Component Tester Test Almost Anything

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Component Tester - Test Almost Anything !!

by baweja_akshay

Being an Electronics student or hobbyist, you may have thought of getting a tester that could test almost anything

Now what if I tell you that you can have one and that too made by yourself under INR 600 only (USD 10).

Coming upon COMPONENT TESTER so it can test almost everything, obviously not the power components because
they require more current and power which our AVR Microcontroller couldn't handle !! Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you
guys that we would be using an ATMEGA328 for our build !!

Yes, the same microcontroller which an arduino uno uses...!!

So, here's what our Component Tester can test -

1. Resistors

2. Capacitors along with their Equivalent Circuit Resistance Value (ESR)

3. Inductors

4. BJTs

5. FETs


6. Thyristors


7. IGBTs

8. Diodes

no the list doesn't end here.... it ca n t e s t Vo lt a g e upt o 50 V , it ha s a FREQ UENC Y CO UNT ER a nd a

Component Tester - Test Almost Anything !!: Page 1

you can also detect the IR Codes by simply putting a TSOP Sensor on its test pins.... isn't that great :D

and yeah one thing i forgot to tell you guys it do e s n' t o nly de t e ct t he co m po ne nt s it dis pla y s t he ir
re s pe ct iv e v a lue s a nd pro pe rt ie s t o o !!

No, don't thank me for such wonderful thing thank MARKUS F. the maker and developer of Component Tester and Karl-
Heinz who developed the rmware for it.

Let's Start the build and you'll explore much more on the way to build your own..!!

Step 1: Order Stuff for Build !!

with some basic components and tools you will be ready to build...!!

Ele ct ro nic Co m po ne nt s

1x 1nF (102) Ceramic Capacitor

1x 10nF (103) Ceramic Capacitor
4x 100nF (104) Ceramic Capacitor
2x 22pF (22) Ceramic Capacitor
2x 2.2uF, 50V Electrolytic Capacitor
2x 1N5819 or any other Schottky Diode with current rating of 1A
1x 7805 - 5V Voltage Regulator
1x LM336 - 2.5V Voltage Reference Diode
1x 10uH Inductor
1x BC547 Transistor
1x BC328-40 Transistor
3x 680 ohm Resistor with 0.1% Tolerance (1% Tolerance would also do)
3x 470k ohm Resistor with 0.1% Tolerance (1% Tolerance would also do)

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NO T E: For 1% Tolerance and 5% Tolerance(not recommended but works with less accuracy) 680 ohm and 470k
ohm resistors you need to make some changes in code and try to have all resistors indicating same value on

UPDAT E: For those who are having problems in nding 0.1% or 1% tolerances. You can use 5% tolerances. Just buy
5-7 resistors of 5% tolerances and nd out 3 resistors having same value on the multimeter. I made another one for
you guys with 5% tolerance resistors and changes the value of resistors in code and that worked too :)

2x 3k3 ohm resistor

2x 27k ohm resistor
1x 100k ohm resistor
1x 33k ohm resistor
6x 10k ohm resistor
1x 470 ohm resistor
1x 15k ohm resistor
1x 2k2 ohm resistor
1x 200k ohm resistor
2x 1k ohm resistor
2x 10k ohm preset (Variable Resistance)
1x 8MHz Crystal Oscillator
1x ATMEGA 328/328p with Socket
1x Rotary Encoder w/ Button Module and KNOB
1x Red LED (you can use any colour I chose Red as it it used to denote POWER)

Ha rdw a re Pa rt s

1x 16 Pin Polarized Header Cable - Relimate Connectors

3x 3 Pin Polarized Header Cable - Relimate Connectors
2x 4 Pin Polarized Header Cable - Relimate Connectors
1x 9V Battery Connector
6x Banana Jack Connectors (Female)
3x Banana Jack Connector Cable (with Male Heads)
1x Enclosure Case (I used a plastic Switch Board Enclosure Case/ Plastic Project Box)

To o ls Re quire d

Soldering Iron
Some Solder
A Single Layer PCB (because I home etched mine for this as it reduces unwanted signals and noises in
the circuit and being it a testing circuit etching your own PCB is advised for getting accurate results)
Solder Mask (optional)
Some strong cutters (to make cutouts on you enclosure)
Screwdrivers and Pliers
and some ISO-PROPYL Alcohol or Acetone would work ne to clean the ux residue on PCB (It its
necessary that you clean the ux or it may cause some unwanted errors in your Component Tester).

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Le t ' s St a rt t he build !!

Step 2: Schematics and PCB Build !!

This is a self designed and home etched PCB...!!

I used eagle software freeware version for designing PART II :

PCB. I have attached the PCB (un-mirrored) les below
so you can download and etch them at home. For
etching you can refer to other instructables on how to
go about etching process using Ferric Chloride(FeCl3).

You can Follow GreatScott's series on how to etch

PCB's using Ferric Chloride-

UPDAT E : I've uploaded Eagle Files :)

//www.yout rWw

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Step 3: Applying the Solder-Mask Onto PCB (OPTIONAL)

If you wish to apply solder mask u can follow the below video on how to go about applying solder mask.


I have attached the pad mask so to resist application of solder mask on component pads.

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1. Component Pads where Solder Mask will not be UV cured

1. PCB after solder mask is applied


Step 4: Drilling Holes on PCB

For drilling holes on PCB you can either use a hand drill or a electric drill / drill press.

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Step 5: Soldering Components on PCB

B e ca re f ul w hile s o lde ring t he 6 8 0 o hm s a nd 4 70 kilo - o hm s re s is t o r w hich a re t e s t re s is t o rs !!

Do not apply more solder on these resistors as that can induce some unwanted capacitance or
resistance in the circuit.
Do no t le a v e ux o n t he PCB a f t e r s o lde ring co m po ne nt s !! This may result in some
unwanted values u see on display. You can use Isopropyl Alcohol and some Cotton Buds to clean the
ux on PCB.

1. ISP Connector
2. Atmega328

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1. flux residue
2. flux residue

Step 6: Preparing the Enclosure...!!

I used a plastic project box as enclosure for my COMPONENT TESTER...!!

I drilled holes for binding posts and DC jack socket then used a hot knife to make cutout for 16x2 LCD.

NO T E : desolder the grounded leg of push-button on rotary encoder module and connect that to positive side of
LED along with wires coming from the PCB

UPDAT E : For LED_START header

PIN1 - LED Negative

PIN2 - LED Positive
PIN4 - +5V

Connect 2nd Pin of switch to LED Positive

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1. rotary encoder
2. Power LED
3. Test Points


1. to positive side of led 1. desolder the grounded leg of push-button on rotary encoder
2. TO PIN1 of Rotary Encoder Header on PCB module and connect that to positive side of LED (PURPLE WIRE)
3. TO PIN3 of Rotary Encoder Header on PCB along with wires coming from the PCB
4. From header cable on pcb
5. PIN 2 of rotary encoder header
6. To switch pin of header PCB

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1 3 5

2 4

1. DC Power Socket
2. Power LED
3. 16x2 LCD Module with 16 pin connector cable soldered to LCD Module
4. Test Points
5. Voltage and Frequency Testing Points

Step 7: Uploading the Code to AVR

The code les are attached below as .zip le format so that you can compile an build code after making the
necessary changes in con guration les.

Now open up con g.h and make the following changes -

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navigate to me a sure me n t se t t in gs a n d o se t s
now in this section scroll to R_ LO W and set the value of 680 ohm resistance you are
getting on you multimeter try and choose 3 680 ohm resistance with same values
showing on multimeter
now change the value of R_ HIGH i.e. the value of the 470k ohm resistances you are
getting on your multimeter be as precise as possible and try and choose 470k ohm
resistances with closest values or same values showing up on multimeter.
change RH_ O FFS E T if you want or leave it as it is. RH O set is O set for systematic
error of resistor measurement with Rh (470k)
change R_ Z ERO - Resistance of probe leads (in 0.01 Ohms).
Resistance of two probe leads in series. (Assuming all probe leads got
same/similar resistance)

change C AP_ W IRES - Capacitance of the wires between PCB and terminals (in pF).
2pF for wires 10cm long

change C AP_ PRO BELEADS - Capacitance of the probe leads connected to the tester
(in pF).
3pF for about 10cm long probe leads
9pF for about 30cm long probe leads
15pF for about 50cm long probe leads

you can go through rest of values and play-around if you are familiar with AVR and
coding. If not please do not alter anything else.

If you are facing problems opening .zip les I am sharing the Dropbox link to code -


UPDAT E: If you are using usbasp programmer then you need not edit the Make le else you need to goto line 54
and change

pro gra mme r = usb a sp to pro gra mme r = <yo ur pro gra mme r's n a me >

open command window in that folder where you have your code by holding shift and right click you
will see an option of Open Command Window Here click that
type in ma ke a ll
connect the Programmer with the ISP Header of Atmega328
type in ma ke uplo a d
then type ma ke fuse s
following to this type ma ke c le a n

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NO T E : I assume that you have avrdude pre-installed in your systems. if not youhave to download a v rdude and
install it before doing above steps.


Step 8: Assembling Everything As One Device

Before assembling just run everything and test one or two components so as to con rm everything is working ne.



1. LCD Connector
2. Test Points
3. POWER LED and Switch Connector
4. Voltage and Frequency Counter
5. Rotary Encoder Conector
6. Power Connector - 7-12V and a 9V Battery Connector

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So you made one component tester for yourself.... you after turning the tester on.
can keep that handy on your workbench and use it to
test your components more often... UPDAT E: I have redesigned a new version of the
component tester that is super compact and can t in
UPDAT E: You can see the menu for the tester which your pocket or you can just carry it around like a
includes PWN Generation, Square Wave Generation, keychain. Do check it out!!
Frequency Counter, IR Code Detector, Calibration and
Adjustment Menu by turning the rotary encoder left

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1. 10 kilo-ohm 1W resistor
2. 1 kilo-ohm 1W resistor


1. 100nF Ceramic Capacitor 1. LED

2. 22uF, 63V Electrolytic Capacitor
3. ESR Value being displayed for Electrolytic Capacitor

1. 2N3904 - General Purpose NPN Transistor

Inductor measurement result is not correct. what can I do now.

i've made it, but is extremly slow, any clue?

can you describe a bit more?

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In the end, I used a copy of linux mint to upload the code to the AVR. Now the speed is correct, but
the rotary encoder still does not work.
When I deactivate the rotary encoder from the config.h file, I can use the button to navigate through
the menu, but only when I feed the circuit with the usbasp or 5v from the ISP pins. If I use a 9v
battery or an adapter I have no response from the button or the rotary encoder!
very rare. If you have any clue, I would be grateful.
Hola, espero estes bien, tambien tengo el componentester lento, me guiarias como hacerlo por
linux en VM?
The size of the PCB file in pdf format is incorrect for me. Can someone send me the PCB file for
Sprint Layout 5.0?
very nice

Works fine ... Was just wondering why the hex and eep file incuded in the hex dir of dropbox files
are of another version of the source file in the same dropbox collection. Also wondering how to
measure voltage... Cant find in the menus ...only frequency. Thank you guys.

Lfuse FC & Hfuse D9

Hi all
I have successfully uploaded the code to the ATMega328p using my Arduino as an in-circuit
programmer. Uploading was done via the tester's on-board ISP plug.
Please see my Instructable at
I used the following commands:
make all
avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P com1 -b 19200 -U flash:w:./${NAME}.hex:a -U
make upload
avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P com1 -b 19200 -U lfuse:w:0xfc:m
avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P com1 -b 19200 -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m
make clean

how to make the code for Arduino???

Install AVRDude.

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Download and UnZip the attached file . Remember your unzip directory.
The directory will include four files
1 - _program.bat
2 - _readme.txt
3 - ComponentTester.hex
4 - ComponentTester.eep
Set up your Arduino as a programmer.
In the unzipped directory, double click on _program.bat.
The Command Prompt window will open, and programming of the ATMEGA328p will start.
When completed, the Command Prompt window will close.
Your ATMEGA328p is now programmed, and ready to be installed into your project.

Hi dear. thanks for tut. can you tell me wht is the fusebit for this hex file? i want to program micro
with stk500 and atmel studio
low & high & extended

I am totally grateful to you !!! I will do it with your instructions!!! Thanks!!!!

that looks great :)

I've seen in the discussions some people with difficulties to compile the code.
I agree. I think it's no so easy for the people not customed to use the clasical compilers.
What's about if I show you how to use the Arduino IDE to compile and upload the code in an
Arduino Uno? (or any Atmega 328 Arduino hardware).

Another option is to upload the code to an Arduino Uno, then take off the microprocessor from the
Arduino and put it in the PCB provided by Mr. baweja_akshay

Also it's possible to upload the Sketch in the circuit provided in this Instructable through the ISP

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It's really easy... so let's go to hands on:

1) Add an EMPTY file named "Test_Ard_Ok.ino" in the folder containing all the c and h files,
Rename the directory with the same "Test_Ard_Ok" name in the usual way (as Arduino IDE
requires it). Really the name doesn't matter, it could be "Any_Thing.ino" and the folder

You can realize that any C or C++ code is accepted without any problem by the Arduino IDE
(taken into account you have the code adapted to an ATmega, off course).

Wow!!! That's taking us to another dimension!

Could we code in C or C++ and then compile with Arduino IDE?
Off course we can, that's what will be happening following the next steps.

2) As the Arduino IDE doesn't use the makefiles, simply delete it.

3) Now, as you don't have the makefile, it's needed to make some corrections in the config.h.
Edit it as indicated in the attached config.h (containded in the attached Test_Ard_OK.rar ) or simply
use the extracted file in the resulting directory.
All other parts of the file list remain exactly the same as the file list given in this Instructable.

4) Open the Test_Ard_Ok.ino file with the Arduino IDE. Compile and Upload

You could also compile directly loading the Test_Ard_OK.ino contained in the folder from the
attached Test_Ard_OK.rar but the goal is to learn how to do it. Doesn' it?

5) That's all folks...

I've attached two screen captures of the sketch in the Arduino IDE (result of compilation and
upload to an Arduino Uno).
The last capture is the content of the folder "Test_Ard_Ok".
In this case, I named Test_Ard_ok.ino to my Dummy File
As I pointed up before, really the name doesn't matter.

BTW I didn't build the hardware yet, Only I've tested the sketch in an Arduino Uno with the encoder
and display.
Best regards and enjoy

Hi Bro
I did all the steps. But I get this error when compiling

I've added the sketch in the original comment. Download and unrar it. Then open with the Arduino
IDE , compile in the usual way (option Arduino uno) and that's all.

Component Tester - Test Almost Anything !!: Page 17

Best Regards
Video Enquirer
Same Diagram, I've redesigned the PCB....

Can you share your schematic? I have no idea how to put a Zif connector like yours. Thanks in
Hello Mr baweja akshay
I thank you for share you're design
And my question is how used square wave generation (which pins)?
Thank you again.
Hi Purmasing,
I didn't build the project, so I did't test it yet, but searching at the "extras.c" in the software, I've
found in the lines 252 to 263 an indication of using:

- probe # 2 (Pin 24 according schematic) as output and

- probe #1 (Pin 23 according schematic) or probe #3 (Pin 25 according schematic) as ground.

Be careful, don't make a short between them, I see no protection against that . The output are
directly the pins of the micro.

Best regards.

can i use arduino nano this project

If you prefer to compile and upload the project to the nano with the Arduino IDE, please see my
former discussion (#338).
Best regards
yes, you can. :)
check the svn repository: in /software/trunk you will find an already compiled firmware to use with
an arduino uno, and in /hardware you will find a folder "ArduinoUno_shield" with schematic for a
of course, you can use an uno, nano or mini pro, because all three are 328 based arduinos.

oh, and this is the newest version, 1.13k... 1.12k is now outdated...
Might you add the link for Arduino board based?

sorry for delay, but looks like i'm not get notifications... :)

the link:

This is the second one I made, this time I wanted to do it a little better, thank you very much for this
fantastic design.

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Nice Project... It's Very useful... Tnx bro

Program micro guide:

install winavr :
Download AVRDUDE 6.3 file:
Make a folder named test in the c windows drive and copy two
files inside the downloaded avrdude zip file
Download the tester code from the zip file top, then copy the
contents of the ComponentTester-classic-1.20m folder into the c: \ test folder
.use a usbasp compatible programmer
Connect to the computer ,
install driver and put the microc inside.
Run Windows Command Prompt and type :
cd \ test
path C: \ WinAVR-20100110 \ utils \ bin
make all
make upload
make fuses
make clean
If your programmer is not usbasp, is in c: \ test
Open makefile with a notepad and change this part of the
file as your programmer.
programmer = xxxxx

hi dear
i have many error and problems in the cmd. please help me

Version 1,2 doesn't have .hex and .eep files. Can somebody share it?

Hi dear. can you help me for how to connect encoder and LED start and encoder pin on the bord.
1.2 version files.

Component Tester - Test Almost Anything !!: Page 19

Mine shuts down while I check capacitor of electrolytic type. Any solution?

Dear Akshay I made one, but the issue is while I check electrolytic capacitors my tester shuts
down by Its own. Any solution?

Hi. Any body here to help me? I need a schematic for connect encoder and led start pin on the
board. Please help me
Hi sir I made your great work.
Thank you for circuit and data.
I have one problem I buy rotary encoder and on it isn't any CLK DT SW for connect to board
Can you help me by image?
best Regard

Thanks for sharing such a nice project.

How to disable auto turn off?

Hello friend I want you help me about this

i cant push button test to main menu....please help me

to fast automatic to sett time test and time automatic off

if you want delayed and slow or stable test menu then long press the switch and it will enter stable
value display mode.
baweja_akshay have your whatsapp Help me with this please

main menu as in ?? the frequency generator and calibration menu ?? if that then you need to turn
your rotary encoder towards left when it shows the value of component or no component and the
menu will appear.
sir what is the alternative for BC328-40 Transistor

Component Tester - Test Almost Anything !!: Page 20

You could find some alternative transistors here
you can google for similar pnp transistors.



what is the good software programmer to change on the code ?

Code Virsion AVR
AVR Stadio

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