EMU For Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System
EMU For Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System
EMU For Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is the key portal to Table 1 Main specifications
international communities. One important sign for being a DM car: 261 (44),
Maximum number of Commuter
developed country is her capability to provide airport M car: 278 (50)
passengers [persons]
(Number of seats) DM car: 207 (48),
passengers with a safe, convenient, comfortable and high Express
M car: 216 (56)
quality transit service. Track gauge [mm] 1,435
As one item of the government-funded “i-Taiwan 12 Maximum length [m] DM/DMB car: 20.78, M car: 20.25
Maximum width [m] 3.03
Projects,” this airport link transit system Project will
Maximum car height
connect the Taoyuan International Airport with surrounding 3.763
transportation hubs such as Taipei Main Station, High Floor height [m]
(From top of rail)
Speed Rail Taoyuan Station, etc. so that international Distance between
airlines may tie closely to the local transportation web. bogie centers [m]
This Project can also stimulate prosperity along Current collection 750-VDC third-rail system
Maximum service
the route in coordination with the existing urban speed [km/h]
developments, to reach a more balanced city vs. Acceleration rate
[m/s2 ]
countryside status.
Deceleration rate Service brake 1.0
[m/s2 ] Emergency brake 1.3
IGBT VVVF inverter
1 Main specifications Main circuit Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor
Continuous rated power 185 kW
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT Electro dynamic (regenerative and rheostatic)
Brake system
System (TTYMRT) is a new MRT railway line that is and friction brake with parking brake
380 VAC, 60 Hz, three-phase: 180 kVA
51.2 km long in total and connects Taipei Station (A1) and Auxiliary power system 110 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase: 2 kVA
Huanbei Station (A21) in Zhongli District in Taoyuan City, via 110 VDC, 19 kW
Battery Nickel-cadmium alkaline battery, 130 Ah
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. It is planned to be
Train radio equipment,
extended for two stations from Huanbei Station to Zhongli Public address system,
Station in the future. Communication system Passenger alarm equipment,
Flight Information Display System,
On this railway, two types of trains will be operated: CCTV monitoring system
Commuter trains connecting between Taipei Station and ATC system ATC, Event recorder
connecting between Taipei Station and Taiwan Taoyuan baggage handling equipment), allowing passengers to
International Airport for express service. Table 1 lists the check-in to their flight and check in their baggage at the
main specifications of the cars. in-town check-in counter, so that the passengers can
travel with only carry-on baggage to the airport.
In order to travel continuous 4.92% steep gradient for
2 Features 3.92 km on this line, all cars are equipped with driving
(1) Train configuration motors.
Kawasaki delivered 17 sets of four-car Commuter trains Figure 1 shows the exterior view of Commuter DM
(DM-M-M-DM) and 11 sets of five-car Express trains car, Express DM car, and DMB car.
(DM-M-M-M-DMB), in total 123 cars. The car types are;
DM cars (cars with a driving cab) and M cars (middle cars) (2) Carbody
for passengers, in addition, Express trains are accompanied The car end underframe is made of low-alloy high-
with a DMB car (baggage car with a driving cab and tensile steel (LART steel), while other portions are made
Fig. 2 Interior
of stainless steel. It has been confirmed by a static load luggage in each car. Express trains have three luggage
analysis/test and crash-worthiness analysis that the racks in each car. Express DMB cars are cars dedicated
carbody satisfies the strength and crash-worthiness for baggage and have baggage handling equipment.
performance required by the client. The interior of Commuter trains is equipped with two
The front section of the DM and DMB cars consist of liquid crystal displays for displaying advertisement, news,
an FRP bonnet with an emergency detrainment door. flight information, etc. (flight information panel: FIP). The
A floating floor structure, in which the floor panels are interior of Express trains is equipped with four FIPs.
supported with rubber, has been adopted to reduce
interior noise. A fire resistant structure, in which a thermal (4) Bogie
insulation is installed between the floor panel and the Bogie is radius arm type for primary suspension, and
stainless-steel subfloor, has been adopted to satisfy the bolstered type with air springs for secondary suspension.
standards defined by the National Fire Protection The bogies are all driving motor bogies to cope with
Association (NFPA). traveling aforementioned long steep gradients along the
(3) Facilities
Three-pairs of sliding plug passenger doors, which
reduce noise, are equipped on each side of passenger
cars. DMB cars are baggage cars, and have no windows, TTYMRT is currently undergoing a trial run before going
and are equipped with five pairs of sliding plug doors on into service. When in service, it will directly connect
each side of the car. Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei City and Taiwan High
Figure 2 shows the interior of cars. The seats on Speed Rail, and will contribute to improving airport access,
Commuter trains are longitudinal seats made of FRP, while as well as to the development of cities and towns along
those on Express trains are transverse seats with cushions. the route.
Commuter trains have two luggage racks for carry-on Hisataka Tamaki
Overseas Engineering Department 2,
Engineering Division,
Rolling Stock Company
Tel: +81-78-682-3022 Fax: +81-78-682-3065