M.SC - Physicsundertheframeworkofhonoursschoolsystem2021 22
M.SC - Physicsundertheframeworkofhonoursschoolsystem2021 22
M.SC - Physicsundertheframeworkofhonoursschoolsystem2021 22
M.Sc. in Physics
Under the Framework of Honours School System
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Academic Session 2021-22
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is one of the important measures recommended
by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to enhance academic standards and
quality in higher education include innovation and improvements in curriculum,
teaching-learning process, examination and evaluation systems. CBCS provides an
opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses
comprising Core, and Discipline Specific and Generic Elective courses. The
performance of students in examinations will be evaluated following the Grading
system, which provides uniformity in the evaluation and computation of the
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) based on student’s performance in
examinations. The grading system will facilitate student mobility across institutions
within and across countries and also enable potential employers to assess the
performance of students.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Physics is the science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space
and time, along with related concepts. One of the most fundamental scientific
disciplines, the main goal of physics is to understand how the universe evolved and
behaves. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other
sciences and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. Physics also makes
significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from
theoretical breakthroughs.
After partition of India, the Department of Physics was re-established in 1947, in Govt.
College, Hoshiarpur (Punjab) and later, shifted to the present campus in August 1958.
With the modest beginning of research in high-energy particle physics (nuclear
emulsion) and optical UV spectroscopy, the research activities got a major filip with
installation of cyclotron accelerator in late sixties. The department strengthened its
research activities through UGC Special Assistance Programme (SAP) from 1980 to
1988 and College Science Improvement Programme from 1984 to 1991. In 1988, the
department was accorded the status of Center of Advanced Study (CAS) by UGC with
three major thrust areas, Particle physics, Nuclear physics and Solid-state physics,
which is a unique feature in itself. The department is now in CAS fifth phase. The
department participates in various national and international research initiatives in
Accelerator-based reaserch in High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics and Solid-State
Physics. The department houses Cyclotron lab, EDXRF lab., Detector development
lab., Experimental Solid-state Physics laboratories, Molecular Physics lab. and
Advanced computation facilities for analyses of data from High Energy Physics, and
Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reaction experiments. High Performance Computation
facility is available for Condensed matter Physics and Nuclear Physics simulation
The Physics department is running undergraduate and postgraduate courses in
Physics, and Physics (Specialization in Electronics) under the Honours School System.
At present the department has strength of about 30 faculty members and Post-
doctoral fellows, 50 non-teaching/administrative staff, 130 research students and 450
graduate and undergraduate students. The department has well equipped Practical
and computing laboratories, Workshops and Library. The department has an 11-inch
telescope to encourage/inculcate the scientific temper among public and with
particular emphasis on college and school students. The department houses Indian
Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) office and actively leads in IAPT and Indian
Physics Association (IPA) activities.
required to complete 80 credits for the completion of the course and the award of
degree. In general, one-hour lecture per week equals 1 Credit, 2 hours practical
class per week equals 1 credit.
Subjects offered in the M.Sc. Course is divided into three categories:
(i) ‘Core Course’ means a course that is Compulsory for a particular programme
and offered by the Department, where the student is admitted.
(ii) ‘Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course’ means an optional course to be
selected by a student out of such courses offered by the Department, where the
student is admitted.
(iii) ‘Generic Elective (GE)’ means an elective course which is taken by the students
in the department other than where the student is admitted.
1. TEACHING : The number of Lectures mentioned for each Course is 60 (45 + 15)
hours, which includes 45 contact hours of teaching to be delivered exclusively by
the Teacher as per the scheduled time table and 15 contact hours are for
interaction, discussion, tutorials, assignments and seminars (attended/ delivered)
by the student.
2. EXAMINATION : There shall be Mid-term Examination (75 min duration) of 20%
Marks for theory papers in each semester. End-semester examinations (3 hours
duration) shall be of 80% of total marks. The question paper for the Mid-term
examinations should be such that more emphasis is given to the problems related
to the subject. The student will be given 70% choice in attempt. Only in special
cases, where the student misses the mid-term examination, retest for the mid-
term examinations will be held. For a student who has used first mid term
examination chance, teacher may allow him/her to take another midterm test but
the maximum score 80% of the first chance of the mid-term test.
The End-semester question paper will consist of seven questions in all with equal
weightage. It will include one Compulsory question (consisting of short answer
type questions) covering whole syllabus. There will be no choice in this question.
The candidate will be asked to attempt five questions including the compulsory
question. The pattern of question paper should be 30% problem related, 10%
thought provoking and 60% descriptive.
Evaluation of Practicals Subjects –
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
4. PASSING CRITERIAN : The student has to obtain minimum of 40% marks to qualify
a Course. The failing candidate has to reappear in end-semester examination. The
grading system is detailed in a separate document “Regulations of the M.Sc. under
the framework of Honours School System”.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Objective : The aim and objective of the course on Mathematical Physics-I is to equip
the M.Sc. (H.S.) student with the mathematical techniques that he/she needs for
understanding theoretical treatment in different courses taught in this class and for
developing a strong background if he/she chooses to pursue research in physics as a
Note: (i) Some portions of the syllabus have already been covered in the
undergraduate courses. The stress should be given on the application part.
(ii) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Suggested Reading:
1. Classical Mechanics: H. Goldstein, C.Poole and J.Safko (Pearson Education Asia,
New Delhi), 3rd ed 2002.
2. Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: K.C. Gupta (Wiley Eastern,
New Delhi), 1988.
Note: The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
I Linear Vector Space and Matrix Mechanics: Vector spaces, Schwarz inequality,
Orthonormal basis, Schmidt orthonormalisation method, Operators, Projection
operator, Hermitian and Unitary operators, change of basis, Eigenvalue and
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Electronic circuits - Phase shift oscillator, Wien-bridge oscillator, Sample and hold
circuits, Phase Locking Loop basics and applications. Lock-in-detector, box-car
Filters - Sallen and Key configuration and Multifeedback configuration, LP, HP, BP
and BR active filters, Delay equalizers.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Suggested Reading:
1. Solid State Electronic Devices: Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee (Prentice Hall India) 6th
Edition, 2005.
2. Electronic Principles : A.P. Malvino (Tata McGraw, New Delhi), 7th edition, 2009.
3. Linear and Non-linear Circuits : Chua, Desoer and Kuh (Tata McGraw), 1987.
4. Applications of Laplace Transforms : Leonard R. Geis (Prentice Hall, New Jersey),
5. Circuit theory Fundamentals and Applications : Aram Budak (Prentice-Hall) 1987.
6. Integrated Electronics : Millman and Halkias (Tata McGraw Hill) 1991.
7. Operational amplifiers and Linear Integrated circuits, R.F. Coughlin and F.F. Driscoll,
(Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi), 2000.
Additional suggested Reading:
9. Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology : S.M. Sze (John Wiley), 2002.
10. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory : Boylested and Nashelsky, (Pearson Education)
10th ed. 2009.
11. OPAMPS and Linear Integrated circuits : Ramakant A Gayakwad (Prentice Hall), 1992.
(i) Students are expected to perform at least 10 experiments from Units 1-7 in each
semester. The experiments performed in first semester cannot be repeated in
second Semester. This part will carry 125 (25+100) marks.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(ii) Each student will be assigned a project work/Industrial visit and give seminar on
Advanced techniques in Physics during first year. The student will complete units 8
and 9 taking one in each semester. This part will carry 25 (5+20) marks.
(iii) The evaluation procedure for the Practical examination is given in the beginning of
the syllabus.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
45. To estimate the distance between sun and earth (1AU) using GONG project results
of Venus and Mercury transits.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Unit I
Introduction to Digital Computers, Computer hardware, Operating Systems - Linux,
C++ Programming Language,Algorithms, Structured Programming.
Data and Statements : Data Types. Constants and Variables. Mathematical, Relational,
Logical and Bitwise Operators. Expressions and Statements. Block, Local and Global
variables. Auto, Static and External Variables.
I/O Statements : printf, scanf, getc, getch, getchar, getche, etc. Streams : cin and cout.
Manipulators for Data Formatting: setw, width, endl and setprecision etc. ASCII Files
Preprocessor : #include and #define directives.
Control Statements :- If-statement. If-else Statement. Nested if Structure. Else-if
Ternary Operator. Goto Statement. Switch Statement. Unconditional and Conditional
Looping. While Loop. Do-while Loop. For Loop. Break and Continue Statements.
Nested Loops.
Arrays and Structures :- One and Two Dimensional Arrays. Idea of Structures.
Functions :- Standard Library Functions and User-defined Functions. Void Functions
and Functions returning Values.
Idea of Classes, Objects, Idea of Strings and Pointers.
Introduction to Digital Computers, Computer hardware, Operating Systems - Linux,
Fortran Language: Intrinsic Functions, Data Types, Constants, and Variables, Double
Precision, Operation and Intrinsic Functions, Expressions and Assignment Statements,
Format-Directed Input and Output.Program Structure, Logical Operators and Logical
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Unit II
Programs (C++ using “Classes”) based on the basic numerical methods:
Statistics : Measures of central moment, correlation coefficients.
Interpolations - Least squares fitting, Lagrange interpolation.
Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration;
Numerical solution of differential equations by Euler, predictor-corrector and Runge-
Kutta methods, problems.
Matrices, addition, multiplication, determinant, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inversion,
solution of simultaneous equations.
Random number generators, Simulation using Monte Carlo techniques
Suggested Reading:
1. Numerical Mathematical Analysis, J.B. Scarborough (Oxford & IBH Book Co.) 6 th ed.,
2. A first course in Computational Physics: P.L. DeVries (Wiley) 2 nd edition, 2011.
3. Computer Applications in Physics: S. Chandra (Narosa) 2 nd edition, 2005.
4. Computational Physics: R.C. Verma, P.K. Ahluwalia and K.C. Sharma (New Age)
5. Object Oriented Programming with C++: Balagurusamy, (Tata McGrawHill) 4 th
edition 2008.
6. Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 77
7. Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 90
8. Computer Programming in Fortran 90 and 95, V. RajaRaman, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Objective: The aim and objective of the course on Mathematical Physics-II is to equip
the M.Sc. student with the mathematical techniques that he/she needs for
understanding theoretical treatment in different courses taught in this class and for
developing a strong background if he/she chooses to pursue research in physics as a
Note: The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
Suggested Reading:
1. Group Theory for Physicists : A.W. Joshi (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi) 2011.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists : G. Arfken and H.J. Weber, (Academic Press, San
Diego) 7th edition, 2012.
3. Matrices and Tensors in Physics : A.W. Joshi (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi) 2005.
4. Numerical Mathematical Analysis, J.B. Scarborough (Oxford Book Co., Kolkata) 4 th
Additional suggested Reading:
5. A First Course in Computational Physics: P.L. Devries (Wiley, New York) 1994.
6. Mathematical Physics : P.K. Chatopadhyay (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi) 2011.
7. Introduction to Mathematical Physics : C. Harper (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi)
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
TUTORIALS: Relevant problems given in the end of each chapter in the text book.
Suggested Reading:
1. Statistical Mechanics: R.K. Pathria and P.D. Beale (Butterworth-Heinemann,
Oxford), 3rd edition, 2011.
2. Statistical Mechanics: K. Huang (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi), 1987.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Note: The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
Suggested Reading:
1. A first book of Quantum Field Theory, A. Lahiri & P. Pal, (Narosa Publishers, New Delhi),
2nd ed. 2005.
2. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory, A. Das (World Scientific), 2008.
3. A Text book of Quantum Mechanics, P.M. Mathews and K. Venkatesan, (Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi), 2004.
4. Quantum Mechanics : M.P. Khanna, (Har Anand, New Delhi), 2006.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Note: The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
II. Boundary value problems in electrostatics: Method of Images , Point Charge in the
Presence of a Grounded Conducting Sphere, Point Charge in the Presence of a
Charged, Insulated, Conducting Sphere, Point Charge Near a Conducting Sphere at
Fixed Potential , Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Electric Field by Method of Images,
Green Function for the Sphere; General Solution for the Potential , Conducting Sphere
with Hemispheres at Different Potentials, Separation of Variables; Laplace Equation in
Rectangular coordinates, Laplace Equation in Spherical Coordinates, Legendre
Equation and Legendre Polynomials, Boundary-Value Problems with Azimuthal
Symmetry, Associated Legendre Functions and the Spherical Harmonics Y lm(θ, Ф).
III. Mutipole and dielectrics: Multipole Expansion, Multipole Expansion of the Energy
of a Charge Distribution in an External Field, Elementary Treatment of Electrostatics
with Ponderable Media, Boundary-Value Problems with Dielectrics, Electrostatic
energy in dielectric media.
IV. Magnetostatics: Biot and Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Vector potential, Magnetic
Fields of a Localized Current Distribution, Magnetic Moment , Force and Torque on
and Energy of a Localized Current Distribution in an External Magnetic Induction,
Singularity in dipole field, Fermi-contact term, Macroscopic Equations, Boundary
Conditions on В and H, Methods of Solving Boundary-Value Problems in
Magnetostatics, Uniformly Magnetized Sphere, Magnetized Sphere in an External
Field; Permanent Magnets, Magnetic Shielding, Spherical Shell of Permeable Material
in a Uniform Field
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
VI. Wave guides and resonant cavities: Fields at the Surface of and within a
Conductor, Cylindrical Cavities and Waveguides, Waveguides, Modes in a Rectangular
Waveguide, Energy Flow and Attenuation in Waveguides, Coaxial cable, Resonant
Cavities, Power Losses in a Cavity; Q of a Cavity , Earth and Ionosphere as a Resonant
Cavity: Schumann Resonances, Multimode Propagation in Optical Fibers, Modes in
Dielectric Waveguides
VII. Radiating systems, Multipole fields and Radiations: Fields and Radiation of a
Localized Oscillating Source, Electric Dipole Fields and Radiation, Magnetic Dipole and
Electric Quadrupole Fields, Center-Fed Linear Antenna, Multipole Expansion of the
Electromagnetic Fields, Angular Distribution of Multipole Radiation. Sources of
multipole radiation, mutipole radiations in atoms and nuclei.
Suggested Reading:
1. Classical Electrodynamics : J.D. Jackson, (New Age, New Delhi) 2009.
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics: D.J. Griffiths (Prentice Hall India, New Delhi) 4th
ed., 2012.
3. Classical Electrodynamics : S.P. Puri (Narosa Publishing House) 2011.
Additional suggested Reading:
4. Electromagnetic Fields, Ronald K. Wangsness (John Wiley and Sons) 2nd
5. Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals : Bhag Singh Guru and H.R. Hiziroglu
(Cambridge University Press) 2nd edition, 2004.
6. Introduction to Electrodynamics : A.Z. Capri and P.V. Panat (Narosa Publishing
House) 2010.
7. Classical Electromagnetic Radiation : J.B. Marion and M.A. Heald, (Saunders College
Publishing House) 3rd edition, 1995.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Objective : The aim and objective of the course on Physics Practical Laboratory II is to
expose the students of M.Sc. (H.S.) class to experimental techniques in general physics,
electronics, nuclear physics and condensed matter physics so that they can verify some
of the things read in theory here or in earlier classes and develop confidence to handle
sophisticated equipment. The project work on Physics/Electronics topics, Industrial
visit, Seminar on Advanced techniques in Physics will further enhance subject,
presentation and entrepreneurship skills.
(i) Students are expected to perform at least 10 experiments from Units 1-7 in each
semester. The experiments performed in first semester cannot be repeated in
second Semester. This part will carry 125 (25+100) marks.
(ii) Each student will be assigned a project work/Industrial visit and give seminar on
Advanced techniques in Physics during first year. The student will complete units 8
and 9 taking one in each semester. This part will carry 25 (5+20) marks.
(iii) The evaluation procedure for the Practical examination is given in the beginning of
the syllabus.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Unit 5 : Optics
35. Laboratory spectroscopy of standard lamps
36. Stellar spectroscopy
37. To study the Kerr effect using Nitrobenzene
38. To study polarization by reflection - Determination of Brewester’s angle.
39. To measure numerical aperture and propagation loss and bending losses for
optical fibre as function of bending angle and at various wavelengths.
40. To study the Magnetorestriction effect using Michelson interferometer.
Unit 6 : Fundamental constants in Physics
14. To determine Planck’s constant using photocell.
15. To determine the electric charge of an electron using Millikan drop experiment.
16. To determine the Hubble's constant (expansion rate of universe) using
astronomical data and deduce the large scale structure of the universe.
Unit 7 : Mechanics
42. To study the potential energy curve of the magnet-magnet interaction using air-
track setup along with the simple experiments in mechanics.
43. To estimate the rotational period of sun using sunspots observations.
44. To estimate the mass of Jupiter using rotational periods of Galilean satellites.
45. To estimate the distance between sun and earth (1AU) using GONG project results
of Venus and Mercury transits.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Project work:
The aim of project work on Computational Physics in M.Sc.( H.S.) 2 nd semesters is to
expose the students to computational techniques used for handling Physics problems.
The student will work of his/her own, however, he/she will report the progress of the
project to the teacher who has been assigned/suggested the Project problem. The
problems are expected tpo be based on common numerica;l techniques which are
used in different theoretical/experimental aspects of Physics.
FORTRAN programmes OR C++ Inheritance, Use of external scientific libraries in C++
List of Physics Problems:
1. Write a program to study graphically the EM oscillations in a LCR circuit (use
Runge-Kutta Method). Show the variation of (i) Charge vs Time and (ii) Current vs
2. Study graphically the motion of falling spherical body under various effects of
medium (viscous drag, buoyancy and air drag) using Euler method.
3. Study graphically the path of a projectile with and without air drag using FN
method. Find the horizontal and maximum height in either case. Write your
comments on the findings.
4. Study the motion of an artificial satellite.
5. Study the motion of (a) 1-D harmonic oscillator (without and with damping
effects). (b) two coupled harmonic oscillators. Draw graphs showing the relations:
i. Velocity vs Time
ii. Acceleration vs Time
iii. Position vs Time, also compare the numerical and analytical results.
6. To obtain the energy eigenvalues of a quantum oscillator using the Runge-Kutta
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
7. Study the motion of a charged particle in: (a) Uniform electric field, (b) Uniform
Magnetic field, (c) in combined uniform electric and magnetic fields. Draw graphs
in each case.
8. Use Monte Carlo techniques to simulate phenomenon of
(i) Nuclear Radioactivity. Do the cases in which the daughter nuclei are also
unstable with half life greater/lesser than the parent nucleus.
(ii) to determine solid angle in a given geometry.
(iii) simulate attenuation of gamma rays/neutron in an absorber and
(iv) solve multiple integrals and compare results with Simpson’s method.
9. To study phase trajectory of a Chaotic Pendulum.
10. To study convection in fluids using Lorenz system.
Suggested Reading:
1. Numerical Recipes in C++ The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press, Saul A.
Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery, (Cambridge), 2 nd ed. 2002.
2. A First Course in Computational Physics: P.L. DeVries (John Wiley) 2000.
3. An introduction to Computational Physics: Tao Pang (Cambridge), 2 nd ed. 2006.
4. Computer Applications in Physics: S. Chandra (Narosa), 2006.
5. Computational Physics: R.C. Verma, P.K.Ahluwalia and K.C. Sharma (New Age),
6. Object Oriented Programming with C++: Balagurusamy, (Tata McGrawHill), 5 th ed.
7. Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 77
8. Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 90
9. Computer Programming in Fortran 90 and 95, V. RajaRaman, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Elective Courses - Choose any Two of the listed Discipline Specific Elective Courses*. Candidate may
choose one of the Generic Elective Course** in place of one of the Discipline Specific Elective Courses.
Discipline Specific Elective 75 3 4 hrs
Discipline Specific Elective 75 3 4 hrs
Generic-Elective Courses**
Generic-Elective Course-1 75 3 4 hrs
Elective Courses - Choose any two of the listed Discipline Specific Elective Courses*. Candidate may
choose one of the Generic Elective Course**(if available) in place of one of the Discipline Specific
Elective Courses.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
A. Choose any two of the following in each of semesters III and IV: (teaching: 4hrs)
1. PHY-MDS1 Electrodynamics and General theory of Relativity
2. PHY-MDS2 Exp. Tech. in Nuclear & Particle Physics
3. PHY-MDS3 Exp. Tech. In Physics
4. PHY-MDS4 Space Science and Technology
5. PHY-MDS5 Astrophysics
6. PHY-MDS6 Electronics II
7. PHY-MDS7 Fiber Optics and Non-linear Optics
8. PHY-MDS8 Informatics
9. PHY-MDS9 Nonlinear Dynamics
10. PHY-MDS10 Particle Accelerator Physics
11. PHY-MDS11 Physics of Nano-materials
12. PHY-MDS12 Science of Renewable Energy Sources
13. PHY-MDS13 Advanced Statistical Mechanics
B. One of the following will be offered in each of semester IV. Allotment will be on
merit of results of Semesters I and II: (teaching 9hrs)
1. PHY-MDS14 Physics Laboratory-IV
2. PHY-MDS15 (i) Project work (Nuclear Physics) Experimental
3. PHY-MDS15 (ii) Project work (Particle Physics) Experimental
4. PHY-MDS15 (iii) Project work (Condensed Matter Physics) Experimental
5. PHY-MDS15 (iv) Project work (Atomic and Molecular Physics) Experimental
6. PHY-MDS15 (iv) Project work Electronics) Experimental
7. PHY-MDS15 (v) Project work (Nuclear Physics) Theory
8. PHY-MDS15 (vi) Project work (Particle Physics) Theory
9. PHY-MDS15 (vii) Project work (Condensed Matter Physics) Theory
10. PHY-MDS15 (viii) Project work (Atomic and Molecular Physics) Theory
11. PHY-MDS15 (ix) Project work (Astrophysics) Theory
12. PHY-MDS15 (x) Project work (Non-linear Physics) Theory
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Max. Marks
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
I Elastic constants :
Electrons in a periodic potential: Bloch theorem, Nearly free electron model; tight
binding method; Semiconductor Crystals, Band theory of pure and doped
semiconductors; elementary idea of semiconductor superlattices.
IV Transport Theory :
VI Liquid Crystals :
Thermotropic liquid crystals, Lyotropic liquid crystals, long range order and
order parameter, Various phases of liquid crystals, Effects of electric and
magnetic field and applications, Physics of liquid crystal devices.
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittel (Wiley, New York), 8th ed. 2005.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
4. Solid State Physics : H. Ibach and H. Luth (Springer Berlin) 3rd. ed. 2002.
5. Solid State Theory : Walter A. Harrison (Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi) 1970.
7.The Liquid Crystal Phases : Physics & Technology : T.J. Sluckin, Contemporary
Physics (Taylor & Francis), 2000.
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
III Nuclear forces : Evidence for saturation of nuclear density and binding energies
(review), types of nuclear potential, Ground and excited states of deuteron, dipole
and quadruple moment of deuteron, n-p scattering at low energies, partial wave
analysis, scattering length, spin-dependence of n-p scattering, effective-range
theory, coherent and incoherent scattering, central and tensor forces, p-p
scattering, exchange forces & single and triplet potentials, meson theory of nuclear
IV Neutron physics : Neutron production, slowing down power and moderating ratio,
neutron detection.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
2. Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics : K. Hyde (Institute of Physics) 2004.
5. Theory of Nuclear Structure : R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam (New Age, New Delhi)
6. Nuclear physics: Experimental and Theoretical, H.S. Hans (New Academic Science) 2nd
ed (2011).
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
III Hadron-Hadron Interactions : Cross section and decay rates, Pion spin, Isospin,
Two-nucleon system, Pion-nucleon system, Strangeness and Isospin, G-parity,
Particle production at high energy.
V Static Quark Model of Hadrons : The Baryon decuplet, quark spin and color,
baryon octet, quark-antiquark combination.
VIII Cosmic rays, origin and composition, energy spectrum, acceleration and
propagation of UHE (>1014 eV) particles, Cosmic ray shower, Measurements of
UHE cosmic rays on earth (GRAPES experiment).
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the books listed
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Books :
2. Elementary Particles : I.S. Hughes (Cambridge University Press), 3rd ed. 1991.
3. Introduction to Quarks and Partons : F.E. Close (Academic Press, London), 1979.
4. Introduction to Particle Physics : M.P. Khanna (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi),
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) Students are expected to perform at least 10 experiments in each semester. The
experiments performed in first semester cannot be repeated in second Semester.
(ii) Each student will complete a project work and give seminar on one of the topics on
Advances in Electronics during first year. Project work will consist of
understanding, handling and repair of Audio-Video and communication Electronics
(iii) The evaluation procedure for the Practical examination is given in the beginning of
the syllabus.
List of Experiments :
10. Hands on experience on X-ray diffractometer for studying (i) Crytal structure (ii)
Phase identification and (iii) size of nanoparticles.
11. Experiments with microwave (Gunn diode): Young's double slit experiment,
Michelson interferometer, Febry-Perot interferometer, Brewester angle, Bragg's
law, refractive index of a prism.
12. To measure (i) dielectric constant of solid/liquid; (ii) Q of a cavity. Use of Klystron-
based microwave generator.
13. To plot polar pattern and gain characteristics of Pyramidal horn antenna and
parabolic dish for microwaves.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
18. Time calibration and determination of the time resolution of a coincidence set-up
using a multi- channel analyzer.
21. To determine range of Alpha-particles in air at different pressure and energy loss
in thin foils.
24. To study p-p interaction and find the cross-section of a reaction using a bubble chamber.
25. To study n-p interaction and find the cross-section using a bubble chamber.
26. To study k-d interaction and find its multiplicity and moments using a bubble chamber.
28. To design (i) Low pass filter (ii) High pass filter (iii) All-pass filter (iv) Band pass filter (v)
Band-reject filter using 741 OPAMP.
30. To study Phase Locked Loop (PLL) – (i) adjust the free running frequency (ii) determination
of lock range and capture range (iii) determine the dc output from Frequency modulated
31. Measurement of (i) low resistance (ii) Mutual inductance using Lock- In-Amplifier
32. Frequency modulation using Varactor and Reactance modulator and Frequency
demodulation using Quadrature detector and Phased Locked Loop detector.
33. Dynamics of non-linear systems – (i) Feigenbaum Circuit and (ii) Chua Circuit.
34. Computer controlled experiments and measurements (Phoenix kit and Python
language) – Digital and analog measurements based experiments.
35. Control of devices and data logger using parallel port of PC – programming using
Turbo C.
36. Programming of parallel port of PC using C-language and control of devices connected.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(b) programming for (i) addition and subtraction of numbers using direct and indirect
addressing modes (ii) Handling of 16 bit numbers (iii) use of CALL and RETURN
instructions and block data handling.
38. (a) Selection of port for I & O and generation of different waveforms (b) control of stepper
39. Microcontroller kit: hardware familiarization of (Controller and universal programmer and
programming for four digit seven segment multiplexed up-conter upto 9999.
40.(a) EEPROM based 8 to 3 encoder using microcontroller (b) interfacing with ADC
(temperature sensor) and DAC (variable voltage source).
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
Review of Fermi gas model, liquid drop model and Nuclear fission
I Shell model : Coupling of angular momenta, C.G. & Racah coefficients, Wigner’s
3j,6j and 9j symbols and properties, Extreme particle model with square-well &
harmonic oscillator potentials, spin-orbit coupling, shell model predictions, static
electromagnetic moments of nuclei, LS & jj coupling, seniority wave function, magnetic
moment-Schmidt lines, Single particle model, Total spin ‘J’ for various configurations,
electric quadrupole moment, configuration mixing, independent particle model,
coefficient of fractional parentage, Two nucleon wavefunction, Matrix elements of one
and two body operators, Correlation in nuclear matter.
III Nuclear reactions : Review of Statistical model for compound nucleus, Review of
optical Model. Direct reactions : Kinematics and theory of stripping, pick up and
reverse reactions. Fusion-evaporation & transfer reactions and various models,
Heavy-ion induced nuclear reactions and various phenomena at low, intermediate and
high energies.
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the books listed
Books :
1 Theory of Nuclear Structure : M.K. Pal (East-West Press, New Delhi) 1982.
2 Nuclear Physics : R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam (New Age, New Delhi) 2005.
3 Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics by K. Hyde (Institute of Physics)
4 Elementary theory of Angular Momentum by M.E. Rose (Dover) 2011.
5 Quantum Mechanics, V.K.Thankappan (New Age Publications), 2012.
6 Concepts of Nuclear Physics by B.L. Cohen (Tata McGraw Hill), 2004.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
TUTORIALS: Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the books listed.
Books :
1. An Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Perkins (Cambridge Press) 4th ed. 2000.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
4. Introduction to Quarks and Partons : F.E. Close (Academic Press, London), 1979.
5. Introduction to Particle Physics : M.P. Khanna (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi), 2004.
7. Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics: T.P Cheng, L.F. Li (Oxford University
Press, Oxford), 2000.
8. Particle Physics and introduction to Field Theory: T.D. Lee, (Harwood Academic),
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester examinations are
given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage. However, any
other book may be followed.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the books listed
Books :
4. Solid State Physics : H. Ibach and H. Luth (Springer, Berlin), 3rd. ed. 2002.
7. Solid State Physics : Ashcroft and Mermin (Reinhert & Winston, Berlin), 1976.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
curvature tensor, Bianchi identities, Ricci tensor), Einstein field equations and
Poisson approximation, Electromagnetic field in Riemann space time.
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the listed books.
Books :
3. Theory of Relativity : R.K. Patharia (Hindustan Pub., Delhi) 2nd ed., 1974.
7. An Introduction to General Relativity : S.K. Bose (Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi),
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
Organic and inorganic scintillators and their characteristics, light collection and
coupling to photomultiplier tubes and photodiodes, description of electron and
gamma ray spectrum from detector, phoswich detectors, Cherenkov detector.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Detection of fast and slow neutrons - nuclear reactions for neutron detection.
General Background and detector shielding.
Basic considerations in time measurements, Walk and jitter, Time pickoff methods,
time-to-amplitude converters, Systems for fast timing, fast-slow coincidence, and
particle identification, NIM and CAMAC instrumentation standards and data
acquisition system.
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Unit – II
Radiation detectors - energy resolution, detection efficiency and dead time. Statistics
and treatment of experimental data.
Organic and inorganic scintillators and their characteristics, light collection and
coupling to photomultiplier tubes and photodiodes, description of electron and gamma
ray spectra from scintillation detector, Cherenkov detector.
Basic considerations in time measurements, Walk and jitter, Time pickoff methods,
time-to-amplitude converters, Systems for fast timing, fast-slow coincidence set up.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
VI. Experimental methods for nuclear and high energy experiments (Brief
account) : Large gamma and charge particle detector arrays, multiplicity filters,
electron spectrometer, heavy-ion reaction analysers, nuclear lifetime measurements
(DSAM and RDM techniques). Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Collider physics and Particle
Accelerators, Secondary beams, Modern Hybrid experiments- CMS and ALICE.
Books :
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Max. Marks
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed
II Planetary Science: An introduction to the planets, satellites, asteroids, etc. and the
associated planetary processes; Origin and the early evolution of the solar system; Formation
& evolution of planets and satellites.
IV Space technology: Overview of the planetary missions by various space agencies e.g.,
NASA, ESA, ISRO, etc.; Science and technology related with the designing, launch, landing and
orbit insertion of planetary spacecrafts/mission and satellites; Designing of planetary
spacecrafts and missions; Elements of hyper-spectral imaging, SAR (Synthetic Aperture
Radar), onboard optical, IR, UV, X-ray, γ-ray spectrometers and particle detectors.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Max. Marks:
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
III Stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis: Pre-main sequence collapse, origin of the
solar system, Jean’s criteria, Shedding excess of angular momentum and
magnetic field, T Tauri phase, Quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium, Virial theorem,
Radiative and convective heat transfer, the sun on the main sequence, rates of
nuclear energy generation, the standard solar model, evolution of low,
intermediate and high mass stars on HR diagram, late stage evolution of stars, red
giant phase, white dwarf, supernova (type Ia, Ib/c, II), neutron star, black hole,
stellar nucleosynthesis, hydrostatic and explosive nucleosynthesis, sprocess, r-
process, the galactic chemical evolution.
1. Physics of stellar evolution and cosmology: H.S. Goldberg and M.D. Scadron
(Gordon and Breach), 1986.
2. Astronomy: Principles and Practice : A.E. Roy and D. Clarke (Adam Hilger), 2003.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Max. Marks: 20+80 = 100
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed..
Sequential circuits : Flip-Flops – RS, JK, D, clocked, preset and clear operation,
race-around conditions in JK Flip-flops, master-slave JK flip-flops, Switch contact
bounce circuit.
II Digital logic families : RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, MOS, Tri-state logic -
switching and propagation delay, fan out and fan in, TTL-CMOS and CMOS-TTL
V Semiconductor Memories : ROM, PROM and EPROM, RAM, Static and Dynamic
Random Access Memories (SRAM and DRAM), content addressable memory,
Other advanced memories.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in the books listed
Books :
1. Digital Principles and Applications : Malvino and Leach (Tata McGraw Hill),
2. Microelectronics : Millman and Grabel (Tata McGraw Hill), 1999.
3. A text book of digital electronics, R.S. Sedha (S. Chand Publishers), 2004.
4. Integrated Electronics : Millman and Halkias (Tata McGraw Hill) 2010.
5. Semiconductor Devices : Physics and Technology : S.M. Sze (John Wiley),
6. Digital Computer Electronics : Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown (Tata-McGraw Hill)
3rd ed.
7. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085 : R.S.
Gaonkar (Prentice Hall) 2002.
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
II. Fiber fabrication and cable design: Fibre fabrication, mass production of fiber,
comparison of the processes, fiber drawing process, coatings, cable design
requirements, typical cable design, testing.
high frequency wave guide, electro-optic modulator, strain optic tensor, calculation
of LM for a logitudinal acoustic wave in isotropic medium, calculation of LM for a
shear wave in lithium niobate, Raman-Nath diffraction, Raman-Nath acousto-optic
4. The Elements of Non-linear Optics: P.N. Butcher & D. Cotter (Cambridge University
Press), 1991.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
III Introduction to C++ : Basics of C++, Data types and operators, statements and
control flow, functions and programme structure, classes in C++, strings, the
preprocessor, pointers, C++ memory allocation, Input/output, subprogramme,
recursion, file access.
TUTORIALS : Solving problems pertaining to the topics covered in the course, using
Books :
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
1. Chaos and Non Linear Dynamics : R.C. Hilborn (Oxford Univ. Press), 2001.
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
III Electrostatic and Heavy Ion Accelerators : Van de Graaff voltage generator,
Cockcroft-Walton voltage generator, insulating column, voltage measurement,
Acceleration of heavy ions, Tandem electrostatic accelerator, Production of heavy
negative ions, Pelletron and Tandetron, Cluster beams, Superconducting Heavy
Ion Linear Accelerators.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
1. Particle Accelerator Physics, Vol I and II, H.J. Wiedman, (Springer Verlag), 1998.
2. Particle Accelerators, M.S. Livingston and J.P. Blewel, (McGraw-Hill Book Press),
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
I Introductory Aspects : Free electron theory and its features, Idea of band
structure—metals, insulators and semiconductors. Density of state in one, two and
three dimensional bands and its variation with energy, Effect of crystal size on
density of states and band gap. Examples of nanomaterials.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
Max. Marks:
20+80 = 100
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
Types of solar cells, p-n junction solar cell, Transport equation, current density,
open circuit voltage and short circuit current, description and principle of working of
single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon solar cells, conversion
efficiency. Elementary ideas of Tandem solar cells, solid-liquid junction solar cells
and semiconductor-electrolyte junction solar cells. Principles of
photoelectrochemical solar cells. Applications.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) The pattern of the question papers for the mid-term and end-semester
examinations are given in the beginning of the syllabus.
(ii) The books indicated as text-book(s) are suggestive of the level of coverage.
However, any other book may be followed.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
expressions for thermal transport coefficients and their applications. The Wiener -
Khintchine theorem, the fluctuation dissipation theorem. The Onsagar relations.
TUTORIALS : Relevant problems given at the end of each chapter in books 1 and 2.
5. Statistical Mechanics and Properties of Matter : ESR Gopal (Macmillan India, Delhi),
B. One of the following will be offered in each of semester IV. Allottment will be on
merit of results of Semesters I and II: ( teaching 9hrs)
13. PHY-MDS14 Physics Laboratory-IV
14. PHY-MDS15 (i) Project work (Nuclear Physics) Experimental
15. PHY-MDS15 (ii) Project work (Particle Physics) Experimental
16. PHY-MDS15 (iii) Project work (Condensed Matter Physics) Experimental
17. PHY-MDS15 (iv) Project work (Atomic and Molecular Physics) Experimental
18. PHY-MDS15 (iv) Project work Electronics) Experimental
19. PHY-MDS15 (v) Project work (Nuclear Physics) Theory
20. PHY-MDS15 (vi) Project work (Particle Physics) Theory
21. PHY-MDS15 (vii) Project work (Condensed Matter Physics) Theory
22. PHY-MDS15 (viii) Project work (Atomic and Molecular Physics) Theory
23. PHY-MDS15 (ix) Project work (Astrophysics) Theory
24. PHY-MDS15 (x) Project work (Non-linear Physics) Theory
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
(i) Students are expected to perform at least 10 experiments in each semester. The
experiments performed in first semester cannot be repeated in second Semester.
(ii) Each student will complete a project work and give seminar on one of the topics on
Advances in Electronics during first year. Project work will consist of
understanding, handling and repair of Audio-Video and communication Electronics
(iii) The evaluation procedure for the Practical examination is given in the beginning of
the syllabus.
List of Experiments :
7. Hands on experience on X-ray diffractometer for studying (i) Crytal structure (ii)
Phase identification and (iii) size of nanoparticles.
10. To plot polar pattern and gain characteristics of Pyramidal horn antenna and
parabolic dish for microwaves.
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
15. Time calibration and determination of the time resolution of a coincidence set-up
using a multi- channel analyzer.
18. To determine range of Alpha-particles in air at different pressure and energy loss
in thin foils.
21. To study p-p interaction and find the cross-section of a reaction using a bubble chamber.
22. To study n-p interaction and find the cross-section using a bubble chamber.
23. To study k-d interaction and find its multiplicity and moments using a bubble chamber.
25. To design (i) Low pass filter (ii) High pass filter (iii) All-pass filter (iv) Band pass filter (v)
Band-reject filter using 741 OPAMP.
27. To study Phase Locked Loop (PLL) – (i) adjust the free running frequency (ii) determination
of lock range and capture range (iii) determine the dc output from Frequency modulated
28. Frequency modulation using Varactor and Reactance modulator and Frequency
demodulation using Quadrature detector and Phased Locked Loop detector.
29. Computer controlled experiments and measurements (Phoenix kit and Python language) –
Digital and analog measurements based experiments.
30. Control of devices and data logger using parallel port of PC – programming using Turbo C.
31. Programming of parallel port of PC using C-language and control of devices connected.
(b) programming for (i) addition and subtraction of numbers using direct and indirect
addressing modes (ii) Handling of 16 bit numbers (iii) use of CALL and RETURN
instructions and block data handling.
33. (a) Selection of port for I & O and generation of different waveforms (b) control of stepper
34. Microcontroller kit: hardware familiarization of (Controller and universal programmer and
programming for four digit seven segment multiplexed up-conter upto 9999.
35. (a) EEPROM based 8 to 3 encoder using microcontroller (b) interfacing with ADC
(temperature sensor) and DAC (variable voltage source).
M.Sc (Physics) under the Framework of Honours School System
The aim of project work in M.Sc.( H.S.) 4th semesters is to expose some of the
students (20) to preliminaries and methodology of research and as such it may consist
of review of some research papers, development of a laboratory experiment,
fabrication of a device, working out some problem, participation in some ongoing
research activity, analysis of data, etc. Project work can be in Experimental Physics or
Theoretical Physics in the thrust as well as non-thrust research areas of the
A student opting for this course will be attached to one teacher of the department
before the end of the 3rd semester. A report of about 30 pages about the work done in
the project (typed on both the sides of the paper and properly bound) will be submitted
by a date to be announced by the PGAPMEC. Assessment of the work done under
the project will be carried out by a committee on the basis of effort put in the execution
of the project, interest shown in learning the methodology, report prepared, grasp of
the problem assigned and viva-voce/seminar, etc as per guidelines prepared by the
This load (equivalent to 2 hours per week) will be counted towards the normal
teaching load of the teacher.