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G1 GK Paper

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Total Marks: 100
General Instructions
Take one preferably colour print of the paper to be used by teacher only for oral assessment.
Paper consists of following five types of questions.
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
2. Fill in the blanks
3. True / False
4. Short Questions
5. Column Matching
Teacher will ask 04 parts in random from each student from each type of question and twenty
parts in total. Teacher will count the correct answers and will multiply it by 5 to get the total marks
obtained by the student. For example: Teacher asks 04 parts from each question (20 in total) and
student answers 17 parts correctly, then teacher will award (17 x 5 = 85) eighty five marks to the
Teacher can ask questions in Urdu / English medium as per medium of instruction to the

‫ےسرضبدںی۔ہیربمناطبلملعےکلکاحلصرکدہربمن‬5‫ااسذتہرہاطبلملعےسرہوسال ےساچرزج اوروپرےرپیپےسلکسیبزجوپںیھچ۔ااسذتہحیحصوجاابتںینگاور اسوک‬
‫(اچپیس‬17 x 5 = 85) ‫اکحیحصوجابداتیےہوتااتسد اطبلملعوک‬17‫اطبلملعےسرہوسال ےساچرزجوپےھچاجےتںیہاوراطبلملعسیبںیمےس‬:‫وہںےگ۔اثملےکوطررپ‬
Q.NO.1. Ask any four parts from the following Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and award
five marks for each correct answer.
i. Identify the function of the organ shown in the given image.
a) Taste ‫انھکچ‬ b) Touch ‫وھچان‬
c) Smell ‫وسانھگن‬ d) Hear ‫اننس‬


ii. Which one is the flag of China?

a) b) c) d)
iii. Identify the object which we see in the sky during day time.
a) Sun ‫وسرج‬ b) Moon ‫اچدن‬ c) Star ‫اتسرہ‬ d) Planet ‫ایسرہ‬
iv. Identify the living thing from the following images.

a) b) c) d)
v. Which one of the following is a hut?

a) b) c) d)
Q.NO.2. Ask any four parts from the following fill in the Blanks questions and award five marks
for each correct answer.
i. People that live near our house are called _________. (neighbors, friends)
ii. Eating _________food can make us sick. (healthy, unhealthy)
iii. Earth is a ___________. (star, planet)
iv. ___________ is a fast mean of transport. (Cycle, Aeroplane)
v. Muslims go to the ___________for offering prayer. (Masjid, Temple)
‫دنمرہجذلی اخیلہگجرپرکےنےکوساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرزجوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬
)‫دوتس‬،‫ڑپویس‬/‫(اسمہےئ‬ ‫امہرےرھگےکرقبیرےنہواےلولگامہرے__________الہکےتںیہ۔‬ .i
)‫ریغتحصدنم‬،‫(تحصدنم‬ ‫__________وخراکاھکےنےسمہامیبروہےتکسںیہ۔‬ .ii
( ‫ایسرہ‬،‫(اتسرہ‬ ‫زنیماکی__________ےہ۔‬ .iii
)‫وہایئاہجز‬،‫(اسلکیئ‬ ‫__________اکیزیتراتفرذراعئآدمورتفےہ۔‬ .iv
)‫دنمر‬،‫(دجسم‬ ‫ املسمنامنزڑپےنھ__________ںیماجےتںیہ۔‬.v
Q.NO.3. Ask any four parts from the following True or False (T/F) questions and award five
marks for each correct answer.
‫طلغوساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرزجوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬/‫دنمرہجذلی حیحص‬
i. The sun does not provide us heat and light. (T/F) ‫وسرجںیمہروینشاوررحارترفامہںیہنرکاتےہ۔‬.i
ii. Plants are a source of oxygen for us. (T/F) ‫وپدےامہرےئلآنجیسکاکاکیذرہعیںیہ ۔‬.ii


iii. We should respect the places of worship of (T/F) ‫ںیمہامتمذماہیکابعدتاگوہںاکارتحمرکاناچےیہ۔‬.iii
all religions.
iv. Speaking truth is a good habit. (T/F) ‫چسوبانلاکیایھچاعدتےہ۔‬.iv
v. In the flag of Pakistan, white color indicates (T/F) ‫اپاتسکنےکڈنھجےںیمدیفسرگناملسمنآابدیوکاظرہرکاتےہ۔‬.v
Muslim population.

Q.NO.4. Ask any four parts from the following Short Questions and award five marks for each
correct answer.
‫دنمرہجذلی رصتخموساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرزجوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬
i. Name parts of body given in the image? ‫وصتریںیمدےیےئگمسجےکوصحںےکانمیکںیہ؟‬.i

ii. In which class do you read? ‫آپسکامجتعںیمڑپےتھںیہ؟‬.ii

iii. Describe any one quality of your friend. ‫اےنپدوتسیکوکیئاکیوخبایبنرکںی۔‬.iii
iv. What is the full name of Pakistan? ‫اپاتسکناکوپراانمیکےہ؟‬.iv
v. Describe any two rules of playing games. ‫ے‬
‫لیهکےکوکیئےسدووقانینایبنرکںی۔‬‫لیھک ن‬.v
Q.No.5. Ask any four matching questions from the following and award five marks for each
correct answer.
‫دنمرہجذلی اکملگنچیمےکوساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرزجوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکئلاپچن ربمندںی۔‬
Match the animals with their habitat.
Animals ‫اجونر‬ Habitat ‫نکسم‬

‫یبطق العق‬ Polar region .i

‫لگنج‬ Forest .ii

‫رحصا‬ Desert .iii

‫اپین‬ Water .iv

‫اھگساکدیمان‬ Grassland .v


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