Handbook On Track Machine For Pway
Handbook On Track Machine For Pway
Handbook On Track Machine For Pway
Published by:
Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering
New Delhi
February 2020
Vishwesh Chaube
Member Engineering
Railway Board
New Delhi
February 2020
Ajay Goyal
Title Page No.
Chapter 1 : Track machine organisation and Duties of officials
and Inspection Schedules 1-9
1.0 Track Machine Organisation Structure
1.1 Types of Machines
1.2 Duties of Track Machine Officials
1.3 Duties of Open Line Officials
1.4 Inspection of Track machines
1.5 Items to be Inspected by Open Line Officials
Chapter 2 : Tamping Machines and Dynamic Track Stabiliser 10-31
2.0 Functions of Tamping Machines
2.1 Layout of Tamping Machines (CSM)
2.2 Tamping Parameters
2.3 Correction of Alignment
2.4 Correction of Longitudinal Level
2.5 In Brief the Input Required in Different Modes
of Working
2.6 Use of ALC for Correcting Track Parameters
2.7 Tamping of Points and Crossing
2.8 Works Required Before, During and After Tamping
2.9 Dynamic Track Stabiliser (DTS)
Chapter 3 : Machines other than Tamping Machines 32-43
3.0 Ballast Cleaning Machines
3.1 Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines
3.2 Ballast Regulating machine
3.3 Track Laying Equipment
3.4 Track Relaying Train
3.5 Points and Crossing Changing Machine (T-28)
3.6 Rail Grinding Machine
3.7 Switch Grinding Machine
3.8 Milling Machine
3.9 Rail Inspection Vehicle (RIV)
3.10 Utility Vehicle (UTV)
3.11 Rail Borne Maintenance Vehicle
3.12 Muck Disposal Unit (MDU)
Chapter 4 : Planning and Deployment of Machines 44-47
4.0 Annual Planning of Deployment
4.1 Pre-requisite for Deployment of Track Machines
on Construction Projects
4.2 Types of Traffic Blocks
4.3 Output of Machines
4.4 Frequency of Tamping
Chapter 5 : Rules for Movement & Block Working 48-54
5.0 Provision of G & SR
5.1 Salient Features Written on Track Machines
5.2 Competency of Track Machine Staff
5.3 Some Important Working Instructions
5.4 Safety Equipment
5.5 Introduction of New Machines and Speed
Chapter 6 : Maintenance of Machines 55-60
6.0 Maintenance Setup over Indian Railways
6.1 Maintenance Schedule of Different Machines
6.2 Infrastructural Facility for Operation and
Maintenance of Track Machines
Chapter 7 : Manpower for Machine Working and
Maintenance at Worksite 61-62
7.0 Manning of Machine
7.1 Manpower on Different Machines
7.2 Training
7.3 Medical Category
Chapter 8 : Inventory Management and Life of Machine 63
8.0 Source of Components and Spares
8.1 Modes of Procurements/Repairs
8.2 Codal Life of Machines and Procedure
for Condemnation
Check list of Inspection for P.Way staff 64-75
Position of Trolleys in Tamping Machines 76
Versine Correction and its Value for M/s Plasser
make MPT- a Sample 77-78
Versine Values for 3-Point Lining for M/s Plasser
make MPT-a Sample 79-80
X and K Correction to Lift Value for M/s Plasser
make MPT-a Sample 81-82
Infringement to SOD and Permissible Speed of
Different Machines 83-90
Track Machine Organisation, Duties of Officials and Inspection Schedule
CPOH may be headed by CWM in place of CE/TMC. The organisation responsibility is:
a) Manpower planning including their training and development.
b) Planning and deployment of track machines.
c) Operation and monitoring of track machines.
d) Repair and maintenance of track machines.
1.1 Types of Machines - Following major on-track machines are at present
working on Indian Railways:
1.1.1 Tamping Machines
a) Tampers without Satellite Unit
i. 08-16 Unomatic.
ii. 08-32 Duomatic-
• 08-32 Duomatic (Plasser India)
• 08-32C Duomatic (Plasser & Theurer)
• 08-32 WST with flat car (Metex – JSC Moscow, Russia)
• VPR -02M without flat car (Kalugaputmash, Russia)
iii. UNIMAT (Points and Crossing Tamper):
• 08-275-2S UNIMAT (Plasser India).
• 08-275-3S UNIMAT (Plasser India- with third rail lifting
• 08-475-4S UNIMAT (Plasser India- with arrangement for
lifting and packing of third rail.
• Multi Purpose Tamper (Plasser India -Plain and Points and
Crossing Tamper).
b) Tampers with Satellite Unit
i. 09-32 CSM.
iI. 09-3x Tamping Express.
iii. 09-3x Dynamic Tamping Express.
1.1.2 Dynamic Track Stabilizer (DTS)
i. DTS by Plasser.
ii. DTS by BHEL.
iii. DTS by Metex.
1.1.3 Ballast Handling Machines
a) Ballast Cleaning Machines (BCM)
i. RM-80 92I (Plasser India-for plain track).
ii. RM-76 (Plasser India- for turnout).
iii. RM-80 92U (Plasser India- for plain track and turnout).
b) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines (SBCM)
i. FRM-80 (Plasser India).
ii. FRM-85F (Plasser India).
c) Ballast Regulating Machine (BRM)
i. Without Hopper
• BRM Model 66-2/56-3 and (Kershaw).
• PBR 400R (Plasser India).
• BRM Model SPZ-210 K (Gemac Engg).
ii. With Hopper
• USP 2000 SWS (Plasser India).
• RPB-01 (Metex, Russia).
1.1.4 Track Laying Machines
a) Track laying Equipment (Plasser India and Simplex)).
b) Track Relaying Train (TRT) .
c) Points and Crossing relaying Machine T-28 (AMECA-Make).
1.1.5 Rail/Switch Grinding and Milling machine
a) Rail Grinding Machine
b) Switch Grinding Machine
c) Rail Milling Machine
d) Rail Inspection Vehicle
1.1.6 Special Purpose Machines
a) Utility Track Vehicle (UTV).
b) Rail Borne Maintenance vehicle (RBMV).
c) Muck Disposal Unit (Plasser India)
1.2 Duties of Track Machine Officials.
Responsibility in brief are:
(a) Dy CE/TM(HQ) and his team shall be responsible for planning and
deployment of machines.
(b) Dy CE/TM (Line) and his team shall be responsible for actual operation and
maintenance of machines. Each machine shall be headed by SSE/JE/TM
(In-charge) and he shall be assisted by other SSE/JE/Track machine, Track
Machine Maintainer (TMM) and Khalasis who for track machine shall be
called Machine Assistants. Duties of each of them is specified in IRTMM.
(c) Dy CE/CPOH shall be responsible for POH of machine received from
Zonal railways.
1.3 Duties of Open Line Officials
1.3.1 Assistant Divisional Engineer (open Line)
He shall perform following duties regarding track machines working in
his section
a) He shall ensure that the pre-requisites for introduction of various track
machines as specified in this manual are complied with, well in advance
of deployment of the machine(s).
b) In the stretches where the requirement of tamping is more than the
normal tamping cycle, the cause should be analysed and suitable
remedial action taken to restore the normal cycle.
c) He shall make arrangements for pre-block, during block and post block
d) He shall ensure that machines are utilised in continuous stretches as per
planned programme avoiding frequent shifting of the machines.
e) He shall ensure suitable accommodation for machine staff as required
with the facility of water supply, power supply and resting arrangements.
f) He shall periodically inspect track machines working in his jurisdiction as
per specified schedule.
g) He shall arrange HSD for machines including transportation of
consumables, spares etc. required by the machines from the depot to
site of work.
h) He shall ensure adequate lighting arrangements when night working of
machines is involved.
i) He shall monitor the output and quality of work done by the machines.
j) He shall co-ordinate with other departments like Traffic, OHE and S&T in
the field to facilitate machine working.
k) In the eventuality of breakdown of machine, he shall take all possible
actions to clear the block section expeditiously, once it is known that
machine cannot be repaired in the block.
1.3.2 Duties of SSE/JE/P.Way Deployed with the Machine
He shall be the in-charge of the supervision of the work of track machine.
He shall perform following duties:
1) He shall ensure that the pre-requisites for introduction of various track
machines as specified in IRTMM are complied with, well in advance of
deployment of the machine like collection of site details and computation
of values to be fed for design mode of working.
2) He shall be responsible for pre-block operations, block operations (other
than machine operation) and post block operations as detailed for
various machines.
3) During working of track machines, he shall check the track parameters
and condition of track, attending to any shortcomings, ensuring that the
track parameters are well within the tolerances. He shall also ensure
that track is free of obstructions and infringements for safe passage of
traffic before clearing the line block. As required or stipulated he shall
allow traffic at suitable speed restriction based on the condition of track
after machine working. He shall be responsible for issue of all necessary
caution orders for machine working.
4) Transportation of tamping tools to be reconditioned and bringing back
reconditioned tamping tools will be his responsibility. Similarly, he
will be responsible for temporary storage and timely arrangement and
transportation of diesel oil, lub oil, hydraulic oil and other consumables
from the depots to various machines working in his jurisdiction.
5) In case the quality of work done by the machine is not satisfactory, he
shall investigate and take suitable remedial measures in coordination
with SSE/JE/TM
6) He is responsible for protection of the site of work and adjoining track
wherever necessary. He will be responsible for arranging adequate
precautionary measures for the safety of staff working with machine in
the block section against danger of trains on the adjoining line(s). He shall
arrange for track protection and provide look out men for safety at site.
7) He is responsible to ensure that the machine(s) are stabled in suitable
sidings and at such stations as to minimise idle run of the machines
as well as wastage of block hours in entering and clearing of the block
8) He shall provide all assistance to SSE/JE/TM for repairing of machine
and winding up for expeditious clearing of the block section in case of
failure of the track machines in mid-section, duly calling for necessary
assistance of light engine, breakdown special etc. as necessary.
9) He shall arrange for protecting and watching of stabled machines and
he shall also ensure that no sick vehicles etc. are pushed into the same
siding affecting the taking out of the machines to avail blocks.
10) He shall co-ordinate with other departments like Traffic, OHE and S&T in
the field to facilitate working.
1.4 Inspection of Track Machines
1.4.1 Schedule for Track Machine officials
Track machine*
Line TM/Line or SD
1 Year 3 Months Monthly
Need Basis 4 Months 2 Months
The inspecting officials shall issue inspection reports to their concerned
immediate subordinates with a copy marked to immediate concerned superior.
1.4.2 Schedule for Open Line Officials:
Track Inspection frequency of open line officials
(P.Way) sectional
TEX, CSM, 3 Fortnightly During During
DTS, WST, Months supervision supervision
UNIMAT of pre- of pre-
and SBCM block, block,
during during
RGM, TRT, 2 Fortnightly
block and block and
TLE, PCCM, Months
post-block post-block
and BCM
works but works but
not less not less
MPT, BRM, As per Once than once than once
UTV, RBMV need during the a week a week
etc. deployment
Tamping Machines and Dynamic Track Stabiliser
2.2.2 Tamping Depth
60Kg Rail on 60 Kg Sleeper 6 mm 210 mm 388 mm
52 Kg Rail on 60 kg 156
6 mm 210 mm 372 mm
Sleeper mm
a. Position of tamping tool for T-Express
b. Position of tamping tool for new CSM (MODEL CSM-955 onward) and new DUOMATIC
c. Position of Tamping Tools for CSM (UPTO CSM 954)& DUO Tamping Machine (Old Model)
e. Position of Tamping Tools for UNIMAT-2S & 3S Tamping Machine
2.3 Correction of Alignment.
(a) On curved track – outer rail (however if outer rail is highly worn
out, inner rail should be taken as reference rail)
(b) On straight track on single, double and middle line in multiple line
section –Any of the two rails of the track being tamped, which is
less disturbed
Theoretical Versine H1 = H2 =
2R 2R
H1 AC x CD
Versine Ratio i = = (is independent of radius of the curve
H2 AC x CD
and depends only on trolley position therefore is machine property)
H1 = i x H2
Corrections to be fed:
a) Front offset (Fd)- The error due to front trolley being on disturbed
Curve 1 is Targeted alignment, Curve 2 is existing alignment and
Curve 3 is alignment achieved if Fd is not fed.
• Fixed references not available- Slew values from slew chart (ROC) at
front trolley location.
Fd is written on sleepers with direction and are fed at front trolley location in
slew potentiometer provided in front cabin.
b) Versine correction Vm - Error due to all four trolleys not in circular curve
Here L1 and L2 are transition length and L0 is machine chord length
Direction of Versine correction in this case is :
i. At entry will be towards outside of curve
ii. At entry will be towards inside of curve
The value of versine correction can be obtained from RT-4 manufacturers
manual supplied with machines. A sample for M/s Plasser make MPT
machine for Vm and its distribution is given in Annexure-III.
For Curve without transition, compound and reverse curve, the versine
correction to be calculated as explained in IRTMM.
2.3.3 3- Point Lining Method
Section X,Y,Z and W equal to machine chord length (BD) for 3point lining.
The versine of circular curve is
Hy for the section ‘Y’ are calculated as
Hy = H – Hw where Hw =
Where Hw is further defined below
Hz for the section ‘Z’ is
Hz = H – Hx where Hx = and L2 is transition length at exit
After section “Z” till “TS” the versine are decreased by subtracting
of the “Hv” per meter where Hv = H/L2
The Versine “Hw” is obtained from formula
Hw =
b. Corrections to be fed
i. For Curve
This Fd value can be calculated from
• Fixed references not available- Slew values from slew chart (ROC)
at front trolley location.
ii. For Straight, versine value (H) to be fed is zero and slew (Fd) is to be
calculated from field survey as shown below
1. Elementary mode:
• Only versine values for known R and L for curve are calculated and
fed. For straight, versine is zero.
• Versine values (H, Hx, Hy, Hz, Hw ) for targeted R and L for curve are
calculated and fed. For straight versine value is zero.
2.4 Correction of Longitudinal Level
2.4.1 The levelling system
To be added to General lift or Lift value of datum rail for top vertical curve
To be subtracted to General lift or Lift value of datum rail for bottom vertical curve
A sample copy of K and X correction for MPT machine is enclosed as
2.4.5 Feeding of Cant
If feeding in working cabin it will be same as written at sleeper at the
location of correction i.e M
If feeding in front cabin i.e at location F, the feeded values shall be as
given below:
<30mm Single
30-50mm Double
2.5 In Brief the input required in different modes of working ;
2.5.1 On Curves
Mode of Values to be fed Remark
Versine/ Lift Front cant
versine Offset
• If Fd is obtained from realignment of curve, the radius of final
curve obtained after tamping will be curve as given by ROC. Same
R should be used for calculating different constants (versines
H,Hx,Hy,Hz,Hw or Vm or K etc) from manufacturers table and not
the designed R as recorded in curve register.
• Maximum Fd to be 50 mm in one round.
2.5.2 On Straight
Only 3-Point lining to be used. Fd to be calculated from field survey and
versine (H) to be taken Zero.
2.5.3 The values to be written on sleepers thus are:
Leveling settings Oscillation Working
system (vertical frequency speed
ON 70 bar 30-35 HZ 1300
second 100 bar 600-
tamping OFF (Constant 30-35 HZ 1000
operation Loads) m/h
ON 50 bar 30-38 HZ 1300
Machines other than Tamping Machines
Other capabilities of BCM
a. Total excavation of ballast is possible by opening a ballast guide plate in
ascending trough.
b. The distribution of ballast can be controlled by guide plate provided over
c. The slope of formation can be achieved by controlling the depth of
excavation on two sides.
Deep Screening of Points and crossing
Extension pieces each of 500 mm can be attached only on descending trough
i.e. right side when seen in working direction. Total 7 pieces can be attached.
Deep Screening over Ballasted deck bridge: Ballasted deck bridge of
clear spacing between ballast retainer of 4500 mm or above can be
screened with BCM using cutter bar preferably of 1900 mm following
procedure laid down in RDSO letter no TM/GL/70/2 vol.3 dated
Works before during and after BCM work:
a. Existing level and alignment to be recorded in advance and marked on
reference pillars.
b. Formation depth available to be measured and requirement of lifting if
any to be decided. According final level to be marked.
c. All obstructions to movement of cutter bar within total 4.5m width
(equally from C/L of track) to be removed in advance.
d. Location of cess repair or locations of obstruction to throwing of muck be
e. If required additional ballast to be unloaded in advance for quick
relaxation of speed restriction.
f. All ballast beyond reach of cutter bar to be pulled inside and brought
within cutter bar reach.
g. Any damaged sleeper likely to fall during work to be removed.
h. All fittings to be ensured beforehand.
i. Cutter bar shall be inserted by removing 2 sleepers or shifting sleepers in
advance of machine reaching the site for block working.
j. All precautions laid down in LWR manual (specially those in para no.
6.3.2) shall be strictly followed while working on LWR track.
k. Screening to be stopped before expiry of block period for having enough
time for packing and stabilisation of ballast.
l. Tamping machine and DTS to be used behind BCM. Final level as marked
to be achieved.
m. Vertical and horizontal infringement to OHE and mast/signal post to be
checked before cancellation of traffic block.
Speed Relaxation behind BCM.
a. Work shall be executed at a caution of 20 Kmph.
b. With tamping and DTS-As per para 238(2)(g)(iii) of IRPWM. However,
for this the cutter bar to be removed from under the track after block
working and the space to be filled with ballast so that complete deep
screened track is tamped and stabilized.
c. In case of failure/non availability of tamping machine on block working
day or even subsequently, the speed relaxation shall be as per provision
in IRPWM para 238(2)(g)(i) or (ii) as applicable.
3.1 Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines:
The cutting width in closed condition is 3320 mm while maximum it can cover
4150 mm from C/L of track as shown below:
Screen size, ballast handling capacity and muck disposal distance etc are
almost same as in BCM. All infringements in this width to be removed in
It can handle ballast up to 3.5 m from centre line of track. Some machines have
hopper with capacity of 5-12 cum for carrying ballast.
3.3 Track Laying Equipment:
Following types of TLE are existing on Indian railways
BEML and
12 tonnes Simplex
3.4.1 Works by TRT – Following works can therefore be done by TRT
• Complete track renewal (CTR)
• Thorough Replacement of sleepers (TSR)
• Thorough Replacement of rails (TRR)
3.4.2 Advantages of TRT – Advantages of TRT vis-à-vis TLE are
• There is no need to prefabricate panels and, therefore, base depot
work is limited to loading and unloading of sleepers & fittings.
• No auxiliary track is to be laid at work site
• Concrete sleepers loaded on modified Flat wagons are directly
taken towork site and relayed one by one.
• New rails unloaded at work site on shoulders and duly paired
and fish plated are exchanged with old rails simultaneously with
sleeper renewals.
Parameter Value
Load capacity (max.) 30 tonnes
Speed with full load (max.) 0.8 km/h
Speed with no load 10 km/h
Max. lift with full load 2300 mm
Height in closed position 3065 mm
Height in lifted position 4744 mm
Crawler width 360 mm
Crawler lateral clearance 2066 mm (min.)
6116mm (max.)
Moving width 3060mm (min.)
7110mm (max.)
Max. axle load 6.0 tonnes
Total weight 24.0 tonnes
The crawler’s lateral clearance and moving width are shown below.
Parameter Value
Height 510 mm
Lateral Shift +(-) 300 mm
Upper table rotation + 100
Vertical lift + 300 mm
Capacity 25 tonnes
3.6 Rail Grinding Machine:
Items Description
No. of stone Total 72 Nos., (36 Nos. on each side
of rail)
Tilting of each individual stone +70o (towards gauge face side) to -30o
(towards field side) from vertical
Working capability on curves up to 10o and gradients up
to 3%
Working requirements Check rails on curves to be removed,
No need to remove the Bridge
Level crossings, points & crossings,
SEJs and axle counters- to be skipped
by raising the grinding stones
joggled fish plates, fish plate- to be
Working Speed 2.4 - 24 kmph
Desirable working speed 8-20 kmph
Maximum Cutting Depth 0.15 mm at the working speed of 15
0.22 mm at the working speed of 10
3.6.1 Rail Profiles
3.6.3 Grind Cycle
The grind cycle may vary for some special sections like KK line, for which separate
guidelines will be issued by RDSO.
Where more than one pass is required (generally on curves), speed and patterns
for the second and the third pass will be as suggested by GDMS software
(ii) Separate test sites should be chosen for different track structures
(52 kg/60kg)
(iv) Typically one SSE/P.Way section should have minimum one test site
each for mild curve, sharp curve and tangent track.
(vi) The rail of the test site should not be due for renewal in next 3-4 years.
(vii) It should be away from signals, Level crossing, yards, Bridges etc.
so that it is on a stretch on which traffic normally moves at normal
speed of the section.
3.10 Utility Vehicle (UTV)
Different crane capacity machines are available
1.5 t at 7.5 m (11.25 tm)
2.0 t at 7.5 m (15 tm)
3.0 t at 7.5 m (22.5 tm)
Item Description
Payload 15 t
Can carry 2 rails of 13m length of 60 kg or two sets of
switch and stock rail assembly along with
Space for tools One cabin to hold small track machines, tools
and equipment, P.Way materials as listed for
Mobile Maintenance Unit (MMU
Space for carrying Seating arrangement (12 Nos) for officials
Crane for loading Hydraulic Crane for material handling with
material 1ton at 8 meter lifting capacity.
Generator Diesel operated Portable generator of 5 KVA
for general lighting, welding& other works
Planning and Deployment of Machines
4.3 Output of machines:
- *Time for turnout is for main line & turnout side and connection
and disconnection time required for S&T
- **Depending on the length on curves in the section
- # For deep screening of P&C, ineffective time includes movement,
preparatory works and S&T works
- Output may vary depending upon the age of the machine and track
- For output less than 90% of the normal output, the reason should
be analyzed and corrective action taken if any
- MPT is used for spot attention of both plain track and Points and
Crossing , hence requirement will vary depending on work to be
- For group working of BCMs the ineffective time will have to be
increased by 30 min for second machine and so on for third
4.4 Frequency of Tamping:
• CTE shall fix the frequency based on various factors like GMT, Formation
condition, Geometry of track etc for various sections of his zone.
• As a general guideline, the frequency of tamping would be 1 year and
• Tamping of track having bad formation and other factors in short
stretches of around 200 m or more necessitating more frequent tamping
should be called spot attention.
• TMS module should have the provision for feeding such spot attentions.
• Frequency of tamping may be reviewed, as and when one or more of the
above factors get modified.
Rules for Movement and Block Working
5.0 Provision of G & SR
GR provision 4.65 deals with Track Machines and reads as “Track Laying or
on track tamping or maintenance machines shall be worked only with the
permission of the station master and in accordance with special instructions”.
This provision supplemented with SR or Operating manual of zonal railway shall
act as a guiding provision for movement and block working of these machines.
5.1 Salient Features Written on Track Machines
Following information shall be painted on the track machine at pre-decided
locations: -
a. Designation of Controlling Officer (Dy.CE/TM/Line).
b. Name of owning Railway
c. Track Machine No. with model
d. Transportation Code
e. Month and Year of commissioning
f. Date of last POH and last IOH done
g. Maximum permissible speed when self-propelled, coupled with
other Track Machine and when attached with train formation as
per speed certificate of RDSO sanctioned by Railway Board.
h. Maximum height and width of Track Machine in closed condition
i. Axle load, Wheel base and overall length of machine
j. Jacking Point i.e. Lift here
5.2 Competency of Track Machine Staff;
a. SSE/JE/TM shall be competent to operate the machine only if he
possesses valid machine competency certificate.
b. Machine Competency to be issued by Dy CE/TM/Line only after
ascertaining the completion of:
1. Valid Technical Training (IRTMTC/ALD)
2. G & SR training (ZTC)
3. Periodical Medical examination (A-3)
c. Validity of Machine Competency -3 years from the date of issue.
d. In addition, SSE/JE/TM should take Route Learning from competent LI/
SSE as per G & SR provision of Railway. SSE/JE/Pway of section should
accompany him if he is not taken Route Learning as prescribed.
The competency certificate will be as in Annexure 7.3 of IRTMM. Separate
competency for working in ghat section to be issued.
5.3 Some Important Working Instructions:
a. General
- Machine shall be run and operated by competent SSE/JE/TM only.
- SSE/JE/TM shall issue a written machine ready memo (as per
Annexure 7.4 of IRTMM) after necessary maintenance/repairs/
schedules and Brake Power testing and other stipulated checks, if
any, to on duty SM, indicating time and date, under advice to SSE/
JE/P.Way deputed to work with the machine.
- SSE/JE(P.way) shall be responsible for taking and clearing block
after ensuring safety of track after work including coordinating all
shunting operations involved .
- SSE/JE(P.way) shall work as guard for shunting of machines like UTV
with only BFR.
- The machine shall be berthed in the sidings safely as stipulated
in the G&SR and the P.Way staff shall arrange for watchman for
the machine during the non-working shift. The watchman for the
machine should not be frequently changed.
- The machine in-charge and SSE/JE (P.Way) shall jointly inspect
and finalize the week’s work in advance and discuss the day’s
programme and share with each other all information required for
the working.
- SSE/JE (P.Way) shall ensure availability of requisite men and tools
& plant to work with the machine and for rendering possible
assistance to clear the section in case of breakdowns.
- SSE/JE (P. Way) shall be responsible for arranging necessary lighting
etc. for night works and coordinate with other divisional staff such
as Signal/OHE etc.
- If due to non-availability of path etc., it is not possible to bring the
machine back to the siding where camping coach of machine is
stabled, Sr. DEN/DEN/AEN shall have the powers and provision to hire
the road vehicle to bring the staff back to machine stabling station.
- Duty Roaster of Machine Staff:
- Track Machine staff falls under continuous classification as per
HOER. Normally , Roaster should be weekly, however following two
types of Roasters are followed:
Weekly Roster. The staff is rostered to work for a period of 6
days at a stretch followed by one day of rest.
Three Weeks Roster. Staff working on Track Machines may be
rostered to work for a period of 3 weeks at a stretch followed
by continuous rest for a period of one week at headquarters.
In addition Daily Duty Hours for Field are decided by Sr DEN.
b. Safety Related Provisions:
Total Men in Machine Cab:
Total no of railway staff allowed in driving cab of each machine shall
not exceed five.
Group Working of Machines:
- Number of machines that can work together in group working in same
block section is normally not limited, however GR & SR provision and
operating manual instructions of railway may be referred for this.
- Normally machines shall not work in a group while visibility of track
is restricted due to sharp curves and steep gradients. Where the
working of track machines in group is indispensable i.e. like deep
screening, track relaying site etc., the necessary block protection
shall be done as per para 806 of IRPWM and special precaution
shall be taken as per para 811 of IRPWM for the first machine facing
the direction of traffic in double line section and for the front and
rear most machines in single line section.
- Minimum distance between machines when working in group shall
be 50m.
- Minimum safe distance between machines while moving in group
to site of work shall be 200m.
- Run through movement of the track machines in-group is not
allowed. They can however transit as coupled vehicle under one
authority. However, the machines can move in group by taking a
short duration block and rules as for group movement for block
shall be followed.
Working in Ghat Section:
- SSE/JE/TM with competency to work in ghat section to only
operate the machine.
- A locomotive will be used for transiting the machine to and from
site of work. However, during working it will be detached.
- Other precautions as in para 712 of IRTMM to be followed.
Night working
- Proper lighting to be done at site of work by SSE/JE/P.Way
Safety of men
- SSE/JE/P.way should ensure safety of men at site and deploy look
out men as per IRPWM provision.
- Hooters to be provided on the track machines to be operated by
machine operator for warning the staff working at site.
- In addition remote control hooters to be kept at site by SSE/JE/P.
way to be operated by lookout men from at least 150 m distance to
warn worker of approaching train.
- At work site where visibility is likely to be hampered like BCM,TLE or
TRT sie, caution order of 30 to 50 Kmph be imposed on adjacent line
and driver be instructed to whistle freely while passing the site of work.
Failure of Machine in Block Section
- Failure in Block section shall be treated as accident in “class
J-Equipment failure”.
- Accidents involving track machines shall be taken as train accident.
All actions accordingly shall be taken.
- Assistance of Break Down gang or ART may be taken as per
Other Instructions
- All supervisory staff in the track machine and as well as at the
track machine site is prohibited from use of mobile phones during
movement and working of track machine, except in emergencies or
when it is extremely necessary.
- SSE/JE (P.Way) shall be responsible for protection of the site of work
and also protection of adjoining track(s) in case of infringement.
- Safety equipment as listed below should be available with the
c. Working of Track Machines in Single- and Double-Line Sections:
The procedure as detailed in G & SR to be followed. However,
general instructions are reiterated in para 706 of IRTMM.
5.4 Safety Equipment
(1) General - SSE/JE/TM in-charge shall be responsible to ensure that the
following equipment in working condition are available on the track
(a) Two red and one green hand signal flags
(b) Two tri-colour hand signal lamps /LED torch
(c) Two chains with padlocks
(d) One Fire extinguisher
(e) Two Hooters (manually controlled)
(f) Two Jacks10 t.
(g) Four wooden blocks
(h) Four crow bars
(i) One hydraulic hand pump
(j) Emergency pneumatic/hydraulic hose off sizes suiting to different
machines (Complete with end fitting)
(k) Wire rope with close loops at both ends 2 meters and 9 meters long
for BCM : One of each length
(l) Machine specific equipment, if any, listed in Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(m) Ten Fog signals (detonators) in a tin case
(n) A copy of the Working timetable of the section where the machine
is working
(o) G&SR book with up to date amendment slips
(p) One 4 cell flasher light LED lamp cum flasher light (rechargeable)
(q) Two banner flags
(r) One first aid box
(s) Two Skids
(t) Safety helmets for all machine staff
(u) Protective clothing, safety shoes and safety gloves
(v) Walkie Talkie with frequency of SM, Guard and Loco Pilots
(w) Internal Communication system like walkie-talkie and/or head
mounted system
(x) Track Machine Manual with up to date correction slips
(y) Accident Manual
(z) Tail lamp
(2) Head and Tail Lights – Each track machine must be equipped with prescribed
head and tail lights, marker lights and flasher lights as per GR 4.14, 4.15 &
4.16 and SRs thereof. Each machine shall display LV board/tail lamp when
moving alone. While moving in convoy or coupled, the LV board/tail lamp
shall be fixed on the last Vehicle; in the direction of movement.
5.5 Introduction of New Machines and Speed Certificates
a. Speed Certification of New Machines (Railway Board Policy Circular No-
6): Issued by ED (Motive Power)/RDSO.
Provisional Speed:
• On the basis of design features of machines, provisional speed
certificate normally lower than maxm permissible speed but not
more than 65 Kmph is issued.
• It can be increased to 75 Kmph or further to speed permitted for
similar vehicle following laid down procedures.
Final Speed Certificate:
• This is normally issued after conducting detail oscillation trial.
• For rolling stock which is not new, detailed oscillation trials may
be dispensed with by RDSO following laid down procedure
(consultation with related dte).
• Separate speed certificate for conducting oscillation trial will be
issued. Trial to be done at speed 10% in excess of proposed maxm
speed except on curves.
One Time Movement of New Vehicle. (From Dock, for testing etc.)
• Speed certificate to issued by RDSO and shall not be more than
provisional speed.
• PCE and PCME shall approve this movement on the basis of RDSO
speed certificate and a JSC shall be issued for track, bridge and OHE.
• If there is any infringement to SOD or axle load is more than
permitted, GM’s approval will be required.
b. Procedure for Permitting Induction of New Machine.
As per Railway Board Gazette Notification dated 1.10.2018:
• RDSO shall apply for introduction of any new types of rolling stock
different from those already running on any section or division of
Railway administration to the central govt through Commissioner.
• The application to commissioner will include
• Full particulars of axle loads, infringements to SOD etc.
• Provisional or final speed certificate etc.
• The application shall be scrutinised and submitted to Central Govt
(Rly Bd) with recommendations.
• Commissioner may ask for oscillation trials for permitting new
design of locomotives.
• Railway board shall give permission and also condonation to
infringement based on the recommendation for running of the
vehicle as requested.
• For running of the vehicle in other railway, GM of Govt Railway
may sanction the use of any rolling stock already introduced on
Indian Railway by central govt on any section or division of Railway
under his control. For this GM will be approached with following
• Provisional or Final speed certificate.
• Infringement etc.
• Sanction of Central Govt.
• JSC signed by Chief Engineer, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Chief
Electrical Engineer (If electric stock) etc and include Track
Certificate, Bridge certificate & OHE certificate(Proforma
given in Rly Boards’s Policy Circular No-6)
• GM shall communicate the sanction to commissioner 10 days
in advance of its implementation
Maintenance of Machine
6.2 Infrastructural Facility for Operation and Maintenance of Track Machines:
For proper working with machine and its maintenance, following facilities to
be provided:
a. Facility for storage and transportation of fuel and Oil.
b. Transportation arrangement for carrying spare parts and assemblies.
c. Communication facility like walkie-talkie and VHF set for communication
from block section.
d. Stabling and repairing facility for machines: At every 10-30 Km distance
a stabling siding with maintenance facility be provided. The minimum
facility to be provided are given below:
1. All dimensions are in millimeters.
2. Length of siding should preferably be of 300m and in no case it should be less than 200m.
3. Pathway preferably of 1500mm width should be provided on both side of siding. In no case
it should be less than 1000mm width.
4. An all weather approach road up to siding pathway must be provided to carry heavy
equipment, fuel drums etc.
5. Adequate water connection and lighting to be provided.
6. Electric connection to be provided for battery charging, lighting in coaches and welding (3
phase connection) to carry out minor repair should also be provided.
7. Toilet to be provided where there is no track machine staff rest room.
8. Minor changes in the lay out necessary as per local requirement may be carried out with the
approval of principal chief engineer.
f. Camp Coach :
Passenger coach to be converted to camp coach as per approved drawing
of RDSO. Railway may convert select cabins to Air-conditioned cabin. The
detail works to be done during conversion is given in para 810 of IRTMM.
The amenities to be provided are:
11. Pillow cover 20nos
12. Curtain on each window
13. Bed sheets (Single Bed} 20nos.
14. Mosquito net 10nos.
15. WoolenBlanket(Ravmond) 10nos.
16. Sofa One 3 Seater as per
the Requirement.
17. Insulated Water jug 10lit.cap
1. Gevser 20lit.cap. 01no.
2. Bucket 20lit.capacity 06nos.
3. Mug 02nos.
4. Aluminium/ Stainless Steel Stool 02nos.
1. Welding set5KVA 01no.
2. Water lifting pump 02nos.
3. Portable Drilling machine 01no.
4. Portable grinding machine 01no.
5. Diesel filling pump 01no.
6. Silent DG set 10’tWA 01no.
7. Folding Cot(Single Bed) 06nos.
Colour Scheme of camp coach shall be:
The specification of paint is given in IRTMM.
Manpower for Machine Working & Maintenance at Worksite
7.0 Manning of Machine:
• Each machine is manned by SSE’S/JE’S/TM including one Incharge (I),
MCM &TMMs (Technician) and Machine Assistants (Helper)
• Each machine shall be worked under the direct charge of SSE/JE/
TM during the movement and working of track machine. He shall be
in possession of the valid competency certificates, road learning and
medical fitness certificate for working the machine.
• SSE/JE/TM/I shall have additional responsibility of Maintaining records
of repair/Block/Spares and coordinating with Division and Staellite depot
incharge etc.
7.1 Man power on different machines:
Man power required in different category of machines are given below:
S. Name of Machine SSE Track Machine Cook Total
No (TM) Machine Assistant (Excluding
/ JE Maintainers Cook)
(TM) (TMM)
1 Plain Track Tamper 2 3 3 1 8
(DUO/Worksite &
2 Tamping Express 2 4 4 1 10
3 P&C Tamper 3 3 3 1 9
Multipurpose Tamper
4 Dynamic Track 2 2 2 Nil 6
5 Ballast Cleaning 3 3 4 1 10
6 Shoulder Ballast 3 3 4 1 10
Cleaning Machine
7 Ballast Regulating 2 2 3 1 7
Machine Regulator
8 Track Relaying Train 6 8 14 2 28
9 Portal Crane (one 1 1 1 1 Per set of 3
No.)/ Spoil Disposal Portals (2 or
Unit/ Tie Crane/ 3 Nos.) for
Tie Exchanger / Rail TLE and one
Lifting Units/Rail Cum per set of 4
Road Vehicles SDUs
10 P&C laying Machine 3 3 3 1 per Set of 9
(Two T- 28 Cranes + 2 T-28 & 1 jib
one Jib Crane) crane
11 Utility Vehicle (Self 2 2 3 1 7
Propelled), Rail Borne
Maintenance Vehicle.
12 Rail Grinding 10 12 12 2 34
Machine (72 stones)
(i) Posts of SSE/TM, JE/TM, MCM, TMM and MA shall be operated as cadre
posts and the post of cook shall be operated as ex-cadre.
(ii) The requirement of a cook for DTS shall be met with out of the provision
made for the machine to which these machines are attached.
(iii) For all the above categories, additional requirements of Leave Reserve
(LR) @ 12.5%, Rest Giver (RG) @ 47% (for 3 weeks roster) and @ 16.5%
(for weekly roster) & Trainee Reserve @ 4% shall be considered to work
out total requirement.
(iv) Distribution and designation of individual posts in various categories
shall be based on restructuring formulae and percentage distribution of
various types of grades applicable from time to time.
(v) The nomenclature of track machine maintainer covers all types of artisan
staff required for operation and maintenance of machine.
7.2 Training:
a. Officers-
• Initial IRICEN/Pune & IRTMTC
• Officers working in Track Machine Organization shall undergo
special courses on Track Machines conducted from time to time by
b. SSE/JE/TM(s)-
• Initial course at the time of joining or after empanelment for the
post of JE/TM from MCM/TMM at IRTMTC and ZTC.
• Refresher courses at IRTMTC and ZTC once in 3 years.
c. Technical Staff-
• Initial at IRTMTC
• Refresher courses at IRTMTC every 5 years.
d. Machine Assistant-
• Initial 2 weeks training on the lines similar to that of trackman.
7.3 Medical Catgory:
SSE/JE(Track Machines) ,Technician and machine assistant shall be all A3 catogory.
Inventory Management and Life of Machine
Check List for P. Way Officials
A. Check list for track machines –Tamper with DTS
S. Item Yes/
N. No
1. Has glued joint marked & S&T cable made clear from tamping zone? Glued
joint to be attended manually after passing of machine. (Advance)
2 OHE bonds has been made clear of tamping Zone? (Advance)
3. Has wooden block & joggled fish plates if any removed? (Advance)
4. Has minimum cushion of 150 mm been ensured? (Advance)
6. Whether sleepers uniformly spaced & squared? (Advance)
5. Has the L-Xing been opened in advance? (Advance)
7. Has the ballast heaped up in the tamping zone to ensure effective
packing? However, sleeper top should be visible to the operator and the
ballast should not obstruct the lifting roller. (Advance)
8 Is ALC being used for track parameter correction? (Advance)
If yes, then
• Is it working in unknown track geometry mode (measuring run mode)?
• Is it working in known track geometry mode
If working in unknown track geometry mode, has proper computation
with defined constant area been done for reaching at final alignment
and level. (Reqd. during work)
If in known track geometry mode, has correct Fd, Y and R been
calculated. (Advance)
9 If ALC is not being used has the following values been calculated? (Advance)
For lining:
• Working in 4-point- Versine correction values
• Working in 3-point- Versine values (H)
For Levelling
• Horizontal curve- K correction
• Vertical curve-X correction
Has the field survey been carried out to decide for design lining and
lifting? (Advance)
• lifting (Y) &
• Slewing (Fd)
The survey should be done in advance as per guidelines in IRTMM.
10. Has the lift value or general lift been decided properly taking into
account the existing cant and required cant in curve falling in the
section? (Advance)
11. Has the beginning and the end of curves/transition curves, all obligatory
locations marked on sleepers? (Advance)
12. Has all the required values like Fd, Y, Versine correction(4-point), Versine
values (3-point), K, X & Super-elevation marked on alternate sleepers
with direction to act as guide for the operator? (Advance)
13. Are all tamping tools provided in good condition? (Advance)
14. Is DTS being planned behind tamper? (Advance)
15. Is available safety equipment’s on the machine as per para 704 of
IRMM? (Advance)
16. Does the operator poses valid competency certificate as per para 703 of
IRTMM for operating the machine ? (Advance)
17. Has tamping parameters like tamping depth, squeezing time, squeezing
pressure properly set? (Reqd. during work)
18. Is DTS being used in proper mode and parameters correctly set. (Reqd.
during work)
19. Is tamping quality including lining, levelling and cant achieved – good
and acceptable. (Reqd. during work)
20. Has ramp been provided at start and close of work? (Reqd. during work)
21. Has proper lighting for night working been ensured. (Reqd. during work)
B. Check list for track machines –UNIMAT with DTS
S. Item Yes/
N. No
1. Is available safety equipment’s on the machine as per para 704 of
IRMM? (Advance)
2. Does the operator poses valid competency certificate as per para 703
of IRTMM for operating the machine ? (Advance)
3. Whether layout including spacing of sleepers as per relevant drawings
ensured? (Advance)
4. Is the nose of the crossing wear within permissible limit. If not is it
planned to be reconditioned before tamping? (Advance)
5. Has glued joint marked & S&T cable made clear from tamping zone?
Glued joint to be attended manually after passing of machine. (Advance)
6. Has wooden block & joggled fish plates if any removed ? (Advance)
8. Has minimum cushion of 150 mm been ensured? (Advance)
9. Whether Hogged, battered and low joints attended? (Advance)
10. Whether low cess made-up? (Advance)
11. Has the track drainage improved, and ballast recouped for better
retentively of packing? (Advance)
12. Has deficient or Loose fittings and fastenings made good? (Advance)
13. Has broken and damaged sleepers replaced? (Advance)
14. Whether the machine have full complement of tamping tools in good
condition? (Wear not more than 20%)(Advance)
15. Is ALC being used for track parameter correction (Advance)
16. If yes, then
• Is it working in unknown track geometry mode (measuring run mode)?
• Is it working in known track geometry mode
If in unknown track geometry mode, has proper computation with
defined constant area been done for reaching at final alignment and
level? (Reqd. during work)
If in known track geometry mode, has correct Fd, Y and R been
calculated? (Advance)
17. If ALC is not being used, has the following values been calculated.
For lining:
• Working in 4-point- Versine correction values
• Working in 3-point- Versine values (H)
For Levelling
• Horizontal curve- K correction
• Vertical curve-X correction
18. Has the field survey been carried out to decide for design lining and
lifting? (Advance)
• lifting (Y) &
• Slewing (Fd))
(The survey should be done in advance as per guidelines in IRTMM.)
19. Has the lift value (Y) for design levelling or general lift (for
smoothening) been decided properly taking into account the existing
cant and required cant in curve? (Advance)
20. If Points & Crossing is in curve then, has the beginning and the end of
curves/transition curves, all obligatory locations marked on sleepers?
21. Has all the required values like Fd, Y, Versine correction(4-point),
Versine values (3-point), K, X & Super-elevation marked on alternate
sleepers with direction to act as guide for the operator? (Advance)
22. Has DTS been planned behind UNIMAT? (Advance)
23. Has during and before tamping, S&T and Electrical staff been
associated to complete their portion of work? (Reqd. during block)
24. Has all obstructions such as rail lubricators, signal rods, cable pipes
OHE bonds etc which are likely to obstruct the tamping tools clearly
marked or made clear of tamping tool zone? (Reqd. during work)
25. Has it been ensured that the proper lighting arrangement is there in
night working? (Reqd. during work)
26. Has tamping parameters like tamping depth, squeezing time,
squeezing pressure properly set? (Reqd. during work)
27. Has tamping of Turnout side with lining, levelling system in cut off
mode been ensured? (Reqd. during work)
28. Has DTS been used in proper mode with proper parameters set?
(Reqd. during work)
29. Is tamping quality including lining, levelling and cant achieved – good
and acceptable. (Reqd. during work)
30. Has ramp in and ramp out been provided at start and close of work?
(Reqd. during work)
31. Are all cables and bonds disconnected being reconnected? (Post work)
32. Has setting of points been checked immediately after tamping jointly
with S&T staff. (Post work)
C. Check list for track machines –BCM
S. Item Yes/
N. No
1. Is available safety equipment’s on the machine as per para 704 of
IRMM? (Advance)
2. Does the operator poses valid competency certificate as per para 703
of IRTMM for operating the machine ? (Advance)
3. Is cutter chain and its fingers in good condition? (Advance)
4. Is Screen of BCM in good condition? (Advance)
5. Has it been ensured that the gas cutting equipment’s is available on
the machine? (Advance)
6. Has it been ensured that approaches to bridges which cannot be
screened by the machine screened manually in advance of the
machine working? (Advance)
7. Has it been ensured that there is no obstruction in the width of
4500mm (2250 mm from C/L on both side) to avoid infringement to
cutter chain? (Advance)
8 Has it been ensured that L-Xing should is opened in advance so as to
enable machine to work? (Advance)
9. Is Tamping machine and DTS planned behind BCM? (Advance)
10. Has it been ensured that UNIMAT machine is available while doing
deep screening of turn out? (Advance)
11. Has it been ensured that a trench of 300 mm depth & 1-meter width
is prepared for lowering of cutter bar in advance? (Reqd. during work)
12. Has it been ensured that proper lighting arrangement is there for
night working on machines? (Reqd. during work))
13. Has cutter ban been removed and ballast filled for proper tamping
and speed relaxation after DTS working? (Reqd. during work)
14. Has it been ensured that proper protection of worksite done with banner
flag & detonators during block. Also lookout caution/Speed restriction of
30-50 Kmph imposed on adjacent line? (Reqd. during work)
15. Is screening quality good? (Reqd. during work)
16. Is proper cross slope being achieved by BCM? (Reqd. during work)
17. Has it been ensured that watchman is posted round the block at the
location while cutter bar & chain are left at site? (Post work)
18. Has cleaning of haunches been done after deep screening by BCM
and cess lowered/raised as per requirement? (Post work)
19 Is speed being relaxed as per IRPWM provision? (Post work)
20 Is all disconnected cables and bonds being provided back behind
BCM? (Post work)
D. Check list for track machines –SBCM
S. Item Yes/
N. No
1. Is available safety equipment’s on the machine as per para 704 of
IRMM? (Advance)
2. Does the operator poses valid competency certificate as per para
703 of IRTMM for operating the machine ? (Advance)
3. Is cutter chain and its fingers in good condition? (Advance)
4. Is Screen of BCM in good condition? (Advance)
5. Has it been ensured that there is no obstruction in the width of 5400
mm (2700 mm from C/L on both side) to avoid infringement to cutter
chain? (Advance)
6. Has it been ensured that L-Xing should is opened in advance so as to
enable machine to work? (Advance)
7. Has all obstructions coming in working Zone of machine been
disconnected/ shifted or exposed for making it visible to operator
during working? (Advance)
8. Has it been ensured that proper lighting arrangement is there for
night working on machines? (Reqd. during work))
9. Is screening quality good? (Reqd. during work)
10. Is proper depth of cut being maintained to avoid making channel?
(Reqd. during work)
11. Is all disconnected cables and bonds being reconnected back behind
SBCM? (Post work)
E. Check list for track machines –TRT
S. Item Yes/
N. No
1. Has existing alignment, level and obligatory points been marked
on fixed references like OHE mast or separate post and proposed
alignment and level also marked? (Advance)
2. Has proper loading of PRC on BRN/BRH (before loading, floor free
from ballast, wooden batten 75 mm x 75 mm or light rail between
each layer of PRC been placed) in base depot? (Advance)
3. Has all bridge rails been provided properly in base depot? (Advance)
4. Has long/broken/extremely rough bottom surface PRCs removed in
base depot? (Advance)
5. Has crib ballast 4”to 5” from top of sleepers been removed at site in
advance? (Advance)
6. For TRR(P), has enough rail been unloaded at site and has it been
brought close to track? (Advance)
7. Are fastening (ERC’s) free (not jammed). (Advance)
8. Has squaring of sleepers been ensured in advance?(Advance)
9. Has the broken sleepers are removed? (Advance)
10. Has any lateral obstruction min.50 cms from the end of PRC
removed? (Advance)
11. Has SEJ falling in length to be renewed, removed in advance? (Advance)
12. Has isolated locations of hard bed overhauled? (Advance)
13. Has joint survey for pre attention work with PWI & Machine in
charge carried out? (Advance)
14. Has it been ensured that level crossing opened/overhauled properly
in advance? (Advance)
15. Has it been ensured that the electrical cables buried in the ballast
lowered down 10”to 12” below the bottom of PRC sleepers? (Advance)
16. Has tamping machine and DTS planned behind TRT? (Advance)
17. Have all obstructions like Water Pipes, OHE bonds, Signal wires, rail
post etc been removed or disconnected in advance of TRT working?
(Reqd. during block)
18. Has long size fish plate bolts/Joggle plate removed? (Reqd. during block)
19. During night working has proper lighting, in the length of work to be
targeted + the length of Rake provided? (Reqd. during block)
20. Is contractor Supervisor and enough work force available? (Reqd.
during block)
21. Has proper ramping at close of work been done? (Reqd. during block)
22. Is abrasive rail cutter and gas cutting equipment-1 set (min), with
operator/blacksmiths available? (Reqd. during block)
23. Has availability of 6 sets of rail closures of rail section being laid in
various sizes from 10 mm to 30 mm lengths, been arranged and
availability of enough fish plates /junction fish plates with bolts
ensured? (Reqd. during block)
24. Has it been ensured that proper protection of worksite done with
banner flag & detonators during block to follow the lookout caution
/Speed restriction of 30-50 Kmph imposed on adjacent line? (Reqd.
during work)
25. Is site being cleared of released rails/other materials of previous
days? (Post work)
26. Is speed restrictions being relaxed as per IRPWM provision? (Post work)
27. Is post relaying work like providing SEJ, L-Xing sleeper etc being done
in shadow block? (Post work)
28. Is all disconnected cable and bonds being reconnected in shadow
block? (Post work)
4. Has auxiliary track laid at 34000 mm gauge on CST-9 or wooden
blocks with spacing at 1.5 to 2.0 meters?(Advance)
5. Has auxiliary track of sufficient length laid in advance to match with
the daily progress of work. (Advance)
6. Has the auxiliary track ben kept between 0- 50 mm high than
existing track. (Advance)
7. Has removal of ballast from the crib and shoulders upto the bottom
level of the sleepers ensured? (Advance)
8. Have full fittings of the old sleepers ensured avoid their falling off
while lifting released panels? (Advance)
9. Has all broken sleepers been removed or replaced in advance? (Advance)
10. Has on girder bridges, the guard rails at the approaches on both
ends removed temporarily? (Advance)
11. Has level crossing opened properly in advance? (Advance)
12. Has proper planning and insertion of Switch Expansion Joints at
correct locations ensured? (Advance)
13. Has availability of under noted equipments ensured at site? (Advance)
a. One set of each of rail cutting and gas cutting equipments in
good working condition.(Daily).
b. Two sets of rail closures of the each rail section being laid in
various sizes from 0.5 m to 3 m lengths and sufficient sets of
junction/ordinary fish plates with bolts arranged.
14. If TRR(P) is also planned, has cutting of LWR/SWR to single rails
ensured for lifting released panels? (Advance)
15. If only TSR(P) planned, has the existing running rail replaced by
service rails for the stretches which are to be re-laid during the next
day? (Advance)
16. Has all obstructions like cables, signalling rods, embedded rail piece,
tie bar etc removed or disconnected in advance. (Advance)
17. Has extra number of track panels fabricated in the base depot
to maintain a buffer stock for one or two days of relaying work.
18. Has tamping machine and DTS planned for relaxation of speed to
normal? (Advance)
19. Has proper protection of worksite done with banner flag & detonators
during block & follow the lookout caution /Speed restriction of 30-50
Kmph imposed on adjacent line? (Reqd. during work)
20. Has all disconnected cables and bonds, been connected after work?
(Post work)
21. Is Rail renewal, welding and tamping being done in shadow block.
(Post work)
22. Is speed restriction behind renewal site being relaxed as per
provision in IRPWM. (Post work)
23. Is post relaying work like providing SEJ, L-Xing sleeper etc being done
in shadow block? (Post work)
14. Has location where clamp of each crane will hold the crossing and
switch portions for lifting marked on the assembled turnout? (Reqd.
during working)
15. Is UNIMAT deployed behind T-28 machine? (Post work)
16. Has all cables and Bonds Disconnected been reconnected (Post work)
6. Is necessary protection in case of Infringement to adjacent track being
ensured? (Reqd during working)
7. Has specific person been assigned the duty of repeating the location of
RE Mast to avoid any infringement? (Reqd during working)
8 Has proper physical locking of all ploughs before departure from site
been ensured? (Reqd during working)
13. Is the grinding being done after passage of GMT as per decided grind
cycle. (Advance)
14. Is enough test location provided in the section for monitoring of
grinding? (Advance)
15. Has the staff been provided with safety gadgets for their safety
during RGM working? (Reqd. during working)
16. Does the GQI show improvement after grinding? (Reqd. during working)
17. Is the surface left after grinding visibly of good quality? (Post work)
18. Is the rail crown radius closer to 250 mm and roughness less than 20
microns. (Post work)
19. Are following measurements being taken at test locations for
ensuring quality and for monitoring grinding: (Post work)
a. Measurement of before and after profile of rail by Miniprof
b. Photograph before and after grinding
c. Measurements for monitoring contact band
d. DPT before and after grinding.
20. Is report being sent to RDSO in desired proforma for their monitoring
and analysis.(Post work)
Position of Trolleys in Tamping machines
S.No Machine AB BC CD AC BD AD
1 0 8 - 32 (8018-8045) 5 5 10 10 15 20
2 08-275 (8249-8060) 5 5 10.6 10 15.6 20.6
3 08-275 -3S (8292-8312) 4.2 5.69 12.71 9.89 18.4 22.6
4 UNIMAT COMPACT- M 5 5.4 11 10.4 16.4 21.4
5 UNIMAT COMPACT- M 5 5.6 10.8 10.6 16.4 21.4
6 0 9- 32 CSM (901-953) 6 4.7 10.05 10.7 14.75 20.75
7 0 9-3X Tamping 4.35 5.475 11.075 9.825 16.55 20.9
Express (2954-3963)
8 0 8-32 New 5 5.115 9.8 10.115 14.915 19.915
9 08-275 UNIMAT-3S 4.2 5.18 12.82 9.38 18 22.2
10 08-475 UNIMAT-4S 5.85 6.09 12.71 11.94 18.8 24.65
11 0 9-3X Tamping 4.35 5.475 11.075 9.825 16.55 20.9
Express (2964-3965)
12 0 9-3X Tamping 4.35 5.475 11.075 9.825 16.55 20.9
Express (3966-3971)
13 0 9- 32CSM (954-967) 6 3.79 10.96 9.79 14.75 20.75
14 UNIMAT MFI SPLIT 5 6.05 11.2 11.05 17.25 22.25
HEAD (2009-2018)
15 08-32 C (8128-8140) 5 5.3 9.35 10.3 14.65 19.65
16 09-32 CSM (968 -984) 6 3.79 10.96 9.79 14.75 20.75
Versine correction and its value for M/s Plasser make MPT- a sample
Versine values for 3-point lining for M/s Plasser make MPT-a sample
Annexure 7.7
Infringement to Indian Railways Schedule of Dimension by Various Track Machines Aneexure-VI
Infringements,(A) Infringement Code & Speed
to Schedule of of Different Track
Dimensions – 1939Machines
SN Name of the Make Transport- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ation Code Dimension of as per SOD
Self pro- In train
Machine (mm) (mm)
pelled formation
1. Continuous Tamping M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 40
Machine (09 - 32 wheel gauge face.
CSM) ii) Min. rigid wheel base. 1800 1830
2. Points & Crossing M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 40
Tamping Machine wheel gauge face.
(UNIMAT 08- ii) Min. rigid wheel base. 1800 1830
275-3S) iii) Max. distance between any two adjacent axles. 12200 11890
3. Dynamic Track M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 50
Stabilizer (DGS-62N) wheel gauge face
ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie. 1500 1830
4. Ballast Cleaning M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 900 914 40 30
Machine (RM-80) wheel gauge face.
ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres. 22200 14785
iii) Max. length of bogie or roof. 29360 21340
iv) Max. length of under frames over headstocks. 29360 21030
v) Max. length over side buffers. 30600 22300
vi) Max. distance apart between adjacent axles. 20370 11890
5. Ballast Regulator M/s – i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 838.2 914 50 40
(66-4) Kershaw wheel gauge face.
SN Name of the USA
Make Transp- 4-wheeler vehicles.
Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation ii) Max. length of body or roof for 4-wheeler vehicles. Dimension 9120
of 8540
as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code iii) Max. length over side buffers Machine10389
(mm) 9810
(mm) pelled. formation
6. Track Relaying MIs Tamper i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 838.2 914 5 50
Train Corpora-tion, wheel gauge face.
(P-811-S) USA ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck. 1727.2 1830
iii) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles 12072.94 11890
7. Points & Crossing M/s Plasser i) Min. dia. of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 900 914 40 30
Cleaning Machine wheel gauge face.
(RM-76 UHR) ii) Max. distance apart of bogie
225centre. 19500 14785
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code Machine (mm) (mm) pelled. formation
6. Track Relaying MIs Tamper i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 838.2 914 5 50
SN Train
Name of the Corpora-tion,
Make Transp- wheel gauge face.Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine USA ortation ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck. Dimension
1727.2of 1830
as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code iii) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles 12072.94
Machine (mm) 11890
(mm) pelled. formation
6. Points & Crossing
Track Relaying M/s Plasser
MIs Tamper i) Min. dia.
dia of
63.5mm from
mmfrom 900
838.2 914 40
5 30
Train Machine Corpora-tion, wheel gauge face.
(P-811-S)UHR) USA ii) Max. distance
Min. rigid apart
wheel bogie
baseoffor centre.
bogie truck. 19500
1727.2 14785
iii) Max. length
body between bogie
or roof forany twovehicles.
adjacent axles 23490
12072.94 21340
7. Points & Crossing M/s Plasser iv)
i) Min. length
Max.dia. of under
of new wheelframes over headstocks.
tread measured at 63.5 mm from 23490
900 21030
914 40 30
Cleaning Machine wheel
v) Max.gauge
over side buffers 24730 22300
(RM-76 UHR) vi)
ii) Max.
apartofbetween two adjacent axles
bogie centre. 17670
19500 11890
8. Points & Crossing M/s –Ameca i)
Max. length
Gauge:of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 23490 21340 10 -
Changing Machine Italy iv)Maximum
Max. length of under frames over headstocks. 1604
23490 1602
(AMECA-T-28) v) Minimum
Max. length over side buffers 1598
24730 1599
distance wheel
of newapart tread measured
between at 63.5
two adjacent mm from
axles 400
17670 914
8. Points & Crossing M/s –Ameca wheel gauge
i) Wheel Gauge:face 10 -
9. Changing
Ballast Machine
Cleaning Italy Plasser
M/s Maximum
i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 1604
900 1602
914 50 40
Machine Max. distance apart of bogie centre
ii) Minimum 22200
1598 14785
(RM80- iii)
ii) Min. length
Max.dia of body
of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 28300
400 21340
92-I) iv)wheel gauge face
Max. length over head stock 28300 21030
9. Ballast Cleaning M/s Plasser v)
i) Min. length
Max.dia over side
on wheel buffers.
tread. 29540
900 22300
914 50 40
Machine vi) Max distance apart between
ii) Max. any two adjacent axles.
of bogie centre 20370
22200 11890
10. Shoulder
(RM80- Ballast M/s Plasser i)
Max.dia on wheel
length tread.
of body 900
28300 914
21340 40 30
92-I) Machine ii)
Max.distance apart
length over of bogie
head stock centres 16000
28300 14785
(FRM-80) iii)
v) Max.
Max.length of body
lengthover side buffers. 38200
29540 21340
vi) Max. length over
Max distance aparthead
stocksany two adjacent axles. 38200
20370 21030
10. Shoulder Ballast M/s Plasser v)
i) Min. length
Max.dia over side
on wheel buffers.
tread. 39470
900 22300
914 40 30
Cleaning Machine vi) Max distance apart between
ii) Max. any two adjacent axles.
of bogie centres 14170
16000 11890
11. UTV 502 L
(FRM-80) M/s –Tamper i)
Max.dia on new
length wheel tread.
of body 838.2
38200 914
21340 60 40
Carpora-tion ii)
Max.rigid wheel
length overbase.
head stocks 8000
38200 6100
USA iiii)
v) Max.
Max.length of body
lengthover side for 4-wheel vehicle 3200 mm wide.
buffers. 11303
39470 8540
vi) Max. length over
Max distance aparthead
stocks.any two adjacent axles. 11303
14170 8540
11. UTV 502 L M/s –Tamper v)Max. length
i) Min. dia on new side buffers.
overwheel tread. 12522
838.2 9810
914 60 40
Carpora-tion ii) Max. rigid wheel base. 8000 6100
USA iiii) Max. length of body for 4-wheel vehicle 3200 mm wide. 11303 8540
iv) Max. length over head stocks. 11303 8540
v)Max. length over side buffers. 226 12522 9810
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code Machine (mm) (mm) pelled. formation
12. P&C Tamping M/s Plasser i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 730 914 60 40
Machine 08-275 ii) Min. distance apart of bogie centres. 11500 11933
(UNIMAT). iii)Min. bogie wheel base. 1500 1830
13. Ballast Regulator M/s –Kershaw i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 832 914 60 40
56-3 USA ii) Max. length of body. 11074 8540
iii) Max. length over headstocks. 11074 8540
iv) Max. length over side buffers. 12344 9810
14. Multipurpose M/s Plasser i). Min. dia on wheel tread measured at 63.5mm from gauge 730 914 60 40
Tamping Machine. face.
ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
15. High Output M/s Plasser CHTM0 i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage wheel, measured at 730 914 60 60
Tamping Machine 9-3XP1 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face.
(09-3X) 20.0t axle ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles 15700 14785
load. 3250 mm wide.
iii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1500-Satellite
1800-Front and
Rear bogies
iv) Max. Length of underframes over headstocks for bogie 21700 21030
vehicles 3250mm wide.
v) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles 3250mm 22940 22300
16. Utility Track M/s-BHEL i)Distance apart for centres of buffers . 1956 1955 50 50
Vehicle ii) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeler vehicle 3200 10516 8540
mm wide.
17. Shoulder Ballast M/s Plasser CSBC85 i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 900 914 40 30
Cleaning Machine FP measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
(FRM-85F). ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres . 16000 14785
iii) Max. Length of body or roof. 38200 21340
iv) Max. Length of under frames over head stocks. 38200 21030
v) Max. Length over side buffers. 39440 22300
vi) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles. 14170 11890
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD
Code Machine (mm) (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
18. Worksite Tamper M/s -Metex i). Min. dia of wheel tread measured at 63.5mm from gauge 710.325 914 40 40
Model-VPR-02M face.
ii) Minimum projection for flange of new tyre, measured 27.675 28.50
from tread at 63.5mm from wheel gauge face.
iii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 32.31 28.5
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iv) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicle 3250mm 23550 22300
19. Utility Track Vehicle. M/s- OEPL i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 60 50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Max. rigid wheel base. 6500 6100
iii) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle 3200 9000 8540
mm wide.
iv) Max. Length of under frames over head stocks. 9000 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers. 10270 9810
(B) Infringement to Schedule of Dimensions – 2004
Infringements, Transportation Code & Speed of Different Track Machines
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Dimensi Speed in kmph
Machine ortation of Machine (mm) on as
Code per SOD Self pro- In train
(mm) pelled. formation
1 High Output Tamping M/s Plasser i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730-for Satellite 914 50 65
Machine (09-3X) measured at 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face. bogie.
18.5t axle load. 850- for Front and
Rear bogies.
ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.68 28.50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii)Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1370 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iv) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles . 15700 15241
v) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle 1500-for Satellite 1830
1800-for Front
and Rear bogies.
vi) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 21700 21340
vii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 22940 22300
2. High Output Tamping M/s Plasser CHTM09- i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730-for Satellite 914 50 65
Machine (09-3X) 3XP measured at 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face.
21.0t axle load. ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.46 29.4
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Max. height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1370 1345
iv) Distance apart for centres of buffers 1955 1956
v.) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles 15700 14900
vi) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1500-for Satellite 1830
1800-for Front
and Rear bogies.
vii) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 21700 21340
viii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 22940 22300
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Dimensi Speed in kmph
Machine ortation of Machine (mm) on as
Code per SOD Self pro- In train
(mm) pelled. formation
3. Utility Track Vehicle M/s i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 50 60
with Mobile Crane. Phooltas gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1956 1955
iii) Max. rigid wheel base 8000 6100
iv) Max. Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 11900 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle 13170 9810
4. Utility Track Vehicle. M/s BEML CUTVB i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 50 50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1956 1955
iii) Max. rigid wheel base for four wheeled vehicles. 7000 6100
iv) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 10850 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 12120 9810
5. Dynamic track M/s BHEL CTSBH i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1450 1345 50 50
Stabilizer vehicle.
6. Ballast Regulating M/s Plasser BRM/USP- i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 850 914 50 60
Machine Model-USP 2000SWS measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
2000 SWS ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.5
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 2100 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iv) Distance apart for centres of buffers 1955 1956
7. Point & Crossing M/s Plasser PCTM/08- i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.46 28.50 50 65
Tamping Machine 475-4S gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
(UNIMAT 08-475-4S) ii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1370 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
v) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicle. 28370 22300
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimens- Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of ion as per
Code Machine (mm) SOD (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
8. Lifting, Lining M/s Plasser i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 850 914 50 50
,Levelling and measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
Tamping Machine ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.50
Model-08-32C gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
DUOMATIC iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
9. Dynamic Track M/s Metex DTSC8TMX i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 860 914 50 50
Stabilizer (Model measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
DSP-C8T) ii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1635 1345
unloaded vehicle.
10. Ballast Regulating M/s Plasser CBRM400R i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730 914 50 50
Machine Model-PBR P measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
400R ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 9750 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 11020 9810
11. Rail Grinding M/s Loram CRG 72L i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1683 1345 50 65
Machine(RGI-72) vehicle.
12. Ballast Regulating M/s Metex CBRM/RPB i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1700 1345 50 50
MachineModel-RPB- -01MX vehicle.
01 ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
13. Ballast Cleaning M/s BHEL i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1600 1345 50 50
Machine vehicle.
ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles. 18000 15241
iii) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles 23840 21340
iv) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 25110 22300
v) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles 15900 12345
14. Worksite Tamper M/s Metex TTM/VPR- i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 732 914 50 50
without flat car 02M measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimens- Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of ion as per
Code Machine (mm) SOD (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
15. Ballast Regulating M/s Gemac CBRMG i) Max. rigid wheel base for four wheeled vehicles. 7500 6100 50 60
Machine Model SPZ China ii) Max. length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 13590 8540
210k iii) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 14780 9810
16. Multipurpose M/s Plasser CMTUSHP i)Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730 914 45 45
Tamping Machine measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
Model-Unimat Split ii)Distance apart from centres of buffers. 1955 1956
Head MFI iii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 28570 22300
17. Rail Borne M/s RBMVP i)Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 952 914 65 65
Maintenance Vehicle Phooltas measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face
(RBMV) Model- ii) Distance apart from centres of buffers . 1956 1956
RBMV.01 iii)Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles 21337 21340
Published by:
Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering
Price Rs. 50/-