TT Electrician 2017 Pages 129 39

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(Duration: Two Years)





Professional Skills
Week Reference Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. Learning outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
1  Apply safe 1. Visit various sections of the Scope of the electrician trade.
working institutes and location of Safety rules and safety signs.
practices electrical installations. (05 Types and working of fire
hrs) extinguishers.
2. Identify safety symbols and
hazards. (05 Hrs)
3. Preventive measures for
electrical accidents and
practice steps to be taken in
such accidents. (05 hrs)
4. Practice safe methods of fire
fighting in case of electrical
fire. (05 hrs)
5. Use of fire extinguishers. (05
2  Apply safe 6. Practice elementary first aid. First aid safety practice.
working (05 hrs) Hazard identification and
practices 7. Rescue a person and practice prevention.
 Comply artificial respiration. (05 Hrs) Personal safety and factory
environment 8. Disposal procedure of waste safety.
regulation and materials. (05 Hrs) Response to emergencies e.g.
housekeeping 9. Use of personal protective power failure, system failure and
equipments. (05 hrs) fire etc.
10. Practice on cleanliness and
procedure to maintain it. (05
3  Prepare profile 11. Identify trade tools and Concept of Standards and
with an machineries. (10 Hrs) advantages of BIS/ISI.
appropriate 12. Practice safe methods of Trade tools specifications.
accuracy as per lifting and handling of tools Introduction to National
drawing. & equipment. (05 Hrs) Electrical Code-2011.
13. Select proper tools for
operation and precautions in
operation. (05 Hrs)
14. Care & maintenance of trade


tools. (05 Hrs)

4-5  Prepare profile 15. Operations of allied trade Allied trades: Introduction to
with an tools. (05 Hrs) fitting tools, safety precautions.
appropriate 16. Workshop practice on filing Description of files, hammers,
accuracy as per and hacksawing. (10 Hrs) chisels hacksaw frames, blades,
drawing. 17. Prepare hand coil winding their specification and grades.
assembly. ( 5 Hrs) Marking tools description and
18. Practice on preparing T-joint, use.
straight joint and dovetail Types of drills, description &
joint on wooden blocks. (15 drilling machines.
Hrs) Various wooden joints.
19. Practice sawing, planing,
drilling and assembling for
making a wooden
switchboard. (15 Hrs)
6-7  Prepare profile 20. Practice in marking and Marking tools; calipers
with an cutting of straight and Dividers, Surface plates,
appropriate curved pieces in metal Angle plates, Scribers, punches,
accuracy as per sheets, making holes, surface gauges Types, Uses, Care
drawing. securing by screw and and maintenance.
riveting. (10 Hrs) Sheet metal tools: Description of
21. Workshop practice on marking & cutting tools.
drilling, chipping, internal Types of rivets and riveted joints.
and external threading of Use of thread gauge.
different sizes. (20 Hrs) Description of carpenter’s tools
22. Practice of making square Care and maintenance of tools.
holes in crank handle. (5 Hrs)
23. Prepare an open box from
metal sheet. (15 Hrs)
8  Prepare 24. Prepare terminations of Fundamentals of electricity,
electrical wire cable ends (02 hrs) definitions, units & effects of
joints, carry out 25. Practice on skinning, twisting electric current.
soldering, and crimping. (15 Hrs) Conductors and insulators.
crimping and 26. Identify various types of Conducting materials and their
measure cables and measure comparison.
insulation conductor size using SWG
resistance of and micrometer. (8 Hrs)
9-10  Prepare 27. Make simple twist, married, Joints in electrical conductors.
electrical wire Tee and western union Techniques of soldering.
joints, carry out joints. (18 Hrs) Types of solders and flux.
soldering, 28. Make britannia straight,
crimping and britannia Tee and rat tail


measure joints. (18 Hrs)

insulation 29. Practice in Soldering of joints
resistance of / lugs. (14 Hrs)
11-12  Prepare 30. Identify various parts, Underground cables: Description,
electrical wire skinning and dressing of types, various joints and testing
joints, carry out underground cable. (15 Hrs) procedure.
soldering, 31. Make straight joint of Cable insulation & voltage grades
crimping and different types of Precautions in using various
measure underground cable. (15 Hrs) types of cables.
insulation 32. Test insulation resistance of
resistance of underground cable using
underground megger. (05 hrs)
cable. 33. Test underground cables for
faults and remove the fault.
(15 Hrs)
13-14  Verify 34. Practice on measurement of Ohm’s Law; Simple electrical
characteristics of parameters in combinational circuits and problems.
electrical and electrical circuit by applying Kirchoff’s Laws and applications.
magnetic Ohm’s Law for different Series and parallel circuits.
circuits. resistor values and voltage Open and short circuits in series
sources and analyse by and parallel networks.
drawing graphs. (15 Hrs)
35. Measure current and voltage
in electrical circuits to verify
Kirchhoff’s Law (10 Hrs)
36. Verify laws of series and
parallel circuits with voltage
source in different
combinations. (05Hrs)
37. Measure voltage and current
against individual resistance
in electrical circuit (10 hrs)
38. Measure current and voltage
and analyse the effects of
shorts and opens in series
circuit. (05 Hrs)
39. Measure current and voltage
and analyse the effects of
shorts and opens in parallel
circuit. (05 Hrs)
15  Verify 40. Measure resistance using Laws of Resistance and various
characteristics of voltage drop method. (5 Hrs) types of resistors.


electrical and 41. Measure resistance using Wheatstone bridge; principle and
magnetic wheatstone bridge. (5 Hrs) its applications.
circuits. 42. Determine the thermal Effect of variation of temperature
effect of electric current. (5 on resistance.
Hrs) Different methods of measuring
43. Determine the change in the values of resistance.
resistance due to Series and parallel combinations
temperature. (5 Hrs) of resistors.
44. Verify the characteristics of
series parallel combination
of resistors. (5 Hrs)
16-17  Verify 45. Determine the poles and Magnetic terms, magnetic
characteristics of plot the field of a magnet materials and properties of
electrical and bar. (08 Hrs) magnet.
magnetic 46. Wind a solenoid and Principles and laws of electro-
circuits. determine the magnetic magnetism.
effect of electric current. (06 Self and mutually induced EMFs.
Hrs) Electrostatics: Capacitor-
47. Measure induced emf due to Different types, functions,
change in magnetic field. (06 grouping and uses.
hrs) Inductive and capacitive
48. Determine direction of reactance, their effect on AC
induced emf and current. (06 circuit and related vector
hrs) concepts.
49. Practice on generation of
mutually induced emf. (08
50. Measure the resistance,
impedance and determine
inductance of choke coils in
different combinations. (06
51. Identify various types of
capacitors, charging /
discharging and testing. (05
52. Group the given capacitors
to get the required capacity
and voltage rating. (05 Hrs)
18-19  Verify 53. Measure current, voltage Comparison and Advantages of
characteristics of and PF and determine the DC and AC systems.
electrical and characteristics of RL, RC and Related terms frequency,
magnetic RLC in AC series circuits. (08 Instantaneous value, R.M.S. value
circuits. Hrs) Average value, Peak factor, form


54. Measure the resonance factor, power factor and

frequency in AC series circuit Impedance etc.
and determine its effect on Sine wave, phase and phase
the circuit. (07 hrs) difference.
55. Measure current, voltage Active and Reactive power.
and PF and determine the Single Phase and three-phase
characteristics of RL, RC and system.
RLC in AC parallel circuits. Problems on A.C. circuits.
(08 Hrs)
56. Measure the resonance
frequency in AC parallel
circuit and determine its
effects on the circuit. (07
57. Measure power, energy for
lagging and leading power
factors in single phase
circuits and compare
characteristic graphically.
(08 Hrs)
58. Measure Current, voltage,
power, energy and power
factor in three phase circuits.
(07 hrs)
59. Practice improvement of PF
by use of capacitor in three
phase circuit.(05 Hrs)
20-21  Verify 60. Ascertain use of neutral by Advantages of AC poly-phase
characteristics of identifying wires of a 3- system.
electrical and phase 4 wire system and find Concept of three-phase Star and
magnetic the phase sequence using Delta connection.
circuits. phase sequence meter. (10 Line and phase voltage, current
Hrs) and power in a 3 phase circuits
61. Determine effect of broken with balanced and unbalanced
neutral wire in three phase load.
four wire system.(05 hrs) Phase sequence meter.
62. Determine the relationship
between Line and Phase
values for star and delta
connections. (10Hrs)
63. Measure the Power of three
phase circuit for balanced
and unbalanced loads. (15


64. Measure current and voltage

of two phases in case of one
phase is short-circuited in
three phase four wire system
and compare with healthy
system.(10 hrs)
22-23 Project work / Industrial visit
Broad Areas:
a) Prepare and assemble a test board with switches, plug socket, lamp holder etc.
b) Temperature controlled system for switching ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ of any circuit using bi-
metallic strip.
c) Series/ parallel combinational circuits

24-25 Revision
26 Examination



Professional Skills
Week Learning outcome Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. Reference (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
27-28  Install, test and 65. Use of various types of Chemical effect of electric
maintenance of cells. (08 Hrs) current and Laws of electrolysis.
batteries and 66. Practice on grouping of Explanation of Anodes and
solar cell. cells for specified voltage cathodes.
and current under Types of cells, advantages /
different conditions and disadvantages and their
care. (12 Hrs) applications.
67. Prepare and practice on Lead acid cell; Principle of
battery charging and operation and components.
details of charging circuit. Types of battery charging, Safety
(12 Hrs) precautions, test equipment and
68. Practice on routine, care/ maintenance.
maintenance and testing of Basic principles of Electro-plating
batteries. (08 Hrs) and cathodic protection
69. Determine the number of Grouping of cells for specified
solar cells in series / voltage and current.
parallel for given power Principle and operation of solar
requirement. (10 Hrs) cell.

29-30  Estimate, 70. Identify various conduits I.E. rules on electrical wiring.
Assemble, install and different electrical Types of domestic and industrial
and test wiring accessories. (8 Hrs) wirings.
system. 71. Practice cutting, threading Study of wiring accessories e.g.
of different sizes & laying switches, fuses, relays, MCB,
Installations. (17 Hrs) ELCB, MCCB etc.
72. Prepare test boards / Grading of cables and current
extension boards and ratings.
mount accessories like Principle of laying out of
lamp holders, various domestic wiring.
switches, sockets, fuses, Voltage drop concept.
relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB
etc. (25 Hrs)
31-32  Estimate, 73. Draw layouts and practice PVC conduit and Casing-capping
Assemble, install in PVC Casing-capping, wiring system.
and test wiring Conduit wiring with Different types of wiring -
system. minimum to more number Power, control, Communication
of points of minimum 15 and entertainment wiring.
mtr length. (15 Hrs) Wiring circuits planning,


74. Wire up PVC conduit wiring permissible load in sub-circuit

to control one lamp from and main circuit.
two different places. (10
75. Wire up PVC conduit wiring
to control one lamp from
three different places. (10
76. Wire up PVC conduit wiring
and practice control of
sockets and lamps in
different combinations
using switching concepts.
(15 Hrs)
33-35  Estimate, 77. Wire up the consumers Estimation of load, cable size, bill
Assemble, install main board with ICDP of material and cost.
and test wiring switch and distribution Inspection and testing of wiring
system. fuse box. (10 Hrs) installations.
78. Prepare and mount the Special wiring circuit e.g.
energy meter board. (10 godown, tunnel and workshop
Hrs) etc.
79. Estimate the cost/bill of
material for wiring of
hostel/ residential building
and workshop. (10 Hrs)
80. Practice wiring of hostel
and residential building as
per IE rules. (15 Hrs)
81. Practice wiring of institute
and workshop as per IE
rules. (15 Hrs)
82. Practice testing / fault
detection of domestic and
industrial wiring
installation and repair. (15
36  Plan and prepare 83. Prepare pipe earthing and Importance of Earthing.
Earthing measure earth resistance Plate earthing and pipe earthing
installation. by earth tester / megger. methods and IEE regulations.
(10 Hrs) Earth resistance and earth
84. Prepare plate earthing and leakage circuit breaker.
measure earth resistance
by earth tester / megger.
(10 Hrs)


85. Test earth leakage by ELCB

and relay. (5 Hrs)
37-38  Plan and execute 86. Install light fitting with Laws of Illuminations.
electrical reflectors for direct and Types of illumination system.
illumination indirect lighting. (10 Hrs) Illumination factors, intensity of
system and test. 87. Group different wattage of light.
lamps in series for Type of lamps, advantages/
specified voltage. (5 Hrs) disadvantages and their
88. Practice installation of applications.
various lamps e.g. Calculations of lumens and
fluorescent tube, HP efficiency.
mercury vapour, LP
mercury vapour, HP
sodium vapour, LP sodium
vapour, metal halide etc.
(18 Hrs)
89. Prepare decorative lamp
circuit using drum
switches. (5 Hrs)
90. Prepare decorative lamp
circuit to produce rotating
light effect/running light
effect. (6 Hrs)
91. Install light fitting for show
case lighting. (6 Hrs)
39-40  Select and 92. Practice on various analog Classification of electrical
perform and digital measuring instruments and essential forces
measurements Instruments. (5 Hrs) required in indicating
using analog / 93. Practice on measuring instruments.
digital instruments in single and PMMC and Moving iron
instruments three phase circuits e.g. instruments.
multi-meter, Wattmeter, Measurement of various
Energy meter, Phase electrical parameters using
sequence meter and different analog and digital
Frequency meter etc. (15 instruments.
Hrs) Measurement of energy in three
94. Measure power in three phase circuit.
phase circuit using two
wattmeter methods. (8
95. Measure power factor in
three phase circuit by using
power factor meter and
verify the same with


voltmeter, ammeter and

wattmeter readings. (12
96. Measure electrical
parameters using tong
tester in three phase
circuits. (10 Hrs)
41  Perform testing, 97. Practice for range Errors and corrections in
verify errors and extension and calibration measurement.
calibrate of various measuring Loading effect of voltmeter and
instruments. instruments. (10 Hrs) voltage drop effect of ammeter
98. Determine errors in in circuits.
resistance measurement Extension of range and
by voltage drop method. (8 calibration of measuring
Hrs) instruments.
99. Test single phase energy
meter for its errors. (7 Hrs)
42-44  Plan and carry 100. Dismantle and assemble Working principles and circuits of
out installation, electrical parts of various common domestic equipment
fault detection electrical appliances e.g. and appliances.
and repairing of cooking range, geyser, Concept of Neutral and Earth.
domestic washing machine and
appliances. pump set. (25 Hrs)
101. Service and repair of bell/
buzzer. (5 Hrs)
102. Service and repair of
electric iron, electric kettle,
cooking range and geyser.
(12 Hrs)
103. Service and repair of
induction heater and oven.
(10 Hrs)
104. Service and repair of mixer
and grinder. (10 Hrs)
105. Service and repair of
washing machine. (13Hrs)
45-46  Execute testing, 106. Verify terminals, identify Working principle, construction
evaluate components and calculate and classification of transformer.
performance and transformation ratio of Single phase and three phase
maintenance of single phase transformers. transformers.
transformer. (8 Hrs) Turn ratio and e.m.f. equation.
107. Perform OC and SC test to Series and parallel operation of
determine and efficiency transformer.
of single phase Voltage Regulation and


transformer. (12 Hrs) efficiency.

108. Determine voltage Auto Transformer and
regulation of single phase instrument transformers (CT &
transformer at different PT).
loads and power factors.
(12 Hrs)
109. Perform series and parallel
operation of two single
phase transformers. (12
110. Verify the terminals and
accessories of three phase
transformer HT and LT
side. (6 Hrs)
47  Execute testing, 111. Perform 3 phase operation Method of connecting three
evaluate (i) delta-delta (ii) delta-star single phase transformers for
performance and (iii) star-star (iv) star-delta, three phase operation.
maintenance of by use of three single Types of Cooling, protective
transformer. phase transformers. (6 Hrs) devices, bushings and
112. Perform testing of termination etc.
transformer oil. (6 Hrs) Testing of transformer oil.
113. Practice on winding of Materials used for winding and
small transformer. (8 Hrs) winding wires in small
114. Practice of general transformer.
maintenance of
transformer. (5 Hrs)
48-49 Project work / Industrial visit
Broad Areas:
a) Overload protection of electrical equipment
b) Automatic control of street light/night lamp
c) Fuse and power failure indicator using relays
d) Door alarm/indicator
e) Decorative light with electrical flasher
50-51 Revision
52 Examination


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