Excel Worksheet - Session 6 - Section A
Excel Worksheet - Session 6 - Section A
Excel Worksheet - Session 6 - Section A
LEN LEN(text)
The LEFT function extracts a given number of characters from the left side of a supplied text string.
The RIGHT function extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a supplied text string.
The MID function extracts a given number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string.
The TRIM function strips extra spaces from text, leaving only a single space between words, and removing any
leading or trailing space.
The LEN function returns the number of characters in a given text string.
The FIND function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another.
The SEARCH function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another.
The CONCATENATE function concatenates (joins) up to 30 values together and returns the result as text.
The CONCAT function concatenates (joins) values supplied as references or constants upto 255 in total.
The TEXTJOIN function concatenates multiple values together with or without a delimiter.
The VALUE function converts input that appears in a recognized format (i.e. a number, date, or time format)
into a numeric value.
The Excel CHAR function returns a character when given a valid character code.
Returns a numeric code (ASCII decimal notation) for the first character in a text string
The CLEAN function takes a text string and returns text that has been "cleaned" of line breaks and other non-printable
The EXACT function compares two text strings, taking into account upper and lower case characters, and returns TRUE
if they are the same, and FALSE if not.
The TEXT function returns a number formatted as text, using the number format provided.
LEN counts the number of characters in text, including space and punctuation.
Although REPT can repeat numbers as well as text, the result from REPT is always a text value.
It can merge all strings from a given range. It can optionally ignore empty cells.
Useful when the location of the text to be replaced is known or can be easily determined.
Useful when you want to replace text based on matching, not position.
Normally not needed as Excel automatically converts these inputs to numeric values in the backend
It only understands numbers 0-255 and is useful when you want to specify characters in formulas or
functions that are awkward or impossible to type directly. For example, CHAR(10) returns a line break.
Removes the first 32 (non-printable) characters in the 7-bit ASCII code (values 0 through 31) from
EXACT is case-sensitive
The output from TEXT is always a text string.
q e e r qeer
dw sd f dwsdf
as as 1
First Name Reggie
Last Name Miller
Full Name Reggie Miller
Reggie Miller
Reggie Miller
Reggie Miller asd
Reggie Miller
Reggie Miller asd
find 1 13
search 1
substitute RennieMiller
lower reggie miller
proper Reggie Miller regg fff Regg Fff
Product Details
32592100AFES CONTROLLERPENTIUM/100,(2)1GB H 304.00
32592100JCP9 DESKTOP UNIT 225.00
325927008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 SERVER 232.00
325926008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 WKST 232.00
325921008990 DESKTOP, DOS OS 232.00
325922008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS DESKTOP OS 232.00
325925008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS NT OS 232.00
325930008990 MINITOWER, NO OS 232.00
32593000KEYY MINI TOWER 232.00
Trimmed details
32592100AFES CONTROLLERPENTIUM/100,(2)1GB H 304.00
32592100JCP9 DESKTOP UNIT 225.00
325927008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 SERVER 232.00
325926008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 WKST 232.00
325921008990 DESKTOP, DOS OS 232.00
325922008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS DESKTOP OS 232.00
325925008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS NT OS 232.00
325930008990 MINITOWER, NO OS 232.00
32593000KEYY MINI TOWER 232.00
description, a product ID, and a product price. How can one put all the product descriptions in column D, all the product IDs in column
We know for certain that the price detail would have 6 positions
Trimmed Details
32592100AFES CONTROLLERPENTIUM/100,(2)1GB H 304.00
32592100JCP9 DESKTOP UNIT 225.00
325927008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 SERVER 232.00
325926008990 DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 WKST 232.00
325921008990 DESKTOP, DOS OS 232.00
325922008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS DESKTOP OS 232.00
325925008990 DESKTOP, WINDOWS NT OS 232.00
325930008990 MINITOWER, NO OS 232.00
32593000KEYY MINI TOWER 232.00
position of the first space + 1
total length - id length - price length - 2
l the product descriptions in column D, all the product IDs in column E, and all the prices in column F?
ould have 6 positions
Description Product ID
DESKTOP WINDOWS NT 4.0 WKST 325926008990
DESKTOP, DOS OS 325921008990
MINITOWER, NO OS 325930008990
Column B contains information about the style, color, and size for a variety of shirts. For example, the first shi
between the colon and the hyphen). Its color is 65, and its size is L. Use text functions to extract the style
Movie Details
Seabiscuit 40 Seabiscuit 40 Seabiscuit
Laura Croft Tombraider 12 Laura Croft Tombraider 12 Laura
Raiders of the Lost Ark 36 Raiders of the Lost Ark 36 Raiders
Annie Hall 5 Annie Hall 5 Annie
Manhattan 4 Manhattan 4 Manhattan
Star Wars 112 Star Wars 112 Star
How to Deal 128 How to Deal 128 How
The Matrix Reloaded 1 The Matrix Reloaded 1 The
Johnny English 1040 Johnny English 1040 Johnny
Rosemary's Baby 12 Rosemary's Baby 12 Rosemary's
High Noon 1002 High Noon 1002 High
Seabiscuit 40 1 Seabiscuit*40
Laura Croft Tombraider 12 3 Laura Croft Tombraider*12
Raiders of the Lost Ark 36 5 Raiders of the Lost Ark*36
Annie Hall 5 2 Annie Hall*5
Manhattan 4 1 Manhattan*4
Star Wars 112 2 Star Wars*112
How to Deal 128 3 How to Deal*128
The Matrix Reloaded 1 3 The Matrix Reloaded*1
Johnny English 1040 2 Johnny English*1040
Rosemary's Baby 12 2 Rosemary's Baby*12
High Noon 1002 2 High Noon*1002
of copies of the movie DVD purchased by a local video store. Extract the title of each
e from this data.
No of spaces
Seabiscuit 40 1 Seabiscuit*40 Seabiscuit
Laura Croft Tombraider 12 3 Laura Croft Tombraider*12 Laura Croft Tombraider
Raiders of the Lost Ark 36 7 Raiders of the Lost Ark 36 #VALUE!
Annie Hall 5 2 Annie Hall*5 Annie Hall
Manhattan 4 1 Manhattan*4 Manhattan
Star Wars 112 2 Star Wars*112 Star Wars
How to Deal 128 3 How to Deal*128 How to Deal
The Matrix Reloaded 1 3 The Matrix Reloaded*1 The Matrix Reloaded
Johnny English 1040 2 Johnny English*1040 Johnny English
Rosemary's Baby 12 2 Rosemary's Baby*12 Rosemary's Baby
High Noon 1002 2 High Noon*1002 High Noon
Laura Croft Tombraider
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Annie Hall
Star Wars
How to Deal
The Matrix Reloaded
Johnny English
Rosemary's Baby
High Noon
find case sensitive
search not case sensitive
The table below gives the number of minutes played by five-player combinations (lineups). (Lineup 1
played 10.4 minutes, and so on.) Use text functions to put this data into a form suitable for numerical
calculations; for example, transform 10.4m into the number 10.4.
6.254 6.254
(lineups). (Lineup 1
uitable for numerical
Function Syntax
DAY DAY(date)
DATE DATE(year,month,day
The TODAY function returns the current date, and will continually update each time the worksheet is updated
The DAY function returns the day value in a given date as a number between 1 to 31 from a given date.
The MONTH function extracts the month from a given date as a number between 1 to 12
The YEAR function extracts the year from a given date as a 4-digit number
The WEEKDAY function takes a date and returns a number between 1-7 representing the day of the week
The DATE function creates a date using individual year, month, and day arguments.
The DATEDIF function can calculate the time between a start_date and an end_date in years, months, or days.
Return_type is an optional numeric code that controls which day of the week is considered the first
day. By default, WEEKDAY returns 1 for Sunday and 7 for Saturday. 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.
unit list --> "y" Difference in complete years, "m" Difference in complete months, "d" Difference in
days, "md" Difference in days, ignoring months and years, "ym" Difference in months, ignoring
years, "yd" Difference in days, ignoring years
Holidays should be provided as a range that contains valid Excel dates. If holidays are not provided,
WORKDAY will treat only Saturdays and Sundays as non-working days.
1 or omitted Saturday, Sunday; 2 Sunday, Monday; 3 Monday, Tuesday, etc.