Name Engineering Standard Number: Cummins Confidential
Name Engineering Standard Number: Cummins Confidential
Name Engineering Standard Number: Cummins Confidential
Engineering Standard Number
This specification establishes and defines the symbols which are used in classifying characteristics
on Cummins Product Specification documents.
Table of Contents
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................2
1. Scope....................................................................................................................................3
2. Applicable Documents.........................................................................................................3
3. Definitions............................................................................................................................3
4. Practice.................................................................................................................................6
4.1. CES 10059 Placement on Drawings ............................................................................7
4.2. Classification of Characteristic Symbol Placement on Drawings ...............................7
Figure 1: Symbol Placement................................................................................................7
Figure 2: Incorrect Symbol Placement ................................................................................8
4.3. High and Low Tolerance Limits ..................................................................................9
Figure 3: One-Sided Tolerances ..........................................................................................9
Figure 4: Incorrect Placement............................................................................................10
Appendix A: Figures................................................................................................................11
Figure A1: Examples Using Millimeter Dimensions ........................................................11
Figure A2: Examples Using Inch Dimensions ..................................................................12
Figure A3: Examples of Pass Through Symbol Placement ...............................................13
1. Scope
This specification establishes and identifies the physical attributes of the symbols which are used
in classifying characteristics on Cummins Product Specification documents.
This standard applies to all personnel who create or maintain engineering part drawings controlled
by the Cummins Product Release System.
This standard shall be implemented in accordance with CES 99600 section titled “Order of
Standards Application”.
2. Applicable Documents
Applicable documents listed below may be obtained from the respective organizations listed in
CES 10054, Standards Organizations Addresses.
3. Definitions
Terms used in this standard that have a general definition for usage in Cummins Engineering
Standards are defined in CES 10056, Glossary. Classification of Characteristic terms, symbols,
and nomenclature are defined within this document.
A series of unique symbols have been established to classify characteristics and key instructions of
Cummins products and specifications to assure a consistently high level of product quality. Safety-Critical
Safety-critical characteristics are those which satisfy one or more criteria within
Items containing safety-critical characteristics shall have CES 18287 (or applicable traceability
standard) placed on the drawing. Major
A major characteristic shall be designated by a circle 6 millimeters in diameter which has the left
half filled ( ). Major characteristics are those where, if the values are not met, there are
functional effects that are less significant than those of a critical classification. Examples may
include, but not limited to: Minor
Minor characteristics have no unique symbol. Minor classification exists only as a general class to
describe characteristics which are not as significant as Critical and Major characteristics. However,
their dimensional requirements shall still be met.
There are two classes of instructions for Cummins products and specifications. They are identified
as key instructions or general instructions. These classes of instructions are defined as follows.
A general instruction has no unique symbol. If the instruction (ex. note, action item, attribute, etc.)
is not followed precisely, it will have a lesser impact on function than if it were a Key instruction.
However, the requirement shall still be met.
Pass Through Characteristic (PTC) is the characteristic that affects form, fit or function for all
processes and products at Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The Advanced Product
Quality Planning Engineer or Product/Design Engineer should document the list of customer touch
points and functions for manufacturing and purchasing to utilize when developing cost/quotes.
These are part characteristics which are not controlled or functionally tested in the Cummins
assembly process where any issue would first be discovered by a customer.
4. Practice
Classification of Characteristics is intended to serve as a guide for the development of process
quality plans, not to relieve suppliers of responsibility to produce to specifications.
CES 10059 (i.e., ENGRG. STD. 10059) shall be placed in the Engineering Standards field of the
drawing when a Classification of Characteristics (C of C) review has occurred. If the review
determines that all characteristics are to be classified as Minor, there will be no C of C symbols on
the drawing, but, CES 10059 shall still be placed on the drawing.
4.2.1. Symbols shall be placed on the drawing immediately before or after the characteristic
to which the classification applies. Symbols shall be placed to read from the bottom of the drawing.
For example See Figure 1: Symbol Placement on page 7.
(Applies to the “diameter tolerance of the continuous feature” characteristic.)
4.2.2. A C of C symbol applies to only one tolerance at a time. e.g. If a size tolerance and a
depth tolerance are both on the same line with one C of C symbol, the symbol applies to only one
of these tolerances. And it applies to the tolerance to which it is closest.
4.2.3. A C of C symbol shall be placed at the beginning or at the end of a dimension callout,
never within a dimension callout. For example, the following placements are incorrect. See Figure
2: Incorrect Symbol Placement on page 8.
4.2.4. A C of C symbol may be placed in a note at the end of a leader line if required due to
space limitations.
4.3.1. When the high and low tolerance limits have different classifications, utilize a high
limit classification symbol or a low limit classification symbol to indicate the tolerance limit to
which the classification applies. See Figure A1: Examples Using Millimeter Dimensions on page
11 and Figure A2: Examples Using Inch Dimensions on page 12. A symbol immediately above a horizontal line denotes a high limit classification. e.g.
, , or .
4.3.2. Low limit classification symbols shall not be applied to one-sided tolerances such as in
Figure 3: One-Sided Tolerances on page 9.
4.3.3. For example, the following placement is incorrect in Figure 4: Incorrect Placement on page
In these situations the target value is zero and the high limit is a displacement from zero.
Appendix A: Figures
32 Critical High Limit
- 0.02
+ 0.02
32 Major High Limit
Unilateral + 0.005
0.500 Major Low Limit