Math 1 Algebra

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Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Algebra
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road August 10, 2010

Multiple Choice: B. 30 take the second crew to do the job

C. 65 alone?
1. What is the value of ln [(7.3891)xy]? D. 66
A. 10 days
A. 2/xy 8. When s is increased by 100 percent B. 11 days
B. 0.5xy the result is r. If s is 20 percent of t C. 12 days *
C. 0.8686xy and the ratio of t to u is 5 to 4, what is D. 13 days
D. 2xy * the ratio of r to u?
13. If it takes a group of 10 people 5
2. If the log10 of 4 is 0.703x, what is the A. 1/5 hours to pick 300 apples, how many
log10 of 1/4? B. 1/4 hours would it take 1 person to pick
C. 1/2 * 300 apples?
A. – 1.703x D. 4/5
B. – 0.703x * A. 25
C. 0.297x 9. If p, q and r are nonzero numbers and B. 50 *
D. 0.703x p = q – r, which of the following is C. 100
equal to 1? D. 200
3. Find the sum and product of the roots
of x2 + 5x – 8 = 0. A. (r – p)/q 14. Two pipes together can fill a reservoir
B. (r + p)/q * in 6 hr 40 min. Find the time each
A. Sum = - 5, Product = - 8 * C. (r + q)/p alone will take to fill the reservoir if
B. Sum = - 5, Product = 8 D. (r – q)/p one of the pipes can fill it in 3 hr less
C. Sum = 5, Product = 8 time than the other.
D. Sum = 5, Product = - 8 10. A farm has chickens that lay only
white eggs and brown eggs. On a A. 11 hr and 14 hr
4. Determine the character of the roots certain day, the chickens lay a total of B. 12 hr and 15 hr *
of x2 – 8x + 9 = 0. 750 eggs in which the rat of the white C. 13 hr and 16 hr
eggs to brown eggs is 7:3. If the ratio D. 10 hr and 13 hr
A. The roots are irrational and of white eggs to brown eggs is to be
unequal. * changed to 3:4 by adding only brown 15. One pump drains one-half of a pond
B. The roots are imaginary and eggs, how many brown eggs must be in 3 hours, and then a second pump
unequal. added? starts draining the pond. The two
C. The roots are rational and pumps working together finish
unequal. A. 425 emptying the pond in one-half hour.
D. The roots are real and equal. B. 450 How long would it take the second
C. 475 * pump to drain the pond if it had to
5. Divide 5x4 – 8x2 – 15x – 6 by x – 2. D. 500 do the job alone?
What is its remainder?
11. A farmer has 10 baskets, numbered 1 A. 3.2 hour
A. 10 through 10, each of which contains B. 2.2 hours
B. 11 10 apples. If he removes 1 apple from C. 1.2 hours *
C. 12 * basket 1, 2 apples from basket 2, 3 D. 4.4 hours
D. 13 apples from basket 3, and so on,
until he removes 10 apples from 16. Mr. Jones can plow his field with his
6. What is the product of the greatest basket 10, what percent of the tractor in 4 hours. If he uses his
prime factor of 160 and the greatest original apples remain? manual plow, it takes three times as
prime factor of 168? long to plow the same field. After
A. 35 % working with the tractor for two
A. 15 B. 40 % hours, he ran out of gas and had to
B. 35 * C. 45 % * finish with the manual plow. How
C. 80 D. 50 % long did it take to complete the job
D. 336 after the tractor ran out of gas?
12. One work crew can do a job in 8
7. What is the sum of the prime factors days. After the first crew worked 3 A. 4 hours
of 570? days, a second crew joins them, and B. 5 hours
together, the two crews finish the job C. 6 hours *
A. 29 * in 3 more days. How long would it D. 7 hours
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Algebra
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road August 10, 2010

average speed of 250 meters per

17. Beth has one solution that is 16% minute, while Vanessa runs it at an
acid and a second solution that is D. 24 years *
26% acid. How many ounces of each average speed of 200 meters per
is needed to make 30 ounces of a 22. Miriam is 11 years older than minute. At the moment Olga
solution that is 18% acid? Charles. In three years she will be completes the race, how many laps
twice as old as Charles will be then. behind is Vanessa?
A. 24 ounces of the 16% acid How old was Miriam 2 years ago?
solution and 6 ounces of the A. 3
26% acid solution * A. 6 B. 3.5
B. 23 ounces of the 16% acid B. 8 C. 4*
solution and 7 ounces of the C. 9 D. 4.5
26% acid solution D. 17 *
C. 22 ounces of the 16% acid 27. Zander drives to work at an average
solution and 8 ounces of the 23. A babysitter is trying to determine the speed of 40 miles per hour and
26% acid solution ages of three children, Jerome, returns home along the same route at
D. 20 ounces of the 16% acid Keenan and Leitha. She knows the an average speed of 24 miles per
solution and 10 ounces of the following facts about their ages: the hour. If his total travel time is 4
26% acid solution sum of Jerome’s and Keenan’s ages is hours, what is the total number of
20 years; the sum of Jerome’s and miles in the roundtrip to and from
18. How much water must be evaporated Leitha’s ages 21 years; and the sum work?
from 240 pounds of a solution that is of Keenan’s and Leitha’s ages is 23
3% alcohol to strengthen it to a years. How many years old is Leitha? A. 48
solution that is 5% alcohol? B. 60
A. 9 C. 96
A. 120 lb B. 10 D. 120 *
B. 96 lb * C. 11
C. 100 lb D. 12 * 28. Two cars start together in the same
D. 84 lb direction from the same place. The
24. The tens digit of a two-digit number first goes with uniform speed of 10
19. Alice is now 5 years younger than her is twice as large as the units digit. If km/h. The second goes at a speed of 8
brother Robert, whose age is 4x + 3. the digits are reversed, the new km/h in the first hour d increases the
Represent her age 3 years from now. number is 36 less than the original speed by ½ km each succeeding hour.
number. What is the original number? After how many hours will the
A. 4x – 5 second car overtake the first car if
B. 4x – 2 A. 8 both cars goes non-stop?
C. 4x + 1 * B. 42
D. 4x – 1 C. 48 A. 8 hours
D. 84 * B. 9 hours *
20. David is d years old. In d/5 years, C. 10 hours
Marco will be twice as old as David 25. The denominator of a fraction is D. 7 hours
is now. What is Marco’s age now in twice as large as the numerator. If 4 is
terms of d? added to both the numerator and 29. Two buses are 515 miles apart. At
denominator, the value of the fraction 9:30 A.M. they start traveling toward
A. 11d/5 is 5/8. Find the denominator of the each other at rates of 48 and 55 miles
B. 9d/5 * original fraction. per hour. At what time will they pass
C. 4d/5 each other?
D. 7d/10 A. 6
B. 10 A. 1:30 PM
21. A woman is 4 times as old as her C. 12 * B. 2:30 PM *
daughter. In 3 years she will be 3 D. 14 C. 2:00 PM
times as old as her daughter. How old D. 3:00 PM
is the woman now? 26. Two high school track and field
teammates, Olga and Vanessa, are 30. Each of the 30 students in Homeroom
A. 3 years entered in a 4,000-meter race which 704 contributed either a nickel or a
B. 6 years is to be run in 200-m laps around an quarter to the Cancer Fund. If the
C. 12 years indoor track. Olga runs the race at an total amount collected was $4.70,

Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Algebra
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road August 10, 2010

how many students contributed a 35. In order to raise money for a school C. 12/3
nickel? dance, Shanice, Raphael and D. 10/3
Mohamed sold candies. Raphael had
three times as many candies as
A. 10
B. 12 Mohamed and twenty fewer than 40. What is the sum of the following
C. 14 * Shanice. Shanice then gave twelve finite sequence of terms? 32, 80, 200,
D. 16 candies to Raphael, who in turn gave …, 19532.25
one quarter of his new total to
31. A certain clock has a minute hand Mohamed. If Raphael than had A. 21131.25
that is exactly twice as long as its twelve more candies than Mohamed, B. 24718.25
hour hand. If point A is at the tip of how many candies did Shanice have C. 31250.50
the minute hand and point B is at the originally? D. 32530.75 *
tip of the hour hand, what is the ratio
of the distance that point A travels in A. 39 41. Find the 15th element of the given
3 hours to the distance point B travels B. 56 * sequence 23, 17, 11, 5, …
in 9 hours? C. 60
D. 73 A. – 59
A. 1:8 B. – 61 *
B. 1:4 36. An open box containing 24 cm3 is to C. – 63
C. 1:2 be made from a square piece of tin by D. – 65 *
D. 2:3* cutting 2 cm square from each corner
and turning up the sides. Find the 42. Find the 15th element of the given
32. The minute hand of a clock has a dimensions of the piece of tin sequence 2, - 1, 1/2, - 1/4, …
length of L from its point of rotation required.
to the point at the end of the arrow. A. 1/8192 *
What is the total distance traveled by A. 7.564 x 7.564 B. 1/8292
the point at the end of the arrow in m B. 7.464 x 7.464 * C. 1/8393
minutes? C. 7.364 x 7.364 D. 1/8494
D. 7.664 x 7.664
A. m/60L 43. Find the value of k such that 3k2 + k
B. mL/30 * 37. If the sum of the 10 terms of an A.P. + 1, 2k2 + k, 4k2 – 6k + 1 such that
C. 120mL is 4 times to the sum of the 5 terms, each sequence is an arithmetic
D. 20L then the ratio of the first term and progression.
common difference is ____.
33. A party costing $30 is planned. It is A. 2, 1/4
found that by adding thee more to the A. 1:2 * B. 2, 1/3 *
group, the cost per person would be B. 2:1 C. 3, 1/3
reduced by 50 cents. For how many C. 2:3 D. 3, 1/4
was the party originally planned? D. 3:2
44. A rubber ball is dropped from a
A. 10 38. What is the sum of the following height of 81 m. Each time it strikes
B. 11 finite sequence of terms? 18, 25, 32, the ground it rebounds two-thirds of
C. 12 * 39, …, 67 the distance through which it last fell.
D. 13 Through what distance had it traveled
A. 181 from the time it was dropped until it
34. The sum of the circumference of two B. 213 struck the ground for the sixth time?
circles is 88 and the sum of their C. 234
areas is 2200/7 cm2, when 22/7 is D. 340 * A. 360.33 m
used for . Find the radius of each B. 362.33 m *
circle. 39. Each term in a sequence, except for C. 364.33 m
the first, is equal to the previous term D. 366.33 m
A. 7 cm and 8 cm times a positive constant, k. If the 3rd
B. 5 cm and 9 cm term of this sequence is 12 and the 5th 45. An equilateral triangle has a
C. 6 cm and 8 cm * term is 27, what is the first term? perimeter of 30 cm. Another triangle
D. 5 cm and 7 cm is formed by joining the midpoints of
A. 16/3 * the sides of the given triangle,
B. 14/3 another is formed by joining the
Website: Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Algebra
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road August 10, 2010

midpoints of the sides of the second

triangle, and so on. Find the sum of
the perimeters of the triangles thus

A. 30 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm *

46. Find the ninth term of (x – 1/x1/2)12.

A. 495 *
B. 495x
C. 495/x
D. 495x

47. Find the middle term in the expansion

of (x2/3 + 1/x1/2)10.

A. 252x1/2
B. 252x5/6 *
C. 252x3/4
D. 252x4/5

48. Find the term involving y12 in the

expansion of (y3 – x/3)9.

A. (10/27)x5y12
B. (16/27)x5y12
C. (12/27)x5y12
D. (14/27)x5y12 *

49. Find the value of n if the coefficient

of the sixth term and sixteenth terms
in the expansion of (a + b)n are equal.

A. 18
B. 19
C. 20 *
D. 21

50. The sum of the coefficients in (x + 2y

+ z)10 is _____.

A. 210
B. 110
C. 310
D. 410 *


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