As Mapeh M2
As Mapeh M2
As Mapeh M2
Bajo de Uñas
Clarinet Flute
Percussion Instruments
Instrument Image Instrument Name
Bass Drum
Snare Drum
Musical instruments can be resembled by making improvised ones according to how they create sound. Mostly,
materials being used to produce sounds on a variety of sources are just in one’s residence and community. It just
requires ingenuity, creativity, and knowledge of the musical instruments imitated.
ARTS. Arts and Crafts of the Highlands of Luzon: Their Usage, Message, Mood and Idea
The arts and crafts of Luzon reveal many aspects of the people’s culture, traditions, and history. The mood, idea and
the message of these fascinating arts and crafts gives each Filipino the understanding that the Philippines is rich in
culture and tradition.
The arts and crafts of Luzon depict the rich culture and tradition of the Filipinos. The textiles produced in every
province signify their culture based on how it was made. The materials, the techniques, and the symbols used in these
arts and crafts have their own cultural and traditional significance.
The following are the places found in Cordillera Administrative Region where they greatly contribute to Philippine
culture when it comes to arts and crafts.
- shows creativity and manipulative
skills in weaving; the fabric designs
represent the wave of the sea which
ILOCOS the Ilocanos believe to protect them
from bad spirits
- used as clothing
inabel fabric
Dinumug or lingling-o
- source of livelihood
PANGASINAN - used for sleeping, and sitting
Bolinao mats
PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Athletics: A Way to a Healthy Life
Dating back to the Ancient Greeks, athletics was the only competition to be held in the first Olympic Games which took
place in Athens in 776 BC. At that time, the single athletic event was known as the “stade,‟ a foot race which covered
the length of the Athenian Olympic stadium. In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games were staged. Although initially
of limited appeal, the Olympics captured the imagination of athletes and grew steadily, making track and field an
international sport for the first time. In 1913, the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) was formed by
representatives from 16 countries. The IAAF was charged with establishing standard rules for the sport, approving
world records, and ensuring that the amateur code was adhered to; it continues to carry out these duties today.
2. Middle Distance are events longer than sprints and up to 3000 meters. They are frequently referred to as the
hardest of the running events as they require both endurance and strength.
Middle Distance Events:
3. Long Distance are events longer than middle distance. That is to say, it requires the runner to process oxygen in
low-intensity activity over a long period of time.
Long Distance Events:
4. Steeplechase is an obstacle race derived from horse racing. Both men and women race over the most common
distance - 3000m - though the steeplechase for women has lower barriers. Steeplechase usually comprises of a
water jump as well. Failure to pass over or intentionally knocking over the hurdles will result in disqualification
Steeplechase barrier height
Format of a Steeplechase Race:
3000meters steeplechase race has 28 barriers and seven water jumps
2000meters steeplechase race has 18 barriers and 5 water jumps.
1500meters steeplechase race has 13 barriers and 3 water jumps
There’s a difference when it comes to the height of the barriers in the steeplechase for men and women. The barrier
heights for men are 0.914m (36in) and the barrier heights for women are 0.762m (30in).
5. Hurdles are run as sprints. Runners jump over ten hurdles in the specified distance. The size of the hurdles,
number of hurdles, and distance may differ, although the rules given are major official international regulations.
Hurdle Events:
100-meter (women)
110-meter (men)
400-meter (both)
6. Marathon is a long distance race that is not run on a track, except often at the start and finish. It takes place
through designated urban areas.
21.95 kilometers
42.195 kilometers
7. Relays: Four runners make up a relay team. Each runner must hand off the baton to the next runner within a
certain zone, usually marked visibly on the track. Failure to pass the baton properly, or losing the baton may result
in disqualification.
Relay Events
4 x 100m
4 x 400m
2. Hammer Throw is a throwing event that involves a heavy ball attached to a strong wire. The ball is swung twice in
the same spot, legs stationary.
1. Discus Throw is the throwing event using a heavy disc (like a frisbee) and weighs about 2 kg.
Discus Events
1.75 kilogram (men)
1 kilogram (women)
4. Javelin Throw is a throwing event that uses a spear about 2.5 m in length.
B. Jumping Events
1. Long Jump is a jumping event in which the player runs down a strip (the same sort of rubberized surface as
running tracks), and jumps as far as possible.
2. Triple Jump is similar to the long jump in which the player runs down the track and performs a hop, step and then
jump into the sand pit.
3. Pole Vault is a jumping event in which the player sprints down the track, plants one end of the pole in the metal
box, and throws himself over a horizontal bar (without knocking it to the ground), releases the pole, and falls onto
the landing mattress.
4. High Jump is a jumping event in which the player does a short run-up, leaps from one foot over a horizontal bar,
and falls onto a cushioned landing area.
Name: ________________________ Section: __________
Subject Teacher: Sir. Erl Casiño Score:
ACTIVITY I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. Which of the following Hornbostel-Sachs classification played such as being struck,
scraped, rubbed, shaken and plucked?
A. Aerophones C. Idiophones
B. Chordophones D. Membranophones
_____ 2. What group of instruments produces a sound when a body of air is blown inside that
causes it to vibrate?
A. Aerophones C. Electrophones
B. Chordophones D. Idiophones
_____ 3. What do you call an ensemble of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments?
A. Bamboo Band C. Musikong Bumbong
B. Brass Band D. Rondalla
_____ 4. Which of the following is a Philippine National Treasure found in St. Joseph’s Church,
Las Pinas City?
A. Antics C. Banaue Sculptures
B. Bamboo Organ D. Relics
_____ 5. What do you call an ensemble of plucked or stringed instruments played with a
A. Brass Band C. Pangkat Kawayan
B. Musikong Bumbong D. Rondalla
ACTIVITY II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
_____ 1. A person with tattoo symbolizes bravery.
_____ 2. Body accessories are often used by everybody.
_____ 3. Every work of art is made with purpose of representation.
_____ 4. Textile weaving shows the creativity of the Filipino natives.
_____ 5. Baskets as container is not allowed in many areas in Luzon.
_____ 6. Colorful works of arts and crafts are famous Filipino tradition.
_____ 7. Filipino arts and crafts are admired by many people around the world.
ACTIVITY III. Identify the following practices if it is for Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social,
and Spiritual.
__________ 1. Read books. __________ 5. Go to church.
__________ 2. Respect others. __________ 6. Learn new things.
__________ 3. Eat a full breakfast. __________ 7. Make friends with people.
__________ 4. Express feeling positively. __________ 8. Share thoughts with friends
ACTIVITY IV. Use the back part of this answer sheet for your drawing.
2. Write the advantages that you can get from playing your favorite athletic event.