Axial Pin Connector
Axial Pin Connector
Axial Pin Connector
H. Birkholz
3 pins
4 pins
2.7 6 pins
8 pins
2.5 12 pins
0.1 0.125 0.1875 0.25 0.3125 0.35
Figure 2. Stress concentration factor for the shaft at various dS/dW ratios and n pins
For 8 and 12 pins, no meaningful geometry resulted for dS/dW > 0.25 or 0.1875 so that the stress
concentration factors could not be determined in this range. Equations for the analytical determination
of the stress concentration factors were then derived from the curves.
It should be mentioned that although the notch radius increases with the ratio dS/dW and therefore
reaches good values, an increase in the stress concentration factor results. This is due to the influence
of the reduced load-bearing cross-sectional area which outweighs that of the increased notch radius.
Figure 3 shows the stress concentration factors determined for the hub at a ratio of da,N/dW =2.
1 pin
stress concentration factor αkt
1.4 2 pins
1.35 3 pins
4 pins
1.3 6 pins
8 pins
1.25 max. stress
12 pins at hub notch
0.1 0.125 0.1875 0.25 0.3125 0.35
Figure 3. Stress concentration factor for the hub, da,N/dW = 2; various dS/dW ratios and n pins
The stress concentration factor diagram was also determined for the ratios da,N/dW = 1.5 and da,N/dW =
2.5. The further away a point in a hollow shaft is from the central axis, the greater the torsion stress at
this point. Therefore, the maximum stress must not necessarily occur in the internal notch. The
4 pins
6 pins
8 pins
12 pins
0.1 0.125 0.1875 0.25 0.3125 0.35
Figure 4. Bending stress concentration factor for the shaft for various dS/dW ratios and n pins
The interaction between the notch radius and the weakened cross section can also be observed for this
type of stress.
Figure 5 shows the bending stress concentration factor diagram for the hub with a ratio of
da,N/dW = 1.5.
1 pin
stress concentration factor αkb
2 pins
3 pins
4 pins
1.2 6 pins
8 pins
12 pins
0.1 0.125 0.1875 0.25 0.3125 0.35
Figure 5. Bending stress concentration factor for the hub, da,N/dW = 1.5; various dS/dW ratios and
n pins
The values for da,N/dW = 2 and da,N/dW = 2.5 lie clearly beneath those shown in Figure 5. Already at the
ratio da,N/dW = 2, the maximum stress concentration factors occurring lie at αkb = 1.07, so that the use
of a stress concentration factor αkb = 1.1 above a ratio of da,N/dW = 2 for a stability test represents a
conservative design.
shear stress τ
pin length
Figure 6. Influence of the connection width on stress for dS/dW = 0.125; dW = 32mm, 4 pins
A distinct influence of the connection length on the pin can clearly be seen. The shearing stress could
be reduced up to 16 % by using a longer connection. This supports the conclusion that a wider
connection reduces the stress of the entire connection.
Figure 7 shows the course of the equivalent stress in the notch base of the hub. A reduction of the
stress in the hub analogous and in the same order of magnitude as that in the shaft can be observed.
equivalent stress
connection length
Figure 7. Influence of the connection width on the stress in the hub for dS/dW = 0.125,
dW = 32mm, 4 pins
Figure 8 shows the course of the equivalent stress for a shaft.
border l/dw=0.
equivalent stress
shaft length
Figure 8. Influence of the connection width on stress in the shaft for dS/dW = 0.125,
dW = 32mm, 4 pins
A change in the connection width has a significantly greater effect on the shaft than the pin and the
hub. A corresponding course of equivalent stress can be seen for all ratios l/dW in the undisturbed
section of the shaft, in other words before the beginning of the connection. A section with a distinct
shear stress
pin length
Figure 9. Influence of the pin diameter on the pin stress. 4 pins, dW = 32; l/DW = 0.625;
da,N/dW = 2
The level of stress in the notch root is shown in Figure 10.
equivalent stress
ds/dW = 0.125
ds/dW = 0.1875
ds/dW = 0.3125
shaft length
Figure 10. Influence of the pin diameter on the shaft stress. 4 pins, dW = 32; l/DW = 0.625;
da,N/dW = 2
Due to the increase in the pin diameter, the stress peak at the beginning of the connection is reduced
on the one hand and on the other, the cross-section of the shaft in simultaneously weakened causing
the stress before the contact to increase significantly. With a pin diameter of dS = 6 mm, which
corresponds to a ratio of dS/dW = 0.1875, the stress before and in the contact zone are almost equal for
a connection with 4 pins.
In contrast to the shaft, the equivalent stress in the hub sinks, whereby the changes are slight for a pin
diameter of 6 mm, Figure 11. An increase in the stress is to be expected for larger pin diameters dS>10
dS/dW = 0.125
dS/dW = 0.1875
dS/dW = 0.3125
equivalent stress
connection length
Figure 11. Influence of the pin diameter on the hub stress. 4 pins, dW = 32; l/DW = 0.625;
da,N/dW = 2
5. Conclusion
Extensive parameter studies lead to the development of stress concentration factor diagrams for the
shaft and hub for the torsion and bending stress for a shaft-hub connection with axially arranged pins.
The influence of the different geometry variations could clearly be seen when the entire longitudinal
pin connection system is taken into consideration. A protrusion of the pin at the beginning of the
connection reduces the stress in the pin and shaft, the influence on the hub is only slight. The
advantage over other stress-reducing measures, such as increasing the number of pins or the pin
diameter, lies in the fact that neither the shaft nor the hub are weakened through a higher notch effect
or that the manufacturing expenditure increases through additional notches and pins.
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