now say your name perfectly once again, only THIS TIME your name
has changed to the number (X).

From now until I alter this suggestion when I ask you what your name is you’ll give me a ‘High Five’ or a ‘Thumb’s Up!’ and tell us all
that your name is (X).’

Here I simply change the name of my subject to the number they forgot prior. You can also change it to a man’s name for a
female or a girl’s name for a man. You could give them a new name altogether and it can be whatever you wish. You could
even have them pronounce it strangely, with a lisp, stutter, stammer, a higher voice, a lower voice, etc. Get creative.

If you were to realize fully that you could do ANYTHING you wished with this person what would you have, guide, lead,
direct and inspire them to do?

We’re probably pretty close to the end point of seven minutes here depending on if I incorporated people from the audience
or blazed through the testing procedure.

You could have ended this routine four minutes ago or you could go on and on for another 20 minutes. The beauty of
hypnosis is once you have a proper working subject or group of subjects there is truly no limit to what you can do.

Earlier in this course I spoke about terminating trance and ending your sessions and performances with positive anchors and
GOOD FEELINGS for everyone involved so they have a nice reminder, anchor and experience by which to remember you
by. These short routines and demonstrations are no exception!

I do one final ‘mini skit’ or demonstration which entails the subject developing a warm, glowing, happy, positive, peaceful,
relaxing, energetic, enthusiastic mood and response to some action I take such as touching my face or stomping my foot on
the floor,
‘And before we end here I just want to say THANK YOU (X), you’ve been a perfect subject this evening and I really appreciate you. Working
with me tonight we’ve been able to show ALL of these people exactly what is possible through the power of suggestion and a mind unleashed into
its full potential through the art and science of waking (self) hypnosis.

Let’s all give her another BIG round of applause! She’s been wonderful, hasn’t she?!

There’s one last thing I’d like to do for you…

Earlier I promised that I would show you EXACTLY how one could be happy, peaceful, instantly relaxed, experience harmony in your
relationships and attract perfect abundance into your life at this time, remember?

If you would do me a favor and take one last deep breath for me as I intend to make good on that promise. I want you to hold a thought or image
in your mind of anything and everything you desire and wish to experience in your life at this time.

Through this final process I’ll implant a program and subconscious tools that will begin working for you instantly and assist you in creating the life
of your dreams by pulling all the goodness and positivity of the Universe towards you NOW so that YOU can be, do, have and experience all
that you deserve and desire in life using that same MIND POWER as you’ve just demonstrated here.

How does that sound?’


‘Perfect, then! Are you ready?

As you…take a deep breath and allow your eyes to close down gently…and as you continue to listen to the sound of my voice and my instructions
REALIZE that from this moment forth, any time you hear the word (X = their name!), say the word (X = their name!) or even write or see
the letters which comprise (X = their name!) you’ll be instantly reminded of the infinite potential of your mind and the incredible power it has to
create your reality. Take a deep breath and hold it for just a moment as you allow these suggestions to become a permanent part of you NOW…

And exhale… just the same, from this moment forth whenever you’ll remember to simply reach over and touch your LEFT EAR like this (I
touch the subject’s ear with THEIR HAND) IMMEDIATELY a feeling of perfect calm, peace, happiness, success, abundance and
prosperity will come flooding into your mind, into your life, into your thoughts and into your heart. Is that okay for you to know?’



In a moment I’m going to count from one to five (1-5) and when I get to that last number 5 your eyes will open and you’ll be perfectly centered,
completely relaxed, fully awake, aware, conscious and alert in the room with me and all of our friends here this evening…

1…(enter positive suggestions)

2…(enter positive suggestions, test anchor)
3…(enter positive suggestions)
4…(enter positive suggestions, fire off the anchor)
5…(enter positive suggestions)


Let’s all join together for one last round of applause for our wonderful subject(s) this evening!

Take a bow!

How do you feel?’

At this point as ‘proof ’ of their new connection to the subconscious and ultra powerful Super Conscious Mind I enjoy
placing my tippler pen on the table ledge, my stage bar stool or podium and having the subject exercise their powers of
creativity and natural magnetism out of trance by WILLING, IMAGINING & DESIRING the pen to move ‘even just a
millimeter’ and seeing what they might be able to do!

As the pen falls over and hits the stage there are often gasps, more applause and spontaneous states of awe and complete
astonishment flooding and crashing over both the audience and subject. Of course I act just as surprised and impressed!

If I had the subject write a name or other piece of information down before we began I take the opportunity almost as an
‘afterthought’ and remember the card with the info, give it back to my participant and ask them to use the residual effects of
their own mental power to send that thought to me. Of course it always hits.

In my case I’ve promised the subject my assistance with certain things and it is here that I deliver on that I’ve delivered on
that promise and provided that assistance through positive suggestions together with a final convincer.

I do this by following the final italicized portion of the script above or some variation thereof (it often changes and I can
make them up as I go along after many years of doing this) and continue to offer positive suggestions, praise, comfort,
support and my respect for the subject.

Obviously this part is optional and I may or may not include it. While it’s nice and allows me to incorporate a bit of
mentalism with my hypnosis it’s definitely not necessary. When performing in completely impromptu situations I normally
don’t have these items on my person and because it takes longer to use and incorporate them I usually don’t overdo it during
casual performance.

For the count out/trance termination I ALWAYS anchor the subject into their own name as someone once told me, ‘The most
beautiful sound in the world to any person is their own name.’

I also find that by repeating their name the subject is gradually led back into a fully conscious, awake, alert and centered state
of mind.

I also set a physical anchor of some type.

These anchors could be touching or tugging on the subject’s ear, holding a finger, creating a mudra, pocket crystal, etc. It
could also be a non physical anchor and offering such as a symbol, key word, affirmation, image or other mental/imaginary
piece to anchor the subject to these vibrant feelings and magnetic qualities, deeply into this experience and these positive

Another variation I have on ending this short hypnosis show is by giving my subject one final suggestion that every time I
stamp my foot on the ground they will burst out into hysterical laughter and the most warm, positive, glowing feeling they
have ever experienced.

Once the suggestions have been given I’ll stomp my foot upon the ground a few times and watch them start rolling!

Quickly I begin anchoring them into this process and add suggestions that anytime I or they stamp their feet, they hear that
sound or make that action, anytime they even walk or take a step forward they will begin to fill up with these tremendously
positive feelings until they are practically overflowing.

I have the subject take a deep breath and close their eyes (they will be smiling, laughing and sometimes even crying with tears
of joy and laughter!) while I instruct the entire audience to begin clapping and stomping their feet on the ground WHILE I
LEAN OVER and touch/tap/count my subject out of their hypnotized, altered state.

This is a great way to end a stage show with LOTS and LOTS of applause, positive suggestions and an environmental anchor
with the entire audience. It insures that your stage participants come out feeling like a million bucks and you can bet they will
remember you forever.

If I’m pressed for time and this is still JUST a short ‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show’ with ONE PERSON I still do my best to load
the subject up with positive suggestions, an anchor and eliciting positive states and count them out before sending them on
their way.

This routine when combined with my ‘EZ Hypnosis Routine’, Bill’s ‘Jumping Pulse’ and my ‘5 Star Opener’ will give you a
complete working showpiece that uses NOTHING but your skills and experience as an entertainer, goes with you wherever
you travel, is always ready to perform and can play for 1 person up to an audience of 1,000 or more.

It takes me a minute or less to go through a rapid induction, another minute or less to deepen the state, 4-6 minutes for the
rapid fire series and sequences and then 1-3 minutes to count them out. The least amount of time this will take is seven
minutes and working very quickly with one suggestion right after another I can usually perform this entire set list and
sequence of suggestions, events, tests and demonstrations exactly as described. I’ve extended this sequence of suggestions to
include many people at once (all of them doing something different) and stretched it out to nearly 30 minutes at times by
adding new material and really milking each suggestion and its effect for all it’s worth.

There really is no limit to what you can do with and for a person in even a very short amount of time if you’ve got the right
tools and approach. Using the structure I have set forth here I trust that you will all have something nice to do WITH a
hypnotized subject. Hypnotizing a person is EASY – it’s what to do with them when they are ‘under’ that presents the most
issues for some and the most opportunities for others!

This entire routine can be done with multiple people (3-6, comfortably) and even a good sized (medium, 16-20) group at
once, safely. Simply induce them all together and go down the line giving one or two suggestions to each and every person

Because I structured the routine around a performance with one to three people at first I never had any doubts in my mind
that no matter what the show size, audience or venue I would always have a powerhouse act I could perform. Usually doing
so inspires a lot of people to join me on stage and I begin working with the audience and on-stage participant simultaneously.

As an example of hypnosis I’ve often enjoyed bringing ONE person on stage to represent the entire audience as I explain
the powers of the mind and suggestion. In this sense I am simultaneously demonstrating, explaining and involving everyone
in my audience with these ‘tests’ as I work directly with one person as an example.

By blending a few suggestibility tests, my ‘5 Star Opener’ a slightly longer induction and a few more skits and those being more
in depth and personalized I know that ANYONE reading this book can start to perform very successfully on stage, in the
streets (where legal), while strolling and in any impromptu or formal performance setting they can imagine using the
techniques set forth in ‘Thought Veil.’

Even though I adopted this routine and many variations to use at house parties, in loud bars and clubs, as short
demonstrations and ‘show teasers’ (etc) I have always got a ton of mileage from it and continue to use it in my day to day
work and performances. I treat it exactly like a full scale hypnosis show made ‘mini’ and whatever audience or subject’s I have
available are the ones I begin to work with.
I incorporate my audience in the process as much as possible to raise the entertainment value and there have been times on
the street, in restaurants or shopping malls when I began performing with one subject and ONE friend or family member

watching them and by the end (7-10 minutes) I had over 100 people cheering and crowding around to watch and get

This and other routines are ones I use to begin my street hypnosis sets. I start working with ONE person and quickly start
garnering attention and drawing huge crowds. If people are present in the area I KNOW they are going to stop in their
tracks and watch for a few moments as soon as they see people being hypnotized.

I also know that if I can engage these people and get them involved with some suggestibility tests, psychological forces, fast
readings and friendly banter they will STAY and become part of the show and many, many, MANY other people will follow
their lead. In 10 or 12 minutes I can go from a crowd of 6 to a crowd of 150 in the right areas and on the right days.

Though the routine reads long and we covered A LOT (and a lot of variations and options) it really plays through very
quickly and can be extended easily.

Here again is a concise outline.


• Induction or relaxation sequence of your choice.

• Stuck object test
• Locked/Rigid Arm (and/or hand) – optional audience test.
• Left hand stuck to head – optional audience test using ‘Body Magic.’
• Right hand stuck & pinned to stomach
• Left hand stuck to leg
• One foot pinned to the ground OR subject stuck to their chair
• Mouth stuck/locked wide open
• Eyes stuck or sealed tightly shut
• Magnetic Hands (fingers) – optional audience test using ‘Body Magic.’
• Magnetic Pull on audience member (OPTIONAL)
• Number Amnesia, miscount fingers
• Name Amnesia
• Stuttering and Stammering
• Positive Suggestions and Anchor
• Count Out/Trance Termination
• Post Hypnotic Suggestions and optional demonstrations.

My Full Hypnosis Show

And now to the moment and major portion that many of you have been waiting for…a full Hypnosis Show

MY full Hypnosis Show Outline!

I part with my show description, structure and outline at this point only for the simple fact I’ve moved into different areas
and after performing it for a number of years (with spectacular success) I feel it’s time for others to get some use out of it
and hopefully even to make something more of it.

What you’re about to find is a tried and tested show. I’ve used the exact program you’ll see described here to entertain
audiences from 40 to 1,500+ with the utmost care, enthusiasm and incredible results. This very show is the one I used to sell
out a dedicated SUPER THEATRE week after week after week for over a year and running. The audience response was
overwhelming and they returned again and again because the show is solid, it’s powerful, it’s entertaining and has amazing

The technical requirements for this show are minimal. When I first started I had my introduction and the music for each skit
on a CD with half a page of printed cues and instructions for the sound technician. I’ve performed this show with and
without an assistant, with a dedicated light and sound team, in the most deluxe venues and the worst. I’ve performed this
show hundreds of times for audiences of all ages in many parts of the United States and abroad because IT WORKS…and
it works very, very well.

The perfect hypnosis show, in my experience, is an elegant combination between POWER and COMEDY. It should also
contain a nice mix of Group skits and routines (using all of the subjects at once) and ample time for individual attention so
that everyone on stage with you gets their ‘5 minutes of fame’ in the spotlight.

Much of my success when it comes to hypnosis is due to the fact that I NOT ONCE degraded or embarrassed anyone on
my stage and at all times I treated the subjects with the utmost care, respect and appreciation. I strived to make my show
about THEM and both the audience and my subjects knew this!

To make this show work well for you I would strongly advise letting your ego take a back seat and remain open and willing to
share the stage, the applause and the experience with your subjects. Be humble. The less boastful you are, the less egotistical
and controlling you are, the less condescending you are the better!

The more sincere, appreciative, respectful, honest, caring, supportive, attentive and sharing you are the greater success you’ll
get from this show and the other material in this book. The days of being the ‘all powerful’ mind controlling hypnotist are
GONE…and hopefully for good.

You’re going to find everything here from the basic scripting I use, pre-talk, how I get warm bodies up on stage and what I
do with them. I’ve also included some music suggestions, a number of skits (the very same ones I use) and a very good

Keep in mind that for 18 months my show remained largely UNCHANGED and SOLD OUT week after week! Once I hit a
formula that drew a huge response I kept it. Of course things will continue to get more polished and streamlined as you go,
but the basic structure, foundation and framework are the same.

This is not to say that your show should never change or that there shouldn’t be variety…there certainly should be. What I’m
offering you here is a show that PLAYS AS IS with phenomenal results and incredible audience response.

What many hypnotists find difficult about their first time on stage is learning what to do AFTER you have a group ‘put
under.’ It can take many, many years to discover the perfect formula that keeps everyone entertained and keeps your guests
returning week after week to enjoy the show.

I’ve done that work for you.

I have full faith knowing that you could take the show I’m about to outline now and begin using it with as much success as I
have in your own work as a hypnotist and hypnotic stage show performer. I’ve long said that I could take a good entertainer
with NO PRIOR HYPNOSIS EXPERIENCE and teach them to perform my show in a weekend.

The structure here is very easy to learn – CONFIDENCE, charisma and sincerity are the keys which make it work. These
three attributes cannot be taught in a book alone, and if you have them you’ll know!

If you’re not infused with natural confidence you probably don’t practice enough or have little faith in yourself because you
lack knowledge and/or experience. This course will help take care of the KNOWLEDGE part of your journey; nothing can
replace experience.

The desire to polish and hone the material you’ll use to be a great entertainer will naturally give you the enthusiasm and
motivation to BECOME experienced and even if you lack charisma you will develop more of it by working with people and
performing on a regular basis. If you have no intention of being sincere, honoring others and sharing the spotlight then
nothing I can say or do will be of value, worth or assistance to you.

The secret to any hypnosis show, I feel, is simply this...


2). Charm/Charisma

If you’re confident in yourself and your abilities and can use your natural charm and charisma to win over the audience there
is nothing that can stop you! Once the audience likes you and believes in your abilities you’re made in the shade.

If you’re NOT confident then I advise you to simply ACT AS IF…fake it until you make it! When you proceed with
confidence and present yourself as a charming, knowledgeable hypnotist people will respond to you by acting as though they
are hypnotized and/or actually going into a deep state of hypnosis.

Stage hypnosis is nothing more than a suggestion OF hypnosis…people will react, respond to you and your suggestions by
doing what they think and feel they SHOULD do were they ‘hypnotized.’

There are many factors in play which you should consider when presenting hypnosis on stage. These include certain
group/social dynamics, mass hysteria, people’s inner desire to seek attention and act out (under the EXCUSE of hypnosis!),
desire to please the authority figure (THE HYPNOTIST), win the admiration, attention, applause and laughter of the crowd
(your audience) and will act exactly as they think, feel and believe they are supposed to act under hypnosis.

In most cases I feel that stage hypnosis and hypnotic techniques serve as nothing more than a believable excuse for people to
ACT OUT and do things which otherwise would be seen as ‘odd’ or inappropriate in the eyes of society.

Shy people are eager for the opportunity to ‘cut loose’, lay down their guards and receive attention while those who are
already extroverted, natural attention seekers and ‘the life of the party’ will be seize the day and be thankful for the

opportunity to create a spectacle and thereby receive more of the attention they so desperately crave. Both of these
behaviors work out very well for you!

Stage hypnosis gives both of these major personality types an EXCUSE, REASON & PROCESS with which they can act
out and not feel silly about or be held responsible for their actions. They can do things their ego mind and personality type
might not ordinarily allow them to do because they have an EXCUSE (I was hypnotized!) which basically just ALLOWS
them to do it. This is a loophole in the personality effect which gets your subject ‘off the hook’ with society at large during
the show and with their family, friends and associates in private.

When it comes to stage show inductions, I feel they are meant mostly to SHOW A PROCESS which, as mind readers know,
is vital to the believability and response of our demonstrations. The hypnotic stage induction provides that process and
allows the ego/personality of the subject TO CONVINCE THEMSELVES and others that it’s now okay to act out, be, do,
have and say things they wouldn’t otherwise. Once a subject convinces themselves or even questions if they are hypnotized,

The popular misconception of, ‘A person won’t do anything under hypnosis they wouldn’t normally do’ isn’t entirely true…or if it IS, it’s
only applicable to half the people half of the time! In my experience hypnosis gives people the excuse they need to do things
they wouldn’t EVER dream or dare to do otherwise.

Without such an excuse the personality/ego mind latches strongly onto its natural inhibitions. Once you give people
PERMISSION to perform through hypnosis they WILL perform given that the PERMISSION SLIP (Induction) is
convincing enough.

An induction serves as the process by which the EXCUSE of ‘hypnosis’ is imparted. Another reason for inductions is to
eliminate any possible ‘stage fright’ in your participants by allowing them to relax during those first stressful minutes of being
on stage in front of a large group of people…

Think about it!

Public speaking and performing in front of large groups is a major fear for many people. In a stage show folks know they
have the opportunity to win the attention, respect and admiration of others. They will receive personal attention from the
hypnotist, group attention from the audience, praise, applause, laughter and a sense of personal importance being on stage
and doing something many other people FEAR. This alone is part of what makes a stage hypnosis show exciting for those
involved and working properly.

Also, by coming up on stage and facing the fear, winning the attention and releasing their creativity through performance the
induction serves as a way to relax and cope with those first stressful minutes. Like ANY anxiety disorder or panic attack,
stage fright will start to go away easily and naturally as the personality acclimates to and warms up to being on stage. What
better way than to ease the social butterflies than to RELAX DEEPLY, take some deep breaths, close your eyes, enjoy some
soft music and let go of the jitters? An induction provides this.

And not only relaxing and getting over stage fright and performance anxiety, the induction itself shows that all important
process and gives/provides each subject with the PROCESS; an excuse or ‘OUT’ they require to do some really outrageous
things without being held accountable for their actions. This excuse allows the subject to DO stupid things without looking
stupid for doing it because apparently they ‘had no control’ or ‘don’t remember’ because they were ‘hypnotized.’

Getting to blame their actions and behavior on ‘hypnosis’ is the perfect reason, a solid justification and convenient as an
excuse. This natural behavior is something the hypnotist relies upon very heavily.

As long as the premise (hypnosis) and the process (suggestion and induction) are both SOLID and CONVINCING then
your subjects will become ‘hypnotized’ by you easily and put on a great show.

Altered states of mind and the power of suggestion also factor in, but not to the degree and extent or in the amount most
would have you believe. When people relax, use their imagination and creative faculties they naturally alter their brainwave
patterns and neural activity. The most important suggestion in all of hypnosis is that it exists, that YOU can do it (hypnotize
others) and that the subject WILL respond to it.

Hypnosis is also a matter of mood and attitude. If a person doesn’t want to be hypnotized on stage, you’re NOT going to be
able to hypnotize that person unless you can change their mind.

I’m not really into expending the time and energy necessary to sway others who are in strong disagreement with the idea of
becoming hypnotized. Part of this unwillingness lies in the fact that for every one person that says ‘NO’ I know there are
many more in the audience who will POTENTIALLY say YES! I want people who WANT to be hypnotized, not coerced
into hypnosis through pathetic begging, wheeling and dealing.

That said, I’m more than happy and willing to ease any minor fears, correct the audiences’ misconceptions (educate them) to
assure the crowd we’ll all have a great time together, my participants will be safe, comfortable and have a lot of fun, I’ll
respect them completely and honor them at all times by keeping their integrity intact and so on.

If your audience LIKES YOU and believes in your ability and WANTS to be hypnotized there is very little you have to do at
that point besides focusing on the entertainment values of your show. Everything else such as suggestibility tests, mental
warm up’s, inductions, deepening (etc) is merely theatrics at that point.

Bear in mind that your opening pre-talk, any set piece or suggestibility tests you might share with the group, how you handle
the induction and more will all affect how your audience responds to you, likes you and wishes to become hypnotized by you
now and in the future. The show is merely a demonstration and affirmation of their trust and relationship with you – a way
of showing them that their instincts about you were correct.

Stage hypnosis is effective because people have been led to believe and conditioned to ‘know’ that it works, that hypnosis
exists, what people DO under hypnosis and that trance is a real, accepted/acceptable phenomena. Now whether these things
are true or not doesn’t matter to me in the least when I’m embracing my role as a stage hypnotist for purely entertainment

The sooner you can get over the whole ‘does hypnosis exist?’ and ‘are trance states real?’ type hurdles the better off you’ll be.
Our job on stage is to give a great show and share a strong, effective, memorable, impactful performance with your audience
and those who participate (the subjects).

For the record, I fully believe that hypnosis exists and that hypnotic trance states are real and produce a variety of startling
effects (both mental and physiological responses) and yet debating the validity of hypnosis does nothing to help your show
or you to grow as a performer. Leave the philosophical debates and arguments over semantics to those who sit at home
wasting their time on forums and only dream of performing instead of actually working!

If you can remember that CONFIDENCE is the primary key and be more able than willing to win the audience over you’ll
make a great stage hypnotist. This book will show you the way.


We will be breaking this show down to its most basic components, steps and phases. The individual will need to
consider what their own stage requirements are based on budget, venue, technical capabilities (lights, sounds,
additional effects), audience size and more.

The bare minimum you’ll require is an audience, a row of chairs and a microphone to speak with. Music IS optional, but I
can’t imagine doing a professional stage hypnosis show without it.

My show was a fairly large production and I was blessed to have 2 gorgeous stage assistants, skilled light and sound
technicians, incredible opening acts (more on this to come), a large deluxe theatre and great big audiences. With this in mind,
I also toured with my show and played at numerous High Schools, conventions, bars and night clubs, at the Olympics and
other locations that all came with their own unique challenges. There were times I was playing to 25 people with NO MUSIC
or even a properly working microphone.

Live and Learn!

To cover the entertainment side of show business I cannot recommend enough Ken Weber’s book, ‘Maximum Entertainment.’
Get this book and study it as closely as you would any holy book you ascribe to. Ken will show you the ins and outs of show
business and professional entertainment on stage at a very high level and much better than I ever could with such limited

I consider Ken’s book much more important than 13 Steps even and it should be in EVERY performer’s library. If you know
every trick and method in the world but you’re a crappy entertainer you’re not going to go very far. However, if you’re a great
entertainer and have even 2 or 3 routines that you can do extremely well you’ll be able to travel the world and make a nice
living for yourself!

I’ll outline this show as though you are working with the bare minimum…NO ASSISTANTS, no fancy light and sounds, a
small to medium sized audience and 8-12 chairs with you on stage. That you should have a microphone to speak with is
obvious. I preferred a wireless handheld, though I’ve also worked with wired microphones and a headset/wireless
microphone combo.

If working with a wireless handheld microphone, I strongly advise you to invest a few extra bucks in a microphone loop or
‘hanger’ to go around your neck allowing you the free use of both hands. This is optimal.

In my own show, after my opening act which lasted about 7-9 minutes TOPS the opening act/warm up performer would
give my introduction, speak briefly about the show, take his applause and the lights would go down plunging the theatre into
darkness and I would take the stage.

Of course an opening act is just icing on the cake and raises the entertainment value of your program. I assume in the
beginning stages you’ll be working without one and that’s ABSOLUTELY FINE! These days when I work it’s my own show
with no others performing before me or alongside me.

We used luminous tape to mark out my starting position on stage so I could find it and line up with no fuss. After I was
positioned the DJ would hit the spotlight (only) centered directly on me and give my simple introduction,

‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Master Hypnotist and Psychic Entertainer JEROME FINLEY!’

Because my opening act had already riled the audience up for the show, spoke about me briefly and primed the crowd for the
show my formal introduction was short and sweet.

Regarding your own introduction, this is where ‘Maximum Entertainment’ will help you out tons. You have some options:

1). You can introduce yourself, but I don’t think this is very prestige and should be avoided if possible!

2). You can have a pre-recorded intro. This is nice because you’ll know you ALWAYS have a decent opening and nobody can
screw it up given they play the damn thing!

3). You can have another person introduce you. This is normally the CEO, host for the event, theatre manager or some other
talent. If going this route be sure to have your full introduction written out in LARGE PRINT on a laminated piece of paper
or poster board and be extra certain to verbally walk the person who will introduce you through the opening a few times
before the show begins. You would be surprised at how easy it is for other people to screw this up, so cover your bases.

Your introduction should be short and to the point. It MUST include who you are (name and title), what you do and possibly
where you’re from.

Examples could be:

‘Ladies and gentlemen…

From Las Vegas, please put your hands together for Professional Mind Reader and Master Hypnotist Jerome Finley!’


‘Without further ado I’d like to present our entertainer this evening…

From Las Vegas, please welcome World Class Magician, Professional Mind Reader and MASTER HYPNOTIST, Jerome Finley!’

I personally don’t use the title ‘World’s Fastest Hypnotist’ because I think it’s hokey. How on earth could one possibly be
recognized as such and be gifted with a talent or title that relies primarily on the audiences ability to respond?

Nevertheless, people STILL use this marketing hype title and you can too! 95% of the Hypnotist’s I see today are the ‘World’s

Many people like to spout their credentials/titles they go by and training during their introductions which CAN help to create
powerful prestige suggestions. If I were to do that today I’d be very selective about what was used.

Once introduced you’ll either already have taken the stage or you’ll be introduced WHILE taking the stage. The choice is

After I’m on stage and the audience is applauding I smile, nod my head, wave casually at a person in the front row and then

I always take a few moments and look out over my audience before speaking. These few moments of silence are precious and
really helps to focus their attention on me and ONLY me.

‘Thank you all for the warm introduction and welcome!

My name is Jerome Finley and I’ll be your Hypnotist this evening.

By a show of hands, how many of you have ever been to see a LIVE hypnosis show before?


And how many of you have ever been hypnotized, or know someone who has? Raise your hands.


We’re going to have a FANTASTIC show tonight and for those of you who have never been to see a stage hypnotist or haven’t experienced
hypnosis firsthand yet I’m honored and excited to have you here this evening. There are a few things you can expect to see and experience with me

First, this IS an audience participation show which means in a moment, NOT YET, I’ll ask those of you who would like to experience the
benefits of hypnosis and the incredible power of your creative, unconscious mind this evening to come up here and join me on stage. You’ll be the
stars of our show!

And as you consider joining me on stage in a moment imagine all the fun and excitement we’re going to share and experience together and KNOW
that the best way to enjoy this show is to become part of it and experience hypnosis firsthand. While watching it is certainly tons of fun all by itself,
being an active, directly involved participant in the show is at least 10 times better (or so I’m told;)!

Only this way will you REALLY be able to know exactly what hypnosis is and what it feels like – a super creative, Super-Conscious state of
relaxed, focused awareness…and what it isn’t – a state of sleep, becoming a mindless zombie or giving up your control.

Hypnosis is all about GIVING you MORE CONTROL and unleashing your abilities and full potential to help you create the life of your
dreams…and these abilities, once activated and brought to the surface, will stay with you and assist you in changing what needs changing and
shaping your life in more positive ways forever.

Before this happens I’d like to personally guarantee each and every one of you that once you’re on my stage and in my care I’m going to take very,
very good care of you and treat you really, really well.

It’s of the utmost importance to me that everyone who enjoys hypnosis tonight is comfortable in every way, that you FEEL GREAT at all times
and more importantly, that you LOOK GOOD while you’re up here!

With tonight’s show you don’t need to worry about being embarrassed, being made fun of or looking foolish; I won’t ask anyone to do anything
crass that you might regret later, I’m just not that kind of Hypnotist.

Your personal integrity and how the audience perceives you this evening - whether it’s your family, friends and co-workers or perfect strangers - is
extremely important to me. Together we’re going to make you guys (and gals) the stars of the show – we’ll make you SPARKLE, SHINE and
GLOW appropriately, radiantly; and your participation is something that I’m grateful for, respect completely and appreciate deeply because without
you there is no show and I couldn’t do this without you!

Not all the time, but sometimes people arrive to these programs with a few slight misconceptions about hypnosis and I’ll just address those very
briefly and we’ll get on with the show.

The most common misconception I hear with regards to hypnosis is an issue of REVEALING SECRETS. For some reason people think that
once they get on stage and are placed under hypnosis they’ll get a bit loose at the mouth and start shouting out personal information, family secrets
and juicy gossip about themselves, their family and their friends.

While that would be HIGHLY entertaining, I can assure you this absolutely WILL NOT happen, unless of course you’re the type of person
who normally shares their private life and personal secrets with perfect strangers.

Remember that you WILL NOT do anything under hypnosis that you wouldn’t normally do after a few strong cocktails and no amount or depth
of trance can change that. You’ll remain in control of yourself at all times, you’ll simply be a bit ‘loose’ , completely relaxed with not a care in the
world and your inhibitions, if you have them, will go away for a time.

If you’re a shy person, be shy! If you’re a natural extrovert, be an extrovert! Nobody is here to change you, I’m simply here to AMPLIFY your
personality and what you’re already working with!

Another concern people have, which is more of an urban legend, is FEAR OF GETTING STUCK IN A TRANCE. Regardless of what
you may have heard I can assure you this is absolutely impossible and in over 2,000 years of hypnosis and centuries of mental research
NOBODY has ever got ‘stuck’ in a trance and there are NO documented cases of this ever happening.

Even if I were to hypnotize the 30 or 40 people who join me on stage tonight (presupposition) and then LEAVE THE BUILDING, hop
in my car, drive home tonight and go to bed…after just a few moments of NOT hearing my voice or continued instructions to them those
hypnotized would simply open their eyes, snap right out of their deeply relaxed state and be perfectly fine in every way…they MIGHT NOT
speak to me ever again, and I can’t say I would blame them!

A common myth people sometimes have is that, ‘I CAN’T BE HYPNOTIZED!’

It’s interesting to note that only LESS than 1% of the entire world’s population CANNOT be hypnotized and this is due mainly to reasons of
severe mental injuries mental disability and comatose patients. I promise that if you’ve walked through those doors this evening you CAN and
WILL become hypnotized by me tonight, if you want to!

While nobody can force you to be hypnotized against your will, in over 12 years of doing these hypnosis shows and working with tens of thousands
of people I’ve never met a person who with enough time and attention couldn’t achieve a very deep state of trance and perform here on stage with me
to the very best of their ability!

Not only is hypnosis PERFECTLY SAFE, it’s also an extremely beneficial state of mind to experience with lots and lots of positive and
rejuvenating after effects that go with it.

Many people don’t realize that ALL HYPNOSIS IS EFFECTIVELY SELF HYPNOSIS; that it’s a natural state of mind that WE
ALL drift into and out of many times a day and I’m here to guide you into that special state of mind at a deeper, more effective level and show
you some really cool things you can do with it.

Hypnosis and natural trance states occur while we’re driving, eating, watching television, listening to music, reading a good book, yawning,
daydreaming, making love (optional), praying, meditating and anytime we access our memories. It’s been reported that the average person drifts
into an effective trance state dozens and dozens of times throughout the day. Hypnosis is something perfectly natural, something we ALL do
already and something that every human being shares!

The last thing that I’ve noticed some people think about regarding hypnosis has more to do with the actual hypnotist than any relaxed, creative state
of mind experienced…a concern over being embarrassed or made to look foolish in front of the public, their family and their friends.

While there WILL BE very funny parts to the program this evening, this is a very DIFFERENT hypnosis show than others you might have
seen or heard about before. My main goal here tonight is simply having fun TOGETHER, putting on a blockbuster show and I give you my word
that I wouldn’t ask anyone who joins me on stage tonight to do ANYTHING under hypnosis that I myself would not willfully do OUT OF

This show is all about you and created specifically for those of you watching and especially those of you who participate to experience this amazing
state of relaxation by tapping directly into profound mental abilities, latent skills, natural gifts and hidden talents you never knew you had…and
yet we all have them and they’re just waiting for a skilled hypnotist such as myself and a willing participant – LIKE ALL OF YOU – to
unlock them.

Remember, HYPNOSIS IS FOR EVERYBODY! I’ve successfully worked with thousands of people in hundreds of cities and dozens of
countries across the world and in every age group ranging from 8 years old to 80 years young!

With that out of the way, I’m wondering whether you would ALL like to experience the incredible state of super conscious awareness and complete
relaxation known throughout time immemorial as HYPNOSIS right now!

And the more you consider making your way to my stage to enjoy and relish in the amazing power and potential of the human mind and your own
creativity, the sooner you can start to relax and realize all the joys and benefits of hypnosis has to offer you firsthand.

Tonight you’ll all be able to relax very deeply and leave here blessed with new talents, gifts, skills and abilities that have always been with you, and
which through hypnosis we can bring to the surface to share and enjoy FIRST with the audience, and then every day after that in your own lives!

I have no doubts that you’ll find hypnosis an incredible and supremely enjoyable experience and as a special bonus tonight, because hypnosis is often
use to assist my clients with personal their goals such as quitting smoking or drinking, for rapid weight loss, business success, improving your
studies, peak performance training, meeting your personal goals, stress release and rapid relaxation, if there’s ANYTHING of a personal nature
you would like me to help you with tonight simply tell me as we go along (and I’d be happy to give you a few positive suggestions for that particular

With that in mind I’d like to invite EVERYONE interested in experiencing hypnosis with me this evening up to the stage RIGHT NOW.
Please arrive with a sense of passion, excitement and urgency forming two straight lines from one end of the stage to the other and we’ll begin!’

And that, my friends, is the opening lecture and pre-talk I’ve used for years and years now. My show and its success relies
almost solely on my pre-talk for relaxing people, getting the audience warmed up to me, settling any ‘fear’ or misconceptions
they might have and getting them excited for the show.

At this point I KNOW that anyone who joins me on stage is already 90% hypnotized. If after this pre-talk a person comes
on stage to be hypnotized by me they are doing so with minimal resistance and hypnosis will take place easily and naturally.

For the sake of completeness I offer you one more version of my pre-talk which is shorter, more direct and meant for return
audiences and/or those who seem very open and receptive to begin with.

Towards the end of my full time stage hypnosis career a variation on the below script is all I used. I don’t address any fears
of hypnosis, concerns or misconceptions – most everything I say is a presupposition, delivered with the utmost confidence
and a supreme sense of EXPECTANCY.

I no longer use long pre-talks, suggestibility tests, relaxation techniques or anything else to get the show started. Those
methods are now kept in reserve for my ‘Telepathy In Action’ show ONLY and in those cases I will often still draw upon them.

‘Thank you all very much for that incredibly warm welcome! I can already tell we’re going to have a fantastic show this evening! How is everyone

My name is Jerome Finley and I’ll be your “conductor” this evening. By a show of hands, how many of you have ever been to see a LIVE
Hypnosis Show before?


And by the same show of hands, how many of you have ever been hypnotized or know someone who has?

Very good!

Tonight IS an audience participation show and if you’ve seen me work before you already know that I’m here to take very, very good care of each
and every one of you. My goal this evening is to make those of you who participate in my show sparkle, shine and glow…and I won’t accept
anything less for you than looking good and feeling AMAZING as you work with me tonight.

It’s always of the utmost importance to me that you LOOK as good as you’ll feel while in hypnosis with me and for that reason, while there WILL
be some very funny and even hilarious demonstrations of creativity in the show this evening, it’s all in good fun and good taste and nothing is meant
to embarrass you or risk damage to your personal integrity, professional standing or reputation in the community. I promise to treat you guys like
gold and give you all an empowering, entertaining experience that you’ll NEVER forget!

If you’ve never been hypnotized before, it’s very easy. All one must do is follow my simple instructions and before you know it you’ll all be in a very
nice, very calm, relaxed, ultra-creative, SUPER CONSCIOUS state of mind. There’s really nothing to it!

Hypnosis has come a long ways over the years and we now see a higher success rate in both our public shows and private hypnotherapy sessions than
ever before. Long gone are those days when it took a hypnotist 30 minutes to hypnotize 6 people…with the SPEED TRANCE techniques I’ll be
using tonight it’s more like 50 or 60 people hypnotized in just 3 or 4 minutes or so.

With these new techniques most people go into a deep state of hypnotic trance very, very quickly. Studies show that over 25% of you here this
evening already have the ability to enter a trance in just 60 seconds or less!

About half of you will go under and enjoy this highly responsive state in 2-3 minutes or less – ready to rock and roll faster than you can order a
cup of coffee!

A full 20% of you can and will go into hypnosis and experience a deep sense of peace, inner warmth and complete relaxation in about 5 minutes
tops and the remainder of you will NOT go under hypnosis tonight for the simple reason that you simply don’t want to and I certainly respect that
as well. Just know that we can ALL be hypnotized and with today’s mind technologies and rapid advances it all happens very quickly.

With that in mind I’d like to welcome everyone here this evening and thank you for coming to my show – I love this work with all my heart and I
couldn’t do it without you!

At this point I’m wondering whether EVERYONE here tonight who would like to experience hypnosis RIGHT NOW could join me on stage
with a sense of urgency, passion and excitement by forming two or three straight lines from one side of the stage to the other and we’ll begin!’

I don’t attempt to be funny; in fact I don’t try to be anything else besides confident, caring, charismatic, knowledgeable and
excited to perform.

The working principle I’ve adopted here suggests the majority of your audience has already made the decision to participate
in the show, become hypnotized or TRY to become hypnotized by the time they walk into the venue. These folks are coming
specifically to see a hypnosis show and due to the popularity of hypnosis today they have a general knowledge of what to

If an audience member or potential participant is ‘undecided’ it’s been taught that your opening lecture/pre-talk or set piece
may or may not possibly sway them one way or the other. In my experience, those who are resistant are still going to be
resistant and no amount of pre-talk will sway them. Just like those who have already decided to be hypnotized, some people
have made a firm decision they will NOT be hypnotized.

The exception to the rule is this: If a person DOES want to be hypnotized and has made up their mind to do so but then
meets the performer and takes a disliking to him that ‘would be’ participant can and will change their mind!

What I’m saying is this, don’t mess it up in your first 5 minutes. It’s better to say less and get on with the show than it is to
ramble on and risk losing people.

Further, I know that anyone who arrives on stage with me excited to experience hypnosis is already 90% ‘hypnotized’ by the
time they take that first step on stage. Simply joining me on stage means they have (and will have) shown little resistance to
the process, they are open to accepting suggestions, WANT to be part of the show and are there to have a good time.

Some hypnotist’s estimate that a full 10-20% of your audience members would do just about anything/everything you would
ask of them in hypnosis WITHOUT EVEN BEING HYPNOTIZED!

In theory, you could walk out on stage, introduce yourself and say we’re going to play a game of imagination, charades and
improv comedy with the audience members and ask for people to join you. Those who arrive in many cases will be the same
ones that would come up if this were a hypnosis show!

Of course you wouldn’t do this (or would you?), but it’s a good thing to know.

As the participants make their way to the stage I play a piece of upbeat, energetic music. This is a personal preference –
simply choose a song you like and that’s popular at the time for the audience and age group you’re performing for.

Generally I try to use something popular and well known at the time. Look at the blockbuster charts and the top 5 songs of
the age group you cater to and choose one from there. Think about DANCE CLUB music and songs that are upbeat, sound
good and get people shaking their booty’s!

My participants arrive on stage and begin forming a straight line/row from one end of the stage to the other. In many cases
I’ll get so many participants coming up that we have to form two or even three lines to accommodate them all. At this point
everyone is standing and nobody is in the chairs I have lined up.

I ALWAYS break up friends, family members and associates. I’ll separate couples with strangers between them and move
them all around completely. I don’t want two people who know each other to be sitting or standing together at this point OR
during the stage show. It’s just too much of a distraction, the ego mind gets in the way and for some of the skits it can be a
real mess. You’ll see why later. I’ll keep them CLOSE for safety and comfort, but separated so they act well and let loose.

Another thing I do once all my participants are on stage is another ‘open’ suggestibility test and compliance/conditioning
technique all its own…I MOVE the participants around so the row goes male, female, male, female, male, female, etc. Now
of course there are going to be odd numbers, though as often as possible and as much as possible I alternate the order of the
subjects and separate them from friends, family and loved ones.

When separating friends and couples I just ask, ‘Do you two know each other?’

If the answer is ‘yes’ I’ll go ahead and move one of them a few subjects down the line. I’ll keep them CLOSE so there is a
sense of comfort and solidarity, but one or two subjects away so the two don’t distract each other. The same rule applies for

Because I re-arrange the participants in boy/girl, boy/girl order this is a perfect excuse for splitting up friends should you feel
inclined to give one. I don’t.

I now address the audience once more and say,

‘Some of you may have been reluctant to come up on stage or just slightly resistant to the idea of being hypnotized tonight (maybe next time!),
but THESE PEOPLE on stage now have been willing to volunteer in your place, learn about their own potential and the power of their mind
through hypnosis BY being hypnotized (!) and are preparing to entertain you. Let’s all show them our appreciation with a HUGE round of

I now use a line from the phenomenal Gil Boyne. I turn to the participants and say,

‘There’s a lot more where that came from!

You haven’t done a thing yet and already they LOVE YOU!’

I say this while the audience is still applauding and their applause is dying down but before it’s gone completely. For smaller
groups and intimate shows, performances and demonstrations I might simply raise my voice a bit and give the line without a
microphone away from the earshot of my audience. On stage I simply speak the words into the microphone before the
applause has stopped. Because it’s at the end my words are barely noticeable and in either case, it doesn’t really matter if the
audience hears this. I’m not trying to hide anything.

This applause cue and resulting statement does a few things.

First, it gets the audience used to the idea of applauding for the subjects (even when they do nothing).

Second, this initial applause excites and prepares the subjects to perform and places a fair amount of pressure on them TO
perform. They have already been THANKED for something they are expected to do. At this point it’s almost as if they
OWE the audience something! Think in terms of concessions and persuasion tactics here and you’ll understand WHY this

The dynamics and psychology of a hypnosis show are marvelous indeed.

I now proceed with my final address to the audience for now by saying,

‘At this point I’ll ask everyone, if you haven’t done so already to please silence your cell phones either by turning them off completely or placing
them on ‘pleasure mode.’

The volunteers we have on stage tonight will all become hypnotized very quickly and yet for those few moments in which I’m introducing them to
their Unlimited/Higher Selves I ask everyone out there in the audience to show our volunteers the same amount of respect and appreciation you
would desire were you up here yourself.

Give us a few short moments of silence so those on stage may concentrate, enter relaxation and listen closely to the sound of my voice and my simple
instructions just as they’re doing right now…

Thank you.’

The first instruction about pleasure mode is a nice break in tension. Again, I’m not trying too hard here to be funny but a
short joke that fits with the instructions I give works very well to lighten the mood as laughter and smiling eases stress and

I tend to avoid these lines during the induction and prefer to already have my audience silence their cell phones. The host, DJ
or sound technician can make the announcement well before the show begins or you can do it yourself.

There are a few ways you can continue here.

At least 80% of the time I use my ‘STAGE SHOW INDUCTION’ as outlined earlier in this course and I use it exactly as
written. This entails having the subjects standing in a row a fair distance away from each other so as NOT to touch or distract
one another, focusing on a spot on the adjacent wall or ceiling, taking a few deep breaths and clasping their hands together in
front of them.

As taught in my ‘STAGE SHOW INDUCTION’ I continue with the ‘LOCKING HANDS’ test as part of the induction.
Remember to give each subject a nice jumble, get their head moving to create confusion and lend power to the illusion of
their hands being stuck together perfectly. Through suggestion you will convince both the audience AND the on-stage
participants of the hypnotic process and reality.

The other 20% of the time I proceed with a ‘SITTING STAGE INDUCTION’ which simply means the subjects will
already be in their designated seats on stage.

This is ideal in some situations, especially for reasons of safety and convenience; it’s also FASTER. If I’m working without
an assistant I often use this induction. Also if there are many very physically large people becoming hypnotized I opt for the
seated induction. It works great for older more mature audiences who find it a pain in the back to stand up for so long. We
don’t want to wear them out this early. Make them comfortable.

At this point you’ll simply use the group induction of your choice. Many have been given in this book.


After my subjects have been formally induced (lying on stage/sitting in their seats and ‘sleeping’) the music
changes and I continue on to the deepening sequence.

This is nothing more than using relaxation techniques and strengthening the process, theatre and drama of hypnosis. It also
serves to assist in removing those last few butterflies, stage fright and jumpy nerves from the participants. The last purpose
for your deepening sequence is to convince the conscious mind of your subjects of the process of hypnosis through a short,
believable process.

Personally I don’t like long inductions or involved deepening sequences. These days I rarely use them. For this classic show
and Master Routine I DID use them, though in a very efficient and effective manner.

Realize that the people who are intent on becoming hypnotized and entertaining the audience this evening would likely
already do so at this point without any further preparation. These people are natural entertainers who will do whatever it
takes TO MAKE HYPNOSIS WORK and put on a great performance.

At this time you can proceed with ANY progressive relaxation technique you wish; slowly moving across the entire body and
relaxing every part and portion in turn, the staircase deepening, a descending elevator visualization taking the subjects deeper
and deeper into this nice state of trance or whatever method you prefer.

I’m very fond of using the color spectrum and visualization at this juncture; even a shortened version with just a few colors
(the subjects 2 or 3 favorites!) is very effective. When combined with deep breathing techniques and suggestions for
relaxation you can increase this relaxed, hypnotic state very quickly. Just having their eyes closed and visualizing imagery
naturally alters brainwave patterns, so use this to your advantage.

What I discovered, as any great hypnotist will be taught and learn eventually with experience on stage, is that using EVERY
natural experience and sensation in the deepening process AS the deepening process allows you to give your final instructions
while relaxing the participants very deeply in order to get on with the show immediately.

I say,

‘And as you sit/stand/lie there now listening closely to the sound of my voice and relaxing deeply… simply REALIZE that being here
(sitting/lying down/listening to my voice and my instructions) RIGHT NOW naturally causes you to relax even deeper and enter into
a very nice, very deep state of trance… to enjoy hypnosis and embrace your full creative potential with me tonight easily and naturally.

In a moment I’m going to count backwards from 3 down to 1 and when I get to that last number 1 simply allow this feeling of peace and
relaxation to double inside of you and all around you…3, 2 and 1…deeper and deeper relaxed…

From this moment forth the sound of my voice, the sound of the music and any other sounds will only cause you to relax even deeper and deeper
still, relaxing even deeper and deeper moment to moment. Every breath you take, every easy beat of your heart and each passing moment on stage
with me all serve to double and re-double this incredible feeling of peace and relaxation that takes you gently and automatically into the heightened
state of super creative thought, super conscious awareness and relaxed yet focused state of mind known as hypnosis. This is easy…

3, 2 and 1…deeper and deeper relaxed. Allowing a wave of relaxation to wash over your entire body now causing every muscle, nerve and fiber to
become loose, limp and relaxed; easily and naturally. The deeper you go the better you feel, and the better you feel the deeper you go – so just go
ahead NOW and LET GO completely…deeper and deeper relaxed…

There’s nothing you have to do at this point besides enjoy hypnosis with me right now because your subconscious mind does all the work for you and
allows you to simply sit back and relax very easily, completely and peacefully, drifting deeper and deeper…RELAX…deeper and deeper relaxed.’

This is basically all I ever do for a deepening sequence these days. It’s short, to the point and effective. As with all my scripts
the exact verbiage is constantly changing – once you know the basic wording and outline and which suggestions to give you
can stick to a basic intention, purpose and structure and begin to use your own words and any little changes that spring up in
the moment.

In my early days I used to walk around the stage and pick up the arms of my subjects, give them a gentle shake and then
drop it upon their body; loose, limp and relaxed. I did this with suggestions to relax even 10 times deeper and more
completely than ever before. While effective I find this is unnecessary.

Something I DO enjoy doing at times currently is POSING the subjects in different ways as they enter this deeply relaxed
state. I simply approach each subject and lift an arm high into the air. Maintaining a firm grip and giving their arm a VERY
gentle tug gives the suggestion I want the limb to stay in this position. If the arm begins to fall or move I simply give the
suggestion to keep the arm suspended there, deeply relaxed, frozen in place and listening closely to the sound of my voice as
they continue to relax on all levels.

I raise and bend the subject’s arms in different ways and positions so that most of them have a stiff, rigid, levitated arm. This
works even better when they’re seated, but can be done lying down as well. With the next round of suggestions I instruct the
subjects to become even more relaxed, their arms drifting, dropping and falling down to their sides tripling this intense level
of peace and relaxation. This is entirely optional, of course.

At this point if you’ve done your job right and the audience loves you, the participants trust you and your confidence in
hypnosis shines through you WILL put on a great show and have a large number of participants completely in state ready to
entertain the audience and work with you during the show.

I’ve worked with many different pieces of music for this phase of the induction and I often change them out to suit my own
tastes and liking.

Examples of great pieces of music to use here is ANYTHING CLASSICAL (promotes heightened brain activity, your
favorite rendition of Pachabels Canon is cliché, but tried and true!), the ocean waves and dolphin sounds (I used a New Age
Meditation CD and track titled ‘Dolphin Dreams’) and a Delta Sleep System Track # 1 from Jeffrey D. Thompson.

The Delta Sleep System is great because it invites whole brain activity through bi-tonal sounds and includes natural pacing to
lead the subjects into a deep Delta State. We DON’T WANT the participants listening to the entire CD and going to sleep,
but obviously getting to the Delta state means advancing through various brainwave patterns and levels of neural activity

I found even just a minute or two of track #1 as I deliver the above suggestions produces a very nice, deeply relaxed state in
the participants.

You can use any piece of music you personally like and find enjoyable here. Avoid music with words or that’s too upbeat and
energetic in tempo.

Remember that everything you say, do and use at this point is a reflection of yourself and how the audience will perceive you;
everything is a suggestion from this point on! Be tasteful, graceful and elegant in your musical selections and you’ll be just
fine. New Age music and meditation pieces are phenomenal for this purpose.

I’ve used everything from Gregorian Chants to Chakra Chants, Whole Brain/Binaural tones, white noise, Tibetan and Crystal
Singing Bowls, sounds of the Rainforest and soundtracks from movies such as Gladiator, Braveheart and others with great

Final Suggestions

I move seamlessly from my deepening straight into the final suggestions and instructions delivered before our first
real hypnotic act. A number of suggestions are rendered here in quick succession and this portion of the show is
brisk yet necessary to produce the best results.

I often changed the music again at this point and used a total of 3 different tracks for my induction. These changes keep the
audience entertained and feeling as though something is happening and there is a progression of events and states.

There is!

Today my preference for this third and final phase before the actual REAL SHOW begins is to cut the music entirely OR
turn it down very, very low so it’s audible but BARELY.

I state confidently,

‘After you leave the stage this evening you’ll immediately return to your normal state of mind and consciousness, completely back to normal in every
way with all suggestions removed.

From now until the program ends ANY TIME I count backwards from 3 down to 1 and say the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ or ‘DEEPLY
RELAXED’ your eyes will close and you’ll INSTANTLY re-enter this same deep state of peace, relaxation and heightened awareness.

From now until the program ends ANYTIME I count backwards from 3 down to 1 and say the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ or ‘DEEPLY
RELAXED’ your eyes will close and you’ll instantly re-enter this same deep state of relaxation.

Should you happen to be standing at that time you’ll remain safely and perfectly balanced, standing sleeping upright with your feet planted firmly
exactly as though you were wide awake.

When I count upwards from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ your eyes will open and you’ll remain perfectly and completely in your hypnotized
state. Again, whenever I count upwards from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ your eyes will open, you’ll be able to communicate with me
openly while in your hypnotized state and move around normally with your eyes open wide just as though you were WIDE AWAKE indeed.

Backwards you’re sleeping and relaxing deeply, upwards you’re rising and awakening gently…this is easy…

And finally, from this moment forth everything I say – EVERY SINGLE THING now becomes your reality. From this moment forth,
everything I say – EVERY SINGLE THING is now INSTANTLY your reality!

You will see what I say you can see, know what I say you know – you will be, do AND have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience
EVERYTHING I SAY now as if it were your reality because this how powerful and creative your own thoughts are and how the mind works
while in trance states.

These suggestions will remain with you until the program is over at which time you’ll all return completely and instantly back to your normal state
of mind and consciousness feeling perfect in every way and better for having this experience.’

Notice how I compound, affirm and reaffirm these suggestions. I change the wording, pace and tonality with each
compounding suggestion so as to drive them deeper and deeper into the mind of my subjects.

A good rule of thumb is to give the suggestion the first time in a slightly raised, confident and yet relaxed voice. The second
time is when I raise my voice and exert my control, influence and dominance on stage while delivering the same (or similar)
suggestion. This grabs the attention of my subjects AND the audience and allows the suggestions to take hold.

It takes less than 90 seconds to deliver the above suggestions and continue with the show. My induction takes less than 5
minutes, the deepening less than two minutes and my final suggestions and instructions less than 2 minutes.

My goal is to have the participants placed under my hypnotic spell and entertaining the audience within 10 minutes of them
arriving on stage and within 15 or 20 minutes TOPS of the show beginning.

Remember that throughout this course I’ve given you very full scripts that can be delivered in their entirety as shown AND
most of them can be shortened significantly.

Today when I perform my hypnosis show I strive to keep my opening pre-talk and warm up to about 3 minutes, give or take
a minute here or there. My full induction, deepening process and final suggestions takes me about 6 or 7 minutes to get
through completely, so, in just about 10 or 12 minutes we’re ready and rocking.

Even allowing time for the participants to join you on stage you should still strive to work quickly yet thoroughly and always
confidently. Take control. As Anthony Jacquin and Jonathan Chase are so fond of teaching, BE THE HYPNOTIST!

One thing that will KILL your show is a long, boring pre-talk followed with a long, boring induction and deepening. I’ve
literally seen hypnotists many, many times who go on and on for 30 or 40 minutes before the show begins. With today’s
audience that’s just insane for a show meant to be entertaining.

Exceptions to this rule are public demonstrations and lectures regarding hypnosis and other mental abilities (telepathy,
clairvoyance, energy work, meditation, etc). In these performances you have a bit more leeway as they are meant to be
educational and entertaining.

With your hypnotic stage show if your opening lecture/pre-talk is long then your induction should be short and to the point.
If your opening lecture is very short then you can take a bit longer for your induction. In any case, today’s hypnotist should
be a master of the rapid induction and rapid deepening techniques.

Now we’re finally ready to start the show. Everything else up to this point has been laying the foundation and building up to
this point. Here we go!

The First Performance Suggestion

To begin the actual performance with your subjects I always used just one thing here… DRUMMING!

I give the first performance suggestion like this,

‘Now, listen to me very closely because in a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE.’

And when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll remain on stage, sitting up where you’re at only at this time you’ll notice that
YOU are a world class drummer and percussion artist…that’s right!

When I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll sit up where you’re at and start beating your arms up and down as if playing the
drums with passion, vigor and enthusiasm. Your eyes will remain closed and you’ll play drums in the space before you with all your heart and
intent, getting into the music, into the performance and putting on a blockbuster show for the audience gathered here to see YOU play the drums
this evening.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen easily and naturally!

1…ready to rise up and play the drums in front of you with energy and enthusiasm…

2…feeling those drumsticks held tightly between your hands right now…

…and on this last number you’ll sit up very quickly and start pounding away on those drums with a huge round of applause from your

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!’

The music starts and my subjects sit up where they are playing the imaginary, hypnotic drums in the empty air and space
before them. The track I use for this suggestion (which begins when I say ‘WIDE AWAKE!’) is the classic ‘Surfaris’ song

This is a perfect piece of music for this short skit because of the great drumming, well known intro and fact that nearly
everybody knows or has heard this song at some point.

The tempo and beat is energetic. It gets the subjects MOVING!

The reason I use drumming is because the subjects are already sitting (or lying down) so sitting up straight and playing the
drums is a very natural position for this routine, obviously. I don’t want to ask TOO MUCH of the subjects at this crucial
time; we’ve got to warm them up to bigger suggestions. Start with something small to build comfort and confidence and then
move on to bigger things (routines and suggestions).

This is the rule.

Remember that each suggestion your subjects respond to makes it easier for the following suggestions to take hold and be
effective. Start small and work your way up to larger and more powerful, unbelievable, hilarious and entertaining suggestions.

I suggest the subjects keep their eyes closed at this point so they don’t become embarrassed, distracted or influenced by the
actions/reactions of the other subjects around them. They can remain in their own little world and respond to my

suggestions by playing the drums which cements their role in the performance and commits them to the show. Once they’ve
followed just one or two of my suggestions and forthcoming skits THEY ARE ALL MINE to do as I wish.

As I wake the subjects up to play the drums, the music starts and I WATCH THEM closely. If anybody is NOT responding
immediately I touch their shoulder and tell them excitedly,


Once everyone is up and drumming I continue with the suggestions saying,


The faster and harder you play the better it feels, and the better it feels the faster and harder you play!


I get my subjects beating and pounding away on their drums and then reward them with a big round of applause from the

In every hypnosis show you will have many, many options regarding how to work with each participant, the group and what
they do/how they react within each skit or routine.

At this time I want to do a few fast routines to get the subjects deeper, more committed to the performance and realizing
their role in it. For these short beginning routines I go no longer than 1 minute and it’s usually more like 30 or 40 seconds
before changing the action, behavior and suggestions.

After my first 3 SHORT ROUTINES to open up the show (and even during them!) you can change the suggestions,
reactions and experience of your subjects anytime you wish by simply suggesting so!

As for options, you could suggest the subjects stand up in place (with their eyes now OPEN, remaining relaxed and in trance)
and play the drums standing OR their playing favorite instrument (sitting or standing), switch the suggestion to one of
SURFING and ‘hanging 10’ or ‘body boarding’ on their stomachs (to prevent them from standing – think ‘Beach Boys!’), leave
them sitting and give suggestions to SLOW DOWN getting them to move slower and slower as the music fades until finally
they go right back to SLEEP.

My preference is to ‘freeze’ the subjects in time, space and motion while changing the suggestion to one of the subjects now
riding horses at this point, which is also very funny and animated.

The subjects grab the reigns – or more accurately – the imaginary drum sticks they hold turn into reigns as they begin riding
along now bumping, jumping, racing and chasing (the exact words I use).

The music in my show also changes at this point to a movie soundtrack, an old spaghetti western or country music at your
discretion. I currently use the Will Smith song, ‘Wild Wild West’ for this transition – though dated, it fits perfectly.

I want the music selections I use to take my subjects back in time in many cases. I try not to be TOO cheesy, but I want to
have fun and make people laugh. That’s what this show is about.

I cut and spliced the song so it only included the first few seconds (easily recognizable and always gets a laugh with this
routine!) and then straight to the chorus. It’s a hilarious little piece and great fun for something so minor. The music lasts for
less than a minute, starts very HIGH and then fades out as I continue speaking and delivering my suggestions and further

Another song I’ve used with a slightly different presentation (‘Sexy Cowgirls’) is ‘Pony’ by Genuwine.

After 45-60 seconds of intense drumming I transition to the horse riding like this,




Holding onto the drum sticks in front of you, notice how those sticks you’re all holding are now changing, shifting, melting and transforming into
horse reigns (SNAP!) easily and naturally.

That’s right! When the music begins and I say the words ‘YEE HAW!’ you’ll start riding a horse into the sunset, eyes closed, riding along now
quickly and briskly, bouncing, bumping, jumping, racing and chasing as you go.

(Slightly louder now…)

And as you ride this magnificent beast you’ll hop up and down in your seats, twisting, turning, whoa-ing and yah-ing to make your horses travel
faster and faster. It’s a wild ride and you’re the man in charge (yes, even YOU!)…getting ready to ride and race your horse into the sunset.

When I say the words ‘Yee Haw!’ and the music begins you’ll be riding your horse, bumping, jumping, twisting and turning, moaning and
groaning, yah-ing and whoa-ing…

Just like before, allowing your creative mind to unfold beautifully in the process, having fun, feeling great and knowing right now that you can do

1…feeling those reigns held tightly between your fists…

2…ready to be the man in charge, racing off into the sunset…and it’s a bumpy ride…


Yee Haw!’

The music starts and gets a laugh all by itself. My subjects are already sitting up and put their hands out in front of them as if
riding a horse; they bounce, jump and bump up and down and as they do this I give instructions,

‘Faster and faster now, riding your horses faster and faster, jumping and bumping up and down as you go…

…and turning to the left…faster and faster…

…and turning to the right now…faster and faster she goes!’

The subjects respond perfectly to my instructions. You might get them to hold a hand up, fire their guns in the air, shout ‘Yee
Haw!’, jumping over a corral, weave in and out of barrels, race each other, see a rattlesnake to avoid or anything else you

Instead of going the cowboy western route you might instead give suggestions that each subject is now a horse jockey in a
race for the gold. After delivering the set up (who your subjects are now and what they do/will do) and the trigger (the
numbers, counting, KEY WORD or action that starts the skit and suggestion) you might fire off the hypnotic action by
pointing your finger up straight in the air, counting to three and shouting ‘BANG!’ or even fire off a cap gun to start the
action. You are THE HYPNOTIST and YOU have the freedom to choose!

Make it fun, make it entertaining and enjoy yourself!

I watch for my best subjects and if you wish at this point you can begin interacting with the subjects personally. I often ask
one or two highly animated subjects questions such as, ‘What’s the name of your horse?’ or ‘Your horse is very beautiful, what kind is

I intersperse these transactions with suggestions to the entire group of making their horses travel faster and faster, jump,
spin, twist, turn, bounce and bump along as they go.

Those wishing to perform with a more strictly ADULT oriented theme will find ample opportunities for all sorts of “hung
like a horse” jokes at this point. During one of my shows I had a subject who named his horse “Dangle”, and for good reason
as he later showed us!.

This guy broke out in song for us, “There once was a HORSE…his name was DANGLE…and all he did was sit and dangle…” while
making hilarious swinging actions with his arm between his legs on stage.

I kept the bit and later worked it into my adult show when performing in bars and nightclubs. Subjects can use their fingers
to “measure” their horse, compare the “size” of their pony to their neighbors (“Boys will be boys!”) and then even
THEMSELVES (comparing their own anatomy to their horses and/or neighbor’s horse *or neighbor!* by holding their
hands/fingers apart as a sort of ruler or measuring stick).

Asking a subject “What’s this animal’s name? How big is he?” is often enough to set the balls into motion (pun intended). It might
take some playful banter and interaction on your part (zing!) to move the subject’s line of thought and answers in that
direction, though this is to be expected, of course.

Whatever the case, a full-on Tijuana Donkey Show with your participants is up to you.

As with the drumming if someone happens to be unresponsive I’ll ask them to open their eyes, shake their hand and thank
them as I tell them to take their seat in the audience.

Between the drumming and horse riding we are well on our way to a magnificent show.

I’m going to do one more very short skit on stage before sending my subjects (for the FIRST TIME) to their seats on stage
and the row of chairs set out for them.

If working with an assistant these first few routines on the raw stage serve another purpose. My crew can see how many
people are likely to be kept and add or take away chairs appropriately. The last thing you want is 29 subjects and 12 chairs, or
12 chairs and 7 subjects. Make sure the chair to subject ratio match up.

After 30 to 60 seconds of animated horse riding and racing the music fades completely as I slow the subjects down, bringing
their horse to a dead stop. Simply tell them what you want them to do and they will do it. Once the horses are stopped and all
motion has ceased I deliver the following words and suggestions,

Eyes closed, all suggestions removed…begin leaning back now, drifting slowly backwards to the stage, lying down peacefully upon the stage again
now becoming 10 times more relaxed, going deeper and deeper with each passing moment…you’re all doing perfectly!

Lying down slowly upon the stage…3, 2 and 1(snap!)…DEEPER & DEEPER RELAXED…’

These first few routines are VERY important because instantly you’re going to see who is NOT hypnotized and does not
wish to play along or embrace the experience AND begin discovering who your best and most responsive subjects are. Watch
for the most animated subjects and look for the signs of hypnosis at this early point in the show.

Signs such as skin flushing, deep breathing, hyper responsiveness, instant relaxation and more will be your first indication of
hypnosis. Anyone who is unresponsive at this point is thanked for their courage and asked to take their seat in the audience

Another reason for the subjects having their eyes closed at this point is so they DON’T get distracted and they won’t SEE
those subjects who may be dismissed. There will always be a few who go back to their seats. Don’t let it worry you, it actually
makes the show better.

If doubt begins to creep in and your subjects see other participants going back to their seats they may begin to doubt the
process and phenomena and how well it’s working. This is easy to avoid by simply telling them all to keep their eyes closed
for these first two routines (drumming and horse riding).

Because of how I routine things and start my show I actually get very, very few people who want or need to be sent back. At
this time I know my subjects are fairly well conditioned, responsive to my suggestions and ready to perform. Follow my
outline and you will know success, it’s that simple.

After my subjects are lying on stage drifting deeper and deeper into their hypnotic ‘sleep’ I continue with,

‘All prior suggestions of drumming and riding have now been removed…you guys were great! That was some of the best drumming and horse
racing I’ve ever PERSONALLY witnessed and I’m sure the audience would agree, yes?

This gets MORE applause. If the audience doesn’t get the hint I say,

Well? Audience, do you agree!?’

This is applause cue is there to reinforce the subject’s level of participation and involvement with the show. It also allows me
to give the following suggestions to both the audience and participants,

‘The more you applaud for the STARS OF OUR SHOW this evening the better they’ll perform for you. And of course the better they perform
and the greater their creativity the more you’ll want to show them your appreciation and encouragement through thunderous applause…let’s try it

A BIG round of applause NOW for our subjects on stage!’

I continue,

‘All prior suggestions of drumming and racing have now been removed and replaced by this one…

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say the words ‘HOT FEET’ you’ll notice, feel and realize that your feet are becoming incredibly HOT

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say the words ‘HOT FEET’ you’ll realize that your shoes are on fire and your feet are incredibly hot
– almost like walking barefoot across the scorching summer pavement or fire walking and dancing upon searing HOT COALS…

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say the words ‘HOT FEET’ you’ll all want to remove those shoes as fast as you can – with your eyes
open and remembering NOT to throw them – dash as quickly as possible to the front of the stage and hang your feet off the sides into clear, cool
mountain spring water.

And as you place your feet into that clear, cool mountain spring water at the end of the stage you’ll instantly let out a sigh of relief, your feet feeling
all back to normal and perfect in every way…

1…notice your feet becoming hotter and hotter NOW…

2…beginning to shake those feet out and notice how incredibly hot they’re becoming…

…on this last number, you’ll want to get out of those shoes and slide up to the edge of the stage for relief as you relax even more…

1, 2 and 3…HOT FEET!’

Instantly my subjects sit up where they are, open their eyes and begin to frantically remove their shoes. They’ll bolt, jump and
run to the edge of the stage (facing the audience) and hang their feet off the sides for instant relief. Many of them will fan
their feet, splash them in the ‘water’, sigh, moan, yelp and RELAX.


After the drumming and horse riding takes place and you’ve dismissed anyone who needs sending back to their seats what
you are left with are subjects that should not pose or present any problems or resistance. It’s very, VERY rare for those
remaining on stage at this point to not ‘get’ or ‘take’ to the suggestion of HOT FEET and respond accordingly.

Also notice how I make my suggestions SOUND GOOD; I keep them clear and to the point; I give my detailed instructions
a few times (compound suggestions) to make sure the instructions sink in deep and are understood completely by my

Drumming, horse riding and HOT FEET are the three most important routines of the entire show.


Because EVERY SUBJECT who responds and reacts to ALL THREE of these suggestions is a STAR and will go on to do
whatever I ask of them. This is the compliance and conditioning ‘Rule of Three’ in full effect yet again. I use it because it

These are the ‘buy in’ routines and the subjects who respond to ALL of them will likely remain for the rest of the show. The
routines which follow are meant to find the best subjects for each skit – these first routines are meant and intended to get the
subjects to commit to the performance.

Prior to this my subjects showed their level of suggestibility and responsiveness by taking the stage, going through the
induction process and locking their hands together. This is the same rule applied on a minor level. This conditioning makes
for the very best participants one could ever hope for.

Now, at this time I approach the subjects sitting on the edge of my stage and begin to interact with the ‘best’ (most animated)
ones among them.

I ask,

‘How are your feet now? What happened?’


‘Tell me what’s going on…where are your shoes?’

This questioning gets the subjects used to responding and conversing with me while in trance. Their answers are often as
animated and funny as they are – you’ll be surprised at some of the answers, as will your audience.

When I speak to the subjects some may have their eyes closed as they dip their feet into the water and relax. This is fine.
When speaking to my subjects I’ll often tap them lightly and repeatedly on the arm, knee or shoulder and say, ‘Person I’m now
touching…’ and continue with my suggestions, questions and instructions.

TOUCHING the subjects and tapping them lightly on the head, arm or shoulders is a great tool to direct their attention and
let them know you are speaking to THEM (the individual) directly. This is a tactic I use often, as most stage hypnotists do.

After I’ve taken 30 or 60 seconds to speak with a few subjects I go one of two ways.


‘All suggestions of HOT FEET have now been removed and your feet are all back to normal, feeling perfect in every way.

We’ve got some very beautiful, very powerful minds with us on stage this evening. Let’s give our stars a nice round of applause!

Now, when I snap my fingers and say ‘GO!’ you’ll all collect your shoes and have a seat in the row of chairs behind you.

When I snap my fingers and say ‘GO!’ you’ll all collect your shoes and have a seat in the row of chairs behind you, putting your shoes on once
again only THIS TIME you’ll want to place them on the OPPOSITE FEET for the highest/maximum level of comfort and support.

You’ll place your shoes on the OPPOSITE FEET; right shoe on left foot, left shoe on right foot and notice this is the MOST
COMFORTABLE way to wear your shoes at this time.

You’ll remain in this eyes open, waking trance state; RELAXING DEEPLY and moving quickly…NOW…GO!’

My subjects grab their shoes (many will have to find them or go back to them) and take their seats on stage. They place their
shoes on the OPPOSITE FEET as per my suggestions and find they’re very comfortable wearing like that.


The handling I prefer at this time is giving the following suggestion,

‘All suggestions of HOT FEET have now been removed and your feet are all back to normal, feeling perfect in every way.

We’ve got some very beautiful, very powerful minds with us on stage this evening. Let’s give our stars a nice round of applause!

Now, when I count to 3 and say the word ‘GO!’ you’ll all collect your shoes and have a seat in the row of chairs behind you.

When I count to 3 and say ‘GO!’ you’ll all collect your shoes and have a seat in the row of chairs behind you, putting your shoes on once again only
THIS TIME as you put your shoes on… your eyes will close and you’ll INSTANTLY re-enter a very deep level of hypnosis, listening closely to
the sound of my voice and my instructions.

As soon as you place those shoes on your feet and lace em’ up you’ll immediately enter a deep level of hypnosis, STUCK FIRMLY to your seats,
listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions.

1…2…and 3…GO!’

Again, you always have a ton of options regarding where to lead your subjects, the phenomena and results you wish to create,
the experiences you wish to share and how you desire for the subjects to respond. You could obviously COMBINE the two
suggestions so your subjects place their shoes on the OPPOSITE FEET and sleep/relax deeply as they do. The choice is

I prefer the subjects take their seats, put their shoes back on their feet and enter an even deeper state of relaxation. It’s
important to put them out a few times in quick succession here in the beginning stages to deepen the trance state and get
them used to obeying, responding, reacting and following your every instruction, command and suggestion.

When causing the subjects to SLEEP in their chairs this first time I give the safety suggestion of relaxing very deeply and

Another option I’ve used at this point consists of having the subjects replace their shoes on their feet, take their seats on
stage and as soon as they sit down each one relaxes deeply and goes right to sleep as soon as they sit down. They are stuck to
their chairs, naturally.

Get creative with your own unique show and handling. With the subjects shoes you can do many, many different things such
as turning them all into cell phones, puppy dogs or bouquets of flowers to give audience members and more. The limit of
YOUR imagination will be the limit of your subject’s imagination.

However you proceed, the subjects are now sitting in their chairs, eyes closed and relaxing very deeply.

I use this moment and opportunity to give the ‘SUPER SUGGESTION’ once again like so,

‘Listening to the sound of my voice and relaxing very, VERY deeply now…

From this moment forth everything I say – EVERY SINGLE THING – is now your reality. You will see what I say you can see, know what
I say you know and be, do, have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience EVERYTHING I suggest from this moment forth until the end of the

Even though I’ve already given this SUPER SUGGESTION it’s important to give it here once again because if NOW
someone does not respond perfectly to my next suggestions I will send them back to their seat immediately. It rarely happens
at this point because of how I’ve structured things, but keep your eyes open, stay fast on your feet and WATCH THE

During a stage hypnosis show it’s very likely that you’ll get people who are very deep into their hypnotic trance and show
many of the signs of hypnosis (eyes glazed over, deep breathing, blushing, body temperature changes, etc) and one or two
who are showing NO SIGNS of hypnosis but are still playing along.

These people who are happy to play along but may not be hypnotized are potentially dangerous for a few reasons. Let me

Because my theatre show was close to a High School and many of the audience members were there on the weekend for
dates, school events, prom nights, Spring Break, holiday parties and more I usually had a fairly good mix of students (young
adults 16-18 years old), college students and adults (21-40) and people in their middle ages (40-55). Rarely did I have very
elderly people at my shows.

Sometimes these folks would be from the local Drama Club, Improv Comedy Groups or Actors Guild who would attend my
shows and try to get stage time by faking hypnosis. Many hypnotists would send these people back to their seats and I often
did. You don’t want anyone on stage faking hypnosis as later they can make the performer look a fool.

Also, the audience can usually tell or suspect if a person isn’t ‘under’ and they’re just faking it for attention. The more overly
dramatic, outlandish and animated a person is (read: CHEESY) – when overdone, the audience will suspect a stooge, plant,
actor or fake. You don’t want this.

You can tell if someone is mocking you and faking hypnosis by how they react.

Sometimes they will give you problems such as sliding out of their seats after you’ve suggested they are stuck firmly to their
seats, disobey your suggestions at first but then do them correctly the next time, open their eyes in the middle of sleeping
deeply or put their head up to look around before shutting their eyes again and faking sleep while your back is turned, waving
at audience members and other such nonsense.

I have no patience for these people and send them back to their seats immediately. This is another good reason for working
BEHIND the row of chairs and subjects on stage – you can see them and watch them at all times.

Now, the exception to this rule is if the person is not under hypnosis BUT they are still going along with the skits,
responding to the suggestions and NOT overdoing it. In some of these cases I opt to KEEP this person on stage, but only
if they can be SUBTLE about what they’re doing and are still easing into the process. It’s not always that they’re faking it;
they’re simply not as deep as the others. Many people during stage shows only THINK they’re hypnotized and react
accordingly. It’s the person who is conscious and aware of this fact that presents a problem.

Use your discretion and if someone proves troublesome, over exaggerated (their facial expressions, reactions and animations)
then go ahead and send them back to their seat with your thanks and a warm round of applause if you cannot do it quietly.
You only need a few great subjects to put on a KILLER show. Don’t waste your time with people you find questionable or
that the audience may perceive as suspicious.

Usually I don’t make a big deal about these dismissals. I simply lean over to the person and say,

‘I’m sorry, you don’t seem to be as deep as I require for this next portion of the show. Thank you for joining me, please have a seat in the audience
with my deepest thanks.

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!’


‘Thank you for joining me on stage this evening. Please take your seat in the audience with my deepest thanks for trying. 1, 2 and 3 WIDE

Remember: THIS IS YOUR STAGE, this is YOUR show, you are THE HYPNOTIST and you don’t have to explain
yourself to anyone. You are the man in charge. If you don’t want someone on your stage, send them back to their seat. Be
gentle, yet forceful and commanding. Don’t take no for an answer, don’t argue the point or feel the need to explain yourself.

The first three routines have now been successfully concluded. My signature hypnosis show always includes drumming, horse
riding and hot feet. I end this 3 set portion by having the subjects take their seats/chairs on stage and relaxing deeply before I

The beginning of your show is the most important part of the program. Besides the pre-talk, induction and deepening (3
parts) these moments right here in the beginning with these 3 routines will make or break your show.

Use this precious time wisely to find your best subjects and DISMISS ANYONE who doesn’t immediately respond to the
suggestions. Watch the subjects closely for the signs of hypnosis and send back anyone you suspect is faking it or who might
create a problem later.

The first three routines allow for all of this and more.

You are also not bound or committed to ONLY these three ‘warm up’ routines that I’ve suggested and use in my show. You
could use different variations and options listed later, your own skits and routines or any combination thereof.

When I first began I didn’t use the ‘Horse Riding’ at all. I simply went for drumming and then ‘HOT FEET’ which still worked
quite well. These days I tend to do things in three’s.

This concludes the beginning of my show. Now we get onto the meat and middle and finally to the BIG ENDING.

The Middle

The stage is set.

Your first three routines have gone off without a hitch, you’ve sent anyone back to their seats who needs sending back and
now have yourself a number of creative, responsive subjects.

In even the least desirable cases even having just 3 or 4 great participants can make for a very good, very solid show. It’s hard,
but with experience you can make it work. I’ve had up to 60 hypnotized participants on my stage at once – a large number
and should not be attempted without lots of experience. You need to maintain control. Keep your best subjects and work
with the most manageable number you can handle safely.

Some hypnotist’s suggest that 1 in 5 people have the potential and ability to enter a very deep state of hypnosis
(somnambulism). That makes for 20% of your audience who will respond perfectly and make for great subjects. Interestingly
enough it’s these people who usually LOVE to volunteer at hypnosis shows! This doesn’t include the natural entertainers,
attention hounds and thrill seekers that are in every crowd.

Having access to my ‘TIA’ routine, demonstrations of waking hypnosis, psychological forces, suggestibility tests and propless
mentalism will allow you to save the day in the rare event you get few people responding. Take comfort knowing that with a
moderate and decent sized group of people many of them will be perfect subjects from the very beginning with or without

Later we’ll look at how to combine audience readings and question answering with some other pieces of work that you can
fall back on if things don’t exactly go your way. This is not something you need to worry about – this show you’re learning is
tight, solid, well scripted, timed, paced and set to effective music.

If you’re confident, entertaining and charismatic you’ll not have any problems. Just stick to the outline I’m providing and
you’ll be all set. I’ve performed this exact show hundreds of times to audiences of all sizes and age groups in just about every
venue and circumstance imaginable.

To continue with the show – the subjects are stuck to their seats and sleeping deeply. I now begin with short INDIVIDUAL
routines, skits and suggestions. At the end of this show outline I’ll be giving you a laundry list of routines you can do with
your subjects, as well as listing the most effective ones I’ve personally used and found the most entertainment value and awe
or ‘power factor’ in.

Speaking directly to the subjects now I say (after the SECOND SUPER SUGGESTION),

‘In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll open your eyes and presence/compose yourself on stage here with me –
ready to relax very deeply and enjoy this amazing state of mind known as hypnosis…

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ your eyes will open, I’ll ask you how you’re doing this evening and what your
name is, only NOW you will NOT be able to tell me your name.

That’s right!

The more you try to speak your name aloud the more you’ll stammer and stutter, stumble and sputter over your words, completely unable to repeat
your name without stuttering.

The more you stumble, stammer, stutter and sputter over your words the more impossible you’ll find it to tell us what your name is this evening. The
harder you try the more you stutter because Y,Y,Y,YOOUU cannot seem to tell us what your name is this evening WITHOUT severe stuttering
and stammering.

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Welcome back!

It’s wonderful to have you all on stage with me tonight – how is everybody feeling? Nod your head if you feel good…


Sir, you look like you’re ready to be hypnotized this evening. My name is Jerome and thank you for joining me…your name is…?’

I shake the subject’s hand as I hold the microphone up to their mouth and let him (or her) answer me by trying to speak their

If the subjects have followed along and provided they were successful and responsive to the first 3 skits (drumming, horse
riding and hot feet) it’s a GIVEN they will respond perfectly here. Consider those first 3 routines GROUP TESTS. Similar to
a classic ‘suggestibility test’, those first few routines are meant to engage the subjects, get them responding and eliminating
those who won’t play along.

The subject cannot say their name without stuttering. This reaction can be increased by simply snapping your fingers and
telling the subject his/her stuttering becomes even STRONGER now and let them try again. Sometimes subjects will try to
grasp the microphone and try harder and harder, lick their lips, stick their tongue out, shake their heads and try again. It’s

I like to reply with,

‘It’s very nice to meet you Jjjjjjjjjjjohn, thanks for joining me this evening!’

This is funny too and will get another chuckle from your audience. I look at the person sitting next to the first and say,

‘That’s kind of strange, isn’t it? He can’t say his own name!

That would never happen to you, would it?’(Shaking my head ‘NO’ to lead and condition their response)

The subject says ‘No.’ I follow by asking,

‘And your name is?’

Of course they cannot say their name without stumbling either.

Approaching another subject I extend my hand to shake theirs and say,

‘Hello, thank you for joining me. My name is Jerome, and you are…?’

They too are found unable to say their name without stuttering. Here’s where the variation comes in.

Holding this subject’s hand I say,

‘I’d like to introduce you to my friend (pointing to the person sitting next to them)…

And your name is?


‘Meet my friend…’ (X – Stuttering their name too)

Shake hands to get acquainted and just like that…(SNAP!)…your hands become stuck together now, perfectly bound and the more you try to let
go of the other’s hand, the stronger your grip becomes and the more stuck you get.

You can pull, yank and tug firmly between yourselves, yet do it gently and TRY to get those hands unstuck – remember you two are friends, so be
careful with each other.

OPTIONAL: IN FACT, if you’ll all turn to your right and shake hands/ introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you, you’ll find that
your hands INSTANTLY become stuck together and try as you may, nothing you do seems to get those hands apart.

As these people are going at it trying to get their hands unstuck and pulling towards and away from each other I continue
with another subject for NAME AMNESIA. I choose a male volunteer closer to the end (explained later), ask him for his
name (he stutters) and then say,

‘SLEEP (!)…way down deep…

Person I’m now touching (tapping their shoulder), when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll open your eyes and discover that
you’ve COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN your own name.

When I ask you what your name is you’ll be unable to tell me because YOU CAN’T REMEMBER. Your name is gone completely and you’re
unable to remember what your name ever was…in fact the more you try to remember your name the more it fades away from your mind and
thoughts completely.

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!

And your name is…?’

Now, I always use a MALE subject for this NAME AMNESIA. The reason is simple. In a moment I’m going to ask him to
remove his wallet and drivers license and READ what his name is. You’ll see how this works shortly.

I ask the subject what his name is and…he can’t seem to remember his own name. This subject will struggle to recall his own
name and look at me blankly. This can also be done WAKING by giving the NAME AMNESIA suggestion and saying,

‘Let me help you out…do you have a wallet with you?

I want you to pull out your driver’s license (or ID) and look at it. When I pass my hand over yours, both your hands will come unstuck so you can
remove your wallet…

He does so, and now pointing to his picture I say,

That’s you, correct? (The subject will respond YES)

And what does THAT say right there? (Pointing to his name, which he WILL read)


The subject STILL cannot remember his own name! If for some reason he DOES repeat his name at this point I just snap
and say, ‘And again, it’s gone completely…even from your license…and your name is?’

He will be unable to respond.

I turn to his ‘friend’ sitting next to him and say,

‘Pretty strange, isn’t it? Have YOU ever forgotten your own name?(OR, ‘Besides right now, when is the last time YOU forgot your own name

Look at me…and (SNAP!)…there it goes, fading from your mind easily and naturally now…and your name is…?’

Of course now I get the same response from this new subject.

For another person I’ll say,

‘Take this piece of chalk (SNAP!) and write your name out in BIG, bold letters right here on the blackboard.

See it in your mind…and now take the eraser and just erase your name, letter by letter as it fades from your mind and thoughts completely.’

This produces a hallucinatory experience and the subject mimes writing their name and then erasing it which is very
compelling. Of course there is no chalk OR blackboard, I simply suggest them and pretend handing the subject a piece of
chalk to write with.

Another funny bit is to have this person erase their name letter by letter and pronounce their name aloud as they go, minus a
letter or two each time until it’s gone completely.

A variation on this combined amnesia and hallucination I use is putting a subject ‘out’ (eyes closed) and suggesting they
cannot pronounce or announce their own name, ‘you’ll notice the cat’s got your tongue.’

Now I wake them up and ask for their name, of course they cannot repeat it.

At this point I suggest a black cat in the audience – the one who has their tongue! The subject is instructed to retrieve the cat
and bring their tongue back with them on stage. Remember all the safety suggestions – moving with their eyes open,
perfectly balanced as though wide awake, conscious of the stage and other people, etc.

A fun thing to do is taking away the voice of multiple subjects with the ‘cat has your tongue’ suggestion and letting them all
work together to catch the animal which doesn’t exactly want to be caught. Another variation is having a few people LOSE
THEIR VOICE and wander out in the audience to find it.

The audience just loves this. It seems to amazing to them, especially when the first guy can read his name aloud, see his
picture and yet cannot remember what his name is – it simply doesn’t register.

A few simple tips on AMNESIA:

1). On stage it’s much easier to produce full amnesia because the induction and deepening is usually stronger and more in
depth than impromptu hypnosis demonstrations or street performances.

2). You can strengthen the effects of amnesia by delivering suggestions to ‘REMEMBER TO FORGET’ and eliciting
forgetful states. Simply have your subject think back to the LAST TIME they can remember forgetting something and tap
into that feeling or experience.

3). Instead of going for full amnesia first you might start slow by suggesting that the information (name, number, word,
address, phone number, etc) is ON THE TIP OF THEIR TONGUE, but try as they may they just can’t seem to spit it out
or announce it aloud. The more they try the harder it becomes and the harder it comes the further away that information
goes, ‘so just go ahead NOW and TRY to say your own name…’

I tend to work my amnesia in stages (unless it’s during the stage show), as do many other hypnotist’s. I begin with having the
word/name on the tip of the subject’s tongue and finding it difficult to pronounce it aloud…they get STUCK.

The more they try to say their name the further away their mind the name goes.

Next I erase the name completely, it just GOES. To finish I produce full amnesia so the subject cannot remember
ANYTHING at all, no matter what I ask them.

Later we’ll speak about hallucinations and I use this same three-fold structure.

Before we continue allow me to take a moment and speak a bit about stagecraft and physically framing your skits and

When at all possible I work BEHIND the subjects and the chairs on stage. Many hypnotists will work IN FRONT of the
subjects and turn their back to the audience. This is bad…not horrible, but it should be avoided if possible.

Because I work behind the subjects I make sure there is plenty of room between the chairs to move and lean in if I need to. I
don’t exactly want the subjects to have to wrench their neck turning around to answer me. It’s uncomfortable and it doesn’t
look good.

Working behind the subjects as much as possible and convenient is a great habit to get into especially with stage hypnosis. A
few tips here with the stuttering and stage amnesia are as follows:

1). In the beginning I choose 2 or 3 participants towards the center to stutter their names into the microphone. This is nice
and central to the eyes of my audience and makes for a nice mental picture.

2). When I approach the gentlemen for the NAME AMNESIA bit I go to the FAR END of the row (in either direction) to a
male subject sitting in one of the end seats there or near there. This allows me to step in front, but still not block any subjects
or turn my backside to the audience – as adorable of a backside as I have.

Once the two volunteer’s have been shown incapable of remembering their respective names, I snap my fingers in front of
them saying,

‘And now your name returns just like that (SNAP!), only now you’re convinced that YOUR NAME is ‘Michelle’.

And I’m sorry, what did you say your name is? (The subject will respond with whatever name I’ve replaced it with.)

I thought that was you! It’s nice to meet you again, Michelle.

And if you’ll look at your license now, it even says Michelle there too! (SNAP)

Read your name aloud, please.’

He will respond with ‘Michelle’ and possibly his normal last name. This also gets a laugh from the audience. I tell him, ‘Very
good…and SLEEP…deeply relaxed, stuck perfectly to the back of your seat…that’s right…’

I might also change the name of the girl sitting next to him to a MALE NAME. Remember that you can do as you wish.

Any playful banter at this point is both enjoyable and well accepted. After changing the man’s name you might tell the subject
he has an INTERESTING name for a man of his build and ask him how he got it. The resulting story is often very
entertaining as he speaks about his parents, a friend from the past – whatever it might be that he comes up with.

Although I give the suggestions and steer the experience, as much as possible I try to give these folks creative freedom and
various opportunities to shine and improvise.

Now my NAME AMNESIA subject is ‘sleeping’ deeply and I walk back to the subjects all with their hands stuck together

‘When I count backwards from 3 down to 1 you’re hands will all become unstuck – only now you’ll be stuck firmly to your seats and sleeping
together deeply relaxed…

3, 2 and 1…(SNAP!)…hands unstuck, eyes closed, sitting firmly in your seats and sleeping even deeper and deeper relaxed…’

Instead of putting the group ‘out’ again instantly, at this point I sometimes continue with suggestions to release their hands
only to find now their feet are stuck to the stage.

I’ve also stuck their hands to their faces or on top of their heads by simply releasing the hands, telling them to touch their
face/cradle their head, snapping my fingers (or blowing forcefully into the mic, making a ‘clicking sound’ with my tongue,
stamping my foot on the ground, clapping – whatever you wish) and suggesting now their hands are stuck perfectly in place,
sticking their mouths open wide or closed and more. You can also stick their legs straight out in front of them, stick them all
to their seats or anything else you might wish to do with your subjects.

I usually make sure EVERY SUBJECT responds to at least one direct suggestion. It’s up to you whether you ‘put them out’ and
give the suggestion, or if you simply give the suggestion with the subject’s eyes open/wide awake and allow them to respond.
At this point EITHER approach will work perfectly and normally I mix and match the two to show the audience the power
of hypnosis and suggestion in both states.

By getting each individual on stage to respond to SOME SUGGESTION (1 or 2 each, working with individuals or small
groups of 2 or 3 at a time) you will continue to find your best, most responsive and most animated/entertaining subjects very

Once the group has their collective eyes closed and continues relaxing deeply I say,

‘Give our subjects on stage a big round of applause!


In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll each open your eyes, wide awake and perfectly aware, ready to enjoy and
experience HYPNOSIS with me tonight and totally convinced that as of right now YOU ARE NOT HYPNOTIZED.

You’re all totally and completely convinced that you are NOT hypnotized though you’d like to be, and if I ask you if you’re hypnotized you will
tell me NO, you are NOT hypnotized…

…HOWEVER, anytime I say the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ your eyes will close and you’ll be perfectly relaxed, entering this deep state of
hypnotic trance, responding perfectly to the ideas and suggestions I give you because you have a super powerful mind.

I, 2, 3…WIDE AWAKE!’

This is a nice part to the show that I nearly always include. You can see that delivering group suggestions such as this one and
then AFFIRMING those suggestions by approaching and working with numerous individual subjects is a good way to
continue the process of eliciting the best, most responsive subjects in the group.

At this late stage of the early show it’s very rare to have anyone NOT respond to the suggestions you’ve given them. If they
want to be a pain, put them under and deliver a new suggestion before testing it. If the subject is still not responsive go
ahead and send them back to their seat in the audience. It’s very rare, but it will happen and it’s no big deal.

One by one I can approach my subjects of choice and ask them if they’re hypnotized (they will say NO) and then I ask IF

This short routine serves a double purpose. It allows me to include my ‘TOTAL CONTROL’ script and ‘It’s NOT hypnosis’
techniques in case there are people on stage who are resistant, doubtful, skeptical or still moving into the process of trance.

With this particular show outline it’s not necessary due to the structure. This skit and routine with the ‘TOTAL
CONTROL’ suggestions is something that you should keep in your mind just in case shit hits the fan; you’ll still be able to
recover and put on a perfect show very easily using these techniques and routine as a premise to give the required suggestions
and instructions.

At the end of the show if a person claims they WERE NOT hypnotized but were just playing along this suggestion seems to
still be working on them!

By having the subjects believe and TELL ME they are NOT hypnotized it makes each re-induction and whatever happens
next even more impressive. You’ll see how I take care of this suggestion during the wrap up and counting the subjects out at
the end of the program. I often leave this suggestion with the subjects and include an optional suggestion for amnesia at the
very end.

I approach a subject and ask,

‘You’re not hypnotized, are you?’

They will respond with answers like, ‘No’ or ‘I don’t think so.’

I ask them, ‘Would you like to be?’

They might say ‘yes’, they might say ‘sure’ or ‘I don’t know’ but whatever the case they are obviously ALREADY hypnotized and
I can put them ‘out’ again instantly at ANYTIME be simply tapping their head, snapping, blowing into the mic, counting
backwards from 3 down to 1 or even just saying the words ‘SLEEP NOW’ or ‘DEEPLY RELAXED.’

This is a very fun position to be in. Many options are available for you, as usual.

After I ask a subject if they would like to be hypnotized I choose from the following options:

1). They touch my finger, receive a SHOCK/JOLT (all via suggestion) and instantly go right to sleep. I deliver a suggestion,
wake them up and let them act on it.

2). The subject raises their arm and when they lower it, they go right to sleep. This is just a re-induction using ARM
LEVITATION. Instead of asking them to raise their arm you can simply suggest an invisible force is lifting their hand high
into the air – the higher it goes the better they feel…the subject finds this VERY odd because they believe they are NOT

3). The subject learns SELF HYPNOSIS…this is really fun. I explain to the subject they can instantly hypnotize themselves
by holding their hands in front of their face, counting backwards from 3 down to 1 and snapping their fingers. When they
snap their fingers they go right into a deep state of trance, stuck perfectly and safely to their seats.

I often do this with one or two people before delivering suggestions, waking them up and letting them act it out.

4). My preference here is to perform a series of RAPID FIRE SUGGESTIONS. This is very similar to how I handle my
‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence. I might ask, ‘You’re not hypnotized, are you?’ to which the subject responds ‘no.’

I reply with,

‘That’s an interesting belief…would you like to be?

Hold your arm out straight in front of you like this…and imagine your arm is completely made of steel, unable to bend …(SNAP!)…and now,
try to bend your arm.’

The subject will be unable to bend their arm.

Another suggestion might look like this (to a different participant),

‘That’s an odd behavior for someone who isn’t hypnotized…what do you think?

You would never do something that like that, would you? (They reply ‘NO’)

…Because you’re not hypnotized either, correct? (No again!)

…I see… (smile and wink at the audience, interact with them!)

Go ahead and hold your legs out in front of you…that’s right…and FROZEN IN PLACE (SNAP!)…completely unable to move or bend
your legs now…try it!’


‘Look at me…

Stuck, glued and bound perfectly to your seat…and TRY to stand up now…’

After getting a verbal reply that a subject is NOT hypnotized I might say,

‘Look at me…and SLEEP (!)…way down deep…

Person I’m now touching, when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ your eyes will open, you’ll look around and realize the audience
has completely lost their clothes…the audience has completely lost their clothing, they’re standing/sitting here in front of you nude and it’s the
funniest thing you’ve ever seen…

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Check this out…’

Now I walk the subject up to the front of the stage to check out the audience. They’ll start laughing hysterically, blushing,
turning away and conversation about what they see can ensue (‘See anything you like?’) and so on. I ask them what they see and
let them respond – the situation is always different based on the subject and allows for some nice, playful banter.

This is just one example. For this ‘NOT HYPNOTIZED’ routine to work effectively simply get the subjects you approach
to reply they are NOT hypnotized (via suggestion) and then either immediately re-induce trance and give them suggestions to
act on OR have them do something strangely hypnotic while their eyes are open and whilst they maintain they are ‘NOT

The irony is what’s funny here. Use it to your advantage.

Remember that you can make a subject do just about anything you wish (within certain boundaries) and your suggestions can
be delivered with their eyes open or closed as you wish. They will respond either way.

Any of the suggestions in my ‘7 Minute Hypnosis Show’ will work perfectly here and generally I want to work with EACH
SUBJECT very briefly before moving on.

You can get the subjects unable to stand, unable to sit, stuck to their chairs, unable to open their eyes, have x-ray vision, the
audience disappears, their arms (or legs) cannot bend or be put down, they can’t close their mouths, their hands are stuck to
their body, they get hot, they get cold, etc.

Anything you might do in the ‘TIA’ show can be done here as well. It’s even more surefire when hypnosis is introduced and
you’ve led the subjects into the present moment with the procedure I’ve outlined during this show.

Something that will save time is giving the same suggestion to 2 or 3 people at once and then moving on to another 2 or 3
subjects and delivering a different suggestion.

The aim of this short portion (about 2 minutes) is to show the audience how we can affect the beliefs and perceptions of the
subjects through hypnosis and the power of suggestion.

Once I’ve found a perfectly suitable subject I place them under (sleep) and deliver the following suggestion,

‘Person I’m now touching, when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll notice the stage here is filthy and your job right now is just
to clean it because YOU my friend are the greatest janitor and most committed stage hand in the world today.

When I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll grab a broom and begin sweeping and cleaning the stage with a sense of passion and
dedication; a true commitment to your work…realizing that you are NOT hypnotized…you’re simply doing your job and it’s a job you do
WELL/take a lot of pride in.

In the middle of your sweeping rounds when the music starts and ONLY when the music starts the broom you’re holding (placing the broom in
his hands now) will INSTANTLY become the girl of your dreams, the most drop-dead gorgeous woman you’ve EVER seen and you’ll be
getting down and dirty in a much different way as the music plays and ONLY when the music plays…dirty dancing in the club with the finest girl
you’ve ever seen and she’s COMPLETELY and TOTALLY into you!

(OPTIONAL COMMENT TO THE AUDIENCE: ‘She REALLY likes janitors…and MY janitors ALWAYS seem to

When I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll take the broom and begin making your rounds sweeping…and when the music begins
you’ll start dirty dancing, hot and heavy, grooving, swinging, winding and grinding with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen IN YOUR
entire life…when the music stops she’ll become a broom once again and you’ll continue sweeping having NO IDEA that anything strange or
unusual has happened at all…

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for the WORLD’S GREATEST JANITOR this evening!’

The subject opens his eyes and immediately I usher him to the center of the stage pointing to some invisible ‘filth’ on the
floor as I say,

‘They must have had a great party here last night…this place is a mess…what do you think happened?’

I don’t care what the subject’s response is here, I only want to make sure he RESPONDS with something (even if it’s only a
shrug!) and starts to sweep and clean the stage.

Once the subject begins cleaning and sweeping I begin or continue working with the other subjects on stage. After a few
moments the music plays and the hypnotic ‘janitor’ begins dancing and grinding with the mop or broom in hand, seeing the
most beautiful, sexiest woman he’s ever laid eyes on.

You can use whatever musical selection you find suitable. My latest preference is the song ‘Yeah!’ with Usher, Lil’ John and
Ludacris or ‘Pony’ by Genuwine if I haven’t already used it.

I tend to keep pieces of music on hand that can be used and interchanged with different skits and suggestions for variation –
yet I only use each piece of music ONCE (unless it’s for an on-going suggestion).

Once the music starts playing the subject will STOP SWEEPING and begin dirty dancing with the mop or broom I’ve given

I can usually find a mop or broom to use for this skit at the venue. If not I simply SUGGEST that my subject has a mop or
broom in hand. It all works out the same.

The music should only play for 10 to 15 seconds at a time, so there will only be 10 or 15 seconds of dancing and ‘grinding’
per transformation. This transformation happens instantly with the music and continues until the music is cut.

This is hilarious and always gets a big laugh. The man starts sweeping, after a few moments the music starts and immediately
he’s dancing with the mop or broom. The music ends and he instantly begins sweeping and cleaning again as though nothing
has happened. Remember, this is ALL coming from a guy who was supposedly NOT hypnotized which makes it even

Playful banter such as asking him, ‘What are you doing? Were you dancing? You’re supposed to be cleaning! Let’s not turn this into an
incident like the one we had here last week…where an innocent broom was horribly violated!’ will often get a hilarious response as the
subject answers with things such as, ‘No! What? I’m sweeping, just like I always do.’

I usually do about 3 or 4 transformations spaced out over 2 or 3 minutes. You could even take up to 4 or 5 minutes in some
cases with multiple transformations happening over the time allotted as you give direct suggestions to the subjects on stage.
Every show is different, but in this signature show of mine the basic structure and outline is always the same.

There are a few ways to end this miniature skit.

You can have the JANITOR stop sweeping as you suggest his job has been completed (after a few rounds of dancing),
standing sleeping/perfectly balanced and deliver a new suggestion to act on or have him take his seat with a big round of
applause from the audience. In the next skit I take my subjects ‘TO THE MOVIES’ and suggest the broom remains his
‘dream woman’, to take her back to his seat with him and prepare for their next big date.

Another option is to keep the music on and let him dance with the broom for 20 or 30 seconds getting more risqué and
more racy as the ‘mood’ progresses and his female companion responds to his advances quite favorably.

This skit might culminate in a suggestion to ‘make his move’ or ‘go in for the kill’ and plant a big, wet kiss on her. Many times
men will begin kissing and even licking the broom up and down, shoving their heads into the handle as if it were her bosom,
playing with the mop or broom bristles as though it was her hair, spanking it, riding it and more. Let them do as they will but
don’t go overboard. I do my best to keep it in good taste – it’s funny enough as it is.

Depending on the venue, subject and age group I have no problem giving the above as a final suggestion. To see someone
kissing a dirty mop or broom under hypnosis is a very powerful suggestion that hypnosis and its effects are very, very real. I
used to do this on a regular basis in my nightclub act and I brought my own broom to use (a new, CLEAN broom!).

To show my respect for the subject I had previously covered the end of the broom with a plastic bag to keep the bristles
clean. At the end when the man kisses the broom I gave suggestions to ‘make his move’ by taking her ‘hat’ off her head (the
bag) and sharing a big, passionate, sexy wet kiss with her right on stage.

Another option I’ve used is getting multiple subjects to join the man on center stage and begin dancing around the mop or
broom. Give suggestions that this is fine with her (she’s pretty loose and loves the attention!) and perfectly acceptable to her
‘friend’ already dancing. I’ll get 3 or 5 guys all dirty dancing with this imaginary woman/broom and then wake them up
instantly with,

‘1, 2 and 3 WIDE AWAKE!

What are you guys doing?

You’re not hypnotized are you?

I didn’t think so!

Give our subjects on stage a BIG round of applause!’

This same ending can be used for a single subject just as well. While he’s busy DANCING I might ask him what her name is,
ask him what he likes best about her outfit or figure tonight, etc. They will continue dancing for a few moments before the
music is cut, to which he responds by sweeping once again as though nothing has happened.

While the JANITOR is sweeping between dancing and transformations of the broom you need to continue working with the
other subjects. This is important!

If you are not constantly working with the subjects and giving them suggestions to respond to chances are high they will
begin to drift into and out of their trance state. This isn’t usually a big deal, although the last thing you want is a subject being
neglected on stage and sitting there looking bored or frustrated. Some tend to pout if you aren’t working with them, so
remember to give them something (ANYTHING!) to do in the meantime.

A few suggestions I use here includes having people lose their voice and go out into the audience looking for it, losing their
belly buttons (or in adult shows I’ve seen people suggest women *and men!* losing their nipples) and looking for them all
over the stage and in the audience.

A favorite suggestion I have here is quite extensive and not suitable for a beginning level show with limited music, but that is
very effective and a staple of hypnosis shows is the ‘FAVORITE PERSONALITIES’ skit, routine and suggestion. We’ll
get into this demonstration and the requirements for it later.

You can put your on stage subjects under collectively or individually, give them direct suggestions, waking commands and
pretty much everything already suggested or outlined in this book. Keep the phenomena upbeat, positive, light, naturally
funny or compelling.

Now, after I’ve worked with EVERY SUBJECT in person for even the shortest time or quickest suggestion we move onto
the first BIG group demonstration.

Remember the ‘Rule of Three’ has been working here as well.

1). Stuttering & the subjects cannot remember their names.

2). Hands stuck to each other (with various other suggestions).

3). NOT HYPNOTIZED (with various other suggestions).

We’re moving into the MAJOR part of the show at this point.

I use ‘A TRIP TO THE MOVIES’ here.

A Trip To The Movies

In this skit your subjects are going to cuddle up close to each other and go through a wide range of emotional
experiences. It’s a great skit and involves the entire group.

Your best subjects will get the most attention as usual and entertain the audience thoroughly. The structure I use for my
shows goes back and forth between working with individuals and the group as a whole.

This guarantees that EACH SUBJECT is allowed to shine, gets their due attention, applause and recognition by themselves.
Working with the group collective also makes many of the skits to come much easier in terms of letting loose and
performing creatively when the entire group is involved as it alleviates some of the personal pressure knowing that
EVERYONE on stage is doing what is being asked.

Resistance dwindles with numbers, remember that!

I like placing the entire group out at once in a dramatic fashion. I do this by taking the center stage and raising my right arm
high as I say,

‘Look at me…

When I drop my arm you’ll ALL INSTANTLY enter an even deeper and more complete state of hypnosis drifting deeper and deeper relaxed,
stuck to your seats and listening closely to the sound of my voice…’

I drop my arm and just like that, the subjects instantly go under my hypnotic spell. I immediately turn to the audience and

‘Let’s hear it for our wonderful subjects this evening!’

Remember to give the subjects due applause and treat them with respect. Without them you really DON’T have a show; you
can’t do this without them and that’s the truth.

To proceed with my movies skit I say,

‘Sitting sleeping, perfectly balanced, drifting, rocking, floating, DAY DREAMING listening to the sound of my voice and my instructions…

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll notice I’ve prepared a special treat for each of you and we’re going out
to enjoy a nice evening at the movies…that’s right…the people directly to your left and right are close personal friends and romantic interests…you’ll
sit up in your seats, EYES OPEN and enjoy the movie playing in the space and stage before you.

When I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’re at the movies, enjoying yourselves and the show on a very deep level.

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!’

The subjects open their eyes and a soundtrack from the movie ‘The Titanic’ (‘My Heart Will Go On’) starts playing immediately.
This is a fun skit and many, many things can happen.

First, be sure your subjects sit up and start watching the movie. Make sure they’re paying attention. Gesture out towards the
audience and TELL THE SUBJECTS there is a large movie screen there in front of them. YOU control and direct the
experience, so if you’re subjects are not behaving, acting and responding as you want or need them to, change it!

Second, once everyone is ready for the show to begin start suggesting things like popcorn, drinks, candy and hot dogs are
there in hand for each person. Get them to share with their friends, dates and neighbors. You could even have a few subjects
act as VENDORS and come by shouting, ‘Get your popcorn…get your popcorn here…popcorn, hotdogs and peanuts! Get em’ while they’re
hot!’ as I often do.

A few subjects will ‘sell’ hypnotic foodstuffs to the on-stage participants before their show/movie starts and then I send the
subject selling goods out into the audience to offer their wares for a few moments before calling them back to the stage and
their seats to enjoy the movie.

Eating and drinking imaginary food items and beverages allows for many funny moments, such as spilling on their shirts and
wiping it off, unable to find or hit their mouth with the food, they can’t remember how to drink or raise the cup to their
mouth and more. Eating ice cream or cotton candy (licking) is very funny and entertaining as well. With the drinks you could
suggest the subjects have smuggled in a flask or their drink was spiked with alcohol to get them all ‘loopy’ and drunk and

Third, I often suggest people are on a FIRST DATE with the person sitting next to them. This is one reason I separate
friends and life partners should they both join me on stage as a couple.

I group the subjects into male, female, male, female order down the entire row of chairs when at all possible. If two men or
two women still happen to be sitting next to each other that’s okay too. Know your audience, the venue and the age group
you cater to and what’s appropriate.

You need to be very cautious here, especially when a man and woman are suggested as ‘dating.’

Chances are good there is a husband, wife or boyfriend/girlfriend somewhere in the audience and you don’t want this person
freaking out and coming unglued over this skit.

I’ve seen people get very ‘friendly’ on stage before and it can get out of control very quickly if you’re not paying attention.
Remember, these people are leaving their inhibitions behind and stepping into a very free, creative, open, accepting and
liberated part of their mind.

To remedy this situation I continue telling my subjects (if put on a date in this skit) that it’s their FIRST DATE and they want
to impress this person – they will remain conscious and respectful of the traditional family values this ‘other person’ was
raised with and at all times keep their ‘wandering hands’ to themselves.

Believe me when I say I’ve had hypnotized folks damn near start making out on stage when placed on a date during this skit.
Fondling should be watched too, hence the ‘wandering hands’ suggestion. Remember that your subjects REALLY DO go on
dates in real life and might find their actions acceptable were they on a date with this person.

Holding hands is fine – usually I’ll get some guy that yawns and casually ‘makes his move’ by trying to place his arm around
the girl. This is even funnier when it’s two men sitting with each other. I get the subjects to share popcorn, drinks and candy
which is also very funny. If two men happen to be seating next to each other you can simply suggest to both of them
(tapping them respectively as you continue speaking to both of them) ‘the person sitting next to you is now a beautiful female
companion and the two of you are on a romantic first date! You’ll do your best to impress her remembering to keep those wandering hands to
yourself but still be very keen on going in for the kill and making your most macho and well orchestrated first dating move when the opportunity

There is a lot of room for comedy here just with the food and dating partners. Each subject can be given the suggestion of
having an ice cream cone or cotton candy in front of them and trying to eat it but they CANNOT find their mouth! Same
thing goes for the drinks, as suggested prior.

Now, as I wake everyone up and the movie starts playing, I’ve chosen ‘The Titanic’ soundtrack because it was a popular movie,
nostalgic and one of those things most everyone knows about on some level. It’s the case of a music selection where it’s so
bad it’s good and naturally humorous.

As my subjects watch the movie and the music plays I continue delivering suggestions such as: the movie becomes a romantic
comedy, a comedy, a thriller, a heartbreaking drama, a horror show, a disgusting and/or embarrassing scene, a foreign film
(ask them what the content is all about and what the subtitles or actors are saying and to translate) and more.

Keep in mind I make ALL of these suggestions WITH the same song and movie soundtrack playing in the background. It’s
hilarious to see subjects laughing hysterically at ‘The Titanic’ song and imaginary movie, albeit in a very cruel way.

I take the subjects through a wide range of emotions here by saying,

‘And NOW this movie becomes the FUNNIEST show you’ve ever seen!’ (SNAP!)

The subjects will respond to my suggestion by laughing, smiling, slapping their knees, chuckling and having a good time.


‘And now this movie becomes the most horrifying, dark, scary and demented slasher film ever created!’

The subjects will jump, scream, cover their eyes, turn away and curl up into little balls in their seats, grabbing the hands of
their date, hiding their eyes in their shirt or collar and more.

And then,

‘Now the movie turns into the most heartbreaking, gut wrenching drama you’ve ever seen…’

The subjects will respond by crying, sobbing, holding their face in their hands and leaning on the shoulder of their dates. I
respond by giving them FAKE TISSUES during the scene. The only thing you need to do to change their reactions to the
movie, the emotions of the subjects and what they do IS SUGGEST IT!

Use the ‘Sounds of the Hypnotist’: blowing into the microphone with a short, pursed breath, clapping your hands,
snapping, stamping on the floor, clicking your tongue, making a ‘popping sound’ or ‘swoosh’ into the microphone as you
deliver the suggestions. By doing this your subjects become primed, conditioned and anchored into their mental, physical and
emotional states and the suggestions CHANGING when they hear those sounds followed by your instructions.

I also give suggestions of the movie theatre becoming very cold and chilly and watch the subjects start to rub their arms, get
goose bumps (for real!), teeth chatter and more. Many times their date will remove his jacket (real of fake) and wrap it around
their shoulders. It’s hilarious.

After this I may suggest a different emotion and then the theatre gets very warm, the heater on full blast, they start to sweat
and become uncomfortable, they want to fan themselves off, drink their drinks, etc.

Whatever you suggest, that’s what they will do!

I include the most basic human emotions and responses during this skit: laughter, happiness, crying, sadness, being shocked
and appalled, scared/frightened and more.

ALL of your subjects will be responding in their own way, simultaneously, with your suggestions.

As the music fades I prompt my audience for another BIG round of applause for the subjects on stage.

There are a few different ways I like to end this routine.

1). I might suggest that each of the hypnotized subjects on stage is a TITANIC SURVIVOR and interview each one of them
after the movie. I ask them what they thought about the show, if it was real to life, etc. This opens up many doors to naturally
funny and spontaneous reactions, stories and experiences.

2). I put the subjects ‘out’ again, all at once in a very direct fashion with a few different re-inductions.

One of these is very simple and entails having the subject’s do ‘THE WAVE’ as they would at a baseball or football game.
The ‘wave’ starts at one end of the stage and row of chairs/subjects and flows down to the other with each subject drifting
INSTANTLY to sleep, deeply relaxed, stuck to their chairs and listening closely to the sound of my voice and my

All we do to get the wave going is have each subject raise and lower their arms in turn, one at a time as a ripple of arms rising
and lowering moves across the stage. As one subject raises and lowers their arms the next subject does the same thing. When
they’re through the NEXT subject also does this, and so on and so forth.

This works best when you have MANY subjects under, a long row of chairs and an impressive distance for ‘THE WAVE’ to
travel. This results in ALL subjects sleeping and is very impressive.

All you need to do is explain the action, practice once and then ‘do it for real’ having everyone GOING UNDER as their
part in the wave is completed.

The other way I enjoy placing them all ‘out and under’ my hypnotic spell again is via suggestions of TELEPATHY.

To do this I simply to the audience that because of this SUPER CONSCIOUS STATE the subjects are enjoying and the fact
that our minds are so inexplicably and powerfully linked that I can actually HYPNOTIZE and place them ALL to SLEEP by
merely THINKING about it!

Of course in explaining this to my audience members the subjects are primed and directed to respond, a very powerful tactic.

I often do this by taking a seat in the audience or moving clear to the back of the theatre and instructing the subjects to keep
their eyes on me the entire time. Once settled, I say ‘RIGHT NOW, ALL EYES ON ME – allow yourselves to be open and
receptive to my thoughts’ and then SLOWLY extend both of my hands, palms forward and pushing towards the subjects as I
(seemingly) focus and concentrate and them going to sleep.

The subjects will usually get the hint immediately and begin drifting off to sleep now. If there is more lag or delay than I
desire I simply say, ‘That’s right, deeper and deeper relaxed…’ which will put them to sleep immediately.

This re-induction is superb and extremely powerful. It really sticks out in the minds of my audience for a long time to come.

Because my next routine is of a more MYSTICAL nature, the above ‘TELEPATHIC INDUCTION’ is the one I use most
of the time.

If neither of these options appeals to you, go ahead and use whatever group re-induction you wish. You could simply count
backwards from 3 down to 1 and shout ‘SLEEP!’ as you stomp your foot and put them all out immediately or ‘High Five’
each subject – when their hand touches yours they go to sleep instantly.

You might shake the hands of each subject and use a gentle ‘pull’ with the suggestions and command to ‘SLEEP’ or
‘DEEPLY RELAXED’, allow them to hypnotize themselves, feel an electric ‘jolt’ emanating from your hands and more. Get
creative and do whatever suits you as a performer and hypnotist.

At this point before moving onto the next routine you’ll want to CLEAR all of the previous suggestions and effects and
replace them with suggestions of connecting with the Voodoo doll on every level.

Once the subjects are all sleeping peacefully I proceed to my next LARGE/GROUP ROUTINE using all of the subjects
collectively. This is one of my favorite parts of the show, the illustrious ‘VOODOO DOLL’ routine.

You-Do Voodoo

The following routine is exceptionally powerful and effective. It has everything a hypnotic stage performer could
want including comedy, theatre, drama, power, suspense and prestige. Not only is it extremely entertaining but
allows you to educate the audience a bit while you perform.

The premise behind this piece relies on Voodoo and includes using a Voodoo doll to control the actions, response and
behavior of your subjects. The idea here is that whatever your Voodoo doll does and anything that happens to it will also
happen to your subjects. If it moves, they move. If it dances, they dance. If you stick it with a pin, they will feel the prick.

The concept of sympathetic magic, Voodoo dolls, hypnosis, magical abilities and the power of suggestion is a phenomenal
use for both close up and stage work.

The only requirement for this piece (besides a working knowledge of the routine and effects) is a doll. I recommend you use
a REAL Voodoo doll or poppet, but you can also use a stuffed animal, doll or model of the human body. The image and
visual power of a Voodoo doll is extremely powerful. People will react just to seeing this thing.

As my show is mostly comedic in presentation I don’t want to go TOO FAR overboard with the doll routine, so I keep it
light and upbeat.

Depending on the audience I will give a SHORT 90-120 second presentation speaking about the power of suggestion and
the effects our thoughts and beliefs have on our body. This is entirely optional and you can dismiss this suggestion if you
wish, though I feel it adds something of value to the presentation.

I speak momentarily about the power of our mind and thoughts to heal or even harm us. A case in point…the Voodoo Doll.

I recite an old story of a woman who was sent a Voodoo doll as part of a college hazing ritual and practical joke. This poor
lady thought someone was actually trying to CURSE HER and soon after receiving the bloody doll in her mailbox noticed
her health began to deteriorate at a very rapid pace while doctors, science, medicine and technology could do nothing to stop
it or save her – all the machines in the world are NOTHING compared to the power of your own mind!

Eventually she withered away and died a horrible death, a victim of her own mind, misused imagination and the power of
her thoughts and beliefs.

I go on to explain that tonight we’ll be doing nothing of the sort, but using the Voodoo doll as a theatrical prop ONLY to
demonstrate the power of suggestion with our subjects on stage. This sort of disclaimer tends to put the audience at ease
and should only be used in situations where the discomfort is tangible.

Many times a disclaimer is not necessary and everyone knows this is all in good fun. For some audiences though the idea of
hypnosis and now Voodoo borders on black magic and works of the devil. You’ll have to be the judge. One way to lighten
the mood here is just to use a stuffed animal and SUGGEST that it’s now a Voodoo doll but again, I feel the entire theatrical
element and natural power of such an object is lost in such an act. A REAL LOOKING, legitimate Voodoo doll is the way
to go for me personally.

Whatever doll you decide on using, make sure it’s big enough for everyone to see easily. Also make sure that is has two arms,
two legs and a head to move around; if it can bend at the waist that is optimal.

A normal ‘Barbie Doll’ could be used, but it’s too small. Something more along the lines of a stuffed Teddy Bear or ‘Cabbage
Patch Kid’ is perfect. Another option is to use one of the hypnotized subjects for the motions, but this takes away most of the
control you’ll have over the group’s movements. A doll is more easily manipulated than a human being at this point.

Moving on, the suggestions you give to the sleeping subjects while you hold the doll up are simple,

‘In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll notice I’m holding a very special doll and with it, weaving a very
powerful hypnotic spell upon your minds and bodies.

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll open your eyes and instantly connect on every level with the doll in my
hands. The doll will become a literal representation of YOU and YOU will become a perfect reflection of the doll!

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘WIDE AWAKE’ you’ll connect with the doll and notice that for some unknown reason whatever
this doll does, YOU WILL ALSO DO, easily, naturally, instantly and automatically. Whatever the doll feels, YOU WILL FEEL.
Whatever happens to the doll from this moment forth YOU will ALL experience on a personal level because you have a super powerful mind.

1, 2 and 3…WIDE AWAKE!


All eyes on the doll…feel your mind and body connecting with the poppet, connecting now with the MASTER OF PUPPETS and realize that
whatever the doll does from this moment forth, you will also do and whatever happens to the doll happens to you as well.’

I test this suggestion by slowly raising ONE ARM of the doll and watching the subjects. They will respond perfectly by
raising their very same arm! This is the only test I need to do – after this EVERYTHING the doll is made to do the group
will do also.

If anyone happens to be slow in their response I might approach the subject and give further suggestions for them to
continue connecting with the doll, aligning with the doll and becoming the doll on every level, responding how it responds,
moving how it moves and feeling what it feels. This is easy.

I do a few very simple movements to begin with by holding the doll up HIGH so every subject on stage can see it clearly.
After the arm rising I bend the doll in half at the waist which my subjects will ALSO do. Now I begin shaking the doll from
side to side and my subjects follow. I now kick up the feet of each leg (or cross the legs of the doll) and my subjects respond
perfectly, timing their actions in every moment with those of the doll.

Now we’re ready to begin and the music starts. The music I use for this classic showpiece is ‘The Banana Boat Song’ also
known as ‘Day O’ by Harry Belafonte.

It’s a perfect piece of music for this routine and reminiscent of the show ‘Beetlejuice’ which many audiences are also familiar
with. In the show there was a witchdoctor who could shrink heads, something I also incorporate into my Voodoo doll

Upon hearing this music the audience immediately laughs, smiles and shouts when they hear it starting. It’s an old favorite
‘feel good’ song spanning across generations and gets people moving. When I hear the audience start reacting (they will
usually do so spontaneously) I turn this into another applause cue by saying, ‘Let’s hear it for the stars of our show this evening!’

I now take one or both hands of the doll and use them to WAVE HELLO to the audience which my subjects on stage will
also do. Another option is to clap the hands of the doll together for applause so the subjects on stage are clapping and
applauding along with the audience. During the applause I also like to make the doll STAND on stage (I hold it of course)
and make it bow a few times to the audience so the subjects on stage stand and take a bow.

Once the music OFFICIALLY starts (there is nearly a 30 second delay and intro to the song before the chorus and main
vocals start – the opening is classic too!) I begin moving the doll to the beat. I start off slow and build up the energy…listen
to the music and make the doll move however YOU want it to in whatever way you wish for the subjects to move.

I begin by allowing the doll to gently rock and sway back and forth with the music, slowly begin raising and lowering both
hands, bobbing their bodies up and down with the doll and twisting in their seats.

To make the subjects stand up simply stand the doll on the stage.

The specific staging and framing I prefer in this routine has me sitting in a chair in full view of the audience but off to the
very left of the stage (stage right on deck) and partially facing the subjects; if the subjects are ‘at noon’ then I’m facing about
3 o’ clock in my chair. My chair is turned so my back is NOT to the audience and normally I use a TALL barstool so I’m
extremely visible to both the audience and the subjects.

Staging this routine as such means I can use both of my hands and a microphone stand to speak in if working with a hand
held microphone. It allows me to move and manipulate the doll (and thus the subjects) very easily. The doll can sit upon my
lap and when I want the subjects to stand I can simply STAND the doll on my lap instead of bending over on stage. It’s
these little details which make the show run more smoothly and look more elegant in performance.

With the above in mind, I’ve done this routine every other way imaginable as well from using a stuffed animal or toy doll and
standing center stage, to stage right and left, balancing the doll on the floor and doing all the motions and movements in my
hands. Once the suggestions are given the subjects will act and move how the doll acts and moves, so simply make sure
you’re visible and they can ALL see you. Some performer’s option to use a partial group of 6-10 subjects only, but I like to
do this routine with EVERYONE involved.

Onto the additional movements…I time and mime these with the music and words.

When the song first says, ‘Work all night on a drink of rum’ I cause the doll to take a drink. The subjects follow.

The words ‘come mister tally man, tally me banana’ has the subjects putting their arms behind their head and shifting their
shoulders back and forth, getting busy!

The subjects bob and nod and rock and sway with their arms and legs going as I wish.

When we get to the words, ‘Its six foot, seven foot, eight foot BUNCH!’ I give the doll a few kicks with the counting and a little
jump at ‘BUNCH!’ so the subjects go flying about a foot or so off their seats STRAIGHT UP before I catch my doll and
they start bobbing and grooving again.

At the second stanza and chorus my subjects are ALL STANDING and dancing and moving with the doll. I get the subjects
standing and out of their seats BY 1:20 into the song.

I’ve been doing this routine for many years now so I know the timing, beats and words at every point and for every action –
it’s timed perfectly and something you’ll have to play with in rehearsal to know what you’re going to do from moment to
moment. At about 1:30 into the song my doll is bending down to touch its toes, swaying at the hips, comes back up with
both hands in the air and entire body shaking and convulsing. The subjects follow these movements. I hold one arm out and
spin them in a circle or two before moving on.

Really you could do anything here and any motions from the ‘Hokey Pokey’ to ‘The Macarena’, a cowboy line dance, ‘The Limbo’
while spinning their hands or anything else you want.

Many times I’ve brought a lighter or candle flame closer to the doll and/or held both arms of my doll straight out in front of
the body and caused it to march along like a ZOMBIE.

I’ve seen some hypnotists throw the doll to the stage floor and the subjects follow or place a plastic bag over the dolls head
or face… I don’t do this.

When I have about 1 minute left of this song I start putting an end to this routine. I do this by removing a feather and
tickling the doll all over, under the nose, under the feet, in both ears, under their arms, use its hands to spank itself and then
end this portion by removing the NEEDLE and giving it a nice prick somewhere. The subjects will yelp and scream before I
give the suggestions that all pain is removed. The audience is ROARING at this point.

I slowly sit the doll down ON THE STAGE and as the music fades away the doll lays down gently and goes to sleep putting
the subjects out with it.

Again I ask the audience to give our subjects a BIG round of applause.

‘Give it up for our subjects on stage!’

This routine is tons of fun, totally impressive and very entertaining.

The normal rule I have with my skits and routines is one I’ve seen better hypnotists adopt and is something else quoted in
the Jonathan Chase book ‘Deeper and Deeper’ stated by Ken Dodd, ‘If it’s worth a minute, give it 30 seconds!’

In most cases I certainly agree. Keep your routines fresh, funny, exciting, provocative and constantly changing in SOME
form regarding content, element or delivery. Even a great routine can very FAST become boring or overplayed. The Voodoo
routine is one of the few I take a few minutes with. The same goes for ALL the LARGE GROUP SKITS.

Individual routines with single subjects should only last 30 seconds or less before moving on to the next person and a
different suggestion. Large group skits should last no longer than 3-4 minutes total. There are exceptions to every rule, but
this is the general guideline I live by.

Another rule I have is this: ALWAYS end a song, fade out or cut your musical pieces before they end naturally.

In the case of ‘The Banana Boat Song’ this piece lasts just about 3 minutes total and I make sure the music fades out before the
song ends naturally. The entire skit from the very beginning when I raise the dolls arm to the very end (when all my subjects
go back to sleep) lasts LESS THAN 5 MINUTES.

This is the portion of the show where I’ll either continue with a few more skits, songs and suggestions before the FINALE
and final count out OR you can take a 5-7 minute break and have an intermission here.

If I want to include a brief intermission for a restroom, drink or smoke break for the audience I’ll leave the subjects on the
stage exactly as they are with suggestions of sleeping deeply and drifting even deeper and deeper into this comfortable and
profound state of relaxation and hypnosis while a nice piece of music, song or two plays for them.



If allowing an intermission I wouldn’t advise you let the audience go for longer than 10 minutes and even a much
shorter time than that is recommended. Nobody wants to be here all night.

During the intermission the public is free to walk up to the stage, NOT ON IT (!), and look at the subjects. The audience is
told to leave the subjects alone and NOT attempt to speak to, distract, TOUCH or rouse the hypnotized participants in any
way, shape or form while they are SLEEPING.

I always have a stage hand or assistant help me watch over the subjects while the intermission is going if I’m not right there
myself, which I strive to be!

99% of the time I’m right there with the subjects, especially if there are no other competent hypnotists working with me.
NEVER leave them alone or unattended! EVER!


If someone starts to come out of their trance (rare, but it happens) or someone touches them and launches them into an
abreaction or an abreaction just happens to take place I need to be there. Also, these people are in my care and while they are
under the influence of hypnosis with me, I feel responsible for them, their safety and wellbeing. I’ve also heard of people
having their watches, wallets and cell phones stolen while sleeping on stage during a short break or intermission. These could
be rumors, but I don’t want anything of the sort happening on my watch.

During the intermission I’m sure to tell the audience the show will begin again promptly in X number of minutes and to be
back in their seats by that time to enjoy the rest of the show. I make myself available in the front of the theatre right next to
the stage to answer questions, shake hands and greet people. This is a great opportunity to get feedback, promote video sales
and show your caring nature for the subjects who allows such spectacles to happen for you.

In my early days a nice 10 minute break was perfectly acceptable. Some hypnotist’s choose to milk this time to draw out the
show and spend less time on stage performing. It’s an easy OUT and kills a few minutes – I HATE THAT.

Your job is to entertain, hypnotize people and put on a great show. Do it.

These days I don’t take a break for intermission, but blaze through the show for a good 65-80 minutes of non-stop action.
At the end I’m satisfied, my audience is fulfilled and the subjects are exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically.
Remember, they go through quite a lot for you up there!

This time frame for me works out very well because even with the induction and final count out we have at least a solid hour
of laughter, excitement and group participation.

When the music set aside for the intermission has played out or your time is up it’s time to start the show again and work
towards closing it down.

The Show Must Go On!

In this portion of my show (with or without an intermission) the Voodoo routine has just been successfully
concluded and the end is in sight! We’re almost there, only a few more skits and the count out is left now.

Everyone still with me?

I realize there’s a lot to learn here, but it’s all very simple – there’s just a lot of it!

Read through this book and especially this show outline a few times over and begin scripting and rehearsing my outline with
your own personality and variations.

I have no doubts at all that ANYONE could take this show and perform it very effectively within a week of becoming
familiar with it. The pace in which you proceed and the amount of time it takes for you to start making money with stage
hypnosis shows is entirely up to you, your level of dedication and how fast you want to LEARN.

Like usual we have a few options to close this show down. I break this last segment up into portions which includes a few
more GROUP SKITS and a ‘Pandemonium Finale’ which entails ALL of the subjects acting out on individual suggestions

After the ‘INTERMISSION’ a skit and portion of this show I used to do and included in my program for a few years was
bringing the subjects back out, having them take their seats and then asking the audience,

‘Is there anyone here who does NOT think one or more people on stage are hypnotized? Raise your hands if you think someone you know or see
on stage is NOT hypnotized!’

The audience members raise their hands and are invited to the stage. I asked them to point out the person or people they
think are NOT hypnotized and WHY.

This was a TEST or CHALLENGE situation I’m setting up here. Once the audience member has pointed someone out as
NOT being ‘hypnotized’ I ask the person,

‘What would they have to do to make you believe they were hypnotized?’

Once the audience member answers I would instantly put the subject in question under and give them suggestions to do that
which the audience member had requested. As long as it was within reason and safe to both the audience member and
subject I was open to taking suggestions.

Many times I would suggest to the subject the person standing on stage with me was the most beautiful man or woman they
had ever seen, their favorite celebrity, their long lost friend or sibling, the man (or woman) cheating on them with their lover
(put a force field around the person and control the situation and subject at all times!) and other such things.

Often I would send the subject back to the audience WITH the audience member. Upon sitting down the subject would
INSTANTLY go under. The skeptical audience member was then led to observe a few things such as the subject’s pulse rate,
their breathing, eye movements, blushing and other signs for hypnosis right there at their own seat.

To wake the subject up (or the whole group at times!) I would give suggestions from the stage that,

‘In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll open your eyes and notice the person you’re sitting next to just pinched
you in a highly inappropriate area. In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll open your eyes with a gasp of
disbelief as the person sitting next to you just pinched your bottom in a highly inappropriate manner.

You’ll keep your hands to yourself, you’ll be shocked, amazed and embarrassed but secretly flattered before you tell the person sitting next to you just
what they can do with their wandering hands and make your way back to the stage with a sense of urgency.’

I’d count to three, shout ‘WIDE AWAKE’ and snap or blow sharply into the microphone. The subject would awaken with a
yelp and shock of amazement over what the person sitting next to them did! They keep their hands to themselves but really
give this person a piece of their mind and run (safely) back to the stage with a big round of applause.

When skeptical audience members arrived on stage and pointed out friends or family members they thought were NOT
hypnotized I would often give the subject complete amnesia and ask them who this person was. You can play this up

Another suggestion I often gave was the audience member being the subject’s favorite celebrity – someone they would do
ANYTHING to get an autograph from, interview or even touch!

Other times I simply took the suggestion of the audience member and caused the subject to follow THEIR commands, ideas
and suggestions perfectly to ‘prove’ hypnosis.

This isn’t a skit I include anymore for a number of reasons.

First, I don’t want to get into a challenge situation with the audience members. I don’t like it. I also realized many hypnotists
were just including this portion in their show to eat up time…lazy bastards…

Second, I don’t even want to SUGGEST that someone on stage isn’t hypnotized in the minds of my audience. That doesn’t
work for me and I have nothing to prove. A skeptic is usually going to remain a skeptic either way.

Third, I treat my subjects like gold and have their best interests at heart. I think it’s rude for them to put on a great
performance just to let an audience member say, ‘I don’t think that person is hypnotized.’ Again, that just doesn’t work for me.

Live and learn!

Proceeding with the show, the skits and routines I prefer to use here include the following in some combination.

Merry Go Round

The subjects are regressed back to childhood, but very lightly and NOT into their specific or particular childhood;
they merely become CHILDREN and CHILD-LIKE again!

This is a small difference that will avoid running into any possible abreactions which might take place were one to regress the
subjects back into their own childhood, which may or may not have been traumatic and painful – we cannot know.

In this skit the ‘children’ are put on an imaginary ‘Merry Go’ Round’ Carousel, asked to jump on their favorite animal or
creature and enjoy a nice ride as a 5 or 6 year old child again.

The scripting and suggestions I use is,

‘All prior suggestions are now removed and replaced by this one…all prior suggestions have now been completely and easily removed and replaced
by this one…

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll realize that pure and innocent child-like state of awe and wonder
possessed by kids and envied by adults.

In a moment when I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll all see a large, beautiful MERRY GO ROUND and Circus Carousel
on stage here before you. Upon seeing this MERRY GO ROUND you’ll IMMEDIATELY become your happiest childhood self once again
and be very excited for the ride, you’ll want to get on the MERRY GO ROUND and prepare for the ‘best-est ride of your life.’

Of course you’ll want to find the seat or creature that best represents YOU, your most favorite animal to reflect your personality, creature or seat on
the Carousel and run up to it immediately to enjoy the ride.

As the music begins the MERRY GO ROUND will start spinning slowly and each of YOU will be fully immersed in your happiest, most
joyful, playful and excited childhood memories, having this experience and enjoying the ride here this evening.

1…feeling younger and younger again with each passing moment…

2…embracing your happiest and most playful childhood selves…

And on this last number you’ll open your eyes as a young child again, the ‘kid version’ of yourself RIGHT NOW, forming a single file line
behind me, ready to hop onto the MERRY GO ROUND and enjoy the ride…

1, 2, 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Welcome children!

The ride is about to begin so if we could form a line here behind me, I’ll take your tickets and tokens and you can begin getting on the ride…’

This skit is wonderful and magical and works like a charm.

The wording is a little more complex, so go ahead and repeat yourself and the suggestions you give a few times if necessary.
I’m fine with slightly more advanced and complex suggestions being given at this point only because the subjects are deep
into the show, responding perfectly and reacting to the suggestions I give them. As long as they listen closely they will
respond in the appropriate manner.

If someone doesn’t get the full suggestions, go ahead and deliver them again directly to the subject and away from the
microphone as required.

This routine shows the audience many things from age regression to happy memories and embracing the child-like parts of
ourselves. I give the suggestions for the subjects to choose an animal, seat or creature that best represents their personality
for additional effect and interactions.

The music I use for this skit is, ‘Practical Magic’ from Alan Silvestri or ‘Entry of the Gladiators’. It’s these perfect musical
selections and wording for the skits, their structure and execution that are the closely guarded secrets of stage hypnotists, and
NOT the hypnosis it seems! Guard this information carefully.

The music starts slow which allows me to give further suggestions if required and gets the subjects responding. I have them
create a line just as they would on a REAL MERRY GO ROUND to make sure they have the suggestions working for them.

This also allows for playful interaction with the ‘kids’ – I get to ask them what their name is, how old they are, if they’re
excited, what animal they want to ride on and more. The subjects will respond in their child-like voices and do all those funny
and adorable things children normally do.

Some will hold up the number of fingers that reflects their age at this time, many will have difficulty speaking or
pronouncing certain words or letters, it’s just great. Make sure you get these responses in the microphone so the audience can
hear them clearly.

Now I take their imaginary tickets and tokens for the ride, wait until they’ve all formed a circle on the MERRY GO ROUND
(through my suggestions, direction and guidance) and then the music starts playing as the ride takes off.

I give verbal suggestions of the ride moving in circles and dictating the barriers. I also give suggestions of their seats and
animals moving up and down with the ride and music as they wave to their friends and family members in the audience each
time they pass the front of the stage.

You can give suggestions of each child having a candy cane, lollipop or cotton candy and ice cream as usual if you wish.
Think ‘Carnival Food.’

If you’re really mean you might suggest the kids dropped their ice cream cone or their tongues are stuck out or they can’t
open their mouths while they try to eat and ride the MERRY GO ROUND.

When the music changes tempo at 1:33 into the ‘Practical Magic’ soundtrack I speed up the MERRY GO ROUND very
quickly, going faster and faster, bobbing up and down, laughing, smiling, waving, holding on tight…

Remember to speak to the subjects as they ride. It’s great fun.

I end this skit by the music fading out once again and each child giving themselves a GREAT BIG HUG which I feel is a
nice suggestion to render here.

After each subject has given their INNER CHILD a hug (arms locked in place!) and warm embrace I give further
suggestions for them to retain this childlike sense of awe and wonder, embracing their imagination and creativity and
approaching the world and life without fear with full knowledge of their original perfection and innocence.

These are very minor suggestions and I don’t go into a lot of detail – I merely want to acknowledge the happy parts of the
childhood experience and Inner Child of each subject to help to re-write what might have been a painful or traumatic
experience at times (nobody’s childhood was perfect!) and leave them with the best qualities and memories of such.

I do this along the lines of there being a fine difference between being ‘childlike’ (open, sincere, fearless, innocent, pure,
without hatred or malice, accepting, imaginative, creative, non-judgmental, etc) and CHILDISH (ego, playing manipulative
games, hoarding, embracing a ‘MINE’ mentality, not sharing, etc). I invite my subjects to retain these positive child-like
qualities present and already there inside of them.

When the subjects have received these suggestions and ONLY when they are ready to accept them and experience these
qualities at a greater level in their lives at this time their arms become unstuck and we move on.

The Rollercoaster

Once the subjects have finished on the MERRY GO ROUND outlined above I bring them back to their seats and
use a more ‘mature ride’ to bring them back to their adult states. For this I use a rollercoaster and give suggestions
along the lines of,

‘Sitting sleeping, perfectly balanced and completely back to your normal age and mature state of mind… listening closely to the sound of my voice
and my instructions. Let’s hear it again for our wonderful subjects on stage!

You all did so well as young children again that I want to reward you with a more ADULT APPROPRIATE experience at the world famous
SIX FLAGS rollercoaster park!

You’re about to go on the most fun, the most wild, the most terrifying, highest, fastest rock and rolling ROLLERCOASTER in the world today
known only as ‘THE SCREAMER!’

When I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll be on the rollercoaster in your seats, buckling up and preparing for the wildest ride of
your life…you’ll want to scream, laugh and pee your pants…but do your best to hold it!

When I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE we’re on a fantastic ROLLERCOASTER RIDE here at the world famous SIX
FLAGS RESORT on the world’s most terrifying, death defying skyscraper of a ROLLERCOASTER RIDE. You’ll get the biggest rush
you’ve ever had and remember this experience with me forever…

1, 2, 3…WIDE AWAKE!

Welcome back!

The ROLLERCOASTER is about to begin so get buckled up, strapped in, held down and ready for this thing to take off…I’ll lead and escort
you up to the top as your RAIL MANAGER and conductor this evening before the drop off begins to let you go…everybody ready!?

Let’s do this!’

I walk around to make sure everybody is strapped in and watch the reactions and anticipation of my subjects. I might ask
select participants if they’re nervous, scared, etc. If they say ‘NO’ I can easily make them feel however I want simply by
snapping and saying, ‘YOU ARE NOW!’…so…are you nervous?’ to get a different reply and reaction.

I like to make brave people scared and scared people brave with a single suggestion and wave of my hand or snap of my
fingers, but continue suggesting that we’re ALL going to have a great time on this thrill ride.

The music begins and for this skit I use the ‘Love Rollercoaster’ cover song done by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is nice and
upbeat, many people are familiar with the music and song and it makes a nice addition to this routine.

As the music begins I make the ‘chit, chit, chit, chit, chit, chit, chit, chit, chit’ sounds of the roller coaster moving along into the
microphone as I raise my hand up high and deliver suggestions that we’re moving and heading up towards the top of the
rollercoaster ready for the first drop off! At this point I ask everyone to hold their hands up HIGH as we prepare to drop
straight down.

There’s a brief pause in the music that allows me to SWISH my hand down when the vocals begin that adds strength to the
suggestion. Whenever you can pace your routines and suggestions to the music it’s better for everyone involved and easier to

follow. The subjects will ROAR and scream, hold their hands up, grab their stomachs, turn their faces away and hold on for
dear life.

I shout suggestions into the microphone such as turning left now (!), turning right, doing the loops, going up, flying down,
etc. I let this go on for 30 seconds or so (we’re looking at a song with another 30 second intro to continue delivering
suggestions = about 1 minute) before bringing the ROLLERCOASTER to a dead stop and getting the reactions from my
subjects. I simply ask them, ‘How was that?’ or ‘What did you think of that?’ and get their responses.

This is a very simple, very short routine. The reactions and entertainment value is solely in the presentation and response
from your subjects before and AFTER the ride.

A nice suggestion I give the audience is,

‘To understand the power of the mind and suggestion, were you to come up on stage and take the pulse of each of the subjects right now you would
find an extremely high pulse rate showing the effects of suggestion on their physiology.’

I never have anyone come up for this, it’s just a suggestion. Chances are great they WOULD find increased pulse rates in the
majority of them, and this routine is just another demonstration of how the mind controls and affects the body.

Another (short) lesson I sometimes include for the subjects who seem ‘scared’, nervous or anxious about the ride is that our
mind does NOT know the difference between fear and excitement, it’s merely the beliefs we attach to the experience and
how we choose to perceive it.

When possible I add little tidbits like this to each skit, routine and suggestions I give. Nothing major – I simply feel that a
hypnotic stage show should be delightful on all levels, highly entertaining and even educational at times for the greatest value
to be imparted. Remember that as a HYPNOTIST you are educating your audience and volunteers about this process and
the power and potential of the human mind.

If you’ve not done so already, this is a great skit to use ‘THE WAVE’ re-induction with each subject raising their arms up
high and instantly going into a deep state of hypnosis, arms rising and falling like a row of dominos sticking each subject in
their seats and plunging them into the depths of their mind.

Finale –
Pandemonium & Dance Contest
(with kicker)

We’re on the final stretch here with this basic show and outline. A few things must be taken into consideration in
this three piece powerhouse closing.

Your closing piece should involve EVERYONE and be as funny and/or powerful as possible. I use a ‘Dance Contest’ as the
finale as dancing is always hilarious to an audience and especially when presented as a contest as I do it. To end the show I
include a full body catalepsy demonstration (THE HUMAN PLANK) as I give the final count out.

Before the multi-phase dance contest we’ll be putting the subject’s out again and delivering a variety of post hypnotic
suggestions. The aim here is to get ALL the subjects each doing something, acting on some suggestion, participating with the
audience and demonstrating a variety of hypnotic phenomena.

Let’s look at the ‘Pandemonium Effect’ first.


In the prequel to the closer and final demonstration (Dance Contest) I deliver a number of suggestions both individually and
in small groups to the subject. The way you handle this will depend on the number of subjects you have working with on
stage, how much time you have and what you personally wish to do. This part of my show is very open, free flowing and
spontaneous. Here are a few suggestions, routines, skits and pieces I keep in mind…

• Seeing the audience naked and/or having ‘X Ray Vision.’

• Seeing the performer DISAPPEAR/become invisible, transparent.

• Hallucinating that I am their favorite celebrity.

• Hallucinating a UFO landing, the audience becomes a group of aliens.

• Suggesting I’m the world’s greatest STAGE MAGICIAN and causing a number of objects (elephants, cars, girls,
animals, etc) to appear and vanish instantly, suggest that I’m floating, sawing a person in half and more. You can
also make a subject the magician and let him perform what he will.

• Seeing their worst fear and then TAKING IT AWAY permanently (NOT recommended!).

• ALL manner of hallucinations with all 5 senses.

• Experiencing a past life, memory or experience.

• The subjects re-enacting their most embarrassing moment in life and noticing it no longer bothers them. (Use with

• Seeing angels, totem animals or spirit guides and receiving a personal message.

• Becoming super heroes.

• Losing their voice, memories, nipples, belly buttons and other body parts. The subjects go looking in the audience
to find them.

• The subjects each become their favorite celebrities.

• The subjects are stuck in a force field or get lost in the Bermuda Triangle on stage.

• The subjects notice an ‘odd smell’ and/or ‘strange noise’ coming from the person sitting next to them.

• The subject’s shoes become cell phones or puppies. They cuddle, coddle and caress them, name them, kiss them
and pet them, show them to others and the audience members, etc.

• The subjects become drunk and intoxicated (high on life!). Field sobriety tests can be implemented showing the
subjects unable to balance on one foot, walk straight, touch their fingers to their nose, answer questions without
slurring and more.

• The subjects are body builders and have a flexing contest. Their strength is sapped away so they can’t lift a light
object from the stage.

• The subjects become pilots, fighter jet pilots and drug smuggling cartels.

• The subjects become their favorite cartoon character or see them in the audience (or sitting next to them on stage).

• One or more of the subjects is made to believe and feel they desperately need to use the restroom but they are
STUCK firmly to their seats. This can also be their feet stuck to the floor, unable to move OR even stuck to
another person.

• The subjects are attacked by a swarm of KILLER BEES. Care must be exercised that the subjects do NOT fall of
the stage, run out of the theatre or otherwise act in dangerous ways that may hurt themselves. You might even stick
them securely to one place or put them in the Bermuda Triangle first (give them boundaries).

• The subjects respond to a KEY WORD or phrase by leaping out of their seats and shouting various phrases such as
‘The British are coming!’ or ‘Jerome Finley rules! I freaking LOVE this guy!’ or‘Hypnosis isn’t real, you can’t hypnotize me!’ or ‘The
Dingo ate your baby!’ with an Australian accent and other such nonsense. Simply link the suggestion to a key word or
cue the subjects will respond to. You can make them act something out, yell aloud, see or hallucinate something,
hear, smell or feel things and more.

• Anytime the music starts the subjects get up and start dancing.

• I used to have the subjects imagine they were Steve Irwin and crew before it became in bad taste. Now if I do this
skit I have them become another personality who does similar work. The subjects stalk and wrestle their chairs,
blow up dolls or imaginary creatures, hold them up to the audience, explain their animal traits and characteristics,
their specific dangers and more.

• The subjects become PSYCHICS and give readings to audience members. This one will surprise you! I include this
segment in every stage show I do. It’s phenomenal. I also give suggestions that from this moment forth, the
subject’s natural knowing, intuition and levels of empathy function at a much higher level than ever before. This is a
permanent suggestion.

• The subjects look for their soul mate in the audience.

• The subjects sell wares to audience members including time share options, stocks and bonds, gold, beer, peanuts
and hot dogs, candy or whatever you wish. I’ve often replaced currency or products with fliers and adverts for my
show and send 6 of them out into the audience for a few moments.

• The subjects have (or fake) orgasms on stage. This is not a routine I do, but for adult only audiences it IS a popular
and effective skit for the right show and performance. I steer clear away from this type of material.

• The subjects all speak in a foreign language. They will sing songs, tell jokes and stories in another language (made
up) to the delight of the audience members. This is similar to the ‘Martian/UFO Landing’ skit. I usually have an
interpreter (another subject who can understand the language perfectly) translate what is being said. I make people
speak in French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Italian and other languages.

• When I snap my fingers the subjects on stage have a severe case of ‘TURRETS SYNDROME’ and yell, shout
and scream obscenities at the audience members. You can make this as clean or as dirty as you wish. I opt for clean.
I often blend this with narcolepsy so after the outburst the subject goes right to sleep.

• The subjects notice parts of their body going numb, getting hotter, colder, disappearing, falling off, vanishing,
itching, getting stuck, growing larger, getting smaller (use your imagination) and other effects.

• The subjects go through a wide range of emotions and experiences in rapid fire sequence.

• The subjects are regressed to the night before the show and told they are doing EXACTLY what they were doing at
THIS TIME the night or day before and to act it out. Normally you’ll see all types of behavior ranging from very
odd and bizarre to usual and mundane. Watch your subjects closely in case anyone was showering, making love or
doing something inappropriate for stage and your audience.

• The subjects become their favorite childhood TOYS and act as though they have come to life. This is also called
‘The Indian in the Cupboard’ routine.

• The subjects receive a phone call from God, John Lennon, Elvis, a dead president or famous celebrity on the other
side. It can also be a call from the White House, living people and celebrities. This is funny if they are using their
shoes as cell phones to take the call. I merely have a sound effect of a phone ringing in my music and suggest when
the phone rings ALL the subjects will remove their shoes and receive a call from (enter suggestion). Now as they
begin speaking I walk around and ask them who they’re speaking to, what that person is saying, etc.

• Men become pregnant and have birth on stage. The women hold their hands and coach them through the process.
This is also known as ‘The Human Seahorse’ routine. It’s hilarious. Afterwards they show the audience their newborn
babies (their shoes or stuffed animals, or mere hallucinations!).

• The subjects (or clusters of them) form a world famous Improv Comedy troupe. They get together, form skits and
act them out for the benefit of the audience and their entertainment. You can give skit suggestions and let them go.
There is also a way to present an entire hypnosis show around this premise and suggestion in fully awake, aware,

eyes open states and you can find more information about this at the end of this book under the title ‘Thought Veil

• The subjects get together and sing ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ to an audience member. There is usually SOMEONE in
your show who just had a birthday, is about to have one or is even celebrating it the night of the show! I do my best
to include this piece in every show. Look for other special occasions such as wedding anniversaries and new
engagements too. I often allow 1 or 2 subjects to make a special toast to the newly wed or just engaged. It’s great.

• “American Idol” or “So You Think You Can Dance” contest. Whenever possible I link my routines, skits and suggestions
to popular culture, hit movies, television shows, current news, fads and trends. The reason is simple – people are
familiar with these things and respond to them. Programs like this are popular for a reason! One suggestion I love
giving my subjects is they are the disqualified contestants on ‘American Idol.’ They think they have a wonderful
singing voice and the rest of the world is crazy! Here’s their chance to prove the judges wrong…and I give them the
microphone. I give the suggestion they ALL have horrible voices, because chances are good they do! This way
nobody is embarrassed because they are supposed to be horrible, and it’s even funnier that way. Another panel of
subjects becomes the celebrity judges and comments on each performance. This is a great skit.

There are so many different routines and suggestions you can do and use with your subjects during hypnosis that your
imagination is really the only limit. The subjects will do and behave as you tell them, especially at this late point in the show.

The key to the ‘Pandemonium Effect’ is to give RAPID FIRE suggestions one right after the other for 4-8 minutes and have
your subjects act upon them one right after another.

One thing that makes this chaotic and ultimately impressive demonstration more manageable is giving two or three people
the same suggestion, two or three subjects another suggestion, two or three subjects yet ANOTHER (different) suggestion
and so on. This way you are able to show a variety of effects and have different things going on at all times and save time. I
create absolute chaos on stage and then bring it to a screeching halt by FREEZING everyone and having them become

You can also put the subjects to sleep after each suggestion, but you don’t have to!

I’ll say that again…You don’t have to place the subjects into an eyes closed state between suggestions – at this point they are
already fully conditioned and don’t need to be re-induced to act upon your suggestions perfectly. Simply tap them, snap your
fingers and give your instructions like so,

‘People I’m now touching when I count to three and say ‘BEGIN’ you’ll rise up immediately and begin selling cold beer, hot pretzels and corn dogs
to the audience members. You’ll do the best to sell all your wares before making your way back to the stage, taking your seats and sleeping

People I’m now touching when I say ‘BEGIN’ you’ll notice you’ve suddenly developed perfect X-Ray vision, you’ll want to come up to the front of
the stage and take a look out into the audience…it’s simply amazing!

People I’m now touching when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘BEGIN’ you’ll notice you’re stuck firmly to your seats and desperately need to use the
restroom. The harder you try to move the worse that feeling gets…you WILL be able to hold it, but you CANNOT WAIT to get up and get to
that restroom…

Person I’m now touching, when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘BEGIN’ YOU are a world famous orchestra conductor. You’ll take center stage and
begin waving your hands in concert with the music putting on a world class performance and symphony this evening…

People I’m now touching, when I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘BEGIN’ you’ll instantly become exotic dancers. You’ll stand up in your seats and
keep your clothes on, getting down and dirty in the cleanest way possible…’

And so on and so forth.

ANYTIME you wish you can clear and replace or change the suggestions given and how the subjects are reacting by
touching them, snapping before them, stopping them, freezing them, putting them to sleep, clapping your hands, stomping
on the floor, blowing sharply into the microphone while giving suggestions and more.

I’ll give a wave of suggestions for each person or multiple people and continue like this all the way down my line of subjects.
Once everyone has a suggestion in mind I count from 1 to 3 and say ‘GO!’ or ‘BEGIN!’ and watch what happens.

After 20 or 30 seconds I’ll freeze the subjects and put them to sleep where they are (standing sleeping, perfectly balanced!)
and alter my suggestions working very quickly.

I’m committed to spending less than 8 minutes to this chaos/pandemonium portion of the show it’s usually more like 4 or 5
minutes TOTAL).

I want to give MANY DIFFERENT suggestions to as many subjects as possible, have them act on what I tell them and then
immediately begin doing something else. This requires the performer to think on his feet, watch the subjects AND the
audience. Make things as funny as possible, entertaining for your audience and both creative and comfortable for your

Most of the suggestion ideas I listed above can be performed as full blown skits and routines. You have lots of material to
choose from in creating your own show.

As with magic, in hypnosis show LESS IS MORE. Remember, if it’s worth a minute give it 30 seconds!

Keep things fresh, remarkable and hilarious when possible but ALWAYS entertaining and powerful.

Another thing to keep in mind…because the suggestions and reactions are all changing so quickly I try my best not to use
any music here and place severe limits on any suggestions which include dancing as I’m using a HUGE dancing number to
end this show. Keep that in mind.

Once you’ve had your fun with PANDEMONIUM, go ahead and place each subject back in their seats and put them all out
collectively again. Make sure the audience gives the subjects and their powerful, creative minds a BIG round of applause.



This is the last to final MASSIVE piece, skit and routine the subjects will all do together before we end the show. This is
often the best part (highlight) of the show and what the audience will remember and enjoy the most.

This skit will be a full 6 or 7 minutes with multiple pieces of music, song changes and dancing styles scattered throughout. As
a rule I don’t allow any ONE piece of music to run past 1 minute and I try to keep it around 30-40 seconds (tops) before the
music changes. In some cases you can get by with 20 or 30 seconds. Listen to the music selections and select the appropriate
time frames.

This last skit will be framed as a ‘DANCE CONTEST’ and your subjects will become the world’s greatest dancers…or so
they think.

You can present this contest as boys against girls/men vs. women, teens against adults or simply split the group in half down
the center. I’ll often hypnotize half the people to become young adults/teens and the other half to become geriatrics.

Another option is to have the entire group work together which is optimal in some cases such as those times when you might
not have too many subjects on stage OR when the music works better with a full, big group. The choice is what? YOURS!

I personally enjoy presenting this contest as males against the females if the group is even sexed OR children against adults
with HALF the subjects hypnotized to PRETEND like children. Remember that we are not regressing the subjects back to
childhood, but we ARE giving suggestions for them to act like children again.

You’ll need to find the music which best suits your own character and persona, the audience you’re catering to and how you
want your subjects to dance.

Here is what I tend do:

I began with the FULL GROUP dancing BALLET. The song I use here is ‘Entr’acte’ from The Phantom of the Opera. The
entire group is FULLY UNDER (eyes closed) when I give the suggestion,

‘When I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll all be world famous dancers and your skills know no bounds! That’s right, you are
ALL considered kings and queens among the world’s greatest BALLET dancers. When the music begins you’ll set your bodies into motion with
grace and elegance dancing across the stage with a masculine power and feminine poise. The more you dance the better you feel, the better you feel the
more you’ll dance the most graceful BALLET the world has ever seen.

…of course when the music fades you’ll all freeze in your places ready and waiting for my next instruction…

1, 2, 3 WIDE AWAKE!’

The music begins and my subjects begin dancing BALLET; they all do this together. I allow the music to run almost a full
minute here to warm them up to the music and experience of dancing, getting them to follow my instructions here very

When the music starts to fade my subjects become frozen in place as I say,

‘Frozen in place, stuck in place NOW…that’s right…eyes open waking trance states, listening closely to the sound of my voice and my
instructions. You’re all doing beautifully. Let’s hear it for our dancers and subjects on stage!

All suggestions of BALLET are now removed and replaced by this one…

In a moment when the music begins you’ll realize the men have all become exotic CHIPPENDALE DANCERS (!)…that’s right, the men are
all professional CHIPPENDALE DANCERS and they’ll take center stage with the music to show us their sexiest, greatest dance moves,
getting down and dirty in a very clean sort of way, shaking their money makers for those out in the audience and seducing the women they see as
they go.

The female subjects on stage at this time will want to cheer them on, hoot, holler and cause a ruckus trying to get their attention because they
LOVE what they see and they want to see more of it!’

The music begins and all of my male participants do as suggested. As the music starts I say,


The women are guided to one side of the stage (or back in their seats) to cheer, whistle, scream and support the guys as they
move and groove with the music. The song I use here is either ‘Personal Jesus’ by Depeche Mode or ‘I’m too sexy’ by Right

Said Fred. Both are great selections for this routine though feel free to use another choice for ANY of these songs if you

After about 30-40 seconds the music fades and I shout,


When the music begins the gentlemen will take their seats so the lovely ladies here tonight can take the stage and show us what they’ve got by doing
what they do best and showing off their sexiest, most erotic and beautiful dance moves for the crowd here tonight!

The more you guys cheer the more they’ll dance and the more they dance the louder you’ll all want to scream and shout to show them your
RESPECTFUL love and support!

1, 2, 3…GO!


The music starts and the dancers trade places. The women dance and the men cheer them on.

This is a very basic presentation for this. Here are a few other options:

‘When the music begins all of my women on stage will instantly become very talented exotic dancers and world famous go-go dancers as they wish.
You’ll want to take your skills and talents out into the audience to give the men and women here tonight a show they’ll never forget…remembering
the laws here in this state are currently NO TOUCHING ALLOWED at any time and try as you may, your clothing is stuck, sealed, locked
and glued tightly to your body.

When I count to 3 and the music begins all my women on stage are now world famous exotic dancers…


This will get the women dancing in the aisles, in front of people, on the steps of the stage (as long as they are SAFE and
balanced, there is a rail there, etc.). Tell them where you want them to go and what you want them to do. Your subjects will
do it.

Another way to set this up is to NOW include the DANCE CONTEST suggestions with emphasis on the CONTEST.

After the BALLET which everyone does together, the dancing becomes a competition of sorts. You might suggest the
subjects are all contestants in some world famous dance competition, performers on the show ‘So You Think You Can Dance’
or however you wish to frame this routine.

This allows you to suggest they are ALL exotic dancers and can make the transition easier and more fluid. The men go first,
then the women (or vice versa).

You can simply say,

‘And now ALL the men!

STOP, trade places…NOW THE WOMEN!’

And so on to get the groups trading places.

One final way to present this ‘DANCE CONTEST’ finale is by suggesting ALL of the subjects are world famous dancers
and competent in a number of different styles of dance. Suggest to them when the music changes their dancing will change
with it…if it’s BALLET they dance BALLET, if it’s erotic they dance erotic, if the music is hip hop they break dance, etc.

You can have them all dance on stage, all dance in the audience or half and half. After both ‘teams’ have danced separately
you can allow 20 or 30 seconds of music so they all dance together. YOU DECIDE.

If EROTIC DANCING is inappropriate for the audience or age group you’re performing for another option and one I still
often use anyways is suggesting the males are all part of a ‘BOY BAND’ (N Sync, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, etc) and the
girls a ‘GIRL BAND’ (Spice Girls, TLC, Destiny’s Child or whatever).

If going the ‘BOY BAND’ route one of the songs I use is ‘Bye Bye Bye’ by NSync.

This is a horrid song and funnier than hell when the males line up in formation and start dancing. I choose the best male
subject to be the LEADER and suggest the other band members and back-up dancers will follow his lead. Part way through
the song I can switch this guy out for another member/leader if I wish.

You’ll laugh with your audience as you see how focused, serious and controlled this dancing is. For creating choreography on
the spot most groups do extremely well!

For the ‘GIRL BAND’ I’ve used a variety of songs from the Spice Girls, ‘Respect’ by Aretha Franklin and others. ‘Respect’ is a
great song to use here. Another option is to only suggest the men are a boy band and allow the women to be back up dancers
or the opposite.

The women (and men!) can also be turned into BELLY DANCERS very easily.

At this point we are ONLY about 2 minutes or so into an 8 minute routine.

Once the erotic dancing (or alternative) has been completed the music fades and again they all,

‘FREEZE NOW, STUCK IN PLACE… eyes open, perfectly balanced listening to the sound of my voice and my instructions.

When I count from 1 to 3 and say WIDE AWAKE you’ll all take your seats and prepare for a phenomenal BREAK DANCING
CONTEST…that’s right…you’re all now world renown break-dancers and hip hop artists come here tonight to show us your SKILLZ (skills
with a ‘z’) and battle it out for a shot at a major contract in the hip hop industry.

When the music starts I’ll pair you up, you’ll take opposite ends of the stage and battle each other with your dance moves for a major break dancing
contract in an equally major motion picture and music video…

…the only problem is HALF of your body is paralyzed and try as you may, you just can’t seem to make it move the
way you want it to…’

The last line in bold is a good example of how I give the subjects on stage an ‘out’ for what might be truly horrible dancing.
With little suggestions like this scattered throughout they can relax and have fun with the proceedings knowing that
EVERYONE on stage looks equally as horrible.

These little ‘outs’ and suggestions insure the ego and conscious mind remain far removed from the process and everyone is
just there to have FUN. You might want to remind your subjects of this by saying, ‘We’re all here in this competition to have fun
and we’re ALL winners!’

For ‘BREAK DANCING’ the music starts and one by one (or two by two) I call individuals and small groups to the center
stage (opposite sides) to break dance for 15-20 seconds per ‘group.’ If I get a really good subject who can actually dance well
I naturally give them more time as they are more entertaining and fun to watch!

If the competition is fierce and things get ‘heated’ (they ‘battle’) you might also put an invisible wall or some barrier up
between them. Of course this is a situation you can INCITE via suggestions made off the microphone and we’ll get to that
tactic a bit later.

The better a person is at dancing the better this routine is, which is funny because the worse a person is at dancing the better
this routine is too. You can’t go wrong!

The song I’ve been using here changes, but what I do most often is look at the top few rap and hip-hop songs on the
billboard charts to choose a popular selection. I also look at current fads in the rap and hip-hop industry in general by
keeping an ear out on the radio and an eye open online. Watching MTV or VH1 will give you ideas of what the most current
songs and trends are. Going out to a nightclub or speaking with a professional DJ is another (very good) option.

Last year the song I used was ‘Yeah’ with Usher, Lil John and Ludacris. If you can see the audience dancing/moving/bobbing
their heads, tapping their feet and getting into the music in their seats you have yourself a winner!

To end the break dancing portion I once again have ALL the subjects take the stage and dance together. My DJ plays some
HOUSE MUSIC (popular club music at the time) for about 20 seconds so they can all dance and have fun together. You
might even suggest they are in the middle of a posh nightclub dancing to their favorite music after a couple cocktails and
feeling very ‘loose’ and good indeed…

To end this pre-finale skit I play 20-25 seconds of music from a number of different well known, culturally relevant and
socially ingrained songs. For the final moments of this skit you want to choose songs that are easy to recognize and
preferably have some type of ‘UNIVERSAL DANCE MOVES’ associated with them. Examples are given below.

I give the following suggestion as the hip-hop music fades,


As the music begins and starts to change you’ll simply dance however the song leads you and makes you feel like dancing. Of course if there is a
special dance move or rhythm that goes with the beat you’ll do your best to remember the moves and use it in your contest.

You’ll all dance together when appropriate or separately as needed. You’ll dance like nobody is watching and how you dance at home, in the car, in
the office or anyplace else when you’re alone and nobody else can see you.


I’ve a few different ways to present this dancing finale and have used all of them for extended periods over the years.

For motivational shows I would read a message that circulated heavily many years ago titled, ‘Dance Like Nobody’s Watching’
inspired by a Mark Twain quote (also attributed to an Irish proverb, William Purkey and Paradise waiting).

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." – MARK TWAIN

After hooking into this quote the entire dance contest becomes an affirmation of this JOY in living, letting go and embracing
life from the inside out and demonstrating this idea and inner truth through dance.

Another way is to simply put all of the subjects out in their seats and suggest when the music begins their bodies will begin
to move with the music, they’ll stand up and dance…the more they move the better they feel, the better they feel the more
they move…

Now simply start the music and let them go. If working solo you can have your soundtracks fade automatically (cut and
splice them first for the best parts of each song) or have your sound technician on cue to work in real time as you alter the
pace and suggestions. Making a disc of music, a computer program in iTunes/MP3 file or even a CD that can be controlled
with a hand held remote is very simple and will take you about an hour. In the end you’ll have a fantastic music set and killer
finale for your show.

Purchase the songs you wish to use online or make sure your DJ has files for them to use in the program. The total cost for
your music might be $20.00 or 30.00 for everything you need.

Pace and structure the dancing as you wish. These days I’ve settled on EXOTIC DANCING to begin with, then BREAK
DANCING and/or BELLY DANCING and finally transition into the tracks shown below for 20-35 seconds per track. This
makes for about 5 minutes of music of varying paces and levels of humor and I find is very, very effective for my show. I
keep ALL the subjects on stage OR dancing in the front row. The final piece of music has become BALLET and this is
where the subjects dance throughout the audience and theatre (when safe, appropriate and warranted).

As said at the beginning of this instruction the dancing finale last up to 6-8 minutes. Depending on audience reaction I may
give each song or dance style additional time but NEVER over 60 seconds without some type of MAJOR change!

The list of music I use for the last few minutes goes like this:

• ‘Billy Jean’ and/or ‘Thriller’ by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. I’ve often used ‘Thriller’ in my Voodoo Doll routine
with ‘The Banana Boat Song.’ Remember this because you’ll not want to use the same song twice. Currently I stick
with ‘Thriller.’

• ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ by Billy Ray Cyrus. There is a specific dance that goes with this song that many are familiar with.
I use the chorus (very recognizable) and suggest the participants do the ‘Cowboy Line Dance’ (Achy Breaky Heart
Line Dance) and let them interpret that as they will. Many will start lining up and dancing or repeating the dance
from the music video (actually popular at the time, good grief!). If the subjects don’t know what to do simply
suggest they know what to do and let them fake it. If you find a subject who knows what they’re doing, simply have the other
subjects follow their lead!

• ‘The Macerena’ (Original Version) by Los del Rio. Again I use a few beats and the chorus (again, highly recognizable)
and let the subjects go. If they don’t start doing the ‘Macerena’ dance I suggest they do now.

• ‘Y.M.C.A.’ by the Village People. Again, this is a song that most people know and recognize and the subjects know
just what to do!

• ‘Twist and Shout’ by The Beatles. The subjects will start grooving and twisting appropriately. To amp things up a bit I
suggest they ‘REALLY shake it all out now (!)’…to which they will respond by shaking violently. It’s great fun and this
shaking can be increased by simply shouting ‘and now even more…and more shaking…shaking even MORE NOW.’

• ‘The Hokey Pokey’ by (Various Artists). You can use whatever version you wish, of course. My DJ had a perfect one
with a woman’s voice that was meant for children’s parties.

• ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’ by The Bangles.

• ‘Bombay’ by Timbaland (BELLY DANCING, men and women!)

• Entr’ Acte’ from the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.

As I give this last suggestion the subjects all become BALLET DANCERS. They waltz about the theatre, dancing and
jumping gracefully. I suggest and instruct them to dance up and down the aisles of the theatre and when they return to the
stage to sit in their seats and fall deeply to sleep in their seats.

Before I revised by show to include 10 different tracks of music and various dance styles I simply ended with BALLET
DANCING and/or EXOTIC DANCING. Keep it simple at first if you wish. There’s nothing wrong with getting a few
shows under your belt and then adding more skits, routines and musical sets to your program as you grow in experience.

End this routine by having your subjects each dance back to their seats, sit down and instantly go to sleep. Make sure the
audience gives those on stage a HUGE round of applause for their work and efforts. Many of your subjects will be
exhausted at this time, so the rest now is very welcome and we move to the count out.

You have a few options here too.

1). Move straight to the count out and end the show.

2). Use the well known ‘FULL BODY CATALEPSY’ as a demonstration of the powers of the mind during the count out.

For a long time I ended my show with one or more subjects eating onions or raw potatoes and suggesting they were ripe,
sweet, fresh, crunchy apples. This is a strong note to end on and really convinces the audience of hypnosis on deep levels, as
does the full body catalepsy stunt.

Another option here is the ‘ABNORMAL LIFT’ or ‘HUMAN LEVITATION’ from John Fisher’s ‘Body Magic’ (and other
sources) which will be explained in detail below.

The Hypno-Apple
& Full Body Catalepsy

Let’s discuss a few of the great, classic hypnotic convincers and demonstrations that you may or may not wish to
add to your program.

As mentioned above, two of these are hypnotizing a subject to eat a raw onion like an apple and the other – full body
catalepsy. The former is self explanatory (almost), the latter is detailed, easy to do and can be done very safely by following
these instructions.

To get your subject(s) to eat an onion like an apple is a very strong convincer of hypnosis to an audience. It can be used in
any part or portion of your show. I used to reserve this piece and use it for a punch at the beginning when my subjects were
induced to tell me they were NOT hypnotized…

Once getting this remark I would re-induce the subject, hand them an onion and suggest it was a delicious, ripe, juicy apple
and that they LOVED APPLES and were eager to completely devour the one in hand.

You can link other suggestions to the apple/onion consumption as well, such as instead of crying after swallowing each bite
the subject laughs hysterically OR upon eating the apple (and swallowing it) they will immediately fall back to sleep.

You might suggest the apple will increase the male libido and have various male subjects take bites from it before the exotic
dancing skit. This works VERY well. Yet another option is to hand the onion to the subject who will eat it while suggesting
the person next to them is completely disgusted over this tasty snack.

Later you can suggest the subject once opposed now wishes nothing more than to have a bite of that ripe, delicious apple.
It’s often very funny to see the guy or gal eating the apple (I choose a male to be nice) and the woman sitting next to him
disgusted and screaming ‘It’s an ONION you dope!’ before eating some of it herself.

Take care of your subjects and remember that if you’re going to link any suggestions to the apple consumption that you need
to make sure they SWALLOW whatever is in their mouth before laughing, going to sleep, dancing, etc.

The onion trick is a good one. It can actually be done very easily with a normal onion purchased from your local grocer. You
can just use the garden variety WHITE ONIONS/SWEET ONIONS that most people are familiar with for this skit. I use a
SWEET ONION which is extra crisp by nature, has high water content and contains lots of sugar. These onions have hardly
any ‘bite’ to them at all and can be eaten fresh like an apple in or out of hypnosis!

To be extra safe you might ask the subject OFF MICROPHONE if they are allergic to onions or have an aversion to them.
You can always snap your fingers after the conversation to make them forget this ever took place. I’m usually far ahead of the
game here and have my best subject picked out and have already asked this question between skits. I save this information for

If you are planning an intermission you could keep your subjects sleeping and approach each of them under the ruse of
relaxing them further to find an appropriate subject for this piece.

I use organic onions because in rare cases a person will have some allergic reaction or sensitivity to the chemicals used to
treat produce. I check for allergies or gastric problems and serious aversions to onions before giving one to my subject(s) to
eat. If working with an assistant, this is something they can do very casually during the show.

Onion allergies are very rare, but you don’t want to risk someone’s throat swelling up or giving them a severe stomach ache
on your stage. Remember to take good care of your people!

Other than this, the onion routine is extremely safe and very practical. It’s strong and a very nice convincer and kicker to your
show. For a few years I ended every show with the suggestion for 1 or more subjects to eat onions or raw potatoes as if they
were shiny, delicious apples. At one point I was having subjects eat apples as though they were onions – the power of the
mind and suggestion is a very strong, very real thing. In many cases the subjects will start to get hot, their eyes may water and
they react very strongly to the smell of the imaginary onions.

Use discretion and add this knowledge to your bag of hypno-tricks with care.

Full Body Catalepsy

Producing full body catalepsy has been a favored pastime and staple of stage hypnosis since ever I can remember.
The feat usually entails ‘hypnotizing’ a subject into a catatonic/cataleptic state and causing their body to become
hard, stiff and rigid like a board, plank or solid steel beam.

Suggestions are given to the subject to become stiff and rigid, their muscles like steel, their body like stone…stiff as a board.
The subject does!

To display this amazing state of mind and hypnosis the subject is then hoisted into the air by the hypnotist and his assistant
and suspended between to chairs, beams or wood supports. The hypnotized subject remains cataleptic, completely stiff and
rigid and is laid across the two supports with ease. His/her body remains completely stiff and STRONG. It’s an amazing

To end this demonstration in the past, hypnotists used to STAND on the subject (Kreskin and others STILL do this) and
show the hypnotized/cataleptic subject can easily support the full weight of the hypnotist. Another variation was to place a
cinder block upon the subject’s chest and break it in half with a hammer. For my finale I never did either of those things and
CANNOT/WILL NOT recommend you do either!

I still perform full body catalepsy though I don’t EVER stand on the subject! While it’s safer and easier than one might
believe, I find the performance of such feats extremely dangerous and just asking for the hypnotist to be sued. If someone
has neck, back or shoulder problems, crumbles due to misplacement of the weight upon them, moves or something similar
occurs you could risk SEVERE neck and spinal cord injury, damage to the internal organs and more.


Making a subject cataleptic (stiff and rigid) and suspending them between two chair or supports is very impressive by itself.
You don’t have to stand on the person to make this look and work FABULOUS.

The mechanics and physics behind this feat are very simple.

I often choose a lovely young woman for this final piece, but anyone can be used. Before I give the suggestions and ‘passes’
to make the subject stiff and rigid I use my stage whispers (speaking OFF the microphone) to make certain they have no
existing health conditions, i.e. no back problems or pain, neck or shoulder injuries, etc. You want a young, healthy able-
bodied participant and preferably one who has responded very well and very strongly to your suggestions throughout the

I explain to the audience that I require their complete and perfect silence as I count the subjects out of their hypnotized state
and leave them feeling better than when they arrived, refreshed, empowered and inspired. As a final example of hypnosis I
shall now demonstrate just how incredibly powerful the human mind is through the most difficult of ALL hypnotic
phenomena – catalepsy – using the mind power of the individual to turn the body strong, stiff and completely rigid.

I explain that while on the outside the subject may look very HARD and STIFF, inside they are completely relaxed and
perfectly at peace in every way. It’s a profound meditative state!

Remember, ‘CATALEPSY’ is defined as ‘a condition characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity so
the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.’

‘FULL BODY CATALEPSY’ is exactly what it sounds like and appears as described above – the entire body of the subject
becomes locked in place, stuck, stiff and rigid like a plank, board or steel beam.

The subject approaches the front of the stage (the two chairs are already set in place) and I turn them sideways (facing stage
right or left) with me behind them to begin. By the end when we LIFT the subject up I will have changed positions so I’m
now in front of them.

I use an instant re-induction directing my subject to close their eyes, standing sleeping, perfectly balanced listening closely to
the sound of my voice and my instructions.

I begin by adjusting the subject’s posture so they are standing straight up, feet together, head looking straight ahead and
becoming strong, locked, stuck, stiff and rigid.

I often place my hands on their shoulders with the suggestions, ‘stronger, stiff as a board, rigid like steel…’

I continue with these and similar suggestions causing the arms, legs, back, mid section, neck, shoulders and head to become
perfectly strong, rigid and steel-like. Most of these suggestions are given off the microphone. The audience watches intently.

To show the process I might give suggestions, snap my fingers and extend one or both arms of my participant and continue
giving suggestions of their arms and limbs becoming strong, locked, stuck, stiff and rigid and TEST THEIR REACTION by
physically pushing down on the arm. The audience (and subject/s) can see the response and that my subject is becoming
completely stiff and cemented in place.

I snap my fingers, the subject raises their arms in front of them AND OPENS THEIR EYES remaining in this eyes open,
deeply hypnotic, cataleptic state. I press down on the arms to show how straight, stiff, strong and rigid they are to the
audience, the subject and for my own satisfaction.

I now give suggestions for those arms to remain stiff but lower them to my subject’s side and stick them to their legs/thighs.
For dramatic purposes you can ‘mesmerize’ the subject by making passes in front of their eyes and it’s a spooky, eerie feeling
to do this with a subject with their eyes opened gazing off blankly into space. When they close their eyes I suggest their body
remains stuck, locked and cemented perfectly in this position, completely stiff, totally rigid and this feeling increases 100X
when their eyes close.

You can go right into the final part of this demonstration right now by suggesting when you snap your fingers again the
subject’s arms will lower back down to their sides, their eyes will close as their entire body will become 10X (or 100X!) more
stiff and rigid than it already is INSTANTLY. I often combine all of this so when I snap my fingers the subject lowers their
arms, their eyes close, their entire body becomes even more rigid and locked in place and they fall backwards (straight and
perfectly stiff!) into the waiting arms of my assistant.

In the beginning until you are comfortable and familiar with this demonstration I suggest going a bit further with the subject

Quietly I assure the person s/he will be perfectly safe, they’re doing wonderful, that they are in good hands and the star of
our show. Their eyes close and their stiff arms lower to their sides where they STICK and the body becomes even more rigid
as I say,

‘In a moment we’re going to pick you up and lay your body, stuck, stiff and rigid like a board, as hard and strong and solid as STEEL across
two chairs behind you. You’ll remain in my care, perfectly balanced and comfortable in every way.

When we pick you up, your body will remain locked in place, stiff and rigid and through YOU we will show the audience here tonight their full
potential and what is possible with a mind unleashed through hypnosis…you’re doing perfectly!

You will retain the exact position you’re in right now until we pick you up/set you on your feet again, at which time I’ll bring you out of this
incredibly strong yet deeply relaxed state of mind.’

Once the subject is completely rigid like a steel beam I whisper to them,

‘Remain completely stiff and rigid and allow yourself to be pushed backwards into my arms – stuck, locked, stiff and rigid – perfectly holding this
current position NOW.’

The subject is leaned backwards and ‘falls’ into the waiting arms of my assistant or another hypnotized subject or audience
member – but I PREFER and RECOMMEND to use your assistant. You don’t want anyone being dropped or to place this
kind of responsibility on your subjects or audience members!

I take the subject by their feet as my assistant supports their head, neck and shoulders and raise now them up by their
shoulders. The subject’s body is stiff and rigid and now HORIZONTAL.

Immediately we place the rigid subject across the seats of two chairs.

Even NOT under hypnosis this feat is incredibly easy to do and you don’t need to have a person ‘hypnotized’ for it to work.
The power of this routine lies in the suggestions you give with it, the implications you suggest as a result of this happening
and the sheer impressive/striking and unusual experience of seeing a human body suspended in hypnosis, cataleptic between
two chairs.

The placement here is very important.

The chairs should be strong and sturdy. You will need to place them the correct distance between each other beforehand.
This will change based on the height of your subject. Just look at their body and place the chairs about that far apart.

If possible the chairs should have cushions for comfort and added safety. You DO NOT want the cushions to move or slip
off. I use two towels on chairs with a rubber seating pad so they will not move or slide.

I obtained a large piece of the rubber padding you see when entering grocery stores, gas stations (etc) for water, snow, oil and
other environmental factors. I cut two pieces from this padding that will fit almost any chair. These rubber cushions will
naturally adhere and cling to almost any surface which insures the subject remains in place even after two towels have been
added for their comfort.

For comfort I place two folded towels on the seats of each chair. One chair (closest to me) is obviously intended for the
subject’s feet and ankles (and a few inches of their calves) while the other chair supports the subjects head, neck and
shoulders. About 80% of the subject’s body remains suspended in this cataleptic state between the two chairs.

For additional safety and to insure the chairs do not move or slide across the stage, once I have them positioned correctly for
the subject my assistant applies two DOOR BRACES available at your local hardware store. I have two kinds and I’ve used
them for almost 10 years now. These heavy duty braces will provide maximum safety. Another option is to have a piece or
carpet, a rug or even better, a rubber mat of the type described above that can be unrolled on stage before the show or this

I often have one of these at my regular venues when performing hypnosis shows. During the program this rubber surface
becomes a ‘Bermuda Triangle’ or ‘Oblivion Box’ certain hypnotized subjects cannot find their way out of. It also do what I call
‘The Human Flypaper’ routine on this mat where subjects become stuck to it. The last one I had and sold was made with a large

Whatever you do, you want to be sure the chairs are not going to slide out from under the subject while they are suspended
across them OR when you are placing them upon the chairs. Also make sure any padding you have on the seats for comfort
does not move or slide.

There are many easy ways to take care of this – use your head and be safe! I cannot and will not assume any damages, liability
or responsibility for anyone performing this routine or any other routines in this book. These demonstrations and
instructions are presented for educational purposes only.

One last thing that should be obvious…DO NOT place the subject across the backs of the chairs! Always lay their body
across the seats! This is a lot safer for the person and if something were to happen, the subject moves, freaks out or falls they
will not be injured. In all of my performances this has NEVER ONCE happened to me, but it is possible to keep the safety
of the subject in your mind at all times.

The physical placement of the subject is simple.

I place the subject’s feet, ankles and just an inch or two of their calf (just above the Achilles tendon!) on my side. My
assistant places the subject’s head, neck and shoulders on the other seat just about level with the TOP of the
scapula/shoulder blades of the subject. As long as the head and neck are supported (more weight than one normally
realizes!) and the feet are supported, the rest of the muscles will easily hold the person up without much effort or strain.

This is something which looks incredibly impressive but is actually VERY, very easy. Done in the manner I’ve outlined has
proven perfectly safe FOR ME (your results may vary and are done at your own risk!). I’ve not ever risked or induced injury
to myself, my assistants or my subjects during this routine.

The subject can easily hold themselves in this position. Be sure the subject you choose for this demonstration is strong and
healthy and has no prior injuries as explained before.

If the subject is wearing pants you might wish to have them grab their pants leg at their side which will assist with keeping
their arms in place without straining their muscles. That said, I’ve done this many times with subjects simply holding and
pressing their arms to their sides.

Another option I’ve worked with is using this demonstration with a combined TRUST FALL. The trust fall is a process
wherein the ‘falling’ participant simply allows themselves to fall backwards, completely trusting in the people behind them to
catch them. In the TRUST FALL the falling subject crosses their arms across their chest and falls backwards. This makes
them feel more secure (and oddly a bit more vulnerable as their arms are pinned to their chest) and by having their arms
folded we insure their arms do not go flailing.

So, using this position, suggestions and the trust fall – I give my subject directions to fold their arms across their chest and
fall backwards on the count of 3, becoming and remaining perfectly stiff and rigid as they do. This takes a bit of experience
to do well and properly, but it’s really not that hard.

Once the subject falls backwards they are picked up (with their arms folded) and laid across the chairs. This is a much safer
and comfortable position for them to be in. The reason I think most performers don’t do this is because having their arms
pinned straight against their body (locked, stiff and rigid) IS impressive, but also because many other performers STAND on
their subject (which is something I don’t do) and their arms would be in the way.

My personal preference is to have the subject’s arms folded across their chest as I suspend them between two chairs.

The TRUST FALL is another wonderful stage induction, also called the ‘Falling Backwards Test/Induction.’ You would treat this
like any other induction, simply giving instructions for the subjects to fold their arms (locking in place much like a hand clasp
test/induction) and falling backwards into a deep state of hypnosis the moment you touch them. Be sure to catch them!

The beauty of this induction is it takes the conscious mind TRUSTING the performer, trusting the process and allowing the
subject to FALL. It’s easy to link ‘falling into hypnosis’ with this physical falling. Remember to link actions to words and
you’ll be just fine.

Moving on…

Once my cataleptic subject is hoisted into the air and placed between the two chairs on stage I exclaim,

‘Ladies and gentlemen…THE POWER OF THE HUMAN MIND!’

The subject is laid across the chairs and I continue by giving my final suggestions and beginning the count out to the group.

While the subject is suspended I have a short motivational speech/message I deliver to the audience and all the subjects. It
deals with our personal power as human beings, our infinite potential and natural ability to do things EXTRAORDINARY.

The entire ‘speech’ takes less than 1 minute. It’s given while the cataleptic subject remains suspended on stage and the entire
event is very powerful and beautiful. You’ll have to come up with your own message or find one online if you wish to do the
same as I’ll not be sharing mine here.

After this final message the cataleptic subject is supported by me and my assistant and raised to their feet. The chairs are
moved and everyone is invited to the front of the stage with me to take a bow.

You can use this final demonstration AFTER the majority of the count out…stopping on the number 4 (four) and bringing
your chosen participant to the front of the stage, make them rigid, give your final thoughts and inspirational message, bring
the suspended subject to their feet and finish the count (1-5) to end.

You can use this final demonstration with ALL of the subjects on stage having their eyes open or closed. It works both ways.
Some people like to have them all under while I think it’s a good idea to let them SEE what their minds are capable of doing
and suggesting that ANY ONE OF THEM could do this because their minds are that strong.

Pace and structure this test in whatever way works best for you.

I find this final convincer and accompanying message is very strong and worthy addition to nearly any hypnotic show and
program. I used it for a very long time and with that in mind I no longer use it because currently it doesn’t fit the show or
program I offer (which is less hypnotic in nature and more psychic/telepathic in its effects).

I have no doubts that it will work out beautifully for many of my ‘Thought Veil’ students should you choose to study, practice,
rehearse and put the necessary time and energy into performing this stunt the correct way and with the subject’s safety and
comfort foremost in your mind at ALL TIMES.

Neither I, the publisher, distributor, editor or anyone else involved with this project, this book or the information provided
herein will assume any responsibility or liability regarding the safety of your participants on any level (mind, body or spirit)
and/or any harm that might befall them should you choose to attempt ANY of the material, stunts or approaches given in
this course which are hereby presented for your entertainment and informational purposes only.

Before we end here I’ll explain ONE ADDITIONAL PIECE that can be used as a finale in conjunction with the above
effects, routines and demonstrations.

The Human Levitation
Abnormal Lift

What is explained here and now is a wonderful piece of psychological ‘Body Magic.’ This piece has been a favored routine of
many past greats and current performers too – immediately Kreskin, Thomas Baxter, Richard Osterlind and David Numen
spring to mind.

This levitation can be used WITH ‘The Human Plank’ (full body catalepsy) with great results in a two piece routine I call,
‘Light as a feather, stiff as a board.’

The effect is simple:

Five people are involved in a test of mind over matter and/or hypnotic suggestion, the power of the mind and a mysterious
psychic/hypnotic energy.

4 people are shown unable to physically lift a single person from a chair using ONLY their fingertips. After the energy is
concentrated (suggestions given, hypnosis demonstrated) the subjects try again, only this time the person made to ‘levitate’
rises high into the air with great ease. It’s very impressive and magical looking.

I choose to use this routine for a number of reasons.

First, it’s a great lead in piece to the full body catalepsy.

Second, many people are familiar with the old party game, ‘Light as a feather, stiff as a board’ wherein one person is raised into
the air as if by magic through the groups united, focused energy (or by mysterious forces/trance).

In this combined routine I show the ‘Light as a feather’ part first through this demonstration. Afterwards I use a subject to
demonstrate the ‘stiff as a board’ finale. The two were seemingly meant to go together! They are undeniably impressive when
combined and yet they stand very well on their own.

As a party game this was originally played with boys and girls alike, though I often heard of it when mentioned at slumber
parties for young girls, sort of like playing with a Ouija board.

The ‘liftee’ (person being levitated) would lie on the floor while the ‘lifters’ would form a row on both sides of her. Together
they would chant, ‘light as a feather, stiff as a board, light as a feather, stiff as a board, light as a feather, stiff as a board’ over and over
again as a type of incantation or induction.

Once prepared, on the count of three the girls participating would lift the lying subject into their air using just two fingers
each all positioned under her body. The ‘liftee’ would rise up and remain suspended for a short time and feeling very light;
‘light as a feather, stiff as a board.’

The variation I see used more commonly today and have adopted myself consists of having ONE person in a CHAIR and
four people doing the LIFTING.

Similar to the ‘MAGNETIC FINGERS’ test, the lifters interlock their fingers and extend their index fingers to form a
STEEPLE. The hands are held fairly close to the body directly in front of the abdomen/sternum.

Facing the front, the person to be levitated sits in the chair. There are two occasions for the lifting, only the second of which
will be successful.

Each LIFTER places their fingers/steeple in certain SPECIFIC areas – behind both knees and beneath both arms (armpits)
of the person to be levitated.

There will be two ‘rounds’ of lifting and this is required for the method. Of course we’ll be magnifying the effect with
suggestion and a process for the best results, though this seemingly ‘psychic’ feat would be successful either way!

Speaking about ‘mind power’ (or whatever premise you decide to use) the facilitator leads his 5 subjects to the stage and
places them in correct position. Here is where the first of many suggestions come into place.

‘Go ahead now and extend your fingers like this because in a moment we’re going to TRY and lift (name) using just your fingers. If you think
about it, his/her weight distributed evenly among 4 people should be rather possible, BUT, if I SAP YOUR STRENGTH FIRST…just look
at me…(show process)…you may find the harder you TRY to lift her up, the less it works. The harder you try to lift her up the less it works
because I’m adjusting your energy now so your physical strength is GONE…it’s just gone…

Take a deep breath now…place your fingers into position…and TRY to lift her up and see that you can’t!’

This process of ‘sapping strength’ can be whatever you want. I use direct eye contact and a wave of my hand and/or touch
to the center of each participant’s forehead as I give the suggestions. I often combine this with my ‘ENERGETIC WAVE’
routine in the original version ‘EMPTY.’

I explain it’s possible to direct and re-direct the body’s vital life force energy and that with a simple wave of my hand, some
special breathing techniques, visualizing a certain (sacred/secret) mandala/symbol while doing this (wave, touch, hypnotic
gaze) helps me to redirect the mind, thoughts and subtle energies of my participants.

They now TRY to lift the seated participant and find that they can’t.

After the audience and participants have found it impossible to lift and very difficult to even budge the seated participant I
go ahead now and show them how we can use breathing, visualization and subtle energy work to strengthen our minds, the
power of our thoughts and even our physical body. You could just as easily frame this around manipulating the energy of the
person to be levitated so they feel heavy first and then LIGHT the next time.

A popular presentation is to have each of the 4 participants hold their hands above the head of your seated participant for 10
seconds. They hold their hands palm down ‘above the crown chakra’ and make a line/stack of hands that ARE NOT
TOUCHING EACH OTHER! The hands alternate so none of the participants have both their hands together – they are all
spaced apart.

Once the hands are in position we can channel our mind power, thoughts, collective consciousness and subtle energies (etc)
directly into the person, adjust their energy field, manipulate the magnetic poles of the Earth and aura or whatever you wish.

This short pause does a few things: it shows a process, it gives the people lifting a very brief moment of rest so the muscles
used are not strained and allows you to play with the presentation and deliver SUGGESTIONS.

After the count to 10 the hands are pulled away one at a time, the subjects clasp their hands and extend their fingers, place
them back into position (behind both knees and under both armpits of the person to be lifted) and upon my saying, ‘GO!’
begin lifting together.

This time your seated participant will be lifted/levitated HIGH into the air easily.

I first came across this alternate variation on the ‘Psychic Levitation/Abnormal Lift’ idea in a very old book as a child. If
someone reading this can direct me to the source I would be very appreciative. The book was black and white, featured a
disco looking guy with big hair, large print and glossy photos.

It contained a pendulum effect (suspended from a base, hands would be held BENEATH it and circle for females, straight
lines for males). It also contained an optical illusion of seeing through the hand with a cardboard tube. I believe the old
‘ghost touch’ ruse with fingertips held on a participant’s eyelids was also featured and other items with this ‘LEVITATION’

Anyhow, there have been many pseudo explanations given over the years regarding how this feat is accomplished. I’ve heard
everything from ‘energy’ being used, channeled and focused to gravitational/pole shifts, mind power, spirits and more.

The stunt works based on a few different factors ranging from opposing muscle groups, dispersing the ‘liftee’s’ weight evenly
among the ‘lifters’, priming and conditioning.

Basically, the first time the subject is to be lifted the brain doesn’t know how much strength, effort and pressure to exert to
make this feat possible. Take into consideration the use of suggestion (the subjects are made ‘weak’ and told they cannot lift
the person through binds and more) and a non-concentrated/non-orchestrated initial lift make this feat a remarkable success
every time.

The first UN-SUCCESSFUL lift is absolutely necessary for conditioning. It also makes the successful lift much more

Now all you need to do is show a process (long or short) and give the subjects and audience a plausible REASON it will be
successful this time (energy, mind power, hypnosis) and try again. This time the seated participant is raised high into the air. It
seems nearly impossible! This is a wonderful convincer in any hypnosis show or demonstration of energy and mind power.

A few things I’ve found that will make this feat work even better is having your participants take a few deep breaths and
IMAGINE the person ‘light as a feather’ upon the second lift. Make sure they all lift the seated subject simultaneously.

During the first trial I may tell my subjects, ‘When I point at you begin lifting.’

Now I go around the square asking each subject to start lifting in turn, applying their strength/force one at a time. This
breaks up the combined force exerted and even if 4 large men are trying to lift a small woman they will be unable to do so
because their efforts are not concentrated or synchronized at this point. By starting to lift at different times I insure their
initial failure.

Show a strong process.

For the second lift to be successful either reverse the suggestions for the subjects to be STRONG now, redirect their energy
and turn their chakras back on, pass your hand over them while giving suggestions for my ‘ENERGETIC WAVE’, have
them place their hands near the crown chakra of the seated subject while breathing and visualizing them being lifted easily.
Be sure the process is strong and believable on some level!

On the second time when the lift is successful make sure each person begins lifting at the same time…this is important.

Because the brain had that first trial it is now conditioned and knows what to expect and how much pressure to exert for the
lift to be a success.

The subjects feel more empowered and believe the second lift will be successful because you have suggested it will be! They
will lift the seated participant easily and naturally.

I’ve done a lot of work on this routine, effect and demonstration and I think you’ll find it turns this entire event into a full
blown MIRACLE.

Here are some techniques and principles I use for even more incredible results.

1). Have the ENTIRE AUDIENCE imagine the person seated is heavy, being pulled to the ground and unable to be lifted at
once. Explain how the Group Mind and Collective Consciousness works and how many minds, thoughts and intentions
focused on ONE THING (in unison) will produce specific, tangible results.

I often use this process to help explain how the power of prayer works with many positive, light filled thoughts and best
wishes coming together to produce healings, blessings and specific results that can be measured and counted upon.

A great way to present this initially if going the above route is by asking, ‘By a show of hands, how many here are familiar with the
recent studies showing the positive benefits of prayer and meditation?’

The weakness of this effect always has been that your audience does nothing but watch and wait. With the above model we
now get everyone involved in the process and this makes it more fun, more meaningful and more effective all around.

Lead the audience through a process to direct their thoughts of the seated person being very heavy and pulled to the ground
by a strong, invisible, magnetic force.

After the initial lift go ahead and reverse the process by having EVERYONE think of kind, warm, loving and positive
thoughts and to send those thoughts cascading up onto the stage.

This can also be framed as ‘muscle testing’ and kinesiology. Show how by thinking of negative thoughts, a bad experience,
negative emotion, their least favorite food, activity or person (etc) affects the body and how our energy moves.

Reverse the process by directing your audience and the subjects to think of positive thoughts to show how the body becomes
very strong.

2). Instead of holding our hands above the crown chakra I’ve presented this as a type of ‘Pow Wow Faith Healing’, Reiki and
the laying on of hands.

First I show how the seated participant (person to be ‘healed’) is unable to lift. Now everyone lays their hands upon the head,
arms, back and shoulders of the seated subject and thinks warm thoughts, positive affirmations and visualizations for a few
moments. I get them to all breathe in unison and enter a ‘special state of mind.’

Once the seated participant has been filled with positive thoughts and intentions they are very easy to lift.

3). A great way to SAP the strength of the on-stage participants is by turning off their chakras momentarily. A complete
presentation and demonstration can be given around this subject and is something I love to do in my energy workshops.

This can be as short and simple (and sweet!) as you wish or as long, involved and complex as you like. I’ve gone so far as
using pendulums to dowse the energy centers of both the participants AND the seated subject.

A technique I like to use here is focusing my energy to shut off the chakras, disperse the aura and block the meridians which
results in physical weakness. Of course this is only suggestion at play, though I REALLY DO direct subtle energies during
the process!

We can also show how passing our hands down the front of the subject’s body (down the MAIN LINE/CENTER) disrupts
the energy/chakras and results in a feeling of physical weakness and lack of vitality. This is similar to a ‘Touch for Health’

I often do this to each participant as explained elsewhere in this book by having them extend their arms, shutting off their
energy centers and then easily pushing their arms down. Once I’ve gone through this procedure with all 4 people they are
asked to TRY and lift the person seated. Of course they will be unable to!

To reverse the process I sweep my hands from the ground towards the head of each participant to activate their energy
centers and turn their chakras on again. Their arms are ‘muscle tested’ and shown to be very strong again. Now all four do
the lift and are met with incredible success.

This is very powerful and extremely impressive.

4). Something I pride myself on is using select ideas and principles in very unique and extraordinary ways. Because many
people are familiar with the above party stunt and levitation I set out for a way to present the same routine in a completely
different dressing. What follows is one of my favorite séance demonstrations and is a joy to perform…

Having 4 to 6 people standing around a large wooden table we embark upon a magnificent demonstration of table tipping.
Part of this is used in my ‘Telepathy In Action’ sequence in ‘Thought Veil.’ Here we use the same concepts and suggestions
(combined) in a similar way to produce very different results.

The table used for this can be practically any size as long as it’s not too large or too heavy, although you might be surprised to
see the size of the table I used for years. It was a large oak table and looked very intimidating. I’ve also used a folding TV
tray, a bar stool, a small card table, an art pedestal and more very effectively.

The table should have four sturdy legs, you don’t want it wobbling and distributing the weight and unconscious movements
and pressure during this demonstration.

I instruct the participants to place their hands palm down LIGHTLY upon the table top. You can use as many people as you
wish for this procedure, but I find 4 to 6 works very well.

I explain that ‘Table Tilting/Tipping’ has been a classic test/feat in Spiritualist Demonstrations (or hypnosis demonstrations,
energy demonstrations or whatever it is I’m doing!) for centuries. I speak BRIEFLY about glass moving, dowsing (gold, oil
and even water witching, discovering an unborn child’s sex, etc!). I might speak briefly about the Ouija talking board,
automatic writing and even the ideomotor response – how the thoughts we hold in our mind produce involuntary muscular
reactions and movement in the body outside of our conscious awareness.

This is a great time to hand everyone a pendulum or use the classic ‘Posture Sway Test’with the group to demonstrate the
ideomotor response in action.

I go on to explain how many people believe spirit contact happens via our own unconscious mind and that messages from
our Higher Self or perhaps even from the Spirit World may be channeled through a people such as a medium, prophet,
healer, saint, mystic, yogi…or even through the average person via dreams, intuitive flashes, private revelations and moments
of inspiration!

I ask for a show of hands if there are audience members who know what I’m talking about or can relate on some level. From
those who raise their hands I choose a few to assist me on stage.

Of course if you’re using this as part of your hypnosis stage show or ‘TIA’ demonstration you can simply work with those
already on stage.

Once the participants are gathered and have laid their hands upon the table we begin by table moving and tipping. Unlike
some other performers I don’t find it necessary or even desirable to pre-screen the participants. They can be conditioned in a
matter of moments through the very subtle VERBAL suggestibility test above and/or the pendulum test and posture sway
experiment if anything.

‘Throughout time and history in both Spiritualist Camps and private séance chambers – from the old, rustic attics of Victorian times to the
modern living room – tables, glasses, pendulums and other objects have been seen and caused to take on a life of their own by jumping, rocking,
tipping, jerking, tapping, twisting, moving, dancing and even floating under the watchful eyes and steady hands of those present!

While many believed (and still do believe) this phenomena is caused by spiritual forces, today it’s more accepted that the power of our mind and
collective energies and intentions is the prime factor…a true and literal demonstration of mind over matter that ANYONE can be part of.

We can easily attain those same results here tonight, right here, right now by simply staying open minded, not attaching to the results and allowing
ourselves to remain focused and aware during the process. This is easy!

Place your hands on the table and take a few deep breaths with me…in…and out…and again…in…and out…that’s right.

In a moment, NOT YET, I’m going to pass my hand over this table and as I do we’re going to allow the full creative force and highest potential of
our unconscious minds to be released and realized LIVE ON STAGE for everyone to witness.

When that happens you’ll begin to FEEL the table starting to move, jerk, tilt, tip and vibrate. Do not be alarmed…this is perfectly natural and
the result of your own positive state of mind and inner, unlimited potential.

Allow your hands to rest gently upon the table surface, spread your fingers and make sure the palms of your hands are both pressing against the
top as well…and take a deep breath with me…perfect…

(This is conditioning and getting the participants to follow my directions much like the old ‘sit up straight, feet flat on the
floor, hands palm down in your laps’ setup).

When I wave my hand realize that’s a cue for your unconscious mind to come to the surface and begin moving this table. Consciously you could
TRY to resist this movement, but unconsciously it will happen all the same because our thoughts and intentions are united.

So, when the table begins to move via your unconscious mind, CONSCIOUSLY GO WITH IT. Continue exerting even, steady pressure upon
the surface and while I don’t want you to PHYSICALLY move it, please don’t try to stop or hinder what happens in any way. The more you flow
with the unconscious movement the better it works, the better it works the more this table will move, jump, tip, tilt, revolve, slide, vibrate and come
to life under your control.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen easily and naturally!

One more deep breath…and…MOVE…feeling that table starting to vibrate beneath your palms…

MOVE…releasing the unconscious mind in all its power and glory…

MOVE…going with the motion and noticing WHICH WAY the table wishes to move beneath you NOW…

MOVE…guiding the table with your thoughts, easily and naturally…’

And so on.

By giving simple suggestions for the participants to RELAX, go with it, breathe, imagine and visualize the table moving in
their mind in conjunction with your coaching and verbal suggestions this table will start moving all over the place. It’s MUCH
easier than it sounds and to see or feel it happen is like REAL MAGIC.

So how does this tie in with the ‘Abnormal Lift/Psychic Levitation?’

Well, after the table moves and takes on a life of its own, as a final demonstration of our united thoughts and unconscious
mind power the table is lifted up HIGH into the air and hangs there suspended as though held by an invisible force!

I simply use the same framing and suggestion for the ‘PERSON LEVITATION’ in a much different way with an inanimate
object (caused to become animated).

We break the chain and unleash even more of the subject’s true mind and inner potential by taking a deep breath, removing
their hands and repositioning them beneath the table.

Using just two fingers (or the fingertips of each hand cupped under the surface as if playing a piano UPSIDE DOWN) the
table is lifted.

Like the person levitation we do this twice. I explain the table, like any other physical object/matter is simply a complex
energetic form vibrating at a lower level so as to produce the illusion of solidity.

By releasing our unconscious mind power and working together we have effectively INFUSED the table with our collective
consciousness which allows for this to work…or so I say…

For this lift the participants are guided to exert a steady, even pressure beneath the table as we channel our mind power
‘JUST LIKE BEFORE!’ to create the final levitation.

The first time I have them lift it’s to FEEL/REMEMBER how heavy and stable this table really is (conditioning).

The second time the participants are led through deep breathing exercises and SEEING (imagine/visualize) the table being
lifted HIGH into the air as if drawn towards the sky and heavens by Unseen Forces/Higher Mind.

‘Imagine the particles, atoms and molecules that comprise the table and create the illusion of form and solid matter SPEEDING UP, humming,
vibrating and moving at an even faster rate, frequency and vibration now…’

I guide my participants to take a deep breath and as they exhale they LIFT together using steady, even pressure…and see
how light the table is NOW!

They WILL get results!

This really is one of the strongest things I can do with a group of people. I’ve used this for years at my Psychic Home
Parties, at bars and nightclubs, cocktail parties, restaurants, banquets, weddings and award ceremonies, live on stage, during
my ‘TIA’ and hypnosis shows, during my private séance and other venues.

In my stage show I have a small stage table for props, water and anything else I might require. For this test those items are
removed and we use the table.

Remember, whether it’s for a small group or private séance OR for your stage show you should get EVERYONE involved
with the process!

The audience can imagine/visualize, breathe, hum or do whatever you want and need for them to in order for everyone to
participate. I often make this a demonstration of the Group Mind and Collective Consciousness and success for one is
success for ALL!

It’s also very easy, possible and astonishing to get MULTIPLE TABLES moving, lifting, rising, shaking violently, tipping,
turning, revolving, dancing and sliding across the stage or floor.

Kreskin did this on television recently and I about died! It’s something I learned from Ormond McGill (Psychic Magic, Volume
5) and have kept very close to me over the years.

For a full blown demonstration I combine pendulum work, the Posture Sway Test, glass/planchette moving and table tipping
into one gorgeous, full length demonstration with a large portion of my audience and multiple glasses, pendulums and tables.
I use Michael Fraughton’s routine, ‘To Control 10,000 Minds’ (attached as a gift) from his book ‘The Dark Waltz’ with every
audience member using simple (cheap!) pendulums made from string and key rings, fishing weights, keys or even paper clips.

We are far off topic now, but as a quick aside, you can get more than enough keys to make hundreds of pendulums by
approaching a key maker/cutter and asking them for their JUNK KEYS. These are keys that were cut incorrectly and are
thrown away. Key makers often have HUNDREDS of them available and are happy to get rid of them!

By making audience pendulums from these junk keys I make very nice pendulums for very inexpensive costs. It comes out to
the string I use (kite string, ribbon or baking string is best) and the 50 cents in gas to get the keys from my local cutter. Many
of the keys I use are SLIGHTLY pre-bent, so slightly in fact that a bend is barely perceptible and practically INVISIBLE
until I call attention to it!

After the routine, ‘To Control 10,000 Minds’ I have taken control of every pendulum and now lead every audience member to
hold onto their keys tightly now as I focus my energy and cause them to BEND.

By combining suggestion with breathing and visualization I get HUGE responses…we’re talking people SCREAMING and
dropping their keys and even nearly fainting this is so strong.

When this portion is used with my ‘Energetic Wave’ to send my energy across the audience as they hold their keys AND
combined with my ‘Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ or ‘Vanilla’ suggestions (included in my TIA portion of this book) with breathing
and visualization this demonstration simply cannot be beat! It only gets better as those whose keys bent the most and really
felt the energy are called on stage to participate in the table tipping, glass moving and other experiments.

I’m sure to tell my audience members to check the keys in their hands, their own car keys, their coins, their watches and
jewelry for any changes in temperature, structure, time, consistency, etc. I give suggestions that as they arrive home they may
notice street lights burning out as they drive by them, or light bulbs in their house that have burned out and even radios,
alarm clocks, televisions, microwaves and other electronic items might be working differently…but that they will all go back
to normal soon. They should also check their silverware for any changes.

Of course they’ll want to place their keys in a drawer or cupboard somewhere for a few days because the residual energy may
cause those keys to continue BENDING, twisting, melting and becoming deformed…it’s subtle, but they WILL notice a
difference (I say!). After a day or two they are to take the key out again and place it on their key chain as a reminder of the
power of their mind and an object to tap into these warm, loving, positive feelings anytime they that they have
THE KEY to it all!

To recap briefly on this lengthy tangent discussion, the ‘Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board’ demonstration can be done with
tables (and other objects) very effectively!

5). As you’ve seen, there are MANY different ways to present this party stunt as a real, huge, hard hitting, life changing, mind
numbing, jaw dropping demonstration. This is a great example of taking a small effect and minor miracle and
MAGNIFYING IT so as to increase audience participation and perception.

My own preference if I’m using the classic ‘CHAIR LEVITATION’ as explained prior is to be the one being levitated

Speaking about Universal Life Force Energy (chi, ki, prana, ‘the force’) I demonstrate how I am unable to be lifted with just a
few suggestions and re-directing my thoughts and energies to make me heavy as stone.

This can be framed as suggestion, hypnosis, mind power, energy work or any other thing just like before!

Now why do I prefer to have myself levitated?

It’s a prestige suggestion and nothing more.

By having the subjects surround me and becoming the center of focus and attention I’m able to create a certain fondness in
the eyes and minds and hearts of my audience and subjects. By having the audience project their positive thoughts up onto
the stage to surround me and fulfill this experiment I am working on very subtle unconscious levels and gaining their favor
(again, as in my ‘Energetic Wave’ demonstration!).

After weddings, football games, rock concerts (stage diving) or to exalt a King, ruler, dictator or spiritual guru people are
used to the site of having the one being exalted and honored lifted high into the air. With this LIFT I am simply tapping into
that conditioning.

This works very well in the hypnosis show.

You might also think of this presentation for safety issues and photo opportunities for press in your local newspaper. I’ve
even presented this as an alternate to the over exposed but once cherished favorite ‘The Balducci Levitation.’

I used to KILL with this thing!

Today I feel it has been over-exposed and no longer worth doing, BUT, this LEVITATION MIRACLE easily takes its place
as a self levitation of choice.

I present it in a slightly different manner at times. The premise becomes one of meditation and levitation as witnessed by
yogis and mystics throughout time and history.

During this presentation I claim I will LEVITATE MYSELF and the people involved are there merely to provide support
and assist me in lifting off. To PROVE it’s not them lifting me, they go ahead and TRY to lift me up once (conditioning and
priming the brain as detailed prior).

Once it is seen that I cannot be lifted, it stands to reason that later when I DO lift up high in the air it is by my own mind
power and special abilities and NOT the participants lifting me!

I give the same suggestions as the TABLE LEVITATION, that is, for my participants to SUPPORT ME and apply a calm,
steady, even pressure to support me and prevent me from falling should my attention or energy waver. Basically, though I’m
not suspended in the air, it is pretty close with using my MIND & ENERGY to make myself considerably LIGHTER…I’m
still learning!

At one time I did this WITH the Balducci Levitation to astonishing effect. Now I’m down to just this ONE levitation, but I
find it works just as well and isn’t overkill. It’s also HIGHLY believable.

Consider now if your subjects on stage are all HYPNOTIZED that you can deliver blatant suggestions off the microphone
for them to simply LIFT YOU UP as you concentrate.

There are many ways to handle this and for now I’ll keep my personal presentation and handling private knowing I’ve given
you all quite a lot already.

I trust the information given here will give you something to think about and use on a regular basis whether or not you
include it in your stage hypnosis show or not.

The Final Count Out

A lot has happened in this show outline and though it seems like a lot, next I will show you how very easy to
perform and simple in execution this show and program really is.

In these final moments you have either ended your show with the ‘DANCE CONTEST’ and all the participants are back in
their seats. As an alternate ending, extension or encore piece you may have also included any combination of the ‘HYPNO

At the conclusion of any (or all) of these pieces your show is practically finished and a few important things need to happen.

Obviously we need to count the hypnotized subject out of their state and bring them fully back to normal awareness. This is

I also recommend you sharing a few last thoughts, a short motivational or inspirational story, quote, poem or lecture.

You’ll want to thank the audience AND your participants for their time, attention and participation.

It’s at this time you’ll plug any products you might have for sale INCLUDING videos of the actual show. People who
participated and/or their family, friends and co-workers often want copies of these IF they are available.

You’ll also want to plug any future shows, appearances or demonstrations you may be giving.

The subjects will be led to the front of the stage after the count out to take a bow with you and receive their final applause.
You’ll then make your exit and RELAX!

Let’s take it from the beginning with the COUNT OUT.


Here is a version of the general script I use during this procedure. The portions in parenthesis are entirely optional and are
included to expand this count out portion with a few inspirational, positive thoughts and suggestions.

As usual this script can be shortened, expanded or revised in every way to make it fit and work for YOU!

‘Sleeping soundly, deeply relaxed…listening to the sound of my voice and my final instructions…let’s give our participants on stage a BIG
ROUND OF APPLAUSE…( to show our appreciation for their minds, willingness to participate and unbridled creativity
this evening!).

…listening closely to the sound of my voice and my instructions…realizing we’re at the end of our program and as you relax deeply, sitting there
stuck to your seats, eyes closed and breathing gently I’d like to thank each and every one of you for joining me on stage this evening, sharing your
minds, your hearts, your skills, abilities, gifts and talents by putting on a great show tonight. You were all FANTASTIC and please know that I
appreciate you…

In a moment I’m going to count from 1 to 5 and say WIDE AWAKE and on that last number 5 upon hearing the words WIDE AWAKE
NOW your eyes will open, you’ll sit up straight in your seats feeling perfect in every way and join me here at the front of the stage for our final bow
and goodbye.

In a moment I’ll count from 1 to 5, on that last number 5 your eyes will open and you’ll all be wide awake and feeling PERFECT in every way,
retaining all of the positive benefits of hypnosis, deep relaxation and your inner creativity as shown and expressed LIVE here on stage with me
this evening.

(Hypnosis is a lot like dreaming…some of you will remember ALL of your dreams here this evening, some of you will
remember bits and pieces of your experience with me tonight and many of you may not remember a single thing at all other
than you had a great time and feel perfect in every way!)

Taking a deep breath with me now…in…and out…and again…in…and out… that’s right…

1…allowing your thoughts to become centered and focused inside your mind, inside your body becoming more conscious, present, alert, awake and
aware with each passing moment…realizing you did a wonderful job with me on stage this evening, you had a fantastic time and the audience loves

…the next time you go to bed and enter sleep you’ll enter the deepest, most satisfying and restful sleep of your life and wake up feeling like you’ve
had a full 8 hours of sleep, a 2 hour massage and a full day of relaxing feeling happy and vital and perfect in every way…

2…feeling every muscle, nerve and fiber of your body coming to life with vibrant energy and filled with LIGHT…ready to accept all of the
wonderful gifts, blessings, people, places and experiences life has to offer you now in this moment and in the future…embracing your full potential
and accepting that you have a beautiful, super powerful, ultra creative and totally competent mind and you’re ALL capable of doing anything you
wish to in this life…each and every one of you…

(1, 2 and 3…)

3…Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth…finding comfort now in the truth and in the reality that from this moment forth
you can BE, DO & HAVE anything and everything you desire because of your remarkable work and personal involvement with me here on
stage tonight.

Every thought in your mind, every breath you take, every heart beat within you and each passing moment exist to serve you and helps you to
REALIZE you can be what you will to be…you can be what you choose to be…and from this moment forth you become ready, willing and able to
CHOOSE MORE of every good thing and positive experience that life has to offer you…and what you choose will come to you, easily and
naturally…NOW…that you’ve experienced your mind and potential through hypnosis and unlocked the full power of your creative mind…the
MIND that creates!

(1, 2 and 3…

If you desire more love in your life, simply commit now to becoming more loving. If your desire is to have greater financial
abundance, do things that reflect your natural success and prosperity and share it with others.

Realize you can be, do and have anything you choose and desire so long as you have the consciousness for it. If you would
have health, choose to have a health centered consciousness. If you would have more power in your life, embrace and
connect with the power consciousness.

You can BE what you will to be. You can BE what you CHOOSE to be.

Choose more.)

1, 2, 3 and 4…feeling as though your mind has been washed with clear, refreshing mountain spring water and filled up with light…filling your
mind, body and spirit with fresh, vibrant, vital, radiant thoughts and life force energy…realizing that moment to moment you are giving and
receiving…giving and receiving…moment to moment…

As you breathe in you receive the blessings and support of THE SOURCE OF LIFE and the Universe inside of you and all around you…
taking pure oxygen into your lungs, into your brain and into your bloodstream…receiving the gift of LIFE and LIGHT…

…and as you exhale, you in turn GIVE AND SHARE THE GIFT OF LIFE with the plants, the trees, the flowers, the rocks, the clouds
and the streams…giving and receiving moment to moment…fully connected to the SOURCE OF LIFE AND LIGHT AND
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE within you…becoming more centered, conscious, focused, alert and aware with each word I speak, every breath
you take, every heart beat inside you and each passing moment NOW…ready to open your eyes and feel perfect in every way…with all
performance suggestions now erased and any thoughts, ideas, suggestions or conditioning not for your highest and greatest good in life are all erased
with them…

1, 2, 3 and 4…

When I say WIDE AWAKE on this last number 5 you’ll open your eyes feeling perfect in every way, completely back to normal in every way
now, instantly and automatically, easily and naturally… and more empowered for having enjoyed your experience with me this evening.

On this last number you’ll open your eyes and form a line on the front of the stage with a sense of passion, urgency and excitement to join me in
one final bow and a HUGE round of applause from your audience this evening…knowing that you’ve ALL done a spectacular job tonight and
this applause WILL be for YOU…

1…centered, alert, awake, aware and focused in the room with me now…

2…feeling perfect in every way, all performance suggestions completely erased…

3…ready to open your eyes and join me at the front of the stage…

4…feeling whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy and prosperous in every way…ready to open your eyes, take a bow and
receive your final applause with me tonight…

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5…WIDE AWAKE!

Please join me at the front of the stage now and we’ll take our final bow TOGETHER…

Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to thank you once again for attending my show this evening and for supporting our wonderful subjects and
participants on stage. We truly couldn’t do it without YOU! You’ve been a wonderful audience this evening and I think I speak for all of us when
I say we deeply appreciate you!

Please remember to drive home safely, kiss the ones you love, sleep well tonight and give it up one last time FOR THE TRUE STARS OF



My final suggestions and structure change practically every show. I do my best to open my heart and expand my awareness
and place myself in the shoes of my audience and subjects during both the show AND the count out. What would YOU
want to hear from the performer if you were in their shoes?

While the scripts in this book might appear like a lot to remember at first it’s actually very easy and will come to you with
time and attention. If you happen to freeze or forget your lines, simply say what you FEEL and speak from your heart and a
place of authenticity. Be real with your people, show them THEIR authentic selves, support them in their choices and their
abilities and they will love and respect you.

As long as you have a BASIC IDEA of what to say for each skit, each suggestion and your count out you’ll be perfectly fine!
Hypnosis is very jazzy and spontaneous by nature – although we can plan and prepare EVERY SHOW WILL BE

It’s only natural that your lines, suggestions and way you phrase things will also be different at times. Worry less about a set
script and MORE about communicating the basic/general idea CLEARLY.


You’ll notice in my count out I take care of most things that need to be done including the actual trance termination and
erasing suggestions, giving a very short motivational thought, thanking the audience and taking the final bow. I also get one
last round of applause (the audience is conditioned to applaud at the final bow) and I take my leave.

At this time you can either play a piece of music OR have the host, DJ/sound technician or an assistant take over and tell
people about future appearances, videos or products for sale and whatever else may need to be said.

If I’m working a regular venue as the subjects are lining up on stage with me and I thank the audience I’ll say something
along the lines of,

‘Thank you for joining me this evening and please come enjoy the show again every Friday and Saturday night here at the ( name of venue). My
name is Jerome Finley…God bless and goodnight!’

One thing to think about during your count out and ending your show is POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS. These are
suggestion given to be acted upon AFTER the trance has been terminated properly. Remember that for a few minutes after
formal trance has ended your subjects will still be highly suggestible. Yes, they are coming down to earth again BUT will still
respond to any PHS you gave them while in trance.

You can simply add these suggestions to your formal count out/trance termination instead of the motivational thoughts and
ideas…or a combination of both. I know longer use post hypnotic suggestions in my show because I don’t want the liability
that comes with them. It’s a personal decision if you choose to use them.

Examples of post hypnotic suggestions might be audience members barking like dogs or howling at the moon on their drive
home when they stop at each red light, or calling all their family, friends and teachers at 1:00 a.m. to tell them, ‘Jerome Finley
is the best Hypnotist in the world!’

They might respond with a certain catch phrase whenever someone asks them what their name is or what time it is or
perhaps they begin dancing the next time they hear music and stop when the song changes or ends. You could give PHS that
your subject thinks their car is painted a different color while they were in the show, or that their house is gone the first time
they drive by it.

You can give ANY post hypnotic suggestions you wish and here’s a tip…

When I did end my show with these suggestions I would do an even mix or suggestions that would be acted upon
immediately and suggestions that would be acted upon later that night.

The psychology here is the audience members will see various subjects still acting upon your suggestions while leaving the
theatre or venue. They will HEAR the OUTRAGEOUS suggestions you give to some others and THINK it’s going to
happen. The more outrageous (yet safe) these suggestions are, the better.

Chances are good by the time your subjects get home they will be completely back to normal in every way and WILL NOT
respond to the suggestions you gave them. My theory is if the post hypnotic suggestion after a STAGE SHOW is not
something that can or will be acted upon immediately, it probably won’t be…

With this in mind you can suggest to a subject that tomorrow they will wake up for work or school and dress in women’s
clothing. All day they will work in a dress and high heels and think everything is perfectly normal.

This would be a mean suggestion to give BUT I guarantee you that nobody is going to act upon it! The audience doesn’t
realize this however so to them this suggestion is a very powerful and very funny one.

One rule I have about PHS is they need to be respectful and SAFE for the subject in every way. You don’t want someone to
hallucinate while driving, run into traffic, eat something dangerous and other bad ideas. I no longer use PHS because
consider this…what if I told a subject they would hallucinate their favorite cartoon character on the way home and that
person crashed? Even if it was their own fault or a freak accident I don’t want them to say they saw Mickey Mouse in the
middle of the highway and had an accident. I think if you do enough shows and give enough PHS’s that a time will come
when someone is hurt or becomes ill and blames YOU the hypnotist. I don’t want that to happen, so I no longer use POST

When the subjects leave my side and stage they are completely back to normal.

A few more things…

If you want to have videos/DVD recordings of the show available for sale you’ll obviously need to be set up to do so.
Another option is taking names if you cannot do this on location. Audience members who want a video can leave their name
and contact info and be called or emailed by an assistant when the video is ready. Payment can be made and the video sent
OR they can pick it up at next week’s show.

Remember that during your hypnosis show the STAGE WHISPER is one of your most powerful tools. By speaking OFF the
microphone directly to your subjects on stage you can change, control and temper their actions, behavior, response, attitude
and feelings. Quietly you may suggest a subject is becoming calmer, slower, faster, more excited, happier and more. Between
subjects you may suggest they are best friends or worse enemies (BUT, they cannot and will not touch each other!). You can
heat up an argument between subjects very easily by simply suggesting, ‘What he’s saying makes you laugh uncontrollably now!’ or
‘What she just said makes you cry!’

The audience isn’t aware of these suggestions and if your subjects are not performing exactly how you want them to,
QUIETLY tell them how to respond! They will do as you say. Remember always, YOU ARE THE HYPNOTIST and YOU

The last few bits of advice I can give you is to constantly remain aware of the safety and comfort of your subjects. If
someone seems to be under a lot of stress, approaching an abnormal reaction to hypnosis, stops having fun, gets too
exhausted, has an emotional outburst – whatever – you or an assistant needs to accommodate that person. Don’t let it ruin
your show!

You can leave a person out of the next skit, have an assistant count them out or do it yourself while the other subjects are
performing, suggest that ALL suggestions are leaving their mind now and everything is blank, neutral and count them out or
whatever you need to do.

Make sure if your subjects move around the stage they do so with their eyes open at all times and if they sleep standing up
their feet are locked in place, perfectly balanced EXACTLY as though they were AWAKE!

I often have “Glow Sticks” set in the four corners of my stage to mark the parameters. I suggest my subjects cannot move
past the glow sticks taped to the floor. This keep them close to the stage front but a fair distance away for their safety.

To insure the safety of your audience members and other subjects those on stage should not throw anything or physically
touch another person unless YOU tell them to!

If you happen to be using a shock induction at the beginning of the show you may want to ask your assistant to make the
rounds with a garbage can so the participants can spit out any candy, gum or mints they might be chewing on. These present
a choking hazard and chewing can be distracting to the process.

Also, if a person wishes to come on stage and participate in the show I ask they leave any cell phones and other valuables
with their friends and companions if they are worried about losing them. Sometimes a wallet will slip out or a watch will fall
off. I keep my eyes open for these things and so does my assistant. You don’t want anyone losing anything of great personal
value on stage. This suggestion and recommendation is entirely optional.

In the beginning when I say hypnosis is for EVERYONE I mean it. The only conditions I won’t risk are pregnant women
and those with an existing back, neck, knee/leg or shoulder problem (an existing injury) or recent surgery. Let the audience
members know your show is a physical demonstration of the power of their mind and as such everyone who arrives on stage
does so knowing this and acknowledging they are in good, stable health (both mind and body).

Always be sure to arrive early at the venue for a light and sound check. Make sure your microphones have new batteries and
enough juice to last throughout the performance. If you need to have a set list or index cards with routines made up to refer
to, that’s fine too. Very soon you’ll know your show inside and out and will be able to do it any way you wish from memory.

Hypnosis is like everything else…PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

Above all else, CONFIDENCE IS KEY.

If you can ACT CONFIDENTLY and be warm, charming and personable you WILL be a great hypnotist. If the audience
likes you and believes that you can hypnotize people they WILL become hypnotized by you! Act ‘AS IF’ and ‘fake it till you
make it!’


For the sake of clarity let’s recap and reconsider the entire hypnosis show outline and alternate, extended ending
up to this point. I’ll be giving options for the full show explained in depth prior AND a shortened version that lasts
about 45 minutes. The show is modular in nature and ANYTHING can be moved around, cut or added to your
program very easily.

The order goes like this:

• Introduction.

• Greet the audience and give your opening/pre-talk

• Make the call to stage (this is its own suggestibility test!)

• Continue with the induction of your choice.

• Deepening sequence (I keep it short).

• Drumming

• Horse Riding

• Hot Feet

• Put the subjects in their seats on stage and SLEEP.

• Can’t speak – stuttering, name amnesia, stuck suggestions (various suggestions)

• ‘NOT HYPOTIZED’ routine.

• ‘A Trip to the MOVIES’

• ‘Voodoo Doll’ routine.

• ‘Merry Go Round’ (the subjects pretend to be children).

• ‘Roller Coaster Ride’ (adults again).

• PANDEMONIUM (all subjects get different suggestions and act on them simultaneously or in close succession).

• DANCE CONTEST (multiple pieces of music and dance styles).

• OPTIONAL FINALE/ENCORE PIECES: Hypno Apple, Psychic Levitation & Full Body Catalepsy.



It would be of great assistance if you’ll hand write this routine list with the music and titles you’ll be using next to each skit,
routine or demonstration.

Practice giving the suggestions and what you’ll say at each new transition and routine. You’ll have this show down in no time
at all.

Another thing I recommend is watching as many live hypnosis shows as you can stomach. Get familiar with the pacing and
lingo, routines and phases of a live show by watching a few great performers. I’m not asking you to steal or ‘borrow’ from
these people, just familiarize yourself with LIVE hypnosis stage shows and their proper performance.

If you can’t get to a stage show locally then search the internet. YouTube and scores of hypnosis stage show performers out
there have clips, videos and material/performances that you can watch. See how they do things and notice what you like
about their act and what you don’t like about it to.

Video yourself giving these suggestions and remember to watch your body language on stage. I cannot recommend Ken
Webster’s book, ‘Maximum Entertainment’ enough. Besides this book you’re holding, that book is the most valuable and
important book regarding live performance that you can own, read and study closely.

Over the years with hypnosis I realized that much like magic or mentalism, LESS IS MORE!

Here is the shortened show outline I now use:

• Introduction.

• Greet the audience and give your opening/pre-talk

• Make the call to stage (this is its own suggestibility test!)

• Continue with the induction of your choice.

• Deepening sequence (I keep it short).

• Drumming

• Hot Feet

• Put the subjects in their seats on stage and SLEEP.

• Can’t speak – stuttering, name amnesia, stuck suggestions (various suggestions)

• ‘NOT HYPOTIZED’ routine (includes ‘Janitor/mop dancing’ & HYPNO APPLE).

• ‘A Trip to the MOVIES’

• ‘Voodoo Doll’ routine.

• ‘Merry Go Round’ (the subjects pretend to be children).

• ‘Roller Coaster Ride’ (adults again).

• PANDEMONIUM (all subjects get different suggestions and act on them simultaneously or in close succession).

• DANCE CONTEST (multiple pieces of music and dance styles).


As you can see I still have the MAJOR parts of the original polished show and full performance outline intact. I’ve removed
little things here and there, namely the ‘Horse Riding’ and encore pieces including the full body catalepsy, levitation and ‘Hypno-
Apple’ demonstration (which I moved to the ‘NOT HYPNOTIZED’ skit).

This show is tight, streamlined, shortened and gives the maximum entertainment and production values in the least amount
of time. I’ve also shortened by introduction and pre-talk to less than 3 or 4 minutes and my full induction and deepening
sequence only lasts about 6 minutes TOPS. After that we’re off and running and it’s non-stop laughs and demonstrating the
powers of the human mind, infinite creativity and unlimited potential of the subjects for a solid hour. Even though the show
only lasts 70-75 minutes or so from beginning to end (at the very most!) the audience is fully satisfied at the end – they’ve had
enough AND I leave them wanting more. Ideally, I want to give my audience and subjects about 55-60 minutes of actual
HYPNOSIS demonstrations.

After many years of performing stage hypnosis shows and working with every routine, skit or demonstration I was ever
taught or came across THIS SHOW HERE is the one I have the best results with. It’s a classic comedy hypnosis show,
polished, scripted and flows perfectly. There are no ‘down times’ and it is one thing after another. This outline and sequence
works so well because it’s varied, different, highly entertaining, hilarious and powerful and carries a huge impact.

The music is PERFECT, the timing and routines are perfect, the transitions are all perfect and it’s a surefire winner for ANY
audience age or large group. It works just as well for great big shows as it does for smaller shows and the requirements are
very minimal.

Even this show can be shortened to play for 45 minutes and I’ve done guest demonstrations for other entertainers and shot
gun performances at a variety of venues, in various situations that can last 15-30 minutes without any problems.

If you want to keep your show around 30-45 minutes I suggest the following sequence AFTER your intro, pre-talk, call to
stage and very fast induction:

• Drumming

• Hot Feet

• Can’t Speak – stuck, stuttering, name amnesia

• Trip to the Movies

• Merry Go Round

• Voodoo Doll

• Ballet


If you plan on adding HYPNOSIS to your existing stage show or mind reading program I suggest going the ‘WAKING
HYPNOSIS/NOT HYPNOSIS’ and/or ‘Telepathy In Action’ route.

You will also find HUGE entertainment value in a few different SET PIECES or suggestibility tests and some psychological
forces. You’ll be amazed at how much just about ANY audience responds to my ‘5 Star Opener’ with the ‘MAGNETIC

Blend this with my version of ‘The Jumping Pulse’ and you’ve got yourself an entire show with no props OR a magnificent
opening to your hypnotic program which includes suggestibility tests AND the induction!

My opening lecture these days merely consists of telling the audience I’m a hypnotist, very glad to see them, asking who has
ever been to a stage hypnosis show and then explaining the best way to explain what I do IS JUST TO SHOW THEM. I
especially love this approach for shorter shows, at parties, bars and nightclubs or as part of my full evening mind reading

Very briefly, I emphasis the ‘fact’ that ALL hypnosis is self hypnosis and that I cannot hypnotize anyone who doesn’t wish to
be, nor will they do anything under hypnosis they wouldn’t normally do after a few stiff cocktails. I remind the participants
THEY will be in full control at all times and could open their eyes and walk off stage or resist ANY of the suggestions
given at any time. I promise I’ll take great care of them, that we’re going to have a blast together and I’m excited to work with
them tonight before calling those interested to the stage.

During this short presentation I smile A LOT, make direct eye contact, speak with passion and excitement, keep my body
language open, inviting and non- intimidating and we’re off!

This takes me about TWO MINUTES and I begin filling the stage with willing participants. My induction happens in about 5
minutes and includes the deepening, followed by 25-30 minutes of non-stop hypnosis routines, skits, suggestions and

Mix and match any routines, skits and demonstrations that have personal appeal to you. I’ve given you the full hypnosis
scripts and outlines I use and every technique I use. You can be just as successful OR MORE SO using these same
techniques in your own way.

Thought the scripts and verbiage I’ve given you throughout this book and course appear lengthy (they are!) remember that
for the most part it’s done to give you every thought and nuance I have as is possible. 90% of the scripts you see in this book
can be shortened dramatically!

To end, I trust this show and the techniques in this book will serve you as well as they have served me. I know they will! I’ve
given you all the tools necessary to insure that you make a long and enjoyable career out of stage hypnosis, psychological
mentalism and psychic entertainment.

Please use this material well and in good faith. This book represents over a decade of schooling, performing in the real world
and implementing the tools, routines, techniques, scripts, nuances, subtleties and applications I have given you. Treat this
material well and in return it will turn your performances and career into SOLID GOLD. This book is a treasure and
represents some of my best work to date. I’m happy, honored and excited to share it with you!

The Mystic Hypnosis Show

The classic, staple, tried and true COMEDY HYPNOSIS show is going to be your ‘bread and butter’ hypnosis
show in most countries, states, venues, environments and situations where you can perform hypnosis. When the
public hears of a ‘hypnosis show’ they expect to be entertained and to see (or do!) some very hilarious things – it’s
just a given.

That said, using the techniques in this book and a few alternate presentation will allow you to provide a very different type of
hypnosis show. While this show is NOT as commercial and not suitable for all ages or audiences, it is very powerful and is
where my current beliefs, attitude and interests leads me.

In the MYSTIC HYPNOSIS SHOW all the routines, skits and demonstrations have been heavily revised; the presentation
and approach here is completely different. This show has much more of a New Age ‘woo woo’ feel to it and includes things
such as past life regressions, automatic writing, table tipping, energy work, psychic readings and more.

When I present this show I may or may not even use the term HYPNOSIS during it. Or I may!

This show can be presented as drawing upon a ‘special state of mind similar to the ecstatic states of consciousness known by mystics,
healers, shamans, saints and yogis throughout time and history’ for its effects.

I’ve presented this program as meditation, self hypnosis, eyes open lucid dreaming, waking trance states, channeling the
Universal Mind and more.

Because this is such a specialist show and program I’ll leave you with the responsibility of creating your own opening
lecture/pre talk and presentation. Mine wouldn’t work for you and is all about the time I’ve spent in Africa, working with the
native healers and shamans, mystics all over the world. I use crystal skulls and Zulu casting bones in this show (it includes a
Q&A portion) and it’s very particular and specific to me.

In this program I use the ‘ANGEL SUGGESTIBILITY TEST’ as outlined elsewhere in this book, ‘The Jumping Pulse’ and
other exercises such as my ‘Energetic Wave’ as the induction and set pieces. This is all framed around teaching my audience and
select volunteers how to access their natural knowing, intuition, advanced/Higher states of mind and planes of
consciousness, etc.

Everything my participants do in this show serves as a perfect example and shining demonstration of their own natural
knowing, intuition, latent gifts, talents, skills and abilities. I’m merely bringing these abilities to the surface and showing
people how to use them in unique and interesting ways that will uplift, empower and inspire them during the program.

After my opening speech and introduction I use the aforementioned ‘Angel Test’ for the call to stage and then my version of
the ‘Jumping Pulse’ with the entire audience. Though I’ll be working directly with the participants on stage, I also spend ample
time working with the entire audience as in my ‘Telepathy In Action’ show.

The JP serves as the induction and gets my audience into a proper, relaxed and special state of mind. I give suggestions that
WHILE THEY ARE IN THIS STATE we can access gifts and abilities they never knew they had…

This becomes feats such as the ‘UNBENDABLE ARM’ but I frame this routine as the ‘AIKIDO ARM’ where participants
use their focus and natural energy/chi to make their arm straight, stiff and rigid. As I’m leading the audience through this
process I’m DEMONSTRATING how to do it with one or more people on my stage. In this sense, those on stage are not

here to entertain everyone in the audience, but serve as focal points, teaching assistants and living demonstrations of these
principles in action.

The entire ‘show’ itself takes on more of a lecture/demonstration feel and even a slight WORKSHOP type feel. I find this is
PERFECT for high end PSYCHIC HOME PARTIES as well! I often use this outline when I’m lecturing for the public,
giving talks and free introduction seminars, presenting at New Age bookstores and Occult shops around town and more.

I’ll give a list of the demonstrations I use. Unlike my classic hypnosis show this outline and structure will not contain the
exact scripts I use or suggestions given – though it WILL give you a very good idea at how to present something like this!


The Aikido Arm:

As we’ll discuss later when looking at advanced WAKING HYPNOSIS techniques, the AIKIDO ARM is a wonderful
variation on the classic ARM LOCK test. It reverses the approach and makes it LESS of a challenge and MORE of a
demonstration of the subject’s own abilities. It imparts useful working tools, new ideas and solid concepts the participant(s)
can apply to their own life.

Deep Trance Relaxation:

I frame this as the ‘special state of mind’ that such mystics as Edgar Cayce would go into to develop their prophecies, visions
and healings abilities. I take the subjects DEEP inside themselves as I would within my stage hypnosis show and then set an
anchor that from anytime now and in the future they may INSTANTLY re-enter this same state of complete relaxation and
expanded awareness as they wish.

Past Life Regressions:

Pay special attention to the PLR I teach in this book and the techniques I use to insure they do not become too heavy for the
subject. I use techniques to insure my regressed participants will feel NO PAIN and not experience any heartache or negative

I offer my past life regressions as creative exercises in the beginning stages and present the experience along the lines of
energetic field theory, quantum physics, genetic memories, premise of everything being energy and the idea that all is

Whether PLR’s are real or imagined I state their use as creative, naturally therapeutic and intuitive exercises is of incredible
value. As ways of detailing and describing useful, working metaphors for those regressed and placing those metaphors into
focus and perspective regarding the subject’s current life events, situation and experience the PLR has tremendous uses in
this field.

For the PLR I use a technique I favor in my private work and personal readings. 1-3 subjects will be regressed DEEPLY into
a past life experience and the focus of this demonstration will be on them.

The others are also regressed, though because we have limited time they are asked to share their experience, what they
witnessed and how it made them feel in 60 seconds or less. I call this the PLR ‘cliffs notes.’

The idea at this point is to MAGNIFY and project the normal PLR I have detailed in this course with as many people as
possible. A way to avoid any abreactions or hypno-drama is to suggest that using their intuition and creativity each subject

will PRETEND/IMAGINE entering an alternate past (accessing their energetic history and legacy) and experience their own
PAST LIFE live on stage.

This demonstration lasts about 10 minutes. You can also lead an entire audience through a mental/visual/perceptual
experience and go around the room sharing what they saw, felt, touched and stood witness to in their own minds.

Past Life Regression Technique

The Past Life Regression is a MAJOR draw in both my public and private work and one of my favorite things to
do. I’m not going to get into questions of these events being “real” or “imagined” or even the ethics surrounding
such a thing as viewpoints and perspectives regarding this work are going to be multiple and varied depending on
who you discuss them with. I assume readers will think for themselves and as with ALL of the material in this
course, that you will practice my techniques with the greatest integrity and the safety of your client in mind and
heart at all times.

The regression I use takes one of two simple forms. The first one I favor is known simply as “The Christos Technique” and can
be found online by simply googling the title of the technique and learned for free. It’s easy to use, very effective and works
like a charm. Depending on the client and venue I find myself in I might use this regression technique and experience to
facilitate a past life experience with those I work with.

More than the Christos technique, I use very simple and flexible (gentle, basic) tools to regress my clients seeking this kind of
experience while delivering suggestions of them exploring a Past Life of their own choosing or connection. It’s very simple.

First, prepare your client/subject in the usual manner. If using this technique in a clinical environment, for change work,
inner-problem resolution (etc) then you may wish to go through your pre-session interview and intake as usual.

One thing I ALWAYS do whether on stage or in my private office is establish the client’s criteria, core beliefs and values as
explained in this course. I want to know WHY they wish to experience a past life regression and what they aim to gain from
it. This is important!


Because after I know what my client wants and needs I can hold a shared intention with them. Using their criteria I can steer
the session and regression in a positive direction to affect a powerful outcome.

When you’re ready to begin, I take a few moments and EXPLAIN what the typical past life regression looks and feels like.
Care must be exercised here so as to not LEAD your client’s experience and alter their perceptions while in trance. The
object here is not to fill the client’s head with ideas, but to allow them freedom for full creative expression to generate and
explore their own ideas.

I think of PLR’s as a sort of light creative-therapy and imaginative problem solving. The scenarios and stories created by
your client may well be a mixture of their own inner desires, problems, challenges and frustrations as well as their
subconscious mind acting out a series of events in an attempt to make sense of situations and scenarios occurring in this
incarnation. Much like a dream, the unconscious mind is processing information in this state and experiencing its own story
in a creative way.

You should realize now that issues worked out in “past lives” and the information gathered during these sessions CAN at
times carry incredible self-healing potential, emotional & energetic release and the seeds of self reflection and inner
contemplation. Problems “solved” or realized and experienced in a previous (real or imagined) incarnation can have verifiable
and dramatic effects and impact on the client in this life and life experience.

As I briefly explain what a PLR feels like and what’s going to take place now I include all the normal instructions that I would
for any hypnosis session, i.e. that for most people trance happens very easily and naturally and everyone can be hypnotized

(though some subjects are naturally better at entering deep states of relaxation than others, but all can learn and it gets better
with practice!), that they won’t be in any unconscious “zombified” state, but that using these techniques together we enter a

It’s from this higher vantage point wherein the powerful subconscious mind comes to the forefront and working through the
model of a possible past life experience and previous incarnation that we can elicit various information, answers and inner
(self) healing responses – even facilitate a healing state of mind and body – via the regression experience.

Further, I let the client know that at any time should they so choose they can open their eyes and end the regression
immediately. Should they choose this “emergency exit” they will re-enter the room here with me instantly and with full
awareness of everything they experienced during our session together and continue feeling perfect in every way.

Once their mind has been put at ease regarding the process I make sure to answer any last minute questions they might have.

One thing you might like to stress to your subject is to NOT go into this experience with any preconceived notions regarding
who or what they were in a past life. They should enter the process and experience willingly and without any expectations
regarding what time frame or gender, family/bloodline, geographical area or destination, name or personality (etc) in their
mind. I stress that whatever comes up is of use and value and it serves a purpose.

I tell them that while I would be THRILLED to discover a client who was Moses or knew Jesus or ruled as Cleopatra or
practiced magick and mysticism as Aleister Crowley that the odds for this being the case are incredibly small and insignificant
compared to what is available and accessed by their own subconscious mind during this session.

Once an open mind has been established, the client is at ease, we’ve established criteria and what they want or wish to
get/gain from this experience and answered any last minute questions I move directly into the actual regression experience
like so.

To begin, I have the client get comfortable and together we take a few deep, calming, centering breaths in…and out…in…
and out. You may wish to use any of the rhythmic breathing techniques outlined in this book OR lead the client through a
number of deep breaths (12-36) to calm and relax them and increase their susceptibility to suggestion.

Once the deep breathing has been completed I simply ask the subject to close their eyes and focus their attention now on
their “inner vision” – the black screen behind their eyelids where we’ll soon be projecting a pallet of colors for even deeper
relaxation, inner awareness and prompting the subconscious mind to respond.

At this point I take my clients through a simple 7-color deepening sequence using the spectrum of light and rainbow colors
(ROY G BIV) and end with a brilliant BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT surrounding the client, filling them up within and covering
them without filling up the space all around them producing a rich, white fog or mist they cannot see beyond.

NOTE: You can use any deepening technique or suggestions you wish to here. Favorite variations of mine include “The
Jumping Pulse Unleashed”, the “No Induction Induction/Expectancy Induction” as deepeners and/or primary inductions as well.

If you’re using the WHITE LIGHT as suggested prior it’s at this point I suggest the client is nearing the jumping off point
where they will separate their subtle energy consciousness from this life and incarnation to explore one of their potential past

The wording you use at this point is entirely up to you. I haven’t included set scripts or canned suggestions for this process
(or many others) because I’m against reading hypno-scripts (in real time) or memorizing hypnotic scripts in most cases. I
would rather you use your basic and advanced knowledge of suggestion, language patterns, powerful words and positive
states of being to CREATE the wording and suggestions that you yourself find most natural and effective.

Once the client has confirmed that s/he can see the protective, safe, loving, healing, warm WHITE LIGHT & POSITIVE
ENERGY all around them I suggest that NOW (snap, tap or lightly touch the client) that light starts to fade away slowly and

…and as the light fades the client sees themselves in a body and in some scene DIFFERENT than the one they arrived in
and that “some believe this to be a past life of yours and that you should explore it with great joy and enthusiasm.”

Ideally I use a 10 to 1 COUNTDOWN for dissipating the WHITE LIGHT. This is nice because it gives the client/subject a
few moments to prepare and I use this time to create expectation and anticipation for the imagery and new mental scenes to
unfold. I also take this 10-1 countdown opportunity to further deepen the trance state (remember, trance = a state of

I just say,

“In a moment I’m going to count backwards from 10 down to 1. In a moment I’m going to count backwards from 10 down to 1and as I do, you’re
going to notice the WHITE LIGHT that surrounds you right now begins to fade more and more with each passing number…

…and as we get closer and closer to the number ONE (our last and final number) the white light, protective smoke, healing mist and warm,
comforting fog will continue fading even more until we reach that last number ONE when the veil separating the worlds within you will be lifted
completely and you’ll realize that you’ve found yourself in a new body, a new time and personality and gazing into a completely different scene inside
of your own mind and inner space.”

Now I proceed with my countdown and suggestions such as,

“10…seeing the WHITE HEALING LIGHT growing dimmer and fainter now, slowly and gradually fading away from your mind, away
from you body…

9…taking another deep breath with me NOW and preparing to find yourself in a new mind, body and life experience, easily and naturally…

8…Breathing in all remaining WHITE LIGHT & PROTECTION…breathing out and dissipating the dense fog and veil appearing all
around you…

7…seeing that white light fading more and more now with each passing moment…

6…feeling your consciousness breaking away from you and transcending this life time and reality…knowing you can come back here to the room
with me at anytime by simply opening your eyes…

5…preparing to experience a new life/past life and perspective based on your current life lessons and situation…feeling perfect and being perfectly
safe in every way…




And on this last number the fog between you and your past lives/incarnations will disappear instantly and completely and as a result of that, you’ll
immediately find yourself in a new lifetime and reality, able to describe everything you can see, taste, touch, feel, smell, know and otherwise
experience to me…remaining perfectly safe and in my care every step of the way and perfectly able to recall this experience immediately whenever
you wish to…

And 1…see any remaining light and the veil between minds and worlds disappearing now as a personal and relevant new scene and imagery opens
up clearly before you…the first visions of another life, time and place…

Take a moment to get your bearings…and describe what you see.”

You can see how simple and direct this technique is. Notice too there are INFINITE variations on this process such as
dissipating the Light and having a door come into focus…

Ask the client to describe the door (which, like “The Cube” actually describes themselves and how they view themselves on a
subconscious level!) and then to open it up and pass through it. When they do, suggest that they will step into a completely
different scene and timeline and this will be their past life!


Many times I’ve painted the picture of a “Rainbow Bridge” or tunnel of light. During my induction, deepening process and
color visualization I have the client move through layers getting to/approaching the “Other Side.”

Much like dissipating the “veil” between their current consciousness and a past life experience, as the client nears the edge of
this Bridge they step directly into a new past life experience and describe what they see.


Research OOBE (out of body experiences) and generate imagery based on the actual case studies and reports from people
such as Raymond Moody (author of “Life After Life”) and take your clients through something similar.

This is very effective and another technique of choice I use quite often and will appear in a future work with my exact
scripting and imagery, suggestions, methods and more.

It’s often a profound experience to “pass” the subject through the proverbial tunnel of light to end up on the other side in
another life and lifetime.


Following in the footsteps of the “Christos” PLR technique you could have your client/subject/participant imagine
themselves GROWING very large and (while keeping both feet on the ground) hovering over the planet Earth.

Now you can use your color sequence and deepener in this “expanded, heightened state” before shrinking the subject back
down again…and as they shrink down and re-enter their body they find themselves immersed in a past life and can start
describing their surroundings, imagery and experience immediately.


Instead of the WHITE LIGHT you could lead your client into a Crystal Cave or into a Majestic Palace or some other special
place, temple or imaginary “power spot.”

I’ve used a staircase visualization with any number of steps (10-21) and lead my clients down the stairway to a door or tunnel
or pool of light, etc. This serves as a deepener and process to further relax the client and gives their unconscious mind time
to generate the specifics to be experienced during the past life regression.

There are many variations on the door used (if you choose to use one) as well and it might even be an opening within their
own “Special Place” if this is a regular client of yours which is something else that is very commercial.

I often offer or suggest a PLR to a client at the end of their normal 3-6 sessions of hypnotherapy or offer one of these
sessions “free of charge” if multiple sessions are paid for in advance (Buy 6, get a PLR free at the end!) or as incentives and
variations for regular clients who see me for readings and so on.

Your (and your client’s) success during this process and procedure comes down to just a few things, I feel.

• Their intentions and criteria – the reasons they wish to experience a possible regression into a past life at this time.

• Your client’s level of anticipation and expectation for positive results.

• Their level of creativity, ability to visualize/generate imagery and relay that information to you.

• Their attitude and level of “openness” to this experience.

Personally, though a past life regression has proven valuable in many a therapeutic context and, if handled with the utmost
care by an experienced facilitator, an extraordinarily effective piece of Psychic/Paranormal Entertainment I tend to ONLY
offer this experience in private to those who request it specifically (and believe me, if you do readings or private work with
hypnosis you’ll likely get MANY requests for such a thing!).

On stage I will use a solo or small group PLR, but, I field and qualify only the best and most responsive subjects for this
demonstration first using a number of psychological tests to properly gauge both their attitude and responsiveness to my
suggestions and the process at hand.

The point here is simple: don’t PUSH a past life regression onto anyone. Allow them to ask YOU about it and request such a
service or experience.

The most I’ll do is mention that I specialize in this particular kind of work and see if they bite. You’ll know the ones who
will make good candidates almost immediately. There’s no harm in ASKING if there’s anyone who would like to experience
such a thing on stage as long as you can properly handle the situation and have a great deal of experience with the methods
and techniques in this book.

That said, if there isn’t anyone who takes you up on the offer, don’t push it!

Shifting back, once the WHITE LIGHT has faded completely and my client/subject has found themselves staring at a new
scene or imagery (generated by their subconscious – aka their imagination, inner creativity, wants and desires, personal life
dramas and story, their problems and possible solutions, etc) I ask them to describe it to me.

There is no set script here because obviously every regression you do is going to be completely and entirely different than the
one before it.

Though at times you’ll find common themes (such as Biblical times, ancient Egypt, the Victorian era, Native American
themes and so on) the actual experiences, personalities, problems and their solutions, friends, family members, lessons
learned and method of passing/transitioning from (out of) that particular lifetime are guaranteed to be different each and
every time you facilitate such an experience.

Once the subject has confirmed they are looking into a different world (time, place, life experience, etc) your job is to lead
them even deeper INTO that life and alternative reality. It’s as simple as asking them to take a few steps inside and again, to
describe what they see!

Something that is so vital and important for you to keep in mind at all times during this work is to NOT lead, direct or overly
suggest themes, people, times, places or experiences that come from you and not your client! Let them create their world and
do your best to NOT inject your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and expectations upon their inner world and reality
at this point.

Your job and your goal is to get the client “there” (facilitate the process and experience), guide them through this other
lifetime safely, provide support and document the session.

How do we do this?

Ask them questions, of course!

Upon their first entering into this other lifetime and reality I ask them to describe the imagery, scenery and environment
they’re looking at…

Are they inside or outside?

Is it daytime or nighttime?

Are they alone or with someone?

Are there other people around? Do they know these people?

What seems to be going on?

You’ll recognize these as the classic “regression” type questions that are common and necessary (on some level) to this work.

Once your subject describes what you ask them to (quite simply, what they are experiencing now inside of their own INNER
SPACE) move them into the vision and experience even further.

One element that will make you a better hypnotist, hypnotic entertainer and even persuader/negotiator is getting good at
DESCRIBING things to people with as much vividness and detail as possible. When I communicate with my clients or even
just with people on a daily basis I do my best to be as descriptive as I can. The reason WHY I do this is because I want to
paint a mental picture and get the people I communicate with into an altered mental state!

By describing things in detail and painting a colorful mental picture (including descriptions of sights, sounds, scents, feelings
and even metaphors!) I can elicit the hypnotic state very easily and quickly.

Just the same, during your PLR experience you want to ask questions that allow your subject to describe them, interact and
engage them with as much detail as possible.

Remember, definition = creation!

The more they interact with their inner environment and describe what they see, the more real it becomes (even if it’s only
real to them).

So, based on what the client is describing to you what kinds of things might you have them describe and experience/interact
with in vivid detail?

One of the most obvious things is their CLOTHING. This is big.

The clothing being worn by your subject during their PLR and inner experience will often clue you to their timeline and point
of origin. For example, they might describe the red and orange or brown & tan robes and prayer cloths of a Tibetan Monk
or the animal hide skins, leggings and headdress of the Native American…or perhaps the fancy Victorian gowns and
dressings of that era…or something else entirely!

Remember, we are looking for clues for nothing important besides congruency. Often times you’ll be shocked and amazed at
how much verifiable information comes out during the regression. During my sessions I take detailed notes and having either
a tape recording OR a digital voice recorder handy is a huge asset.

There are a few different methods you can use to SEE what the client/subject is wearing during their past life regression and
experience. The most simple is by just asking them to LOOK DOWN at themselves, starting with their feet, and describe
what they see!

Are they wearing shoes, footings or leggings of some type?

What color? What kind of material(s) do they seem to be made of ?

One thing that really assists the subject in getting DEEP into their past life is asking not just how things look, but how they
FEEL (!), how they smell, what certain things sound like and so on.

Always do your best to get a multi-sensory experience either described or taking place and unfolding before you
during these proceedings.

Now travel up the body…

What do their stockings, pants, leggings or dress and dressings look like?

What are they made of ? How do they feel on their body?

There are a few popular methods used by regression therapists for assisting the client in creating a detailed description of
that which they are experiencing.

For example, I’ll often suggest to my subject that across from them is a calendar or a newspaper with a current year, month
and date printed on it. I direct them to the object and ask them to tell me what they see. In one case a woman noted the date
and year she was in and even provided details regarding the cover story which later turned out to be true…like I said,
powerful forces are at work during trance and those in Super Conscious States of awareness are able (I believe) to routinely tap
into and directly access fields of information and a Higher Awareness beyond what is usually/normally available to them.

Care must be exercised when using this technique not just because we’re affecting and introducing an object not created by
the subject or inherent and occurring in their regression (which means we are now LEADING and affecting their internal
experience which is something we want to avoid), but also because we could ruin the whole feel or “vibe” of the time and
occurrences for our subject.

Consider how it might feel if we regressed someone who then found themselves in ancient Egypt as a slave of the Pharaoh
and then we suggested a newspaper or calendar was available in front of them…? It can definitely put a damper on their
experience and just wouldn’t FEEL right, it’s not congruent.

Congruency and consistency is one of the KEYS to successful and effective PLR’s.

To get a rough (or specific) idea of the date (time, era, generation) I’ve found it works best to simply ask the client in a very
specific way,

“Intuitively, what year do you feel this is?”


“Based on your intuition, what year do you seem to be in?”

Even easier and more effective still and something I learned the hard way (doh!) is to simply deliver the SUPER
SUGGESTION as we’re regressing and deepening the subject’s trance and state of awareness. Nowadays I remember to
include a few suggestions along the lines of,

“You will see what I ask you to see, intuitively know everything you need to know in this new time, place and incarnation…including the answers
to very simple questions I may ask of you if I think it will help to clarify and expand your experience.”

I deliver lines and suggestions such as this during the count from 10 down to 1, and at least once when I’m explaining what
the regression itself will actually be like,

“You’ll notice you’re not unconscious at all during this process but SUPER AWARE…and the reason you’re so deeply and completely relaxed
during the session is because your awareness is directed deep inside of yourself instead of focused on the external. For most people it’s an incredible
experience and one that can provide very helpful answers to your most important questions, solutions to your problems and in some cases even a
profound spiritual awakening and inner recognition that life, energy and our consciousness survives the physical experience we call “death.”

Further, during the regression you’ll notice that you can speak back and forth with me easily and naturally just like we’re doing right now and at
ALL TIMES during the regression you’ll be able to see what I ask you to see, you’ll know everything you need to know in that lifetime and be
able to answer the questions I ask of you INTUITIVELY as a result…once you step into the regression and re-live your potential past life
experience you’ll be able to embrace your older, more ancient consciousness and know everything you knew about your life, your Self and your
environment just as you did back then…is that okay for you to know?”

Again, how you explain the experience and what your client can expect will depend on how YOU work with the tools,
methods and techniques of hypnosis and what verbiage and suggestions you feel most comfortable making.

To get answers to questions such as, “What year is it?” you can use the environment to your advantage. For example, the
clouds may part and “write” a year or date in the sky (this works with names as well) or a shooting star might spell out a word
or series of numbers…or even the client’s SPIRIT GUIDE may show up and/or explain what the year is, where they are,
what their name in this life is and a bit about their experience BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER they step through the
tunnel, gate or doorway into the actual past life itself.

As usual, remember to take notes and ask intelligent clarifying questions if you need to. Do your best to NOT lead the
experience and keep the safety, criteria and comfort of the client foremost in your mind.

To get the subject’s NAME in their past life is easy…again, you can do this in many different ways such as a person (friend,
family member, stranger, spirit guide or totem/spirit animal) approaching them and saying their name aloud 1-3 times before
they vanish…

You might use the shooting star or clouds parting technique to get their name or again, as I prefer, to ASSUME the subject
knows their own name in their “past lifetime” and just ask them what it is while being confident they will respond to you

Sometimes when I’m met with a subject who replies “I don’t know” I will counter and challenge this response with the
language pattern, “If you DID know, what would it be?” which seems to work 9 times out of 10.

You can also give a deeper suggestion such as,

“In a moment when I touch you and ONLY when I touch you, your name in this lifetime (the year, date, profession, role here, etc) will
slowly fade into your mind and consciousness…NOW…take a deep breath…and tell me, what is your name?”

Instead of using a touch you could use some other device to deliver the suggestion and response such as clapping your
hands, snapping your fingers, ringing a bell or tuning fork, repeating a “power word” or anything else you might wish to use.

Sometimes I keep a bottle of rose oil (or some other preferred oil chosen beforehand by the client from a larger selection I
keep on hand) I can place beneath their nose with the suggestion that X (Y & Z) piece of information enters their mind and
consciousness immediately as a result. This never fails to get a response!

Continuing now…

I lead the client deeper and deeper into this past life and alternative reality by continuing my investigation as such:

I ask them who they are and what they do in this lifetime, what seems to be going on, how old they seem to be, what their
name is, what they are wearing and how it feels upon their body (even how their shoes or hat or jewelry feels!)…

I ask them to describe their environment in detail including the temperature, weather, any sights, sounds and scents
associated with the place (area, environment) they find themselves in…I get them to look up at the sky and tell me what’s
happening there.

I also ask if there are other people around and if so I want to know who these people are and if they are of some
significance to the subject (friends, family members, loved ones, slavers and captors, enemies, etc) and how they FEEL about
them, what their names are and such.

I get the subject to describe how they look to me. This can be done in many different ways as well. Just remember that you
are facilitating the experience here and can use whatever device you deem worthy in your regression to get the results you

A good rule of thumb is that if you CREATE or CHANGE something to get some answer, response/result or piece of
information to change it back or remove whatever element you added immediately after it has served and filled its purpose!

To get the subject to describe what they LOOK LIKE (their physical appearance) I might suggest there is a large mirror or a
window or some other reflective surface in front of them. This could be a crystal, a piece of polished silver or obsidian, a
pond or lake, a water well, a bird bath, etc.

I ask the client to describe themselves and their physical appearance to me and I take careful notes in the process. I ask
questions regarding what color their eyes are, what nationality/ethnicity they are (or “seem” to be), what color their hair is
and how they wear it (long or short, light or dark, parted or pulled back, etc) as well as any distinct facial marks or features
such as beards, moles, missing teeth and so on.

I just go along and ask them to describe whatever comes to mind without leading their experience. I give the subject free
reign here to answer me as they wish and to create the past life experience they wish and came here to have. One thing I like
to do is ask them if there is any characteristic or definite feature about their physical body that seems at all unique, interesting
or stands out to (or affects) them.

Sometimes the subjects will tell me they have a missing eye or they lost a limb or they are a mute, deaf, etc. Of course if
ANY of these things compromise the experience (such as a person entering a past life where they were deaf, dumb or blind)
I can restore these senses so as to gain more information for the purposes of my regression. At the end (or well before we
end, depending) I will return the subject back to their normal “past life state.”

During the regression in general I prefer the subject to experience themselves from a first person POV and perception, that
is, they experience their inner world and past life through their own eyes and NOT viewing the proceedings from outside of
themselves (as in a movie or photograph).

This is most likely the case and way people tend to experience their past lives anyhow and besides being what I prefer it’s also
what will give you the most rich and interesting info as now they can describe feelings and physical sensations, scents, tastes,
touches, sounds and more.

I proceed with the client in this state up to the point in which we near their death. I’ll speak more on this later but for now
I’ll just say that whether it happens spontaneously OR you intentionally regress someone back to their point of departure

there will come a point wherein you want to have them view and experience whatever happens in the second-person
perspective (again, like a movie).

This will help prevent any abreactions, physical pain (whether real or imagined) and an otherwise violent, potentially
gruesome or troubling/traumatic experience.

So up to this point we’ve covered the very simple, very basic techniques I use to facilitate a Past Life Regression experience
for my clients, how to immerse them deep within such a creative experience and how to deepen the effect, which questions
to ask and how to ask them and more.

During your session you’ll discover various scenes, images and scenarios you wish to explore further. Not to de-humanize or
cast subjective eyes upon my client, but I think of a PLR as sending a living camera into the dream-state. It’s your job to
direct the camera and glean feedback according to your verbal instructions (suggestions).

Many of the questions you ask will depend on what happens during the regression naturally. Keep your mind open and
follow your gut feelings. If something seems relevant to the client’s life now (based on your pre-induction interview/intake
form, conversation with the client and eliciting their criteria) then I urge you to investigate it with the safety and comfort of
your subject(s) in mind at all times.

Once you can tell that your client is fully interactive with this inner Spirit World and things are going smoothly you may begin
to jump ahead or “fast forward” in days, weeks, months or years as you see fit. You and the subject SHARE CONTROL in
this inner world and direct this dream-like experience.

Together you can “PAUSE” the action, imagery and scenario at any time you wish, “rewind” it (go in reverse), look at it from
another vantage point (1st, 2nd or 3rd person), view the proceedings from above or below (and eye-level, obviously), alter, take
away or INCREASE any feelings or sensations (positive or negative), instantly recall any pertinent memories or information
which may prove useful or valuable during the regression and more!

Once you’ve explored one (major or minor) stage in the subject’s past life experience I like to fast forward/hop ahead in time
either a few days or a few weeks at first. I can do this using the same methods I described before such as,

• Tapping the client, snapping, clapping or ringing a bell (or using an oil) with the suggestion that when I do X
(action) the subject will skip forward in time X number of hours, days, weeks, months or years.

• Another technique I use a lot is bringing in the WHITE LIGHT (smoke, mist, fog) and having it fill up the entire
scene again. When the fog dissipates the subject finds themselves in a new time of my choosing.

Another thing you should remember is that you can suggest the client to reverse or fast forward into specific days and events
such as their birthday or some significant rite of passage…even to the very day they transpired and “died” in that lifetime.

Use caution if you’re choosing to explore the time, method/cause and experience of death and dying during your regressions
as this is where the highest chances for the client undergoing an abreaction lies.

Because I’m quite experienced at this works and dealing with abreactions (and have years of formal training and hands-on
experience) I DO choose to explore the death and dying scenario in my own work with certain clients.

To do this, once we’ve explored whatever root causes, questions, identities, relationships and life events in the past life
scenario that seem to have some effect on the client’s CURRENT life and incarnation I’ll proceed to end the session by
skipping ahead to the day of their death.

I want the client to tell me what day it is, what seems to be going on, how they feel on that day, what is happening in the
week prior to it (etc) before we approach the transition.

Here is where one must be quick to act and react and really think fast on their feet. Death may come suddenly in this
experience and with little warning. The facilitator MUST be prepared to stop, negate or alter any negative feelings or
experience. This can be done by viewing the final hours, minutes or even seconds in slow motion and with the event(s) taking
place in third person on a movie screen.

Many times you’ll see the client grimace, arch their body, grasp at their chest or other body part, clench their teeth, cry/sob
or even scream. It can be a terrifying experience to say the least and I almost NEVER perform such a thing on stage.

I’ll be brief regarding how to handle these situations as if it’s something you really want to do, you should get further training
in both hypnosis and (past life) regression therapy, methods and modalities. It’s a specialized training to be certain and we’re
dealing with very deep issues rooted in the unconscious mind and core personality of the client. It can be treacherous.

One thing I happen to always do is take the client through their death and immediately eliminate any pain or discomfort that
might be present, speed past the actual dying experience to the moments just after when the character is effectively OUT OF
THEIR BODY and hovering over their newly deceased human shell.

This is often a beautiful moment free of pain but FULL of understanding. It’s an intense moment and listen carefully to
what is described to you.

I ask the client how they feel now that they are out of their body, what they are thinking and what they should do now
INTUITIVELY. I ask them to describe what they see, where they go now and what they do.

Using this OOBE (out of body experience) process I’ve been given detailed accounts of spiritual and religious figures
coming to meet the subject including their ancestors or their father or the village shaman, Jesus Christ, Krishna, becoming
Buddha Nature/entering Divine Oneness and merging with the Universal Consciousness, entering a tunnel of Light and
Ascending into Heaven with their friends, families and saints waiting (pets even!) and more…it’s all spectacular.

That’s all I will say on THAT particular subject and ending/handling. How far you choose to go and explore a potential
afterlife or afterworld with your subject is up to you and should be based on your level of sincerity and experience/training in
order to do is safely and respectfully.

With that said, I’ve regressed clients immediately into other lifetimes, such as the one immediately BEFORE or AFTER the
one we just explored…almost like an instant “jump.”

I’ve also regressed clients back into the womb in this life as well as in past lives. Whatever you can imagine at this point is
possible so long as your subject is prepared and willing.

The purpose of your past life regression should be to find answers to current questions, solutions to current problems and to
assist in fulfilling some criteria in the NOW life and moment. While very entertaining I hesitate to JUST facilitate a PLR for
the sheer kicks and giggles of it. Believe it or not, these processes carry enormous potential to self-heal and soul mend with
the client on deep and deeply profound levels with just as incredible and incredibly profound effects in this life and

I do believe accessing the creative unconscious mind at this level is a personal and sacred experience and that as we work
with the human mind and heart in such a capacity that we are accessing the most holy and sacred tools, perceptions,
perspectives, inner wisdoms and higher/heightened experiences possible and which are not usually available to us.

While you are effectively “inside” the client and sharing their inner world with them, act as though you are in a Temple and
treat their mind and body as such and you won’t go wrong. Make sure you have their own best interests foremost in your
mind and heart including their comfort and safety every step of the way. This is meant to be a most positive and
profound/enlightening experience – not a scary, dismal or negative one.

It’s for this reason that I highly recommend “Thought Veil” readers to SKIP the issue of death and transitioning altogether
until you have grown fat with wisdom and swell with experience through hands on work, especially with regressions.

Simply do as you normally would as described in this portion of the book and walk your client through a nice, uplifting and
positive past life experience…allow their creativity to unfold and observe what develops and what can assist the client here
and now.

Record it (via written notes and tape/digital recording or even digital filming) and examine it for later. You might even
choose to make these transcripts and records available. Some regression therapists DO, some don’t. Many regression
therapists feel the subject of regression and the experiences obtained therein should only be brought up and discussed in the
appropriate environment with a skilled hypnotherapist and that making such things available to a client after the session runs
the risk of bringing up a wave of emotions and string of events that can be very uncontrolled in terms of the psychological
and emotional impact.

For this reason, ALL records are made available to the client with the therapist/facilitator present ONLY. That said, if you’re
facilitating very light, positive and upbeat PLR’s and there is no danger for giving your subject a tape that might provoke an
abreaction after they’ve left your office and everything goes well, there are of course exceptions to every rule and this will
come down to your own thoughts and feelings on the subjects.

To end the actual past life regression session and experience, once we’ve explored, discovered and laid our eyes on whatever
key points of interest and benefit we regressed the client to explore I put them in a happy, uplifting moment in that particular
life and incarnation and freeze the experience to terminate trance.

I do this just as I would almost any other hypnosis or trance-based work and session by having the client take a few deep
breaths and counting them out with suggestions.

One principle I always bring back at this point is the WHITE LIGHT and whatever construct I’m using I make sure to
REVERSE IT as we bring the session to an end.

For example, if the client passed through a tunnel of light or walked across the rainbow bridge, entered the cave opening,
grew to gigantic proportions and then shrank down again to land in a past life (etc) I reverse the experience and bring them
back to their own mind, their own body and in the present time and life experience…all the way back into the room here
with me, surround them with WHITE LIGHT, take a few deep breaths and count them out with positive suggestions.

This is an easy type of work to do and it can (and should!) be very safe if you follow a few basic guidelines. Remember that
both you and your client can effectively terminate trance at ANY TIME either of you wishes. When in doubt, I get them
OUT! Don’t get over your head or immerse the client in too deep with regards to a negative emotional or physical
experience. Though they might only be IMAGINING the past life and outcome, it has the power and potential to negatively
or positively shape, alter and affect their current life and life experience (including their emotions, personality, inner attitudes
and life approach).

For further questions or training models (courses, books, videos/DVD’s) on this subject please contact me directly and I’d be
happy to lead you to a few sources that will deepen your knowledge and arm you with more effective tools should this be an
area of hypnosis and hypnotherapy you wish to explore further.

*** **** ***

With our basic Past Life Regression techniques having been covered let us shift back to the MYSTIC HYPNOSIS SHOW
outline, routines, skits, techniques and showpieces I use together to create a much different program than the majority out
there currently.

Spirit Guides:

I lead the audience through a revised version of ‘The Secret Place’ wherein they meet a ‘Highly Evolved Being’ who can
answer their personal questions, gift them with a new insight, bestow some gift or special ability, etc. Some might experience
this BEING as a reflection of their own inner state of being, state of mind/consciousness, a manifestation of their own
Higher Self or the Universal Mind (or Group Spirit!). Others might consider it a useful MENTAL CONSTRUCT and this is
fine too!

Whether real or imagined this process is of infinite value for those who understand it. I often tell my groups exactly this! It
doesn’t matter to me if it’s real or imagined, what matters to me is if nothing else, this process and experience provides us
with a creative, useful mental construct that shows us RESULTS.

Let’s pretend for a moment that, through this visualization and process, the participants ‘meet’ a HEB (highly evolved
being/manifestation of their ‘Higher Self ’) who gives them the gift of clairvoyance or the gift of automatic writing or the gift of
complete/instant relaxation or the gift of energy or the gift of seeing a past life…whatever you wish!

As you can see, this is a very useful and powerful tool for delivering suggestions that will be of infinite use and extraordinary
help in your NEXT demonstration. For instance, if I’m doing automatic writing next I can lead my audience and/or
participants through this meditation and suggest the HEB gives them the gift of automatic writing and that from now until
the program ends they are endowed and blessed with the gift to touch higher realms and channel their unbridled creativity
through free-flow, inspired, automatic writing.

Now I bring them out of state and proceed with the automatic writing demo. The process presupposes we will be
SUCCESSFUL in the auto-writing demonstration and experience because they now have ‘the gift’ via the prior process and

You can use this and similar techniques to bestow any number of different skills, gifts, abilities, powers, talents and states of
being to a person or group.

Using just slight variations on this process one can blend and combine this so people meet their spirit guides, guardian angels,
totem animals, Higher Self and more.

Automatic Writing:

This is one of my FAVORITE demonstrations to share and something I do A LOT on stage, close up, in my readings and
hypnotherapy sessions, etc.

The entire process entails simply leading the participant/client(s)/subject into a deeply relaxed state, giving suggestions of a
creative, powerful, conscious energy and life force entering their mind, filling their body and deeply relaxing them.

‘In a moment, NOT YET, you’ll start to notice your hand wanting to move…LET IT.

You don’t have to CONSCIOUSLY KNOW what you’re UNCONSCIOUS MIND is trying to communicate to you. You don’t have to do a
single thing but just sit there and hold that pen and paper…focusing on your breath and listening closely to the sound of my voice…and it will
happen easily and naturally…

Soon, or in just a few moments, that hand is going to want to move…and when it does start to move now I just want you to go with it…

Your unconscious mind may wish to impart some symbol, a word, a sentence or even a simple drawing or image for us to reflect on. This may come
from your Higher Self, your own subconscious mind, your dreams, your open and newly inspired HEART (open chakra) or perhaps even a
guardian angel or positive, loving, caring spirit guide as some people think.

We don’t have to analyze what’s about to take place, we only need to recognize it and allow it to take place at this time. Do you feel your hand
starting to move yet?’

There are many, many ways to increase the positive outcomes here. One thing I favor is having my participant(s) focus on a
personal question, important matter or specific concern in their life at this time. This might be something that has troubled
them recently or weighed heavily on their mind and heart sometime in the past.

Whatever it is, they can simply WRITE the thought at the top of their paper, close their eyes as I lead them through a
process to contact their unconscious mind for an answer. The process of WRITING the question first gets them used to the
idea of writing on this paper concerning that question. You can frame this experience as a creative writing/free-flow/inspired
writing or automatic writing process. You can take a scientific approach (or even pseudo scientific, metaphysical or new age
approach) for the outcome.

If a person feels ‘blocked’ I have them imagine invisible cords, ropes, chains and tethers falling off their hand, wrist and
forearm as it begins to glide across the page.

You can ask a person what their HAND wants to write…if they say, ‘I don’t know’ simply challenge it with, ‘If you did know,
what would it be?’ and have them write it!

Another technique I use is explaining this is a non-verbal process and we’re going to be communicating directly with their
creative, infinite, symbol and metaphor oriented subconscious mind. Something else I do is go through the process MYSELF
as they do! This way they feel we are both experiencing the same thing.

It’s very, very effective to lead a person through ‘The Process’ I outlined in my book ‘T&R’ and connect our minds, our
thoughts and our consciousness. I begin writing my impressions for the person based on what I see and sense and feel about
them and they do the same for me!

This can also be used as the automatic writing process. By framing it this way as AUTOMATIC WRITING the person
doesn’t need to filter what their mind tells them or what their own hand does because CONSCIOUSLY they are not doing it!

Another thing I highly favor is starting this process by having my subject or participant begin drawing circles, flowing lines
and random wavy patterns upon the page while I deliver suggestions that SOON those circles and lines and patterns will
start to form words, lines/sentences, images, drawings and symbols. I liken this process to daydreaming or dreaming with our
eyes open and together we are taking patterns from the unconscious mind and together we will interpret them and see what it

In case you haven’t realized it, this process and experience itself is a very POWERFUL and very COVERT and subtle
INDUCTION. Once a person begins free-flow writing and not consciously blocking or filtering what comes through they
are effectively in state. Notice how I pace their state of being and create compliance during this routine with the suggestions
I give.

This experience can be done with an entire audience, the participants on stage or a single person just the same. The effects
are astounding. I love to use this technique with and without a pendulum in my private readings when a client wants a direct
answer to their question…using this technique I let them answer the question themselves. I preface this around the truth that
ON SOME LEVEL they already know the answer or have the solution to their ‘problem’, it’s just a matter of bringing it to
the surface and into their conscious awareness.

Energy Work:

I may use Reiki, chakras, auras, meridians, chi/ki, prana/kundalini, life force or ‘the force’ from ‘Star Wars’ as the framework.
Using techniques such as my ‘Energetic Wave’, muscle testing, dowsing the chakras, my ‘Energetic Touches’ (from TTT) and other
such demonstrations to introduce my audience and participants to a strong, conscious, loving, Universal energy that can be
directed in positive ways for positive results.

We might spend a few moments channeling energy, positive thoughts, good intentions and heartfelt blessings to people we
love, a difficult situation in our lives or even a national or global crises. Together we form a Group Mind and ‘critical mass’ that
works together to produce positive results. This can be miraculous for people and meaningful beyond measure when handled
and presented correctly.

Mind Power & Energy Manipulation/Direction:

Here I use items such as my ‘TIA’ sequence, waking hypnosis techniques framed as energy work and energetic
direction/manipulation of the energy systems and patterns of the individual to produce results. I find this is one of the most
effective forms of waking hypnosis. Because of the prior demonstrations my audience and participants all notice a tangible,
useful ENERGY that can be directed (!) and now I show them how I myself can direct it for different results and outcomes.

The use of this energy might just wipe a mind blank for a moment or two, stick someone to their chair, take away their
physical senses, cause them to hallucinate something I PROJECT into their mind and more!

Psychometry, auras, dowsing and scrying:

I often TEACH these things to my audience members and on-stage participants as a ‘unique and interesting process’ and/or a
‘creative and mind expanding experience.’

Again, I remind my audience that whether real or imagined these experiences have tremendous value because they are deeply
relaxing, tap us into our natural knowing, intuition and inner creativity and serve as a useful mental construct that allows us
to experience alternative realities and finer/higher perceptions in the moment.

For pendulums, if I haven’t drilled this routine into your mind yet, I use a routine by Michael Fraughton titled ‘To Control
10,000 Minds’ from his book ‘The Dark Waltz’ and it’s a long time cherished favorite. Michael has generously provided
‘Thought Veil’ students with a complimentary copy of this modern classic text.

In his ebook ‘The Fource’ Bill Cushman provides an excellent pendulum routine from Psychic Entertainer Tony Razzano that
is absolutely superb. I now blend the two and use Michael’s routine with touches from Tony’s handling and presentation.


As I often do in my hypnosis show (but played completely straightforward and REAL here) I induce my subjects and give
suggestions they are now powerful clairvoyants as their natural knowing and intuition has increased through hypnosis many,
many times over. As a demonstration of this increase and the intuitive skills, gifts and abilities of my subjects having come to
the surface I send them out into the audience to give short readings to audience members.

This is often blended and included with psychometry, aura readings and dowsing, automatic writing and even channeling.

One option is to borrow a few objects from the audience and pass them one at a time down the row of subjects allowing
each one to state whatever thoughts, feelings, impressions, questions, scenarios, imagery (etc) comes into their mind while
holding an object in this special state of awareness.

As I said before, this demonstration will ASTOUND you, your audience and subjects alike.

Astral Projection/Remote Viewing:

In this demonstration the on-stage participants are led through a process to have an OBE (out of body experience) and
respond by throwing, hurling and projecting their consciousness outside of their mind, outside their bodies, outside the room
and across the NEARBY ‘Astral Plane.’

This may be used with great success with a PK Pen, Telekinetic Timber or even select pieces of mentalism. I used ‘The
Wizards Manual’ by Docc Hilford at one point for a participant to ‘remote view’ the contents of an envelope or Bob Cassidy’s
REMOTE VIEWING test with the participants to achieve some additional results and convincers.

Telepathy In Action:

Because of its special nature, ‘Telepathy In Action’ is a wonderful routine and sequence to add to this presentation or even used
periodically throughout the show. Even ‘waking hypnosis’ demonstrations framed as the power of the mind unleashed
through self hypnosis or yogic meditation can be, as we shall see, extremely powerful and beyond effective.

I’m currently working on a close up/stand up ‘Voodoo Doll’ routine inspired by the Bernard Anderson Voodoo Doll sequence
recently entering my attention through the likes and talents of Dr. Stephen Murray and later Derren Brown. The power of
suggestion, waking hypnosis and eyes open trance states with meditation, energy work and sympathetic magic all work out
perfectly for such public and private demonstrations.

Body Magic:

Various pieces of ‘Body Magic’ and Georgia Magnet type stunts can also be framed around an invisible, magnetic type of
energy and can be directed in various ways to produce interesting outcomes. I’ve given you a number of my personal
favorites in this book.

Along these lines the ‘Light as a feather, stiff as a board’ and ‘YOGIC LEVITATION’ stunt (Abnormal Lift) are exquisite in
these programs.

Group Mind Dynamics & Thought Projection:

Psychological and statistical forces are extremely effective and work to either field willing participants already conditioned for
success and to entertain enormous groups of people with few or NO PROPS used whatsoever.

I happen to favor my ‘5 Star Opener’ as the series of psychological forces is particularly strong and works well for me in just
about every situation imaginable from radio performances, television, close up, stand up/parlor and stage settings.

Jim Callahan shared his take on a Bruce Bernstein classic titled, ‘Hard Copy Thought Broadcast’ on his limited edition

Bernstein’s ‘THE FORCE OF PSYCHOLOGY’ and ‘Pseudo Telepathy’ (from ‘THREE’ and ‘Perception is Everything’,
respectively) represents a lesser known classic and perfect as a variation that is nearly surefire and DOES yield a higher
success rate if using minimal physical props/objects is not an issue.

Personally I stick with my ‘5 Star Opener’ and use the last TWO forces with the audience members reading each other’s minds
to change it up a bit. This is a magnificent approach tipped in Banachek’s ‘Psychophysiological Thought Reading’ book. It makes
the forces seem less repetitive and I wouldn’t attempt to go past 5 different pieces of information.

Suggestibility Tests:

Because the mind and its POWERS (& hidden abilities) are the focus of this ‘MYSTIC HYPNOSIS SHOW’ it’s quite fitting
to speak about hypnosis in a very candid, direct manner. While I may or may not promise to ‘hypnotize’ anyone, the entire
audience can see how hypnosis works through such tests as ‘The Magnetic Fingers’, ‘Magnetic Palms’ and ‘Hand Clasp Test.’

I’ve said it before, but Ormond McGill’s ‘Angel Suggestibility Test’ and its variations in this book are also highly favorable and
very effective. For progressive thought ‘NO HYPNOSIS HYPNOTISM SHOWS’ I use the tried and true ‘Posture Sway
Test’ and pendulum tests both to examine the suggestibility levels and ability to respond to simple instructions of my
audience and participants as well as a very covert induction.

Contact & Non Contact Mind Reading:

Demonstrations of the ideomotor response (IMR) and contact mind reading are effective showpieces to present in a show
of this nature. In ‘The New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism’ Ormond McGill speaks of a Danish hypnotist named De Waldoza
who presented an entire WAKING HYPNOSIS show never once mentioning the words ‘hypnosis’, ‘sleep’, ‘trance’ or
‘relaxation’ to great effect.

The first part of his program consisted of CMR and the IMR. After Waldoza located a hidden object among the audience
members a few times he showed them how it was possible with a short pendulum experiment and showed them HOW they
could accomplish such a feat themselves (!) using their necklaces, rings fastened to cords and string, etc.

The performer would explain the movements obtained via the pendulum was the direct result of unconscious movements
produced by our thoughts. His next progression was simply beautiful as De Waldoza explained how these unconscious
movements could be transferred to movements in the whole body and using the same basic principles (with suggestion!) he
then caused various participants to fall backwards and forward using their mind and thoughts alone. This is quite similar to
what happens with a pendulum and it’s an easy test to master and incorporate.

What happened next is simply masterful…the performer De Waldoza would then locate a highly responsive participant and
ask if they could STRONGLY feel the influence of that pulling sensation. Upon receiving an affirmative response he would
have another object hidden in the audience as the responsive participant was blindfolded. The instructions were simple…
follow THAT EXACT SAME pulling sensation in whatever direction it might pull them in, to follow it right along and it
would lead them directly to the hidden object…AND IT DID!

You can imagine the type of response this high power demonstration receives. It has since become a staple of my work and
one of the greatest things I do.

This leads us to an interesting lesson and the subject of my forthcoming title ‘Thought Force’ regarding advanced psychological
forces and contact mind reading…if we can teach, show and successfully demonstrate to a lay person audience member
HOW to successfully perform CONTACT MIND READING in but a matter of a few moments having never done it
before and performing LIVE in front of a paying audience and they can do it then WHY are so many modern performers so
afraid of this technique?

The practice of CONTACT MIND READING (and the ideomotor response) is simple in application and astounding in
effect. I rank this practice and resulting miracles up there with audience readings/Q&A, Body Magic, Psychological &
Statistical Forces and all forms of hypnosis and pseudo hypnosis as one of the great ‘GUERRILLA’methods and areas of
practice every working mentalist should be intimately familiar with. With a firm grasp and solid understanding of each of
these 5 areas of practice you’ll be able to put on a KILLER show with NO PROPS of any kind whatsoever! You’ll also be
able to perform anytime and anywhere you wish with absolutely no preparation of any kind. You will be a true miracle

‘The Father of Modern Hypnosis’ Milton Erickson also successfully demonstrated this technique, so keen were his powers of
observation, knowledge of the ideomotor response and how the mind affects the body!

Though related yet still outside the scope of this book I’ll just comment briefly on the practice of contact mind reading…

Like hypnosis, I find the greatest success using CMR is obtained through a strong foundational presentation and SET UP. As
long as your participant can follow simple instructions, is willing to work with you, doesn’t try to resist and enters willfully
into the experience your success is nearly certain. The criteria here is very much the same as it is for hypnosis or

The second point I would like to make relates to the instructions given to your ‘guide’ (the participant) which must be clear
to follow and easy to understand. I often use the same basic SET UP and instructions/process as given during my signature
‘Thought Channel’ routine and use one to segue to the other!

For those interested, I actually BEGIN with my ‘Thought Channel’ wherein the instructions and process given sets me up
perfectly for both the current demonstration of TELEPATHY (non contact mind reading) and later contact mind reading

Working in this way is its own SAFETY NET. It’s rare, but IF I have any problems with my ‘Thought Channel’ whatsoever we
can use the same premise and presentation for a CMR demonstration. I claim ‘TC’ is more difficult because it’s all done
mentally with no physical connection established and then move onto the full CMR experience.

Last but not least (for now) I’ll simply tell ‘Thought Veil’ students who are interested in CMR to follow the path of least
resistance when finding the hidden object or information. Be like water and FLOW/MOVE towards the least resistant path
made obvious by your ‘guide’ and participant (albeit unconsciously).

Remember, if De Waldoza could successfully teach a very ‘green’ audience member to do this in a matter of moments you
can surely do it with all of your skills and knowledge!

The Ideomotor Response:

Working on the same principles of contact mind reading, the ideomotor response is very useful, functional and trance
inducing in many different forms. Whether it’s a simple yet effective pendulum demonstration, the ‘Posture Sway Test’ (falling
backwards or forward using thoughts of falling back or forward alone!), using a HAUNTED KEY, automatic writing, table
tipping/glass moving, unconscious signaling via ideomotor/automatic responses during performance hypnosis and
hypnotherapy (nod your head/ raise your arm/ lift your hand/ move a finger… when your unconscious mind can understand and accept this
current thought, idea and suggestion) the IMR is extremely effective for testing levels of suggestibility, ability to follow simple
instructions and inducing trance.

PK/Metal Bending:

One of the single most effective and stunning effects I use in a show of this type is my full metal bending demo with an
audience and/or on-stage participants. There is no trickery involved and people really do bend their spoons using a
combination of energy and mind power. This is another topic and signature demonstration of mine that will be included as a
bonus in the hinted future release.

Using energy, breathing techniques, visualizations, suggestions, altered states of consciousness and awareness, pacing and
leading by example and other psychological methods and gambits work together to insure that EVERYONE gets some type
of results in this performance.

As a complimentary demonstration, if appropriate, I’ll TEACH the audience PSYCHIC CLOUD BUSTING!

I don’t give them my magical methods for creating this illusion but instead I give them certain meditation and relaxation
techniques a person can use to channel their stress and frustrations into a raincloud (whether they bust it or not) and allow
the powers of their mind working in harmony with Nature to transmute those negative thoughts, feelings and attitudes (into
pure light, love, peace, joy and truth IN SYMBOLIC/METAPHORIC FORM) and then rain/shower those blessings down
upon the planet.

In addition to bending spoons as an affirmation of this SPECIAL state of mind I teach the audience and volunteers how
they can focus on a cloud, kick back and punch holes through the sucker with their mind power and clear intentions alone!

Even this short lesson combined with spoon bending and various ‘energy work’ routines I use is enough to produce the same
or similar effects as really busting a cloud in the minds of my audience.

Realize that anytime you say or claim you can do TWO things (anything!) and then do ONE OF THEM right in front of a
person, by default, the audience MUST believe you can also do the other (more impressive!) feat as well. I link my stories and
suggestions with another (congruent) piece they actually DO experience in real time with me and as a result they tend to
experience BOTH of these things in their mind and reality on some level. It’s a very effective tactic.

If you’re not opposed to using gimmicks and these performances are meant for entertainment, inspiration and educational
purposes only then you might be surprised at the reactions you garner with a simple PK Pen or TK Timber when working
with the thoughts, focus and intentions/attention of the entire audience to move the object.

I’ve also done this with a simple ‘Haunted Key’ by having both large and small groups of people visualizing, breathing,
humming, willing, intending and DESIRING for the key to move with spectacular results. Even the smallest movement is
extremely effective and should not be overlooked.

Less is often more.

Audience Readings:

Beyond having the on-stage guests, willing volunteers and helpful participants embracing their intuition and using to deliver
short readings to audience members I often perform audience readings myself regardless.

This can be as simple as looking into a few eyes or at some palms, discussing auras and what I can see in the energy field of
my audience members, dowsing over chakras, psychometry (take an object, give a reading, give it back!) and scrying into a
small, palm sized crystal sphere.

As we’ll discuss later having your audience members with personal questions related to love/relationships,
wealth/finances/money, travel, personality, health and spirituality stand and ask their questions aloud is very direct, very
simple and very effective.


In this show I’m constantly adding, revising, expanding, contracting and streamlining the various routines, effects and
demonstrations I use.

At this point no trickery or deception is utilized (no mentalism or illusions) and the results are gratifying, provocative and
mind expanding.

For select audiences the MYSTIC HYPNOSIS SHOW has many benefits over a traditional comedy flavored act. It’s a
metaphysical, esoteric, romantic and powerful performance which utilizes ideas, principles and techniques used throughout
the New Age movement and its history for incredible results carrying a very deep impact.

When I perform such a demonstration today I limit it to no more than 60-75 minutes which consists of a 10-15 minute
lecture at the beginning, a short induction/meditation process with the ‘Jumping Pulse’ and a series of metaphysical tests and

In my Psychic Home Evenings I select three participants and use different inductions with each of them; the ‘Expectation
Induction’ of John Clessattel (also called the ‘No Induction Induction’), a stunning NON VERBAL INDUCTION and finally
‘The Jumping Pulse Unleashed’ with the entire group but focused on and demonstrated with one single participant.

As a means to connect the Group Mind and Universal Consciousness the pulse of my single ‘on stage’ participant becomes
the moving pulse felt throughout the entire group. This is a bit like a one HUGE ‘PK Touches’ routine with an entire group or

Another key routine that features heavily in my version of this act is the audience pendulum demonstration ( To Control
10,000 Minds), a series of psychological forces (5 Star Opener) and perhaps even a hand clasp test to find the most suggestible
participants to join me on stage to assist with the teaching/sharing process. Other times I’ll simply use Ormond’s ‘Angel
Suggestibility Test’ outlined in this course.

In this performance piece applause is reserved until the end of the act, the release of which is ample to say the least because
it’s been building, growing and being contained or reserved until the finale.

I mix and match the routines I use and tend to close with the Group Past Life Regression experience followed by my
‘ENERGETIC WAVE’ and accompanying positive blessings and well-wishing for everyone. Remember that ANY of these
routines can be MAGNIFIED and made to work with an entire audience with a bit of thought. I consider such
performances as a type of ‘REAL TIME MIND GAMES’ played with an entire audience instead of a committed group of
people on a regular basis.

The book ‘Mind Games’ by Houston and Masters is a gold mine just waiting to be discovered by you! It will give you
additional ideas and techniques to use in your mind reading, magic, hypnosis, psychic entertainment, lectures, workshops and
public demonstrations for years to come.

One way I lead and present this Group Past Life Regression is to have people turn in their seats to face the person(s) they
have arrived with. I find usually people attend these events in small groups or couples so this is very comfortable. If the
audience is comfortable sharing with others present at the show they DO NOT KNOW I encourage this very much.

Once the people involved have been paired up (without moving around or changing seats!) I have them begin gazing into the
face and eyes of each other as I lead them through a Group PLR experience with their eyes open. One thing I enjoy very
much in these smaller, intimate performances is breaking the guests up into 2 or 3 person dyads.

The group is still connected and experiencing the same things, but on a more personal, individual scale. Because of the
natural dynamics within a group of any size from the largest to the smallest I know there are many ‘sub groups’ or smaller
groups hidden within any number of people and I exploit the power therein.

Using suggestions similar to those implemented to produce the effects of scrying (gaze softly, allow your eyes to become
unfocused, breathe deeply, witness the subtle yet remarkable changes, etc) I suggest the audience members will begin to see
the FACE of their partner changing slightly to reveal a past life appearance.

Using suggestions such as ‘the eyes are the windows of the soul’ and explaining we’re using the face of our neighbor much like the
old mystics would use a crystal sphere or calm pool of water for scrying (eyes open, waking dream states) they each begin to
notice both subtle and dramatic changes taking place in the face of their partner easily and naturally.

I use suggestions outlined in this and other books and works of mine including ‘The Crimson Wall of Lictalon’ and ‘Vanilla’
scripts which create a plethora of environmental suggestions which can be seen, felt and experienced by all.

Slowly but surely the facial features, skin tone, shape of the eyes and color, any facial hair, physical structures, markings and
other natural physical characteristics (moles, birthmarks, scars, makeup being worn, etc) begin changing, morphing, shifting
shapes, transforming and becoming altered right before their very eyes!

I think of this very much like Luke’s ‘Twisted Palm Reading’ with another person’s face.

When suggestion and frequent reminders to ‘breathe deeply’ are added the results are simply amazing. At the end when I ask
everyone who actually saw, felt and witnessed or otherwise experienced the appearance of a past life taking place upon the
face of their neighbor/partner to raise their hands I routinely get A LOT of hands going up! I ask those who raise their
hands to share with the group what they just experienced.

For this demonstration you might wish to play some light, hypnotic (New Age) music and experiment with variations in the
lighting. If I’m using this piece in a Psychic Home Party environment, which I often do (as described here), you may wish to
try it with candlelight which is spooky and magnificent and really increases the strength and impact of this experience. With
that in mind, I do this in full lighting, broad daylight and other conditions on a regular basis.

During my readings I point out to my clients that during their time with me they may start to notice my facial features
CHANGING, shifting, shaping, transforming, melting, melding and flowing into each other during the reading. I might take
on the appearance of guides, guardian angels, ancestors and other loved ones on the Other Side.

This is an extremely powerful suggestion to give another human being and one which should not be taken or given lightly. It
is meant for entertainment purposes only in a theatrical séance setting/situation.

The advanced student will see this as a perfect opportunity to actually BECOME the sitter’s loved ones in kind and quality
and anchor any positive, joy filled and heartfelt memories, emotions and experiences associated with that guide, angel or
loved one directly into themselves for intense deep rapport.

Use with caution.

If the client/sitter/participant(s) imagined the face of a relative with whom they have NEGATIVE attachments during this
experience to they might project those feelings onto YOU and disrupt the rapport, feel similar after effects of an abnormal
reaction to hypnosis during this process and more.

I sometimes use this with an entire group or small audience by sitting alone in the center of the stage and becoming the
surrogate body and physical representation of their loved ones. My features change, transform and meld with the thoughts
and consciousness of each individual and I appear different to everyone. This routine will be explained in depth in an
upcoming private release ‘THOUGHT FIELD’ in a routine titled, ‘Man with a thousand faces.’

If you’re not opposed to using deception or illusions in an act of this nature I highly recommend ‘The Chosen One’ by Dave
Moses also outlined in this book. Used by itself or in combination with Fraughton’s pendulum routine ‘To Control 10,000
Minds’, a few psychological forces and a short Q&A and/or ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence the results will blow YOUR mind
and the minds of your audiences, guaranteed.

Waking Hypnosis

Besides full trance (classical) hypnosis you’ve seen throughout this course how I love presenting what I do as
WAKING HYPNOSIS and the power of suggestion.

Whether it’s my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence, faux mind control techniques, demonstrations of suggestion, influence and
persuasion, a creative ‘Mind Game’, eyes open trance states, the effects of meditation (a form of MENTAL YOGA which
results in a ‘special state of mind’) or even ceremonial expressions and celebrations of the imagination and creativity of myself
and those I work with, presenting HYPNOSIS as anything but hypnosis has a lot of great things going for it.

I’ve found great joy in using suggestion and hypnotic techniques WITHOUT the need for formal trance to be induced.

Presenting your hypnotic techniques and demonstrations as simply ‘the power of suggestion’ and demonstrations of higher
creativity allows the performance artist to get around many of the laws that deal with hypnosis or as I call it, ‘relaxed, focused
awareness’ and lowers the natural level of resistance in subjects who may not fully understand the phenomena of hypnosis or
what its demonstrations entail.

For my ‘It’s NOT Hypnosis’ type demonstrations I’m constantly assuring my subjects they will NOT be hypnotized and go into
a trance state and ‘THIS IS NOT HYPNOSIS!’

Even so, the participants will still relax deeply and completely (if I tell them to!) and find themselves ready, able and willing to
respond PERFECTLY to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions I give them.

More than anything it is your SET UP, approach and presentation of hypnosis or ‘trance-like, semi-hypnotic’ routines, effects and
demonstrations that will make or break the experience. Remember, as long as YOU are confident and sure of your work and
ability (act act as such!) and have created a sense of rapport and connection with the people working with you these
demonstrations will go off without a hitch.

The SET UP is all about laying the groundwork and providing those initial suggestions. I offer these in a way that makes my
subjects WANT to succeed with these tests, principles and experiences.

My basic tools are the foundational concepts of ‘Telepathy in Action’, waking hypnosis/persuasion language patterns and
influence techniques, rapport and CRITERIA.

Another principle I rely heavily upon are READINGS.

I’ve found that rapport is established and strengthened very quickly with a short, powerful reading. For large audiences I may
read auras, personal objects (psychometry), a palm here, a set of eyes there and even engage in a short, propless Q&A to
learn more about my audience members and soon-to-be participants.

By sharing my intuitive, creative, imaginative RIGHT BRAIN thoughts, feelings and impressions openly and honestly with
my audience members they begin to feel comfortable with me. I make the readings as direct, impressive and helpful as
possible. We learn A LOT about each other in the process!

In close up situations I’ll simply introduce myself and tell the person(s) who I am, what I do and that I feel there’s something
unique and interesting about them (or happening in their life) that they don’t know about – something they may not be
conscious and aware of as of yet!

This captures the attention and imagination of just about anybody very quickly. By delivering a short, sincere and stunning
reading FIRST I take care of rapport, personal connection, suggestion/demonstration and winning the person over in one
fell swoop. It’s extremely effective and really, REALLY easy.

Of course any strong piece of magic or mind reading can also work wonders as the very exhibition and process of
witnessing these things tends to suspend disbelief, evoke the imagination and create rapport. A VERY strong piece can even
be a SHOCK INDUCTION in a way!

While a reading, mind reading or magic piece can be a very effective ice-breaker and warm up effect with your target
audience it isn’t absolutely necessary. More often than not I am simply creating that instant connection through being kind,
personable and sincerely INTERESTED in the people I meet and work with and suggest something exciting and different
they will always remember.

I tell them,

‘It’s a bit LIKE hypnosis, but it’s NOT hypnosis. You won’t go into a trance and I won’t try to hypnotize you today as long as YOU don’t try to
hypnotize YOURSELF right now either!’


‘It’s a form of hypnosis, but yet it’s NOT really…what it REALLY is, is simply the power of suggestion and gauging how well your imagination
works with how able you are to follow simple instructions and to have a great time bettering your life in just 3 minutes or less. Would you like to
try? I promise it won’t hurt a bit!’

I have dozens and dozens of ways of getting into and out of my hypnosis shows, routines and demonstrations. Bear in mind
you might wish to present ‘NOT HYPNOSIS’ for any number of personal reasons, legal reasons or ethical reasons. Many
times you’ll find people who WANT to be hypnotized and have always wondered what it feels like and if it can work for
them! These folks are everywhere and once you say you’re a hypnotist they’ll come out of the woodwork.

I’ve found that meeting a hypnotist is one of the most unique and interesting things a person can respond to and the
questions, conversations and resulting demonstrations just seem to flow effortlessly as a result. Hypnosis is naturally
intriguing, a point which I’ve hammered over and over again throughout this course. People will respond differently to you
when they have knowledge that you’re a practicing hypnotist.

I also find that many times a short hypnotic demonstration can be worked into an everyday conversation. It’s really easy to
steer the verbal dialogue into the area of hypnosis by sharing a quote or a story, sharing a personal memory or experience,
discussing a recent article you’ve read about hypnosis.

You could mention a live training you’ve attended, speak casually about a show you just did, a client you just met, the
possibilities are endless. Hypnosis can be presented in many ways and offered as a RESPONSE or supporting premise to
most anything brought up during a casual conversation.

Once hypnosis has been subtly introduced simply step back and allow it to simmer for a few minutes. Realize that your guest,
volunteer, participant, business contact or new friend IS thinking about hypnosis on some level now. When this happens the
person given such suggestions is often found entering their own exploratory internal dialogue regarding what hypnosis is,
how it works, IF it works, what it feels like, if it can work for them and perhaps even if some of the myths they’ve heard
about hypnosis are true.

Many times I’ll use hypnosis without even SAYING it’s hypnosis…I’ll simply go right into the routine, effect, induction or
demonstration I wish to without anything else being said or ‘hypnosis’ ever being mentioned. As you grow in experience
you’ll realize opportunities for language patterns, suggestions and even short demonstrations are practically everywhere all
the time!

Right now I’d like to share some of the best techniques I’ve ever developed, discovered and utilized in my own professional
work and career as a hypnotist, mind reader, psychic entertainer, healer, intuitive counselor and alternative therapist.

Many of these scripts and techniques will allow you to enter a full-blown hypnosis demonstration WITHOUT any formal
trance being introduced or included in the process and yet you’ll still be able to achieve, attain and develop hypnotic
phenomena as a result. These techniques are invaluable to me and will allow the performer who uses them to give ‘Telepathy in
Action’ and WAKING HYPNOSIS type demonstrations anytime, anywhere.

You can use these techniques on stage to full effect and great result, in your everyday conversations and interactions with
people, as an incredible showpiece and demonstration by itself or with any piece of magic, mind reading or psychic
entertainment you wish.

Most of these techniques, scripts, set up techniques, framing principles and professional presentations are PERFECT for
impromptu performances and yet STRONG ENOUGH for professional stage work or carefully orchestrated close up work.
The following approaches represent some of the most powerful techniques I can share with you at this time. They will
empower and allow you to work MIRACLES of suggestion, persuasion and influence without trance and without hypnosis.

A Full Hypnosis Show Presentation
(without hypnosis!)

One concept, technique and principle I’ve taught my students and that has proven itself of infinite value and
power time and time again is how to present a full hypnosis show without trance, without ‘sleep’ or even relaxation
(!) but still achieves all the normal hypnotic-type phenomena one normally associates with hypnosis.

To do this is much easier than you might think and this approach is suitable for both stage performances and close up

I use this in my full evening mentalism show with great effect. After my introduction and greeting to the audience I launch
into a SHORT 5-10 minute lecture/explanation and presentation regarding how I FEEL the mind works and how psychic
abilities and various feats of mind reading are REALLY achieved (through the imagination and creative faculties).

I explain that our RIGHT BRAIN – the playful, creative, non critical, non judgmental, INTUITIVE mind is the key to our
psychic/intuitive/empathic faculties and natural sensitive abilities as well as HYPNOSIS (optional).

To get our minds ‘warmed up’ and IN TUNE for the mind reading experiments, tests and demonstrations which are
forthcoming I say I’d like to play a dynamic and CREATIVE MIND GAME with the people gathered here tonight and
require a number of willing volunteers and participants from the audience to come up on stage to assist me and play along.

‘The only request I have for those of you who wish to participate right now is that you have a strong imagination and that you’re willing to help me
jumpstart this show with a BANG!

I’m looking for a few heroes, 12 or 15 people should work out perfectly!’

I say this last line as I’m gesturing towards the row of empty chairs behind me.

Notice how I’ve pre-selected my participants by making the request for people with a strong imagination and who will adopt
an attitude of willing support for the sake of the show. I use a great line, ‘I’m looking for a few heroes’ which places a feeling of
personal significance in the mind of my audience members. These people know what they’re doing by participating is a big
favor to me personally and very important to the rest of the show.

I have a row of empty chairs lined up behind me (obviously for the participants and volunteers) and this is a great
suggestion. People see I have a certain number of willing volunteers in mind and I need to fill those chairs. Presented in the
manner I’ve given here I’ve not ever once encountered a problem.

Once the participants are volunteering and making their way to the stage I collect them with a warm greeting, a handshake,
eye contact, smile and personal acknowledgement. I make the participants feel welcome and show them to their seats.

Something else that’s very important here is having the audience give these folks a HUGE round of applause for their
bravery and willingness to help out. I prompt this applause once the participants are seated with me on stage.

Another way you can FORCE participants to the stage is by using the psychological force ruse. By using my ‘5 Star Opener’ I
can very easily get those who did well receiving my thoughts up on stage. Just know that getting people on stage is not a
problem – it’s very simple.

Once settled I continue immediately,

‘What happens now is really easy!

Because our intuitive abilities and psychic potentials are linked directly to the RIGHT BRAIN’S power of creativity, spontaneity and
imagination I’d like everyone up here right now to IMAGINE that we’re ALL now part of an IMPROV COMEDY TROUPE.

I’ll call out different ideas, skits and scenarios (creative suggestions) that YOU’LL EACH simply respond to as quickly, creatively
(spontaneously) and realistically as possible! I won’t suggest anything too embarrassing and certainly nothing I wouldn’t be willing to do myself.
Remember, this is merely a warm up exercise and process to help activate our inner potential and abilities for creative visualization, imagination
and empathy which combine together to create the special state of mind that makes (theatrical) mind reading and feats of telepathy possible.

For instance, if I suggest the room is cold you’ll want to use your imagination to react exactly as if the theatre we’re in tonight was FREEZING
COLD. If I said this place was HOT all of a sudden, you might start fanning yourself, wiping your brow and using your imagination to play
along and make these ideas a reality.

OPTIONAL: Our goal here is to enroll the aid and assistance of our subconscious mind for the demonstrations to follow and one of the easiest
ways to do this is by PLAYING… using our imagination and creativity to check our ego at the door and embrace our infinite potential…

Besides being a fun exercise and ice-breaker for the group to warm up this simple game will show me know who up here right now has the strongest
minds, greatest creative ability, artistic potential and even hidden intuitive gifts. Those are the people I want to use first in my attempt at actual

So, let’s begin with exactly what I said before by imagining this room, stage and theatre being FREEZING COLD…

…act it out in your own way NOW…freezing cold, getting colder and colder…’

And that’s it!

We’re off and running and believe it or not this works very, very well. From this point on I display what for all intents and
purposes looks exactly like a real hypnosis show. I never once mention the word ‘sleep’ and such things as ‘relaxation’ or
‘hypnosis’ are never brought into the equation.

After each skit and suggestion I give the participants I have the audience give my participants a warm, appreciative round of
applause. I use many of the same skits and suggestions I do in my hypnosis show such as, ‘The more you applaud the greater
creativity our participants on stage will begin to express and the better they perform the more you’ll want to clap, applaud and show your
enthusiastic support for them!’

You can change the script and presentation to fit you and your character in whatever way you wish, obviously. What I’ve
written above is basically the gist of it and how I present these techniques for wonderful results and a full hypnosis show
without the use of trance or hypnosis.

Another example and variation I use and prefer close up (also works on stage) is this –

‘I’d like to try a short experiment (test, demonstration, warm up exercise, etc) with you right now (in preparation for the actual mind
reading and thought sharing to take place); a sort of creative/intuitive MIND GAME if you will…and we’ll be playing this game
together with our conscious minds and A LOT more with our unconscious minds.

And the goal of this game is to ignite our mind power and intuition through the miracle and faculties of our imagination.

So now to demonstrate your infinite mind power and unlimited creative potential with me right now I simply want you to IMAGINE for the next
few moments that I AM THE WORLD’S GREATEST HYPNOTIST and YOU are the world’s best hypnotic subject, capable of

responding perfectly to the creative thoughts, ideas and suggestions I give you INSTANTLY NOW (SNAP!) as if they were your (only!)

(Wave your hand in front of their face or touch the participant, etc).

…and AGAIN, just to be clear… with that in mind, for the next few moments simply IMAGINE THAT EVERYTHING I SAY, every
single thing IS now instantly your reality. You can see what I say (ask/tell) you can see, know everything I say you know and together with your
mind power and intuition you can be, do and have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience everything I say INSTANTLY NOW as if your life
depended on it and as if this was your reality BECAUSE you have a super powerful mind and you’re capable of achieving things you didn’t even
know were possible!

Is that okay for you to know?

(Is that an okay reality for you to embrace for a few moments?)


Then just do me a favor and take a nice deep breath for me as you allow these creative expressions and new realities (suggestions) to begin
working for you…and HOLD IT…and now as you exhale step fully and completely into this new frame of mind and an exciting new
demonstration of your creative power with me by simply letting go and having fun with this mental game.

As the first demonstration and shining example of your imagination and creativity go ahead now and just extend your arm out in front of you like
this and do exactly as I tell you…’

This is one of the many, many ways I use the ‘SUPER SUGGESTION’ taught and expanded upon elsewhere in this book.
You’ll see a few different ways I use it very soon.

The above script is a MUCH longer version of what I normally do and really doesn’t need to be so wordy or forceful. As it’s
given this should take you just about 2 minutes to deliver in its entirety, the result of which is a perfect hypnotic subject who
will now do everything you say.

Again, please take these scripts I’ve provided inside ‘Thought Veil’, condense them down into as few words as possible while
still saying and suggesting all that is necessary for the proper effects to be realized. Make what I say suitable to YOU and your
own persona.

A shortened version goes like this,

‘Who here has a strong imagination and would like to/be willing to help me out for a moment?


You sir! Thank you very much.

And your name is?

It’s nice to meet you (name) and I really appreciate your assistance right now – we’re going to have a great time together and I promise to take
wonderful care of you.

Listen to me very closely…because for the next few moments (name) I simply want you to IMAGINE that you’re fully capable of responding
perfectly to every thought, idea and suggestion I give you INSTANTLY NOW as if the words I say and the situations I suggest to you were
(creating) your reality (because you ARE and they will be!)…and of course you WON’T be hypnotized and this isn’t hypnosis, but it will
help activate our creative minds in preparation for actual mind reading and thought sharing to occur between us (all the demonstrations to

Is that okay for you to know?


Go ahead then and just hold your arm out in front of you like this and do exactly as I say…’


‘Listen to me very closely…because for the next few moments (name) I simply want you to imagine that everything I say, every single thing, is now
your reality. And of course you won’t be hypnotized or placed into a trance state for this, but just imagine all the same that you can see what I ask
you to see and visualize what I ask you to so strongly that you can actually be, do and have, taste, touch, feel, smell, hear and experience
EVERYTHING I SAY instantly now BECAUSE you have a super powerful mind.’

Some might argue these presentations are ‘pseudo hypnosis’ but I disagree. The way I see it, by any means necessary using
anything and any tool you have access to used to cause a person, volunteer, subject or participant to RESPOND
SUCCESSFULLY to your suggestions IS hypnosis!

With samples of the above script the charismatic performer is able to get just about ANYONE to do his will very easily. At
this point I can ask a subject to extend their arm and imagine it becoming stuck, straight, stiff and rigid like a steel beam,

‘And nothing anyone could think, say or do will cause that arm to bend!

Now…TRY to bend your arm…and see that you can’t!

TRY really hard to bend that arm as you continue to focus on it being stuck, straight, stiff and rigid…’

The arm will not bend. The subject is under my full control…or are they?

Asking, ‘Who among you has a strong imagination?’ and positioning myself with a proper, responsive subject means I can now say,
‘I want you to USE THAT IMAGINATION to imagine (pretend, make believe) that from this moment forth everything I say is NOW
INSTANTLY your reality…’ and so on. I don’t need any type of induction or preparation, I can simply launch into it.

Notice how I take the subject’s own response and admonition of having a STRONG IMAGINATION and use it against
them. It’s almost as if I’m saying, ‘You can do this BECAUSE YOU SAID you have a strong imagination, and I want you to use that
strong imagination to/for X, Y and Z…’

I often use the SUPER SUGGESTION in other ways, as in my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence. Something very fun and
effective is to use ‘The Process’ (or any process!) to connect with directly with the mind and heart of my participant, even if
only through suggestion…

‘In a moment our minds, hearts and thoughts will actually begin flowing together to become ONE mind, one heart and ONE shimmering pool of
thoughts and consciousness…

…and after this connection takes place everything I say, think, feel or do will INSTANTLY become part of your reality as well…

You will see what I see, know what I know and TOGETHER we can be, do and have, taste, touch, feel, smell and experience
EVERYTHING exactly the same BECAUSE our minds are connected…’

Giving a short reading, holding both hands of the participant and gazing deeply into their eyes as these suggestions are
rendered is effective beyond compare. Any select piece of mind reading that follows will be exponentially stronger and your
hypnotic suggestions will begin to affect the participant on very deep levels.

I love doing this after a very strong, very direct READING or strong piece of mentalism by saying,

‘You were kind enough to share yourself and your thoughts with me, and now I will gladly do the same for you. Listen to me very closely…’

No induction. No hypnosis. No ‘tests.’ No ‘relaxation’, ‘trance’ or asking for your participants to close their eyes. No long
boring lectures or traditional calls to stage. Very few participants get sent back to their seats or become unresponsive. What
more could you ask for?

Let’s look at a variety of other techniques, ruses, presentations and waking hypnosis language patterns to produce these
startling effects.

Waking Hypnosis &
It’s Not Hypnosis Continued

Something I’m very fond of doing when performing the ‘STUCK HAND’, LOCKED ARM’, ‘SEALED EYES’,
‘CAN’T MOVE/SPEAK’ and other such tests, stunts and suggestions is preconditioning the successful response
in my participant by first asking them,

‘What’s something that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE for you?’

An appropriate answer might be ‘the sky is blue’ or ‘my name is Bob’ or ‘I’m a man’ and any other such response. These are all
answers that would be considered ‘ABSOLUTE TRUTHS’ to my participant in this example. Any question that would
elicit an unequivocal ‘truth’ or strong ‘YES’ response from your participant will do just fine.

I’ll take the participant’s answer(s) and say,


I want you to use that truth/those truths to STICK YOUR HAND TO THE TABLE. Allow these suggestions of ‘X’ (X = your hand
becoming stuck, etc) to become JUST AS TRUE for you (for the time being/next few moments) and your hand will remain stuck,
glued, bound, locked and fastened tightly and securely to the table just as surely as your name is BOB.’

OPTIONAL: ‘In fact the more you think YES and the more you THINK of your name or I say it aloud the more your hand being stuck
firmly to the table can become a similar truth and reality for you at this time.

Isn’t that an interesting concept!?’



I want you to use the power of that YES answer to stick your hand to the table. Allow this suggestion to become your reality for a moment. Say

Use your mind to control your body and just as sure as your name is (blank), your hand will be stuck, glued, bound and fastened securely to the

This pattern doesn’t really make sense consciously, but UNCONSCIOUSLY it provides the necessary context to succeed
with my suggestions. The reasons are many.

First, I’m getting the participant to THINK in absolute truths! This is huge.

By stepping into the ‘truthful’ frame of mind and entertaining thoughts and realities (details in their own reality) that are
ABSOLUTELY TRUE I can begin to link and meld the suggestions I’m delivering to the participant’s absolute reality.

Second, this IS a type of confusion pattern. The instructions seem clear, but consciously the request doesn’t make a lot of
sense – neither does the result and outcome.

Third, in so many words I’m basically saying, ‘If your name IS Bob, then stick your hand to the table!’ and even ‘BECAUSE you’re a
man and THAT fact is true, so is the idea that your hand is stuck to the table.’

This pattern takes a bit of getting used to. It produces strong results very quickly and it’s something I have very many uses
for and is one of my favorite patterns.

Another technique I use A LOT is that of leading and directing the participant to IMAGINE my suggestion is taking place.
For instance, I might have them IMAGINE their arm is locked, the hand is stuck, their eyes are sealed or they cannot move
(etc) in their mind and then FOLLOW that suggestion/visualization/imagined experience NOW and ‘act as if ’ in this reality.

‘Imagine that X…’

‘Imagine Y taking place now easily and naturally…’

‘Embrace that thought/idea/suggestion as your new reality NOW.’

‘Do EXACTLY what you can see/think/feel/experience/visualize in your mind in THIS WORLD and reality.’

Another technique you’ll find invaluable is drawing the subject’s attention to ANY and ALL small change, difference and
effect before MAGNIFYING it considerably.

For instance, if I suggest my subject’s arm will become locked or their feet will become heavy the ideomotor response and
natural physical reactions will make it so. They only need to focus, imagine, will, intend and desire for these things to happen,
expect it to happen and then allow it to happen. My suggestions will then garner an appropriate result and response easily
and naturally.

Once the subject CONFIRMS some type of change (anything at all!), I take that response and run with it. You saw how this
works in my ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence IF a person lifts their arm after the mental suggestion that it is STUCK.

We can use the technique being explained here as a primary technique OR as an ‘out’ in the case of resistance. Realize that
every technique I’m teaching you now can be used in and out of hypnosis just the same. I use many of these techniques with
participants in trance states as well as completely wide awake and aware states.

To elicit this response, after giving suggestions that my subject’s arm is locked, their feet are stuck or whatever the suggestion
happens to be I just say,

‘Now simply be honest and remember that you don’t have to lie to make me look good…can you feel ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL in how
that arm feels right now?’

By drawing the participant’s awareness to the effect and results of their own mind power they WILL see, find, notice, realize
or create a difference!

Once we get an affirmative response I continue.

If the subject claims they DO NOT feel any difference I simply tell them to stop, take a deep breath, re-FOCUS and stop
trying so hard to ALLOW these suggestions to work for them.

‘Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and it WILL happen, easily and naturally.

Use your mind to control your body…you can do this!’

Another variation on this is simply,

‘Now be honest and remember you don’t have to lie to make me look good…

…with your mind and thoughts focused on this arm becoming locked, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid…

…and with your attention, intentions and personal energy (mind power) going in that direction…

CAN YOU FEEL, NOTICE or PERCEIVE ANY DIFFERENCE in how your arm feels right now?’

Well, when you say it like that Jerome, yes I can!

Once the affirmative, positive answer is given I continue with,


Then with your next breath simply allow that feeling to INCREASE in strength and intensity so it can double, triple or even quadruple for you
now, easily and naturally.

Every breath you take and every easy beat of your heart…with each thought you have and each moment that passes simply ALLOW this feeling
of “X” to double, triple and quadruple for you right now.

You’re doing perfectly.’

I suggest to my participant that EVERYTHING they can see, think, do, feel, smell, taste, hear and experience (etc) exists to
support them in their choices, directs this incredible mind power and fosters their current experience or state of being. I also
remind them, ‘This is all about you!’

To keep the experience going and growing I might say something along the lines of,

‘What we’re doing here is embracing and calling forth the REAL YOU…your TRUE POTENTIAL…the HIGHEST SELF who creates
your reality with mere thoughts, actions and clear intentions alone where as Emerson said – ‘your speech becomes thunder…your thought is

…realize that you CAN do this, you ARE doing it and it’s happening for you now – BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN MIND – right this
very instant!

You’re taking control of your life and reality.’

If in doubt I’ll remind the participant,


In this sense, fighting against ME or resisting the resulting phenomena and experience is actually fighting against the
participant’s own SELF. It’s not about me – this is ALL ABOUT THEM and what they can do.

Something you’ll find that creates willing, non resistant participants and working subjects is presenting what you do as a
demonstration of THEIR mind power, self control and natural ability; their ability to imagine, visualize, follow simple
directions and affect their reality through sheer force of will, desire and intentions.

Once hypnosis becomes anything other than this it is open to attack from all angles. Gone are the days when a performer can
repeatedly get away with ‘controlling’ someone by dominating their mind and turning them into a mindless drone.
Persuading, influencing and even mentally directing…YES.


Not a chance!

The reason here is that most everyone prefers and enjoys feeling empowered and as though they have control over something
in this world/their life. I often cite the quote,

‘Those who control fail to inspire!’

It’s a very effective phrase and I use it like so:

‘What we’re about to do here/now is ALL ABOUT CONTROL…but not in the usual sense of the word.

It’s been said – THOSE WHO CONTROL FAIL TO INSPIRE – and I agree!

So, instead of this being about ME attempting or trying (or even wanting!) to control or influence YOU, allow what we do here to serve as a
shining example and perfect demonstration of YOUR OWN LEVEL of self control and self mastery.

I’m not interested in a battle of wills…because YOURS would surely win!

Instead, we’ve got to work together now and cooperate for the best possible results. This is about using the control self control you already have and
using it/directing it in a few different ways.

Now…hold your arm out like this and use your mind to control your body by IMAGINING (will, intend, desire, make manifest) that arm
becoming locked, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid.’

By framing each hypnotic routine, test or suggestion as an example of the participants own SELF CONTROL and level of
SELF MASTERY we tiptoe around the logical, rational, judgmental, ego-mind of the subject. By presenting our
demonstrations along the lines of self control we pander to the pride of our subject; their eagerness to grow and lust for
further development, control and influence over their life, themselves and the situations surrounding them.

One very clever way of getting into some of these hypnotic-flavored tests is by asking your participant,

‘On a scale from 1-10, how much control would you say you have over your own life (over your mind, body & experience) at this time?

How might you feel were I to show you HOW you can take control of your mind and thoughts (instantly!), your body and physical experience
(immediately) and most of all…how to USE this level of self mastery to become the utmost AUTHORITY FIGURE and CREATIVE
force in your life and reality at this time…

… able to exercise and express a form of powerful yet enlightened dominance and complete control over everything that happens to you in your life
and in your future on a CONSTANT basis…realizing this includes shaping and possibly attaining ALL of your hopes, goals, dreams and
ambitions up to this point in the process?

You would be open to that, wouldn’t you?’

Who in their right mind would turn such a lesson down?

I might suggest that learning, understanding and properly UTILIZING these tools, gifts and techniques may allow a person
to BE, DO & HAVE anything and everything they desire,

‘In fact (truth/reality) many of my personal, private students have gone on to use these same techniques to double, triple or even quadruple the
quality of their life and relationships, their financial abundance and income, the quality of their health and sense of joy, peace and the experience
of true happiness they can experience in just 30 days or less.

They’ve come away REALIZING that not only can YOU have the perfect body, financial abundance, the ideal mate or companion, complete
protection, total fulfillment and great success…but that you CAN and WILL start to be, do and have all of these things and more RIGHT
NOW just as soon as you can apply these techniques and learn about the special mental yoga/advanced psycho-spiritual states that makes it all

In my work and demonstrations I’m often very frank and tell people,

‘Everything you do now is the result of your own self control and level of personal mastery – a perfect example and shining demonstration,
affirmation and positive expression of your own raw, unbridled talent, natural ability and heightened self awareness!’

Of course you can use ANY three or four POSITIVE STATES OF BEING you wish to from this book. I’ve listed them
twice for easy reference. Using the participants own personal criteria, core beliefs and values is practically a guarantee that
you (and they) will be successful in your demonstrations.

In this sense everything you do together becomes an affirmation and manifestation exercise of that which your participant
values and desires most. The more they respond to your suggestions the more they create the experience of these things on
subtle levels.

That ‘like attracts like’ and ‘much gathers more’ is absolutely TRUE!

By taking small steps and setting clear intentions to create the experience of their own criteria (through partaking and
succeeding in these demonstrations) we impress the unconscious mind of our participant(s) with those desires and give the
subject a working program/model to go about creating these things!

I have no qualms presenting the suggestions I give and my subject’s ability to respond to them as keys and techniques for
creating the life of their dreams. As Michael Weber says, ‘It’s all about PAYING ATTENTION.’

Through these techniques and demonstrations my subjects are taught to take control of their own lives and create the results
they want to IN BABY STEPS. Confidently I tell them, ‘It starts with this!’ and ‘Once you can do this, you can do ANYTHING!

‘Just as we can use our thoughts to create a new reality and experience for ourselves, now I want you to use your mind to control your body, and
consciously TRY to bend your arm while your UNCONSCIOUS MIND continues to focus on keeping it locked, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid.

Keep that arm exactly like it is and TRY to bend it, and see that you can’t!’

This is a wonderful double bind I’m very fond of. I’m telling my participant to TRY and do something while they focus on
NOT doing it and NOT allowing it to happen!

I also give the ‘CONSCIOUS’ versus ‘UNCONSCIOUS’ suggestions which complicates the matter further. Finally I TELL
THEM straight out to keep their arm (hand, eyes, feet, etc) EXACTLY like they are and TRY to (fill in the blank).

This is extraordinary.

I might also add something along the lines of,

‘DO NOT let your body get away with cheating you!

Though it WANTS to TRY and bend that arm, DO NOT ALLOW IT TO!

Allow it to TRY while you continue using your mind, your heart, the power of your thoughts and clarity of your intentions to keep that arm
locked, stuck, straight, stiff and rigid.

Create your reality.’

When combined with a presentation of these suggestions being a demonstration of their own mind power and natural ability,
telling the participant over and over they can do this (!) and furthermore, that it’s EASY your results are assured.

Perhaps the subject’s ability to do these things is a result of a special mantra or meditation technique…a form of mental

Maybe it’s the result of special breathing patterns, focusing on a mystic symbol or holding a certain thought, idea, quote or
image in mind…perhaps even a certain Biblical passage or scripture…

One thing I tend to do A LOT is work with the ‘Thought Veil’ technique and help to ‘dissipate the THOUGHT VEIL’ of my
participants so they can attain even better results using their mind to create their reality and take control of their own body.

A wonderful variation of removing or dissipating the ‘Thought Veil’ goes like this:

‘I want you to IMAGINE a light switch in the middle of your brain turned to the OFF position. Whenever this switch is OFF our logical,
conscious, rational, resistant mind is fully active, wide awake and positively aware of everything that goes on around us.

Now with your thoughts I want you to reach up MENTALLY and flip that switch UP to the ON position. Go ahead and imagine this
happening now…nod your head when you’ve done this…and as you flip that switch ON I also want you to imagine a soft, white light filling your
mind, washing over your physical brain and cleansing your thoughts. Now the lights are on and you’re right at home with your full potential.

This gentle white light represents your unconscious mind, left in the dark and now consciously brought to the surface to play and interact with us

Whenever this switch is flipped to the ON position realize that you can perfectly respond to every thought, idea and suggestion I give you and that
your special gifts, hidden potential and natural abilities can come rushing to the surface.

This little exercise, albeit simple, allows you to DO THINGS you never thought were possible. Let me show you what I mean…’

This wonderful variation of dissipating the ‘Thought Veil’ is something I’m very fond of. Any time I find myself working with
a participant/subject who is at all resistant I’ll simply take 20-30 seconds and walk them through this exercise to ‘turn on’
their unconscious abilities and allow that 90% of their personality and potential to come flying to the surface, overpowering
the conscious mind and all resistance.

With this switch ‘ON’ we go ahead and re-try whatever test or demonstration the participant has just failed in. The idea here
is to create a mental change and transformed mental state in the participant. This action, visualization and resulting actions
suggests and presupposes a different result will be known and had by those participating in this work with me. This has much
the same function of my ‘Thought Veil’ technique and it’s extremely powerful while being much quicker in use.

The inspiration for this technique comes from a pet tool I use in my private work involving CLICKING THE
AMYGDALA of my subject to produce Gamma brainwaves, ‘pop’ the frontal lobes, energize the pineal gland and medulla,
activate the cerebral cortex and cleanse the limbic system of my participants.

These techniques and their proper use are far outside the scope of this book and something I reserve for my live trainings.
I’m happy to speak about them and even teach them to ‘Thought Veil’ students in person sometime in the future. I’ve studied
this area of neurochemistry, the anatomy and physiology of the brain for a number of years now and have found my
discoveries of great significance in the areas of hypnosis, the power of suggestion, healing and even psychic abilities.

Realize that with the ‘Thought Veil’ & ‘Light Switch’ techniques you can basically TURN ON or TURN OFF anything (!)
including any action, behavior, suggestion, result, experience or response you desire within your participants.

For example, you could turn off anxiety by flipping the switch for supreme confidence and security in the client’s own self
and their ability. You could ‘turn on’ psychic abilities, ‘turn off ’ resistance, ‘turn on’ life’s greatest blessings and ‘turn off ’ life’s
largest obstacles to your success.

I’ve had clients come to me with great problems in achieving some goal or positive result in their life. I take one look at them
and say,

‘Your GOAL SWITCH is turned off!

Take a deep breath and imagine…’

…and I go right into this ‘switching’ technique. Instantly the client FEELS better and when they feel better they CREATE and
take better, more confident and more powerful ACTIONS. I give them homework to ‘flip the switch’ anytime they are
working on their goal and in doing so REALIZE they are sending a powerful program and conscious message (clear
intention) directly to their unconscious mind.

Once this message is sent via this special visualization things may start to come together for the client in ways they cannot
even begin to imagine. I suggest they will KNOW when this message has been received because after flipping the switch to
the ‘ON’ position their unconscious mind will respond by allowing them to see (in their mind’s eye), sense (intuitively) or feel
(emotionally) the LIGHT that shines forth as a result.

As a suitably powerful and effective MENTAL CONSTRUCT these imaginative devices have great uses in your work.
Having problems getting a pendulum to move in the hands of another person? Have them go inside and flip the switch!

Perhaps you’re having issues during contact mind reading?

Go ahead and take your ‘guide’ through the process of turning the light on with suggestions they can now lead you easily and
naturally to the hidden object through their intentions, mind power and thoughts alone.

Something else I’m very fond of is FEIGNING difficulty in receiving a thought, word, name, number or other piece of
information during a demonstration of mind reading. I pause for a moment and have my participant/sender go within and
‘flip the switch’ before I receive the illumined thought in its fullness and glory. This is a great technique to create BELIEF in
this exercise and show your audience what can be done once they’ve flipped that mental switch.

Another variation I have on this consists of the participant turning a key in their mind and opening a door. It’s the same
technique with a different presentation. The effects are the same. Imagine doing this exercise with each chakra and energy
center in the body or aura, unlocking the heart, flipping the light on the inspired mind and more!

Using these techniques one can also work backwards by locking things, turning switches OFF and closing doors to whatever
perceptions, beliefs, actions or reactions we wish to. It’s a very powerful technique. Tread lightly.

Besides their use for entertainment purposes these varied techniques also have definite therapeutic uses and value. I invite
you to explore these (and other) mental constructs and imagine everything you’ll be able to do with them as a result.

These mental constructs also provide an interesting presentation and method for certain ‘Parts Therapy’ techniques wherein
the therapist/healer gives a voice to specific body parts and levels of the clients mind or facets of their personality.

Waking Hypnosis Continued –

We’ve already discussed the value and power in making your hypnotic flavored demonstrations the result of your
participant’s own ability and not your power to control them. This shift in attitude, thinking, approach and
presentation is enough to yield positive results on a level far greater than what you may be used to experiencing!

By empowering the participant through these exercises we give them a REASON to do as we suggest as opposed to
following our suggestions without a clear goal, reason or intention behind the act.

I’ve discussed transforming the ‘LOCKED ARM’ test into a demonstration of mind power, clear thoughts, intention/desire
and even the direction of our natural life-force energy and here is a greater example of this…

‘What if I could teach you how to create your life with clear intentions and the powerful actions necessary to experience the results you want

In less than 60 seconds I can teach ANYONE how to use their mind to control their body/affect their reality and make their arm completely
straight, locked, stuck, stiff and as rigid as a steel beam and SO STRONG in fact that NOTHING anyone else could think, say or do
otherwise would cause that arm to bend as a result.

Taking these same principles and applying them in different ways can make a world of positive difference in attaining your goals, desires, wants,
hopes, dreams and ambitions.

Do you have a minute to experience this for yourself and learn how to apply these techniques in your life immediately?’

I often present myself as a POSITIVE THINKING expert. With these hypnotic tools, tests and suggestions I’m able to
show a person or group of people INSTANTLY how their thoughts affect their reality. The reason WHY we use these
physical tests and demonstrations of our mind power is simple: with positive thinking there must always be POSITIVE
ACTION to create the results we desire. These tests are examples of positive action in a miniature, symbolic form.

In my private practice I work as a special type of consultant (intuitive) and routinely assist my clients in creating (and
achieving) working goals. To demonstrate how the power of written goals and other techniques applies to them I often sit
down and make a list of ‘hypnotic tests’ (routines, suggestions and demonstrations) as a beginning goal list when teaching
these techniques and philosophies.

I’ll have the client WRITE OUT their goal (I will use my mind to make my arm stronger than steel!) over and over again (3-5
times) to impress that message upon both their conscious and unconscious mind. Once I’ve taken my client through the
process of making written goals we go into the actual (physical) test and demonstration of those written goals and see
IMMEDIATELY how effective this process is in creating the intended results.

By eliciting the clients core beliefs, values, desires and goals in life and linking their criteria to the demonstrations at hand as a
form/example of MANIFESTING their goals via this symbolic, metaphorical, ceremonial act we begin to see positive
results on many, many levels. This is much more than entertainment and I’ve successfully found a great way (for me) to
bridge the two using these techniques.

Another technique I find very effective and ultimately useful is the idea of GIVING PERMISSION to the participant to be,
do and have everything they desire. Once I give them permission to experience the life of their dreams they can give
themselves permission to create a reality they actually want as opposed to the one handed to them.

I give the participant PERMISSION to stick their hand to the table, make their arm become stronger than steel, seal their
eyes shut, change the rate of their pulse, become stuck to the floor, forget their obstacles/barriers and limitations (amnesia)
and much, much more. These hypnotic tests and routines are simply metaphors for THINKING BIGGER and taking action
in more empowered ways. Each suggestion gives way to a new lesson, thought, feeling, attitude and approach.

A use for hypnosis and waking trance states I favor is creating hallucinations…and what are hallucinations besides imaginary
things seen with our eyes open? In many ways a hypnotic hallucination is simply creative visualization with open eyes!

I use this approach and premise to cause my participants to see all types of things and create successful positive and negative
hallucinations (seeing things that are not really there and NOT seeing things that ARE really there, respectively).

A wonderful technique for creating waking hallucinations is asking your participant to call out THREE random objects –
they can be ANYTHING.

With this short list of three objects I instruct my participant to gaze into a crystal, the palm of their hand, my eyes or a
suggested area on the floor or a table – even a wall or the ceiling will do! I often use clouds.

Now, one by one I call out the objects suggested and instruct my participant to SEE that object with their eyes open as if a
hologram were appearing in my crystal or a movie reel was being projected onto the wall. I instruct my participant to nod
their head when they can SEE this in their mind’s eye.

After the first object has been created I bring in the second object they called. Depending on what the objects are I get my
participant/subject VISUALIZING the two interacting in some unique or interesting way. Finally the third object is brought
into play, imagined just like before and set into motion interacting with the previous two somehow.

For some people this is much easier said than done. You would be surprised at how many people have problems
VISUALIZING imagery with their eyes closed, much less with eyes wide open.

I find visual learners are very quick to arrive at a successful conclusion with these short ‘tests.’ For AUDITORY people I
might ask them to IMAGINE the sound those objects would make were they to be used, crushed, sliced, tossed to the floor,
etc. I link their natural process and primary modality (VAK) with imagery and slowly begin to incorporate the visual aspect
of it all into the process. Soon they will be seeing AND hearing the visualizations and hallucinations I suggest.

The same technique applies to KINESTHETIC types only in this case I would have them FEEL what the object is like,
IMAGINE the surface and texture, notice how it might tickle if brushed across their skin and finally to SEE the object as
this happens.

When creating ANY form of hypnotic hallucinations you’ll want to meet the subject on the level of their own experience
and primary modality and start building a bridge towards a full blown, eyes open hallucination or visionary experience.

This is much easier than many hypnotists make it out to be and in cases wherein they have problems creating positive or
negative hallucinations (with subjects in or out of trance!) I simply have to question their strategy. It’s really not that hard!

Once your participant(s) can see, feel, hear and mentally interact with your suggestions we can begin to make the
visualizations grow, shrink, change shape and color, vanish completely and reappear or take another form entirely. For all
intents and purposes, this form of creative visualization and imagery exercise IS suggestion based hypnotic-phenomena and
REAL hallucinations! They are seeing exactly what I suggest.

Within a few moments I can begin to create or negate any thought, form or physical item and object I wish with a mere
suggestion. Using these techniques I can open doors to other worlds within a crystal or upon a wall, turn myself invisible and
create diverse visions to appear. You might suggest this is a lot like daydreaming, creative visualization or eyes open

My preference is to create a visionary experience with my client’s eyes wide open because it takes the session and blends it
with life and reality. Instead of taking place inside the client’s ‘INNER SPACE’ (the dark confines of their mind) we bring
the session, suggestions and imagery OUT from within to engage, play with and interact in the world around us.

Now I can cause highly evolved beings and ‘guides’ to appear and impart a special message, gift or vision to the client to
assist with a personal problem, empower a goal or deliver a special message or reading. I can effectively SHOW the client a
new world and a new reality wherein their goals are already accomplished and then physically ask them to STEP INTO that
new reality and vision.

Something very effective that I probably should NOT be tipping now is a special exercise and ‘CRYSTAL MIND GAME’
that I’ve found incredibly effective and my clients absolutely LOVE…

In my readings, hypnotherapy sessions and sometimes even after a strong performance when a particularly deep rapport and
connection has been established I often give something away. This might be a bone from my casting/readings set, a crystal, a
charm from my medicine bag, a bead from my necklace, a specialized YANTRA, a mantra or symbol for my audience and
participants to reflect on or even a special poem, quote or scripture. At times I’ve even GIVEN AWAY the suggestion for a
great book, movie, song or restaurant!

I’ve found it’s not so much WHAT you give away, but HOW you give it.

The ‘CRYSTAL MIND GAME’ drew its inspiration from my friend and wonderful brother in the arts Enrique Enriquez’
INVISIBLE GEMSTONE. If you do any type of readings, hypnosis or magic this is a wonderful piece to add to your
repertoire. Not only does it allow you to give a great little reading and connect through a very special, unusual and intriguing
experience BUT you also get to ‘give away’ something you and the client create and experience together.

I often use Enrique’s ‘INVISIBLE GEMSTONE’ as a suggestibility test. As an exercise in the imagination and creative
faculties of my participant I will create the gemstone and begin asking them certain little details about it including how big it
is, how it’s cut (if it’s cut!), what shape, size and color it is, if they can see/imagine their reflection in the surface and what
these things all mean to them.

Enrique’s work aside, my ‘CRYSTAL MIND GAME’ uses the same type of visualization processes in a much different way
AND incorporates a physical object as well…a simple crystal point.

Removing the crystal from my bones set or medicine bag I explain this is a special kind of ‘PROJECTION CRYSTAL.’ I
suggest to my client that anywhere I place the crystal becomes a landing pod for their thoughts, daydreams and visualizations.
I can set the crystal point down on the floor, on the table or in my hand and begin THINKING of a person and
see/imagine/visualize on materializing there instantly as if sprouting from the crystal itself!

The reason I use a physical object is because it’s much easier for some people to create eyes-open imagery IF it’s connected
to or linked with a physical object and something REAL the eye can see. It also provides a nice EYE FIXATION technique
for me to work with and allows me to further direct the client’s attention (energy). It’s much like seeing images in clouds
which is by far easier than simply imagining and actually SEEING those same images in the blank blue sky.

I toss the ‘PROJECTION CRYSTAL’ onto the floor and ask my participant to call out three random objects – again, these
objects can be anything!

One at a time we breathe, connect with the crystal and IMAGINE those objects forming from the crystal; almost like the
crystal point itself is a seed to give birth to our holograms, mental pictures, daydreams and creative visualizations. I simply
lead the client to imagine their objects forming where the crystal lays and my positive results are thereby obtained.

Once my client is SEEING imagery with their eyes open with assistance from the crystal we begin to create, manifest and
visualize certain goals and outcomes taking place and appearing as holographic images, situations and scenarios within and
outside of the crystal. Almost like the ‘CRYSTAL BALL INDUCTION’, I lead my subject to mentally step inside the crystal
and experience an alternative reality, ‘as within, so without.’

To finish the new reality is stepped into and embraced completely, the crystal is wrapped up or placed inside a red, velvet
drawstring bag (for Hoodoo charms and mojo hands) and gifted to the participant. I anchor into this experience by giving
suggestions that from now on anytime my client touches the crystal, thinks about it or simply remembers this experience a
program and specific set of instructions will begin working immediately in their mind, heart and spirit to help manifest and
create their goals and intentions.

I make a big point to stress the need for ACTION as simply THINKING towards our goals, dreams and ambitions is not
ever enough – it MUST be coupled with positive steps taken to assure the outcome. A simple lesson here is that of a
JOURNEY…I can imagine and think about the final destination all I wish, but unless I physically move and take steps
towards the end I will NEVER get there no matter how hard I try or think positively. Positive thinking without positive
action is empty and ineffective for the most part.

Anchoring this message into the entire experience and act of giving away the crystal then becomes a reminder to ACT NOW
and take positive, empowered steps towards the intended goal, action or desired outcome anytime the crystal is touched/felt,
seen (in mind or physical reality) or even THOUGHT ABOUT or remembered.

I do all sorts of things with these crystals and suggest my client carries it with him/her for at least 30 days and then check to
see how much closer they are to their goal if they haven’t achieved it already! I may give homework to sleep with the crystal
in its velvet bag beneath a pillow and paying attention to DREAMS as a possible source of insight and additional

Much like a ‘worry stone’ is used and serves as a reminder or pattern interrupt for stress the PROJECTION CRYSTAL assists
us in manifesting our desires and turning our dreams into reality. I often combine and present the crystal as a sort of ‘worry
rock’ only this one, being crystal, has a few different uses and functions.

Since I work for many ‘New Age friendly’ clients most are familiar with the idea of PROGRAMMING a crystal. What this
REALLY means is programming the client’s mind and thoughts with positive suggestions USING a crystal. In truth I don’t
see the crystal as having anything to do with it (or so I say), but more of a physical reminder to think and act in certain ways
the client and I establish together.

I use my crystals for all types of things from scrying and inducing trance to setting goals and providing a physical anchor, as
unique give-away items that links me to the client and in various routines. Much like my pendulum routine or ‘ Haunted Key’
performances the simple crystal may grow light and heavy, change shape and colors, become hot or cool to the touch,
MOVE AROUND (like a finger planchette) and many other effects.

One thing I love doing is giving a muscle testing demonstration (applied kinesiology) using the crystal and showing how the
crystal’s vibration and frequency can make a person weaker or stronger depending on the thoughts, energy and intentions
channeled through them.

The subject thinks a negative thought or entertains a limiting fixed belief in their mind and the muscle/body tests ‘weak’ or
‘off.’ The reverse is done with a positive thought and the body tests STRONG, just like with the crystal. To end a goal or

desire is programmed with the crystal and the body is tested again only to be shown TWICE as strong – a harmony of

While gripping the crystal the participants arm becomes as firm as steel, unable to move or bend. They grasp the crystal as
they would clutch at their dreams and holds them both closely! Finally the crystal is given away with anchors and instructions
to activate it (the program) and use this perfect mental construct in advancing headstrong towards the goal.

All of this and more is available for less than 35 cents when crystal shards are purchased in lots online or hand-picked (my
preference) from local quarries, gemstone shops and crystal fairs. The quartz crystal point is a marvelous give away.

As a lead in to demonstrations of mind power, suggestion, self hypnosis, special mental states (etc) I enjoy ‘programming’ a
crystal with a series of psychological forces and handing it to a participant or to be cycled throughout a small group. This is
high powered Psychic Party material that is extremely effective.

The participants each take turns holding the crystal and receiving the information locked inside it. At the end, I turn over a
business card to show the individual thoughts I stored inside the crystal point and begin harvesting my hits. Another way to
do this ‘programming’ is to jot down a number of psychological/statistical forces on an index card, set it face down on a
table and then place the crystal on top of the card to begin the programming sequence.

It is said that crystals absorb information and react to their immediate environment. This process happens through a form of
osmosis and the crystal is supposed to receive and hold the written information inside it. This presentation gives you a reason
to write your forces down (which can be subtly pencil read by your group if done correctly!), ‘program’ the crystal and have
validation after the group answers are received.

In my ‘CRYSTAL PSYCHOMETRY’ routine 4-6 participants are given crystals to bond with and hold/reflect upon while
thinking of their life, personal questions and surrounding issues. Each is asked to mentally and energetically photograph the
crystal so they know when it’s shown again.

After this process the crystals are placed into a black drawstring bag and the group is led through a short breathing and
visualization exercise to awaken the crystal energies.

One by one I remove the stones and begin to receive the impressions. After sharing the reading I hand the crystal back to its
temporary owner and ask them to verify if this was indeed the crystal they attuned themselves to.

The method is the same for any other ‘pseudo psychometry’ routine. The crystals are naturally marked (!) and I know who
gets what. I look for things such as inclusions (chlorite, carbon, orchre, etc), knicks, scrapes, breaking points, chips, lines, etc.
It only takes a few moments before the routine and I use crystals that all look very similar.

Each guest is invited and led through a process to connect with the energy, deva (crystal spirit) and consciousness of the
Earth inside the stone. I guide them to look for and notice any characteristics that stand out and strike the participant as
unique and interesting such as clouds and wisps in the crystal, silver foils and ribbons, rainbows, etc. Basically anything that
would allow them to recognize this crystal if they saw it again is perfect. It only has to be ONE special mark or feature that
can be recognized and acknowledged. We focus on that ONE THING and learn/remember it very well.

Again, at the conclusion everyone gets to keep their special crystal. During the readings I often use a pendulum as well. The
crystals can be used to balance energies, manifest goals, receive programs and used as an object for scrying, dreaming,
protection, healing, abundance and more. Nobody ever suspects I’ve memorized a handful of crystals. It’s a very clear, very
simple method.

To perform this gem (pun intended) I have my crystals to be shared in a box in the correct order (1-6). I simply scoop them
up keeping them all together if possible and begin handing them out casually as I speak and go about my presentation. It
looks very normal and nothing suspicious is going on here.

If the order of the stones happens to get mixed up that’s not a problem either as I’ve memorized one feature in a specific
location on each crystal. This area is on the face at the 8:00 position.

In a rush I’ve even made a short list on a post-it note and stuck it to the front of a laminated crystal and gemstone chart that
speaks of the various qualities and characteristics of a number of stones. I can refer to this chart and the crystal whenever
needed. I might speak about the presence of a certain inclusion inside or what it means to have clouds and wisps,
‘phantoms’, rainbows and more. This information is all memorized and the chart is just a visual cue to show the participants
at times if needed or desired.

Because this ‘crystal psychometry’ is part of my regular psychic home show I often bring a few materials with me for a short
10-12 minute lecture including the book, ‘Love is in the Earth’ by Melodie.

For the most part I just spend a few minutes (2-4) familiarizing myself with the crystals, placing them in a 1-6 order
(mentally), jotting a few notes down on the back of a business card in case I need them and keep this card face up on the
table I work from right where everyone could see it. It’s written in code and nobody can tell anything is going on.

I might keep a magnifying glass next to this card (and often do) so I can peek at my notes in the process of picking it up,
putting it down, reaching for a pinch of salt or water to ‘cleanse’ the crystal, a jewelers cloth to wipe it clean, my pendulum
and so on.

Usually I don’t need the cue because it’s not at all difficult to memorize 6 pieces of easy information and then place that
information into numeric order. My first method was simply to have 6 crystals of close but barely different sizes only
noticeable to me. I began working with clouds, wisps, rainbows and other markings after that and eventually decided that
ANY 6 crystals could be used provided they look roughly the same in size and appearance. It works like a charm.

It’s also really easy to get the stones in correct order as I speak, pick one up, show it to the group, set it down, compare two
and move them around my open hand casually during my presentation. Once I’m set I suggest a short meditation and hand
the crystals out.

The pendulum works very well to allow me to closely study each crystal to find my shapes, patterns and natural markings as I
hold it in my palm.

After the readings and returns I announce that each person will keep their special crystal as a gift and I continue to speak
about the quartz shards and qualities and demonstrate various other things one can do with them. This is where my waking
hypnosis routines feature heavily.

Another fantastic method for this routine is simplicity itself! I have a bowl filled with various crystals and gemstones (any of
which can be given away) and one at a time my guests choose a crystal that speaks to/feels right to them. We might use
muscle testing or a pendulum to locate the perfect one for each person OR they could simply trust their intuition.

Once everyone has selected a crystal I take the group through a short process to connect with the energies within it and each
person holds the crystal to each of their chakras (I often just use the top 4 known as ‘The Higher Waters’). Finally each person
cups the quartz in their hand and blows THE BREATH OF LIFE across the stone allowing it to retain some of their life-
force and vital energy.

One by one I approach the participants, take their stone, give a psychometry-type reading by receiving the vibrations and
frequencies locked within and hand it back. Credit for this handling goes to Richard Webster’s brilliant ‘Psychometry from A-Z’
which also provides a useful method for giving the readings if you’re not comfortable with them at this point.

The beauty lies in the presentation, simplicity and directness of the effect.

On a day-to-day basis I enjoy having a few crystals MEANT to be given away to the right person in the right situation and
keep them in a small bag in my pocket or attaché case. Many suggestions can be imparted through the process of gift-giving.

Remember this!

You might be asking what all of this has to do with WAKING HYPNOSIS…

Again we go back to the idea of giving something away or doing a person a favor to create feelings of rapport and
compliance within them. Through giving the readings and watching THE PROCESS explained here (muscle testing,
pendulum, chakras, etc) I’m able to see immediately who is following my instructions.

By giving readings I create rapport with the group, gauge interest levels, connect, entertain and warm them up to the idea of
hypnosis and working together. It’s easy to ‘get an impression’ during a reading that ‘You have an incredibly powerful mind and a
well developed, active imagination. You’re able to follow instructions very carefully and pay close attention to detail. You’re a woman secure in your
own self knowledge and awareness with plenty of hard earned life experience – yoga, meditation and even SELF HYPNOSIS could be
incredibly effective tools for you because you’re capable of using this natural power, raw gift and latent ability to create your reality.’

Readings are wonderful ways to begin the hypnotic process.

In my readings I often sense, feel and intuit certain qualities within the people who would make great candidates for hypnosis
and hypnotic-like demonstrations. I can basically TELL a person they would make a perfect hypnotic subject for any number
of reasons and that I perceive certain qualities within their mind, heart and personality which supports and indicates this fact.
Instead of ‘self selecting’ people to respond to my suggestions I basically just TELL them WHY they would respond well to
this work (and HOW!) because of what I sense or pick up on in the reading.

Flattery goes a long way here as usual. Compliment a person on their mind, strength and natural ability and then simply ask
them if you can try something together that will showcase their incredible potential. I guarantee you’ll get people who bend
over backwards for you to make your demonstration a success and thereby PROVE all those nice and wonderful things you
said about them are true!

Another factor is involved here too; by giving the crystals away I develop a subtle sense of the guests ‘owing me’ something
in return. Their compliance and complacency will be fine, thank you.

After a routine of this nature I know exactly who I can call upon to demonstrate the power of the mind through SELF
HYPNOSIS (or whatever premise I wish to use) and give a very strong performance.

If anything this unique showpiece should serve as a reminder of the power of GIVING SOMETHING AWAY and drawing
upon a compelling, imaginative process as a precursor to trance and hypnotic phenomena.

Waking Hypnosis –
The Set Up

The most important part of just about ANY hypnosis or waking hypnosis demonstration (or any routine relying on
suggestion and/or psychological methods for the result) is the SET UP.

Before any induction or focusing exercise is underway, before ANY routine, test or demonstration we’ve got to lay the
ground work for what will happen prior.

It all starts with a level of SUPREME CONFIDENCE. This is a must.

If you’re not confident…FAKE IT! Act as if! There are techniques, tools and methods in this book that will allow you to
program yourself with your own criteria and desires to be a successful and effective (entertaining, powerful) hypnotist.
Anchor into those feelings and criteria. Allow it to become a permanent part of you.

The confident hypnotist builds his foundation on RAPPORT; trust, acceptance and connection.

When you’re a confident, friendly, outgoing ‘people person’ and approach people with a level of respect, manner and warmth
then hypnosis and suggestion has no choice but to work. 12+ years has shown me this is a FACT.

I begin by introducing myself,

‘Pardon me….?

How is everybody doing this evening?


My name is Jerome Finley – I’m a Hypnotist and Psychic Entertainer here from Las Vegas. I’ve been hired to provide the entertainment this
evening and I’m wondering whether I could take just a moment of your time and show you folks something unique and interesting I promise you’ll
never forget (!)…?’

Or something along those lines.

My introduction during walk around gigs and banquet work is always different depending on the group type I’m approaching.
Your introduction should be friendly, non-threatening and let people know who you are, what you do and WHY you’re here.

I say the above while smiling, raising my eyebrows, shaking my head YES and making direct eye contact with the ALPHA
MALE of the group. I simply observe the table as I’m approaching and look at a few things such as where the group
attention and focus is being directed, where the bodies are pointing, who is leaning into (toward) whom and so on…these
not-so-subtle tells will usually let me know exactly who is in charge here.

Street Hypnosis is a bit different and we’ll get to that soon.

In the above scenario working a cocktail party, banquet or dinner event once I receive the green light to stay at a table I won’t
immediately begin with hypnosis, in fact I won’t mention it again for some time.

Personally I start with a strong piece of magic or mind reading to build rapport and get people accustomed to experiencing
the impossible. I’ll simply say,

‘Now this isn’t exactly psychic nor does it have to do with hypnosis…BUT…I’ve learned it’s a great warm up for both those things!

Who here considers themselves a bit INTUITIVE?

Would you mind giving me a hand for just a moment…thank you…

I’d like you to JUST THINK of a basic color…it can be anything…NOT RED…as most people just seem to jump straight to that color, but
whatever color comes to your mind next…and lock it there inside your thoughts….good?’

With this said I launch into my first routine, effect or demonstration.

When working with a table or small group I find psychological forces of immense value and power. You’ll notice I start off
with asking a question about intuition. This is my early suggestibility test. I follow this by asking for a FAVOR. I start sinking
my hooks in from the very beginning.

During this process I’m mirroring, pacing and leading the entire group. Chances are great that I’ve already finished mirroring
the ALPHA MALE/Group Leader to a point where I am now LEADING him (or her) and the rest of the group is
following suit. All the JEDI MIND TRICKS I use are in this book!

Working with my intuitive volunteer I’ll have this person think of a color and PROJECT/SEND that color to the other
people at the table or even standing around the area. This is followed by a few more psychological/statistical forces and then
I’ll begin my short readings.

Sometimes I may have the person I’m working with name a color aloud and then point to someone sitting at a completely
different table. I show how I’m able to send that thought/color directly into their mind. I’ll go over, introduce myself and ask
to borrow the person selected for something unique and interesting to show how the thought has been successfully
projected. Many times this turns into a ‘PK Touch’ type of routine. This always gets gaps and sets me up perfectly for my next

As mentioned above, after a few psychological forces I begin receiving thoughts, feeling and impressions from the group
members I’m working with. I offer these short thoughts and ‘intuitions’ in rapid fire sequence, hit hard and then move to
another person at the table.

I often borrow objects for psychometry, read auras, cast Lo Shu Squares or ask personality test questions in sort of a
psychological feedback test. ‘The Cube’ is very powerful here – as are Tree readings, Pig drawings, numerology or group

‘If you would like to learn more about yourself and what life has in store for you IT IS possible to communicate directly with your subconscious
mind for the answers!

If I could get everyone to clasp your hands together like this…and extend your index fingers…good…hold them apart like so and begin to focus on
that space right between those two fingers…that’s right…now listen very closely…’

Here I go directly into my suggestibility tests and waking inductions. This is easy!

Another approach I favor is simply introducing myself and launching straight into a demonstration of the mind/body link
with a pendulum and/or ‘POSTURE SWAY TESTS’ with an individual or small group.

I often use such routines such as my signature ‘Energetic Touches’, Enrique’s ‘Invisible Gemstone’ or Luke’s ‘A Twisted Palm’ as
suggestibility tests.

When the time is right I lead the group and facilitate a direct experience and demonstration of the power of their mind and
thoughts over the body.

My initial tests are usually 2 or 3 pieces that set the pace for everything else. Anthony Jacquin calls these ‘SET PIECES’ and
mine are as such:

1). Magnetic Fingers

2). Magnetic Hands

3). Hand Clasp


1). Pendulum demo: straight lines and circles

2). POSTURE SWAY TEST: falling backward and forward



‘The Jumping Pulse Unleashed’

1). ‘Thought Circle’

2). Twisted Palm Test/Induction

3). Jumping Pulse

OR (as mentioned prior)

1). Energetic Touches (or Group Wave)

2). Twisted Palm Exercise

3). Invisible Gemstone

Tarot Set & Dream Q&A

One thing I love doing with my hypnosis shows is blending them with a full blown Q&A. For me this is ideal as it
blends the best of both worlds and makes perfect use of the two most entertaining, powerful and commercial
things a Mystery Entertainer can possibly do!

When it comes to stage work I tossed back and forth between my hypnosis show and full evening Q&A performance. It
wasn’t until I saw Ormond McGill bridging and blending the two acts that I realized how perfectly effective they could both
be together.

Over the years I’ve made a living through full hypnosis shows and programs ranging anywhere from 45-120 minutes in length
and my Q&A (20-120 minutes in length, depending).

Because I LOVE Q&A so very much I started doing a strict Q&A ONLY show that was a full two hours of non-stop
audience readings using psychometry and my ‘Guerrilla Q&A’ methods and presentation. When I blended mind reading with
hypnosis I was hesitant to include my Q&A because it’s so long, in depth and personal; the hypnosis show was already at least
an hour from beginning to end.

Because of this I used a few of the time honored classics mentalism is best known for including book tests, a dynamite chair
routine, a Magic Square, metal bending and of course my series of psychological forces and suggestibility tests as a ‘warm
up.’ I would open my show with about 40 minutes of strong mentalism, take an intermission and then come back to finish
with a full hour of hypnosis.

Needless to say it was a very strong show and I loved it for many years.

As it often goes, the more I learn the more I go back to basics and I started to weed out any excessive demonstrations from
my program entirely. With the exception of some psychological forces at the end of my hypnosis lecture it was basically an
ALL hypnosis show again.

In the year 2000 I started working with a routine wherein I hypnotized my participants to go out into the audience and give
psychic readings to the guests. It was a HUGE hit and everybody loved it. This segment IMMEDIATELY became part of
my regular show and program.

Being a Q&A aficionado it wasn’t long before I realized I could bring my Q&A in to give the show a completely different
look, feel and commercial angle. All I needed was some confirmation and I found it in the works of Ormond McGill,
specifically in his book ‘The Real Magic and Mind Reading Show’ published in ‘Real Mental Magic’ (1987).

Ormond had also done much the same thing in his ‘Guardian Angel Hypnosis Show’ wherein he skips the regular
suggestibility tests (in favor of ‘The Angel Test’), performs his hypnosis segment and then closes the show by answering
personal questions of audience members ala his ‘REAL Q&A.’

When I perform my TAROT Q&A I reserve this piece for audiences of 50 or less. It makes an ideal method for the Psychic
Home Party.

I begin by giving a short talk/lecture on the Tarot including a brief discourse on its roots and history as a card game, the
journey made by the cards as an oracle and intuitive device, the four suits and Minor Arcana as it relates to modern playing
cards, the ‘BIG SECRETS’ known as the Major Arcana or Trumps and the general meaning of each suit.

For this demonstration I bring 4-6 different decks with me. The basic idea is to remove the decks, speak briefly about the
author and what makes each deck unique and why I use it. As I speak about the various decks I remove cards from the pack
and use them for illustrative purposes.

‘I’d like each of you to THINK of a personal question, important matter or specific concern in your life at this time. We’ll be working with the
Tarot to look at possible answers to your questions, solutions to your problems and a clear glimpse at the future as it’s likely to happen should no
major changes take place.’

After my short lecture and showing the decks I begin breaking off clumps and packets of cards and handing them to random
people. My instructions are simple – choose a card at random (or by looking at them and choosing one you feel drawn
toward) and pass the rest to the person beside you.

I do this with multiple decks so there are plenty of cards for everyone; each person should get one or two cards from
different decks. I use a principle from Scott Grossberg to show a person how the first card they drew is their MASK (the face
they show the world) and how the second card is their LIGHT (their true Self).

It’s a simple matter to approach my guests (audience members) and comment on their card, ask quietly for their question and
explain what the card says about them and their specific situation or challenge at this time.

‘Real Q&A’

One of the easiest and most effective Q&A routines you can perform is something John Riggs and I call the
“Open Faced Q&A.”

This is pure simplicity and STILL one of my favorite methods for giving group/gallery/audience readings to groups of any

To perform this Q&A you’ll require a few simple items:

• A stack of blank 3X5 index cards – enough for everyone in attendance to have one.

• A box of golf pencils. These can be purchased online or via your local office supply for very, very inexpensive

• A wicker basket, fish bowl/punch bowl or ornate (clear!) glass vase to hold the written billets & question cards in.

I begin by passing out the index cards and pencils to everyone who would like a reading this evening. Alternatively, you can
have the ushers or your assistants provide these items to people as they come into the theatre OR have the cards and pencils
already sitting at every seat in the venue (or at the banquet tables).

I explain that later I’ll be drawing upon my natural knowing and intuition to give PSYCHIC READINGS and that I’ve
provided pencils and papers for everyone who would like one to jot down their name (first and last initial), their birth date
and one or two PERSONAL, IMPORTANT QUESTIONS they would like an answer to. I frame my answers as my
“psychic advice” and “intuitive opinions” on a subject ONLY. The audience members should take them in the manner in
which they are intended, that is, intuitive information and creative, different perceptions regarding their lives, themselves and
the situations surrounding them at this moment in time.

I ask my audience members to write down 1 or 2 questions they would like an answer to, but which they currently DO NOT
have the answer to! This insures that we get a stock pile of good questions to use in our readings and things that really matter
to those providing them. It also avoids questions such as, “What is my wife’s name?” or “How many children do I have?” or “How
much change is in my pocket?” and other questions people might potentially use to test or otherwise frustrate and heckle you
(though this shouldn’t be a problem if you’re warm, friendly, sincere and doing your job right!).

I’m quick to explain to my audience in very clear and straightforward terms that I refuse to waste their time or have my time
wasted when it comes to matters of personal importance and dealing with what I consider to be sacred psycho-spiritual gifts
(intuition, inspired states of awareness, trance states, etc). I let them know that stupid questions will be met with stupid
answers (or no answers at all) and that any disrespect for the person receiving the reading or a flippant attitude towards
myself or this process will neither be appreciated nor tolerated.

The key here is to NOT alienate the audience, but to let them KNOW/instill the idea that I take these matters very seriously,
that what we’re doing is very special and very, VERY powerful and we’re all going to have a lot of fun together. I always
“smooth over” and temper my direct “no nonsense” approach and scripts with a bit of friendly banter, smiles, laughter and
brevity so as to not come across to harsh or uptight. It’s a skill and an art to be certain.

Set the mood you wish to…you might even wish to use a group relaxation, meditation or induction exercise to get the mood
just right, play soft music in the background, light a quarter stick of incense, make a chain of energy by holding hands,

visualizing light and breathing deeply for a few moments…whatever you wish (or NOTHING if you so choose!) is perfectly
fine, remember, this is YOUR SHOW.

I explain these questions might involve any matter of personal importance the owner wishes such as those having to deal
with love, money, emotions, career and success in the workplace, travel, education, spirituality, their personal hopes, dreams
or ambitions, their children or spouse (within reason) or even some personal problem, challenge or frustration the person is
facing and just doesn’t know what to do and could use a different perspective and some different information regarding!

Once everyone has written down their questions (including name and last initial, DOB and any other info you might wish
such as a favorite color, food, song, destination, memory, a dream they can remember, etc) you have a few options.

The one I go with most of the time (for various reasons of subtlety and other methods) is having ALL of the cards collected
in the basket, fishbowl or vase I’m using. If folks are writing down their questions BEFORE the actual show, lecture or
performance begins they can simply stand up, walk to the front and deposit their question in the container indicated (as they
return their pencil).

Another method is to pass a wicker basket through the audience (or a few depending on how large your group is) and have
people fold their cards once or twice and drop them inside as it makes its way around the theatre.

The last option is to simply have everyone keep hold of their card and written questions and give them to you if and when
asked. If going this route I simply explain that to help them focus and bring positive thoughts, energies and vibrations to
their questions and my inspired/intuitive answers I ask them to write it down and focus on it.

Later if I feel drawn to work with and read a particular person the card is there with their questions handy and removes the
need for them to speak of their personal life or challenges at this time audibly in front of a group. It also prevents them from
feeling “put on the spot” where it can be hard to formulate a good question with everyone watching. This way we’re

Silence and preparation seem to work just fine as justifications.

Now when I begin reading a person I ask for their card and openly read it, hold it between my palms (as if using
psychometry!), touch it to my head or heart…maybe look deep into the owners eyes or gaze at their aura…whatever you
wish (!) and then begin my reading.

Because you’re NOT hiding anything and the most important info is staring you right in the face you’ve got a lot to work
with. I can use the person’s name, birth date and information that can be gleaned through the very nature of their question
and what they’re asking about to give a blockbuster reading.

Once the reading is finished I hand their card back and ask for a round of applause to “clear the vibes” and change up the
energy of the room; sort of wiping the slate clean in preparation for the next reading!

If I’ve had all of the questions collected in a basket or sitting in a vase or large bowl on stage I explain that due to time
restrictions I obviously will NOT have the chance to read everyone present this evening. With that in mind, to make it fair to
everyone present and involved I’ll draw cards/slips/questions at random from the basket and whoever question I happen to
draw, THAT person will receive a reading and intuitive response from me.

It couldn’t be simpler!

I make sure to let my audience members know that when I draw their card I’ll read the question and call out their name so I
can find them in the theatre and make visual contact with who I’m tuning in on (so I can see their aura, their eyes, any guides
who might be surrounding them, etc).

When I call their name that person should STAND UP so I can see them at which point I will ASK THEM if it’s okay to
read their question aloud to the group.

I always ask first!

Many times you’ll get fun, lighthearted (though still very important and personally significant) questions that aren’t TOO
deep to verbally address or announce to the group, though a lot of times you’ll come across very personal questions that are
traumatic, deeply and intensly personal, dramatic, secret, embarrassing, etc.

I let the audience know I’ll always ask them if I can read their question aloud first. If yes, I will do so and then give them a
short reading and an answer (my “psychic opinions” on the subject!).

If no (they would rather me NOT read the question aloud!) that’s perfectly fine as well. I will still give them a great reading
and answer their question to the very best of my ability and with their confidence and security assured at all times.

I want my audience to know that I respect them, that I care for them and that I won’t do ANYTHING to embarrass, share
their secrets or humiliate them in any way, shape or form.

So…I draw questions in a sort of “psychic lottery” to see who will receive readings and intuitive responses, answers,
guidance and feedback tonight.

Again, this is a great method and one that I still use on occasion even in combination with my THOUGHT OF
QUESTIONS handling (my personal preference) from my classic text, “Guerrilla Q&A.”

Another very direct route to take is simply announce that we’re going to start with some psychic readings and intuitive
impressions, and that I’ll work with whomever I feel drawn to and/or has a personal question of some type they would like
answered. Everything else is the same, only now I sit at my stage table or move around the audience asking those who would
like a reading or have their question answered to just raise their hands so I can call on them.

People raise their hands, I call on them and ask them to stand (as usual, this is optional) and ask me their question directly.
When they do, I start by sharing my general feelings and impressions – whatever I see or feel coming up around the person,
aspects of their personality, their inner strengths and perhaps even a current challenge or frustration in their life at this
point…whatever I really feel and comes up is what I share!

I’ll read the person in a very general/Universal manner for 30-60 seconds (or 90 seconds in some cases) before I ask them if
they have some personal question I can help answer for them. If they DO have a question I ask them to tell me what it is (or
just think of it while I give my impressions regarding the outcome) and end the reading as before – by thanking the person
and asking them to take their seat with a short round of applause to “clear the air.”

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Keep in mind that working in this fashion might not be as “mystical” as you would like as a mentalist or magician, but it’s
brutally effective all the same for reading large (or small!) groups of people back to back during your show or program.

I plan on giving each person I interact with at least a minute for their reading, and up to two minutes if they are REALLY
interesting and responsive. In the worst case scenario in this style of large audience readings I don’t go over 2 or 3 minutes
with anyone so I can read as many people as possible, their personal questions and my psychic insights included!

If performing this type of Q&A alone it’s not uncommon for me to work in such a fashion for an entire 45-120 minutes
JUST giving readings! The audience loves it.

If I’m using this Q&A approach in the context of a larger program (such as a full hypnosis show or TIA demonstration) I
might only give readings for 25-50 minutes, rarely is it shorter.

Keep in mind too that you don’t HAVE TO have written questions. You can use my “Guerrilla Q&A” approach to answer
THOUGHT OF questions with uncanny accuracy and great effect OR ask receive direct questions (as explained earlier) OR
just move around the audience giving short, personal readings to whomever you feel drawn to in that moment!

This is incredible fun and trust me when I say your audience will respond better to this short readings and questions
answered sequence than they will to almost ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN DO.

Try it once and you’ll want to include it in your programs forever. It’s that effective.

As usual I recommend NOT cold reading in a situation or environment such as this but simply using an oracle or traditional
system (i.e. card readings, palmistry, auras, dowsing, numerology, PSYCHOMETRY and so on) and/or just being open and
receptive, speaking your true feelings and gut impressions about a person in a positive way, positive light and positive
UPLIFTING manner and trusting in your own natural knowing, intuition and creative unconscious to provide you with ALL
of the necessary information and insights that you require to successfully engage, delight, entertain and even ASSIST the
people you choose to read for.

Next you’ll read how I do much the same thing described here within the context of a hypnosis show by working with
DREAMS (and their interpretation) in a very special variation on my Q&A.

Dream Q&A

In my ‘Guerrilla Q&A’ I taught an open-faced Q&A as my buddy John Riggs likes to call it. This Q&A method is
quite simple and direct, there is nothing to find and nothing to ‘get busted’ with. It’s a very good Q&A for both
beginning practitioners and seasoned professionals alike.

The materials required for this Q&A are very simple and easily obtained. Go to the office supply store in your area and get
some 3X5 blank index cards (in lots of 100), a box of golf pencils (500 count) and a basket or glass fishbowl to carry

At the venue your set up is easy. Open the pack of golf pencils and index cards and place the empty basket or glass bowl on
a draped barstool or stage table. You’re all set!

Before the show begins you’ll simply request that people fill out an index card with the following information: their name (or
initials) and date of birth (optional) for easy identification later and one or two personal questions having to do with their life
at this time. These questions can relate to any topic important to the guest ranging from their love life and relationships
(romantic, professional, at home or otherwise), their career and finances, travel, personality, spirituality or any other question
they might have at this time.

Of course ANY question that might be asked of a psychic is fair game for this open Q&A session. If a guest has no specific
questions at this time (brain cramp!) they can simply draw me a tree and later I’ll tell them about themselves (with thanks to
Rudy Hunter).

In my stage work I perform Q&A and hypnosis only. My close up, direct mind reading and pure mentalism is reserved as a
booster to those performances and my walk around work. I have two professional stage programs I offer currently: a Q&A
ONLY event and a duo audience readings/Q&A and hypnosis night. Both are very successful and require no props of any

As a precursor to my completely propless Q&A (ala ‘Dynamite Mentalism’) I teach my students to begin performing their Q&A
by having audience members fill out question slips (billets) before the performer openly reads them, identifies the
person/owner of the question in hand, give a short, powerful, entertaining reading and answer the question(s) written.

The old saying is absolutely true – your audiences DO NOT care how you get their questions, they want the readings and the
answers to their questions! THAT is what they are concerned with. Anything else is over-thinking the plot and suffering from
a classic magician syndrome we’ve all dealt with at one point in our careers.

There are many ways to handle this ‘open’ Q&A.

You might set an index card and golf pencil on each chair in your theatre, venue or performance setting with small table
cards printed with the above instructions to fill out the slips and bring them to the front of the stage.

Another option is to employ a stage assistant or usher to hand people the cards and pencils. They can also be supplied at the
ticket desk or payment counter.

I prefer having the questions written out BEFORE the show begins, but I’ve done it during the show as well. When I do this
the first half of my program is all hypnosis, TIA and the power of suggestion. The second half (audience readings and

question answering) starts after a short intermission in which guests can take a break, have a smoke, get a drink, use the
restroom and fill out a question card for possible answering later.

Regarding smoking, if you want to offer BOR (back of the room) sales after your show – and many hypnotists do (!) – heres
a little trick I picked up over the years…

Prior to my show I would find the designated smoking areas outside. Before the intermission I had an assistant go to the area
and place adverts for my ‘QUIT SMOKING’ CD. By the time intermission rolled around there were posters, flyers and small
adverts next to ashtrays, taped to a window and flyers available at a location nearby. This might seem a bit aggressive, but it
works! I’ve yet to meet a smoker who didn’t wish to quit on some level.

I give the audience 8-10 minutes for the break (sometimes less, depending on size) and the final portion of my show begins.

The best way to handle the EXPLANATION for why I have the questions written down is simple,

‘With as many people as we have here tonight I won’t have time to read for everyone, I wish I did!

I’ll draw random questions from the bowl and the questions I draw will be the people who receive my readings, impressions and intuitive answers
this evening. This way everybody has the same chance and opportunity to receive a reading and I should be able to make it through at least 20 or
30 questions before we come to a close.’

The exact wording I use is in my ‘Guerrilla Q&A’, but you get the drift. Writing questions down in this context makes sense.
By drawing names at random EVERYONE will have the same opportunity to have their question answered and everyone is

My intermediate students are taught to blend both methods using billets/written questions and unspoken (thought of!)
questions simultaneously. This means that as I’m drawing billets, calling out the names, reading the questions and providing
psychic-flavored answers I’m also picking up on the subtle thoughts, feelings and questions of other people in the audience.
Of course there are many opportunities for fake questions and sensational answers, one ahead, marked cards and other
methods to layer methods and temper the strength and effect of this demonstration.

As a hypnotist a great variation on having audience questions written down is to simply ask for details of their last DREAM.

Because dreams are all subconscious and hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind this is a great premise and method for
giving audience readings.

Ala George Anderson I simply ask my audience members to remember their last dream and write down 4-6 words that best
describes the dream: how the person felt, what was happening and what they saw.

I want a few descriptive words that will give me the all around feeling of the dream. I remind my audience they should only
write down the details that stand out to them most strongly (the ones easiest to remember) and feel significant somehow,

For example, a person who dreamed of being chased into a water-park by an alligator might fill out a billet with, ‘Water
Park, slides, alligator, fun, chase, scary.’

The owner’s name and date of birth is also printed upon the billet and with this information and the above DREAM
WORDS I can give an extremely detailed reading in very little time.

A great way to get EVERYONE involved in this process is to explain that dreams are the territory and communication “hot
spot” for the subconscious mind – the same creative mind we call upon and tap into during hypnosis…

With a billet (index card) and golf pencil in hand I take the entire audience through a light relaxation and visualization
exercise to RELAX and remember their last significant dream.

‘You’ll KNOW if it’s significant because during this exercise THAT’S the dream your unconscious mind will show you and deliver up first.
Whatever dream you can remember details of and pops into your head (awareness) during this exercise will work just fine.

This might be a recurring dream, a recent dream, a nightmare, something funny, a bizarre MIDNIGHT MOVIE or even bits and pieces of
different dreams spread throughout the night. As long as you recall a few details of your last dream OR a recent dream that will work and be just
fine. If your subconscious delivers details regarding a specific dream you can remember – one that deeply affected you – go with that one instead. It
doesn’t have to be recent, simply choose one you remember NOW and note the details.’

During this light relaxation exercise (meditation, induction) I suggest audience members visualize a large projector movie
screen in their Mind’s Eye. After some deep breaths they ask their subconscious mind to begin PROJECTING relevant
images, visuals, movie scenes, messages, people, places, situations, scenarios, animals, objects, symbols, memories and even
FEELINGS upon the movie screen (all relating to their now, recent or past dream experiences).

Because my audience members are going into a light trance state they have few problems doing this and noting a few details
of a given dream – ANY DREAM – and whichever one the unconscious mind shows them or serves up first. I ask
participants to trust their intuition and allow their Higher Consciousness to guide them.

When a person is relaxed it’s easier for them to VISUALIZE IMAGERY. If a person has trouble visualizing I ask them to see
flashes of mental pictures, or to ask their subconscious to deliver a “KNOWING FEELING” to them with details of the
dream or related objects, feelings, visions and situations.

Some people might catch bits and flashes of numerous dreams, and that’s okay too. I direct their awareness to the most
vibrant, outstanding and affecting elements and details before jotting them down.

If a group of people cannot seem to remember their dreams at all, this is fine. I simply have them ask their unconscious to
give them a dream RIGHT NOW. Again, I suggest that in the next few moments their subconscious mind will be speaking
directly to them via symbols, images and metaphors –

‘And this message could be shown as memories in your life, day dreams and fantasies you’ve had at some time, personal dreams and goals you wish
to attain…the dreams you’re given now might include people, plants and animals, imagery from nature, symbols, movie scenes, feelings and not-so-
random thoughts, bits of stories, music, letters, random faces, scenarios in your day to day life, fantastic visions and profound or simple metaphors.
Whatever you see at this time is fine, and TRUST there’s a reason for it being there.

Your unconscious mind is trying to TELL YOU SOMETHING.’

For some (very few) people it’s the pressure of trying to remember and recall a dream experience that shuts their ability
down. I remind the audience that EVERYONE dreams whether they remember it or not, and that information is stored
inside the subconscious mind to be delivered when they need it.

I also remind people we only need a few details AND that if they cannot recall a dream, they can simply make one up and
the imagery they generate WILL be useful and insightful. There’s no way a person can go wrong, and they should know this!

One or two or three words will suffice. We can still give a great reading regardless.

Once details of the various dreams have been noted and recorded on the index card I handle the collection of billets in one
of two different ways.

First, the obvious, is to have them collected and drawn at random as detailed before.

The second option is also really nice and many times I prefer it. In this variant handling I have everyone KEEP their “Dream
Notes/Papers” and hold onto them as they mentally – subconsciously – share their dreams with me.

Now I walk around the theatre taking billets, reading them and giving a reading before I hand the paper dream back to the
owner. This is similar to Richard Webster’s “Psychometry from A-Z” routine (highly recommended).

I scan the audience and find those people who seem most interested and attentive (lots to choose from!), approach them with
direct eye contact, a smile and an open hand indicating I want their billet.

I read the written information, ask the participant to stand and begin the reading by giving this person my honest,
INTUITIVE thoughts, feelings and impressions about this particular dream, what it means and what it tells me about them.

This process often gets us into personal questions the audience members may have and there is always a lot of information
to keep the readings and question answering process going along and running smoothly.

I give 5 or 6 direct “IN AUDIENCE” readings in this fashion and then proceed with the following…

A fun presentation is to have everyone in the audience project their dream imagery onto the stage with me. It almost looks as
if I go into a light, waking trance-state myself as I begin to see, feel and notice the projected imagery, objects and scenarios
all around me.

This is similar to George Anderson’s ‘Dynamite Mentalism’ or my own ‘Guerrilla Q&A’ with DREAMS! Indeed, this is a
variation of both those works that I’ve been using more and more lately.

Describing what I see is very easy, I just begin to remember, consciously recall and describe in detail MY OWN DREAMS
and wait for the hits to come rolling in!

As human beings we all have the same basic needs, fears, hopes, goals, desires, dreams and ambitions. As you already know
our lives and life experience is more alike to each other than it is different. By describing a few of my own dreams I’m sure to
hit on bits and pieces, FEELINGS, imagery and specific details of other people’s dreams.

This looks very magical and is extremely powerful.

Another method I use is bold and effective – while giving the ‘dream readings’ in the audience I simply look at the billets
held by other people. Using a white index card with a dark pencil and just 3 or 5 words on it, it’s very easy to SEE and READ
a few details from other people’s dreams, mentally note them and begin calling out what I’ve seen and remembered on stage.

I do this by selecting a person to read for near the back or center of the audience. I approach that person, take their billet and
give the reading based on their written dream and recorded details.

As I’m leaning over to retrieve their billet I have ample time and misdirection to PEEK the billets and dreams of people
sitting around them. While this is good, I want something that’s more deceptive. What I do is finish the reading, hand the
billet back and return to my place in the center or stage front. As I walk back to my ‘center’ or ‘starting point’ I peek numerous
billets held by audience members FROM BEHIND THEM as I walk by.

A quick glance over their shoulder, in their lap or at a billet held right in the aisles is very effective.

During my Q&A I often have a pen/pencil and pad of paper handy to take notes and jot down my impressions. Once I’ve
peeked a few dreams I can record this info right in front of an audience.

I like to do this after I have a billet in hand. As I read it I take notes on my pad but what I’m REALLY doing is recording
details of other dreams I’ve already peeked. Now I give the reading, hand the billet back to the owner and move to the next
audience member of my choosing or preference.

Now I glimpse a few more billets/dream papers and work one-on-one with another audience member. I take their billet, read
it and jot down some notes. Of course these are details and key words of other billets I’ve just peeked in the process of
moving around, meeting people, making contact and reading their dreams.

This is a highly effective Q&A!

As said before, I give about 5 or 6 readings ‘up close and personal’ in this fashion.

Now I return to the stage with my notepad in hand and take a seat in the center. The stage set and décor at this point is very
clean and simplistic; it’s just ME and a chair. Think of the film, ‘The Illusionist’ with Edward Norton and how his character
performs on stage and you’ll get the feeling and picture of how this looks.

At this point I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and place myself into a state of heightened receptivity and relaxed,
focused awareness. I instruct my audience members to enter the DREAMSCAPE with me by PROJECTING details, images,
symbols, keywords, colors and feelings onto the stage with me. These LIVING DREAMS surround me, engulf me, envelope
me and come to life all around me.

I open my eyes and look around… and begin describing what I see.

“If what I’ve just said makes sense to you, please raise your hand so I know who I’m tuning in on…”

At least one person will raise their hand and usually MULTIPLE people will. Remember, we’re more ALIKE than we are
different and our dreams are no exception!

If multiple people raise their hand I might comment,

‘No wonder it was coming through so strongly and vividly. It all makes perfect sense now. Can I have all three of you stand up please?’

Many times I’ll get people who are sitting very far away from me while I was in the audience. This ‘mutual dream imagery’ works
very well because it destroys all traces of a method when I begin describing the dreams and mental imagery of people I never
got anywhere close to!

It’s very easy and effective to perform this Q&A without props or billets of any kind.

First, set up your premise and relax the audience. Use breathing, pulse awareness and visualization to enter the silence, peace
and stillness within.

I like to begin by having my audience focus on their breathing and heartbeats. The Jumping Pulse is perfect for this and ‘The
JP Unleashed’ (the entire three part induction exercise) is very often the relaxation, meditation/induction sequence that I use

If you feel the JP method is too long or involved at this point go with the breathing and heartbeat awareness exercise. Placing
attention on these two things naturally takes a person INWARD, deep within themselves. They will begin to relax naturally
and enter a receptive, creative (dream) state of mind and body awareness.

A few deep, rhythmic breaths works wonders here. You may also wish to incorporate a short COLOR visualization sequence
as a deepening exercise. I recommend this if time allows not just to deepen and strengthen the effects of relaxation and
suggestion, but to more fully enter a right-brain dominant state. As with many techniques, this too is recommended but not
required. Simply guide your audience into the depth and state you need or desire.

Taking your audience members through the color sequence (ROY G BIV) or just a few colors of your own choosing is very
fast and effective – whichever colors and techniques you wish to use is fine. I like to draw upon a few deep calming colors
such as blue, green and purple. You could also use blue, grey, violet or any combinations you like. It’s a good idea to finish

the color sequence with pure WHITE LIGHT, golden rays and silver ribbons surrounding a person making them feel calm,
centered, perfectly protected and at quiet peace with the Universe within them.

I often have my audience IMAGINE themselves surrounded in this pure White Light in the form of a soothing, relaxing,
protective FOG or MIST…and when it dissipates (at my command, on my suggestion) they all find themselves re-
experiencing a significant dream. This is similar to the Past Life Regression techniques I use.

Your audience members may wish to place a hand upon their pulse to feel their heartbeat to connect with their unconscious
mind and enter INNER SPACE. I suggest they begin holding a finger until they can FEEL their pulse beating or rest a hand
upon their heart/chest to tune into their body. Placing their hand upon the heart is nice as they can feel their heartbeat and
become aware of their breathing simultaneously.

Second, generate mental imagery. Begin suggesting the movie screen playing (or fog lifting) inside the minds of your
audience members. Onto this mental screen various scenes, images, flashes of movies, dreams, colors, symbols, objects,
numbers, people, animals, plants, places and scenarios start to be generated through thoughts, feelings, subconscious
impressions, dream-lessons, internal messages and hidden, layered metaphors.

Basically, suggest anything and everything that might be seen or can be VISUALIZED and give it a reason and meaning for
existing/being seen and imagined.

Third, ask your audience members to open their eyes and begin PROJECTING their thoughts, feelings and dreams they have
just seen toward you on stage. This is now an eyes-open visualization. The performer is to be IMMERSED into the waking

You could stick specifically to DREAMS that people can remember if you wish. I like to REQUEST dreams but ALLOW
anything that can be visualized and feels significant to the audience member to enter play. There is no wrong way to do this.

It’s usually at this point I sit down, close my eyes and begin to VISIBLY relax myself. This simply shows the audience a
process and helps me enter a creative state of mind. I use my imagination and memory of my own dreams (both
subconscious effects) to create the effects here.

When it FEELS RIGHT I open my eyes, look around me and begin describing the imagery I see and sense in the
environment. I’ve already told my audience my intention is to merge with their minds and group consciousness/awareness
and to enter the living, waking DREAM STATE to experience, describe, interact with and READ (interpret) their dreams
and visions.

Now I simply begin describing my own dreams. I’m a vivid dreamer and I routinely remember and recall my own dreams,
often many per night. By describing the feelings, situations, scenarios, imagery, sensations and underlying premise I’m sure to
hit on many similar dreams within my audience members.

I explain that as I do this, some details might be hazy BUT people will understand, know, feel, sense and intuit when I am
picking up on their thoughts, dreams and mental images. When this happens they are asked to stand or raise their hand so I
know who I’m connecting with.

I continue describing different feelings, images and dream themes from my own mind and prepare for the hits to roll in as
my audience responds.

Though very detailed there is great simplicity in this – just start by describing your own dreams and the dreams others have
shared with you! You have plenty of material to work from.

I start by recalling a dream from last night or during the week or month before. I keep a detailed DREAM JOURNAL so I
can look at a few of these dreams, interpret them in my own time and have my readings basically planned long before the

show and this demonstration begins. Remember, you can choose to have this dream journal hidden as your notepad for
recording impressions and read straight from it if you like!

Once I have a dream in mind (from memory or generated through imagination) I describe it. I talk about what it LOOKS
like, what I SEE, how it FEELS, what seems to be going on here, the colors involved, what the underlying premise of this
dream is like and more. This is very similar to my good friend Enrique Enriquez’ method of interpreting the Tarot. There’s
nothing to memorize but everything to DESCRIBE.

Realize that as you describe dreams and mental imagery in this fashion you are naturally speaking in metaphors. The images
are not meant to be interpreted literally – they SYMBOLIZE something and have a greater meaning than how they appear
on the surface of your mind.

Now the DREAMSCAPE Q&A takes on a far different quality than most. As I describe visions, feelings and audience
members’ thoughts (and they respond) I simply interpret the dreams and images I see WITH the person who raises their
hand or stands up.

Together we consider possible meanings and interpretations using our natural knowing and intuition. I’ll take a moment to
remind you this is a PHENOMENAL Q&A to use on stage and also a MIRACLE-CLASS event to use in smaller shows,
private readings and workshops. It really is amazing how this all works together and how simple, personal and organic all of
it is.

It’s up to you, but I like to invite the AUDIENCE to raise their hand, chime in and respond with their own thoughts and
feelings during this process. This makes each reading and interpretation highly interactive, engaging and thought provoking. It
gets lots of people involved. This was the missing piece to my ‘Guerrilla Q&A.’

The main reason why Q&A is so effective (besides being so personal) is the excitement it breeds during the reading, receiving
and interpretation process. ALL audience members FEEL that ‘I could be next!’ and at any time you could pick up on their
thought, draw their question, approach them for a reading, borrow their object and so on. It’s this POSSIBILITY of being
read and engaged, worked with and involved in the process or experience at hand that makes Q&A so effective.

There are two parts to this, one just being revealed to me this last year.

1). Any audience member can be read, engaged and worked with directly.

2). Any audience member can raise their hand and offer their own thoughts, feelings and intuitive impressions regarding the
dreams, questions, borrowed object, symbolism and reading(s) being delivered to ANOTHER audience member!

It’s this second part that everybody misses. Never have I seen a performance or Q&A artist who does this. By allowing your
audience members to enter the dialogue and interpretation experience with their own thoughts, feelings and intuitive
impressions/insights we DOUBLE (or triple!) this feeling of “I can be involved at any time!”

Inspiration for this comes from the Quaker religion and devotional service. Quakers come together in harmony and
reverence and instead of speaking and having high energy, wordy, detailed sermons share very few words and sit in silence
and stillness – similar to meditation.

When the SPIRIT moves a person with a personal revelation or insight, only then do they stand up and speak, address the
group and share their inspired thoughts and feelings.

I explain to my audience members that I’ll be seeing, feeling and directly experiencing their dreams, thought forms and
subconscious imagery. Once we locate the owner we’ll begin to investigate and interpret what this means to a person and
because we’re all connected (via the Group Mind & Exercise such as THE JUMPING PULSE) that other people may begin

seeing what I see, feeling what I feel and KNOWING on an intuitive, subconscious or superconscious level what these
things mean.

When this happens, and it WILL happen, I ask them to simply raise their hand during the reading (or after) and offer
whatever NOW or FINAL thoughts, impressions and feelings that enter their mind and heart to share with me, the person
(owner of the dream getting the reading) and group/audience.

People love to weigh in with their thoughts, feelings and insights. People LOVE to hear themselves speak and to be the
center of attention! This ‘scratches that itch’ so to speak and provides a format for certain personalities to engage in the process
and fulfill those needs and desires in front of a group.

Many people who raise their hands with their own interpretation and feelings for the dreams being accessed and picked up
on and/or described will be very helpful. I keep this process going by asking questions such as, “How many of you get a similar
feeling?” or “Does it feel like this to anyone else? Raise your hands!” or “Has anyone had a similar dream that can relate to this?” and so on.

This is a highly interactive experience and one which celebrates our connection through dreaming and human BEING (being
human). Our dreams are what connect us. Our breath and heartbeat connects us. We share these things with the rest of
humanity and it’s something we all have in common.

The only thing to be careful of at this point is someone who may wish to steal the show, take up too much time or spending
too much time and attention on the same couple of people. The basic idea here is still the same – to get to as many readings
as possible; to describe and interpret as many DREAMS as possible.

There are tricks around this such as explaining the whole ‘SPIRIT SPEAKS FIRST’ concept. I offer the following: our heart,
Higher Consciousness and intuition is verbalized at 15-30 second “waves.” After this, without proper training (as I have) the
conscious mind nudges its way back in and our intuitive impressions become conscious interpretations and filled with logic,
which is the opposite from the way and direction we’re going. As such, a person can be allowed to speak only for a brief
period to share their thoughts, feelings and insights and then we’re off again!

Another principle I use is pointing to someone who wishes to add to the reading and say, ‘Please give me 5 or 6 words ONLY to
describe what you feel this means.’

As usual I thank everyone involved and anyone who raised their hand to share their own impressions. More people than you
expect will begin to raise their hands and add to or share in the reading and interpretation process. That said, it’s usually less
people than a number or amount which could make this difficult. My objective is ALWAYS to give 30-60 second readings
with the imagery and feelings I pick up on, and then move on.

In some cases I may spend two minutes with a person and working with their dream and interpretation. My hard rule is to
NOT EVER go over 3 minutes with a person or any individual reading. I get in, give the reading and get out. Continue
describing dreams, visions and imagery, finding the owners/projectors of such and offering the reading based on what you
see (what they RESPOND to!).

The last thing I’ll say on this (well, two things actually) is the GREAT “OUT” in this case is as follows:

I explain I’ll go into a trance (enter the dreamscape) to begin describing the dreams and images I’m immersed in and
enveloped by from my audience. Further, I explain that it’s very likely I’ll pick up on PAST DREAMS, RECURRING
DREAMS and even bits and pieces of FORGOTTEN DREAMS at times. I explain this won’t always make sense at first, but
through the simple act of DESCRIBING what I see the owner of these dreams, visions and subconscious
impressions/visions/messages/metaphors will be forced (caused, guided, inspired) to remember. They will KNOW if this
dream belongs to them or not…

Now it doesn’t matter if I describe dreams that are being THOUGHT OF currently (and projected to me on stage) or if I
simply describe dreams and scenarios that people have thought about, dreamed and experienced sometime in the past!

This highly effective technique opens up infinite doors and possibilities. Now you can NEVER be wrong…ever! The things
you describe will ALWAYS be things that people in your audience have experienced and dreamed of (seen in their dreams) at
some point in time.

A great recommendation I give you now is to study popular dreams, recurring dreams, themes, common nightmares and the
objects and imagery associated and found in most people’s DREAMS!

I bought a few “Dream Books” and “Dream Dictionaries” from Barnes and Noble and online at Amazon with keys for
interpretation. While I DO NOT use the interpretations given, I do make lists and mental notes of things I’ve seen in my
dreams and which other people have as well!

This information I’ve given you is a gold mine…a perfect Q&A for the performing hypnotist and mind reader. Use it wisely
and remember where you got it.


Instead of going for a more traditional (i.e. REAL) Q&A approach by giving readings and answering questions
from audience members whether written, thought of, announced aloud/given directly or working in the form of
dreams I also tend to use PSYCHOMETRY quite a bit.

You can use Anneman’s classic, “Pseudo-Psychometry” if you wish with 6-10 or 12 subtly marked envelopes for a fantastic
showpiece (this was often the closer to my MYSTIC HYPNOSIS SHOW in the very beginning stages!) or do as I do
currently and just do it FOR REAL using an ultra direct approach. My “Ultimate Thought Channel Psychometry” can work
wonders here though my preferred method is a combination of psychometry, Q&A and this direct, no-nonsense approach to
audience readings.

Following in the footsteps of Richard Webster I simply announce that hypnosis is the key to psychic abilities and that as a
hypnotist I’ve gone through great lengths to develop my natural knowing, intuition and clairvoyant skills for the purposes of
reading others and providing them with very potent, accurate and valuable information through non-ordinary means by tapping
myself into a field of pure energy, light, consciousness, higher awareness and perfect information and then sharing my
impressions with those I feel drawn to.

A good case in point is psychometry…

I explain the process of psychometry, what it is and how it looks – and then I explain in very simple terms that those who
wish a reading from me at this point should go ahead now and remove a small, personal item or object upon their person and
hold it between their hands for a few moments.

The objects used can be ANYTHING such as a piece of jewelry (finger rings, wedding bands, a watch, necklace or earring,
etc), a pen or business card, a coin or photograph from a wallet or purse, a lipstick or chapstick or makeup compact, car keys,
a cell phone, a wallet itself and anything else a person has access to. I remind the audience that the longer they’ve had the
object and the more personal meaning or significance it has to them the stronger that energy is going to be and thus the
better the reading and impressions they will receive from me in turn.

If nothing of personal, significant or emotional/sentimental value can be accessed then any other object they have will do…
and regardless of the item offered we’re going to take a few moments and just go deep within ourselves while holding the
object between our hands, take some deep breaths together and visualize our lives at this time.

Once everyone has an object and is holding it in their cupped palms or outstretched hand I have them sit up straight,
clutching their object, feet flat on the floor and take a few deep breaths as they close their eyes for a moment.

Now I lead everyone through a very short visualization wherein they SEE their energy, thoughts and personal vibrations
entering the object – a vessel for their energy – and telling me what I need to know regarding their life or some personal
situation at this time.

All this is doing is allowing me to SEE who is responding well to my suggestions and instructions, getting the audience
relaxed and providing me with an opportunity to mentally pick out (choose, focus on) a few interesting people and/or
interesting objects with which to give my readings.

Once done, I have everyone take one last deep breath, SMILE and open their eyes. Those who wish to receive a reading, my
psychic opinions, intuitive impressions and inner guidance can simply hold their objects UP (or OUT) as I pass by them. I

move to those I feel pulled to and receive the strongest feelings of sincerity and connection with, take their object in my
hands and start sharing my impressions.

Again, these are short general readings no more than 30-120 seconds in length and rarely longer than 2 or 3 minutes if I ask
for some personal question the person/owner wants answered.

I highly recommend Richard Webster’s “Psychometry from A-Z” if you want to get the most bang from your buck with an act,
routine or showpiece of this nature. It’s a great alternative and variation to Q&A and is very personal as it works in very close
proximity to the audience (I give my readings out amongst them all!) and handling their personal effects, items and objects.

Like the written questions, you’ll be able to tell A LOT about a person just based on what they look and FEEL like as you
stand before them, as well as glean volumes of real gut feelings, natural instincts and impressions and true intuitive insights
from their object.

I tend to look at the items people hand to me as symbols and metaphors for something else/something bigger and greater
and NEVER as the physical item or objects they are. The objects always mean (at least to me) something or stand for
something greater than what they are or are used for…always!

As I walk around the audience and take up personal objects I like to take a deep breath, close my eyes (maybe smile, grimace,
act surprised, etc) and begin delivering my reading and sincere gut feelings and impressions to the person providing the

Before I hand the object back to its owner I ask the person if they have a personal question they would like to ask me/want
me to address (regarding love, money, career, education, travel, their hopes and goals, dreams, ambitions, etc) before I finish
with them, return the object with my thanks and a short round of applause to “clear the air” as explained before.

As with all readings, the “Heart to Heart” communication strategies and language patterns taught in this book are of incredible
value and extremely potent should you choose to use them.

I love this kind of psychometry and the direct nature of the effect. Just choose a person or object you wish to read, move in
their direction (perhaps giving a few short readings to interesting people along the way!), greet the owner of the object and
take it gingerly. I tend to hold it up so everyone can see it; sort of putting it on display and giving it the limelight for a
moment or two to bring the focus of my audience to bear on the person I’m reading for.

I deliver my readings and impressions (typically very short and fun, positive, upbeat, lighthearted, sincere), return the object
with my thanks and appreciation and repeat, repeat, repeat as described above!

Again, this could not be easier or more direct in its approach. Remember to share your true feelings, gut instincts, natural
knowings, inner guidance and intuition with sincerity, mutual respect and framed as positive suggestions when and where
possible and you’ll be a huge success.

One really doesn’t need much more than this!

I should also add that you can include psychometry WITH direct questions or ANY Q&A as a “warm up” or opening piece
if you wish to create rapport, touch, mingle and place yourself amongst the audience with great effect and success.

Psychometry can also be used by itself or in combination with hypnosis (different parts of the same program) or even as the
ONLY thing you do in certain situations such as strolling work/roving styled readings, banquet performances, street
hypnosis to draw a crowd or reward them properly, as impromptu demonstrations and more.

It’s a skill I wouldn’t be without…and no magician’s crap “cold reading”, please! We all have intuition…don’t be afraid to use

Marketing Plan

The audience of 30 people which transformed into 1,500 + EVERY WEEKEND for over a year was a great start to
my career.

I was barely 19 years old and making more money than most doctors I know. This particular show was actually in a
commercial movie theatre and I had to compete with big box office hits every weekend (including holidays!) and still came
out on top making more money than I ever thought possible.

Drawing upon that experience and employing the same tools has assured me many a lucrative (read PERMANENT)
engagement over the years. Many times now I’ve used the same basic format and plans to secure venues, negotiate contracts

The first thing I can teach ANYONE about marketing (besides effective communication strategies) is location, location,
location! I've supplied a list of venues that are often overlooked and pass by unnoticed below.

How I arranged the successful planning and execution of this production is worth the price of this book itself. Listen

I discovered that most end show times STOPPED running between 10:15 and 12:45 yet the theatre had to remain open until
at least 2:00 a.m. for cleaning, counting out the registers, locking up and restocking the snack bars and more. What I did was
pitch my show as a separate event 'Late Night at the Jordan Commons' with Jerome Finley - Master Hypnotist. When I set out
on this adventure I had NO money for advertising, no agent or formal representation, no videos of my work to show or
anything of the sort to offer besides my good word and contagious enthusiasm and confidence.

Because I pitched my show for late-night audiences there was empty space (36 + movies playing at this Megaplex) and I
signed on with NO theatre overhead or rental - the theatre was happy to have a unique show and performer on the roster
and concessions could stay open a bit later PLUS award more box office sales.

The company included ushers, spotlights, a professional sound technician and took care of all the ticket sales for a fair
percentage split. My starting ticket price was $16.00 USD and we ended the run at $22, not bad!

I booked a few smaller, private shows so that I had money for a stack of 6X6 flyers that sat at the ticket stands and a few
LARGE well placed posters indicating there was a hypnosis show every Friday and Saturday night. I chose the movie theatre
because I knew a few things:

1). There was constant traffic and because of this my adverts WOULD be seen by hundreds and even thousands of people
during any given week. People WILL flock to see a hypnotist & hypnosis show, BUT, they have to know you’re there!

You could be the biggest talent on earth and if nobody knows who you are, what you do or where to find you then you’re
completely and totally SCREWED.

2). I strategically placed myself within 5 miles of a High School and just 15 miles from a college campus during my final
selection of the venue. I also offered a FREE SHOW (half the time spent in performance, enough to leave them wanting
more but also enough to show them a great time!) for the local High School prom night. The show itself was basically an
advert letting a portion of my target market know I was in town and CLOSE!

I did a bang out show, gave the students lots of post hypnotic suggestions and invited them over to my regular show at the
Jordan Commons for the weekends.

I offered a student discount (10% and though discounts for elders were also given no SENIOR discounts were advertised
because the target market isn't keen on spending their weekends with the elderly and vice versa!) and special two-for-one
tickets the first 2 weeks of my show. This all came after the first weekend which netted an initial audience of about 30
people, ouch!

I had less than two weeks to advertise before I started performing at the venue and as I mentioned before, extremely limited
funds. I kept faith knowing that my show was a solid one and that very shortly the formula would work. My mentor was a
marketing guru and the structure he created was proven time and time again. I didn't sweat it.

Modesty aside, my show is awesome.

I learned from the very best in the business and dominated my competition immediately (also explained in depth inside
'Thought Veil') and in all honesty the marketing for this production left something to be desired. I had to work with the
budget I had accrued which was about $800.00, so I continued with what I knew would work and with what I had available.

Between adverts in HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS (a movie theatre) where there was natural traffic and people looking for two
things; 1).To spend money AND 2). Be entertained. Between the handbills, a few well placed FREE EVENTS and a top
notch show it was only a matter of weeks before I was selling out the smaller 350 person joint and placed in a 600 person

By this time word of mouth was spreading like wild fire AND my adverts were still constantly being seen by every person
who walked into that theatre, restaurant or shopping center. When people drove by to look at show times they saw my poster
and announcement. The movie theatre was happy to place the poster in a plexiglass slot outside next to the big movie

When folks purchased their tickets they again saw my poster, small flyers/announcements and show times, dates and prices
listed on the ticket marquis. I’m convinced there are only a few things ANY successful hypnotist needs to make money:

• A good show

• A strong, likeable (confident, powerful, charismatic) performing persona

• A suitable venue

• For people to KNOW YOU’RE THERE!

In less than two months I was playing after hours in the largest theatre and showroom at the Jordan Commons MegaPlex;
1,600 people and often times there was standing room only. It wasn’t unusual for tickets and shows to be sold out many
hours before the show at first, then the day of, the day before and finally the week before.

There were many shows when I would have upwards of 60-80 people all hypnotized on stage AFTER I had sent half of
them back. I was never at a loss for people to work with on stage and with so many to choose from I could very quickly take
my pick – a veritable “best of the best” and have the stage filled with shining, enthusiastic stars.

I developed a working business model which allowed anyone to take these pointers and many more to re-create those same

Starting Out

It’s very, very easy to book out hypnosis shows when you know what you’re doing and have a clear plan of action.
This is due to the fact that most EVERYONE knows what to expect from a stage Hypnosis show to some degree.
The public loves hypnosis, they’re naturally intrigued and as a business or theatre owner/manager having a great
hypnotist at the venue is a natural draw!

Where there is a good hypnotist there WILL be big shows and seats sold. If your show is even remotely good (there are
plenty of HORRIBLE hypnotists out there making a decent living!) then you’ll do even better, naturally. The show in this
book and the ideas you’ve been given will prove (and have already proven!) successful over and over again.

Because hypnosis is so unique, so original/novel and compelling I found less competition in this industry and more than
enough room in a medium sized city for half a dozen REGULAR Stage Hypnotists to work every weekend and ALL to
packed theatres without over-saturating the market.

During my largest and longest running shows there were 4 other hypnotists in town all performing in different areas on the
same night and we all did very well.

If you’re just learning hypnosis through this book and other sources and have NEVER stepped out onto the stage with a
hypnosis show before, you have a few options.

I advise you jump right in with the show outline and material in this book and get started immediately. There is NOTHING
stopping you after having mastered this material!

Stage hypnosis is an art, yes – and a science…for sure. It’s also easier (much!) than one might suspect and has been led to
believe up to this point. Consider as well that the vast majority of my TV students come from a performance oriented
background (magic, mentalism and even hypnosis in some cases) and you’ll realize that many of you already have the upper
hand as far as becoming successful stage hypnotists goes.

If you’re nervous about starting (and hey, we ALL get nervous at some point!) then you might begin by adding a hypnosis
segment to your current/existing show. Whether it’s magic or mentalism you’re already performing, hypnosis can be a perfect
addition to your show. Even a miniature demonstration lasting just 15 or 20 minutes can often be the highlight of your
performance and a much needed break from the ‘magic’ and/or ‘mind reading.’ A hypnosis segment will insure that your show
stays fresh, your audience involved and everybody is happy!

To begin, I would add a few suggestibility tests and a simple 10 or 12 minute ‘WAKING HYPNOSIS’ demonstration. You
could also start with a 10-15 minute ‘Telepathy in Action’ sequence very easily too. To this, simply add a few psychological
forces to ‘warm up’ your audience and include a few classic suggestibility tests that EVERYONE can do (Finger Screws,
Magnetic Palms and Locking Hands Test) and you now have a self contained ‘mini show’ that can play for audiences of any size.

Countless times now I’ve combined my “5 Star Opener” or “The Power 5 Sequence” (from The Professional’s Choice book) with 2 or
3 classic suggestibility tests (Magnetic Fingers, Magnetic Palms & Handclasp Test as taught previously) to get people up on
stage. Once there, working successfully can be as easy as taking my “7 Minute Hypnosis Show” or even just PART of my “TIA”
sequence and splitting it up between 3-5 people (or more!).

From this point I can use deepening patterns, relaxation techniques, visualizations and more to re-induce and intensify the
imaginative, creative state of my participants.

As your experience grows, begin increasing the time you devote to hypnosis in your show. Move from 10 or 15 minutes to 20
or 30 as your level of comfort, stage skills and knowledge grows.

When I first started out I jumped right in to a full blown stage hypnosis show never having done one before. I took about 5
minutes for my pre-talk, less than 10 minutes for my induction, deepening and locking hands test and then I followed with
about 30 minutes of solid routines, skits and suggestions with my participants.

After this I counted the subjects out, we had our final bow and the show was over!

Rarely did these beginning shows last longer than 40 REAL performance minutes (specific skits) and the time flew by on
stage. There is no reason you cannot also do this. Stage Hypnosis is not as difficult as you might think and though there’s a
lot to the art, it’s all very simple. With this book you have EVERYTHING you need to put on a great show and enjoy a
successful and lucrative career as a hypnotic entertainer.

If you take a few minutes to warm up with the audience, talk to them, have fun with a few suggestibility tests and/or
psychological forces to create rapport and heighten suggestibility, get through your induction, deepening and first
‘tests/examples’ of hypnosis – by the time you know it you’ll be getting on with the show and having a blast!

While you should be confident and powerful, don’t take yourself so seriously. This isn’t a life or death situation here. Whether
you’re a professional or hobbyist, we do well to remember that when we’re on stage and performing it’s all about having
FUN. If you can express this point clearly to your audience and involve yourselves with them you’ll find people are very
generous, accommodating, understanding, accepting and forgiving. Work to entertain and give others a good time and enjoy
yourself while you’re doing it!

There’s something very contagious moving through a group or audience who sees a performer who loves what he does.

Remember that your ENTIRE SHOW is a suggestion. The whole time you’re on stage it’s a performance and everything you
say or do is an induction or suggestion on some level.

The time is filled very, very easily. You can do this!

Remember that an audience (and your subjects) can only take so much “show.”

Even today I strive to keep my shows around 75 minutes and its non-stop action, laughs, entertainment, fun and
astonishment the entire time. Even if you COULD do it, you wouldn’t necessarily want to do a 2 hour stage hypnosis show.
The old showbiz rule applies to hypnosis as well, ‘Leave them wanting more!’

In my experience it’s far less work to get booked as a Hypnotist than it is getting booked out in a venue or convincing an agent
as a magician, and much easier than getting bookings as a mentalist (although that’s not very hard with the right approach and
market either!).

Here are some EASY (and free) things you can do to generate interest, start creating a name for yourself and putting butts in
seats for YOUR hypnosis stage show.

1). Everywhere I go I make sure to have a stack of business cards with me. I am ALWAYS prepared to give a short
demonstration and full (40-60 second) explanation of who I am and what I do. Create an elevator speech and be prepared to
deliver it when the opportunity arises.

2). Practice, rehearse and perform your “free demonstration” as many times as possible so that when you actually have to (or
want to) DO IT you leave an amazing first impression of yourself and hypnosis on everyone watching. Create rapport with
people wherever you go, and make others feel good about themselves.

Learn to communicate the values (personal & ENTERTAINMENT-wise) of your stage show and private services in a clear,
effective manner. Write a script using as many language patterns as you can without it being obvious or sounding too weird
and practice going over it aloud hundreds (if not thousands!) of times. This is FREE and will only make you better. In no
time at all you’ll have your introduction and explanation down.

I recommend speaking your presentation into a digital voice recorder for constant review. Your timing, pace, energy, word
selections and tonality all speak volumes. If you can get in front of a video camera for rehearsal, so much the better!

Hop online and study how to create an “elevator speech” right now and create one for yourself today.

Be prepared!

In 12+ years of doing this work professionally I’ve learned how best to present and represent myself and the work that I do
very effectively. I’ve learned how to steer the conversation and a person’s interest towards hypnosis and how to pace and lead
their experience during our interaction. You’ve been given the tools and techniques that I use in this course.

Use them.

3). For the purpose of creating rapport a short PSYCHIC (flavored) READING or psychological “personality analysis” is of
infinite value. Few things can top meeting a regular person (potential client or audience member!), an agent or booker, a stage
manager, theatre owner or corporate executive with a strong introduction, undeniable connection, brilliant/sparkling (unique,
interesting, informative, engaging) presentations and a fascinating demonstration of your abilities.

I often warm up to a person or group of people by giving them short readings to create rapport and generate interest in me
and what I do. I smile a lot, pace and mirror EVERYONE – especially the group leaders – (and eventually LEAD), make
personal contact, connect through the eyes and give lots of subtle compliments. I’ve learned to “schmooze.” It’s a high art.

The heart to heart communication techniques go a long way here. I might also begin by saying, “Slightly off topic, but I’ve just got

Or I may tell a lovely young woman, “Those are about the cutest shoes I’ve ever seen! You’ve got amazing taste!.”

Little compliments like these are warm, friendly and let people know you’re a people person and someone who is ALREADY
impressed and “taken” by them. Delivering compliments during a reading or giving it as an “impression” allows us to do so
without any of the “weird factor” that might be involved otherwise.

We should be remarkable and mysterious (magical even) without being overly eccentric goons. Understand…?

The compliments you deliver to people should be REAL, sincere and not over the top! Look at a person, pick out their most
striking feature or the most impressive quality or characteristic about them, acknowledge it and compliment them for it.

Now shifting back to heart to heart communication, I’ll often focus on the “group leader” – the person everyone else seems to
be centered on and subtly or overtly revolving around – and I’ll start working with that person, warming up, creating rapport
and then slowly begin taking control and projecting my suggestions, magic and influence upon them.

I might say,

“There’s something unique and interesting about you…you have really strong, vibrant energy…daring even! I’m Jerome Finley, and you are? How
is your day going today, (name)?

• Mirror back their response!

Let me ask you, have you ever had a psychic reading or been to see a stage hypnotist/hypnosis show before?”

This short introduction serves a few purposes. First it allows me give a compliment or two, engage a group of people, shake
hands/smile/make eye contact (develop and increase rapport) and perhaps the most important, quickly assess and locate the
group leader.

In every group of people there is a natural leader – the alpha male or female of the bunch. You’ll have these in every large
and small group and there might even be one or two in a group (such as best friends, a couple, a husband/wife duo, etc).

On stage you’ll learn to scan your audience as you deliver your introduction and opening presentation/dialogue to those
gathered. With experience you’ll learn to see and quickly locate the natural leader of the group.

One thing I recommend is to scan for someone who appears highly confident and whom others seem to flock around. Look
at the body language of your people. Notice who is turned into whom and where the group attention is going. Look at
people’s feet and notice the guy or gal they seem to be pointing towards…this may be your man!

Humans are pack animals – we lived as tribes, families and social units for tens of thousands of years. In every “pack”
(group, family, circle or gathering) we either consciously or UNCONSCIOUSLY assign a leadership role to the dominant,
most impressive figure in our immediate environments. This is the person we think or assign (count on) to protect us if a
robber comes in to heist the place or tries to hijack the airplane. This is the guy we’re all going to follow if the building
catches fire or who you’d like to be standing by when some drunk guy gets out of control at the bar.

Though the alpha person and natural leader of a group of people is most often a male, it can also be a female. This is the
woman dressed to the nines and raises the bar for all the women around her whom look impressive by their mere association.
This is the girl who’s fit to be a Queen and she KNOWS IT. This is the woman who commands respect and radiates
authority – one who stands out from the crowd and you can’t help but notice.

If you can take control (gain rapport with) of a person OTHERS look up to, respect and/or admire in some way you can
easily win over all those other people THROUGH THEM.

This is also the woman who has a great head on her shoulders, takes control and provides the protective, mothering,
nurturing energy for those around her…the gal who’s not afraid and isn’t going to take any BS, who has the answers when
people need them and will make things happen.

You can tell by her appearance, her body language and how she holds herself as well as how the people around her
RESPOND to her and grant her their attention that she’s the assigned leader. Most of this is fairly obvious, now you’re
simply going to use what you already know in different ways and leverage these observations to your advantage.

In a large groups and audiences you’ll find multiple males and females who by their nature and presence direct the group
energy and consciousness. With a little bit of time and attention you’ll learn to pick these people out almost instantly.
Eventually it becomes second nature and something you’ll just do automatically. You’ll often just get a “feeling.”

Once you’ve found one or more of these natural group leaders start working with them either verbally or non-verbally! I
mirror, match and begin creating rapport with these folks immediately. I always acknowledge them, even if not speaking
directly to them. Direct eye contact, a smile and a friendly nod in their direction to quietly acknowledge them goes a long

With this in mind, even when I’m not directly engaging these “leader” types I DO mirror their body language and speak to
the people in their area of the theatre a bit more at first. They can tell, at an unconscious level, that my attention and energy
is being directed towards their territory, their “people”, tribe and pack/pacts.

Go back and re-read the above paragraphs starting with “HUMANS ARE PACK ANIMALS” and you’ll discover a few
readings and a great presentation I use to begin warming up to a group, creating rapport and delivering readings! For those
who read completely and notice what’s hidden between the lines, this portion of “Thought Veil” provides an incredible value.

The premise itself is great and I often take a minute or two to go around the group, introducing myself and pointing out
who they are and where they stand/how they are viewed by other people and the roles each of them play IN THEIR

These are “readings” and “impressions” that are more psychological and behavioral in nature. People LOVE it! They become
naturally interested in what I have to say about them, how I perceive them and how they show up in their group of friends,
amongst their family or with their co-workers and fellow audience members. You can use this presentation in a large group
just as well by pointing out a few very impressive, naturally commanding people and placing the spotlight on them. The
attention they receive from the audience is often appreciated and well received.

Of course you’ll want to temper the readings and their delivery (especially for women), but for the most part the above
“impressions and perceptions” are going to hit very hard and get an effective response for you.

Everywhere I go people of all ages LOVE readings! I introduce myself by first and last name, make direct eye contact,
SMILE and shake hands with a firm, supportive grip.

I’m an attentive listener and ask people how they’re doing today not because of some presentation or ulterior motive, but
because I REALLY CARE. Once the conversation begins I use language patterns and mirroring techniques to create rapport,
deliver compliments (subtly!), ask more questions, steer the conversation, pace the individual and direct the meeting and
experience. I leave nothing to chance.

If I want the person as a client or audience member I go into the situation with clear intentions and well-defined goals
knowing I have the tools and techniques, training and personality, strength, charisma, quality of work and services they
deserve, mutual respect and genuine interest in the individual to make it happen.

Another thing…I really, truly and DEEPLY believe in the shows, services and training that I offer. I BELIEVE 110% in my
ability to assist people and provide quality entertainment for them, their family, friends, company and co-workers.

Because I believe in myself and the product I sale (hypnosis) it’s easy to be passionate, sincere and enthusiastic about sharing
myself and what I do with others. Learn to develop self confidence and truly BELIEVE in yourself and what you have to
offer other people. Know that you as a person and the work you do is great and has value and can benefit those you share it

Shifting back to the readings – this is a grand way to get into hypnosis. If I’m doing walk around, performing on the street, at
fairs, banquets and night clubs I like to use psychometry and aura readings as well as palmistry and Rayid.

Borrowing a personal object from someone creates a sense of connection to that person. It also gets the audience used to
accommodating you and GIVING YOU THINGS of value and importance to them! By touching an object you are nearly
touching the person it belongs to. Make a big deal of what is offered to you when doing psychometry…make some general
compliments in the nicest way possible, hold it up to let others see what has been offered, touch the object, caress it, hold it

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and begin the reading. After 30-60 seconds I hand the object back to the owner and finish
with more heart to heart communication techniques such as,

“What I’m getting from you is (A, B and C).

And how I feel standing next to you/reading your object (energy) is (1, 2 & 3).

The gifts I see in you are (X, Y and Z).

Thank you for sharing!”

Once I’ve finished the reading and return the object I’ll move on to the next person, borrow an item, give the reading and
hand it back. I make sure to include something very complimentary in the reading and to make each person LOOK GREAT
in front of their group or the audience. This is important!

When we make people look and FEEL good by the things we say, do and suggest we create a deep level of comfort, support,
trust and rapport. If you’re good at making other people shine, they will assist YOU in shining just as well. The leaders and
individuals you work with will come to realize the better YOU look, the better THEY will look.

If working in a restaurant, banquet affair, charity or auction house type-setting, cocktail parties and dinner engagements I’ll
often meet the group, make the round of introductions, give some sincere and genuine compliments, locate the leaders of
the group, begin mirroring and creating rapport with them and using all of the techniques you’ve been learning in this book
to do so.

I know that because human beings are social animals, that we live in packs, groups and families (tribes) that if I can win over
the assigned/designated group leaders (and I can and WILL!) that everyone else is likely to follow. Once accepted and loved
by the group leader, the group will love and accept me and what I do as well.

When giving aura or psychometry readings I might not START with the leader, but often I’ll END with them. I also say
more about them and extend my readings from a minute or less to 90 or 180 seconds total. This is double or triple the length
of time and attention I give to everyone else and on some level, everyone (including the leader) knows WHY I’m doing
this…I’m acknowledging his or her role in the pack!

If people are seated I like handing them my business cards and some pens and doing a walk around/close up version of
“Sneak Thief.” I get everybody to write, draw or doodle some picture, symbol or image that represents them on some level…
but nothing TOO obvious as I don’t want to know which card belongs to which person by the looks of it alone.

Once the cards are mixed I’ll take them back, turn them over one at a time, give a fun, fast and effective reading based on the
personal drawing and hand the card back to the owner. Everybody loves this!

As a result of this routine I have something amazing to share with the group and which suits and enhances my personality,
the work I do and services I provide. They all get to experience a personal connection with me and a nice reading, some
compliments and time in the spotlight meaning ALL of our attention is on them.

The routine itself is simple and remarkably effective in these situations. Besides my readings (which I REALLY DO deliver
based on the drawings I see!) I have the cards I give out marked very subtly – nothing new here. If my cards are not pre-
marked I can do the same routine using my “Thought Channel” methods with amazing accuracy.

Because of my experience working with people and my practical knowledge of psychological profiling, handwriting analysis,
body language and simple observation (WATCHING how each person responds to my readings and how attentive they are
as I’m holding the various drawings) I can locate the owner easily and naturally, and so can you.

Many times I’ll do these business card readings in a very direct fashion by handing everyone a business card and asking each
of them to “DRAW ME A TREE.” Instead of having the cards collected and mixed I’ll simply take the drawings one by
one, deliver a reading and hand it back ala Richard Websters “Psychometry from A-Z.” Obviously Rudy Hunter’s “Draw Me a
Tree” DVD is incredibly valuable if you wish to do effective readings in this fashion.

Because handwriting analysis and interpreting drawings or symbols are supposedly psychological techniques they work very
well for the performing hypnotist. To open my stage shows I’ve even done this (tree drawings) with an entire audience. You
might also wish to experiment with PIG DRAWINGS (The Secret Notebooks of Mr. Hyde) or use the Kokology Game,
“The Cube” for these early interactions.

Aura readings are simple, fast and highly entertaining. There is natural intrigue built into the premise of seeing and working
with a person’s “energy” that I really love. I often frame this as being able to go into a trance state (self hypnosis – perfect to
introduce the concept of hypnosis to a group or individual!) and “see” energetic shapes, colors and patterns which are cues,
reflections and indications of a person’s subconscious programming and personality.

Numerology readings are also simple, fast and highly effective. You can have everyone write down their date of birth and a
few key words regarding a personal question or current matter of importance for you to deliver your impressions.

Palmistry is a must-learn skill. With a few business cards and a working system, reading or traditional method you can
entertain and connect with people for hours on end with no props used and nothing to lug around with you. I often open up
with a very short palmistry lecture and miniature introduction with a group or audience.

I do this by having EVERYONE look at their own hands and peeking at the person’s hands sitting next to them as I describe
the major lines, what they mean and how to read them. Now I walk around and point out various qualities and markings on
each person’s hand I approach and use them as an “example” to teach or show the group what I’m talking about. This results
in a fun, interactive reading for many, many people AND gives everyone a few palmistry tidbits they can take back home, to
the office, their friends and work with them.

As a hypnotist I think giving readings is one of the most important skills you can learn and utilize. A good reading is a very
powerful tool and aside from it’s incredible use and value for creating RAPPORT it provides you with a distinct path for
connecting with people, delivering compliments, warming up to a group or individual and slowly introducing the idea and
concept of hypnosis into their minds.

After a few short minutes of readings I can go right in to my hypnosis performance and demonstrations with people I’m
connected to and have established rapport with who are hanging on my every word and very interested in who I am, what I
do and what I’m about to share and experience with them next.

Kenton Knepper has a wonderful little manuscript available on his website ( regarding BUSINESS
CARD READINGS. As a hypnotist, mind reader and entertainer you should realize that everywhere you go and every
person you meet or perform for, interact and connect with is a potential client, booker and advertiser FOR YOU. The only
things I make sure to carry with me as I leave the house everyday is a stack of business cards and my pendulum.

Giving readings on the back of your business card is incredibly useful, commercial, strong and effective. It gets your
information into the hands of people you already have rapport with, have built a relationship with and have suitably
impressed. As you learn to make people feel good about themselves, their life and the direction they’re headed you’ll be
surprised to see how well they respond to you and sing your praises to people they know.

Of course a reading delivered on the back of your business card leaves people with your information, contact details (name,
website, cell number), their reading and a memory of their experience with you. THIS IS HUGE!

If meeting a booker, agent, corporate head, restaurant manager, club owner (etc) I always begin with my usual introductions
and a short reading FIRST. The reading is impressive, connects us and lets the person know I take great care of people and
that I really care, and that they’re in good hands with me. Now when I introduce hypnosis and begin with my “mini-
demonstration” they are much less resistant and WANT it to work!

The moral of this recommendation is learn to give short, effective readings and practice connecting with people everywhere
you go. The world is your stage. Her people are your clients and audience members, and they are EVERYWHERE. Never
miss an opportunity to connect with someone, give them a small sample of your personality, gifts and talents, MAKE THEM
AWARE OF THEIRS and end in a meaningful fashion with your business card and contact info in their hands.

Everywhere I go I am marketing, advertising and promoting myself and my show.


One of the most effective marketing tools I’ve ever used is giving FREE TALKS around town, at select venues and for both
public audiences and private special interest groups.

I learned to utilize this technique when re-creating my client list for private readings after moving to another state. I started
by speaking with a number of New Age shops, stores and boutiques in the area. I introduced myself to the owners and
managers, created rapport with the people who worked there and pitched a FREE EVENT.

This worked better than I had ever hoped for and really succeeded at getting my name out there and providing me with
clients to make a living. Approaching the New Age stores was a given as they exist for and cater to people who are already
interested in what I do and the kind of services I provide. This is a lot different from approaching groups, individuals and
venues COLD. Having me on the roster, providing a time and location for their guests and patrons to attend a free lecture
and demonstration made perfect sense to everyone involved.

I’ve taken this idea and expanded upon it for my hypnosis shows and services as well. Putting together an event of this
nature is easy, FREE and yields extremely positive results. Though I don’t like working “for free” if you approach these
events from an advertising and networking perspective and realize that what you’re doing is worth many thousands of dollars
in advertising then it’s really a no-brainer!

For an hour or two of “work” you can get your name, message, services and contact information into the hands of hundreds
of people. Even if you’re speaking for a group of 20 people with the rider that although the event is FREE, if those
attending like what they see and see the value in this type of work, service or performance that you’d appreciate them each
telling 3 to 5 friends about you and distributing your contact information.

At these events I make sure I have plenty of business cards and flyers available with my name and all my contact
information. They should also include a short list of services such as:

• Hypnosis


• Palmistry & Tarot

• Private Consultations, Live Performances & Public Demonstrations

My contact info is provided at the bottom.

The flyers are simple and effective and everybody gets one or two with a few business cards. Something else that’s very
helpful in making sure people KEEP this info and pass it along to their friends, family and co-workers is using them as a tic-
sheet for a personality analysis or a reading.

On the back of my flyers I have a short relaxation and visualization exercise printed up. This is nothing more than how to
imagine the 7 rays & colors of the light spectrum before bed, in the afternoon as a power nap or as an effective anytime,
anywhere relaxation/meditation session. Also included are simple instructions for rhythmic breathing exercises, in shortened
format. The instructions provided are merely reminders, not full lessons and thus take up very little space on the paper or

Because I teach these techniques IN my lecture and the entire audience practices them together (a very covert induction) all
people attending really need is a simple reminder and a short list of benefits.

You might also consider handouts printed up with your contact info and passed out before, during and after the lecture (free
talk, demonstration or introductory workshop). These handouts can be more in-depth instructions for creating a “special
place” during visualization, instant relaxation and stress relief, the simple EFT tapping sequence and a diagram, an aura chart
with a diagram for coloring in certain portions and more.

I pitch these free lectures in slots of 30, 45, 60 and 90 minute segments. I’m very flexible and let the office, store or venue
management know that I have something for every need and availability.

The FREE LECTURES are sold as such with emphasis on the “FREE.” Just because something is FREE does not mean it
doesn’t have value. I advertise these things ON LOCATION as a “Free Lecture & Demonstration” with my name, a short BIO,
my contact info and the message, “a $125.00 value, free!”

This lets people know they are getting something of VALUE for their time and attendance.

I also include whatever marketing hype, interest generators and advertising hot-points that are suitable for these events such
as “Learn to relax, de-stress and decompress in 30 seconds or less!” so that people will realize they are coming to learn a skill or some
helpful techniques to improve the quality of their life.

A flyer might say the following:

Join Master Hypnotist & Intuitive Life Coach

Jerome D. Finley, TDR

For a FREE lecture and demonstration at (name of location) on (date)

Together we’ll explore the benefits of rhythmic breathing, visualization, personal mantras, self hypnosis techniques and
focused meditation exercises to RELAX YOU INSTANTLY anytime, anywhere!

At the end of this experiential lecture you’ll have all the tools necessary to relax mentally and physically at a moment’s notice,
to de-stress and decompress in ANY stressful situation and always perform at an optimal level for the best results in life, at
work and in your relationships.

This is a FREE lecture (a $X value) offered with compliments by (venue name) at (address).

To RSVP please call Jerome Finley at (my contact info).

Seating is limited so be sure to register early for your FREE GUIDE to “Instant Relaxation & Stress Relief!”


Informational flyers such as these can be made on half-sized sheets of paper at inexpensive prices. If you’d like a double
sided (full size or color) flyer with instructions for relaxation on the back it’s not much more in terms of cost.

Handouts can be provided at very little cost as well. It’s a good idea to have SOMETHING people can take home with them
and a reason for keeping it. Putting something helpful, useful or valuable on your marketing items is simple and effective.

Of course the above ad copy was just an example. You could just as well hold a public demonstration of telepathy &
clairvoyance, an exhibition of psychic readings using natural knowing and intuition, an experiential lecture on waking
hypnosis and the power of suggestion, a free evening of powerful techniques for persuasion, seduction and influence, how to

create INSTANT RAPPORT (that’s a hot one!), an introduction to meditation, self hypnosis, EFT, NLP or whatever it is
that you do.

Also keep in mind that even if your goal is to book shows, private parties and clients to consult for these FREE
demonstrations, talks, lectures and introductory events don’t necessarily NEED to be centered around the product or service
you intend to pitch.

You can go the direct route and hold an event for the exact purpose, product or service you’re pitching OR go the sideways
route by holding an event, getting people interested/showing up and then delivering what’s been promised while pitching
your “other services”, products, shows, trainings and other offerings at the end.

Often you’ll find ways to link and blend them all together. My suggestion is to choose one or two topics you feel comfortable
speaking about and creating a short evening or afternoon experience around them. The key is to MEET PEOPLE (network)
and get your name and services out there. You want to get people talking and calling you.

Most of the time it’s not an issue of whether you have talent or are good enough to be doing the work you want to be doing,
but simply a matter of people NOT KNOWING that you exist or how to find you and make use of your services.

These FREE EVENTS, public lectures and demonstrations take care of that. They let people know you’re HERE, you’re
working and you’re available to do business with and how they can benefit from your services.

If you’re just looking to pitch your stage hypnosis show you can offer a FREE EVENT such as mentioned prior and bill it as
a new “breakthrough” in relaxed, focused awareness and waking hypnosis techniques. Include the time, place and venue
information of where you’ll be showcasing these new techniques, remember to suggest value for the event (even though it’s
free!), make it sparkle and shine (include HOW it will benefit others!) and get to work.

I always have my business cards and a stack of flyers in my laptop case. I’m regularly meeting people, making connections,
offering short readings and hypnotic demonstrations, getting names, telephone numbers and business cards in return and
inviting people to my events. You’ll learn to become a walking advertisement. This is a good thing!

You’ll find venues and locations to host your shows, lectures and public performances for FREE if you know where to look.
Many commercial office buildings have large meeting rooms and banquet halls they rent out by a set dollar amount per hour
at very cheap prices for the space and accommodations provided.

Lecture halls, libraries and their conference rooms, hotels, New Age stores, church buildings and civic group meeting halls,
Yoga studios, Masonic Temple, gymnasiums, school auditoriums and even some of your local theatres are all great places to
start approaching and pitching your shows, lectures and events to.

In exchange for a FREE LECTURE at their location most places I’ve worked with were not only happy but very, very
excited to host such an event to get people in their location! I’m able to create a win/win situation with these events – I get a
space to hold my event and the venue gets something unique and interesting to attract attention, increase traffic at their
location, get people in the store and close to their wares and the word of mouth for both of us as a result is often

One of the “free events” I held was a 90 minute combination lecture and demonstration on the topics of psychic
development and igniting your intuition. We packed the venue to standing room only AND I was able to work off the
contacts, bookings, private readings and PSI PARTIES booked as a result for nearly three solid months.

Even when business is good I’ll often plan one or two of these free events somewhere just because you can never have TOO
MANY people talking about you or suggesting your work and services to others. It’s a good idea to get involved in your
community and rub elbows with the local flora and fauna.


Many people have experienced their fair share of troubles booking out a theatre for a regular show and performance
location. I know it can be a pain in the ass searching for someplace to call your “home” and perform your live stage show,
believe me. One of the reasons why I love hypnosis so much is quite simply that it practically sells itself. I’ve had to break my
back pitching, selling and signing my AMAZING mind reading and mentalism shows at various locations, but I’ve never had
anywhere near the amount of stress and frustration pitching and selling the hypnosis shows.


We’ve spoke about this before, and it all boils down to people NOT KNOWING what a “mentalist” is or viewing “mind
reading” as anything besides clever magic tricks with a huge potential to be boring…but hypnosis, now THERE is something
a theatre manager, club owner or corporate giant can get behind!

While most of these interactions and negotiations will come down to the rapport, relationship, trust/comfort and realistic
projections (profit margins, attendance records, past results, etc) of the PERFORMER, that is true…HOWEVER…

A great performer can and WILL get shut down even as he walks on water while some talentless hack takes his venue,
position and paycheck every week simply because he offers a better, more desired, more commercial product in the eyes of
the booker, agent, owner and promoter.

To me, mentalism was always a hard sell and explaining it was difficult at times. Hypnosis on the other hand was easy because
most people have seen it, heard of it or have some direct experience with it. They know what to expect, they can remember
the feelings they had watching a hypnotist live on stage, they remember the huge crowds and commotion (and box office
sales!) a hypnotist brings with his show and it’s basically a done deal. If the performer is likeable, capable, stays strong during
communications and negotiations and can impress the people in charge…as long as they have the space, dates available and
means to accommodate such a show then your hypnosis production is very likely to be picked up.

Bear in mind you have options when selecting a venue to perform at.

Just as I do free lectures and public demonstrations, I also do the occasional FREE SHOW. The same idea and theory is in
play here and the only difference is the value comes in the form of FREE ENTERTAINMENT, albeit of extremely high

Instead of four-walling a venue (a situation in which you rent the performance space, stage and the equipment – you handle
most everything yourself and pay the venue a set dollar amount to “rent” their facilities for your production) I prefer to offer
a percentage of ticket sales off the top in exchange for the performance space.

This works better in certain locations than others, of course. In Salt Lake City, Utah this is an easy arrangement to make and
negotiate. In Las Vegas or Los Angeles however, it wouldn’t hold up for a second. You’ve got to know your area and be
familiar with your location and what’s acceptable and realistic.

When all else fails I have faith in the Universe and know that my CREATIVE MIND is working 24 hours a day to create the
perfect opportunity and venue for my performances. Also remember, you’ll never know WHAT you can get unless you ask!
Even if you’re 100% sure that your offer will be rejected, ask anyways. Read the book “The 48 Laws of Power” and start asking
for the moon!

My normal protocol is to research various areas, venues and performance location in the city I’m working. I take all sorts of
things into consideration such as location and proximity to high schools, hospitals, freeways, bars and nightclubs, colleges,
shopping malls and movie theatres. Not only do I want to know what I’m up and competing against, I want to know what
people and age groups I have immediate access to.

Once I find a suitable theatre and location I call up the owner and stage manager and make an appointment to see it. At this
point I tell whoever is in charge that I’m an entertainer and performance artist with a new production and we’re (my team
and I) looking at different venues around town for hosting the show and performance.

I don’t ever ask for prices or fees for renting/four walling the place, I just ask to see it. I also don’t give too many details
about the type of performance up front. I’ve learned through experience that if you simply take charge, show your interest
and ask for a time when you can come and check out the place you’ll get farther.

If the person in charge of the venue ASKS me what type of performance or production I do, I have a few different answers
ranging from “Contemporary performance art with a mind reading theme” or “a family magic and hypnosis show” or “a
specialty production and variety show highlighting performers and talents from all over the world in number of rare
performance arts including comedians, hypnotists, magicians, mind readers, jugglers and acrobats.”

I’ve learned to be pretty creative with my responses. I avoid speaking about hypnosis over the phone for this initial
introduction for the simple reason that I want to MEET the owner or operator FIRST and then convince them based on our
rapport, my skills and talents in person. Most of the time this is not a problem – it’s just business as usual and I’m an
interested party looking to check out their stage and theatre set up.

I try to book this initial meeting for about a week out. This gives me time to send an email thanking the director for their
time and telling them I look forward to meeting them and seeing their stage/venue.

A day or two BEFORE the actual meeting takes place I call the organizer again to confirm. I’m very friendly, positive and
upbeat at this time, I ask how they’re doing and make very short, very SMALL talk and again, I express my excitement and
cement my plans to meet with them. All this is doing (the email and phone call) is following up, letting the person know I’m
professional and dependable and serves to create a RELATIONSHIP with that person. Now when I have my face to face
meeting we have established a working relationship and it’s more like meeting someone I know that a stranger cold.

Upon arriving to the theatre or venue I ask plenty of questions, check out the performance space and ask for a list of open
dates or black nights when the theatre or venue is closed and/or has nothing else planned or going on that night – no other
performances or productions.

In this economy this is easier than ever and a lot of places are seeing a fall-out in attendance, ticket sales and quality
productions coming through. This means there is usually more free time and open dates than usual and this is something I
capitalize on. I should say before we go further that this process and procedure also works extremely well at “high tide” when
business is booming. We’ll address this again very shortly.

I don’t talk business, contracts or 4-walling fees at this initial meeting. I let the manager/owner know what I do (a LIVE
audience participation stage hypnosis show), that I like the place and I’d like to take a few days (or a week) to think about it. I
might (in very tough times) hint at or suggest that my partner or marketing rep (management) called me with details about
another venue this afternoon and if it works out I would like to possibly work at and play BOTH of them…

This merely lets the person know I’m not desperate for a place to perform and that I have options to choose from and a
team behind me, which presupposes SOME amount of success. It shows them I’m serious about the venue and theatre I
select for my event and production and that I’m patient enough to stop and consider my options, possibilities and how I feel
about the space and theatre I’ve just visited.

Either way I let the manager know what a pleasure it was meeting with them, that I appreciate their time and attention today
and that I’ll be in touch. I compliment their theatre and space again on my way out and start taking notes when I get in my

Will this place work?

What did I like about it?

What did I dislike about it?

Can I see myself happy performing there?

Do they have everything I need in terms of equipment and capabilities?

If not, what will I need to bring, rent or otherwise supply?

Do they offer online ticket sales, ushers, light and sound technicians available in house or do I have to bring (and pay) for my
own technicians?

Do they have open dates that are compatible with my schedule?

I jot down a few notes and ALSO some details about the person I just met – what their name is, what I was able to tell about
them from our interaction, etc. This information might come in handy later IF I have to work my way up the ladder. Think
of this as a subtle form of social engineering – later on I can use this person’s name, information and our
meeting/interaction together to pave the way to someone with more power, authority and decision making ability behind
them if necessary.

Once I’ve done my homework and found a place I can see myself happy at I’ll call the person in charge (often it’s the person
I spoke and met with already, but not always!) and ask for a time we could meet again and discuss what I have in mind for
their venue.

I follow the same protocol of sending an email and making the confirmation call as before. If we really hit it off well on our
first meeting I ask to skip the formalities and meet at a local diner or coffee shop to discuss our options and what lies before
us, what my options are, what the theatre and management is needing from me, what their usual method of securing a
contract and performance date looks like, any theatre costs/stage fees and all the fine details.

It’s at this meeting that I’m going to ‘pitch’ ONE FINAL MEETING with the owner’s family, friends and business associates
to show them what I do. It also gives me the opportunity to meet them on NEUTRAL GROUND…AND…it allows me to
pick up the tab and pay for lunch or drinks.

Depending on how our first “face to face” meeting went and how much rapport and connection I was able to establish this
doesn’t sound like an absurd request. If you schedule your meeting around the owner/director’s normal lunch hour break
TO BEGIN WITH your chances for meeting on neutral ground are even higher.

There are different ways to frame this offer to meet for lunch and you’ll want to play around with the best ones for you.

One tactic I use is during the confirmation call a day or two before our SECOND MEETING. I’ll say I’ve had something
come up but that I really LOVE the theatre and enjoyed meeting them the other day/last week and that I still very much
WANT to meet with them tomorrow.

Now I express my excitement and enthusiasm over their venue and tell the person I’m speaking with I have another
important meeting (suggesting my meeting with them is important too!) on very short notice in the same area and ask if we
can meet for a quick bite at a local restaurant, diner (or whatever location THEY choose!) somewhere between the theatre
and my meeting.

See what’s going on here?

You’ll remember that doing a favor for someone FIRST makes them feel obligated on subtle, conscious and unconscious
levels to reciprocate and return the favor. This comes in very handy when they are in charge of dealing with the theatre I
want to perform in or in charge of booking the talent that works there.

This method is just one of a few different approaches I use and may or may not be suitable for your particular wants and
needs. It ends up that I spring for lunch and cocktails, but that’s a $50.00 lunch bill that gets me MORE than $50.00 worth of
value in other ways.

The key to this little approach is to warm up to the man or woman in charge, create rapport, do them a few little favors so
they can reciprocate, flatter them and pump them up/get them EXCITED about me, my show and our future relationship.

By arranging an evening or special mid-afternoon performance and LIVE demonstration before signing on at the actual
venue I have ample opportunity to make a huge impression and set myself apart. I know once these folks can just see and
experience what I do then opening the doors and giving me the keys to their venue is practically assured (given they have the
ability, time, space and accommodations to lend me).

I would say that about HALF the time this method works as outlined. The other 50% it requires some minor adjustments. In
most cases I end up doing the private performance (30-40 minutes, FREE) for all the people who really matter.

After the performance I can offer my vision and what I think would work out best for everyone involved. I offer up the idea
of obtaining a regular spot on their performance calendar/schedule and giving the venue a (GENEROUS) percentage of
ALL ticket sales. I get these folks to go out on a limb with me – it’s a risk, but through this model I let them know the risk is
SAFE (i.e., it’s a risk, but NOT a gamble!).

I suggest that if the show works out as planned THEN we can talk about me staying around and putting butts in seats,
creating revenue for the theatre, showcasing a different program, garnering media attention and spreading word of mouth,
etc. If the show doesn’t work out (hasn’t happened yet!) then we’ll re-assess our goals and agreement based on the results.

I give suggestions which demonstrate my value and that any business minded owner, theatre manager or stage
director/events planner can see as profitable. I set myself up as an ASSET, and I always let the people in charge know that
my goal, commitment and intentions are to do what is best for them, MAKE THEM SHINE/LOOK GOOD (!), draw
business and attention to their theatre and ultimately to MAKE THEM MONEY.

This outline happens to work out very well for me.

The last thing I’ll say is that if you’re living in a place larger and more “theatre minded” than modest Salt Lake City then you
NEED an agent or some type of representative to work for you.

The mistake many people make is thinking they can do everything themselves. While you can certainly work very hard and do
MOST THINGS, you cannot and should not try to do everything.

There’s a lot to be said for having an agent, representative or spokesperson that will make these contacts and do the initial
talking for you. When I lived in Las Vegas the route I described above was of very little value. In big cities and for LARGE
companies (Casino’s, famous theatres, etc) the attitude is, “If you’re good enough, important enough and successful enough you’ll have
somebody to speak for you.”

Being important and well desired enough to have OTHER PEOPLE available to speak for you and represent you is a very
prestige suggestion. So much of hypnosis relies on the power, authority and prestige of the hypnotist to work effectively and
this includes signing contracts, negotiating bookings and travel arrangements/contract riders, settling rates, speaking and
appearance fees and more.

If you’re looking at a nice theatre to offer your show imagine how much more effective it is to have your agent or
spokesperson call up and say,

“Hello, this is so-and-so with “such & such” productions. My agency represents a man by the name of (X) from Las Vegas, you may have heard
of him!

(X) is a world renowned Psychic Entertainer and Master Hypnotist just arrived home from Europe and he’s travelling through your area from the
dates of (A-Z) with his production “Theatre of the Mind.” I’m wondering whether…our spokespeople can meet with you and your team to
discuss opportunities for a run of shows to showcase X’s famous stage production at your theatre next April…”

And so on.

Even if it’s your wife, sister or second cousin working under YOUR DIRECTION and guidance, it’s often better to have
another person call the venue on your behalf and speak to the people in charge as your agent and representation. This
immediately makes you seem more serious, more important and more profitable.

Another thing I recommend in the beginning is starting at a small, modest theatre at a humble location until you get the bugs
and kinks worked out of your show and performance. Find someplace away from your GOAL and DREAM venue and get
to work! In order to become a powerful and proficient stage hypnotist you’ve got to perform and perform A LOT.

This will give you time to solidify your scripts and approach, your opening lecture and call to stage, your induction, the flow
of skits and routines and more. Ideally you want to be not just comfortable but DYNAMIC on stage, sparkling and shining
the entire time. It might take a few months or it might take a few years depending on how active of a performer you were
prior to when you came to hypnosis. I find that experienced entertainers make great stage hypnotists and can usually put on a
GREAT hypnotic stage show in very little time and start selling out theatres.

By having a small “practice” theatre to get your show sizzling you’ll grow in experience and learn to avoid all of the pitfalls
that can delay, harm or setback your progress and success on stage. Think of this as working your way up the ladder and
learning through experience. The most important thing is that you just GET OUT THERE AND DO IT. Planning and
thinking about it will only take you so far. Throwing yourself into the ring of fire may seem scary at first, but you’ll learn to
adapt, grow and evolve as you go…and you’ll be a better performer because of it.

At a small, off-main venue you’ll learn about the light and sound requirements, show cues and musical scores, variety options,
handling different audiences and using different approaches. All of these things will make you FLEXIBLE. Believe me when
I say you don’t want to be “experimenting” and still learning the ropes LIVE on a big stage in a nice, upscale venue with a
huge audience. A situation like this could potentially be damaging to your career.

Instead, begin by working High Schools, civic groups and charities. I advise “Thought Veil” students to learn my hypnosis
show outline (or create their own show format using material in this book with other material they’ve learned well) and begin
contacting local charities. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to find “flight time” and live audiences to practice, rehearse and
perform your show when you offer the program FREE as part of a donation drive or charity event. Simply find a cause you
believe in and can get behind, call them up and offer them your services at their next event.

Many charity events planners and directors will be THRILLED to add your name and show to their roster and most will
bend over backwards to make sure your show and THEIR EVENT is a huge success. Also, because you’re doing this free of
charge and it’s a charity event (good tidings and thanksgivings are in the air!) you’ll find most people are very forgiving in light
of bigger mistakes. This is a very safe environment to perform in and with that in mind, although it’s “safe” and a show
you’re doing for free, you and your program still need to be well rehearsed and as polished as possible before stepping out on
stage. Always be a professional and don’t treat your free gigs like amateur hour at the Apollo. Give them your best.

Your payment will come in many ways – having a venue and audience to perform for and hone your skills with, learning the
ins and outs of stage hypnosis, feeling good knowing you’re giving back to the community and raising awareness/providing

support to a special group of people with special needs, word of mouth advertising and the two things that equal future
GOLD and pay dirt…quotes, testimonials and video material.

The events planner will GLADLY give you a shining testimonial to use in your advertising materials (website, flyers,
promotional packages, etc) and many will allow you to video the performance. Recording the performance makes perfect
sense for the hypnotist because you can explain it is available so that people can have a copy of the show later as a memento
for the occasion and to show their friends and family members.


Free tickets are something you’ll learn to love and few things work better to get people attending your show and raving about
you to all of their family, friends and co-workers.

Once you have a show planned (a solid date!), a venue secured and you’re preparing and marketing for the show, make sure to
carry a stack of business cards, promotional flyers and free tickets wherever you go!

Now there are many ways to handle giving away free tickets, so let’s look at those.

First, I always hate it when a performer gives out free tickets to their show and only includes ONE TICKET. This looks
cheap and tacky. The idea here is that nobody is going to come see your show alone, so by giving away a free ticket your guest
will bring a date, friend/family member or co-worker and thus you’ll SALE a ticket at the box office, get two people in your
audience and the costs basically cancel each other out. Having warm bodies present to work with in the beginning and your
show’s debut is worth A LOT more than the $8.00-16.00 bucks you’re charging for a ticket to the show.

I’ve learned to go into my first show at a new venue with an attitude of expectancy and success. My goal for this first gig is
NOT to make money – it’s not to LOSE money! If I can recoup advertising costs, pay the theatre overhead (if needed),
compensate my assistants (stage, light/sound techs, etc) then I consider the show a success. I use the first show ALWAYS as
a form of advertising – the success of this show is going to determine the success and reception of next week’s show, I
guarantee it.

Knowing this, FREE TICKETS are a valuable tool. There is nothing worse than starting a new show, marketing for a few
weeks and stepping out on stage the opening night to an audience of 15 people and hearing crickets in the background.

In this case I would rather give out 100 free tickets (while doing LOTS of readings and impromptu demonstrations for
people!) and getting people excited and pumped up for the opening night. I give tickets to people I’ve struck a chord with
and hit them with something very hard on very deep, resounding levels. I blow their mind and make damn sure they love me
and never forget about me.

As mentioned before, I often do this with readings and very strong pieces of direct mind reading and/or impromptu
hypnosis demonstrations. I make sure I’m going to be the center of many stories they share with their family, friends and co-
workers for the next few days, weeks or months even! Finally I give them FREE tickets and invite them out to my show. I
give them TWO TICKETS and tell them to bring a friend or a date and I look forward to seeing them there!

When I give out free tickets I give them in pairs or in THREES. If three people are planning to show up on opening night
with complimentary seats they will often bring a friend. This is the same philosophy others use when giving out just ONE
ticket (blech!) but creates a third wheel instead of suggesting the person with one ticket would actually show up alone or is so
socially inept they don’t have a friend or date to bring with them.

High School students are often short on money, so this is great for them. The other three will pitch in for a 4 th person
(friend) using the money they saved with the FREE tickets. Also, broke students are often very thankful for the tickets,
grateful and easy to impress. They’ll show their gratitude by telling everyone they know about you, your show and their
experience with you ESPECIALLY if you suggest they will during your impromptu demonstration of hypnosis!

If you can get a bunch of High School and college kids talking about you then you’ll have a huge market to tap into. These
kids are social and their word travels fast! Even faster today than ever before when one considers the blogging craze,
Myspace, Facebook, school functions, football games, proms, weekend parties, school time and other social functions or
networking sites.

This is very cheap advertising and it’s very, VERY effective. Make a connection, make a solid, lasting impression and give
away some tickets.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Even after my show is up and running I carry free tickets with me EVERYWHERE I go!

Often I’ll make a new and very strong connection with a new business person, a waiter or waitress, a friend of an associate or
some stranger I meet, new clients for readings and more. It happens often that we strike up a conversation, I turn the
direction to hypnosis (even briefly) and ask,

“If I gave you some free tickets to come out and see the show, could you/would you (YOU WOULD!) find a date and be there this weekend,
wouldn’t you?” while shaking my head yes and delivering language patterns, mirroring to create rapport, giving a quick reading
on my business card or a short demo (mind reading or hypnosis). I give my new friend or prospect some free tickets and let
them know I’ll see them there and to come say “hi.”

I suggest the event will be great fun they will always remember, that it’s very special and they’ll LOVE what they see and they
can participate or just watch, whatever they wish (although they have a perfect mind for these things and the best seat in the
house is up there on stage with me, etc).

By making a deep impression and dropping a few language patterns (PLUS giving them a “taste” of what they can expect
and see more of!) I assure my free tickets go to people who are already in rapport with me, excited and anxious to see the
show – i.e. that they WILL show up!

I also make sure everyone who gets free tickets and “a taste” know to tell their family, friends and co-workers about the show
and link it to a good reason such as ticket prices are going up soon, it’s the opening night party, we’ve got a special program
planned, a special guest is opening the show, the news is going to be there, there are only 2 shows left in this run (before we
sign on again, of course!) and so on.

I know if I can give out 100 free tickets before opening night I’ll have AT LEAST another 100 PAID tickets due to word of
mouth, advertising and my other marketing methods all working together and thus EXPECT an audience of 200-250 or 300
people which looks very good for the first show on opening night!

The more impressive your opening show is the more the audience will be affected and tell everyone they know about it.

Now keep in mind this isn’t always the case (I should know!) and I’ve been in those situations where opening night nets only
a few dozen people and in a few short months we were selling out the show and moving to a much bigger theatre. I’ve also
taken steps to insure these low turn-outs do not happen again!

Remember that you can turn practically ANY show, venue or program into a raving success with a strong approach, the
resolve to succeed and confidence required to pull it off with flair and elegance.

WANT to succeed in this area. Plan to succeed. Know that you’re already a success and that you have ALL the tools you need
to make it in this profession.

Expect it to happen, allow it to happen, take positive steps TO make it happen…and it will happen easily and naturally.


(Radio, news, morning shows, etc).

It’s easy to get free marketing for hypnosis because it plays well in the media (it’s naturally fun and interesting to people!).
Ormond McGill used to do great publicity stunts where he would work in tandem with large department stores and high end
boutiques in exchange for news and radio advertisements and promoting the stores and chains he worked with.

Ormond (& others) had a great hook and lead-in to news stations by “hypnotizing” a young, attractive (often female) model
to SLEEP in a hypnotic state in the front of the store sales window in high traffic areas. Posters, flyers, ad’s and banners
would dazzle the passerby’s, advertising Ormond and his show as the model/subject (assistant) laid sleeping away soundly
and peacefully in her hypnotic trance.

People could look through the window and see the subject, get information about the stunt and Ormond (and his show)
right there. Naturally the radio and news stations LOVED this and covered the story which was very good for Ormond and
GREAT advertising and coverage for the store!

Look at the stunts David Blaine is famous for (buried alive, frozen in ice, floating in a globe of water, standing on pillars,
living in boxes, etc) and you can see how a similar stunt with hypnosis would be very effective.

I see no reason why Ormond’s “Sleeping Beauty” effect wouldn’t be just as amazing and successful today. When planning your
publicity stunt be sure to choose something unique and interesting, and “only possible through deep hypnosis.” Give it pizzazz and
make it sizzle!

Once your stunt is planned and you’ve arranged it with the people used (the more public the figure, the better your results
and coverage will be, naturally) it’s time to begin alerting the news stations, papers and local radio. You can advertise such
things for free on any of the social networking sites we currently have access to (later we’ll discuss building a web-presence).

Sending press releases is easy – it’s simply a matter of writing effective ad’s and sales hype during your pitch and description
of the effect. A press release should contain info about WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE & WHY. There are numerous
books you can purchase, find in a library and lots and lots of information available for writing effective press releases to
guarantee your story gets picked up. Once again, hypnosis is easy to sell and interesting to cover. A well-planned campaign or
publicity stunt will usually take off much faster than you think!

Working with the local news and radio stations is just as easy. I begin by calling them up and announcing what I have in plan,
working my way up the ladder to speak with someone in charge of booking/inviting/accepting guests for their morning
shows and programs.

Radio stations are fun because it gives you the opportunity to reach many tens of thousands of people about you and your
show/services and all the necessary info regarding how, when and where to find you. I pitch these radio shows in a few
different ways by offering a LIVE demonstration “on air” with the other guests, radio personalities and DJ’s.

You can demonstrate hypnosis IN STUDIO and the remarkable effects and benefits of trance states very easily. Hypnotizing
one of the personalities as the other(s) describe the events and what’s happening is very effective. Later, during the post
interview, you and your subject can speak about the experience, what it was like, how it felt, snippets of what they did and

It’s very effective in getting these bookings to OFFER a live radio demonstration for all the listeners and radio audience. One
of the most effective demonstrations I know of and use is Michael Fraughton’s routine, “To Control 10,000 Minds” from his
book “The Dark Waltz.”

I’ve also used psychological and statistical forces, verbal card forces and simple suggestibility tests (Magnetic Fingers,
Magnetic Hands and Hand Clasp/Arm Lock stunts). Simply describe these tests as you normally would, lead people through
the process, work LIVE (in real time) with the hosts or other talkshow guests and then ASK that anyone who was successful
with these tests to call in and share their experience.

In no time at all you’ll see the control boards and phone lines lighting up with people amazed over their experience and

If working the radio shows I advise that you NOT do any form of trance work with the listening guests. Often times people
will be listening on their way to work and you DO NOT want them closing their eyes, relaxing deeply or visualizing hypnotic
commands when they’re operating a vehicle. Causing an accident is beside the point – you don’t even want to go there. Even
if your routine WASN’T the cause or major issue you could still be blamed for it and that’s not good for business.

When leading the listening radio audience through these simple tests and effective demonstrations I refer to these things as
“the power of suggestion” and/or “the mind/body connection”, “tapping into the subconscious” and “verbal/psychological

Besides hypnotizing the hosts, controlling audience members pendulums, using psychological forces and classic suggestibility
tests you might also take callers to interpret dreams (messages from the subconscious!) and give short readings from a
psychological angle. Even more than the mentalist, the HYPNOTIST is a true “Master of the Mind” and is very versatile,
flexible, multi-faceted and effective because of it.

Other demonstrations I’ve witnessed (and used personally) are audience metal bending using their creative mind power,
causing hands to become stuck, temporary amnesia (always with suggestions that EVERYTHING returns to normal!),
making people drop pens or pencils they are holding and so on. Remember the Geller effect and be sure to maximize and
magnify everything you do. My “Crimson Wall of Lictalon” and “Vanilla” scripts (shared in this course from my RAOK book
and Guerrilla Q&A routine) will help you a lot towards this end.

I’ve also aimed my demonstrations at people framed as instant relaxation/stress relief or breathing techniques, tapping into
their intuition, increasing their creative mind power, goal setting and manifestation techniques and more. The key is to make
whatever you do INTERESTING, personal, affecting, powerful, memorable, FUN, and of some personal greater value or
self-improvement purpose.

Morning talk shows on television (news programs, interviews and demonstrations) are highly effective forms of marketing,
getting your name, face and show info out there to MANY people in very little time. Sending a press release or contacting the
morning show hosts and telling them the vital info (who you are, what you do, when you can SHOW THEM, where and
why/how it works and what the purpose is) before you offer a LIVE demonstration with them on their show is effective
marketing. Find a morning show host that is high energy and has a reputation for being fun, different and covering special
events and characters in your area and you’ll be set.

Remember to stay on top of your game, keep your eyes on the ball and BE PERSISTENT. These people are often very busy
and often need some convincing as well. One thing I do my best to avoid is taking “NO” for an answer. Sometimes the
channel, reporter, host, program (etc) is booked up solid and has no time (or interest) in such things.

Your job then becomes to MAKE them interested and let them know why their audience will be interested, entertained and
educated as a result. Keep things fun, positive and upbeat – let the people you speak with know what you can do for them,
their program and their viewing/target audience. Assure them you would like to share something unique and interesting that
people really enjoy, and based on many (numerous, varied) successful past and present results that you’re the man to deliver
and make them LOOK GOOD!

If you can pitch a show AND have a publicity stunt lined up to include in your “sales pitch” you have greater chances of
getting covered. Besides just being entertaining, special and different you need and want a reason for them to cover you,
interview you and take on your story. Controversy, within reason, is another powerful tool.

Remember that radio, news and live morning shows are pretty dang easy to book, come with no cost to you, are very
effective and assist with exposing you, your talents and shows/services to the public on a large scale. This is smart marketing
with little or NO COST to you at all. Learn to utilize it.


Perhaps one of the single best, most effective and memorable ways to advertise for your show is to give impromptu
demonstrations everywhere you go (within reason, safety and comfort).

Whether it is hypnosis, readings, mentalism or magic – use what you do to market yourself and generate interest in the social,
public and community eye!

Few things stir up a crowd and generate interest faster than everyday people being placed into a trance (super conscious state)
and showcasing the powers of the mind in everyday settings. Doing so is tons of fun to you and everyone involved and/or
watching. It’s FREE, effective and it WILL generate interest and help to create a reputation for you.

One thing I enjoy doing is meeting new people, introducing myself, creating a baseline for rapport and that all-important
connection (necessary to my work) and then simply telling them about my show and what I do. I start by asking if I can give
them an example of what they might see and experience this Saturday night at (venue) in my production and off I go!

As I work with the volunteers I start to generate interest and form a crowd by using LARGE (easily visible) body language,
motions and gestures (without going overboard), speaking loudly and clearly and simply PLAYING with people walking by!

I’m a natural entertainer and “people person” and what we do is already highly commercial, fun, interesting and effective by
its very nature…we’re blessed to have access to such powerful, entertaining art form and tools to use to our advantage.

Once I get a crowd (large or small!) up and running with my participants and subjects responding to my suggestions,
showcasing their ability and experiencing hypnotic phenomena I’ll begin pitching the show, albeit very subtly. This may or
may not turn into a full blown street performance and every time things will be different. You’ll learn (very quickly I might
add!) what works and what doesn’t as well as how to go with the pace and natural flow of things.

Once I’ve got a few subjects placed under my spell and responding I’ll perform waking hypnosis, mind/body magic and
demonstrate the power of suggestion with folks in the crowd.

One thing I LOVE doing is performing a short Q&A, palm readings, aura readings, psychometry and street readings with
people in the audience. Another effective and fun demonstration is contact mind reading and cloud busting with
EVERYONE involved, breathing deeply, visualizing and using the power of their mind to guide me to a hidden
object/person/store front OR melting, busting and breaking apart any clouds we can see in the sky.

I’ll use parts of my “TIA” sequence, the “7 Minute Hypnosis Show”, suggestibility tests, psychological forces, pseudo hypnosis
stunts and more with audience members, my participants and people passing by. In very little time I can start a huge crowd
and commotion almost anywhere I go. The key is to be as dynamic, upbeat, fast paced, entertaining, friendly, charismatic,
informative and energetic as possible.

I also make sure I have plenty of business cards, some flyers and free tickets to give away and end by suggesting that
EVERYONE comes out to enjoy themselves and be amazed and entertained at my show ON (date) AT (venue).

This is different than street work and traditional busking in its end goal – I’m not passing a hat or asking for money, in fact,
I’m GIVING free stuff away and providing a great (albeit short) performance. I’m creating a controlled phenomenon and
stirring up the people who will be in my audience and talking about me to their friends, families and co-workers for at least
the next few days. It’s all about generating interest and being able to do so for 1 or 100 or even 1,000 people at a moment’s

Final Notes On Marketing

The advice, strategies and approach I’ve outlined for you here in “Thought Veil” is by no means the last word,
final work or only strategy you’ll ever need or want to employ.

I’ve long maintained the “real work” and “true secrets” in the arts of magic, mentalism, psychic entertainment or practically
ANY business venture or career path in which you ARE your own boss, set your own hours, make your own schedule, create
your own finances and sign your own paycheck (schedule your own vacations, provide your own healthcare and insurance,
etc) has always been (and likely always will be!) the keys to proven successful marketing, advertising and networking.

There exists a number of books, professional courses, motivational programs, business outlines, goal-oriented manifestation
& creation systems, networking outlets, marketing schemes, advertising structures, business growing protocols and everything
else you could possibly imagine written up, packaged and released into various markets, fields and industries for the purposes
of creating a stable income and increasing profits in the business venture of your choosing.

With this in mind, there have been a number of courses made specifically for magicians and entertainers that address the
specific problems and potential issues those in our industry and life path will meet head-on in time. I’ll also add that most of
these courses are written by those with vast amounts of experience and a great deal of success and lengthy track records
testifying to their efficacy.

A few I’ve found value in include:

Secrets of a Millionaire Magician by Randy Charach

Making Money From Magic by Drew McAdam

How To Produce Your Own Theatre Show by John Pyka

Maximum Entertainment by Ken Weber – a must have for the serious performer!

Ten Things a Mentalist Should NEVER Do by John Riggs

Starting Your Business

In this section I’ll show you how to effectively set up shop and begin your career as a professional hypnotist. This
section will cover the basics as far as an office or workspace goes and creating an air of professionalism around
yourself and the work that you do.

Many of the suggestions here are practical ones that might be obvious to those already doing this work on a professional
level. For those who are just starting the information provided may be invaluable. Study it closely.

Besides things such as setting up a corporation for your business, securing a company savings and checking account,
obtaining the proper license and insurance for the area you reside in and locking down a venue – all things that will come in
time – what comes next is sound advice and professional courtesies given to me by my own peers and mentors as well as
other highly experienced workers in this field.

We’ve already spoke about creating a website and business cards. These are two things you can’t do without! Having a website
allows you to host online information in bunches; a place you can send people to very easily to learn more about you and the
work and services you provide. These days it’s incredibly easy to start your own website and in the beginning almost anything
will do. As you make money (a profit) and grow with your knowledge and experience of hypnosis these things are likely to
change. That said, I heartily recommend getting started immediately and doing the best you can with what you have. Don’t
wait to start pursuing your dreams now.

Your business cards should bear your name, “title” (Master Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, etc) and contact information. When
it comes to business cards I think “less is more.”

My own cards include my name, working title and contact info only. They direct potential clients to my website where they
can see, read and learn more about me and what I do. When I was working full time as a hypnotist we linked through the
management and agency I worked with and had video, client testimonials, corporate accounts, venue lists, show dates and
times, online ticket sales and more. Depending on what you’re doing and how far along you are in your career these things
will either be “full” or rather sparse. The important thing is that you have something nice looking that properly represents
YOU and gives people a way to make contact. If you can include video, testimonials and show times eventually, so much the

The website/business card combo is how I handle most of my advertising, net working and client education. I rely mostly on
referrals, social networking, public performances, private work (sessions, parties and trainings) to get my name and services
spread around. I carry a stack of business cards with me always and I’m ever prepared with my elevator speech and a
stunning demonstration of what I do to garner new clients. As I spoke about before, “FREE TALKS” (lectures, events and
demonstrations) of what you do works wonders, especially in a down economy.

Of course if you’ve already secured a venue and you’re performing regularly you’ll want a few additional promotional items
such as show fliers, posters and web announcements. Don’t underestimate the power of social networking sites such as
Myspace, Twitter and Facebook. These sites allow people to reach out to many thousands of potential “friends”, clients and
business associates, keep them all updated, spread the good word and news about you, your show, your business, what you’re
doing, how you’re growing, where you’re performing, etc. Considering they’re FREE it makes perfect sense to use these sites
and channels to your extreme advantage and is something you might want to consider.

My mentor and the late William Hewitt both had an amazingly simple and yet very effective LIST of things their students
and new hypnotists should have and acquire when preparing to do this work either full or part time. The information these
men provided me is concise, effective and always worked for me. In their honor and memory let’s take a look at what these
two pillars of our craft had to say on the subject, starting with Bill Hewitt.

Things You Will Need

Let’s start off simple with a quiet room or office with a MINIMUM of three chairs.

Whether it’s for private sessions (hypnotherapy, relaxed focused awareness training, stress relief exercises, etc) or doing office
work (taking phone calls, securing new venues, negotiating contracts, setting appointments and so on) you will need a
dedicated office or space to work from to be most effective.

Bill recommended a chair for the hypnotist to work from, a lounge chair for the client/subject and a third (optional type)
chair for a third party, usually a friend or family member.

Maxwell had a slightly different approach and worked from his commercial space and corporate office half the time and
from his home half the time. Only private clients he had worked with (and found stable, trusted!) beforehand were invited to
his home for their sessions. It was closer, more comfortable and holding sessions there allowed both parties easy access to
drinks, a restroom, food if needed (for energy, grounding, hypoglycemic or diabetic clients), his library, a television and video
library, etc.

Nowadays with netbooks and portable laptops being commonplace the modern hypnotist can work just about anywhere. I
know a few who make very comfortable livings doing home and office calls ONLY. Naturally, working in such a manner cuts
down on the need for a commercial or private space and can save money in the long run, though I’ve always preferred having
a private office and workspace all my own.

In my office I have two very comfortable chairs, one for me and one for the client (which reclines if needed or desired). I
also have another chair I keep in the closet that is NOT as comfortable and I use this chair when I need to keep a client
awake, attentive and conscious during our session.

Further, I keep 4 simple folding chairs nearby for couples, small group and family sessions. To end, I have two massage tables
I use and I find these invaluable to my work. Besides a chair for the client to sit in during the pre-talk, interview and “post-
game plan” I think a massage table (or futon!) is invaluable. You can find folding, easy to transport massage tables for very
inexpensive prices currently. A pillow and a bolster/support for the clients knees and ankles is usually included.

Because I offer Reiki, Deeksha Blessings, GeoTran sessions, Cranial Sacral Therapy and other alternative health and wellness
modalities having a massage table available is something I NEED. Your own requirements may be different. At the very least
I’d say to have a comfortable chair or couch for the client to sit in, kick back on and relax during your private sessions.

Regarding office space, if you use a room in your own home you’ll save bundles on rent money and monthly expenses
(especially at the beginning) and provide yourself with a tax write off. A guest bedroom, an existing office or even a quiet
living room re-designed to be a functional office space all make for great options.

If you decide to rent a commercial space and office, look for one that’s as central a location (easy to access) as possible with
ample parking in a quiet building. Many times you can find a suitable space to lease month to month and/or split with
another therapist (body worker, chiropractor, etc).

My first commercial office space was located inside a chiropractic office in one of the therapy rooms. The chiropractic
doctor I worked with was an amazing healer and we often referred clients to each other which served as a real boost and
boon to our respective business and practices. She profited by having a highly skilled hypnotherapist on location and I

received the prestige, client base and work area that came with working with a chiropractor. It was a true win/win situation
for all involved.

Currently I see rooms people can rent by the hour for readings, massage, Reiki, hypnotherapy and more for very modest
prices. These rooms are usually lightly decorated and ready for work immediately so they might be a nice working option for
those on a budget, especially because one can book them as needed and only when there is work to do. This cuts down on
the chances of keeping and maintaining a full-time space that may or may not have the business to sustain it in the early

Of course very little of this advice applies to those who simply wish to perform hypnosis live on stage, in bars, nightclubs,
social events, private venues and similar functions. If you fall into this latter group of strictly entertainers with no real need
or desire to seek clients for hypnosis-based growth and personal development then you may or may not require an office for
your work.

I know many successful entertainers who take care of their business from home; booking shows, sending out promotional
kits, negotiating performance contracts and riders, cold calling and so on with very few requirements. You might find you can
get by at the kitchen table with your cell phone and computer or by using a smaller office or nook with a filing cabinet, pens,
paper and post it notes nearby and such with not much else.

The choice is yours.

As of now I work from my home again and I won’t have it any other way.

For 12+ years I’ve gone back and forth working full time as an entertainer, full time as an entertainer and doing private
readings and hypnosis sessions on the side in my free time to supplement my income, splitting my efforts in half by
entertaining and maintaining a private practice part time and even working full time as a healer and alternative healthcare and
wellness provider. I’ve had office space in my home, shared space with other healers/therapists, in commercial office
buildings with allocated business management groups, leasing a building of my own, splitting rooms with others, renting
space on a monthly, weekly and daily basis and more.

My preference is to work from home, plain and simple.

This is practical, safe, easy and comfortable. I’m in total control of the atmosphere, the people coming in and what they do
while they’re here. Because half my time these days is spent giving private readings to people I’m used to working from my
home office and seeing clients in such a context. I also still do home-calls, office calls and hospital visits.

Perhaps the only thing I dislike about working from home with my clients is the risk one takes of bringing questionable
characters and unstable personalities into your living space. Sometimes those seeking out hypnosis/hypnotherapy, energy
work and ESPECIALLY readings are not always the most stable people as you can probably imagine. They are real people
with very real problems and in many cases they’ve been dealt a rough hand and now find themselves with their backs against
the wall and very desperate in many respects.

I also have a family (spouse and children) who rely on me for their comfort, safety, protection and well being. I have a huge
level of responsibility for them.

If you decide to bring strangers into your home you should know beforehand that with every person you bring in there is a
potential risk involved when it comes to your family and property. I recommend weighing the pros and cons of each
situation before you come to a firm decision.

Because I work from my home office I lose out on walk-in & walk-by clients for readings and all the foot traffic that MIGHT
be available in a carefully chosen public office space. Commercial signage, business marquis and terrace adverts are also non-

existent. I also run the risk of having troubled souls knocking on my door at all hours (and believe me, it’s happened more
than once!) and these are all things to keep in mind.

To increase safety in the workplace (ha!) my clients go through a rigorous screening and phone interview process before they
are allowed access and entrance to my home and services.

Because I work mostly through word of mouth advertising and a strong referral basis I do pretty well at bringing in good,
stable people. I don’t take any walk-in’s or unannounced visitors at any hour (!) and all sessions (readings & hypnosis, or
otherwise) are done strictly by appointment only.

I also have a full home security/ADT alarm system with a pendant panic button/direct call in my office, bright lighting on
the porch and motion detectors around my property, a camera at the entrance, good neighbors and a neighborhood watch
program, 3 dogs (including a very large, sweet, gentle but incredibly PROTECTIVE pit bull with who’s great judge of
character and devoted family member in his own right), a 12 gauge shotgun and 9MM handgun (*psychologically speaking
the pump-action and sound of a shotgun being readied is more intimidating than being painted by a laser point*), pepper
spray for my better half, weekly Taekwondo classes for my son and other precautionary/self defense measures in place and
available at all times.

My entire backyard and the sides of my home are further protected by a 10 foot brick wall (for added privacy and security)
and all things considered we feel more than safe here. It’s our home and we love it.

I enjoy working from my home office A LOT and beyond the occasional desperate (and rare unannounced) visit or a person
who comes to me in hysterics (a drug relapse, spousal abuse, severe emotional and psychological upset, etc) I’ve not ever had
an issue. I’ve taken precautions to insure that should a situation arise wherein I or my family feels the least bit in danger,
afraid for our safety or the safety of our property or bullied and harassed in any way that we have various means to protect
ourselves and dissolve the situation.

Now for a smoking cessation & weight loss oriented hypnotherapist (or stress-relief & rapid relaxation facilitator) you
probably don’t need all these things or take such drastic measures; your level of comfort and safety might be different.

For example, you might only work on existing clients, family, friends and co-workers. You might only take clients for smoking
cessation, weight loss and stress relief in which case the chances of you running into someone extremely upset, unstable and
unmanageable are significantly decreased.

I find it’s the core issue work (far outside the scope of this course for magicians, mind readers and mystery performers),
inner child therapy, parts therapy, regression work, multi-level communication, trauma release and other areas that carry the
greatest risks when it comes to a person “losing it” and becoming unstable to the point of being a threat and danger to
themselves and others and even then it’s rare. The bottom line is YOU SHOULD FEEL SAFE wherever you are, with what
you do and with whom you work with.

My advice is to use your best judgment and be conscious, aware and informed regarding the people you bring into your home
and even into your office for that matter. The same goes for stepping into other people’s homes (often alone) without
knowing them or having had some prior conversation, experience together, strong referral and/or before doing some kind of
rudimentary background check before you do. Know who you’re working with, be smart, stay safe, trust your instincts and
have fun!

Besides locking down an office space or knowing when and how you’ll work, if going the office route here are a few other
“necessary” items and required supplies you’ll be using:

• Website, business cards, cell phone and computer.

Again, I’ve mentioned some of these things already but they are worth repeating here. I gather that everyone reading this
book has a computer they know how to use. Most of you have a cell phone and many of you already have business cards and
a website even. This is great!

You’ll be using your computer for all types of office work, online research, advertising and networking, accepting payments
(should you choose to do so), selling goods (such as books, ebooks, CD’s/MP3’s and such), printing homework sheets or
client handouts should you choose to use them, looking up scripts (NOT RECOMMENDED, but possible), creating intake
forms and evaluation sheets, creating case files about your clients and the work you’ve done together (techniques used,
response, duration of their session, any notes and homework given, etc), playing music during your session or even recording
your sessions, readings and work with others and more.

At the very least I recommend having a laptop or net-book with internet access and at the place you do business.

For those who use an iPhone, I believe AT&T is now offering a cost efficient “tethering” plan which basically means you can
hook your iPhone up to your laptop/MacBook (or net-book) and get internet service to your computer through your cell
phone’s internet service practically ANYWHERE (my iPhone and 3G service gets really good coverage) via their basic 3G
internet plan and service.

This allows you to work anytime, anywhere and is PERFECT for those entertainers who travel a lot for work and
performance and even those who make house, office or hospital calls. The same holds true for those of us who offer private
readings outside the home and possibly even Paranormal Research & Field Investigations which, as you may find on your own in
time, is something else which provides for multiple opportunities and constitutes a very nice niche market that often works
out really well with hypnosis!

Along these lines, “Do It Yourself ” website packages allow practically ANYONE to start up their own web-based business
within a few hours or even minutes! I’ll just add that many of these services, plans and packages start out very cheap and are
quite good for what you get. Research online and find a service that fits your needs and get started. I constructed my first
website by myself (and I admit to being nearly completely “computer illiterate!”) within an hour or two.

I chose the template, color scheme, designs and artwork, categories (services, BIO, contact info, etc), uploaded some pictures,
linked a Paypal button and was up and running in to time at all.

Business cards are something you NEED and again, though I’ve stressed this before I’ll say it again now too. You can find
business card suppliers online who sell in bulk and/or make lots of cards to order. You can purchase a few dozen, a few
hundred or a few thousand based on your needs and your budget and many of these sites offer card designs that are quite
good, glossy and at pretty inexpensive prices.

Shop around online or locally for printers who can make you up some flyers to advertise your services. The local newspaper
might be a good idea depending on where you live, but in general I stay away from both the newspaper AND Yellow Pages.
I’ve done both and found that I got more business via word of mouth, networking, giving LIVE (FREE!) talks, lectures and
demonstrations, making the rounds with a mailing list and having stacks of my business cards and flyers handy than anything

Also, once you get a LIVE STAGE SHOW up and going you’ll probably have as many private clients as you can handle, want
or need. Think about it!

Every week you have an amazing opportunity to expose at least dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people to your work
(whether on stage in a dedicated theatre and regular venue or in bars and nightclubs and comedy clubs, etc).

With each public or private performance you’ve already created a level of prestige, expectation and belief in your service and
abilities as a hypnotist and anything hypnotherapy based will practically sell itself at this point…unless of course you’re doing

strictly Adult Hypnosis shows or entertain with a dangerous, sexual theme or crass stage persona, character, skits and
routines…and I’ve even seen many of THESE GUYS get hit up for private work and hypnotherapy sessions, go figure!

Last but not least, you’ll want a phone made strictly for business: booking shows and private clients for whatever services you
offer (energy work, hypnosis/hypnotherapy, public and private performances, psychic readings, etc).

Today people can buy a PREPAID cellular phone from Smiths, WalMart, Walgreens and even 7-11 gas stations in some cases.
I bought one from Smith’s Food & Drug Center (KROGER) by my home as an emergency line for my family. The phone was
on sale for less than $30 bucks and for $60.00 a month I get UNLIMITED CALLS & TEXTS, including national long-
distance at no extra cost and decent international long distance rates as well. Further, it’s a good looking phone (especially for
one we don’t use!), gets great coverage and service– so far it’s dropped fewer calls (none, actually) than my iPhone does in a
single day, no kidding!

These prepaid phone plans are great, I think. Most of the service providers I found will allow you to switch your old number
over to your new phone if you wish or you can just get a new number altogether. In addition, there are NO CONTRACTS,
NO HIDDEN FEES and you can cancel anytime – just quit paying and the next month the phone will not send or receive
calls or texts, simple!

With all that in mind, I see no reason why one shouldn’t have a dedicated business phone or home phone line for their office,
career, clients and public/private shows and services.

Certain readings can even be done over Skype, a free internet phone service. Mail order, phone and even email readings, full
sessions or mini-consultations are also something a good reader, Intuitive Life Coach or highly skilled hypnotherapist can
offer to great effect and extra income.

Additional Office Items & Supplies

These are pretty self explanatory – what do YOU think you’ll need or want in your own private office
and business space?

I recommend a table or desk for writing on (duh), pens, papers and Post-It Notes if you use them. You may wish to have a
white board or other “sticky” board for jotting down personal notes and messages, appointment reminders, etc.

I recommend having a pen and small pad of paper handy at all times. Not only is this great for performing mentalism and
catching your incredible/inspired/creative ideas as they come to you, but for networking as well.

Not only do I trade business cards with possible clients, new contacts and potential business associates (business owners,
theatre managers, corporate accounts, etc) that I meet out in the world every day, but I write their names and email addresses
down too as well as other PERSONAL NOTES once we’ve parted ways and gone our separate paths. I jot down their name,
phone number and email address in my day planner (or black book/notepad) with a SMILEY FACE or some other symbol
next to it (so they can see me do this – it’s a great way to deliver subtle suggestions!) and place their card in my wallet with a
firm handshake, direct eye contact and voiced intentions to speak with them soon.

These notes I make after our meeting include what they do for a living, what I learned about their interest in readings or
hypnosis (perhaps even the problem, issue or consideration they’re facing currently!) and whatever other details may come up
in a conversation and be of use or value later such as the names of friends and family members or associates that were
mentioned, where the person works/what they do, what kind of car they drive, how they were dressed, any first feelings,
thoughts or impressions I received from them and more.

If you have a cell phone, most of them have programs and options to take both written/typed/text notes and/OR even
verbal (audio) notes and files. More recently I’ve been carrying a pad or paper, pen AND digital voice recorder I can speak
into whenever the situation or moment strikes me and I need to make longer notes than I can jot down very quickly. I also
have different uses for the voice recorder (such as a mentalism prediction) so it’s something that is now always with me.

In your office it’s a good idea to have a filing cabinet even though currently most things are electronic and stored in hard
drives. One thing I cannot recommend enough is to ALWAYS have one or even TWO backup hard drives for your computer
files. There is nothing worse than having a computer crash and losing everything, and you all know I speak from experience
on this one!

I also recommend a key chain memory stick that you can carry with you. These are simple, cheap, always available and of
infinite value in an emergency. It makes transporting and/or backing up important files a breeze and I have a dozen different
e-book “Pitch Book” type files on mine for hypnosis, relaxation and rapid stress relief, meditation and self-hypnosis, tic-
sheets for readings and other things that I can pop in and download for a customer, client or host at their home, office or
other location anytime I want or need to.

Still, a file cabinet for organizing things such as your insurance papers and copies of your policy, coverage and payments, any
business literature or advertisements you might have, monthly bills to pay, receipts, receivables and tax files, the paperwork to
your corporation (should you choose to create one), DBA (“doing business as”) name and associated paperwork, any licenses
you may need as a reader or hypnosis consultant in your area, any certificates, credentials or certifications that you don’t want
or need to have framed and on display (such as my First Aid and CPR certifications), mailing lists, letters of recommendation
and client testimonials and so on.

Stay organized.

It’s easy to do and you’ll be better off for it in the long run.

A small trash bin for garbage, gum and odds and ends in your office space is a must. Get something small or large depending
on what you need. This isn’t really necessary if you work from home I suppose, but keep the place clean.

Other items such as plenty of pens, clipboards for client intake forms, index cards or whatever else YOU might need for
what you do should and will be stocked in time. Remember, there’s no need to go overboard…simply purchase what you
NEED to work and don’t overdo it.

• A camera/camcorder, tape player or digital voice recorder: I recommend having some way to DOCUMENT your
sessions. I refuse to use hypnosis on any private client under the age of 18 (and I prefer they be 21 or older) unless
accompanied by a parent and it’s a situation or issue that I specialize in.

If you are seeing people in private IN YOUR HOME or office then you almost NEED to have some way to document the
entire session from the moment the client arrives to the moment they leave!


Because some people are unstable and you need to protect yourself. For anything besides light trance work (relaxed focused
awareness and meditation sessions) I either use an audio recording device and/or camcorder

to film the session. The last thing you want to be accused of is sexual harassment, misconduct, assault or otherwise taking
advantage of someone under the effects of hypnosis. In this day and age people are “sue happy” as always and we run
certain risks by working with them in private settings.

I’ve never had an issue along these lines occur or have anyone less than ecstatic over the work and services I’ve provided
them with very few exceptions and certainly nothing major (!), and I’m prepared with proper, in depth documentation if
something were to ever come up.

I keep good notes, good records and good recordings of nearly ALL of my client interactions when it’s done in my home
and behind closed doors.

If you use an older tape-style player for your sessions (recordings of the actual trance work OR self-hypnosis tapes you can
record, duplicate and give to your clients filled with relaxation exercises, positive suggestions and hypnotic scripts) you’ll need
plenty of tapes or micro/mini tapes for these services and sessions.

Normally I have access to BOTH.

When working with older/elder clients who might not have anything besides a tape player I have tapes. For the majority I use
digital recordings which are inexpensive, don’t require buying or keeping other tapes in stock, are easily transferred to my
computer for duplicating and burning them onto a CD/DVD to give the client should I wish to.

You can also email MP3 files, which is a very nice service to provide as your client will show up back at their home or office
with a THANK YOU letter/email and a full recording of their session and any audio files or hypnosis programs you may
wish to create and provide them with.

In time you might wish to invest in a paper printer/laser printer (multi-purpose for duplicating, scanning, faxing or creating
photos/images, homework sheets and written instructions for your clients) though for now the local Kinko’s or copying shop
might work out fine. Just load whatever you need onto a disc and head down the road to make copies before your client
arrives for their session or after they leave (before you see them again for their next session).

Any business or performance contracts, disclaimers, pre-session waivers and handouts you might need should be used and
kept on-hand at all times. I also carry a paper file filled with sheets, contracts and waivers in my carry-all (attaché case) when I
travel and go about my day.

Bill Hewitt suggested his students keep printed diet sheets and self hypnosis instructions available at all times. These are
simple instructions you can give your clients which typically outline some plan, format or process to get them the results
they’re looking for and include exercise, dietary and nutritional recommendations, charts for water intake and a short “check
list” your client fills out at the end of every day and brings back to you at their next session.

These charts are a lot like tic-sheets for hypnosis and many of them have a rating scale from 1-10 asking the client to rate
their stress level, cravings, negative/self-abusing or self-sabotaging thoughts and other information to help keep track of the
client during the week. Looking over one of these forms can quickly tell one whether the person in front of them had a good
week or an otherwise “bad”, challenging, difficult or frustrating one…as well as how many times they smoked or had the
cravings to do so, ate fast food, exercised as planned and more.

The charts you use, should you choose to use them, are highly individual and can be found online or made up on your own. I
recommend the latter so you can be sure it includes everything YOU WISH for it to include with the type of work you’re

If you plan on lowering the lights during your hypnosis/hypnotherapy sessions you might want a few small pen-style lights,
miniature flashlights and/or reading lamp. This is so for those who wish to use actual “pre-made” hypnosis scripts can still
do so and be able to read them in the dark. Personally I don’t use scripts and I tailor my sessions and the positive suggestions
I give to each client based on their individual challenge and criteria. I can only suggest and recommend you do the same, but
some really like reading scripts or at least knowing they have them to fall back on.

There are plenty of great books outlining dozens if not HUNDREDS of highly therapeutic and well planned, effective
scripts. As always, the success of ANY session is going to come down to the person facilitating hypnosis (the hypnotist –
YOU!), the client in front of you and how badly they REALLY wish to change.

I only take on clients I meet or interview on the phone beforehand to determine if we’re a good fit for each other and if
their challenge is one I feel I can assist with. 90% of my work these days consists of simply teaching people tools, methods
and techniques they can use for instant relaxation and rapid stress relief. In other words, I teach them to use self-induced
trance states and meditation techniques with positive suggestions (auto-suggestions) and positive, creative visualizations to
decrease their stress levels.

In my experience, this is one of the best and safest ways to work with people and is incredibly effective. My sessions consist
of listening to the client vent (which in itself is highly therapeutic and ANYONE can do!), establishing their criteria so we
BOTH know what their goals are and what is most important to them in life and then relaxing them deeply as I deliver
positive suggestions and gentle, guided visualizations.

Once trance has been terminated I speak with the client about their experience, rate their stress and relaxation levels at this
point and give them hands-on instruction as well as printed papers and handouts/homework discussing various techniques
they can use on their own, anytime, anywhere.

Regarding the techniques I teach them, you have them ALL in this book!

Many times I’ll teach both EFT and the NLP “Swish” Pattern and Technique in over 1 or 2 sessions depending on whether
we’re in a 30-45 or 60 minute session; the total amount of time spent with the client in this context.

I often teach the rhythmic breathing techniques (3, 7, 21 and 36 deep breaths in while counting, timing and pacing the
breaths in a steady, circular pattern), a 7 color LIGHT visualization, a few positive affirmations and mantras to focus deeply
and relax completely and so on.

I guess you can say I take the most direct yet safe route possible most of the time by relaxing my clients deeply and
completely to show them exactly their mind and body is capable of and then giving them the tools and techniques they can
use to re-create these intensely blissful feelings and positive states of being within themselves, by themselves in response to
their “triggers” (what sets them off and gets them smoking, overeating, binge drinking, staying up all night, exploding at their
partners and children, etc).

I’ve found that besides being able to give very positive and powerful suggestions directly to the subconscious mind of my
clients that hypnosis works great and IS great as a psychological placebo – the client has invested their time, money and
belief in a system they believe to work and thus creates a self-fulfilled prophecy through positive self-change.

Hypnosis is also a great tool and method to relax the client and release their stress easily and naturally which, I find, is more
than 3/4 the battle and issue when it comes to change work and affecting deep and meaningful self-transformations.

By teaching the client various exercises, tools, methods and techniques to RELAX, release stress, take a break and shift their
inner state of being we are effectively arming them with PATTERN INTERRUPTS they can use to disrupt, negate and
eliminate (or replace) the negative thought patterns and processes which lead to negative physical actions and unwanted
behaviors and addiction.

The Hypnotherapist & Intuitive Life Coach is there to provide these tools, take the client deep into those inner states of
power and awareness within themselves, monitor their growth and development over the course of X number of sessions
and make themselves available as a sounding-board and individual support group…someone who will listen to the client vent
as they release their often deep seated fears, anger, guilt, resentment and bottled up feelings, provide calm, re-assuring and
positive suggestions and assist the client with developing an alternative to the negative choice, thought, action or repeated

Of course this is hypnosis and hypnotherapy in a nutshell, but a nutshell is really all there is once you truly understand it. The
field and proper/expert use of hypnosis goes in waves from being very simple to being VERY, VERY complex and then
back to being very simple and extremely basic again in the end.

The work is easier than you think or believe at this point and as a hypnotist you can already do so much more than you feel
you are capable of, I guarantee it.

Armed with the material in this book you can and WILL change lives through performance and even private consultations
such as the ones just explained and outlined throughout this book.

I wish each and every one of you all the very best in your endeavors both for yourselves and your families, your friends and
co-workers, your audiences and clients – everyone you care about, cater to and provide your services for.

I know you will go far…and this is just the beginning of your success.

Enjoy it and please do keep in touch. I care deeply for everyone who purchased this course and it’s been my honor to share
my greatest work and approaches with you regarding the subject of hypnosis for positive self-change and entertainment.

If I can be of assistance to ANYONE who purchased this book, please do not hesitate to write me or get in contact. I’m
here to assist you and I want what is best for you and your clients. My greatest hope as an artist, creator and random acts of
kindness provider is to see you do well with this work and be more empowered based on what you’ve learned and been
exposed to here.

The journey does not end for you at this point. It’s just beginning and I trust that “Thought Veil” provided you with a crucial
stepping stone in your role and development as Transformational Entertainers. Please use this material with the utmost
integrity and according to the laws of the land you reside in, with the highest and greatest good of your clients and audiences
in mind at all times and take care of yourself!

Take what you have learned here now and USE IT to make yourself a better person & a better entertainer and by doing so
you will help make the world a better place…one person, one mind, one suggestion, heart and soul at a time.

All my best – and thanks again!

– Jerome Finley, Master Hypnotist


First and foremost –

My heartfelt thanks and greatest gratitude must go to YOU, the buyer and student of my “Thought Veil” hypnosis book and
instruction manual.

You guys have been stellar throughout this process and despite all of the heartbreaking setbacks, delays and unforeseen issues
surrounding this book and its release, you folks have stood behind me and waited patiently supporting the work and its
author through some very hard times and for that I cannot thank you enough.


At the very top of my list I’d like to thank the one and only Brian Keith Voiles.

For those of you who aren’t privileged enough to know Brian personally, I can only tell you the man is one gem of a human
being and by far one of the kindest, most sincere, gracious and TALENTED (and I mean brutally talented, and in multiple
fields no less!) gentlemen that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and calling my friend.

Without Brian this work would simply NOT BE…please remember that every time you think to open this book and draw
from its rich contents. I will.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Brian!

You continue to be one of the finest examples of a human being, go-getter, dream chaser and lighthouse manager that I’ve
ever known and it’s an honor to call you my friend. May your many amazing (public, private, obvious and quiet) contributions
to magic, mentalism and the mystery performance arts always be fondly remembered each time a person thinks of or refers
to “Thought Veil.”

Our art and industry is a better one because of you and your presence within it.

And speaking of contributors…

I’m not sure where I would be without the many fine friends, peers and comrades who humbly offered their remarkable work
to “Thought Veil” and made this book what it is today.

To Bill Cushman, Joshua Quinn, Dave Moses, Jeremy Weiss, Fraser Parker, Michael Weber, Sean Waters, Paolo Cavalli,
Anthony Jacquin, “The Rods”, Kenrick Cleveland, Paul Vigil and numerous others…THANK YOU.

Your friendship, personal influence, individual works and collected offerings have found a good home in “Thought Veil” and
for that I will always be thankful and grateful.

SPECIAL THANKS must go to the incredible Luke Shield who spent countless hours formatting, re-formatting and
producing the layout for this book over many months. From the PDF previews to the final “print ready” files, Luke did an
AMAZING job and never complained once!

I will always be in your debt Mr. Shield.


Nearing the end, I’d like to express my incredible love and respect for a special group of people who provided me mental,
spiritual and emotional support during the course of writing this book…

Paul Vigil – you’re my best friend and teacher and I love you, man. Thank you for keeping the faith.

Michael Weber – I enjoy our talks and time spent more than words can express. You continue to be a balancing factor and
most trusted friend in my life and endeavors and thank you so much for providing your expert insights and feedback during
this learning and growing process. I appreciate you so very much.

Brian Voiles & Sean Bott – the dynamic duo and two of the best friends a guy could have. Thanks to both of you for
calling, stopping by, lending your love and encouragement and support to me when I needed it most. I couldn’t do it without
you – literally.

Alain Nu – your frequent calls and emails really brighten my day and provide a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s the little
things like reaching out that make a huge difference and you’ve always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to.
Thank you so much! I miss you, man.

Scott Grossberg – thank you for checking up on me and providing your wisdom, quiet support and public encouragement
for both myself and this project. I’m honored to have such wonderful and remarkable (and remarkably talented!) friends and
teachers. Thokoza!

Scott Musgrave – your thoughts, passion, desire to learn, grow and re-create yourself from moment to moment is truly
inspiring. Thank you for your prayers, messages, friendship and support. You’re an incredible man and I know HUGE things
are in store for you!

Bill Cushman – you were the first person to hop on board with “Thought Veil” and contributed what I consider to be one of
the finest additions and most powerful tools in this book. Your constant support, checking in and well-wishing got me
through some very rough times and I enjoy our many conversations and sharing so very much…may they continue for many,
MANY years to come!

Millard Longman – just knowing that you’re out there somewhere makes me happy inside. Let’s reconnect soon. I have
something for you.

Kenrick Cleveland – along with my formal mentors, trainers, peers and associates I owe you a great deal, brother. It’s been
such an amazing process learning from you over all these years and I truly feel that if it wasn’t for your work and influence
on me and my life path I wouldn’t be anywhere near the level of expertise or precision and proficiency that I enjoy today.
Besides my very first teachers, you’re perhaps the single greatest reason why I can even do what I do or teach others what I
teach them in this field. You’ve instilled so much of value within me both directly and indirectly and not only will I never be
the same, I will NEVER EVER FORGET IT. Thokoza, bhuti.

Luke Shield – I feel it appropriate to thank you and sing your praises again and again, partner. Without you and Mr. Voiles
this book just wouldn’t exist – I simply couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for your friendship, hard work and
encouragement, my friend. It means the world to me.

Blake Powers – you’re one of the most devoted, fearless and motivated, passionate students of the art and science of
hypnosis I’ve ever known. You remain a shining example of WHAT CAN BE DONE with this book and its contents.
Thank you for taking the lead and showing others the way! You know I’m rooting for ya.

James Clark & Family – for your early support and friendship throughout this project, providing me with extra sets of eyes
and minds that never quit, your open arms and love (one can never have too much!) and your sincere appreciation for my
work…thanks to all 3 of you for being there, loving me and supporting my vision along the way.

My greatest thanks goes to all of those who have taught me, worked with me and influenced my life’s work over the last 20
years – you guys are too numerous to mention on these few short pages and you know EXACTLY who you are.

Thanks once more to my buyers and those who supported “Thought Veil” from day one!

Last but not least, to my remarkable family – my lovely Ann Michele and Mr. Cole, you two are my life and my love and I
couldn’t do any of this without you. You both continue to be my greatest strength, teachers and source of inspiration and
there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t know how much each of you loves, supports and appreciates me. The last 10 years
have been incredible and it’s only getting better.

Thank you to my wonderful family for always being right there for me and trusting where I’m taking us.

Let’s do this thing.

To anyone I might have missed, thank you with all of my heart.


Jerome Finley, 2010


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