Sales Price
Sales Price
Sales Price
Accessory contracts – the cause is identical with the cause of the principal
Exception: if the motive predetermines the purpose of the contract then the
motive becomes the cause of the contract.
Motive Cause
The psychological or personal The objective and juridical reason
purpose of a party in getting the for the establishment of a contract
object. and is always the same.
May be unknown to the other Always known
Its presence cannot cure the
absence of the cause.
What are the exceptional cases where in motive can affect the juridical
Note: the last three instances are applicable only when the parties have
stipulated no specific amount.
Illustrative cases:
1. Price was fixed at ten (10%) percent below the price in the inventory,
at the invoice price, and in accordance with the price list less twenty
(20%) percent discount.
Held: the price may be considered certain. The articles that were the
subject of the sale were definitely and finally agreed upon. The price
for each article was fixed. It is true that the price of the tobacco, for
example, was not stated in pesos and centavos. But by its terms B
agreed to pay therefor the amount named in the invoices then in
existence. The price could be made certain by a mere reference to
these invoices. (McCullough vs. Aenille & Co.)
3. Price was fixed at “not greater than P210 per square meter.”
Moreover, by his subsequent acts of having the land titled under the
Torrens system, and in pursuing the back (lessee) manager to effect
the sale immediately means that he understood perfectly well the
terms of the contract. He even had the same property mortgaged to
the respondent back sometime in 1979, without the slightest hint of
wanting to abandon his offer to sell the property at the agreed price of
P210 per square meter. (Serra vs. Court of Appeals)
1. When the third person acts in bad faith or by mistake as when the
third person fixed the price having in mind not the thing that is the
object of the sale, but another analogous or similar thing in which
case the court may fix the price. But mere error in judgment cannot
serve as a basis for impugning the price fixed; and
2. When the third person disregards specific instructions or the
procedure marked out by the parties or the data given him, thereby
fixing an arbitrary price.
Illustrative case:
Price was fixed on a certain proportion of total net value of business to be
ascertained by appraisers.
Held: Yes, the price is certain. For the minds of the parties have met on the
thing and the price. Nothing was left unfinished and all questions relating
thereto were settled. This is an example of a perfected sale. (Barretto vs.
Santa Maria)
What if the price is not fixed by a third person designated?
1. Without the fault of the seller and buyer – the contract shall
become ineffective, as if no price had been agreed upon, unless,
the parties subsequently agree upon the price.
2. Prevented from fixing the price by the fault of the seller and
buyer – the party not in fault may obtain redress against the party in
fault, which consists of a choice between rescission and fulfillment,
with damages in either case. (Article 1191 (2); Article 1594);
If the innocent party chooses fulfillment, the court shall fix the price.
(1) Void
a. The price cannot be ascertained because the parties did not
agree on the price. (Article 1409 (3)); or
b. The fixing of the price is left to the discretion of one of the
contracting parties. (Article 1473), however, the sale is
perfected if the party accepts the price fixed by the other
(2) Inefficacious or ineffective
a. The price cannot be determined in accordance with Article
1469 to 1473-1474; or
b. The third party tasked to determine the price is unable or
unwilling to fix it. However, the contract can be enforced if the
parties subsequently agree on the price. (Article 1469)
Article 1472. The price of securities, This provision applies to fungible things like securities, grain, liquids, etc., the
grain, liquids, and other things shall price of which are subject to fluctuations of the market.
also be considered certain, when the
price fixed is that which the thing sold Article 1472 follows the principle in Article 1469 that a price is considered
would have on a certain day, or in a certain if it could be determined with reference to another thing certain.
particular exchange or market, or
when an amount is fixed above or “provided said amount be certain”
below the price on such day, or in such When an amount is fixed below or above the price on a given day or in a
exchange or market, provided said particular exchange or market, the said amount must be certain; otherwise,
amount be certain. the sale is inefficacious (Article 1474) because the price cannot be
Article 1473. The fixing of the price General rule: if consent is essential to a contract of sale, the determination of
can never be left to the discretion of the price cannot be left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties.
one of the contracting parties. Otherwise, it cannot be said that the other consented to a price he did not and
However, if the price fixed by one of could not previously know.
the parties is accepted by the other,
the sale is perfected. Why?
The validity or compliance of the contract cannot be made to depend upon
the will of one party. To be just, the price must be determined impartially by
both parties, or left to the judgment of a specified person or persons.
What if the only one party fixed the price and the other accepted?
The contract is perfected because there exists a true meeting of minds upon
the price. Also, contract may contain an escalation clause.
Escalation clause – one in which the contract fixes a base price but contains
a provision that in the event of specified cost increase the seller or contractor,
may raise the price up to a fixed percentage of the bases.
Note: Not all clauses such as that are void, since they serve to maintain fiscal
stability and retain the value of the money in long term contracts. (Limso vs.
Philippine National Bank)
Article 1474. Where the price cannot What is the effect if price cannot be determined?
be determined in accordance with the 1. Where contract is executory – the contract is without effect, as
preceding articles, or in any other price is essential to a contract of sale. There is no obligation on the
manner, the contract is inefficacious. part of the vendor to deliver the thing on the part of the vendee to
However, if the thing or any part pay.
thereof has been delivered to and 2. Where delivery is made – The buyer must pay a reasonable price
appropriated by the buyer, he must therefor.
pay a reasonable price therefor. What
is a reasonable price is a question of The obligation of the buyer may be:
fact dependent on the circumstance of a. Contractual – if the agreement omits any reference to the price.
each particular case. (The law merely enforces the intention of the parties.)
b. Quasi-contractual – if the agreement provides that the parties
are thereafter to agree on the price.)
Article 1474 applies only, where the means contemplated by the parties in
fixing the price is proved ineffectual. In this case, the obligation of the buyer to
pay a reasonable price is an obligation imposed by law as distinguished from
a contractual obligation. It is founded in the principle that “no one should
enrich himself at the expense of another.”
c. In case the parties do not intent to be bound until after the price is
settled – the buyer must return the goods already received or if
unable to, must their reasonable value at the time of the delivery,
and the seller must return any portion of the amount received.
The guardian with respect to the ward, are only given the power of
administration. The powers mentioned in Article 1381 are powers of
administration and the guardian entered into a contract and the object of the
contract resulted to the economic injury of the ward, by more than one-fourth
of the value of the object thereof.
If the guardian would exercise acts of ownership beyond what is
authorized, the act will not be rescissible but rather is unenforceable.
That is acted without or in excess of the authority granted to him.
if it were acts of administration, to fall in paragraph 1 it must exceed
one-fourth of the value of the object of the contract.
Note: If the absolute simulation does not have an illicit purpose, the parties to
the contract may prove the simulation in order to recover whatever may have
been given under such simulated act. But, if the simulated contract has an
illegal object, the provisions of Article 1411 and 1412 will apply.
When is a price simulated Although the cause is not stated in the contract, it is presumed that it exists
Effect of simulated price and is lawful, unless the debtor proves the contrary. (Article 1354)
Article 1471. If the price is simulated,
the sale is void, but the act may be Illustrative case:
shown to have been in reality a Conveyance of property is for P1.00 and other valuable consideration.
donation or some other act or contract. Held: Yes, the quitclaim deed is with a valid cause or consideration. The
cause or consideration is not the P1.00 alone but also other valuable
consideration. Although the cause is not stated in the contract, it is presumed
that it is existing unless the debtor probes the contrary. This presumption
cannot be overcome by a simple assertion of lack of consideration especially
when the contract itself states that consideration was given, and the same
has been reduced into a public instrument with all due formalities and
1. An outward declaration of will different from the will of the parties;
2. The false appearance must have been intended by agreement; and
3. The purpose is to deceive third persons.
What if the price is stated in the contract as paid but is actually not?
It is a badge that the price is simulated. It will be void for lack of consideration.
It produces no effect whatsoever. Unless it can be shown that the parties
intended some act or contract, such as donation. (Article 1470)