Actual Cycle Lecture Slides
Actual Cycle Lecture Slides
Actual Cycle Lecture Slides
Why to open Inlet Valve before TDC and why to close it after BDC ? (To
have more fresh charge inside cylinder, volumetric efficiency increases)
Why to open Exhaust Valve before BDC? (Explained already in the article
Exhaust Blow Down)
What happens if inlet valve closes after BDC? (NO Loss of Fresh Charge
will take place since Exhaust valve is in the closed position. Hence NO
drop in volumetric efficiency. Piston is moving against mass of fresh
charge inducted. This is compression process. This is NOT pumping
loss. Pumping Loss is ONLY considered during Exhaust Stroke.)
Why to close exhaust valve after TDC?(COMPRESSED Residual gases of
present cycle gets moment once piston moves from TDC to BDC for the
suction stroke of the next cycle, for example during 20 degree after TDC
in high speed engine more gases will be thrown outside due to moment
gained as per design of combustion of chamber. However some fresh
charge coming via inlet valve will go out via exhaust valve hence drop in
vol. efficiency. Here both the valves are open at a time is known as
BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
What is overlap ? (See answer in last para of previous
Is it the pumping loss increases with speed ? (Yes, at high
speed, more pumping work by piston because high
amount gases at more pressure have to expel out in
exhaust stroke than in case of low speed engine.)
In the diesel cycle losses are less than Otto cycle. The
main loss in the diesel cycle is due to incomplete
combustion and heterogeneous mixture.
Q. 1 to 7
Q. 9 to 11
Q. 13 & 15