Astm F-2490-05
Astm F-2490-05
Astm F-2490-05
e1 NOTE—Corrected parentheses in Eq 6 editorially in March 2007.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This guide covers how to prepare an electrical load 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
analysis (ELA) to meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 3.1.1 abnormal electrical power operation (or abnormal
requirements. operation), n—occurs when a malfunction or failure in the
1.2 The values given in SI units are to be regarded as the electric system has taken place and the protective devices of
standard. the system are operating to remove the malfunction or failure
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the from the remainder of the system before the limits of abnormal
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the operation are exceeded.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Discussion—The power source may operate in a
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- degraded mode on a continuous basis when the power charac-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. teristics supplied to the using equipment exceed normal opera-
tion limits but remain within the limits for abnormal operation.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.2 alternate source, n—second power source that may be
2.1 FAA Aeronautics and Space Airworthiness Standards:2 used instead of the normal source, usually on failure of the
14 CFR 23.1309 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter normal source.
Category Airplanes—Equipment, Systems, and Installa- Discussion—The use of alternate sources creates a
tions new load and power configuration and, therefore, a new
14 CFR 23.1351 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter electrical system that may require separate source capacity
Category Airplanes—General analysis.
14 CFR 23.1353 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter 3.1.3 cruise, n—condition during which the aircraft is in
Category Airplanes—Storage Battery Design and Instal- level flight.
lation 3.1.4 electrical source, n—electrical equipment that pro-
14 CFR 23.1419 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter duces, converts, or transforms electrical power.
Category Airplanes—Ice Protection 3.1.5 electrical system, n—consists of an electrical power
14 CFR 23.1529 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter source, the electrical wiring interconnection system, and the
Category Airplanes—Instructions for Continued Airwor- electrical load(s) connected to that system.
thiness 3.1.6 emergency electrical power operation (or emergency
14 CFR 91 General Operating and Flight Rules operation), n—condition that occurs following a loss of all
14 CFR 135.163 Operating Requirements: Commuter and normal electrical generating power sources or another malfunc-
On Demand Operations and Rules Governing Persons on tion that results in operation on standby power (batteries or
Board Such Aircraft—Equipment Requirements: Aircraft other emergency generating source such as an auxiliary power
Carrying Passengers under IFR unit (APU) or ram air turbine (RAT)) only, or both).
3.1.7 ground operation and loading, n—time spent in pre-
paring the aircraft before the aircraft engine starts.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F39 on Normal and Discussion—During this period, the APU, internal
Utility Category Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems and is the direct responsibility batteries, or an external power source supplies electrical power.
of Subcommittee F39.01 on Design, Alteration, and Certification.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2005. Published October 2005.
3.1.8 landing, n—condition starting with the operation of
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, navigational and indication equipment specific to the landing
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401. approach and following until the completion of the rollout.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
tors, transformer rectifier units, inverters, main batteries, APU, tude or duration to impair system voltage or frequency stabil-
and so forth). ity, or both, or to exceed short-time ratings of power sources,
3.1.12 normal source, n—provides electrical power that is, intermittent/momentary and cyclic loads. This is essen-
throughout the routine aircraft operation. tial, since the ultimate use of an aircraft’s ELA is for the proper
3.1.13 takeoff and climb, n—condition starting with the selection of characteristics and capacity of power-source com-
takeoff run and ending with the aircraft leveled off and set for ponents and the resulting assurance of satisfactory performance
cruising. of equipment under normal, abnormal, and emergency operat-
3.1.14 taxi, n—condition from the aircraft’s first movement ing power conditions.
under its own power to the start of the takeoff run and from 5.3 A large majority of general aviation aircraft uses only
completion of landing rollout to engine shutdown. DC power. If an aircraft also uses AC power, the ELA will have
to include the AC loads as well.
4. Significance and Use
6. Procedure for Preparation of Electrical Load Analysis
4.1 To show compliance with 14 CFR 23.1351, you must
determine the electrical system capacity. 6.1 Content—The load and power source capacity analysis
report should include the following sections:
4.2 14 CFR 23.1351(a)(2) states that:
6.1.1 Introduction,
4.2.1 For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, 6.1.2 Assumptions and Criteria,
by an electrical load analysis or by electrical measurements
6.1.3 Load Analysis—Tabulation of Values,
that account for the electrical loads applied to the electrical
system in probable combinations and for probable durations; 6.1.4 Emergency and Standby Power Operation, and
and 6.1.5 Summary and Conclusions.
6.2 Introduction:
4.2.2 For commuter category airplanes, by an electrical load
analysis that accounts for the electrical loads applied to the 6.2.1 The introduction to the ELA report should include
electrical system in probable combinations and for probable information to assist the reader in understanding the function of
durations. the electrical system with respect to the operational phases of
the aircraft.
4.3 The primary purpose of the electrical load analysis
6.2.2 Typically, the introduction to the ELA should contain
(ELA) is to determine electrical system capacity (including
the following:
generating sources, converters, contactors, bus bars, and so
forth) needed to supply the worst-case combinations of elec- Brief description of aircraft type, which may also
trical loads. This is achieved by evaluating the average demand include the expected operating role for the aircraft;
and maximum demands under all applicable flight conditions. Electrical system operation, which describes normal,
A summary can then be used to relate the ELA to the system abnormal, and emergency operations, bus configuration with
capacity and can establish the adequacy of the power sources circuit breakers, and connected loads for each bus. A copy of
under normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions. the bus wiring diagram or electrical schematic should also be
included in the report;
NOTE 1—The ELA should be maintained throughout the life of the Generator, alternator, and other power source de-
aircraft to record changes to the electrical system, which may add or scription and related data (including such items as battery
remove electrical loads to the system.
discharge curves, inverter, emergency battery, and so forth).
4.4 The ELA that is produced for aircraft-type certification Typical data supplied for power sources would be as shown in
should be used as the baseline document for any subsequent Table 1;
changes. When possible, the basic format of the original ELA Operating logic of system (for example, automatic
should be followed to ensure consistency in the methodology switching, loading shedding, and so forth); and
and approach. List of installed equipment.
4.5 The original ELA may be lacking in certain information, 6.3 Assumptions and Criteria—All assumptions and design
for instance, time available on emergency battery. It may be criteria used for the analysis should be stated in this section of
necessary to update the ELA using the guidance material the ELA. For example, typical assumptions for the analysis
contained in this guide. may be identified as follows:
and power source analysis would identify the following details Condition of Aircraft Operation—Phase of preflight
in tabular form: and flight (such as ground operation and loading, taxi, takeoff,
6.4.1 Connected Load Table—See Appendix X1. cruise, and land). For aircraft, the conditions in Table 2 could Aircraft Bus—Identify the appropriate electrical bus be considered.
being evaluated. In a multiple bus configuration, there will be 6.4.2 Calculations:
a set of tables for each bus (that is, DC Bus 1, DC Bus 2, AC The following equations can be used to estimate
Bus 1, Battery Bus, and so forth). total current, total current rate, and average demand for each of Condition of Power Sources—Normal, abnormal the aircraft operating phases (ground operation and loading,
(abnormal conditions to be specified, for example, one genera- engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, cruise, and landing):
tor inoperative, two generators inoperative, and so forth), and Total Current ~A! 5 Sum of All Current Loads
emergency. Operating at a Given Time (1) Aircraft Operating Phases—The following aircraft Total Current Rate ~A2min! 5
operating phases should be considered for the ELA. Assume Number of Units Operating Simultaneously 3 Current per Unit ~A! 3
“night” conditions as the worst-case scenario.
NOTE 2—Icing conditions should be considered for worst-case sce- TABLE 2 Condition of Aircraft Operation
narios if the aircraft is approved for flight into known icing in accordance
Ground operations and loading 15 min typically
with 14 CFR 23.1419. However, in some cases, the icing system is
Engine start 5 min typically
deactivated or not installed, so icing may not always be the worst-case. Taxi 10 min typically Permissible Nonserviceable Conditions—The Takeoff and climb 20 min typically
Cruise as appropriate for aircraft type
analysis should also identify permissible nonserviceable con- Landing 20 min typically
ditions likely to be authorized in the MMEL, if approved,
included on the 30-min electrical power bus; however, the
failure warning system has clear and unambiguous attention- possible hazards that could cause catastrophic failure condi-
getting characteristics as required by 14 CFR 23.1351(c)(4). tions should be minimized.
Any automatic load shedding is assumed to take place imme- To minimize the hazard is to reduce, lessen, or
diminish to the least practical amount with current technology
NOTE 4—You should use 10 min where no flashing warning is provided and materials. The least practical amount is that point at which
to the flight crew. Where automatic load shedding is provided, a the effort to further reduce a hazard significantly exceeds any
description of the load(s) that will be shed should be provided with any benefit in terms of safety derived from that reduction. Addi-
specific sequencing, if applicable. tional efforts would not result in any significant improvements
6.5 Emergency or Standby Power Operations: to safety and would inappropriately add to the cost of the
6.5.1 Where standby power is provided by non-time-limited product.
sources such as a RAT, APU, and pneumatic or hydraulic A review of aircraft operating rule equipment
motor, the emergency loads should be listed and evaluated such requirements, the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) and the Type
that the demand does not exceed the capacity of the standby Certificate Data Sheet must be made for any additional
power source. essential items for continued safe flight and landing.
6.5.2 When a battery is used to provide a time-limited Tests and analyses should be considered for deter-
emergency supply, an analysis of battery capacity should be mining the rated operating capacity of the battery, the normal
undertaken. This should be compared with the time necessary service life, and the continued airworthiness requirement of 14
for the particular phase (for example, from gear extension to CFR 23.1529.
landing, including rollout) of the flight in which batteries are For these tests and analyses, the following should be
used instead of normal electrical power sources. established:
6.5.3 Five Minutes of Electrical Power Requirement by 14 (1) For the operating capacity, the discharge rate, tempera-
CFR 23.1351(g): ture, and end-point voltage, and The ELA must show the airplane can operate safely (2) For the airworthiness requirement, the inspection
in visual flight rules (VFR) conditions and initially at the schedule, useful battery life, and end of life.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Electrical Load Analysis—Normal Operating X1.1.1.3 Load shedding is accomplished manually by pilot
Conditions (see Table X1.1) within 5 min of warning annunciation,
X1.1.1 Assumptions: X1.1.1.4 Measured loads by a calibrated Fluke clamp-on
X1.1.1.1 Most severe operating condition is considered to DC ammeter on battery terminal to master relay cable, and
be night IFR with pitot heat operating, X1.1.1.5 Maximum demand must not exceed 80 % of alter-
X1.1.1.2 Motor load demands are shown for steady state nator data plate rating.
operation and do not include inrush current draw,
X1.2 Power Sources X1.3.1.9 Includes master solenoid current draw and inter-
X1.2.1 See Table X1.2. nally protected units; and
X1.3.1.10 Unnecessary loads have been shed.
X1.3 Emergency and Standby Power Operation X1.3.2 Battery Capacity—35 Ah, 75 % of capacity = 26.25
X1.3.1 Equipment Powered Under Emergency Conditions: Ah or 1575 A-min.
X1.3.1.1 Nav/Comm—Measured current value for emer- X1.3.3 Normal Preload Shed Consumption—35.0 A or 175
gency operations is 11.6 A; A-min (based on 5 min to recognize and shed loads).
X1.3.1.2 Audio panel—Master ON; X1.3.4 Minimum Cruise Load Consumption (Emergency
X1.3.1.3 Transponder/encoder—Unnecessary loads are Operations)—11.6 A or 232 A-min (based on 20 min to land
shed; once loads are shed).
X1.3.1.4 Turn coordinator—Includes master solenoid cur- X1.3.5 Approach/Landing Load Consumption—19.1 A or
rent draw and internally protected units; 191 A-min (based on 10 min for approach/land).
X1.3.1.5 Clock; X1.3.6 Cruise Duration—Battery capacity − (preload shed
X1.3.1.6 Engine monitoring instruments; + landing load)/cruise load = 1575 − (175 + 191)/11.6 = 104
X1.3.1.7 Instrument panel dimming; min.
X1.3.1.8 Measured current value for emergency operations X1.3.7 Total Duration—Preload shed cruise + cruise dura-
is 11.6 A; tion + landing time = 119 min.
X1.4 Summary and Conclusions
TABLE X1.2 Power Sources X1.4.1 Alternator has adequate generating capacity for
Continuous current maximum load requirements.
Number Rating
(DC Manufacturer
Model X1.4.2 Battery, when properly maintained, will provide the
Installed (DC Number
Volts) minimum requirements for duration under emergency opera-
Alternator 1 60 13.75 Motorcraft DOFF103JJ
Battery 1 35Ah 12 Gill G35 X1.4.3 Maximum demand load is less than 80 % of alter-
nator system capacity.
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