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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497


Nilesh M. Patil1, Sanil Rodrigues2
Assistant Professor, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai.
Student, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai.

Many people get heat strokes during summer because they play in the sun for too long. Heat stroke
can potentially be harmful to humans during exercise in warm environments. Many illnesses, such
as heat cramps and hypothermia, are caused by heat or hot temperatures. To avoid this dangerous
situation; we developed an early warning capable Heatstroke Detection System. First, we used a
range of physical instruments to collect medical data from exercise personnel, such as the LM35
temperature sensor for measuring body temperature. In addition, we used practical components
like buzzer for risk assessment to identify the heat stroke functionality for users. If a unsafe situation
is detected the buzzer will growl for 15 seconds alerting the user that he may get a heatstroke.
Keywords: Heat Stroke, Sensor, LM35, Buzzer

I. Introduction
In today's lifestyle, microcontroller-based temperature measurement includes a wide range of
requirements and applications and applications. To address this broad spectrum of demands, a large
number of sensors and devices have been produced by the process control industry to meet the
requirement. In this project we had taken an opportunity to understand the concepts and use of the
LM35 sensor.
Temperature is a very critical and widely measured variable for most situations or a selected
covering. Temperature dimension varies in different vicinity judging by the temperature wishes to be
met at that place. [1] effectively conducted an experiment using this device selection. Many processes
have to have both a monitored or controlled temperature. It may be necessary to monitor more
challenging measurements such as smoke stack gas temperature from a power station or blast furnace
or rocket exhaust gas [5][8][9]. Much more commonplace are the temperatures of fluids in strategies or
manner guide applications, or machinery. The proposed system indicates that the device detects the heat
stroke and alert the user about the stroke using buzzer [10].

II. Device Architecture

This segment describes the layout and implementation of the wearable heatstroke alert device.
This unit includes a number of modules in the system's architecture. It is split into modules for sensing,
microcontrollers, and wireless communication modules for LoRa, a module for risk assessment, and a
caution module. A three-dimensional (3D) printer[4] was used to create the hardware box to incorporate
all of the components.
The devices collect the environment and physiological information, and then the
microcontroller collects records and temperatures of solid gadgets along with metal plates, bearings and
shafts in a chunk of pre-processing and transmits the information to the end machine using LoRa
wireless communication to measure the present amount of risk of heat stroke using blurred common
sense inference [4]. When the end unit got the amount of danger, the suggestions for any required
precautions are returned to the user. Figure 2 demonstrates the risk assessment module user interface.
The interface was split primarily into three components: the settings of LoRa wireless communication
parameters, the physiological data obtained, and the amount of danger that fuzzy controller inferred[6].
Through the user interface, we set the correct criteria for LoRa communication so that wearable
equipment can collect data and send it back to the terminal for evaluation. The user interface displays
the user's amount of risk for heat stroke.

Components: -
1)ESP-8266 WIFI Module
2)Temperature sensor (LM 35)
3)Arduino UNO
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497
4)Piezo Buzzer

ESP-8266 WIFI module

The ESP-8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with complete TCP / IP stack and functionality for
microcontrolling. ESP-8266 can attach to Wi-Fi with 1 MB of built-in flash, enabling the development
of single-chip devices. ESP-8266 does the job of connecting to Wi-Fi and sending the data to the
Thingspeak cloud here in this project.

Figure 1. ESP-8266 Wi-Fi Module

Temperature Sensor (LM35)

LM35 is a temperature measurement device with an analog output voltage proportional to the
temperature. It affords output voltage in Centigrade (Celsius). It does not require any exterior
calibration circuitry [2].
The sensitivity of LM35 is 10 mV/degree Celsius. As temperature increases, output voltage
also increases. It is a 3-terminal sensor used to degree surrounding temperature ranging from -55 °C to
a hundred fifty °C. LM35 gives temperature output that is more particular than thermistor output [7].

Figure 2. LM35 Temperature Sensor

The Arduino Uno is an open-supply microcontroller board based primarily on the
microcontroller ATmega328P Microchip and developed via The board is fitted with units
of digital and analog input / output (I / O) pins that can be retro fitted with various expansion boards
(shields) and special circuits in addition. The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins and can be
programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a USB cable form B. It
can be powered by a USB cable or with the useful resource of a 9-volt outdoor battery, although it
accepts voltages of 7 to 20 volts[9]. The UNO board is the primary in a series of Arduino boards mainly
based on USB, and Arduino IDE model 1.0 is Arduino's reference models, now advanced to newer
The board's ATmega328 comes pre-programmed with a boot loader which allows you to upload new
code to it without using an external hardware programmer. Although the Uno communicates the use of
the authentic STK500 protocol, it differs from all previous forums in that the FTDI USB-to-serial
driving force chip is not used now. Instead, it makes use of the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to model
R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497
Piezo Buzzer
Piezo buzzers generate a loud & sharp sound. So, they're typically used as a alarm circuits. Also they
are used to make an alert of an event, sign or sensor input. A special traits of piezo buzzer is, the sound
pitch or level is not depended on the voltage stage that is, it works best in a specific voltage variety.
Typically, a piezo buzzer produce can generate a sound within the range of two to 4 kHz.

Figure 3. Arduino Uno

Figure 4. Piezo Buzzer

III. Working of Proposed System

The proposed system consists of the components such as LM35, Piezo buzzer, ESP-8266 WIFI module.
The basic concept behind the proposed device is that it warns the user with the buzzer before getting
the Heat Stroke when the temperature increases for a certain amount of time. The relation of the entire
device being proposed is such that the input of LM35 is provided to Arduino Uno's analog signal
address1. Likewise, the LM-35's GND and VCC are linked to Arduino Uno's GND and 5v. The Piezo
Buzzer's black pin is connected to the GND, and Piezo Buzzer's red pin is connected to Arduino Uno's
Digital Pin 8. The WIFI module is composed of 8 pins such as TXD, RXD, VCC, GND, GPIO-0, GPIO-
2, RESET, CH EN. The WIFI module TXD pin is connected to Arduino Uno's RXD pin. Likewise, the
WIFI Module's RXD pin is attached to the Arduino Uno's TXD pin. WIFI module GND and VCC pin
are attached to Arduino Uno's GND and + 3.3v. The entire device's flow diagram is in such a way that
it initializes first and the Sensors calibration is completed. It will set the trash hold value which will be
sensing physiological information that is the body temperature value which is received and analysis the
data between LM-35 and Arduino Uno. If the value of the temperature is greater than the value of the
thresh hold then the beep of the buzzer, then the temperature will continue to be sensed as normal. The
temperature will be tested once per minute and submitted to server ThingSpeak.

IV. Proposed System Circuit Diagram and Flowchart

Figure 5. Circuit Diagram

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497
The above circuit diagram was drawn using EasyEDA editor.

V. Advantages of Proposed System

 By using this device, the user can get alert of the heatstroke.
 By using this device, the user gets the notification of increase in the temperature in form of
buzzer beep due to which they can be safe from heat stroke.
 The user can also be able to understand the change in the temperature.

VI. Results
The output displayed on the serial monitor is shown in figure 7 below. The alert message is also given
on to the mobile phone as shown in figure 8.

Figure 6. Proposed System Flowchart

Figure 7. Output on Serial Monitor

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497
The values of the plot of temperature on ThingSpeak Server is shown in figure 9 below.

VI. Conclusion
Strolling in warm temperatures is inevitable for humans who live in equatorial or mediterranean areas.
This paper suggested a method for keeping those people healthy while performing outdoor exercises.
Smart cap was also designed to show outdoor runner body data and to assess the potential for a warmth
stroke to occur while running. Numerous sensors were used to view physiological records via the
microcontroller, which includes data on body temperature, mixed with ambient temperature and
humidity. The details required to be deployed to halt the computer are to determine the degree of danger
using inferences of fuzzy system. The gadget identified the danger stage and warned users to monitor
their body popularity to avoid the occurrence of a heat stroke. This gadget will help anyone doing heat
exercises never to worry about their safety and be healthier. The system identified the style of
physiological facts in enhancing the exercise strength from the results of the experiment, and in
particular prevented the prevalence of warmth stroke.

Figure 8. Alert on Mobile Device

Figure 9. Temperature Plot on ThingSpeak Server

3. cles/PMC6308959/
4. Global Climate Report Annual 2017.
5. Chen S.T., Lin S.S., Lana C.W., Hsu H.Y. “Design and Development of a Wearable Device
for Heat Stroke Detection. Sensors. 2017; 18:17. doi: 10.3390/s18010017.
6. Mike Stacey, D. Woods, D. Ross, D. Wilson, “Heat illness in military populations: asking the
right questions for research.”, J R Army Med Corps. 2014 Jun; 160(2): 121–124.
7. Michael J Stacey, Iain T Parsons, “Susceptibility to exertional heat illness and hospitalisation
risk in UK military personnel”, BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2015; 1(1): e000055.
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 2492-2497
8. AKM Jahangir Alam Majumder, “An Energy Efficient Wearable Smart IoT System to Predict
Cardiac Arrest”, Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Volume 2019, Article ID
1507465, 21 pages
9. Sheng-Tao Chen, Shih-Sung Lin, “Design and Development of a Wearable Device for Heat
Stroke Detection”, Sensors 2018, 18, 17; doi:10.3390/s18010017
10. Vivekanand Karmani ; Aftab Ahmed Chandio, “Towards Self-Aware Heatstroke Early-
Warning System Based on Healthcare IoT”, IEEE Proceedings of Third World Conference on
Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainablity, 2019.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

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