WWW and Web Browser
WWW and Web Browser
WWW and Web Browser
Web Browser
Web Browsing Software
Popular Web Browsing Software
Configuring Web Browser
Search Engines
Popular Search Engines / Search for content
Accessing Web Browser
Privacy setting for security
Do’s and Don’t
What if…
Using Favorites Folder/bookmark feature
Downloading Web Pages
ARPANET was the first WAN and had only four sites in 1969.
Unlike telephone, The persons communicating with each other need not to be available at the same
Unlike Fax documents , Email documents can be stored in a computer and be easily edited using
editing programs.
To use a computer as a Web client, a user needs to load on it a special software tool known as WWW Browser.
Browser provide following navigation facilities –
Do not require a user to login to a server computer.
Enable a user to visit a server computer’s site directly and access information on it by specifying its URL
(Uniform Resource Locator).
Enable user to create and maintain a personal hotlist of favorite URL.
Maintain a history of server computers visited by user in a surfing session.
Enable a user to download information in various formats.
Internet search engine is an application, which helps users to locate Web sites
containing useful information and references.
To search Information :
A user types the description of the information using the user interference of the
search engine.
The search engine then searches the requested information on the WWW and
returns the results to the user.
Results enable the user to locate the requested quickly from the last ocean of
information available on the internet.
Major Elements of Internet Search Engines
Content settings
•About this feature: The browser can store cookies and allow websites to use certain capabilities, such as plug-ins and JavaScript, to
customize your browsing.
•Information that is sent: By default, the browser allows cookies, images, JavaScript, and plug-ins. Pop-ups are blocked by default.
Location sharing and desktop notifications are only allowed with your specific permission.
Import or export bookmarks
You can easily import bookmarks or favorites from another browser into Google Chrome.
Similarly, you can always get your bookmarks out of Chrome by exporting them as an HTML file.