HCV Guidelines
HCV Guidelines
HCV Guidelines
Dr Saeed Hamid
1.75 million new infections / year
(Unsafe health care and injection drug use)
71 million infected, all regions
Formulate recommendations
Topic Recommendation
• Potential harms
• More side-effects potentially if larger-scale use of DAAs
(need pharmaco-vigilance)
• Possibility of reactivation for HBV co-infected persons
• Perception that harm reduction among PWID would be unnecessary
What treatment to use?
Potential harms
• There are countries where the recommended pan-genotypic regimens
may not yet be approved or available
• In addition, there are countries where the HCV epidemic is almost entirely
caused by one HCV genotype; thus, there may be a continued role for non-
pan-genotypic DAAs, while national programmes transition to using pan-
genotypic regimens.
Exceptional Growth in Treatment Rate
* Prior to approval of DAAs for children < 12 years old, exceptional treatment
with interferon+ribavirin may be considered for children with genotype 2 or 3
infection, and severe liver disease.
Treatment of Adolescents (12-17 years)
Benefits vs Harms
Potential Benefits
• Curative, short-course DAA treatment is likely to be highly acceptable to
adolescents, as well as their parents or caregivers
• Cure will enable adolescents to live free of a socially stigmatising infection
• Earlier treatment may avoid the higher costs associated with treating
adults with advanced liver disease.
Potential Harms
• Some adolescents will be diagnosed and treated for HCV infection that is
currently causing no symptoms and this may create some anxiety
• LMICs with already significant financial constraints may be unwilling to
extend treatment to adolescents in the initial phase of scale-up.
Simplified testing and management algorithms
• WHO recommends use of DAAs to ‘treat all’ (with the
exception of pregnant women and children under age 12)
• Genotyping remains a barrier; thus, WHO is moving towards
recommending the use of pan-genotypic DAA regimens
• Very dynamic price scenario for DAA regimens; registration in
countries remains a barrier and needs to be a high priority
• Simplified algorithms for testing and treatment, adapted to
primary care, can greatly facilitate global scale-up
• Equity in access to DAAs is a critical guiding principle.
Thank you!