3rd Sem Syllabus CSE

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

National Institute of Technology Srinagar

Course Structure for B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

(Batch 2019 onwards)

Semester: 3rd
S.No. Subject Code L T P Credits
1 Object Oriented Programming CST201 3 1 0 4
2 Object Oriented Programming -Lab CSL202 0 0 2 1
3 Internet & Web Technologies 0 0 4 2
4 Signals & Systems 3 1 0 4
5 Basic Electronics 3 1 0 4
6 Basic Electronics Lab 0 0 2 1
7 Database Management Systems CST203 3 1 0 4
8 Database Management Systems - Lab CSL204 0 0 2 1
9 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 0 4
Total Credits 25

Semester: 3rd - Other Department Courses - Information Technology

S.No. Subject Code L T P Credits
1 Object Oriented Programming CST201 3 1 0 4
2 Object Oriented Programming -Lab CSL202 0 0 2 1

Semester: 4th
S.No. Subject Code L T P Credits
1 Data Structures CST250 3 1 0 4
2 Data Structures – Lab CSL251 0 0 2 1
3 Introduction to Probability Theory & 3 0 0 3
4 Digital Electronics & Logic Design 3 1 0 4
5 Digital Electronics & Logic Design – Lab 0 0 2 1
6 Software Engineering 3 1 0 4
7 Communication Systems 3 1 0 4
8 Communication Systems – Lab 0 0 2 1
9 Control Systems 3 0 0 3
Total Credits 25

Semester: 4th - Other Department Courses - Information Technology

S.No. Subject Code L T P Credits
1 Data Structures CST250 3 1 0 4
2 Data Structures –Lab CSL251 0 0 2 1
Semester: 5th

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
National Institute of Technology Srinagar
Course Title Object Oriented Programming Semester 3rd
Department Computer Science & Course Code CST201
Credits 04 L T P
Course Type Theory 3 1 0
Course Objectives
• Understand the basic principles and application of object oriented programming with
main focus on C++ by getting familiar with the keywords, tokens and its other control
• Demonstrate the function, class, object concept and implement & relate them with day
today live examples in C++ Code.
• Understand how to create and delete instances of classes and Implement the same
along with its different types using C++.
• Demonstrate and Implement the main features of Object Oriented Programming
Languages along with the pointer concept in relation with real world examples using
code in C++.
• Understand and implement generic classes, functions, files and exception handling
using suitable examples in C++ for developing software products.
Course Outline / Content
Unit Topics Week
1. Introduction: Object oriented thinking: Need for OOP
Paradigm, Procedural programming vs Object Oriented
Programming, object oriented concepts. Benefits, Languages and
Applications of OOPs. 3
Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures: Tokens,
Keywords, Identifiers & Constants, Basic Data types, User-
defined Data types, Derived Data Types, Memory Management
Operators, Manipulators, Expressions, Operator Overloading,
Control Structures.

2. Functions in C++: Main function, function prototyping, call by

reference, inline functions, default functions, function
Classes and Objects: Specifying a class, defining member
functions, private memberfunctions,array within a class, memory
allocation for objects, arrays of objects,Access Specifiers, scope
resolution operator, objects as function arguments, returning
objects, pointers to members, local classes, Friend Functions.

3. Constructors & Destructors: Constructor function, types of

constructors:default,parameterized and 3
copyconstructor,constructor overloading, constructor with
default parameter, dynamic initialization ofobjects,destructor.

Strings: Creating and manipulating string objects, accessing
characters in strings, comparing and swapping.

4. Operator Overloading & Type Conversion: Definition &

Rules of overloading Operators, Overloading Binary & Unary
Operators.Data Conversion: Basic to User Defined, User defined
to basic, Conversion from one user-defined to other.
Inheritance: Definition, single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical 3
and hybrid inheritance, virtual base classes, abstract classes.
Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Pointers,
Pointers to Objects and derived classes, early vs. late
bindingvirtual functions, pure virtual functions.

5. Templates: Class templates, function templates, overloading of

function templates, member function templates. Overview of
Standard Template Library, Containers, Algorithms, Iterators, 3
Other STL Elements, Container Classes, General Theory of
Operation, Vectors.
Exception Handling: Exceptions, handling various types of
Exceptions(Try,Catch, throw) including any universal exception.
File and Stream Handling:Classes for file stream operations,
opening and closing files, File opening modes, file Pointers,
Error handling during file operations, File I/O with Member
Functions, Overloading the Extraction and Insertion Operators,
memory as a Stream Objectcommand line arguments.

Text Books
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++”, Galgotia
2. Balagurusamy, “Object Oriented programming with C++”, Tata McGraw Hill.
1. BjarneStrustrup, “The C++ programming Language”, Addison Wesley,
2. Booch, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Addison Wesley.
3. Chair H. Pappas & William H. Murray, “The Complete Reference Visual C++”,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
National Institute of Technology Srinagar
Course Title Object Oriented Programming Semester 3rd
Department Computer Science & Course Code CST202
Credits 01 L T P
Course Type Lab 0 0 2
Course Objectives
• The student should be able to explain the fundamental properties of the C++
• The student should be able to combine the elements of the C++ language in
developing structured programs.
• The student should be able to demonstrate the skills necessary to correctly compile,
debug, and test programs in C++.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course student will be able to:
• Apply C++ features to program design and implementation
• Explain object-oriented concepts and describe how they are supported by C++
• Use C++ to demonstrate practical experience in developing object-oriented solutions
• Analyse a problem description and design and build object-oriented software using
good coding practices and techniques
• Use common software patterns in object-oriented design and recognise their
applicability to other software development contexts.
Course Synopsis
The objective of the lab course to familiarise students with C++ concepts.
Course Outline / Content
Unit Topics Week
Lab #1, Simple programs in C++ using inbuilt input/output functions. 2
Lab #2 Function overloading, default arguments in C++. 1

Lab #3 Simple class design in C++, namespaces, objects creations. 1

Lab #4 Class design in C++ using dynamic memory allocation. 1

Lab #5 Constructor, Destructor, copy constructors. 2

Lab #6 Operator overloading, friend functions. 1

Lab #7 Overloading assignment operator, type conversions. 2

Lab#8 Inheritance, run-time polymorphism. 1

Lab #9 Template design in C++. 1

Lab #10 Interfaces and Inheritance. 1

Lab #11 File and Exception handling. 1

Text Books
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++”, Galgotia
2. Balagurusamy, „Object Oriented programming with C++”, Tata McGraw Hill.

1. BjarneStrustrup, “The C++ programming Language”, Addison Wesley,
2. Booch, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Addison Wesley.
3. Chair H. Pappas & William H. Murray, “The Complete Reference Visual C++”,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
National Institute of Technology Srinagar
Course Title Database Management Systems Semester 3rd
Department CSE Course Code CST203
Credits 04 L T P
Course Type Theory 3 1 0
Course Objectives
• Learn and practice data modelling using the entity-relationship and developing
database designs.
• Apply normalization techniques to normalize the database
• Understand the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) and learn SQL syntax.
• Understand the needs of database processing and learn techniques for controlling
the consequences of concurrent data access.
• Learn about the basics data recovery techniques.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Differentiate database systems from file systems by enumerating the features
provided by database systems and describe each in both function and benefit.
• Define the terminology, features, classifications, and characteristics embodied in
database systems.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the relational data model.
• Transform an information model into a relational database schema and to use a data
definition language and/or utilities to implement the schema using a DBMS.
• Formulate, using relational algebra, solutions to a broad range of query problems.
• Formulate, using SQL, solutions to a broad range of query and data update
• Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such knowledge
to the normalization of a database.
• Use an SQL interface of a multi-user relational DBMS package to create, secure,
populate, maintain, and query a database.
• Understand the different query processing and transaction management techniques.
• Recover a database from a possible failure.
Course Synopsis
Introduction to DBMS- Historical perspective, File Versus a DBMS, Advantages of
DBMS. ER model, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus and SQL- Queries. ACID
properties, transactions, schedules and concurrent executionof transactions. Overviewof
Query Evaluation, operator evaluation, Database Recovery, Failure classification,
Recovery and atomicity.
Course Outline / Content
Unit Topics Week
1. Basic Concepts and Conceptual Database Design: Database 3
Users, Characteristics of the Database, Database Systems, Data
Models, DBMS Architecture & Data Independence, Database
Languages & Interfaces. Overview of Hierarchical, Network &
Relational Data Base Management Systems. Data Modelling
Using the Entity-Relationship Model – Entities, Attributes and
Relationships, Cardinality of Relationships, Strong and Weak

Entity Sets, Generalization, Specialization, and Aggregation,
Translating your ER Model into Relational Model.Integrity
constraints overrelations
2. Relational Data Base Design and Oracle Architecture: 3
Functional Dependencies & Normalization for Relational
Databases, Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms, Lossless
Join & Dependency, Preserving Decomposition, Database
Storage, Oracle Software Structures, Shared Database Access
Mechanism, Database Protection. Case Study – ORACLE.

3. Relational Model, Languages & Systems: Relational Data 3

Model, Relational Model Concepts, Relational Model
Constraints, Relational Algebra, SQL – A Relational Database
Language, Data Definition & Manipulation in SQL, View and
Queries in SQL, Specifying Constraints and Indexes in SQL,
Practicing SQL commands using ORACLE. Case Study –
Query Processing: Overviewof Query Evaluation, operator
evaluation, Algorithms for relational operations- Selection
operation, General selection condition, Projection operation,
Join operation, set operation andaggregate operation,
Evaluation of relational operations.

4. Transaction Management: ACID properties, transactions, 3

schedules and concurrent executionof transactions,
Concurrency control- lock based protocol, Serializability,
recoverability,dealing with deadlocks and Concurrency control
without locking.
5. Database Recovery: Failure classification, Recovery and 2
atomicity, Log-based recoveryshadow paging and Advanced
Recovery Techniques. Security and Authorization-
Accesscontrol, Direct access control and Mandatory access
control, Role of DBA.
Text Books
1. Database system Concept by Silberschatz and Korth 6th Edition
2. Elamsri, Navathe, Somayajulu and Gupta, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”,
Pearson Education
3. Database Systems, Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg, Pearson 4th Edition
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
National Institute of Technology Srinagar
Course Title Database Management Systems Semester 3rd
Department Computer Science & Course Code CST204
Credits 01 L T P
Course Type Lab 0 0 2
Course Objectives
To implement the different concepts learned in the theory class of DBMS using embedded
SQL and Oracle GUI.
Learning Outcomes
• Design and Implement a database schema
• Devise queries using DDL, DML, DCL and TCL commands.
• Develop application programs using PL/SQL
• Design and implement a project using embedded SQL and GUI.
• Apply modified components for performance tuning in open source software.
Course Synopsis
Familiarization of Oracle RDBMS, SQL*Plus, SQL- query structure, Exception Handling
Compilation and Run-time, user-defined, Stored procedures.
Course Outline / Content
Unit Topics Week
1) Introduction to SQL, RDBMS. 1
• Visualizing the architecture of RDBMS.
Lab #1
• Different data types and its implementation.

1) SQL commands: 1
• Implementation of Creating and managing SQL tables.
Lab #2 • DDL(Data definition language): Implementation of Create,
Alter, drop, rename, truncate, comment.

1) Basic Parts of speech in SQL 1

• Implementation of Relational operators.
Lab #3 • Implementation of Logical operators (ALL, AND, ANY,
• SQL functions: ( SUM, MAX, AVERAGE, LIKE)
1) Changing of Data in tables 1
• DML(Data manipulation Language): Understanding the
implementation of Select, Insert, Update, Delete, merge.
Lab #4 2) Retrival of data from the table
• Understanding implementation of simple queries on single
table only.
1) Implementation of constraints: Not null, Primary Key, 1
Unique, Check, Foreign key)
2) Combining Tables and execution of queries on such tables:
• Perform Join, inner join, outerjoin, natural join and
Lab #5 subtypes of each.
• Implementation of Advanced queries, subquery and
grouping ( Group by and having clause)

1) Understanding the dependence in queries, correlated queries 1
using Existential quantifiers
Lab #6 2) Understanding difference in replacing IN with OUTER

1) Implementation of Security by assigning Privileges to 1

database users
DCL: (Data control Language)
• Understanding the implementation of Grant, Revoke and
Lab #7
TCL: (Transaction control Language):
• Understanding the implementation of Begin, Commit,
Rollback and Save point in transaction
Lab#8 1) Lab Project: Students are required to submit a case study 1
Text Books
1. James, Paul and Weinberg, Andy Oppel, “SQL: The Complete Reference”, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Michael McLaughlin, “Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming”, Oracle

Total Course Credit: 4
Subject: Discrete Mathematics Year & Semester: B. Tech
Computer Science Engineering L T P
(Code: MAT203
2nd Year & 3rd Semester
3 1 0
Mid-Term Class Assessment End-Term
Evaluation Policy
30 Marks 10 Marks 60 Marks

Prerequisites: Elementary knowledge in basic set theory.

Course Outcomes : This course covers elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and
engineering. So, at the end of the course, the student should:

CO 1 Be acquainted with counting techniques

CO 2 Be able to identify structures on many levels
CO 3 Have knowledge of the concepts needed to test the logic of a programme
CO 4 Be able to apply elementary algorithms and classical theorems on graphs.
CO 5 Be able to apply the concepts and properties of algebraic structures like groups, rings and

Detailed Syllabus:

Unit 1: Combinatorics (08 hrs)

Introduction, basic counting principles, pigeon hole priniciple with applications, inclusion-
exclusion principle, recurrence relations and generating functions, introduction to special

Unit 2: Ordered sets and Lattices (10 hrs)

Ordered sets, Partially ordered sets, Supremum and Infimum, well ordered sets, Lattices, basic
properties of algebraic systems defined by lattices, complemented lattices and distributive
lattices. Coding Theory: coding of binary information and error detection, decoding and error

Unit 3: Graph Theory-I (10 hrs)

Introduction to graphs, graph terminology, Euler and Hamiltonian paths, graph connectivity,
graph homomorphism, graph isomorphism, planar graphs, graph coloring, matrix
representation of graphs, introduction to directed graphs, strong directed graphs
Unit 4: Graph Theory-II (06 hrs)

Introduction to trees, properties of trees, spanning trees, minimal spanning trees, Prim’s
Algorithm and Kruskal’s Algorithm, matrix tree theorem, Degree sequences in trees,
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence to be a degree sequence of a tree.

Unit 5: Algebraic Structures (08 hrs)

Groups, subgroups, generators and relations, cyclic groups, groups of rotations and reflections,
cosets and Langrange’s Theorem, homomorphisms and normal subgroups, isomorphisms,
automorphisms, semi-groups, rings, ring homomorphism and isomorphism, ideals, finite fields.

Text Books:

1. G. Chartand and P. Zhang, A first course in graph theory, 2nd Edition, Dover publications,
New York, (2012).

2. M. R. Spiegel: Discrete Mathematics (Schaum’s Outline series), Tata Mc-Graw Hill, (2009).

3. K. H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, 5th Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,

Reference Books:

1. C. L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, (2000).

2. B. Kolman, R. Busby and S. Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, 6th Edition, Prentice
Hall, (2009).

3. D. B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd Edition, Pearson publications, (2002).

4. T. Koshy, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 1st Edition, Elesvier Academic press,
Total Course Credit: 4
Year & Semester: B. Tech
Subject: Signals & Systems
Computer Science Engineering L T P
(Code: ECT203)
2nd Year & 3rd Semester
3 1 0
Mid-Term Class Assessment End-Term
Evaluation Policy
30 Marks 10 Marks 60 Marks

Course Objectives
 To develop an understanding about basic signal and system modeling concept and
 To develop an understanding about the application and use of mathematical transforms
and state-variables in order to solve electrical engineering problems.
 To develop knowledge about use of a modern computation software tool for the analysis
of electrical engineering problems.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
 Should have gained knowledge about continuous-time signals,discrete-time signals,linear
time-invariant systems theory and applications.
 Should be able to perform mathematical and graphical convolution of signals and systems.
 Should be able to solve electrical engineering signals and circuit problems

Course Synopsis
Basics of signals and its classification; Linear Time invariant systems; Fourier Transforms; Signal
Transmission through Linear Systems; Sampling; Concept of Laplace Transforms; Fundamentals
of Z-transform.

Course Outline / Content

Unit Topics
1. Introduction to signals: Classification of signals; Deterministic and non-
deterministic, periodic and aperiodic, even and odd signals, energy and power signals,
elementary signals; exponential, sinusoidal, impulse, step, ramp, pulse, square wave
signals. Time shifting, time scaling and time-inversions of signals.
2. Linear Time invariant systems: Continuous time system, basic system properties like
causality, time invariance, stability, linearity, memory, order of system, interconnection
of systems, Linear time invariant systems, characterization, unit impulse response ,
convolution, properties of LTI systems, linear constant co-efficient differential
equations and system description.
3. Fourier Transforms: Deriving Fourier transform from Fourier series, Fourier
transform of arbitrary signal, Fourier transform of standard signals, Fourier transform
of periodic signals, properties of Fourier transforms, Fourier transforms involving
impulse function and Signum function. Introduction to Hilbert Transform.
4. Signal Transmission through Linear Systems: Linear system, impulse response,
Response of a linear system, Linear time invariant (LTI) system, Linear time variant
(LTV) system, Transfer function of a LTI system. Filter characteristics of linear
systems. Distortion less transmission through a system, Signal bandwidth, system
bandwidth, Ideal LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Poly-Wiener
criterion for physical realization, relationship between bandwidth and rise time.
5. Sampling: Sampling theorem – Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited
Signals, impulse sampling, Natural and Flat top Sampling, Reconstruction of signal
from its samples, effect of under sampling – Aliasing, Introduction to Band Pass
6. Laplace Transforms: Review of Laplace transforms, Partial fraction expansion,
Inverse Laplace transform, Concept of region of convergence (ROC) for Laplace
transforms, constraints on ROC for various classes of signals, Properties of L.T’s
relation between L.T’s, and F.T. of a signal. Laplace transform of certain signals using
waveform synthesis.
7. Z–Transforms: Fundamental difference between continuous and discrete time signals,
discrete time signal representation using complex exponential and sinusoidal
components, Periodicity of discrete time using complex exponential signal, Concept of
Z- Transform of a discrete sequence. Distinction between Laplace, Fourier and Z
transforms. Region of convergence in Z-Transform, constraints on ROC for
various classes of signals, Inverse Z-transform, properties of Z-transforms.
Books Recommended
Text 1. Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, BS Publications, 2003.
Books 2. Signals and Systems - A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S.H. Nawab, PHI,
2nd Edn

1. Signals & Systems - Simon Haykin and Van Veen,Wiley, 2nd Edition.
2. Network Analysis - M.E. Van Valkenburg, PHI Publications, 3rd Edn.,
References 2000.
3. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Michel J. Robert, MGH International
4. Signals, Systems and Transforms - C. L. Philips, J.M.Parr and Eve A.Riskin,
Pearson education.3rd Edition, 2004.
Total Course Credit: 4
Subject: Electronics Year & Semester: B. Tech
Computer Science Engineering L T P
(Code: ECT207)
2nd Year & 3rd Semester
3 1 0
Mid-Term Class Assessment End-Term
Evaluation Policy
30 Marks 10 Marks 60 Marks

Course Objectives
 To get basic idea about types, specification and common values of passive components.
 To familiarize the working and characteristics of diodes, transistors, MOSFETS and some
measuring instruments.
 To understand working of diodes in circuits and in rectifiers.

Learning Outcomes
Student can identify the active and passive electronic components. Student can setup simple
circuits using diodes and transistors. Student will get fundamental idea about basic communication
systems and entertainment electronics.

Course Synopsis
Semi conductors, PN Junction Diode, Transistors, Field Effect Transistor, Amplifiers And
Oscillators, Operational Amplifiers.

Course Outline / Content

Unit Topics
1. Semiconductors: Insulators, semiconductors and metals, Mobility and conductivity,
Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Charge Densities in Semiconductors, Mass
action Law, Current Components in Semiconductors, The Continuity Equation, Injected
minority Charge Carrier, Hall effect.
2. PN Junction Diode: Characteristic and analysis, Types of diodes – Zener diodes,
Photodiodes, Light emitting diodes (LED‟s), Varactor diodes and tunnel diodes.
Rectifiers and filter circuit: Half wave, full wave and Bridge rectifier circuits and their
analysis, L, C and Pi filters, Basic regulator supply using zener diode, Clipping and
clamping circuits.
3. Transistors: Construction and characteristics of bipolar junction, transistors (BJT‟s)-
Comm. Base, Comm. emitter, Comm. Collector configuration. Transistor at low
frequencies – small signal low frequency transistor model (hparameters). Analysis of
transistor amplifier circuit using h-parameters. Transistor biasing and bias stabilization:
the operating point, stability factor, analysis of fixed base bias, collector to base bias,
Emitter resistance bias circuit and self bias circuit. Bias compensation techniques.
4. Field Effect Transistor: Construction and characteristics of JFET, JFET biasing
circuit, JFET amplifier, MOSFET construction and characteristics.
5. Amplifiers And Oscillators: Classification of amplifiers, concept of feedback, general
characteristics of feedback amplifiers, Single stage RC coupled amplifier. Oscillators –
Criterion for Oscillation, type of oscillators: Hartley oscillator, Colpitt Oscillator, RC
Phase shift oscillator, Crystal oscillator.
6. Operational Amplifiers: Introduction to Op-amp, Inverting and non-inverting
configuration, Applications – adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator.

Books Recommended
Text 1. Bhargava N. N., D C Kulshreshtha and S C Gupta, “Basic Electronics &
Books Linear Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2/e, 2013.
2. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory by R. Boylestad, Pearson.

References 1. Bell, D. A., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press.
2. Boylested, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,
Pearson Education.
3. Frenzel, L. E., Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw
Total Course Credit: 1
Subject: Electronics Lab. Year & Semester: B. Tech
Computer Science Engineering L T P
(Code: ECL208)
2nd Year & 3rd Semester
0 0 2
Mid-Term Class Assessment End-Term
Evaluation Policy
30 Marks 10 Marks 60 Marks

Course Objectives
 To familiarize with the electronic components and basic electronic instruments.
 To enable the students to understand the behaviour of semi conductor devices based on

Learning Outcomes
 To make familiar with PCB design and various processes involved.
 Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits.

Course Synopsis
The objective of the lab course to familiarise students with concepts of basic electronics from a
practical perspective.

Course Outline / Content

Unit Topics
1. Characteristics of Semi conductor diode and Zener diode
2. Characteristics of a NPN Transistor under common emitter, common collector and
common base configurations
3. Characteristics of JFET (Draw the equivalent circuit)
4. Characteristics of UJT and generation of saw tooth waveforms
5. Design and Frequency response characteristics of a common emitter amplifier
6. Design and testing of RC phase shift, LC oscillators
7. Single phase half-wave and full wave rectifiers
8. a) To assemble a half wave and a full wave rectifier and to study their performance.
b) To suppress the ripple using RC filter.
9. To assemble and observe the performance of clipping and clamping circuits.
10. Design and realize Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier using 741 Op-amp.
Books Recommended
Text 1. Bhargava N. N., D C Kulshreshtha and S C Gupta, “Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits”, Tata
Books McGraw Hill, 2/e, 2013 .
2. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory by R. Boylestad, Pearson.

References 1. Bell, D. A., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press.
2. Boylested, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education
3. Frenzel, L. E., Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill.
Subject: Internet & Web Total Course Credit: 2
Year & Semester: B. Tech
Technologies Computer Science Engineering L T P
(Code: ITL206) 2nd Year & 3rd Semester
0 0 4
Mid-Term Class Assessment End-Term
Evaluation Policy
30 Marks 10 Marks 60 Marks

Course Objectives
 To understand the concepts and architecture of the World Wide Web.
 To understand and practice markup languages
 To understand and practice embedded dynamic scripting on client side Internet
To understand and practice web development techniques on client-side.
Learning Outcomes
 Create a basic website using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
 Design and implement dynamic web page with validation using JavaScript objects and
by applying different event handling mechanisms.
 Design rich client presentation using AJAX.
 Design and implement simple web page in PHP, and to present data in XML format.
 Design front end web page and connect to the back end databases.

Course Synopsis
Client Sever implementation; Markup Languages; CSS; JavaScript; Introduction to .NET; Asp

Course Outline / Content

Unit Topics
1. Administration, Client Sever implementation, Cyber law, Search Engine Optimization
Techniques, Web Based Introduction to the Internet: brief overview of Internet,
Internet and routing protocols, Web Server Systems
2. Web 2.0: search, content networks, user-generated content, blogging, social
networking, social media, tagging, social bookmarking, rich Internet applications, web
services, location-based services, Web 2.0 monetization and business models, future
of the Web.

3. Mark up Languages (HTML, XHTML): HTML, dynamic HTML, XHTML syntax,

headings, linking, images, special characters and horizontal rules, lists, tables, forms,
internal linking, Meta elements.
4. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): separation of content and presentation, inline styles,
embedded style sheets, conflicting styles, linking external style sheets, positioning
elements, backgrounds, element dimensions, box model and text flow, media types,
building a CSS drop-down menu, user style sheets.

5. JavaScript: client side scripting, control statements, functions, arrays, objects, events.
Document object model: objects and collections. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
and RSS: Advantages and applications, structuring data, XML namespaces, Document
Type Definitions (DTDs), XML vocabularies, RSS. Other advanced internet
technologies: including HTML5, JSON and JQuery.
6. Introduction to .NET and C#: Overview of the .NET Framework - Common Language
Runtime – Framework Class Library - Understanding the C# Compiler. Basics of C#:
Working with Variables - Making Decisions. Classes and Objects: Methods –
Properties - Interface- Partial class- Null and Casting Handling Exceptions.

7. ASP.NET Web Forms and Controls: Web Forms Controls Data Binding and Data
Source Controls – Validation Controls - Master and Content pages. The Asp.Net
Application Environment: Configuration Files - ASP.NET Application Security -
Caching. Website Creation: Creation and hosting of websites including data

Books Recommended

Text 1. Deitel H.M. and P. J. Deitel, Internet & World Wide Web. How to
Books Program, 4/e, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0131752421, 2008.
2. J. Miller, V. Kirst and Marty Stepp, Web Programming Step by Step,
Step by Step Publishing; 2nd edition (2012).
3. Stephen C. Perry, Core C# and .NET, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
References 1. James Lee, BrentWare , “Open Source Development with LAMP: Using
Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, and PHP” AddisonWesley, Pearson 2009.
2. Thomas A. Powell, “HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference”, Fifth
Edition, 2010.
3. Thomas A Powell, Fritz Schneider, “JavaScript: The Complete
Reference”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.

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