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Programming Interfaces

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zenon manual

Programming Interfaces

©2017 Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

All rights reserved.

Distribution and/or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely
with the written permission of the company COPA-DATA. Technical data is only used for product
description and are not guaranteed qualities in the legal sense. Subject to change, technical or

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help ...................................................................................................... 6

2. Programming Interfaces............................................................................................................... 6

3. Add-Ins........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Prior knowledge ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Terminology .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Limitations................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Create add-in............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.4.1 Basics .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 Types of extensions .................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.3 Content of add-in packages ........................................................................................................ 19
3.4.4 SharpDevelop ............................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.5 Microsoft Visual Studio .............................................................................................................. 22
3.4.6 Source code management .......................................................................................................... 24
3.4.7 Add-in analysis and packaging utility (AddInUtility) ................................................................... 24
3.4.8 Action in the event of reloading ................................................................................................. 25
3.4.9 Isolation ...................................................................................................................................... 26
3.5 Use of add-ins in Editor and Runtime ....................................................................................................... 26
3.5.1 Activate add-ins in zenon ........................................................................................................... 28
3.5.2 Action during installation ........................................................................................................... 28
3.5.3 Add-ins node in the Project Manager ........................................................................................ 29
3.5.4 Use in the zenon Editor .............................................................................................................. 30
3.5.5 Use in zenon Runtime ................................................................................................................ 35
3.6 Switch/conversion from VSTA ................................................................................................................... 37

4. Macro list .................................................................................................................................. 38

4.1 VBA toolbar and context menu detail view .............................................................................................. 39
4.2 VBA on 64-bit systems .............................................................................................................................. 42
4.3 Basics ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.1 Object PROPERTIES..................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.2 Object METHODS ........................................................................................................................ 44
4.3.3 Object EVENTS ............................................................................................................................ 44

4.3.4 VBA object structure in zenon .................................................................................................... 44
4.3.5 How to use VBA macros ............................................................................................................. 46
4.3.6 How to insert an ActiveX element in zenon? ............................................................................. 47
4.3.7 Access from an external program .............................................................................................. 49
4.3.8 Functionality of online variables ................................................................................................ 50
4.3.9 List of status bits ......................................................................................................................... 52
4.3.10 Lasso for selecting dynamic elements in the Runtime ............................................................... 54
4.4 Macros in the Editor.................................................................................................................................. 55
4.4.1 Tool bar macro list ...................................................................................................................... 56
4.4.2 Linking macros ............................................................................................................................ 57
4.5 Functions in zenon .................................................................................................................................... 58
4.5.1 Execute VBA macro .................................................................................................................... 59
4.6 Developing wizard in VBA ......................................................................................................................... 60
4.6.1 Using a wizard ............................................................................................................................ 61
4.6.2 Structure of a wizard .................................................................................................................. 61
4.6.3 Integration in VBA ...................................................................................................................... 62
4.6.4 Developing a wizard ................................................................................................................... 62
4.6.5 Updating wizards ........................................................................................................................ 68
4.7 Frequently asked questions ...................................................................................................................... 69
4.7.1 Why does the button stay pressed? ........................................................................................... 69
4.7.2 Macro is not performed with the first click ................................................................................ 69
4.7.3 Macros no longer work in the Runtime? .................................................................................... 69
4.7.4 Windows CE and VBA ................................................................................................................. 70
4.8 Examples ................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.8.1 MouseEvents and ActiveX Control initialization......................................................................... 70
4.8.2 Display variable information ...................................................................................................... 71
4.8.3 Read and write variable values .................................................................................................. 72
4.8.4 Read and write variables and implement online variables ........................................................ 73
4.8.5 Use dialog multiple times ........................................................................................................... 75
4.8.6 Alarm – Events and ActiveX Control handling ............................................................................ 77
4.8.7 Access to alarms ......................................................................................................................... 79
4.8.8 Set switch (working with process variables) .............................................................................. 81

5. VSTA ......................................................................................................................................... 84
5.1 Basics ......................................................................................................................................................... 85
5.1.1 Setting up the VSTA environment .............................................................................................. 85

5.1.2 Access to the object model in zenon .......................................................................................... 86
5.1.3 Functions in zenon...................................................................................................................... 88
5.1.4 Debugging a VSTA add-in ........................................................................................................... 89
5.1.5 Events in VSTA ............................................................................................................................ 90
5.1.6 Creating a backup of VSTA projects............................................................................................ 90
5.2 Creating a VSTA project ............................................................................................................................ 91
5.2.1 VSTA projects in the editor ......................................................................................................... 91
5.2.2 VSTA projects in Runtime ........................................................................................................... 92
5.2.3 Developing wizards in VSTA ....................................................................................................... 93
5.3 Examples ................................................................................................................................................... 94
5.3.1 Creating variables in the zenon editor ....................................................................................... 94
5.3.2 Writing project information in the zenon output window ......................................................... 97
5.3.3 Reading in of variables in zenon via regular expressions ........................................................... 99

6. Process Control Engine (PCE) .................................................................................................... 103

6.1 The PCE Editor ......................................................................................................................................... 103
6.1.1 The Taskmanager ..................................................................................................................... 104
6.1.2 The editing area ........................................................................................................................ 104
6.1.3 The output window .................................................................................................................. 104
6.1.4 The menus of the PCE Editor .................................................................................................... 105
6.1.5 The icon bar of the PCE Editor .................................................................................................. 107
6.2 Course of actions..................................................................................................................................... 108
6.2.1 Creating a task .......................................................................................................................... 108
6.2.2 Entering code ........................................................................................................................... 110
6.2.3 Function Show PCE ................................................................................................................... 112
6.2.4 Executing tasks ......................................................................................................................... 113
6.3 VB Script - Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 114
6.3.1 Data types................................................................................................................................. 114
6.3.2 Variables ................................................................................................................................... 115
6.3.3 Constants .................................................................................................................................. 118
6.3.4 Operators ................................................................................................................................. 118
6.3.5 Conditional Statements ............................................................................................................ 120
6.3.6 Looping Through Code ............................................................................................................. 122
6.3.7 Types of procedures ................................................................................................................. 127
6.3.8 Coding Conventions.................................................................................................................. 129

Welcome to COPA-DATA help

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help


You can find practical examples for project configuration with zenon in our YouTube channel
(https://www.copadata.com/tutorial_menu). The tutorials are grouped according to topics and
give an initial insight into working with different zenon modules. All tutorials are available in


If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that you
would like added, please send an email to [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]).


You can receive support for any real project you may have from our Support Team, who you can contact
via email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).


If you find that you need other modules or licenses, our staff will be happy to help you. Email
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).

2. Programming Interfaces
Different interfaces to integrate your own programs or to automate planning are available in zenon:
 Macro List (on page 38) (VBA)

Programming Interfaces

 VSTA (on page 84)

 Add-In Framework (on page 26) (Add-Ins)

 Process Control Engine (PCE)
Starting from version 7.20, PCE will not be supported anymore and it will not be shown in the
module tree of zenon anymore. While converting projects from versions lower than 7.20, which
contain PCE tasks, the node PCE will be shown for these projects again. PCE will not further be
developed or further documented.
Please use zenon Logic instead of PCE

License information
Part of the standard license of the Editor and Runtime.


Menu item Action

Open VBA Editor Opens the VBA editor

Open the VSTA Editor with Opens the VSTA editor.


Help Opens online help.

you can find information on the creation and implementation of controls (ActiveX, .NET,
WPF) in the Controls manual.
You can find information on engineering and use of the SAP interface in the SAP interface



VBA starts the same development environment for Workspace and Project.
To open the VBA Editor:
1. In the zenon Editor, navigate to the Programming interface node.
2. Expand the view of this node by clicking on [+].
The view of the node is expanded.
3. Right-click on Macro list

Programming Interfaces

4. Select the entry Open VBA Editor in the context menu.

press the short cut


VSTA provides separate development environments for Workspace and project. You can only use one of
them at a time. At the start every other VSTA development environment which is open will be close.

To open the VSTA Editor for the workspace:

1. Press the short cut Alt+F10.
The code for the workspace and all loaded projects is displayed.

To open the VSTA Editor for the currently loaded project:

1. Navigate to the Programming interfaces node
2. Expand the view of this node by clicking on [+].
The view of the node is expanded.
3. Right-click on VSTA
In the context menu, select Open VSTA editor with ProjectAddin.
The editor is opened for the currently-loaded project.


For the use of zenon programming interfaces, the following is applicable from zenon 7.10:
 VSTA/.NET: .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed.
 VBA: If, in the VBA code, Windows API or other imported DLL functions are accessed, these calls
must be adapted to the 64-bit environment. In general, the following applies: A VBA file created
with a 32-bit version cannot be used without changes in a 64-bit version of VBA.


Errors in applications such as ActiveX, PCE, VBA, VSTA, WPF and external applications
that access zenon via the API can also influence the stability of Runtime.


3. Add-Ins
Add-Ins provide possibilities to expand the functionality of zenon in the Editor and in Runtime with
different development environments.
The following are available to you to create Add-Ins:
 Microsoft Visual Studio (on page 22)
 SharpDevelop (included in the installation package) (on page 20)

Add-Ins can be created with each .NET programming language. IDE support is available for the
programming languages C# and Visual Basic.NET.
 All lists and interfaces support IEnumerable.
Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/9eekhta0(v=vs.110).aspx
(https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/9eekhta0(v=vs.110).aspx )
 LINQ (Language Integrated Query) can be used.
Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt693024.aspx

For Add-Ins, the .NET Naming Guidelines are used.
The object names previously used for VSTA and VBA are amended for this. In VSTA and
VBA, the previous names remain the same for compatibility reasons. For Add-Ins, naming
according to the .NET Naming Guidelines has been used.

You can find an overview of the respective object names in the

API_Naming_Conversion.xlsx Excel table. You can find this in the zenon installation
path in the \HELP\AddIns folder.


Add-Ins allow you to do the following, among other things:

 Provide project configuration aids (such as wizards)
 To enhance the project in Runtime with additional functionality

You can find Add-Ins:

 For the Editor in the Extras menu under the following entries:
 Manage Editor Add-Ins

 Start Editor Wizards

 Manage Editor services...


 For Runtime in the Programming interfaces - Add-Ins node


You can get tools and support at:

 Visual Studio developer tools: marketplace.visualstudio.com
 COPA-DATA user forum: forum.copadata.com (https://forum.copadata.com/)

3.1 Prior knowledge

As with the creation of other software components, certain prior knowledge is also necessary for the
development of Add-Ins for zenon.
This includes
 Programming knowledge in C# or VB.NET (depending on the requirement / complexity of the
Add-Ins to be developed)
 Good zenon knowledge
The following is also recommended
 Experience in using professional development environments (such as Microsoft Visual Studio)
 The use of a version management system for the developments (TFS, SVN, GIT)

3.2 Terminology

Specialist terms and their meaning in relation to Add-Ins.


Term Meaning
Add-In A collection of Extensions. Is represented by the add-in package.
An Add-In can contain several Extensions.

Add-In Assembly The compiled library (*.dll), that contains Extensions.

Add-In Package A ZIP file (*.scadaAddIn), that contains metadata and libraries
with their dependencies.

An Add-In Package contains an Add-In Assembly.

Extension Extensions are classes that can be derived from an interface
with one or more methods. They are entry points in the Add-In

Each class that represents an Extension is marked with a .NET


There are two types of Extensions (on page 17), one for the
Editor and one for Runtime
 Wizard Extensions (Wizards)
 Service Extensions (Services)
IDE Integrated development environment. Abbreviation for Integrated
Development Environment.
Project Add-In Management Components for zenon Editor and Runtime that manage the Project
Add-In Packages.

Service Extension Implementation of an Extension that represents a Service.


 Runs in the background

 Is started automatically or manually
 Remains in the memory until it is stopped
Wizard Extension Implementation of an Extension that represents a wizard.

 Are for solving a certain task

 Are removed again after closing

Specialist terms are only used in English in the documentation for Add-Ins.


3.3 Limitations

The following limitations are applicable for Add-Ins:

 The zenon Web Client supports the execution of Add-Ins, however without IDE support.
The local debugging of Add-Ins is not possible in the zenon Web Client for this reason; debugging
using remote debugging tools is supported.
 The execution of Add-Ins is not supported in the HTML web engine.

3.4 Create add-in


Add-Ins are identified by means of the Add-In ID. It is used for installation and import.

An Add-In ID consists of an optional Namespace and a local ID, namespace.localId. The Local ID
identifies an Add-In; the Namespace assigns an Add-In to an organization. Both pieces of information
areestablished by the NET attribute Mono.AddIn.AddInAttribute. In order for the name for an Add-In
Package to also remain unique beyond organization boundaries, the Namespace of the Add-In project is
used as part of the ID.
Example of a complete Add-In ID: com.organisation.importwizard.

The issue of Namespaces is optional.

Use Namespaces. This is how you ensure the global uniqueness beyond
organizational boundaries. It is best to use the URL of your own organization in reverse order.
For example: For www.example.com use com.example as a Namespace.
Namespaces can be further divided within an organization, for example by teams, departments or

The following are available to you to create Add-Ins:

 Microsoft Visual Studio (on page 22)
 SharpDevelop (included in the installation package) (on page 20)

Add-Ins can be created with each .NET programming language. IDE support is available for the
programming languages C# and Visual Basic.NET.


3.4.1 Basics

There are different Extensions available for the zenon Editor and zenon Runtime. Depending on the
application, a corresponding Extension can be selected.

All interfaces required for the development of Add-Ins are defined in the Scada.AddIn.Contracts

An Add-In Package can contain one or more Extensions .


A distinction is made between the following Extensions :


 Execution is triggered by the user using the Extras -> Editor Wizards... dialog in the zenon
 Implements the Run method in order to execute a Wizard Extension in the zenon Editor.


 Execution is carried out automatically when the Editor is started, depending on the

For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must

be set in the Extension. The start mode can also be changed with the Manage Editor services
(on page 33) dialog.
 Administration is via the Extras -> Manage Editor services... dialog in the zenon Editor.
 Implements the Start and Stop methods to execute a Service Extension in the zenon Editor.



 Execution is triggered by the user with the zenon Execute Project Wizard Extension function.
 Implements the Run method in order to execute a Wizard Extension in zenon Runtime.


 Execution takes place automatically when starting the project in Runtime, depending on the

For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must

be set in the Extension. The start mode can also be changed with the Manage Editor services
(on page 33) dialog.
 Administration is carried out using the zenon Show "Manage Runtime services" function.
 Implements the methods Start and Stop to execute a Service Extension in zenon Runtime.


The following metadata is defined using the .NET attribute with the name AddInExtension.


Property Description IEditorWi IEditorSe IProjectW IProjectS

zardExte rviceExt izardExte erviceEx
nsion ension nsion tension

Name Display name in dialogs. X X X X

Corresponds to the name

of the wizard or the service in
Description Description of the display in X X X X
Corresponds to the
description of the wizard or the
service in zenon.
Category Category for grouping in dialogs. X -- X --

Is used to categorize
wizards in the Editor Wizards...
dialog in the zenon Editor.
DefaultStartMode Describes the standard starting -- X -- X
behavior of service add-in
extensions after installation.
 Manual: Extension must be
started manually by the
 Auto: Is started if the
workspace in the Editor or
the project is loaded in
N/A: Manual is used.
Corresponds to the start
type of the service in zenon.

 X: applicable

 --: not applicable


An Add-In Assembly needs several .NET attributes, which are defined in the AddInInfo.cs file.

The most important attributes and those necessary for use in zenon are:


Attribute name Obligatory Description Examples

Addin X ID and version of the Example 1:
The version
corresponds to the Version Addin("AddInIdentifier",
column in the Add-In "1.0",
administration dialog in the Namespace="com.example
zenon Editor. ")]
Example 2:
Example 3:
AddinDependency X Defines a dependency on [assembly:
the zenon system.
This value is constant and is
needed in order for zenon
to use the Add-In
AddinName -- Name of the Add-In. [assembly:
Corresponds to the AddinName("Editor Add-In
Name column in the Add-In Demo")]
administration dialog in the
zenon Editor.
AddinDescription -- Description of the Add-In. [assembly:
Corresponds to the AddinDescription("Demons
Description column in the trates an Add-In with a
Add-In administration Wizard and a Service
dialog in the zenon Editor. extension.")]

 X: applicable

 --: not applicable


3.4.2 Types of extensions

Wizard in the Editor - Editor wizard extension

Editor Wizard Extensions are used to implement wizards or other user-controlled API processes in the
 Execution is triggered by the user using the Extras -> Editor Wizards... dialog in the zenon
 Implements the Run method in order to execute a Wizard Extension in the zenon Editor.


[AddInExtension("Wizard Extension Name", "Description of Wizard Extension", "Category of

Wizard Extension")]

public class WizardExtension : IEditorWizardExtension

public void Run(IEditorApplication context, IBehavior behavior)

// Implement feature here...

Services in the Editor - Editor Service Extension

Editor Service Extensions are used to implement API processes in the Editor automatically.
 Execution is carried out automatically when the Editor is started, depending on the

For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must

be set in the Extension. The start mode can also be changed with the Manage Editor services
(on page 33) dialog.
 Administration is via the Extras -> Manage Editor services... dialog in the zenon Editor.
 Implements the Start and Stop methods to execute a Service Extension in the zenon Editor.


[AddInExtension("Service Extension Name", "Description of Service Extension", "Category

of Service Extension", DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto)]

public class ServiceExtension : IEditorServiceExtension


public void Start(IEditorApplication context, IBehavior behavior)

// Startup code here

public void Stop()

// Stop code here

Wizard in Runtime - project wizard extension

Project Wizard Extensions are used to implement wizards or other user-controlled API processes in
 Execution is triggered by the user with the zenon Execute Project Wizard Extension function.
 Implements the Run method in order to execute a Wizard Extension in zenon Runtime.


[AddInExtension("Wizard Extension Name", "Description of Wizard Extension", "Category of

Wizard Extension")]

public class WizardExtension : IProjectWizardExtension

public void Run(IProject context, IBehavior behavior)

// Implement feature here...

Service in Runtime - project service extension

Runtime Service Extensions are used to implement background tasks in Runtime.

 Execution takes place automatically when starting the project in Runtime, depending on the


For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must

be set in the Extension. The start mode can also be changed with the Manage Editor services
(on page 33) dialog.
 Administration is carried out using the zenon Show "Manage Runtime services" function.
 Implements the methods Start and Stop to execute a Service Extension in zenon Runtime.


[AddInExtension("Service Extension Name", "Description of Service Extension", "Category

of Service Extension", DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto)]

public class ServiceExtension : IProjectServiceExtension

public void Start(IProject context, IBehavior behavior)

// Startup code here

public void Stop()

// Stop code here

3.4.3 Content of add-in packages

Add-In Packages are ZIP files with the filename extension .scadaAddIn. They contain binary data and
metadata. Binary files must be present and can be saved as their own ZIP file in the Add-In Package.
Packages can be created with the Add-In Utility (on page 24). The SharpDevelop and Microsoft Visual
Studio development environments are used to create the Packages automatically when compiling.

Do not change the files manually, always use the Add-In Utility.


The Add-In Package contains:

 Content.xml: XML metadata file with contents of the package.

 Binary.zip: ZIP file with the binary files.



The content of an Add-In Package is listed in its own XML file (Content.xml).


Binary files are saved in their own ZIP file. This file must contain all components that are needed on
another system to execute the Add-In. Direct and indirect references to .NET Assemblies. In doing so,
only external Assemblies are included. Assemblies that are not part of the .NET Framework Class Library
or are installed during the zenon installation.

Ensure that you have all the licenses required for this.

Dynamically-loaded .NET Assemblies are not included in the metadata of .NET Assemblies.


COPA-DATA accepts no liability and offers not technical support for external

3.4.4 SharpDevelop

SharpDevelop (also #develop) is an open-source development environment that is based on Microsoft's

.NET platform. SharpDevelop is supplied with zenon and is also installed during the installation of zenon.
You can find the respective current version and the official documentation for SharpDevelop
online at: www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/ (http://www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/).

Create add-in package with SharpDevelop

To create an Add-In Package with SharpDevelop:

1. Start SharpDevelop by
 selecting the Extras -> Open add-in editor ... menu in the zenon Editor, or
 selecting, in the Startup Tool, under Tools, the SharpDevelop IDE linking
2. Select File -> New Solution and select, under C# -> SCADA Add-Ins or VB -> SCADA Add-Ins, a
corresponding template; create a new project based on this:
 Editor Service Extension (on page 17)
 Editor Wizard Extension (on page 17)
 Project Service Extension (on page 18)


 Project Wizard Extension (on page 18)

All examples used in this help chapter are based on C#.
3. Add your code, references, etc.
4. Compile the project.
The Add-In Package with the file suffix *.scadaAddIn is created in the output window of the
This is called, depending on the configuration ...bin\Debug\ or ...bin\Release\.
5. Import the add-in package in the Editor, see the following in relation to this:
 Installing and manging add-ins for the Editor (on page 30)
 Installing and manging add-ins for Runtime (on page 35)

Deploying and debugging add-ins


To debug an Add-In in the Editor, proceed as follows:

1. Start the zenon Editor.
2. Start SharpDevelop by
 selecting the Extras -> Open add-in editor ... menu in the zenon Editor, or
 selecting, in the Startup Tool, under Tools, the SharpDevelop IDE linking
3. Open the project.
4. In the project settings in SharpDevelop, go to the Add-In tab.
5. Select Editor under Debug Target.
6. Start the debugging using F5 or Debug -> Run.
7. The Add-In project is compiled and deployed in the Editor.
The Add-In is copied to the
%ProgramData%\COPA-DATA\zenon760\EditorAddInCache directory in the
To remove it from the Editor again, proceed as outlined in the Installing and managing Add-Ins
for the Editor (on page 30) chapter.
If there is already an Add-In with the same ID, this is replaced.
8. Debug the Add-In.



To debug an Add-In in Runtime, proceed as follows:

1. Start the zenon Runtime.
2. Start SharpDevelop by selecting, in the Startup Tool under Tools, the SharpDevelop IDE link
3. Open the project.
4. In the project settings in SharpDevelop, go to the Add-In tab.
5. Select, under Debug Target, the corresponding project in Runtime in which you want to debug
the Add-In.
6. Start the debugging using F5 or Debug -> Run.
7. The Add-In project is compiled and temporarily deployed in the selected zenon project.
The Add-In is temporarily copied to the
...\RT\FILES\zenon\system\AddInCache\... directory in the process.
It is removed again after Runtime is closed.
To install an Add-In on a permanent basis, import it as described in the Installing and managing
Add-Ins for Runtime (on page 35).
8. Debug the Add-In.

As an alternative to the methods described, you can also debug your Add-Ins using
Debug -> Attach to Process. In doing so, connect from the corresponding Add-In
project in SharpDevelop to the process in the zenon Editor or Runtime.

3.4.5 Microsoft Visual Studio

Create add-in package with Visual Studio

To create an Add-In Package with Visual Studio:

1. Start Visual Studio.
2. Install the Visual Studio Developer Tools.
This can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Marketplace
3. Select File -> New Project and select, under Templates -> Visual C# -> SCADA Add-Ins or
Templates -> Visual Basic -> SCADA Add-Ins, a corresponding template; create a new project
based on this:


 Editor Service Extension (on page 17)

 Editor Wizard Extension (on page 17)
 Project Service Extension (on page 18)
 Project Wizard Extension (on page 18)
All examples used in this help chapter are based on C#.
4. Add your code, references, etc.
5. Create the project.
6. The Add-In Package with the file suffix *.scadaAddIn is automatically created in the output
folder of the project (...bin\Debug\ or ...bin\Release\ depending on configuration).
7. Import the add-in package in the Editor, see the following in relation to this:
 Installing and manging add-ins for the Editor (on page 30)
 Installing and manging add-ins for Runtime (on page 35)

Deploying and debugging add-ins


To debug an Add-In in the Editor, proceed as follows:

1. Start the zenon Editor.
2. Start the debugging in Visual Studio using F5 or Debug -> Start Debugging.
3. The Add-In project is compiled and deployed in the Editor.
The Add-In is copied to the
%ProgramData%\COPA-DATA\zenon760\EditorAddInCache directory in the
To remove it from the Editor again, proceed as described in the Installing and managing Add-Ins
for the Editor (on page 30) chapter.
4. Debug the Add-In.

As an alternative to the method described, you can also debug your Add-Ins by means of
Debug -> Attach to Process. In doing so, connect from the corresponding Add-In
project in Visual Studio to the zenon Editor process.
Recommended debugger type (Debugger Type): Managed mit CLR 4.0



To debug an Add-In in Runtime, proceed as follows:

1. Compile the Add-In and import it as described in Installing and managing Add-Ins for Runtime
(on page 35).
2. Start the zenon Runtime.
3. In Visual Studio, select Debug -> Attach to Process
4. Select the zenon Runtime process (Zenrt32.exe) and click on Attach
5. Debug the Add-In.

3.4.6 Source code management

To administer the source code, the use of a version control system - such as TFS, GIT or SVN - is

In contrast to VSTA and VBA, the Source Code of Add-Ins is not saved and administered in
the zenon project.

3.4.7 Add-in analysis and packaging utility (AddInUtility)

The AddInUtility tool is automatically called up when compiling Add-Ins and has the following tasks:
 Analysis of the dependencies
 Packaging of Add-Ins

A package contains the Add-In Assembly and an XML file with the extension *.scadaAddin, which
contains the metadata for the Add-In.

Command line tool AddInUtility.exe

The AddInUtility packages Add-Ins using the command line.


Syntax: AddInUtility.exe [-[shortTerm] or [/ or --][longTerm] [argument value]] ...

 Arguments are case sensitive
 Values are case sensitive if marked as such.
 Arguments can be stated in any desired order.
Argument Description
--action Action that is to be carried out.
(-a) Possible values:
 BuildPackage
 GetPackageInfo

Mandatory information.
--path Path information.
Required information for:
 action = BuildPackage: Path to add-in assembly file.
 action = GetPackageInfo: Path to Add-In Package file.

Mandatory information.
--targetDir Target folder.
Required information for:
 action = BuildPackage: Path to the folder in which the add-in
package is created.
Default: current folder

 Creates an Add-In Package (arguments written out in full):
AddInUtility.exe --action BuildPackage --path C:\Addin.dll --targetDir C:\Directory\

 Creates an Add-In Package (arguments in abbreviated form):

AddInUtility.exe -a BuildPackage -p C:\Addin.dll -t C:\Directory\

 Returns information about the given Add-In Package:

AddInUtility.exe -a GetPackageInfo -p C:\Directory\Addin.scadaAddIn

3.4.8 Action in the event of reloading

zenon offers a reload function for projects that support hot plugging or the updating of amended
project files in runtime. According to the functions of the Add-Ins triggered, the sequence of activities
for VSTA and VBA is as follows:
1. Pre-reload VSTA
2. Stop of Service Extensions


3. Reload VBA
4. Start of Service Extensions
5. Post-reload VSTA

Add-Ins behave like VSTA and provide a Pre-reload-function and a Post-reload-function. These are used
after the VSTA Pre-reload and before reloading of VSTA and as a Wrapper for the VBA reload function.
Reloading is delayed until the execution of Wizard Extensions has been completed.
If you want to use the reload functionality, avoid Wizard-Extensions that block or
run for a long time.

When being loaded again, all running service expansions are restarted. Newly-installed service
expansions are started after the restart if the DefaultStartMode is set to automatic.

3.4.9 Isolation

All Add-Ins are executed in an isolated memory area (App-Domain). As a result, different versions of the
same Assemblies can be loaded at the same time.

3.5 Use of add-ins in Editor and Runtime

Add-Ins provide project configuration aids in the zenon Editor and supplement the functionalities of
zenon in Runtime.

You can find Add-Ins:

 For the Editor in the Extras menu under the following entries:
 Manage Editor Add-Ins

 Start Editor Wizards

 Manage Editor services...

 For Runtime in the Programming interfaces - Add-Ins node


 Add-Ins for the Editor (on page 30):

Add-Ins are imported, installed and can be used in the Editor.
Administration (on page 30) is carried out by means of entries in the Extras menu.
 Add-Ins for Runtime (on page 35):
Add-Ins are imported; when starting Runtime, they are activated automatically and can then be


The administration (on page 35) is carried out using the detail view of the programming
interface - Add-Ins node in the project tree.

Add-Ins are available as:

 Wizard: Is called up by the user and closed again after the task has been completed.
For details on the wizards supplied with zenon, read the Wizards manual.
 Service: Can be started automatically or manually and runs in the background.

Add-Ins can:
 Be supplied with zenon
 Be developed by integrators and provided to their customers
 Developed by customers themselves


To filter a list in the detail view or in a dialog:

1. Click in the filter line of the desired curve.
2. Enter the filter criteria.
Placeholders can be used.
 ?: Placeholder for precisely one desired character.
 *: Placeholder for as many characters as desired.
3. Several filters can be combined.

To remove all filters, click on the corresponding symbol in the tool bar.
To sort the list:
1. Click on the column title of the column according to which sorting is to take place.
The binoculars symbol shows the column according to which sorting takes place.
The list is sorted according to the column.
An arrow shows whether the sorting is ascending or descending.
2. To change the sorting sequence, click on the column title again.


The following is applicable for the backup and restoring of Add-Ins:

 When securing the workspace, Editor Add-Ins are not saved.
Installed Add-Ins for the Editor are in the
%ProgramData%\COPA-DATA\zenon760\EditorAddInStore directory and can be
backed up manually if required.


 Add-In Packages of projects are also backed up when creating project and workspace backups
and are restored again when read back in.


If the change history has been activated for the project, entries for the change history are generated in
the project when installing and uninstalling Add-In Packages.

3.5.1 Activate add-ins in zenon

The use of Add-Ins is activated in zenon6.ini. The following entry must be present for this:


This entry is activated by default after the installation of zenon.

If VBA/VSTA for zenon (on page 85) is deactivated, Add-Ins are also deactivated.

3.5.2 Action during installation

Add-Ins can be used in the Editor or in Runtime.

The following is applicable when installing Add-Ins:
1. New installation:
The selected Package is saved in the AddInStore folder.
 Folder for installation in the Editor (on page 30):
 Folder for installation in Runtime (on page 35):
The Add-In ID is used as a file name and the .scadaAddIn file suffix is added.
2. New installation with the same ID:
The pre-existing Add-In is replaced.
3. During installation, pre-existing files of other versions (higher or lower) are replaced.



The Add-In ID is unique for each Add-In and is defined using a .NET attribute in the
AddInInfo.cs file.

Example (Add-In ID = AddInProject):

// Declares that this assembly is an add-in

[assembly: Addin("AddInProject", "1.0")]

3.5.3 Add-ins node in the Project Manager

In the project tree of the Project Manager, it is possible to import add-ins under the Programming
interfaces node item. You can find details in the Project tree context menu (on page 29) chapter.

Project tree context menu

Right-click in the Add-Ins symbol in the Programming interfaces node in the project tree to open a
context menu:
Entry Description
Import Add-In... Opens the dialog to import an Add-In Package that is to be used in
The package is only imported, not installed. Installation is
carried out in Runtime.
Editor profile Opens the drop-down list with predefined editor profiles.
Help Opens online help.

Detail view of context menu and toolbar

In the detail view of the Add-In node in the project tree, Add-Ins that are used in Runtime are displayed
and administered by means of a tool bar and a context menu.

Entries in the context menu and meaning of the symbols from left to right:


Symbol/Entry Description
Import Add-In Opens the dialog to import an Add-In Package that is to be used in
The package is only imported, not installed. Installation is
carried out in Runtime.
Delete Uninstalls and deletes the selected Add-In after requesting
Remove all filters Removes all filters that are currently applied in the list of Add-In.
Properties Opens the Properties window.
Help Opens online help.

3.5.4 Use in the zenon Editor

Add-Ins for use in the zenon Editor are imported, installed and administered in the Editor.
Add-Ins for the Editor can contain the following:
 Editor Wizard Extensions (on page 17), which are started manually via the Extras -> Editor
Wizards menu item.

 Editor service extensions (on page 17) are started if the workspace is loaded and its start mode is
set to automatic. It is stopped as soon as the workspace is closed.

Installed Add-Ins for the Editor are saved under:


Installing and manging add-ins for the Editor

In the zenon Editor, Add-Ins can be imported, installed and administered.

Only Add-Ins with Editor Extensions can be imported and installed. If no Editor Extensions are
found during import, a corresponding warning is shown.


To import and install an Add-In:

1. Open the Extras menu.
2. Select the Manage Editor Add-Ins entry.
The dialog to manage Add-Ins is opened.


3. Click on the Import and Install symbol, select the entry in the context menu or press the
Insert key.
The dialog (on page 32) to select an Add-In is opened.
4. Select the desired Add-In.
5. Click on Open.
The Add-In is imported and installed.
6. Click on Close to close the dialog.


To uninstall and delete an Add-In:

1. Open the menu Tools.
2. Select the Manage Editor add-ins entry.
The dialog to manage Add-Ins is opened.
3. Select an Add-In.
4. Click on the Uninstall and delete symbol, select this entry in the context menu or press the
Delete key.
A dialog requesting confirmation is opened.
5. Confirm this when requested to do so.
The Add-In is uninstalled and deleted.


Manage Editor Add-Ins dialog

Option Description
Toolbar Contains symbols for:
 Importing, installing and deleting Add-Ins
 Removing the filter
 Help display
List of the Add-Ins Shows all installed Add-Ins.
Information on the following is shown:
 Name
 Description
 Version
 Whether source code is included.
Elements can be shown filtered and sorted.
Close Closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.


Meaning of the entries in the context menu and the symbols, from left to right:


Symbol Description
Import and install Opens the dialog to select an Add-In. This can be imported and
Uninstall and delete Uninstalls and deletes the selected Add-In after requesting
Remove all filters Removes all filters that are currently applied in the list of Add-Ins.
Help Opens online help.

Manage Editor services

Add-In Extensions that run in the Editor as services are managed using their own dialog.

To mange Editor services

1. Open the menu Tools
2. Select the Manage Editor services... entry.
The dialog to manage the services is opened.



Option Description
Toolbar Contains symbols for:
 Starting and stopping the services
 Setting the start type
 Removing the filter
 Help display
List of services Shows all installed Services. Information on the following is shown:
 Name
 Description
 Start type
 Status
Elements can be shown filtered and sorted.
Close Closes the dialog.

Help Opens online help.


Meaning of the entries in the context menu and the symbols, from left to right:
Symbol Description
Start service Starts the selected service.
Stop service Stops the selected service.
Start type manually Sets the start type for the selected service to manual.
Start type automatically Sets the start type for the selected service to automatic.
Remove all filters Removes all filters that are currently applied in the list of services.
Help Opens online help.


If the automatic start mode has been selected for a Workspace Service Add-In, it is loaded before
the Event OnWorkspaceStartup when the Editor is started. When the Editor is closed, it is stopped after
the event OnWorkspaceExit. The add-in can thus react to the zenon events.


3.5.5 Use in zenon Runtime

Add-ins for use in zenon Runtime are imported and administered in the Editor. They are automatically
installed when Runtime starts, in order to be able to be executed in Runtime. Each zenon project
manages its own add-ins.
 Add-Ins are copied to the following folder when creating the Runtime files for a project:
 The Add-Ins are installed in the following folder when starting the Runtime:
Furthermore, in doing so:
 Amended Add-In Packages are updated.
The sync is carried out using the change date of the Add-In Package.
 Add-Ins that are no longer present are deleted.
 Project Service Extensions (on page 18) with the start mode set to automatic are instanced
and started automatically.
 Project Wizard Extensions (on page 18) can be executed using the zenon Execute Project
Wizard Extension function.


You can get to the Runtime folder most quickly by highlighting the project in the
Editor and pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+R.

Installing and manging add-ins for Runtime

Add-Ins for Runtime are imported into the Editor and automatically installed when Runtime is started.
Import is carried out by means of the context menu or the tool bar in the detail view.


To import an Add-in :
1. In the Editor, open the detail view for Add-Ins in the project tree.
2. Click on the Import Add-In symbol, select this entry in the context menu or press the Insert
The dialog to select an Add-In is opened.
3. Select the desired Add-In.
4. Click on Open.


The Add-in is imported.

 Only once the Runtime files have been created is the Add-In saved in the Runtime files.
Save folder: ...\RT\FILES\zenon\system\AddInStore\...
 When starting or reloading Runtime, it is installed, modified or updated in the following
During modification, the sync is carried out using the time stamp of the Add-In Package.
5. Click on Close to close the dialog.

Only Add-Ins with Project Extensions can be imported and installed. If no Project Extensions are
found during import, a corresponding warning is shown.


Add-Ins are automatically installed or updated when Runtime is started.

 When Runtime is started, the Packages installed for the project are compared to those in the
 Comparison is carried out using the time stamp.
 With different time stamps or new Packages, the Package is installed. A pre-existing Package
with the same name is overwritten.
 If there is no longer a Package in the Editor that is present in Runtime, it is also removed from


To delete an Add-In:
1. In the Editor, open the detail view for Add-Ins in the project tree.
2. Select an Add-In.
3. Click on the Delete symbol or press the Delete key
A dialog requesting confirmation is opened.
4. Confirm this when requested to do so.
The Add-In is deleted.
After the Runtime files have been compiled the next time, it is uninstalled when Runtime is
reloaded or restarted.


3.6 Switch/conversion from VSTA


To convert existing VSTA functionality from the Editor, proceed as follows.


Functionality that has been implemented using a VSTA wizard can only be implemented by means of
Editor Wizard Extensions (on page 17).

Copy your existing code to an Editor Wizard Extension and make changes to the code if necessary.

Use the Editor wizards... dialog to start the wizard.


Functionality that is executed on an event-triggered basis (such as via .OnElementCreated, .OnPreBuild)

can now be implemented using Editor Service Extensions (on page 17).

To do this, copy the code to initialize the event handler to the Start method of the Editor Service
Extension. You copy the code for release into the Stop method.

For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must be set

in the Extension. The start mode can also be changed with the Manage Editor services (on page 33)


Functionality that is executed using the Execute VBA/VSTA macro combobox can now be implemented
using Editor Wizard Extensions (on page 17).

To do this, copy the code from your existing VSTA macro in to the Run method of the Editor Wizard
Extension and make changes to the code if necessary.

Use the Editor wizards... dialog to execute the code.


To convert existing VSTA functionality from Runtime, proceed as follows.

Macro list


Functionality that was executed by means of the Execute VSTA macro function can now be
implemented by means of Project Wizard Extensions (on page 18).

To do this, copy the code from your existing VSTA macro in to the Run method of the Project Wizard
Extension and make changes to the code if necessary.

To start the Project Wizard Extension, use the zenon Execute Project Wizard Extension function.


Functionality that is executed on an event-triggered basis (such as via .DynPictures().Open,

.Alarm().AlarmComes) can now be implemented using Project Service Extensions (on page 18).

To do this, copy the code to initialize the event handler to the Start method of the Project Service
Extension. You copy the code for release into the Stop method.

For automatic start, the DefaultStartMode=DefaultStartupModes.Auto attribute must be set

in the Extension.

4. Macro list
You can use VBA and VSTA in order to extend zenon functionality. The usage of macros with zenon is


Menu item Action

Open VBA Editor Opens the VBA Editor.

Export all VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the storage directory for the VBE export.
Import VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the VBE import file.
Editor profiles Opens the drop-down list with predefined editor profiles.

Help Opens online help.

Macro list

If VBA macros are changed in the Editor,
 the Runtime files are compiled and transferred to the Runtime
 the Runtime is reloaded
 VSTA elements are also reloaded even if no changes were made in VSTA

VBA starts the same development environment for Workspace and Project.
To open the VBA Editor:
1. In the zenon Editor, navigate to the Programming interface node.
2. Expand the view of this node by clicking on [+].
The view of the node is expanded.
3. Right-click on Macro list
4. Select the entry Open VBA Editor in the context menu.
press the short cut

4.1 VBA toolbar and context menu detail view


Macro list

Menu item Action

New VBA macro Creates a new macro and opens the macro Editor.

Open VBA Editor Opens the VBA Editor.

Save Saves macros.

Delete Deletes the selected element.

Export all VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the storage directory for the VBE export.

Import VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the VBE import file.

Rename Makes it possible to rename the selected macro.

Help Opens online help.


Menu item Action

Open VBA Editor Opens the VBA Editor.

Save Saves macros.

Export all VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the storage directory for the VBE export.

Import VBE Opens the dialog for selecting the VBE import file.

Help Opens online help.


Menu item Action

New VBA macro Creates a new macro and opens the VBA Editor.

Help Opens online help.


Macro list

Menu item Action

Edit Opens macro in the Editor for editing.

Alternative: Enter button or double click.
Delete Deletes macro.
Alternative: Del key
Rename Opens list elements for editing.
Alternative: F2 key.
Help Opens online help.


Macros that were created with VBA can be administrated via toolbar-item Macro list.

Macro list

Symbol Function
(from left to right)
Reload list of VBA/VSTA macros Loads all Public Sub Name () macros that are included in
myWorkspace and in modules to the drop-down list of the
Search Macro Search for macros via combobox input field or selection from
drop-down list. The drop-down list is adjusted to the widest
element when opened.
Drop-down list Macros Contains all loaded macros for selection.
Execute selected macro Executes the macro selected in the drop-down list.
execute allocated macro #<x> Executes the macro allocated with the symbol.
Allocate macros Opens the allocation dialog for macros. Up to 5 macros can be
allocated with the symbols 1 to 5.
VBA Filters for VBA-macros. Only VBA-macros are displayed.
VSTA Filters for VSTA-macros. Only VSTA-macros are displayed.
ALL Cancels the current filter and all macros are displayed.
AZ Sorts macros in ascending order from 0 - 9 and A - Z.
ZA Sorts macros in descending order from Z - A and 9 - 0.
Options for symbol bar Clicking on the arrow opens the submenu:
Active: Toolbar is displayed.
If the toolbar is not displayed, it can be activated using the Options
-> Toolbar menu.

For free placed toolbar (undocked from the Editor) options

are not displayed. The toolbar can be closed by clicking on button X.


If the macro assignment dialog does not list all macros from myWorkspace, execute
the function Reload list of VBA macros in the toolbar.

4.2 VBA on 64-bit systems

zenon has supported 64-bit operating systems since version 7.10. VBA was thus converted to VBA
version 7.1. Therefore VBA is also available in zenon 64-bit. If, in the VBA code, Windows API or other

Macro list

imported DLL functions are accessed, these calls must be adapted to 64-bit. In general, the following
applies: A VBA file created for a 32-bit version cannot be used without changes in a 64--bit version.

There are some defines/functions available in VBA in order to write 32-bit and 64-bit compatible code.
For example:
#if Win64 then
Declare PtrSafe Function MyMathFunc Lib "User32" (ByVal N As LongLong) As LongLong
Declare Function MyMathFunc Lib "User32" (ByVal N As Long) As Long
#end if
#if VBA7 then
Declare PtrSafe Sub MessageBeep Lib "User32" (ByVal N AS Long)
Declare Sub MessageBeep Lib "User32" (ByVal N AS Long)
#end if

You can also obtain some useful notes on the porting of VBA 32-bit code to VBA 64-bit from Microsoft:
 Microsoft Office 2010, notes on porting:
 32-bit and 64-bit declares for API calls: http://www.jkp-ads.com/articles/apideclarations.as

4.3 Basics

Describes the basics of the programming language VBA - Visual Basic for Applications

4.3.1 Object PROPERTIES

An object property is a certain attribute of the object. In case of a variable object this e.g. can be the
value, the name or the identification. In case of a circle the position or the color of the circle in the
screen. Each object has at least one property (usually more), each property has a certain value. While
the property name is a text, the property value is a value between 0 and e.g. 1000.

The special thing with properties is, that with changing the property value in a VBA program you can
change the behavior or the appearance of the object. If you e.g. change the property value of a variable
object, the currently selected variable gets this new value. You cannot cange the value of each property.
The property count of the variable object cannot be changed, because it represents the number of
created variables. You cannot add variables by changing the value of Count. So some properties are read
only, i.e. their values only can be read.

Macro list

4.3.2 Object METHODS

Beside the properties each object can have methods. A method is not an attribute but a request to the
object to do something. So a form has the method Show. What does it do? It requests the form to
appear on the screen. Accordingly the form disappears when using the method Unload.

The advantage of methods is, that the programmer does not have to know anything about the structure
of the object and most of all has no opportunity to chnage the internal data of the object.

Executing the method Show or Unload works as follows:

frmSollwert.Show or Unload frmSollwert

If you want to open another form, the method stays the same, only the name of the form (object name)

frmChange.Show or Unload frmChange

So one and the same method can be used for different object types. But not every object must have

4.3.3 Object EVENTS

In 90% of working with objects you will use properties and methods, but there is a third kind of
attributes objects can have: Events. Some objects of the control system object hierarchy can react on
events. Events take place during the work with zenon on their own.

Whenever a screen is opened, an open event is triggered in the according screen object.
As a programmer you can add commands to the event procedure (procedure to be
executed, when the event happens), which define, what should happen in this case. One
example for this is changing a variable. You can create an event, which reacts on value
changes of a variable.

4.3.4 VBA object structure in zenon

Basically there is a object list and objects again and again in the project structure.


Projects – Project

Macro list

Variables – Variable

Elements – Element

You can find more about the object model:

 in the VBA help

 in the graphical overview which you can obtain from COPA-DATA complete as printed overview.

 in the VBA object browser

Macro list

4.3.5 How to use VBA macros

In order to create a new macro in the window Project info on the property page Macro Browser select
a desired event, when the new macro should be executed.

Clicking on this event with the right mouse button opens a menu.

Select the menu entry "New macro..." Thus zenon generates a procedure:
Public Sub LeftClickUp_Sollwert(obElem As Element)
End Sub

If a macro already exists, it can be edited, deleted or renamed by clicking it with the right mouse button.

If you select menu item Rename macro, take care that you do not change the name of
the event e.g. LeftClickUp_..., - of the current name. Otherwise renaming will not be
executed. Additionally you have to change the name of the sub program to be executed
in the VBA Editor by hand, if you rename a macro.

After you have filled the procedure generated by zenon with the source code to be executed, the
created macro has to be linked to an element.

Doubleclicking the element opens the property dialog of the element.

On the property page Events the macro is linked to the element.

Clicking the element with the left mouse button executed the LeftClickDown event of the element and
the linked macro.

Macro list

Inserting existing macros

In order to insert existing macros into another project do the following:

1. In the VBA Editor export all needed forms and modules and import them in the other project.
2. Event dependent macros, in ModulElement.bas, are not displayed in the macro browser at
the moment. So this macros have to be created in the macro browser.
The easiest way is to use the name of the existing macro.
LeftClickUp_ DateSet2
LeftClickUp_ DateSet4
LeftClickUp_ TimeSet
Draw_ Date2
Draw_ Date4
Draw_ Time
3. On creating the macros zenon generates procedures with the same name as the existing macros.
You have to delete these generated procedures.
4. Connect the macros as usual with a dynamic element.

4.3.6 How to insert an ActiveX element in zenon?

An ActiveX element is drawn into the screen like any other dynamic element; a dialog opens, where you
musz select an ActiveX element.

Macro list

 After you have selected the element from the list, you can links variables to it. For this click the
button Variable and select a variable or create a new one.
 In the next step we give the ActiveX element an object name, so that we can access it in VBA.
 In our example we give it the object name Slide6_DW18, because it is an AcziveX element Slider
linked to the variable Doubleword18.
 Now the Slider element has to be activated and edited in the VBA Editor.
 For this we create a new macro as described in chapter "How to use VBA macros? (on page 46)".

The macro Init_Slider passes the element to be initialized to a sub program in the control system object
thisProject, whereby the allocation to the current project is defined.
Public SubInit_Slider(obElem AsElement)
thisProject . Init _ Slider obElem
End Sub

Just like in the macro Init_Slider also Draw_SliderValue passes the element to the control system object
Public Sub Draw_SliderValue (obElem As Element, ByVal hdc As OLE _ HANDLE )
thisProject.Draw_Slider obElem
obElem.Draw hdc
End Sub

The code below is added in the control system object this Project.
Public Declarations
Public WithEvents obSlider As Slider
Public obSliderPV As Variable
Public Sub Init_Slider (obElem As Element)
Set obSlider = obElem.ActiveX
'ActiveX exists
If obSlider Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set obSliderPV = obElem . ItemVariable(0)
'variable exists
If obSliderPV Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
obSlider.Max = obSliderPV.RangeMax
obSlider.Min = obSliderPV.RangeMin
obSlider.TickFrequency = 1000
obSlider.LargeChange = 25
obSlider.SmallChange = 1
obSlider.Value = obSliderPV.Value
End Sub

Macro list

Public Sub Draw _ Slider ( obElem As Element )

Dim vVar As Variant
Dim obDynPic As DynPicture

Set obSliderPV = obElem.ItemVariable ( 0 )

Set obDynPic = thisProject.DynPictures. Item (BILD_1)
'variable exists
If obSliderPV Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

4.3.7 Access from an external program

In order to access zenon data from an external program such as e.g. Visual Basic the COM interface is
used. This COM interface is also used by VBA. So there are only a few small differences, that should be
cared of.

Visual Basic 6

In order to be able to access the COM interface it has to be implemented:

With this type library you can access the application object of zenon (the Runtime).

As here there is no thisProject object, it has to be created to get access to the data.
Dim obProject As zenon.Project
Set obProject = zenon.Application.Projects.Item(PROJEKTNAME)

If the VB project should work with all zenon projects - should be project name independent - it can be
defined in the following way:
Set obProject = zenon.Application.Projects.Item(0)

Macro list

After the project object (thisProject) has been created, e.g. the variables can be accessed for reading
and writing.

Value = obProject.Variables.Item(Variablenname).Value

obProject.Variables.Item(Variablenname).Value = Value

4.3.8 Functionality of online variables

You can imagine a VBA OnlineVariable as a container; this container contains control system variables,
which have to be added. If the value of one of the variables of the container changes, this is indicated
with an event.

Functionality of the event:

If the container is activated (Container.Define), all variables in the container are forced once, so that
the current value of the variables are known. So the procedure Container_VariableChange is executed
for each variable in the container. As soon as all variables then have been initialized, this event always
occurs, if one of the variables of the container changes its value.

So it is avoided, that a value is read, which is not the current value of the variable.

Define and create container

Public WithEvents Container As OnlineVariable

With this line of code the container is defined.

Set Container = thisProject . OnlineVariables . CreateOnlineVariables ( Container name )

Put variables in the container

Container . Add Variablenname1
Container . Add Variablenname2
Container . Add Variablenname3
Container . Add Variablenname4

Repeat this line, until all needed variables are added to the container.

Macro list

Create event
Private Sub Container_VariableChange(ByVal obVar As zenon.IVariable)
End Sub

This event is automatically created, when the container is selected in the left combobox at the top of
the VBA Editor. The procedure above then is added to the source code. With obVar the variable with the
changed value is passed on. When this event occurs, e.g. the current value of the variable
(ob-Var.Value) can be read. Refer to the object hierarchy in the VBA documentation to see the
properties and values of variables, which can be used.

Activate event

This command line activates the monitoring of the variables in the container. After executing the
command Define, the container is active.

Switching off the event


With this command the surveillance in the container is switched off. The event (VariableChange) is no
longer carried out.

Remove on closing

In order not to leave anything in the memory on closing the Runtime, the container has to be removed
at the latest on closing the Runtime.
thisProject . OnlineVariables . DeleteOnlineVariables ( Container_name )

Not before the container is deleted can another container with the same name be created.

Macro list

4.3.9 List of status bits

Bit number Short term Long name zenon Logic label

0 M1 User status 1; for Command _VSB_ST_M1
Processing: Action type "Block";
Service Tracking
htm) of the IEC 850 driver
1 M2 User status 2 _VSB_ST_M2
2 M3 User status 3 _VSB_ST_M3
3 M4 User status 4 _VSB_ST_M4

4 M5 User status 5 _VSB_ST_M5

5 M6 User status 6 _VSB_ST_M6
6 M7 User status 7 _VSB_ST_M7
7 M8 User status 8 _VSB_ST_M8
8 NET_SEL Select in the network _VSB_SELEC
10 PROGRESS In operation _VSB_DIREC
11 TIMEOUT Command "Timeout exceeded" _VSB_RTE
(command runtime exceeded)
12 MAN_VAL Manual value _VSB_MVALUE
13 M14 User status 14 _VSB_ST_14
14 M15 User status 15 _VSB_ST_15
15 M16 User status 16 _VSB_ST_16
16 GI General query _VSB_GR
17 SPONT Spontaneous _VSB_SPONT
19 T_STD_E External standard time (standard _VSB_SUWI
up to version 7.50, this
was the status bit T_CHG_A
20 OFF Switched off _VSB_N_UPD
21 T_EXTERN Real time - external time stamp _VSB_RT_E
22 T_INTERN Internal time stamp _VSB_RT_I
23 N_SORTAB Not sortable _VSB_NSORT
24 FM_TR Error message transformer value _VSB_DM_TR

Macro list

25 RM_TR Working message transformer _VSB_RM_TR

26 INFO Information for the variable _VSB_INFO
27 ALT_VAL Alternate value _VSB_AVALUE
28 RES28 Reserved for internal use (alarm _VSB_RES28
29 N_UPDATE Not updated (zenon network) _VSB_ACTUAL
30 T_STD Internal standard time _VSB_WINTER
31 RES31 Reserved for internal use (alarm _VSB_RES31
32 COT0 Cause of transmission bit 1 _VSB_TCB0
33 COT1 Cause of transmission bit 2 _VSB_TCB1
34 COT2 Cause of transmission bit 3 _VSB_TCB2
35 COT3 Cause of transmission bit 4 _VSB_TCB3
36 COT4 Cause of transmission bit 5 _VSB_TCB4
37 COT5 Cause of transmission bit 6 _VSB_TCB5
38 N_CONF Negative confirmation of command _VSB_PN_BIT
by device (IEC 60870 [P/N])
39 TEST Test bit (IEC870 [T]) _VSB_T_BIT
40 WR_ACK Writing acknowledged _VSB_WR_ACK
41 WR_SUC Writing successful _VSB_WR_SUC
42 NORM Normal status _VSB_NORM
43 N_NORM Deviation normal status _VSB_ABNORM
44 BL_870 IEC 60870 Status: blocked _VSB_BL_BIT
45 SB_870 IEC 60870 Status: substituted _VSB_SP_BIT
46 NT_870 IEC 60870 Status: not topical _VSB_NT_BIT
47 OV_870 IEC 60870 Status: overflow _VSB_OV_BIT
48 SE_870 IEC 60870 Status: select _VSB_SE_BIT
49 T_INVAL External time stamp invalid not defined
50 CB_TRIP Breaker tripping detected not defined
51 CB_TR_I Breaker tripping detection inactive not defined
52 OR_DRV Value out of the valid range (IEC not defined

53 T_UNSYNC ClockNotSynchronized (IEC 61850) not defined

Macro list

54 PR_NR Not recorded in the Process not defined

55 RES55 reserved not defined
56 RES56 reserved not defined
57 RES57 reserved not defined
58 RES58 reserved not defined
59 RES59 reserved not defined
60 RES60 reserved not defined
61 RES61 reserved not defined
62 RES62 reserved not defined
63 RES63 reserved not defined

In formulas all status bits are available. For other use the availability can be limited.
You can read details on status processing in the Status processing chapter.

4.3.10 Lasso for selecting dynamic elements in the Runtime

Dynamic elements which are linked with a variable or function can be pre-selected with the lasso in the
Runtime and can be used for events.

With method SelElements the user can identify selected dynamic elements as selected in the Runtime.
These DynPicture.SelElements can then by used for events sich as drag&drop.


To select elements with the lasso in the Runtime, you must:

 activate property Runtime lasso in the project settings
 activate property Runtime/selectable with lasso in the property of the dynamic element
 property Move Frame via mouse must be activated

There are several methods for selecting elements available in Runtime, depending on the settings for
touch operation:
 Touch operation deactivated or Windows 7 (Recognition property deactivated or Windows 7):
 Left mouse click + movement: New selection is created.

Macro list

 Left mouse click + Ctrl key + movement: Selection is expanded.

 Native Windows 8 touch operation active (Recognition property on Windows 8):
 Left mouse click + movement: Screen is moved
 Left mouse click + Ctrl key + movement: Screen is moved.
 Left mouse click + Shift key + movement: New selection is created.
 Left mouse click + Ctrl key + Shift key + movement: Selection is expanded.

 Only elements that are visible can be selected.
 If a button is selected and it is clicked on, the respective function is executed.
 If a button is clicked on with a mouse button and the mouse is moved before the mouse button
is released, the respective function is not executed.
 Cancel selection: Spanning a lasso which does not contain elements.

4.4 Macros in the Editor

Macros can be carried out with the help of a configurable Toolbar (on page 56) in the Editor. For this
macros are linked (on page 57) with buttons in toolbar VBA.

In addition macros can be run manually using the VBA Editor.

With the help of Wizards repeating engineering tasks can be run or whole projects can be created with
the click on a button. As examples a few wizards are already included in the shipped version of zenon.
These wizards can be enhanced and completed at will. They help when creating a project, at the import
and export, at creating variables and so on. You can find details in chapter Wizards.


Editor events are part of the VBA workspace and make it possible to react to Events in the workspace
programming, e.g. for wizards or Remote Transport. For example:
 OnElementCreated
 OnElementDeleted
 OnElementDoubleClicked
 OnObjectCreated
 ...

All Events and information about them can be found in the help in chapter Object Model.

Macro list

4.4.1 Tool bar macro list

Macros that were created with VBA can be administrated via toolbar-item Macro list.

Symbol Function
(from left to right)
Reload list of VBA/VSTA macros Loads all Public Sub Name () macros that are included in
myWorkspace and in modules to the drop-down list of the
Search Macro Search for macros via combobox input field or selection from
drop-down list. The drop-down list is adjusted to the widest
element when opened.
Drop-down list Macros Contains all loaded macros for selection.
Execute selected macro Executes the macro selected in the drop-down list.
execute allocated macro #<x> Executes the macro allocated with the symbol.
Allocate macros Opens the allocation dialog for macros. Up to 5 macros can be
allocated with the symbols 1 to 5.
VBA Filters for VBA-macros. Only VBA-macros are displayed.
VSTA Filters for VSTA-macros. Only VSTA-macros are displayed.
ALL Cancels the current filter and all macros are displayed.
AZ Sorts macros in ascending order from 0 - 9 and A - Z.
ZA Sorts macros in descending order from Z - A and 9 - 0.
Options for symbol bar Clicking on the arrow opens the submenu:
Active: Toolbar is displayed.
If the toolbar is not displayed, it can be activated using the Options
-> Toolbar menu.

For free placed toolbar (undocked from the Editor) options

are not displayed. The toolbar can be closed by clicking on button X.


If the macro assignment dialog does not list all macros from myWorkspace, execute
the function Reload list of VBA macros in the toolbar.

Macro list

4.4.2 Linking macros

Macros can be called via a button in the toolbar. A maximum of five macros can be linked this way. Via
button Assign macros the dialog for assigning macros is opened.

Parameters Description
Macro # Macro number matches the number of the button in the
A click on button ... opens the dialog for selecting the
OK Creates links to the buttons and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

Macro list

Parameters Description
Existing selection List of macros which can be linked.
No selection Deletes existing assignment for the button.
OK Assigns the selected macro to the button.
Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

4.5 Functions in zenon

In dialog Function selection you can find the following functions under element VBA.
Function Description
Open PCE editor Opens the editor of the optional module Process
Control Engine (PCE).
Open VBA Editor Opens the VBA editor
Execute VBA Macro Executes a selected VBA macro.
The VBA Event project inactive is
carried out by script AUTO_END_xxx. Therefore
zenon function Execute VBA macro is no longer
executed in scripts as VBA is not running at this
Show VBA macro dialog Opens the VBA macro dialog.

Macro list

4.5.1 Execute VBA macro

If you select function Execute VBA macro, the following dialog is displayed.

These settings are available.

Parameters Description
Macro selection Opens the dialog for selecting the macros (see also Macro selection (on page 60))
Hint: Only lists VBA macros that match the number of parameters defined at the
function Parameter (below).
Parameters Enter the desired value (string) for a parameter.
New Click on this button in order to apply the value at parameter in the list of available
Delete Click on this button in order to delete the selected entry from the list of available
parameter. You can always only delete one entry at a time.
Up Click on this button in order to move the selected entry up one place. In the
parameter order the entry is moved one place to the front.
Down Click on this button in order to move the selected entry down one place. In the
parameter order the entry is moved one place to the back.

It is possible to add strings to macros which were created with parameters. These strings are transferred
in the Runtime as individual parameters when the macro is carried out.

You must make sure that the number of parameters of the linked macro matches the
number of the created parameters.

Macro list

Macro selection

After clicking button ..., the following dialog is displayed.

Select the desired macro from the available macros and then click OK.

4.6 Developing wizard in VBA

Since version 6 it is possible to automate engineering projects with wizards. So frequently recurring
tasks can be sourced out to a wizard which executes the desired actions, e.g. creating a project, creating
frames and screens in a pre-defined standard.

Another field of application for wizards are automated changes in existing projects, e.g. changing
properties of dynamic elements in all screens of an existing project.

The basis for the wizards is Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and the object model of zenon.

At the moment the following wizards are available:

 Project Wizard
 Import Wizard
 World View Wizard
 Find VBA-Text Wizard
 Wizard for keyword creation
 Wizard for keyword translation
 Wizard for creating variables

The wizards are available as VBA source code files on the installation medium. New wizards can be
implemented with the VBA environment.

Macro list

4.6.1 Using a wizard

The menu entry Editor Wizards in the menu Tools opens the wizard selection. In this dialog, all available
wizards are shown according to their category.
If wizards do not contain a category, a Not linked entry is created automatically. In this category all not
linked wizards are displayed.

By selecting a wizard and pressing the button OK the selected wizard is executed.

Wizards do not support multi-user projects.

4.6.2 Structure of a wizard

A wizard is a UserForm stored in the application specific node of the application. Usually the UserForm
consists of a multi-page element displaying the single steps of the wizard.

With a button Next the next page of the multi-page element is displayed. All entries have to be stored
temporarily - the creation of objects, e.g. frames, screens, ... has to be done with Finishing the wizards.

Macro list

UserForms to be used as wizards have to contain some public methods, which provide
the control system with information about the wizard. If this routines are missing in a
UserForm, it is not treated as a wizard.

4.6.3 Integration in VBA

The wizards are stored in the application specific node ZWorkspace. This object represents the currently
loaded workspace in the Editor and is only available in the zenon Editor.

All objects in this VBA project can access the current workspace with teh object MyWorkspace. It is
always linked to the currently active project, which can be accessed with the property ActiveDocument.

The contents of the object ZWorkspace are stored in the file ZenWorkspace.vba. It is copied to the
installation directory with the first installation of version 6. This file is not overwritten by later updates.
You will find more information on updating wizards at the end of this tutorial.

4.6.4 Developing a wizard

This tutorial develops a wizard creating variables for a defined driver.

Start the VBA environment from the zenon Editor and change to folder ZWorkspace/Forms. This file
contains the basics for developing a wizard. Change the name of the UserForm.

If the folder mentioned above is not available, you can import it via Import the Import file command.

For developing a wizard knowledge about the object model of zenon and VBA are
required. These topics are not part of this tutorial.

Macro list

Macro list

Create the surface displayed above. Then switch to the code module of the UserForm and scroll to the
end of the file. There you will find the following methods.

 Public Function GetWizardName () As String

Returns the unique name of the wizard. Change the contents to Wizard for creating
 Public Function GetWizardInfo () As String

Returns a short description displayed in the wizard selection. Change the contents to Wizard
for creating variables to a selected driver
 Public Function GetWizardCategory () As String

Returns the category of the wizard. In the wizard selection the wizards are displayed in a tree
structure of the categories. Change the contents to Variables.
 Public Function IsZenOnWizard () As Boolean

Displaying the wizard in the wizard selection. If this method returns False, the wizard is not
displayed, e.g. because it is not yet finished. Change the return type to True.

Macro list

These methods provide the information about the wizard, which is requested by the control system.
Keep in mind that the wizard is only displayed in the wizard selection if the method IsZenOnWizard
returns True.

Switch to the event Initialize of the UserForm and change the contents of the string array m_strCaption.
As oru wizard only consits of two steps, you can delete the other allocations.

Add the following definitions to the top area of the code module:
Private m_obDriver As Driver
Private m_obVarType As VarType
Private m_nChannelType As Integer

Create a method for initializing the driver combobox. The task of this routine is to display all the loaded
drivers of the current project in a combobox.
Dim nIndex As Long
For nIndex = 0 To MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Drivers.Count - 1
Dim obDriver As Driver
Set obDriver = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Drivers.Item(nIndex)
If (Not obDriver Is Nothing) Then
End If
Next nIndex
If (cbDriver.ListCount > 0) Then
cbDriver.ListIndex = 0
End If

Additionally we need a routine displaying all defined variable types of the project in a combobox.
If (Not m_obDriver Is Nothing) Then
Dim nIndex As Long , nSelect As Integer
For nIndex = 0 To MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.VarTypes.Count - 1
Dim obVarType As VarType
Set obVarType = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.VarTypes.Item(nIndex)
If ( Not obVarType Is Nothing And obVarType.IsSimple = True) Then
If (obVarType.Name = INT) Then
nSelect = nIndex
End If

Macro list

End If
Next nIndex
cbVarType.ListIndex = nSelect
End If

On opening the wizard all existing variables are checked to find a free start offset for the the new
variables to be created. This is done with the following method.
Private Function FindHighestOffsetVar() As Long
On Error GoTo Error
Dim nIndex As Long , nOffset As Long
For nIndex = 0 To MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Variables.Count - 1
Dim obVar As Variable
Set obVar = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Variables.Item(nIndex)
If ( Not obVar Is Nothing) Then
If (obVar.Offset > nOffset) Then
nOffset = obVar.Offset
End If
End If
Next nIndex
FindHighestOffsetVar = nOffset
Exit Function
Error : MsgBox
Error occurs: + Err.Description + Source + Err.Source
End Function

Switch to the event Initialize of the UserForm and add the following lines to this method:
txtStart.Value = CStr(FindHighestOffsetVar + 1)

The allocation to txtStart sets the proposed start offset for the variables to be created. The method
InitializeDriver fills the combobox with the existing drivers.

Create an event Change for the driver combobox and add the following code. After having selected a
driver the variable types are acquired. The selected driver object is stored in the variable m_obDriver for
later use.
Private Sub cbDriver_Change()
cmdNext.Enabled = True
Set m_obDriver = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Drivers.Item(cbDriver.Value)
If ( Not m_obDriver Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub

Macro list

Create an event Change for the variable type combobox and add the following code. The selected
variable type is stored in the variable m_obVarType for later use.
Private Sub cbVarType_Change()
Set m_obVarType = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.VarTypes.Item(cbVarType.Value)
End Sub

Now the only thing left is to create the event routine for creating the variables with the defined settings.
This is done with the button Finish.
Private Sub cmdFinish_Click()
On Error GoTo Error
If (cbVarType.ListIndex = -1) Then
MsgBox 'Please select a variable type'
Exit Sub
End If
If (txtStart.Value = Or txtCount.Value = Or txtStep.Value = ) Then
MsgBox 'Please enter Start-Offset', 'count of creating variables and the step'
End If
If (m_obVarType Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox 'Variable type + cbVarType.Name + doesnt exist!'
Exit Sub
End If
Dim nPrvMousePtr As Integer
nPrvMousePtr = MousePointer
MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass
Dim strName As String
Dim nIndex As Long , nVarIndex As Integer
Dim nStartOff As Long , nStep As Integer
nVarIndex = 1
nStartOff = CLng (txtStart.Value)
nStep = CLng (txtStep.Value)
For nIndex = 0 To CLng (txtCount.Value - 1)
Dim obVar As Variable
strName = txtName.Value + _ + CStr (nIndex + 1)
'*** Guaranteeing uniqueness of the variable name
Dim bResult As Boolean
bResult = False
Set obVar = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Variables.Item(strName)
If (obVar Is Nothing) Then
bResult = True

Macro list

nVarIndex = nVarIndex + 1
strName = txtName.Value + _ + CStr (nVarIndex)
End If
Loop While
bResult = False
'*** Create variable
Set obVar = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Variables.CreateVar (strName, m_obDriver,
tpSPSMerker, m_obVarType)
If ( Not obVar Is Nothing) Then
obVar.Offset = nStartOff
nStartOff = nStartOff + nStep
End If
Next nIndex
MousePointer = nPrvMousePtr
Unload Me
Exit Sub
Error :
MousePointer = nPrvMousePtr
MsgBox Error occurs: + Err.Description + Source + Err.Source
End Sub

On finishing the wizard it is checked, if the defined settings are valid. If this is not the case, a messages is
displayed and the user is demanded to correct the entries.

If the defined settings are valid, the variables are created. The variables are named with a name and an
index. If a variables with the same name already exists in the project, the next free index is acquired. In
our code example always a variable with the channel type PLC marker is created. With each cycle the
offset of the variable is increased.

4.6.5 Updating wizards

To update the wizards:

1. In the Extras menu, select the Update Editor Add-Ins entry.
A dialog for updating available wizards is opened
2. Select the desired wizards
3. Start the update by clicking Start update

If a wizard or a class already exists in the workspace, a warning is displayed.

Macro list

Already existing wizards are overwritten during the update. Individual changes made at
the wizard are lost.

4.7 Frequently asked questions

In this chapter a few frequently asked questions are answered. You can find additional solutions online
in the COPA-DATA User forum (http://www.copadata.com/forums/).

4.7.1 Why does the button stay pressed?

If a button is linked e.g. to a LeftClickUp event, in the end of the precedure the LeftClickUp has to be
Public Sub LeftClickUp_Schalter(obElem As Element)
End Sub

4.7.2 Macro is not performed with the first click

The solution matches the one from the question: Why does the button stay pressed (on page 69):

If a button is linked e.g. to a LeftClickUp event, in the end of the precedure the LeftClickUp has to be
Public Sub LeftClickUp_Schalter(obElem As Element)

End Sub

4.7.3 Macros no longer work in the Runtime?

This effect can occur, if the VBA Editor is opened in the Runtime and then Stop/Start is pressed to
stop/start VBA. In this case the objects (OnlineVariables, ScreenObjects, ...) become invalid, because
they lose the link in case of a new initialization.

Macro list

4.7.4 Windows CE and VBA

In the Editor VBA can be used for wizards. It cannot be used in the Runtime. For detailed information
about the Editor refer to chapter How to create projects in CE.

4.8 Examples

Here you can find a few examples for VBA

4.8.1 MouseEvents and ActiveX Control initialization

Option Explicit

Public Sub Init_ActiveX(obElem As Element)

'Initializing ActiveX...
thisProject.Init_MSChart_AX obElem
End Sub

Public Sub LeftClickUp_Sample1(obElem As Element)

'Initializing Userform...
frmSample1.InitForm obElem
'Show Userform
End Sub

Public Sub LeftClickUp_Sample2(obElem As Element)

'Initializing Userform...
frmSample2.InitForm obElem
'Show Userform
End Sub

Public Sub LeftClickUp_Sample3(obElem As Element)

'Initializing Userform...

Macro list

frmSample3.InitForm obElem
'Show Userform
End Sub

Public Sub LeftClickUp_Sample4(obElem As Element)

Dim NewForm As New frmSample4
'Initializing NEW Userform...
NewForm.InitForm obElem
'Show NEW Userform
NewForm.Show (0)
End Sub

4.8.2 Display variable information

Show variable name for clicked element:

Option Explicit

Dim obVar As Variable

'User defined Public Procedure for initializing Objects

Public Sub InitForm(obElem As Element)

'set the variable object like the linked variable of the element
Set obVar = obElem.ItemVariable(0)
'write variable name into the textbox
txtVarName.Text = obVar.Name
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

'close Userform
Unload Me
End Sub

Macro list

4.8.3 Read and write variable values

Read value from variable and write it back:

Option Explicit

Dim obVar As Variable

'User defined Public Procedure for initializing Objects

Public Sub InitForm(obElem As Element)

'set the variable object like the linked variable of the element
Set obVar = obElem.ItemVariable(0)
'write variable name into the textbox
txtVarName.Text = obVar.Name
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

'close Userform
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRead_Click()

'read value from variable and write into textbox
txtValue.Text = obVar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub cmdWrite_Click()

'write text as value to variable
obVar.Value = txtValue.Text
'or changing text to value before writing...
'obVar.Value = Val(txtValue.Text)
End Sub

Macro list

4.8.4 Read and write variables and implement online variables

Read variable information, write values and implement online variables:

Option Explicit

Dim obVar As Variable

Dim WithEvents zOnlineVariable As OnlineVariable

'User defined Public Procedure for initializing Objects

Public Sub InitForm(obElem As Element)

'set the variable object like the linked variable of the element
Set obVar = obElem.ItemVariable(0)
'write variable name into the textbox
txtVarName.Text = obVar.Name
'create an OnlineVariable container
Set zOnlineVariable = thisProject.OnlineVariables.CreateOnlineVariables("OLV")
'add variables to the container (by name of the variable)
zOnlineVariable.Add obVar.Name
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

'close Userform
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRead_Click()

'read value from variable and write into textbox
txtValue.Text = obVar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub cmdWrite_Click()

Macro list

'write text as value to variable

obVar.Value = txtValue.Text
'or changing text to value before writing...
'obVar.Value = Val(txtValue.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOLV_Start_Click()

'start the OnlineVariable - Define
'the VariableChange Event will be executed
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOLV_Stop_Click()

'stop the OnlineVariable - UnDefine
'the VariableChange Event will be stopped
End Sub

Private Sub zOnlineVariable_VariableChange(ByVal obVar As IVariable)

'write actual value into textbox
txtOLV.Text = obVar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()

'the VariableChange Event will be stopped if running
'delete OnlineVariable container
thisProject.OnlineVariables.DeleteOnlineVariables ("OLV")
End Sub

Macro list

4.8.5 Use dialog multiple times

Userforms can be used multiple times.

Option Explicit
Dim obVar As Variable
Dim WithEvents zOnlineVariable As OnlineVariable
Dim strOLVName As String

Public Sub InitForm(obElem As Element)

'set the variable object like the linked variable of the element
Set obVar = obElem.ItemVariable(0)
'write variable name into the textbox
txtVarName.Text = obVar.Name
'create name for Online Container
strOLVName = "OLV_" & obElem.Name
'get existing online container
Set zOnlineVariable = thisProject.OnlineVariables.Item(strOLVName)
'check if online container exists
If zOnlineVariable Is Nothing Then
'create an OnlineVariable container
Set zOnlineVariable =
'add variables to the container (by name of the variable)
zOnlineVariable.Add obVar.Name
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

Unload Me 'close Userform
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRead_Click()

Macro list

'read value from variable and write into textbox

txtValue.Text = obVar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub cmdWrite_Click()

'write text as value to variable
obVar.Value = txtValue.Text
'or changing text to value before writing...
'obVar.Value = Val(txtValue.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOLV_Start_Click()

'the VariableChange Event will be executed
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOLV_Stop_Click()

'the VariableChange Event will be stopped
End Sub

Private Sub zOnlineVariable_VariableChange(ByVal obVar As IVariable)

'write actual value into textbox
txtOLV.Text = obVar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()

'the VariableChange Event will be stopped if running
'delete OnlineVariable container
thisProject.OnlineVariables.DeleteOnlineVariables (strOLVName)
End Sub

Macro list

4.8.6 Alarm – Events and ActiveX Control handling

Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents obChart As MSChart

Dim WithEvents zOLV As OnlineVariable
Dim WithEvents zAlarm As Alarm

'procedure is executed on startup of the zenon Runtime

Private Sub Project_Active()

'init the alarm object for events
Set zAlarm = thisProject.Alarm
End Sub

'procedure is executed when an Alarm comes

Private Sub zAlarm_AlarmComes(ByVal obItem As IAlarmItem)
Dim strInfo As String
'write specific information about the alarm into a StringVariable
strInfo = obItem.Text & " - " & obItem.Name
thisProject.Variables.Item("Var_Comes").Value = strInfo
End Sub

'procedure is executed when an Alarm has gone

Private Sub zAlarm_AlarmGoes(ByVal obItem As IAlarmItem)
Dim strInfo As String
'write specific information about the alarm into a StringVariable
strInfo = obItem.Text & " - " & obItem.Name
thisProject.Variables.Item("Var_Goes").Value = strInfo
End Sub

'procedure is executed when an Alarm was acknowledged by a user

Private Sub zAlarm_AlarmAcknowledged(ByVal obItem As IAlarmItem)
Dim strInfo As String
'write specific information about the alarm into a StringVariable
strInfo = obItem.Text & " - " & obItem.Name
thisProject.Variables.Item("Var_Acknowledged").Value = strInfo
End Sub

Macro list

'procedure is executed on terminating the zenon Runtime

Private Sub Project_Inactive()
'free the alarm object
Set zAlarm = Nothing
'delete OnlineVariable for Chart actualization...
thisProject.OnlineVariables.DeleteOnlineVariables "CHART"
End Sub

'procedure for MSChart ActiveX initialization...

Public Sub Init_MSChart_AX(YourAX As Element)
Set obChart = YourAX.AktiveX
obChart.RowCount = 3
obChart.ColumnCount = 1
Set zOLV = thisProject.OnlineVariables.Item("CHART")
'does existing OnlineVariable exist?
If zOLV Is Nothing Then
'if not, create it...
Set zOLV = thisProject.OnlineVariables.CreateOnlineVariables("CHART")
zOLV.Add "Internal_UINT_001"
zOLV.Add "Internal_UINT_002"
zOLV.Add "Internal_UINT_003"
End If
zOLV.Undefine 'if not stopped, refreshing not possible
'START watching variables...
End Sub

'event on Variable change - refresh chart...

Private Sub zOLV_VariableChange(ByVal obVar As IVariable)
'setting values to display in chart control
Select Case obVar.Name
Case "Internal_UINT_001"
obChart.Row = 1
obChart.RowLabel = "Var1"
obChart.Data = obVar.Value
Case "Internal_UINT_002"
obChart.Row = 2
obChart.RowLabel = "Var2"
obChart.Data = obVar.Value

Macro list

Case "Internal_UINT_003"
obChart.Row = 3
obChart.RowLabel = "Var3"
obChart.Data = obVar.Value
End Select
End Sub

'event of the Chart AX...

Private Sub obChart_DblClick()
MsgBox "You have DoubleClicked the ActiveX!"
End Sub

4.8.7 Access to alarms


In the form frmAlarm an alarm from the memory can be selected in a combobox. After the selection all
data of the alalm are written to the textboxes below (group, class, variable, ...).

We use an event independent macro to display frmAlarm, because we do not link it to an element.
Sub Alarm ()
End Sub
'The macro is executed with the function Execute macro.
'On opening the form it is initialized and so the following procedure is executed. This
procedure cares, that all alarms in the memory are written to the combobox in the form.

Private Sub UserForm _ Initialize ()

Macro list

'fill combobox with all AlarmItems

Dim i As Integer
Dim obAlarmItems As AlarmItems
Dim obAlarm As Alarm

Set obAlarm = thisProject.Alarm

Set obAlarmItems = obAlarm.AlarmItems (*)

If obAlarmItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox (# Alarms = 0 )
Exit Sub
End If

For i = 0 To obAlarmItems.Count - 1
cmbAlarmItems.AddItem obAlarmItems.Item ( i ). Name
Next i

txtAktiv.Text = obAlarm.Aktiv
cmbAlarmItems.Text = cmbAlarmItems.List ( 0 )
End Sub

'Wenn nun ein Alarm aus der Combobox ausgewählt wird reagiert das Change - Ereigniss der
Private Sub cmbAlarmItems _ Change ()

'put actual properties from AlarmItem in textboxes

Dim obAlarmItems As AlarmItems
Dim obAlar As Alarm

Set obAlarm = thisProject.Alarm

Set obAlarmItems = obAlarm.AlarmItems (*)
txtComputer.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Computer
txtCountreactivated.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Countreactivated
txtName.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ). Name
txtProjectname.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Projectname
txtStatus.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Status
txtStatusreactivated.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex
txtTagname.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Tagname
txtTimecomes.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Timecomes
txtTimegoes.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Timegoes
txtTimequitted.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Timequitted
txtTimereactivated.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Timereactivated
txtUser.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).User
txtUsertext.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Usertext
txtValue.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).Value

Macro list

tbGroup.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).AlarmGroup

tbClass.Text = obAlarmItems.Item ( cmbAlarmItems.ListIndex ).AlarmClass
End Sub

4.8.8 Set switch (working with process variables)

In this example we draw a pump consisting of a circle and a triangle. Define the triangle as a symbol. On
top draw a multibinary element and link it to three bit marker variables.

Additionally define, which color the triangle should get, if the values of the variables change.

First we combine the multibinary element with a macro, which opens a form frmSwitch.

In the form frmSwitch we will be able to change the values of the three bit marker variables.

Only one of the three variables may have the value 1. (i.e. if one variable is set to 1, the
other two have to be set to 0)

To be able to use this macro several times in project with different variables, you only may link bit
marker variables ti the multibinary element, which contail in their names, which status of the pump they

for example:

Macro list

The suffixes _Auto, _Hand and _Revi are fixly defined in the source code of the example.

With this five characters suffix of the variable names it is defined, which variable is set to 1 and which is
set to 0 on clicking a toggle button.

In the macro LeftClickUp_Switch a sub program FindVariable is called in the form frmSwitch, which gets
the clicked element obElem.
Public Sub LeftClickUp_Schalter (obElem As Element)
frmSchalter.FindVariable obElem
position (pixel to points = (pixel * 0.75))
frmSchalter.Top = obElem.Bottom * 0.75
frmSchalter.Left = obElem.Left * 0.75
End Sub

Module global variable declaration:

Dim cmdLast As ToggleSchaltfläche
Dim strHand As String
Dim strAuto As String
Dim strRevi As String
In the sub program FindVariable all variables linked to the passed element are checked.

Depending on the suffix (_Auto, _Hand or _Revi) the variable names are assigned to the string variables
declared above.

Additionally the status of the variables is determined and depending on the value (1 or 0) the according
toggle button is pressed or not.

On opening the form frmSwitch the name of the currently pressed toggle button is written to a string
variable. For the case, that the user decides to cancel his action, the original values are reset.
Public Sub FindVariable (obElem As Element)
Dim i As Integer
Dim obVariable As Variable

For i = 0 To obElem . CountVariable - 1

Select Case Right $( obElem . ItemVariable ( i ). Name , 5 )
Case _ Auto
strAuto = obElem . ItemVariable ( i ). Name

Case _ Hand
strHand = obElem . ItemVariable ( i ). Name

Macro list

Case _ Revi
strRevi = obElem . ItemVariable ( i ). Name
End Select
Next i

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item ( strHand )

If obVariable . Value = 1 Then
tbHand . Value = True
Set cmdLast = tbHand
End If

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item ( strAuto )

If obVariable . Value = 1 Then
tbAuto . Value = True
Set cmdLast = tbAuto
End If

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item ( strRevi )

If obVariable . Value = 1 Then
tbRev . Value = True
Set cmdLast = tbRev
End If

If tbHand . Value = False And tbAuto . Value = False And tbRev . Value = False Then
tbOff . Value = True
Set cmdLast = tbOff
End If
End Sub

The self-created function VarExists only checks, whether the linked variables really exist. If this is not the
case, an error message is displayed. Variable doesn't exist.
Function VarExists ()

Dim obVariable As Variable

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item (strHand)

If obVariable Is Nothing Then

MsgBox (Variable doesnt extist)
VarExitsts = False
Exit Function
End If

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item (strAuto)

If obVariable Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ( Variable doesnt extist )
VarExitsts = False
Exit Function


End If

Set obVariable = thisProject . Variables . Item (strRev)

If obVariable Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ( Variable doesnt extist )
VarExitsts = False
Exit Function
End If

VarExists = True
End Function

If the user clicks Cancel, the value change is undone and the original status is reset.
Private Sub cmdExit _ Click ()
cmdLast.Value = True
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOk _ Click ()

Unload Me
End Sub

If one toggle button is pressed, no other toggle button may be pressed.

Private Sub tbAuto_Change ()
If tbAuto . Value = False And tbHand.Value = False And tbRev . Value = False Then
tbOff . Value = True
End Sub

In the click event of every toggle button it is checked, whether it is pressed and whether the variable
exists. If both conditions are true, the values are sent to the linked variables.

With Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA), the functionality of zenon Runtime and the Editor
can be enhanced independently by means of .NET programming.

Note that in VSTA, only assemblies (DLLs) up to a maximum of .NET framework version
3.5 can be included.

VSTA is also, with a few restrictions, available on the zenon Web Client.

VSTA provides separate development environments for Workspace and project. You can only use one of
them at a time. At the start every other VSTA development environment which is open will be close.


To open the VSTA Editor for the workspace:

1. Press the short cut Alt+F10.
The code for the workspace and all loaded projects is displayed.

To open the VSTA Editor for the currently loaded project:

1. Navigate to the Programming interfaces node
2. Expand the view of this node by clicking on [+].
The view of the node is expanded.
3. Right-click on VSTA
In the context menu, select Open VSTA editor with ProjectAddin.
The editor is opened for the currently-loaded project.

If VBA macros are changed in the Editor,
 the Runtime files are compiled and transferred to the Runtime
 the Runtime is reloaded
 VSTA elements are also reloaded even if no changes were made in VSTA

5.1 Basics

VSTA is a Microsoft tool set that is based on .NET technology. It is necessary to have basic knowledge of
object-orientated programming, .NET and C#/Visual Basic.NET to understand it.

Note in Runtime: Referenced dlls cannot be replaced if they are loaded. Runtime must be
ended in order for a reference file to be updated.

5.1.1 Setting up the VSTA environment

Support for VSTA is already activated as standard in zenon. When deactivating VBA support, the VSTA
environment is also not available any more.

The VSTA environment can be activated or deactivated manually with the following entry in zenon6.ini:


Activate VSTA Deactivate VSTA


ON=1 ON=0

Support for VBA is activated or deactivated as follows:

Activate VBA Deactivate VBA



After this, the development environment for VSTA in zenon is available.

VSTA allows the development of projects in the programming languages C# and Visual
Basic.NET. C# is envisaged as the standard language for VSTA projects in the Editor. The
language can be changed to Visual Basic.NET with the following entry:

5.1.2 Access to the object model in zenon

The zenon that is also used in VBA can be accessed in VSTA. The object model offers the same
functionality in both development environments.

Some changes to the object model have been made due to limitations in naming VSTA
objects. You can find these in the table below


Old property New property

IDriver.Name IDriver.Identification
IDriver.Driver IDriver.Name

Old event New event

IApplication.Close IApplication.OnClose
IZenWorkspace.Startup IZenWorkspace.OnStartup
IZenWorkspace.Exit IZenWorkspace.OnExit

Access is VSTA is enabled via the this object and the replaces the MyWorkspace object in VBA. The
following methods and objects are identical. In the following method, a template with the name
"TemplateName" is created in zenon.
public void Macro1()
this.ActiveDocument.Templates().Create("TemplateName", true);

In contrast to VBA, capitalization and brackets after function names are important in

To access the methods in zenon, the project must be saved and compiled using via the following steps:
1. Click on File -> Save MyWorkspace.cs to save the project.
2. Click on File -> Build WorkspaceAddin to compile the project.

After this, the method is available as a macro in the VBA macro toolbar in the zenon editor. If the macro
assignment dialog does not list all macros from MyWorkspace, the function 'Reload list of VBA macros'
has to be executed from the toolbar.

VSTA macros with parameters, e.g. Public void MacroWithParam(string
mString), are not supported and also not made available in the macro toolbar.


5.1.3 Functions in zenon

For VSTA, functions were created in zenon. These are in the VSTA node.

At the same time as existing VBA functions, similar functions were implemented for VSTA:
Function name Description
Open VSTA editor opens the VSTA editor in Runtime
Execute VSTA macro A VSTA macro can be selected in the editor, which is started
when executing the function in Runtime.
VSTA macros with parameters, e.g. Public void
MacroWithParam(string mString), are not supported.
They are neither offered at the engineering in the Editor nor at
the start of the function in the Runtime.

Show VSTA macro dialog A dialog is shown in Runtime, in which existing VSTA macros
are shown and can be selected and executed


Execute VSTA macro

Dialog for configuration of the Execute VSTA macro function.

Parameters Description
Existing macros
List of VSTA macros Lists all existing VSTA macro.
Selection of a macro from the list by clicking on it.

A double click executes the selected macro.

None selected Discards the selection and closes the dialog.
OK Executes selected macro and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards the selection and closes the dialog.
Help Opens online help.

5.1.4 Debugging a VSTA add-in

It is possible to debug add-ins you have written yourself with the VSTA Editor. In doing so, note that
project add ins can only be debugged in zenon Runtime and workspace add-ins can only be debugged in
zenon Editor.

A debug session is started via the Debug - Start Debugging menu. You can place breakpoints in the same
way as the VBA editor, by left clicking in the gray breakpoint toolbar at the left margin next to the
respective cell.


When debugging Runtime add-ins consider:
The Runtime files changed in zenon must be newly created before debugging.

5.1.5 Events in VSTA

Because an add-in is terminated when compiling amended code, starting a debug session or ending a
debug session, corresponding events were implemented in VSTA. These enable, for example, an object
reference to be evaluated and approved and existing data to be saved.

Two events exist for each termination. The first event is started shortly before termination, the second
after the start of a new add-in session.
Event Description
OnPreVSTADebugStart Is triggered shortly before a debug session is started.
When starting, an active add-in is removed, references
must be approved and existing data must be saved if
OnVSTADebugStart Is triggered shortly after a debug session is started.
OnPreVSTADebugStop Is triggered shortly before a debug session is stopped.
When stopping a debug session, an active add-in is
removed, references must be approved and existing data
must be saved if necessary.
OnVSTADebugStopped Is triggered shortly after a debug session is stopped.
OnPreVSTAUpdate Is triggered before the add-in is removed if a new version
of the add-in was successfully created.
OnPostVSTAUpdate Is triggered when a new version of the add-in is loaded.

5.1.6 Creating a backup of VSTA projects

VSTA projects in Runtime are automatically zipped when creating the Runtime file and included in
workspace saves.


VSTA projects in the editor must be saved manually however.

You can find the VSTA Editor projects in the folder

5.2 Creating a VSTA project

Similar to VBA, there is the possibility in VSTA to create projects (enhancements) for both the Editor and
Runtime. In principle, projects in the editor are implemented in the C# programming language. For
Runtime and Editor, both C# and Visual Basic.NET are available.

Note that in VSTA, only assemblies (DLLs) up to a maximum of .NET framework version
3.5 can be included.

Only one project can be displayed at a time in the VSTA editor. In addition, only one
instance of the VSTA editors can be active. When starting the VSTA editor, any instance
that may already be running is closed.

5.2.1 VSTA projects in the editor

When creating a project for the zenon editor, a VSTA add-in for the workspace is loaded. To edit the
add-in, the VSTA editor must be opened via File - Open VSTA editor.... The user interface of the VSTA
editor is identical to Microsoft's Visual Studio development environment.

VSTA editor help can be accessed via the Help / Contents menu. This help gives an
overview of the editor's functions, the features of the .NET framework and programming
in Visual Basic.NET and C#.

The VSTA add-in basically consists of the MyWorkspace class. This class can now be expanded with your
own methods. The class accommodates the following two methods by default:
Function Description
MyWorkspace_Startup Is executed automatically when starting zenon, after a
build has been created and when a debug session is



MyWorkspace_Shutdown Is executed automatically when starting zenon, after a

build has been created and when a debug session is

The method names may only start with Macro (for example Macro1, MacroVSTA) may
not contain parameters and must be defined as Public . In addition, the class names
and other methods and events created by VSTA may not be changed.

To access the methods in zenon, the project must be saved and compiled using via the following steps:
1. Click on File -> Save MyWorkspace.cs to save the project.
2. Click on File -> Build WorkspaceAddin to compile the project.

After this, the method is available as a macro in the VBA macro toolbar in the zenon editor. If the macro
assignment dialog does not list all macros from MyWorkspace, the function 'Reload list of VBA macros'
has to be executed from the toolbar.

5.2.2 VSTA projects in Runtime

To create a VSTA project for Runtime, the VSTA environment must be started.
Proceed in the following way:
1. Open the node Programming interface in the project manager.
2. Open the VSTA context menu.
3. Click on Open VSTA editor...
Note: A selection dialog is shown when it is opened for the first time. You select the
programming language in this.
A project is created in the desired programming language.

The programming language cannot be subsequently changed. This dialog is therefore
only shown when being opened for the first time.

In this project, a class named ThisProject is created by zenon, which accommodates the following
two methods:


Function Description
ThisProject_Startup Is executed automatically when Runtime is started

ThisProject_Shutdown Is executed automatically when Runtime is ended

The class can now be expanded with your own methods.

The method names may only start with Macro (for example Macro1, MacroVSTA) may
not contain parameters and must be defined as Public . In addition, the class names
and other methods and events created by VSTA may not be changed.

There is access to all Runtime functionalities via the zenon object model. Editor-specific functions
cannot be used, as in VBA.

zenon Runtime is automatically started when the debugger is started. Further information can be found
in the chapter on debugging a VSTA add-in (on page 89).

VSTA editor help can be accessed via the Help / Contents menu. This help gives an
overview of the editor's functions, the features of the .NET framework and programming
in Visual Basic.NET and C#.

5.2.3 Developing wizards in VSTA

The VSTA environment, like VBA (on page 60), offers the possibility to develop your own wizards.

To be able to access a form in the zenon object model, a reference to this must be copied to the form.
To do this, a method is created in the MyWorkspace class. In the following example example, a form is
instanced with the name wizard and the method ZenonInstance with a reference to the zenon
object model is called as a parameter. The wizard form is shown by selecting ShowDialog().
public void Macro1()
Form1 Wizard = new Form1();

A member variable must be created in the form code, which recognizes the zenon object model.
public zenOn.IApplication m_Zenon=null;


Lastly, the ZenonInstance method is created. This methods takes the object model reference and
places it in the m_Zenon object.
public void ZenonInstance(zenOn.IApplication app)
m_Zenon = app;

Now, your own classes and methods can be developed in the form, which make use of the object model.
All methods, objects and attributes are available via the m_Zenon object.

5.3 Examples

Here you find some examples of VSTA being used, both in Runtime and in the editor.

5.3.1 Creating variables in the zenon editor

In this example, a text file is opened and the contents of this are used to create variables in the zenon
editor. The text file contains any desired number of lines. Each line includes the name and data type of a
variable; these are separated by a comma (example: Variable1,BOOL).

The Macro1 method first looks for the internal driver in the zenon editor. After this, the user is shown a
file selection dialog in which he must select the text file. The method then reads the text file and creates
the variables. The GetDataType method is then required to determine and assign the attendant data
type when creating the variables.

C# code
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using zenOn;

namespace WorkspaceAddin
[System.AddIn.AddIn("MyWorkspace", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Descripti
on = "")]
public partial class MyWorkspace
private void MyWorkspace_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void MyWorkspace_Shutdown(object sender, EventArgs e)
public IVarType GetDataType(string vType)
//gets the corresponding vartypes for bool, int, real and strings
IVarType retType;
switch (vType)
case "BOOL":
retType = this.ActiveDocument.VarTypes().Item("BOOL");
case "INT":
retType = this.ActiveDocument.VarTypes().Item("INT");
case "REAL":
retType = this.ActiveDocument.VarTypes().Item("REAL");
case "STRING":
retType = this.ActiveDocument.VarTypes().Item("STRING");
retType = this.ActiveDocument.VarTypes().Item("INT");
return retType;

//Reads a defined text file and creates corresponding variables on the ze

non internal driver
public void MacroCreateVariablesFromFile()

//create objects that will take the internal driver and the variable
IDriver zenonInternDriver = null;
//search for the Internal driver and throw exception if no driver was


for (int driverCount = 0; driverCount < this.ActiveDocument.Drive
rs().Count; driverCount++)
if (this.ActiveDocument.Drivers().Item(driverCount).Name == "
zenonInternDriver = this.ActiveDocument.Drivers().Item(dr
catch (Exception driverEx)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find zenon 'Intern' driver. Error: " +
OpenFileDialog varFileSelect = new OpenFileDialog();
String[] varLine = new String[2];

//show file dialog

if (varFileSelect.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
string line = string.Empty;
//open new stream reader with selected file
StreamReader importReader = new StreamReader(varFileSelect.Fi
leName, System.Text.Encoding.Default);

//read in line by line, split the lines when a ',' occurs and
create variables
while ((line = importReader.ReadLine()) != null)
varLine = line.Split(new Char[] { ',' });


this.ActiveDocument.Variables().CreateVar(varLine[0], zen
onInternDriver, tpKanaltypes.tpSystemVariable, GetDataType(varLine[1]));
catch (Exception fileEx)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while opening the file: " + fi
#region VSTA generated code
private void InternalStartup()
this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(MyWorkspace_Startup);
this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(MyWorkspace_Shutdown);

5.3.2 Writing project information in the zenon output window

In this example, it is demonstrated how the output window of the zenon editors can be accessed using
VSTA. The method named Macro1 reads out the process screens created in the project for this, identifies
the respective template and identifies all drivers available as well as their labels.

C# code
using System;

namespace WorkspaceAddin
[System.AddIn.AddIn("MyWorkspace", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Descripti
on = "")]


public partial class MyWorkspace

private void MyWorkspace_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void MyWorkspace_Shutdown(object sender, EventArgs e)


public void MacroPrintDebugInformation()

string picName = string.Empty;
string corTemp = string.Empty;
string driverName = string.Empty;
string driverDescription = string.Empty;

//print start string into output window

this.Application.DebugPrint(" --------------START--------------", zen


//go through all pictures and print name and used template into outpu
t window

for (int i = 0; i < this.ActiveDocument.DynPictures().Count; i++)

picName = this.ActiveDocument.DynPictures().Item(i).Name;
corTemp = this.ActiveDocument.DynPictures().Item(i).get_DynProper
this.Application.DebugPrint(" Picture '" + picName + "' uses Temp
late '" + corTemp + "'", zenOn.tpDebugPrintStyle.tpMsg);

//print separator string into output window

this.Application.DebugPrint(" ------------------------------", zenOn.



//go through all drivers and print name and description into output w

for (int i = 0; i < this.ActiveDocument.Drivers().Count; i++)

driverName = this.ActiveDocument.Drivers().Item(i).Name;
driverDescription = this.ActiveDocument.Drivers().Item(i).Identif
this.Application.DebugPrint(" Driver '" + driverName + "' has des
cription '" + driverDescription + "'", zenOn.tpDebugPrintStyle.tpMsg);
//print end string into output window
this.Application.DebugPrint(" ---------------END---------------", zen

#region VSTA generated code

private void InternalStartup()

this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(MyWorkspace_Startup);
this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(MyWorkspace_Shutdown);

5.3.3 Reading in of variables in zenon via regular expressions

In the following example, zenon variables are read out in a Runtime project and saved in a local text file.

Using regular expressions, variables are only read if their names start with 3 figures and a subsequent
underscore (for example "001_var" or "234_xyz"). The user is then requested to select a folder. A text
file with a time-dependent file name is created in this folder. In this file, name, labeling and current
value of all applicable variables is saved separately with a semi colon.


It is possible that manual references may have to be added to execute the example in
zenon Runtime. To do this, open the context menu in the Project Explorer and click on
Add Reference...
The references required in this example are:
 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v9.0

 System

 System.AddIn

 System.Data

 System.Windows.Forms

 System.Xml

 zenonVSTAProxy6500

C# code
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ProjectAddin
[System.AddIn.AddIn("ThisProject", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Descripti
on = "")]
public partial class ThisProject
private void ThisProject_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ThisProject_Shutdown(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void MacroGetFilteredVariables()
string filename = string.Empty;
string name = string.Empty;
string description = string.Empty;
string value = string.Empty;


//define regular expression pattern

Regex match = new Regex("^([0-9]){3}[_]");
filename = FolderSelection("Select place to store the variable in

//create stream writer to the .txt file

StreamWriter matchedVariables = new StreamWriter(filename, true);
//run through all variables in zenon
for (int i = 0; i < this.Variables().Count; i++)
//if name of the variable matches the pattern, get name, tag
name and current value
if (match.IsMatch(this.Variables().Item(i).Name))
name = this.Variables().Item(i).Name;
description = this.Variables().Item(i).Tagname;
value = this.Variables().Item(i).get_Value(0).ToString();
//write information to the .txt file
matchedVariables.WriteLine(name + ";" + description + ";"
+ value);
//close stream
catch (Exception ex)

MessageBox.Show("An error occured -> " + ex.Message);

private string FolderSelection(String caption)
string selectedPath = string.Empty;
//create a dialog for selecting the output folder


FolderBrowserDialog folderSelect = new FolderBrowserDialog();

folderSelect.Description = caption;
if (folderSelect.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
//if selection was valid, get the current date, put it to fil
e date format
//then create a txt file with the name "zenonVar" and the cor
responding date
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
selectedPath = folderSelect.SelectedPath + "\\zenonVar" + cur
rentTime.ToFileTime() + ".txt";
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
return selectedPath;
#region VSTA generated code
private void InternalStartup()
this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(ThisProject_Startup);
this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(ThisProject_Shutdown);

Process Control Engine (PCE)

6. Process Control Engine (PCE)

Starting from version 7.20, PCE will not be supported anymore and it will not be shown in
the module tree of zenon anymore. While converting projects from versions lower than
7.20, which contain PCE tasks, the node PCE will be shown for these projects again. PCE
will not further be developed and documented.
Please use zenon Logic instead of PCE

6.1 The PCE Editor

The PCE can be found in the Project Manager in the entry Programming interfaces. The PCE Editor is
opened with the entry Open PCE Editor in the context menu.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

6.1.1 The Taskmanager

The Taskmanager of the PCE Editor lists the existing tasks and the linked variables.

A doubleclick on a task opens it in the editing area. With the right mouse button the context menu of a
task can be opened.

The context menu of a task has four entries:

Parameters Description
Task properties... Opens the properties dialog of the task.
Task variables... Opens the variable selection. So you can add new variables to the task.
Delete task Deletes the task without any further query.
Compile tasks Compiles the task.

6.1.2 The editing area

In the editing area of the PCE Editor the code of the tasks is entered in VB Script or Java Script.

6.1.3 The output window

Process Control Engine (PCE)

6.1.4 The menus of the PCE Editor

Menu File

The menu File includes the following commands:

Parameters Description
Save Saves new or changed tasks.
Print Prints the current task.
Close Closes the PCE Editor.

Menu Edit

The menu Edit includes the following commands:

Parameter Description
Undo Undoes the last executed action.
Redo Repeats the last executed action.
Cut Moves a text to the Windows Clipboard.
Copy Copies a text to the Windows Clipboard.
Paste Pastes a text from the Windows Clipboard.

Select all Selects the entire text of the task.

Find Searches for a text in the current task.
Find next Goes to the next place of finding.
Find previous Goes to the previous place of finding.
Replace... Replaces a text in the task by another.
Bookmarks Administration of bookmarks in the code of the task.
- set bookmark Sets a bookmark at the selected line in the code.
- next bookmark Goes to the next bookmark in the code.
- previous bookmark Goes to the previous bookmark in the code.
- delete all bookmarks Deletes all bookmarks in the code.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Menu Run

The menu Run includes the following commands:

Save and restart all tasks

Compile tasks Compiles the task.

Menu View

The menu View includes the following commands:

Parameters Description
Options Opens the settings dialog of the PCE Editor.
Task manager Opens/closes the Taskmanager window.
Output Opens/closes the Output window.
Status Bar Opens/closes the status bar.

Menu Window

The menu Window includes the following commands:




Align symbols

List of the last open windows

Menu help

The menu Help includes the following commands:

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Command Action
Help Opens online help.
Info about… Opens a window with information on zenon:
 Serial Number
 Activation number
 Licensed tags/IOs
 Licensed module
A slider can be used for navigation in the information window. Clicking in the
window or pressing the Esc key closes the info window.

6.1.5 The icon bar of the PCE Editor

The most important commands of the PCE Editor can also be executed with the icons of the icon bar.

The following icons are available:

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Parameters Description
Close Closes the PCE Editor.
Save all Saves new or changed tasks.
Print active screen Prints the current task.
Cut Moves a text to the Windows Clipboard.
Copy Copies a text to the Windows Clipboard.
Paste Pastes a text from the Windows Clipboard.
Undo Undoes the last executed action.
Redo Repeats the last executed action.
Find Searches for a text in the current task.
Find next Goes to the next place of finding.
Find previous Goes to the previous place of finding.
Replace... Replaces a text in the task by another.
Save and restart

Start debugger

Next bookmark Goes to the next bookmark in the code.

Set bookmark Sets a bookmark at the selected line in the code.
Previous bookmark Goes to the previous bookmark in the code.
Delete all bookmarks Deletes all bookmarks in the code.

6.2 Course of actions

6.2.1 Creating a task

With the context menu of the Taskmanager a new task can be created.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Properties of the task

After creating the task the properties dialog of the new task opens automatically.

The following properties can be defined:

Parameters Description
Name Unique name of the task.
Type Tasks can be executed cyclic or once.
Cyclic: the task is executed cyclically in the interval defined under limit of time
Once: the task is executed one single time.
Priority Process priorities for operating system multithreading (idle, low, normal, high,
highest, time critical).
Default: Normal
main process: the task runs in the same thread as Runtime. If the task gets into
a waiting loop or crashes, that also influences the Runtime.
Script file Selection of the script file: VB-Files (*.vbs) for VB Script or JS-Files (*.js) for Java
The according file is created, when the task is opened in the editing area for the
first time.
Start type System start : automatically started with Runtime. (This is the only way to use
the PCE under Windows CE, as Windows CE does not support VBA.)
event triggered: the task is started in a VBA macro with the statement
Cycle time to reach For cyclic tasks the interval in milliseconds that should be achieved.
If this cycle time is not achieved, the task is executed as fast as possible.

For a later change of the properties this dialog can also be opened with the context menu of the task
and the entry Task Properties….

Variables of the task

After defining the properties the variable selection dialog is automatically opened. Here the variables
that should be processed in the task are selected.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

All variables that are read or written in the task should be linked here. There is also the possibility to
access the variables via the variables object, but only the variables directly linked to the task are
automatically updated when initializing the task before execution.

The variables must have the following syntax:

Task.Value('Variable name')=123

For a later change of the variable selection this dialog can also be opened with the context menu of the
task and the entry Task Variables….

6.2.2 Entering code

Double-clicking the task in the Taskmanager opens it in the editing area. If the task is opened for the first
time, the according VBS or JS file is created now.

Four procedures are automatically created:

Parameters Description
Task_Init() This procedure is automatically executed when starting the task.
Task_Main() This procedure is either executed once (type once) or cyclically (type
Task_Exit() This procedure is automatically executed when stopping the task.
Task_Timer(lTimerId) This procedure is executed cyclically, as long as the according time is
running. The cycle time is defined as a parameter with the starting of the

Generally speaking the PCE uses the same object model as VBA (see VBA Tutorials). When using VBA
objects (except the object Task) multithreading is lost, because these objects only can be accessed from
the main thread.

Not all funtions of the COM interface are multithread-able and therefore can only be
used in a main tread context. If a different property than "in the main process" is set as
PCE task, there must not be any access from the PCE to the main thread. In case there is
an access to the COM interface nevertheless, this can lead to undefined system states,
e.g. a Runtime freeze.

Of special importance are the collection Tasks and the object Task.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

The collection Tasks


Process Control Engine (PCE)

The object Task

ActualCycleTime Property Currently achieved cycle time of the task

CountVariable Property Number of variables linked to the task
CycleTime Property Defined cycle time of the task
DynProperties Property
ErrorNumber Property
ErrorString Property
Exit Event
On init Event
ItemVariable Method
Main Event
MemValue Property With "Task.MemValue("Name")=value" an internal variable is
created and a value is assigned to it. There is no need to declare
the variable before.
This variable can also be accessed from other tasks. So it allows
the exchange of values between tasks.
Name Property Name of the current task
Parent Property The collection Tasks
Priority Property Priority of the current task
Run Method Starts a task
Sleep Method Holds a task
StartTimer Method The method "StartTimer" starts a timer of the task.
Status Property
Stop Method Stops a task
StopTimer Method The method "StopTimer" stops a timer of the task.
Timer Event
Type Property
Value Property With "Task.Value("name of linked variable")=value" a variable of
the project can get a new value.

6.2.3 Function Show PCE

With the zenon function Show PCE the PCE Editor can be opened from the Runtime.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

6.2.4 Executing tasks

Tasks can be executed when the system is started or can be event-triggered.

Executing tasks with system start

If in the configuration of the task the Start type is set to System start , the task is automatically
started with the Runtime.

This is the only way to use the PCE under Windows CE, as Windows CE does not support VBA.

Executing tasks event triggered

On a PC

A task can also be started event triggered. In this case the Start type has to be set to Event driven . Now
the task is no longer automatically started with the Runtime.

A VBA macro has to be created in order to execute a task by pressing a button, by a limit value violation
or any other event. With the following VBA statement the task can be started:
The task is automatically started in an own thread if in the configuration Priority Main process has not
been set.

With the following VBA statement the task can be stopped at any time:

To execute a task more than once, it must also be explicitly stopped after it has ended, so that it
can be restarted.
Instruction: thisProject.Tasks.Item(Taskname).Stop
It can be restarted after being stopped properly.

On a CE terminal

As Windows CE does not support VBA, the procedure for execution on a PC is not possible on a CE
terminal. But there is a possibility to execute tasks event triggered also here.

A task with the Start type System start is created. This task is automatically started with the Runtime.
And this task gets the Priority Main process so that it runs in the same thread as the Runtime. Now bit
variables are linked to that task, then will execute other tasks event triggered. With the following
statement the task can be started: Parent.Item(Taskname).Run

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Now the task is automatically started in an own Thread if in the configuration the Priority Main process
has not been set.

With the following statement the task can be stopped at any time: Parent.Item("Taskname").Stop

6.3 VB Script - Introduction

6.3.1 Data types


VBScript has only one data type called a Variant. A Variant is a special kind of data type that can contain
different kinds of information, depending on how it is used. Because Variant is the only data type in
VBScript, it is also the data type returned by all functions in VBScript.

At its simplest, a Variant can contain either numeric or string information. A Variant behaves as a
number when you use it in a numeric context and as a string when you use it in a string context. That is,
if you are working with data that looks like numbers, VBScript assumes that it is numbers and does what
is most appropriate for numbers. You can always make numbers behave as strings by enclosing them in
quotation marks (" "). If you work with data that only can be interpreted as strings, VBScript will
interpret them as strings.

Variant Subtypes

Beyond the simple numeric or string classifications, a Variant can make further distinctions about the
specific nature of numeric information. For example, you can have numeric information that represents
a date or a time. When used with other date or time data, the result is always expressed as a date or a
time. You can also have a rich variety of numeric information ranging in size from Boolean values to
huge floating-point numbers. These different categories of information which can be contained in a
Variant are called subtypes . Most of the time, you can just put the kind of data you want in a Variant ,
and the Variant behaves in a way that is most appropriate for the data it contains.

The following summary shows subtypes of data that a Variant can contain.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Subtype Meaning
Empty Variant is uninitialized. Value is 0 for numeric variables or a zero-length string ("") for
string variables.
Null Variant intentionally contains no valid data.
Boolean Contains either TRUE or FALSE.
Byte Contains integer in the range 0 to 255.
Integer Contains integer in the range -32,768 to 32,767.
Currency -922,337,203,685,477.5808 bis 922,337,203,685,477.5807.
Long Contains integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Single Contains a single-precision, floating-point number in the range -3.402823E38 to
-1.401298E-45 for negative values; 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values.
Double Contains a double-precision, floating-point number in the range -1.79769313486232E308
to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841247E-324 to
1.79769313486232E308 for positive values.
Date (Time) Contains a number that represents a date between January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999.
String Contains a variable-length string that can be up to approximately 2 billion characters in
Object Contains an object.
Error Contains an error number.

6.3.2 Variables

A variable is a convenient placeholder that refers to a computer memory location where you can store
program information that may change during the time your script is running. For example, you might
create a variable called ClickCount to store the number of times a user clicks an object on a particular
Web page. Where the variable is stored in computer memory is unimportant. What is important is that
you only have to refer to a variable by name to see or change its value. In VBScript, variables are always
of one fundamental data type, Variant.

Declaring Variables

You declare variables explicitly in your script using the Dim statement, the Public statement, and the
Private statement. Example:
Dim DegreesFahrenheit

You declare multiple variables by separating each variable name with a comma. Example:

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Dim Top, Bottom, Left, Right

Limitations for names

Variable names follow the standard rules for naming anything in VBScript. A variable name:
 Must begin with an alphabetic character.
 Cannot contain an embedded period.
 Must not exceed 255 characters.
 Must be unique in the scope in which it is declared.

Scope and Lifetime of Variables

When you declare a variable within a procedure, only code within that procedure can access or change
the value of that variable. It has local scope and is a procedure-level variable.

If you declare a variable outside a procedure, you make it recognizable to all the procedures in your
script. This is a script-level variable, and it has script-level scope.

The lifetime of a variable depends on how long it exists. The lifetime of a script-level variable extends
from the time it is declared until the time the script is finished running. At procedure level, a variable
exists only as long as you are in the procedure. When the procedure exits, the variable is destroyed.

Local variables are ideal as temporary storage space when a procedure is executing. You can have local
variables of the same name in several different procedures because each is recognized only by the
procedure in which it is declared.

Assigning Values to Variables

Values are assigned to variables creating an expression as follows: the variable is on the left side of the
expression and the value you want to assign to the variable is on the right. Example:
B = 200

Scalar Variables and Array Variables

Much of the time, you only want to assign a single value to a variable you have declared. A variable
containing a single value is a scalar variable. Other times, it is convenient to assign more than one
related value to a single variable. Then you can create a variable that can contain a series of values. This

Process Control Engine (PCE)

is called an array variable. Array variables are declared nearly like scalar variables The only difference is,
that in the declaration brackets follow the names of array variables. In the following example, a
single-dimension array containing 11 elements is declared:
Dim A(10)

Although the number shown in the parentheses is 10, all arrays in VBScript are zero-based, so this array
actually contains 11 elements. In a zero-based array, the number of array elements is always the
number shown in parentheses plus one. This kind of array is called a fixed-size array.

You assign data to each of the elements of the array using an index into the array. Beginning at zero and
ending at 10, data can be assigned to the elements of an array as follows:
A(0) = 256
A(1) = 324
A(2) = 100
. . .
A(10) = 55

Similarly, the data can be retrieved from any element using an index into the particular array element
you want. Example:
. . .
SomeVariable = A(8)
. . .

Arrays aren't limited to a single dimension. You can have as many as 60 dimensions, although most
people can't comprehend more than three or four dimensions. You can declare multiple dimensions by
separating an array's size numbers in the parentheses with commas. In the following example, the
MyTable variable is a two-dimensional array consisting of 6 rows and 11 columns:
Dim MyTable(5, 10)

In a two-dimensional array, the first number is always the number of rows; the second number is the
number of columns.

You can also declare an array whose size changes during the time your script is running. This is called a
dynamic array. The array is initially declared within a procedure using either the Dim statement or using
the ReDim statement. However, for a dynamic array, no size or number of dimensions is placed inside
the parentheses. Example:
(Dim AnArray()
ReDim AnotherArray()

To use a dynamic array, you must subsequently use ReDim to determine the number of dimensions and
the size of each dimension. In the following example, ReDim sets the initial size of the dynamic array to
25. A subsequent ReDim statement resizes the array to 30, but uses the Preserve keyword to preserve
the contents of the array as the resizing takes place.
ReDim MyArray(25)
. . .

Process Control Engine (PCE)

ReDim Preserve MyArray(30)

6.3.3 Constants

A constant is a meaningful name that takes the place of a number or string and never changes. VBScript
defines a number of intrinsic constants . You can get information about these intrinsic constants from
the VBScript Language Reference.

You create user-defined constants in VBScript using the Const statement. So you can assign a
meaningful name to string or numerical constants. Then you can assign them literal values and use them
in a script. Example:
Const MyString = "This is a string."
Const MyAge = 49

Note that the string literal is enclosed in quotation marks (" "). Quotation marks are the most obvious
way to differentiate string values from numeric values. You represent Date literals and time literals by
enclosing them in number signs (#). Example:
Const CutoffDate = #6-1-97#

You may want to adopt a naming scheme to differentiate constants from variables. This will prevent you
from trying to reassign constant values while your script is running. For example, you might want to use
a "vb" or "con" prefix on your constant names, or you might name your constants in all capital letters.
Care that constants and variables can be distinguished. So you avoid problems when creating complex

6.3.4 Operators

VBScript has a full range of operators, including arithmetic operators, comparison operators,
concatenation operators, and logical operators.

Operator Precedence

If several operators appear in a statement, each part is evaluated and resolved in a pre-defined
sequence. This sequence is called operator precedence. You can use parentheses to override the order
of precedence and force some parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations within
parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses, however, standard
operator precedence is maintained.

When expressions contain operators from more than one category, arithmetic operators are evaluated
first, comparison operators are evaluated next, and logical operators are evaluated last. Comparison
operators all have equal precedence; that is, they are evaluated in the left-to-right order in which they
appear. Arithmetic and logical operators are evaluated in the following order of precedence.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Arithmetic Operators

Description Symbol

Exponentiation ^

Unary negation -

Multiplication *

Division /

Integer division /

Modulus arithmetic Mod

Addition +

Subtraction -

String concatenation

Comparison Operators

Description Symbol
Equality =
Inequality <>
Less than <
Greater than >
Less than or equal <=
Greater than or >=
equal to
Opject equivalence Is

Logical Operators

If several operators appear in a statement, each part is evaluated and resolved in a pre-defined
sequence. This sequence is called operator precedence. You can use parentheses to override the order
of precedence and force some parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations within

Process Control Engine (PCE)

parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses, however, standard
operator precedence is maintained.

When expressions contain operators from more than one category, arithmetic operators are evaluated
first, comparison operators are evaluated next, and logical operators are evaluated last. Comparison
operators all have equal precedence; that is, they are evaluated in the left-to-right order in which they
appear. Arithmetic and logical operators are evaluated in the following order of precedence.

6.3.5 Conditional Statements

You can control the flow of your script with conditional statements and looping statements. Using
conditional statements, you can write VBScript code that makes decisions and repeats actions.

Making Decisions Using If...Then...Else

The If...Then...Else statement is used to evaluate whether a condition is True or False and,
depending on the result, to specify one or more statements to run. Usually the condition is an
expression that uses a comparison operator to compare one value or variable with another. For
information about comparison operators, see Comparison Operators. If...Then...Else statements
can be nested to as many levels as you need.

Running Statements if a Condition is True

To run only one statement when a condition is True, use the single-line syntax for the
If...Then...Else statement. The following example shows the single-line syntax. Notice that this
example omits the Else keyword.
Sub FixDate()
Dim myDate
myDate = #2/13/95#
If myDate < Now Then myDate = Now
End Sub

To run more than one line of code, you must use the multiple-line (or block) syntax. This syntax includes
the End If statement, as shown in the following example:
Sub AlertUser(value)
If value = 0 Then
AlertLabel.ForeColor = vbRed
AlertLabel.Font.Bold = True
AlertLabel.Font.Italic = True
End If
End Sub

Process Control Engine (PCE)

To run only one statement when a condition is True, use the single-line syntax for the
If...Then...Else statement. The following example shows the single-line syntax. Notice that this
example omits the Else keyword.
Sub FixDate()
Dim myDate
myDate = #2/13/95#
If myDate < Now Then myDate = Now
End Sub

To run more than one line of code, you must use the multiple-line (or block) syntax. This syntax includes
the End If statement, as shown in the following example:
Sub AlertUser(value)
If value = 0 Then
AlertLabel.ForeColor = vbRed
AlertLabel.Font.Bold = True
AlertLabel.Font.Italic = True
End If
End Sub

Running Certain Statements if a Condition is True and Running Others if a Condition is False

You can use an If...Then...Else statement to define two blocks of executable statements: one
block to run if the condition is True, the other block to run if the condition is False.
Sub AlertUser(value)
If value = 0 Then
AlertLabel.ForeColor = vbRed
AlertLabel.Font.Bold = True
AlertLabel.Font.Italic = True
AlertLabel.Forecolor = vbBlack
AlertLabel.Font.Bold = False
AlertLabel.Font.Italic = False
End If
End Sub

Deciding Between Several Alternatives

A variation on the If...Then...Else statement allows you to choose from several alternatives.
Adding ElseIf clauses expands the functionality of the If...Then...Else statement so you can
control program flow based on different possibilities.
Sub ReportValue(value)
If value = 0 Then
MsgBox value

Process Control Engine (PCE)

ElseIf value = 1 Then

MsgBox value
ElseIf value = 2 then
Msgbox value
Msgbox Walue out of range!
End If

Making Decisions with Select Case

The Select Case structure provides an alternative to If...Then...ElseIf for selectively executing
one block of statements from among multiple blocks of statements. A Select Case statement provides
capability similar to the If...Then...Else statement, but it makes code more efficient and readable.

A Select Case structure works with a single test expression that is evaluated once, at the top of the
structure. The result of the expression is then compared with the values for each Case in the structure.
If there is a match, the block of statements associated with that Case is executed, as in the following
Select Case Document.Form1.CardType.Options(SelectedIndex).Text
Case MasterCard
Case Visa
Case American Express
Case Else
End Select

6.3.6 Looping Through Code

Looping allows you to run a group of statements repeatedly. Some loops repeat statements until a
condition is False; others repeat statements until a condition is True. There are also loops that repeat
statements a specific number of times.

The following looping statements are available in VBScript:

Parameters Description

Using Do loops (on page 123): Loops while or until a condition is True.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Using While...Wend (on page Loops while a condition is True.


Using For...Next (on page 125): Uses a counter to run statements a specified number of times.

Using For Each...Next (on page Repeats a group of statements for each item in a collection or each element of a

Using Do Loops

You can use Do...Loop statements to run a block of statements an indefinite number of times. The
statements are repeated either while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True.

Repeating Statements While a Condition is True

Use the While keyword to check a condition in a Do...Loop statement. You can check the condition
before you enter the loop (as shown in the following ChkFirstWhile example), or you can check it after
the loop has run at least once (as shown in the ChkLastWhile example). In the ChkFirstWhile procedure,
if myNum is set to 9 instead of 20, the statements inside the loop will never run. In the ChkLastWhile
procedure, the statements inside the loop run only once because the condition is already False.
Sub ChkFirstWhile()
Dim counter, myNum
counter = 0
myNum = 20
Do While myNum > 10
myNum = myNum - 1
counter = counter + 1
MsgBox 'The loop made ' & counter & ' repetitions.'
End Sub

Sub ChkLastWhile()
Dim counter, myNum
counter = 0
myNum = 9
myNum = myNum - 1
counter = counter + 1
Loop While myNum > 10

Process Control Engine (PCE)

MsgBox 'The loop made ' & counter & ' repetitions.'
End Sub

Repeating a Statement Until a Condition Becomes True

There are two ways to use the Until keyword to check a condition in a Do...Loop statement. You can
check the condition before you enter the loop (as shown in the following ChkFirstUntil example), or you
can check it after the loop has run at least once (as shown in the ChkLastUntil example). As long as the
condition is False, the looping occurs.
Sub ChkFirstUntil()
Dim counter, myNum
counter = 0
myNum = 20
Do Until myNum = 10
myNum = myNum - 1
counter = counter + 1
MsgBox 'The loop made ' & counter & ' repetitions.'
End Sub

Sub ChkLastUntil()
Dim counter, myNum
counter = 0
myNum = 1
myNum = myNum - 1
counter = counter + 1
Loop Until myNum = 10
MsgBox 'The loop made ' & counter & ' repetitions.'
End Sub

Exiting a Do...Loop Statement from Inside the Loop

You can exit a Do...Loop by using the Exit Do statement. Because you usually want to exit only in
certain situations, such as to avoid an endless loop, you should use the Exit Do statement in the True
statement block of an If...Then...Else statement. If the condition is False, the loop runs as usual.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

In the following example, myNum is assigned a value that creates an endless loop. The
If...Then...Else statement checks for this condition, preventing the endless repetition.
Sub ExitExample()
Dim counter, myNum
counter = 0
myNum = 9
Do Until myNum = 10
myNum = myNum - 1
counter = counter + 1
If myNum < 10 Then Exit Do
MsgBox 'The loop made ' & counter & ' repetitions.'
End Sub

Using While...Wend

The While...Wend statement is provided in VBScript for those who are familiar with its usage.
However, because of the lack of flexibility in While...Wend, it is recommended that you use
Do...Loop instead.

Using For...Next

You can use For...Next statements to run a block of statements a specific number of times. For loops,
use a counter variable whose value increases or decreases with each repetition of the loop.

The following example causes a procedure called MyProc to execute 50 times. The For statement
specifies the counter variable x and its start and end values. The Next statement increments the counter
variable by 1.
Sub DoMyProc50Times()
Dim x
For x = 1 To 50
End Sub

Using the Step keyword, you can increase or decrease the counter variable by the value you specify. In
the following example, the counter variable j is incremented by 2 each time the loop repeats. When the
loop is finished, the total is the sum of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
Sub DoMyProc50Times()
Dim x
For x = 1 To 50

Process Control Engine (PCE)

End Sub

To decrease the counter variable, use a negative Step value. You must specify an end value that is less
than the start value. In the following example, the counter variable myNum is decreased by 2 each time
the loop repeats. When the loop is finished, total is the sum of 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2.
Sub NewTotal()
Dim myNum, total
For myNum = 16 To 2 Step -2
total = total + myNum
MsgBox 'The total is ' & total
End Sub

Using For Each...Next

A For Each...Next loop is similar to a For...Next loop. Instead of repeating the statements a
specified number of times, a For Each...Next loop repeats a group of statements for each item in a
collection of objects or for each element of an array. This is especially helpful if you don't know how
many elements are in a collection.

In the following HTML code example, the contents of a Dictionary object is used to place text in
several text boxes.
<HEAD><TITLE>Formulare und Elemente</TITLE></HEAD>
Sub cmdChange_OnClick

Dim d 'Create a variable

Set d = CreateObject('Scripting.Dictionary')
d.Add '0', 'Athen' 'Add some keys and items

d.Add '1', 'Belgrad'

d.Add '2', 'Kairo'

For Each I in d

Document.frmForm.Elements(I).Value = D.Item(I)
End Sub

Process Control Engine (PCE)

<FORM NAME='frmForm'

<Input Type = 'Text'><p>

<Input Type = 'Text'><p>
<Input Type = 'Text'><p>
<Input Type = 'Text'><p>
<Input Type = 'Button' NAME='cmdChange' VALUE='Hierauf klicken'><p>

6.3.7 Types of procedures

Sub Procedures

A Sub procedure is a series of VBScript statements (enclosed by Sub and End Sub statements) that
perform actions but don't return a value. A Sub procedure can take arguments (constants, variables, or
expressions that are passed to it by a calling procedure). If a Sub procedure has no arguments, its Sub
statement must include an empty set of parentheses ().

The following Sub procedure uses two intrinsic, or built-in, VBScript functions, MsgBox and InputBox,
to prompt a user for information. It then displays the results of a calculation based on that information.
The calculation is performed in a Function procedure created using VBScript. The Function
procedure is shown after the following discussion.
Sub ConvertTemp()
temp = InputBox('Please enter the temperature in degrees F.', 1)
MsgBox 'The temperature is ' & Celsius(temp) & ' degrees C.'
End Sub

Function Procedures

Process Control Engine (PCE)

A Function procedure is a series of VBScript statements enclosed by the Function and End
Function statements. A Function procedure is similar to a Sub procedure, but can also return a
value. A Function procedure can take arguments (constants, variables, or expressions that are passed
to it by a calling procedure). If a Function procedure has no arguments, its Function statement must
include an empty set of parentheses. A Function returns a value by assigning a value to its name in
one or more statements of the procedure. The return type of a Function is always a Variant.

In the following example, the Celsius function calculates degrees Celsius from degrees Fahrenheit. When
the function is called from the ConvertTemp Sub procedure, a variable containing the argument value is
passed to the function. The result of the calculation is returned to the calling procedure and displayed in
a message box.
Sub ConvertTemp()
temp = InputBox('Please enter the temperature in degrees F.', 1)
MsgBox 'The temperature is ' & Celsius(temp) & ' degrees C.'
End Sub

Function Celsius(fDegrees)
Celsius = (fDegrees - 32) * 5 / 9
End Function

Getting data into or out of procedures

Each piece of data is passed into your procedures using an argument . Arguments serve as placeholders
for the data you want to pass into your procedure. When you create a procedure using either the Sub
statement or the Function statement, parentheses must be included after the name of the procedure.
Any arguments are placed inside these parentheses, separated by commas. For example, in the
following example, fDegrees is a placeholder for the value being passed into the Celsius function for
Function Celsius(fDegrees)
Celsius = (fDegrees - 32) * 5 / 9
End Function

Using Sub and Function Procedures in Code

A Function in your code must always be used on the right side of a variable assignment or in an

Temp = Celsius(fDegrees)

Process Control Engine (PCE)

MsgBox 'The temperature is ' & Celsius(temp) & ' degrees C.'

To call a Sub procedure from another procedure, type the name of the procedure along with values for
any required arguments, each separated by a comma. The Call statement is not required, but if you do
use it, you must enclose any arguments in parentheses.

The following example shows two calls to the MyProc procedure. In the one case the Call statement is
used in the code, in the other one it is not. Both calls have the same result.
Call MyProc(firstarg, secondarg)
MyProc firstarg, secondarg

6.3.8 Coding Conventions

Coding conventions are suggestions are designed to help you write code using Microsoft Visual Basic
Scripting Edition.

Coding conventions can include the following:

Naming conventions for objects, variables, and procedures
Commenting conventions
Text formatting and indenting guidelines

The main reason for using a consistent set of coding conventions is to standardize the structure and
coding style of a script or set of scripts so that you and others can easily read and understand the code.
Using good coding conventions results in clear, precise, and readable source code that is consistent with
other language conventions and is intuitive.

Constant Naming Conventions

Earlier versions of VBScript had no mechanism for creating user-defined constants. Constants, if used,
were implemented as variables and distinguished from other variables using all uppercase characters.
Multiple words were separated using the underscore (_) character.



Although this way of naming constants still works, you can use a different way of naming. You can create
real constants with the statement Const. This convention uses a mixed-case format in which constant
names have a "con" prefix.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

For example:


Variable Naming Conventions

To enhance readability and consistency, use the following summary with descriptive names for variables
in your VBScript code.
Subtype Prefix Example
Boolean bln blnFound
Byte byt bytRasterData
Date (Time) dtm dtmStart
Double dbl dblTolerance
Error err errOrderNum
Integer int intQuantity
Long lng lngDistance
Object obj objCurrent
Single sng sngAverage
String str strFirstName

Variable Scope

Variables should always be defined with the smallest scope possible. VBScript variables can have the
following scope.
Valid range Declaration Visibility
Procedure-level Event, Function, or Sub procedure. Visible in the procedure in which it is
Script-level HEAD section of an HTML page, outside Visible in every procedure in the script.
any procedure.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Variable Scope Prefixes

As script size grows, so does the value of being able to quickly differentiate the scope of variables. A
one-letter scope prefix preceding the type prefix provides this, without unduly increasing the size of
variable names.
Valid range Prefix Example
Procedure-level None dblVelocity
Script-level sec sblnCalcInProgress

Descriptive Variable and Procedure Names

In the core of a variable or procedure name also capitals should be used. The name should be long
enough to describe the use of the variable. In addition, procedure names should begin with a verb, such
as InitNameArray or CloseDialog.

For frequently used or long terms, standard abbreviations are recommended to help keep name length
reasonable. In general, variable names greater than 32 characters can be difficult to read. When using
abbreviations, make sure they are consistent throughout the entire script. For example, randomly
switching between Cnt and Count within a script or set of scripts may lead to confusion.

Object Naming Conventions

The following table lists recommended conventions for objects you may encounter while programming

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Object type Prefix Example

3D Panel pnl pnlGroup
Animated button ani aniMailBox
Check box chk chkReadOnly
Combo box, drop-down list box cbo cboEnglish
Command button cmd cmdExit
Common dialog dlg dlgFileOpen
Frame fra fraLanguage
Horizontal scroll bar hsb hsbVolume
Image img imgIcon
Label lbl lblHelpMessage
Line lin linVertical
List Box lst lstPolicyCodes
Spin spn spnPages
Text box txt txtLastName
Vertical scroll bar vsb vsbRate
Slider sld sldScale

Code Commenting Conventions

Each procedure should start with a short comment describing the purpose of the procedure. This
description should not go into implementation details (how operations are executed), because these
might change with the time. This could result in maintenance effort for the comments and - even worse
- wrong comments. The code itself and any necessary inline comments describe the implementation.

Arguments passed to a procedure should be described when their purpose is not obvious and when the
procedure expects the arguments to be in a specific range. Return values for functions and variables
that are changed by a procedure, especially through reference arguments, should also be described at
the beginning of each procedure.

Procedure header comments should include the following section headings. For examples, see the
"Formatting Your Code" section that follows.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Section Heading Comment

Purpose What the procedure does (not how).
Assumptions List of the procedure's effect on each external variable, control, or other
Effects List of the procedure's effect on each external variable, control, or other
Inputs Explanation of each argument that is not obvious. Each argument should
be on a separate line with inline comments.
Return Values Explanation of the value returned.

Remember the following points:

Every important variable declaration should include an inline comment describing the use of the variable
being declared.
Variables, controls, and procedures should be named clearly to ensure that inline comments are only needed
for complex implementation details.
At the beginning of your script, you should include an overview that describes the script, enumerating
objects, procedures, algorithms, dialog boxes, and other system dependencies. Sometimes a piece of
pseudocode describing the algorithm can be helpful.

Code formating

Screen space should be conserved as much as possible, while still allowing code formatting to reflect
logic structure and nesting. Here are a few suggestions:
 Indent standard nested blocks four spaces.
 Indent the overview comments of a procedure one space.
 The statements on the highest level, directly following the overview comment, should be
indented with four blanks. Each nested block should again be indented by four blanks.


The following code adheres to VB Script coding conventions.

 ' Purpose: Searches for the first appearance of the stated user in the data field UserList.
 Inputs: strUserList(): the list of users to be searched.
 strZielUser: the name of the user to search for.
 Return values: Index of the first appearance of strTargetUser in the data field strUserList.
If the target user is not found, return -1. -1.
Function intFindUser (strUserList(), strTargetUser)
Dim i ' Loop counter.

Process Control Engine (PCE)

Dim blnFound ' 'Target found' flag.

intFindUser = -1
i = 0 ' Initialize loop counter
Do While i <= Ubound(strUserList) and Not blnFound
If strUserList(i) = strTargetUser Then
blnFound = True ' Set flag to True
intFindUser = i ' Set return value to loop count
End If
i = i + 1 ' Increment loop counter
End Function


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