Module-2 Papers 1

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Two sets in each subject are to be prepared. Each Set Shall contain seven questions.

Subjects are given below:

1. 2. 3. 4. Modern Control Theory Protection of Power System Advanced Power Electronics Microwave Engg.-II

Detailed Syllabus:

6EX1 MODERN CONTROL THEORY Unit-1 Introduction: Concept of Linear vector space Linear Independence, Bases & Representation, domain and range. Concept of Linearity, relaxedness, time invariance, causality. Unit-2 State Space Approach of Control System Analysis: Modern Vs conventional control theory, concept of state, state variable state vector, state space, state space equations, Writing statespace equations of mechanical, Electrical systems, Analogous systems. Unit-3 State Space Representation using physical and phase variables, comparison form of system representation. Block diagram representation of state model. Signal flow graph representation. State space representation using canonical variables. Diagonal matrix. Jordan canonical form, Derivation of transfer function from state-model. Unit-4 Solution of State Equations: Diagonalization, Eigenvalues and eigen vectors. Matrix exponential, State transition matrix, Properties of state transition matrix. Computation of State transition matrix concepts of controllability & observability. Pole placement by state feedback, Ackermans formula Unit-5 Digital Control Systems: Introduction, sampled data control systems, signal reconstruction, difference equations. The z-transform, Z-Transfer Function. Block diagram analysis of sampled data systems, z and s domain relationship, digital PID controller 6EX3 PROTECTION OF POWER SYSTEM Unit-1 (i) Causes and consequences of dangerous currents: Faults, overloads and

switching over currents. Introduction to protection, trip circuit of a circuit breaker. Functional characteristics of a relay, zone of protection, primary and backup protection. (ii) CTs & PTs: Current transformer construction, measurement and protective CTs. Type of potential transformers. Steady state ratio and phase angle errors in CTs and PTs. Transient errors in CT and CVT (Capacitive Voltage Transformer). Unit-2 Overcurrent Protection: HRC fuse and thermal relay. Overcurrent (OC) relays instantaneous, definite time, inverse time and inverse definite minimum time overcurrent relays, time and current gradings. Induction disc type relay. Directional overcurrent relay, 30, 60 and 90 connections. Earth fault relay. Brief description of overcurrent protective schemes for a feeder, parallel feeders and ring mains. Unit-3 Generator Protection: Stator protection - differential and percentage differential protection, protection against stator inter-turn faults, stator overheating protection. Rotor protectionprotection against excitation and prime mover failure, field earth fault and unbalanced stator currents (negative sequence current protection). Unit-4 (i) Transformer Protection: Percentage differential protection, magnetizing inrush current, percentage differential relay with harmonic restraint. Buchholz relay. Differential protection of generator transfer unit. (ii) Busbar Protection: Differential protection of busbars, high impedance relay scheme, frame leakage protection. Unit-5 (i) Transmission Line Protection: Introduction to distance protection. Construction, operating principle and characteristics of an electromagnetic impedance relay. Effect of arc resistance. Induction cup type reactance and mho relays. Comparison between impedance, reactance and mho relays. Three stepped distance protection of transmission line. (ii) Induction Motor Protection: Introduction to various faults and abnormal operating conditions, unbalance supply voltage and single phasing. Introduction to protection of induction motors- HRC fuse and overcurrent, percentage differential, earth fault and negative

sequence voltage relays. 6EX4 ADVANCED POWER ELECTRONICS Unit-1 AC Voltage Controllers: Principle of On-Off Control, Principle of Phase control, Single Phase Bi-directional Controllers with Resistive Loads, Single Phase Controllers with Inductive Loads, Three Phase full wave AC controllers, AC Voltage Controller with PWM Control. Unit-2 Inverters: Principle of Operation, Single-phase bridge inverters, Three phase bridge Inverters: 180 and 120 degree of conduction. Voltage control of Single Phase and Three Phase Inverters, Current Source Inverters, Harmonics and its reduction techniques. Unit-3 Cycloconverters: Basic principle of operation, single phase to single phase, threephase to three-phase and three phase to single phase cycloconverters. Output equation, Control circuit. Unit-4 DC Power Supplies: Switched Mode DC Power Supplies, flyback converter, forward converter, half and full bridge converter, resonant DC power supplies, bidirectional power supplies. Unit-5 AC Power Supplies: Switched mode power supplies, Resonant AC power supplies, bidirectional AC power supplies. Multistage conversions, Control Circuits: Voltage Mode Control, Current Mode Control
6EC1-MICROWAVE ENGINEERING-II UNIT 1 : MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS : Detection of microwaves, Microwave power measurement, Impedance measurement, Measurement of scattering parameters, Frequency measurement, VSWR measurements. UNIT 2: Introduction to microstrip lines, Parallel striplines, Coplanar striplines, Shielded striplines, Slot lines, Integrated Fin line, Non-radiative guide, Transitions, Bends and Discontinuities. UNIT 3 : MICROWAVE NETWORK ANALYSIS: Impedance and Admittance matrices, Scattering matrix, Reciprocal networks and Loss less networks parameters, ABCD Matrix, Equivalent circuits for Two port Network, Conversions between two port network Signal flow graphs, Discontinuities in waveguides and microstrip. UNIT 4 : MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES : Construction, Operation and Practical applications of PIN diode, varactor and Tunnel diode, Gunn diode, IMPATT, TRAPTT diodes, BJT, JFET, MESFET, CCD, MASER and LASER.

UNIT 5 : MONOLITHIC MICOWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS : Introduction, Materials, MMIC Growth, MOSFET fabrication, Thin film formation, Hybrid integrated circuit fabrication, Advantages & Difficulties of MICs.

Format for all the papers is as under:

B.Tech.; Semester VI End Term Examination, July, 2011 6EC1: Microwave Engg.-II Time: 3.00 hrs M.M. 60

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Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

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