Thesis Paper Revised 123.01 2
Thesis Paper Revised 123.01 2
Thesis Paper Revised 123.01 2
A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Wesleyan University-Philippines
Cabanatuan City
Review Related Literature
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Definition of Keywords
Research design
Research Locale and Sampling procedures
Scope and Delimitation
Research instrument
Data gathering procedures
Data analysis
Reference List
To Dr. Erlinda C. Mones, our research adviser, we would like to express our sincere
gratitude for continuous support to our study, and for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and
immense knowledge. Her guidance helps us all the time especially in writing our thesis. We
could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for our research study.
To Mr. Gener S. Subia, our research statistician for sharing his expertise by giving us his
insight, ideas and comments regarding our study. Also for his very kind assistance and skills in
order for us to gather a relevant and concrete data.
To Mrs. Pauline Gaea M. Viola for allowing us to gather data in 2nd Year Social Work
student. We sincerely appreciate your response and effort. The collected data are useful for our
To all 2nd Year Social Work student, for cooperation and for giving time and effort in
terms of providing the researchers all the needed data and information.
Above all, big thanks to our Almighty God who gave us wisdom to come up with this
remarkable study. To His guidance in helping us to surpass all the trials that we encountered and
forgiving determination to pursue our study, and to make this study possible. All for His Glory!
This research examined the significant effects of social media addiction to the academic
performance of students. In the study, the researchers used survey questionnaire method with a
total sample of 30 college respondents and found that social media addiction was negatively
associated with students’ academic performance, aside from that researcher also examined its
effect on different variables which includes. Mental health, time management, financial, social,
physical, and spiritual well-being of students. The current studies yielded original findings that
and practical implications. As such, it was recommended that intervention program must be
implemented and a proper education or counseling to students for them to be able to know the
proper use of social media and how to mitigate the excessive usage of it.
Social media makes present, influences the social structure of our society, is
changing the nature of social relationships, especially to student. Social media are websites and
applications that allow you to create and share content that benefits your users and join social
networks. Social media consists of online technologies, practicing activities, or societies that
people use to generate content and share thoughts, visions, experiences, and viewpoints. Social
networking is known as the alliance of individuals into a specific set of potential groups or
subdivisions. Social networking allows individuals to express their thoughts to other users.
Social network used for several purposes like promoting or distributing news contents
worldwide. Social networking sites and Facebook socializing via the internet have become an
increasingly important part of young adult life.
As a result, social networking gets better day by day. Therefore, more and more
teenagers are joining social networks to communicate. Teenagers are among of the biggest users
of social media. Some people argue that the advancement of social media threatens the lives of
teenagers because of their addiction to social media. On the other hand, others believe it
improves students' access to education and culture. The new generation is a generation addicted
to electronics. This addiction, young people face many effects in their life.
Kwok- Kei et al. (2014) The Philippines has the highest rate of internet addiction,
according to both the CIAS-R (21%) and IAT (5%). Addiction to the internet is widespread
among Asian youths. countries. Risky cyber behaviors are common in Internet use that is
problematic. Social media use will continue to be a prominent topic of debate due to the rapid
improvement of internet technology, the rise in the prevalence of smartphone ownership among
young people, the uncertainty surrounding the conclusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the
impact of social media addiction on student academic performance.
The level of social media addiction had a significant relationship between social media
addiction and mental health depression, anxiety, and loss of concentration (Kreya, Math & Wok,
Saodah 2021). Students are prone to self-pity when they see unreasonable beauty standards
posted in social media. Social media is also bombarded with negative thoughts and opinions
from their peers that might cause them to degrade their own selves and develop low self-esteem.
Studies have shown that signs of social media dependency can occur in mood, memory, physical
and emotional responses, interpersonal and psychological problems (Balakrishnan & Shamim,
2013; Durak, & Sherstyuk, 2017).
Another study shows that when students spend more time in social media, they spend less
time socializing with others or in person. Students can also sometimes waste their time in social
media. As a result, students cannot communicate and socialize effectively in individuals and
strong communication skills are well known to play an important role in their performance.
Human social interaction has been affected since the introduction of technology and social media
platforms. Personal socialization is better than online communication. Face to face interaction
allows deep personal connection with the real world. Being a student who are more engage in
social media and not in the personal world is prone to fear of socialization and speech problems
(Face-to-Face versus Online Socialization. (2016).
Based on the theory of behavioral explanation, a person enters social networks for
rewards such as escaping reality and entertainment (Sadock BJ, Sadock VA. Kaplan and
Sadock's 2011). People tend to spend an hour scrolling through Facebook or Twitter feeds when
they are bored, lonely, or wanting some temporary relief from a stressful situation, rather than
having the time of their lives on vacation or having an engaging conversation with a friend
(Rachel Cohen, 2014). Social media clearly had a way of people to escape from reality, but the
bad thing is people loss their ability to engage with problems and face the reality that life is hard.
This literature review examines the effect of social media addition in relation to the
academic performance of students. Additionally, it illustrates how the roles of teachers and
parents needs to be employed to minimize the use of this sites for students and other young
Students are one of the most important users of the virtual world and social networks.
The overuse of social networks has positive and negative academic, social, and health
The presented studies provided strong support for the relation of social media addiction
to academic outcomes. These findings suggest that helping college students to gain a better
understanding of the adverse effects of social media addiction help to improve mental health and
academic performance.
“Texting” is a feature of mobile phones that may have a substantial impact on addictive
behavior. Whether directly or through the use of social media platforms such as Facebook
Messenger, WhatsApp, and similar apps. According to recent research, young people are
increasingly abandoning Facebook in favor of Twitter, particularly when their parents have
begun to use the latter and want their children to communicate with them (Madden et al., 2013).
These kinds of apps are becoming more popular, allowing users to access a variety of services
Social networking addiction is defined as a mental preoccupation with the use of social
networks and the allocation of time to these networks to the point where it interferes with other
social activities such as occupational and professional activities, interpersonal relationships, and
health, causing life disruption. Social networking has a harmful impact on physical and mental
health, leading to behavioral problems such as sadness, anxiety, and mania.
Findings of a study conducted on German students (2017) revealed a link between Facebook
addiction, narcissism, sadness, anxiety, and stress. People with worry, stress, despair, and low
self-esteem are thought to be more prone to social networking addiction. According to Grifith
(2005), addictive behavior is defined as a behavior that has salience, mood modification,
tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict, and relapse.
A number of studies have found that technological addictions, such as Internet and social
networking site addictions, have positive associations with stress, anxiety, and depression, as
well as negative associations with academic performance, all of which have negative
consequences for life satisfaction (Hawi & Samaha, 2016; Kabasakal, 2015; Kuss, Griffiths,
Karila, & Billieux, 2014; Lepp, Barkley, & Karpinski, 2014; Samaha & Hawi, 2016). Facebook
addicts exhibited worse self-esteem and life happiness than non-addicts, according to a recent
study of 381 Polish Facebook users (Bachnio et al., 2016). This was reinforced by research of
311 Turkish undergraduate students, which found that life satisfaction was negatively related to
problematic Facebook use (Satici & Uysal, 2015).
Social networking sites, also known as SNS, are predominantly used for social purposes
(Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). Almost all Internet users say that one of their primary purposes for
going online is for communication. Today, people use it to socialize with people they know and
to expand their circle of friends. Social media provides a platform for users to connect and
interact with one another and mutual friends (Correa, Hinsley and Zuniga, 2010). In a survey
Foreign Literature
fixed definition to it as Jacka and Scott (2011), argued that ‘’there is no single
recognized definition for social media’’. However, some scholars have defined it
in different perspectives over the past years. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010),
the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation
defined social media as “websites and applications used for social networking”.
is very popular, extremely fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as
2014). One theme that all these definitions underpin is that social media
Social media began in the late 1990s with the first recognized social media
network called “Six Degrees “in 1997 and this technology enabled people to
upload a profile and make friends. From 1997 to 2001 a number of community
and Nicole, 2007). There has been tremendous improvement since this era and
today there exist uncountable social networking sites either developed for local
This classification of social media into classes has been useful to scholars and
individuals for easy identification and study of a particular social media type
but today a difficulty may arise due the high proliferation of social media and
one may wonder which group a new developed social media type fit into. Social
introduction of these social media networks and several studies have affirmed
Rifkin, Longnecker, Leach and Ortia, (2009). In their study, they recognized
those at the PhD level commonly use social media to ameliorate their studies
(Khan, 2010). The answers to the causes of flexible studies today across the
globe might not be far-fetched from the great contribution that social media
platforms are providing when used judiciously. Even though, there have been
other school of thought that states that social media is a nuisance to students’
academic life such as Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), who argued in their
study that social networks distract the attention and concentration of the
such as useless and unnecessary chatting, there have been several studies
conducted afterwards whose findings are contrary to this claim. For instance,
the study conducted by Jain, Verma, Verma and Tiwari (2012), titled “the
benefit from chatting with other students, teachers and external sources to
acquire knowledge. Also, Yunus and Salehi (2012), argued in the same
direction that students gained more vocabulary, improved their writing skills
and reduced their spelling mistakes through social media usage. In fact, as an
educational tool, social media enriches learning by giving both students and
teachers the opportunity to connect in new and very exciting ways thereby
the choice on what, when and how people learn. It supports different styles of
study also revealed that social media benefits students by connecting them to
study of Arquero and Esteban (2013) and Selwyn (2007) whose conclusions
from these studies that social media usage in the educational sector cannot be
social media which included criminal activities such as identity theft and fake
threat in the social media environment and has called for a number of studies
Orue, Estevez, Villardon and Padilla (2010), was significantly related with the
networking is faced with. The rate at which people post or share fake
information calls for alarm and it is difficult to ascertain that, what people say
take advantage and perpetrate all kinds of harassment. It is also argued that
the privacy options offered by most social networking sites (SNSs) do not
provide users with the flexibility needed to handle conflicts with individuals
Berendt, 2007). Aside these effects, other studies conducted by scholars have
also proved that social media can be detrimental to students’ academic life if
caution is not taken in its usage. For instance, the study conducted by Obi,
Bulus, Adamu and Sala’at (2012), titled “The need for safety consciousness
among Youths on social Networking Sites” concluded that social media affects
friends and unconsciously get used to it thereby replicating same errors during
examinations. Even though one may argue that these are minor challenges, it
replicated in the education sector and if care is not taken future generation
may see it as a norm. Indeed, a number of studies including but not limited to
the study of Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), Osharive (2015), Maya (2015),
performance of students that how their grade points affected through using
such networks. Some most commonly used social Medias are Facebook, Skype,
have been work on this issue to evaluate this increasing trend among students.
Most of the studies presented the results in against social media and argued
that it has negative results for student and younger generation. According to
this study social media has emerging positive effect on the students and causes
for their high results grade. These studies also argued that students spent
most of their time on such activates and easily completed their home
of students with it& social media and grades of students. To examine this
relationship the students were divided into two groups, one group use twitter
and the other group did not use twitter account. It was used to make
discussions about study material, organize the study groups in a manner, also
post the announcements of class, and remain in touch with class fellows.
Junco and his coworkers (2011) surprised that the students of Twitter group
achieve greater GPAs and higher scores than the other group.
the more they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for
socializing activities rather than academic purpose Oye (2012). In addition, Oye
(2012) said that majority of students feel that social platforms have positive
impact on academic growth. Rather (2013, p. 69) avers that: the social
platforms which are being used today with great desire and enthusiasm have
altered the way of using internets in this modern age by defining online tools
and youth are using technology through innovative ways due to which they are
referred to as millennial and have changed the way they think, work and
communicate even though they are in formative years of their life. Today’s
youth because of social platforms have become technology addicts and are
quite Withdrawn.
It shows the 2 boxes which is the independent and dependent model. The independent
frame includes the profile of the respondents according to gender, age, civil status, year level,
course and average grade. It also includes the problem encountered by using social media like
mental problems, physical problems, financial problems, social and spiritual problems. The
dependent frame shows the impact of social media addiction on the academic performance of the
respondents in terms of time management, general average grade and social media platforms.
This study aims to determine how the social media addiction can affect the academic
performance students.
1. How may the profile of the respondents can be described in terms of:
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Civil status
2. How may the social media addiction can affect the academic performance of the
students in terms of:
2.1 Time management
2.2 Academic distraction
3. What are the problems met by the students using social media in terms of:
3.1 Mental problems
3.2 Physical problems
3.3 Social problems
3.4 Spiritual problems
3.5 Financial problems
4. What are the solutions can be recommended based on findings of the study?
This study postulates the following hypotheses.
There is no significant relationship between the problem and the academic performance
of the respondents
There is no significant relationship between the profile and the problem of the
Academic Distraction - Refers to student's ability to perform academic tasks such as reading,
writing, and attention for completing academic tasks with accuracy and precision is affected by
some factors.
Average Grades - Course grades by taking the sum of all numerical grades awarded in a course
and then dividing that sum by the total number of grades awarded.
Gadget used - Device that commonly used by the respondents. It should be mobile, laptop,
tablet and etc.
Mental Problems - Sometimes student spend so many hours on social media that they begin to
lose valuable sleep. Consequently, this sleep loss can lead to moodiness, a drop in grades, and
overeating, as well as exacerbate existing problems like depression and anxiety.
Physical Problem - social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological and physical
issues, such as eyestrain and difficulty focusing on important tasks.
Social Media Platforms - Different kinds of social media that can be used by the respondents.
Social Media- Refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share and/
or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
Social Problem – A condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers of
people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed.
Spiritual Problems - Refer to conflicts over spiritual matters with God/Higher Power, within
oneself, and with other people. These conflicts generate distressing emotions and questions about
one's spiritual journey in life.
Time management- It’s the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent
on specific activities.
The researcher will use the Quantitative research design, it is a formal, objective and
systematic process in which numerical data will be used to obtain information about the variable.
It is used to described and examine relationship between and among variables. This design will
be used since the main purpose of the study is to determine the effect of social media addiction in
the academic performance of the students and to see their situation to how they control
themselves in social media usage.
This study will be conducted at Wesleyan University-Philippines this place was selected
for knowing the efficiency of the said study among students, it has been implemented on the
students at Wesleyan University-Philippines, this study will test the effect of social media
addiction in the academic performance of the students and to see their situation to how they
control social media usage.
The researchers were utilizing the simple random sampling. The simple random sampling
procedure is a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an equal probability of
being chosen. By which the researchers will randomly select Social Work students from second
year that are using the social media in doing their schoolworks. The simple random sampling
method is one of the most convenient and simple sample selection techniques.
This research entitled social media addiction and its effect on the academic performance
of the students. This research focuses on how the social media addiction can affect the students.
Factors that can affect the academic performance of the students while they are addicted on the
social media.
The researcher used questionnaire to gather data to support the study. The research
instrument is consisted of two parts. The first part will gather respondent’s profile such as their
age, gender, year level, course, civil status, as well as their average grades, gadget used,
The researchers made a letter permission to conduct a study and will distributes
questionnaire to the respondents. The researchers then, will send survey questionnaire as their
means of collecting data and conduct the study at Wesleyan University Philippines through
messenger and emails. The researchers assured that the instrument is reliable, consistent, and
accurate to collect proper data that is suitable with the research goal. The questionnaire is
administered and distributed to two different groups of students of BSSW 2nd year. The
researcher will group students according to their academic excellence achieved in school. The
students’ grades and achievement are verified through school records. The gathered data from
the achiever group will be compared with those students who are not, in terms of their social
media exposure. In addition, the researchers collected the data according to its relevance to
determine the cause of student’s engagement or addiction in social media and the effect of
excessive use of social media on Academic performance.
The gathered data is grouped together into two perspectives, one for the cause of
student’s addiction to social media and the other one is the effect of social media addiction itself.
The result will help students of BSSW 2nd year Student in Wesleyan University Philippines to
know the significant effect of social media addiction in their studies.
The gathered data and information by the researcher will be compiled, sorted out and
organized. These various of data will be subjected to statistical treatment to seek solutions to the
specific problems.
Descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentage and mean will be used to describe
the profile of the respondents such as age, gender, year level, course, civil status and average
grade. We used Four-point Likert –scale to measure the impact of Social Media Addiction on the
Academic Performance of the Students, and to recommend solutions based on the findings.
Survey questionnaire:
III. Profile of the respondent:
Directions: Answer the following as honest as possible
Year level:
Civil status:
Average grades:
Gadget used:
Internet connection:
Parents Occupation:
Monthly Income:
IV. Mark your answer using (X) based on the questions below:
1- Very Often
2- Often
3- Sometimes
4- Never
I watch vlogs/movies on YouTube
I play mobile/PC games
I use Facebook and Instagram
I do and watch videos on Tiktok
I create post on social media everyday
I have an academic breakdown
I have an anxiety attack
I have a depression
I have feeling of sadness
I have feeling of helplessness
I experience eyestrain
I experience back pain
I experience headache
I experience muscle and joint pain
I experience wrist pain
results of this study. The findings are presented based on the Social Media Addiction and its
This section presents the data gathered from the total of 30 respondents where ages are
from 19-24 years old. 29 (96.7%) of them are within the age range of 19-21 and only the 1
(3.3%) has the age within 22-24. Also, the majority of the respondents are female which has
73.3% (22) while male respondents are 8 (26.7%). The civil status of the respondents shows that
29 (96.7%) of them are single and only 1 (3.3%) is in a relationship. All of the respondents are
currently studying Bachelor of science in social work who are in the second-year level. Parents
occupations are mostly farmers which encompasses the 33.3% of the respondents, although some
of them declared that their parents are OFW (4), some are teacher (4), Brgy. Health worker (4),
The average grade that these respondents have is 90-94 which has a number of 15
responses (50%), there are 11 (36.7%) who has an average of 85 to 89, and 2 responses to each
Figure 3.1.1
Table shows that the most gadget used for browsing social media is mobile phone who has a
response of 23 (93.3%), while laptop and tablet have both 1 response which took the 3.3% each
of them.
Figure 3.1.2
Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktiok
The table shows that Facebook is the main social media platform or applications that is being
used that has 19 responses (63.3%), Instagram chose by 7 respondents (23.3%), TikTok has 3
Figure 3.1.3
Mobile Data Wifi
The table shows that out of the 30 respondents, 21 (70%) of them are using Wi-Fi for their
internet connection while the rest 9 (30%) are using the mobile data.
Teacher Farmer Carpenter Brgy. Domestic Driver Electrician
Worker Helper
The table shows that the mean of the parents’ occupation is Farming with 10 (3%) respondents,
while the least includes carpenter and electrician who has only 1 (0.33%) response each.
Figure 3.1.5
5000-10,000 pesos 11,000- 15,000 16,000-20,000 pesos 21,000 pesos above
The result shows that the average mean of the monthly income of respondents is 11,000 to
15,000 which have 10 (33.3%) responses, while there are only 3 (10%). On the other hand, there
are 9 (30%) respondents for the 21,000 and above, also there are 8 (26.7%) respondents for 5,000
to 10,000.
On this part of the results and discussion, researchers present the effects of social media
physical, social, and spiritual problem. Tables presents the data based on the 4-point Linkert
The items included on each section are statements particular to the effects of social media
addiction in terms of different aspects in both personal and academic lives of students. The data
Figure 3.2.1 Effects of social media addiction in terms of student’s time management.
From the above findings, researchers proved that students sometimes submit their requirements
late already because they sometimes spend more time in social media rather than doing their
school activities. Based on the findings of the study, students often sleep late because of social
Watching vlogs, movies on YouTube is oftentimes the things that students do in social
media instead of browsing academic related information. They sometimes play mobile games
rather than doing their activities. Even watching TikTok videos sometimes and scrolling through
social media platforms especially Facebook, although some never actually post. given that
students with social media addiction may be easily distracted and making them unable to stay
The study found the effect of social media addiction to students in terms of mental state,
it is that they often have academic breakdowns, they often have anxiety attacks, and sometimes
depression. They oftentimes feel sad and helpless because of relying so much in social media. As
per previous research, social media addiction would be negatively associated with students’
mental health and that these relations would be mediated by the students’ self-esteem
Students experiencing eyestrain often also with headaches and backpains, and that sometimes
Table confirms that cyber bullying at least never happened to the students, however they
sometimes being discriminated within social media. They often feel insecurities and even trust
issues and sometimes they get misinformation. In relation to this finding, study found that
adolescents’ self-esteem was lowered after receiving negative feedback on social media
(Valkenburg, Peter, & Schouten, 2006). Moreover, recent studies have revealed a negative
relation between addictive use of social media and self-esteem (e.g., Andreassen, Pallesen, &
In this table presentation, students affirms that they sometimes forgot to pray at night
because of watching movies and playing online games but at least they have never skipped
church on Sundays. Because of being addicted to social media, students sometimes having
trouble attending bible studies, spend to devoting God, and even reading the bible. Although it
has already been proven from other studies have shown that the symptoms of social media
addiction can be manifested in mood, cognition, physical and emotional reactions, and
In this table, students confirms that they overspend money sometimes because of social
media addiction, turns out they often lack savings that will surely cause them problems such as
tuition fees and overall family income. Sometimes they spend money for unnecessary things they
saw online. Internet usage has influenced the respondents to involve in online shopping
Chapter IV
Based on the findings of the study, the following statements have been
1. How may the social media addiction can affect the academic performance of the
students in terms of:
2. What are the problems met by the students using social media in terms of:
2.1 Mental problems
2.2 Physical problems
2.3 Social problems
2.4 Spiritual problems
2.5 Financial problems
It can therefore conclude that social media addiction has negatively affect the
academic performance of students that it distracts their attentions and prevent them from
attending lectures and passing their activities on time. Social media overuse has negative impact
on student’s lives which includes their academic, social, emotional, financial, spiritual, and
physical problems.
social media addiction, the function of social media should be explained to students and parents,
and its more accurate utilization should be encouraged, and counselling to students who are
social media addicted must be done. Since social media sites are now the most influential on
students in terms of different aspects, the researchers recommend that the students should have
the proper time management to maintain the proper balance on school and social life in social
media sites. The researchers recommend that students should only use social media sites when
April 18, 2022
Program Head of Social Work Program
Wesleyan University Philippines
Dear Ma’am:
Sincerely yours,
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Social media Addiction and its effect on Academic
Performance of the Students” had been statistically reviewed and evaluated by the undersigned.
This certification is issued to Junina Marize Tagacay, Zyna D. Tagud and MaryJoy P. Tagle in
compliance to the completion of their study for the degree Bachelor of Science in Social Work.
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