CO1 Laws of Motion Annotation

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Name of Teacher Observed:: NOERA ANGEL M.

MONTEMAYOR Position: Teacher I

Observer: ARNO M. MONTEMAYOR JR. Date of Observation: February 28, 2022

Objectives Means of Verification Description of the MOV Presented Annotations

1. Applied knowledge of Classroom Observation Detailed Lesson Plan highlighting the In this lesson, what I meant to do was to
content within and across Tool (COT) rating sheet or integration of concepts taken from other incorporate the concept of the importance of laws in
inter-observer agreement curriculum areas. In this case, in Araling
curriculum teaching areas. our society. I presented significant Republic Acts which
form from Panlipunan and MAPEH as well as
3. if options 1 and 2 are not would develop the students’ sense of responsibility
developing of the numeracy and literacy
possible, an observation of a skills of the learners. upon knowing what those R.A.s mean. It would also be
demonstration teaching* via LAC discussed how these R.A.s keep our society peaceful
that highlighted integration of and organized.
content within and across
I also meant to introduce a few sports which is
curriculum teaching areas
a part of their PE subject. This is done by showing
specifically in Araling Panlipunan
photos of the sports and utilizing those photos to show
(Social Studies) and MAPEH
the relationship between the movement of the players
(Physical Education). Numeracy
and the equipments (ball) to the different Laws of
and literacy skills of learners are
developed through presented
MOVs. Before I proceeded with discussing the topic, I
made the students take note of words that are not
familiar with as shown on the “Word Wall”

I also used the concept of equations to

increase their mathematical skills through oral
recitation. This was further reinforced by inserting it to
game during the motivation part of my discussion.

Prepared by:


Science Teacher

Name of Teacher Observed:: NOERA ANGEL M. MONTEMAYOR Position: Teacher I

Observer: ARNO M. MONTEMAYOR JR. Date of Observation: February 28, 2022

Objectives Means of Verification Description of the MOV Presented Annotations

2. Plan and deliver teaching Classroom Observation Detailed Lesson Plan highlighting the In this lesson, what I meant to do was to
strategies that are responsive Tool (COT) rating sheet or teaching strategy/method utilized by the deliver instruction to learners even if they are unable
inter-observer agreement teacher to reach out to learners in
to the special educational to attend the class physically. This is done through the
form from difficult circumstances. In this case, the
needs of learners in difficult 3. if options 1 and 2 are not use of social media and other collaborative platforms.
teacher focuses on geographic isolation.
circumstances, including but possible, an observation of a In this lesson, I am using Jamboard integrated in
not limited to: geographic demonstration teaching* via LAC Mobile application and website links. Google Classroom which can be easily shared through
isolation; chronic illnesses; shows the delivery of teaching FB messenger. The students do not have to create
displacement due to armed strategies that are responsive to complicated accounts but only need their Google
conflict, urban resettlements the special educational needs of account (gmail). The Jamboard allows the isolated
or natural disasters; child learners in difficult circumstances. learner/s to join during class activity simultaneously
abuse and child labor with the learners who are present inside the classroom
However, if there is very limited or no internet
connection available to the learner, I would use the e-
USB o e-Speaker. This is a strategy wherein the lesson
is delivered through auditory notes or videos that can
be accessed by the learners without the use of the
internet. All they have to do is to plug the USB to a
speaker or DVD component and it would automatically
play. As easy as playing music in their homes. The last
resort of the teacher is through mobile calls and SMS
or modular approach.

Prepared by:


Science Teacher
Name of Teacher Observed:: NOERA ANGEL M. MONTEMAYOR Position: Teacher I
Observer: ARNO M. MONTEMAYOR JR. Date of Observation: February 28, 2022

Objectives Means of Verification Description of the MOV Presented Annotations

3. Select, develop, organize, Classroom Observation Detailed Lesson Plan highlighting use of That ICt resource that I would like to integrate
and use appropriate teaching Tool (COT) rating sheet or applications, websites, and other ICT in this lesson is Google Jamboard and Physics
inter-observer agreement resources to address learning goals.
and learning resources, Classroom. The Google an innovative tool that allows
form from
including ICT, to address 3. if options 1 and 2 are not teachers to interact with students with a whiteboard-
Mobile application and website links.
learning goals. possible, an observation of a style experience, only digitally without being in the
demonstration teaching* via LAC same room. It's essentially a giant digital whiteboard
shows the use of appropriate that can be used by any teacher for any subject,
teaching and learning resources, making it a great tool for schools to use right across
including ICT, to address learning any device. The students do not have to create
goals. complicated accounts but only need their Google
account (gmail). The Jamboard allows the isolated
learner/s to join during class activity simultaneously
with the learners who are present inside the classroom

Another ICT integration is accessing which contains interactives,
simulations and other engaging digital activities that
simulates real life scenarios. For further reading and
enrichment of the lesson, the students can access the
varied Exercises and comprehensive Lesson Notes
found in the website. More importantly, it also
contains Teacher’s Notes that suggests strategies on
how to deliver the lesson.

Prepared by:


Science Teacher

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