Basking Answer
Basking Answer
Basking Answer
Immaterial and not pervasive , issue unmodified opinion after ensuring that accounting
system is corrected and the errors are corrected , and will not occur in future
So that fs can give true and fair view
ii) Related Party Loan – non-Disclosure
The loan to Mrs. C KMP of Basking co, treated as a RP transaction, as KMP is treated as RP to
the entity, even though the Value of loan is trivial it should disclose in the FS.
IAS 24 - Related Party Transaction – any related party transaction should disclose whether it
is material of immaterial. It is a Factual misstatement.
By nature non-disclosure is a material misstatement
Auditor should discuss with mgmt. the relevance of disclosing the RP transaction and gve
details of amount date, interest , period of loan in notes to accounts
If the mgmt. refuses to disclose about the loan to Mrs .C then material but unlikely
It would appropriate to issue a modified opinion ‘except for’ opinion in a modified report. In
the basis of opinion paragraph the auditor should state reasons for modifying the opinion.
iii) Provisions for Refund
Judgemental misstatement
Matters to be discussed
A provision of 7% is need to provide $328 m instead 4% given. Judgemental misstatement
and as a result provision reduced by $140 m
This would have reduce the liability and increased the profits of Basking
The judgemental misstatement forms 5.5% of Basking profit and 0.37% of their total assets
Hence it is material to SOPL and immaterial to SOFP
The audit team could not get SAAE to support mh=gmt judgement regarding system
The audit team should maintain Professional Sckeptisism to undertake earning
management. They have to be alert to other areas of financial statement involves estimate
and judgement
Auditr should discuss with mgmt. to give evidence to the team for support system
improvement and critically assess the same.
If they could not provide the same then auditor should ask themgmmt to rectify the same.
If management refuses to rectify the same then matter would be consider as material
misstatement and it is unlikely to be a pervasive matter as it is not impacting the totality of
Auditor should issue a qualified report with a modified opinion as ‘except for’ in modified
reort and explain the matters in basis of opininon para.