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Disaster Readiness and

Risk Reduction
Quarter 4 – Module 5: Fire Emergency and
Evacuation Plan Response Procedure During
a Fire Incident
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the Response Procedure during a Fire Incident. The
scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level
of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed
to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module consists of lessons:

• Apply basic response procedures during a fire incident.

• Follow fire emergency and evacuation plans.

After going through this module, you are expected apply basic
response procedures during a fire incident. Specifically, you are
expected to:

1. Identify basic response procedure during a fire incident.

2. Identify fire emergency procedures.
3. Draw an emergency and evacuation map.
4. Enumerate ways to prevent fire; and
5. Manifest awareness about the effect of fire incident in one’s life.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Is it a fact to consider fire as hazard?

A. Does not tell.

B. Maybe.
C. Yes.
D. No.

2. What damage can a fire bring to people?

A. It could make people wise.

B. It can worsen people’s poverty rate
C. It could endanger lives and properties
D. It could make people susceptible to hunger.

3. Why should electric appliances be “dust free” as much as


A. To avoid overheat
B. To keep its durability
C. To look nice and elegant
D. To maintain high performance

4. How can smoking cause fire?

A. By not using ash tray

B. Through the smoke that it gives off
C. Thought that cigarette puts off itself
D. Improper ignited cigarette butt disposal

5. What is the very first step to contain fire?

A. Close all the doors.

B. Toss water to the fire.
C. Put off all visible smoke.
D. Extinguish the fire by tossing sand or soil to the fire.

6. What should be the focus of emergency planning?

A. Assessment of risks
B. Anticipation of possible damages
C. Prevention of emergencies from happening.
D. Advocacy against disasters and emergencies

7. When can fire be a “best friend’ to human beings?

A. When people use it responsibly
B. When people use it to make a living
C. When people make use of it everyday
D. When people use it in improving their lives

8. Why do schools conduct fire drills?

A. To instill appreciation of life among the students
B. To promote camaraderie among students during
C. To inculcate the value of obedience and personal
D. To uphold awareness among students the danger of fire

9. What method refers to constant practice on how a building

would be evacuated in the event of fire or other emergencies?
A. Advocacy
B. Drill
C. Simulation
D. Symposium

10. Why should children be involved in creating fire evacuation

plan at home?
A. For them to be aware
B. For them to have fear
C. For them to become obedient
D. For them to become self-reliant
Lesson Response Procedure During
a Fire Incident and Fire
Emergency and Evacuation

Despite most people staying in their homes due to the COVID19

pandemic, a number of fire incidents were reported from March up to
June of this year. Indeed, fire can be a shrewd enemy to any household
because it can destroy lots of our significant possessions including our
precious lives when we do not have the proper knowledge on different
safety measures on how to deal with it when it happens. Therefore,
people have to take great responsibility in using it. We need to willingly
and dutifully observe precautionary measures and strategic prevention
methods in order to safeguard our lives and properties.

What’s In

In the previous modules, you have learned a lot about Fire. Recall
those learnings you had and provide the needed information to the
following tables.

Man-made Causes
Elements of Fire Stages of Fire
of Fire
What’s New

Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What scenario is depicted in the drawing?

2. How do you think it feels being one of the victims of this tragedy?
3. Are there ways to prevent this kind of disasters to happen? List
down your answers.
What is It

Common Fire Related Hazards

The main causes of fire in the workplace are:

1. Electricity – neglect or misuse of wiring can lead to short circuits.

2. Rubbish and waste material – fire is likely to spread through

accumulated waste.

3. Smoking – carelessly discarded cigarette butts or lit matches are

one of the major causes of fire.

4. Cooking – kitchens provide opportunities for fire to start and

materials on which it can feed.

5. Heating appliances – portable heaters are a threat when placed

beside combustible furniture or fittings.

6. Combustible materials including - flammable liquids, glues and

solvents are all liable to combust unless stored and used

7. Arson or willful fire-raising.

Fire Safety Precautions

Good fire safety practice that you should follow includes:

1. Keeping your workplace tidy and having a good standard of


2. Regularly removing combustible waste, including

accumulations of dust.

3. Keeping ignition sources away from combustible material or

flammable liquids and gases; and
4. Keeping use of flammable liquids to a minimum and closing
containers when not in use.
Source: “Fire”, Healthy Working Lives, July 8, 2019,
Teachers, students, and other school personnel who are at or near
the fire’s point of origin, shall follow the procedures outlined by the
R.A.C.E. Fire Response Procedure.

• Rescue all stakeholders from direct danger.

Note: you will only try to RESCUE anyone in immediate danger
from the fire, if. It does not endanger your life.

• Alarm by pulling the closest fire station and reporting the location
of the fire.
Sound the fire alarm in order to warn people of the approaching
disaster and safely evacuate all stakeholders.

• Confine the area by closing all doors.

A "contained” fire is one with a complete containment line
around its perimeter.

A fire that's “under control” has a full containment line around

it, and there has been a degree of consolidation so fire escaping
outside the lines is unlikely.

• Extinguish the fire if the fire is small. Evacuate all personnel from
the area if instructed to do so by fire officials or school authorities.

To extinguish a fire is to completely stop a fire.

What should you do during a fire incident?

1. Check the door.

Check if there is smoke coming from under the door or if the

door is hot to touch. If the door is cool to touch, open it slowly
and pass. If not, keep it closed and stay in the room. Place wet
towels on the gaps to prevent fire and smoke from coming in.
Have someone pop out of a window and wave something bright,
like a flashlight or a brightly colored cloth, to signal for help.
Once out of the room, use your building’s emergency exit and
evacuate immediately without panic.

2. P.A.S.S.

To use a fire extinguisher, first Pull the pin in the handle. Aim
the nozzle at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever slowly and
Sweep from side to side. Use a fire extinguisher if and only if it
is within reach, and only to put out small fires. If the fire is big,
3. Stay low.

Crawl and cover your nose and mouth. Smoke is toxic and
inhaling large amounts can render you unconscious. Once you
are outside, call the fire department. Do not attempt to go back
to the burning building.

4. Stop, Drop, and Roll

If your clothes caught fire, do not panic or touch the flame as it

could only spread the fire. Stop moving, Drop on the ground,
and Roll around until the fire is put out. Doing this will lessen
injuries and put out the fire as quickly as possible.

5. National Emergency Hotline 911

Nothing is better than being prepared. Before fire happens, be

aware of the fire exits in your building and homes. Make sure
you know the emergency numbers for your town or city.

What should you NOT do during a Fire Incident?

1. Don’t install smoke alarm detectors.

A smoke detector gives early warning of a fire increasing the
chances of escape. They are so cheap and easy to fit you can
have no excuses.

2. Pop upstairs to retrieve heirlooms, passports and pets.

Fire can spread very quickly blocking your escape route. Keep
that sort of stuff on the ground floor.

3. Open doors that have smoke flowing from the joints.

Opening the door will add oxygen that will fuel the fire and
cause a fireball that could take you off your feet for good. A
contained fire may burn out for lack of oxygen.

4. Throw water on a chip pan fire.

We all know that water does not mix with oil. The burning oil
will explode spreading the fire and engulfing you in the process.
If you are going to throw anything make it a purpose made fire
blanket or use a class F extinguisher.

6. Try and escape using an Elevator.

The electric circuits are often the first to blow. Being trapped in
an elevator in a fire could roast you alive. Always use the

7. Jump from an upstairs window.

The fall could kill you. Use blankets as a rope and throw
mattresses out to cushion the landing or better still use a
purpose made escape ladder.

8. Hide in a cupboard or under the bed.

Hard enough for the fire service without having to play hide and
seek and it won’t save you from the smoke and heat.

9. Delay calling the Fire and Rescue Services.

Don’t dilly dally. Make them your first call to action.
Seconds save lives.

Source: 10 things not to do in a fire, The fire and safety Center, July 19,2011,

Since fire is considered to be one of the disasters that may cause great
damage to human beings, it is therefore important that students like
you will have the basic knowledge on how you can take part in the
community’s drive for your awareness. It is important that you have
knowledge on fire safety and precautions in order for you to have better
idea on how to prevent it from happening.

School Fire Safety Education

• Educating and preparing students for a fire emergency should

be a priority.

• Conduct expected and unexpected monthly school fire drills in

which everyone participates.

• Inspect exits regularly to ensure stairways, doors and windows

are unblocked and working properly.

• Train students on how to respond to a fire alarm during a school

fire drill.

• Know locations of the fire protection system, fire alarm pulls

stations and sprinklers.

• Make sure every room has a map showing 2 exits.

• Pair students with specific needs to an adult or classmate for
extra assistance.

• Have a predetermined location where students know to meet

once they exit the building and practice during a school fire drill.

• Have a list to ensure every student is accounted for.

• Encourage parents to practice home fire drills, and prepare them

in the event of a residential fire.

On-Campus Fire Safety

• Cook only in designated areas.

• Keep cooking areas clean and free of clutter.
• Never leave cooking unattended.
• In case of a fire inside a microwave, close the door and unplug.
the unit.
Campus Laboratory Fire Safety

• Never leave laboratory experiments or pressure containers

• Keep flammable gases and chemicals away from heat.

Source: School Fire Safety Tips: Prevention Begins with Education, Nationwide,
September 18, 2019, https://blog.nationwide.com/school-fire-safety-checklist/

Maintaining Your Computer Room to Prevent Fire

There are some things that you can do to prevent a fire from breaking
out— in some cases, fire prevention is more powerful than any fire
protection system. If you put in place practices that all but eliminate
any unintentional fire emergency, you may never have to use your fire
suppression system or evacuation plans.

1. Keep your computer room free of storage—storing combustible

materials in your computer room can increase the chance and
spread of a fire. Keep minimal supplies in the area and store boxes,
packaging, and manuals elsewhere.

2. Inspect power cords—frayed or damaged power cords increase the

risk of fire, as a spark could easily ignite the room. Check for
damage and have repairs done immediately.
3. Maintain and clean computer systems—allowing dust and debris
to settle on your equipment only adds to flammable materials.
Think of dust as kindling.

4. Train employees and display fire emergency plans—ensuring your

employees know how to respond to a fire (whether that means
proper use of a fire extinguisher or immediately evacuating to
safety) can save lives and help prevent further damage.

5. Schedule regular inspection of your fire protection systems—your

life safety and fire protection systems are only effective if they are
in working order. Schedule regular inspections with a local,
professional fire protection company, like State Systems Inc. They
can ensure that your equipment is not only in working order but
that it meets all local and state fire codes.
Source: Fire Prevention in Computer and Server Rooms, State System Inc., October 8,
2013, https://www.statesystemsinc.com/blog/computer-server-room-fire-

Fire and Emergency Plans

Emergency evacuation plans are what should be developed in

order to ensure the most efficient as well as the safest evacuation time
of all expected residents of a city, region or structure. An "evacuation
time" benchmark for different conditions and hazards is established.
Such benchmarks can be established by using regulations,
simulations (e.g., modeling the flow of people in a building) and best
practices for determining the benchmark.

The proper planning is what uses at least a few exits, the so-
called “contra-flow lanes” as well as the special technologies in order
to ensure fast, complete and full evacuation. It is also important to
consider for personal situations as they may affect some individual's
ability to evacuate. It may include the alarm signals with both visual
and aural alerts and all the needed evacuation equipment (e.g., pads,
sleds and chairs for disabled people).

In order to create the right building fire and emergency plans,

the regulations such as building codes can be also used so it can
reduce the
possibility of panic. In this way, it may allow the individuals to process the
need to self-evacuate having no causing alarm. The right planning can
implement a so-called “all-hazards approach” meaning that the plans can be
reused for the other hazards that can appear.
Any emergency planning should be focused on preventing the
emergencies from occurring as failing that it may be possible to develop a
good action plan for mitigating the effects as well as the results of any
emergencies. In order to reduce or to avoid the significant losses to a business,
emergency managers should be focused on identifying and anticipating the
potential risks in order to reduce their probability of occurring.

Source: “Fire and Emergency Plans”, Concept Draw, 2000, Retrieved from

Evacuation plans allow us to know where to go exactly after leaving

the school building or a house that is on fire. It lets all concerned
people to know where they should be when evacuation happens.
How to Create a Fire Evacuation Plan for your Household
• Plan for everyone.
In planning a fire evacuation plan, one must consider the special
needs of all persons concerned. Adults must assign someone to
help the young children and the elderly.
• Find two ways out.
Make sure that your house has two ways out. Household elders
must ensure that all passages in going in and out of the house
are free from obstructions. These passages must be known to all
household members.
• Involve children in planning.
Draw a map of the home and mark the entrance and exit routes.
The drawn family escape plan must be explained well to the
children. Children must be taught of the family’s meeting place
outside of the house during fire emergency.
Choose a place that is visible to people and is accessible to fire
emergency responders. Adults must also explain to the children
that they are NOT allowed to go back of the house after they
leave during an emergency. Respond quickly. Make sure
everyone knows that if the smoke alarm sounds, he or she needs
to get out immediately.
• Have a backup plan.
There must be back up plan for the installed fire evacuation plan
of the family. It must be explained that in cases where family
members are trapped in the house, they can do any of the
suggested ways below:

1. Place a towel under the door and go to an exterior-

facing window.
2. Call the fire authorities to report your location.

• Share with everyone.

Explain your fire evacuation plan to all family members. It must
also be known to your guests or visitors especially those who
will stay overnight in your house.

• Practice regularly.
Conduct regular family fire drills and review your fire evacuation
plan as the need arises.
What’s More

Do what is asked in the following situations.

1. If there were an occurrence of fire in your residence, are the
members of you household prepared and knowledgeable on
what to do?
Justify your answer.

2. Based on what you know about fire hazards; you are to come up with your
own household fire preparedness plan.

Meets Needs
FireEscape Not Visible
Expectations Improvement
Plan 91%-100% 81%-90% 70%-80%
The plan created The plan created The plan created
provides all the provides all the lacks
essential details, essential details almost all the
understandable, but some points necessary
and realistic. need to be details needed
clarified and (e.g. evacuation
not so realistic. area, where to
exit, even

What I Can Do
Write a composition expressing your understanding of the
picture given below.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Fire is already under control when __________________.

A. there is no more visible smoke

B. all people have already evacuated
C. damages had already been assessed
D. fire escaping outside the lines is unlikely

2. Pulling the closest fire station and report the exact location of
the fire is called __________________.

A. Alarm C. Extinguish
B. Confine D. Rescue

3. The very first safety recommendation that you should do during

a fire incident is __________________.

A. Call emergency hotline

B. Check the door
D. Stay Low

4. A Fire Response Procedure which is saving somebody in

immediate danger from the fire is known as __________________.

A. Alarm C. Extinguish
B. Confine D. Rescue

5. Fire is considered a hazard. Is this true?

A. Does not tell C. Yes

B. Maybe D. No
6. The phase in the conduct of Fire Drill that refers to the
appropriate grouping of students at the designated area is
called ________________.
A. Alarm
B. Assembly
C. Evacuation
D. Response

7. The phase of the drill which identifies problems observed during

the drill and proposed solutions to problems that were identified
A. Alarm
B. Assembly
C. Evaluation
D. Response

8. Who are the authorized persons to safeguard the protection of

a community from fire?
A. Elders
B. Everyone
C. Police Officers
D. Local Government Officials

9. The reason why people are prohibited to go back to a burning

house once he/she already left is ________________.
A. for them to do away from heroism complex
B. for others not to be encouraged to do the same.
C. There is a slim chance of being able to get out again.
D. The authorities will be held responsible for the casualty,
if ever.

10. The reason why children should be involved in creating fire

evacuation plan at home is ________________.
A. For them to be aware
B. For them to have fear
C. For them to become obedient
D. For them to become self-reliant
Additional Activities

You learned about the elements of fire, its stages, and

causes. Do you think you are now equipped with the necessary
preparations when there is a fire incident?
List some of the precautionary measures that you have observed/are
observable your

a. Home:

b. School:

c. Community/Barangay:

Ateneo Quick Reference Guide English. Pdf, Ateneo University De

Retrieved from
Quick %20Reference%20Guide%20English.pdf.

Carolino, Beata. Know What to do in Case of Fire. Rappler, Accessed

on April
16, 2014, Retrieved from

Donne, John. “Burnt Ship”, Poem of Quotes.

Retrieved from

Fire Prevention Month: What to Do During a Fire, The Primer, Accessed

on March 22, 2018, Retrieved from

Fire Response Plan - Code Red. Jefferson University Hospital. Accessed

November 16, 2012,
ageme nt-plans/Fire_Response_Plan_11.15.13.pdf.

Guest Blog: John Donne’s ‘A Burnt Ship’. Accessed on March, 2014.

Retrieved from https://interestingliterature.com/2014/03/guest-

10 things not to do in a fire. The fire and safety Center. Accessed on

July 19, 2011, Retrieved from

What does it mean that a fire is contained? Google. Accessed on

January 23,
2020. Retrieved from


The contents of this module such as text, graphics, images, and other
materials are for general and educational purposes. I created this module
solely for non – commercial, informational, and educational purposes. There
is no intention on my part to claim ownership as to the contents or make profit
out of this module.


SHS Faculty
Cabancalan National High School
February 14, 2021

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